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ppp_wkstn_adv(no mac layer),ppp_server_adv(no mac layer),atm_wkstn,mipv6,mipv6_adv
对于server,对象面板中有专门的server config对象,用于对server 的硬件属性设置。

1)open server library:view and edit current server definitions, and create new server definitions.
2)Upgrade/Downgrade Servers:打开server scaler, rapidly deploy server definitions to one or more servers in the network model. You can select multiple server definitions to deploy
3)Show/Hide Server Planning Toolbar:打开server仿真,brings up a set of selections related to discrete event simulations.
4)Refresh Server Data:deploy system performance data to existing servers in the Project Editor without using SCE. To use this shortcut, you must provide the performance data and an SCE job template to filter the processes into server jobs.
6.path model(有专门的path editor)
Model attributes:
1)two endpoints only:set yes,则只可以产生单分段路径。

2)packet format:Each path has a defined set of supported packet formats. You
cannot define a link as part of a path unless that link supports all formats included in the path model's Packet Formats field. (If a path supports no packet formats, you can include any link in the path definition.)
3)subnet ignored: set to Yes, you cannot include a subnetwork object in a path
definition. (However, you can still include nodes from different subnets in the same path.)
4)allow cycle:set to No, you can only include each link or site once in a path
Path editor
1)path connectivity:define whether you can (or must) include link objects when
defining a path based on that model.
Links required option说明了一个完整的路由定义,所以必须说明路径上连接所有点的links
Links ignored option无需说明路径上连接节点间的Links
Links optional option说明link is 可选的,可说,也可不说。

7.probe editor
∙Probe editor include: global statistic probe,node statistic probe,link statistic probe,path statistic probe,demand statistic probe,coupled node statistic
probe,simulation attribute probe,automatic animation probe,statistic animation probe,custom animation probe,live statistics probe
∙automatic animation probe: For automatic animation probes, the object to be animated must first be identified by the attributes"subnet", "node", and "module" (the last two are
optional). Objects at any of these levels can be animated.动画探针的对象选择后,要设

Subnet objects can display packet flows or node movement. Node objects can display packet flows.
Processor and queue module objects can display state tracking, which shows the state
transitions traversed by a process.
∙Demand statistic probe:create a statistic probe for demands,have both demand and statistic attributes that contol which statistic is collected.使用的demand

∙live statistics probe:Live statistics are graphed as a simulation runs, on the Live Stats page of the Simulation Progress dialog box.功能类似于收集变量时的generate
live statistic.右击探针,edit attribute中设置statistic项。

是在已有的global staticstic probe,node statistic probe中选的。

∙Path statistic probes:have "path" and "statistic" attributes that control which statistic is collected.
∙Simulation attribute probe:产生的是标量,可以是提升的属性,也可以是process model申明的仿真属性。

该探针有点类似于config/run DES时设置标量的收集(在矢量收集的下方)。

右击该探针,选择对象,之后选择edit attribute设置attribute项;若选择probe global attrbutes,同样在edit attribute 中设置attribute项,此时探针指向的对象则是你DES中input attribure.
∙Statistics animation probe:产生统计矢量数据的动画探针,所产生的动画可以随仿真同步进行,也可以事后观看。


①Standard application用到的节点模型:
application_config,profile_config,task_config,可以用protocol→application→deploy defined application
注意:standard application用于ethernet node model或其他同时含有station,server 的整体设备时,其应用的设置既要填支持的profile(station),又要填支持的service(server)
Custom (task_config)Application does not impose any constrains on connections between clients (Workstation or LAN object) and servers. Any client could be connected to a server, or another client.Similarly, a server can be connect to either another server or a client.
注意:Client trying to connect to a server within the same LAN node.是错误的。

设置supported server,因为task是自设的。


注意: 由于video,voice的source and desitnation均为station而非server,所以source 需要设置application:supported profile,destination要设application:supported service ②Application demand用到的节点模型:application-demand或者使用protocol→application→deploy application demand
③traffic flow

Traffic flow center 可以观察,更改已经设置的流。

Traffic flows are specified and generated at the network layer. More precisely, as of this printing, traffic flows operate only above the IP protocol.
④baseline loads

Keep in mind that baseline loads are considered in addition to other types of traffic, such as traffic flows and explicit traffic
Source or destinations of background traffic flows:routers,workstations,server,LANs the models automatically route this traffic to all the correct devices in the network. This is done by using the routing models, such as RIP, OSPF, and IGRP, in the same way that explicit traffic is routed
运行带有background traffic or explicit traffic 的project时,configure/run
DES→global attribute→traffic,其中可以设置流的逐步增加。

sources and destinations of background traffic must contain the IP protocol
Traffic flows (background routed traffic) only impact the network, not the server. It is therefore up to the user to take steps to properly load the servers. One way to accomplish this is to change the servers' "background utilization" attribute.


