江西省崇仁县第二中学2017-2018学年高二上学期第二次月考英语(理)试题 Word版含答案




江西省崇仁县第二中学2017-2018学年高二英语下学期第一次月考试题第一部分听力第一节(共5小题)1.What does the man to do?A. He wants to buy the book.B. He wants to read the book, too.C. He wants to help the woman.2. What are the two speakers doing?A. Making a decisionB. Talking about Susan’s hobbyC. Talking about Susan’s grde.3. Where does this conversation most probably take place?A. In a hotelB. At an airportC. In a restaurant.4. What was the weather like yesterday?A. It was co;der than todayB. It was as cold as todayC. It was n’t as cold as today5. How much did Alice pay for those taps in all?A.$2B. $12C. More than $12第二节(共15小题)听第六段材料,回答第6~7小题:6. Who is Mr Tan?A. A marketing managerB. A person marketing for the marketing companyC, A man working in the marketing department.7. How can the woman find Mr tan’s office?A. By going downstairs and turn left.B. By going upwnstairsC. By going downstairs听第七段材料,回答第8~9小题:8. How does the man feel about his job?A. He has to work at nightB. He is very busy.C. He feels lonely9. Where does the man want to work?A. In a restaurantB. In a hotelC. In a meeting room听第八段材料,回答第10~12小题:10. What’s the relationship beteew the two speakers?A. FriendsB. Teacher and studentC. Father and dauter11. Who is Tom?A. The man’s sonB.The woman’s sonC.The woman’s husband12. Why does Billy come back from school?A. Because he is illB.Because it is SundayC.Because he doesn’t like school 听第九段材料,回答第13~16小题:13. Where is the man going?A.WashingtonB. New YorkC. China14. What does the woman do?A. A guideB. A teacherC. A student15. How long will the woman stay in Washington DC?A. One dayB. two daysC.Three days16. How will the woman go to the interesting places?A. By bikeB. By carC. By tour-bus听第十段材料,回答第17~20小题:17. How many daugters did Walt have?A. TwoB. ThreeC. Four18. What did Walt dream of?A. Helping his friendsB. Taking his daughters everywhereC. Making a beautiful amusement park.19. When was Disneyland built in California?A. In 1955B. In 1966C. In 195020. What will not be in Disneylang?A. Real boatsB. RiversC. Wild animals第二部分阅读理解(共二节)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(ABC和D)中,选出最佳选项.A21. Why does the writer introduce so many animals from different places to us?A. To attract us to the zooB. To make us lovely in the zoo.C.. To frighten us in the zooD. To show animals can do everything.22. How much does Mr. Smith have to pay if he visits the zoo with his son of three?A. ¥4.B. ¥3.C. ¥6.D. ¥5.23. Which of the following can we do in the zoo?。





1. What will the weather probably be like tomorrow?A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Cloudy.2. What is the man’s job most probably?A. A taxi driver.B. A bus driver.C. A cinema manager.3. Where was Susan born?A. In Britain.B. In America.C. In China.[]4. What does the man mean?A. He failed the exam.B. He studied very hard.C. The exam was too hard.5. Where will the speakers spend their holiday?A. By the seashore.B. By the lake.C. In the mountains.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. Where did the woman learn the news?A. From the newspaper.B. On the radio.C. On TV.7. How many people died in the earthquake?A. 24.B. 20.C. 4.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。



江西省崇仁县第二中学2017-2018学年 高二下学期第一次月考试题(理)一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分)1.已知函数f (x ) = a x 2 +c,且=2 , 则a 的值为( ) A.1B.C.-1D. 02. 一物体的运动方程为225s t t =-+,其中s 的单位是米,t 的单位是秒,那么物体在4秒末的瞬时速度是( ) A. 8米/秒B. 7米/秒C. 6米/秒D. 5米/秒3.已知函数()()y f x x R =∈上任一点00(,())x f x 处的切线斜率200(2)(1)k x x =-+,则该函数()f x 的单调递减区间为( )A.[1,)-+∞B.(,2]-∞C.(,1),(1,2)-∞-D.[2,)+∞4.定义运算a b ad bc c d =- ,则符合条件1142i iz z -=+ 的复数z 的共轭复数z 为( ) A.3i -B.13i +C.3i +D.13i -5 如图所示,在边长为1的正方形OABC 中任取一点P ,则点P 恰好取自阴影部分的概率为 ( )A.14B.15C.17 D. 166.已知i 为虚数单位,a 为实数,复数(12)()z i a i =-+在复平面内对应的点为M ,则“0a >”是“点M 在第四象限”的( )A .充分而不必要条件B .必要而不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件7.若a >0,b >0,且函数f (x )=4x 3-ax 2-2bx +2在x =1处有极值,则ab 的最大值等于( )(1)f '2A .2B .6C .9D .3 8.下面四个图像中,有一个是函数()()()3221113f x x ax a x a R =++-+∈的导函数 ()y f x '=的图像,则()1f -等于( )A .13B .-13C .53 D .-13或539.面积为S 的平面凸四边形的第i 条边的边长记为(1,2,3,4)i a i =,此四边形内任一点P 到第i 条边的距离记为(1,2,3,4)i h i =,若31241234a a a a k ====,则 12342234Sh h h h k+++=.类比以上性质,体积为V 的三棱锥的第i 个面的面积记为 (1,2,3,4)i S i =,此三棱锥内任一点Q 到第i 个面的距离记为(1,2,3,4)i H i =,若31241234S S S S K ====,则1234234H H H H +++等于( ) A .2V K B .3V K C .2V KD .3V K10.函数()()()2242,20,02x x f x x x x ⎧---≤<⎪=⎨-≤≤⎪⎩的图像与x 轴所围成的封闭图形的面积为( ) A . 5π- B. 1π+ C.3π- D. 1π-11.设函数'()f x 是奇函数()()f x x R ∈的导函数,(1)0f -=,当0x >时,'()()0xf x f x -<,则使得()0f x >成立的x 的取值范围是( )A (,1)(1,0)-∞-- B (1,0)(1,)-+∞ C (,1)(0,1)-∞- D .(0,1)(1,)+∞12. 如图所示,连结棱长为2cm 的正方体各面的中心得一个多面体容器,从顶点A 处向该容器内注水,注满为止.已知顶点B 到水面的高度h 以每秒1cm 匀速上升,记该容器内水的体积V (cm 3)与时间T (S )的函数关系是V (t ),则函数V (t )的导函数y=V′(t )的图象大致是( )A .B .C .D .二、填空题(每小题5分,共20分)13、若复数(1)(3)z i ai =+-(i 为虚数单位)为纯虚数,则实数a = .14. 有甲、乙、丙、丁四位歌手参加比赛,其中只有一位获奖,有人走访了四位歌手,甲说:“是乙或丙获奖.”乙说:“甲、丙都未获奖.”丙说:“我获奖了.”丁说:“是乙获奖.”四位歌手的话只有两句是对的,则获奖的歌手是______15.已知函数f(x)=e x -mx+1的图象为曲线C,若曲线C 存在与直线y=ex 垂直的切线,则实数m 的取值范围是__________. 16.下列命题中①若0()0f x '=,则函数()y f x =在0x x =取得极值; ②若0()3f x '=-,则000()(3)limh f x h f x h h→+--=-12③若z ∈C (C 为复数集),且|22i |1,|22i |z z +-=--则的最小值是3;④若函数2()ln f x x ax x =-+-既有极大值又有极小值, 则a >22或a < -22 正确的命题有__________.三、解答题(17题满分10分,18题、19题、20题、21题、22题满分各12分) 17.(1)已知复数z 满足,的虚部为2,求复数z;(2)求函数()x f x e =、直线2x =及两坐标轴围成的图形绕x 轴旋转一周所得几何体的体积;18. 已知函数32()f x x ax bx c =+++的图像如图,直线0y =在原点处与函数图像相切,且此切线与函数图像所围成的区域(阴影)面积为274. (1)求()f x 的解析式;(2)若常数0m >,求函数()f x 在区间[],m m -上的最大值.19.某商城销售某种商品的经验表明,该商品每日的销售量y(单位:千克)与销售价格x (单位:元/千克)满足关系式y=,其中63<<x ,a 为常数,已知销售价格为5元/千克时,每日可售出该产品11千克。









