On the Localization of Hip-hop Culture in China






嘻哈文化的艺术表达形式可以分为四类,分别是Graffiti(涂鸦)、Dance (街舞)、DJ(打碟)和Rap(说唱)。










说唱 街舞
DJ打碟 涂鸦
说 唱 歌 手 , 又 称 r a p p e r 或 者 M C 。 最 初 s y l 将 说 了 自 说 唱 说 唱 的 出 现 仅 仅 v a R o b i n s o n 唱 灌 制 成 唱 片 有 己 的 第 一 个 说 唱 歌 手 组成 了 团 体 是 创 可 歌 糖 为 立 能 手 山 了 了 大 , 帮 活 唱 卖 并 ( 跃 派 片 公 特 卖 让 他 T h e 对 气 氛 , 后 来 音 乐 制 作 人 司 S u g a r H i l l , 认 为 的 她 , 在 披 萨 店 门 口 招 募 与 另 外 两 个 同 样 是 路 人 的 S u g a r H i l l G a n g ) 。
Hiphop(嘻哈 舞):是人们最常
接 有 舞 杂 学 好 喜 触 着 步 的 习 看 爱 的 幅 , 舞 , , . 一 度 能 感 跳 所 种 大 够 。 起 以 舞 而 表 因 来 很 蹈 简 现 为 也 受 , 单 出 容 相 大 它 的 复 易 当 众
是 上 头 地 变 倒 舞 所 一 可 、 板 化 立 的 想 种 以 身 ; 的 , 同 表 难 分 体 用 脚 称 时 现 度 为 在 肢 步 为 也 的 较 两 地 体 动 小 可 动 高 种 上 在 作 地 以 作 的 类 旋 地 , 板 随 。 舞 型 转 上 加 。 意 步 : , 踩 上 当 去 , 用 称 出 刁 然 搭 大 手 为 复 钻 , 配 体 、 大 杂 的 跳 你
z 2 0 世 纪 0 年 代 嘻 哈 音 合 的 音 常 乐 观
硬核嘻哈 (Hardcore Hip-Hop):



hiphop常用英文带翻译Title: The Evolution of Hip Hop Culture。

Hip hop culture has come a long way since its inception in the Bronx during the 1970s. What started as a form of expression for marginalized communities has now become a global phenomenon that has influenced music, fashion, and art. In this article, we will explore the evolution of hip hop culture from its early days to its current state.The Roots of Hip Hop。

Hip hop culture emerged in the Bronx during the late 1970s as a response to the social and economic conditions of the time. Young people in the area, mostly African American and Latino, faced poverty, unemployment, and discrimination. Hip hop provided a way for them to express their frustrations and hopes through music, dance, and graffiti.The early days of hip hop were characterized by block parties where DJs would play funk and soul records and MCs would rap over them. The first hip hop record, "Rapper's Delight" by the Sugarhill Gang, was released in 1979 and became a hit. This marked the beginning of hip hop's commercialization and its spread beyond the Bronx.The Golden Age of Hip Hop。





据估计HIP HOP是源自美国纽约的黑人社区BRONX,他们将生活上的娱乐发展成为现今多样的HIP - HOP 文化,发挥黑人独有的特质,如节奏感及歌声进而舒缓情绪和消遣。

因带有乐观开朗的特质,逐渐慢慢的在全美蔓延开来,进而扩散到全世界;潮流劲hit的Hip Hop舞有型又好睇,难怪年青人热爱有加,纷纷加入跳舞热潮,但要留意这种舞的动作难度较高,不是人人适合。

