



雅思口语part2高频话题解析之广告广告充满着我们日常生活的每个角落,甚至在雅思口语考试的题目中都会出现它的身影,下面我给大家带来雅思口语part2高频话题解析之广告,望喜爱!雅思口语新题part2话题配范文:广告雅思口语part2:Describe an advertisement you remember wellYou should say:Where you saw itWhat it was aboutWhat it was likeWhy you remember it wellPart 3Why do some people hate advertisements?Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?Is music useful in advertising?What are the advantages of TV advertisements?雅思口语part2范文Well, I think in the present scenario, advertisement is the best tool for marketing. With the help of these advertisements, we know about the different types of products which are launched in the market.In fact, nowadays we are flooded with a lot of advertisement through t.v,newspaper, magazines, and billboards. Here I would like to talk about an advertisement that I saw on television approximately 5 years ago. This advertisement is about a soft drink ” Mountain dew”.In this ad, a young boy is trying to learn “parachute jumping” which is the most dangerous and adventurous sport in the world. In this ad, he is trying to jump from an aircraft with wearing a parachute. Firstly, he is feeling very scary and take his steps back. However, his friend motivates him to jump then he gathered all his courage as well as, confident. after getting a lot of confident, he drinks “mountain dew” and jump from an aircraft. Interestingly, he is lending safely in the end.I remember each and every scene of this ad because it broadcast repetitively in between daily soaps. Secondly, the model of this ad was Salman Khan who is my favorite actor. Apart from it, the tag line of this ad is quite attractive and fascinating. I remember this tag line “Dar ke aage jeet hain” which means ” fear brings victory”.On that time when I heard these lines the first time, I repeated it so many times because I feel relaxed and confident after sung those lines. I also believe that nothing is impossible in this world if we put or great effort then, we definitely achieve success. All in all, this advertisement gives a beautiful message and I remember it yet.雅思口语part3Why do some people hate advertisements?People feel overwhelmed, interrupted, and stalked by bad digital ads, but they dont really mind the good ones.Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?An ad works if it is well targeted and solves a problem a user has.From what I know, it depends on the product that is being advertised on fb and if the niche/market is the type of market who will spend money. I have friends who have marketed supplements and have had zero luck through fb ads and success elsewhere but then on the flip side, I know people who have started selling really niche apparel products and have made a ton of sales through fb ads.Is music useful in advertising?Music in advertising affects the way viewers perceive the brand by different means and on different levels, and can significantly effect the emotional response to television commercials.What are the advantages of TV advertisements? How about internet advertisements?Grabs attention. One of the biggest advantages of TV ads is the ability to call out to your potential customers right where they are.Combines sight and sound. TV ads are intrusive, capable of interrupting whatever else a viewer might be doing to watch and listen to your pitch. Fosters emotion and empathy.Reaches a wide, targeted audience.How about internet advertisements?Extremely low riskReduction in costs through automation and use of electronic media Faster response to both marketers and the end userIncreased ability to measure and collect dataOpens the possibility to a market of one through personalisation Increased interactivityIncreased exposure of products and servicesBoundless universal accessibility雅思口语part2语料精讲:你最近看的广告Part 2 话题精讲:Describe an advertisement you watched recentlyYou should say:Where and when you watched it?What type of advertisement it is?What it is about?How you felt about it and explain why?高分参考1.Id like to talk about a brilliant commerical I watched recently.I watched it a couple of days ago at my parents place.After supper,we sat on the couch,watching TV.Its more like a family tradtion.Once a week,Id stop by their place to spend some time with them.Thats when i watched it.fathers day.The main purpose is to promote its advanced safey device installed on its vehicles.Normally speaking,Id change channel.You know,Im not a guy whod spend time on advertisments.But this ones an exception.It left me a deep impression.3.Now ,Ill tell you about it.The short film shows the daily life of a common Japanese family.The father does his best to take care of his daughter.He sends her to school everyday.No matter how busy he is, he never misses his daughters birthdays and school events.Many years past,hes getting old. Many things have changed,his daughter gets married and becomes a mom herslef.But his love for her stays the same.4.The fathers love touched the deepest place in my heart.It reminds me of those days i spent with my old man,whos done everything to give me a good life. When i was watching it,therere a a few times i almost cried.Theres a sense of guilt in me.What i want to say is I should have done better to take care of him.Fortunately,its not too late.He deserves everything the best.高分语料解析:Id like to talk about a brilliant commerical i watched not so long ago:高分开头a couple of days ago:几天前(a couple of 美国人常用的词组)we sat on the couch,watching TV:(非谓语的运用有加分)day:(commercial 商业广告,加分词,后面的定语从句有加分。








