Total Quality Management(英文版)(ppt 21页)
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Wine Glasses
Scratch Color Porosity Chip Other
Machine 020
0.41 - 0.51 0.50 0.60
0.61 0.70
0.71 - 0.81 0.80 0.90
Control Charts
Conclusions of Study
1. Quality = expectations that are met 2. Quality is determined by process and
outcome 3. Two types of service; normal and
Quality problems are uncovered by using workers and inspectors who conduct tests on products
People must be trained on the various tools that are available
Notify Customer
Order Parts
Pass Y Inspection?
Completed Repair
Perform Corrected Work
Cause & Effect Diagram
Bad Repair Temperature Control
Not Maintained Not Clear
Cost of Quality
1978 - P. Crosby wrote “Quality is Free” Quality improvements yield higher profit Prevention and improvement not
inspection Categories
Bad Cleanup
Incorrect Measurement
Does not meet specs
Jars Mislabeled
Damaged Product
Pareto Analysis
80% of the problems may be attributed to 20% of the causes.
Performance - primary ops characteristics
– Availability, Reliability, Durability, Maintainability
Features - secondary characteristics Warranty - promise of performance Aesthetics - pleasing characteristics Price - indicates value of product Example - Stereo Amplifier
1020 1010
970 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
TQM in Service Industry
More difficult to apply to service firms
Perceived quality is affected by service and surroundings
Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management
Quality has become a high priority issue Quality impacts the entire organization
– suppliers, customers ,design, maintenance
Quality Standards
1. Baldrige Award
- only US firms can apply
2. Deming Prize
- open to all companies
3. ISO 9000
- Quality Standards for Europe
Tools of TQM
Customer drops off car
Mechanic makes diagnosis
Discuss work with customer
Y Perform
Wቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱrk
Repair Not Authorized
Customer departs with car
Collect Money
Workers contribute most to perceived quality
Determinants of Service Quality
1. Reliability 2. Responsiveness 3. Competence 4. Courtesy 5. Communication 6. Credibility
1. Plan
3. Check
3. Study the results; did it work?
2. Do
2. Execute the change.
Visible to customer
Process Flow Chart
Repair Authorized
Not visible to customer
– " I told the Japanese that they would capture markets within five years the world over, that they would take their place alongside prosperous nations. They have done it."
P ro d u c t S p e c ific a tio n
( d e s ig n )
O u tp u t ( q u a lity o f m a n u fa c tu r in g )
C u s to m e r P e rc e p tio n s
Dimensions of Quality
– Cost of Failure – Cost of Controlling Quality
TQM is a valuable concept in managing organizations
Must build the right climate for acceptance of TQM
Garvin advanced 5 viewpoints; 1. Transcendent 2. Product-Based 3. User-Based 4. Manufacturing-Based 5. Value-Based
Customer Driven Quality
Perspective on quality - placement Internal/external customers Product Planning Market segments to be served Level of performance/price Level of quality comes from customer Do not care why it is defective
Today’s customer is well informed journals, news
Quality-based management philosophy - key to success
Total Quality Management
TQM was advanced by W. Edwards Deming in late 50's
Quality Definitions
The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. - ASQ
Customer Driven Quality
C u s to m e r N e e d s W a n ts ,
E x p e c ta tio n s , D e lig h ts
Id e n tific a tio n o f C u s to m e r R e q u ir e m e n ts
Process takes time
Quality is Job One
“No matter what the
product or service, you can find it somewhere else cheaper” - E. Scrooge
W. Edwards Deming - PDCA cycle
PDCA Cycle (Deming Wheel)
4. Institutionalize the change or abandon or do it again.
4. Act
1. Plan a change aimed at improvement.