但如果想对Hip Hop文化有更深入的认识,或想加入跳舞行列;就要留意详细介绍:Hip-Hop起源于80年代,B.P.M约在90-110拍,中文翻译为嘻哈。

Hip-Hop前生是Rap 和一点点的R&B,再加上各种磨片的音效声,属于80年代开始年轻人爱玩的音乐。

Hip-Hop 舞从字面上来看Hip 是臀部;Hop是单脚跳,Hip-Hop则是轻扭摆臀,可以看出它的出处。



HIP - HOP的组成可分成五个要素:音乐、舞蹈、涂鸦、刺青和衣著。












街头篮球起源于美国,比赛并不需要在正规的篮球场上进行, 街头篮球起源于美国,比赛并不需要在正规的篮球场上进行,在 城市广场或街边开阔地化出半个篮球场大小的平坦硬地, 城市广场或街边开阔地化出半个篮球场大小的平坦硬地,树立 一个篮球架,即可进行比赛。近几年三人篮球传入我国, 一个篮球架,即可进行比赛。近几年三人篮球传入我国,在一 些大、中城市已进行了多次比赛,很受人们欢迎。 些大、中城市已进行了多次比赛,很受人们欢迎。讲到街头篮 球文化,不可不提的就是纽约曼哈顿区的West 4th Street和 球文化,不可不提的就是纽约曼哈顿区的 和 哈林区的Rucker Park.在这两个地区造就了许多街头篮球的英 哈林区的 在这两个地区造就了许多街头篮球的英 雄与神话。山羊( 雄与神话。山羊(Earl Manigault)便是其中一个传奇,他可 )便是其中一个传奇, 以轻易地在篮板顶取下25美分的硬币 美分的硬币, 以轻易地在篮板顶取下 美分的硬币,还有那快速的运球与切 令对手防不胜防,身高只有6尺 的他可以轻易地将身高有 入,令对手防不胜防,身高只有 尺2的他可以轻易地将身高有 7尺2的NBA巨星 巨星Kareem Abdul-Jabbar打败,从此山羊 打败, 尺 的 巨星 打败 (Earl Manigault)被人们称为是“未曾打过 )被人们称为是“未曾打过NBA 的最伟大 球员”。但是由于美国街头的黑道势力和毒品的影响,许多的 球员” 但是由于美国街头的黑道势力和毒品的影响, 街头球员即使有再好的实力也不能加入NBA联盟,所以也只 联盟, 街头球员即使有再好的实力也不能加入 联盟 能在街头完成自己的篮球生涯。 能在街头完成自己的篮球生涯。
1、涂鸦 、
涂鸦( 涂鸦(graffiti)即街头涂鸦,常见于美国一些住宅区 )即街头涂鸦, 的小巷道上或地下道及地铁站。 的小巷道上或地下道及地铁站。涂鸦少年以喷漆作 画于墙上,用以表达其所想宣告的意念、 画于墙上,用以表达其所想宣告的意念、想法或是 帮派用以划分地盘; 年代末发源至今, 帮派用以划分地盘;从60年代末发源至今,渐渐成 年代末发源至今 为一种街头艺术。 为一种街头艺术。



