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1. Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as “silent”,the film has never been,in the full sense of the word,silent.
(2)Accustomed though we are to speaking of倒装语句,正常为,though we are Accustomed to speaking of···
(3)has never been从未,从来就不不是,从来
the film has never beensilent.是主系表结构,不是主谓宾结构。

He has never been here. 他不曾来过
has never been defeated 从未输过
Has Never Been Opened 从来没有被打开
Has Never Been Beyond 从未被超越
had never\have never这2个其实是同样的意思,只不过一个是过去式,一个是现在式
I had never seen her before.
I have never been to America.
The enemy were determined to wipe the town off the map as if it had never been. 敌人下决心要将这座城市从地图的抹掉,就好像它从不存在一样。

He had never been 他从来没有去过
I had never been there before. 我以前从来没到过那里。

as never before 前所未有地、史无前例as you never hear before 随着从来没听过的频率Be flourishing as never before 空前繁荣
To live as never before 重获新生般的活着
In this sense, we have the virus cornered as never before. 在这层意义上,我们已经前所未有地把该病毒逼到了绝境。

(4)in the full sense of 完整意义上的,全部意义上的
It has been a long-cherished ideal of mankind to enjoy human rights in the full sense of the term。


long-cherished 被长期渴望的
2.I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary dutyand pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic (苏格拉底) way about moral problems.
(1)在who 引导的定语从句中,who为主语,has slected 为谓语,the activity 为宾语。



(2)define as:解释为,定义为
Dictionaries Define Blindness As 字典定义失明为define sth as sth 显示的特征
Define as Luminaire 定义为光源
Define the button as open 定义这个打开按钮
(3) primary dutyand pleasure in life

Primary a主要的,初级的,基本的。

n 原色,最主要者。

3. The progress of science depends upon many factos ,and not least among these is the existence of satisfactory arrangements for the rapid exchange of
new ideas and experimental results between research workers having similar interest.

(2) not least among these is the existence主系表结构倒装了。

(3) not least:尤其,相当重要地especially / notably All this is welcome—not least bec ause the slump has been made so much worseby panic and despair.

They have been the subjects of intense research for over half a century,not least because of the role they have played in our survival as a species.

not the least 丝毫不至少
This has several advantages, not the least of which is that you can concentrate onwriting code rather than attending to the repetitive work.

The last, but certainly not the least trait of a greatengi neer is a solid foundation.

Not The Least Concerned 毫不相干
Last yet not the least 末了
Having Not The Least Clue 端倪毫无
Have not the least idea 完全不知
4. Dull as a student may be, and difficult as a subject may seem to be at first sight, he will find the study become easier or at least less difficult, if he can persevere and does not neglect it.

dull as a student may be=though a student may be dull;
difficult as a subject may seem to be at first sight =though a subject may seem to be difficult at first sight。


5. For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been,had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.
(1)本句中had he grown up under more favorable circumstances 属于部分倒装。

正常语序为:if he had grown up under more favorable circumstances。

在正式文体中,可以将虚拟条件句中的if 省略,并将助动词提前。

(2)compensate for,赔偿,补偿,
compensate sb for sth 赔偿
make good / indemnify for
compensate opening 补偿孔; 弥补孔compensate coils 补偿线圈
Inertia compensate 惯量补偿参数
(3)gross social inequality 明显的社会不公There is gross inequality between therichand the poor.贫富之间存在明显的不平等现象。

gross loss毛损; 亏损总额; 总损失
gross power 总功率; 整机功率;净功率
gross tonnage 总吨位;注册吨;
gross negligence 重大过失; 严重疏忽
gross amount 毛额; 总额; ; 总量
gross errors 重大错误; 失误差
gross expenses 开支总额; 总开支
The company was guilty of gross negligence.

