太阳能飞机将首次进行全球环航“阳光动力”(Solar Impluse)是一架由瑞士发明家贝特朗·皮卡德(Bertrand Piccard)和安德烈·波斯贝格(Andre Borschberg)共同设计的远程太阳能飞机。
%Paralanguage plays an indispensible role in human communication. This paper discusses about the contradictive definitions of paralanguage, its characteristics and pragmatic functions. It is more scientific to define paralanguage in a narrow sense and it is more reasonable to divide paralanguage into three kinds, that is, vocal features, vocal segregation and functional voice. The obvious features of paralanguage include randomness, multiculturalism and obscurity. Emotion transmission, strengthening, assistance and replacement are its significant pragmatic functions.【期刊名称】《滁州学院学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)006【总页数】3页(P83-85)【关键词】副语言;界定;语用功能【作者】李燕;翟丽丽【作者单位】绥化学院外国语学院黑龙江绥化152061;绥化学院外国语学院黑龙江绥化152061【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H0-05交际是语言交际和非语言交际的结合,人类在语言发展还不成熟时表达情感和交流主要通过非语言的方式。
本文从AWGN 条件下的调制识别、非理想信道条件下的调制识别以及共信道多信号的调制识别三方面概述了多种识别方法,在对各方法简要介绍的基础上对比讨论了各自的优缺点,展望了调制识别研究领域的进一步发展方向。
Understanding individual human mobility patterns
a r X i v :0806.1256v 1 [p h y s i c s .s o c -p h ] 7 J u n 2008Understanding individual human mobility patternsMarta C.Gonz´a lez,1,2C´e sar A.Hidalgo,1and Albert-L´a szl´o Barab´a si 1,2,31Center for Complex Network Research and Department of Physics and Computer Science,University of Notre Dame,Notre Dame IN 46556.2Center for Complex Network Research and Department of Physics,Biology and Computer Science,Northeastern University,Boston MA 02115.3Center for Cancer Systems Biology,Dana Farber Cancer Institute,Boston,MA 02115.(Dated:June 7,2008)Despite their importance for urban planning [1],traffic forecasting [2],and the spread of biological [3,4,5]and mobile viruses [6],our understanding of the basic laws govern-ing human motion remains limited thanks to the lack of tools to monitor the time resolved location of individuals.Here we study the trajectory of 100,000anonymized mobile phone users whose position is tracked for a six month period.We find that in contrast with the random trajectories predicted by the prevailing L´e vy flight and random walk models [7],human trajectories show a high degree of temporal and spatial regularity,each individual being characterized by a time independent characteristic length scale and a significant prob-ability to return to a few highly frequented locations.After correcting for differences in travel distances and the inherent anisotropy of each trajectory,the individual travel patterns collapse into a single spatial probability distribution,indicating that despite the diversity of their travel history,humans follow simple reproducible patterns.This inherent similarity in travel patterns could impact all phenomena driven by human mobility,from epidemic prevention to emergency response,urban planning and agent based modeling.Given the many unknown factors that influence a population’s mobility patterns,ranging from means of transportation to job and family imposed restrictions and priorities,human trajectories are often approximated with various random walk or diffusion models [7,8].Indeed,early mea-surements on albatrosses,bumblebees,deer and monkeys [9,10]and more recent ones on marine predators [11]suggested that animal trajectory is approximated by a L´e vy flight [12,13],a random walk whose step size ∆r follows a power-law distribution P (∆r )∼∆r −(1+β)with β<2.While the L´e vy statistics for some animals require further study [14],Brockmann et al.[7]generalized this finding to humans,documenting that the distribution of distances between consecutive sight-ings of nearly half-million bank notes is fat tailed.Given that money is carried by individuals, bank note dispersal is a proxy for human movement,suggesting that human trajectories are best modeled as a continuous time random walk with fat tailed displacements and waiting time dis-tributions[7].A particle following a L´e vyflight has a significant probability to travel very long distances in a single step[12,13],which appears to be consistent with human travel patterns:most of the time we travel only over short distances,between home and work,while occasionally we take longer trips.Each consecutive sightings of a bank note reflects the composite motion of two or more indi-viduals,who owned the bill between two reported sightings.Thus it is not clear if the observed distribution reflects the motion of individual users,or some hitero unknown convolution between population based heterogeneities and individual human trajectories.Contrary to bank notes,mo-bile phones are carried by the same individual during his/her daily routine,offering the best proxy to capture individual human trajectories[15,16,17,18,19].We used two data sets to explore the mobility pattern of individuals.Thefirst(D1)consists of the mobility patterns recorded over a six month period for100,000individuals selected randomly from a sample of over6million anonymized mobile phone users.Each time a user initiates or receives a call or SMS,the location of the tower routing the communication is recorded,allowing us to reconstruct the user’s time resolved trajectory(Figs.1a and b).The time between consecutive calls follows a bursty pattern[20](see Fig.S1in the SM),indicating that while most consecutive calls are placed soon after a previous call,occasionally there are long periods without any call activity.To make sure that the obtained results are not affected by the irregular call pattern,we also study a data set(D2)that captures the location of206mobile phone users,recorded every two hours for an entire week.In both datasets the spatial resolution is determined by the local density of the more than104mobile towers,registering movement only when the user moves between areas serviced by different towers.The average service area of each tower is approximately3km2 and over30%of the towers cover an area of1km2or less.To explore the statistical properties of the population’s mobility patterns we measured the dis-tance between user’s positions at consecutive calls,capturing16,264,308displacements for the D1and10,407displacements for the D2datasets.Wefind that the distribution of displacements over all users is well approximated by a truncated power-lawP(∆r)=(∆r+∆r0)−βexp(−∆r/κ),(1)withβ=1.75±0.15,∆r0=1.5km and cutoff valuesκ|D1=400km,andκ|D2=80km(Fig.1c,see the SM for statistical validation).Note that the observed scaling exponent is not far fromβB=1.59observed in Ref.[7]for bank note dispersal,suggesting that the two distributions may capture the same fundamental mechanism driving human mobility patterns.Equation(1)suggests that human motion follows a truncated L´e vyflight[7].Yet,the observed shape of P(∆r)could be explained by three distinct hypotheses:A.Each individual follows a L´e vy trajectory with jump size distribution given by(1).B.The observed distribution captures a population based heterogeneity,corresponding to the inherent differences between individuals.C.A population based heterogeneity coexists with individual L´e vy trajectories,hence(1)represents a convolution of hypothesis A and B.To distinguish between hypotheses A,B and C we calculated the radius of gyration for each user(see Methods),interpreted as the typical distance traveled by user a when observed up to time t(Fig.1b).Next,we determined the radius of gyration distribution P(r g)by calculating r g for all users in samples D1and D2,finding that they also can be approximated with a truncated power-lawP(r g)=(r g+r0g)−βr exp(−r g/κ),(2) with r0g=5.8km,βr=1.65±0.15andκ=350km(Fig.1d,see SM for statistical validation). L´e vyflights are characterized by a high degree of intrinsic heterogeneity,raising the possibility that(2)could emerge from an ensemble of identical agents,each following a L´e vy trajectory. Therefore,we determined P(r g)for an ensemble of agents following a Random Walk(RW), L´e vy-Flight(LF)or Truncated L´e vy-Flight(T LF)(Figure1d)[8,12,13].Wefind that an en-semble of L´e vy agents display a significant degree of heterogeneity in r g,yet is not sufficient to explain the truncated power law distribution P(r g)exhibited by the mobile phone users.Taken together,Figs.1c and d suggest that the difference in the range of typical mobility patterns of indi-viduals(r g)has a strong impact on the truncated L´e vy behavior seen in(1),ruling out hypothesis A.If individual trajectories are described by a LF or T LF,then the radius of gyration should increase in time as r g(t)∼t3/(2+β)[21,22]while for a RW r g(t)∼t1/2.That is,the longer we observe a user,the higher the chances that she/he will travel to areas not visited before.To check the validity of these predictions we measured the time dependence of the radius of gyration for users whose gyration radius would be considered small(r g(T)≤3km),medium(20<r g(T)≤30km)or large(r g(T)>100km)at the end of our observation period(T=6months).Theresults indicate that the time dependence of the average radius of gyration of mobile phone users is better approximated by a logarithmic increase,not only a manifestly slower dependence than the one predicted by a power law,but one that may appear similar to a saturation process(Fig.2a and Fig.S4).In Fig.2b,we have chosen users with similar asymptotic r g(T)after T=6months,and measured the jump size distribution P(∆r|r g)for each group.As the inset of Fig.2b shows,users with small r g travel mostly over small distances,whereas those with large r g tend to display a combination of many small and a few larger jump sizes.Once we rescale the distributions with r g(Fig.2b),wefind that the data collapses into a single curve,suggesting that a single jump size distribution characterizes all users,independent of their r g.This indicates that P(∆r|r g)∼r−αg F(∆r/r g),whereα≈1.2±0.1and F(x)is an r g independent function with asymptotic behavior F(x<1)∼x−αand rapidly decreasing for x≫1.Therefore the travel patterns of individual users may be approximated by a L´e vyflight up to a distance characterized by r g. Most important,however,is the fact that the individual trajectories are bounded beyond r g,thus large displacements which are the source of the distinct and anomalous nature of L´e vyflights, are statistically absent.To understand the relationship between the different exponents,we note that the measured probability distributions are related by P(∆r)= ∞0P(∆r|r g)P(r g)dr g,whichsuggests(see SM)that up to the leading order we haveβ=βr+α−1,consistent,within error bars, with the measured exponents.This indicates that the observed jump size distribution P(∆r)is in fact the convolution between the statistics of individual trajectories P(∆r g|r g)and the population heterogeneity P(r g),consistent with hypothesis C.To uncover the mechanism stabilizing r g we measured the return probability for each indi-vidual F pt(t)[22],defined as the probability that a user returns to the position where it was first observed after t hours(Fig.2c).For a two dimensional random walk F pt(t)should follow ∼1/(t ln(t)2)[22].In contrast,wefind that the return probability is characterized by several peaks at24h,48h,and72h,capturing a strong tendency of humans to return to locations they visited before,describing the recurrence and temporal periodicity inherent to human mobility[23,24].To explore if individuals return to the same location over and over,we ranked each location based on the number of times an individual was recorded in its vicinity,such that a location with L=3represents the third most visited location for the selected individual.Wefind that the probability offinding a user at a location with a given rank L is well approximated by P(L)∼1/L, independent of the number of locations visited by the user(Fig.2d).Therefore people devote mostof their time to a few locations,while spending their remaining time in5to50places,visited with diminished regularity.Therefore,the observed logarithmic saturation of r g(t)is rooted in the high degree of regularity in their daily travel patterns,captured by the high return probabilities(Fig.2b) to a few highly frequented locations(Fig.2d).An important quantity for modeling human mobility patterns is the probabilityΦa(x,y)tofind an individual a in a given position(x,y).As it is evident from Fig.1b,individuals live and travel in different regions,yet each user can be assigned to a well defined area,defined by home and workplace,where she or he can be found most of the time.We can compare the trajectories of different users by diagonalizing each trajectory’s inertia tensor,providing the probability offinding a user in a given position(see Fig.3a)in the user’s intrinsic reference frame(see SM for the details).A striking feature ofΦ(x,y)is its prominent spatial anisotropy in this intrinsic reference frame(note the different scales in Fig3a),and wefind that the larger an individual’s r g the more pronounced is this anisotropy.To quantify this effect we defined the anisotropy ratio S≡σy/σx, whereσx andσy represent the standard deviation of the trajectory measured in the user’s intrinsic reference frame(see SM).Wefind that S decreases monotonically with r g(Fig.3c),being well approximated with S∼r−ηg,forη≈0.12.Given the small value of the scaling exponent,other