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Mirror Therapy Improves Hand Function in Subacute Strok :A Rondamized Controlled Trila
DESIGN: Randomized, controlled, assessor-blinded, 4-week trial, with follow-up at 6 months. N=40
Ramachandran(1994)最早应用镜子治疗于截肢后幻肢痛。 Ramachandran 教授在1996年公布了对镜子治疗的第一项研究,10例上
肢截肢后患肢痛的病人,应用镜子治疗发生了惊人的改变:患肢痛的减轻 或消除了。
Altschuler 在1999年对9位偏瘫恢复期患者使用镜子治疗的研究证明了镜 子治疗的作用。
肢 weeks of treatment (by 0.83, 0.89, and 4.10, respectively; all P<.01) and at the 6-month 功 follow-up (by 0.16, 0.43, and 2.34, respectively; all P<.05). No significant differences were 能 found between the groups for the MAS.
2013-3-7黑龙江佳木斯大学附属第三医院脑瘫 科李晓捷等 40例偏瘫型脑瘫儿随机分为两组,观察镜像 疗法对于偏瘫型脑瘫儿童上肢功能康复的影响, 患儿在3种不同视觉条件下进行双侧上肢连续 的对称环形运动玻璃:看见双侧肢体屏幕:只 看见健侧肢体:镜子:看见健侧肢体及其镜像。 显示镜像疗法可以对偏瘫型脑瘫患儿的神经肌 肉活动起到影响,镜像视觉反馈可以降低患侧 肩部肌肉的紧张度,缩短患侧肘部肌肉向心收 缩和离心收缩的持续时间文章结论为:对比目 前其他康复方法,镜像疗法具有操作简便、设 备简单、费用小等优点,值得临床推广,本研 究亦有不足之处,每日训练时间约为半小时, 不排除在治疗过程中,患儿疲乏,不配合等情 况,影响研究结果。
Effect of mirror therapy with tDCS on functionalrecovery of the upper extremity of stroke patients
Mental Practice and Mirror TherapyAssociated with ConventionalPhysical Therapy Training on theHemiparetic Upper Limb in PoststrokeRehabilitation: A Preliminary Study
镜像治疗的临床应用: 1.截肢,幻肢痛 2.脑损伤(脑卒中、脑外伤、CP) 3.不完全性脊髓损伤 4.周围神经损伤 5.CRPS(慢性区域性疼痛综合症) 6.感觉过敏或者是感觉迟钝的病人 7.复杂疼痛病人 8.手外伤术后治疗
Effect of Task-Based Mirror Therapy on MotorRecovery of the Upper Extremity in Chronic Stroke Patients: A Pilot Study
A Mirror Therapy–Based ActionObservation Protocol to ImproveMotor Learning After Stroke
Effect of Constraint-Induced MovementTherapy and Mirror Therapy for Patients WithSubacute StrokeJin A Yoon, MD, Bon Il Koo, MD, Myung Jun Shin, MD, Yong Beom Shin, MD,Hyun-Yoon Ko, MD, Yong-Il Shin, MD
Yavuzer G, Selles R, Sezer N, Sütbeyaz S, Bussmann JB, Köseoğlu F, Atay MB, Stam HJ.Mirror therapy improves hand function in subacute stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 Mar;89(3):393-8.
McCabe 2003年公开了一项关于8个CRPS-I型早期病人的研究,得出的 结论是:健侧的视觉输入使得在感觉反馈与运动活动之间的无痛联系重新 建立。
Moseley 2004年做的一项临床随机研究得出了结论:包括镜子治疗的运 动想象方案可以有效地减轻CRPS的疼痛和改善功能限制。
Rosen and Lundborg, 2005应用镜子治疗周围神经损伤后疼痛 Gruenert-Pluess et al., 2008年将镜子治疗应用于外科手术后治疗
上 RESULTS: The scores of the Brunnstrom stages for the hand and upper extremity and the FIM self-care score improved more in the mirror group than in the control group after 4
CONCLUSIONS:In our group of subacute stroke patients, hand functioning improved more after mirror therapy in addition to a conventional rehabilitation program compared with a control treatment immediately after 4 weeks of treatment and at the 6-month followup, whereas mirror therapy did not affect spasticity.