1. What does the woman plan to do?A. Go camping.B. Stay at school.C. Visit her family.2. What are they talking about?A. A ship.B. A joke.C. A movie.3. Why did the speakers go on the trip?A. The man got sick.B. The man’s uncle die d.C. The woman had to attend a meeting.4. What does the man mean?A. Benjamin often breaks his word.B. Benjamin is very honest.C. Benjamin is serious about his work.5. Why Mark and Tom were often mistaken?A. They were twins.B. They were embarrassed.C. It’s hard to tell them apart.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。


江西省崇仁县第二中学2017-2018学年高一上学期第二次月考英语试题 Word版含答案

江西省崇仁县第二中学2017-2018学年高一上学期第二次月考英语试题 Word版含答案

2017-2018学年高一英语月考试第一卷第一部分听力(30分)第一节(共5小题)1. What does the woman’ sister do now?A. A teacherB. A doctorC. A nurse2.How to get to the bank?A.Walk along the street and turn left.B.Walk ahead for 100 meters and turn rightC. Turn right at the cinema and walk ahead for about 100 meters3.Why does the man like his new job better?A.Because he can use what he has learnedB. Because he can learn a lot from the jobC Because he can have more free time4.How many books did the man buy?A.TwoB. One.C.Three5.What is the relationship beteen the two speakers?A.Doctor and patientB.teacher and studentC.Boss and employee第二节(共15小题)听第6段材料,回答第6至7题.6.What did the woman do last weekend?A.She learned drivingB.She repaired her carC.She had a picnic.7.What can we know about the man?A.He has a new carB. He want to buy a new carC.He often repairs his car on the weekend听第7段材料,回答第8至9题.8.What does the man to buy?A.A birthday cakeB.A birthday presentC.An expensive coat9.Which color doesn’t the woman like?A.YellowB.RedC.Blue听第8段材料,回答第10至12题.10.What kind of computer does the man want to buy?A.A cheap imported computerB.An expensive imported computerC.A computer made in China at an acceptable price.11.How much will the man pay for the computer for the first time?A.5,000 yuanB.3,000 yuanC.1,000 yuan12.What does the man ask the woman to do at last?A.Work out the detailsB.Give him some adviceC.Show him another computer听第9段材料,回答第13至16题.13.Where did the woman learn about the job/A. in the newspaperB.On the radioC.On TV14.At least how many hours will the woman have to work every day?A.Three hoursB.Rour hoursC.Five hours15.What can we know about the job?A.The salary is 300 pounds per month at mostB.Working hours is from 2 am to 10 am every dayC.It’s a part-time job, and the salary is 75 pounds a week at least.16.When does the man to have a talk with the woman?A.Next Wednesday morningB. Next Wednesday afternoonC. Next Wednesday evening.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题.17.What the main problem in Asia?A.The small number of new born babiesB.The changing social situatin of womenC.The high price of hours and education.18.How much at least does a child’ kindergarten charge a month ina majior Asian city?A. $25,000B. $5,000C. $416.19.Why do more and more married women refuse to have a children?A.They can’t keep their jobs.B.They are looked down uponC.they have to bring up their children.20.What can we learn from the speaker’ talk?A.It’ easy for a couple to afford a child in Asia.B.It will cost parents too much to afford their kids’education.C.the prices of houses in mang major Asian cities are quite low now.第二部分阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分;共40分)AThe Palace Museum, known as the Forbidden City, was the imperial(帝王的) palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the early 15th century, large-size construction caused 100,000 common people to lead a hard life. The construction took 14 years and was finished in 1420. In the following year, the capital of Ming Dynasty was moved from Nanjing to Beijing. Twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled from the Forbidden City. The last dynasty fell in 1911, but Emperor Puyi still lived in the inner court. It was not until 1925 that the complex buildings were changed into a museum. Since then, the Palace has been opened to the public.The Palace Museum is rectangular(长方形的) in shape, about 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from west to east. There is a 10-meter-high wall,encircled by a 52-meter-wide moat(护城河). In the Ming Dynasty, the wood needed for the building was brought mostly from Sichuan and Hunan Province, while in the Qing Dynasty, it was cut from the northeast of China. Most of the stones were mined from the suburban(郊外的) district of Fangshan and other districts. Construction of the Forbidden City brought huge hardship to the laboring people.The palace is the largest piece of ancient Chinese architecture(建筑) still standing. Some of the buildings were damaged by lightning and rebuilt in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The palace has been expanded several times, but the original design was preserved. After liberation, some costly renovations(翻新) were done and the Palace Museum is listed as one of the important historical sites under special preservation by the Chinese government.21. The Forbidden City is also called .A. the History MuseumB. the People's SiteC. the Palace MuseumD. the Summer Palace22. The Forbidden City began to be constructed inA. 1911B. 1421C. 1406D. 142023. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?A. The emperors' cruelty brought the Forbidden City into the world.B. The processing of constructing the Forbidden City needed wood and stones fromall over the country.C. The Forbidden City is the largest piece of ancient Chinese architecture stillstanding.D. The Forbidden City is about 720,000 square meters.24. This passage most probably comes from a book on .A. customs and habitsB. dynasties and emperorsC. history and emperorsD. architecture and historyBCan dogs and cats live in peace in the same home? People who are thinking about adopting a dog as a friend for their cat are worried that they will fight. A recent research has found a new way for success. According to the study, if the cat is adoptedbefore the dog, and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is highly probable that the two pets will get along swimmingly. Two­thirds of the homes interviewed reported a positive relationship between their cat and dog.However, it wasn't all sweetness and light. There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while attacking and fighting were observed in 10% of the homes. One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals are just opposite. For example, when a cat turns its head away it signals attack, while a dog doing the same signals admitting defeat.In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully, researchers observed a surprising behaviour. They are learning how to talk each other's language. It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk “dog”, and d ogs can learn how to talk “cat”. What's interesting is that both cats and dogs have appeared to develop their intelligence. They can learn to read each other's body signals, suggesting that the two may have more in common than was previously thought. Once familiar with each other's presence and body language, cats and dogs can play together, greet each other nose to nose, and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa. They can easily share the same water bowl and in some cases groom (梳理) each other.The advantage of this research on cats and dogs may not only about pets — to people who don't get along, including neighbours, colleagues at work, and even world superpowers. If cats and dogs can learn to get along, surely people have a good chance. 25.The underlined w ord “swimmingly” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.A. earlyB. sweetlyC. quicklyD. surprisingly26.Some cats and dogs may fight when ________.A. they are cold to each otherB. they look away from each otherC. they understand each other's signals in a wrong wayD. they are introduced at an early age27.What is found surprising about cats and dogs?A. They eat and sleep together.B. They observe each other's behaviors.C. They learn to speak each other's language.D. They know something from each other's voices.28.What can we human beings learn from cats and dogs?A. We should learn to live in peace.B. We should know more about animals.C. We should live in peace with animals.D. We should learn more body languages.CHere’s something to think about the next time you ask your teacher for help: do schoolwork on your own can help you learn. According to a recent study, the more you struggle (努力) while you are learning new information, the better you can remember it later.It might surprise you. When teachers are presenting new information, they often give students lots of help. But a new study shows this may not be the best way to support learning. “Don’t be too quick to get help when learning something new,” education expert Manu Kapur said. “Try to work on it yourself even if it means trying different ways.”Kapur came up with the idea that struggling can lead to better learning. Then he tested it out on students in Singapore. He separated students into two groups. In the first group, students were asked to solve math problems with the teacher’s help. In the second group, students were asked to solve the same problems by helping one another instead of getting help from the teacher.With the teacher’s help, students in the first group were able to find the correct answers. Students in the second group did not solve the problems correctly, but they did come up with a lot of good ideas.The students were then tested on what they had learned. The group without any help from a teacher scored much higher than the group who had help. Kapur said working to find the answers helped students understand the process (过程), not just the solution.Kapur’s advice for kids is to put a lot of effort into learning something new rather than going to your teacher for help. “Simply doing a little work or nothingat all won’t work,” says Kapur. “The struggle needs to be a real attempt to figure out (想出) or solve a problem in as many ways as p ossible.”29. Which of the following is the best way to learn according to the passage?A. Figure something out on your own.B. Ask teachers for help in time.C. Be given the solution to the problem.D. Pay little attention to the process.30.Kapur supported his idea by .A. showing causesB. describing an activityC. making a testD. introducing a method31. In the last paragraph, Kapur advised students to .A. make efforts to win help from othersB. use their head in an active wayC. make an attempt at something newD. work out every difficult problem32.What would be the best title for the passage?A. Raise your headB. Try your handsC. Stand on your own feetD. Work your mindD★ Help WantedPAINTERMust have at least 3 years painting experience. Commercial and new construction work. $10/hr. Immediate opening. Call 435­9201 with work history.SECRETARYPart time position available in friendly, busy office. Good typing and general office skills. Some weekends required. High pay. Various duties. Apply (申请) at East Side Management, 500 Park Drive, Dewitt, NY. 13214.★ Help WantedVET ASSISTENTPerson needed for busy animal hospital. Some nights and weekends. Apply in person to Johnson Marks Animal Hospital, 404 Snow Road, Syracuse, NY 13224. After 4 p. m.only please.NURSES' ASSISTANTSFull­t ime an d part­time positions available for modern nursing home. High pay. Call Mrs. Downes, R. N. at 543 7618.★ Help WantedCOOK NEEDEDImmediately. Busy downtown restaurant. Must be good and dependable. Experience preferred. Weekends required. Call 324­9817.SALESPERSONExperienced. Must have some knowledge of men's clothing industry. Available to work evenings and some Saturdays. Send resume (简历) to: Martin Apparel, 237 Rockledge St., Syracuse, NY. 13224.★ Help WantedTEACHERSmall private school needs English and maths teachers. Must have BS degree and at least 4 years teaching experience. Send resume to: Wales Charter School 19 South 8th St. NY. 13224.HOTELNeeds p art­ti me FRONT DESK CLERK No experience necessary. Excellent people and phone skills a must. Some computer skills helpful. $13/hr. Call: Mr. Jones 357­2897. 33.If you wanted to get a job as a maths teacher, send your resume to ________.A. 237 Rockledge St., Syracuse, NY. 13224B. 404 Snow Road Syracuse, NY. 13224C. 500 Park Drive, DeWitt, NY. 13214D. Wales Charter School 19 South 8th St. NY. 1322434.If you dislike working on Sundays, being a ________ should be your best choice.A. cookB. secretaryC. salespersonD. vet assistant35.If you want to get a job at ________, you must have office skills.A. Martin ApparelB. East Side ManagementC. Wales Charter SchoolD. Johnson Marks Animal Hospital第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。









