农科英语课件Unit_1_ABOUT IRRI

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Words to remember
8、sustainable and stable:持续稳定 the sustainable and stable development of our national economy 国民经济持续稳定的增长
9、environmental impact:环境影响
Provide rice scientists and producers with the genetic information and material they need to develop improved technologies and enhance rice production. IRRI's goals contribute to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger and ensure environmental sustainability. They are also aligned with the objectives of the Global Rice Science Partnership that help deliver internationally coordinated research effectively and efficiently with our partners.
Rice genetic engineering play an important role in rice breeding.
Whereas, IRRI ensures equal opportunities for all partners, but the nature, extent, and particular conditions of each collaboration shall depend upon the circumstances attendant to the relationship. Whereas in discharging its responsibilities, IRRI accepts its obligation to comply with the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (“the Treaty”), and all other relevant international treaties and agreements; IRRI now adopts the following principles governing its intellectual property and its relationships with its stakeholders and partners.
IRRI’s Policy on Intellectual Property Rights
Whereas IRRI is a non-governmental, not for profit international organization dedicated to ( 致 力 于 ) reducing hunger and improving livelihoods by developing and delivering superior rice technologies, particularly for the poor in developing countries;
3、variety [və'raiəti] n. 品种 cultivar 栽培种 4、rice crop management techniques:水稻种植管理技术 5、yield and quality: 产量和品质
Topdressing silicon fertilizer in jointing stage could improve the yield and quality of rice. 6、environmentally sustainable way: 环境可持续发展的方式 7、agricultural research and extension systems:农业研究和 推广体系
Whereas progress toward IRRI’s mission relies on partnerships with many stakeholders ( 利 益 相 关 者 ) , including farmers, governments, national and international organizations, civil society(民间团体), and the public and private sectors;
Our goals
Reduce poverty through improved and diversified rice-based systems. Ensure that rice production is sustainable and stable, has minimal negative environmental impact, and can cope with climate change. Improve the nutrition and health of poor rice consumers and rice farmers. Provide equitable access to information and knowledge on rice and help develop the next generation of ber
13、intellectual [,intə'lektʃʊəl] adj. 智力的;聪明的 property ['prɑpɚti]n. 财产:所有权 ; 性质 Intellectual Property Rights: 知识产权
14、rice industry :水稻产业 15、rice genetic resources: 水稻遗传资源 16、agricultural professionals: 农业专业人员 17、breeding [‘bridɪŋ]: n. 繁殖;育种
国际水稻研究所的使命是减轻人类的贫困和饥饿,提高 水稻种植者和消费者的健康水平,保证水稻生产的环境可 持续性发展。国际水稻研究所与大多数水稻生产和消费国、 国际性、地区性和地方性组织以及各国农业科研推广系统 紧密合作。
IRRI, or the International Rice Research Institute, is a nonprofit independent research and training organization. IRRI is a member of the CGIAR Consortium. IRRI develops new rice varieties and rice crop management techniques that help rice farmers improve the yield and quality of their rice in an environmentally sustainable way. We work with our public and private sector partners in national agricultural research and extension systems in major rice-growing countries to do research, training, and knowledge transfer. Our social and economic research also informs governments to help them formulate policy to improve the equitable supply of rice.
Our mission
To reduce poverty and hunger, improve the health of rice farmers and consumers, and ensure environmental sustainability through collaborative research, partnerships, and the strengthening of national agricultural research and extension systems.
Whereas IRRI recognizes and respects the intellectual property and other rights of its partners; Whereas IRRI believes that the sustainable development of the rice industry relies on the effective conservation, use, and facilitated international flow of diverse rice genetic resources to develop and deploy a wide range of improved rice varieties; Whereas IRRI recognizes the indispensable role of farmers, agricultural professionals, and scientists in breeding and conserving the genetic resources of rice;
Words to remember
1. research and training organization 研究和培训机构 2. CGIAR : Consultative Group On International
Agricultural Research 国际农业研究磋商组织:一个战略联合体,由国家、国际 及区域组织、私人基金会组成,为15个国际农业研究中心 提供经费,与各国农业研究系统、民间机构、私人部门有 合作关系。该联合体调动农业科学技术,用以减少贫困现 象,为人类造福,促进农业发展,并保护环境。
农科英语课件Unit_1_ABOUT IRRI
国际水稻研究所(International Rice Research Institute) 位于菲律宾, 是亚洲历史最长也是最大的国际农业科研机 构。它是一个自治的、非盈利的水稻研究与教育组织,隶 属 于 国 际 农 业 研 究 磋 商 组 织 ( Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research,),员工来自亚洲和 非洲14个国家。
Words to know
10、genetic [dʒɪ'netɪk] adj. 遗传的;基因的 11、millennium [mi'leniəm] n. 千年期,一千年
the United Nations Millennium Development Goals:联合 国千年发展目标。是联合国全体191个成员国一致通过的一 项旨在将全球贫困水平在2015年之前降低一半(以1990年 的水平为标准)的行动计划,2000年9月联合国首脑会议上 由189个国家签署《联合国千年宣言。 12、the Global Rice Science Partnership: 国际水稻研究协作组