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【摘要】采用硫化物作助剂强化溶浸酸浸渣中的氧化铁.分别进行了助浸剂用量、硫酸用量、时间、温度、液固比等条件试验,考察其对酸溶效果的影响,结果表明:当助剂与渣质量比为0.69:1,硫酸过剩系数为1.4,起始液固比为2:1,搅拌速度为1 300 r/min时,在95℃下反应2h,铁的浸取率可以达到89.2%,助剂中锌的浸出率为90.2%,尾渣易于进一步提金.与现行技术条件相比,硫酸用量大大减少,工艺简单,能耗低.%Taking sulfide as a leaching agent, tests were conducted on the intensified-leaching of iron oxide from acid-leach residue. Influence of different factors, such as consumption of leaching agent, dosage of sulfuric acid, leaching time and temperature, as well as liquid-solid ratio, on the leaching effect was investigated. Results show that iron leaching rate reaches 89.2% and the leach rate of zinc from leaching agent is 90.2% under the following conditions of the initial liquid/solid ratio being 1'-1, the mass ratio of leaching agent to residue being 0. 69: 1, excess coefficient of sulfuric acid being 1.4, with a stirring rate at 1 300 r/min and reaction at the temperature of 95 X. For 2 h. The tailings obtained can also be used for further gold-extraction. This process is simple with low energy consumption compared with the existing technology, and sulfuric acid consumption is greatly reduced.
【作者单位】东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海 201620;东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海 201620;东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海 201620
1.含锌酸浸渣中锌浸出率的研究 [J], 李贵珍;林宝玲;刘文斌;刘雷英;刘朋涛
2.热酸浸出富铟锌浸渣提取锌铟的研究 [J], 朱北平;邓志敢;张帆;魏昶
3.锌冶炼高铁酸浸渣SO2还原浸出研究 [J], 俞凌飞; 朱北平; 王私富; 赵天平; 李云; 范学江
4.热酸浸出-仲针铁矿工艺回收中浸渣中铜的试验研究 [J], 吴钧;曾鹏;张少博;杨全胜;邱伟佳;姜艳
5.塔磨提高酸浸渣中金浸出率的试验研究 [J], 刘晓芬
