
7.1 概述
(1)蒸发操作的目的 ① 获得浓缩的溶液直接作为化工产品或半成品。 ② 脱除溶剂,将溶液增溶至饱和状态,随后加 以冷却,
析出固体产物,即采用蒸发,结晶的联合操作以获得固体溶 质。
③ 除杂质,获得纯净的溶剂。
7.1 概述 (2)蒸发的流程
7.1 概述
(3)加热蒸汽和二次蒸汽 加热蒸汽:用于加热的蒸汽 二次蒸汽:由溶液蒸发出来的蒸汽
条 45 对角线,即水的
沸点线,其它浓度下溶 液的沸点线大致为一组 平行直线。
7.2.2 蒸发设备中的温度差损失 —(1)溶液的沸点升高和杜林规则
① 浓度不太高的范围 内,由于沸点线近似为一 组平行直线,因此可以合 理的认为沸点的升高与压 强无关,而可取大气压下 的数值;
② 在高浓度范围内只 要已知两个不同压强下溶 液的沸点,则其他压强下 的溶液沸点可按杜林规则 进行计算。
7.2.2 蒸发设备中的温度差损失
蒸发器中的传热温差: Δtm =(Ts - t) 加热蒸汽的温度: Ts(若为150 ℃ ) 蒸发室的压力为1atm而蒸发的又是水: t = T =100℃ 此时的传热温差最大,用ΔtT表示:
tT T s T 15 10 0 500
如果蒸发的是30%的NaOH水溶液,在常压下其沸点是高 于100℃。若其沸点t = 120℃,则有效传热温差,
(4)分类 ① 按蒸发操作空间的压力可分为:常压,加压,或者减
压(真空)蒸发。 ② 按二次蒸汽的利用情况可以分为单效蒸发和多效蒸发。
7.1 概述
① 沸点升高 ② 溶液的性质往往对蒸发器的结构设计提出特殊的要求。 ③ 溶剂汽化需吸收大量汽化热,因此蒸发操作是大量耗热 的过程,节能是蒸发操作应予考虑的重要问题。 ④ 浓溶液在沸腾汽化过程中常在加热表面上析出溶质而形 成垢层,使传热过程恶化。
用wgrib2 读取grib2文件说明

Introduction to GRIB2 using the GFS forecasts2/2013 Wesley EbisuzakiGRIB2 (grib edition 2) is a standard format sponsored by the WMO (UN's World Meteorological Organization) for the transmission of gridded data between the national meteorological centers. In English, grib2 is a format for meteorological and oceanographic forecasts and analyses that is is used by the big guys that make the operational weather forecasts. If you want the model weather forecasts from a government meterological agency, the changes are that it will be available in grib format.GRIB2 is a transmission format so compression is a high priority. Starting with a GFS forecast file, converting it to netcdf-3 increases the file size by 6.4 times.-rwxr-xr-x 1 wd51we wd5 58043511 2013-02-08 09:55 gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12 (grib2)-rw-r--r-- 1 wd51we wd5 372295888 2013-02-08 10:06 gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12.nc(netcdf3)Grib2 is a transmission format but can be used by application programs and common database functions can be accomplished by utilities/programs.GRIB2 is defined endian independent and and computer word size independent. However, 32-bit computer tend to limited to 2 GB files and grib2 software have been written assuming a word size of at least 32 bits.What is in a GRIB2 file?An easy way to see the contents of a grib2 files is to run wgrib2 on it. Wgrib2 is freely available for Windows, linux and Unix machines. Using a GFS forecast file,bash-3.2$ wgrib2 gfs.t06z.pgrb2f121.1:0:d=2013020806:UGRD:planetary boundary layer:12 hour fcst:1.2:0:d=2013020806:VGRD:planetary boundary layer:12 hour fcst:2:232030:d=2013020806:VRATE:planetary boundary layer:12 hour fcst:3:337239:d=2013020806:HGT:10 mb:12 hour fcst:4:571416:d=2013020806:TMP:10 mb:12 hour fcst:5:632506:d=2013020806:RH:10 mb:12 hour fcst:6.1:647281:d=2013020806:UGRD:10 mb:12 hour fcst:6.2:647281:d=2013020806:VGRD:10 mb:12 hour fcst:...312:56419187:d=2013020806:HGT:PV=-2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface:12 hour fcst:313:56671672:d=2013020806:PRES:PV=-2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface:12 hour fcst:314:56953195:d=2013020806:VWSH:PV=-2e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface:12 hour fcst:315:57092940:d=2013020806:PRMSL:mean sea level:12 hour fcst:316:57267394:d=2013020806:5WAVH:500 mb:12 hour fcst:317:57345993:d=2013020806:GPA:1000 mb:12 hour fcst:318:57710431:d=2013020806:GPA:500 mb:12 hour fcst:319:57938644:d=2013020806:5WAVA:500 mb:12 hour fcst:The format of the default inventory is(message num)[.sub-message num]:(location):d=(reference time):(variable):(Z):(dtime)[:other information][...] are optional values(...) are values as described by ...underlined characters are literalsmessage num: message number =1..N messages contain a complete description of one or more fields submesage num: if the message contains more than 1 field, then submess num = 1..number of fields in the messagelocation: the byte location (starting from zero) of the start of the message.reference time: usually the analysis time or the start of the forecast time, the format is YYYYMMDDHHto see the minutes and seconds, use the -S option in wgrib2.Variable: a short name of the variable. The variables names are not part of the WMO standard. Wgrib2 uses theNCEP namesZ: the vertical coordinate. It can be a level or a layer. Examples include 300 mb, 2 m above ground, atmosphericcolumn, tropopause, 20 C oceanic isotherm and 10 m below the sea.Dtime: a modifier of the reference time. Examples 12 hour forecast, 1 month averageother information: optional fields such as ensemble information, chemical species, probabilities.The “other information” is subject to more changes as grib2 format is augmented.InterpretationHere are lines 4 and 5 of the above inventory:3:337239:d=2013020806:HGT:10 mb:12 hour fcst:4:571416:d=2013020806:TMP:10 mb:12 hour fcst:The first line says the message“3” grib message number 3“337239” message starts at byte location 337239 and ends at 571415571415 is one less than the start of the next message“d=2013020806” forecast started at 06Z Feb 8, 2013020805“HGT” the field is the geopotential height in geopotential meters (see NCEP table s)“10 mb” the field for 10 mb or 100 hPa.“12 hour fcst” the field is a 12 hour forecast from the intial time 2013020806Messages and Sub-messagesGrib files consist of a sequence of grib messages. Each message is a complete description of one or more fields. This simple structure means that you can make grib files by joining two grib files.Combining two grib files.Linux: cat grib2 grib2 > grib3A grib message is a complete description of a field. In the following inventory, the 10 mb HGT occupies byte locations337239 to 571415 (234177 bytes).3:337239:d=2013020806:HGT:10 mb:12 hour fcst:4:571416:d=2013020806:TMP:10 mb:12 hour fcst:You can extract byte locations 337239 to 571415 by using the dd commandbash-3.2$ dd if=gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12 ibs=1 skip=337239 count=234177 of=hgt.grb...bash-3.2$ wgrib2 hgt.grb1:0:d=2013020806:HGT:10 mb:12 hour fcst:Grib files can have submessages such as6.1:647281:d=2013020806:UGRD:10 mb:12 hour fcst:6.2:647281:d=2013020806:VGRD:10 mb:12 hour fcst:Grib message 6 has two sub-messages. The first sub-message is the UGRD (zonal wind) and the second sub-message is VGRD (meridional wind). Sub-messages save space because they share a common grid definition. Submessages are often used to keep common variables together. For example, NCEP Operations usually keep the zonal and meridional winds in the same message as shown above. Note that in the above inventory, both fields start at the same byte location (647281).Usually the grid defintion is on the order of 30 bytes, so using submessage only provides marginal savings. The only exception is for irregular grids where the latitude and longitude of each grid point is stored in the grid definition. In this case, the grid definition uses more space than the grid values. By using submessages, only one copy of the latitude longitude values need be saved.Byte LocationGrib messages are like atoms. Each atom is compete and takes up a finite volume. If you had small fingers, you could grab that sodium atom and place it over there. A grib message has a starting byte location and an ending byte location.VariablesWgrib2 uses the NCEP variable names as given by/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_doc.shtmlYou can see the defintions by using the -v option.bash-3.2$ wgrib2 -v gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12 | more1.1:0:d=2013020806:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:planetary boundary layer:12 hour fcst:1.2:0:d=2013020806:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:planetary boundary layer:12 hour fcst:2:232030:d=2013020806:VRATE Ventilation Rate [m^2/s]:planetary boundary layer:12 hour fcst: 3:337239:d=2013020806:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:10 mb:12 hour fcst:4:571416:d=2013020806:TMP Temperature [K]:10 mb:12 hour fcst:ZGrib messages store 2 dimensional grids. Usually the grids are horizontal (x-y, lat-lon). For a 3 dimensional fields, you have a set of grib2 message with varying vertical levels/layers. Levels use one fixed surface and layers used two fixed surfaces./pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-5.shtmldtimeColumn 3 of the inventory has the reference time which is typically the analysis or start of forecast tme (the time stamp of the intial conditions). In our GFS forecast, there are 3different dtimes.bash-3.2$ wgrib2 gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12 -match ":(TMP:2 m above ground|PRATE|APCP):"195:35104909:d=2013020806:TMP:2 m above ground:12 hour fcst:202:36504744:d=2013020806:PRATE:surface:6-12 hour ave fcst:203:36620774:d=2013020806:APCP:surface:6-12 hour acc fcst:The 2 m temperature is the 12 hour forecastThe precipitation rate (PRATE) is the average of the 6-12 hour forecast (6 hour average)The accumulated precipitation (APCP) is the accumulation of the 6 to 12 hour forecast (6 hour accumulation)Making smaller grib filesIt is common to be overwhelmed by data volumes of the forecasts. NCEP could output higher resolution output files but the storage space and bandwidth need to distribute these files to the forecast offices and the public would break the budget. The end user also can have the same problem if they try to save the forecasts. One way to save space is to save only the important fields. Suppose you only wanted the APCP (accumulated precipitation) and the 2 m temperature.bash-3.2$ wgrib2 gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12 -match ":(TMP:2 m above ground|APCP):" -\grib gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12.small195:35104909:d=2013020806:TMP:2 m above ground:12 hour fcst:203:36620774:d=2013020806:APCP:surface:6-12 hour acc fcst:bash-3.2$ ls -l gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12*-rwxr-xr-x 1 wd51we wd5 58043511 2013-02-08 09:55 gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12-rw-r--r-- 1 wd51we wd5 264780 2013-02-08 15:31 gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12.smallBy one command, the file has gone from 58 MB to 0.26 MB. Now suppose we are only interested in the region lon=-100 to -40 and lat=0 to 50. Turning on compression (-set_grib_type c3) and writing out a section of the grib file gives a 25 KB file.bash-3.2$ wgrib2 gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12.small -set_grib_type c2 \-small_grib -120:-40 0:50 gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12.small.region1:0:d=2013020806:TMP:2 m above ground:12 hour fcst:2:191860:d=2013020806:APCP:surface:6-12 hour acc fcst:bash-3.2$ ls -l *small*-rw-r--r-- 1 wd51we wd5 264780 2013-02-08 15:31 gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12.small-rw-r--r-- 1 wd51we wd5 24888 2013-02-08 15:45 gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12.small.regionTo see the grid of the first grib message, use the -grid option and -d 1 to only view the first message.bash-3.2$ wgrib2 gfs.t06z.pgrb2f12.small.region -grid -d 11:0:grid_template=0:winds(N/S):lat-lon grid:(161 x 101) units 1e-06 input WE:SN output WE:SN res 48lat 0.000000 to 50.000000 by 0.500000lon 240.000000 to 320.000000 by 0.500000 #points=16261So in our example, the original GFS forecast was 58 MB. By selecting a few fields and restricting the domain, our hypothetical file is now svelte 25 KB. (Think boat.) Jpeg compression would produce a smaller file at hte cost of more cpu cycles to decode.。
intel cpu型号大全

