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secretary For many kids, attending summer camp is their first real experience with leaving home, and they may greet the opportunity with excitement, fear, or a little of both. But other emotional reactions are also common Younger children, for example, may view being sent to camp as a type of rejection─especially if they weren't included in the decision to go. That's why it's important to understand what your child thinks and feels about the separation (分离) before it actually occurs.
Once away , children with homesickness usually feel sad and depressed (沮丧的). They may cry, be unwilling to participate (参与) in activities, find it difficult to sleep, or engage in attention-seeking behavior, for example, getting into trouble .
Camp counselors (咨询者) notice that homesickness tends to worsen when a child is not busy, and that children who engage in activities and seek social support are generally less homesick. ———————————————————————————————————————
Television is rightfully described as the "king" of advertising media. A large number of the country’s populations spend at least some hours in front of the TV every day. They are more attracted to this combination of audio (声频的) and visual form of entertainment (娱乐) than any other.
However, competition is at its highest limits when it comes to
television and mostly you will see a lot of advertisements for similar products.
Also, during the commercial break the viewer may choose to get a snack (快餐), go to the bathroom or have a conversation about what they just saw on the show they were viewing. Even if your advertisement is being aired, viewers may never see it unless it is creative enough to catch their attension ,
Although the most effective, television advertising is much more expensive than advertising on any other medium. It's not a good idea to attempt it unless you have enough money in your budget (预算) to do it right
As the first report of the accident came in, Burton was sitting in his office on the top floor of the building. Immediately, realizing the seriousness of the whole incident, he moved to a ground floor room with a small waiting-room to look into the matter himself, leaving his second-in-command (副手) to take over all other cases.
He interviewed the first witness almost at once, making sure that everything that could be done was done to put him at his ease. However, the witness was obviously nervous and Burton took great pains to go over what he said thoroughly, choosing and checking each word carefully and
taking the man's statement down himself.
Burton explained that it would be necessary for him to go to court because of the serious nature of the disaster. More he could not say at the present. He'd be thankful if the man could keep in touch with the police.
When he had gone, Burton put his head in his hands and considered before asking for the next witness The man couldn't be regarded as a hundred percent witness because he had been behind a wall when the explosion occurred. But in spite of his nervousness, Burton had the impression that he was a dependable (可靠的) observer.
Well, there would be other descriptions and no doubt all these would be put into place and the whole picture would become clear. He raised his head and pressed the bell on his desk.
"Next witness please." he said. ——————————————————————————————————————
"Maybe I will just move him right out of the door," the boss replied. Ray was very glad and no longer worried. The boss was mad at Don now, not at him. Sure enough, within a month of that meeting, Don was looking for a new job. "Serves him right", Ray thought. Unfortunately, the guy who was brought in to take Don's place wasn't much better.
Well, then an astonishing thing happened. Ray's department was
working on a box design for a toy. A new employee named Jack was doing the artwork. He had designed something in bright red and blue. Ray looked at it and said, "Sorry. Red and blue is not good. Change it to brown and purple (紫色的).”Actually, the design was very nice. But Ray didn't want Jack to be too proud. He wanted him to know who was in charge. Jack wasn't happy about it, but he changed everything to brown and purple.
Two weeks later, 500,000 new brown and purple boxes arrived from the printing company. While Ray was leading a staff meeting, the boss came bursting in.
"What is this?" he shouted, waving one of the new boxes. "You call this artwork? Look at these ridiculous (可笑的) colors ! This is the ugliest box I have ever seen. Who did this anyway?"
All eyes, except Jack's, were upon Ray. Then Jack spoke. "I did, Sir." he said, "I am sorry you don't like it. I'll try to do better next time."
Ray was deeply touched by Jack's act. And it changed his life. —————————————————————————————————————
Imagine yourself a young police officer walking the streets of San Jose (圣何塞,美国一城市), California, one night and getting an urgent call from a person who speaks no English. You pull up to the
location. You have no idea what is awaiting you. It's dark. In the shadows you see a man at the doorstep. He is waving his arms violently (猛烈地), screaming words you do not understand. Is he the victim of a crime? Or, has he just committed a crime? You have no idea! You shout for him to place his hands on his head and turn around He just keeps screaming. You shout again. "Hands on your head!" Nothing... He doesn't understand a word you're saying. What do you do?
What you've just read happens every night in every major city in the US. As, in this case, things can turn out alright (= all right). The man's young son was having problems breathing. With the policeman's help the child quickly got to the hospital and was taken care of. After that incident, the young San Jose police officer launched Language Line Services with his instructor friend at Monterey's Defense Language Institute, which had the vision and goals to help bridge the language barrier (障碍) between all people. ———————————————————————————————————————
Google, a powerful computer desktop search engine, has revolutionized communication in the last two decades. A lonely sick patient lying on bed all day long can talk with a similarly house-bound person thousands of miles away. A single Google user can send an e-mail message to millions of people all over the world with just one stroke on
the keyboard. The users can get together in an online "chat room" to discuss their interests and problems with others who have similar interests and problems. For example, a person who is planning a vocation and wants to know how to get to Russia can ask others who have already been there for suggestions. Our expanded ability to communicate means that anyone with a computer can communicate anything to anyone on any subject at any time.
But this great technological invention that is changing our lives as much as the automobiles has brought us unexpected problems. For example, although we can easily send a message to hundreds of people in a second, we can also receive hundreds of messages both wanted and unwanted, in just a few minutes. A major newspaper correspondent complained that she had to read through over twelve hundred e-mail messages she had received in one day for fear that she might miss anything important for a story she was working on. From the above, we can see that this information tool has brought both problems and conveniences. ———————————————————————————————————————
The concept "to achieve success" cannot be specifically (具体地) defined for the masses because success can be defined quite differently by each individual (个人). Therefore, in order to achieve success, it is first
necessary to figure out your own personal definition of success. Each individual's definition of it will be influenced by several key factors Success is concerned with one's past experiences, personal motivations and goals. For some, it might be to own a home in an upscale (高消费阶层的) neighborhood, while for others, it might be a career in a good company. Carefully think over your definition of success based on your values, but not on what you think others might believe.
Your view of success will change at various times throughout your life. For example, what might be considered successful in college or on your first job is very different from successfully raising a family or comfortably retiring in the Caribbean (加勒比海). Most people who achieve success first defined it and then planned for it; they set a(n) goal to achieve it.。