Luviflex Silk
2. 长按开机电源,开机第一档为低速档,按第二下为中速档,第三下为高速挡。
3. 开机后枪口朝下垂直直接接触皮肤表面,控制好导入仪斜度,以免原液没有均匀流出。
4. 轻轻按压达到一定力度即可触发高频导入电机,开启养分输入通道.5. 通过快速、密集、轻柔的上下一点一提作用于操作部位,快速呈现美肤效果6. 护理完之后无需清洗,再使用一片修复面膜,20分钟以后再清洗面部,对皮肤起到一个更好的吸收和修复效果。
料中 的 水 分 输 送。这 种 优 点 与 Vl 的柔软性结合 , if o l 对拉绒织物生
产 商也 是非 常感兴 趣 的 。
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那么大家知道你今天穿的衣服在英语当中是怎么说的吗?下面,店铺为大家分享常用衣服英语单词,希望对大家有所帮助!常用衣服英语单词overalls:(美)工装裤cuff:袖口formal dress:礼服buttonhole:纽扣孔tailcoat, 燕尾服,morning coat:大礼服shirt:衬衫blouse:女衬衫evening dress:晚礼服T-shirt:T懈衫Dress coat:燕尾服Vest:背心Nightshirt:衬衫式长睡衣Sweater:毛衣,(厚)运动衫Polo shirt:马球衫Dinner jacket(tuxedo):【美】(男士无尾半正式)晚礼服;餐服Short-sleeved sweater:短袖运动衫Full dress uniform:【军】全装; 正式的晚礼服Round-neck sweater:圆领运动衫clothes:衣服garments:外衣wardrobe:衣柜double-breasted suit:双排扣外衣clothing:(总称)衣服ready-made clothes:成衣suit:套装ready- to-wear:现成服装dress:女装men’s wear::男装everyday clothes:便服women’s wear:女装three-piece suit:三件套underwear:内衣uniform:制服Roll-neck sweater:高翻领运动衫Grown,robe:长袍。
长外衣Overcoat:男式大衣Fur coat:皮大衣Twinset:两件套,运动衫裤Dust coat:风衣Kimono:和服Mantle;cloak:斗篷Cardigan:开襟羊毛衫Sheepshin jacket:羊皮夹克Mackintosh;raincoat:雨衣Hood:风帽,头巾Trousers:裤子Scarf;muffler:围巾Jeans:牛仔裤Shawl:披肩Braces:裤子背带Bathrobe:浴衣Breeches:马裤Nightgown;nightdress:女睡衣Belt:裤带Pyjamas:睡衣裤Skirt:裙子Pocket:衣袋Divided skirt;split skirt:裙裤Lapel:上衣翻领Underwear;underclothes:内衣裤Sleeve:袖子Underpants,pants:内裤Briefs:短内裤,三角裤Glove:手套Panties:女短内裤Tie(necktie):领带Brassiere;bra:乳罩Bow tie:蝶型领带Corselet:紧身胸衣Cap:便帽Waistcoat:背心Hat:带沿的帽子Slip;petticoat:衬裙Bowler hat:圆顶硬礼帽Top hat:高顶礼帽Panama hat:巴拿马草帽Beret:贝雷帽Broad-brimmed straw hat:宽边草帽Girdle:腰带Stoacking:长袜silk stockings 丝袜Tights:紧身衣裤Bathing trunks:游泳裤Bathing costume;swimsuit:游泳衣Bikini:比基尼泳衣Apron:围裙 Headdress:头饰Turban:头巾Natural fabric:天然纤维Cotton:棉Silk:丝Wool:毛料Linen:麻Synthetic fabric:混合纤维Nylon:尼龙Cashmere:羊毛,开司米Patterns:花样Tartan plaid:格子花Dot:圆点花Strip:条纹Veil:面纱其他英语单词1. cata-表示“向下,相反,离开”2. deca-表示“十”3. deci-表示“十分之一”4. demi-表示“半”5. endo-表示“内部”6. hecto-表示“百,许多”7. hemi-表示“半”8. hepta-表示“七”9. hexa-表示“六”10. holo-表示“全部”11. intra-表示“在内,内部”12. iso-表示“等,同”13. kilo-表示“一千”14. meta-表示“超过,改变”15. milli-表示“千,千分之一”16. ob-表示“逆,倒,加强意义”17. octa-表示“八”(亦作octo)18. penta-表示“五”19. quadri-, quadru-表示“四”20. quasi-表示“类似,准”21. semi-表示“半”22. sept,septi-表示“七”23. sex-表示“六”24. step-表示“后,继或前夫(妻)所生”25. stereo-表示“立体”26. supra-表示“超….”27. tetra-表示“四”28. tri-表示“三”29. twi-表示“二,两”30. uni-表示“一个,单一”31. vice-表示“副”32. with-表示“向后,相反”第三部分通过词根认识单词(常用词根一)1. acid, acri, acrid, acu=sour, sharp,表示“尖,酸,锐利”2. act=to do , to drive,表示“行动,做”3. aer, aero, aeri=air,表示“空气,充气”等4. ag=do, act,表示“做,代理做”5. agri, agro, agr=field, land,表示“田地,农业”等6. alter, altern, ali=other, to change,表示“其他的,改变状态”7. am, amor, amat=love,表示“爱,情爱”8. ambul=walk,表示“行走,走路”9. anim=life,spirit,表示“生命,精神”等10. ann, enn=year,表示“年,一年”11. anthrop=man,human,表示“人,人类”12. apt,ept=fit, ability,表示“适应,能力”13. aqu=water,表示“水”14. arch,archy=ruler, rule, chief,表示“统治者,统治,主要的'”15. art=skill, joint, trick,表示“技巧,关节,诡计”16. astro,aster=star,表示“星星”17. audi,audit=hear,表示“听”18. av,avar, avi=desire,bird,表示“渴望,鸟”19. ball,bol=throw, dance, ball,表示“抛,舞,球”20. bas,base=low, foundation,表示“低下,基础”21. bell,bel=war, fight,表示“战争,打斗”22. bio,bi=life,表示“生命,生物”23. brev, bridg=short,表示“短,缩短”24. cad, cas, cid=fall,表示“落下,降临”25. cand=white,glow,表示“白,发光”26. cant,cent=sing,song,表示“唱,歌”27. cap, capt, cept ,ceive, cip, cup=take, hold, seize,表示“拿,抓,握住”28. cap, cipit=head,表示“头”29. card, cord=heart,表示“心脏,一致”30. carn=flesh,表示“肉”31. ced, ceed, cess=go,表示“行走,前进”(附加) cept=take拿取32. celer=quick,speed,表示“快,速”33. cent=hundred,表示“一百”34. centr=center,表示“中心”35. cern, cert, cret=sure, separate,表示“搞清,区别”36. chron=time,表示“时间”37. cid,cis=cut,kill,表示“切开,杀”38. circ,cycl=ring,circle,表示“圆,环”39. cit=quote,call,表示“引用,唤起”40. claim, clam=cyrout, shout,表示“呼喊,叫喊”41. clear, clar, clair=clear, bright,表示“清楚,明白”42. clin, cliv=lean,slope,表示“倾斜,斜坡”43. clos, clud, clus=close,表示“关闭”44.corp,corpor=body,表示“身体,团体”"45.cracy=rule,表示“统治或政体”;crat=ruler,表示“统治者”46.creed,cred=believe,trust,表示“相信,信任47.cre,creas=grow,make,表示“增长,产生”48.cruc,crus,crux=cross,表示“十字形,交叉”49.crypt=secret,hidden,表示“秘密,隐藏”50.cub,cumb=lie down,表示“躺”;cumber=barrier,表示“躺的东西,障碍”51cult=till,表示“耕种,培养”52.cur=care,表示“关心”53.cur(r),curs, cours=run ,表示“跑,发生”54dem(o)=people,表示“人民,人们”55.dent=tooth,表示“牙齿”56.derm,dermat =skin,表示“皮肤”57.dict,dic=say,assert,表示“说话,断言”"58.dign=worthy,noble,表示“值得,高贵”59.doc,doct=to