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issn号:1359-6462杂志简介/稿件收录要求published by elsevier science. issn: 1359-6462.
scripta materialia, the companion journal to acta materialia, is an international journal for the science of materials. its purpose is to provide a medium for the rapid publication of cutting edge short papers which advance the understanding of structural, nanostructured, and functional materials, both crystalline and amorphous, across all materials classes. emphasis is placed on those aspects of the science of materials that address: (i) the relationship between the microstructure of materials and their properties, including mechanical (from both the defect and continuum viewpoints), electrical, magnetic and chemical properties; (ii) the relationship between the microstructure of materials and the thermodynamics, kinetics and mechanisms of processes occurring within solids; (iii) the synthesis and processing of materials, with emphasis on microstructural mechanisms and control. (iv) advances in the characterization of the microstructure and properties of materials. scripta materialia encourages the submission of letters of opinion, and of comments, particularly concerning work published in acta materialia and scripta materialia. the journal also publishes viewpoint sets, which are a series of short articles focused on topics of current interest within the scope of the journal and co-ordinated by invited editors.
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proc. r. soc. london, ser. b
proceedings of the royal society of london series b
process biochem.
process biochemistry
process control qual.
process control and quality
process saf. environ. prot.
process safety and environment protection
process saf. prog.
process safety progress
prog. biophys. mol. biol.
progress in biophysics and molecular biology
prog. biotechnol.
progress in biotechnology
prog. chem. org. nat. prod.
prog. colloid polym. .
progress in colloid and polymer science
prog. cryst. growth charact. mater.
progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials prog. energy combust. sci.
progress in energy and combustion science
prog. heterocycl. chem.
progress in heterocyclic chemistry
prog. ind. microbiol.
progress in industrial microbiology
prog. inorg. chem.
progress in inorganic chemistry
prog. lipid res.
progress in lipid research
prog. mater sci.
progress in materials science
prog. nucl. magn. reson. spectrosc.
progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy prog. org. coat.
progress in organic coatings
prog. pap. recycl.
progress in paper recycling
prog. polym. sci.
progress in polymer science
prog. react. kinet.
progress in reaction kinetics
prog. solid state chem.
progress in solid state chemistry
prog. surf. sci.
progress in surface science
prot. met
protection of metals
protein eng.
protein engineering
protein sci.
protein science
przem. chem.
przemysl chemiczny
pure appl. chem.
pure and applied chemistry
quant. struct.-act. relat.
quantitative structure-activity relationships
quim. anal. (barcelona)
quimica analitica
quim. nova
quimica nova
radiat eff. defects solids
radiation effects and defects in solids
radiat. phys. chem.
radiation physics and chemistry
radiat. prot. dosim.
radiation protection dosimetry
radiat. res.
radiation research
radiochim. acta
radiochima acta
rapid commun. mass spectrom.
rapid communications in mass spectrometry
rapra rev. rep.
rapra review reports
react. funct. polym.
reactive and functional polymers
react. kinet. catal. lett.
reaction kinetics and catalysis letters
recl. trav. chim. pays-bas
recueil des travaux chimiques des pays-bas journal of the royal netherlands chemical society
refract. ind. ceram
refractories and industrial ceramics
regul. toxicol. pharm.
regulatory toxicology and pharmacology
rep. prog. phys.
reports on progress in physics
res. chem. intermed.
research on chemical intermediates
res. commun. mol. pathol. pharmacol.
research communications in molecular pathology and pharmacology
res. microbiol.
research in microbiology
rev. anal. chem
reviews in analytical chemistry
rev. chem. eng.
reviews in chemical engineering
rev. chim.
revista de chimie
rev. comput. chem.
reviews in computational chemistry
rev. environ. contam. toxicol.
reviews of environment contamination and toxicology rev. gen. therm.
revue generale de thermique
rev. metall. / cah. inf. tech.
revue de metallurgie / cahiers dinformations techniques rev. physiol., biochem. pharmacol.
reviews of physiology biochemistry and pharmacology rev. roum. chim.
revue roumaine de chimie
rev. sci. instrum.
review of scientific instruments
rheol. acta
rheologica acta
rubber chem. technol.
rubber chemistry and technology
russ. chem. bull.
russian chemical bulletin
russ. j. appl. chem.
russian journal of applied chemistry
russ. j. bioorg. chem.
russian journal of bioorganic chemistry
russ. j. coord. chem.
russion journal of coordination chemistry
russ. j. electrochem.
russian journal of electrochemistry
russ. j. gen. chem.
russian journal of general chemistry
russ. j. nondestr. test.
russian journal of nondestructive testing
russ. j. org. chem.
russian journal of organic chemistry
russ. metall.
russian metallurgy
s. afr. j. chem.
south african journal of chemistry
sampe j.
sampe journal
scand. j. metall.
scandinavian journal of metallurgy
sci. china, ser. b
science in china, series b chemistry
sci. china, ser. e
science in china, series e technological sciences sci. prog.
science progress
sci. technol. weld. joining
science and technology of welding and joining /font> sci. total environ.
science of the total environment
scripta mater.
scripta materialia
semicond. sci. technol.
semiconductor science and technology
sens. actuators, a
sensors and actuators, a
sens. actuators, b
sensors and actuators, b
sep. purif. methods
separation and purification methods
sep. purif. technol.
separation and purification technology
sep. sci. technol.
separation science and technology
silic. indus.
silicates industriels
smart mater. struct.