Funding of education had been grossly inadequate for years.多年来教育资金严重不足。

He abused the Admiral in the grossest terms. 他用最粗俗的字眼辱骂那位海军上将。

(4)an underprivileged youngster一个贫困的,地位低下的年轻人。

adj. 贫困的;被剥夺基本权力的;社会地位低下的
underprivileged group 贫困阶层
underprivileged preschooler 弱势学龄期儿童underprivileged home 贫困家庭
underprivileged class 弱势阶层; 下层社会underprivileged groups 弱势群体
underprivileged children 贫困儿童
underprivileged Students 贫困生
(5)favorable circumstances.有利的环境Species have always moved around, taking advantage of happenstance or favorable circumstances.

favorable balance 顺差; 贸易顺差; 有利差额; Favorable price 优惠价格,优惠价,令人满意的价格favorable prognosis 预后良好
favorable opposition 大冲
Favorable evaluation 赞许的评价;
favorable habitat 良好的栖息地; 有利的栖息地favorable current 顺流More favorable 更有利
(6)might have been通常用于虚拟语气,表示假设可能已经发生的,或猜测可能已经发生的事情. It's never too late to be who you might have been.

might be和may have been的区别?
might /may be 代表现在的事情例如The news may/might be true. 这消息可能是真的
完成式may/might have been 代表过去的事情例如He may/might have been there. 他之前/以前可能在那里
might do和may have done同等上面意思一个是现在式一个是过去式
might have done 与might have been done 的区别这两个都是虚拟语气。


第一个,might have done表示本来可以做某事(实际上没有做)。


例如:You might have done your homework more quickly。

第二个:might have been done表示...本来可以被做(实际上没有)。


例如:Your homework
might have been done more quickly.。


6. So involved with their computers do the children become that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games. (1)这是一个倒装结构,强调so 引导的从句,所以助动词前移:So involved with their computers do the children become,该句的动词是become,用do协助倒装。

原句是:The children become so involved with their computers that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games.
(2)B e∕become involved in包含在...;与...有关;被卷入;专心地(做)
He was rumoured to be involved in the crime.
I don't want to be involved in society.

be involved with涉及,卷入
Myhr had no desire to be involved with anything dangerous or violent.

get involved with 给...缠住
parties involved 交换中的各方、互换中的各方involved party 责任方
involved area 受影响区域
difficulties involved 遇到的困难; 涉及的困难people involved 参与名单; 所涉及的人员
7, As the Internet becomes more and more commercialized ,it is in the interest of businese to universalize access --- after all ,the more people online , the more potential customers there are.
(1)the more```,the more```为部分倒装。

(2)in the interest of:….利益,为了…的利益。

Do everything in the interests of the people .

In the interest of protecting such resources, a great many state laws were passed .

in the interest of transparency 为了保持透明性(3) universalize access 普遍可以获得
Open access 开放获取; 开放存取; 开放取用; access time 存取时间; 访问时间; 选取时间; market access 市场准入; 进入市场; 开放市场; Sequential access 循序存取; 顺序存取;
direct access 直接存取; 直接访问; 直接通道access token 访问令牌; 存取令牌; 访问标记; internet access 网路存取; 互联网接入;
Access Method 存取方法; 访问方法; 访问方式Leased access 租赁使用时段
8.Love is not about Possession, its all about Appreciation. 爱不是占有,而是欣赏Possession:n. 拥有;财产;领地;自制;着迷Spirit possession 附身; 灵
quiet possession 不受干扰享用权;宁静的占有权Ball Possession 关键词掌握控球权;
Possession Island 占领岛
He was also charged with illegal possession of firearms.他还被指控非法拥有火器。

People had lost their homes and all their possessions. 人们已失去了家园和所有的财产。

9. So perilous was this one that he was the only security officer on the site. 危险的
(1) this onewas s o perilousthat…..
(2) security officer 安全人员,
Security Technical Officer 安全技术专员
Security Control Officer 保安控制员
security desk officer 值勤室警务员
Security Risk Officer 安全危险人员
Cargo security control officer 货物安全控制专员Chief security officer 安全主管; 保安部经理
(3) on the site 在现场
on-the site analysis 现场分析
on the site computer 现场用计算机
on the construction site 在建筑地盘; 在施工现场inspection on the site 检查施工现场
Construction on the site 现场施工
Activities on the site 活动场地
10. In front of me stood the essential tools of the intelligence officer's trade - a desk, two telephones, one scrambled(改变频率使不被窃听)for outside calls, and to one side a large green metal safe with an oversized combination lock on the front.