teach,表示“教”60.don,dit=give,表示“给予”61.du,dub,doub=two,表示“二,双”62.duc,duct=lead,bring,表示“引导,带来”63.dur=last,hard,表示“持久,坚硬”64.dyn,dynam=power,表示“力量”65.em,empt,ampl=take,procure,表示“拿,获得”66.equ,equi=equal,even,表示“相等,平均”67.erg=energy,work,表示“能量,活动”68.err=wander,mistake,表示“漫游,犯错误”69.ev=age,表示“年龄,时代”70.fabl,fabul=speak,表示“讲,说”71.fac,fic=face,表示“脸,面”72.fac,fact,fect,fic,fig=make,do,表示“做,制作”73.fall,fail,fault=err,deceive,表示“犯错误,欺骗”"74.fer=bring,carry,表示“带来,拿来”75.ferv=boil,表示“沸,热”76.fid=trust,faith,表示“相信,信念”77.fin=end,boundary,表示“结束,范围”78.flam,flagr=blaze,表示“火焰”79.flect,flex=bend,表示“弯曲”80.flict=strike,表示“打击”81.flor,flour=flower,表示“花”82.flu=flow,表示“流动”83.fore,fort=storng,表示“强大,力量”84.form=shape,表示“形状”85.fract=break,表示“打碎”86.frig,friger=cold,表示“冷”87.fug=flee,表示“逃,离开”88.fus=pour,表示“流,泻”89.gen,gener,genit=birth,produce,表示“出生,产生”90.gest,gister=carry,bring,表示“带来,产生”"91.gnos(t),gnor=know,表示“知道”92.gon=angle,表示“角”93.grad=step,grade,表示“步,级”94.graph,gram=write,表示“写,图”95.grat,gree=pleasing,表示“感激,高兴”96.grav,griev=heavy,表示“重"97.greg=group,表示“群体”98.gress=.go,walk,表示“行走”99.gyn,gynec=woman,表示“妇女”100.habit=dwell,表示“居住”101.hap=chance,表示“机会,运气”"102.her,hes=stick,表示“粘附”"103.hibit=hold,表示“拿住”"104.hum=earth,表示“土,地”"105.hydy,hydro= water,表示“水”"106.idea,ideo=idea,表示“思想,观点”",表示“行走”"108.ject=throw,cast,表示“投掷,扔”"109.judg,judic=judge,表示“判断”"110.junct,join=join,表示“结合,连接”"111.jur,juris=swear,law,表示“发誓,法律”"112.juven=young,表示“年轻”"bor=labor,表示“劳动”"ps=slip,表示“滑,滑走”"t= bring,out,表示“拿出,带出”"v,luv,lut=wash,表示“洗,冲洗”"117.lect,lig= choose,gather表示“选择,收集”" 118.lect,leg=speak,read,表示“讲,读”"119.leg,legis=law,表示“法律”"120.lev,live=raise,lighten,表示“提高,举起,变轻”" 121.liber=free,表示“自由”"122.limin,lim=threshold,表示“门槛,限制”" 123.line=line,表示“直线,线条”"124.lingu=language ,表示“语言”,原意为“舌头”"125.liter=letter,表示“文字,字母”"126.lith=stone,表示“石头”"127.loc=place,表示“地方”"128.log,logu=speak,表示“说话”"129.log=science,表示“科学,学科”"130.long=leng,表示“长”"131.loqu,locu=speak,表示“说话”"132.luc,lust=light,shine,表示“光,照亮”"133.lumin=light,表示“光”"134.lud,lus=play,表示“玩,戏剧”", manu= hand,表示“手”"136. marin=sea,表示“海洋”"137.mark= sign ,表示“记号,符号”"138.matern, matr= mother,表示“母性,母亲”",表示“中间”"140.memor=memory,表示“记忆”"141.ment= mind,表示“思考,神智”"142.merg, mers= sink,表示“沉,没”"143.meter,metr,meas,mens=measure,表示“计量;测量等”144.migr=remove,表示“迁移”"145.min=project,表示“伸出,突出”",min=small,表示“小”"147.mir =wonder,look,表示“惊奇,看”"148. misc=mix,表示“混淆”"149. miss,mit= send,cast,表示“送,放出”"150. mob=move,表示“动”"151.mod=mode,manner,表示“方式,模式,风度”" 152.mon, monit= warn,表示“警告”"153.morph=form,shape,表示“形状”"154.mort=death,表示“死”"155.mot= motion,表示“运动”"156.mount=ascend,表示“登上”"157. muni,mun= public,表示“公共的”"158.mut= change,表示“改变”"159. nat=born,表示“出生的”"160. nav,naus, naut= ship,表示“船” naut引申为“海员”161. nect,nex= bind,表示“连结”"162.neg=deny,表示“否认”"163. negr, nigr= black,表示“黑”"164. noc, nox= hurt, poison,表示“伤害,毒”"165.nom(y)=a field of knowledge,表示“某一领域的知识”166.nomin=name,表示“名称,名字”"167.norm=rule, norm,表示“规则,规范”"168. not=know,表示“知道,注意”"169.nounce,nunci= speak,表示“讲话,说出”"170. nov=new,表示“新的”171. numer=number,表示“数目”"172. onym=nam,表示“名字”"173. oper=work ,表示“工作”"174. opt= choose,表示“选择”"175. opt,opto= sight,表示“视力”"176. ora,orat=mouth,表示“嘴,说”"177. ori,orig= rise, begin ,表示“升起,开始”"178. ordin=order,表示“命令,顺序”"179. orn=embellish,表示“装饰”"180.par=equal,表示“平等”"181. part, port=part, divide,表示“部分,分开”"182. pass=pass through,表示“通过”"183. pass= felling,表示“感情”"184.path=feeling, suffering, illness,表示“感情,痛苦,病”"185. patr(i)=father,表示“父亲”"186. ped=foot,表示“脚”"187.ped=child, education,表示“儿童”,引申为“教育”"188. pel,puls= drive, push,表示“驱动,推”"189. pen,pun=penalty,表示“处罚”"190. pend, pens= hang,表示“悬挂”"191. pend,pens, pond= weight, expend,表示“称重量,称银子”,引申为“花费”"192.per=try,表示“尝试”",表示“追寻,寻求”"194.phag=eat,表示“吃”"195.phil,philo=love,表示“爱”"196. phob,phobia=dislike,表示“厌恶”"197.phon=sound,表示“声音”"198. pict=paint,表示“描画”"199.plac=to please,表示“取悦,使满意,使平静”"200.plat= flat,表示“平坦”"201. plant=plant,表示“种植”"202. ple,plen,plet, pli=full, fill,表示“满,填满”"203.plex= fold,表示“重叠”"204.plic, pli, ply= fold ,表示“重叠,折叠”"205.plor=cry,weep,表示“喊,哭”"206.point,punct= point,make sharp,表示“点,变尖”"208.pon, pound= put,表示“放置”"209. popul,publ=people,表示“人民”"210. port=carry,表示“拿,运”"211. pos, posit=put,表示“放”"212. prais, preci= value,表示“价值”"213. prehens, prehend= catch ,表示“抓住”"214. press= press,表示“挤压”"215. prim= first, chief,表示“第一,主要的”"216. pris= take,表示“拿住,抓住”"217. priv=single, alone,表示“单个”"218. prob, prov= test,表示“测试,证明”"219. proper,propri = one's own,表示“拥有”;引申为“恰当的”220. pugn=fight,表示“打斗”"221. pur, purg=pure,表示“纯洁”"222.put =think,表示“认为,思考”",quir, quis, quer= seek, search,表示“寻求,询问”224. quiet, qui= still,表示“静”"225. quit= free,表示“自由”"226. radic= root,表示“根”"227.range=rank,表示“排列,顺序”"228.rap,rapt,rav=snatch,表示“捕,夺”"229.ras, rad=scrape,表示“刮擦”"230.rect=stright, right,表示“正,直”"231. rid, ris= laugh,表示“笑”"232. rod, ros= bite,表示“咬”"233. rog=ask,表示“要求,问”"234. rot= wheel,表示“轮子,转”"235. rud= rude,表示“原始,粗野”"236.rupt=break,表示“断裂”"237. sal= salt,表示“盐”"238. san, sanit= healthy,表示“健康的”"239. sanguin= blood ,表示“血”"240.sati,satis,satur=enough,full of food,表示“足够;饱足”" 241.scend, scens, scent=climb,表示“爬,攀”"242.sci=know,表示“知道”"243.scrib,script=write,表示“写”"244. secut,sequ= follow,表示“跟随”"245. sect,seg= cut, divide,表示“切,割”"246. sens, sent =feel,表示“感觉”"247. sen=old,表示“老”"248. sert=join, ,表示“加入,插入”249. serv=serve, keep ,表示“服务,保持”"250. sid=sit,表示“坐”"251. sign=mark,表示“记号,信号”"252. simil, simul, sembl =alike,same ,表示“相类似,一样”" 253. Sinu=bend,表示“弯曲”"254. Sist= stand,表示“站立”"255. soc=companion,表示“同伴”,引申为“社会”" 256. sol=alone,表示“单独”"257. sol=sun ,表示“太阳”"258. solv,solu, solut=loosen,表示“松开”"259. somn=sleep,表示“睡眠”"260.son=sound,表示“声音”"261. soph=wise,表示“智慧,聪明”"262.speci=look, kind,表示“外观,种类”"263. spect, spic= look, see,表示“看”"264. sper=hope,表示“希望”"265. spers= scatter,表示“散开”"266. spir=breathe,表示“呼吸”"267. spond, spons =promise,表示“承诺”"268. st, sta, stat, stan, stant, stin = stand,表示“站,立”" 269. stell=star,表示“星星”"270 still=small drop。