functional forms may offer an equally goodfit,thus mechanistic models are required to identify if this represents a true scaling law,or only a reasonable approximation to the data.To compare the trajectories of different users we remove the individual anisotropies,rescal-ing each user trajectory with its respectiveσx andσy.The rescaled˜Φ(x/σx,y/σy)distribution (Fig.3b)is similar for groups of users with considerably different r g,i.e.,after the anisotropy and the r g dependence is removed all individuals appear to follow the same universal˜Φ(˜x,˜y)prob-ability distribution.This is particularly evident in Fig.3d,where we show the cross section of ˜Φ(x/σ,0)for the three groups of users,finding that apart from the noise in the data the curves xare indistinguishable.Taken together,our results suggest that the L´e vy statistics observed in bank note measurements capture a convolution of the population heterogeneity(2)and the motion of individual users.Indi-viduals display significant regularity,as they return to a few highly frequented locations,like home or work.This regularity does not apply to the bank notes:a bill always follows the trajectory of its current owner,i.e.dollar bills diffuse,but humans do not.The fact that individual trajectories are characterized by the same r g-independent two dimen-sional probability distribution˜Φ(x/σx,y/σy)suggests that key statistical characteristics of indi-vidual trajectories are largely indistinguishable after rescaling.Therefore,our results establish the basic ingredients of realistic agent based models,requiring us to place users in number propor-tional with the population density of a given region and assign each user an r g taken from the observed P(r g)ing the predicted anisotropic rescaling,combined with the density function˜Φ(x,y),whose shape is provided as Table1in the SM,we can obtain the likelihood offinding a user in any location.Given the known correlations between spatial proximity and social links,our results could help quantify the role of space in network development and evolu-tion[25,26,27,28,29]and improve our understanding of diffusion processes[8,30].We thank D.Brockmann,T.Geisel,J.Park,S.Redner,Z.Toroczkai and P.Wang for discus-sions and comments on the manuscript.This work was supported by the James S.McDonnell Foundation21st Century Initiative in Studying Complex Systems,the National Science Founda-tion within the DDDAS(CNS-0540348),ITR(DMR-0426737)and IIS-0513650programs,and the U.S.Office of Naval Research Award N00014-07-C.Data analysis was performed on the Notre Dame Biocomplexity Cluster supported in part by NSF MRI Grant No.DBI-0420980.C.A.Hi-dalgo acknowledges support from the Kellogg Institute at Notre Dame.Supplementary 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Panel b,displays the detailed trajectory of a single user.The different phone towers are shown as green dots,and the V oronoi lattice in grey marks the approximate reception area of each tower.The dataset studied by us records only the identity of the closest tower to a mobile user,thus we can not identify the position of a user within a V oronoi cell.The trajectory of the user shown in b is constructed from186 two hourly reports,during which the user visited a total of12different locations(tower vicinities).Among these,the user is found96and67occasions in the two most preferred locations,the frequency of visits for each location being shown as a vertical bar.The circle represents the radius of gyration centered in the trajectory’s center of mass.c,Probability density function P(∆r)of travel distances obtained for the two studied datasets D1and D2.The solid line indicates a truncated power law whose parameters are provided in the text(see Eq.1).d,The distribution P(r g)of the radius of gyration measured for the users, where r g(T)was measured after T=6months of observation.The solid line represent a similar truncated power lawfit(see Eq.2).The dotted,dashed and dot-dashed curves show P(r g)obtained from the standard null models(RW,LF and T LF),where for the T LF we used the same step size distribution as the onemeasured for the mobile phone users.FIG.2:The bounded nature of human trajectories.a,Radius of gyration, r g(t) vs time for mobile phone users separated in three groups according to theirfinal r g(T),where T=6months.The black curves correspond to the analytical predictions for the random walk models,increasing in time as r g(t) |LF,T LF∼t3/2+β(solid),and r g(t) |RW∼t0.5(dotted).The dashed curves corresponding to a logarithmicfit of the form A+B ln(t),where A and B depend on r g.b,Probability density function of individual travel distances P(∆r|r g)for users with r g=4,10,40,100and200km.As the inset shows,each group displays a quite different P(∆r|r g)distribution.After rescaling the distance and the distribution with r g(main panel),the different curves collapse.The solid line(power law)is shown as a guide to the eye.c,Return probability distribution,F pt(t).The prominent peaks capture the tendency of humans to regularly return to the locations they visited before,in contrast with the smooth asymptotic behavior∼1/(t ln(t)2)(solid line)predicted for random walks.d,A Zipf plot showing the frequency of visiting different locations.The symbols correspond to users that have been observed to visit n L=5,10,30,and50different locations.Denoting with(L)the rank of the location listed in the order of the visit frequency,the data is well approximated by R(L)∼L−1. The inset is the same plot in linear scale,illustrating that40%of the time individuals are found at theirfirsttwo preferred locations.FIG.3:The shape of human trajectories.a,The probability density functionΦ(x,y)offinding a mobile phone user in a location(x,y)in the user’s intrinsic reference frame(see SM for details).The three plots, from left to right,were generated for10,000users with:r g≤3,20<r g≤30and r g>100km.The trajectories become more anisotropic as r g increases.b,After scaling each position withσx andσy theresulting˜Φ(x/σx,y/σy)has approximately the same shape for each group.c,The change in the shape of Φ(x,y)can be quantified calculating the isotropy ratio S≡σy/σx as a function of r g,which decreases as S∼r−0.12(solid line).Error bars represent the standard error.d,˜Φ(x/σx,0)representing the x-axis cross gsection of the rescaled distribution˜Φ(x/σx,y/σy)shown in b.。
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Cartridge Policy feature (54)Use the printer control panel to disable the Cartridge Policy feature (54)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to enable the Cartridge Policy feature (54)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to disable the Cartridge Policy feature (55)Troubleshoot Cartridge Policy control panel error messages (55)Enable or disable the Cartridge Protection feature (55)Use the printer control panel to enable the Cartridge Protection feature (56)Use the printer control panel to disable the Cartridge Protection feature (56)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to enable the Cartridge Protection feature (56)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to disable the Cartridge Protection feature (57)Troubleshoot Cartridge Protection control panel error messages (57)Replace the toner cartridges (58)T oner-cartridge information (58)Remove and replace the cartridges (59)Replace the imaging drums (62)Imaging drum information (62)Remove and replace the imaging drums (63)Replace the toner-collection unit (66)T oner-collection unit information (66)vRemove and replace the toner-collection unit (67)Replace the staple cartridge (M776zs model only) (70)Staple cartridge information (70)Remove and replace the staple cartridge (71)4 Print (73)Print tasks (Windows) (73)How to print (Windows) (73)Automatically print on both sides (Windows) (74)Manually print on both sides (Windows) (74)Print multiple pages per sheet (Windows) (75)Select the paper type (Windows) (75)Additional print tasks (76)Print tasks (macOS) (77)How to print (macOS) (77)Automatically print on both sides (macOS) (77)Manually print on both sides (macOS) (77)Print multiple pages per sheet (macOS) (78)Select the paper type (macOS) (78)Additional print tasks (79)Store print jobs on the printer to print later or print privately (79)Introduction (79)Create a stored job (Windows) (79)Create a stored job (macOS) (80)Print a stored job (81)Delete a stored job (81)Delete a job that is stored on the printer (81)Change the job storage limit (82)Information sent to printer for Job Accounting purposes (82)Mobile printing (82)Introduction (82)Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct Print, NFC, and BLE printing (82)Enable wireless printing (83)Change the Wi-Fi Direct name (83)HP ePrint via email (83)AirPrint (84)Android embedded printing (85)Print from a USB flash drive (85)Enable the USB port for printing (85)Method one: Enable the USB port from the printer control panel (85)Method two: Enable the USB port from the HP Embedded Web Server (network-connectedprinters only) (85)Print USB documents (86)Print using high-speed USB 2.0 port (wired) (86)Method one: Enable the high-speed USB 2.0 port from the printer control panel menus (86)Method two: Enable the high-speed USB 2.0 port from the HP Embedded Web Server (network-connected printers only) (87)vi5 Copy (88)Make a copy (88)Copy on both sides (duplex) (90)Additional copy tasks (92)6 Scan (93)Set up Scan to Email (93)Introduction (93)Before you begin (93)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (94)Step two: Configure the Network Identification settings (95)Step three: Configure the Send to Email feature (96)Method one: Basic configuration using the Email Setup Wizard (96)Method two: Advanced configuration using the Email Setup (100)Step four: Configure the Quick Sets (optional) (104)Step five: Set up Send to Email to use Office 365 Outlook (optional) (105)Introduction (105)Configure the outgoing email server (SMTP) to send an email from an Office 365 Outlookaccount (105)Set up Scan to Network Folder (108)Introduction (108)Before you begin (108)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (108)Step two: Set up Scan to Network Folder (109)Method one: Use the Scan to Network Folder Wizard (109)Method two: Use Scan to Network Folder Setup (110)Step one: Begin the configuration (110)Step two: Configure the Scan to Network Folder settings (111)Step three: Complete the configuration (118)Set up Scan to SharePoint (118)Introduction (118)Before you begin (118)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (118)Step two: Enable Scan to SharePoint and create a Scan to SharePoint Quick Set (119)Scan a file directly to a SharePoint site (121)Quick Set scan settings and options for Scan to SharePoint (122)Set up Scan to USB Drive (123)Introduction (124)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (124)Step two: Enable Scan to USB Drive (124)Step three: Configure the Quick Sets (optional) (125)Default scan settings for Scan to USB Drive setup (126)Default file settings for Save to USB setup (126)Scan to email (127)Introduction (127)Scan to email (127)Scan to job storage (129)viiIntroduction (129)Scan to job storage on the printer (130)Print from job storage on the printer (132)Scan to network folder (132)Introduction (132)Scan to network folder (132)Scan to SharePoint (134)Introduction (134)Scan to SharePoint (134)Scan to USB drive (136)Introduction (136)Scan to USB drive (136)Use HP JetAdvantage business solutions (138)Additional scan tasks (138)7 Fax (140)Set up fax (140)Introduction (140)Set up fax by using the printer control panel (140)Change fax configurations (141)Fax dialing settings (141)General fax send settings (142)Fax receive settings (143)Send a fax (144)Additional fax tasks (146)8 Manage the printer (147)Advanced configuration with the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (147)Introduction (147)How to access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (148)HP Embedded Web Server features (149)Information tab (149)General tab (149)Copy/Print tab (150)Scan/Digital Send tab (151)Fax tab (152)Supplies tab (153)Troubleshooting tab (153)Security tab (153)HP Web Services tab (154)Networking tab (154)Other Links list (156)Configure IP network settings (157)Printer sharing disclaimer (157)View or change network settings (157)Rename the printer on a network (157)viiiManually configure IPv4 TCP/IP parameters from the control panel (158)Manually configure IPv6 TCP/IP parameters from the control panel (158)Link speed and duplex settings (159)Printer security features (160)Introduction (160)Security statements (160)Assign an administrator password (160)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to set the password (160)Provide user access credentials at the printer control panel (161)IP Security (161)Encryption support: HP High Performance Secure Hard Disks (161)Lock the formatter (161)Energy-conservation settings (161)Set the sleep timer and configure the printer to use 1 watt or less of power (161)Set the sleep schedule (162)Set the idle settings (162)HP Web Jetadmin (163)Software and firmware updates (163)9 Solve problems (164)Customer support (164)Control panel help system (165)Reset factory settings (165)Introduction (165)Method one: Reset factory settings from the printer control panel (165)Method two: Reset factory settings from the HP Embedded Web Server (network-connectedprinters only) (166)A “Cartridge is low” or “Cartridge is very low” message displays on the printer control panel (166)Change the “Very Low” settings (166)Change the “Very Low” settings at the control panel (166)For printers with fax capability (167)Order supplies (167)Printer does not pick up paper or misfeeds (167)Introduction (167)The printer does not pick up paper (167)The printer picks up multiple sheets of paper (171)The document feeder jams, skews, or picks up multiple sheets of paper (174)Clear paper jams (174)Introduction (174)Paper jam locations (174)Auto-navigation for clearing paper jams (175)Experiencing frequent or recurring paper jams? (175)Clear paper jams in the document feeder - 31.13.yz (176)Clear paper jams in Tray 1 (13.A1) (177)Clear paper jams in Tray 2 (13.A2) (182)Clear paper jams in the fuser (13.B9, 13.B2, 13.FF) (188)ixClear paper jams in the duplex area (13.D3) (194)Clear paper jams in the 550-sheet trays (13.A3, 13.A4) (199)Clear paper jams in the 2 x 550 paper trays (13.A4, 13.A5) (206)Clear paper jams in the 2,700-sheet high-capacity input paper trays (13.A3, 13.A4, 13.A5, 13.A7) (213)Resolving color print quality problems (220)Introduction (220)Troubleshoot print quality (221)Update the printer firmware (221)Print from a different software program (221)Check the paper-type setting for the print job (221)Check the paper type setting on the printer (221)Check the paper type setting (Windows) (221)Check the paper type setting (macOS) (222)Check toner-cartridge status (222)Step one: Print the Supplies Status Page (222)Step two: Check supplies status (222)Print a cleaning page (222)Visually inspect the toner cartridge or cartridges (223)Check paper and the printing environment (223)Step one: Use paper that meets HP specifications (223)Step two: Check the environment (223)Step three: Set the individual tray alignment (224)Try a different print driver (224)Troubleshoot color quality (225)Calibrate the printer to align the colors (225)Troubleshoot image defects (225)Improve copy image quality (233)Check the scanner glass for dirt and smudges (233)Calibrate the scanner (234)Check the paper settings (235)Check the paper selection options (235)Check the image-adjustment settings (235)Optimize copy quality for text or pictures (236)Edge-to-edge copying (236)Improve scan image quality (236)Check the scanner glass for dirt and smudges (237)Check the resolution settings (238)Check the color settings (238)Check the image-adjustment settings (239)Optimize scan quality for text or pictures (239)Check the output-quality settings (240)Improve fax image quality (240)Check the scanner glass for dirt and smudges (240)Check the send-fax resolution settings (242)Check the image-adjustment settings (242)Optimize fax quality for text or pictures (242)Check the error-correction setting (243)xSend to a different fax machine (243)Check the sender's fax machine (243)Solve wired network problems (244)Introduction (244)Poor physical connection (244)The computer is unable to communicate with the printer (244)The printer is using incorrect link and duplex settings for the network (245)New software programs might be causing compatibility problems (245)The computer or workstation might be set up incorrectly (245)The printer is disabled, or other network settings are incorrect (245)Solve wireless network problems (245)Introduction (245)Wireless connectivity checklist (245)The printer does not print after the wireless configuration completes (246)The printer does not print, and the computer has a third-party firewall installed (246)The wireless connection does not work after moving the wireless router or printer (247)Cannot connect more computers to the wireless printer (247)The wireless printer loses communication when connected to a VPN (247)The network does not appear in the wireless networks list (247)The wireless network is not functioning (247)Reduce interference on a wireless network (248)Solve fax problems (248)Checklist for solving fax problems (248)What type of phone line are you using? (249)Are you using a surge-protection device? (249)Are you using a phone company voice-messaging service or an answering machine? (249)Does your phone line have a call-waiting feature? (249)Check fax accessory status (249)General fax problems (250)The fax failed to send (250)No fax address book button displays (250)Not able to locate the Fax settings in HP Web Jetadmin (250)The header is appended to the top of the page when the overlay option is enabled (251)A mix of names and numbers is in the recipients box (251)A one-page fax prints as two pages (251)A document stops in the document feeder in the middle of faxing (251)The volume for sounds coming from the fax accessory is too high or too low (251)Index (252)xiPrinter overview1Review the location of features on the printer, the physical and technical specifications of the printer,and where to locate setup information.For video assistance, see /videos/LaserJet.The following information is correct at the time of publication. For current information, see /support/colorljM776MFP.For more information:HP's all-inclusive help for the printer includes the following information:●Install and configure●Learn and use●Solve problems●Download software and firmware updates●Join support forums●Find warranty and regulatory informationWarning iconsUse caution if you see a warning icon on your HP printer, as indicated in the icon definitions.●Caution: Electric shock●Caution: Hot surface●Caution: Keep body parts away from moving partsPrinter overview1●Caution: Sharp edge in close proximity●WarningPotential shock hazardReview this important safety information.●Read and understand these safety statements to avoid an electrical shock hazard.●Always follow basic safety precautions when using this product to reduce risk of injury from fire orelectric shock.●Read and understand all instructions in the user guide.●Observe all warnings and instructions marked on the product.●Use only a grounded electrical outlet when connecting the product to a power source. If you do notknow whether the outlet is grounded, check with a qualified electrician.●Do not touch the contacts on any of the sockets on the product. Replace damaged cordsimmediately.●Unplug this product from wall outlets before cleaning.●Do not install or use this product near water or when you are wet.●Install the product securely on a stable surface.●Install the product in a protected location where no one can step on or trip over the power cord.Printer viewsIdentify certain parts of the printer and the control panel.Printer front viewLocate features on the front of the printer.2Chapter 1 Printer overviewPrinter front view3Printer back viewLocate features on the back of the printer.Interface portsLocate the interface ports on the printer formatter. 4Chapter 1 Printer overviewControl-panel viewThe control panel provides access to the printer features and indicates the current status of the printer.NOTE:Tilt the control panel for easier viewing.The Home screen provides access to the printer features and indicates the current status of the printer.screens.NOTE:The features that appear on the Home screen can vary, depending on the printerconfiguration.Control-panel view5Figure 1-1Control-panel view?i 12:42 PM6Chapter 1 Printer overviewHow to use the touchscreen control panelPerform the following actions to use the printer touchscreen control panel.T ouchT ouch an item on the screen to select that item or open that menu. Also, when scrolling T ouch the Settings icon to open the Settings app.How to use the touchscreen control panel 7SwipeT ouch the screen and then move your finger horizontally to scroll the screen sideways.Swipe until the Settings app displays.Printer specificationsDetermine the specifications for your printer model.IMPORTANT:The following specifications are correct at the time of publication, but they are subject to change. For current information, see /support/colorljM776MFP .T echnical specificationsReview the printer technical specifications.Product numbers for each model ●M776dn - #T3U55A ●Flow M776z - #3WT91A ●Flow M776zs - #T3U56APaper handling specificationsPaper handling features Tray 1 (100-sheet capacity)Included Included Included Tray 2 (550-sheet capacity)IncludedIncludedIncluded8Chapter 1 Printer overview550-sheet paper trayOptional Included Not included NOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray.Optional Included Included2 x 550-sheet paper tray and standNOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray that may be installed on top of thestand.Optional Not included Not included2,700-sheet high-capacity input (HCI) paper trayand standNOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray that may be installed on top of theoptional printer stand.Printer standOptional Not included Not included NOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray that may be installed on top of theoptional printer stand.Inner finisher accessory Not included Not included Included Automatic duplex printing Included IncludedIncludedIncluded Included Included10/100/1000 Ethernet LAN connection with IPv4and IPv6Hi-Speed USB 2.0Included Included IncludedIncluded Included IncludedEasy-access USB port for printing from a USBflash drive or upgrading the firmwareIncluded Included Included Hardware Integration Pocket for connectingaccessory and third-party devicesHP Internal USB Ports Optional Optional OptionalOptional Optional OptionalHP Jetdirect 2900nw Print Server accessory forWi-Fi connectivity and an additional Ethernet portOptional IncludedIncludedHP Jetdirect 3100w accessory for Wi-Fi, BLE, NFC,and proximity badge readingPrints 45 pages per minute (ppm) on Letter-sizepaper and 46 ppm on A4-size paperEasy-access USB printing for printing from a USBIncluded Included Includedflash driveT echnical specifications9Included Included Included Store jobs in the printer memory to print later orprint privatelyScans 100 pages per minute (ppm) on A4 andIncluded Included Included letter-size paper one-sidedIncluded Included Included 200-page document feeder with dual-headscanning for single-pass duplex copying andscanningNot included Included Included HP EveryPage T echnologies including ultrasonicmulti-feed detectionNot included Included Included Embedded optical character recognition (OCR)provides the ability to convert printed pages intotext that can be edited or searched using acomputerIncluded Included Included SMART Label feature provides paper-edgedetection for automatic page croppingIncluded Included Included Automatic page orientation for pages that haveat least 100 characters of textIncluded Automatic tone adjustment sets contrast,Included Includedbrightness, and background removal for eachpageIncluded Included Includedfolders on a networkIncludedSend documents to SharePoint®Included IncludedIncluded Included Included NOTE:Memory reported on the configurationpage will change from 2.5 GB to 3 GB with theoptional 1 GB SODIMM installed.Mass storage: 500 GB hard disk drive Included Included IncludedSecurity: HP Trusted Platform Module (TPM)Included Included IncludedT ouchscreen control panel Included Included IncludedRetractable keyboard Not included Included Included 10Chapter 1 Printer overviewFax Optional Included IncludedSupported operating systemsUse the following information to ensure printer compatibility with your computer operating system.Linux: For information and print drivers for Linux, go to /go/linuxprinting.UNIX: For information and print drivers for UNIX®, go to /go/unixmodelscripts.The following information applies to the printer-specific Windows HP PCL 6 print drivers, HP print driversfor macOS, and to the software installer.Windows: Download HP Easy Start from /LaserJet to install the HP print driver. Or, go tothe printer-support website for this printer: /support/colorljM776MFP to download the printdriver or the software installer to install the HP print driver.macOS: Mac computers are supported with this printer. Download HP Easy Start either from /LaserJet or from the Printer Support page, and then use HP Easy Start to install the HP print driver.1.Go to /LaserJet.2.Follow the steps provided to download the printer software.Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit The “HP PCL 6” printer-specific print driver is installed for this operating system aspart of the software installation.Windows 8.1, 32-bit and 64-bit The “HP PCL-6” V4 printer-specific print driver is installed for this operating systemas part of the software installation.Windows 10, 32-bit and 64-bit The “HP PCL-6” V4 printer-specific print driver is installed for this operating systemas part of the software installation.Windows Server 2008 R2, SP 1, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2012, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2012 R2, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2016, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2019, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Supported operating systems11macOS 10.13 High Sierra, macOS 10.14 MojaveDownload HP Easy Start from /LaserJet , and then use it to install the print driver.NOTE:Supported operating systems can change.NOTE:For a current list of supported operating systems and HP’s all-inclusive help for the printer, go to /support/colorljM776MFP .NOTE:For details on client and server operating systems and for HP UPD driver support for this printer, go to /go/upd . Under Additional information , click Specifications .