前:主语是the essential tools of the intelligence officer's trade。

(2) the essential tools 基本用具,必要工具,关键工具they are trying to focus attention on cognitive faculties that go beyong intelligence ----what they
describe as the essential tools of rational thinking.

cognitive adj. 认知的,认识的
Cognitive psychology 认知心理学; 识别心理学Cognitive style 认知风格; 认知方式;
Cognitive bias 认知偏差; 认知偏误;
Cognitive network 感知网路; 认知网
Cognitive anthropology 认知人类学
cognitive function 认知功能; 认知能力
cognitive development 认知发展; 辨识系统启发facultiesn. 系,学院;才能,能力;全体教员(faculty 的复数形式)
intellectual faculties 智能; 智力; 心智才能Program Faculties 项目师资
gas faculties 城镇燃气供气设施
hearing faculties 听官能
higher faculties 较高级的官能
He was drunk and not in control of his faculties.

The faculty agreed on a change in the requirements. 全体教员同意改变要求。

faculty and staff教职员
faculty of law法学院;法律系
faculty of science理学院;科学院;自然科学系adaptive faculty适应能力,适应力
mental faculty智力
faculty of engineering工学院
elaborative facultyn. 思考能力
(3) intelligence officer 情报人员,情报官intelligence n. 智力;情报工作;情报机关;理解力
Divisional Intelligence Officer Supervision 监视处情报员
Competitive Intelligence Officer 竞争情报总监Chief Intelligence Officer 首席情报官
Artificial Intelligence 人工智能; 人工智慧; Collective Intelligence 综合人工智能; 集体智慧machine intelligence 机器智能; 机器智慧; intelligence community 智能小区; 情报界; (4)a large green metal safe 一个大的绿色金属保险柜
(5)an oversized combination lock 一个特大号复合密码锁。

11.the most extreme application of geneticinformation-designing children.
application n. 应用;申请;应用程序;敷用application fee 申请费; 报名费;
Application Management 应用程序管理; 应用管理Application forms 申请表; 申请表格
Computer Application 计算机应用; 电脑应用clinical application 临床应用; 临床运用
patent application 专利申请;专利申请说明书Application Range 应用领域; 应用范围; 适用范围application processor 应用处理器; 应用程序处理器Statistics Application 应用统计学; 应用计数学12. Alyosha,along with his friends,heard the siren call of merchandising,and many was the time we came to logger-heads over designer sneakersversus something more affordable,if less flashy.
(1)and 后的主句是the time was many。


(2)the siren call of merchandising, 促销的诱惑。

Siren 诱人的
logger-heads 笨蛋,傻瓜
came to logger-heads 争吵起来
over 关于
designer sneakers 名牌运动鞋
versus 对比
designer sneakersversus something more affordable,if less flashy 名牌运动鞋和一些能购买的起且不那么奢华的东西
13.You mumble and ask how anyone could possibly u se ‘dot com’ together in English or any other language, what in the world dose it mean anyway, and you leave to discuss sport and other small talk.
(1) how anyone could possibly人们怎么可能会any other language任何其他语言
what in the world dose it mean anyway, 倒装句,
you leave to discuss other small talk. 你开始去
14And never before has it been so undeniable that mutually beneficial international institutions of cooperation---with the United Nationas foremost among them--- are a vital global necessity.
(1) never before 从未有过后面用倒装
(2)undeniable:adj. 不可否认的;公认优秀的;无可争辩的。

同义词:incontestable / undisputed
undeniable signature 不可否认签名;
undeniable facts 无可否认的事实
undeniable clause 不可争条款
Undeniable Points 不可否认观点
Something undeniable 不可否认的东西;
Her charm is undeniable.她的魅力无可否认。

(3)mutuallyadv. 互相地;互助
mutually perpendicular 互相垂直的; 互相垂直线mutually conditioning 相互条件作用
mutually dependent 互为依存; 彼此依赖的mutually enabling 相互扶持
Mutually Pursue 互相追逐
mutually excluseve 互斥
14.Here comes an old lady! 过来一位老太太。

一般是:副词(here there now then)+come(或be)+主语。

There comes the bus。

Now comes your turn。


15. No less obvious is the fact there are great numbers of people so constituted or so brought up that they cannot get so much pleasure out of processes and experiences which result in a rich,significant life ,as they can get out of processes and experiences resulting in a poor life less full of meaning.
(1)主句是the fact is no less obvious。

(2)constituted vt. 组成,构成;建立;任命。

Color constitute 色彩构成
Constitute forms 构成方式
staff constitute 员工构成
disease constitute 疾病构成
electrolyte constitute 电解液组成
Liability Constitute 构成要件
Four quarts constitute a gallon. 四夸脱构成一加仑。

They donot constitute a complete and continuous set of memoranda.