Do advertisements play a positive or negative role in our society?Arguments1. Advertisements provide the most direct comprehensive and detailed information. We get to know about household goods from advertisements.2. Advertising itself is a business that has provided a great number of jobs.3. With advertisements, people save a lot of time in shopping, looking for jobs, etc.4. Daily life needs advertisements because the main function of advertising is to disseminate information on commodities, services, culture, employment, student enrolment and even marriage.5. A cheerful, witty advertisement makes such a difference to a drab wall ora newspaper full of news of calamities.6. Without advertisements, newspapers, commercial radios and television companies could not survive.7. You can find a job or rent an apartment, buy or sell a house, etc. by way of advertising.8. Advertising is a process of artistic creation.9. Advertising creates mass markets. Without advertisements, manufacturers may find it difficult to sell their products.10. Advertising helps stabilize industry and employment, improves quality, and, by competition, helps keep prices within bounds.Counter-arguments1. Advertisements are imposed upon a captive audience: e.g. on television.2. Advertisements on TV are a nuisance: they interrupt television progranunes at a shocking frequency.3. Consumers have to pay more for the goods owing to the advertising expenses: high prices are maintained by such artificial means.4. Advertisements are simply misleading and cheating. They are filled with flowery phrases and empty promises.5. Fake advertising cheats consumers and, in some serious cases, threatens gullible people's lives.6. Advertisers are inconsiderate to the public. What they care about is making money.7. Advertisements are not based on the quality of the goods, but on the principle that if one keeps talking about the same thing long enough, eventually people will pay attention to it.8. Advertisements are an insidious form of brainwashing, using the same techniques, like slogans, catchphrases, etc.9. Some advertising is offensive: it appeals to base instincts.10. Advertising cheapens the quality of life: most ads are in poor taste.。



