
专题二语法填空 (一)考情归纳年份卷别体裁话题考点设置有提示词无提示词谓语动词非谓语动词名词形容词、副词代词数词冠词介词并列连词从属关联词其他2023年新高考Ⅰ卷说明文中国美食——小笼包/ 4 / 2 1 / 1 1 1 / /新高考Ⅱ卷记叙文在动物园教英语1 12 2 / / 1 1 1 1 /全国甲卷说明文寓言在今天的价值1 3 1 1 / 1 / 1 /2 /全国乙卷说明文北京的古老建筑和现代化2 3 1 1 / / / 1 1 1 /2022年新高考Ⅰ卷说明文大熊猫国家公2 2 1 1 / / 1 1 1 1 /根据近三年的高考试题可以看出,高考语法填空充分体现了“实词考查为主、虚词考查为辅”的命题原则,考法相应分为有提示词类和无提示词类填空。
主要考查强调句、倒装句或一般疑问句中的助动词do, does, did,有时也涉及连接性副词如however等。

new和delete的三种形式详解⼀、new操作符、delete操作符class String{public:String(const char *str=""){if(str== NULL){data=new char[1];data='\0';}else{data=new char[strlen(strlen(str)+1];strcpy(data,str);}~String(){delete[] data;data=NULL;}private:char *data;};在上⾯的String类中,当你去定义⼀个String对象时,⽤new去创建对象时,⽤delete去析构该对象时,此时new 和delete有两个操作,分别是当⽤new创建对象时,第⼀步是先去开辟内存空间,第⼆步则是使⽤构造函数去构造对象。
⼆、操作符new、操作符deletevoid* operator new(size_t sz){void *p= malloc(sz);return p;}void operator delete(void *p){free(p);}void* operator new[](size_t sz){void *p= malloc(sz);return p;}void operator delete[](void *p){free(p);}当你去创建⼀个对象时,new操作符则会包含两步操作,第⼀步先去调⽤上⾯的重载操作符new的函数,先去开辟内存空间,第⼆步去调⽤类的构造函数去构造对象。
C 中NEW的三种用法详细解析

一. 简介 new 有三种使用方式:plain new,nothrow new 和 placement new。
(1)plain new 顾名思义就是普通的 new,就是我们惯常使用的 new。在 C++中是这样定义的: void* operator new(std::size_t) throw(std::bad_alloc); void operator delete(void *) throw();
(3)placement new 意即“放置”,这种 new 允许在一块已经分配成功的内存上重新构造对象或 对象数组。placement new 不用担心内存分配失败,因为它根本不分配内存,它做的唯一一件 事情就是调用对象的构造函数。定义如下:
void* operator new(size_t,void*); void operator delete(void*,void*);
cout<<"alloc failure!"<<endl{ try {
char *p=GetMemory(10e11); //........... if(p==NULL) cout<<"failure"<<endl; delete [] p;
} catch(const std::bad_alloc &ex) {
char *p=new(nothrow) char[sizeof(ADT)+2]; if(p==NULL)
ADT *q=new(p) ADT; //placement new:不必担心失败 // delete q;//错误!不能在此处调用 delete q; q->ADT::~ADT();//显示调用析构函数 delete []p;

增删改查简单-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在现代信息时代,数据的管理和处理变得越来越重要。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容如下:2. 正文2.1 增2.1.1 增加数据的重要性2.1.2 增加数据的方法2.1.3 增加数据的注意事项2.1.4 增加数据的效果评估2.2 删2.2.1 删除数据的重要性2.2.2 删除数据的方法2.2.3 删除数据的注意事项2.2.4 删除数据的效果评估2.3 改2.3.1 修改数据的重要性2.3.2 修改数据的方法2.3.3 修改数据的注意事项2.3.4 修改数据的效果评估2.4 查2.4.1 查询数据的重要性2.4.2 查询数据的方法2.4.3 查询数据的注意事项2.4.4 查询数据的效果评估以上是本文的文章结构。

• Step 2---Believe in yourself • You must believe that you can attain your goals and that your dreams will come true. If you don’t believe in what you do, you will never achieve what you seek. This is common sense. Belief is what drives you. You need to have a firm belief before you can achieve something. • Step 3--- Take action • Take massive and consistent action. Success is all about taking consistent action each day. Without taking action, nothing will come true. It is not that one day you wake up and you have a million dollars in your bank. Success will not come automatically. You have to work for it; you have to bring about the results.
新视野大学英语读写教程第三版 B3U1 Section A 课后练习答案
Prthink there are mainly three reasons leading to most people's failure to achieve success in the end. First, they do not have the passion. All the successful people love their work and they have a strong passion for it. Second, most people are not clear about what they want. They do not know the exact destination that they want to reach, so they end up going nowhere. Finally, most people do not focus on what they want. They are only focusing on and thinking about what they don not want, but the successful people think about their dreams and their goals and how they can achieve them all the time. • 2. In my opinion, there are at least three steps apart from the ones introduced in the talk. First, we should learn to adopt suitable strategies, which are critical to making your action efficient and effective. Second, we should realize the significance of learning, which can provide us with sufficient knowledge and skills needed for achieving our goals. And finally, we should create or find opportunities rather than wait for opportunities to find us.