●Internet connection●Dedicated USB 1.1 or 2.0 connection or a network connection● 2 GB of available hard-disk space ●1 GB RAM (32-bit) or2 GB RAM (64-bit)●Internet connection●Dedicated USB 1.1 or 2.0 connection or a network connection●1.5 GB of available hard-disk spaceNOTE:The Windows software installer installs the HP Smart Device Agent Base service. The file size is less than 100 kb. Its only function is to check for printers connected via USB hourly. No data is collected. If a USB printer is found, it then tries to locate a JetAdvantage Management Connector (JAMc) instance on the network. If a JAMc is found, the HP Smart Device Agent Base is securelyupgraded to a full Smart Device Agent from JAMc, which will then allow printed pages to be accounted for in a Managed Print Services (MPS) account. The driver-only web packs downloaded from for the printer and installed through the Add Printer wizard do not install this service.T o uninstall the service, open the Control Panel , select Programs or Programs and Features , and then select Add/Remove Programs or Uninstall a Programto remove the service. The file name isHPSmartDeviceAgentBase.Mobile printing solutionsHP offers multiple mobile printing solutions to enable easy printing to an HP printer from a laptop, tablet, smartphone, or other mobile device.T o see the full list and to determine the best choice, go to /go/MobilePrinting .NOTE:Update the printer firmware to ensure all mobile printing capabilities are supported.●Wi-Fi Direct (wireless models only, with HP Jetdirect 3100w BLE/NFC/Wireless accessory installed)●HP ePrint via email (Requires HP Web Services to be enabled and the printer to be registered with HP Connected)●HP Smart app ●Google Cloud Print12Chapter 1 Printer overview。
2014年世界十大科技进展新闻1. 研制出新一代模仿人脑计算机芯片美国国际商用机器公司(IBM)8月7日宣布,模仿人脑结构和信息处理方式研制出新一代计算机芯片“真北”,可能给计算机行业带来革命。
3. 确认117号元素一个国际科研小组利用新实验成功证实了117号元素的存在,这一成果使得该超重元素向正式加入元素周期表更近了一步。
【中考英语 考题研究】专题07 时态和语态(原卷版)
专题07 时态和语态动词时态1.(2022·河北·统考中考真题)Sorry, I ________ a mistake. Let me correct it.A.will make B.am making C.was making D.have made 2.(2022·河北·统考中考真题)At this time yesterday, I ________ a science exam here. A.take B.was taking C.am taking D.will take 3.(2022·河北·统考中考真题)John is waiting for me. We ________ to the bookstore together. A.went B.have gone C.will go D.were going 4.(2021·河北·统考中考真题)I saw Bob in the garden. He ________ flowers there. A.waters B.has watered C.is watering D.was watering 5.(2021·河北·统考中考真题)You can borrow this film—surely you ________ watching it. A.enjoy B.enjoyed C.will enjoy D.have enjoyed 6.(2021·河北·统考中考真题)William ________ six books, and all of them are bestsellers. A.will write B.is writing C.has written D.was writing 7.(2020·河北·统考中考真题)I’m so glad that I nearly half of the test now. A.finish B.finished C.will finish D.have finished 8.(2020·河北·统考中考真题)It dark. Shall I turn on the light?A.gets B.got C.is getting D.was getting 9.(2019·河北·中考真题)He_________ me h is name, but I can’t remember it now.A.tells B.will tell C.told D.is telling 10.(2019·河北·中考真题)It_________. Please take an umbrella with you, Annie.A.rains B.is raining C.rained D.was raining 11.(2019·河北·中考真题)Sorry, I didn’t see you, because I_________ a picture.A.draw B.drew C.was drawing D.have drawn 12.(2018·河北·中考真题)Gary is the best singer in my class. No one else ________ so well. A.sings B.sang C.will sing D.is singing 13.(2018·河北·中考真题)–The bread is really delicious.--Thank you I ________ it myself.A.make B.made C.will make D.am making 14.(2018·河北·中考真题)I ________ an invitation to the concert. I can’t wait to go.A.receive B.will receive C.was receiving D.have received 15.(2017·河北·中考真题)Hangzhou ________ as the City of Silk. Tourists like shopping for silk there.A.knows B.is known C.was known D.will be known 16.(2017·河北·中考真题)Don't take the dictionary away. I ________ it.A.use B.used C.am using D.have used 17.(2017·河北·中考真题)Wow! You______ dinner! Let’s eat now.A.cook B.are cooking C.will cook D.have cooked动词语态1.(2022·河北·统考中考真题)—Mmm…Delicious. What is it?—It ________ zongzi, Tony. It’s a traditional food in China.A.calls B.is called C.called D.was called 2.(2021·河北·统考中考真题)These gifts ________ by children in their last summer holidays. A.made B.were made C.make D.are made 3.(2020·河北·统考中考真题)Train tickets online. It is convenient.A.sold B.were sold C.are sold D.have sold 4.(2019·河北·中考真题)These cakes_________ with chocolate. Have one, please.A.fill B.filled C.are filled D.were filled 5.(2018·河北·中考真题)Look at the picture. The top five TV plays ________ in it.A.list B.are listed C.will list D.will be listed 6.(2016·河北·中考真题)Emily is glad that she____for her honesty at that meeting. A.praises B.praised C.is praised D.was praised 7.(2015·河北·中考真题)Everybody ______ deeply after they heard the story.A.moves B.moved C.is moved D.was moved 8.(2014·河北·中考真题)The pet dog is warm and loving, It ______ as a daughter of my family. A.treats B.treatedC.is treated D.was treated9.(2013·河北·中考真题)Annie ______ to the party. She had a wonderful time with us. A.invites B.is invited C.was invited D.has invited 10.(2012·河北·中考真题)More money ____________ when we use both sides of paper. A.will save B.was saved C.has saved D.will be saved 11.(2011·河北·中考真题)The Spring Festival in January or February.A.celebrates B.is celebrated C.celebrated D.was celebrated动词时态1. 考频:近6年每年考查3-5道,分别在单项选择(6年16考)和词语运用(6年9考)中考查;2. 2.各时态考查情况:①一般过去时(6年9考):近6年在词语运用中连续考查,且在2018年和2019年同时在单项选择和词语运用中考查;②现在完成时(6年5考):除2019年外,近6年在单项选择中每年考查1道;③一般现在时(6年3考):2021年和2022年在词语运用中考查,2018年在单项选择中考查:其余三种时态近6年只在单项选择中考查;3.解题点:①以根据语境判断为主(6年21考),主要在单项选择中考查;②根据时间标志词判断考查较少(6年4考),主要在词语运用中考查。
基于常规电测井资料的各向异性储层水平井测井解释徐波;汪忠浩;伍东【摘要】水平井中,视电阻率通常会受到地层各向异性影响而不能反映地层真电阻率,进而无法准确计算储层参数.在水平井电阻率测井只有常规资料的情况下,提出了\"双岩电参数法\"用于水平井各向异性储层测井评价.对研究区目的层岩心在水平和垂直方向分别取心并测定相应的岩电参数,利用各向异性理论计算水平电阻率和垂直电阻率,利用阿尔奇公式分别对水平电阻率和垂直电阻率计算饱和度,两者基本接近,且与对应导眼段或直井段计算饱和度结果一致.该方法对于只有常规电测井资料的水平井测井解释评价,具有较好的实际应用效果.%Resistivity is a critical formation parameter in reservoir logging evaluation.In horizontal wells, the apparent resistivity is usually affected by the anisotropy of the formation and cannot reflect the true resistivity of the formation, and thus the reservoir parameters cannot be accurately calculated.In order to solve the problem, \"double rock electrical parameters\"is proposed for evaluation of anisotropic reservoir in horizontal well with conventional resistivity logging.For the target layer of the study area, the cores in the horizontal and vertical directions were taken and their corresponding rock and electric parameters were measured.Then, based on the anisotropy theory, the corresponding horizontal resistivity and vertical resistivity were calculated.Finally, the corresponding saturation was calculated by the Archie formula.The results show that the horizontal and vertical saturations are nearly close and consistent with the saturation results of the corresponding guide well or vertical section.This method has agoodpractical application effect for horizontal well logging evaluation with only conventional resistivity logging.【期刊名称】《测井技术》【年(卷),期】2018(042)006【总页数】6页(P652-657)【关键词】测井解释;双岩电参数;水平井;各向异性;阿尔奇公式;电阻率;饱和度【作者】徐波;汪忠浩;伍东【作者单位】长江大学工程技术学院, 湖北荆州 434020;长江大学武汉校区, 湖北武汉 430100;中国石油长城钻探工程公司, 北京 100020【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P631.840 引言国内外各向异性储层水平井测井研究主要集中在新型电阻率测井仪器及资料,如阵列感应测井[1-3] 、三分量感应测井[4-8] 、随钻电阻率测井[9-10] 、随钻方位电阻率测井[11-18] 等。
年对中国台湾股票市场进一步进行分段检验,又一次证明较低的涨跌幅限制并不能降低波 动性,同样较宽的涨跌幅限制也不能增大波动性[23]。因为中国台湾股票市场涨跌幅限制幅 度窄而且又曾有过多种不同幅度的历史,所以Kim对台湾股票市场研究涨跌幅限制更具有重 要意义。
由于我国证券市场运行时间不长,对涨跌幅限制的研究还不多见,1999 年扈晓春讨论 了涨跌停板制度下的开放式基金,认为涨跌停板制度会给基金运作带来诸多不利,应该取 消涨跌停板制度[26]。2000 年胡琦和庞秀梅的研究认为涨跌停板制度在证券市场还不完善的 初期是必要的,随着市场的逐步完善应探讨合理的涨跌幅限制水平[27]。吕继宏和赵振全在 2000 年认为涨跌幅限制在短期内没有降低市场波动性,而从长期看它确实降低了市场的波 动性[28]。2001 年刘晓峰、刘晓光和田存志的股票市场模拟研究认为,当市场规模较小时, 涨跌幅限制可以降低市场的波动性;而当市场规模较大时,不能降低市场的波动性,反而 会加剧市场的不稳定[29]。孙培源和施东辉在 2001 年对中国证券市场涨跌幅限制与波动性的 关系进行了研究[30],结果表明,在股价达到涨跌幅限制后,股价波动性要经历较长时间后 才能回复到正常水平,产生波动性溢出效应,此外,涨跌幅限制还导致了流动性干扰效应, 使得投资者无法及时调整投资组合。
上海交通大学课题组:吴冲锋,刘海龙,吴文锋,穆启国 课题协调人:上海证券交易所陈占锋
内容提要……………………………………………………………………………………1 1 引 言…………………………………………………………………………………………1 2 国内外研究和实践介绍……………………………………………………2 3 沪深证券交易所涨跌幅限制机制的历史沿革…………………3 4 涨跌幅限制对流动性影响的实证研究……………………………4 5 涨跌幅限制对波动性影响的实证研究……………………………14 6 结论与政策建议………………………………………………………………24 参考文献…………………………………………………………………………………………25
基于邻域信息的社区发现方法韩路;张海【摘要】考虑含有节点邻域信息的新模块度函数的社区发现方法和最优分组下标度参数的选择问题,通过谱松弛方法求解模块度函数的最大化问题,最终利用新算法快速求解,并通过真实网络数据验证算法能更好的发现社区.【期刊名称】《纯粹数学与应用数学》【年(卷),期】2015(031)001【总页数】8页(P85-92)【关键词】模块度函数;邻域信息;谱方法【作者】韩路;张海【作者单位】西北大学数学学院,陕西西安710127;西北大学数学学院,陕西西安710127【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O233;TP391.41复杂网络作为一种数据关系的表达方法,成为目前机器学习领域的热点之一.其中,网络中的节点表示研究问题的对象,边表示对象和对象之间的一种属性关系.在现实世界中,复杂网络常分为以下几种类型,如技术网络,社交网络,信息网络和生物网络等[1-2].社区描述网络的结构,它是指在一个较大的网络中,网络的结构特征通过节点位于不同组表现出来.比如组内边的联接比较紧密,组间边的联接比较稀疏.如何有效发现网络中的社区,对于理解网络功能和结构有着重要意义.例如,在一个学术关系网络中,节点表示作者,边表示每两位作者之间是否有合作发表论文.此网络中的社区可能由一些研究方向相同或相近的作者组成,形成不同特征的社区.因此,如何发现此类社区并预测网络中某一位作者所属的社区,对于研究网络的行为具有实际意义.近年来,社区发现是网络研究的热点之一[3-4].Newman和Girvan[5]第一次提出模块度函数Q用于社区发现.尽管模块度函数自提出后得到广泛应用,发展了很多以该函数为目标函数的新算法.如Newman[6]提出的一种贪婪策略下的快速聚合算法,White和Smyth[7]提出的一种谱聚类方法等.但是该函数Q并没有利用节点的邻域信息,对于很多有节点信息的真实网络,则该模块度函数Q并不能很好地度量该网络的社区结构.因此,研究结合节点信息的社区发现方法有着重要意义.而文献[8]利用了节点的邻域信息,扩展并提出了新的模块度函数QDist,它度量了节点的邻域信息,QDist不但适合节点有额外信息的网络,而且可以得到不同标度下的社区结构.虽然该文章给出了在特定标度下的最优分组结果,但是并没有给出如何选取此标度的方法.通常地,基于模块度函数方法发现社区有许多典型的算法,如何利用并推广现有算法到结合了节点信息的新模块度函数发现社区,同时如何选取最优分组时的标度是本文关注的问题.谱分析方法早在20世纪70、80年代就已经被提出[9],该方法后来被发展成许多不同的谱聚类方法[10].其基本思想是通过对邻接矩阵形成的拉普拉斯矩阵或者标准拉普拉斯矩阵的特征值与特征向量进行分析,从而进行网络的社区发现.而Newman[11-12]将谱分析方法与模块度函数最大化相结合,提出一种谱方法并应用于社区发现.本文研究将Newman所提出的谱方法推广到新的模块度,同时解决新模块度函数最优分组时标度参数的选择问题.通过将最大化QDist问题转化为谱松弛问题,进而提出一种二分的谱算法,同时给出了最优分组时标度的选取方法.最后,通过在三个真实网络数据上进行实验,结果表明该算法能够有效的给出实际网络二分的社区结构.一个网络通常包括两组信息,节点个数n和邻接矩阵A=(Aij)1≤i,j≤n.其中,Aij取值为1或者0.当Aij=1时,表示节点i和j之间有边连接,当Aij=0时,表示节点i和j之间没有边连接.模块度函数的定义如下:上述三种距离分别描述两节点之间的联接强度,不同距离的选择包含网络中不同的结构信息.例如,Jaccard距离[13-14]包含网络的节点的邻域信息,欧式距离包含网络的节点的属性信息,最短距离包含网络的拓扑信息.一般地,对于一个网络,当知道网络的真实分组时,可以计算QDist的值,并且QDist的值越大,社区结构越明显.本文仅考虑无向网络的两分社区情况,使得QDist最大化.对于节点i,若si的值为1,则表示节点i属于组1,若si的值为−1,则表示节点i属于组2,那么δ(li,lj)可以化为(sisj+1)/2.则本节通过对真实数据Zachary空手道俱乐部网络,海豚社交网络和美国政治书籍网络试验说明算法的有效性.本实验中的相似距离 dij都采用 Jaccard距离.即这里Γ(i)表示节点i的邻居节点.实验一本实验通过对 Zachary空手道俱乐部网络[15]进行实验,该网络是Zachary 在1970年代初,研究了一所美国大学的空手道俱乐部成员的社交网络.网络中的节点代表34位俱乐部成员,边代表每个成员之间的友谊关系.但是由于在是否涨学费问题上的分歧,俱乐部主席(节点34)和教练(节点1)的之间发生了冲突,俱乐部自发形成了支持管理者和教练的两组成员.不同的分组按红色和蓝色区分.现在的问题是在只知道邻接矩阵的情况下,能否正确检测出空手道俱乐部网络真实的社区结构?本实验参数ε=10−3.实验分析图1(b)表示空手道俱乐部网络在利用本文算法得出分组的QLaplace值的情况,当σ∈(0,0.20)和σ=1.04时,网络的分组结果如图1(a)所示,由图1(b)可知,此时网络的分组的QLaplace值最高(忽略了0值,因为此时的分组是全部节点分成一组),和真实分组比较,除了节点3与真实网络分组不同之外,其他节点的分组完全相同.实验二本实验通过对海豚社交网络[16-17]进行实验,该网络是Lusseau在神奇湾观察62只海豚后建立的.网络中的节点代表62只海豚,如果两只海豚之间有边,则表示这两只海豚被观察在一起次数多于期望的次数,代表海豚之间某种亲密关系.但是由于一只海豚的暂时离开导致海豚群体分成了20只和 42只两个组.不同的分组按红色和蓝色区分.本实验参数ε=10−3.实验分析图 2(c)表示海豚社交网络在利用本文算法得出分组的 QLaplace值的情况. 当σ∈(0,0.34)和σ∈(0.72,+∞)时,网络的分组结果如图2(a)所示.和真实分组比较发现,除了节点31和节点40与真实网络分组不同之外,其他节点的分组完全相同.当σ=0.4时,网络的分组情况如图2(b)所示,由图2(c)可知,此时网络分组的QLaplace值最高(忽略了0值,因为此时的分组是全部节点分成一组),和真实分组比较发现,只有节点40和真实网络分组不同,此时的分组结果比其他QLaplace值的结果都要好.实验三本实验通过对美国政治书籍网络进行实验.该网络节点表示在亚马逊网站销售的105本关于美国政治的书籍,边表示两本书经常被同一消费者购买.该书籍被Mark Newman划分为关于自由党和保守党两种书籍,还有少部分书籍被划分为中间派书籍.不同的分组按红色和蓝色区分.本实验参数ε=10−2.实验分析图3(c)表示美国政治书籍网络在利用本文算法得出分组的QLaplace值的情况. 当σ∈(0,0.32)和σ∈(1.34,+∞)时,美国政治书籍网络的分组结果如图3(a)所示.该结果将节点59和节点78错分.但是当σ∈(0.88,1.06)时,该网络分组结果如图3(b)所示.由图3(c)可知,此时网络分组的QLaplace值最高,该结果同图3(a)的结果相比较,节点53的分组结果不同.此时把节点53错分.节点53的5个邻居节点中有3个被分为自由党,2个被分为保守党,所以将节点53错分了.本文研究了网络的社区结构问题,通过将包含邻域信息的模块度函数QDist的最大化问题转化为谱松弛问题,同时提出一种二分的谱算法进行求解.将Newman的二分谱方法推广到新模块度函数模型上,同时解决的新模块度函数下网络最优分组时的标度选取问题.最后,通过实验证明了新算法可以有效的辨识网络的二分社区结构.【相关文献】[1]Newman M E works:An Introduction[M].New York:Oxford University Press,2010.[2]Albert R,Barabsi A.Statistical mechanics of complex networks[J].Reviews of Modern Physics,2002,74:47-97.[3]Newman M E J.The structure and function of complex networks[J].SIAM Review,2003,45:167-256.[4]Newman M E J,Leicht E.Mixture models and exploratory analysis innetworks[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2007,104:9564-9569. 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第53卷第8期表面技术2024年4月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·133·基于自转一阶非连续式微球双平盘研磨的运动学分析与实验研究吕迅1,2*,李媛媛1,欧阳洋1,焦荣辉1,王君1,杨雨泽1(1.浙江工业大学 机械工程学院,杭州 310023;2.新昌浙江工业大学科学技术研究院,浙江 绍兴 312500)摘要:目的分析不同研磨压力、下研磨盘转速、保持架偏心距和固着磨料粒度对微球精度的影响,确定自转一阶非连续式双平面研磨方式在加工GCr15轴承钢球时的最优研磨参数,提高微球的形状精度和表面质量。
结果实验结果表明,在研磨压力为0.10 N、下研磨盘转速为20 r/min、保持架偏心距为90 mm、固着磨料粒度为3000目时,微球圆度由研磨前的1.14 μm下降至0.25 μm,表面粗糙度由0.129 1 μm下降至0.029 0 μm。
