ZSSC3135AA2T中文资料(ZMDI)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
修订1.00 2011 /月
简 要 描 述 ;简 介
所述ZSSC3135是ZSSC313x成员 CMOS产品系列集成电路 专为汽车/工业传感器应用 系统蒸发散.所有家人都非常适合highly-
2电路描述....................................................................................................................................... 11 2.1.信号流........................................................................................................................................... 11 2.2.应用模式................................................................................................................................ 12 2.3.模拟前端(AFE) ....................................................................................................................... 12 2.3.1.可编程增益放大器(PGA)............................................ ................................................. 12 2.3.2.偏移补偿..................................................................................................................... 13 2.3.3.测量周期....................................................................................................................... 13 2.3.4.模拟 - 数字转换器............................................................................................................ 15 2.4.温度测量.................................................................................................................. 16 2.5.系统控制和调节计算............................................. ......................................... 16 2.5.1.操作Modes............................................................................................................................ 16 2.5.2.启动阶段................................................................................................................................ 16 2.5.3.空调计算................................................................................................................ 17 2.6.模拟输出AOUT ............................................................................................................................ 17 2.7.串行数字接口.......................................................................................................................... 18 2.8.故障防护护功能,看门狗和错误检测........................................... .................................... 18 2.9.高电压,反向极性防护护和短路防护护......................................... ...................... 18
模拟芯片(Analog ICs)放大器(Amplifiers)比较器(Comparators)显示驱动器(Display Drivers)过滤器(Filters)数据选择器(Multiplexers)稳压器(Regulators)定时器(Timers)基准电压(Voltage Reference)杂类(Miscellananeous)电容(Capacitors)可动态显示充放电电容(Animated)音响专用轴线电容(Audio Grade Axial)轴线聚苯烯电容(Axial Lead Polypropene)轴线聚苯烯电容(Axial Lead Polystyrene)陶瓷圆片电容(Ceramic Disc)去耦片状电容(Decoupling Disc)普通电容(Generic)高温径线电容(High Temp Radial)高温径线电解电容(High Temperature Axial Electrolytic)金属化聚酯膜电容(Metallised Polyester Film)金属化聚烯电容(Metallised Polypropene)金属化聚烯膜电容(Metallised Polypropene Film)小型电解电容(Miniture Electrolytic)多层金属化聚酯膜电容(Multilayer Metallised Polyestern Film)聚脂膜电容(Mylar Film)镍栅电容(Nickel Barrier)无极性电容(Non Polarised)聚脂层电容(Polyester Layer)径线电解电容(Radial Electrolytic)树脂蚀刻电容(Resin Dipped)钽珠电容(Tantalum Bead)可变电容(Variable)VX轴线电解电容(VX Axial Electolytic) 连接器(Connectors)音频接口(Audio)D 型接口(D-Type)双排插座(DIL)插头(Header Blocks)PCB转接器(PCB Transfer)带线(Ribbon Cable)单排插座(SIL)连线端子(Terminal Blocks)杂类(Miscellananeous)数据转换器(Data Converter)模/数转换器(A/D converters)数/模转换器(D/A converters)采样保持器(Sample & Hold)温度传感器(Temperature Sensore)调试工具(Debugging Tools)断点触发器(Breakpoint Triggers)逻辑探针(Logic Probes)逻辑激励源(Logic Stimuli)二极管(Diode)整流桥(Bridge Rectifiers)普通二极管(Generic)整流管(Rectifiers)肖特基二极管(Schottky)开关管(Switching)隧道二极管(Tunnel)变容二极管(Varicap)齐纳击穿二极管(Zener)ECL 10000系列(ECL 10000 Series)各种常用集成电路机电(Electromechanical)各种直流和步进电机电感(Inductors)普通电感(Generic)贴片式电感(SMT Inductors)变压器(Transformers)拉普拉斯变换(Laplace Primitives) 一阶模型(1st Order)二阶模型(2st Order)控制器(Controllers)非线性模式(Non-Linear)算子(Operators)极点/零点(Poles/Zones)符号(Symbols)存储芯片(Memory Ics)动态数据存储器(Dynamic RAM) 电可擦除可编程存储器(EEPROM) 可擦除可编程存储器(EPROM)I2C总线存储器(I2C Memories) SPI总线存储器(SPI Memories)存储卡(Memory Cards)静态数据存储器(Static Memories) 微处理器芯片(Microprocess ICs) 6800 系列(6800 Family)8051 系列(8051 Family)ARM 系列(ARM Family)AVR 系列(AVR Family)Parallax 公司微处理器(BASIC Stamp Modules)HCF11 系列(HCF11 Family)PIC10 系列(PIC10 Family)PIC12 系列(PIC12 Family)PIC16 系列(PIC16 Family)PIC18 系列(PIC18 Family)Z80系列(Z80 Family)CPU 外设(Peripherals)杂项(Miscellaneous)含天线、ATA/IDE硬盘驱动模型、单节与多节电池、串行物理接口模型、晶振动态与通用保险、模拟电压与电流符号、交通信号灯建模源(Modelling Primitives)模拟(仿真分析)(Analogy-SPICE)数字(缓冲器与门电路)(Digital--Buffers&Gates)数字(杂类)(Digital--Miscellaneous)数字(组合电路)(Digital--Combinational)数字(时序电路)(Digital--Sequential)混合模式(Mixed Mode)可编程逻辑器件单元(PLD Elements)实时激励源(Realtime Actuators)实时指示器(Realtime Indictors)运算放大器(Operational Amplifiers)单路运放(Single)二路运放(Dual)三路运放(Triple)四路运放(Quad)八路运放(Octal)理想运放(Ideal)大量使用的运放(Macromodel)光电子类器件(Optoelectronics)七段数码管(7-Segment Displays)英文字符与数字符号液晶显示器(Alphanumeric LCDs) 条形显示器(Bargraph Displays)点阵显示屏(Dot Matrix Display)图形液晶(Grphical LCDs)灯泡(Lamp)液晶控制器(LCD Controllers)液晶面板显示(LCD Panels Displays)发光二极管(LEDs)光耦元件(Optocouplers)串行液晶(Serial LCDs)可编程逻辑电路与现场可编程门阵列(PLD&FPGA) 无子类电阻(Resistors)0.6W金属膜电阻(0.6W Metal Film)10W 绕线电阻(10W Wirewound)2W 金属膜电阻(2W Metal Film)3W 金属膜电阻(3W Metal Film)7W 金属膜电阻(7W Metal Film)通用电阻符号(Generic)高压电阻(High Voltage)负温度系数热敏电阻(NTC)排阻(Resisters Packs)滑动变阻器(Variable)可变电阻(Varistors)仿真源(Simulator Primitives)触发器(Flip-Flop)门电路(Gates)电源(Sources)扬声器与音响设备(Speaker&Sounders)无子分类开关与继电器(Switch&Relays)键盘(Keypads)普通继电器(Generic Relays)专用继电器(Specific Relays)按键与拨码(Switchs)开关器件(Switching Devices)双端交流开关元件(DIACs)普通开关元件(Generic)可控硅(SCRs)三端可控硅(TRIACs)热阴极电子管(Thermionic Valves)二极真空管(Diodes)三极真空管(Triodes)四极真空管(Tetrodes)五极真空管(Pentodes)转换器(Transducers)压力传感器(Pressures)温度传感器(Temperature)晶体管(Transistors)双极性晶体管(Bipolar)普通晶体管(Generic)绝缘栅场效应管(IGBY/Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors结型场效应晶体管(JFET)金属-氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)射频功率LDMOS晶体管(RF Power LDMOS)射频功率VDMOS晶体管(RF Power VDMOS)单结晶体管(Unijunction)CMOS 4000系列(CMOS 4000 seriesTTL 74系列(TTL 74 series)TTL 74增强型低功耗肖特基系列(TTL 74ALS Series) TTL 74增强型肖特基系列(TTL 74AS Series)TTL 74高速系列(TTL 74F Series)TTL 74HC系列/CMOS工作电平(TTL 74HC Series) TTL 74HCT系列/TTL工作电平(TTL 74HCT Series)TTL 74低功耗肖特基系列(TTL 74LS Series)TTL 74肖特基系列(TTL 74S Series)加法器(Adders)缓冲器/驱动器(Buffers&Drivers)比较器(Comparators)计数器(Counters)解码器(Decoders)编码器(Encoders)存储器(Memory)触发器/锁存器(Flip-Flop&Latches)分频器/定时器(Frequency Dividers & Timers)门电路/反相器(Gates&Inverters)数据选择器(Multiplexers)多谐振荡器(Multivibrators)振荡器(Oscillators)锁相环(Phrase-Locked-Loop,PLL)寄存器(Registers)信号开关(Signal Switches)收发器(Tranxceivers)杂类逻辑芯片(Misc.Logic)Proteus isis 的元件库中英对照Proteus 元件名称对照1元件名称中文名说明7407 驱动门1N914 二极管74Ls00 与非门74LS04 非门74LS08 与门74LS390 TTL 双十进制计数器7SEG 4针BCD-LED 输出从0-9 对应于4根线的BCD码7SEG 3-8译码器电路BCD-7SEG[size=+0]转换电路ALTERNATOR 交流发电机AMMETER-MILLI mA安培计AND 与门BATTERY 电池/电池组BUS 总线CAP 电容CAPACITOR 电容器CLOCK 时钟信号源CRYSTAL 晶振D-FLIPFLOP D触发器FUSE 保险丝GROUND 地LAMP 灯LED-RED 红色发光二极管LM016L 2行16列液晶可显示2行16列英文字符,有8位数据总线D0-D7,RS,R/W,EN三个控制端口(共14线),工作电压为5V。
Printed with white color letter on black sleeve.
Bottom plate (code HL only) Polarity bar Sleeve (P.E.T.)
Type numbering system ( Example : 200V 390µF)
2310 2560 2470 2860 2780 3310 3160 3770 3630 3800 4210 4100 4000 4680 4660 4680 5190 5330 5260 6020 6020 6750 7560
1.12 1.23 1.23 1.35 1.35 1.50 1.50 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.83 1.83 1.83 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.46 2.46 2.72 2.96
Rated voltage (V) tan δ (MAX.)
