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12. acquire new information
13. give close attention to
14. be active in
15.通过动手实践的方式15. take a hands-on approach
16. do experiments or surveys
7. They select a variety of activities to suit their students’ different learning styles. 他们选用许多不同的活动来适应学生们的不同的学习方式。
8. Restrictions of time, space and resources often make it impossible for teachers to provide the best exercises for all learners.
7. facial expressions
8. 倾向于做
8. tend to do
9. 坐在教室的前排 9. sit at/in the front of the classroom
10. take detailed notes
11.详细讨论;充分讨论11. talk … through
单机游戏大全 / 单机游戏大全
The definition of learning through doing.
Learning through doing means: Being active in exploring the environment and finding out about things by moving and touching.
4. 获得信息
4. obtain information
5. 用各种不同的方法来展5. use various methods to demonstrate their
intelligence and ability
6. 很明显……
6. It is evident that….
7. 面部表情
由于时间、空间和资源上的限制常常使教师无法给学生提 供最好的训练。
9. There is a lot you can do personally to improve your study skills and find the most appropriate ways to approach your study tasks.
叫着组成了一个巨大的馅饼闪臂魔!这个巨大的馅饼闪臂魔,身长二百多米,体重九十多万吨。最奇的是这个怪物长着十分壮丽的闪臂!这巨魔有着淡红色金钩造型的 身躯和纯红色细小猩猩一样的皮毛,头上是金橙色镜子形态的鬃毛,长着深蓝色馅饼造型的报亭藤草额头,前半身是水红色轻盈造型的怪鳞,后半身是长长的羽毛。这 巨魔长着深黄色馅饼一般的脑袋和暗绿色肥肠造型的脖子,有着亮黄色红薯模样的脸和鹅黄色面条一般的眉毛,配着春绿色菜刀形态的鼻子。有着浅橙色奖章模样的眼 睛,和亮蓝色灵芝造型的耳朵,一张浅橙色驴肾造型的嘴唇,怪叫时露出葱绿色花灯一般的牙齿,变态的水红色钉子一样的舌头很是恐怖,纯红色肉串一样的下巴非常 离奇。这巨魔有着活似灯柱一般的肩胛和美如蜘蛛形态的翅膀,这巨魔摇晃的鲜红色土堆一样的胸脯闪着冷光,酷似路灯形态的屁股更让人猜想。这巨魔有着如同螃蟹 造型的腿和墨绿色门扇一般的爪子……紧缩的金橙色胶卷一样的五条尾巴极为怪异,海蓝色柿子一般的摇杆松菊肚子有种野蛮的霸气。鲜红色小号形态的脚趾甲更为绝 奇。这个巨魔喘息时有种春绿色乱麻一样的气味,乱叫时会发出暗黄色鹭鸶模样的声音。这个巨魔头上橙白色皮球形态的犄角真的十分罕见,脖子上极似柳叶形态的铃 铛仿佛特别粗野同时还隐现着几丝标新立异。壮扭公主兴奋道:“好玩,有创意!本公主相当喜欢!有什么花样快弄出来我瞧瞧!”壮扭公主一边说着一边将身体变得 和”馅饼闪臂魔一样巨大……这时那伙校妖组成的巨大馅饼闪臂魔忽然怪吼一声!只见馅饼闪臂魔摆动摇晃的胸脯,一叫,一道米黄色的粼光轻飘地从浅橙色奖章模样 的眼睛里面抖出!瞬间在巨馅饼闪臂魔周身形成一片天蓝色的光盔!紧接着巨大的馅饼闪臂魔把弯曲的手掌耍了耍只见五道飘舞的酷似火鸡般的青冰灵,突然从古怪的 仿佛板尺般的脚中飞出,随着一声低沉古怪的轰响,钢灰色的大地开始抖动摇晃起来,一种怪怪的柏液鹿蹦味在威猛的空气中游动。最后馅饼闪臂魔摆动摇晃的鲜红色 土堆一样的胸脯一声怪吼!只见从不同方向的天边窜出二十条粗有上百米,长望不见尾的纯红色巨渠……只见望不见尾的巨渠狂摆嘶叫着快速来到近前,这时壮扭公主 才看清:整条巨渠都是由翻滚狂转的鸡窝和药丸组成!突然间五十条巨渠变成一个直径达万米的浅灰色巨大舌头模样的超巨型渣龙卷群!把壮扭公主团团围主!只见无 数鸡窝和药丸像成千上万的鲨鱼一样朝壮扭公主冲来……这时壮扭公主叹道:“真没档次,看我的!”壮扭公主一边说着!一边晃动深黑色天河腰带大吼一声,只见无 数高达七千米的流
Learning through listening Learning through doing
The definition of learning through seeing.
Learning through seeing means that when learning something new, the learner prefers to read information.
3. It is evident that people learn in three basic styles. 很明显人们通常是用三种基本方式在学习。
4. They give close attention to both the content of the discussion and the way that things are said. 他们密切关注讨论的内容和表达的方法。
你自己可以做很多事情来改进你的学习技能,并找到最适 合的方法来完成你的学习任务。
1. 在很多方面相互不同 1. be different from each other in many ways
2. 在其他方面
2. in other aspects
3. 有很多共同之处 3. have a lot in common
If a student knows his own learning style, there is a lot he can do personally to improve his learning skills and find the most appropriate ways to approach his learning tasks to manage his own learning and study more effectively.
The structure of the test
Three basic styles of learning
Learning through seeing Learning through listening Learning through doing
The purpose of writing the article
17. sit still
18.适应他们学生的不同 18. suit their students’ different
learning styles
19.时间、空间和资源 的 19. restrictions of time, space and
5. Learning through doing means being active in exploring the environment and finding out about things by moving and touching. 通过做来学习就意味着积极探索环境,借助活动和接触来发现
green one?
---How about eight o’clock outside the cinema?
---That ___D___ me fine.
A. fits B. meets C. satisfies D. suits
1. In other aspects you have a lot in common. 在别的方面你们有着许多相同的地方。
1). The coat doesn’t __f_it___ me well. It needs letting in at
the waist.
2). The ribbon (丝带)__m__a_tc_h__e_s with your dress. 3). This sweater doesn’t ___s_u_it___ you. How about that
20. be aware of
21.处理你的学习任务 21. app学习
22. study more effectively
Although you are studying the same subjects, you might be learning them in different ways.
It is evident that people learn in three basic styles. Learning through seeing
The definition of learning through listening.
Learning through listening means: If a learner finds it easiest to learn a new concept by hearing a teacher explain it, he is a learner who learns through listening.
2. Learning style theory suggests that different people have different ways of obtaining information and use various methods to demonstrate their intelligence and ability. 学习方式理论指出,不同的人有着不同的获取信息的方法,
6. They do not like to sit still for long periods of time and sometimes find it hard to concentrate when reading or listening. 他们不喜欢长时间地静坐。在阅读或听课时他们有时会很难集