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T he Schools of Arcane Magic - Divination
T he Schools of Arcane Magic - Enchantment
T he Schools of Arcane Magic - Illusion
T he Schools of Arcane Magic - Necromancy
T he Schools of Arcane Magic - Transmutation
博学者(T he Loremaster)(联盟)- 完成下列任务成就。
成就奖励:头衔“博学者”,博学者的罩衫(Reward: Title & Loremaster's Colors)东部王国的博学者- 在东部王国完成700个任务。
卡利姆多的博学者- 在卡利姆多完成730个任务。
外域的博学者- 在外域完成568个任务。
诺森德的博学者- 在诺森德完成875个任务。
博学者(T he Loremaster)(部落)- 完成下列任务成就。
成就奖励:头衔“博学者”,博学者的罩衫(Reward: Title & Loremaster's Colors)东部王国的博学者- 在东部王国完成550个任务。
卡利姆多的博学者- 在卡利姆多完成700个任务。
外域的博学者- 在外域完成595个任务。
诺森德的博学者- 在诺森德完成875个任务。
完成3000个任务(3000 Quests Completed)
头衔奖励:搜寻者(Title Reward: T he Seeker)
头衔奖励:审判者(Title Reward: Justicar)
征服者(T he Conqueror)(部落) - 在战歌峡谷、阿拉希盆地和奥特兰克山谷中达到崇拜声望。
头衔奖励:征服者(Title Reward: Conqueror)
战斗大师(Battlemaster)- 完成下列战场成就。
头衔奖励:战斗大师(Title Reward: Battlemaster)
奥特兰克山谷的主宰(Master of Alterac Valley)
阿拉希盆地的主宰(Master of Arathi Basin)
战歌峡谷的主宰(Master of Warsong Gulch)
风暴之眼的主宰(Master of Eye of the Storm)
远古海滩的主宰(Master of Strand of the Ancients)
竞技场大师(T he Arena Master)- 完成下列竞技场成就。
头衔奖励:竞技场大师(Title Reward: Arena Master)
世界冠军(World Wide Winner)
- 在80级时,于刀锋山竞技场、纳格兰竞技场、勇气竞技场、达拉然下水道和洛丹伦废墟各赢得一场排位赛的胜利。
野蛮的坚定(Brutally Dedicated)
- 在80级时获得300场竞技场排位赛的胜利。
成就奖励:蛮力战袍(Reward: Tabard of Brute Force)
两人世界:2200(Just the Two of Us: 2200)
- 在80级2v2竞技场战队中达到2200个人等级。
三人行:2200(T hree's Company: 2200)
- 在80级3v3竞技场战队中达到2200个人等级。
五子登科:2200(High Five: 2200)
- 在80级5v5竞技场战队中达到2200个人等级。
连战连胜(Hot Streak)
- 在80级时获得连续10场排位赛的胜利。
再接再厉(Hotter Streak)
- 在80级时获得连续10场排位赛的胜利,战队等级达到1800。
战无不胜(Hot Hot Hot Streak)
- 在80级时获得连续10场排位赛的胜利,战队等级达到2000。
头衔奖励:完美胜者(Title Reward: T he Flawless Victor)
最后一人(Last Man Standing)
- 在80级的5v5竞技场排位赛中成为最后一名幸存者。
死亡之触(Death Touch)
- 在所有80级的竞技场中,开战15秒之内杀死一名对手。
- 在80级时,于45秒内获得一场5v5排位赛的胜利。
地下城和团队(Dungeons & Raids)
- 在15秒内杀死50只群居雏龙。
(Kill 50 rookery whelps within 15 seconds.)头衔奖励:冒失鬼(Title: Jenkins)
英雄的荣耀(Glory of the Hero)
- 完成以下英雄副本的成就。
成就奖励:红色原始幼龙(Reward: Red Proto-Drake)
加些冰块(On T he Rocks)
- 在不击碎任何冰霜墓穴的情况下击败乌特加德城堡的凯雷塞斯王子(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Prince Keleseth in Utgarde Keep on Heroic Difficulty without shattering any Frost Tombs. )
自个儿分裂(Split Personality)
- 在5秒内杀掉无法彼此分身的镜像的情况下击败魔枢的大星术师泰莉斯特拉(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Grand Magus Telestra in T he Nexus on Heroic Difficulty after having killed her images within 5 seconds of each other during both splits.)