16 0.50
25 0.40
35 0.35
50 0.30
16 ~ 100 4 20
63 0.25
80 0.20
100 0.20
Measurement frequency :120Hz, Temperature : 20°C 180 200 250 350 400 450 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20
350 ~ 450 8 —
Measurement freerature
Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio ZT/Z20(MAX.) Z—25°C/ Z+20°C Z—40°C/ Z+20°C
3DT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 AT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163DT 1.6龙DC7163DT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 AT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163DT 1.6 AT#东风龙DC7163DT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 AT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163DT 1.6 AT#东风龙DC7163AT 1.6 AT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163DT 1.6 AT#东风雪铁龙DC7163NT 1.6 MT#东风龙DC7163DT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 AT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163DT 1.6 AT#东风龙DC7163DT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 AT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163DT 1.6 AT#东风龙DC7163DT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 AT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163DT 1.6 AT#东风龙DC7163DT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 AT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163DT 1.6 AT#东风龙DC7163DT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 AT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163DT 1.6 AT#东风龙DC7163DT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 AT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163DT 1.6 AT#东风龙DC7163DT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 AT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163DT 1.6 AT#东风龙DC7163DT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 AT#东风雪铁龙DC7163AT 1.6 MT#东风雪铁龙DC7163DT 1.6 AT#东风龙DC7163DT 1.6 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宏基acer全新列笔记本主板编号(工厂料号)与机型Acer Aspire SeriesAspire 1410 Series (1414WLCi), Model ZL1Aspire 1640 Series (1641LCi, 1641WLMi, 1642WLMi, 1644WLMi), Model ZL8Aspire 1640Z Series (1641ZWLMi, 1642ZWLMi, 1644ZWLMi), Model ZL9Aspire 1650 Series (1652WLMi, 1654WLMi), Model ZL8Aspire 1650Z Series (1652ZWLMi, 1654ZWLMi), Model ZL9Aspire 1670 Series (1672WLCi), Model LW80Aspire 1680 Series (1681LCi, 1681LMi, 1681WLCi, 1681WLMi, 1682WLMi, 1681WFLM, 1681WFLCi, 1681WNLC, 1681WNLM, 1684WLMi, 1685WLMi), Model ZL1Aspire 1690 Series (1690WLMi, 1690LCi, 1690WLCi, 1691WLCi, 1691WLMi, 1692WLMi, 1694WLMi), Model ZL2/ZL3Aspire 1800 Series (1801WSCi, 1801WSM, 1801WSMi, 1802WSM, 1802WSMi), Model CQ60 Aspire 2000 Series (2001LCi, 2002LCi, 2002LMi, 2003LMi, 2001WLC, 2001WLM, 2003WLM, 2001WLCi, 2001WLMi, 2002WLCi, 2002WLMi, 2003WLMi), Model CL32/DCL32Aspire 2010 Series (2012WLCi, 2012WLMi), Model FL32/DFL32Aspire 2020 Series (2023WLMi, 2025WLMi), Model FL32/DFL32Aspire 3000 Series (3002LC, 3002LCi, 3002LM, 3002LMi, 3002NLC, 3002NLCi, 3002NWLCi, 3002WLCi, 3002WLMi, 3003WCi, 3003WLCi, 3003WLMi, 3004WLCi, 3004WLMi), Model ZL5Aspire 3020 Series (3020LMi, 3020WLMi, 3021WLMi, 3022LMi, 3022WLM, 3022WLMi, 3023LMi, 3023WLM, 3023WLMi, 3025WLM, 3025WLMi), Model MS2171Aspire 3030 Series (3032WLM, 3032WLMi, 3034WXMi), Model FL52Aspire 3040 Series (3042LMi, 3044WLMi, 3045WLMi), Model MS2171Aspire 3050 Series (3050-1142, 3050-1494, 3050-1535, 3050-1547, 3050-1579, 3050-1594, 3050-1710, 3050-1787, 3050-1800, 3050-1854, 3050-1894, 3050-1908, 3050-1946), Model ZR3 Aspire 3100 Series (3102NWLMi), Model BL51/HCW50/51Aspire 3500 Series (3502LCi, 3502NLCi, 3502NLCi, 3503LCi, 3503WLCi), Model ZL6Aspire 3510 Series, Model ZL3Aspire 3600 Series (3603WXCi), Model FL50/EFL50Aspire 3610 Series (3612LCi, 3613LCi, 3613WLCi, 3613WLMi), Model MS2177Aspire 3620 Series (3623NWXMi, 3623WLCi, 3623WLMi, 3623WXCi, 3623WXCi, 3624WXCi, 3624WXMi), Model MS2180Aspire 3630 Series (3634LMi, 3634WLMi), Model ZL6Aspire 3640 Series (AS3641WXMi), Model MS2180Aspire 3650 Series (AS3651WLMi), Model BL52Aspire 3660 Series (3660-2073, 3660-2209, 3660-2248, 3660-2314, 3660-2438, 3660-2501, 3660-2552, 3660-2662, 3660-2713, 3660-2728, 3661WLMi), Model ZB3Aspire 3670 Series (3670WXMi), Model MS2180Aspire 3680 Series (3680-2108, 3680-2233, 3680-2301, 3680-2513, 3680-2626, 3680-2974), Model ZR1 ONLY, not for ZB2Aspire 3690 Series (3690-2009, 3690-2032, 3690-2070, 3690-2083, 3690-2087, 3690-2119,3690-2138, 3690-2139, 3690-2150, 3690-2173, 3690-2208, 3690-2268, 3690-2306, 3690-2363, 3690-2408, 3690-2430, 3690-2436, 3690-2468, 3690-2481, 3690-2485, 3690-2510, 3690-2513, 3690-2518, 3690-2522, 3690-2524, 3690-2612, 3690-2639, 3690-2654, 3690-2662, 3690-2693, 3690-2711, 3690-2813, 3690-2819, 3690-2848, 3690-2861, 3690-2862, 3690-2875, 3690-2906, 3690-2922, 3690-2949, 3690-2955, 3690-2983), Model BL50, HBL50/HBL51Aspire 4220 Series, Model Z03Aspire 4220G Series, Model Z03Aspire 4310 Series (4310NWXCi, 4310-300508Mi, 4310-300512Mi, 4310-400508Mi, 4310-400512Mi), Model MS2219Aspire 4320 Series (4320-050507Mi, 4320-050512Mi, 4320-100508, 4320-101G12, 4320-300512Mi), Model Z01Aspire 4520 Series (4520-2A0508, 4520-300512, 4520-301G12, 4520-400512Mi, 4520-5A0508, 4520-5582, 4520-5803, 4520NWXMi), Model Z03Aspire 4520G Series (4520G-100108, 4520G-301G16, 4520G-401G16Mi, 4520G-404G16Mi), Model Z03Aspire 4710 Series (4710NWXMi, 4710-2013, 4710-101G12, 4710-101G16, 4710-3A0512, 4710-4A1G12), Model MS2219Aspire 4710Z Series (4710Z NWXMi, 4710Z WXMi, 4710Z-3A0508, 4710Z-3A0512Mi), Model MS2219Aspire 4720 Series (4720-2013, 4720-4825, 4720-1A1G12, 4720-1A0512, 4720-301G16, 4720-3A2G12Mi), Model Z01Aspire 4720G Series (4720G-3A1G16Mi, 4720G-302G16Mi), Model Z01Aspire 4720Z Series (4720ZNWXMi, 4720Z-1A1G08Mi, 4720Z-2A0516Mi), Model Z01Aspire 4920 Series (4920WXMi, 4920-301G16), Model MS2219Aspire 4920G Series (4920G-101G16, 4920G-301G16N, 4920G-302G16, 4920G-3A2G25Mn), Model MS2219Aspire 5020 Series (5020LCi, 5020LMi, 5021LCi, 5021LMi, 5021NWLCi, 5021WLCi, 5021WLM, 5021WLMi, 5022NWLMi, 5022WLM, 5022WLMi, 5023WLMi, 5024LMi, 5024WLCi), Model MS2171Aspire 5030 Series (5030WXMi, 5032WLM, 5032WLMi, 5032WXMi, 5033WLC, 5033WLCi, 5033WLM, 5033WLMi, 5033WXMi, 5034WLM, 5034WLMi, 5034WXMi), Model FL52Aspire 5040 Series (5043WLMi, 5044WLMi), Model MS2171Aspire 5050 Series (5050-3242, 5050-3465, 5050-3564, 5050-5172, 5050-5374, 5050-5410, 5050-5554, 5050-5555, 5050-5574, 5050-5827, 5050-5951), Model ZR3Aspire 5100 Series (5101A WLMi, 5102WLMi), Model BL51/HCW50/51Aspire 5110 Series (5112WLMi), Model BL51/HCW50/51Aspire 5220 Series (5220-201G16Mi, 5220-050508Mi ,5220-050512), Model ICW50Aspire 5220G Series (5220G-201G12Mi, 5220G-201G16Mi), Model ICW50Aspire 5310 Series (5310-2153, 5310-301G08Mi, 5310-301G12Mi), Model JDW50Aspire 5310G Series, Model JDW50Aspire 5320 Series (5320-2180, 5320-051G12Mi, 5320-101G12Mi), Model ICL50Aspire 5320G Series, Model ICL50Aspire 5500 Series (5502ZWXCi, 5502ZWXMi), Model FL50/EFL50Aspire 5500Z Series (5502ZWXCi, 5502ZWXMi), Model FL50/EFL50Aspire 5510 Series (5512WLMi, 5513EWLM, 5513EWLMi, 5513WLMi, 5514WLMi), Model ZL7Aspire 5520 Series (5520-5147, 5520-5334, 5520-5912, 5520-5A2G16), Model ICW50Aspire 5520G Series (5520G-402G16Mi, 5520G-403G25, 5520G-604G25Bi, 5520G-7A2G16Mi), Model ICW50Aspire 5540 Series (5542NWXC, 5542NWXCi, 5542NWXM, 5542NWXMi, 5542WXC, 5542WXCi, 5542WXM, 5542WXMi, 5543NWXCi, 5543NWXMi, 5543WXCi, 5543WXMi), Model MS2180Aspire 5550 Series (5550NWMi, 5550WXMi, 5551NWXMi, 5551WXMi, 5552NWXCi, 5552NWXMi, 5552WXCi, 5552WXMi, 5553NWXCi, 5553NWXMi, 5553WXMi), Model MS2180Aspire 5560 Series (5560A WLMi, 5560A WXMi, 5560WXCi, 5560WXMi, 5561AWLMi, 5561A WXMi, 5561WXMi, 5562A WXMi, 5563NWLMi, 5563NWXMi, 5563WLMi, 5563WXMi, 5564WXMi), Model MS2180Aspire 5570 Series (5570-4174, 5570-4285, 5570-4581, 5570-4765), Model ZR1Aspire 5570Z Series (5570-2016, 5570-2018, 5570-2087, 5570-2094, 5570-2118, 5570-2163, 5570-2164, 5570-2197, 5570-2214, 5570-2219, 5570-2223, 5570-2364, 5570-2405, 5570-2429, 5570-2493, 5570-2504, 5570-2565, 5570-2569, 5570-2609, 5570-2624, 5570-2656, 5570-2731, 5570-2746, 5570-2751, 5570-2758, 5570-2773, 5570-2792, 5570-2846, 5570-2852, 5570-2935, 5570-2937, 5570-2941, 5570-2947, 5570-2948, 5570-2960, 5570-2961, 5570-2985, 5570-2998), Model ZR1Aspire 5580 Series (5583WXMi, 5584WXMi, 5585WXMi), Model ZR1Aspire 5590 Series (5593NWXMi, 5593WXMi, 5594NWXMi, 5594WXCi, 5594WXMi), Model MS2180Aspire 5600 Series (5600A WLMi, 5601A WLMi, 5602WLMi), Model ZB2Aspire 5610 Series (5612WLMi, 5613WLMi), Model BL50Aspire 5610Z Series (5610-2013, 5610-2225, 5610-2273, 5610-2328, 5610-2381, 5610-2556, 5610-2714, 5610-2759, 5610-2933), Model BL50Aspire 5630 Series (5630-6002, 5630-6091, 5630-6124, 5630-6173, 5630-6197, 5630-6254, 5630-6296, 5630-6298, 5630-6317, 5630-6436, 5630-6444, 5630-6655, 5630-6670, 5630-6679, 5630-6803, 5630-6806, 5630-6833, 5630-6891, 5630-6895, 5630-6943), Model BL50, HBL50/HBL51Aspire 5650 Series (5652WLMi), Model BL50Aspire 5670 Series (5672WLMi), Model ZB1Aspire 5680 Series (5680-6001, 5680-6123, 5680-6517, 5680-6560, 5683WLMi), Model BL50, HBL50/HBL51Aspire 