关键词:自转一阶非连续;双平盘研磨;微球;运动学分析;研磨轨迹;研磨参数中图分类号:TG356.28 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2024)08-0133-12DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2024.08.012Kinematic Analysis and Experimental Study of Microsphere Double-plane Lapping Based on Rotation Function First-order DiscontinuityLYU Xun1,2*, LI Yuanyuan1, OU Yangyang1, JIAO Ronghui1, WANG Jun1, YANG Yuze1(1. College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China;2. Xinchang Research Institute of Zhejiang University of Technology, Zhejiang Shaoxing 312500, China)ABSTRACT: Microspheres are critical components of precision machinery such as miniature bearings and lead screws. Their surface quality, roundness, and batch consistency have a crucial impact on the quality and lifespan of mechanical parts. Due to收稿日期:2023-07-28;修订日期:2023-09-26Received:2023-07-28;Revised:2023-09-26基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51975531)Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China (51975531)引文格式:吕迅, 李媛媛, 欧阳洋, 等. 基于自转一阶非连续式微球双平盘研磨的运动学分析与实验研究[J]. 表面技术, 2024, 53(8): 133-144.LYU Xun, LI Yuanyuan, OU Yangyang, et al. Kinematic Analysis and Experimental Study of Microsphere Double-plane Lapping Based on Rotation Function First-order Discontinuity[J]. Surface Technology, 2024, 53(8): 133-144.*通信作者(Corresponding author)·134·表面技术 2024年4月their small size and light weight, existing ball processing methods are used to achieve high-precision machining of microspheres. Traditional concentric spherical lapping methods, with three sets of circular ring trajectories, result in poor lapping accuracy. To achieve efficient and high-precision processing of microspheres, the work aims to propose a method based on the first-order discontinuity of rotation for double-plane lapping of microspheres. Firstly, the principle of the first-order discontinuity of rotation for double-plane lapping of microspheres was analyzed, and it was found that the movement of the microsphere changed when it was in different regions of the upper variable friction plate, resulting in a sudden change in the microsphere's rotational axis azimuth and expanding the lapping trajectory. Next, the movement of the microsphere in the first-order discontinuity of rotation for double-plane lapping method was analyzed, and the sliding ratio was introduced to measure the motion state of the microsphere in different friction coefficient regions. It was observed that the sliding ratio of the microsphere varied in different friction coefficient regions. As a result, when the microsphere passed through the transition area between the large and small friction regions of the upper variable friction plate, the sliding ratio changed, causing a sudden change in the microsphere's rotational axis azimuth and expanding the lapping trajectory. The lapping trajectory under different sliding ratios was simulated by MATLAB, and the results showed that with the increase in simulation time, the first-order discontinuity of rotation for double-plane lapping method could achieve full coverage of the microsphere's lapping trajectory, making it more suitable for precision machining of microspheres. Finally, based on the above research, an experimental platform for the first-order discontinuity of rotation for double-plane lapping of microsphere was constructed. With 1 mm diameter bearing steel balls as the processing object, single-factor experiments were conducted to study the effects of lapping pressure, lower plate speed, eccentricity of the holding frame, and grit size of fixed abrasives on microsphere roundness, surface roughness, and material removal rate. The experimental results showed that under the first-order discontinuity of rotation for double-plane lapping, the microsphere's rotational axis azimuth underwent a sudden change, leading to full coverage of the lapping trajectory on the microsphere's surface. Under the lapping pressure of 0.10 N, the lower plate speed of 20 r/min, the eccentricity of the holder of 90 mm, and the grit size of fixed abrasives of 3000 meshes, the roundness of the microsphere decreased from 1.14 μm before lapping to 0.25 μm, and the surface roughness decreased from 0.129 1 μm to 0.029 0 μm. As the lapping pressure and lower plate speed increased, the microsphere roundness and surface roughness were firstly improved and then deteriorated, while the material removal rate continuously increased. As the eccentricity of the holding frame increased, the roundness was firstly improved and then deteriorated, while the material removal rate decreased. As the grit size of fixed abrasives decreased, the microsphere's roundness and surface roughness were improved, and the material removal rate decreased. Through the experiments, the optimal parameter combination considering roundness and surface roughness is obtained: lapping pressure of 0.10 N/ball, lower plate speed of 20 r/min, eccentricity of the holder of 90 mm, and grit size of fixed abrasives of 3000 meshes.KEY WORDS: rotation function first-order discontinuity; double-plane lapping; microsphere; kinematic analysis; lapping trajectory; lapping parameters随着机械产品朝着轻量化、微型化的方向发展,微型电机、仪器仪表等多种工业产品对微型轴承的需求大量增加。
A new Decision Based Median Filter using...(IJIGSP-V6-N4-6)
A new Decision Based Median Filter using Cloud Model for the removal of high density Salt and Pepper noise in digital color images
K. Kannan, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar -626001, India. E-mail: kannan_kcet@yahoo.co.in Abstract — Removing the noise from digital color images plays a vital role in many of the image processing applications. Salt and Pepper noise is one type of the impulse noise which corrupts images during image capture or transmission or storage etc. This paper proposes and implements a new decision based median filter using cloud model to restore the highly corrupted digital color images. T
MMM介绍关键词MMM3M MMM互助金融3M互助金融马夫罗一.起源俄罗斯著名数学家sergeymavrodi(谢尔盖·马夫罗季)目睹世界金融体系混乱,立志建立一个慈善互助的完美的金融协助体系,2011年成功建立mmm互助社区系统,多个国家成功运作三年以上俄罗斯,以色列,印度,印尼,美国,马来西亚!中国五月份正式启动!二、MMM不是银行,MMM不收您的钱,MMM不是网上业务,高收益投资项目,也不是投资或传销计划。
A类序号会议英文名称1ASME Dynamic Systems & Control Conference2ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference3ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference4ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition5STLE/SAME International Joint Tribology Conference6International Conference on Computer & Industrial Engineering7CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering) General Assembly8International Conference on Technology of Plasticity 9FISITA World Automotive Congress10Annual Meeting of Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences11International Conference on Gears12IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology13International Conference on Metal Forming14SAE World Congress15the IAVSD Symposium16International conference on Applied Surface Engineering 17International Bionic Engineering Conference18International Conference on Composite Materials19World Congress in Mechanisms and Machine Science 20ADIA Fuze ConferenceB类序号会议英文名称1Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies2Annual Meeting of Institute of Industrial Engineers3ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work4IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management5IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 6International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics7International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice8International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 9International Conference on Production Research10The International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization & Engineering11The International Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture12International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Congress13International Fatigue Congress14Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium械15Robotics: Systems and Science16The World Congress on Computational Mechanics17Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies18World Conference on Nondestructive TestingC类序号会议英文名称1 IFAC World Congress2ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing3Annual Meeting of American Society for Precision Engineering 4Asia international conference on tribology5ASME summer/winter annual meeting6Association for Computing Machinery International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work7International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 8CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering 9Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 10Design Automation Conference11Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information Conference12Digital Manufacturing and Manufacturing Process Management 13European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 14IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design 15ASABE Annual International Meeting16European Conference on NDT17IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation18IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems19IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics20IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control21International Conference on Progress of Machining Technology 22International Conference on Experimental Mechanics23International Conference of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management24International conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology25International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures26International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems27International Conference on Rotordynamics28International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery29International Conference on Wear of Materials30International Symposium on Transport Phenomena31International Institution for Production Engineering Research32IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics33SME/STLE Joint Conference on Tribology34STLE Annual Meeting35ICFG Workshop36The Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics机械37Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association 38World Tribology Congress航空A类序号会议英文名称1AIAA Conference2ASME Conference84International Conference on Surface and Colloid Science4International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives andPyrotechnics5International Symposium on Ballistics6IEEE Conference on Control Application7IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting89World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics andThermodynamics90Symposium of the Combustion Institute91International Heat Transfer Conference92IUTAM93International Conference on Fatigue94International Conference on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials95European Materials Research Society96International Seminar“New Trends in research of Energetic MaterialsB类序号会议英文名称1IMechE Conference2International Conference on Vehicle Structural Mechanics3Int. Conf. on Computational & Experimental Engineering & Sciences4AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference5American Control Conference89International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic MatrixComposites,90The 5th International Conference on MechanicalEngineering and Mechanics91International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 92International Conference on Plasticity Engineering93Smart Structures and Materials / NDE Conferences94SPIE meeting95Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference96International Conference on Power Engineering97International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic MatrixComposites,98IEEE Aerospace Conference9910th International conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics10016th International Conference on Experimental MechanicsC类序号会议英文名称1International Forum on Special Equipment and Engineering Mechanics 2Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials3International Conference on Mechatronics and Automatic ControlSystems4International Conference on Engineering Design5The 2014 Society for Experimental Mechanics Fall Conference6International Symposium on Combustion7International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials 8IEEE meeting9American Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics10International Conference of Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics 11International Mode Analysis Conference12TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition13International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology14International Congress on Sound and Vibration15ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference仪器A类序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement TechnologyConference2IEEE International Conference on Electronic Measurement &Instruments3International Measurement Confederation Conference4International Conference on Solid-state Sensors and Actuators5Conference on Guidance,Navigation and Control6International IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Conference IEEE MEMS 7IEEE/ACM International Conference on Information Processing inSensor Networks8International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring9International Meeting on Chemical Sensors10IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered andMolecular Systems11European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks12IEEE Internationnal Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems13Inertial Sensors and Systems/Symposium Gyro Technology14IEEE SENSORS15International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 