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荧光灯管的NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) 命名规则
第一组信息-灯管类型,普通荧光灯以F(英文荧光 Fluorescent 的字头缩写)开头。

[其它:“FC”表示环形 circular.荧光灯;“FB”表示弓形bent 荧光灯,“FU”表示 U 形荧光灯。


“FT”为双 T5 灯。

第二组信息-灯管功率或长度,跟在 F 之后的两位数字根据启动方式 The mode of starting 或/及管基Lamp Base 的不同分两种情况:
- 灯管功率在 40 W 及以下,灯管阴极有供预热的灯丝的、灯管两端各有两个引脚(Bi-pin)的快速启动灯管Rapid Start Lamp,管基为 G5 或 G13,这两位数字表示标称瓦数;
- 工作电流为 800 mmA 的高输出灯管High-Output Lamps(HO)和工作电流 1500 mA 的极高输出Very High-Output(VHO)的快速启动灯管 Rapid-Start Lamps,它们采用隐藏双触点(recessed-double-contact)R17d 型管基以及使用 Fa8型管基的单引脚(Single-Pin)的瞬时启动灯管Instant Start,这两位数字是以英寸表示的灯管长度。

F17T8 24 2 17 /G13
F25T8 36 3 25 /G13
F32T8 48 4 32
PREHEAT/G13 F40T12/DX 48 4 40 R.S./G13
F24T12/CW24 2 20 I.S./Fa8
F36T12/CW36 3 30 I.S./Fa8
F36T12/CW/HO36 3 45 R.S.R17d
F42T12/CW 42 3.5 35 I.S./Fa8 F42T12/CW/HO 42 3.5 55 R.S.R17d
F48T12/CW 48 4 40 I.S./Fa8 F48T12/CW/HO 48 4 60 R.S.R17d
F60T12/CW 60 5 50 I.S./Fa8 F60T12/CW/HO 60 5 75 R.S.R17d
F64T12/WW/HO 64 80 R.S.R17d
F72T12/WW/HO 72 6 85 R.S.R17d
F84T12/CW/HO 84 7 100 R.S.R17d
F96T12/CW/WM 96 8 60 I.S./Fa8
F96T12/DX 96 8 75 I.S./Fa8 F96T12/WW/HO 96 8 110 R.S.R17d
F96T12/CW/VHO 96 8 220 R.S.R17d
第三组信息-灯管形状,T(英文 Tube 的缩写)表示直管型灯管。

第四组信息-管径,以英寸表示,数字的 1/8 倍。

如 T8 灯管的直径为 1 英寸(25 mm),T12 灯管的直径为 1.5 英寸(38 mm),T5 灯管的直径为 16 mm 等等。


第五组信息-灯管发光的光色,当用英文字母表示时,CW(Cool White)表示冷色调,WW(Warm White)表示暖色调,WWX(Deluxe Warm White)表示高暖色调。

也有用三位数字表示显色指数和色温的,此时第一个数字表示显色指数,如数字 7 表示显色指数为 75;后两位表示色温Color Temperature,如 41 表示色温为 4100 K。


第六组信息,对于 40 W 及以下的灯管,预热型灯管 Preheat lamps 是省略的,快速启动型灯管 Rapid Start Lamps则标以 RS。

大功率管,则以 HO 或 VHO 分别表示高输出 High Output和极高输出Very High-Output。

【注意,有些灯管命名为 F40T12/ES,其中的 ES 是 "energy-saving" 的简写,表示属节能型,这是一般的表示方法,也有些制造厂以 "SS" 表示 Super Saver,"EW" 表示 Econ-o-Watt,"WM" 表示 Watt-Miser。

紧凑型荧光灯 Compact Fluorescent Lamps 也有像普通的白炽灯泡一样的螺旋灯座,这里只讨论直插式管基紧凑型荧光灯的 NEMA 通用命名规则。

它包含四个部分:CF + 形状 + 瓦数 / 管基缩略代号。

CFQ26W/ G24d
第一部分 - 前缀 CF 用作表示带符合 ANSI (American National Standards Institute) 单管基 Single Base 紧凑型荧光灯 Compact Fluorescent Lamps。

第二部分 - 形状的表示如下:
T – 双平行灯管 Twin parallel tubes
Q – 方形四管Four tubes in a quad formation
TR – 三管(包括以三角形排列的三个双管或弓形三管)Triple tube (including three twin tubes in a delta formation or three tubes in an arch) see footnote below
S – 正方形 Square shaped
M – 上述不包含的多管A combination of tubes (multiple) not covered by any of the above shape designators
第三部分 - 瓦数是标称瓦数,后加 W
第四部分 - 管基缩略代号之前用“/”隔开,由 IEC/ANSI 定义,包括管脚数量,而不包括键槽等信息。