极度冰寒(Intense Cold)
- 在极度冰寒效果不叠加到两层以上的情况下,击败魔枢的克莉斯塔萨(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Keristrasza in T he Nexus on Heroic Difficulty without allowing Intense Cold to reach more than two stacks. )
混沌理论(Chaos T heory)
- 在不摧毁任何混乱裂隙的情况下击败魔枢的阿诺玛鲁斯(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Anomalus in T he Nexus on Heroic Difficulty without destroying any Chaotic Rifts.)看着他死(Watch Him Die)
- 在看守者加什拉、看守者纳尔伊和看守者希尔希克仍然存活的情况下,击败艾卓-尼鲁布的看门者克里克希尔(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Krik'thir the Gatewatcher in Azjol-Nerub on Heroic Difficulty while Watcher Gashra, Watcher Narjil and Watcher Silthik are still alive. )
哈多诺克斯的闭门羹(Hadronox Denied)
- 在艾卓-尼鲁布的哈多诺克斯用蛛网封住顶部入口、阻止更多怪物进入之前将其击败(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Hadronox in Azjol-Nerub on Heroic Difficulty before he webs the top doors and prevents more creatures from spawning. )
速战速决!(Gotta Go!)
- 在2分钟内击败艾卓-尼鲁布的阿努巴拉克(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Anub'arak in Azjol-Nerub on Heroic Difficulty in 2 minutes or less. )
聚会结束(T he Party's Over)
- 以少于5人的阵容击败安卡雷的塔达拉姆王子(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Prince Taldaram in Ahn'kahet on Heroic Difficulty with less than 5 people. )
沃拉兹的快速死亡(Volazj's Quick Demise)
- 在2分钟内杀死安卡雷的传令官沃拉兹(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Herald Volazj in Ahn'kahet on Heroic Difficulty in 2 minutes or less. )
把蘑菇拿走!(Lay Off T he 'Shrooms)
- 在不获得高能蘑菇效果的状态下,6分钟内击败安卡雷的埃曼尼塔(英雄难度)。
(Kill Amanitar on Heroic Difficulty in 6 minutes or less without gaining Potent Fungus.)
尊敬长者(Respect Your Elders)
- 在不杀死任何安卡哈守护者的情况下,击败安卡雷的纳多克斯长老(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Elder Nadox in Ahn'kahet on Heroic Difficulty without killing any Ahn'kahar Guardians. )
志愿工作(Volunteer Work)
- 在不杀死任何暮光志愿者的情况下,击败安卡雷的耶戈达•觅影者(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Jedoga Shadowseeker in Ahn'kahet on Heroic Difficulty without killing any Twilight Volunteers.)
Consumption Junction
- 在Defeat Trollgore in Drak'T haron Keep on Heroic Difficulty before Consume reaches ten stacks.
跟爵德说再见(Better Off Dred)
- 在达克萨隆要塞中挑战暴龙之王爵德,并且在战斗中杀死6名达卡莱裂肠者或达卡莱镰爪龙(英雄难度)。
(Engage King Dred in Drak'T haron Keep on Heroic Difficulty and slay 6 Drakkari Gutrippers or Drakkari Scytheclaw during his defeat. )
哦,诺沃斯!(Oh Novos!)
- 在没有任何亡灵爪牙爬上地面的情况下击败达克萨隆要塞的召唤者诺沃斯(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Novos the Summoner in Drak'T haron Keep on Heroic Difficulty without allowing any undead minions to reach the floor. )
- 在紫罗兰监狱中,不使用防御控制水晶,保持监狱封印完整度100%,并击败塞安妮苟萨(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Cyanigosa in T he Violet Hold without using Defense Control Crystals and with Prison Seal Integrity at 100% while in Heroic Difficulty. )
- 在紫罗兰监狱中,击败谢沃兹、拉文索尔、艾库隆、湮灭者祖拉玛特、埃雷克姆和摩拉
(Defeat Xevozz, Lavanthor, Ichoron, Z uramat the Obliterator, Erekem and Moragg in T he Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty. )
- 在没有任何水泡形成的情况下,击败紫罗兰监狱的艾库隆(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Ichoron in the Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty without allowing any Ichor Globules to merge.)虚空之舞(A Void Dance)
- 在不杀死任何一个虚空卫士前击败紫罗兰监狱的湮灭者祖拉玛特(英雄难度)Defeat
Z uramat the Obliterator in T he Violet Hold without killing any void sentries.