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广东日美光电科技有限公司Ipixel 事业部简介爱拼绣(Ipixel )位于珠三角最具活力的顺德区,是专注于闪片展示产品的研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的大型专业性企业。
亮片绣、闪片绣产品规格:150mm×150mm, 每片板材由225块小颗圆形亮片组成。
2. 平纹织物:PLAIN CLOTH3. 斜纹织物:TWILL CLOTH4. 缎纹织物:SATIN AND SATEEN CLOTH5. 纯纺织物:PURE YARN FABRIC6. 混纺织物:BLENDED FABRIC7. 混并织物:MIXTURE [ 'mikst?? ]8. 交织织物:MIXED FABRIC9. 服装用织物:DRESS FABRIC10. 装饰用织物:FURNISHING FABRIC11. 产业用织物:TECHNICAL [ 'teknik?l ] FABRIC12. 平布:PLAIN CLOTH13. 粗平布:COARSE SHEETING14. 中平布:PLAIN CLOTH15. 细平布:FINE PLAIN16. 粘纤平布:VISCOSE [ 'visk?us ] PLAIN CLOTH17. 富纤平布:POLYNOSIC [ .p?li'n?sik ] PLAIN CLOTH18. 粘/棉平布:VISCOSE/COTTON PLAIN CLOTH19. 粘/维平布:VISCOSE/VINYLON PLAIN CLOTH20. 涤/棉平布:T/C PLAIN CLOTH21. 涤/粘平布:POLYESTERE/VISCOSE PLAIN CLOTH22. 棉/丙平布:COTTON/POLYPROPYLENE PLAIN CLOTH23. 棉/维平布:C/V PLAIN CLOTH24. 细纺:CAMBRIC [ 'keimbrik ]26. 府绸:POPLIN27. 纱府绸:POPLINETTE28. 线府绸:THREADY POPLIN29. 涤/棉府绸:T/C POPLIN30. 棉/维府绸:C/V POPLIN31. 麻纱:HAIR CORDS32. 柳条麻纱:STRIPED HAIR CORDS33. 异经麻纱:END-AND-END HAIR CORDS34. 提花麻纱:FIGURED HAIR CORDS35. 罗布:LENO-LIKE CLOTH36. 罗缎:BENGALINE,TUSSORES37. 巴厘纱:VOILE [ vwɑ:l, v?il ]38. 麦尔纱:MULL39. 防绒布:DOWN-PROOF FABRIC40. 双经布:DOUBLE ENDS FABRIC41. 双纬布:DOUBLE WEFT FABRIC42. 蓝白花布:INDIGO PRINT43. 纱斜纹:SINGLE DRILL44. 线斜纹:THREADY DRILL45. 粗斜纹:COARSE [ k?:s ] DRILL46. 细斜纹:JEAN47. 哔叽:SERGE48. 纱哔叽:SINGLE SERGE49. 粘胶哔叽:VISCOSE SERGE50. 华达呢:GABERCORD51. 纱华达呢:SINGLE GABERCORD52. 线华达呢:THREADY GABERCORD53. 卡其:KHAKI [ 'kɑ:ki ] DRILL54. 单面卡其:ONE-SIDED DRILL55. 双面卡其:REVERSIBLE [ ri'v?:s?bl ] DRILL56. 纱卡其:SINGLE DRILL57. 线卡其:THREADY DRILL58. 人字卡其:POINTED DRILL59. 缎纹卡其:WHIPCORD60. 涤/棉卡其:T/C DRILL61. 直贡:TWILLED SATIN62. 纱直贡:SINGLE TWILLED SATIN63. 羽绸:SATINET [ .s?ti'net ]64. 线直贡:THREADY TWILLED SATIN65. 横贡:SATEEN66. 绒布:FLANNELETTE67. 单面绒布:IRREVERSIBLE [ .iri'v?:s?bl.-sib- ] FLANNELETTE [ fl?n?'let ]68. 双面绒布:BOTH-SIDE RAISED FLANNELETTE69. 斜纹绒布:TWILLED FUSTIAN,FLANNEL TWILLS70. 厚绒布:HEAVY FLANNELETTE71. 灯芯绒:CORDUROY [ 'k?:d?r?i ]72. 粗条灯芯绒:SPACIOUS [ 'spei??s ] WALED CORDUROY73. 中条灯芯绒:MID-WALE CORDUROY74. 细条灯芯绒:PINWALE CORDUROY75. 特细条灯芯绒:ULTRA [ '?ltr? ] -FINE CORDUROY76. 提花灯芯绒:FIGURED [ 'fig?d ] CORDUROY77. 弹力灯芯绒:ELASTIC [ i'l?stik ] CORDUROY78. 棉/涤灯芯绒:T/C CORDUROY79. 仿平绒:VELVETEEN [ 'velvi'ti:n ] -LIKE FABRIC80. 烂花仿平绒:ETCHED-OUT VELVETEEN [ 'velvi'ti:n ] -LIKE FABRIC81. 平绒:VELVET AND VELVETEEN [ 'velvi'ti:n ]82. 纱罗织物:LENO AND GAUZE [ g?:z ]83. 牛津布:OXFORD [ '?ksf?d ]84. 竹节布:SLUBBED FABRIC85. 结子布:KNOP FABRIC86. 提花布:FIGURED CLOTH87. 提格布:CHECKS88. 绉布:CREPE [ kreip ]89. 皱纹布:CREPPELLA [ 'kreip?l? ]90. 泡泡纱:SEERSUCKER [ 'si?s?k? ]91. 轧纹布:EMBOSSING [ im'b?si? ] CLOTH92. 折绉布:WRINKLE FABRIC93. 水洗布:WASHER WRINKLE FABRIC94. 稀密条织物:THICK AND THIN STRIPED FABRIC95. 经条呢:WARP STRIPEED FABRIC96. 华夫格:WALF CHECKS97. 巴拿马:PANAMA98. 服装衬布:PADING CLOTH99. 树脂衬布:RESIN PADDING CLOTH100. 热熔粘合衬布:HOT-MELT ADHESIVE [ ?d'hi:siv ] PADDING CLOTH101. 黑炭衬:HAIR INTERLINING102. 马尾衬:HAIR CLOTH103. 粘纤织物:SPUN RAYON FABRIC104. 富纤织物:POLYNOSIC [ .p?li'n?sik ] FABRIC105. 氨纶弹力织物:SPANDEX [ 'sp?ndeks ] STRETCH [ stret? ] FABRIC106. 中长化纤织物:MIDFIBRE FABRIC107. 纬长丝织物:WEFT FILAMENT [ 'fil?m?nt ] MIXED [ mikst ] FABRIC108. 纬长丝大提花仿绸织物:SILK-LIKE FABRIC JACQUARD [ d??'kɑ:d ]109. 仿麂皮织物:SUEDE [ sweid ] FABRIC110. 仿麻布:LINEN TYPE CLOTH111. 合纤长丝仿麻布:POLYSTER LINEN TYPE FILAMENT FABRIC112. 低弹涤纶丝仿毛织物:WOOL-LIKE FABRIC WITH TRUE-RAN LOW-ELASTIC [ i'l?stik ] YARN113. 凉爽呢:WOOL-LIKE FABRIC114. 雪尼儿织物:CHENILLE [ ??'ni:l ] FABRIC115. 柔道运动服织物:FABRIC OF JUDO [ 'd?u:d?u ] WEAR116. 医药用纱布:MEDICAL [ 'medik?l ] GAUZE117. 尿布:DIAPER118. 烂花布:ETCHED [ 'et?id ] -OUT FABRIC119. 全包芯纱烂花布:COMPOSITE [ 'k?mp?zit, -zait ] YARN ETCHED-OUT FABRIC120. 混纺纱烂花布;BLENDED YARN ETCHED-OUT FABRIC121. 帆布:CANVAS [ 'k?nv?s ]122. 遮盖帆布:CANVAS [ 'k?nv?s ] OF COVER123. 橡胶帆布:RUBBER CANVAS [ 'k?nv?s ]124. 鞋用帆布:PLIMSOL [ 'plims?l ] L DUCK125. 百页布:BAIYE FABRIC126. 滤布:FILTRATION [ fil'trei??n ] FABRIC127. 印花衬布:PRINTING BLANKET128. 圆筒布:TUBULAR [ 'tju:bjul? ] FABRIC129. 43-3丙纶长丝滤布:POLYPROPYLENE [ .p?li'pr?upili:n ] FILAMENTFILTRATION[ fil'trei??n ] FABRIC130. 729-涤纶大圆筒滤布:POLYESTER TUBULAR FILTRATION FABRIC131. 318锦纶布:318 POLYAMIDE FABRIC132. 锦纶布:601 POLYAMIDE FABRIC133. 伞布:UMBRELLA CLOTH134. 砂皮布:ABRASIVE[ ?'breisiv ] CLOTH135. 玻璃纤纬织物:GLASS-FIBRE FABRIC136. 土工模袋布:FABRICFORM137. 标准贴衬织物:STANDARD ADJACENT [ ?'d?eis?nt ] FABRIC138. 家具布:UPHOLSTERY [ ?p'h?ulst?ri ] FABRIC139. 窗帘布:WINDOW BLIND FABRIC140. 贴墙布:WALL CLOTH141. 粘晴大提花装饰织物:R.A JACQUARD ORNAMENTAL ORNAMENTAL [ .?:n?'mentl ] FABRIC 142. 漂白织物:BLEACHED FABRIC143. 染色织物:DYED FABRICS144. 印花织物:PRINTED FABRIC145. 拒水整理织物:WATER REPELLENT [ ri'pel?nt ] FANISH FABRIC 146. 拒油整理织物:OIL-REPELLENT FINISH FABRIC147. 阻燃整理织物:FLAME RETARDANT FINISH FABRIC148. 预缩整理织物:SHRUNK [ ?r??k ] FINISH FABRIC149. 