英语语法入门崔荣容第一讲语序和五种基本句式He learns English every day.他每天学习英语。
表语:描述主语的身份、性质、特征、状态三、主+谓+宾主语:动作发出者谓语:作出的动作宾语:动作的对象四、主+谓+间宾+直宾间宾:通常是人直宾:通常是物五、主+谓+宾+宾补宾补:对宾语的补充说明一、主+谓The universe remains.宇宙长存中英文语序一致二、主+系+表The food is delicious.这个食物很好吃中英文语序一致三、主+谓+宾He took his bag and left.(left是第二个谓语)他拿着他的包离开了中英文语序一致四、主+谓+间宾+直宾Her father bought her a dictionary. buy sb sth(双宾语)她爸爸给她买了一本词典(her与a dictionary,两个宾语,一个是人、一个是物)中英文语序一致五、主+谓+宾+宾补We made him our monitor.我们选他当班长(him与our monitor,都是指同一个人,our monitor是对him 的补充说明)中英文语序一致Nothing is impossible to a willing heart!有志者事竟成!第二讲 be动词的形式和用法一、be动词的形式:be、am、is、are、was、were、being 、been1、The man is back.2、They are back.3、He was back.4、They were back.5、They have been back.6、I’ll be back.上述“back”是副词,构成主系表结构。

5.SQL查询 SQL (Structure Query Language ,结构化查询语言 )是在数据库系统中应用广泛的数据库查询语
言,它包括了数据定义、查询、操纵和控制4种功能。 SQL 查询是使用SQL语句创建的查询。可以用结构化查询语言(Structure Query Language ,SQL)
2.交叉表查询 交叉表查询将来源于表或查询中的字段进行分组,一组列在数据表的左侧,一组列在数据表的上
部,然后在数据表行与列的交叉处显示某个字段统计值。交叉表查询就是利用了表中的行或列来计算 数据的总计、平均值、计数或其他类型的总和。
3.参数表查询 参数查询是利用对话框来提示用户输入条件参数的查询。这种查询可以根据用户输入的条件参数来检索
2.表达式中常用运算符 运算符是组成条件表达式的基本元素。Access提供了算术运算、比较运算符、逻辑运算符和特殊运算符
。运算符及其含义如书中表3-2、表3-3、表3-4、表3-ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ所示。
3.函数 计算表达式不但可以使用数学运算符,还可以使用Access内部的函数,Access系统提供了大量的标准函
①生成表查询 生成表查询可以根据一个或多个表中的全部或部分数据新建表。即生成表查询运行结果是生成一个新表。
②追加查询 追加查询将一个或多个表中的一组记录添加到一个或多个表的末尾。
③更新查询 更新查询可以对一个或多个表中的一组记录作全局的更改。

5.查询pubs数据库中employee表的前20%的数据,要求在结果中显示emp_id,fname,job_id 和job_lvl字段。
新高考读写课程 第3讲-人与社会-影视、音乐等领域的概况及发展-学生版

新课标、新高考、新思路---聚焦核心素养、获取关键能力语篇精深、读写结合(学生版)语篇三语篇选择:2019年高考新课标全国卷III阅读理解C篇语篇来源:福布斯网站中Custom一栏-Chinese Culture Fueling International Fashion Trends 主题语境:人与社会-文学、艺术与体育-影视、音乐等领域的概况及发展语篇体裁:议论文语篇字数:310词For Western designers, China and its rich culture have long been an inspiration for Western creative."It's no secret that China has always been a source(来源)of inspiration for designers," says Amanda Hill, chief creative officer at A+E Networks, a global media company and home to some of the biggest fashion(时尚)shows.Earlier this year, the China Through A Looking Glass exhibition in New York exhibited 140 pieces of China-inspired fashionable clothing alongside Chinese works of art, with the aim of exploring the influence of Chinese aesthetics(美学)on Western fashion and how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for centuries. The exhibition had record attendance, showing that there is huge interest in Chinese influences."China is impossible to overlook," says Hill. "Chinese models are the faces of beauty and fashion campaigns that sell dreams to women all over the world, which means Chinese women are not just consumers of fashion —they are central to its movement. "Of course, only are today's top Western designers being influenced by China-some of the best designers of contemporary fashion are themselves Chinese." Vera Wang, Alexander Wang, Jason Wu are taking on Galiano, Albaz, Marc Jacobs-and beating them hands down in design and sales," adds Hil.For Hill, it is impossible not to talk about China as the leading player when discussing fashion. "The most famous designers are Chinese, so are the models, and so are the consumers," she says. "China is no longer just another market; in many senses it has become the market. If you talk about fashion today, you are talking about China-its influences, its direction, its breathtaking clothes, and how young designers and models are finally acknowledging that in many ways."24.What can we learn about the exhibition in New York?A. It promoted the sales of artworks.B. It attracted a large number of visitors.C. It showed ancient Chinese clothes.D. It aimed to introduce Chinese models.25.What does Hill say about Chinese women?A. They are setting the fashion.B. They start many fashion campaigns.C. They admire super models.D. They do business all over the world.26.What do the underlined words "taking on" in paragraph 4 mean?A. learning fromB. looking down onC. working withD. competing against27.What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Young Models Selling Dreams to the WorldB. A Chinese Art Exhibition Held in New YorkC. Differences Between Eastern and Western AestheticsD. Chinese Culture Fueling International Fashion Trends语篇主旨:_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 语篇背景:_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 语篇结构:语篇重点单词、词块:重点单词:1.inspiration n.2.creative adj.3.source n.4.fuel v./n5.campaign n.6.consumer n.7.direction n.8.breathtaking adj.9.acknowledge v.重点词块:1.It’s no secret that...2. a source of inspiration3.chief creative officer4.be home to5.fashion shows6.China-inspired7.fashionable clothing8.works of art9.with the aim of10.record attendance11.There is a huge interest in12.be central to13.take on14.beat sb. hands down15.in many senses16.in many ways全文翻译:_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ “由读到写、读后续写”之语篇分析:2017年11月浙江省高考读后续写真题阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
2024版New Concept English Volume 3 Lesson 1 Coursew