The RPG model can be used to model background Internet traffic or other types of self-similar background traffic,All packets generated in RPG process models are unformatted.
RPG module.使用的process
Model :rpg_dispacher ,rpg_mgr, rpg_flow, rpg_onoff_source, rpg_source
A source can generate self-similar traffic using one or more arrival processes.
A default value of N/A indicates that the sub-attribute is not used for the given arrival process and should not be modified.
注意:the destination of an RPG station should be another RPG station, and similarly RPG workstation should send their traffic only to other RPG workstations. The Ethernet RPG station, ethernet_rpg_station, can send self-similar traffic to another Ethernet RPG station only; it cannot send self-similar traffic to RPG workstations that
use the ppp_rpg_wkstn or ethernet_rpg_wkstn node models. Similarly, RPG workstations, ppp_rpg_wkstn and ethernet_rpg_wkstn, can send self-similar traffic only to other RPG workstations (but not ethernet RPG stations).
Source Destination Load (pks/sec) Flow Dist Process
====== ====== ============== ========= =======
1 2 100 Sup-FRP
2 3 100 PowON-PowOFF
3 4 100 ExpON-PowOFF
4 1 150 7
2 50 25 %
ⅱ前三行都只有一个目的地,所以destination informantion 处%traffic均为100;最后一行有两个目的地,流分配比为3:1,所以destination information处%traffic 设为3:1即可(如300:100),无需相加等于100,因为会自动归一化。

即%traffic 的设置按照load(pks/sec)设即可。

Flows/sec是average arrival rate(flows/sec)(25),flow_duration是average flow duration(2),packets/flow是fliter window height(the mean packet generation rate within a flow)(参数为4的指数分布)
⑥process source model: bursty_source
1.The simple_source process model is implemented to replace "ideal source" module type, which simply generates packets and forwards them to lower layer.
Packet Formats:Unformatted or formatted packets based on user configuration.
not use any ICI model.
2.The ams_traf_gen process initiates call start and end, generates the actual packets, and sends them to the AAL module. It provides an example of an AAL client process.
3.The frms_fr_app process model is an example application that creates data packets to the FRAD module and receives data packets from the FRAD module.
The "frms_fr_dest_info" ICI is used to convey destination specific information from the application module to the FRAD module.
4.The ip_traf_gen process model 被IP节点
(ppp_ip_station,ethernet_ip_station_adv,ethernet_ip_station)使用,acts as a source and sink for raw IP traffic. Each node can be configured to generate any number or traffic flows.IP节点就是产生用于ip栈上的传输流。

ICI Interfaces: "ip_encap_req_v4" and "ip_encap_ind_v4" to communicate with
application(task,profile,application),traffic flow(menu>traffic>create flow or 对象面板中有flow对象),demand(ip demand等),raw packet generation
①Model feature:
1.IP addressing:有class A, B, C, and D types of addresses. Class D addresses are
used for IP Multicasting, and is modeled in the specialized IP Multicasting model
Class S ize (bytes) Range of Values (dotted quad)
Network H ost N etwork Portion Host Portion
A 1 3 1 – 126 0.0.1 – 255.255.254
B 2 2 128.1 – 191.254 0.1 – 255.254
C 3 1 192.0.1 – 223.255.254 1– 254
2.routing and forwarding: IP routers are modeled using a finite buffer with two
available processing modes: Slot-based and Central
routing的提供有两种方式:静态路由(用户定义)和动态路由(动态路由协议) 3.fragmentation and reassembly Fragmentation occurs when the length of a
datagram forwarded by an IP module exceeds the maximum transfer unit (MTU). Reassembly functions are performed on datagrams when they
reach their final destination
4.Processing Delay and Queuing Capacity
5.Queuing Algorithms
6.IP Cloud Models
②model attribute
注意:IP attributes can apply to router nodes only, host nodes only, or router and host nodes.
1.Host attributes, which apply to end nodes such as clients and workstations, are grouped in the
IP > IP Host Parameters attribute. For hosts on a broadcast network, the Passive RIP Routing attribute allows you to enable or disable passive RIP routing only host
2.process information host and router
3.Qos parameters host and router
4.routing parameters:only router。