防皱整理织物:CREASE RESISTANT FINISH FABRIC150. 柔软电整理织物:ANTISTATIC FINISH FABRIC151. 易去污整理织物:SOIL RELEASE [ ri'li:s ] FINISH FABRIC 152. 减量整理织物:DEWEIGHTING FINISH FABRIC153. 增重整理织物:WEIGHTED FINISH FABRIC154. 液氨整理织物:LIQUID [ 'likwid ] AMMONIA FINISH FABRIC 155. 电光整理织物:SCHREINER FINISH FABRIC156. 轧光整理织物:CALENDER [ 'k?lind? ] FINISH FABRIC157. 涂层整理织物:COATED [ 'k??tid ] FINISH FABRIC158. 轧纹整理织物:GAUFFERED [ 'g?:f?d ] FINISH FABRIC159. 磨绒整理织物:SANDED FINISH FABRIC160. 防蛀整理织物:MOTH PROOF FINISH FABRIC161. 防毡缩整理织物:ANTIFELTING FI靛蓝青年布:indigo [ 'indig?u ] chambray [ '??mbrei ]人棉布植绒:rayon cloth flockingpvc植绒:pvc flocking针织布植绒:knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:claimond veins倒毛:down pile making平绒:velveteen [ 'velvi'ti:n ] (velvet-plain)仿麂皮:micro suede [ sweid ]牛仔皮植绒:jeans flocking尼丝纺:nylon taffeta [ 't?fit? ] (nylon shioze)尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylon seersucker [ 'si?s?k? ] taffeta[ 't?fit? ] 素面植绒:plain flocking印花植绒:flocking(flower)雕印植绒:embossing [ im'b?si? ] flocking皮革沟底植绒:leather [ 'le?? ] imitation [ imi'tei??n ] flocking牛仔植绒雕印:embossing jeans flocking兔羊绒大衣呢:angora cachmere overcoating羊毛双面呢:double-faced woolen goods立绒呢:cut velvet顺毛呢:over coating粗花呢:costume tweed弹力呢:lycra woolen goods塔丝绒: nylon taslon塔丝绒格子:n/taslon ripstop桃皮绒:polyester peach skin涤塔夫:polyester taffeta春亚纺:polyester pongee超细麦克布:micro fiber锦棉稠(平纹):nylon-cotton fabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft)人字锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric素色毛巾布:solid terry蚂蚁布:fleece in one side素色卫衣布:solid fleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseyt/r弹力布:t/r bengalinet/c色织格子布:t/c solid check fabric弹力仿麂皮:micro suede with spandext/r仿麂皮:t/r micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece 仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta亮光尼龙:trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:taslan rip-stop哑富迪:full dull micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:full dull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:full dull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:big twill polyester peach涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:full dull poly textured oxford 涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyester inter-woven peach里料: LINING面料:FABRIC平纹: TAFFETA斜纹: TWILL / DRILL缎面: SATIN / CHARMEUSE绡: LUSTRINE提花: JACQUARD / D******BY烂花: BURNT-OUT春亚纺:PONGEE格子: CHECK条子: STRIPE双层: DOUBLE – LAYER双色: TWO – TONE花瑶: FAILLE高士宝: KOSHIBO雪纺: CHIFFON乔其: GEORGETTE塔丝隆: TASLAN弹力布: SPANDEX/ELASTIC/STREC/LYCRA 牛仔布: JEAN细斜纹布:JEANETTE牛津布: OXFORD帆布: CAMBRIC涤棉:P/C涤捻:T/R白条纺: WHITE STRIPE黑条纺: BLACK STRIPE空齿纺: EMPTY STRIPE水洗绒/桃皮绒: PEACH SKIN卡丹绒: PEACH TWILL绉绒: PEACH MOSS玻璃纱: ORGANDY。
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Luvifl ex® SilkTechnical InformationMay 2005Supersedes issue dated July 2003MEMC 050410e-00/Page 1 of 20Anionic fi lm-forming agent with silicone surfactant for hair setting ® = Registered trademarkof BASF AktiengesellschaftDescription Luviflex® Silk is a hair setting polymer which has been developed especially forhairsprays with little or no water content (VOC 80/”VOC 100”). The uniquechemical /physical character gives this polymer exceptional sensory properties,such as giving the hair a pleasant soft, silky feel making it easy to comb andproviding it with natural, fl exible hold.Chemical composition Luviflex® Silk contains approx. 50% polymer and approx. 50% ethanol (abs.).FormulaChemical nature Reaction product of t-butyl acrylate, methacrylic acid and dimethicone copolyol. INCI Name PEG/PPG-25/25 Dimethicone/Acrylates CopolymerCAS No. 248935-80-0Physicochemical propertiesAppearance Colourless to faint yellow, clear to slightly opalescent, approx. 50% solution inethanol.Odour Weak characteristic odourSolubility Luviflex® Silk is a silicone-containing anionic polymer product. The acid groupsare neutralised for use in hair setting.This is usually done with AMP. After neutralisation with AMP (70 – 100%),Luvifl ex® Silk forms clear solutions (5% solids) at room temperature in ethanol,isopropanol and an 8 : 2 ethanol-water mixture, i.e. Luvifl ex® Silk is ideal for VOC80 to VOC 100 formulations (with little or no water).Polymer compatibility Luviflex® Silk is perfectly compatible with many other hair setting polymers,such as with PVP, PVP/VA co p olymer, polyvinylcaprolactam, acrylatescopolymer, acrylates/acryl a mide copolymer, octylacrylamide/acrylatescopolymer, octylacrylamide/acrylates/ butylaminoethyl methacrylate copolymer,VA/crotonates/vinyl neodeca n oate copolymer and many other commerciallyavailable polymers (refer also to the statement on the …patent situation” on p.16).As Luvifl ex® Silk is an anionic polymer, mixtures with cationic polymers can leadto incompatibilities (such as clouding and sedimentation).Molecular weight (Mw)approx. 75 000 – 100 000 g/mol (determined with GPC)Glass temperature (Tg)The glass temperature is approx. 