Conversation 11. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In the street.B. In a taxi.C. On a bus.2. How long will the woman walk?A. About five minutes.B. About ten minutes.C. About fifteen minutes.Conversation 23. How much should the woman pay?A. 30 dollars.B. 25dollars.C. 20 dollars.4. Where is the woman most probably taking the child to?A. A theme park.B. A zoo.C. A cinema.Conversation 35. What is Martin doing in Toronto?A. Going on a business tripB. Taking part in a reunionC. Visiting a former classmate6. How long will Martin stay in Toronto?A. A week.B. Three daysC. Ten daysConversation 47. What day is it today?A. Wednesday.B. ThursdayC. Friday8. What does the girl want to do?A. Go to a friend’s party.B. Design a party for a friend.C. Celebrate her birthday with her friends.9. What does the girl promise to do?A. Help with the cleaning after the party.B. Clean the house before the party.C. Go to buy some food.Conversation 510. How old is the woman’s son now?A. 10B. 16C. 2211. Why does the woman want to sell the house?A. Because she needs money for her son’s college fees.B. Because her family is moving to another country.C. Because she has bought a better house nearby.12. What does the man decide to do?A. Buy a cheaper house.B. Buy the house at once.C. Ask his wife to have a look.Conversation 613. Why does the man visit the girl’s home?A. To explain why he didn’t answer the phone.B. To talk about some matters with the girl’s fatherC. To ask the girl about her college studies.14. What did May probably major in at college?A. LawB. ComputerC. Medicine15. When will the girl’s mother come back home?A. At about 9:00 am.B. At about 8:30 am.C. At about 9:00 pm.二、单项选择(每小题1分,共10小题,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。


21. In Germany, the names can _____.
A. be made by using an object
B. be made by using last names
C. be known if a baby is a girl
D. be made by parents freely
13. How many people in the cinema did the woman mention ?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
14. For whom will the man hold a party?
A. Lisa. B. Ted. C. Nathan.
New Zealand
The country’s Births, Deaths, and Marriages Registration Act of 1995 prohibits parents from choosinga name that “ might cause offense to a reasonable person; is unreasonably long; or is, includes, or resembles an official title or rank,” including, apparently, Adolf Hitler and Yeah Detroit—both names recently rejected.
A. It wastes a lot of money.
B. He has to remember to return it.
C. It is very tiring.