16International Conference and Exhibition on Biosensors & Bioelectronics 17International Conference on Nanotechnology and BiosensorsB类序号会议英文名称1International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements andInstrumentation2International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation andAutomation3International Conference on Precision Instrumentation andMeasurement4Conference on Optical Fier Sensor5International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and IntelligentInfractructure6International Conference on Digital Signal Processing7International Symposium on Communications and InformationTechnologies8 International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems机械9Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry -Electrochemistry for Life Science and Bioanalysis10International Conference on Mechanic Automation and ControlEngineering11Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry -Interfacial Electrochemistry at Atomic, Molecular and NanoscaleDomainsC类序号会议英文名称1International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Materials Engineering2International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes3International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering4International Symposium on Test and Measurement 测试会议5China Conference on Wireless Sensor Network6International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology 7International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis8China Satellite Navigation Conference,CSNC9International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics10International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing11Proceeding of international conference on mechatronic system and measurement technology12International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Materials A类序号会议英文名称1The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics2The International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solid3SAE International Congress4International Symposium on Ballistics5International Institute of Electrical Engineers6International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics7AIAA Conference8ASME Conference9International Conference on Nano- Science and Technology10European Conference on Nonlinear Oscillations11International Detonation Symposium12Shock Compression of Condensed Matter13International Conference on Experimental Mechanics14Electromagnetic Launch Technology Symposium15International Symposium on Shock Waves16International Symposium on Combustion17Annual Fuze Conference18International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics19Hypervelocity Impact Symposium仪器B类序号会议英文名称1Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies2TMS (The Minerals, Metals &Materials Society) Annual Meeting3International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics 4International Forum on Special Equipment and Engineering Mechanics 5The Word Congress on Computational Mechanics6Robotics: Systems and Science7International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics8International Conference on Fracture9International Conference on Metal Forming10International Symposium on Robotics11International Conference on Technology of Plasticity12Materials Science Forum13Materials Science & Technology14International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology15ASME/STLE Joint Conference on Tribology16ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference17International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 18European Conference on Fracture19International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering20International Conference on Rock Mechanics21International Conference on Computational Ballistics22the international Conference on Combustion and energy utilization 23World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science24International Society for Optical Engineering25International Heat Transfer Conference26International Symposium on Test and MeasurementC类序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation2Annual Meeting of American Society for Precision Engineering3American Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics4International Modal Analysis Conference5Asia international conference on tribology6International Conference of Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics 7Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength8European Mechanics Conferences9International Conference on Flow Dynamics10International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials11World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics12International Conference on Vehicle Structural Mechanics14Asia Pacific Vibration Conference15International Congress on Sound and Vibration16ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 兵器18International Conference on Engineering Design19International Conference on Rotordynamics20International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures 21Design Automation Conference22International conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology23IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics24 International Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures 25International Conference on Computational Methods27European Turbulence Conference28International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena29Meetings of Acoustical Society of America30Annual Meeting Society of Engineering Sciences31Asia-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and its Application32Asia Fluid Mechanics Conference33International Conference of Discrete Simulation of Fluid DynamicsA类序号会议英文名称1 International Conference on EnvironmentalCatalysis2American Association for Cancer Research 3American Chemical Society National Meeting4Annual International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Science5European Congress of Chemical Engineering 6European Congress on Catalysis7International Annual Conference of ICT (http://www.ict.fraunhofer.de)8International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry9International Conference on Nano- Science andTechnology10International Conference on Surface and ColloidScience11International Congress of Quantum Chemistry 12International Congress on Catalysis13International Congress on Thermal Analysis andCalorimetry14International Pyrotechnics Seminar15Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center International Symposium16Materials Research Society17North American Thermal AnalysisSociety18Royal Society Chemistry Conferences19Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference20International Conference on Green Chemistry andSustainable EngineeringB类序号会议英文名称1International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries2Challenges in Inorganic and Materials Chemistry3Computational Modeling and Simulation ofMaterials4Congress on Catalysis Applied to Fine Chemicals5International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems6International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (马来西亚)7International Conference on Theoretical Biology and Computational Chemistry8International Elastomer Conference9International Group of Experts on the Explosion Risks of Unstable Substances10International Seminar“New Trends in research of Energetic Materials” (主办方University of Pardubice)11International Symposium onSpecial Topics in Chemical Propulsion(ISICP)12International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry13International Symposium on MolecularSpectroscopy14International Symposium: Synthesis in OrganicChemistry15International Union of Materials Research Society -International Conference in Asia16Korean International Symposium on High EnergyMaterials (KISHEM)17National Organic Chemistry Symposium 18Safex International Meeting19The International Conference on Combustion & Energy Utilisation (ICCEU)20The International Conference on ComputationalMethods(ICCM)C类序号会议英文名称1 Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition2 International Conference on Hydrogen Atom Transfer (iCHAT 2014)3247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition4Accuracy and Sampling Across Quantum Chemistryand Molecular Modeling化工5Annual World Congress on IndustrialBiotechnology6Conference on computational physics7Enhancing Prediction and Design of Physical Systems Through Computational Chemistry8Gordon Research Conference: Molecular & IonicClusters9International Conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in MaterialsCharacterisation10International Symposium and Exhibition onSophisticated CarOccupant Safety Systems11IWA International Water Association 12WQA Aquatech13International Conference on One-dimensionalNanomaterials14Annual International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Process15Challenges in Nanoscience (ISACS15)16International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology17International Conference on Safety & Environment in Process & Power Industry18International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers19International Heat Transfer Conference 20International Symposium on Polyelectrolytes21Joint CSJ RSC Symposium on SupramolecularChemistry22Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry23The International Chemical Congress of PacificBasin Societies生A类序号会议英文名称1International Conference on Environmental Catalysis2International Symposium on Polymer Chemistry3Nanomaterials: Application & Properties '20144International Congress on Membrane and MembraneProcesses5Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society6Topical Meeting of International Society of Electrochemistry7 International Meeting on Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence8International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology9ASM General Meeting10World Water Congress11International Conferences of Specialists Groups of IWA12American Chemistry Society National Meeting13AIChE Meeting14IUPAC Conference15 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering16International Biophysics Congress17International Congress of Genetics18Asia Pacific Congress of IWA19International Conferences on Catalysis20Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects ConferenceB类序号会议英文名称1Fuel Cells 2014 Science & Technology29th International Aerosol Conference3Energy Systems Conference4Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology5SPSJ International Polymer Conference6 The 5th Biophotonics Summer School766th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry8Asia-Pacific Congress on Catalysis电子A类会议序号会议英文名称1 Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium2IEEE Radar Conference3IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS)4Asia-Pacific Microwave cofference5 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility6IEEE International Wireless Symposium7European Microwave Conference8IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest9IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging & SystemsB类会议序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband2ional Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology3 Conference on Microwave Technology and Computational Electromag4rnational Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory5tional Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering 6nal Workshop on Electromagnetic Theory, Modeling and Simulation 7IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology8International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation9IEEE Antennas Propagation /URSI Conf10IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation11Conference on the Computation ofElectromagnetic FieldsC类会议序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies For Wir2 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium环生光学A类序号会议英文名称1Topical Meetings of Optical Society of America2Topical Meetings of European Optical Society3Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics4International Symposium on Measurement Technology andIntelligent Instruments5International Measurement Confederation6IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting7SPIE Photonic West8SPIE Photonics Europe9SPIE Optics + Photonics10Optical Fiber Sensors11SPIE Annual Meeting12Biomedical Optics13Avionics, Fiber-Optics and Photonics Conference14OptoElectronics and Communications Conference15IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 16SPIE Medical Imaging17International IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Conference 18SPIE Remote Sensing19International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena20Topical Meetings of SPIEB类序号1Congress of ICO (International- Commission –for -Optics) 2Optical Fiber Communication Conference3International Conference on Optics-photonics Design &Fabrication4International Conference on Nanophotonics5International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturingand Testing Technologies6Laser Metrology and Machine Performance7International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 8International Conference on Infrared Optoelectronics: Materialsand Devices9The International Conference on Near-field