嘻哈舞蹈英语作文Title: The Allure of Hip-Hop Dance: A Fusion of Rhythm, Creativity, and ExpressionIn the vibrant landscape of modern dance, hip-hop dance stands as a towering beacon, illuminating the path forself-expression, cultural fusion, and boundless creativity. Born from the streets of New York City in the late 1970s, hip-hop dance has evolved into a global phenomenon, transcending cultural barriers and inspiring millions worldwide. This essay delves into the essence of hip-hop dance, exploring its origins, diverse styles, societal impact, and the skills required to excel in this dynamic art form.Origins and EvolutionHip-hop dance emerged as a natural extension of the broader hip-hop culture, which encompasses music, graffiti, fashion, and language (rap). It originated in the Bronx and Harlem neighborhoods of New York, where African American and Latino youth used dance as a means of expression, a way to communicate their experiences, frustrations, and aspirations through movement. Initially, moves like breaking (or b-boying/b-girling), locking, and popping were developedas part of street performances and block parties, eventually evolving into intricate choreographies and international competitions.Diverse StylesHip-hop dance boasts a rich tapestry of styles, each with its unique flavor and history. Breaking, for instance, involves intricate footwork, toprock (ground moves), and power moves like headspins and freezes, showcasing strength, agility, and teamwork. Locking, characterized by sudden, stop-and-go movements, originated from the Campbellock dance craze of the 1960s. Popping, on the other hand, utilizes muscle contractions to create the illusion of movement without actually moving, adding a layer of illusion and finesse. Other popular styles include waacking, voguing, and hip-hop itself, which incorporates elements of these styles into freestyle routines.Societal Impact and Cultural ExpressionHip-hop dance has become a powerful tool for cultural expression and social change. It has provided a platform for marginalized voices, allowing individuals to tell their stories and challenge societal norms. Through dance, young peoplefind a sense of belonging, community, and self-worth, often in environments where they might feel overlooked or misunderstood. Hip-hop dance has also fosteredcross-cultural exchange, as dancers from different backgrounds bring their unique perspectives and influences to the dance floor, creating new fusion styles and expanding the art form's reach.Skills and TrainingMastering hip-hop dance requires dedication, perseverance, and a diverse set of skills. Physical strength, flexibility, and coordination are essential, as dancers must execute complex moves with precision and control. Creativity and improvisation are also key, as hip-hop dance often involves freestyle routines that call for on-the-spot innovation. Moreover, dancers must develop a strong sense of rhythm and timing, as they perform to a wide range of musical genres, from classic hip-hop beats to modern electronic music. Regular practice, exposure to diverse styles, and mentorship from experienced dancers are crucial for personal growth and artistic development.ConclusionHip-hop dance is more than just a series of moves; it's a powerful language of self-expression, cultural exchange, and social commentary. Its evolution from the streets to the world stage testifies to its enduring appeal and adaptability. As the art form continues to evolve, it invites new generations of dancers to join its ranks, contributing their own unique voices and visions to the ever-expanding tapestry of hip-hop dance. For those who embrace its challenges and embrace its spirit, hip-hop dance offers a lifetime of creative fulfillment, personal growth, and cultural connection.。

自考英语一Unit 2TextB 练习

自考英语一Unit 2TextB 练习

5. We must not _l_o_se__si_g_h_t_o_f_o_u_r_o_r_i_g_in_a_l_/i_n_it_ia_l_g_o_a_l_s_/a_i_m_s_ (忘记我们最初的目标).(lose sight of)
Section B (P127)
A positive attitude helps us cope with everyday life more easily. It gives us optimism and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If we adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into our lives, and makes us happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude, we will see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening.
Section C (P127)
1. Judy r_e_a_c_h_ed_ into her handbag and handed me a small
printed leaflet.
reach into伸进,进入;达到
2. I bet she was annoyed __a_t _ having to write it out again.
























• A Brief Introduction to Hip Hop MusicHip Hop is not just considered as a musical genre, but it is indeed a robust cultural movement that gained its widespread popularity in the early 1980s and the 90s. It is also considered as the genre that is the backing music for rap. This musical style incorporates various segments of music like rhythm, rhyming speech with the influential artform. Hip Hop has penetrated all areas of our lives including cinema, video games such as Grand Theft Auto and even musicals.So whether you decide to catch the next film at a movie theater, download the latest video game or get tickets for a Hamilton showHop culture!Origin of Hip HopIt is widely considered as a synonym for the rap culture and rap music, but it consists of four different elements –Dj’ing, rapping, Rhyming, Writing and B-boying. All these four sectors of the genre encompass the style of dance, music and attitude that is referred to in technical terms as postural semantics.It was initially discovered in the African American culture in the late 1970s. This genre is also shrouded by the remains of myth, enigma and also obfuscation. Among the four sectors of the genre, graffiti and break dancing caught crowd attention and laps became a crowd favourite.together by the shared environment, which has evolved over the years. One of the first significant DJ in the hip hop genre was DJ Kool Herc, who was a young 18-year-old immigrant. He introduced the sounds of Jamaica to all the inner city parties and the other native Americas. He blended the old rhythmic music to the popularnew tunes that as also used as a dance record, over the years. They also encouraged improvisational dancing.The eighties Hip HopBy the end of the late 1970s, hip hop was a mainstream musical genre that gained traction from all the old and young audiences. It was also used as a 1980s certified gold track music, which was sung by Kurtis Blow. In 1986, Beastie Boys formed a white hip-hop group of people who also released the first LP rap music to the billboard albums and charts.Many artists from this ear, made a social statement about hip hop as their platform to showcase their knowledge. Following them, their fans also started following the crowed and became mainstream fans of hip hop music.Nineties Hip Hop rap musicGangsta rap was one of the predominant genres of the hip hop music of the nineties. It was during this era that the subject matter of the music genre shifted to subjects like misogyny, drugs, violence, abuse and many more. It was also considered a mainstream commodity. During this time, it had reached heights of popularity, and the black teens were not the only ones that were listening to this form of music.Over the years, it also drove people towards the genre, and it became a political and a social platform to lead a ghetto life in the early 20th century. Thanks to all the crossover artists, today, hip hop is regarded as the broadest genre of demographic.。