A. Talk with his neighbors.
B. Say hello to his neighbors.
C. Call the police as soon as possible.
11. What is the evidence of a mental problem?
A. A thriller. B. A comedy.C. A disaster movie.
8. Why doesn’t the man like his new neighbors?
A. Their dogs bark loudly.
B. They’ve destroyed his yard.
C. She will find a repairman to repair it.
2. Where is the man going next?
A. To his dormitory.B. To the library. C. To the lecture room.
3. How long is the girl’s father’s business trip?
A. buy a present for B. never say a word to C. have dinner with D. write a letter to
23.What makes good friends? A good friend should _____.
A . be lovely and cool B. be kind and patient
A. The delivery is a bit too slow.



江西高二高中英语月考试卷班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 分数:___________一、单项选择1.___ Mr. Smith is waiting to see you. He appears to be quite____ important person.A./; an B.A; an C.The; the D.The; /2.The computer system _____suddenly while Paul was searching for information on the Internet. A.broke in B.broke out C.broke up D.broke down3.Did he find _____ hard to learn a foreign language?A.that B.him C.it D.himself4.When _____ the letter, tears came to her eyes.A.she was reading B.reading C.she reading D.read5. Who would you rather ______ with the teacher about the problem?A.talking B.talk C.have talked D.have talk 6. It is recognized that the part ___ the UN plays in international relations is important.A.in which B.where C.that D.of which 7. sales of cars up by 30% last year, the traffic in Beijing has become increasingly terrible.A.With B.Since C.For D.As8. Mark needs to learn Chinese _______ his company is opening a branch in Beijing.A.unless B.until C.although D.since9. His spare time is made full use_______ law.A.to study B.study C.of studying D.of to study 10.You have to believe in yourself. Self-confidence is _____ to success.A.essential B.combined C.similar D.compared 11.—Well, I do think the ipad is smart, convenient and intelligent.—________.A.So it is B.So is it C.So does it D.So it does 12.Paper bags produced every year are ______ the world’s production of vehicles.A.as three times heavy as B.three times weight ofC.three times the weight of D.three times as heavier as13. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the ________.A.20 dollars remained B.20 dollars to remainC.remained 20 dollars D.remaining 20 dollars14.______enough time, we didn’t finish the work.A.Not there being B.There being not C.There not being D.There wasn’t15. The new teacher made a good____ on the students by her rich knowledge and humorous talk.A.feeling B.effect C.impression D.expression二、完形填空I used to be a very self-centered person, but in the past two years I have really changed. I have started to think about other people I think about myself. I am happy that I am becoming a person.I think my started when I was at Palomar College. At first, I just wanted to get my and be left alone. I thought I was smarter than everyone else, so I hardly ever to anyone in my classes. By the end of my first semester, I was really . It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun. So trieda(n) . I started asking people around me how they were doing, and if they were having trouble I could to help. That was really a big for me. By the end of the year, I had several new friends, and two of are still my best friends today.A bigger cause of my new , however, came when I took a part-time job at a Vista Nursing Home. One old lady there who had Alzheimer’s disease became my . Every time I came into her room, she was because she thought I was her daughter. Her real daughter never her, so I took her place. She let me that making others feel good make me feel good, too, when she died, I was , but I was very grateful to her.I think I am a much person today than I used to be, and I hope I will not these experiences. Theyhave me to care about other people more than about myself. I who I am today, and I could not say that a few years ago.【1】A.since B.before C.or D.unless【2】A.famous B.simple C.different D.skilled【3】A.education B.career C.tour D.change【4】A.balance B.homework C.degree D.interest【5】A.talked B.wrote C.lied D.reported【6】A.careful B.lonely C.curious D.guilty【7】A.argument B.game C.experiment D.defence【8】A.dare B.offer C.hesitate D.happen【9】A.dream B.problem C.duty D.step【10】A.us B.which C.them D.whom【11】A.attitude B.hobby C.hope D.luck【12】A.friend B.partner C.guide D.guest 【13】A.polite B.happy C.strange D.confident 【14】A.bothered B.answered C.visited D.trusted 【15】A.explain B.guess C.declare D.see 【16】A.homeless B.heartbroken C.bad-tempered D.hopeless 【17】A.quieter B.busier C.better D.richer 【18】A.forget B.face C.improve D.analyze 【19】A.forced B.preferred C.ordered D.taught 【20】A.miss B.like C.wonder D.expect三、阅读理解1.Dear Mr. Barton,I am writing for the residents’ association (业主协会) to inform you of our feelings about your act. We’ve really had enough of you. Although we have tried to speak to you politely on several occasions, you have always answered with a stream of verbal abuse(辱骂).Ever since you moved in three months ago, you have shown very little consideration for the other residents of this building, though many residents expressed their unhappiness with you. For the past six weekends, you have held very noisy parties, which have not finished until early the next morning. As you know, most of the people here are elderly or have very young children, and the noise keeps them awake all night. You don’t have to be so noisy, do you? Last weekend the situation deteriorated when two of your friends fought with each other on the first floor. The fighting was so bad that the police had to be called. What’s more, your friends left the stairs in a terrible state --- they even broke two windows on their way out! We feel that we can’t bear this type of act.We strongly demand that yo u pay for this damage to the window soon. If you don’t and you carry on being a nuisance(令人讨厌的人或物). We will kick you out! Legal steps will be taken if necessary.Yours sincerely【1】What does the writer feel?A.Excited B.Surprised C.Angry D.Happy【2】What does the word “deteriorated” mean?A.Changed B.Improved C.Moved D.Worsened【3】What is the main purpose of the letter?A.To ask Mr. Barton to leave the building for the peace.B.To inform Mr. Barton of the noise he made.C.To talk about what Mr. Barton did.D.To give a warning to Mr. Barton.【4】Why were the police called?A.Because Mr. Barton broke two windows.B.Because Mr. Barton made too much noise.C.Because Mr. Barton’s friends fought.D.Because Mr. Barton beat a child and an old man.【5】Which is true according to the letter?A.Mr. Barton paid no attention to the others’ unhappiness.B.Mr. Barton replied to the others’ unhappinessC.Mr. Barton always said sorry to those unhappy with him.D.Mr. Barton never apologized to the other residents.2.It doesn’t matter when and how much a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. That’s what all doctors thought, until they heard about Herpin. Herpin, it was said, never slept. Could this be true? The doctors decided to see this strange man themselves.Herpin was 90 years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind. So they stayed with him and watched every movement he made. But they were surprised. Though they watched him hour after hour and day after day, they never saw him sleeping. In fact, he did not even own a bed. He never needed one.The only rest that Herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers. The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness. They asked him many questions, hoping to find an answer. They found only one answer that might explain his condition. Herpin remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he was born. But that was all. Was this the real reason? No one could be sure. Herpin died at the age of 94.【1】The main idea of this passage is that_____.A.large numbers of people do not need sleepB.a person was found who actually didn’t need any sleepC.everyone needs some sleep to stay aliveD.people can live longer by trying not to sleep【2】The doctors came to visit Herpin, expecting_____.A.to cure him of his sleeplessnessB.to find that his sleeplessness was not really trueC.to find out why some old people did not need any sleepD.to find a way to free people from the need of sleeping【3】After watching him closely, the doctors came to believe that Herpin_____.A.needed some kind of sleepB.was too old to need any sleepC.needed no sleep at allD.often sleep in a chair【4】One reason that might explain Herpin’s sleeplessness was _____.A.his mother’s injury before he was bornB.that he had gradually got rid of the sleeping habitC.his magnificent physical conditionD.that he hadn’t got a bed【5】Herpin’s condition could be regarded as ______.A.a common one B.one that could becuredC.very healthy D.a rare one3.The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around, when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady with a warm smile. She said, "Hi handsome. My name is Rose.I'm eighty-seven years old.”"Why are you in college at such a young age?" I asked. She replied, "I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of kids and then retire(退休) and travel..."I knew she was joking. I was curious what might have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age."I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!" she told me.We became friends. Every day we would talk nonstop after class. I was always interested in listening to this "time machine" as she shared her wisdom and experience with me. And Rose easily made friends wherever she went. At the end of the term we invited Rose to make a little speech. She cleared her throat and began, "We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. I’ve learned a few secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die.”“There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change.“Have no regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do……"【1】When the writer and Rose first met, they began their talk in a_______ way.A.serious B.polite C.formal D.humorous【2】Which of the following has the similar meaning to the underlined word “motivated” in the fourth paragraph? A.encouraged B.persuaded C.taught D.forced【3】Rose went to college in order to _______.A.meet a rich husband B.make new friendsC.get a college education D.get a better job【4】The writer considered Roses as a “time machine” because__________.A.she always came to class on time.B.she make friends easily at college.C.she knew the difference between growing older and growing upD.she enjoyed a long life and had lots of wisdom and experience.【5】From this passage we know Rose believed_________.A.“The early bird catches the worm”B.“It is never too late to learn”C.“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bushes”D.“One false step will make a great difference.”4.Health experts are calling for action to increase cancer care and control in the developing world. A medical research paper says cancer was once thought of as a problem mostly in the developed world. But now cancer is a leading cause of death and disability in poor countries as well. Experts from Harvard University and other organizations urge the international community to fight cancer actively, saying it should be fought in the wayHIV/AIDS has been fought in Africa.Cancer kills more than 7.5 million people a year worldwide. Almost two-thirds are in low-income and middle-income countries.They discover cancer kills more people in developing countries than AIDS, tuberculosis (肺结核) and malaria (疟疾) combined. But the world spends only 5% of its cancer resources in those countries.Felicia Knaul from Harvard Medical School was one of the writers of the paper. She was in Mexico when she was found to have breast cancer. She received treatment there and her experience showed her the sharp difference between the rich and the poor in treating breast cancer.Felicia Knaul says, “And we are seeing how this is attacking young women. It’s the number two cause of death in Mexico for women thirty to fifty-four. All over the developing world, it’s the number one cancer-related death among young women. I think we have to again say that there is much more we could do about it than we are doing about it.”Professor Knalul met community health workers during her work in developing countries. They were an important part of efforts to reduce deaths from the cancer. They were able to persuade people to get tested to prevent the illness. The experts say cancer care does not have to be costly. For example, patients can be treated with lower-cost drugs.【1】What would be the best title for the passage?A.Cancer – a leading cause of death in poor countriesB.What should we do in preventing and treating cancer?C.What makes the first killer in developing countries?D.Experts urge more efforts to fight cancer.【2】Felicia Knaul’s ex perience in Mexico shows that .A.many Mexican women suffer from breast cancerB.there is not enough medicine for cancer thereC.many Mexican women can’t afford medical careD.patients with breast cancer are treated differently【3】From what Felicia Knaul says, we can draw the conclusion that .A.breast cancer is a great threat to young womenB.people don’t pay enough attention to breast cancerC.breast cancer is the second killer among women in MexicoD.patients can be treated effectively in developing countries【4】Who plays an important part in preventing the cancer in developing countries?A.The cancer patients.B.The health experts.C.Community health workers.D.Young women.【5】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The number of cancer cases is decreasing.B.HIV/AIDS is not being taken seriously in Africa.C.Over 7.5 million people die of cancer every year.D.It is very expensive to treat cancer.四、其他[1] The key word is practice! Practice, practice, practice!! There is no other way. There is no magic. The way to get better at listening to English is to listen to English. That’s the not-so-good news.[2] The good news is there are many ways to listen and many things to listen to.[3] Listening to English songs can be fun. But be careful! Most ________ use the language in a special way that you don’t hear every day. You don’t want to start speaking English like a poet or songwriter. If you do listen to English songs, listen to different ones. This will help you train your ears to different voices, pronunciations and rhythms.[4] If you can, get a copy of the lyrics(歌词) so you can read them and listen to them at the same time. It is sometimes better to listen with your eyes as well as your ears—more information to help the brain.[5] Watch English DVDs. But, this time, do not use your eyes to read the subtitles (字幕). Turn off the subtitles, because movies have so many other clues about what is happening that it is better not to use the subtitles. Thisforces your ears to do the work.[6] Choose one character (人物) that interests you and pay attention to what they say and how they say it. If you can, repeat a line out loud after they have said it. Teach yourself one or more sayings, phrases or ways of talking that you will use after watching the movie.[7] A new and growing resource of English language for listening can be found in blogs. Blogs are in MP3 format and can be loaded first onto your computer and then onto your MP3 player for very convenient take-with-you listening.[8] You can find many English listening practices are fun, new, educational and in unending supply.【1】What is the main idea of the passage? (within 10 words.)_______________________________________________________________________【2】What does the underlined sentence ( in Para4 ) mean?_______________________________________________________________________【3】Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (within 2 words.)_______________________________________________________________________【4】List three ways of practising your English listening. (within 15words.)①__________________ ②__________________ ③__________________【5】What does the word “them” (Line1, Paragraph4) probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)_____________________________________________________________________五、书面表达最近你班将举行一场题为 Life in the future 的讨论会,请根据以下要点,写一篇一百词左右的短文。