关于广告的雅思大作文## Advertising: A Double-Edged Sword in the Modern World Advertising has become an inescapable force in modern society, infiltrating every corner of our lives from the billboards that tower over our cities to the targeted ads that follow us across the internet. It serves as the lifeblood of commerce, propelling the wheels of the economy and shaping consumer choices. Yet, the impact of advertising is not without its complexities, raising questions about its ethical boundaries and its influence on our values, desires, and overall well-being. One of the most significant benefits of advertising lies in its ability to inform consumers about the vast array of products and services available to them. In a world brimming with choices, advertising acts as a guide, showcasing the features, benefits, and competitive advantages of different offerings. It allows businesses to reach a wider audience, fostering competition and driving innovation. This constant quest to capture the attention of consumers pushes companies to improve their products, enhance their services, and ultimately deliver better value. Moreover, advertising plays a crucial role in supporting media platforms, from newspapers and magazines to television and online streaming services. The revenue generated through advertising subsidizes the cost of content creation, making information and entertainment more accessible to the masses. However, the persuasive power of advertising can also be misused, leading to ethical concerns. Advertisers often employ manipulative tactics, appealing to our emotions, insecurities, and aspirations to create a desire for products we may not necessarily need. The use of idealized images and unrealistic portrayals of beauty can foster negative body image and self-esteem issues, particularly among young people. Additionally, advertising can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and reinforce societal biases, further marginalizing certain groups. The constant bombardment of messages promoting consumerism can also cultivate a culture of materialism, where self-worth is measured by possessions rather than intrinsic values. Thisrelentless pursuit of material goods can lead to overconsumption, debt, and environmental damage, undermining our well-being and the sustainability of our planet. Furthermore, the rise of digital advertising has introduced new challenges. The ability to collect and analyze vast amounts of personal dataallows advertisers to target individuals with laser-like precision, creating echo chambers that reinforce existing beliefs and limit exposure to diverse perspectives. This can exacerbate social divisions and hinder critical thinking. Concerns about data privacy and the potential for manipulation are also growing,as algorithms become increasingly sophisticated in predicting and influencing consumer behavior. Navigating the complexities of advertising requires a multi-faceted approach. Consumers must develop media literacy skills to critically evaluate advertising messages and recognize persuasive techniques. Governments and regulatory bodies have a role to play in setting ethical guidelines foradvertising practices and protecting vulnerable groups, particularly children. Businesses, on the other hand, should adopt responsible advertising strategiesthat prioritize transparency, honesty, and social responsibility. In conclusion, advertising is a powerful force that shapes our economy, our choices, and our perception of the world. While it offers undeniable benefits in terms of information dissemination and economic growth, its potential for manipulation and its impact on our values and well-being cannot be ignored. Striking a balance between the advantages and disadvantages of advertising requires a collectiveeffort from consumers, businesses, and policymakers to ensure that thisinfluential tool is used ethically and responsibly for the greater good of society. As we move forward in this digital age, navigating the ever-evolving landscape of advertising will require ongoing dialogue and adaptation to harness its power for positive change while mitigating its potential harm.。



雅思大作文广告类句观点总结[五篇]第一篇:雅思大作文广告类句观点总结最权威的国际教育服务平台雅思大作文广告类句观点总结Advertising 广告类Positives of Advertising 广告的优点Advertising is a key part of modern panies need to tell customers about their products.Advertisements inform us about the choices we have.广告是现代商业的重要组成部分。



Advertising is a creative industry that employs many people.广告是一个创业产业,吸纳了很多就业。

People enjoy adverts.Without advertising we would have less choice.人们喜欢广告。


Without advertising there would be higher unemployment.没有广告会有更高的失业率。

Advertising is a form of modern art.广告是现代艺术的一种形式。

Negatives of Advertising 广告的缺点最权威的国际教育服务平台Advertising manipulates people.It aims to persuade people that buying a product will make them happier.广告操纵着人们。


Advertisers focus on selling a brand image.We are encouraged to associate certain brands with a higher status.广告重在售卖一种品牌印象。



话题37:媒体类:广告对我们生活和消费的影响广告如何影响人?:1. 生活标准A 广告夸大产品的功能B 解决人的一些需求C 卖产品: 背景:广告上采取的一个常用的手段就是夸大产品的功能,以及暗示产品符合顾客的喜好。





同学,想查看词伙吗?sell products 卖产品satisfy some needs of consumers 满足顾客的需求give an exaggerated account of functions 夸大产品的功能描述emphasise the educational benefits 强调教育好处improve airquality 提升空气质量health concerns 健康担忧同学,想查看翻译吗?One common strategy adopted by advertisers to sell products is to give an exaggerated account of functions and suggest that these products can satisfy some needs of consumers. Advertising firms conduct research on the basic needs of people for money and health. Some companies, for example, promote their products by emphasising the educational benefits, and people buy these products,fearing that they may lag behind others if they are not knowledgeable enough. Similarly, there are a broad range of products designed for dealing with health issues, such as toothpaste for oral health, fitness equipment for work-outs, machines for improving air quality indoor, and soap for killinggerms. All these products may not be as powerful as promoted by advertising, but they are popular with people who have health concerns.2. 社会关系A 广告说这是时尚的东西B 大家希望自己合群C 购买背景:人类是社会动物,他们融入社群会感到有安全感。