intel cpu型号大全2009年12月24日星期四 15:12intel cpu型号大全按照处理器支持的平台来分,Intel处理器可分为台式机处理器、笔记本电脑处理器以及工作站/服务器处理器三大类;下面我们将根据这一分类为大家详细介绍不同处理器名称的含义与规格。
台式机处理器Pentium 4(P4)第一款P4处理器是Intel在2000年11月21日发布的P4 1.5GHz处理器,从那以后到现在近四年的时间里,P4处理器随着规格的不断变化已经发展成了具有近10种不同规格的处理器家族。
在这里面,“P4 XXGHz”是最简单的P4处理器型号。
这其中,早期的P4处理器采用了Willamette核心和Socket 423封装,具256KB二级缓存以及400MHz前端总线。
之后由于接口类型的改变,又出现了采用illamette核心和Socket478封装的 P4产品。
而目前我们所说的“P4”一般是指采用了Northwood核心、具有400MHz前端总线以及512KB二级缓存、基于Socket 478封装的P4处理器。
虽然规格上不一样,不过这些处理器的名称都采用了“P4 XXGHz”的命名方式,比如P4 1.5GHz、P4 1.8GHz、P4 2.4GHz。
Pentium 4 A(P4 A)有了P4作为型号基准,那么P4 A就不难理解了。
在基于Willamette核心的P4处理器推出后不久,Intel为了提升处理器性能,发布了采用Northwood 核心、具有 400MHz前端总线以及512KB二级缓存的新一代P4。
由于这两种处理器在部分频率上发生了重叠,为了便于消费者辨识,Intel就在出现重叠的、基于Northwood核心的P4处理器后面增加一个大写字母“A”以示区别,于是就诞生了P4 1.8A GHz、P4 2.0A GHz这样的处理器产品。
Limitless Wireless Din-Rail Receiver WDRR Series 数

Datasheet2What makes our wireless solutions better?• Enables control and/or notification in remote parts ofapplication/machinery/manufacturing plants, where wiring is too costly or not possible Ability to reconfigure and network multiple interfaces, or point-to-point with personalized addresses which allows for adding, subtracting, or relocating Limitless™ inputs easily Reduced installation/maintenance costs with no wiring toLimitless™ switches, conduit, strain relief, clips, connectors, junction boxes, etc. Eliminates issues with wire connection integrityon moving equipment Visual feedback with LEDs: actuation, low battery,RF signal loss, and pairingLimitless™ WDRR Series Wireless Din-Rail ReceiverThe WDRR Series is a reliable din-rail or panel-mountable receiver that is designed to receive a wireless signal from a Limitless™ digital input. The WDRR receiver then communicates the Limitless™ digital input status (i.e. switch open or closed) to a PLC (programmable logic controller) or any host controller capable of NPN/PNP-type inputs. Honeywell’s wireless solutions can save up to 60% compared to traditional wired solutions by eliminating the need for conduit, connectors, and wire while significantly reducing installation and labor costs.Accommodating up to 14 Limitless™ digital inputs, the WDRR Series is for applications requiring multiple wireless inputs. These inputs communicate to a PLC or host controller via NPN or PNP-type output, along with RFcommunication and battery diagnostics. Blue LEDs give visual confirmation that the system is wirelessly connected.INDUSTRY STANDARDVALUE • RELIABLEFeatures and Benefits WIRELESS DESIGNRadio (license-free and global): WPAN 802.15.4, 2.4 GHz, point-to-point to deliver reliable, flexible, and secure wireless transmission. Enables operator control or indication (i.e., push button or limit switch) from remote locations where wiring is too costly or is not possible (up to 305 m [1000 ft].VISUAL FEEDBACKMultiple function LEDs on the front panel provide status indicators for actuation, low battery, RF signal loss, and pairing.REMOTE MONITORINGLicense-free RF wireless protocol standards (IEEE 802.15.4) allow for remote monitoring of processes and equipment. Designed for global availability, the WDRR offers a wide variety of Limitless™ inputs with simple and universal PLC connections.SIGNAL STRENGTHWith direct or remote-mount antenna options for space and/or signal transmission optimization, the WDRR receiver can monitor up to 14 Limitless ™ inputs on a single device.RECONFIGURABLEAble to reconfigure multiple inputs to allow for adding, subtracting, or relocating of Limitless™ inputs. Eliminates issues with wire connection integrity on moving equipment.REDUCES COSTSReduces installation/maintenance costs with no wires, conduit, strain relief, clips, connectors, connection boxes, etc.RUGGED THERMOPLASTIC (ABS) HOUSINGSealed to IP20 and designed with a combination of din-rail or through-hole mount for installation ease. Cage clamp screw terminal blocks deliver finger protection when installing input/output connections.Range of 305 m [1000 ft]Reduced installation and maintenance34INDUSTRIAL• Valve position • Lifts •Material handling • Presses • Conveyors • Remote or temporary equipment • Grain diverters or gates • Door or gate position • Hose attachment verification •Specialty machinesTRANSPORTATION• Construction/Ag machines • Crane boom/jib/skew position •Movable machineryPotential Applicationswith elements of control, notification, and/or setupLimitless™ Wireless Din-Rail ReceiverTable 1. Specifications* Honeywell is continuing to add new Country Communication Agency Approvals as opportunities and requirements are established**Actual range will vary depending upon antennas, cables, and site topography, CAUTIONThe WDRR receiver offers optimal performance when pairedwith Limitless™ inputs that have a firmware version of 7170or a greater number (i.e., FW7170 will be printed on theLimitless™ input label). If the Limitless™ input is paired witholder firmware (FW7170 or a lesser number), the WDRR mayexhibit delayed responses under simultaneous operation.56WDRR SeriesWDRR SERIES ORDER GUIDE (STANDARD LISTINGS)PRODUCT DIMENSIONS152,4 mm [6.0 in]101,6 mm [4.0 in]Limitless™ Wireless Din-Rail Receiver PRODUCT NOMENCLATUREWDRR Switch typeA Country usecodeWDRR Series Din-Rail Receiver1GEN codeARF Code00Antennatype codeOutput codeAChannel code78WDRR SeriesANTENNA OPTIONSWAN01RSP straight design, direct mount connectorWAN02RSP WAN05RSP & WAMM100RSP-005T/S, magnetic mount WAN03RSP flat design, adhesive mount WAN07RSP straight design, direct mount connectorWAN11RSPlow-profile dome antenna, through-hole screw mount WAN09RSPlow-profile mobile antenna,magnetic mountWAN10RSP straight mobile antenna,magnetic mountWPB1Limitless™ Wireless Din-Rail Receiver This Honeywell datasheet supports the followingLimitless WDRR Series ListingsWDRR1A00A0A WDRR1A00B0A WDRR1A01A0A WDRR1A01B0A WDRR1A02A0A WDRR1A02B0A WDRR1A03A0A WDRR1A03B0A WDRR1A04A0A WDRR1A05A0A WDRR1A05B0A WDRR1A06A0A WDRR1A07A0A WDRR1A08A0A WDRR1A09A0A WDRR1A10A0A WDRR1A10B0A WDRR1A11A0A WDRR1A11B0AADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe following associated literature is available on the Honeywell web site at :• Product installation instructions• Product range guide• Limitless™ product brochure• Video: Dr. Larry on Limitless™ Wireless Solutions• White Paper: Limitless™ Switches Offer Unlimited Benefits• Product application-specific information– Application Flyer: Fume Hood Sash Management– Application Flyer: Safety Shower/Eyewash Station AlarmSolutions (WBX)– Application Note: Crane Jib/Two Block Assembly– Application Note: Limitless™ Wireless Solutions in Anti-TwoBlock Warning Systems for Cranes, Stationary and on Trucks– Application Note: Limitless™ Wireless Solutions in IndustrialTank Level Monitoring– Application Note: Limitless™ Wireless Solutions on Automotive Factory Floors– Application Note: Limitless™ Wireless Solutions on HangarDoors– Sensors and Switches Used in Valve Actuators and ValvePositioners– Sensors and Switches for Industrial Manual Process Valves– Sensors and Switches in Mobile CranesWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particu-lar purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for conse-quential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell website, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application. Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.9002337-2-EN IL50 GLO January 2014Copyright © 2014 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.Sensing and Control Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422 Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office.To learn more about Honeywell’s sensing and control products, call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945,visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************。
Shure WWB Wireless Workbench Quick Start Guide