They constitute your memories; where you were, what you were doing,what you were interested in,what you were thinking of. 它们组成了你的回忆;你曾在哪里,你曾做了什么,你曾对什么感兴趣,你曾思考过什么。

16. The material destruction of the war was not so great but that it could by this time have been repaired, had a good peace been made without delay.
(1)could have been:本来可以,本可以是,表示虚拟语气。

Mistakes are creeping in which could have been avoided. 本可避免的错误都逐渐一一发生了。

It could have been worse.

The performance could have been better.

补充:Had paul received six more votes in the last election , he __ our chairman. 为什么不是would have been 而是would be?
这句话的原文是If paul had received six more votes in the last election, he would be our chairman. 去掉If 把had提前了,从句是过去完成时,主句用would be 表示与现在事实相反的非真实条件句,如果用would have been 就表示与过去相反了,就不对了。

could have been表示过去可能,但是没做的事情可能是。

Should have been表示应该
would have been表示主观意愿上将做什么事,会是would have + 过去分词的句型在虚拟语气中表达与过去事实相反的情况
从句:If 主语+had+done
主句:主语+should/would/could/might+have done
例如: 1. If I had got there earlier,I should/could have met her. 如果我早到那儿,我就会见到她。

2.If he had taken my advice,he would not have made such a mistake. 如果他听我的劝告的话,就不会犯这样的错误了。

would have been 后面通常都是加形容词,或a (冠词)+ 名词。

例如: 1. If they had explained the situation, I would have been more understanding. 如果他们(当时)把情况说清楚,我就比较能体谅啦。

2. If you had not warned me, I would have been a victim of this scam. 要不是你(事先)警告了我,我肯定就成了这骗局的受害者啦。

(2)not so…but that…无论怎样…也。

But that 后跟虚拟语气。

(3)if 引导条件状语从句,省略if ,后面的谓语

17.a near standstill几乎停止。

n. 停顿;停止
Standstill Provisions 维持现状规定
standstill position 停止位置
standstill test 静止试验standstill seal 静止密封standstill truce 就地休战safe standstill 安全停刹respiratory standstill 呼吸停顿
Standstill Period 停滞期
Computer Standstill 电脑瘫痪
n. 规定(provision的复数);食品;预备
v. 供应补给品;供应粮食(provision的三单形式)Protective Provisions 保护性条款; 维护性条款contract provisions 合同规定
return provisions 对返还的规定
entrenched provisions 特别维护条款; 非凡维护条款
special provisions 特别规定; 特殊条款; Temporary Provisions 暂行规定
Call Provisions 赎回条款
Emergency Provisions 非常食; 救济粮
provisions storeroom 食品贮存库
adj. 根深蒂固的;确立的,不容易改的
v. 确立;保证;挖掘壕沟(entrench的过去分词)the entrenched 根深蒂固; 树大根深; 在盘踞Entrenched Cliff 盘踞山崖
entrenched managers 强势管理者
entrenched factory 定点生产厂
Entrenched Elites 地位牢固精英阶层
Entrenched Poverty 难以贫困景象
entrenched clause 刚性条款
provision [prəu'viʒən]
2.供应;供应物;[尤指复数] 存粮;粮食;食物;
短语1.according to the provision of the Act 据该法令各条(所说)
2.make ample provision for 充裕地供养
3.make provision against 防备,预防
4.make provision for 为…预先采取措施,为…做好准备
5.run out of provisions 粮食缺乏[亦作short of provisions」
18.Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before.
Coupled with:相匹配,加上,外加,与。

相结合be coupled with 与结合; 与
empowerment coupled with responsibility 赋权承责Coupled with the smiles 再加上灿烂的笑容
Coupled with the word 再加一句话
Coupled with tariff 加上关税
Coupled with low price 加上低价格
Coupled with English 与英语相伴
Coupled With Exquisite Workmanship 加上精致做工Coupled With The Chicken 配上鸡肉快
Coupled to appropriate circuitry, it can trigger the doors to open.搭配适当的电路后,可以启动开门。

