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1.My grandfather made a wooden _________ (玩具) for me when I was a baby.
2.The chemical formula for table salt is ______.
3.The tree is ___ (tall/short).
4.The chemical formula for water is _____.
5.The _____ (香葱) adds flavor to my dishes.
6.I can ______ (带) my lunch to school.
7.The dog is _____ by the tree. (sitting)
8.What is the opposite of "heavy"?
A. Light
B. Tall
C. Small
D. Big答案:A Light
9.What do we call the process of creating a new species through evolution?
A. Speciation
B. Adaptation
C. Mutation
D. Natural selection答案:
A. Speciation
10.The __________ (历史的探究) fosters curiosity.
11.What do we call a young cow?
A. Calf
B. Fawn
C. Kid
D. Lamb答案:A
12.The bee collects _______ (蜜蜂采集_______).
13.The sunflowers are ______ (tall) and bright.
14.ts are ________ (药用) and help heal. Some pla
15.The ant has a strong ______ compared to its size.
16.The __________ is a major river in Asia known for its cultural importance. (印度河)
17.The discovery of gold in California led to the _______ Rush.
18.My __________ (玩具名) makes __________ (声音) when I play with it.
19. A ______ can jump very high.
20.The __________ (种子) needs soil to sprout.
21.She is _______ (dancing) at the party.
22.I love to _______ (种花) in my garden.
23.The Earth's surface is shaped by both ______ and natural forces.
24.What do we call the area of land that is rich in biodiversity?
A. Biodiversity hotspot
B. Conservation area
C. National park
D. Wildlife reserve答案: A. Biodiversity hotspot

26. A _______ is a process that transforms energy.
27.Light travels in ______ lines.
28.What do you call the largest organ in the human body?
A. Heart
B. Liver
C. Skin
D. Brain答案:C
29.The ladybug is red with _______ (瓢虫是红色的,有_______).
30.The parrot loves to sit on _______ (肩膀).
31.We have a ______ (丰富的) variety of sports at school.
32.Which animal is known for its ability to fly?
A. Frog
B. Fish
C. Bird
D. Snake答案: C
33.n River flows through __________. (巴西) The Amaz
34.The __________ (历史遗迹) are often tourist attractions.
35.The capital of Micronesia is _______.
36. Wall of China was built to protect against _______ (invaders). The Grea
37.Galaxies can be elliptical, spiral, or _______.
38. A chemical reaction that releases heat is called an ________ reaction.
39.The flowers are ________ and colorful.
40.The garden is full of beautiful _______ (花园里满是美丽的_______).
41.The ________ was a famous war fought in ancient Greece.
42.What is the name of the famous temple in Cambodia?
A. Angkor Wat
B. Borobudur
C. Shwedagon
D. Taj Mahal答案: A
43.What do we call the area of a city where people live?
A. Suburb
B. Urban area
C. Rural area
D. Metropolis答案:B.Urban area
44. A ______ (青蛙) can vary in color.
45.We enjoy ______ (携手合作) on projects.
46.The color of litmus paper turns red in an ______ solution.
47.The chemical symbol for chromium is ____.
48.My sister wants to be a ____ (vet) when she grows up.

50.The chemical symbol for sodium is _____.
51.The ________ is known for its friendly nature.
52.The process of filtering separates solids from ______.
53. A chameleon can change its ______.
54.The ______ (海豹) basks on the rocks by the sea.
55.The city of Sydney is famous for its ________ (歌剧院).
56.What do we call the outer layer of the Earth?
A. Crust
B. Mantle
C. Core
D. Shell答案:A
57.I can ______ (扩展) my knowledge by reading.
58.Gases do not have a fixed _____.
59.The __________ (社会科学) examines human behavior.
60.sh established colonies in ______ (北美洲). The Byza
61.The ancient Greeks participated in ________ to foster community spirit.
62.This boy, ______ (这个男孩), is learning martial arts.
63.My uncle is my caring _______ who takes care of me.
64.She likes to wear ________ shoes.
65.Which insect can make honey?
A. Ant
B. Butterfly
C. Bee
D. Fly答案:C
66.The boy likes ________.
67. A __________ is a geological feature shaped by glacial action.
68.What is the name of the famous American singer known as the "King of Pop"?
A. Elvis Presley
B. Michael Jackson
C. Frank Sinatra
D. Whitney Houston 答案:B.Michael Jackson
69.She is wearing a ________ dress.
70.The ______ loves to play chess.
71.I ___ (love/hate) my school.
72.The chemical symbol for hydrogen is ____.
73.What do we call a young male horse?
A. Filly
B. Colt
C. Foal
D. Calf答案:B.Colt
74. A neuron is a specialized cell that transmits ______.
75. A __________ is a chemical change that produces a gas.
76.The __________ is a large archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. (菲律宾)
77.The _______ (Opium War) was fought between Britain and China in the 19th century.
78.What do we call the large body of freshwater?
A. Ocean
B. Lake
C. River
D. Pond答案:B
79. A solution where no more solute can dissolve is called ______.
80.Shadows are formed when light is ______ (blocked).
81.He is helping his dad in the ___. (garage)
82. A thermometer measures ______.
83.What is the name of the famous bear in the Hundred Acre Wood?
A. Paddington
B. Winnie the Pooh
C. Baloo
D. Yogi答案: B
84.The girl sings very ________.
85.The _____ (果实成熟) signals it's time to harvest.
86. A liquid's resistance to flow is called ______.
87.The _____ (繁殖) of certain plants can happen through cuttings.
88. A _______ is used to hold small amounts of liquids in a lab. (试管)
89.The _____ (自然资源) include plants that provide food and shelter.
90.The process of photosynthesis occurs in the _______ of plant cells.
91.What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?
A. Big Ben
B. Eiffel Tower
C. Leaning Tower of Pisa
D. Statue of Liberty 答案: A
92.My _______ (蜗牛) is very slow and steady.
93.How many hearts does an octopus have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4答案: C
94.The first president of the United States was ______ (乔治·华盛顿).
95. A __________ is a low-lying coastal area.
96.Which planet do we live on?
A. Mars
B. Venus
C. Earth
D. Jupiter答案: C
97.The _____ (bark) of a tree protects it.
98.The main function of carbohydrates in our diet is to provide ______.
99.I like to _____ (jump/run) in the park.
100.The _______ (蜥蜴) can be found on warm rocks.。