Courseware•Course Introduction and Background •Vocabulary and Phrase Analysis•Intensive Reading and Understanding of Texts•Grammar knowledge sorting andapplication•Listening training and improvement •Oral expression and communication ability cultivation目录01 Course Introduction and BackgroundSystematicApproachThe textbooks are designed to follow a logical and sequential structure, gradually introducing new concepts and building on previously learned materials CommunicationBasedThe series emphasizescommunication skills,encoding students toactively participate inconversations anddiscussionsCulturalAwarenessIt involves cultural elements,allowing students to gaininsights into differentcultures and improve theircross cultural communicationabilitiesIntegrated SkillsThe textbooks promote theintegration of listening,speaking, reading, andwriting skills through a varietyof activities and exercises01020304Characteristics of the New Concept English Series TextbooksThe Structure and Content of the Textbook in Volume•Units and Lessons: Volume 3 is divided into several units, with eachunit focusing on a specific topic Each unit consistency of multiplelessons that explores the topic in depth•Vocabulary and Grammar: Each lesson introduces new vocabulary andgrammar points, providing examples and context for betterunderstanding•Listening and Speaking Activities: The textbook includes listeningexercises and speaking tasks to help students improve their listeningcomprehension and oral communication skills•Reading and Writing Practices: Students are provided with readingtexts and writing assignments to enhance their readingcomprehension and written expressionTopic: Lesson 1 focuses on the topic of "Travel and Tourism," exploring various aspects of traveling and visiting new places Learning Objectives: By the end of Lesson 1, students should be able to+Understand and use vocabulary related to travel and tourism +Communicate effectively about their travel experiences and plans+Read and compare texts related to travel destinations and activities +Write about their own travel experiences or imaging tripsTopic and Learning Objectives of Lesson02 Vocabulary and Phrase AnalysisKey vocabulary explanation and example sentencesVocabulary 1* Definition 1 * -* ExampleSentence 1*Vocabulary 2* Definition 2 * -* ExampleSentence 2*Vocabulary 3* Definition 3 * -* Example Sentence 3** Explanation 1 * -* ExampleSentence with Phrase 1*Phrase 1* Explanation 2 * -* Example Sentence with Phrase 2*Phrase 2* Explanation 3 * -* Example Sentence with Phrase 3*Phrase 3Common Phrase Matching and ApplicationUse mnemonic devices such as rhymes or acronyms to help remember new wordsTip 1Tip 2Tip 3Practice using new vocabulary in context by writing intentions or participating in conversationsReview and repeat new words regularly to commit them to long term memory030201Vocabulary Memory Skills Sharing03 Intensive Reading and Understanding ofTextsIntroduction to the background and overview of the main idea of the textThe background of the textThe lesson is set in a contemporary social context,discussing issues related to technology, environment,and social changeOverview of the main ideaThe text explores the impact of technology on our livesand the environment, and resources readers to thinkcritically about the role of technology in societyKey presence structure analysis and translationKey presence structuresThe text uses a variety of presence structures, including complexpresence, passive voice, and normalization to confirm informationeffectivelyTranslation of key sensesSome key senses in the text may be difficult to understand due to theircomplex syntax or vocabulary Providing translations can help readersbetter grasp the meaning of these sensesIn depth exploration of article content•Analysis of themes and topics: The text touches on themes such astechnology, environment, social change, and ethics Analyzing thesethemes and topics can help readers gain a deeper understanding ofthe issues discussed•Critical thinking questions: Encouraging readers to think criticallyabout the content of the text can help them form their own opinionsand views on the issues raised Questions such as "What are thepotential risks of releasing too health on technology?" or "How can webalance the benefits of technology with its negative impacts on theenvironment?" can stimulate critical thinking and discussion•Connection to real world examples: Relating the content of the text toreal world examples can make it more reliable and easier tounderstand For instance, discussing how cancer technologies havechanged the way we communicate or how they have contributed toenvironmental problems can help readers see the relevance of the textto their own lives04 Grammar knowledge sorting andapplicationReview of Key Grammar Projects in This Lesson"Past particle as objectiverevised the concept of using past particle forms as objectives to describe nouns,e.g.," a broken window, "" a painted house. ""Reported speech with 'said' and 'told'reviewed the rules for converting direct speech to reported speech using 'said'and 'told,' including changes in