题目:Customers are faced with increasing amounts of advertising due to the competitionamong companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? And what measures can be taken to protect their interests?作文:Recently, I found on the internet that advertisements are regarded as another term of pollution to the public. However, hardly could anyone imagine the world it as it certainly brings huge amount of merits. As far as I could tell, the amount of pros that advertising has brought to people has far exceededits cons.In the first instance, advertising is the sales gimmick to Oligopolies. In such sort of market, firms compete with each other to gain the market shares. However, they will be reluctantto increase or lower their price because the information is interdependent and consumers have gottones of other substitutes. Therefore, the only way to promote their sales will be through advertising. Some consumers, on the other hands, do find such information useful while choosing what to buy. There is a common sense in it: hardly could an inefficient and stagnant firm investa great deal of money on investment. In addition to that, big firms are able to lay the cornerstone to provide goods and services with better quality, which might benefit the consumers.To conclude, advertisements in my opinion will hardly influence people’s purchasing patterns. Instead, some well-made advertisements can approvethe aesthetical capability of the viewers. Although youngsters are worried in this advertising explosion century, education and recognition can prevent them from being coned to a great extent.。








雅思写作满分范文关于广告利与弊雅思写作题目:Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than promoting in quality. Do you agree or disagree?雅思写作题目讲解:广告出题种类两种,一种为大范围的(易写),如广告的好与坏;一种为考察细节的(难写),如来自竞争公司的广告对消费者的影响,而此次考试属于后者。


雅思写作范文:To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Advertising usually encourages consumers to buy a product or service in quantity rather than promoting its quality.Give reasons for your answer and include any examples from your own knowledge or experience.你在多大程度上同意或不同意下面的说法?广告通常鼓励消费者大量购买产品或服务,而不是提高其质量。


Advertising is the life of trade as suppliers want to sell things in quantity; however, the success or failure of every advertisement eventually depends on the quality of a product or service. It may be said that a bad investment is going for quantity over quality, without being aware that customers are becoming more careful with their wallets, especially with the sluggisheconomy right now. While quality sounds hard to define, you know that it is quality rather than quantity that matters.广告是贸易的生命,因为供应商想大量销售商品;然而,每个广告的成功与否最终取决于产品或服务的质量。

雅思写作大作文话题思路 广告的好处和坏处 positives and negatives of advertising.doc

雅思写作大作文话题思路 广告的好处和坏处 positives and negatives of advertising.doc

雅思写作大作文话题思路广告的好处和坏处 positives and negatives of advertising对于不少同学来说,雅思写作大作文一个很难的地方在于无话可说,或者说因为话题离我们日常生活太远,而缺乏相应的知识储备。



广告的好处 positives of advertisingAdvertising is a key part of modern business广告是现代商业的关键组成部分Companies need to tell customers about their products公司需要让消费者知道他们的产品Advertisements inform us about the choices we have广告可以使我们知道我们有什么选择Advertising is a creative industry, this article is from Laokaoya website, that employs many people广告是一个文章来自雅思雇佣许多人的创新产业Without advertising we would have less choice没有广告,我们的选择会更少Without advertising there would be higher unemployment没有广告,会有更高的失业率Advertising is a form of modern art广告是现代艺术的一种形式People enjoy adverts人们喜欢广告广告的坏处 negatives of advertisingAdvertising manipulates people广告控制人们It aims to persuade people that buying a product will make them happier 它力图说服人们买特定的产品可以使他们更加幸福Advertisers focus on selling a brand image广告从业者关注于销售一种品牌形象They use glamorous, successful people他们使用光彩照人的成功人士We now live in a consumer culture现在我们生活在消费文化中We are persuaded to follow the latest trend我们被说服追随最新的潮流We are encouraged to associate certain brands with a higher status我们被鼓励将特定的品牌与较高的地位联系起来Advertisers often aim their marketing at children广告从业者经常以孩子为目的就行营销Children can easily be influenced by advertisements.孩子很容易被广告影响Children put pressure on parents to buy them things孩子要求他们的父母给他们买东西关于广告的观点 opinions about advertisingAdvertising should be regulated广告需要被管控Advertising aimed at children should be controlled or even banned以孩子为目的的广告应该被控制或者禁止Unhealthy foods should not be marketed in a way that attracts children不健康的食物不应该以一种吸引孩子的方式进行营销Products that can be risky to health should display warnings对健康有危害的产品应该贴有警告标志In some countries, it is illegal to advertise cigarettes on television在一些国家,在电视上做香烟广告是非法的。