These patterns both extract behavior out of the view, and into a presentationclass coupled with the view. 两种模式都把行为从视图中抽出来,将之放入与视图耦合的一个表现类。

n. 展示;描述,陈述;介绍;赠送
oral presentation口头报告;口头演讲presentation skilln. 演讲技巧;表达技巧
visual presentation视觉显示;可视图像presentation layer表示层;呈现层
data presentation数据显示,数据表示
at presentation呈示即付
give a presentation of对…作陈述
graphic presentation图示
presentation of document提交单据
Thesis Presentation 论文报告
multimedia presentation 多媒体演示; 多媒体展示Presentation mode 演示模式; 发表方式; 简报模式storage and delivery 存储和传送
than has ever been possible before:空前的,在过去是不可能的
19. How their results compared with modern
standards, we unfortunately have no means of telling. (1)compared with:与...相比较
can be compared with 比得上; 无人能比compared with control group 与对照组比较、相比Compared with decent wine ; 与体面的葡萄酒相比; 相比体面的酒
Compared with urban life 与都市生活相比compared with injured group 与损伤组比Compared with previous work 与以前的工作比较compare to 比拟,比作比喻为
compare with (可)与...相比
compare...with...把…和…比较(表示同类相比,比较) compare...to...把……比作…(常表示异类相比,比喻) ①Let's compare this article with that one. 让我们把这篇文章和那篇文章作一下比较。

②The heart is often compared to a pump.

He's apygmy when compared with great musicians. 他和伟大的音乐家相比就成了侏儒。

pygmy ['pɪɡmi] n.侏儒;俾格米人(一种身高不满五英尺的矮小人种);微不足道的人adj. 矮小的;we unfortunately have no means of telling

20.The inner workings of our own brains we feel to be uniquely worthy of investigation, but custom, we have a way of thinking, is behaviour at its most commonplace.
(2)be uniquely worthy of investigation。

on-the-spot investigation实地考察
field investigation现场调查;现场试验experimental investigation试验研究
under investigation在调查研究中
investigation report调查报告书
sampling investigation抽样调查
site investigation现场调查;实地勘测
preliminary investigation初步调查
general investigation普查
credit investigation资信调查,信用调查
federal bureau of investigationn. (美)联邦调查局epidemiological investigation[医]流行病学调查qualitative investigation定性分析
judicial investigation司法调查;法院调查
at its most commonplace最普遍的21. The American baby boom after the war made unconvincing U.S. advice to poor countries that they restrain their births.

(2)make advice unconvincing

make a shopping list 写一个购物单
make a telephone call 打电话
make friends with 与……交朋友
make a contribution to 贡献给;捐献
make a face 做鬼脸make one's way to 往…走make a living 谋生;make fun of 取笑;嘲笑make it 约定时间;做到;按时到达
make money 赚钱make out 证明;认出;填写make one's bed 铺床;收拾床铺
make up 弥补;构成;编造make off 逃走
(3)unconvincing adj. 不足以令人相信的unconvincing evidence 无说服力的证据Unconvincing Excuses 不令人信服借口
But Unconvincing 但并不令人信服
this argument is unconvincing 但这种说法难以令人信服
22. This is the world out of which grows the hope, for the first time in history, of a society where there will be freedom from want and freedom from fear.
(1)the hope grows out of which(the word)。

(2)freedom from 免于。

没有同义safe from freedom from want 免于匮乏,没有匮乏,贫困freedom from fear 没有恐惧。

. freedom from taxation 免税
Freedom from tyranny is a principle we should always defend.

Freedom from the depression was,and still is, like a light switch being turned onin my head.
23. Of the intrinsicdifferences that separate American from English the chief have their roots in the obvious disparity between the environment and traditions of the American people since the seventeenth century and those of the English. disparity [dɪ'spærɪtɪ] n. 不同;不一致;不等
regional disparity地区差异
Many organizations struggle withthe disparity and distribution of information.