55°C (according to DSC-measurement;storage at approx. 23°C and approx. 55% r.H.)Specifi cation Parameter Method LimitsSolids content02/0271.0048.0 - 52.0%K-value (1% in ethanol)02/0270.0037.0 - 41.0Acid value02/0035.0065.0 - 85.0 mg KOH/gResidual monomers (total)02/0269.00Յ100 mg/kgWhy silicones in hairsprays H airsprays often contain mixtures of hair setting polymers and silicones asadditives. Silicones are known for having a positive effect on the sensoryproperties (such as hold, feel, gloss, fl aking etc.). But it is the incorporation ofsilicone into hair setting formulations which often causes various disadvantageswhich do not occur in the case of Luvifl ex® Silk.The advantages of Luvifl ex® Silk in comparison to mixtures of polymers withsilicones commonly available in the market can be seen in the following (Fig. 1):Fig. 1: Comparison of a formulation of a polymer/silicone mixture withLuvifl ex® SilkMixtures Polymer/Silicone=> DisadvantagesLuvifl ex® Silk => AdvantagesCompatibilitypolymer <==> siliconeoften causes problems no problem / goodFormulation expense(development time)high lowStability/lifetimeof the formulationoften short longRemoval/Washing out …Build up effect“often badfrequently causesproblemsexcellentno …Build up effect”Setting effect DecreasingLevel depends on typeof silicone and contentslight decrease optimised silicone containing polymerComparison of Luviflex® Silk to conventional hairstyling polymers In comparison to conventional hair-setting polymers, Luviflex® Silk has some clear advantages:• e xceptional sensory properties (such as hair is left feeling very pleasant,soft and silky)• e xcellent combing properties when dry• n atural/fl exible hold• n o fl aking/beading before/after combing and• w ashes out very well.Due to its particular chemical/physical structure, Luvifl ex® Silk not only gives hair a soft, velvety feel but also a less hard and rough hold compared in particular with acrylate-based polymers. In the following fi gures 2 and 3, the principle differences to conventional hairspray polymers can be seen.Fig. 2: Luvifl ex® Silk in comparison to conventional hairspray polymersFig. 3: Qualitative comparison of Luvifl ex® Silk with acrylate basedhair-setting polymersTechnical properties of Luvifl ex® SilkSuitability for hairsprays Luviflex® Silk is used in hair cosmetics for hair-setting and forming a fi lm.It has excellent properties for both aerosol sprays and non-aerosol products(pump-action sprays, lotions etc.). Luvifl ex® Silk has been especially developedfor hairsprays containing little or no water (VOC 80 / VOC 100). This acrylatepolymer is not suitable for hairsprays with a high water content (VOC 55)due to the high viscosities and the correspondingly bad spray parameters(Fig. 4). Luviset® P.U.R. has especially been developed for this formulationarea. However, formulations in the VOC 55 range with little or no water withthe aerosol dispenser HFC 152 A work well.Fig. 4: Dependency of the kinematic viscosity of the water content;3% by weight polymer (solids)Propellant compatibility Alcoholic solutions with Luvifl ex® Silk are perfectly compatible with propane/butane mixtures (45 – 50%) and dimethylether (55 – 65%).In general, AMP (2-amino-methylpropanol) as a neutralising agent and aneutralisation degree of 70 - 100% are recommended. Using the neutralisationagent DEPA (3-diethylamino-1-propylamine) can however increase the propane/butane compatibility to approx. 65%.Cloud point The propane/butane compatibilities (cloud points) at various levels of wateraddition can be seen in Fig. 5. With formu l ations (3 - 5% Polymer solids) withapprox. 30 - 40% propane/butane and approx. 4 - 6% water addition, cloudpoints below –20°C can be attained. Without water addition, formulations upto approx. 50% propane/butane are possible without any problem. The cloudpoints are then always below –30°C.Fig. 5: Propane/butane compatibilities with water addition,5% by weight polymer (solids)If DME (Dimethylether) is chosen as the propellant, then for m ulations (3 - 5% polymer solids) with up to 55 - 65% DME and 0 - 20% water addition are also possible without any problem. The cloud points are then always below -20°C. With hydrofl uorocarbons, e. g. HFC 152 A, alternative for m ulations in the low VOC-range (VOC 55) can be produced. In this case, formulations (3 – 5% polymer solids) with water additions up to approx. 10% and aerosol dispenser additions of 30 – 40% HFC 152 A or mixtures DME/HFC 152 A (e.g. 10% / 30%) are possible, whereby the cloud points are always below –15°C.Neutralisation agent / Degree of neutralisation For normal applications, 2-aminomethylpropanol (AMP) and a neutralisation degree of 70 – 100% are recommended.Water absorption As an anionic, acrylate-containing polymer, Luvifl ex® Silk has varying levels ofwater absorption at different degrees of neutralisation. The lower the degree ofneutralisation, the lower the water absorption. But even with high degrees ofneutralisation (up to 100%) and high air humidity (up to 90% relative humidity)Luvifl ex® Silk only absorbs a small amount of water (max. 20% by weight, Fig. 6).In com p arison to this, some other hair-setting polymers: PVP (Luviskol® K 30):approx. 