什么味道?(What the Eck?)
- 在受到野性残渣效果影响的状态下,击败古达克的迦尔达拉(英雄难度)。
Gal'darah in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty while under the effects of Eck Residue. )
分享爱吧(Share T he Love)
- 在小队的5个成员都被钉住的情况下击败古达克的迦尔达拉(英雄难度)。
Gal'darah in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty and have 5 unique party members get impaled throughout the fight.)
- 在保证古达克的莫拉比没有一次成功变身为猛犸象的情况下击败他(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Moorabi in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty while preventing him from transforming into a mammoth at any point during the encounter. )
为什么是蛇?(Snakes. Why'd It Have To Be Snakes?)
- 在不被蛇缠住的情况下击败古达克的斯拉德兰(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Slad'ran in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty without getting snake wrapped. )
无尽悲伤(Good Grief)
- 在1分钟内击败岩石大厅的悲伤圣女(英雄难度)。
(Defeat the Maiden of Grief in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty in 1 minute or less. )
Brann Spankin' New
- Defeat the Tribunal of Ages encounter in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty without allowing Brann Bronzebeard to take any damage.
Abuse the Ooze
- Defeat Sjonnir the Ironshaper in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty and kill 5 Formed Oozes during the encounter.
适时死亡(Timely Death)
- Defeat Loken in the Halls of Lightning on Heroic Difficulty in 2 minutes or less.
雷击(Lightning Struck)
- 在闪电大厅的比亚格里将军携带临时电荷的状态下将其击败(英雄难度)。
(Defeat General Bjarngrim in the Halls of Lightning on Heroic Difficulty while he has a Temporary Electrical Charge. )
破碎的抵抗(Shatter Resistant)
- 击败闪电大厅的沃尔坎,并且不能让他击碎4个以上的脆弱的魔像(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Volkhan in the Halls of Lightning on Heroic Difficulty without allowing him to shatter more than 4 Brittle Golems. )
净化时间(T he Culling of Time)
- Defeat the Infinite Corruptor in T he Culling of Stratholme on Heroic Difficulty.
僵尸围城!(Z ombiefest!)
- 在净化斯坦索姆战役中,1分钟内杀死100个复活的僵尸(英雄难度)。
(Kill 100 Risen
Z ombies in 1 minute in T he Culling of Stratholme on Heroic Difficulty. )
天灾巨人(T he Incredible Hulk)
- 在乌特加德之巅,强迫席瓦拉•索格蕾杀死一个天灾巨人(英雄难度)。
(Force Svala Sorrowgrave to kill a Scourge Hulk on Heroic Difficulty in Utgarde Pinnacle. )我们都爱斯卡迪(Lodi Dodi We Loves the Skadi)
- 在通道事件触发后的3分钟内击败乌特加德之巅的残忍的斯卡迪(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty within 3 minutes of starting the guantlet event. )
My Girl Loves to Skadi All the Time
- Defeat Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty after having killed Grauf from 100% to dead in a single pass.
