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1. A ______ (生态教育) can raise awareness about conservation.
2.I see the moon shining brightly at ______ (夜晚).
3.I am going to ___ a cake. (bake, play, eat)
4.What do you call the study of rocks?
A. Biology
B. Chemistry
C. Geology
D. AstronomyC
5. civilization is known for its advanced ________ (天文学). The Maya
6. A diatomic molecule consists of two _______ atoms.
7. A __________ is a reaction that occurs when two substances combine to form a new substance.
8.The bear catches fish in the rushing river, preparing for winter ____.
9.When it snows, I enjoy making __________ with my friends. (雪人)
10.What is 10 4?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
11.The Earth's atmosphere helps regulate ______.
12.My uncle is a fantastic __________ (厨师).
13. A ________ (火山口) is the opening of a volcano.
14.The ________ (生态友好) practices benefit all.
15.The __________ (历史的教训) highlight the importance of learning from the past.
16.Dogs are known to be ________ friends.
17.I want to ___ a new toy. (get)
18.ts can survive periods of ______ without water. (某些植物可以在缺水的情况下生存一段时间。

) Some pla
19.What do you call a small, round fruit?
A. Berry
B. Melon
C. Stone fruit
D. CitrusA
20.What is the opposite of "noisy"?
A. Loud
B. Quiet
C. Silent
D. Soft
21.The bear catches fish with its _____ paws.
22.What is the term for a scientist who studies rocks?
A. Biologist
B. Chemist
C. Geologist
D. PhysicistC
23.I love to spend time with my ______.
24.The puppy is _____ with its toys. (playing)
25.__________ (分子识别) is important for drug design and efficacy.
26. A ______ (公鸡) crows in the morning.
27.The first archaeological site to be excavated was in ________ (美索不达米亚).
28.Ants work together to build a ______.
29.The __________ (城市更新) revitalizes neighborhoods.
30. A ____ is often seen playing in the grass and chasing after butterflies.
31.The ______ (水分) in the soil is crucial for growth.
32.What is the main purpose of a compass?
A. To tell time
B. To find direction
C. To measure distance
D. To calculate speedB
33.The _______ of an element describes its ability to react. (反应性)
34.We celebrate ________ (accomplishments) together.
35. A ________ (地质公园) showcases unique rock formations.
36.What is the term for the energy produced by nuclear fusion in stars?
A. Stellar Energy
B. Radiant Energy
C. Cosmic Energy
D. Gravitational Energy
37. A wave can carry energy and information through ______.
38.ts are used for ______ (环保材料). Some pla
39.Every weekend, I play with my toy ____ in the backyard. (玩具名称)
40.How many inches are in a foot?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13
41.The artist uses _____ (水彩) to paint.
42.The ______ is a powerful animal in the jungle.
43.The ____ is a small animal that loves to dig.
44.How many colors are there in a rainbow?
A. 5
B. 6
45.The ______ is the closest star to Earth.
46.My brother is a ______. He enjoys designing websites.
47.What do you call the study of living organisms?
A. Physics
B. Chemistry
C. Biology
D. AstronomyC
48.Machu Picchu is an ancient site in ________ (秘鲁).
49.The __________ is a large desert in Australia. (大沙漠)
50.How many legs does an octopus have?
A. Six
B. Eight
C. Ten
D. Twelve
51.How many chambers does the human heart have?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. FiveC
52.The Earth's surface is covered with various types of ______.
53. A ________ (气候带) refers to the climate of an area.
54.The __________ (历史的价值观差异) enrich discussions.
55.The ____ is a small creature that likes to hide under leaves.
56.The ancient Greeks believed in many ________.
57. A __________ (反应节) is a specific step in a chemical reaction.
58.I like to share ______ with my classmates.
59.The _____ (商店) is open today.
60.I like to watch ________ (比赛) on TV.
61.What is the capital of Argentina?
A. Buenos Aires
B. Santiago
C. Lima
D. MontevideoA
62.The lemur is native to _________ (马达加斯加).
63. A ______ (花园) can be a great hobby.
64.The goldfish has beautiful _______ (鳞片).
65.The _______ (猴子) can climb very well.
66. A __________ (化学网络) connects researchers and promotes innovation.
67.What do we call a person who studies literature?
A. Literary Critic
B. Author
C. Poet
D. All of the above
68.What do you call the liquid part of blood?
A. Plasma
B. Platelets
C. Cells
D. ClotsA
69.What do you call the person who studies the stars?
A. Biologist
B. Astronomer
C. Chemist
D. GeologistB
70.The __________ are beautiful in the spring garden. (花儿)
71.The chemical formula for sodium bicarbonate is _______.
72.My favorite exercise is ______.
73.The ________ was a significant moment in the fight for civil rights.
74.What is the term for an animal that can live both in water and on land?
A. Mammal
B. Reptile
C. Amphibian
D. FishC
75.What is the capital of Japan?
A. Seoul
B. Beijing
C. Tokyo
D. BangkokC Tokyo
76.Hydrogen is the lightest __________ in the universe.
77.How many zeros are in one million?
A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Eight
78.The _____ (蜡笔) are colorful.
79.What is the capital of Sweden?
A. Oslo
B. Copenhagen
C. Stockholm
D. HelsinkiC
80.What is the name of the fairy tale character who had long hair?
A. Rapunzel
B. Cinderella
C. Sleeping Beauty
D. Snow WhiteA
81.The _____ (海豚) is known for its friendly nature.
82.What do you call a baby kangaroo?
A. Kit
B. Joey
C. Pup
D. Calf
83.The main use of acetic acid is in _____.
84.I want to learn about ________ in class.
85.The chemical symbol for neon is ________.
86. A _______ reaction occurs when substances combine to form a new substance.
87.The ________ loves to explore.
88.The process of ______ can reshape the Earth's surface.
89.The bear catches fish with its _____ sharp claws.
90.My teacher is very ____.
91.The _____ (飞碟) is fun to throw.
92. A _____ is a region of space that has a lot of stars.
93.The capital of Estonia is __________.
94.The _____ (水培) method allows plants to grow without soil.
95.What do you call a large body of freshwater surrounded by land?
A. Lake
B. River
C. Ocean
D. PondA
96.The ______ is a group of animals that includes elephants and hippos.
97.I love to _______ (写)我的想法.
98.My dad, ______ (我爸爸), plays the guitar in a band.
99.What do we call the act of telling the truth?
A. Honesty
B. Integrity
C. Transparency
D. All of the above 100.What do we call the study of the mind and behavior?
A. Biology
B. Psychology
C. Sociology
D. AnthropologyB。