tense, pronouns, and question structureModal verbs for production and specificationpracticed using modal verbs such as' must, '' can, '' could, '' may, 'and' right 'toexpress production and specification in different contextsPast particle as objectiveDiscussed how past particle forms can be used as objectives to modify nounsAnalyzed examples such as "a fried child" and "a well trained dog" to illustrate how the past particle form changes mean based on contextReported speech with 'said' and 'told'Provided a detailed explanation of the rules for converting direct speech toreported speech Discussed changes in tense, pronunciations, and question structure, and analyzed example sentences to clarify the conceptsModal verbs for production and specificationExplained the use of modal verbs to express production and specification indifferent contexts Discussed the nuances of each modal verb and provided example sentences to illustrate their usageDetailed explanation and example analysis of relevant grammar rulesExercise questions on modal verbs for production and specification: Presented a range of exercise questions on using modal verbs for production and specification Analyzed the answers to assess understanding and offered additional practicematerials for furtherreinforcementExercise questions on pastparticle as objective: Provided aset of exercise questions on using past particle forms as objectivesAnalyzed the answers to identifycommon errors and discussed strategies for improvement Exercise questions on reported speech with 'said' and 'told': Offered a series of exercise questions on converting direct speech to reported speech Reviewed the answers to highlight common misses and providedguidance on how to avoid them Grammar exercise questions and answer analysis05 Listening training and improvementSelect authentic and varied listening materials: Choose materials that are representative of real life situations and cover a range of topics, accounts, and speeds to expose students to different listening challenges Teaching listening skills explicitly:Provide students with strategiesand techniques to improve theirlistening, such as predictingcontent, recognizing key wordsand phrases, and inferringmeaning from contextGuide students in active listening:Encourage students to engageactively with the listening materialby taking notes, summarizing, ordiscussing what they hear to deeptheir understanding010203 Listening material selection and skill guidanceListening practice questions and answer analysis Design targeted practice questionsCreate questions that test students' understanding of specific details, main ideas, and implied meanings inthe listening materialProvide answer analysisAfter students complete the practice questions, go through the answers with them, discussing why eachanswer is correct or incorrect and how they can improve their listening comprehensionEncourage self reflectionPrompt students to reflect on their performance and identify areas where they need toimprove their listening skillsSelf testing and assessment of listening expertiseOffer guidance and feedback on students' self-assessment to help themidentify areas of strength and weakness and set goals for further improvementProvide feedback on self-assessmentProvide students with resources to create their own listening tests, such asaudio recordings and accompanying questions, to allow them to practiceindependentlyDevelop self testing materials Advise students to regularly assess their own listening expertise by taking selftests and reflecting on their progressEncourage regular self-assessment06Oral expression and communication abilitycultivationDesigning various speaking activities: including individual presentations, group discussions, debites, and role plays to enhance active participation and improve students' oral Providing constructive feedback on students'performance, highlighting areas forimprovement, and providing tips and strategiesfor effective communicationImplementing authentic materials:incorporating authentic materials such as newsarticles, podcasts, and videos to provide real life context and stimulate discussionDesign and implementation of oral practice activitiesRole playing and situational dialogue examplesPreparing role play scenarios01Creating scenarios that simulate real life situations, allowingstudents to practice language use in a controlled environmentModeling dialogues02demonstrating example dialogues to illustrate appropriatelanguage use, promotion, and introductionEncouraging improvement03encoding students to improve within the role-play scenarios todevelop their spontaneity and creativityReflecting on performance encoding students to reflect on their own performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and set goals for improvement Using fabrics forself-assessmentimproving fabrics or checklists tohelp students objectively evaluatetheir own oral expression skillsSeeking peerfeedbackencoding students to seekfeedback from peers, which canprovide val010203 Self evaluation of oral expression capabilityTHANKS。
Unit 1 New school, new beginning!(第3课时) Lesson 3课件