关于hiphop的英语作文Title: The Influence of Hip Hop Culture;Introduction:- Define hip hop culture and its origins.- Mention the elements of hip hop, including rap music, DJing, graffiti art, and breakdancing.- State why hip hop culture is significant and widely influential.Body:1. History of Hip Hop:- Provide a brief history of hip hop, starting from its roots in the Bronx in the 1970s.- Discuss how hip hop has evolved over the decades and its impact on music and popular culture.2. Music and Lyrics:- Describe the lyrical content of hip hop music, including themes of social issues, personal experiences, and storytelling.- Discuss how hip hop artists use their music to express themselves and connect with their audience.3. Fashion and Style:- Talk about the fashion trends associated with hip hop culture, such as baggy clothes, sneakers, and bling jewelry.- Explain how hip hop fashion has influenced mainstream fashion and popular culture.4. Social and Political Impact:- Discuss how hip hop culture has been a platform for social and political activism, addressing issues such as racism, inequality, and police brutality.- Share examples of hip hop artists using their platform to raise awareness and advocate for change.Conclusion:- Reflect on the enduring influence of hip hop culture on music, fashion, art, and society.- Mention how hip hop has transcended boundaries and brought people together through its universal themes and messages.Note: You can personalize the essay by including examples of your favorite hip hop artists, songs, or experiences with hip hop culture to make it more engaging and relatable.。



hiphop作文Hip Hop is a cultural movement that emerged in the South Bronx in the 1970s. It is characterized by four distinct elements: rapping, DJing, graffiti art, and breakdancing. Over the years, hip hop has evolved into a global phenomenon, influencing music, fashion, and even politics.The roots of hip hop can be traced back to the African American and Latino communities in New York City. It was a response to the social and economic challenges faced by these communities, and it provided a creative outlet for young people to express themselves. The music, dance, and art of hip hop reflected the struggles and aspirations of its creators, and it quickly gained popularity among urban youth.Rapping, or MCing, is perhaps the most well-known element of hip hop. It involves the rhythmic delivery of lyrics over a beat, often addressing social issues or personal experiences. Rappers use their words to tell stories, convey emotions, and connect with their audience. The best rappers are able to command attention with their wordplay, flow, and charisma.DJing is another essential aspect of hip hop culture. DJs use turntables and mixers to create unique sounds and rhythms, often incorporating samples from other songs. They are responsible for creating the beats that rappers and dancers perform to, and they play a crucial role in shaping the overall sound of hip hop music.Graffiti art is also closely associated with hip hop. Graffiti artists use spray paint to create colorful and intricate designs on walls, trains, and other public spaces. Their work often incorporates bold lettering and vibrant imagery, and it has become a defining feature of hip hop aesthetics.Breakdancing, or b-boying/b-girling, is the final element of hip hop. It is a form of street dance that emphasizes acrobatic moves, intricate footwork, and improvisation. Breakdancers use their bodies to express themselves and compete with one another in dance battles, showcasing their agility, strength, and creativity.In addition to these four elements, hip hop has also had a significant impact on fashion, language, and social activism. Hip hop fashion is characterized by baggy clothing, sneakers, and flashy accessories, and it has influenced mainstream trends around the world. Hip hop has also introduced a new vocabulary of slang and expressions, which has been adopted by people of all backgrounds.Furthermore, hip hop has been a powerful force for social change. Many hip hop artists use their platform to address issues such as racism, poverty, and police brutality, and their music has served as a rallying cry for marginalized communities. Hip hop has also been instrumental in promoting unity and empowerment, encouraging people to embrace their individuality and pursue their dreams.In conclusion, hip hop is a multifaceted cultural movement that has had a profound impact on the world. Its four elements – rapping, DJing, graffiti art, and breakdancing– have shaped the music, dance, and visual art of the past four decades. Moreover, hip hop has influenced fashion, language, and activism, and it continues to be a source of inspiration and empowerment for people around the globe. As hip hop continues to evolve, its legacy as a voice for the voiceless and a celebration of creativity will endure.。