disparity estimation 视差估计
disparity pay 附加工资social disparity 社会差距uncrossed disparity 非交叉差异; 交叉视差
spatial disparity 空间差异; 空间差距
economic disparity 经济差距
wage disparity 工资差别
import and export进出口;导入和导出;输入和输出export trade出口贸易;export commodities出口商品export tax出口税export market出口市场
import and export corporation[经]进出口公司
export license出口许可证export sales外销
export credit出口信贷,出口借款
export enterprise出口企业
export processing zone出口加工区
export agent出口代理;出口代理商
export control出口控制,出口管制
export product出口产品
export credit insurance出口信用保险;输出信用保险;export price出口价,出口价格
export licence出口许可证,输出许可证
export declaration出口申报单
export department出口部;外销部declarationn. (纳税品等的)申报;宣布;公告;申诉书
customs declaration报关单;申报关税海关申报表declaration of independence独立宣言
declaration form. 申报单
tax declaration申报纳税,纳税申报
export declaration出口申报单
joint declaration联合声明;联合公报
import declaration进口报单;进口声明书declaration of war宣战
variable declaration变数宣告;变量声明
final declaration最后声明;确定申告
declaration of conformity符合标准声明
function declaration功能说明;函数说明
The opening speeches sounded more like declarations of war than offerings of peace.

24.Not only was man now able to see with measured precision independently of visibility, but he could now “see” such objects as aircraft at ranges far in excess of those possible even under ideal optical conditions with normal vision.
(1)not only…but also...不但…而且…不但后用倒装(2)independently of …独立于…之外;与…无关independently of visibility与可视度无关,不受可视度影响的。

Visibilityn. 能见度,可见性;能见距离;
And what if you don’t have any visibility yet?
visibility meter 能见度表; 能见度仪;
visibility factor 视度系数; 可见度因数、因子slant visibility 斜能见度; 斜视能见度;
surface visibility 地面能见度
visibility chart 能见度图; 视界图
visibility good 能见度好
visibility distance 能见距离
optical visibility 光学可见度; 光学能见度
in excess of 超过
ideal optical conditions 理想的光线仪器,视觉器材25.These measures, or such other measures as the Congress may build out of its experience and wisdom, I shall seek, within my constitutional authority, to bring to speedy adoption.
(1)build out of 由…建造
Measuresbuild out of its experience and wisdom build sth out of sth 用某物做成另一物
build camps out of sticks 用木棍搭建帐篷
(2)constitutional authority 宪法内的权利
adj. 宪法的;本质的;体质上的;保健的
n. 保健散步;保健运动
constitutional law宪法;符合宪法的法律constitutional monarchy[法]君主立宪制度constitutional amendment宪法修正案,修宪constitutional convention宪法惯例;制宪会议;1787年美国制宪会议(Constitutional Convention)
In our constitutional system, prolongeddetention should not be the decision ofany one man.

(3)adopt vt. 采取;接受;收养;正式通过
vi. 采取;过继adopt measures 采取措施
adopt vt 选定; 采用; 收养; 批准
Adopt Authority 接受权限
adapt vt. 使适应;改编vi. 适应
adapt to something(使)适合;(使)适应
adapt for调整,使适合于;为…改编
I suggested he should adapt himself tohis new
conditions. 我认为他应该使自己适应新的情况adept adj. 熟练的;擅长…的n. 内行;能手adept at熟练于…adept in善于
My teacher is adept at designing robots. 跟读

26. Closely related with this is the capacity to be tolerant-not, indeed, of what is wrong, but of the frailty and immaturity of human nature which induce people, and again especially children to make mistakes.
(2)Closely related with this is,与这紧密相关的是the capacity to be tolerant保持宽容的能力tolerant adj. 宽容的;容忍的;有耐药力的
be tolerant of对...容忍(或宽容)
plants which are more tolerant of dry conditions.

Why are we tolerant of some crimes?
(3)frailty['freɪltɪ] n. 虚弱;弱点;意志薄弱weakness / infirmness
the frailties of human nature.人性的弱点
Your frailty makes them wary of buying anything from you.