55% water absorption; PVP/VA 60 : 40 (Luviskol VA 64):approx. 35 %; Luvimer® 100 P and other acrylate polymers: approx. 25 %;Luviskol Plus: approx. 25%.Fig. 6: Water absorption with varying degrees of neutralisationIn comparison to other bases, with the neutralisation agent AMP Luvifl ex® Silkhas a very low level of water absorption, which has a very positive effect on thelow level of tack. (Fig. 7)Fig. 7: Water absorption with various neutralisation agentsTack Formulations with Luvifl ex® Silk (100% neutralised with AMP), analogue with for-mulations with acrylate copolymers, show no tack (at 20 – 30°C and up to 80%relative humidity)Even at high levels of air humidity – in a subtropical climate of up to 90% relativehumidity – and high temperatures (30 – 40°C), Luvifl ex® Silk formulations feeleither slightly/not at all tacky if only neutralised at 80 – 90% with AMP. Viscosity of the polymer solution In Fig. 8 it can be seen that various types of formulation (with little or nowater / VOC 80) differ in their kinematic viscosity. The higher the water addition,the higher the increase in viscosity. However all 3 types of formulation (ethanolabs., 96% ethanol, VOC 80) with a polymer solids content of 2 - 6% spray well.Fig. 8: Kinematic viscosity depending on the solids contentLuviflex® Silk has slightly less hold with anhydrous formulations than Setting effect/Hold Althoughpure acrylate copolymers (such as Luvi m er®- and Ultrahold® types), it insteadgives the hair a natu r al, fl exible with exceptional sensory properties. However if alittle water is added to the formulation (max. 20%), then in particular with a highpolymer solids content (4 - 6%) a signifi cantly higher setting effect can be seen(Fig. 9).Fig. 9: Setting effect depending on the solids contentCurl retention Luviflex® Silk not only has excellent Curl Retention (100% after 5 hours) in a dryclimate (20°C; 65% relative humidity) but also under extreme climate conditions(30°C; 90% relative humidity) it still has an unexpectedly high Curl Retention ofapprox. 93% after 5 hours (Fig. 10).In this case as well, AMP is the best aminic neutralisation agent which producesthe highest Curl Reten t ion values (approx. 95% after 5 hours, Fig. 11).Fig. 10: Curl Retention at various levels of air humidity (1.8% solids,100% neut. with AMP)Fig. 11: Curl Retention with various neutralisation agents (1.8% solids,100% neut.; 30°C; 90% relative humidity)Flexibility Luviflex® Silk provides excellent fl exible hold which has been proven in a“Flexibility test”. This test was developed with the Textile Research Institute (TRI)in Princeton / NJ:Hair laid out in a circle was pulled through a ring with a diameter of 3.75 cmseveral times. Then the change in the compression energy between the fi rstand the fi fth cycle was measured. Elastic polymers show a smaller change inthe compression energy; hard, infl exible polymers show a higher change in thecompression energy.Or: the higher the retention of compression energy, the higher the fl exibility/elasticity of the polymer.Compared with acrylates and PVP/VA copoly m ers, Luvifl ex® Silk has the highestfl exibility. This result has been confi rmed by user tests (Panel Tests).Fig. 12: Comparison of the elasticity / fl exibility of some hair-settingpolymersLuviflex® Silk formulation (VOC 96) was compared to an acrylates/Panel Test Aoctylacrylamide copolymer formulation (VOC 96) with regards to variousapplication-related parameters (fl exibility, feel of the hair, ability to comb, hold/setting effect, fl aking, ability to wash out, tack and overall impression). Bothformulations contained 4% polymer solids, 56% ethanol abs. and 40% propane/butane. The Panel Test was carried out over several weeks as a double-blindstudy with 20 test persons.Luvifl ex® Silk provided better results in comparison to acrylates/octylacrylamidecopolymer in:• Flexibility• Feel of the hair• Ability to comb• Flaking• Ability to wash out• Overall impressionSome of the testers only noticed the slightly better hold of the acrylates/octylacrylamide copolymer formulation (Fig. 13).Fig. 13 Panel Test: Comparison of Luvifl ex® Silk (VOC 96) with acrylates/octylacrylamide copolymer (VOC 96)Examples of formulations 1. E xamples for aerosol hairsprays (without water) with Luviflex® Silk(Formulation No.; Figures given in %; Degree of neutralisation 100%)No. 01/01160Hairspray “Feel the Silk”stir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.Fill into appropriate containers and chargewith phase B.Properties:Cloud point: -35°C still clearDensity: 0.7740 g/cm3Pressure: 3.9 barValve: 3731/1 PrecisionNo. 