Lin Nan
Song Hua
Li Feng
Liu Ling
Language points
1.We often go to the library together.我们经常一起去图书馆。( 教材P6 2) together /təˈɡeðə(r) / adv.一起;共同 常放在句中或句尾。 get together 聚在一起 ➢ This is a story of friendship. Let’s read the story together.
Pay attention to the circled words.
1.Read the questions and give your answers. Who is your best friend?
What does he/she like to do?
Language points
3.We have a lot of fun. 我们玩得很开心。(教材P6 2)
fun /fʌn / n.乐趣;玩笑 adj.有趣的
[不可数名词] have fun 玩得开心;过得愉快
乐趣;玩笑; for fun 闹着玩儿地;为了好玩
快乐 fun
in fun 开玩笑地,闹着玩儿地 have fun doing sth. 做某事很开心
See the boy in a cap? That’s Lin Nan. Beside him is Song Hua. They are good friends. They like to play ping-pong. Sometimes I join them. We have a lot of fun.
第3讲-1V3-三年级-复习M3+名词1- 教师版

精锐教育1对3辅导讲义学员姓名:学科教师:年级:三年级辅导科目:授课日期××年××月××日时间A / B / C / D / E / F段主题M3+名词1教学内容(本次课的重点、难点以及达到怎样的情感目标)1.巩固M3课文重点知识点。
)自我介绍:I have…在生活中,除了用My…is/are…来介绍自己的特征外,我们也可以用I have…的句型来介绍。
1.My eyes are big.我的眼睛大。
=I have big eyes.我有一双大眼睛。
2.My nose is big.我的鼻子大。
=I have a big nose,我有大大的鼻子。
3.My hair is black.我的头发是黑色的。
=I have black hair.我有黑色的头发。
比较以上三组句子我们发现,除了句型结构的转变外,句2中的nose是单数名词,因此在转换为I hav e…的句型时要注意加上不定冠词a,有时是an。
例如:I have。
在句3中,hair是一个不可数名词,所以形容词前不能加冠词.a (或an,the)。
请做到讲练结合,尽量做到每一个知识点都附有相应的练习题;最多不超过3个知识)一、复习M3课本重点知识M3u1重点词句1.school 名词(1) 学校(2) 上课时间;上学阶段:after school. 放学后[记忆链接] schoolboy(中小学)男生schoolgirl (中小学)女生schoolteacher(中小学)教师2.library 名词图书馆[常见词组] a school library学校图书馆 a city library市图书馆a public library公共图书馆 a university library大学图书馆3.toilet 名词卫生间;厕所4.hall 名词大厅,礼堂[常见词组] concert hall音乐厅city hall市政厅dining hall餐厅lecture hall讲堂5.playground 名词操场6.classroom 名词教室[记忆链接] classmate 同班同学class 班级、课7.a photo of a rose 一张玫瑰照片8.What's this? 这是什么?由what引导的特殊疑问句,用来提问某物是什么。
第3讲 七年级上 Unit3-4【名师导航】2024中考英语教材梳理学案(原卷版)

第3讲七年级上Unit3--4重点单词1.['pensl] n.铅笔2.[bʊk] n.书3.[ɪ'reɪsə] n.橡皮4.[bɒks] n.箱;盒5.铅笔盒;文具盒6.['skuːlˌbæg] n.书包7.['dɪkʃəneri] n.词典;字典8.['beɪsˌbɔːl] n.棒球9.[wɒtʃ] n.表;手表10.[kəm'pjuːtə] n.计算机;电脑11.[geɪm] n.游戏;运动;比赛12.[kɑːd] n.卡片13.[ˈnəʊtbʊk] n.笔记本14.['laɪbrəri] n.图书馆15.['teibl] n.桌子16.[bed] n.床17.['bukkeis] n.书架;书柜18.['səufə] n.沙发19.[tʃɛə] n.20.[nəu] n.知道,了解21.['reidiəu] n.收音机;无线电广播22.[klɔk] n.时钟23.[teip] n.磁带;录音带;录像带24.['pleiə] n.播放机25.['mɔdl] n.模型26.[plein] n.飞机27.['taidi] adj.整洁的;井井有条的28.['evriwɛə] adv.处处;到处;各个地方词汇拓展1.book [bʊk] n.书* 书柜* 书架2.box [bɒks] n.箱;盒→boxes pl.* a of...一箱* look 寻找9.lost [lɒst] v.遗失;丢失→v.原形10.think [θiŋk] v.认为;想;思考* think 想到知识清单12.e-mail me at... 用……给我发电子邮件13.school ID card 我的学生卡26.o n your head 在你头上重点句型1.—Is this/that your pencil?—Yes, is. It’s mine. /No, isn’t. It’shis.2.—Excuse me,is this your pencil?—Yes,thank you.3.—Are these your books?—Yes, are. They are mine.4.—Are those your keys?—No,they . They’re Bob.5.Thank you for your help.6.—The blue pen is his.—What this dictionary?7.I lost my school ID card. I must it.8.—Where’s the schoolbag?—I t ’s under the table.9.— Where are my books?—They’re on the sofa.10.W here is your ruler?11.—Where’s my bag?—Is it on your desk?12.I t’s not under the chair.13.I think it ’s in your grandparents’ room.14.I‘m tidy,but Gina is .15.I have a clock.16.G ina’s books are .知识点考点透析◆考点1 Thank you for…“Thank you for”指因某种原因而感谢对方,相当于“Thanks for…”。
C 中运算符New的三种使用方式

1. plain new 普通newCpp代码<span style="font-size: medium;">void*operatornew(std::size_t)throw(std::bad_alloc);void operator delete( void *) throw();</span>void*operator new(std::size_t)throw(std::bad_alloc);void operator delete( void *) throw();该运算符在分配失败时将抛出异常,而非返回NULL。
如:Cpp代码<span style="font-size: medium;">char*getMemory(unsigned long size){ char * p = new char[size];return p; }void main(void ){ try{char * p = getMemory(1000000);//可能发生异常// ...delete [ ] p;}catch(const std::bad_alloc & ex){ cout < <ex.what(); }} </span>char *getMemory(unsigned long size){ char * p = new char[size];return p; }void main(void ){ try{char * p = getMemory(1000000);//可能发生异常// ...delete [ ] p;}catch(const std::bad_alloc & ex){ cout < <ex.what(); }}2.nothrow new 不抛掷异常newCpp代码<span style="font-size: medium;">void*operator new(std::size_t,const std::nothrow_t & )throw(); void operator delete( void *) throw(); </span>void*operator new(std::size_t,const std::nothrow_t& )throw();void operator delete( void *) throw();该运算符在分配失败时不抛出异常,而是返回NULL。