第五部分 - 可以在一个“/”之后加上表示灯管光色等的附加信息
Base G24q-1
(W) 10 13 18 26
Max Length mm 95 130 150 170
GX24q-3 GX24q-4GX24q-5 Base GX24q-1
(W) 13 18 26 32 42 57 70 Output
90 105 125 140 155 181 178
Base G24d-1 G24d -2 G24d -3 GX24d-1 GX24d-2 GX24d-3 (W) 8 10 13 18 26 13 18 26 Output
Max Length mm 73 95 130 150 170 90 105 125
Base G23 GX23
(W) 5 7 9 11 13
Max Length mm 85 115 145 215 170
Base G23-2
Output (W) 9 13
Max Length mm 95 170
Base 2G7 2GX7
(W) 5 7 9 11 13
Max Length mm 85 115 145 215 130
Base GR8 GR10q GRY10q-3
(W) 16 28 10 16 21 28 38 55
142 207 98 142 142 207 207 207
Max Length
Base 2G10
Output (W) 18 24 36
Max Length mm 122 165 217
Base 2G11
(W) 18 24 34 36 40 55 mm 225 320 533 415 535 535 Max
1 FUS(Follow- Up Service)Procedure 中对灯管的描述:
The lamp designations may vary between the report description and the label.
This is because there is no industry-wide method on how to describe the lamps. Most UL reports will include a label drawing in the pool of illustrations for ease of comparison with production units. The UL designation of the lamp follows as close as possible NEMA lamp naming conventions, which the lamp manufacturer may or may not use. A lamp designation may be included in the UL report, but for marketing reasons, not included on the product label - this should be considered acceptable.
The lamp type refers to the type of lamp used with the ballast, not the circuit type.






2 UL 935 有关灯管的描述
45.4 Lamps 灯管
45.4.1 A ballast shall be marked for the intended lamp or lamps in order to
a) Maintain normal operation of the ballast including normal temperature and operating components at their
rated voltage (see 45.4.2); and
b) Restrict use of unintended lamps that would result in exposed live parts when lamps are being replaced (see
45.4.3 to 45.4.5).
45.4.1 为了(1)维持镇流器在正常温度和工作组件在额定电压下的正常工作(见45.4.2);以及(2)避免更换灯管时使带电零件裸露(见45.4.3至45.4.5),镇流器应标注出所适用的灯管。

45.4.2 A ballast intended for use with
a) Bi-pin lamps, such as preheat, instant- or rapid-start, shall be marked with the individual lamp-wattage.
b) Single-pin, ferrule-contact, or recessed-double-contact lamps shall be marked with the proper lamp
designation- for example, lamp length, diameter, or other acceptable designation
c) Single-pin or ferrule-type lamp, or for use with any lamp of which current is more than 430 milliamperes,
shall be marked with the normal lamp current - per lamp, in the case of a multilamp ballast.
d) An energy-saving version of a standard lamp shall be so identified
45.4.2 镇流器所用灯管有:
a) 对于预热(Preheat)型,瞬时启动(Instant-Start)型或快速启动(Rapid-Start)型双灯脚(Bi-pin)

b) 单引脚(Single-Pin), 或金属环接触(Ferrule-contact)型或隐藏双触点(recessed-double-contact)

c) 在多灯镇流器中,单脚(Single-Pin)灯管,或金属环接触型灯管,或灯电流超过430mA的灯管,

d) 标准的节能型灯管应预标识。

45.4.3 A ballast supplying filament current and intended for use with one or more rapid-start lamps, other than compact or circular lamps, shall be marked with the words "Rapid-Start" or "R.S." A ballast intended for use with one or more instant-start bi-pin lamps shall be marked with the words "Instant-Start" or "I.S." This-designation may be in the form of a statement pertaining to the ballast itself, or may be combined with the marking for the lamps with which the ballast is intended to be used, for example F40T12/1S or F40T12/RS.


这些说明可以印在镇流器上,也可以在与所用镇流器在一起的灯管上,如F40 T12 / IS或F40 T12 / RS。

45.4.4 In lieu of the test requirements specified in 24.2.1, a ballast for other than a pre-heat circuit shall be marked:
a) For use with circuit-interrupting (or cutout) lampholders
b) For use only with a compact, circular lamp, U-bend or a similar lamp that would employ a lampholder
arrangement that disconnects all lamp contacts simultaneously; or
c) For use only with lamps having recessed double-contact bases.
45.4.4 按24.2.1 中所述测试条件,除用于预热电路的镇流器外,都应标明:
a) 可使用带断路器的灯座;
b) 仅适用于能同时断开所有灯接触灯座的紧凑型,环型灯管,U型或类似灯管;或
c) 仅适用于隐藏双触点基座的灯管。

45.4.5 With reference to 45.4.4 (b) and (c), this information is normally provided implicitly with the marking for the lamp types.
45.4.5 参照 45.4.4 (b) 和 (c), 这些信息通常隐含在灯管型号中。

3 荧光灯管的命名
Fluorescent Lamp Identification 形荧光灯管的命名
Fluorescent lamps are identified by a standardized code that reveals valuable information about operating characteristics and physical dimensions.