5710 Series (5710WLMi, 5710-102G16Mi, 5710-2A2G16Mi, ), Model JDW50Aspire 5710G Series (5710G-101G16, 5710G-4A1, 5710G-4A2G16Mi), Model JDW50Aspire 5720 Series (5720-6183, 5720-6389, 5720-6497, 5720-6683), Model ICL50Aspire 5720G Series (5720G-1A2G16Mi, 5720G-102G16N, 5720G-3A2G16Mn, 5720G-302G16), Model ICL50Aspire 5910 Series, Model MS2221Aspire 5910G Series, Model MS2221Aspire 5920 Series (5920-6313, 5920-6582, 5920-6661, 5920-6820), Model ZD1Aspire 5920G Series (5920G-102G16, 5920G-302G16Mi, 5920G-302G25Hi), Model ZD1Aspire 7100 Series (7103EWSMi, 7104WSMi), Model MS2195Aspire 7110 Series (7110-2369), Model MS2195Aspire 7220 Series (7720-4428, 7220-101G08 , 7220-201G12Mi), Model ICY70Aspire 7220G Series (7720g-2920), Model ICY70Aspire 7520 Series (7520-5115, 7520-5638, 7520G-402G32Mi, 7520-502G32), Model ICY70 Aspire 7520G Series (7520G-302G16Mi, 7520G-402G16Mi, 7520G-6A2G12Mi), Model ICY70 Aspire 7720 Series (7720-4428, 7720-6155), Model ICK70Aspire 7720G Series (7720G-301G25, 7720G-602G32N, 7720G-702G25Mn), Model ICK70Aspire 7720Z Series (7720Z-1A2G16Mi, 7720G-302G32Hi), Model ICK70Aspire 9120 Series, Model BQ60Aspire 9300 Series (9300-5024, 9300-5197, 9300-5317, 9301A WSMi), Model MS2195Aspire 9400 Series (9402WSMi, 9404WSMi), Model MS2195Aspire 9410 Series (9411A WSMi), Model MS2195Aspire 9410Z Series (9410ZWLMi, 9412ZWLMi), Model MS2195Aspire 9420 Series (9423WSMi), Model MS2195Aspire 9500 Series (9502WSMi, 9503EWSMi), Model DQ70Aspire 9510 Series (9512WSMi, 9513WLMi, 9513WSMi, 9514WSMi, 9515WSMi), Model MS2196Aspire 9520 Series (9520WSMi, 9523WSMi, 9524WSMi, 9525WSMi), Model MS2196Aspire 9800 Series (9804WKMi, 9805WKHi), Model LA01Aspire 9810 Series (9810-6393, 9810-6891, 9810-6936, 9810-6994), Model LA01Aspire 9920 Series (9920-6743), Model LA01Aspire 9920G Series (9920G-302G32MN, 9920G-602G50HN), Model LA01Acer TravelMate SeriesTravelMate 2200 Series (2201LC, 2200LCi, 2201WLC, 2201XC, 2203LC, 2203WLC), Model LW80TravelMate 2300 Series (2301LC, 2301LCi, 2301WLCi, 2301XC, 2303LC, 2303LCi, 2303WLCi, 2304LCi, 2304WLCi), Model ZL1TravelMate 2310 Series (2312LCi, 2312WLCi, 2312WLMi, 2313LCi, 2313WLCi), Model ZL6 TravelMate 2400 Series (2403WXCi), Model FL50/EFL50TravelMate 2410 Series (2412LCi, 2413LCi, 2413NLCi, 2413WLMi), Model MS2177TravelMate 2420 Series (2423WXCi, 2423WXMi, 2423NWXCi, 2424WXCi, 2424WXMi, 2424NWXCi), Model MS2180TravelMate 2430 Series (2434WLMi), Model ZL6TravelMate 2440 Series (2441WXCi), Model MS2180TravelMate 2450 Series (2451WLCi), Model BL52TravelMate 2460 Series, Model ZB3TravelMate 2470 Series, Model MS2180TravelMate 2480 Series (2480-2022, 2480-2095, 2480-2106, 2480-2129, 2480-2247, 2480-2282, 2480-2352, 2480-2524, 2480-2598, 2480-2645, 2480-2705, 2480-2762, 2480-2766, 2480-2835, 2480-2918, 2480-2991, 2480-2923, 2480-2943, 2481WXCi), Model ZR1 ONLY, not for ZB2TravelMate 2490 Series (2491WLMi, 2492WLMi), Model BL50TravelMate 2700 Series (2701WLC, 2701WLCi), Model LW80TravelMate 3000 Series (3000WTCi), Model ZH1TravelMate 3010 Series (3012WTMi), Model ZH2TravelMate 3020 Series (3022WTMi)TravelMate 3030 Series (3032WTMi, 3033NWTCi, 3034NWTCi, 3035NWTCi, 3036NWTMi, 3037NWTMi) Model ZH5TravelMate 3040 Series (3043WTCi, 3043NWTMi, 3043WTMi, 3043WTNi, 3044WTMi, 3045WTCi, 3046WTCi, 3047WTMi), Model ZH5TravelMate 3200 Series (3201XCi, 3201XMi, 3202XCi, 3202XMi), Model ZA1TravelMate 3210 Series (3212WXCi), Model FL50/EFL50TravelMate 3210Z Series, Model FL50TravelMate 3220 Series (3222WXMi, 3224WXMi), Model FL50/EFL50TravelMate 3230 Series, Model FL50TravelMate 3240 Series, Model MS2180TravelMate 3250 Series, Model MS2180TravelMate 3260 Series (3260-4192, 3260-4653, 3260-4853, 3260-4874), Model ZR1 TravelMate 3270 Series (3270-6066, 3270-6098, 3270-6111, 3270-6130, 3270-6149, 3270-6166, 3270-6199, 3270-6288, 3270-6311, 3270-6410, 3270-6462, 3270-6476, 3270-6569, 3270-6597, 3270-6607, 3270-6709, 3270-6738), Model ZR1TravelMate 3280 Series, Model MS2180TravelMate 3290 Series, Model MS2180TravelMate 3300 Series, Model MS2181TravelMate 4000 Series (4000LCi, 4000WLCi, 4001LCi, 4001WLCi, 4001WLMi, 4002WLMi), Model ZL1TravelMate 4010 Series (4011LCi, 4011WLCi, 4011WLMi), Model ZL1TravelMate 4020 Series (4021LCi, 4021WLMi), Model ZL3TravelMate 4060 Series (4061NWLCi, 4061WLCi, 4061WLMi, 4062WLCi, 4062WLMi, 4064WLMi), Model ZL8TravelMate 4070 Series (4072LCi, 4072LMi, 4072WLCi, 4702WLMi, 4074WLMi), Model ZL9TravelMate 4080 Series (4082WLMi), Model ZL9TravelMate 4100 Series (4100WLMi, 4101WLMi, 4102WLMi), Model ZL2/ZL3TravelMate 4150 Series (4150LCi, 4151LCi, 4151LMi, 4151NLC, 4152LCi, 4152LMi, 4152NLCi, 4152NLMi), Model DL00/EDL00TravelMate 4200 Series (4202WLMi), Model BL50TravelMate 4210 Series, Model ZB1TravelMate 4220 Series (4222WLMi), Model ZB2TravelMate 4230 Series (4233WLMi, 4234WLMi, 4235WLMi), Model BL50TravelMate 4260 Series, Model BL50TravelMate 4270 Series, Model ZB1TravelMate 4280 Series (4283WLMi, 4284WLMi, 4285WLMi), Model BL50TravelMate 4320 Series, Model MS2204TravelMate 4400 Series (4402WLMi), Model MS2171TravelMate 4500 Series (4501WLMi), Model ZL1TravelMate 4600 Series (4601LCi, 4601LMi, 4601WLMi, 4601WNLCi, 4602LCi, 4602WLMi, 4603WLMi, 4604WLMi), Model ZL2/ZL3TravelMate 4650 Series (4651LCi, 4651LMi, 4652LCi, 4652LMi, 4652NLMi, 4654LMi), Model DL00/EDL00TravelMate 4670 Series (4672LMi, 4672WLMi, 4674WLMi), Model ZB1TravelMate 4720 Series, Model MS2204TravelMate 5100 Series (5103WSMi), Model MS2195TravelMate 5110 Series, Model MS2195TravelMate 5210 Series, Model BL51/HCW50/51TravelMate 5310 Series, Model MS2205TravelMate 5320 Series, Model MS2205TravelMate 5510 Series (5514WLMi, 5515WLMi), Model BL51TravelMate 5600 Series (5602WSMi, 5604WSMi), Model MS2195TravelMate 5610 Series (5612WSMi), Model MS2195TravelMate 5620 Series, Model MS2195TravelMate 5710 Series, Model MS2205TravelMate 5720 Series, Model MS2205TravelMate 6231 Series, Model ZU1/ZU2TravelMate 6291 Series, Model ZU1/ZU2TravelMate 6292 Series, Model ZU1/ZU2TravelMate 6410 Series (6410-6189, 6410-6221, 6410-6336, 6410-6729, 6410-6826, 6413WLMi), Model LB1TravelMate 6460 Series (6460-6752, 6465WLMi), Model LB1TravelMate 6492 Series, Model LC1TravelMate 6492G Series, Model LC1TravelMate 6500 Series, Model ZB4TravelMate 6592 Series, Model LD1TravelMate 6592g Series, Model LD1TravelMate 7220 Series, Model MS2209TravelMate 7220G Series, Model MS2209TravelMate 7320 Series, Model MS2206TravelMate 7520 Series, Model MS2209TravelMate 7520G Series, Model MS2209TravelMate 7720 Series, Model MS2206TravelMate 7720G Series, Model MS2206TravelMate 8100 Series (8103WLMi, 8104WLMi), Model ZF1TravelMate 8200 Series (8202WLMi, 8204WLMi), Model ZC1TravelMate 8210 Series, Model ZC1TravelMate C200 Series (C203ETCi, C204TMi), Model ZE1TravelMate C210 Series (C210-6169, C210-6733, C213TMi, C215TMi), Model ZE2TravelMate C310 Series (C312XCi, C314XCi, C314XMi), Model MS2161Acer Extensa SeriesExtensa 3100 Series (3100WLCi, 3100WLMi, 3101WLMi, 3102NWLMi, 3102WLCi, 3102WLMi, 3102WXMi, 3103NWLMi, 3103WLCi, 3103WLMi, 3104WLMi), Model MS2181Extensa 5010 Series, Model BL51/HCW50/51Extensa 5210 Series, Model MS2205Extensa 5220 Series, Model MS2205Extensa 5410 Series, Model BL51/HCW50/51Extensa 5610 Series, Model MS2205。
EETHC1C473LJ中文资料(panasonic)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
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新SFI台湾立昌 (2)
US3DF 200 3 100 1 3 5 300 75 SMAF
US3GF 400 3 100 1.4 3 5 300 75 SMAF
US3JF 600 3 100 1.7 3 5 300 75 SMAF
US3KF 800 3 100 1.7 3 5 300 75 SMAF
B0540W 400 40 350 5 30 0.37 20 10 SOD-123[1206]
B5817W 250 20 1000 1000 20 0.75 3000 SOD-123[1206]
B5818W 250 30 1000 1000 30 0.875 3000 SOD-123[1206]
B5817W 250 20 1000 625 1000 20 0.45 1000 SOD-123[1206]
B5819W 250 40 1000 625 1000 40 0.6 1000 SOD-123[1206]
FM102H 600 20 1000 625 1000 20 0.45 1000 SOD-123[1206]
ES3AF 50 3 100 1 3 5 200 35 SMAF
ES3BF 100 3 100 1 3 5 200 35 SMAF
ES3CF 150 3 100 1 3 5 200 35 SMAF
ES3DF 200 3 100 1 3 5 200 35 SMAF
ES3EF 300 3 100 1.25 3 5 200 35 SMAF
B5819W 250 40 1000 1000 40 0.9 3000 SOD-123[1206]
BAT42W 200 30 200 0.5 25 0.65 50 5 SOD-123[1206]
产品范围130型 文氏流量计型流量平衡阀,螺纹连接型 口径 :DN 15 (1/2"), DN 20 (3/4"), DN 25 (1"), DN 32 (1 1/4"), DN 40 (1 1/2"), DN 50 (2")130 型 流量平衡阀,法兰连接型 口径:DN 65, DN 80, DN 100, DN 125, DN 150, DN 200, DN 250, DN 300130型 文氏流量计型平衡阀配套保温壳保温壳的构造特征材质材质: PE-X 密封发泡厚度: 15 mm 密度: -内部:30 kg/m3 -外部:80 kg/m3导热系数(ISO2581): - 0℃:0.038 W/(m•K)- 40℃: 0.045 W/(m•K)湿阻因子(DIN52615): >1,300工作温度范围: 0~100℃防火等级(DIN4102): B2级尺寸图130060 130080 130100 130120 1301501315.5213245 ADN 65DN 80DN 100DN 125DN 150B290310350400480C225235245350380130200 130250 130300115160210 DN 200DN 250DN 300600730850480525535编号重量 (kg)系统平衡的优点经过流量平衡的系统其主要优点如下:1. 系统的末端在供暖、制冷及除湿状态下正常工作,不会造成能源浪费,舒适度得到保证。