雅思口语PartOne话题思路:Advertisement广告.doc雅思口语Part One话题思路:Advertisement 广告Are there many advertisements in your country?在你的国家广告多吗?Yes, they are everywhere. On the streets, there are leaflets, posters, and standing billboards. Some tall buildings even have these large screens where several advertisement videos are looping.Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?你觉得是什么原因造成现在有这么多的广告?Well, I believe this has something to do with the technological development. In the past, a company can only advertise through posters and radios. But now, they have television, internet, and cellphones at their disposal. They exploit every potential of these media to maximize their influence.How do you feel about advertisements?你对广告感受如何?Some of them are very disturbing, especially those popup windows and floating dialog boxes on some websites. They really interfere your reading experience.Do you like advertisements?你喜欢广告吗?Not very much. Some advertisements at least convey some information. So you learn about their products. But some are quite badly designed. This article is from laokaoya website. They care nothing but to make you remember their names by constantly repeating them.what kind of advertisement do you like the most?你最喜欢哪一种的广告?I am quite into advertisements about sports goods. They not only have my favorite superstars, but also have delicate plots to attract my attention.Where can we see advertisement?我们在哪能看到广告?Basically, we can see it everywhere. There are even some outside the examination building. When I came in, some guy handed me a leaflet about IELTS training programs.当然随之可能会考到的话题卡比方说Describe something you bought from an advertisement? ()Describe an advertisement you saw/liked?()这些题目也可以从中找到回答问题的灵感。

不喜欢的广告话题雅思口语 (2)

不喜欢的广告话题雅思口语 (2)




正文内容:1. 广告过于频繁1.1 广告间隔时间过短,给人产生厌烦感1.2 广告在不相关的场景中出现,打断了观众的体验1.3 广告过多,使得观众无法专注于内容本身2. 广告内容不吸引人2.1 广告缺乏创意和新颖性,无法引起观众的兴趣2.2 广告的内容与观众的兴趣、需求不符2.3 广告语言过于复杂,难以理解3. 广告误导消费者3.1 广告中夸大产品的性能和效果,使消费者产生不切实际的期望3.2 广告中使用虚假的例子和证据来支持产品的优势3.3 广告中隐藏了产品的缺点和副作用,误导消费者做出不明智的决策4. 广告对个人隐私的侵犯4.1 广告通过个人信息的收集和分析来推送定制广告,侵犯了个人隐私权4.2 广告通过追踪个人的上网行为和购买习惯来定向广告,让人感到不舒服4.3 广告通过电话、短信等方式不断打扰个人生活,造成困扰5. 广告对社会的负面影响5.1 广告中的性别刻板印象和歧视性言论对社会造成了不良影响5.2 广告中的暴力和低俗内容给观众带来了负面情绪5.3 广告中的浪费和过度消费观念加剧了资源浪费和环境问题总结:综上所述,人们对某些广告不感兴趣的原因可以归结为广告过于频繁、广告内容不吸引人、广告误导消费者、广告对个人隐私的侵犯以及广告对社会的负面影响。






