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- Trade creation occurs when high cost domestic producers are replaced by low cost producers within the free trade area
- Trade diversion occurs when lower cost external suppliers are replaced by higher cost suppliers within the free trade area
• An Economic Union involves the free flow of products and factors of production between member countries and the adoption of a common external trade policy, but it also requires a common currency, harmonization of members’ tax rates, and a ommon monetary and fiscal policy
1 January 1980 Greenland withdrew after gaining home rule from Denmark
1 January 1981 Greece
1 January 1986 Portugal, Spain
3 October 1990 1 January 1995
(The territory of the former German Democratic Republic as part of unified Germany also becomes part of the European Community)
Austria, Finland, Sweden
• European Commission
- 25 Commissioners appointed by members for 5 year terms - Proposing, implementing, and monitoring legislation
• European parliament
• A Political Union occurs when a central political apparatus coordinates the economic, social, and foreign policy of the member states
Levels of Economic Integration
Levels of Economic Integration
• In a Free Trade Area all barriers to the trade of goods and services among member countries are removed
• A Customs Union eliminates trade barriers between member countries and adopts a common external trade policy
The Economic Case for Integration
• Stimulates economic growth in countries • Increases FDI and world production • Countries specialize in those goods and services efficiently
• A Common Market has no barriers to trade between member countries, includes a common external trade policy, and allows factors of production to move freely between members
European Union
• European council
- Heads of state and commission - Represent the interest of member states - President resolves policy issues and sets policy direction
The Case Against Regional Integration
• Economists point out that the benefits of regional integration are determined by the extent of trade creation, as opposed to trade diversion
History of Country's Membership
25 March 1957
Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, founding members
1 January 1973 Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom
- A need to harmonize the wide range of technical and legal standards for doing business
• The Delors Commission proposed that all impediments to the formation of a single market be eliminated
• This act committed member countries to work toward the establishment of a single market by December 31, 1992
• The act was born out of:
- Frustration among members of the European Community regarding the barriers to the free flow of trade and investment between member countries
- The act was independently ratified by the parliaments of each member country and became law in 1987
• 1951 - European Coal and Steel Community
- forerunner of EU, include 6 members, aimed at removing barriers to intragroup shipments of coal, iron, steel, and scrap material
- One judge from each countries - The supreme appeals court for EU law, work independently to
judge member states succeed to meet treaty obligations
The Single European Act
- Regional economic integration refers to agreements among countries in a geographic region to reduce, and ultimately remove, tariff and non-tariff barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and factors of production between each other
- This reduces potential for violent confrontation
• Together, the countries have more economic clout to enhance trade with other countries or trading blocs
- 732 directly elected members - Propose amendments to legislation, veto power over budget and
single-market legislation, appoint commissioners
• Court of justice
Impediments to Integration
• Integration is hard to achieve and sustain
- Nation may benefit but groups within countries may be hurt - Potential loss of sovereignty and control over domestic
1 May 2004 1 January 2007
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia
Bulgaria, Romania
Evolution of the European Union
• 1957- Treaty of Rome establishes the European Community
• 1994 - Treaty of Maastricht changes name to the European Union
European Union Members 2005
Political Structure of the
produced • Additional gains from free trade beyond the international
agreements such as GATT and WTO
The Political Case for Integration
• Economic interdependence creates incentives for political cooperation
Regional Economic Integration in Europe
• Europe has two trade blocks
- European Union: Seen as the emerging power with almost 25 members
- European Free Trade Association: Has only four members
Regional Economic Integration
• One notable trend in the global economy in recent years has been the accelerated movement toward regional economic integration
• Product of two political factors:
- Devastation of WWI and WWII and desire for peace - Desire for European nations to hold their own, politically
and economically, on the world stage