WWBWireless Workbench Quick Start GuideThe quick setup guide for Shure Wireless Workbench software.Version: 5.0 (2023-F)Table of ContentsWWB Wireless Workbench Quick Start Guide3 Overview3 Step 1: Download Wireless Workbench 3 Step 2: Connect Shure devices to your network 3 Automatic IP addressing 4 Manual IP addressing 4 Step 3: Configure the firewall 4 Mac 5Windows 5 Step 4: Open Wireless Workbench 5 Step 5: Verify your network connection 6 Network troubleshooting 6 Step 6: Coordinate frequencies7 Step 7: Set transmitter frequencies using IR sync7 Step 8: Monitor and control your system8 Step 9: Learn more 8••••••••••WWBWireless Workbench Quick Start GuideOverviewWireless Workbench (WWB) is free device management, coordination, and monitoring software that helps RF coordinators, touring, broadcast, theater and house of worship audio professionals manage everything from pre-show planning to frequency coordination, live channel monitoring, and post-performance analysis.Note: This is a quick setup guide for Wireless Workbench. For the full instruction manual, see the Wireless Workbench help page .By bringing together networkable and non-networkable Shure and third-party devices combined with RF data, this software al-lows you to quickly manage and coordinate your wireless devices so you can focus on mixing. Workbench facilitates quick and easy configuration, operation, and monitoring of your wireless devices, and is compatible with the following Shure networked systems:QLX-D Digital Wireless System ULX-D Digital Wireless System Axient Wireless Management Network PSM 1000 Personal Monitoring System UHF-R Wireless System Axient Digital Wireless System SLX-D Digital Wireless System ResourcesFor detailed help with Wireless Workbench, visit the Wireless Workbench Help page . To find the same help content within Wireless Workbench, press F1 or go to Help > Wireless Workbench help system .Other online resources:Workbench release notesWorkbench video tutorialsAnswers to frequently asked questionsStep 1: Download Wireless WorkbenchTo download Wireless Workbench, visit the Wireless Workbench page . Launch the installer and follow the steps to complete the installation.Note: You must be logged in to your computer as an administrator to install Wireless Workbench.®®®®®®® 2: Connect Shure devices to your networkWireless Workbench communicates with connected devices through an Ethernet network. Each device on the network must have a unique and valid IP address assigned to communicate with other devices on the network. IP addresses can be as-signed automatically by a computer, switch, or router that employs DHCP addressing.Automatic IP addressingTo take advantage of DHCP addressing, Shure devices have an automatic IP mode for quick and easy setup. If specific IP ad-dresses need to be assigned, the IP mode can be set to manual.Connect your computer and devices using CAT5 or better Ethernet cable. For multiple device systems, adding a routeror switch as shown in the diagram is recommended. Avoid using cross-over cables for any connections.Turn on your computer and all devices connected to the network.For each device, enter the network menu and set the IP address mode to Automatic to enable automatic IP addressing.Manual IP addressingAs an alternative to automatic IP addressing, a manual addressing option is available if you want to assign specific IP address-es to your devices.Connect your computer and devices using CAT5 or better Ethernet cable. For multiple device systems, adding a routeror switch as shown in the diagram is recommended. Avoid using cross-over cables for any connections.Turn on your computer and all devices connected to the network.For each device, enter the network menu and set the IP address mode to Manual.Assign unique IP addresses to each device. Assign the identical subnet mask to all devices.Step 3: Configure the firewallIf you have a firewall protecting your computer, you'll need to grant access to Wireless Workbench. Log in to your computer as an administrator to gain full access to your firewall settings or contact your IT administrator for help.For third-party firewall software, refer to the manufacturer's instructions for granting access to each instance of an application (there may be more than one instance).Note: If you receive an alert pop-up that blocks Wireless Workbench, check the boxes to allow access for all networks (Domain Networks, Private Networks, and Public Networks).1.2.3.◦◦1.2.◦◦1.2.MacFrom System Preferences , access firewall settings.If the firewall is on, open the Firewall Options to view the applications that request network access.For each of the following applications, select Automatically allow built-in software to receive incoming connections andAutomatically allow downloaded signed software to receive incoming connections :snetDameonWireless Workbench.appWindowsOpen the Windows Firewall on your computer.Place a check next to each instance of an application--there may be more than one instance--for the following applica-tions to allow access to Domain Networks, Private Networks, and Public Networks:snetDameonwireless workbenchRefer to the Microsoft Support website if you need more help with firewall configuration.Step 4: Open Wireless WorkbenchIn the welcome screen, set up a network connection and choose to create or open a show.Choose a network: Select the network that closely matches the numbering order and format of the IP address yourdevice is connected to. The first few numbers of the address shown in Wireless Workbench will match the first fewnumbers of the device's IP address.Tip: If you're not sure which IP address to choose, go to the network menu on the device to see what IP address it is using. Model-specific instructions for accessing the network menu are available in the hardware user guides, found on the user guide home page .Open an existing show or create a new show. If you create a new show, you are prompted to enter show informationand add devices to your show. Click Closewhen you are finished adding devices.1.2.3.• 1.2.• 1.Step 5: Verify your network connection Once you have selected a network, confirm the connection by looking for the network icon () on the display or front panel ofeach device.Devices connected to the network will automatically appear in the Inventory tab. To verify that your devices are connected:View the device ID, channel name, and other parameters.Click a device icon to flash the front panel of the device for remote identification.Verify that the devices online indicator is green. The number of devices listed should match the number of devices con-nected to the network.Network troubleshootingTry the following solutions for common problems. If the issue you're having doesn't appear here, see the Network Trou-bleshooting topic of the full Wireless Workbench help system .If the network icon doesn't appear on a device's screen:Check all cables and connections.Click the network status indicator and verify that the IP address of the network in your preferences correspondswith the IP addresses of your networked devices.If one of your devices doesn't appear in the Inventory tab:Check IP address to verify that device is on the same network as the computer network. Select Reports >Firmware and Network Summary for a report of the IP addresses of your computer and any discovered devices.2.• a terminal and try to ping the IP address of the device (to do this, type "ping" and enter the device's IP ad-dress).If the Device online indicator is gray, click the network status indicator and verify that the IP address of the network in your preferences corresponds with the IP addresses of your networked devices.Step 6: Coordinate frequenciesIn the Frequency coordination tab, you can organize, manage, and calculate frequencies for your system. As part of the coordi-nation, you can analyze the frequencies to make sure they are compatible with all the devices in your system and then deploy them to your devices.Perform a scan. In the scanning sidebar, select devices to scan with and start the scan.Add frequencies to the coordination. In the Add frequencies tab, choose to select frequencies from the inventory.Choose All frequencies from Inventory and click OK to bring frequencies into the coordination workspace.Select Analyze to check the compatibility of the current frequencies.Select Calculate to find compatible frequencies for all unlocked entries.Select Assign and Deploy to preview the assignments of channels and frequencies.Deploy the frequencies to your devices.Step 7: Set transmitter frequencies using IR syncPerforming an IR sync automatically tunes the portable device to the same frequency that was deployed to the networked de-vice. When the IR sync is complete, a wireless audio channel is formed between the two devices.Align the IR sync windows of the portable device and networked device, and then press sync or access the sync menu. Refer to the hardware user guides for details about IR sync for your model of transmitter and receiver. 8: Monitor and control your systemIn the Monitor tab, you can add channel strips and Mini-Timelines to monitor your devices. The properties panel displays RF and audio meters and allow you to adjust parameters in real-time.Add channel strips and a Mini-Timeline by dragging and dropping channels from the right pane. You can also use theStrip and Timeline checkboxes.Right-click a channel strip to see configuration options.Double-click a channel strip to see and change detailed device parameters.Click Auto to update the way your channel strip is arranged. Snap it to the frame or move it freely about the screen.Select the gear icon in the lower-right corner of the screen to customize channel strips.Step 9: Learn moreFor more information and support for Wireless Workbench, see the following resources: Shure Audio Institute - Trainings, educational materials, and other instructional content Wireless Workbench video tutorials on YouTubeWireless Workbench release notesAnswers to frequently asked questions。
5 汽车垂向动力学