LM4731Stereo 25W Audio Power Amplifier with Mute and Standby ModesGeneral DescriptionThe LM4731is a stereo audio amplifier capable of delivering typically 25W per channel of continuous average output power into a 4Ωor 8Ωload with less than 10%THD+N from 20Hz -20kHz.Each amplifier has an independent smooth transition fade-in/out mute and a power conserving standby mode which can be controlled by external logic.The LM4731has short circuit protection and a thermal shut down feature that is activated when the die temperature exceeds 150˚C.The LM4731also has a under voltage lock out feature for click and pop free power off and on.The LM4731has a wide operating supply range from +/-10V -+/-28V allowing for lower cost unregulated power supplies to be used.Key Specificationsj Output Power into 4Ωor 8Ω,10%THD+N 25W (typ)j THD+N at 1kHz with 2x 1W into 8Ω0.02%(typ)j Mute Attenuation85dB (typ)j PSRR with f RIPPLE =120Hz,V RIPPLE =1V RMS50dB (typ)j Slew Rate18V/µs (typ)j Standby Current (+/-22V)4.8mA (typ)Featuresn Minimal amount of external components necessary n Quiet fade-in/out mute mode n Low current Standby-modeApplicationsn Audio amplifier for high-end stereo TVs n Audio amplifier for component stereo n Audio amplifier for compact stereon Audio amplifier for PC satellite speaker systems n Audioamplifierforself powered speakersConnection DiagramsPlastic PackageTO-220Top Marking (Note 12)20060352Top ViewNon-Isolated Package Order Number LM4731TA See NS Package Number TA15A20060375Top ViewU -Wafer Fab Code Z -Assembly Plant CodeXY -Date Code TT -Die Traceability LM4731TA -LM4731TAJuly 2003LM4731Stereo 25W Audio Power Amplifier with Mute and Standby Modes©2003National Semiconductor Corporation Typical Application20060353FIGURE 1.Typical Audio Amplifier Application CircuitL M 4731 2Absolute Maximum Ratings(Notes1, 2)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications.Supply Voltage|V+|+|V-|56V Common Mode Input Voltage V+or V-Differential Input Voltage56V Output Current Internally Limited Power Dissipation(Note3)50W ESD Susceptability(Note4) 2.0kV ESD Susceptability(Note6)250V Junction Temperature(T JMAX)(Note9)150˚CSoldering InformationT Package(10sec.)260˚C Storage Temperature−40˚C to+150˚C Thermal ResistanceθJA(TA)43˚C/W θJC(TA) 1.5˚C/W Operating Ratings(Notes1,2) Temperature RangeT MIN≤T A≤T MAX−20˚C≤T A≤+85˚C Supply Voltage|V+|+|V-|20V≤V TOTAL≤56VElectrical Characteristics(Notes1,2)The following specifications apply for V+=+22V,V-=−22V and R L=8Ωunless otherwise specified.Limits apply for T A= 25˚C.Symbol Parameter Conditions LM4731Units(Limits)Typical Limit(Note6)(Notes7,8)|V+|+|V-|Power Supply Voltage(Note10)GND−V-≥9V2056V(min) V(max)A M Mute Attenuation85dBP O Output Power(RMS)THD+N=10%(max),f=1kHz|V+|=|V-|=18V,R L=4Ω|V+|=|V-|=22V,R L=8Ω25252022W(min)W(min) THD+N=1%(max),f=1kHz|V+|=|V-|=18V,R L=4Ω|V+|=|V-|=22V,R L=8Ω20201818W(min)W(min)THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion+NoiseP O=1W,f=1kHzA V=26dB,|V+|=|V-|=18V,R L=4Ω|V+|=|V-|=22V,R L=8Ω0. talk Channel Separation P O=10Wf=1kHzf=10kHz6560dBdBSR Slew Rate(Note11)V IN=2.0V p-p,t rise=2ns18V/µsI DD Total Quiescent Power SupplyCurrent V CM=0V,V O=0V,I O=0AStandby off(Play Mode)Standby on(Standby Mode)954.81106mA(max)mA(max)V OS Input Offset Voltage V CM=0V,I O=0mA 2.015mV(max)I B Input Bias Current V CM=0V,I O=0mA0.2µAPSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio V RIPPLE=1V RMS,f RIPPLE=120Hz sinewaveInputs terminated to GND50dBA VOL Open Loop Voltage Gain R L=2kΩ,∆V O=20V110dBe IN Input Noise IHF—A-Weighting Filter 2.08µV(max)R IN=600Ω(Input Referred)StandbyV IL Standby Low Input Voltage Not in Standby Mode(Play)0.8V(max)V IH Standby High Input Voltage In Standby Mode 2.0 2.5V(min)MuteLM47313Electrical Characteristics (Notes 1,2)(Continued)The following specifications apply for V +=+22V,V -=−22V and R L =8Ωunless otherwise specified.Limits apply for T A =25˚C.SymbolParameterConditionsLM4731Units (Limits)Typical Limit (Note 6)(Notes 7,8)V IL Mute Low Input Voltage Not in Mute Mode (Play)0.8V (max)V IHMute High Input VoltageIn Mute Mode2.02.5V (min)Note 1:All voltages are measured with respect to the ground pin,unless otherwise specified.Note 2:Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional,but do not guarantee specific performance limits.Electrical Characteristics state DC and AC electrical specifications under particular test conditions which guarantee specific performance limits.This assumes that the device is within the Operating Ratings.Specifications are not guaranteed for parameters where no limit is given.However,the typical value is a good indication of a device’s performance.Note 3:The maximum power dissipation must be de-rated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by T JMAX ,θJC ,and the ambient temperature T A .The maximum allowable power dissipation is P DMAX =(T JMAX -T A )/θJC or the number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings,whichever is lower.For the LM4731,T JMAX =150˚C and the typical θJC is 1.5˚C/W for the TA15A package .Refer to the Thermal Considerations section for more information.Note 4:Human body model,100pF discharged through a 1.5k Ωresistor.Note 5:Machine Model:a 220pF -240pF discharged through all pins.Note 6:Typical specifications are sepcified at 25˚C and represent the parametric norm.Note 7:Tested limits are guaranteed to National’s AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level).Note 8:Datasheet min/max specification limits are guaranteed by design,test,or statistical analysis.Note 9:The operating junction temperature maximum is 150˚C.However,the instantaneous Safe Operating Area temperature is 250˚C.Note 10:V -must have at least -9V at its pin with reference to GND in order for the under-voltage protection circuitry to be disabled.In addition,the voltage differential between V +and V -must be greater than 14V.Note 11:The feedback compensation network limits the bandwidth of the closed-loop response causing the skew rate to be reduced by the high frequency roll-off.Without feedback compensation the slew rate is typically larger.Note 12:The LM4731TA package TA15A is a non-isolated package setting the tab of the device and the heat sink to V-potential when the LM4731TA is directly mounted to the heat sink using only thermal compound.If a mica washer is used in addition to thermal compound,θCS (case to sink)is increased,but the heat sink will be electrically isolated from V-.Bridged Amplifier Application Circuit20060305FIGURE 2.Bridged Amplifier Application CircuitL M 4731 4Single Supply Application CircuitNote:*Optional components dependent upon specific design requirements.Auxiliary Amplifier Application Circuit20060306FIGURE 3.Single Supply Amplifier Application Circuit20060307FIGURE 4.Special Audio Amplifier Application CircuitLM47315External Components Description(See Figures 1-4)Components Functional Description1R BPrevents currents from entering the amplifier’s non-inverting input which may be passed through to the load upon power down of the system due to the low input impedance of the circuitry when the undervoltage circuitry is off.This phenomenon occurs when the supply voltages are below 1.5V.2R i Inverting input resistance to provide AC gain in conjunction with R f .3R fFeedback resistance to provide AC gain in conjunction with R i .4C i(Note 13)Feedback capacitor which ensures unity gain at DC.Also creates a highpass filter with R i at f C =1/(2πR i C i ).5C SProvides power supply filtering and bypassing.Refer to the Supply Bypassing application section for proper placement and selection of bypass capacitors.6R V(Note 13)Acts as a volume control by setting the input voltage level.7R IN(Note 13)Sets the amplifier’s input terminals DC bias point when C IN is present in the circuit.Also works with C IN to create a highpass filter at f C =1/(2πR IN C IN ).Refer to Figure 4.8C IN(Note 13)Input capacitor which blocks the input signal’s DC offsets from being passed onto the amplifier’s inputs.9R SN(Note 13)Works with C SN to stabilize the output stage by creating a pole that reduces high frequency instabilities.10C SN(Note 13)Works with R SN to stabilize the output stage by creating a pole that reduces high frequency instabilities.The pole is set at f C =1/(2πR SN C SN ).Refer to Figure 4.11L (Note 13)Provides high impedance at high frequencies so that R may decouple a highly capacitive load and reduce the Q of the series resonant circuit.Also provides a low impedance at low frequencies to short out R and pass audio signals to the load.Refer to Figure 4.12R (Note 13)13R A Provides DC voltage biasing for the transistor Q1in single supply operation.14C AProvides bias filtering for single supply operation.15R INP(Note 13)Limits the voltage difference between the amplifier’s inputs for single supply operation.Refer to the Clicks and Pops application section for a more detailed explanation of the function of R INP .16R BI Provides input bias current for single supply operation.Refer to the Clicks and Pops application section for a more detailed explanation of the function of R BI .17R EEstablishes a fixed DC current for the transistor Q1in single supply operation.This resistor stabilizes the half-supply point along with C A .Note 13:Optional components dependent upon specific design requirements.L M 4731 6Typical Performance CharacteristicsSupply