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K eyw ords:surim i products;f ish balls;st r ch;gel strength
DOh10.7506/rlyj1001—8123—201802003 中 图分 类 号 :TS254.4
文 献 标 志 码 :A
文 章 编 号 : 1001—8123 (2018)02—0015.05
their effects on the gel strength and water—holding capacity of f ish balls,addition of potato starch at 1 2% and wheat
starch at 10% was appropriate.
引文 格 式 : 周 阳,胥 伟,陈季旺,等.小麦淀粉 和马铃薯 淀粉对鱼 丸品质 的影 nN[J].肉类研究,2018,32(2):15-19.DOI:10.7506/ rlyj1001—8123-201802003. http://www.rlyj.pub ZHOU Yang,XU W ei,CHEN Jiwang,et a1.Effect of wheat and potato starches on the quality of f ish balls[J].Meat Research,2018,32(2):15—19.DOI:10.7506/rlyj1001—8123—201802003. http://www.rlyj.pub
Effect of W heat and Potato Starches on the Quality of Fish Bails
ZHOU Yang ,XU W ei , 一,CHEN Jiwang 一,SUN W ei ,XU Chuanwen。
(1.College of Food Science and Engineer ing,W huan Po1ytechnology University,W uhan 430023,China; 2.Hubei Key Laboratory for Processing and Tran sformation of Agricultural Products,W uhan 430023,China)
A bstract:In this study,wheat and potato starches were added tO surim i for the production of f ish balls.The gel st rengt h ,
whiteness and water-holding capacity were tested to measure the quality of f ish balls.The results showed that added potato
(1.武汉轻工大学食 品科学与工程学院,湖 北 武汉 430023:2.湖北省农产 品加工与转化重 点实验室,湖北 武汉 430023)
摘 要 :在制作 鱼丸时的擂溃过程中分别添加马铃薯淀粉和 小麦 淀粉 ,监 测鱼糜凝胶强度、持水性和 白度 的变化 , 探 究2种淀粉对 鱼丸品质 的影 响。结果表 明:与未添加淀粉 的空 白组相 比,马铃薯淀粉 的添加对 鱼丸凝胶强度 的影 响较大 ,添 加量为14%时鱼丸的凝胶强度可达 1 601 N/cm ,较空 白组增 ̄N255.8%;小麦淀粉添加量为 10%时 ,鱼丸 的凝胶 强度较大 ,为 1 498 N/cm :马铃薯 淀粉对 鱼丸持水性 的影 响大于小麦淀粉 ,当马铃薯淀粉添加量为 14%时, 鱼 丸的持水性从92.31%增至97.80%,小麦淀粉 添加量为 14%时,鱼丸的持水 性从91.04%增至 95.06%;马铃 薯淀粉 对鱼 丸白度 的影响大于小麦淀粉 ,鱼 丸 白度随淀粉添加量 的增加 而降低 。综合考虑2种淀粉对鱼 丸凝 胶强度和持水 性 的影 响,马铃 薯淀粉 的较优 添加量为12%,小麦淀粉 的较优添加量 为10%。 关键词 :鱼糜制 品;鱼丸;淀粉;凝胶 强度
added w as 1 498 N /cm .In addition,The ef ect of potato starch on the w ater—holding capacity of f ish balls w as higher
than that of wheat starch.The water—holding capacity increased from 92.31% to 97.80% and f rom 91.04% to 95.06%
中 田 肉 类 食 品 音 研 究 中 J CHINA M EAT RESEA RCH CENTER
肉类研 究
2018,Vo1.32,N o.2 15
小麦淀 粉和马铃 薯淀粉 对鱼丸 品质 的影 响
周 阳 ,胥 伟 一,陈 季 旺 ,孙 威 ,徐 川雯
starch had a great effect on the gel strength of f ish balls.The gel strengt h was 1 601 N/cm at an addition level of 14% ,
representing a 255.8% increase compared with the blank control group.The gel st rengt h of f ish ba lls with 10% wheat sta rch
w ith the addition of potato and wheat starches at 14% ,respectively.Sim ilarly,potato starch had a stronger effect on
the w hiteness than did w heat starch.The whiteness decreased w ith increasing addition of sta r ch.Taking into account