而Routing parameters 也有一项“default route”,This attribute specifies the interface address that IP datagrams are sent to when IP routing is disabled and route table lookup does not yield a route.Static Routing Table specifies static routing
information. A static route is used if no dynamic routing protocols are
selected for an interface (that is, if all routing protocols are set to Disabled), or if the specified static route has higher priority (lower administrative
weight) than the dynamic routing protocols.Multipath Routes Threshold.
specifies the maximum number of routes that are considered by the routing table if there are multiple routes to the same destination.Administrative Weights specifies a routing protocol priority system for traffic forwarded by the router. Protocols with a lower administrative weight have higher priority than those with higher administrative weight. The default scheme
implements the following priority system:
BGP (ext.) > EIGRP (int.) > IGRP > OSPF > RIP > EIGRP (ext.) > BGP (int.) 5.Ipv6 parameters only router
6. slot information: If you selected slot-based processing, you can also choose to configure the Router Slot Information attribute, which enables you to associate router interfaces with particular slots.only router
③IP interface
有以下几种:physical interface,subinterface,loopback interface,tunnel intreface By default, router models have one loopback interface and no subinterfaces or tunnel interfaces
pre-configured. You can add additional loopback, tunnel, or subinterfaces by configuring attributes Note—The number of physical interfaces is defined in the router model and cannot be changed. If you need a different number of physical interfaces, select another router model from the Object Palette or use the Device Creator to create a new router model that has the number of interfaces you need.
ⅠUse the Protocols > IP > Routing > Configure Routing Protocols menu operation (常用)
Note—protocols>ip>routing下的几乎所有操作都是关于router的,个别是关于host ⅡModify the IP > IP Routing Parameters > Interface Information >
Routing Protocols attribute
ⅢUse the IP Dynamic Routing Protocol simulation attribute in the Configure Simulation dialog box.IP model有global attributes,出现在仿真设置的
inputs→global attributes中,通过这里设置路由
有一个ip attribute config node,但是1)It allows to configure different "ping" parameters. These parameters are used by ping traffic sources.2) It allows to configure different "compression" schemes or modify the existing ones.These schemes can be later individually deployed at each IP interface of workstations, servers androuters. Note--Only firewall models have Proxy Server Information.属性。

It can be used to specify the security policies of a firewall node. It enables the configuration of the proxy servers deployed on the firewall and the characteristics of their processing delays."Proxy Server Information". The table under this attribute determines which applications are accepted and which ones are rejected. It also specifies whether there is an additional latency introduced to the datagrams by the proxy servers, and which characteristics it has.
⑥IP multicast
The following IP Multicast protocol models are supported in the discrete event simulation:
1. IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol): informing multicast routers of local IP group members.
2. PIM-SM (Protocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode):independent of any unicast routing protocol.
3. Dynamic rendezvous point selection using auto-RP, bootstrap protocol and static configuration.
4. IP multicasting support is provided for the following application models over UDP:
a) V oice application (Workstation Only)
b) Video application (Workstation Only)
c) Database application (Server Only)
d) FTP application (Server Only)
e) Custom application (Unidirectional traffic only,即from the source node to the multicast receivers. The members of destination multicast group should only be servers. The source can either be a server or a workstation.)
Note—All applications are supported over UDP only.
Configure ip multicase application: On the sender nodes, specify the multicast group address in the Application: Destination Preferences attribute. All multicast applications must use the UDP transport protocol. This is the default setting for the Voice and Video Conferencing applications.
When multicasting the Custom Application, FTP or Database applications, set the Application: Transport Protocol Specification > Ftp/Database/Custom Application > Transport attribute to UDP on all end nodes (senders and receivers).
Note—You must use the advanced node models when configuring multicast groups.
Note—多播采用Class D Address
说明:Rendezvous Point : Each multicast group has a shared-tree via which receivers hear of sources. The Rendezvous Point (RP) is the root of this per-group shared tree,
called the Rendezvous Point Tree (RPT) or Shared Tree (ST).
A rendezvous point is a meeting point for the senders and receivers. Receivers send join messages for a session to the rendezvous point and the sender sends traffic towards the rendezvous point.
Rendezvous point must be
1.defined on all routers routing multicast traffic
2.reachable by all sources and destinations
3.placed at an optimal point in the network
RPT: Rendezvous Point Tree (RPT) is the distribution tree from the RP of the group to all the receivers. It is also referred to as a Shared Tree (ST).
SPT: Shortest Path Tree (SPT) is the distribution tree, which is the shortest path from the router, which has switched to SPT,to the Source. The first hop router from a receiver is the one which switches to a SPT.It is also referred to as a Source-Based Tree.
Class D Address : IP addresses with 1110 as the higher order bits i.e. from to Valid IP group addresses for applications are from to
⑦对象面板中有一项为:ip,属于demand model,用于产生各种ip流。