1. What do we know about the man?A. He slept late last night.B. He didn't sleep well last night.C. He didn't win the game.2. What is Tom doing?A. He is doing his homework.B. He is sleeping.C. He is h elping his mother.3. What does Mike mean?A. He wants to have a rest for a few days.B. The final exams were easy.C. It's too early for him to make plans.4. What does the man mean at the end of the conversation?A. He already has a roommate.B. He dislikes having a roommate.C. He is glad to have a roommate.5. What does the woman ask the man to do?A. To buy a bottle of wine for her.B. To come to her home for supper.C. To come to her home for a meeting.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独自。







1. What does the woman think of the iPad case?A. It’s too heavy.B. It’s light.C. It wouldn’t protect her iPad enough.2. What will the man do on Friday?A. Have dinner with the woman.B. Go to a concert.C. Me et a student.3. What are the speakers doing?A. Looking at something expensive.B. Waiting in a bank.C. T alking about dreams.4. What was difficult for the man?A. Finding a parking place.B. Driving in the rain.C. Pleasing the woman.5. Where will the speakers probably go?A. A cinema.B. A zoo.C. A school.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。





6. Who are the speakers?A. Co-workers.B. Husband and wife.C. Mother and son.7. What is the man trying to do?A. Wash his daughter’s blanket.B. Get his daughter to sleep early.C. Stop his daughter from crying.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。



英语试题 第1页(共8页) 英语试题 第2页(共8页)2017-2018学年上学期第二次月考(11月)原创卷A 卷高二英语(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1. 本试卷由三个部分组成。