c语言中new和delete的用法C语言中new和delete的用法C语言是一门底层的编程语言,不像其他高级语言一样内建有new 和delete的关键字,而是需要使用malloc和free函数来在堆内存中分配和释放内存。
void* new(size_t size) {void* ptr = malloc(size);return ptr;}上述代码中,new函数接受一个size参数,该参数表示要分配的内存大小。
void delete(void* ptr) {free(ptr);}上述代码中,delete函数接受一个指针ptr,该指针指向要释放的内存。
#include <>int main() {int* ptr = (int*)new(sizeof(int));*ptr = 10;printf("Value: %d\n", *ptr);delete(ptr);return 0;}上述代码首先使用new函数动态分配一个int类型的内存,并将其赋值为10。

new运算符的用法以下是 8 条关于“new 运算符的用法”的内容:1. 你知道吗,new 运算符就像是一把神奇的钥匙!比如说,当你创建一个新的对象时,就像打开了一扇通往新世界的门。
就好比你想创建一个猫咪对象,你可以这样做:Cat myCat = new Cat(); 是不是很神奇呀!2. new 运算符这玩意儿可太重要了!就像给你一个空白画布,让你可以尽情创作。
比如说你要创建一个学生对象来记录信息,不就是用 new 运算符嘛,Student student = new Student(); 多简单直接!3. 哇塞,new 运算符简直就是编程里的超级英雄啊!它能帮你在内存里变出你想要的东西。
就像是你想要一辆汽车模型,通过 new 运算符就能立马拥有,比如 Car myCar = new Car(); 这也太酷了吧!4. 嘿,new 运算符就像一个魔法棒!可以把你的想法变成实实在在的东西。
比如你想象有个房子,那用 new 运算符就能搞定,House myHouse = new House(); 你说妙不妙!5. 哎呀呀,new 运算符可是个厉害的角色呢!它能随心所欲地给你创建各种实例。
你想想,你想有个自己的小机器人,用 new 运算符就成了呀,Robot myRobot = new Robot(); 厉害吧!6. 哇哦,new 运算符是多么强大啊!简直是无敌的存在。
就好像你渴望有只可爱的小狗陪伴你,那通过 new 运算符呀,Dog myDog = new Dog(); 这可太有意思了!7. 嘿呀,new 运算符可别小看它哦!它就像个小机灵鬼,总能满足你的需求。
比如说你想要个漂亮的花朵对象,那 new 运算符就来帮忙啦,Flower myFlower = new Flower(); 是不是很有趣!8. new 运算符真的是太好用啦!它像是一个万能工具。
就像你突然想要个外星生物模型,用 new 运算符呗,Alien myAlien = new Alien(); 咋样,厉害吧!我的观点结论就是:new 运算符是编程中不可或缺的重要工具,好好利用它,能创造出好多精彩的东西呢!。

new和delete的基本⽤法前⾔ new和delete是C++中⽤来动态管理内存分配的运算符,其⽤法较为灵活。
功能⼀:动态管理单变量/对象空间 下⾯例⼦使⽤new为单个变量/对象开辟空间:1// 创建⼀个指向整型元素的指针pi,其所指对象为整数100。
2int *pi = new int(100);34// 创建⼀个指向字符串元素的指针ps,其所指对象为字符串"ssssssssss"。
5string *ps = new string(10, 's'); 对于开辟的单变量/对象空间,我们只能通过new操作符返回的指针来控制,⽽不能通过变量名/对象名。
另外,如果上述定义式右边的 ()为空,则对变量/对象进⾏值初始化,⽽如果连 () 都没有,则进⾏默认初始化。
(这⾥假定你已清楚值初始化和默认初始化的区别) 当这部分空间使⽤完毕,应当使⽤delete将其回收,上述例⼦对应回收语句如下:1 delete pi;2 pi=NULL;34 delete ps;5 ps=NULL; 需要说明的是:1. 每个new都必须对应⼀个delete 2. ⼀个内存空间只能被delete⼀次(下⾯这种功能实现也要满⾜这两点)功能⼆:动态管理数组空间 下⾯例⼦使⽤new为数组开辟空间:1// 创建⼀个"数组指针"pia,pia将指向⼀个含有10个整型元素的数组的第⼀个元素。
2int *pia = new int[10];34// A是类名5// 创建⼀个"数组指针"pib,pib将指向⼀个含有10个A类对象的数组的第⼀个对象。
6 A *pib = new A[10]; 对于开辟的数组空间,我们只能通过new操作符返回的指针来控制,⽽不能通过数组名。
另外,如果上述定义式右边末尾加上空 (),则数组进⾏值初始化,否则数组元素是未定义的(如本例) 当这部分空间使⽤完毕,应当使⽤delete将其回收,上述例⼦对应回收语句如下:1 delete [] pia;2 pia = NULL;34 delete [] pib;5 pib = NULL; 需要特别注意delete右边的那个[],如果遗漏,将很可能导致难以预料的错误。