Explicit Traffic - Workstation Configuration
1. Application
A workstation can send V oice/Video/FTP/Database/Custom Application traffic to an IP group by specifying the destination address to be a valid class D address in the "Application:Destination Preferences" attribute.
2. IP
IP multicasting can be enabled or disabled for each IP interface. This can be configured using the attribute "IP Host Parameters->Multicast Mode".
Note: 1. The above attributes can be seen only in an intermediate or advanced model.
2. Only V oice, Video, Ftp and Database applications are supported over IP multicasting.
3. Custom application is supported only in case of unidirectional traffic. Multicast Flows - IP Nodes
Multicast flows can start on any router or host model containing IP.
1. Data generation
A. Drag ip_mcast_traffic_flow demand from the demands object palette and click on the origin node in the workspace.
B. Set destination IP address and traffic profile on the demand.
2. IP
IP multicasting can be enabled or disabled for each IP interface.
Note: You can use "Protocols->IP->Multicast" menu to configure the IP multicasting and "Traffic->Create Traffic Flows->IP Multicast" to create multicast flows.
⑨IP Qos model
在对象面板中,Qos下有IP Qos节点对象。

ⅰThe IP QoS Parameters > Interface Information compound attribute specifies which QoS schemes and respective QoS profiles are used at particular IP interfaces and
ⅱThe Buffer Size (Bytes) interface sub-attribute specifies the total physical memory available on the interface. Reserved Bandwidth Type and Maximum Reserved Bandwidth are used for setting the interface processing rate in either absolute terms (bits per second) or relative terms (percentage of the attached link speed).
The Maximum Reserved Bandwidth attribute controls the processing rate at which the IP interface forwards packets (IP datagrams) to the lower layers
Note—For wireless interfaces, the IP interface speed must be specified in absolute terms (Reserved Bandwidth Type set to Absolute), because there is no link attached to the interface.
ⅲQoS profiles contain detailed information about the QoS mechanism settings。

有两种类型的qos profiles:local and global. Local profiles: Configured locally on the node under the IP QoS Parameters attribute. These profiles are local to the node and cannot be referenced on other nodes in the network. Global profiles: Configured on the global QoS Attribute Config utility node. These profiles are stored in a global database and can be referenced network-wide on any node. Global profiles are supported for discrete event simulation only.
ⅳTraffic policies can be used to group different QoS mechanisms (for example, policing and scheduling) and apply them to a specific traffic class .A traffic policy consists of a set of traffic classes and the corresponding QoS profile s assigned to each traffic class.
Traffic classes referenced in the policy need to be defined under the IP QoS Parameters > Traffic Classes attribute. A traffic class definition consists of a set of match criteria specifying the packet properties to be matched and the corresponding ma tch values.
ⅴconfig low latency queue(LLQ)
支持LLQ的调度计划:Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) ,Custom Queuing (CQ),DWRR / MDRR / MWRR (local profiles only)
For local profiles, LLQ is enabled via setting the Priority attribute for the particular queue.
For global profiles(defined by ip qos config node), LLQ can be enabled by setting the Queue Category attribute to the value Low Latency Queue. The Weight attribute for such a queue is ignored, because no rate limiter is applied to LLQ queues configured via global profiles.
ⅵcustom queue profile
Global queuing profile 在对象ip qos config中设置,之后在routers的ip qos attributes >interfaces information>scheme中引用
Local queue profile 直接在节点的ip qos attributes>custom queue profile处设置。

注意:ip qos config处设置的global属性均要在节点的ip qos attributes>interface information>scheme中设置。