Manufacturers' codes, found on the lamps and in catalogs, may vary slightly from the generic designations. However all major lamp manufacturers base their codes closely on the identification system discussed below.


The best way to learn lamp identification is through example. Below is a range of fluorescent lamps, one for each popular starting method:

Rapid-Start (40 Watts or Less) and Preheat Lamps 快速启动型灯管(40瓦或 40 瓦以下)和预热型灯管Example: F30T12/CW/RS
"F" … fluorescent 荧光灯。

"30" … rated nominal wattage 额定正常功率瓦数。

"T" … indicates shape; this lamp is shaped like a tube 表示灯管的形状,T 表示直管形灯光。

"12" … diameter in eighths of an inch; this lamp is 12/8 (1.5) inches in diameter 灯管直径的
1/8 英寸数,此灯管的直径等于 12/8 即 1.5 英寸。

"CW" … color; this lamp is a cool white lamp 光色,CW 为冷白色灯。

The color temperature of lamps makes them visually "warm," "neutral" or "cool"
light sources.

Lamps with a lower color temperature (3500K or less) have a warm or
red-yellow/orangish-white appearance. The light is saturated in red and orange
wavelengths, bringing out warmer object colors such as red and orange more
灯管的色温在 3500 K 及以下的称暖色调,视觉感觉为红黄/橙白色。


Lamps with a mid-range color temperature (3500K to 4000K) have a neutral or
white appearance. The light is more balanced in its color wavelengths.
灯管的色温在 3500 至4000 K 的称中性色,光的色波长更平衡。

Lamps with a higher color temperature (4000K or higher) have a cool or
bluish-white appearance. Summer sunlight has a very cool appearance at about
5500K. The light is saturated in green and blue wavelengths, bringing out cooler
object colors such as green and blue more richly.
灯管的色温为 4000 K 或更高的称冷色调,呈兰白色。

约5500 K。


"RS" … mode of starting; the lamp is a rapid-start lamp. Preheat lamps do not have "RS" as a
suffix 灯管的启动模式,RS指快速启动灯。


Rapid-start lamps are the most popular fluorescent lamp type used in commercial applications such as office buildings.

Note that some lamps may be designated F40T12/ES, but the lamp draws 34 instead of 40 watts; the "ES," a modifier which stands for "energy-saving," indicates this. ES is a generic designation; actual manufacturer designations may be "SS" for Super Saver, "EW" for Econ-o-Watt, "WM" for Watt-Miser and others.
注意,有些灯管命名为 F40T12/ES,其中的 ES 是 "energy-saving" 的简写,表示属节能型,这是一般的表示方法,也有些制造厂以 "SS" 表示 Super Saver,"EW" 表示 Econ-o-Watt,"WM" 表示 Watt-Miser。

After the mode of starting, another number may be added to indicate color rendering and color temperature if the lamp's color (CW, WW, WWX, etc.) is not indicated. The number will often be three digits, the first indicating color rendering (a "7" standing for "75," for example) and then the next two indicating color temperature (a "41" standing for "4100K," for example).
在启动模式之后,如果不是灯管的光色(CW,WW,WWX 等等),则跟在启动模式之后的是号码表示显色指数和色温。

通常是三个数字,首先是显色指数(例如 7 表示显色指数 75),随后的两位表示色温(例如 41 表示 4100 K)
这类灯管多是 G5 (Min Bipin) 或G13 (Men Bipin) 型管基 Tube Base。

High-Output Rapid-Start Lamps 高输出快速启动型灯管
Example: F48T12/WW/HO
"F" … fluorescent 荧光灯。

"48" … nominal length of the lamp in inches 以英寸表示的正常灯管长度。

"T" … shape; this lamp is shaped like a tube 灯管形状,T 表示直管型灯管。

"12" … diameter in eighths of an inch; this lamp is 12/8 (1.5) inches in diameter 灯管直径的
1/8 英寸数,此灯管的直径等于 12/8 即 1.5 英寸。