雅思写作广告类话题范文1You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Some people believe commodities that are popular among consumers reflect the power of advertisement rather than the real needs of people. Do you agree or disagree?You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.Whether we like it or not, advertisement has been pouring into our daily life. They are so powerful that some people believe that it is not the needs of people but the power advertisement that makes commodities popular. Personally I don’t agree with this opinion.First, let’s make clear what the real needs of people are. Real needs can be divided into two categories: the material satisfaction and spiritual satisfaction. People tend to regard material satisfaction as real needs and spiritual satisfaction as waste of money and time. This is not true. Some commodities may not be useful but they can give the owner a kind of satisfaction.Second, let’s make clear the reason why advertisement is powerful. The key principle of advertisers is to grasp the needs of consumers, then pass the potential consumers the information that their commodities can meet your need. Advertisers can promote the needs of people, exploit the needs or even produce the needs of people. But whatever they do, it will be based onthe needs of people.But there are some advertisements that exaggerate the functions of the commodities to tell the wrong information to consumers. They make the commodities popular by cheating the majority of consumers. And also there are some commodities that do harm to the health of consumers and to the society. For example, smoking is poisonous, but the advertisements try to make a heroic image of the smokers, as the result smoking is popular among young men who are dreaming to become heroes in women’s eyes. But such ad vertisements are minorities.In summary, advertisements bring us convenience to choose the commodities that can meet our needs. Most of the commodities are popular due to their usefulness, only some of them are due to the influence of advertisement.(298 words) 雅思写作广告类话题范文2雅思大作文题目:Societywould benefit from the ban on all forms of advertising because it may serve nouseful purpose, and can even be damaging. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?雅思大作文解题思路:1. 广告的优势多多。





Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with?Model Answer 1:I think that everyone can divide all advertising products and services into useless ones and useful ones. It is like looking through an information desk when you pay attention to those messages that interest you. Take me for example.I do not like jewelry. It does not mean I do not have it at all, I have a couple of inexpensive rings as gifts from my parents. I just think, people pay too much attention to this stuff. I believe it is the result of mass advertising. Every day when I am watching TV, listening to the radio or reading the paper I notice many ads about getting an expensive ring, chain, necklace or ear-rings. From my point of view these kinds of advertising contaminate people s minds. In this case you are encouraged to buy things you do not really need. They make you believe you need such products in order to succeed or be happy.From the other side, I think that advertisements of the new detergents with up-to-date formulas to help you maintain your cloth in perfect conditions, the new cars with some extra futures that make your traveling more comfortable and sports goods that make your life healthier may help you to improve your life.Recently my husband and I saw an ad on the Internet about a very interesting and inexpensive vocation to Japan for a week. Is not it awesome? We like traveling. So now we are planning to find out more about it and, may be, make reservations. I believe that without advertisements we would be unaware about plenty of oppotunities that may make your life happier, easier and less stressful.My point is that every person has his own scale of values. So if he is vegetarian he will consider an ad about meat products useless for him.Model Answer 2:The purpose of advertising is to tell the consumer about any new product or service or any new promotion on the existing product and service. We need it so we can make good decisions when we go shopping. Advertising tells us when new and improved products become available and lets us know which ones have the best price.Through advertising we learn about new products. For example, many grocery stores now sell prepackaged lunches. These are very convenient for busy parents. They can give these lunches to their children to take to school. Busy parents don’t have time to look at every item on the store shelf, so without advertising they might not know about such a convenient new product.Even products we are familiar with may be improved, and advertising lets us know about this. Most people use cell phones, but new types of cell phone service become available all the time. There are different plans that give you more hours to talk on the phone, you can send text messages and photos, and next week probably some even newer type of service will be available. By watching advertisements on TV it is easy to find out about new improvements to all kinds of products.Advertisements keep us informed about prices. Prices change all the time, but everyone can lookat the ads in the newspaper and see what the latest prices are. Advertisements also inform us about sales. In fact, some people buy the newspaper only in order to check the prices and plan their weekly shopping.Advertisements improve our lives by keeping us informed about the latest products developments and the best prices. Advertisements serve a useful purpose.更多备考信息了解。