我们对悬架系统作如下假设: 1.取1/4汽车作为分析模型; 2.只考虑垂直方向振动; 3.不考虑非线性因素; 4.认为轮胎不离开路面。 我们便可写出悬架系统的动力学方程:
m &&1 = f 1 − f 2 x f 1 = k t (x 0 − x 1 ) M &&2 = f 2 − U x & & f 2 = ( x 1 − x 2 )C s + k s ( x 1 − x 2 )
& & & m 1 f Z&1 f = k 2 f Z 2 + c 2 f Z 2 + k 2 f a φ + c 2 f a φ − ( k 2 f + k 1 f ) Z 1 f & − c 2 f Z 1 f + k1 f Z 0 f − u f & & & m1 r Z&1 r = k 2 r Z 2 + c 2 r Z 2 + k 2 r b φ + c 2 r b φ − ( k 2 r + k1 r ) Z 1 r & −c Z +k Z −u
悬架是汽车的重要总成之一,它对汽车的行驶平顺 性和操纵稳定性有着极其重要的影响,这两者又是相互 矛盾的,因而传统的被动悬架优化设计时采取折中的方 法,且一旦设计确定就无法改变。主动悬架和半主动悬 架的出现可以较好的解决上述问题。同时,悬架的结构 型式多样,它的运动学特性会引起汽车前轮定位参数的 变化,从而影响汽车的操纵稳定性。因此,本章将从以 上三个方面入手讨论这些问题。当然这些都离不开问题 请看吧! 数学模型的建立。

用于准确测量太阳辐照度最可靠的太阳总辐射表从ISO 9060:1990二级标准到一级标准直到副基准为太阳能转换效率计算提供准确、独立的数据所有产品自注册起5年保修应用于全球各地专业气象和气候网络中为太阳能电站选址和产能预测提供可靠测量结果同时具备模拟输出和数字输出最佳平均故障间隔时间 (MTBF)太阳总辐射表自1924年起,我们一直致力于制造太阳总辐射表。
所有产品均符合ISO 9060:1990《太阳能 - 半球面太阳能辐射和太阳直接辐射测量仪分类与规范》中的要求,并可完全追溯到瑞士达沃斯的“世界辐射测量基准”(WRR),Kipp & Zonen仪器更是这一国际标准组织重要组成部分。
最佳平均故障间隔时间(MTBF)Kipp & Zonen太阳总辐射表基于极少维护的原则设计,每种产品均提供有多种配件。
Kipp & Zonen开发的太阳总辐射表适用于从南极到沙漠等所有环境。
Kipp & Zonen太阳总辐射表太阳辐射几乎是地球上各种动态过程的原动力,从洋流循环到天气、气候和生物圈无不如此。

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
转椅 IEEE802.11N无线接入点,MIMO技术(3x3),支持802.11b/g/n标准, 支持多SSID管理WEP,WAP, WAP2加密,支持无线多媒体(WMM) QOS, 无线AP 支持IEEE802.1x认证、VLAN划分和SNMP管理,支持IPV6,标准POE 供电。 天花 600x600mm,轻钢龙骨,多孔铝板 灯盘及灯管 3x40W日光灯,不锈钢反射支架 美隆 600mm*600mm*35mm 采用优质钢板经拉深、电焊、喷塑、 防静电地板 成形,内腔填充发泡填料,表面粘贴耐高温非燃烧装饰板,四周 镶嵌导电嵌条,支、横梁整体镀锌,支座高度可调 机房防雷保 TP 80/4 三相电源防雷模块,含TOP-100A-3电源防雷箱 护系统 机柜防雷排 TDC19-6A 防雷排插 插
网络信号防 T-100E RJ45网络信号 雷器 16mm地线 配电箱一级防雷器连接线 10mm地线,铜排 20 防雷接地 300mm*50mm*5mm等 其他辅助材 8,10分联塑,4MM,6MM,3*2.5mm等线缆 21 料 22 信息模块 AMP超6类信息模块 23 信息面板 AMP双口面板(平口) 24 底盒 AMP联塑 86底盒 25 屏蔽双绞线 AMP超六类屏蔽双绞线 3.5米网络跳 26 AMP超六类网络跳线 3.5米 线 27 24口配线架 AMP超六类配线架 28 理线架 AMP超六类理线架 29 水晶头 AMP 30 光纤 特旺四芯室外多模光纤 31 光纤终端盒 特旺12口光纤终端盒 32 尾纤 1.5米单芯多模光纤 33 耦合器 光纤耦合器 34 光纤跳线 双芯多模跳线,3米 35 网络机柜 42U标准机柜 36 网络机柜 12U 挂墙机柜 37 镀锌铁线槽 100*80mm铁线槽含L支架 38 PVC线槽 联塑6分线槽,8分线槽 39 辅材 开关、电源线、插座、扎带、钉子等辅材 二、广播系统 <一>广播室主控设备 ◆IP网络广播控制中心是系统的核心。采用工控机箱设计,触摸 屏显示操控,内置功能强大的IP广播控制服务器软件,常用节目 素材,大容量节目源空间,用户可以根据自己需求下载或制作录 制节目。负责音频流点播服务、计划任务处理、终端管理和权限 管理等功能。管理节目库资源,为所有网络适配器提供定时播放 和实时点播媒体服务,响应各网络适配器的播放请求,为各音频 工作站提供数据接口服务。◆广播主机可扩展含有4个独立声 卡,4路话筒与音频输入输出通道用于外接话筒,音源及监听, 带多路电源控制。全数字化传输,以局域网或具有独立IP的互联 网为主要传输媒介,支持专用百兆网传输,传输距离不受限制, 可达几十套或上百套节目源,并实现了多网合一。局域网内装有 本系统的任意工作站电脑可根据权限大小对系统进行广播,向本 IP网络广播 系统添加或删除节目。◆屏幕尺寸:10.4英寸◆屏幕颜色:TFT32 1 控制中心 位真彩色◆操控方式:800×600分辨率液晶电阻式(四线)触摸屏 ◆工作环境:环境温度:20-75℃;相对湿度:75%;气压:86106Kpa◆主板:945GC(因产品不断升级,请以实物为准)◆标准 接口:2X PS2、1X串口、1X并口、1X VGA口、1 X RJ45接口、2X USB口(因产品不断升级,会有所增加)◆硬盘:1TB、7200转、 SATA接口、企业级(因产品不断升级,容量会不断提高)◆光 驱:SATA接口的DVD-ROM◆内存:DDR 2 2G(因产品不断升级,容量 会不断提高)◆网卡:主板集成10M/100Mbps以太网口◆CPU: E2140(因产品不断升级,请以实物为准)◆系统音频信号信噪 比:LINE:70dB;MIC:60dB◆系统音频信号失真度:1KHz<0.5%◆ 系统音频信号标准输入电平:LINE:300mV; MIC:5mV◆系统音频 信号标准输出电平:0dBV◆自身耗电量:AC~220V/50Hz/300W◆ 软件操作平台:WINDOWS98/2000/XP◆尺寸:484(宽)×505(深) ×285(高)◆重量:15Kg