注意:All IP nodes are dual stack capable. i.e. they can support both IPv4 and IPv6 simulataneously. However, they may also be operated in IPv4 only or IPv6 only modes.IPv6 Static Routes: Static routes to IPv6 destinatons may be configured on gateway nodes.
6to4 tunnels能使ipv6流通过ipv4主干网络传到ipv6目的节点处。

注意:IP>Ipv6 parameters>tunnel interfaces中的interface name必须和IP>IP routing parameters>tunnel interfaces中的interface name 一致。

[1] configure IPV6 address的方法
1. 利用Protocols > IP > IPv6 > Auto-Assign IPv6 Addresses.
Assign IPv6 addresses to physical and loopback interfaces.
If you have selected links, IPv6 addresses are assigned to the interfaces on either side of the links you selected. If you selected nodes, IPv6 addresses are assigned to all physical and loopback interfaces on the nodes you selected. If you selected nothing , IPv6 addresses are assigned to all physical and loopback interfaces in the network that do not have an IPv6 address.
2..Choose Protocols > IP > IPv6 >
Assign IPv6 Addresses to Sub-interfaces on Selected Nodes分配地址给子接口。

对于gateway而言:Go to the IP > IPv6 Parameters > Interface Information attribute.local address可以默认,但是global address必须清楚地设置。

For nodes which are using DHCP, you can specify the option "From DHCP" or "From DHCP prefix delegation" to obtain either an address or prefix assignment for this interface, respectively.
注意:Make sure that the name specified here is the same as the name defined for this interface in the IP > IP Routing Parameters > Interface Information > Name attribute. 对于主机而言,Go to the IP > IP Host Parameters > Interface Information > IPv6 Parameters attribute.
Note—Setting the Link-Local Address attribute of an interface to "Default EUI-64" enables IPv6 on that interface
(optional) Global Address(es)—If you do not specify a global address, the model uses stateless address auto-configuration to determine the address of the host node. This only works if the host node is connected to a router. The host node uses the router advertisements from the router to compute its own address
个人总结:当host节点既支持ipv6,又支持ipv4时,节点属性ip>ip host parameters 中,ipv6 default route指的是该节点默认路由器的地址,即数据就是经由该节点向外传输,本host节点的ipv4地址是在其interface information>address中填写,subnet mask是其子网掩码,其ipv6地址是在interface information>ipv6 parameters 中填写。

当节点是router or gate时,ipv4地址的设置在ip>ip routing paramters>interface information中,而ipv6地址的设置则在ip>ipv6 parameters>interface information中,也就是说router or gate同时支持ipv4和ipv6时,定义了ipv4地址的接口必须在ipv6中重新定义ipv6地址,且要保证接口地址一致。

只有通过tunnel interface才能使若干ipv6的节点、路由等通过ipv4主干网,与另外的ipv6网络通信。

[2] Configuring DHCPv6
Use Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) servers to assign addresses or prefixes
to clients, versus manually or automatically assigning IPv6 addresses.步骤分为:configure client,configure server
Determine which nodes in the network model will act as DHCPv6 servers and whether they will assign addresses, prefixes, or both. For each DHCPv6 server, 在其属性中编辑DHCP〉DHCP server
Determine which nodes in the network model will use DHCPv6 and whether each
will request a prefix or an address. For each DHCPv6 client,在其属性中编辑DHCP〉DHCP client.note that 在编辑DHCP client之前,要先设置节点的IP > IPv6 Parameters >Interface Information > Global Addresses > Address and set the value to "From DHCP" for each interface that will be requesting an address,或者Select IP >
IPv6 Parameters >Interface Information > Global Addresses > Address and set the value to "From DHCP prefix delegation" if this interface will be requesting a prefix. Note—For DHCP to function on an interface, there must be only one Global Address row on this interface
[3] Configuring IPv6 Routing Protocols
RIPng,OSPFv3,IS-IS的属性可以在IP Routing Protocols 中设置,而
AODV ,DSR,OLSR的属性设置则是在AD-HOC routing parameters中设置。