2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

3. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。




第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

AWelcome to one of the largest collections of footwear (鞋类)in the world that will make you green with envy.Here at the Footwear Museum you can see exhibits (展品)from all over the world. You can find out about shoes worn by everyone from the Ancient Egyptians to pop stars. Room 1The celebrity (名人)footwear section is probably the most popular in the entire museum. Started in the 1950s,there is a wide variety of shoes and boots belonging to everyone from queens and presidents to pop stars and actors! Most visitors find the celebrities 'choice of footwear extremely interesting. Room 2Most of our visitors are amazed and shocked by the collection of "special purpose " shoes on exhibitionhere at the Museum of Footwear. For example, there are Chinese shoes made of silk that were worn by women to tie their feet firmly to prevent them from growing too much! Room 3As well as shoes and boots, the museum also exhibits shoe-shaped objects. The variety is unbelievable. Forexample, there is a metal lamp that resembles a pair of shoes, and Greek wine bottles that like legs! The Footwear LibraryPeople come from all over the world to study in our excellent footwear library. Designers and researcherscome here to look up information on anything and everything related to the subject of footwear. 1. What can you find in Room 1? A. Queens 'boots. B. Chinese special purpose shoes.C. Metal lamps.D. Bottles of Greek wine.2. What can we know about Room 2?A. It is the most visited place in the museum.B. It has a richer variety of exhibits than the other two.C. It mainly exhibits shoes that have some special purposes.D. It has the oldest exhibits than the other two.3. Where can you find some data that have something to do with the subject of footwear? A. In Room 1. B. In Room 2.C. In Room 3.D. In the Footwear Library.4. What is the purpose of the passage? A. To tell people how to follow celebrities. B. To call on people to do research on shoes. C. To get more people to pay a visit to the museum.D. To show people the way to design shoes.BIf you are hungry, what do you do? Grab a piece of your favorite meal and stay quiet after that? Just likeyour stomach, even your mind is hungry. But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and many such absurd things. So it silently began to pay careful attention to your needs and never let itself grow. When mind loosens its freedom to grow, creativity gets a full stop.This might be the reason why we all sometimes think "What happens next?", "Why can 't Ithink?", "Why am I always given the difficult problems?" Well this is the result of our own karma (宿命)of using our brain for thinking of not-so-worthy things.Hunger of the mind can be actually settled through extensive reading. Now why reading and not watchingTV? Because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from the childhood. Just like that to develop other aspects of our life, we have to take help of reading. You have innumerable number of books in this world which will answer all your "How to?" questions. Once you read a book, you just don 't run your eyes through the lines, but even your mind decodes (解码)it and explains it to you. The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed.Now this seed is unknowingly used by you in your future to develop new ideas. The same seed if used manytimes, can help you link and relate a lot of things, of which you would have never thought of in your wildest dreams! This is nothing lout creativity. The more the number of books you read, the more your mind will open up. Also this improves your speaking skills to a large extent and also makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary. Within no time you start speaking English or any language fluently with your friends or other people and you never seem to run out of the right words at the right time. 5. What does the author mean by saying that our mind is hungry?A. We don 't read books.B. Our creativity gets a full stop.C. We don 't have a good memory.D. We don 't know what to do next.6. One 's mind is hungry because he/she . A. can 't work out things wellB. loosens the freedom to grow英语试题第3页(共8页)英语试题第4页(共8页)C. is mentally busy with many absurd thingsD. begins to pay careful attention to his needs7. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of reading?A. Helping you develop your creativity.B. Helping you enlarge your vocabulary.C. Helping you improve your speaking skills.D. Helping you run your eyes through the lines.8. By reading more, we are sure to .A. perform better mentally in the futureB. dream the wildest dreamsC. store books in your mindD. speak English fluentlyCFearful parents are saying no to sleep-overs(在别人家里过夜),banning children as old as 15 from using public transport on their own and watching over their kids like hawks(鹰)at the local park, according to a new British study.The survey of 6,099 people commissioned by LV, a charity that educates children about safety, showed that nearly a quarter of children aged 15 or under were not allowed to sleep at a friend's house,60 percent were forbidden to travel on public transport alone and 43 percent couldn't go to the park without a parent or guardian (监护人).It said more than 60 percent of mums and dads think the world is more dangerous than when they were kids. "It's difficult for parents to know when is the right time to step back and allow children to experience things on their own,"said one person in the survey.In contrast, just four percent of today's adults said they were banned from sleeping-over when they were 15 or younger, only two percent were forbidden to use public transport, and the same number couldn't go out on their own in familiar surroundings, such as their local town or park."Stranger danger"is the number one worry for over half of all parents (54 percent),followed by bullying (欺侮)(47),mugging (46) and road danger (34).On average, children today can look forward to walking to school on their own by the age of 11,use public transport on their own at 12,and babysit their brother or sister by the time they're 14.In contrast, parents say they were allowed to walk to school unaccompanied at the age of nine, use public transport alone by the time they were 11,and babysit a brother or sister by the time of their 12th birthday.Parents know they are being tougher on their children and over a third said they felt uneasy that their kids do not get the same opportunities as they did to experience freedom as a youngster.9. Most parents have more control over their children because_______.A. they love their children more than their parents did in the pastB. they are more protective than their parents wereC. they think the world is more dangerous than it was in the pastD. they think children don't need to experience things on their own10. According to the survey, children nowadays______.A. pay more attention to their safetyB. have less freedom than their parents'generationC. grow up in a better environmentD. have no ability to ensure their own safety11. What would be the best title of the passage?A. Kids want the same freedom as their parents.B. When can children have their freedom?C. Why are children not allowed to sleep-over.D. Fearful British parents keep kids closer than ever.DLegend has it that the performing arts began when a Greek singer named Thespis invented tragedy. In 534 B.C., Thespis was performing a hymn(赞美诗)to the god Dionysius. Such hymns, called dithyrambs, were usually sung by a lead singer and a chorus. Thespis added a speaking actor. Performances at the annual Dionysian festival soon included plays with three actors as well as the standard hymns. By 449 B.C., the Greeks were giving prizes to the best actor and the best playwright at the festival. A modern word for actor—thespian recognizes the debt today's drama owes to Thespis.Performing in a Greek play required physical strength. Because each play had only three actors, performers had to play several roles. Chorus members both sang and danced. Being in the chorus for the many performances given at a festival was said to be as demanding as competing in the Olympic Games.The Theater of Dionysius in Athens could hold 20,000 people. Even those in the front rows were quite a distance from the actors. Performers used grand gestures and wore masks so that they could be seen by everyone in their huge audience. Tragic(悲剧的)actors wore long clothes and masks. Comic actors wore short costumes that let them move freely and masks designed to make them look ugly or silly. Sometimes the chorus were dressed up to look like animals.Another legacy(遗产)of the ancient Greeks is the deus ex machina, or "god from the machine". If a playwright was having trouble with the plot, he might have a god appear through a trap door(天窗).The god would rescue the main character and find a solution to any difficult plot situations. Modem writers might not call on gods, but they do sometimes use unlikely ways to end a story. A character or an event that brings a complicated plot to an unlikely conclusion is still called deus ex machina.12. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that .A. the word "thespian"means "debt"in EnglishB. the Dionysian festival was held once a yearC. there were four actors in early Greek dramaD. the first tragedy was performed in 449B.C13. From the passage we can know .A. it was not easy to get a chance to perform in the chorusB. the best actor and the best playwright would be given moneyC. the playwright must play a role in the performance英语试题 第5页(共8页) 英语试题 第6页(共8页)D. the audience sat very close to actors to have a good view 14. According to the passage, one difference between early Greek comedies and tragedies is . A. the actors 'distance from the audience B. the play 's beginning C. the number of performersD. the actors ' clothes15. Deus ex machina is . A. a kind of tragedy popular with ancient audience B. a type of character that modern writers often write about C. a way ancient Greek dramatists used to develop the plotD. a style of performance first used by ancient Greek actors第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。