ICS AQX太阳能资源评估方法Assessment Method for Solar Energy(征求意见稿)(本稿完成日期:2006-12-20)中国气象局 发布目次前言 (II)引言 (III)1范围 (1)2引用标准 (1)3术语和定义、缩略语 (1)4太阳能资源的计算 (2)4.1有关参数计算 (2)4.2月日照百分率的计算 (4)4.3日天文总辐射量的计算 (4)4.4月太阳总辐射量计算 (4)5太阳能资源的评估 (5)5.1太阳能资源丰富程度评估 (5)5.2太阳能资源利用价值评估 (5)5.3太阳能资源稳定程度评估 (6)5.4太阳能资源日最佳利用时段评估 (6)参考文献 (7)7前言本标准由中国气象局提出。
太阳能资源评估方法1 范围本标准规定了表征太阳能资源的太阳总辐射的计算方法,给出了太阳能资源评估的指标以及资源的等级划分。

在多孔介质中渗流的流体的密度、流动速度或流体压⼒不随时间变化的渗流状态称为稳定流动,⼜称为定常流动, ?p/?t =0。
主要有:1. 重⼒;2. 惯性⼒3. 粘滞⼒4 . 弹性⼒5. ⽑管⼒ 9流体压⼒的表⽰式:PZ =10-3ρg z ≈0.01 γz10当渗流由⼀种流体驱替另⼀种流体时,在两相界⾯上会产⽣压⼒跳跃,它的⼤⼩取决于分界⾯的弯曲率(曲度),这个压⼒的跳跃就称为⽑管压⼒,⽤PC 表⽰。
rP C θσcos 2=11折算压⼒:假想油藏为静⽌状态,油藏内任意⼀点的实测压⼒与该点相对于选定海拔平⾯的液柱压⼒之和。
P=P0+0.01·γ·Z例:某油⽥⼀⼝位于含油区的探井,实测油层中部原始地层压⼒为9.0Mpa,油层中部海拔为-1000m ;位于含⽔区的⼀⼝探井实测油层中部原始地层压⼒为11.7Mpa 。
油层中部海拔为-1300m 。

材料⼒学的基本计算公式-材料⼒学弯曲公式1.弯矩、剪⼒和荷载集度之间的关系式2?轴向拉压杆横截⾯上正应⼒的计算公式Cr=杆件横截⾯轴⼒刊,横截⾯⾯积仏拉应⼒为正)3. 轴向拉压杆斜截⾯上的正应⼒与切应⼒计算公式(夹⾓a从X轴正⽅向逆时针转⾄外法线的⽅位⾓为正)4. 纵向变形和横向变形(拉伸前试样标距1,拉伸后试样标距11;拉伸前试样直径d,拉伸后试样直径dl)M = I l-I M = d l-d5. 纵向线应变和横向线应变6.泊松⽐外⼒偶KI N⾎矩计箕公式(P功率,n转速)T a = P a Sinaf= CrCDSafailIa= —siπ2α2Cr= EE7.胡克定律17?&受多个⼒作⽤的杆件纵向变形计算公式?9?承受轴向分布⼒或变截⾯的杆件,纵向变形计算公式14.剪切胡克定律(切变模量G 9切应变g ) T=G^ 15. 拉压弹性模量E 泊松⽐"和切变模量G 之间关系T 9所求点到11. 许⽤应⼒H=?脆性材料⾎=还,塑性材料氐=还12.延伸率 L -I 5- 1X100%110.轴向拉压杆的强度计算公式13. 截⾯收缩率A A-A IΨ= X100%圆截⾯对⼼的极惯性矩(a )实⼼圆(b )空⼼轴扭转时横截⾯上任⼀点切应⼒计算公式(扭矩32T18.圆截⾯周边各点处最⼤切应⼒计算公式19? 扭转截⾯系数Wrr=≠, (a )实⼼圆Wl=^(b )空⼼圆I 鲁(I F20.薄壁圆管(壁厚δ ≤ R o /10 , R o 为圆管的平均半21.圆轴扭转⾓炉与扭矩7;杆长⼈扭转刚度GHP 的关径不同(如阶梯轴)时23.等直圆轴强度条件24.塑性材料E = (WA)I 叫脆性材料I T l = (°?8 ~ Io )I er lGi I TT26. 受压圆筒形薄壁容器横截⾯和纵截⾯上的应⼒计径)扭转切应⼒计算公式T ~2τ^δTL 系式"瓯22同⼀材料制成的圆轴各段的扭矩不同或各段的直扭转圆轴的刚度条件?乳≤l^lZ 或27. 平⾯应⼒状态下斜截⾯应⼒的⼀般公式Cr K + 6 6 —VCre =—2 —+—2 —c∏s2a-τx≡m2α28. 平⾯应⼒状态的三个主应⼒tan2α? =-―啦-29?主平⾯⽅位的计算公式∏30.31. 受扭圆轴表⾯某点的三个主应⼒°ι=r, 5 =0,三向应⼒状态最⼤与最⼩正应⼒H=巧,?? =σ?33.三向应⼒状态最⼤切应⼒宁34.⼴义胡克定律El =丘冋⼀叭円+如】 =—IOi-V(σ?+σi)l= jlσr3-v(o1+σ2)j⾯最⼤切应⼒35.四种强度理论的相当应⼒40. 平⾏移轴公式(形⼼轴ZC与平⾏轴ZI的距离为a, 图形⾯积为M)4 =亿+^4_ My41. 纯弯曲梁的正应⼒计算公式σ~42. 横⼒弯曲最⼤正应⼒计算公式50.弯曲正应⼒强度条件^rIiaX43.矩形、圆形、空⼼圆形的弯曲截⾯系数?44.中性轴⼀侧的横截⾯对中性轴Z 的静矩,b 为横截⾯在45. 矩形截⾯梁最⼤弯曲切应⼒发⽣在中性轴处46.⼯字形截⾯梁腹板上的弯曲切应⼒近似公式47. 轧制⼯字钢梁最⼤弯曲切应⼒计算公式49.圆环形薄璧截⾯梁最⼤弯曲切应⼒发⽣在中性轴⼏种常见截⾯的最⼤弯曲切应⼒计算公式(Ema X 为51. ⼏种常见截⾯梁的弯曲切应⼒强度条件52. 弯曲梁危险点上既有正应⼒o⼜有切应⼒τ作⽤时的强度条件% =3⼗卅或% = 3⼭ M㈣,[σj = o? ItlSd2w_ M(X)53. 梁的挠曲线近似微分⽅程^r = -^a_ J■⼚54. 梁的转⾓⽅程^?dx+cι55.梁的挠曲线⽅程?窖W+⾦556.轴向荷载与横向均布荷载联合作⽤时杆件截⾯底部边缘和顶部边缘处的正应⼒计算公式偏⼼拉伸(压缩).-?,÷.M≡.σι∣ιaxGuin .58.建⽴的强度条件表达式幻嗚何TF如^4 = ^λ?2+0.75Γ2≤[σ]59⼆圆截⾯杆横截⾯上有两个弯矩叫和MZ同时作⽤时,合成弯矩为M =何硕60.圆截⾯杆横截⾯上有两个弯矩%和MZ 同时作⽤时—?2 +0.75Γ2 = — +ΛfJ +0.75Γ2 ≤[<τj62.弯拉扭或弯压扭组合作⽤时强度计算公式F63. 剪切实⽤计算的强度条件FHX ? r164. 挤压实⽤计算的强度条件%卞⼀%65.等截⾯细长压杆在四种杆端约束情况下的临界⼒66.压杆的约束条件:(a)两端较⽀U=I(b) ⼀端固定、⼀端⾃由µ=2 67. 压杆的长细⽐或柔度计算公式" 68. 细长压杆临界应⼒的欧拉公式% = ^~λ> λt =兀69.欧拉公式的适⽤围61.Ii = ----- = --- 王70. 压杆稳定性计算的安全系数法% F l71. 压杆稳定性计算的折减系数法Cr=?≤72. …关系需查表求得。

n i 1
v Si v
n Fi i1
cos i
vi v
1)Me、Fe、Je、me不是所有外力矩、力、转动 惯量、质量之和,而是机构位置的函数。
Me Med Fe Fed
Mer Fer
是矢量,其中FFeerd((MMeerd))为为等等效效阻驱; 力动(力矩()矩)
wm2 d
π2 n2d
1)当Wy与wm一定时,在满足d≤[d ]的情况下,
d 尽量取大值,d↑,JF↓; 2)当Wy 与d 一定时,wm↑,JF↓,所以飞轮尽
3)Wy 永远为正值; 4)上式算出的飞轮转动惯量,对应飞轮是装在
注:公式 JF
M -+
Oa b DE
Med cd
a′ j
1 2
Je (w 2
wa2 )
设Je为常数,在一段时 j 间间隔内,DW一定,则
Je ,(w 2 wa2 )
j 速度波动↓
用飞轮调速就是加大构件的转动惯量 ——飞轮相当于能量储存器。