Current vs Supply VoltagePSRR vs Frequency±22V,VRIPPLE=1V RMS,R L=8Ω,80kHz BW 2006036820060365THD+N vs Frequency ±18V,PO=1W/Channel, R L=4Ω,80kHz BWTHD+N vs Frequency±22V,PO=1W/Channel,R L=8Ω,80kHz BW 2006036920060370THD+N vs Output Power±18V,RL =4Ω,80kHz BWTHD+N vs Output Power±22V,RL=8Ω,80kHz BW2006037120060372LM47317Typical Performance Characteristics(Continued)Output Power vs Supply Voltagef =1kHz,R L =4Ω,80kHz BWOutput Power vs Supply Voltagef =1kHz,R L =8Ω,80kHz BW2006036320060364Power Dissipation vsOutput Power1%THD (max),R L =4Ω,80kHz BW Power Dissipation vsOutput Power1%THD (max),R L =8Ω,80kHz BW2006036120060362Crosstalk vs Frequency±18V,P O =10W,R L =4Ω,80kHz BW Crosstalk vs Frequency±22V,P O =10W,R L =8Ω,80kHz BW2006037320060374L M 4731 8Typical Performance Characteristics(Continued)Mute Attenuation vs Mute Pin Voltage ±22V,P O =1W,R L =8Ω,80kHz BWStandby Attenuation vs Standby Pin Voltage ±22V,P O =1W,R L =8Ω,80kHz BW2006036020060366Supply Current vs Standby Pin Voltage±22V20060367LM47319Application InformationMUTE MODEBy placing a logic-high voltage on the mute pins,the signal going into the amplifiers will be muted.If the mute pins are left floating or connected to a logic-low voltage,the amplifi-ers will be in a non-muted state.There are two mute pins,one for each amplifier,so that one channel can be muted without muting the other if the application requires such a configuration.Refer to the Typical Performance Character-istics section for curves concerning Mute Attenuation vs Mute Pin Voltage.STANDBY MODEThe standby mode of the LM4731allows the user to drasti-cally reduce power consumption when the amplifiers are idle.By placing a logic-high voltage on the standby pins,the amplifiers will go into Standby Mode.In this mode,the current drawn from the V CC supply is typically less than 10µA total for both amplifiers.The current drawn from the V EE supply is typically 4.8mA.Clearly,there is a significant re-duction in idle power consumption when using the standby mode.There are two Standby pins,so that one channel can be put in standby mode without putting the other amplifier in standby if the application requires such flexibility.Refer to the Typical Performance Characteristics section for curves showing Supply Current vs.Standby Pin Voltage for both supplies.UNDER-VOLTAGE PROTECTIONUpon system power-up,the under-voltage protection cir-cuitry allows the power supplies and their corresponding capacitors to come up close to their full values before turning on the LM4731such that no DC output spikes occur.Upon turn-off,the output of the LM4731is brought to ground before the power supplies such that no transients occur at power-down.OVER-VOLTAGE PROTECTIONThe LM4731contains over-voltage protection circuitry that limits the output current while also providing voltage clamp-ing,though not through internal clamping diodes.The clamp-ing effect is quite the same,however,the output transistors are designed to work alternately by sinking large current spikes.THERMAL PROTECTIONThe LM4731has a sophisticated thermal protection scheme to prevent long-term thermal stress of the device.When the temperature on the die exceeds150˚C,the LM4731shuts down.It starts operating again when the die temperature drops to about 145˚C,but if the temperature again begins to rise,shutdown will occur again above 150˚C.Therefore,the device is allowed to heat up to a relatively high temperature if the fault condition is temporary,but a sustained fault will cause the device to cycle in a Schmitt Trigger fashion be-tween the thermal shutdown temperature limits of 150˚C and 145˚C.This greatly reduces the stress imposed on the IC by thermal cycling,which in turn improves its reliability under sustained fault conditions.Since the die temperature is directly dependent upon the heat sink used,the heat sink should be chosen such that thermal shutdown will not be reached during normal ing the best heat sink possible within the cost andspace constraints of the system will improve the long-term reliability of any power semiconductor device,as discussed in the Determining the Correct Heat Sink Section.DETERMlNlNG MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION Power dissipation within the integrated circuit package is a very important parameter requiring a thorough understand-ing if optimum power output is to be obtained.An incorrect maximum power dissipation calculation may result in inad-equate heat sinking causing thermal shutdown and thus limiting the output power.Equation (1)exemplifies the theoretical maximum power dissipation point of each amplifier where V CC is the total supply voltage.P DMAX =V CC 2/2π2R L (1)Thus by knowing the total supply voltage and rated outputload,the maximum power dissipation point can be calcu-lated.The package dissipation is twice the number which results from equation (1)since there are two amplifiers in each LM4731.Refer to the graphs of Power Dissipation versus Output Power in the Typical Performance Charac-teristics section which show the actual full range of power dissipation not just the maximum theoretical point that re-sults from equation (1).DETERMINING THE CORRECT HEAT SINKThe choice of a heat sink for a high-power audio amplifier is made entirely to keep the die temperature at a level such that the thermal protection circuitry does not operate under normal circumstances.The thermal resistance from the die (junction)to the outside air (ambient)is a combination of three thermal resistances,θJC ,θCS ,and θSA .In addition,the thermal resistance,θJC (junction to case),of the LM4731TA is 1.5˚C/ing Ther-malloy Thermacote thermal compound,the thermal resis-tance,θCS (case to sink),is about 0.2˚C/W.Since convection heat flow (power dissipation)is analogous to current flow,thermal resistance is analogous to electrical resistance,and temperature drops are analogous to voltage drops,the power dissipation out of the LM4731is equal to the following:P DMAX =(T JMAX −T AMB )/θJA(2)where T JMAX =150˚C,T AMB is the system ambient tempera-ture and θJA =θJC +θCS +θSA .Once the maximum package power dissipation has been calculated using equation (1),the maximum thermal resis-tance,θSA ,(heat sink to ambient)in ˚C/W for a heat sink can be calculated.This calculation is made using equation (3)which is derived by solving for θSA in equation (2).θSA =[(T JMAX −T AMB )−P DMAX (θJC +θCS )]/P DMAX (3)Again it must be noted that the value of θSA is dependent upon the system designer’s amplifier requirements.If the ambient temperature that the audio amplifier is to be working under is higher than 25˚C,then the thermal resistance for the heat sink,given all other things are equal,will need to be smaller.SUPPLY BYPASSINGThe LM4731has excellent power supply rejection and does not require a regulated supply.However,to improve system performance as well as eliminate possible oscillations,the LM4731should have its supply leads bypassed with low-inductance capacitors having short leads that are located close to the package terminals.Inadequate power supply bypassing will manifest itself by a low frequency oscillation known as “motorboating”or by high frequency instabilities.L M 473110Application Information(Continued) These instabilities can be eliminated through multiple by-passing utilizing a large tantalum or electrolytic capacitor(10µF or larger)which is used to absorb low frequency varia-tions and a small ceramic capacitor(0.1µF)to prevent any high frequency feedback through the power supply lines.If adequate bypassing is not provided,the current in the supply leads which is a rectified component of the load current may be fed back into internal circuitry.This signal causes distortion at high frequencies requiring that the sup-plies be bypassed at the package terminals with an electro-lytic capacitor of470µF or more.BRIDGED AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONThe LM4731has two operational amplifiers internally,allow-ing for a few different amplifier configurations.One of these configurations is referred to as“bridged mode”and involves driving the load differentially through the LM4731’s outputs. This configuration is shown in Figure2.Bridged mode op-eration is different from the classical single-ended amplifier configuration where one side of its load is connected to ground.A bridge amplifier design has a distinct advantage over the single-ended configuration,as it provides differential drive to the load,thus doubling output swing for a specified supply voltage.Consequently,theoretically four times the output power is possible as compared to a single-ended amplifier under the same conditions.This increase in attainable output power assumes that the amplifier is not current limited or clipped.A direct consequence of the increased power delivered to the load by a bridge amplifier is an increase in internal power dissipation.For each operational amplifier in a bridge con-figuration,the internal power dissipation will increase by a factor of two over the single ended dissipation.Thus,for an