01/01180Gloss-Hairspray with Luvifl ex® Silk, normal holdstir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.Fill into appropriate containers and chargewith phase B.Properties:Pressure: 3.9 bar (20°C)Density: 0.7280 g/mlHairspray with Luvifl ex® Silk and UV-protection No. 01/01230Production:Weigh out the components of phase A andstir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.Fill into appropriate containers and chargewith phase B.Properties:Cloud point: -35°C still clearDensity: 0.7500 g/cm3Pressure: 3.7 barValve: 5227/1 Precision2. E xamples for aerosol hairsprays (without water) with Luviflex® Silkcombined with nonionic (Luviskol VA 37, Luviskol Plus) and anionic (Luvimer, Ultrahold, Luviset CAN) polymers(Formulation No.; Figures given in %; Degree of Neutralisation 100%) Hairspray with Luvifl ex® Silk, Luviskol® VA 37 E No. 01/01164Production:Weigh out the components of phase A andstir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.Fill into appropriate containers and chargewith phase B.Properties:Pressure: 3.8 bar (20°C)Density: 0.8296 g/mlCloud point: -35°C clearHairspray with Luvifl ex® Silk and Luviskol® VA 37 E No. 01/01173Production:Weigh out the components of phase A andstir until a homogeneous sol ution is obtained.Fill into appropriate containers and chargewith phase B.Properties:Cloud point: -35°C still clearDensity: 0.8040 g/cm3Pressure: 3.8 barValve: 5227/1 PrecisionHairspray with Luvifl ex® Silk, Luviskol® Plus; normal hold No. 01/01169Production:Weigh out the components of phase A andstir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.Fill into appropriate containers and chargewith phase B.Properties:Pressure: 4.2 barDensity: 0.7360 g/mlCloud point: -35°C clearHairspray with Luvifl ex® Silk and Luviskol® Plus No. 01/01176Production:Weigh out the components of phase A andstir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.Fill into appropriate containers and chargewith phase B.Properties:Cloud point: -35°C still clearDensity: 0.7200 g/cm3Pressure: 4.3 barValve: 3731/1 PrecisionE xamples for pump hairsprays (without water) with Luviflex® Silk3.and combinations of Luviflex® Silk with nonionic (Luviskol Plus) andanionic (Ultrahold) polymers (Formulation No.; Figures given in %;Degree of neutralisation 100%)No. 01/01184Gloss Pump Setting Spray with Luvifl ex® SilkProduction:Weigh out the components of phase A andstir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.No. 01/01171Pump Setting Spray with Luvifl ex® Silk, Luviskol® PlusProduction:Weigh out the components of phase Aand stir until a homogeneous solution isobtained.No. 01/01168Pump-Setting-Spray with Luvifl ex® Silkand Ultrahold® StrongProduction:Weigh out the components of phase Aand stir until a homogeneous solution isobtained. Add phase B and stir again until ahomogeneous solution is obtained.4. E xamples for VOC 80 aerosol hairsprays (with water) with Luviflex®Silk and combinations of Luviflex® Silk with nonionic (Luviskol VA37, Luviskol Plus) and anionic (Luviset CAN, Luviset P.U.R.,Luvimer)polymers (Formulation No.; Figures given in %; Degree ofneutralisation 100%)No. 01/01186Pump-Setting-Spray with Luvifl ex® Silkand Luviskol® VA 37 E in VOC 80Production:Weigh out the components of phase A andstir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.Fill into appropriate containers and chargewith phase B.Properties:Cloud point: -35°C still clearDensity: 0.8204 g/cm3Pressure: 3.7 barValve: 5227/1 PrecisionNo. 01/01189Hairspray VOC 80 with Luvifl ex® Silk and Luviskol® Plus;high curl retentionProduction:Weigh out the components of phase A andstir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.Fill into appropriate containers and chargewith phase B.Properties:Pressure: 3.6 bar (20°C)Density: 0.8284 g/mlCloud point: -35°C clear5. E xamples for VOC 80 pump hairsprays (with water) with Luvifl ex® Silkand combinations of Luvifl ex® Silk with nonionic (Luviskol VA 37) and anionic (Luviset P.U.R.) polymers (Formulation No.; Figures given in %; Degree of neutralisation 100%)Pump-Setting-Spray with Luvifl ex® Silk No. 01/01197Production:Weigh out the components and stir until ahomogeneous solution is obtained.Pump-Setting-Spray with Luvifl ex® Silk VOC 80No. 01/01232Production:Weigh out the components and stir until ahomogeneous solution is obtained.6. E xamples for VOC 55 aerosol hairsprays with Luviflex® Silk (withwater and hydrofluorocarbon [HFC 152 A])(Formulations No.; Figures given in %; Degree of neutralisation 100%)No. 01/01200 Hairspray VOC 55 with Luvifl ex® Silkand DME/HFC 152 A, normal holdProduction:Weigh out the components of phase A andstir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.Fill into appropriate containers and chargewith phases B and C, one after another. Properties:Pressure: 4.5 bar (20°C)Density: 0.8976 g/mlCloud point: -10°C clearHairspray VOC 55 with Luvifl ex® Silk and HFC 152 A,No. 01/01199strong holdProduction:Weigh out the components of phase A