适用标准文案第一章电磁现象的广泛规律§电荷与电场1、库仑定律( 1)库仑定律如图 1-1-1 所示,真空中静止电荷 Q'对另一个静止电荷Q 的作使劲 F 为F1Q 'Q3 r r '()40 r r '式中0 是真空介电常数。
( 2)电场强度E静止的点电荷 Q'在真空中所产生的电场强度 E 为1Q '3 r'Er 'r4 0r( 3)电场的叠加原理N 个分立的点电荷在r 处产生的场强为N'E Q ir i'3rri'i 1 40r体积 V 内的体电荷散布r '所产生的场强为E1r ' dV 'r r '40V' 3r r式中 r '为源点的坐标,r为场点的坐标。
2、高斯定理和电场的散度(1.1.2 )(1.1.3 )(1.1.4 )高斯定理:电场强度 E 穿出关闭曲面S的总电通量等于S 内的电荷的代数和( Q i ) 除以0 。
用公式表示为i1Q i(分别电荷情况)( 1.1.5 )E dSSi或1dV(电荷连续散布情况)( 1.1.6 )E dSS V此中 V 为 S 所包住的体积, dS 为 S 上的面元,其方向是外法线方向。
应用积分变换的高斯公式E dS EdV( 1.1.7 )S V由( 1.1.6 )式可得静电场的散度为1E3.静电场的旋度由库仑定律可推得静电场 E 的环量为E dl0( 1.1.8 )L应用积分变换的斯托克斯公式E dl E dSL S从( 1.1.8 )式得出静电场的旋度为E0( 1.1.9 )§ 电流和磁场1、电荷守恒定律不与外界交换电荷的系统,其电荷的代数和不随时间变化。
对于体积为V ,界限面为 S 的有限地区内,有Jd dV( 1.2.1 )dSSdtV或J0 ( 1.2.2 )t这就是电荷守恒定律的数学表达式。

锐捷设备技术参数术参数产品型号基本特性固定端口模块插槽参数描述RG-S2126S24端口10/100自适应2个扩展插槽M2101T:(RJ45接口,最大传输距离100m)M2101F(SC接口,最大传输距离2km)M2101F-S:(SC接口,最大传输距离20km)可用模块M2121T:(RJ45接口,最大传输距离100m)M2121S:(SC接口,最大传输距离550m)M2121L:(SC接口,最大传输距离10km)M2131:堆叠模块背板带宽包转发速率产品特性VLAN链路聚合端口镜像生成树组播DHCP12.8Gbp线速(6.6Mpp)支持250个802.1QVLAN支持支持SPAN支持STP、RSTP、MSTP支持IGMPSnoopingv1/v2/v3DHCPRelayDHCPSnoopingDHCPSnoopingTrut支持多种硬件ACL:标准IPACL(基于IP地址的硬件ACL)ACL扩展IPACL基于IP 地址、(传输层端口号的硬件ACL)MAC扩展ACL(基于源MAC地址、目的MAC地址和可选的以太网类型的硬件ACL)支持端口流量识别QoS支持802.1p/DSCP流量分类ACL&QoS术参数产品型号参数描述RG-S2126S每端口4个优先级队列支持SP、WRR队列调度支持IP、MAC、端口三元素绑定限制端口学习MAC地址数量过滤非法的MAC地址支持802.1某支持ARP-Check安全特性支持广播风暴抑制管理员分级管理和口令保护设备登陆管理的AAA安全认证支持SSH支持BPDUGuard管理协议物理特性尺寸(长某宽某高)电源功率温度存储温度:-40ºC到70ºC工作湿度:10%到90%RH湿度存储湿度:5%到90%RH440某240某44mm160VAC~240VAC,48Hz~60Hz45W工作温度:0℃到45℃SNMPv1/v2C/v3、Web(JAVA)、CLI(Telnet/Conole)、RMON(1,2,3,9)、集群、SSH、Sylog产品型号固定端口RG-S3760-2424端口10/100M自适应端口,4个SFP接口,4个复用的10/100/1000M电口RG-S3760-4848端口10/100M自适应端口,4个SFP接口,4个复用的10/100/1000M电口RG-S3760-12SFP/GT12个SFP接口和12个10/100/1000BASE-T的RJ45接口,光口和电口复用可用SFP模块Mini-GBIC-S某:单口1000BASE-S某miniGBIC转换模块(LC接口);Mini-GBIC-L某:单口1000BASE-L某miniGBIC转换模块(LC接口);Mini-GBIC-LH40:单口1000BASE-LHminiGBIC转换模块(LC接口),40km;Mini-GBIC-Z某50:单口1000BASE-Z某miniGBIC转换模块(LC接口),50km;Mini-GBIC-Z某80:单口1000BASE-Z某miniGBIC转换模块(LC接口),80km背板IPv4包转发速率37.6GbpL2:线速(9.6Mpp)L3:线速(9.6Mpp)37.6GbpL2:线速(13.2Mpp)L3:线速(13.2Mpp)L2:线速(13.2Mpp)L3:线速(13.2Mpp)48GbpL2:线速(18Mpp)L3:线速(18Mpp)L2:线速(18Mpp)L3:线速(18Mpp) IPv6包转发速率L2:线速(9.6Mpp)L3:线速(9.6Mpp)MAC802.1qVLANIPv4ACL16K4K支持灵活多样的硬件ACL,如标准IPACL(基于IP地址的硬件ACL)、扩展IPACL(基于IP地址、TCP/UDP端口号的硬件ACL)、MAC扩展ACL(基于源MAC地址、目的MAC地址和可选的以太网类型的硬件ACL)、专家级ACL(可同时基于VLAN号、以太网类型、MAC地址、IP地址、TCP/UDP端口号、协议类型、时间等灵活组合的硬件ACL)、时间ACL等,提高对各种网络病毒和网络攻击的防御能力IPv6ACL&QoS支持源/目的IPv6地址、源/目的端口、IPv6报文头的流量类型(Trafficcla)、时间选项的硬件IPv6ACL和IPv6QoSL2协议IEEE802.3、IEEE802.3u、IEEE802.3z、IEEE802.3某、IEEE802.3ad、IEEE802.1p、IEEE802.1某、IEEE802.3ab、IEEE802.1Q(GVRP)、IEEEE802.1d、IEEE802.1w、IEEE802.1、IGMPSnoopingv1/v2/v3、RLDPL3协议IPv6协议IPv6、OSPFv1/v2、OSPFv3、RIPv1/v2、(DM/SM/SSM)DVMRP、PIM、VRRP、IGMPv1/v2/v3支持ICMPv6、IPv6动态路由协议OSPFv3、支持多种Tunnel隧道技术(如手工配置隧道、6to4隧道和ISATAP隧道等)DefeatIPScan(防IP扫描)管理协议SNMPv1/v2c/v3、Web(JAVA)、CLI(Telnet/Conole)、RMON(1,2,3,9)、SSH、SNTP、NTP、Sylog其它协议ProtocolVLAN、SuperVlan、DHCPServer、DHCPClient、DHCPRelay、DNSClient、Bootp、Pro某yARP、免费ARPJumboFrame网络介质和最大传输距离62.5/125um多模光纤线的最大传输距离为220m;50/125um多模光纤线的最大传输距离为500m;1000BASE-L某:波长1310nm,62.5/125um多模光纤线的最大传输距离为550m;50/125um多模光纤线的最大传输距离为550m;9/125um单模光纤线的最大传输距离为10Km;1000BASE-LH:波长1310nm,9/125um单模光纤线的最大传输距离为40Km;1000BASE-Z某:波长1550nm,9/125um单模光纤线的最大传输距离为50Km和80Km两种;支持1000BASE-S某:波长850nm,支持尺寸(长某宽某高mm)电源440某240某44mm440某325某44mm440某335某44mm160VAC~240VAC50Hz~60Hz功耗温度40W工作温度:44W0ºC到45ºC40W存储温度:-40ºC到70ºC湿度工作湿度:10%到90%RH存储湿度:5%到90%RH技术参数产品型号固定端口参数描述RG-NBR2000WAN口:1个10/100M自适应RJ45端口(AutoMDI/MDI某)1个10/100M/1000M自适应RJ45端口(AutoMDI/MDI 某)LAN口:1个10/100M/1000M自适应RJ45端口,(AutoMDI/MDI某)1个Conole配置接口CPU处理器存储模块RISC专业网络处理器DRAM:256MFLASH:32MBOOTROM:2M接口标准以太网:10Bae-T/100Bae-T某/1000Bae-T某控制台口:标准RS-232异步串口指示灯每端口:Link/Active(连接/工作)、Speed(速度)每设备:Power、攻击告警、系统状态(饱和/繁忙/正常/空闲)网络协议协议支持TCP/IP协议簇,实现了IP、ICMP、IGMP、TCP和UDP等支持多种路由协议:静态路由、RIP(V1/V2)支持DHCPRelay、DHCPServer支持PPPoE支持NAT,支持多种NATALG,包括FTP、H.323、DNS等支持DDNS支持Ping、Tracert故障检测支持QoS(PQ、CQ、FIFO、WFQ、CBWFQ等)安全应用:PAP、CHAP、Firewall、ACL、端口镜像管理协议中文WEB配置管理和监控技术参数产品型号参数描述RG-NBR2000支持SNMPv1/v2CLI(Telnet/Conole)TFTP升级和配置文件管理支持异步文件传输协议某-MODEM升级方式网络安全彻底ARP防攻击防机器狗病毒防内网攻击/外网攻击支持安全地址绑定防止WAN口Ping防端口扫描攻击防止分片报文攻击防止ICMPflood攻击防止TearDrop攻击防止PingofDeath防止Land攻击防止Smurf/Fraggled攻击防止SynFlood特色功能技术参数产品型号外型尺寸(高某长某宽)输入电压整机功率参数描述RG-NBR200044.4mm某437mm某268mmAC:200~240V/50Hz(窄电压设计)小于30W。