audio power amplifier such as the LM4731,which has two operational amplifiers in one package,the package dissipa-tion will increase by a factor of four.To calculate the LM4731’s maximum power dissipation point for a bridged load,multiply equation(1)by a factor of four.This value of P DMAX can be used to calculate the correct size heat sink for a bridged amplifier application.Since the inter-nal dissipation for a given power supply and load is in-creased by using bridged-mode,the heatsink’sθSA will have to decrease accordingly as shown by equation(3).Refer to the section,Determining the Correct Heat Sink,for a more detailed discussion of proper heat sinking for a given appli-cation.SINGLE-SUPPLY AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONThe typical application of the LM4731is a split supply am-plifier.But as shown in Figure3,the LM4731can also be used in a single power supply configuration.This involves using some external components to create a half-supply bias which is used as the reference for the inputs and outputs. Thus,the signal will swing around half-supply much like it swings around ground in a split-supply application.Along with proper circuit biasing,a few other considerations must be accounted for to take advantage of all of the LM4731 functions.The LM4731possesses a mute and standby function withinternal logic gates that are half-supply referenced.Thus,toenable either the Mute or Standby function,the voltage atthese pins must be a minimum of2.5V above half-supply.Insingle-supply systems,devices such as microprocessorsand simple logic circuits used to control the mute andstandby functions,are usually referenced to ground,nothalf-supply.Thus,to use these devices to control the logiccircuitry of the LM4731,a“level shifter,”like the one shown inFigure5,must be employed.A level shifter is not needed ina split-supply configuration since ground is also half-supply.When the voltage at the Logic Input node is0V,the2N3904is“off”and thus resistor R c pulls up mute or standby input tothe supply.This enables the mute or standby function.Whenthe Logic Input is5V,the2N3904is“on”and consequently,the voltage at the collector is essentially0V.This will disablethe mute or standby function,and thus the amplifier will be inits normal mode of operation.R shift,along with C shift,createsan RC time constant that reduces transients when the muteor standby functions are enabled or disabled.Additionally,R shift limits the current supplied by the internal logic gates ofthe LM4731which insures device reliability.Refer to theMute Mode and Standby Mode sections in the ApplicationInformation section for a more detailed description of thesefunctions.CLICKS AND POPSIn the typical application of the LM4731as a split-supplyaudio power amplifier,the IC exhibits excellent“click”and“pop”performance when utilizing the mute and standbymodes.In addition,the device employs Under-Voltage Pro-tection,which eliminates unwanted power-up and power-down transients.The basis for these functions are a stableand constant half-supply potential.In a split-supply applica-tion,ground is the stable half-supply potential.But in asingle-supply application,the half-supply needs to charge upjust like the supply rail,V CC.This makes the task of attaininga clickless and popless turn-on more challenging.Any un-even charging of the amplifier inputs will result in outputclicks and pops due to the differential input topology of theLM4731.20060354FIGURE5.Level Shift CircuitLM473111Application Information(Continued)To achieve a transient free power-up and power-down,the voltage seen at the input terminals should be ideally the same.Such a signal will be common-mode in nature,and will be rejected by the LM4731.In Figure 3,the resistor R INP serves to keep the inputs at the same potential by limiting the voltage difference possible between the two nodes.This should significantly reduce any type of turn-on pop,due to an uneven charging of the amplifier inputs.This charging is based on a specific application loading and thus,the system designer may need to adjust these values for optimal perfor-mance.As shown in Figure 3,the resistors labeled R BI help bias up the LM4731off the half-supply node at the emitter of the 2N3904.But due to the input and output coupling capacitors in the circuit,along with the negative feedback,there are two different values of R BI ,namely 10k Ωand 200k Ω.These resistors bring up the inputs at the same rate resulting in a popless turn-on.Adjusting these resistors values slightly may reduce pops resulting from power supplies that ramp extremely quick or exhibit overshoot during system turn-on.PROPER SELECTION OF EXTERNAL COMPONENTS Proper selection of external components is required to meet the design targets of an application.The choice of external component values that will affect gain and low frequency response are discussed below.The gain of each amplifier is set by resistors R f and R i for the non-inverting configuration shown in Figure 1.The gain is found by Equation (4)below:A V =1+R f /R i (V/V)(4)For best noise performance,lower values of resistors are used.A value of 1k Ωis commonly used for R i and then setting the value of R f for the desired gain.For the LM4731the gain should be set no lower than 10V/V and no higher than 50V/V.Gain settings below 10V/V may experienceinstability and using the LM4731for gains higher than 50V/V will see an increase in noise and THD.The combination of R i with C i (see Figure 1)creates a high pass filter.The low frequency response is determined by these two components.The -3dB point can be found from Equation (5)shown below:f i =1/(2πR i C i )(Hz)(5)If an input coupling capacitor is used to block DC from theinputs as shown in Figure 4,there will be another high pass filter created with the combination of C IN and R IN .When using a input coupling capacitor R IN is needed to set the DC bias point on the amplifier’s input terminal.The resulting -3dB frequency response due to the combination of C IN and R IN can be found from Equation (6)shown below:f IN =1/(2πR IN C IN )(Hz)(6)PHYSICAL IC MOUNTING CONSIDERATIONSMounting of the TO-220package to a heat sink must be done such that there is sufficient pressure from the mounting screw to insure good contact with the heat sink for efficient heat flow.Over tightening the mounting screw will cause the TO-220package to warp reducing contact area with the heat sink.Less contact with the heat sink will increase the thermal resistance from the TO-220package case to the heat sink (θCS )resulting in higher operating die temperatures and possible unwanted thermal shut down activation.Extreme over tightening of the mounting screw will cause severe physical stress resulting in cracked die and catastrophic IC failure.The recommended maximum mounting screw torque is 40inch-lbs or 3.3foot-lbs (4.5newton-meter).Additionally,if the mounting screw is used to force the TO-220package into correct alignment with the heat sink,pack-age stress will be increased.This increase in package stress will result in reduced contact area with the heat sink increas-ing die operating temperature and possible catastrophic IC failure.L M 4731 12LM4731 Application Information(Continued)20060355FIGURE6.Reference PCB Schematic13Application Information(Continued)LM4731REFERENCE BOARD ARTWORKComposite ViewSilk Screen2006035620060357Top Layer Bottom Layer2006035820060359L M 4731 14Application Information(Continued)BILL OF MATERIALS FOR REFERENCE PCBSymbol Value Tolerance Type/Description CommentsR IN1,R IN247kΩ5%1/4WattR B1,R B21kΩ1%1/4WattR F1,R F220kΩ1%1/4WattR i1,R i21kΩ1%1/4WattR SN1,R SN2 4.7Ω5%1/4WattR G 2.7Ω5%1/4WattC IN1,C IN21µF10%Metallized Polyester FilmC i1,C i247µF20%Electrolytic Radial/35VC SN1,C SN20.1µF20%Monolithic CeramicC V0.1µF20%Monolithic CeramicC M10µF20%Electrolytic Radial/16VC S1,C S20.1µF20%Monolithic CeramicC S3,C S410µF20%Electrolytic Radial/35VC S5,C S61,000µF20%Electrolytic Radial/35VS1,S2SPDT(on-on)SwitchJ1,J2Non-switched PC Mount RCA JackJ4,J7,J8PCB Banana Jack-BLACKJ3,J5,J6,J9PCB Banana Jack-REDU115lead TO-220Power SocketU2LM340,5V Fixed Regulator,TO-263package(TS3B)LM4731 15。
本次易容网为大家推荐比较常用的MLCC三星 | Samsung品牌的料号CL21B473KCFNNNE相关参数
Table 1. Single OpIO (mV) Max TCVIO (µV/°C) (µV/ C) Typ IIO (nA) Max Avol (V/mV) Min BW (Av = 1) (MHz) Typ SR (Av = 1) (V/µs) Typ Supply Voltage (V) Min Max Description
Motorola Master Selection Guide
Analog and Interface Integrated Circuits
Operational Amplifiers
Motorola offers a broad line of bipolar operational amplifiers to meet a wide range of applications. From low–cost industry–standard types to high precision circuits, the span encompasses a large range of performance capabilities. These Analog integrated circuits are available as single, dual and quad monolithic devices in a variety of temperature ranges and package styles. Most devices may be obtained in unencapsulated ‘‘chip’’ form as well. For price and delivery information on chips, please contact your Motorola Sales Representative or Distributor.