andstir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.Fill into appropriate containers and chargewith phase B.Properties:Pressure: 4.3 bar (20°C)Density: 0.8990 g/mlCloud point: -35°C clear7. E xamples for stable Luvifl ex® Silk formulations with differentadditives (0.5% by weight)formulation:TestedIngredient Amount INCINameLuvifl ex® Silk 6.00%PEG/PPG-25/25 Dimethicone/AcrylatesCopolymerAMP0.71% (100% neutr.) Amino Methyl PropanolAdditive0.50%Ethanol abs. / 96%52.79%AlcoholDME or P/B40.00%Dimethylether or Propane/ButaneTested additives:• Uvinul MS 40• Uvinul P 25• Belsil CM 1000• Belsil PDM 200• Belsil DM 1000• Belsil DMC 6031• DC 190• DC 345• DC 556 Cosmetic Grade Fluid• Niacinamide• ␣-Tocopherolacetate• D-Panthenol USP• Abil 200• Hydrolized wheat protein (e.g. Crospesol W/Croda)E xamples for some high sophisticated* Luvifl ex® Silk formulations8.with additives(Formulation No.; Figures given in %; Degree of neutralisation 100%)No. 01/01233Hairspray with Luvifl ex® Silk and UV-ProtectionProduction:Weigh out the components of phase A andstir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.Fill into appropriate containers and chargewith phase B.Properties:Cloud point: -35°C still clearDensity: 0.7500 g/cm3Pressure: 3.5 barValve: 5227/1 PrecisionNo. 01/01208Hairspray with Luvifl ex® Silk, VitaminsProduction:Weigh out the components of phase A anddissolve them clearly. Fill into appropriatecontainers and charge with phase B.Properties:Pressure: 3.2 bar (20°C)Density: 0.8000 g/mlCloud point: -35°C clearHairspray with Luvifl ex® Silk, Vitamins; normal hold No. 01/01209Production:Weigh out the components of phase A andstir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.Fill into appropriate containers and chargewith phase B.Properties:Pressure: 2.5 bar (20°C)Density: 0.7115 g/cm3Cloud point: -35°C clearPump-Setting-Spray with Luvifl ex® Silk and UV-Protection No. 01/01235Production:Weigh out the components and stir until ahomogeneous solution is obtained.9.H air-cocktail with Luvifl ex® Silk and Luvigel EM: …Hair Slicker”Hair treatment No. 03/00011Production:Heat phase A and B separately to 80°C. Stirphase B into phase A and C whilst homoge-nizing; homogenize. Cool to about 40°C whilststirring. Add phase C and homogenize again.Properties:pH value: 7.0Viscosity: 3000 mPa·s Haake Viscotester VT-02Pressure: 3.5 barB ASF AGSuppliers 1.67056 Ludwigshafen, GermanyTel.: (0621) 60-0Telefax (0621) 60-4252516.D ow Corning CorporationP.O. Box 17 67, Dept. 2291 Midland, Michigan 48686-0994, USATel.: +1-517-496-6000Fax: +1-517-496-5324A ngus Chemical Company56.1500 E. Lake Cook Road, Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089, USATel.: +1-847-215-8600Fax: +1-847-215-8626W acker Chemie GmbH156.Johannes-Hess-Str. 24, 84480 Burghausen, GermanyTel.: +49-8677-83-4998Fax: +49-8677-83-4735Storage /S tability Can be stored in the original containers unopened at room temperature for atleast 1 year.Toxicology…An examination of the raw material did not indicate any health risks for theconcentrations used and the areas of application given. However, due to thelarge number of possible applications, also in combination with other products,the user has to carry out his own safety assessment of his products.”Safety Data Sheet A safety datasheet for Luvifl ex® Silk is available.Patent situation BASF has fi led international applications WO 99/04750 A2 andWO 01/13884 A2 covering the product Luvifl ex® Silk.BASF has investigated the patent situation of Luvifl ex® Silk in Europe. BASF isconvinced that the production and marketing of Luvifl ex® Silk does not infringevalidly granted european patents.Depending on the individual formulation containing the product Luvifl ex® Silk, thecustomer will have to evaluate possibly relevant third party rights, as for exampleEP 1 084 694 A1; EP 1 084 695 A1; EP 1 084 696 A1;EP 1 084 697 A1; EP 1 084 698 A1; EP 1 084 699 A1.Note…While the descriptions, designs, data and information contained herein arepresented in good faith and believed to be accurate, it is provided for yourguidance only. Because many factors may affect processing or application/use,we recommend that you make tests to determine the suitability of a productfor your particular purpose prior to use.NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE, ARE MADE REGARDING PRODUCTS DESCRIBED OR DESIGNS,OR THAT DATA OR INFORMATION MAY BE USED WITHOUT INFRINGINGTHE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF OTHERS. IN NO CASE SHALLTHE DESCRIPTIONS, INFORMATION, DATA OR DESIGNS PROVIDED BECONSIDERED A PART OF OUR TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE.Further, you expressly understand and agree that the descriptions, design, dataand information furnished by BASF hereunder are given gratis and BASF assumesno obligation or liability for the description, designs, data and informationgiven or results obtained, all such being given and accepted at your risk.“May 2005。