ELSE//如果没有满足过滤条件的记录时 this.selecttext(len(input),len(input))//选中没有匹配上的用户刚输
入的字符 Sel=1 beep(1) //发出警告声
在dw_3的itemchanged事件里用describe()和modify()函数组 合来实现动态子数据窗口功能,其主要程序段如下:
第9章 数据库应用系统开发工具——PB
9.6.3 组合查询的实现
IF this.getcolumnname()='zdlm' THEN
SELECT count() INTO :count FROM pbcatcol
第9章 数据库应用系统开发工具——PB
9.6.3 组合查询的实现
1.查询的基本方法 对大型数据库的查询,都是用SQL语句来操纵后台数
据库实现的,其关键是构造合适的where查询子句。PB提 供的数据窗口和数据存储能通过调用两种查询函数 dwcontrol.Retrieve([argument, argument...])与 dwcontrol.SetFilter(format)和 dwcontrol.Filter( ) 的组合来实现与数据库绝大多数的交互操作。
第9章 数据库应用系统开发工具——PB
9.6.3 组合查询的实现
dddwcol=this.describe("value.dddw.displaycolumn")// value列子数 据窗口的当前显示列 input=this.gettext()//得到输入数据 IF input<>'' THEN //有输入数据时

步骤2.在字段行输入:m age:Max([tTeacher]![年龄]-min([tTeacher]![年龄]),单击"显示"行的复选框使字段显示。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
SQL(Structured Query Language) 已经是一种标准的结构化查询语言,所有 的关系数据库管理系统都支持这种查询语言。SQL查询又分为联合查询、传递 查询、数据定义查询。用这种标准化的结构语言进行查询即为SQL查询。
• • • • 1.简单查询向导 2.交叉表查询向导 3.查找重复项查询向导 4.查找不匹配项查询向导
• Access中提供了多种函数,函数按功能分 类可分为:汇总函数、数学函数、日期/时 间函数、字符函数等,利用这些函数可以 对查询内容进行计算和比较。
• 1.汇总函数 • 汇总函数系统提供的用于对查询中的记录组或全 部记录进行“汇总”计算的函数,具体函数名称 及功能介绍参见表4-7。
• 2.数学函数
• 日期函数
– 截取日期/时间分量:Day、Month、Year、 Weekday、Hour、Minute、Second – 获取系统日期/时间:Date()、Time()、 Now()
• SQL聚合函数
– Sum、Avg、Count、Max、Min
• 转换函数
– Asc(字符表达式):返回字符表达式的ASCII 值 – Str(数值表达式):将数值表达式转换为字符 串 – Val(字符表达式):将字符表达式转换为数值
操作查询就是在一个操作中更改记录的查询,这种更改又分为: 删除查询、追加查询、更新查询及生成表查询,特点即查询操 作执行 后产生相应的表文件。
1、删除查询是从一个表或 多个表中删除一组记录; 2、追加查询即将新增记录 添加到一个表、或多个表、 及已有查询的末尾; 3、更新查询是根据指定的 条件更改一个或多个表中 记录的查询; 4、生成表查询即是从一个 或多个表、及已有查询中数 据集合中创建表的查询。
– 直接输入表达式 – 表达式生成器
• 设置字段属性(格式、小数位数、标题等)
• 单击“视图”→“属性” 选项或单击工具栏上的 “属性”按钮,弹出 “字段属性”对话框, 如图所示,用户可以根 据需要在其中进行设置, 设置方法与设置表中字 段属性方法相同。
设置查询属性 在查询的设计视图中不选中任 何字段的情况下,单击“视 图”→“属性”选项或单击 工具栏上的“属性”按钮。
• 查询设计视图的工具栏
• 首先应在“显示表”对话框中 选择查询所依据的表、或已建 好的查询,并将其添加到设计 视图的窗口中去。如果是选择 多个表,在多个表之间必须直 接或间接的存在着某种关系。
• 1.数字及字符运算符 • 数字及字符运算符主要用于查询中数字及字符的 加、减、乘、除、乘方等运算操作,具体运算符 及功能介绍参见表4-3。
• 2.关系运算符 • 关系运算符主要用于查询中数字及字符的 比较操作,具体关系运算符及功能介绍参 见表4-4。
• 3.逻辑运算符
• 4.特殊运算符 • 特殊运算符主要是指In,Like,Between…And… 等,主要的特殊运算符的功能介绍参见表4-6。
• 3.日期/时间函数
• 4.字符函数 • 字符函数的参数一般是字符串,有关字符函数及 其功能说明参见表4-10。
运算符 圆括号()
数学 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
乘* 除/ 整除\ 取模MOD 加+ 减—
比较 逻辑
< <= > >= <> = Between 在…之间
非 Not 与 And
或 Or
• 查询准则可以通过使用运算符和函数来设 置,并且可以在其中使用通配符来限定条 件。设置查询准则一般是在查询设计视图 中进行设计。