国王之死(King's Bane)
- 在不减员的情况下杀死乌特加德之巅的伊米隆国王(Defeat King Ymiron in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in the party triggering Bane. )资深龙骑兵(Experienced Drake Rider)
- 在三次魔环的战斗中,分别骑乘翡翠幼龙、琥珀幼龙和红玉幼龙击败魔网守护者埃雷苟
(On three different visits to T he Oculus, get credit for defeating Ley-Guardian Eregos while riding an Amber, Emerald and Ruby drake on Heroic Difficulty. )精准计算(Make It Count)
- 在杀死审讯者达库斯之后的20分钟内,击败魔环中的魔网守护者埃雷苟斯(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in T he Oculus on Heroic Difficulty within 20 minutes of Drakos the Interrogator's death. )
红玉虚空(Ruby Void)
- 在你的小队中无人使用红玉幼龙的情况下,击败魔环中的魔网守护者埃雷苟斯(英雄
(Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in T he Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using a Ruby Drake. )
翡翠虚空(Emerald Void)
- 在你的小队中无人使用翡翠幼龙的情况下,击败魔环中的魔网守护者埃雷苟斯(英雄
(Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in T he Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using an Emerald Drake. )
琥珀虚空(Amber Void)
- 在你的小队中无人使用琥珀幼龙的情况下,击败魔环中的魔网守护者埃雷苟斯(英雄
(Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in T he Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using an Amber Drake. )
团队的荣耀(Glory of the Raider)
- 完成以下普通团队副本的成就。
成就奖励:瘟疫原始幼龙(Reward: Plagued Proto-Drake)
少数精锐(T he Dedicated Few)
- 以少于9人的阵容击败纳克萨玛斯的所有首领(普通难度)。
(Defeat the bosses of Naxxramas on Normal Difficulty with less than 9 people in the zone. )
- 在杀死阿努布雷坎之后的20分钟内杀死纳克萨玛斯的迈克斯纳(普通难度)。
(Defeat Maexxna in Naxxramas within 20 minutes of Anub'Rekhan's death on Normal Difficulty. )帕奇维克陪你玩(Make Quick Werk Of Him)
- 在3分钟内杀死纳克萨玛斯的帕奇维克(普通难度)。
(Defeat Patchwerk in Naxxramas on Normal Difficulty in 3 minutes or less. )
安全舞蹈(T he Safety Dance)
- 在团队中无一人死亡的情况下,击败纳克萨玛斯的肮脏的希尔盖(普通难度)。
Heigan the Unclean in Naxxramas on Normal Difficulty without anyone in the raid dying. )
歇斯底里(Momma Said Knock You Out)
- 在不驱散狂乱状态的情况下,击败纳克萨玛斯的黑女巫法琳娜(普通难度)。
(Defeat Grand Widow Faerlina in Naxxramas on Normal Difficulty without dispelling frenzy. )
- 在没有人交叉正负极的情况下击败纳克萨玛斯的塔迪乌斯(普通难度)。
T haddius in Naxxramas on Normal Difficulty without anyone in the raid crossing the negative and positive charges.)
- 在少于9人的情况下击败纳克萨玛斯的塔迪乌斯(普通难度)。
(Defeat T haddius in Naxxramas on Normal Difficulty with less than 9 people. )
百抗俱乐部(T he Hundred Club)
- 在团队成员冰抗都不上百的情况下击败纳克萨玛斯的萨菲隆(普通难度)。
(Defeat Sapphiron on Normal Difficulty in Naxxramas without any member of the raid having a frost resist value over 100.)
他们要一起死(And T hey Would All Go Down Together)
- 在BOSS死亡时间间隔不超过15秒的情况下击败天启四骑士(普通难度)。
(Defeat the 4 Horsemen in Naxxramas on Normal Difficulty, ensuring that they all die within 15 seconds of each other.)
不朽的(T he Undying)
- 在一个raid进度期间,不死一人的情况下打通纳克萨玛斯(普通难度)。
(Within one raid lockout period, defeat every boss in Naxxramas on Normal Difficulty without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters.)
头衔奖励:不朽的(Title Reward: T he Undying)
这还不够(Just Can't Get Enough)
- 至少要在他的房间内杀死18个憎恶的情况下击败纳克萨玛斯的克尔苏加德(普通难度)。
(Defeat Kel'T huzad on Normal Difficulty in Naxxramas while killing at least 18 abominations in his chamber.)