Be wary ofadj. 小心翼翼的;警觉的;谨防的meticulous / cautelous
be wary of strangers 警惕陌生人
Be Wary of Seeking Closure 当心别作茧自缚
Be Wary Of Sin 你要提防罪恶
Wary of speaking 出言谨慎
27.Added to that difficulty is the need for the media, for economic and journalistic reasons, to present a controversial perspective, which is not usually as objective as we might wish.
(1)add to 增加。

the need for the media is added to that difficulty。

for economic and journalistic reasons, 出于经济和新闻工作的原因。

present a controversial perspective提出有争议性的观点
28. This process, difficult and complex as it is, is simple compared to the job of discovering that new kinds of corn could be developed, or to the job of discovering how to develop them.
(1)difficult and complex as it is:部分倒装。

As 相当于although。


As it is difficult and complex。

29.Rather than a particular method, the success of science has more to do with an attitude common to scientists.
(1)Rather than而不是;宁可…也不愿
30. Of primary interest in business and technical research reports is the validity of the results as the bases for company decisions.
(1)主干是:the validity of the results is Of primary interest
primary interest:重要关注,首要兴趣,基本利息My primary interest is inthe constellation of ideas and technologies, in the denseweb of interlinkages between terms, in resonances between ideas from

30. Then, down the crowded thoroughfare comes the University of Cambridge’s most distinctive vehicle, bearing its most distinguished citizen. Thoroughfaren. 大道,通路
trade thoroughfare 贸易通道
distinctive adj. 有特色的,与众不同的distinguished adj. 著名的;卓著的;高贵的
v. 区别(distinguish的过去式)
31.Were it not for the feather lost in departure, no one would have known that the white bird had ever been. (1)Were it not for原为if it were not for如果没有,要不是由于。

省略了if 后用倒装。

(2)had been 过去完成式。

Ever 曾经。

Had ever been 曾经来过。

Were it not for music, we might in these days say, the Beautiful is dead

Were it not for science, we could not live a comfortable live.

32. Today the main economic activities of the family are in the nature of consumption-however productive may be what some of its members do in society.
(1)in the nature of具有。


(2)however productive may be what some of its members do in society。


However+形容词+主语+may be。


However great the pitfalls may be。


Whatever the shape of a body may be ,it is always possible to find out its volume。


33. Nearly all our clothes are made from fibres of one sort or another, be they derived from plants, animals, coal or petroleum and all these fibres, when they are carefully examined, are seen to consist of long chain molecules.
(1)be they derived from plants, animals,为不用连词的让步状语从句。

主语是they 谓语是be derived,原为whether they are derived from plants。


34. Only rarely does a coherent picture emerge; in a sense coherence must be imposed on events by the decision maker, who seizes the challenge and turns it into opportunity by assessing correctly both the circumstances and his margin for creative action. (1)Only rarely does a coherent picture emerge。

倒装句,a coherent picture rarely emerges。

in a sense 在一定程度上
impose on 利用,欺骗,施加影响于
margin for creative action 创新的余地
n. 边缘;利润,余裕;页边的空白
vt. 加边于;加旁注于
profit marginmargin of profit[经]利润率
gross margin[经]毛利
continental margin大陆边缘
wide margin广泛的回旋余地;广泛的利于行事的权力◎页边的宽空白◎大数目的余款◎广泛回旋的余地;充裕的空余(时间);大幅度
water margin水浒;水浒传(书名,中国历史上第一部用白话文写成的章回小说)
safety marginmargin of safety安全界限;安全系数narrow margin薄利;没有多少余地
margin trading保证金交易(交存一定保证金不支付全部货款的交易)phase margin相补角;相位容限;允许相位失真margin of error误差幅度;误差界限
leaf margin叶缘left margin左空白,左端
passive continental margin不活动大陆边缘,被动大陆边缘
margin account保证金帐户;融资帐户
interest margin利差,利息差幅;利差幅度
margin call追加保证金;征收保证金的要求margin requirement保证金要求;法定保证金Well, not only is this false advertising And not only
does this hurt the profit marginof Trojan, it also puts you at risk.
告诉你,这不只是造成了虚假的广告宣传,也不仅只是危害到特洛伊公司的利润率,它还危害到你35. The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle,and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend.
(1)usual rebound常见的反跳现象
(2)in a business cycle在一个商业周期中
(3)so is not。


conclusive evidence of a revival复苏的结论性证据in the underlying trend潜在的趋势
The trouble is that such studies allow only for the sorts of jobs that are already being offshored, when in reality the proportion of jobs that can be moved will rise as IT advances and education improves in emerging economies.
(1)allow 容许,考虑,此处是考虑的意思。

sorts of 各种各样的,各种的
(2)are already being offshored,已经正在被移到境外。

(3)when 引导的状语从句
In reality 为插入语
That 引导的定语从句
As 引导的伴随状语从句。