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743388 1.1 kW Wash Pump For 380/50/3 220/50/3
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1 1 4 20 12 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 20 16 2 2 4
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Staubli G1/2 STAUBLI?? 89?? Staubli G3/8 STAUBLI?? 90?? Staubli 30.0020 EG-TS-PG36/150 Staubli SPC08.5000/IA/JVStaubli SPC08.2000/IA/JVStaubli SPC08.2000.IA.CDJV Staubli HEL030300STAUBLI HPX 08.1103+HPX 08.7103 STAUBLI HPX 12.1104 +HPX 12.7104 STAUBLI HPX 20.1105 +HPX 20.7105 Staubli K4N002181Staubli K4N001722Staubli K4N001726Staubli K4N001724Staubli K4N00450Staubli RCS08.1816Staubli RBE11.2103Staubli RBE11.1153/IH/JNStaubli N00624312Staubli R60000226Staubli R60111313staubli NGV1 NO01021995Staubli 30.0020 EG-TS-PG36/150 Staubli RMI209.12.1104/JVStaubli RMI09.5102/JVStaubli SPC08.2000.IA.CDJV STAUBLI B27595114STAUBLI B14826136STAUBLI K81556267STAUBLI B23585429STAUBLI B23585432STAUBLI B23586459STAUBLI B23587018STAUBLI B23587078STAUBLI B24582511STAUBLI B27585266STAUBLI B27585714STAUBLI B27595113STAUBLI K81450234STAUBLI K81450235STAUBLI K81556268STAUBLI K81615043STAUBLI K85535599STAUBLI K85536099STAUBLI K86300098STAUBLI 6MTW03-001STAUBLI 6MRW03-001Staubli 103586282staubli 358 0202 ABSTAUBLI RSI 08-1152STAUBLI tuyau HEL 03.03.00 + 2 raccords HEL 03.1150 STAUBLI RBE06.1151/IC/3/FB/VD/JC/ODSTAUBLI RBE06.1151/IC/45/FB/VD/JC/ODSTAUBLI RBE06.1151/IC/6/FB/VD/JC/ODSTAUBLI RBE06.7151/IC/3/JCSTAUBLI RBE06.7151/IC/45/JCSTAUBLI RBE06.7151/IC/6/JCSTAUBLI RSI 08-1152STAUBLI REA081600001STAUBLI SBA 08.1103STAUBLI SBA 08.7103STAUBLI RBE11.6103/45STAUBLI RBE11.6103/6STAUBLI RBE11.1103/ia/6/WSTAUBLI RBE11.1103/ia/45/WSTAUBLI RBE11.7103/IASTAUBLI RBE08.7102/IA/WSTAUBLI RBE08.1102/IA/0D/WSTAUBLI RBE11.1103/IA/0DSTAUBLI RBE11.7103/IA/JESTAUBLI RBE11.1103/IA/JE/0DSTAUBLI RCS-08.1153(G1/2")STAUBLI RCS-08.8103(G1/2")STAUBLI RBE08.6153(G1/2")STAUBLI RBE08.6103(G1/2")staubli SPC05.2000/IA/JVstaubli SPC08.2000/IA/JVstaubli SPC05.5000/IA/JVStaubli B27583359,REA03.2302STAUBLI dashuai2204STAUBLI NO11.198.03Staubli RM1061JVSTAUBLI tuyau HEL 03.03.00 + 2 raccords HEL 03.1150 Staubli RMI 12.1103/JVSTAUBLI S0*******STAUBLI S0*******STAUBLI S0*******STAUBLI RBE03.1100/IA/VD/HPG/JE/OSStaubli KTDEK11 STABU-1008;connector RBE 0.6101/IC Staubli RBE03.7150/IC/JEStaubli RBE03.1904/IC/JEStaubli RBE 11.1103staubli N00628610STAUBLI RBE03.2100/IA/15/HPG/JV/ODSTAUBLI RBE03.2100/IA/75/HPG/JV/ODSTAUBLI RBE03.7100/IA/75/HPG/JVSTAUBLI RBE03.6150/HPGStaubli RBE 03Staubli CBX 09.1102/JV/BF with plugStaubli CBX 09.7102/JV/BF with plugStaubli RMI 09.1102/JV with plugStaubli RMI 09.7102/JV with plugStaubli RBE 03.1251/HPLStaubli RBE 03.6200/HPLSTAUBLI K4N000299STAUBLI K4N000301STAUBLI N00237511STAUBLI N00418810STAUBLI N00428711STAUBLI N00634412STAUBLI N00719710STAUBLI N00728607STAUBLI N00816710STAUBLI N00833607STAUBLI N00919410STAUBLI N00920509Staubli N00642408Staubli N00642308Staubli AIRFLEX08 200MStaubli REE03.1100??JV/0DStaubli REE03.7151Staubli 18.9004 plug-SP1.5/0.5-1.5AGStaubli 18.8004 socket-BP1.5/0.5-1.5Staubli 18.4604 pin carrier-E3-24PE/SStaubli 18.4704 SOCKET CARRIER-E3-24PE/BStaubli 18.0308 socket housing-MGK3VB10-14+MGK3R-M32 Staubli 18.0310 PIN HOUSING-MGK3VS10-14+MGK3R-M32Staubli 18.5618 DST-RG GR.3/14 BUstaubli N00512808staubli N00260306Staubli SPH G1/4 04.5101/MA/IA/JVSTAUBLI NO1210411STAUBLI NO0624312STAUBLI RBE-03-M10X1-S9*******Staubli HPX12.1104 G3/4Staubli HPX20.1105 G1Staubli HPX25.1106 G1 1/4Staubli RBE06.6151/IC/HPISTAUBLI RCS06.1163Staubli AIRFLEX 08 200MStaubli RBE 06.2102/0/ICJTVD SF;QUICK CHANGE BUSHING\G3/8"i DN6 STAUBLI RMI12.1153/JVSTAUBLI RMI12.7152/JVStaubli unvalved plugs rbe03 6904 (no color)Staubli unvalved plugs rbe03 6904 (blue)Staubli plug type:CBI06.7151/IA/JV/REStaubli socket type:CBI06.1810/IA/CNStaubli pipe type:CALOREL-EC10/KBStaubli MCS/MA N-FIXED PLATEStaubli MCS/MA N-MOBILE PLATE。
api613 2003标准中文版
API613 2003标准中文版1. 前言API613是美国石油学会制定的一项涉及石油工业的标准,旨在规定液体或润滑油使用的齿轮轴承的设计、制造和安装要求,以确保设备的可靠性和安全性。
2. 标准内容API613标准主要包括以下几个方面的内容:- 篇幅- 设计要求- 制造要求- 安装要求- 使用说明其中,设计要求主要包括了对齿轮轴承的几何形状、尺寸、材料、齿轮啮合及轴承载荷等方面的规定;制造要求包括了对材料的选择、加工工艺、热处理及装配等方面的要求;安装要求主要包括了设备对准、轴向间隙、润滑系统等方面的规定;使用说明则对设备的操作、保养、维护等方面做出了详细的说明。
3. 标准应用API613标准适用于在石油、化工、电力等工业部门使用的中、大型齿轮箱和齿轮减速器设备,这些设备通常用于转动机械、压缩机、泵、发电机等设备。
4. 标准影响API613标准的发布,对我国的石油工业和相关行业产生了积极的影响。
5. 结语API613 2003标准的中文版的发布和应用,为我国的石油工业和相关行业带来了积极的影响,推动了我国石油设备制造水平的提高,提高了设备的可靠性和安全性,促进了我国石油工业的国际化发展。
6. 标准的发展与更新随着科学技术的不断发展与进步,石油工业设备制造领域也在持续创新与改进。
Opt ional Variant sThe (MCOM-R) gives a 5 second pulse on reset, and is used for connecting/resetting beam detectors.The (MCOM-S) is identified by the panel as a sounder and does not reset when put into‘silence’ mode, only resets once panel has been reset.The (MCOM-FC) is identified by the panel assounder and will activate f ro m its associate cause and effect programming. It will reset from a global reset not a global silence command. Suitable for use with fan controller devices for smoke management.•Quick and simple to install •Compact size •Soft Addressed•Integral short circuit isolator•Plug and play, no hard addressing required •No external short circuit isolator requiredAn extensive range of micro interfaces are available to support our range of control panels, providing solutions for most design requirements.The MCOM is a single output, soft addressed, micro interface, incorporating integral short circuit isolators. It is extremely compact and therefore ideal for incorporation into other equipment.The MCOM is fully compatible with the current range of Eaton intelligent addressable fire control panels.It is suitable for switching low voltage (24V dc at 1A maximum), via a set of non latching relay contacts.It is suitable for switching HVAC control circuits, plant shutdown control circuits, fire door closure etc.MCOMMicro Single Channel Output UnitsBenefitsDimensions H (mm)W (mm)D (mm)633518.5Code MCOM , MCOM-S, MCOM-R, MCOM-FCDescription Micro single channel output unit Standards EN54 Pt17 & Pt18Specification Operating Voltage 18.5V dc to 30V dc Quiescent Current 310μAOutput Relay Switching Voltage 24V dc to 30V dc Contact Rating 1A Switching Power 30 WattsEnvironmental Operating temperature -10ºC to +60ºC Humidity (non condensing)0 to 95% RH Physical ConstructionPC/ABSDimensions (H x W x D)63mm x 35mm x 18.5mm Weight 0.078kg Compatibility Suitable for use withEaton Intelligent addressable fire systemsRecommended loop/cable typeFire Tuff, FP200, MICC T echnical SpecificationInstallation1.Suitable for switching 24V dc control circuits (firedoor retainers etc).2.Connections suitable for single strand fireproof cableup to 2.5mm 2.3.Loop and output cable screen must be connected tointerface earth terminals.4.The relay output is a set of change over, non-latching,volt free contacts which are non monitored.Note: No addressing of the interface is required (see control panel operation for details)DescriptionCodeMicro single channel output unit (recognised as output unit)MCOM Micro single channel output unit (recognised as sounder)MCOM-S Micro single channel output unit (5 second reset pulse)MCOM-R Mini module box unit (empty box)ULBUCatalogue numbers37.5mm22m mStandard ConnectionsMounting DetailsChanges to the products, to the information contained in this document, and to prices are reserved; so are errors and omissions.Only order confirmations and technical documentation by Eaton is binding. Photos and pictures also do not warrant a specific layout or functionality. Their use in whatever form is subject to prior approval by Eaton. The same applies to Trademarks. The Terms and Conditions of Eaton apply, as referenced on Eaton Internet pages and Eaton order confirmations.