Nano Optics &Related Techniques10SPIE Asia- Pacific Remote SensingA类通信序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,Speech and Signal Processing2IEEE International Conference on Communications 3ACM International Conference on Multimedia电光4IEEE Radar Conference5IEEE International Conference on ImageProcessing6Global Navigation Satellite Systems Conference7Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association8IEEE Military Communications Conference9IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and PatternRecognition10IEEE International Symposium on Antennas andPropogation Society11IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience andRemote Sensing12International Conference on Digital SignalProcessing13IEEE International Symposium on InformationTheory14IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 15IEEE International Conference on Radar B类序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Conference on Electronics,Circuits and Systems2International Conference on Signal Processing3IEEE International Symposium on Circuits andSystems4IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting5International Conference on Natural LanguageProcessing6European Conference on Computer Vision 7Picture Coding Symposium8SPIE Conference on Visual Information Processingand Communication9Annual IEEE Conference on ComputerCommunications10International Conference on Pattern Recognition 11Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics 12IEEE Symposium on Circuits and Systems13IEEE international conference on Automatic Faceand Gesture Recognition14European Navigation Conference - Global Navigation Satellite Systems15International Conference on Signal ProcessingSystems16ACM Conference on Computer and CommunicationsSecurity通信17IEEE International Conference on Networking,Sensing18IEEE workshop on Automatic Speech Recognitionand UnderstandingC类序号会议英文名称1International Broadcasting Convention2IEEE International Conference on IntelligentTransportation System3International Joint Conference on NeuralNetworksA类序号会议英文名称1ACM Conference on Management of Data2ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining3International Conference on Very Large Data Bases4rnational Conference on Research on Development in Information Retrieval5ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing6Conference on File and Storage Technologies7High-Performance Computer Architecture8ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking9International Conference on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer c 10IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications11ACM International Conference on Multimedia12ACM SIGGRAPH Annual Conference13International Cryptology Conference14IEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyB类序号会议英文名称1ACM SIGMM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval2ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics3IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo4High-Performance Distributed Computing5International Conference on Distributed ComputingSystems6Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques7International Parallel & Distributed ProcessingSymposium8International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services9CM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 10ACM SIGMOD Conference on Principles of DB Systems11IEEE International Semantic Web Conference12International Conference on Data Mining13IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering14International World Wide Web Conferences15International Conference on Embedded Software16Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference17IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 18International Conference on Network Protocols19nternational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing 20nternational Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services C类序号会议英文名称1ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers2IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computingand Communications3International Conference on High Performance Computing4International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems5International Symposium on Circuits and Systems6International ACM Workshop on Web and Databases7International Conference on Mobile Data Management8International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases9Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining10The Asia Pacific Web Conference11Web Information Systems Engineering12ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems13EE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications14EEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing15Computer Animation and Social Agents16Computer Graphics International17International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality18IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium19International Conference on Image Processing20International Conference on Multimedia Modeling21Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia22Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems23IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks24 Global Communications Conference, incorporating the Global Internet Symposium25IEEE International Conference on Communications26EE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks27IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems28IEEE International Conference on P2P Computing29EE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference30 International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks31American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium32Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference33International Conference on Spatial Information Theory34Annual Computer Security Applications Conference35International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Sec 36International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection计科。
2014热点英语作文In 2014, social media continued to dominate the online world, with platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram attracting millions of users. People were constantly sharing their thoughts, photos, and videos, creating a virtual community that spanned the globe.One of the biggest news stories of the year was the outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa. The disease spread quickly, causing widespread panic and concern. Governments and health organizations worked tirelessly to contain the virus and find a cure, but the situation remained dire for many months.On a lighter note, the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil captured the attention of sports fans around the world. The tournament was full of surprises and upsets, with teamslike Costa Rica and Colombia exceeding expectations. In the end, Germany emerged as the champions, defeating Argentina in a thrilling final match.In the entertainment world, 2014 saw the release of several blockbuster movies, including "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1." These films drew huge crowds to theaters and became instant hits with audiences of all ages.In the technology sector, wearable devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers gained popularity in 2014. Companies like Apple and Samsung released new products that promised to revolutionize the way we interact with technology on a daily basis. These devices quickly became must-have accessories for tech-savvy consumers.Overall, 2014 was a year of highs and lows, with moments of joy and moments of sadness. As we look back on the events of the past year, we can see how far we have come and how much further we still have to go. Here's to a brighter future in 2015.。
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coco2014类别-回复《Coco 2014》是由美国皮克斯动画工作室制作的一部动画电影,于2017年上映。
下面,我将一步一步回答关于《Coco 2014》这部电影的一些主题。
第一步:介绍电影的背景和主题《Coco 2014》这部电影以墨西哥传统节日“亡灵节”为背景,展现了人们对祖先的敬仰和追忆之情。
第四步:探讨记忆和遗忘的意义《Coco 2014》巧妙地将记忆和遗忘融入了剧情。
第五步:讨论音乐与文化传统在《Coco 2014》中,音乐不仅仅是一个形式的艺术,更是墨西哥文化传统的一部分。
4K超高清转播车通话系统的设计与实现【摘 要】 本文介绍了海南广播电视总台4K转播车的通话系统设计,对通话系统的规模、面板的选用、通话系统的IP化以及通话系统间的级联进行了详细阐述,还介绍了系统在手机客户端的应用。
【关键词】 4K 超高清通话系统,IP , 通话手机客户端, LQ 通话级联【中图分类号】 TN948.1 【文献标识码】 B【DOI编码】 10.16171/ki.rtbe.20210002004【本文献信息】符致明,陈巧璘.4K超高清转播车通话系统的设计与实现[J].广播与电视技术,2021,Vol.48(2).Design and Implementation of Call System for 4K UHD OB VanFu Zhiming, Chen Qiaolin(Hainan Radio and Television Group, Hainan 570206, China)Abstract This paper introduces call system design of 4K OB van of Hainan Radio and Television Group, elaborates on call system scale, panelselection, IP-based call system and cascade between call systems, and also introduces system application in mobile phone client.Keywords 4k UHD call system, IP, Mobile phone client, LQ call cascade符致明,陈巧璘(海南广播电视总台,海南 570206)0 引言海南广播电视总台4K 转播车于2019年9月建成并于10月份投入使用,整个4K 转播车通话布局区域有6个;包括了音频区、导演区、副导区、调像区、技术区、活动区;每个制作区都配备了相应的通话面板,相对于传统的2线、4线通话,4K 转播车的通话系统实现了网络IP 化。
中华医学教育探索杂志202丨年3月第20卷第3期Chin J M d Edu Res, M arch 2021, Vnl. 20, Nn. 3 . 287 .•教学改革•基于虚拟仿真软件的磁共振成像序列实验在医学影像技术专业本科教学中的应用姚小玲袁元潘志祥陈榆舒王紫薇李真林四川大学华西医院放射科,成都610041通信作者:李真林,Email:lzkdO1@【摘要】目的探讨基于虚拟仿真软件的磁共振成像序列实验在医学影像技术专业本科教学中的应用效果。
采用SPSS 21.0软件进行£检验和M ann-W hitney 检验,结果实验组课后考试成绩(84.55±6.57)和期末考试成绩(90.03±4.72)均高于对照组(79.37±6.13)和(80.06 ±7.29),差异具有统计学意义(P<〇.〇5)。
【关键词】虚拟仿真实验;磁共振成像;实验教学【中图分类号】R33基金项目:四川大学华西医院学科卓越发展1.3.5工程项目(Z Y G D18019);四川大学未来教育研究专项(S C U F E R2019006)DOI: 10.3760/cm l 16021-20191208-00424Application of magnetic resonance imaging sequence experiment based on virtual simulationsoftware in undergraduate teaching of medical imaging technologyYao Xiaoling, Yuan yuan, Pan Zhixiang, Chen Yiuihu, Wang Ziwei, Li ZhenlinDepartment of Radiolog)', West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, ChinaCorresponding author: Li Zhenlin, Email:***************【Abstract】Objective To explore the application effect of m agnetic resonance im aging (M R I)seq u en ce experim ent b ased on virtual sim ulation softw are in u n d erg rad u ate teach in g of m edical im agingtechnology. Methods F ifty-six u n d erg rad u ate stu d e n ts from th e Batch 2015and B atch 2016m edicalim aging technology of W est C hina C linical M edical College of Sichuan U niversity w ere recru ited in thisstudy. They w ere divided into 2 groups: experim ental group (Batch 2016) an d control group (B atch 2015).The experim ental group adopted the teach in g m ethod b ased on virtual sim ulation ex p erim en t, an d thecontrol group used the teach in g m ethod b ased on traditional sm all-sized m agnetic resonance. T he after-classtest scores an d final exam scores of the two groups of stu d en ts w ere co m p ared, an d the q u estio n n airesurvey on teach in g effectiveness was co n d u cted for stu d e n ts in the experim ental group SPSS 21.0wasused for t test and M ann-W hitney U test. Results The scores of theoretical know ledge an d the final gradesin the experim ental group w ere significantly h igher than those of the control group [(84.55 ± 6.57) pointsvs. (79.37 ± 6.13) points; (90.03 ± 4.72) points vs. (80.06 ± 7.29) points, all P< 0.05). T he effectiverecovery rate of th e q u estio n n a ires was 100%, and the q u estio n n aire survey show ed that the experim entalgroup w as significantly su p erio r to the control group in such four asp ects as increasing su b ject interest,•288 •中华医学教育探索杂志2021年3月第20卷第3期Chin J Med Edu Res,March 2021,Vol. 20, N o. 3ex p an d in g relevant know ledge, solving clinical work, an d prom oting team w ork (P < 0.05). Conclusion InMRI seq u en ce te ach in g, the teaching m ethod based on virtual sim ulation softw are can in crease thestu d e n ts' in terests in learning, strengthen th e ir u n d erstan d in g of MRI p rin cip les, th en effectively im provethe teach in g effect of m edical im aging un d erg rad u ate education.【Key words】V irtual sim ulation experim ent; M agnetic resonance im aging; E xperim ent teachingFund program: W est C hina H ospital of S ichuan U niversity 1.3.5 Project for E xcellence in D isciplineD evelopm ent (ZY G D18019); Sichuan U niversity Future Educatioii R esearch Project (S C U FE R2019006)DOI: 10.3760/cm l 16021-20191208-00424磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)技术已经成为现代医学诊疗中不可或缺的重要检查 手段,医院和研究机构对磁共振相关应用型技术人 才的需求正在迅速增加。