198作者简介:刘颖(1993— ),女,汉族,甘肃兰州人,硕士。


一、美国嘻哈音乐的发展嘻哈文化(Hip Hop Culture)是1970年代初出现在纽约市南布朗克斯少数族裔青年社区的一种亚文化运动。

总之,嘻哈文化有四个基本要素,即说唱(MC)、打碟(DJ)、街舞(Street Dance)和涂鸦(Graffiti)。




街舞(Street Dance)则是一种充满竞争的舞蹈风格,通过这种舞蹈,舞者将学习的各种街舞风格跟随音乐进行情绪以及情感的抒发和表达。





在这一时期,嘻哈文化的先驱之一是DJ Kool Herc,Herc本人对嘻哈音乐最主要的贡献是将现有的唱片音乐内容进行混音的处理,使其成为一首全新的歌曲,而这一举动,也为后期的嘻哈音乐的制作创造了样本,因此,他也被业内公认为“嘻哈音乐之父”。


首先是公告牌杂志率先发表了一篇名为“B Beats Bombard-ing Bronx”的文章,其中就谈到了DJ Kool Herc。


这个本来是一场恶性暴力的事件因为柯蒂斯·费舍尔(Curtis Fisher)变成了一场说唱音乐的专属音乐会,从而让生活在其他社区的人终于有机会知道什么是嘻哈音乐。



描写嘻哈和说唱音乐的英语作文Hip-hop and rap music have become a global phenomenon, transcending borders and crossing cultural boundaries. Originating in the streets of New York City in the 1970s, hip-hop and rap music have evolved into a dominant force in the mainstream music industry. With its roots in African American and Latino communities, hip-hop and rap music have given a voice to marginalized groups and have served as a platform for social commentary and political activism.Hip-hop music is characterized by its rhythmic beats, catchy hooks, and intricate rhymes. The genre encompasses a wide range of styles, from the conscious lyrics of artists like Kendrick Lamar and Common to the gritty street narratives of artists like 50 Cent and Tupac Shakur. Rap music, on the other hand, is a form of vocal delivery that incorporates rhyming lyrics over a beat. Rappers use their lyrics to express themselves, tell stories, and convey messages to their audience.One of the defining features of hip-hop and rap music is its ability to spark conversations and provoke thought. Artists often tackle issues such as racism, poverty, and violence in their music, shedding light on the realities faced by many communities. For example, songs like Kendrick Lamar's "Alright" and J. Cole's "NoRole Modelz" address themes of police brutality and systemic racism, sparking important conversations about social justice and inequality.In addition to its social and political impact, hip-hop and rap music have also had a significant influence on popular culture. The genre has inspired fashion trends, dance styles, and even new genres of music. Artists like Kanye West and Jay-Z have become icons in the fashion world, while artists like Drake and Nicki Minaj have brought hip-hop and rap music to new audiences around the world.Overall, hip-hop and rap music have become a powerful form of expression for artists and a source of inspiration for listeners around the world. The genre's ability to connect people from different backgrounds and cultures through its music is a testament to its enduring appeal. As hip-hop and rap music continue to evolve and grow, their impact on the music industry and society as a whole will undoubtedly continue to be felt for years to come.。