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.EatonElectrical Sector EMEA Route de la Longeraie 71110 Morges, Switzerland EatonFire Systems Business Eaton Electrical Systems Ltd Wheatley Hall Road Doncaster South Y orkshire DN2 4NBUnited KingdomTel: +44 (0)1302 303 999 Fax: +44 (0)1302 303 333Email: FireCustomerService@eaton .com Web: www.eaton .com /gb © 2019 EatonAll Rights ReservedPub Reference: F -DS025 April 2019Micro single channel output unit (fan controller output unit)MCOM-FC。
●弯头elbow异径弯头 reducing elbow带支座弯头 baseelbow长半径弯头(标准1.5倍弯曲半径-——1.5D)long radiuselbow●三通 tee异径三通reducing tee等径三通 straight tee带侧向口的三通(右向或左向) sideoutlet tee (right hand or 1eft hand)异径三通(分支口为异径) reducing tee (reducingon outlet)异径三通(一个直通口为异径)reducingtee (reducing on onerun)带支座三通 base tee异径三通(一个直通口及分支口为异径) reducingtee(reducing on one run and outlet)异径三通(两个直通口为异径,双头式)reducing t ee(reducing onbothruns, bullhead)45°斜三通(支管为异径) 45°斜三通45°lateralﻫ45° lateral(reducing on branch)45°斜三通(一个直通口为异径) 45°lateral (redu cing on one run)45°斜三通(一个直通口及支管为异径) 45°lateral (reducing on one run and branch)Y型三通(俗称裤衩) true “Y"四通 cross等径四通straightcross异径四通reducing cross 异径四通(一个分支口为异径)reducing cross(reducing on oneoutlet)异径四通(一个直通口及分支口为异径) reducing cross (reducing on onerunand outlet)异径四通(两个分支口为异径) reducing cross (reducing on b oth outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及两个分支口为异径) reducing cross(reducing on onerun and both outlet)异径管 reducer同心异径管 concentric reducer偏心异径管eccentricreducer锻制异径管reducing swage螺纹支管台threadolet焊接支管台weldolet承插支管台s ockolet弯头支管台elbolet斜接支管台latrolet 镶入式支管嘴sweepolet短管支管台nipolet支管台,插入式支管台 boss●螺纹支管台Threadolet●弯头支管台elbolet●焊接支管台weldolet;on weld●短管支管台nipolet●承插支管台sockolet●烧焊支管台weldolet●斜接支管台latrolet●承插焊支管台Sockolet支管台,插入式支管台boss管接头 coupling, full coupling半管接头 half coupling异径管接头reducing coupling活接头union内外螺纹缩接(俗称补芯) bushing管帽 cap (C)堵头 plug短节nipple异径短节reducing nipple;swagenipple管道英文缩写ﻫA Anchor 固定ABS*Absolute 绝对的ﻫAISI*American Iron andSteelInstitute 美国钢铁学会ﻫANSI*American National Standards Institute美国国家标准学会API*American PetroleumInstitute 美国石油学会APPROX*Approximate 大约,近似的ASBAsbestos 石棉ﻫASME *American Society Of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ASSY *Assembly装配,组装ASTM *American SocietyOf Testing Material 美国材料实验协会ATM*Atmosphere 大气压ﻫAWG *American Wire Gage美国线规AWS *American Wel**** Society 美国焊接协会ﻫAWWA *American Water WorksAssociation 美国水工协会ﻫBﻫBB Bolted Bonnet栓柱连接的阀盖ﻫBB By Buyer 买方供货B—B BeveledEnd-Beveled End 两端为坡口端BCBolt Circle 螺栓中心圆ﻫB.C Bolted Cover (cap) 螺栓连接的阀兰盖(帽)BE Beveled End(for wel****)坡口(焊接用) B.E Bell End承口BEP Both Ends Plain两端平ﻫBET Both EndsThreaded 两端带螺纹ﻫBL Battery Limit装置区边界BFBlind Flange 盲板法兰ﻫBLD Blind盲板ﻫBLDG *Buil**** 建筑物ﻫBM Bill Of Material材料表ﻫBOP Bottom Of Pipe管底B-P BeveledEnd —PlainEnd坡口端.平端ﻫBVButterfly valve 蝶阀ﻫBWG* Birmingham Wire Gage伯明翰线规BW Butt Weld 对焊ﻫCC Cap管帽C-C Center to Center 中至中C-E Center to End中至端面C—F Center toFace中至面ﻫCH-OP Chain Operated链条操纵的CH。
ADC*break,Bbreak,C break,DAC*break,Dbreak,Jbreak,Kbreak,L break,Mbreak,POT有脚号的电位器、Qbreak,QdarBreakN达林顿,QdarBreakP达林顿,RAM8Kx1break,RAM8Kx8break,Rbreak,ROM32Kx8break,Sbreak,Wbreak,XFRM_NONLIN/CT-*,变压器3种,XFRM_NONLINEAR变压器4脚,ZbreakN。
Design Cache.OLB是绘制电路图时调用过的自动生成的模块库。
当激励信号源的信号波形从/Pspice 中的StmEd模块设置时,则信号源符号应从SOURCSTM库调用。
PSPICE仿真库文件夹下有89个库文件(Orcad9.2.3也为89个,Orcad 9.2为7 9个)和一个\pspice\advanls目录,它的路径是:OrCAD_10.1\tools\capture \library\pspice,它们是:1_shot.olb是54、74、CD数字电路模块库:54L12.,74L*,74LS*,CD4*,B系列。
3. a. 接口电压与阻抗:测试设备的接口电压和阻抗是否符合标准要求,以确
4. b. 传输性能:测试设备的传输性能,包括信号的幅度、频率、相位、脉冲
5. c. 接口时序:测试设备的接口时序,包括时钟、数据等信号的时序关系,
6. d. 电磁兼容性:测试设备的电磁兼容性,包括辐射骚扰和传导骚扰等参数,
7. e. 环境适应性:测试设备在不同环境条件下的适应性,包括温度、湿度、
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33000 39000 47000 56000
2560 2890 3130 3010 3690 3640 3730 3980 3980 3880 4520 4440 4380 4980 4950 4820 5490 5600 5460 6210 6120 6930 6890 7690
350 ~ 450 8 —
Measurement frequency : 120Hz
Stability at Low Temperature
Impedance ratio ZT/Z20(MAX.)
Rated voltage (V) Z – 25°C/ Z+20°C Z – 40°C/ Z+20°C
Rated ripple
50V (1H)
Leakage Current
tan δ 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
Item Performance Characteristics
Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current
Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current
Frequency (Hz) 16~ 100V 160~ 250V 350~ 450V 50 0.88 0.81 0.77 60 0.90 0.85 0.82 120 1.00 1.00 1.00 300 1.07 1.17 1.16 1k 1.15 1.32 1.30 10k 1.15 1.45 1.41 50k~ 1.15 1.50 1.43 Coeff.
Rated ripple
tan δ 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
Leakage Current
Type numbering system ( Example : 200V 390µF)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
L L S 2 D 3 9 1 ME L Z
Case dia.code Configuration Capacitance tolerane(±20%)
Minimum order quantity : 50pcs.
Dimension table in next page.
Cap. (µF) 8200 10000 12000 15000
Rated voltage (V) tan δ (MAX.)
16 0.50
25 0.40
35 0.35
50 0.30
16 ~ 100 4 20
63 0.25
80 0.20
100 0.20
Measurement frequency :120Hz, Temperature : 20°C 180 200 250 350 400 450 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20
8 -0.1 0.
1.5 -0.1
(PC board hole dimensions)
(Terminal dimensions)
The other terminal is also available upon request. Please refer to page 237 for schematic of dimensions.
1.08 1.20 1.31 1.31 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.97 1.97 1.97 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.36 2.36 2.60 2.60 2.83
Cap. (µF) 5600 6800 8200 10000 12000
22000 27000 33000 39000
Size φD × L(mm) 22 × 25 22 × 30 25 × 25 22 × 35 25 × 25 22 × 35 25 × 30 22 × 40 25 × 35 30 × 25 22 × 50 25 × 40 30 × 30 25 × 45 30 × 35 35 × 30 25 × 50 30 × 40 35 × 35 30 × 45 35 × 40 35 × 45 35 × 50
160 ~ 250 3 12
After an application of DC voltage (in the range of rated DC voltage even after over-lapping the specified ripple current) for 3000 hours at 85°C, capacitors meet the characteristic requirements listed at right. After storing the capacitors under no load at 85°C for 1000 hours, and after performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20°C, they will meet the requirements listed at right.
Capacitance change tan δ Leakage current
Within ±20% of initial value 200% or less of initial specified value Initial specified value or less
Shelf Life
tan δ
– 40 ~ +85°C (16~250V), – 25 ~ +85°C (350 ~ 450V) 16 ~ 450V 56 ~ 56000µF ± 20% at 120Hz, 20°C I
3 CV (µA) (After 5 minutes' application of rated voltage) [C : Rated Capacitance (µF) V : Voltage (V)]
f D +1MAX.
Rated Capacitance(390µF) Rated voltage(200V)
Pressure relief vent
Series name
0.8 -0.1
φD 20 22 25 30 35
Code Y Z A B C