自动分配:select Protocols > IP > IPv6 > Configure IPv6 Routing Protocols.
The location of the Routing Protocol attribute varies according to the type of interface as follows:
1.Physical Interfaces: IP > IPv6 Parameters > Interface Information > Routing Protocol(s)
2.Subinterfaces: IP > IPv6 Parameters > Interface Information > Subinterface Information >Routing Protocol(s)
3.Loopback Interfaces: IP > IPv6 Parameters > Loopback Interfaces > Routing Protocol(s)
4.Tunnel Interfaces: IP > IPv6 Parameters > Tunnel Interfaces > Routing Protocol(s) [4] IPV4 、IPV6同时支持
1.To configure an interface to support IPv6 but not IPv4, set the IPv4 address of the interface to "No IP Address."
2.To configure an interface to support IPv4 but not IPv6, set the link local address to "Not Active."
3.To configure an interface to support both IPv4 and IPv6, configure IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on the interface. The IPv4 addresses can be left as Auto-Assigned.
All of the standard network applications (such as FTP, HTTP, and Email) can also run on IPv6 nodes.
注意:You can configure traffic demands between two IPv6 interfaces or two IPv4 interfaces, but not between an IPv6 interface and an IPv4 interface.
[5] 构造IPV6的仿真
DES:Global Attributes for IPv6 Networks
flow analysis: you can control whether IPv6 is modeled during the simulation.
[6] mobile Ipv6
Ip节点有专门的属性:IP > Mobile Host Node Parameters >
Mobile IPv6/4 Parameters ,可以构造ipv4/6的移动节点参数。

If the mobile node is initially away from home and more than one access point exists, specify the address of the home agent (IP > Mobile Host Node Parameters > Mobile IPv6 Parameters > Home Agent Address). This can be learned from the home agent's router advertisements when at home but needs to be specified if the mobile node is initially away from home.
If the mobile node is initially away from home and more than one access point exists on the network, specify the global address of the mobile node (IP > IP Host Parameters > Interface Information > IPv6 Parameters > Global Address(es) > Address). This address should use the same network prefix as the home agent. Enable WLAN roaming on the node (Wireless LAN > Wireless LAN Parameters > Roaming Capability.
说明:1.correspondent nodes: Wireless and non-wireless workstations and servers can be configured as correspondent nodes. set the IP > Mobile Host Node Parameters > Mobile IPv6 Parameters > Node Type attribute to Correspondent Node.
Note--Route optimization can be enabled or disabled for correspondent nodes. All regular workstation nodes behave as correspondent nodes with no route optimization support.
2.home/foreign agent
Home agent functionality is configurable on a per-interface basis for router nodes. A router can have many interfaces that act as home agents; each needs to be configured individually. The home agent interface can be a wired interface or a wireless interface
An interface is configured as a home agent through the IP > Mobile IP Router Parameters > Mobile IPv6 Parameters attribute. You need to specify the name of the interface that will act as home agent within this attribute
[7] moblity parameters
Router advertisements and advertise interval on routers,Mobility detection factor on hosts,Route Optimization,WLAN roaming capability on 802.11 based mobile nodes. ⑪The main differeces between IPv4 and IPv6 are listed below.
* Expanded Addressing Capabilities: IPv6 increases the address size from 32 bits to 128 bits. This increases the number of available addresses several fold.
* Header Format Simplification: Some IPv4 headers have been dropped or made optional to make packet processing faster.
* Improved Support for Extensions and Options: Changes in the way IP options are encoded allow for more efficient forwarding and give more flexibility.
* Flow labeling: IPv6 allows source nodes to assign a flow id to each packet. This information can be used to classify traffic for QoS purposes.
* Authentication and Privacy Capablilities: Extensions to support authentication, data integrity and data confidentiality are specified for IPv6.
1.menu>view,可以获得网络ip address,demand,ip interface type等。

2.menu>scenario>use_defined report,two operations:open and create
3.menu>protocol>ip>configuration reports
4.menu>flow analysis>configure/run flow analysis产生各种reports
5.对于ipv6,menu>DES>configure/run DES>global attributs>ipv6 interface
address export
四.Failure and recovery
对象面板中有专门的节点:failure and recovery,can be used to model
failure-recovery scenarios in a given model. It provides attributes for controlling the time and status of objects in the model.
五.MENET(Mobile AD HOC network)
All MANET-capable nodes are included in the MANET object palette .Wireless wlan(WLAN)类,MENET类,rxgroup config节点,mobility config节点。

Rxgroup config node: used to compute the set of possible receivers that a node can communication with. It is computed based on the following three criteria :
1) Channel Match
2) Distance Threshold。