English Version:The Culture Embedded in Hip-Hop MusicHip-hop music, originating from the urban streets of America, has evolved into a global phenomenon that resonates with cultures across the globe. It is not merely music; it is a lifestyle, a culture, and a voice for the underrepresented.The core elements of hip-hop —rapping, DJing, breakdancing, and graffiti —are all extensions of its urban roots. Rapping, or spoken word poetry, tells stories, expresses emotions, and critiques society. DJing, the manipulation of music, creates a unique rhythm and flow, while breakdancing and graffiti add visual and kinetic components to the art form.Hip-hop culture is deeply rooted in social awareness and activism. It has been a platform for voicing opinions, highlighting issues, and bringing attention to the struggles of the marginalized communities. From addressing police brutality to calling for social change, hip-hop artists have used their music to amplify these messages.Moreover, hip-hop is a melting pot of different cultures. Its global influence has allowed it to embrace and incorporate elements from various musical genres, languages, and traditions. This cultural diversity not only enriches the music but also促进s understanding and respect among different communities.In conclusion, hip-hop music is not just about beats and rhymes; it is a culture that represents the voices of the voiceless, the struggles of the oppressed, and the unity of diverse communities. Its influence extends beyond the music, shaping the way we view the world and understand each other. Hip-hop is not just a music genre; it is a movement that continues to grow and evolve, carrying with it the rich tapestry of human experience and culture.Chinese Version:说唱中的文化印记起源于美国城市街头的说唱音乐,如今已演变成为全球现象,与世界各地文化产生共鸣。



立足本土文化正确对待他国文化作文英文回答:Embracing Local Culture while Respecting Foreign Customs.Cultural diversity is a cornerstone of human civilization, enriching our lives with a tapestry of traditions, beliefs, and artistic expressions. As we navigate the interconnected world, it is imperative to approach our interactions with other cultures with empathy and respect. This dual approach allows us to preserve our own cultural heritage while embracing the richness of foreign traditions.Firstly, recognizing the value of our own cultural heritage is crucial. Our traditions, beliefs, and values shape who we are as individuals and as a society. Preserving and promoting local culture fosters a sense of identity, community, and pride. It allows us to connectwith our roots and appreciate the unique contributions our culture makes to the global mosaic.However, acknowledging the importance of local culture should not lead to cultural isolationism. Instead, we must embrace a spirit of openness and curiosity towards other cultures. Exposure to foreign traditions and perspectives broadens our horizons, fosters tolerance, and challenges our pre-conceived notions. By actively engaging with diverse cultures, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of human experience and appreciate the beauty that lies in our differences.Striking the right balance between preserving our own culture and respecting foreign customs requires a delicate approach. It involves recognizing and celebrating cultural diversity while avoiding cultural appropriation or disrespect. Cultural appropriation occurs when elements of a minority culture are adopted by a dominant culture without proper understanding or consent. This can lead to the devaluation and commodification of cultural practices, undermining their significance and perpetuating harmfulstereotypes.Respect for foreign customs, on the other hand, entails appreciating and understanding the cultural practices of others without adopting them as our own. It involves engaging in respectful dialogue, learning about cultural norms, and avoiding judgment or criticism. By acknowledging the inherent value of other cultures, we create a foundation for meaningful cross-cultural exchange and collaboration.In conclusion, embracing local culture while respecting foreign customs is a fundamental aspect of living in an interconnected world. By valuing our own heritage and embracing the richness of foreign traditions, we foster a spirit of inclusivity and mutual understanding. As we navigate cultural differences with empathy and respect, we contribute to a global tapestry that celebrates the boundless diversity of human experience.中文回答:立足本土文化,正确对待他国文化。