The Pervasive Presence of Advertising inModern SocietyIn the contemporary world, advertising has become an ubiquitous force, shaping our lives in both subtle and profound ways. From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, we are bombarded with messages, images, and calls to action, all designed to persuade us to purchase a product or service. The influence of advertising is so pervasive that it has the potential to alter our values, shape our preferences, and even define our identity.The reach of advertising is immense. It is not just confined to television screens or printed pages; it has invaded our digital lives, social media feeds, and even our physical spaces. With the advent of technology, advertising has become more targeted, personalized, and intrusive. This constant exposure to advertising can have both positive and negative impacts on individuals and society.On the one hand, advertising can inform and educate consumers about new products and services. It can introduce us to innovative ideas and solutions that we might not have encountered otherwise. Advertising can also createawareness about important social issues and campaigns, such as environmental sustainability or social causes. In this sense, advertising can be a powerful tool for social change. However, on the other hand, the excessive presence of advertising can have negative consequences. It can foster a culture of consumerism, encouraging people to buy more and more goods and services, often at the cost of theirfinancial well-being. Advertising can also createunrealistic expectations and ideals, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction and anxiety. Furthermore, the manipulation and misrepresentation of products and services through advertising can lead to trust issues and a general cynicism towards advertising messages.The ethical implications of advertising are also worth considering. The use of manipulative techniques, such as emotional appeals or the creation of false needs, can be controversial. Additionally, the targeting of vulnerable groups, such as children or individuals with low self-esteem, can raise serious ethical concerns. It is crucial that advertising is regulated to ensure that it does not exploit individuals or harm society.In conclusion, the impact of advertising in modern society is complex and multifaceted. While it can inform, educate, and inspire, it can also manipulate, mislead, and harm. It is important for us to be aware of the power of advertising and to question the messages we receive. Weneed to cultivate a critical eye towards advertising, understanding its motives and impacts, so that we can make informed decisions and protect our own interests.**广告在现代社会的无所不在**在当今世界,广告已经成为一种无所不在的力量,以微妙而深刻的方式塑造着我们的生活。



雅思真题:议论文范文广告对小孩的影响这类考题曾经出现在:2006-9-2北京、长沙、济南、天津、沈阳、成都、广州、厦门,下面来让我们看一下“雅思议论文范文:广告”对小孩的影响”真题还原You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.Write at least 250 words.题源分析题目要求我们从两个不同的角度分析广告对孩子的影响。












经典范文欣赏:Our lives are inundated with the flood of advertisements, and children can hardly escape the influence. Actually, many advertisements, such as the food, and toy advertisements are aimed at children. Many patents begin to worry about the negative effects, but the advertisers argue that these do have useful information for the children. It is a hard debate.In the parents' shoes, we can see how deeply advertisements affect their children's consuming behaviors and lifestyle. Take the food industry for example, it uses popular cartoon characters with beautiful colors and outside decorations to attract children, making advantage of children's short term urge to consume. This encourages children to form an irrational consumption pattern. What's more, the food advertised often are junk food with little or no nutritional value, such as sugared cereals, soda and fast food meals, which have so much saturated fat that it becomes the main cause for childhood obesity, and diabetes. Also ,it is apt to bring about diet disorder for the children.However, the advertisers may argue that advertisements offer the children a wide variety of amusement, and provide them with many funny materials for imitation, which can enhance their imitative power And, as advertisements are so popular with children ,it creates means for children to integrate into their peer group.Personally, I think the negative effects of advertisement for children outweigh the benefits. As we can find alternatives for allthe benefits .children can get from advertisements, but there is no effcient way to solve the problems it caused。



高危雅思真题之广告的利弊高危雅思真题之广告的利弊These days it is easy to find faults with advertising, and yet none can deny entirely that this art of persuasion is good for economy. By circulating information mixing half truth with half lying, advertising can nevertheless penetrate the public mind with desires even for something worthless. All told, however, advertising is doing more good than evil.今天如果想挑广告事业的弊病简直是轻而易举,话又说回来,对于这种具有说服力的艺术谁也不能不承认其经济利益。