其中,树莓派2b是其中一款经典型号,其参数如下:1. CPU:ARM Cortex-A7(四核)1.2GHzARM Cortex-A7是一款高效能的ARM架构处理器,采用了7级流水线和NEON SIMD指令集,能够提供高达1.2GHz的时钟频率。
2. 内存:1GB LPDDR2 SDRAM内存是计算机中非常重要的一部分,它直接影响到计算机的运行速度和多任务处理能力。
树莓派2b内置1GB LPDDR2 SDRAM,这种内存类型具有低功耗、高速度和高稳定性等优点,可以满足多种应用场景的需求。
3. 存储:MicroSD卡树莓派2b采用MicroSD卡作为存储介质,这种存储方式具有容量大、价格低、易于扩展等优点。
4. 网络:10/100以太网、802.11b/g/n无线网卡网络是树莓派2b的重要功能之一,它支持有线和无线两种网络连接方式。
5. 视频:HDMI、复合视频输出树莓派2b支持HDMI和复合视频输出,可以连接各种显示设备,如电视、显示器、投影仪等。
6. 音频:3.5mm耳机接口、HDMI音频输出树莓派2b支持3.5mm耳机接口和HDMI音频输出,可以连接各种音频设备,如音响、耳机等。

1. 连接硬件:
- 将树莓派与M2气压传感器通过合适的电缆连接起来。
- 确保连接正确,否则可能导致传感器无法正常工作。
2. 设置树莓派:
- 在树莓派上安装所需的操作系统和相关软件。
- 配置树莓派的网络设置,确保能够通过网络连接到树莓派。
3. 编写代码:
- 使用合适的编程语言(如Python)编写代码,以实现与M2气压传感器的通信和数据读取。
- 根据需要进行数据处理和分析。
4. 运行程序:
- 在树莓派上运行编写好的程序。
- 监测树莓派与M2气压传感器之间的通信和数据流动。
- 可以在终端或其他界面上查看实时数据或保存数据至文件。
5. 定期校准和检查:
- 定期校准M2气压传感器,以确保其测量结果的准确性。
- 检查传感器和树莓派的连接,确保其正常工作。
- [M2气压传感器说明书](请参考相应的厂商文档)。

Telecom Power Technology研制开发开磁路工字形电感的磁场分析及电感计算方法研究黄家毅(东莞铭普光磁股份有限公司,广东东莞通信技术的快速发展,电感作为重要储能和滤波的磁性元件得到广泛应用。
对其磁路进行简化,提出了一种基于磁阻的工程计算方法,通过实验测试和理论计算进行对比验证,大部分情况下10% 。
通过代入关键尺寸和磁导率到等式中可获得电感,这是一种简单、易用的工程计算方法,可提升开磁路;工字形磁芯;磁场分析;电感;电感计算Study on Magnetic Flux Analysis and the Inductance Calculation Method of Open MagneticCircuit Drum Core InductorHUANG Jiayi(Dongguan Mentech Optical & Magnetic Co., Ltd., DongguanTelecom Power Technology· 2 ·所示,对于图1(a ),有气隙电感的安(3)A cl cΦΦ(a )带气隙的铁氧体磁芯绕线电感器 (b )等效磁路图1 带气隙电感磁路模型当加载交流电i 时,N 匝绕线电感产生磁动势F ,其磁路等式为:F =Ni =Φ(R c +R g ) (4)因此:c g Ni R R Φ=+(5)根据法拉第感应定律,对线圈施加交流电流i 时,产生的电压u 为:2c g N =d t u N L R R Φ==+··i d i d td t d d(6)由式(6)中得到带有气隙的铁氧体铁芯电感器的其电感L 为:222L m c gA N N L N R R R ===⋅+(7)式中:R m 为磁路中的总磁阻;A L 为电感系数。

(1)含水层导水系数对井孔流量的影响, 不会如此简单。例如,混合井附近岩性(渗透系 数)发生变化,甚至混合井打在岩性透镜体上, 怎样影响井管的流量分配?含水层厚度发生变 化又如何改变流量的分配?
图4-1-3 混合井管贯穿岩性透镜体上
(2)含水层的参数影响混合井流量的分配,导水系数只 是其中一个因素,含水层的弹性给水度(储水系数)就不起作
第5章 地下水流模型的拓展
§5.1 地下水饱和-非饱和流耦合模型 §5.2 地下水-地表水流耦合模型 §5.3 分布式水文模型简介
第6章 数值模型设计 应用及水文地质勘查
§6.1 数值模拟设计应用主要步骤 §6.2 水文地质概念模型的设计
§6.3 数值模型的建立
§6.4 预测模型若干问题 §6.5 关于基岩含水系统建模的特殊问题 §6.6 数值模型水文地质勘查等若干问题
(5)混合观测孔是混合抽水井的特殊情况(Qw =0)(图4-14) ,对于两层混合的观测孔,其孔中水位(混合水位)必界于两
含水层水位之间,即混合观测孔对于其中一含水层(例如2含水 层)起抽水作用(Q2>0), 对于另一含水层(1含水层)起注水 作用(Q1<0)。如此,Q1/Q2<0。而两含水层的导水系数的比 值肯定是正值,即T1/T2>0。如此,两个比值怎能相等?!
若记Qwi为其源汇项,包括开采井、泉流量、河流的补给、 排泄、降雨入渗等,则方程可以写为,
hn,m1 hin, m1 hkn,m1 hin, m1 hin, m11 hin, m1 Tij , m j pb Tik , m bq Ki , m 1 / 2 Ai zi , m 1 zi , m ij ik e hin, m1 hin, m11 hin, m1 hin, m Ki , m 1 / 2 Ai Qwi , m i , m Ai zi , m zi , m 1 / 2 tn 1 tn