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A new hierarchical porous zirconium phosphate membrane and its adsorptionpropertiesAbubaker Abutartour,Yunjie Jia,Lotfia El Majdoub,Qinghong Xu ⇑State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,15Beisanhuan Donglu,Beijing 100029,PR Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 19January 2014Received in revised form 24April 2014Accepted 28April 2014Available online 9May 2014Keywords:Porous membraneOrganic zirconium phosphate Si–O bridged Adsorptiona b s t r a c tA hierarchical porous zirconium phosphate membrane was prepared from bis(hexamethylenetriamine-penta(methylenephosphonic acid)),ZrOCl 2Á8H 2O,SiF 4and hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide.The membrane contains macropores of 200nm in diameter,and mesopores of 19.2nm in diameter.The membranes pores were bridged and limited by (–Si–O–)n edges.The porous membrane exhibited high efficiency in removing Pb 2+and Cu 2+from wastewater.Ó2014Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionAn important application of hybrid porous materials is adsorp-tion and separation [1–4].Numerous porous organic–inorganic hybrids have recently been developed for removing heavy metal ions,particularly Cd 2+,Cu 2+,and Pb 2+,from wastewater [5,6].Organic functionality in porous materials can play an important role in their coordination with metal ions [7].Thiols,thiourea and amines have been used as metal ion-binding motifs in meso-porous silica,and titanium phosphonate,for the efficient removal of Hg 2+,Cu 2+,and Cd 2+[8–11].Phosphinic acid has been widely used in many fields since Horiguchi and Kandatsu first obtained C–P compounds from biolo-gical samples more than 50years ago [12].The hydroxyl function-ality of phosphoric acid is easily substituted,and phosphinic acids with a wide variety of functionality have been prepared [13,14].A large structural distortion occurs when the P–OH bond of metal phosphates is substituted by organic functional groups.This can significantly affect the electron cloud density P atoms in the framework.Phosphinic acid is more suitable for preparing compounds with open frameworks than phosphoric acid,owing to its simultaneous collection of inorganic oxide and organic functional groups.The ability to introduce varying organic groups can yield materials with tunable structures.Open metal phosphate structures can beconsidered as materials between zeolites and organic metals.Metal phosphates are inorganic–organic hybrids,with applications in insertion chemistry,proton conductors,catalysis,and ion exchange [15,16].Bis(hexamethylenetriaminepenta(methylenephosphonic acid))(BMTPA)is a water treatment reagent with the molecular structure shown in Scheme 1.BMTPA can act as an organic phosphate source in the synthesis of organic zirconium phosphates,to give open porous structures.In the current study,the porous hexagonal organic zirconium phosphate membrane (BHAZP)is synthesized by autoclaving in the presence of BMTPA,ZrOCl 2Á8H 2O and SiF 4.It is interesting that SiF 4plays an important role in the synthesis,and the porous hexagonal membrane could not be formed without participation of SiF 4.Structure of (–Si–O–)n is found at the edges and knots between the hexagonal plates,suggesting that the porous membrane is possibly formed based on the silicon atoms and limited in the area of (–Si–O–)n hexagon framework (forma-tion of (–Si–O–)n hexagon framework is earlier than the structure of zirconium phosphate).Such a stepwise assembly to form porous membranes has not been previously reported.BHAZP contains macropores and mesopores,with diameters of approximately 200and 19.2nm,respectively,and the mesopores exist in the walls of the macropores.BHAZP has a surface area of $128.6m 2/g,and exhibits good performance in the removal of Pb 2+and Cu 2+from wastewater.Its maximum Pb 2+adsorption capacity is 469.39mg/g,higher than that of common inorganic adsorbents such as zirconium phosphate (a -ZrP,400.01mg/g)[17]and activated carbon (17.51mg/g)[18]under similar conditions.The Cu 2+adsorption capacity of BHAZP is 310mg/g,which is greater/10.1016/j.micromeso.2014.04.0541387-1811/Ó2014Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+861064425037;fax:+861064425385.E-mail address:xuqh@ (Q.Xu).than that of polycarboxylated starch(128.3mg/g)[19],which is the largest previously reported Cu2+adsorption capacity.2.ExperimentalAll chemicals were of analytical grade and obtained from com-mercial suppliers,and were used without further purification. Zirconium dichloride oxide octahydrate(ZrOCl2Á8H2O)and BMTPA were obtained from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co.(PR China). Silicon tetrafluoride(SiF4)and hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide(CTAB)were purchased from Beijing Chemical Regent Co.(PR China).2.1.Synthesis of BHAZPSolutions of0.30M ZrOCl2,0.60M BMTPA,and0.60M CTAB were prepared by dissolving the corresponding reagents in deionized water.A given amount of SiF4was added to the ZrOCl2 solution.This solution was slowly added to the BMTPA solution under vigorous stirring and a slow N2flow,leading to a white suspension.The mixture was refluxed at80°C for2h,and then sealed in a polytetrafluoroethylene-lined autoclave and heated at 80°C for24h.The product was obtained by centrifuging, thoroughly washing with deionized water and drying at70°C. The porous structure was produced after CTAB was extracted by refluxing in ethanol for24h.2.2.Metal ion adsorptionMetal ion adsorption by BHAZP was characterized by testing in batch mode in250-mL glass bottles.0.10g of BHAZP was added to 100-mL solutions containing varying concentrations of Pb(NO3)2 and Cu(NO3)2(50–900ppm).The mixtures were stirred at room temperature(25±2°C)for24h to ensure sorption equilibrium. The adsorbed metal ion contents were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy on an Agilent4510spectrometer.Adsorp-tion capacities were calculated from the concentration before and after adsorption of different concentrations of solutes[20]:qe¼ðc0Àc eÞV=Wð1Þwhere q e is the concentration of adsorbed solute(mg/g),c0and c e are the initial andfinal concentrations of metal ions in solution (ppm),respectively,V is the solution volume(mL)and W is the mass of the adsorbent(g).2.3.CharacterizationCrystal structures were determined by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD),using a Rigaku D/MAX diffractometer(made in Japan)with Cu K a radiation(k=0.15406nm,scanning speed=10°/min). Fourier transform-infrared(FT-IR)spectra was recorded from KBr pellets(1mg of sample to100mg of KBr)over the range of 400–4000cmÀ1,at2cmÀ1resolution using a Bruker Vector-22spectrometer(made in Germany).Zr and P contents were deter-mined by inductively coupled plasma(ICP)spectroscopy,using a Perkin–Elmer plasma40emission spectrometer(made in Japan). C,H,O,and N contents were determined using a Vario-EL elemen-tal analyzer(made in Germany).Thermogravimetric(TG)and differential scanning calorimetric(DSC)analyses were performed with an a-Al2O3reference using a HCT-2thermoanalyzer(Beijing Hengjun Instrument Co.,PR China),at a heating rate of10°C/min from room temperature to700°C.Electronic micrographs were observed using a Shimadzu SS-550scanning electron microscope (SEM)(made in Japan)operated at15kV and a JEOL JEM-1000 transmission electron microscope(TEM)(made in USA)operated at200kV,respectively.N2sorption isotherms were recorded on a Quantachrome NOVA2000e sorption analyzer(made in USA)at liquid nitrogen temperature(77K).Samples were degassed at 150°C overnight prior to measurement.Surface areas were determined using the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller(BET)method, and pore size distributions were calculated using the Barrett–Joyner–Halenda(BJH)model.13C MAS-NMR and31P MAS-NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker AV300spectrometer(made in Germany).Test frequencies for13C MAS-NMR and31P MAS-NMR spectra were78.20and121.49MHz,respectively.The revolving speeds for13C MAS-NMR and31P MAS-NMR spectra were8000 and8192Hz,respectively.The pulse widths for13C MAS-NMR and31P MAS-NMR experiments were0.5s.The relaxation times for13C MAS-NMR and31P MAS-NMR spectra were0.5and10s, respectively.3.Results and discussion3.1.Preparation and characterization of BHAZPBHAZP was synthesized in the presence of BMTPA,ZrOCl2Á8H2O, SiF4,and CTAB.The SEM image(Fig.1a)shows that BHAZP has a regularfilm surface,and that thefilm is separated into numerous hexagonal plates.Edges and knots exist between the plates (Fig.3d).After CTAB is extracted by ethanol,macropores of diameter$200nm are observed in the membrane(Fig.1b),and the boundaries and knots between plates disappear.The TEM image(Fig.1c)shows many mesopores of diameters$19nm in the walls of the macropores.This is consistent with the pore size distribution results(Fig.2b)presented next.Nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms of BHAZP and the corresponding pore size distribution are shown in Fig.2a and b, respectively.Isotherms exhibiting behavior between those of types II and IV are characteristic of porous membranes,according to IUPAC classifications[21,22].The adsorption curve for BHAZP rises slowly with minor adsorption at low to medium pressure,suggest-ing very little porosity on the microporous scale.The isotherm sharply increases at a relative pressure(P/P0)of>0.9,which corresponds to accumulated pores.This indicates that there exists a secondary macroporous structure accompanied with mesopores, giving rise to capillary condensation between particles[23].The wide hysteresis between the adsorption and desorption branches indicates a wide pore size distribution,corresponding to a macro-porous structure[24].A pore size distribution curve of BHAZP based on a BJH analysis is shown in Fig.2b.The narrow peak at $19nm is characteristic of mesoporous structure.An EXAPS analysis of the membranes composition in different areas is shown in Table1.The average elemental percentages indi-cate no Si present in facial areas,except from in edges and knots between the hexagonal plates.The average Si and O contents of these edges are37.35%and40.55%,respectively,and of the knots are39.38%and38.24%,respectively.P and N are not detected, and only minor Zr and C contents are present in these areas.TheseScheme1.Molecular structure of BMTPA.Mesoporous Materials196(2014)1–7results indicate that the hexagonal plates are bridged by Si–O bonds.This connection and the structure of one hexagonal plate are illustrated in Scheme2.Experiments were performed to study the BHAZP formation process.SEM images of the membrane recorded at different formation stages are shown in Fig.3.Early in the membrane forma-tion(5.0min),some particles form and arrange into two dimen-sions(Fig.3a).Some island-like plates(Fig.3b)are observed3h later,and cracks between plates arefilled with some material. Belt-like structures appear among plates as they grow,whichFig.2.(a)N2adsorption–desorption isotherms and(b)pore distribution of BHAZP.Fig.3.SEM images of the membrane formed after(a)5min,(b)3h5min(b),(c)9h5min,and(d)18h5min. membrane(a)containing CTAB,(b)after CTAB is extracted,and(c)synthesized in the absence of SiF4and after CTABgrowth area.The porous membrane is finally growth in the third dimension.The belts withdrew knots are observed among the plates (Fig.3d).the porous material crystallized after different Fig.4.BHAZP possesses an amorphous porous four shown patterns are very similar.The more ordered structure with increasing as evidenced by the gradually increasing diffractions at 3–10°.The FT-IR spectrum of the por-shown in Fig.S1(Supporting information).P–O–Zr and P–C stretching vibrations are 781cm À1,respectively.The C–H bending stretching vibrations from CH 2connected to the occur at 1470,2870,3009,and 2946cm À1bond absorption at 1066cm À1indicates that the reaction to form the membrane.The 13C spectra (Fig.S2,Supporting information)also of a porous membrane structure.Peaks at are observed in the 13C MAS-NMR spectrum,Scheme 2.Schematic diagrams showing (a)the BHAZP surface framework and (b)one mesoporous unit.Fig.4.PXRD patterns of the membrane formed after (a)5min,(b)3h 5min 9h 5min,and (d)18h 5min.4 A.Abutartour et al./Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 196(2014)1–7and are characteristic of C in –CH 2connected to N and C in methylene,respectively.The peak at 3.8ppm in the 31P NMR spec-trum corresponds to P in P–O–Zr bonds.Two broad resonances on The second $4.2%loss occurs from 130to 355°C,and is attributed to the removal of CTAB from within pores.The third 6.2%loss occurs from 355to 500°C,and corresponds to the loss of organic between q 0and c 0for 50<C 06900ppm (contact time:800min;adsorbent dosage:1.0g/L;temperature:25±2°C).(b)Relationship Fig.5.TG-DSC analysis for the membrane containing CTAB.6.Changes in solution concentrations of (A)Pb 2+and (B)Cu 2+during adsorption by BHAZP at different times for c 0of (a)500,(b)600,(c)700,(d)Adsorbent dosage:1.0g/L;temperature:25±2°C.A.Abutartour et al./Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 196(2014)1–756 A.Abutartour et al./Microporous and Mesoporous Materials196(2014)1–7Table2Adsorbed quantities(mg/g)and percentages(bracketed)of BHAZP of Pb2+and Cu2+for different c0values.500ppm600ppm700ppm800ppm900ppmPb2+444.90(88.98%)401.88(66.98%)406.88(58.12%)449.59(56.19%)469.39(52.15%) Cu2+180.3(36.06%)221.88(36.98%)219.31(31.33%)240(30.00%)310.01(34.44%)Table3q e Values for Pb2+and Cu2+of BHAZP and reported adsorbents.Pb2+Cu2+Adsorbent Magnetic chelating resin Zwitterionic hybrid polymers BHAZP Polycarboxylated starch Ion-imprintedfiber BHAZP q e(mg/g)571.8380.2469.39128.3120.0310BEs of N1s peaks in(a)BHAZP,(b)BHAZP/Pb2+,and(c)BHAZP/Cumembrane exhibited good efficiency in the removal of Pb2+and Cu2+from wastewater.AcknowledgmentsWe thank the Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.U1362113)and the PetroChina Co.Ltd.forfinancial support.Appendix A.Supplementary dataSupplementary data associated with this article can be found,in the online version,at /10.1016/j.micromeso.2014.04.054. 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