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n. 机会;时机
4. perform [pəˈfɔːm]
vt. &vi. 表演;履行;执行
5. performance [pəˈfɔːməns] n. 表演;演技;表现
6. phenomenon [fɪˈnɒmɪnən] (pl. phenomena) n. 现象
7. stage [steɪʤ]
n. 时期;阶段(多指剧场中的)舞台
PART 02 主题名言
1.Music is the universal language of mankind. 音乐是人类的普遍语言。
2.Moved by this music, he said, “It was like seeing color
for the first time.” 被这种音乐感动了,他说:“这就像第一次看到颜 色一样。”
01 主题导入 02 主题名言 03 主题词汇 04 阅 读 闯 关
PART 01 主题导入
Music is the language of the soul. For thousands of the years,humans have been creating songs and symphonies which enthrall, inspire and hypnotize. Our history and culture is closely entwined with musical notes. It should come as no surprise that music has a profound effect on the human mind. We’ve all felt it before, music helps us relax, it gives us goosebumps and it encourages us to push ourselves to the limit. Music has been an important part of every human cultures, both past and present. There used to be a popular belief that music is processed in the right hemisphere of our brains,along with art and other creative activities. However, recent findings show us that music is distributed throughout the brain. Music is an escape from the monotony of everyday life, it’s where people go for inspiration energy refuge. Music, with its melodies and rhythms, evokes powerful emotions. Music has no boundaries.
C.introduce a topic
D.describe a fact
( )4. What is the best title for the passage? A.Music shapes your life B.Music develops your creativity C.Choose quiet music for your work D.Does music make you concentrate?
( )1.“Mozart Effect” is mentioned to . A.explain how music can relax people B.show music can improve performance C.advise people to listen to Mozart’s music D.stress Mozart’s music gains wide attention
A similar conflict is also seen when reading in the presence of lyrical music. In this situation, the two sources of words—from the task and the sound—are in conflict. The cost is poorer performance of the task in the presence of music with lyrics. ⑥What this all means is that whether having music playing in the background helps or hinders performance depends on the task and the type of music, and only understanding this relationship will help people maximize their productivity levels.
the world to sing with one voice and thus make the world
a better place. 虚拟合唱团是让全国各地的人用同一个声音唱歌, 从而使整个世界变得更美好的绝妙方式。
5.When I listened to music, it made my spirits fly like a
3.It’s an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life. 非常荣幸来到这里和大家分享音乐是如何影响了我 的人生的。
4.The virtual choir is a wonderful way for people around
kite in the wind. 当我听音乐时,我的精神像风中的风筝一样飞翔。
PART 03 主题词汇
1. virtual [ˈvɜːtjʊəl]
adj. 很接近的;事实上的;虚拟的
2. composition [ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃən] n. 成分;作品
3. opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪti]
( )2. What does the underlined word
“tricky” mean?
( )3. Paragraph 6 is written to
A.support an idea
B.make a contrast
( )1.“Mozart Effect” ihow music can relax people
13. album [ˈælbəm]
n. 相册;集邮簿;音乐专辑
14. impact [ˈɪmpækt] n. 巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力
PART 04 阅读闯关
①Many of us listen to music while we work, thinking that it will help us to concentrate on the task at hand. And in fact, recent research has found that music can have beneficial effects on creativity. When it comes to other areas of performance, however, the impact of background music is more complicated. ②The idea that listening to music when working is beneficial to output probably has its roots in the so-called “Mozart Effect”. Put simply, this is the finding that the spatial reasoning ability(空间推理能力) is increased immediately after listening to the music of Mozart’s, compared to no sound at all. ③How sound affects performance has been the topic of research for over 40 years, and is observed through a phenomenon called the irrelevant sound effect. To study the irrelevant sound effect, participants in the research are asked to complete a simple task which requires them to recall a series of numbers or letters in the exact order in which they saw them. The tricky thing is being able to do this while ignoring any background noise. ④Two key characteristics of the irrelevant sound effect are required for its observation. First, the task must require the people to use their rehearsal ability(复述能力), and second, the sound must contain acoustical variation(声音变化). Where the sound does not vary much acoustically, the performance of the task is much closer to that observed in quiet conditions. ⑤The irrelevant sound effect itself comes from attempting to process two sources of ordered information at the same time— one from the task and the other from the sound. Unfortunately, only the former is required to successfully perform the recall task, and the effort to ensure that irrelevant order information from the sound is not processed actually hinders(阻碍) this ability.
8. altogether [ˌɔːltəˈgɛðə] adv. (用以强调)全部;总共
9. thus [ðʌs]
adv. 如此;因此
10. band [bænd]
n. 乐队;带子
11. unemployed [ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd] adj. 失业的;待业的
12. romantic [rəʊˈmæntɪk] adj. 浪漫的。n. 浪漫的人