To think that advertising is bad is understandable, and indeed there seems to be a common perception growing increasingly negative. Perhaps history will see advertising as one of the real evil factors of modern time because it is stimulating people to constantly want things; want this and want that. It is true that many consumers are convinced to spend money they do not have for things they really do not need. It is also true that the high sales of popular consumer goods is a reflection of the power of advertising rather than the real needs of the society in which they are sold. That kind of "impulsive buying" as consumer behavior can easily turn need into greed. Apart from misleading people to desire something not necessary or completely useless, advertising is surrounding them nearly everywhere and anytime on the point of boring them to death.认为广告会带来不良的影响,想来也不无道理,好像就是越来越有对广告产生反感的概念。

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(一)关键词区分在进行广告类话题的书写时,朗阁雅思培训中心的老师发现,很多考生对于advertisement 以及advertising这两个词一直会出现用法错误的情况。


①Advertisement: a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, jobor serviceE.g. She scanned the job/property advertisement in the paper.(她在报纸上浏览求职广告)②Advertising: the activity and industry of advertising things to people ontelevision, in newspapers, on the internet, etc.E.g. Fiona works in advertising.(Fiona从事广告工作)通过上述定义和例句展示,相信各位考生能够很明确的看出,advertisement注重的是一则一则的具体广告,而advertising是指广告业的抽象说法,所以大家在写的时候要注意不要把这2个词用错了。


一般来讲,广告分为两种类型,分别为公益广告(public service advertisement/ non-profit advertisement)和商业广告(commercial advertisement)。






①广告与销量经典题目:If a product is good or if it meets people’s needs, people will buy it.Therefore, advertising is unnecessary and nothing more than a form of entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?题目翻译:如果一个产品好或者人们需要它时,人们就会去买它。




那要写好这道题,首先得要了解一个单词,即口碑效应,英文叫word of mouth, a term used to describe the comments of the quality of the products.段落欣赏:The advertising industry provides a platform(平台)for the business entities(实体)to spread awareness about the products and services offered by them. A good advertisement is one which does not just attract the new consumers, but also persuades the loyal(忠诚的)consumers of the rival firms(竞争公司)to shift bases(改变立场). Fromthe consumers’ perspective(观点), advertising is important for the consumers as it makes him aware of the various choices that are available.再如论证口碑效应时,可以用举例论证的形式把口碑效应的作用写得更渗透。

One good example can be found in those old days or rural areas, word of mouth was the only marketing technique(市场策略). It is no wonder that the local people had not any trouble in pursuing their satisfactory goods(满意的产品).②广告与儿童经典题目:Advertising aimed at children has lots of negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?题目翻译:针对小孩的广告对于小孩有很多负面影响,因此应该被禁止。






段落欣赏:Careful packing(包装)and marketing makes toys more attractive and irresistible(难以抵抗的)for kids. For toys which are too expensive to buy, advertisement companies will always portray(描绘)a child pestering(纠缠)his/her parents to get the toy. When kids watch the ad they do the same, this results in a tense(紧张的)environment and unnecessary fights among parents and kids.(玩具广告)TV advertising has a profound effect(深远的影响)on the eating habits of children, which many times results overeating. The rising cases of children obesity(肥胖)in the US can be attributed towards the number of ads for pizzas, burgers and French fries.(食品广告)③广告与个性经典题目:Advertising discourages us from being different individuals by making us all want to be and to look the same. Do you agree or disagree?题目翻译:广告使我们失去了个性以及让所有人看上去差不多。


首先我们得先去考虑广告为什么会使我们look the same? 其实理由很简单,很多厂商为了鼓励消费者购买产品,会利用明星效应制造一些潮流趋势。




段落欣赏:Admittedly, glamorous(迷人的)promotion campaigns(活动)designed by manufactures could deliberately(故意)manipulate(操控)consumers’ purchasing behavior towards some specific brands(特定的品牌)of products and therefore creating so called trends or fashions over a short period of time.综上分析了那么多,朗阁雅思培训中心的老师希望未来再考到广告类话题时,考生们都能有一定的知识储备,在考场上做到不慌不乱!(本文来自朗阁教育雅思培训考试教研组,供广大考生学习使用,转载请注明出处)。