• 文本函数
– Space(数值表达式):返回由数值表达式确 定的空格个数组成的空字符串 – Left(字符表达式,数值表达式):返回一个 值,该值是从字符表达式左侧第一个字符开始, 截取的由数值表达式确定的若干个字符。 – Right(字符表达式,数值表达式)返回一个值, 该值是从字符表达右左侧第一个字符开始,截 取的由数值表达式确定的若干个字符。
如果上述所描述的三种情况都不是的话,在视图中将联接属性对话框打开后,再点 击图中的新建按钮,自己建立两个表之间的联系。
• 添加表/查询,多表(参照完整性)
– 注意:不要选多余的表
• 添加查询字段
– 注意:不要选多余的字段
• 选择查询结果排序 • 设置字段的显示属性 • 输入条件(准则) (“或”栏是“准则”栏的延续)
– 日期/时间型常量:表示一个日期/时间,要用 两个井号(#)将日期/时间括住,不能用引号。
• 如:#2008-11-28#。
– (非)空值:表示空值或非空值的常量。
• 只有Is Null和Is Not Null
• 运算符
– 算术运算符:加(+)、减(-)、乘(*)、整 除(/)、求余(% 或 mod) – 逻辑运算符:And、Or、Not – 关系运算符:=、<>、>、>=、<、<= – 特殊运算符:In、between…and…、Like、Is Null、Is Not Null
• 常量
– 字符常量:表示一个不变的字符串,要用双引 号(“”)引起来。
• 如:“张飞”,“Lucy”。“”表示空字符串
– 数值型常量:表示一个不变的数值,可以为整 数或小数。
• 如:1,1.25,0.456,-123。
– 布尔型常量:表示布尔型的常量
• 只有True和False,不需要用引号
• 常量(续)
Access 支持5种不同类型的查询: • 选择查询 __ 可选择字段按条件的查询 • 参数查询 __ 用输入参数定位查询 • 交叉表查询 __ 多方位立体查询 • 操作查询 __操作结果使表产生变化的查询 • SQL查询 __用关系命令语句进行查询
1、根据某些条件,按照一定的规则从一 个或多个表、或从其他已建好的查询中 获取数据;
• 文本函数
– Len(字符表达式):字符表达式的长度 – Ltrim(字符表达式):返回去掉字符表达式左 边空格后的字符串。类似的有Rtrim()和Trim () – Instr([数值表达式],字符串,子字符串,[比 较方法]):返回一个值,该值是检索子字符串 在字符串中最早出现的位置。数值表达式是检 索的起始位置,为可选项。方法可以为0、1、 2,0为做二进制比较,1为不区分大小写比较, 2为数据库中包含信息的比较,默认为0。
这就是产 生相应的 表文件的 操作查询
这种查询可以对表、或已建查询中的数据进行查询,进行总计、平均、求最大 值等计算,交叉表查询所完成的计算是通过表的左边和表的上面的数据的交叉 来实现的,即:计算的结果显示在行与列交叉的单元格中。
参数查询并不是一种独立的查询,而是在其他查询中增加了可变化的参数,设 置一个对话框,在对话框中,提示用户输入某此信息参数,以此扩大查询的灵 活性。例如,创建一个参数查询,在对话框形式来提示用户输入两个日期,然 后中,当只知道查找的部分内容时或查 找内容的某种样式时可以使用通配符。通配符是 的作用是作为不确定字符的占位符,对于各种常 用的通配符及功能说明参见表4-2。
• 运算符是构成查询条件的基本元素, Access提供了数字及字符运算符、关系运 算符、逻辑运算符及其他特殊运算符。通 过运算符可以对查询中数据进行运算和比 较及一些特殊的操作。
• 函数
– Access提供了大量的内置函数,也成为标准函 数或函数,如算术函数、字符函数、日期/时间 函数、SQL聚合函数等, – 常用函数介绍如下:
• 算术函数
– Abs(数值表达式):返回数值表达式的绝对 值 – Int(数值表达式):返回数值表达式的整数部 分 – Round(数值表达式,[表达式]):按指定小数 位数进行四舍五入运算的结果 – Srq(数值表达式):返回数值表达式的平方 根 – Sgn(数值表达式):返回数值表达式的符号
• 常量
– 用户定义值 – 数字值、字符串值、日期/时间
– “是/否” – 空字符串或零长度字符串,(“”) – Null 表示未知数据,没输入或删除在字段值, 没有长度
• 函数
• 算术函数、文本函数、日期/时间函数 函数类型 TYPENAME() 返回函数值的数据类型 • 表达式 数学、比较、逻辑运算 字符运算 & 日期/时间运算 +, -
设计视图 数据表视图
在 Access中,查询有三种视图:设计视图、数据表视图、 SQL 视图。
使用设计器在设计视图中,不仅可以创 建各种类型的查询,也可以对已有的查 询进行修改。打开设计视图方法: 一是:新建、新建查询、设计示图; 二是:选中查询文件后,再点击设计按 钮,以此打开现有的查询设计窗口,并 同时打开了如下图所示的查询设计视图 工具栏。
这种查询有三个问题: 1、查询数据从哪来; 2、查询数据查什么; 3、查询结果到哪去;
2、按照所需的排列次序显示出来,利用这个查询可以方 便地查看一个或多个表中的部分数据,查询结果是一个数 据记录的动态集, 可以对这个动态集的数据记录进行修 改、删除、也可以增加新记录;