织法者的陨落(T he Spellweaver's Downfall)
- 击败玛里苟斯(普通难度)。
(Defeat Malygos on Normal Difficulty. )
你并非永恒(You Don't Have An Eternity)
- 在5分钟内击败玛里苟斯(普通难度)。
(Defeat Malygos in 5 minutes or less on Normal
Difficulty. )
减员战斗(A Poke In T he Eye)
- 以少于9人的阵容击败玛里苟斯(普通难度)。
(Defeat Malygos with fewer than 9 on Normal Difficulty. )
小心火山(Gonna Go When the Volcano Blows)
- 击败黑岩守护者萨塔里奥,并且不被熔岩打击命中(普通难度)。
(Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian on Normal Difficulty without getting hit by Lava Strike. )
暮光领域(T he Twilight Z one)
- 在全部三条暮光幼龙存活的情况下击败黑岩守护者萨塔里奥(普通难度)。
(With all three Twilight Drakes still alive, engage and defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian on Normal Difficulty. )
头衔奖励:夜幕的(Title Reward: Of the Nightfall)
Denyin' the Scion
- Deliver a killing blow to a Scion of Eternity while riding on a hoverdisk.
英雄团队的荣耀(Heroic: Glory of the Raider)
- 完成以下英雄团队副本的成就。
成就奖励:黑色原始幼龙(Reward: Black Proto-Drake)
英雄:少数精锐(Heroic: T he Dedicated Few)
- 以少于21人的阵容击败纳克萨玛斯的所有首领(英雄难度)。
(Defeat the bosses of Naxxramas with less than 21 people in the zone on Heroic Difficulty. )
英雄:蜘蛛克星(Heroic: Arachnophobia)
- 在杀死阿努布雷坎之后的20分钟内杀死纳克萨玛斯的迈克斯纳(英雄难度)。
(Kill Maexxna in Naxxramas within 20 minutes of Anub'Rekhan's death on Heroic Difficulty. )英雄:帕奇维克陪你玩(Make Quick Werk Of Him)
- 在3分钟内杀死纳克萨玛斯的帕奇维克(英雄难度)。
(Kill Patchwerk in Naxxramas in 3 minutes or less on Heroic Difficulty. )
英雄:安全舞蹈(Heroic: T he Safety Dance)
- 在团队中无一人死亡的情况下,击败纳克萨玛斯的肮脏的希尔盖(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Heigan the Unclean in Naxxramas on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in the raid dying. )英雄:歇斯底里(Heroic: Momma Said Knock You Out)
- 在不驱散狂乱状态的情况下,击败纳克萨玛斯的黑女巫法琳娜(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Grand Widow Faerlina in Naxxramas on Heroic Difficulty without dispelling frenzy. )
英雄:令人震惊!(Heroic: Shocking!)
- 在没有人交叉正负极的情况下击败纳克萨玛斯的塔迪乌斯(英雄难度)。
T haddius in Naxxramas on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in the raid crossing the negative and positive charges.)
英雄:他们要一起死(Heroic: And T hey Would All Go Down Together)
- 在BOSS死亡时间间隔不超过15秒的情况下击败天启四骑士(英雄难度)。
(Defeat the 4 Horsemen in Naxxramas on Heroic Difficulty, ensuring that they all die within 15 seconds of each other. )
英雄:减员战斗(Heroic: Subtraction)
- 在少于9人的情况下击败纳克萨玛斯的塔迪乌斯(英雄难度)。
(Defeat T haddius in Naxxramas on Heroic Difficulty with less than 21 people. )
英雄:百抗俱乐部(Heroic: T he Hundred Club)
- 在团队成员冰抗都不上百的情况下击败纳克萨玛斯的萨菲隆(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Sapphiron on Heroic Difficulty in Naxxramas without any member of the raid having a frost resist value over 100. )
永恒的(T he Immortal)
- 在一个raid进度期间,不死一人的情况下打通纳克萨玛斯(英雄难度)。
(Within one raid lockout period, defeat every boss in Naxxramas on Heroic Difficulty without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters.)