1. Where does the woman want to go?A To a hotel B. To a hospital C. To a theatre2. What does Lingling do ?A. She is a teacherB. She is a writerC. She is a doctor3. How much money did the woman have at first?A. 45 dollarsB. 63 dollarsC.28 dollars4. Where did the man meet Liang Jing for the first time?A. In a libraryB. At a high schoolC. At a college5. What will the girl do tonight?A. Come to the partyB. Go over her lessonsC. Have an exam 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第六段材料,回答第6、7题。

6. What will the man do in the evening?A. Go to ZhengzhouB. Meet somebodyC. See the woman again7. Where are the two speakers?A. In the streetB. In a hotelC. In a taxi听第七段材料,回答第8、9题。

8. Why was the man late for the film?A. His brother visited himB. His mother was illC. He went to meet his sister9. When will the film stop being on?A. Next WednesdayB. Next MondayC. Next Friday听第八段材料,回答第10至12题。



2017-2018 学年高二第二次月考试卷高二英语(考试时间:120 分钟分值:150 分)第I 卷(共100 分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。


第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。


1. Who broke the glass?A. Jack.B. Jim.C. Bob.2. What day is it today?A. Thursday.B. Wednesday.C. Tuesday.3. Why isn ' t Tommy going to Lucy ' s party?A. He is ill.B. He is busy.C. He can ' t dance.4. What does the woman think of detective stories?A. Attractive.B. Horrible.C. Complicated.5. What do we know about the woman?A. She is from London.B. She took a trip to London.C. She planted many trees these days.第二节(共15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。


听下面一段对话, 回答第6 至第7 两个小题。




1. What does the man want to do?A. Reserve a cheap hotel.B. Go to Mexico on business.C. Relax and enjoy himself.2. What will the woman get?A. Carpet cleaner.B. A paper towel.C. A glass of wine.3. Who is the woman?A. She’s a teacher.B. She’s a student.C. She’s an assistant teacher.4. Where are the speakers headed?A. To a swimming pool.B. To the beach.C. To a restaurant.5. Why is the museum important?A. It’s a museum for old art.B. It will be built on a small island.C. It’s the first of its kind in Indonesia.听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

6. How much does an entrance ticket cost?A. Two dollars.B. Five dollars.C. Seven dollars.7. How does the woman pay?A. In cash.B. By check.C. By credit card.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

8. Where did the tomato sauce come from?A. A local farm.B. A store only five miles away.C. The man’s own tomatoes.9. What does the woman think of cooking?A. She enjoys it.B. She doesn’t have t he patience for it.C. It makes her feel creative.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。







每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


1.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A。

textbook. B. A friend。

C. A present.2.Where is Mr. Fluffs likely to be?A. In his cage。


In the garden。


In the kitchen.3.What does the man mean?A。

He is tired of eating out.B. The woman is not a good cook.C. The woman should open her own restaurant。

4.What will Luke do for his mother?A. Get her the newspaper。


Get her something to eat. C. Bring her book to her。

5.What is the woman’s nationality probably?A. She is Chinese. B。

She is American. C。

She is French。



6. What is the probable relatoinship between the speakers?
A. Friends B. Colleagues C.Couple
7. What will the man do next?
A.Go on working B. Meet his boss C.Go to a shop
22. It can be inferred from the text that in the James Joyce Centre, you can _______.
A. see some movies about James Joyce B. listen to James Joyce’s lectures
Welcome to the James Joyce Centre
The James Joyce Centre is to promote an understanding of the life and works of James Joyce. In doing so, the Centre tries to work with institutions to celebrate Ireland’s rich cultural heritage (遗产). The James Joyce Centre provides the casual visitor with a rewarding and memorable experience.
The Kenmare Room is used for lectures and has a small show of reproductions of Joyce family pictures. In addition, this room provides details of Joyce’s life and times, a reading table where visitors can sit and read works by and about Joyce, and a show of some of the many translations of Joyce’s works.





5分)1.What were the speakers talking about?A. Transport.B. Training。


The speeches。


What does the woman want her husband to do?A. Wash his trousersB. Hang up his trousers. C。

Keep his trousers on。


Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a shop.B. Om a campus. C。

At a fashion show.4。

How does the man feel about the result?A。

It is unbelievable。

B. It is too hard for Henry。


It is normal。

5. What can we know about the woman?A. She found a new job。


She quit her job。


She felt terrible yesterday.第二节(共15小题:每小题105分,满分22.5)6. Who is the man?A。

A teacher。


A student. C。

A manager。

7. Where is the newcomer now?A。

In the classroom. B. In the dining hall. C。

In the office.8。

What are the speakers talking about?A. Oil price. B。

Oil crisis。

C. Oil quality.9。

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1. Where are the speakers?A. At a hotel.B. At a hospital.C. At a school.2. What are the speakers doing?A. Selecting a piece of furniture.B. Moving into a new house.C. Painting the living room.3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A film.B. A play.C. A concert.4. What does the man want to do?A. Do sunbathing.B. Have dinner.C. Take a rest.5. What time will the man see Dr. Smith?A. At 8:00.B. At 8:30.C. At 9:00.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Co-workers.B. Boss and secretary.C. Doctor and patient.7. How does the man reduce his stress?A. He lives a healthy life.B. He never overworks.C. He eats more food. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。

8. What does the man say about the flat?A. It is unfurnished.B. It is on the second floor.C. It is near the public transportation.9. What will the woman do next?A. Check her schedule.B. Go to see the flat.C. Wait until further notice. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。

10. What is the Eurostar?A. A ship.B. A train.C. A plane.11. Why does the woman like Budapest?A. The weather is fine there.B. It is famous and exciting.C. She wants to visit the museum there.12. Which city will the speakers visit last?A. BernB. Rome.C. Amsterdam.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13. What is the most important in learning English according to the man?A. Grammar.B. Pronunciation.C. Vocabulary.14. What does the man always carry with him?A. His videos.B. His dictionary.C. His grammar book.15. What is the man’s attitude to his speaking mistakes?A. He is afraid of them.B. He is ashamed of them.C. He doesn’t worry about them.16. How does the man practice his pronunciation?A. He watches videos to learn how people speak.B. He talks to customers in the restaurant.C. He speaks with people on the street.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. What do we know about the screenplay?A. It is mainly an original idea.B. It is usually written by a team.C. It includes a long list of the names.18. Who is the big boss of the movie?A. The director.B. The producer.C. The main star.19. What are special people hired to do?A. Perform dangerous actions.B. Handle economic problems.C. Add sound and music effects.20. What does the speaker mainly want to tell us?A. Making a movie needs a large team.B. Every task is important for making a film.C. Different people should be hired before making a film.第二部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A.B.C.D)中,选出最佳选项。