"WW" … color; this lamp is a warm white lamp光色,WW 为暖白色灯。

"HO" … high output lamp operating on 800 mA current 工作电流为 800 mA 的高输出灯管
Very High-Output Rapid-Start Lamps 极高输出快速启动型灯管
Example: F72T12/CW/VHO
"F" … fluorescent 荧光灯
"72" … nominal length in inches 以英寸表示的正常灯管长度。

"T" … shape; this lamp is shaped like a tube 灯管形状,T 表示直管型灯管。

"12" … diameter in eighths of an inch; this lamp is 12/8 (1.5) inches in diameter 灯管直径的
1/8 英寸数,此灯管的直径等于 12/8 即 1.5 英寸。

"CW" … color; this lamp is a cool white lamp 光色,CW 为冷白色灯。

"VHO" … very high output lamp operating on 1500mA current; instead of VHO, it may read
"1500" or "Power Groove" (brand names) 工作电流为 1500 mA 的极高输出灯管,可读作
“1500” 或印成 "Power Groove"。

Instant-Start Lamps 瞬时启动
Example: F96T12/WWX
"F" … fluorescent 荧光灯
"96" … nominal length in inches 以英寸表示的正常灯管长度。

"T" …shape; this lamp is shaped like a tube 灯管形状,T 表示直管型灯管。

"12" … diameter in eighths of an inch; this lamp is 12/8 (1.5) inches in diameter 灯管直径的
1/8 英寸数,此灯管的直径等于 12/8 即 1.5 英寸。

"WWX" … color; this lamp is a deluxe warm white lamp光色,WWX 为高暖色灯。

Other Fluorescent Lamps 其它荧光灯
"FC" instead of "F" means the lamp is circular. 环形荧光灯
"FB" or "FU" instead of "F" means the lamp is bent or U-shaped. The suffix "U" can also be used for U-shaped lamps, followed by a "/" and a number that indicates the distance between the lamp's legs in inches. "FT" instead of "F" is used for twin-tube T5 lamps.
FB 或 FU 弓形或 U 形荧光灯。

以 U 为后缀的 U 形荧光灯,在 U 之后加一个“/”和一个表示灯脚脚距的英寸数。

FT 用于双 T5灯。

Compact Fluorescent Lamp Identification 紧凑型荧光灯管的命名
Compact Fluorescent lamps (bulbs) are either pin-based (they plug into a socket) or they are medium screw-based (they screw into the same socket as common incandescent bulbs). The following describes pin-based compact fluorescent bulbs:


Lamp manufacturers of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association use a generic designation system for compact fluorescent bulbs. This system helps users identify the bulb type and easily cross-reference between manufacturers.
美国机电协会 NEMA 的灯泡制造厂使用一个紧凑型荧光灯的通用命名规则,它帮助大家很容易找出各制造厂型号的对应关系。

The NEMA generic designation system for pin-based compact fluorescent lamps consists of four parts:
CF + Shape + Wattage / Abbreviated Base Designation
•The prefix "CF" is used for all types of compact fluorescent lamps that comply with the American National Standards Institute definition of a self-supporting lamp with a single base.
•The "Shape" designator is chosen from the following:
o T - twin parallel tubes
o Q - four tubes in a quad formation
o TR - triple tube (including three twin tubes in a delta formation or three tubes in an arch) see footnote below
o S - square shaped
o M - a combination of tubes (multiple) not covered by any of the above shape designators •The "Wattage" is the nominal wattage, followed by "W".
August, 2006 PHS WJM 11• The "Abbreviated Base Designation" after the "/"separator, is the IEC/ANSI designation which includes
the number of pins, but excludes any keyway information. The base designation, which can be determined from lamp catalogs, is essential to differentiate between lamps of the same wattage, but which have different pin configurations (see base reference below).
• Additional information, such as color, may be added after a further "/"separator.
插入式管基紧凑型荧光灯的 NEMA 通用命名规则包含四个部分:CF + 形状 + 瓦数 / 管基缩略代号。

- 前缀 CF 用作表示带符合 ANSI 单管基紧凑型荧光灯。

- 形状的表示如下:
T – 双平行灯管
Q – 方形四管
TR –三管(包括以三角形排列的三个双管或弓形三管)
S – 正方形
M – 上述不包含的多管
- 瓦数是标称瓦数,后加 W
- 管基缩略代号之前用“/”隔开,由 IEC/ANSI 定义,包括管脚数量,而不包括键槽等信息。


- 可以在一个“/”之后加上表示灯管光色等的附加信息
9 watt twin tube with G23 base - CFT9W/G23
26 watt quad tube with 2 pin G24 base - CFQ26W/ G24d
26 watt quad tube with 4 pin G24 base -CFQ26W/G24q
32 watt triple tube with 4 pin G24 base, >80CRI, 3500K - CFTR32W/G24q/835。