Graffiti, which is one of the four elements of "hip-hop" culture, had been existed all over the world before the emergence of "hip-hop" culture. 作为“嘻哈”文化四大元素之一的涂鸦,在“嘻哈”文化还没有出现时就已经广泛地存在于世界范围内,此时涂鸦的特点主要体现为一种原始的随意涂抹,是人类宣泄情感的产物,其创作主体也没有局限于特定的青年人。
1)Hip-hop 嘻哈文化 Байду номын сангаас)"hip-hop" culture “嘻哈”文化
3)"hip-hop" goods “嘻哈”产品 补充资料:嗟嘻 1.嗟叹;唏嘘。



On the Hip-Hop Culture from the Perspective of
Cultural Anthropology
作者: 杜盟
作者机构: 黑龙江大学哲学学院,哈尔滨150080
出版物刊名: 知与行
页码: 75-79页
年卷期: 2015年 第2期
主题词: 文化人类学 hip-hop 文化


The Evolution of Hip-Hop Culture and Music

The Evolution of Hip-Hop Culture and Music

The Evolution of Hip-Hop Culture and Music Hip-hop culture and music have come a long way since its inception in the Bronx, New York City, in the 1970s. It has evolved into a global phenomenon that has influenced various aspects of modern culture, including fashion, dance, art, and even politics. The evolution of hip-hop has been shaped by various factors, including social and economic circumstances, technological advancements, and the creative genius of its artists. In this essay, we will examine the evolution of hip-hop culture and music from its early days to the present.Hip-hop culture emerged in the late 1970s as a response to social and economic challenges faced by African Americans and Latinos in the Bronx. It was a creative outlet for young people who felt marginalized and excluded from mainstream society. The early pioneers of hip-hop, such as DJ Kool Herc, Afrika Bambaataa, and Grandmaster Flash, used turntables and mixers to create new sounds that were different from the disco and funk music that dominated the airwaves at the time. They also used graffiti, breakdancing, and fashion to express their creativity and identity.As hip-hop music grew in popularity, it began to spread beyond the Bronx and into other parts of New York City. The first hip-hop record, \"Rapper's Delight\" by the Sugarhill Gang, was released in 1979 and became a commercial success. This paved the way for other hip-hop artists to enter the mainstream and gain wider recognition. However, hip-hop music was still considered underground and was not taken seriously by the music industry.The 1980s saw the rise of rap music, which became the dominant form of hip-hop music. Rap music was characterized by its use of lyrics that addressed social and political issues, as well as personal experiences. It was also defined by its use of sampling, where artists would take snippets of music from other songs and incorporate them into their own music. This gave rap music a unique sound that was different from other genres of music.The 1990s saw the emergence of gangsta rap, which was characterized by its violent and misogynistic lyrics. Gangsta rap was controversial and was criticized for promoting negative stereotypes of African Americans and Latinos. However, it was also seen as a form of expression for young people who felt marginalized and excluded from society. Gangstarap also paved the way for other sub-genres of hip-hop, such as conscious rap, which addressed social and political issues, and alternative rap, which experimented with different sounds and styles.The 2000s saw the globalization of hip-hop culture and music. Hip-hop became a global phenomenon, with artists from different countries and cultures incorporating hip-hop into their music and fashion. Hip-hop also became more commercialized, with artists signing lucrative deals with record labels and corporations. However, this also led to criticism that hip-hop had lost its authenticity and had become too commercialized.Today, hip-hop continues to evolve and influence various aspects of modern culture. Hip-hop artists are using their platforms to address social and political issues, such as police brutality, racism, and inequality. Hip-hop is also being used as a tool for activism, with artists organizing protests and using their music to inspire change. Hip-hop has also influenced fashion, with streetwear and sneakers becoming mainstream fashion trends.In conclusion, the evolution of hip-hop culture and music has been shaped by various factors, including social and economic circumstances, technological advancements, and the creative genius of its artists. Hip-hop has come a long way since its early days in the Bronx and has become a global phenomenon that has influenced various aspects of modern culture. While hip-hop has faced criticism for promoting negative stereotypes and becoming too commercialized, it has also been a powerful tool for expression, activism, and change. Hip-hop will continue to evolve and shape the cultural landscape for years to come.。