OT心理语言科 柴丽
镜像治疗(mirror therapy),又称镜像视觉 反馈疗法(MVF)或平面镜疗法,最早由 Ramachandran等于1995年提出,用于康复 医学实践及神经科学研究.最初用于治疗截肢 后的幻肢痛与脑卒中后的运动功能障碍,现 在多用于单侧肢体受累的患者。
Mirror Therapy Improves Hand Function in Subacute Strok :A Rondamized Controlled Trila
DESIGN: Randomized, controlled, assessor-blinded, 4-week trial, with follow-up at 6 months. N=40
Ramachandran(1994)最早应用镜子治疗于截肢后幻肢痛。 Ramachandran 教授在1996年公布了对镜子治疗的第一项研究,10例上
肢截肢后患肢痛的病人,应用镜子治疗发生了惊人的改变:患肢痛的减轻 或消除了。
Altschuler 在1999年对9位偏瘫恢复期患者使用镜子治疗的研究证明了镜 子治疗的作用。
肢 weeks of treatment (by 0.83, 0.89, and 4.10, respectively; all P<.01) and at the 6-month 功 follow-up (by 0.16, 0.43, and 2.34, respectively; all P<.05). No significant differences were 能 found between the groups for the MAS.
2013-3-7黑龙江佳木斯大学附属第三医院脑瘫 科李晓捷等 40例偏瘫型脑瘫儿随机分为两组,观察镜像 疗法对于偏瘫型脑瘫儿童上肢功能康复的影响, 患儿在3种不同视觉条件下进行双侧上肢连续 的对称环形运动玻璃:看见双侧肢体屏幕:只 看见健侧肢体:镜子:看见健侧肢体及其镜像。 显示镜像疗法可以对偏瘫型脑瘫患儿的神经肌 肉活动起到影响,镜像视觉反馈可以降低患侧 肩部肌肉的紧张度,缩短患侧肘部肌肉向心收 缩和离心收缩的持续时间文章结论为:对比目 前其他康复方法,镜像疗法具有操作简便、设 备简单、费用小等优点,值得临床推广,本研 究亦有不足之处,每日训练时间约为半小时, 不排除在治疗过程中,患儿疲乏,不配合等情 况,影响研究结果。
Effect of mirror therapy with tDCS on functionalrecovery of the upper extremity of stroke patients
Mental Practice and Mirror TherapyAssociated with ConventionalPhysical Therapy Training on theHemiparetic Upper Limb in PoststrokeRehabilitation: A Preliminary Study
镜像治疗的临床应用: 1.截肢,幻肢痛 2.脑损伤(脑卒中、脑外伤、CP) 3.不完全性脊髓损伤 4.周围神经损伤 5.CRPS(慢性区域性疼痛综合症) 6.感觉过敏或者是感觉迟钝的病人 7.复杂疼痛病人 8.手外伤术后治疗
Effect of Task-Based Mirror Therapy on MotorRecovery of the Upper Extremity in Chronic Stroke Patients: A Pilot Study
A Mirror Therapy–Based ActionObservation Protocol to ImproveMotor Learning After Stroke
Effect of Constraint-Induced MovementTherapy and Mirror Therapy for Patients WithSubacute StrokeJin A Yoon, MD, Bon Il Koo, MD, Myung Jun Shin, MD, Yong Beom Shin, MD,Hyun-Yoon Ko, MD, Yong-Il Shin, MD
Yavuzer G, Selles R, Sezer N, Sütbeyaz S, Bussmann JB, Köseoğlu F, Atay MB, Stam HJ.Mirror therapy improves hand function in subacute stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 Mar;89(3):393-8.
McCabe 2003年公开了一项关于8个CRPS-I型早期病人的研究,得出的 结论是:健侧的视觉输入使得在感觉反馈与运动活动之间的无痛联系重新 建立。
Moseley 2004年做的一项临床随机研究得出了结论:包括镜子治疗的运 动想象方案可以有效地减轻CRPS的疼痛和改善功能限制。
Rosen and Lundborg, 2005应用镜子治疗周围神经损伤后疼痛 Gruenert-Pluess et al., 2008年将镜子治疗应用于外科手术后治疗
上 RESULTS: The scores of the Brunnstrom stages for the hand and upper extremity and the FIM self-care score improved more in the mirror group than in the control group after 4
CONCLUSIONS:In our group of subacute stroke patients, hand functioning improved more after mirror therapy in addition to a conventional rehabilitation program compared with a control treatment immediately after 4 weeks of treatment and at the 6-month followup, whereas mirror therapy did not affect spasticity.
OT心理语言科 柴丽
镜像治疗(mirror therapy),又称镜像视觉 反馈疗法(MVF)或平面镜疗法,最早由 Ramachandran等于1995年提出,用于康复 医学实践及神经科学研究.最初用于治疗截肢 后的幻肢痛与脑卒中后的运动功能障碍,现 在多用于单侧肢体受累的患者。