头衔奖励:永恒的(Title Reward: T he Immortal)
英雄:这还不够(Heroic: Just Can't Get Enough)
- 至少要在他的房间内杀死18个憎恶的情况下击败纳克萨玛斯的克尔苏加德(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Kel'T huzad on Heroic Difficulty in Naxxramas while killing at least 18 abominations in his chamber. )
英雄:织法者的陨落(Heroic: T he Spellweaver's Downfall)
- 击败玛里苟斯(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Malygos on Heroic Difficulty. )
英雄:你并非永恒(Heroic: You Don't Have An Eternity)
- 在5分钟内击败玛里苟斯(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Malygos in 5 minutes or less on Heroic Difficulty. )
英雄:减员战斗(Heroic: A Poke In T he Eye)
- 以少于21人的阵容击败英雄难度下的玛里苟斯。
(Defeat Malygos on Heroic Difficulty with fewer than 21. )
英雄:小心火山(Heroic: Gonna Go When the Volcano Blows)
- 击败黑岩守护者萨塔里奥,并且不被熔岩打击命中(英雄难度)。
(Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian on Heroic Difficulty without getting hit by Lava Strike. )
英雄:暮光领域(Heroic: T he Twilight Z one)
- 在全部三条暮光幼龙存活的情况下击败黑岩守护者萨塔里奥(英雄难度)。
(With all three Twilight Drakes still alive, engage and defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian on Heroic Difficulty.)
头衔奖励:暮光征服者(Title Reward: Twilight Vanquisher)
Heroic: Denyin' the Scion
- Deliver a killing blow to a Scion of Eternity while riding on a hover disk on Heroic Difficulty.
冰冻废土的勇士(Champion of the Frozen Wastes)
- 击败下列地下城和团队副本首领。
(Defeat the dungeon and raid bosses listed below. )
头衔奖励:冰冻废土的勇士(Title Reward: Champion of the Frozen Wastes)
杀掉克尔苏加德(10人或者25人模式)(Kel'T huzad)
杀掉英雄模式:塑铁者斯约尼尔(Sjonnir T he Ironshaper)
杀掉英雄模式:传令官沃拉兹(Herald Volazj)
杀掉英雄模式:魔网守护者埃雷苟斯(Ley-Guardian Eregos)
杀掉英雄模式:掠夺者因格瓦尔(Ingvar the Plunderer )
杀掉英雄模式:伊米隆国王(King Ymiron )
杀掉英雄模式:先知萨隆亚(T he Prophet T haron'ja )
杀掉英雄模式:迦尔达拉(Gal'darah )
杀掉英雄模式:塞安妮苟萨(Cyanigosa )
烹饪(向大厨致敬)- 完成下列烹饪成就。
头衔奖励:大厨师(Title Reward: Chef)
宗师级厨师(Grand Master Cook)- 成为一名宗师级厨师。
蛋糕不是谎言(T he Cake Is Not A Lie)- 烘焙一块美味巧克力蛋糕。
香味弥漫(Kickin' It Up a Notch)- 完成4个巨石洛克洛的烹饪日常任务。
诺森德美食家(T he Northrend Gourmet)- 烹饪所有诺森德美食中的45种。
情绪丰富(Second T hat Emotion)- 品尝所有“情绪”食品。
小动物诱拐者(Critter Gitter)- 使用小动物的零食,在3分钟内诱使10只小动物成为你的宠物。
日常食粮(Our Daily Bread)- 完成由达拉然的埃维罗•隆古巴交予的所有烹饪日常任务。
不可能的晚餐(Dinner Impossible)- 在所有战场中摆放大型筵席。
副厨师长(Sous Chef)- 学习100个烹饪食谱。
拉姆瑟船长的特酿啤酒(Captain Rumsey's Lager)- 酿制一些拉姆瑟船长的特酿啤酒。
外域美食家(T he Outland Gourmet)- 烹饪所有外域美食。
钓鱼(垂钓有成)- 完成下列钓鱼成就。
头衔奖励:老渔夫(Title Reward: Salty)
宗师级渔夫(Grand Master Fisherman)- 成为一名宗师级渔夫。
老人与海(T he Old Gnome and the Sea)- 成功地从所有鱼群中钓上鱼来。
打捞者(T he Scavenger)- 在所有漂浮残骸中各钓到一条鱼。
钓鱼外交(T he Fishing Diplomat)- 在奥格瑞玛和暴风城钓鱼。