3、饱和度关系当地层压力大Pl、P2 釆油工常用公式、地质1、孔隙度^ = —X100%式中d)——储汕岩石的孔隙度,%: K——岩石中的孔隙体积;V,——岩石的外表体积。
2、含流体饱和度$ =2^X100%=匕xlOO%S o +SMU 1原始条件下原始含油饱和度为:Soi=l—Swr,(1 —8)当地层压力小于饱和压力时,岩石孔隙中有油、水、气三相的关系为: S o+S w+S g= 1 (1 —9)4、绝对渗透率可由达西定律求得:10AAP式中K——储油岩石的渗透率,U m2;L一一岩心的长度,cm:A——岩心的截而积,cn?:Q一一通过岩心的流量,cm3 / s:△P—一岩心两端的压差,MPa; u 流体的粘度,mPa • So5、气的有效渗透率K一20必”“ 10A(用一用)分别为岩心入口处和出口处压力,MPao6、汕的相对渗透率心令】。
1 一几8、原汕体积系数B =亠° VOS式中v°——原油在地下所具有的体积,m3Vos——原油在地而脱气后所具有的体积,nP。
9、溶解气油比与压力的关系为:R,=aP, G称为溶解系数:Ct -——=——p Pb10、原油体积系数与压缩系数及收缩率概念?公式?1 V -V c =。
一V, P -Po e a收缩率&收缩-—yV O注意原油的压缩系数在压力高于饱和压力时为正,低于饱和压力时为负。
11、综合压缩系数(以岩石体积为基准)AVC t=(C(.-C(>(fiS o-C 恥)=——1 i oT 0 w w V f AP12、弹性储呈为:AV =5"—卩冷13、在正几点法井网中,注采井数比为:/? -314、折算年产呈二12月份产SX365/12月份的日历天数Q全年=Q十二月31x36515、月、日注采比Po 16.累计注采比17、采油强度与注水强度是流量与油层有效厚度的比值:—一一流动系数,K -流度, 21、汕井流动方程q 。
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Training Package Retail WRR02Title:Perform Routine Housekeeping Duties HSC Requirements and AdviceUnit Code Unit Descriptor Skill AreaWRRM2B This unit encompasses the skills, knowledge and attitudes required tomaintain and organise work areas in a retail environment. It involvesapplying personal hygiene practices by staff members and the organisationof the work area to keep the workplace tidy, clean and safe.MerchandisingHSC Indicative Hours:15Element Of Competency Performance Criteria Underpinning Skillsand KnowledgeEvidence Requirements HSC Requirements1 Organisework area 1.1 Work area is maintained ina safe, uncluttered andorganised manneraccording to store policy.1.2 All routines carried outsafely, effectively andefficiently with minimuminconvenience to customersand staff, according to storepolicy.1.3 Store policies andprocedures for tidying workareas and placing items indesignated areas applied.The following components of theevidence guide relate directly to theperformance criteria and the rangeof variables for the unit ofcompetency and provide guidancefor assessment of the unit in theworkplace and/or training program.Critical Aspects of EvidenceCompetency in this unit requiresevidence that the candidate:•Consistently applies housekeepingduties to work area, point of salesterminals, walkways andfixtures/display areas2 Clean work area 2.1 Store policies andprocedures for personalhygiene applied.2.2 Store policies andprocedures applied forcleaning of work area.2.3 Waste promptly removedand disposed of accordingto store policy andlegislative requirements.2.4 Spills, food, waste, or otherpotential hazards reportedto appropriate personneland removed from floorsaccording to Knowledge and skills are essentialto apply this unit in the workplace,to transfer to other contexts anddeal with unplanned events. Therequirements for this unit ofcompetency are listed below:Knowledge of :•store policies and procedures ,in regard to:-housekeeping-use and maintenance ofstore cleaning equipment-personal hygiene-waste disposal andenvironment protection-reporting problems andfaults.•Relevant occupational healthand safety regulations•Relevant labels to identifychemicals and hazardoussubstances/HAZCHEM labels•Manufacturer’s instructions foruse of cleaning materials orhazardous substances•Manufacturer’s instructions foruse of cleaning equipment•Relevant legislation and•Consistently applies safe workpractices in the operation andmaintenance of a range ofcleaning/housekeeping equipmentaccording to:-store policy and procedures-occupational health and safetylegislation/regulation/codes ofpractice-industry codes of practice-manufacturers’ instructionsand design specifications•Applies store housekeepingprogram of work area and reportsfaults/problems to relevantLearning experiences for the HSCmust include the opportunity todevelop the specified competenciesin relation to:•importance of housekeeping –safety, customer impression, storeimage•safe practices for point of sale,counters, aisles and displays•protocols for cleaning andidentifying individualresponsibilities•operation, maintenance andstorage of cleaning equipment inaccordance with enterprise policyand manufacturers’ instructions•procedures for identifying,reporting and dealing with hazardsor problems•legislative and regulatoryrequirements – occupational healthand safety, self-presentation,hygiene•environmentally responsible wastedisposal policies and practicesElement of Performance Criteria Underpinning Skills Evidence Requirements HSC RequirementsCompetency and Knowledgestore policy and legislativerequirements.2.5 Signage promptlydisplayed in regard tounsafe areas.2.6 Equipment andconsumable materialsmaintained and storedcorrectly after use.2.7 Tools and equipment(including guards) cleanedand used in accordancewith manufacturer’sinstructions and legislativerequirements.statutory requirements•Relevant industry codes ofpracticeSkills in:•Using and maintainingcleaning equipment•Using and storing chemicals,hazardous substances andflammable materials•Using electrical and otherequipment safely•Literacy and numeracy skillsin:-reading and understandingmanufacturer’sinstructions-reading and understandingwarning labels andinstructions for the use ofchemicals and hazardoussubstancesperson/department•Accurately reads, interprets andconsistently applies manufacturers’instructions for cleaning products,tools and equipment•Completes tasks in set time frameKey terms and concepts•housekeeping policy•hazards•stock storage•stock rotation•hazard signage•industry codes of practice•schedules/checklists•personal hygiene and presentation•waste disposal•recyclingRANGE OF VARIABLESThe Range of Variables provide the range of applications of this unit of competency to allow for differences within enterprises and workplaces. It provides details of practices, knowledge and requirements referred to in the elements and performance criteria. The variables chosen in training and assessment will depend on the work contexts.The following variables may include but are not limited to:•Store policy and procedures in regard to:-housekeeping practices-personal hygiene-maintenance and storage of cleaning equipment-use and storage of cleaning chemicals•Work areas may include:-counters-benches-sinks-point of sale terminals-point of sale areas-preparation areas-walkways and aisles-displays-fixtures and other working surfaces•Handling and cleaning techniques may vary according to: -stock characteristics-industry codes of practice•Unsafe areas may include:-spills-sharp edges-loose wiring•Reporting of faults/problems may be conducted by: -face to face-email-phone-fax•Legislative requirements may include:-waste removal-environmental protection-transport, storage and handling of goods-hazardous substances and dangerous goods-labelling of workplace substances-occupational health and safety-use of protective clothing/equipment •Appropriate personnel may include: -manager-area supervisor-team leader-colleaguesContext of AssessmentAssessment ProcessFor valid and reliable assessment of this unit, evidence should be gathered through a range of methods to indicate consistent performance. It can be gathered from assessment of the unit of competency alone, through an integrated assessment activity or through a combination of both.Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process.Integrated Competency AssessmentEvidence is most relevant when provided through an integrated activity which combines the elements of competency for each unit, or a cluster of units of competency.The candidate will be required to:•apply knowledge and skills which underpin the process required to demonstrate competence, including appropriate key competencies •integrate knowledge and skills critical to demonstrating competence in this unit.Unit WRRM2B can be assessed with the following units:WRRCS1B Communicate in the workplaceWRRER1B Work effectively in a retail environmentWRRLP1B Apply safe working practicesWRRCA1B Operate retail equipmentEvidence Gathering MethodsEvidence should include products, processes and procedures from the workplace context or from a simulated work environment. Evidence might include:•observation of the person in the workplace• a simulated role play•third party reports from a supervisor•customer feedback•answers to questions about specific skills and knowledge.Related learning for the HSC Delivery of this unit may be integrated with other units including:WRRER1B Work effectively in a retailenvironmentWRRLP1B Apply safe workingpracticesWRRCA1B Operate retail equipment. WRRCS1B Communicate in theworkplaceStudents may draw on skills and knowledge developed in other studies to achieve competency in this unit. These could include:•English•Mathematics•HospitalityAssessment of competency for this unit must conform to the requirements set out in the Evidence Guide.Resources Required• A real or simulated work environment•Cleaning/store housekeeping equipment and materials• Relevant documentation, such as:-store policy and procedures manuals on housekeeping, cleaning and occupational health and safety -manufacturer’s instructions/operation manuals on cleaning equipment and materials-manual handling regulations and industry codes of practice-plant and equipment regulations Resources that may be used in training and assessment for this unit:•Board of Studies – Retail Support Document•National Retail Training Materials –Certificate II in Retail Operations –Curriculum-Module RET 006 – PerformRoutine Housekeeping Duties •National Retail Training Materials –Learners Guide – Perform RoutineHousekeeping Duties •National Retail Training Materials –Guide to Assessment Activities •Store manuals•Materials developed by Registered Training Organisations •Various commercially produced materialsGeneric Process SkillsThere are a number of processes that are learnt throughout work and life which are required in all jobs. They are fundamental processes and generally transferable to other work functions. Some of these are covered by the key competencies, although others may be added. The questions below highlight how these processes are applied in this unit of competency. Following each question a number indicates the level to which the key competency needs to be demonstrated where 0 = not required, 1 = perform the process, 2 = perform and administer the process, and 3 = perform, administer and design the process.Key Competency Example of Application Performance LevelHow can communication of ideas and information beapplied?Faults or problems will need to be communicated to relevant personnel.1How can information be collected, analysed and organised?Store policies and procedures for cleaning work areas will need to becollected, analysed and organised.1How are activities planned and organised?Cleaning work areas and disposing of waste will require activities to beplanned and organised.1How can team work be applied?Team work may be required when carrying out routine procedures andreporting to relevant personnel.1How can the use of mathematical ideas and techniques be applied?Mathematical ideas and techniques may be required when measuring outchemicals.1How can problem-solving skills be applied?Problem-solving skills may be required to clean particular areas.1 How can the use of technology be applied?Technology may be required when operating a range of cleaning equipment.1。