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Evaluation of the immunomodulatory effects of Antrodia camphorata
extract on dairy cows
研究生:張耕銘Jhang, Geng-Ming
指導教授:李嘉偉Lee, Jai-Wei
朱純燕Chu, Chun-Yen
牛樟芝(Antrodia camphorate;AC)屬於多孔菌科,是一種台灣所特有且珍貴的菌種,生長於牛樟樹(Cinnamomum kanehirai)的內壁上。



結果顯示,從牛血中分離出的周邊血液單核球細胞(Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell;PBMC)所進行的體外試驗,在濃度為50 μg /mL時,能夠有效地刺激細胞的生長,但是當多醣體過量時會出現抑制作用(>100 μg/mL)。

動物試驗中,搭配標準抗原KLH (Hemocyanin From Keyhole Limpets)施予低濃度之多醣(每劑含100 μg),能夠提升牛隻體內的抗體力價,並且引發顯著的IgG2抗體反應(P<0.05)。

在第一次免疫後四週,T淋巴球細胞能有效分化成為CD8+ T細胞。


關鍵字: 牛樟芝、佐劑、多醣體、免疫調控
Antrodia camphorata (AC) is a rare and indigenous mushroom of the family Polyporaceae that only grows in the inner cavity of Cinnamomum kanehirai Hay. Previously studies demonstrated that AC extracts have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-hepatitis, anti-tumor, and immunomodulatory effects. However, most of the studies related to AC were carried out in mice, but not other large animals. In the present study, dairy cows were used as the research model to examine the immunomodulatory effects of AC extract in vitro and in vivo. Results showed that the proliferation of bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was significantly increased by the stimulation of AC extract when the concentration was 50 μg /mL and overdoses (> 100 μg /mL) lead to negative effects. When AC extract was used as the adjuvant at two levels (100 and 500 μg) in a standard KLH (Hemocyanin From Keyhole
Limpets) vaccine, cows immunized with thevaccine containing 100 μg AC extract had significantly (P<0.05) increased KLH-specific antibody titer (IgG2) in serum and differentiation of CD8+ T cell at 4 weeks after the primary vaccination in comparison with other treatments. AC extract, when used as the adjuvant in a vaccine, can enhance Th1 immune responses. In summary, AC extract has immunostimulatory effects in the bovine model, however, the optimal concentration as adjuvant for bovine vaccines requires further investigations.
Key words: Antrodia camphorata, ajuvant, polysaccharides, immunomodulatory。