荆棘谷的钓鱼大师(Master Angler of Stranglethorn)- 赢得藏宝海湾钓鱼大赛的胜利。
钳子先生的魔法龙虾盒(Mr. Pinchy's Magical Crawdad Box)- 找到钳子先生的魔法龙虾盒。
没跑掉的鱼(One T hat Didn't Get Away)- 抓住稀有鱼类中的一条。
老渔夫巴尔洛(Old Man Barlowned)- 完成下列5个老渔夫巴尔洛的钓鱼日常任务。
致命垂钓(Deadliest Catch)- 钓起祖尔格拉布的加兹兰卡。
钓起鱼斯拉(T he Lurker Above)- 钓起毒蛇神殿的鱼斯拉。
外域渔夫(Outland Angler)- 在外域所有种类的渔点中各钓到一条鱼。
诺森德渔夫(Northrend Angler)- 在下列指定渔点中各钓上一条鱼来。
鱼没有脚印(Fish Don't Leave Footprints)- 学习寻找渔点技能。
1000条鱼(1000 Fish)- 钓到1000条鱼。
钱币大师(T he Coin Master)- 钓到所有许愿硬币。
成就奖励:达拉然钛制印章(Reward: Titanium Seal of Dalaran)
40个声望崇拜(40 Exalted Reputations)- 在40个势力中达到崇拜声望。
头衔奖励:崇拜者(Title Reward: T he Exalted)
塞纳留斯的卫士( Guardian of Cenarius )- 在塞纳里奥议会和塞纳里奥远征队阵营中达到崇拜声望。
头衔奖励:塞纳留斯的卫士(Title Reward: Guardian of Cenarius)
外交家(T he Diplomat)(部落)- 将你在木喉要塞、孢子村和玛格汉势力中的声望从冷淡提升到崇拜。
头衔奖励:外交家(Title Reward: T he Diplomat)
外交家(T he Diplomat)(联盟)- 将你在木喉要塞、孢子村和库雷尼势力中的声望从冷淡提升到崇拜。
头衔奖励:外交家(Title Reward: T he Diplomat)
联盟的大使(Ambassador of the Alliance)(联盟)- 在5座主城中都达到崇拜声望。
头衔奖励:联盟的大使(Title Reward: Ambassador)
部落的大使(Ambassador of the Horde)(部落)- 在5座主城中都达到崇拜声望。
头衔奖励:部落的大使(Title Reward: Ambassador)
银色勇士(T he Argent Champion)- 在银色黎明和银色北伐军阵营中达到崇拜声望。
头衔奖励:银色勇士(Title Reward: T he Argent Champion)
世界事件(World Events)
一条多么漫长崎岖的旅途啊!(What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been)
- 完成以下世界事件成就(Complete the world events achievements listed below.)
成就奖励:紫罗兰原始幼龙(Reward: Violet Proto-Drake)
尊敬长者(To Honor One's Elders)
头衔奖励:长者(Title Reward: Elder)
爱情冲昏头(Fool For Love)
头衔奖励:痴情的(Title Reward: T he Love Fool)
为了孩子(For T he Children)
头衔奖励:女/男监护人(Title Reward: Matron/Patron)
护火者/护焰者(T he Flame Keeper/T he Flame Warden)
头衔奖励:护火者/护焰者(Title Reward: T he Flame Keeper/T he Flame Warden)
头衔奖励:酒仙(Title Reward: Brewmaster)
神圣之名(Hallowed Be T hy Name)
头衔奖励:神圣的(Title Reward: T he Hallowed)
头衔奖励:欢乐使者(Title Reward: Merrymaker)
光辉事迹(Feats of Strength)
服务器第一!纳克萨玛斯的征服者(Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas)
- 本服务器第一个在英雄难度的纳克萨玛斯杀掉克尔苏加德。
(Participated in the realm first defeat of Kel'T huzad on Heroic Difficulty in Naxxramas.)
头衔奖励:纳克萨玛斯的征服者(Title Reward: Conqueror of Naxxramas)
服务器第一!魔法追寻者(Realm First! Magic Seeker)
- 本服务器第一个在英雄难度杀掉玛里苟斯。
(Participated in the realm first defeat of Malygos on Heroic Difficulty.)
头衔奖励:魔法追寻者(Title Reward: T he Magic Seeker)
服务器第一!黑曜石杀手(Realm First! Obsidian Slayer)
- 本服务器第一个在英雄难度杀掉黑岩守护者萨塔里奥。
(Participated in the realm first defeat of Sartharion the Onyx Guardian on Heroic Difficulty.)
头衔奖励:黑曜石杀手(Title Reward: Obsidian Slayer)。