(A)Very few people were coming to eat at the White Rose Restaurant, and its owner did not know what to do. The price was reasonable and the food was of good quality, but nobody seemed to want to eat there.Then he did something that changed all that, and in a few weeks his restaurant is always full of men with their lady friends. Whenever a gentleman came in with a lady, a smiling waiter gave each of them a menu(菜单), The menu looked exactly the same on the outside, but there was an important difference inside. The menu that the waiter gave to the man supplied the correct price for each dish and each bottle of wine. while the menu that he gave to the lady supplied a much higher price! So when the man calmly ordered dish after dish and wine after wine, the lady thought he was much more generous(慷慨) than he really was.21. Why didn’t people come to the White Rose Restaurant to eat at first?A. Because the price was high.B. Because the food was too cheap.C. Because the food was not good.D. The passage didn’t mention.22. According to the passage we can conclude that the people who eat at this restaurantare mostly _______________.A. poor old peopleB. rich young peopleC. men with their girl friendsD. parents with their children23. According to the passage we can infer that when men with their girl friends eatat this restaurant, the food was paid ____________.A. always by the ladies onlyB. always by the men onlyC. sometimes by the ladiesD. either by the men or by the ladies(B)Daniel Defoe (about 1660—1731) was an important novelist in the English literature(文学). When he was young, he served as a soldier and had been to Spain, Italy, France and Germany. At the same time, he went in for politics. He cared much about the development of capitalism(资本主义). He had written a lot of articles against it and he was put into prison twice for that. It was not until that he was nearly sixty that he began to write the famous novel “Robinson Crusoe”, which was published in May, 1709. It spread so rapidly that the story was known to every household very soon.“Robinson Crusoe” can be divided into three parts. The first part is about Crusoe’s three voyages, the second part about his hunting, hiding in caves farming and his hard struggles against nature on a small island, the third about the things which happened after his return from the island. The second part is the body of the novel, in which Robinson’s characters are clearly shown. Defoe wrote his novel in a simple style and his language is easy to understand. His novel writing set a milestoneof the modern English novel. In his later part of life, He was in poor health and lived very poorly. He died on April 24, 1731.24. Deniel Defoe was _______ and the writer of _______.A. an Englishm an, “A Tale of Two Cities”B. an American, “A Million Pound Note”C. a French, “The Lost Necklace”D. an English, “Robinson Crusoe”25. How old was he when he began to write his famous novel Robinson Crusoe?A. He was in his sixties.B. He was in his fifties.C. He was over 60.D. He was sixty.26. Robinson Crusoe can be divided into ______ parts and the first is about _______.A. three, his journeys by seaB. three, his charactersC. two, his lonely lifeD. four, his fame27. “Every household” in this passage means ________.A. all members of a familyB.every buildingC.all peopleD. persons living in the same houseCFamily CampBring your family and join us at Camp Ramah in New England—May 29-31, 2016 Join us at Camp Ramah in New England for Family Camp 2016! Our program will include: Arts, sports, and nature projects led by top quality instructors.Many kinds of camp activities (sports, singing, dancing)Special family activities and programs, as well as separate programs for adults and children of various ages.Excellent childcare:Day time childcare for younger children.Day camp activities for older children.Night time care for all children.Rates for the weekend include private cabin accommodations (住宿), childcare, and all activities. Families have a choice of housing options ranging from basic cabins (at no additional costs) to private accommodations such as the Guest House.If you have any questions about Ramah Family Camp, please email to atdavido@ or call 212-678-8953.Family Camp 2016 RatesRates for Family Camp 2016 are:$200 per adult $100 per child Children 2 and under are freeSpecial 10% discount off the costs for:Early Bird Registration (登记): Families that register by February 24th.First Time Campers: Families that are sending a new camper to Camp Ramah in New England during summer 2016.NOTE: Families can have one 10% discount.Scholarship is also available.Optional Housing Upgrades*(升级)During Family Camp we offer many kinds of better accommodations, which are reserved on a first-come first-served basis.28. At Camp Ramah in New England, children can ________.A. develop a language skillB. build up their bodiesC. bring arts created to lifeD. team up with other classmates 29.Why are parents probably satisfied if their children join the camp?A. Their kids are under good care the whole day.B. They can save more money during the camp.C. Their kids will learn how to enjoy themselves.D. Their kids will master many life skills.30.How much will a couple with a son aged 1 pay if they join the camp?A. $300.B. $400.C. $500.D. $600.31.What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?A. To introduce how to contribute to kids’ summer holidays.B. To share some efficient ways of joining camps.C. To call on more families to join the camp.D. To promote(推销) a big deal.DThis Monday,the nation will start to celebrate Presidents’ Day,just seven days before George Washington’s birthday.Everyone agrees that day is a holiday,but is it just to celebrate George Washington’s Birthday? What about Abraham Lincoln? Some government offices call it Presidents’ Day.Others say the holiday is officially Washington’s Birthday.Confused yet?George Washington was elected the country’s first President on April 30,1789.Soon after,Americans began publicly celebrating his birthday.Presidential historians say the actual date of George Washington’s birth is Febru ary 11,1732.But a change in the calendar system 20 years later shifted all dates,making Washington’s birthday February 22,which is now well accepted.In 1879.Congress(国会) made Washington’s birthday an official federal holiday.It was the first federal holiday to celebrate an individual’s birthday.In 1968,Congress passed the Monday Holidays Act,which moved the holiday to the third Monday in February.The new law did not change the holiday’s name.It was still called Washington’s Birthday,even though some lawmake rs wanted to call it Presidents’ Day to include Abraham Lincoln,whose actual birthday is February 12.Many people argue that the holiday should celebrate all past Presidents.They feel Lincoln should be honored for his role in preserving the nation during the Civil War and helping to free slaves.Others feel the holiday should only honor Washington,the country’s first President.They say shifting the focus away from Washington would mean future generations of kids would not know about the Father of Our Country.Laws have been introduced in Congress over the years to require use of the term “George Washington’s Birthday.”but none of those laws have been passed.Meanwhile,many state governments and school districts now use the term “Presidents’ Day.Should the holiday honor Washington,Lincoln,or all past Presidents? Write to emailbag@timeforkids.com and tell us what you think.32.The President’s Day was originally designed to honor______.A.George Washington B.Abraham Lincoln C.all presidents D.the Civil War33.What can we infer from the passage?A.Washington’s Birthday is the same as Lincoln’s.B.The change in the calendar system was not wise.C.The new act changed the holiday’s name.D.This Monday is the third one of this February.34.What’s the main argument a bout this holiday?A.When to celebrate the holiday.B.How to celebrate the holiday.C.Which president to honor.D.Where to celebrate the holiday.35.What’s the best title for this passage?A.Why people celebrate President Day.B.The history and debate beh ind Presidents’ DayC.To celebrate Presidents’ Day or notD.Colorful activities on Presidents’ Day第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