smart materials and structures
soil biol. biochem.
soil biology and biochemistry
sol. energy mater. sol. cells
solar energy materials and solar cells
solid state commun.
solid state communications
solid state ionics
solid state ionics
solid state nucl. magn. reson.
solid state nuclear magnetic resonance
solid-state electron.
solid state electronics
solvent extr. ion exch.
solvent extraction and ion exchange
spectrochim. acta
spectrochimica acta
spectrochim. acta, part a
spectrochimica acta, part a
spectrochim. acta, part b
spectrochimica acta, part b
spectrosc. eur.
spectroscopy europe
spectrosc. lett.
spectroscopy letters
spectrosc. prop. inorg. organomet. compd. spectroscopic properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds
speculations sci. technol.
speculations in science and technology
spill sci. technol. bull.
spill science and technology bulletin
springer ser. chem. phys.
springer series in chemical physics
springer ser. solid-state sci.
springer series in solid-state sciences
struct. bond.
structure and bonding
struct. chem.
structural chemistry
stud. nat. prod. chem.
studies in natural products chemistry
stud. surf. sci. catal.
studies in surface science and catalysis
supercond. sci. technol.
superconductor science and technology
superlattices microstruct.
superlattices and microstructures
supramol. chem.
supramolecular chemistry
supramol. photosensit. electroact. mater.
supramolecular photosensitive and electroactive materials supramol. sci.
supramolecular science
surf. coat. int.
surface coatings international
surf. coat. technol.
surface and coatings technology
surf. eng.
surface engineering
surf. interface anal.
surface and interface analysis
surf. rev. lett.
surface review and letters
surf. sci.
surface science
surf. sci. rep.
surface science reports
surf. sci. spectra
surface science spectra
synth. commun.
synthetic communications
synth. met.
synthetic metals
synth. react. inorg. met.-org. chem.
synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry
tappi j.
tappi journal
tetrahedron lett.
tetrahedron letters
tetrahedron: asymmetry
tetrahedron: asymmetry
theochem journal of molecular structure
theor. exp. chem.
theoretical and experimental chemistry
theor. chem. acc.
theoretical chemistry accounts
theor. found. chem. eng.
theoretical foundations of chemical engineering thermochim. acta
thermochimica acta
thin solid films
thin solid films
tissue eng.
tissue engineering
top. appl. phys.
topics in applied physics
top. biol. inorg. chem.
topics in biological and inorganic chemistry
top. catal.
topics in catalysis
top. curr. chem.
topics in current chemistry
top. inorg. chem.
topics in inorganic chemistry
top. fluoresc. spectrosc.
topics in fluorescence spectroscopy
toxicol. appl. pharmacol.
toxicology and applied pharmacology
toxicol. environ. chem.
toxicological and environmental chemistry
toxicol. lett.
toxicology letters
toxicol. sci.
toxicological sciences
trac, trends anal. chem.
trac trends in analytical chemistry
trace elem. electrolytes
trace elements and electrolytes
trans. inst. met. finish.
transactions of the institution of metal finishing
trans. inst. min. metall., sect. a
transactions of the institution of mining and metallurgy section a
trans. inst. min. metall., sect. b
transactions of the institution of mining and metallurgy section b
trans. inst. min. metall., sect. c
transactions of the institution of mining and metallurgy section c
transition met. chem.
transition metal chemistry
trends biochem. sci
trends in biochemical sciences
trends biotechnol.
trends in biotechnology
tsvetn. met. (moscow)
tsvetnaya metally
ukr. khim. zh.
ukrainskii khimicheskii zhurnal
ukr. fiz. zh.
ukrainskii fizicheskii zhurnal
ultrason. sonochem.
ultrasonics sonochemistry
usp. khim.
uspekhi khimii
vib. spectrosc
vibrational spectroscopy
waste manage. (oxford)
waste management
waste manage. res.
waste management and research
water environ. res
water environment research
water res.
water research
water resour. res.
water resources research
water sci. technol.
water science and technology
water, air, soil pollut.
water, air, and soil pollution
world j. microbiol. biotechnol.
world journal of microbiology and biotechnology
x-ray spectrom.
x-ray spectrometry
z. anorg. allg. chem.
zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine chemie
z. kristallogr.
zeitschrift fur kristallograhie
z. kristallogr. - new cryst. struct.
zeitschrift fur kristallograhie - new crystral stuctures
z. metailkd.
zeitschrift fur metailkunde
z. naturforsch., a: phys. sci.
zeitschrift fur naturforschung a: journal of physical sciences z. naturforsch., b: chem. sci.
zeitschrift fur naturforschung b: journal of chemical sciences z. naturforsch., c: biosci.
zeitschrift fur naturforschung c: journal of biosciences
z. phys. a: hadrons nucl.
zeitschrift fur physik a: hadrons and nuclei
z. phys. b: condens. matter
zeitschrift fur physik b: condensed matter
z. phys. c: part. fields
zeitschrift fur physik c: particle fields
z. phys. d: at., mol. clusters
zeitschrift fur physik d: atoms, molecules and clusters z. phys. chem.
zeitschrift fur physikalische chemie
zh. fiz. khim.
zhurnal fizicheskoi khimii
zh. neorg. khim.
zhurnal neorganicheskoi khimii
zh. obshch. khim.
zhurnal obshchei khimii
zh. org. khim.
zhurnal organicheskoi khimii
zh. prikl. khim.
zhurnal prikladnoi khimii