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齐聚大国教育之声 声传四方 2013年是全面贯彻落实党的十八大精神的开局之年,也是实施教育规划纲要和“十二 五”规划承前启后的关键一年,国家教育部在深化教育领域综合改革的意见中提出进一步 聚焦改革突破口,在重点领域和关键环节取得重要进展。2013年也是中国教育事业取得长 足发展的一年,新华网将以“大国教育之声”为交流平台,邀请业内及各界人士,总结过 去一年教育发展取得的辉煌成就,深入探讨教育改革,展望未来的创新发展。
展望大国教育创新 集思广益 创新源于改革,改革促进创新,新发展也带来了新的问题:学生作为国家的未来之星 、栋梁之材,怎样才能成为创新型人才,他们的创新精神该如何培养?教育培训行业方兴 未艾,已成为IT行业之后的新起之秀,但是它的未来成长之路该怎么走,该走向哪里?出 国留学持续走热,海外游学再起涟漪,面对低龄化的独生子女群,为增学识、长见识、开 眼界,海外游学到底该不该?“大国教育之声”论坛的与会嘉宾将各抒己见,对教育面临 的新问题进行讨论,并提出意见。 传播大国教育成果 全民参与 新华网作为新华社主办的中央重点新闻网站,将邀请几十家主流平面、网络及电视媒 体积极参与活动报道。本届教育论坛活动将对高等教育和综合类教育等方便推出一系列高 端讨论,将在活动前期开展高端系列访谈,对话各领域专家学者,并将通过网络平台与网 民在线交流,推选出优秀的教育家、校长、教师以及学校、教育机构,所有新华网网友均 可参与投票,投票日期截至到2013年11月26日。11月26日至12月3日为专家评审阶段,新 华网将综合网友投票情况及专家评估意见,于2013年12月4日公布评选结果,并在论坛活 动现场举行颁奖仪式。
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收稿日期:2005-03-08作者简介:黄 璐(1981-),男,江西宜春人,助教,河北师范大学体育学院在读硕士研究生,主要研究体育人文社会科学.第28卷第5期浙江体育科学Vol.28,N o.5 2006年10月Zhejiang Sport ScienceOct.,2006文章编号:1004-3624(2006)05-0016-03美国街舞文化的全球化契合与中国式认同黄 璐,付小春(河北理工大学体育部,河北唐山063009)摘要:运用文献资料法和归纳演绎法,概述了美国街舞文化的发展过程,对其全球化契合的主要因素进行了分析,主要因素包括社会功能的影响、全民健身的需要和现代科技的作用三个方面内容;归纳演绎出美国街舞文化全球化过程中的中国式认同特征,指出了美国街舞文化的中国式认同的弊病所在,并就中国体育发展提出了若干建议。

关键词:街舞运动;体育文化;全球化中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:AGlobalization Combination and Chinese Acceptance ofAmerican Street Dance C ultureHUANG Lu,FU Xiao -chun(Department of Physical Educat ion,Hebei U niversit y of T echnolog y,T angshan 063009,China)Abstract:U sing the literature mater ial law and the induction deductive method,t his paper summar izes the A mer ican streetdance cultur e develeping process.In addition,it makes an analysi s for the main actions about g lobal agreement.T he main ac -tions includes t hree points that the effects from social functions,t he people s in ex uberance for keeping fit,and the actions resulted from modern technolog y.I t deducts the Chinese agreement s distinctio ns which shows during A merican culture gets global,and points Chinese ag reement s disadvantages about A mer i can culture.M oreover,it also makes some suggestions according to Chinese sports development.Key words:street dance ex ercise;sports culture;globalization1 美国街舞文化的全球化契合过程街舞起源应追溯至美国霹雳舞的兴起。

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