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I. Supply the missing paragraph. (20 points)
The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided.
The Job I Would Like to Do after Graduation
After years of industrious yet fruitful study in college, I will graduate and be ready to serve society by taking up my first job. Most of my classmates consider pay as the top priority in choosing a job, but to obtain a job that is intellectually rewarding, creative, and contributive has been my ambition for many years. I believe that this kind of job is worthiest of devotion.
A job that is intellectually rewarding is one that can provide me with opportunities to deal with books every day, and to busy myself with the mystery of mankind and the universe. In a world in which money is very often valued more than anything else, I sometimes feel as if I were pulled by some evil force to the acquisitive society. Therefore, I wish the job I do in the future will be able to keep me from being enslaved by materialism. Good books, I know, will keep me awake. Moreover, a job, which brings me into contact with great minds, will excite my
curiosity and fire my imagination. It will lay one question after another in front of me, urging me to seek the answer. Thus, I will always be able to maintain a youthful spirit.
A contributive job is one that helps to make my country strong and prosperous.
I remember my first train journey to the university. On the way I was shocked to see, in some rural areas, the shabby huts that I took for cowsheds but were actually people's dwelling place. Therefore, these huts flash into my mind from time to time, reminding me of my duty to help those people improve their lives. Therefore, the job which I would like to choose after graduation is not one which promises a bright future for myself only, but one which will help to bring about a better life for many other people.
These are what I would seek in my career. Provide me with a job which bears the above characteristics, and I will dedicate myself to it. I trust that an intellectually rewarding, creative and contributive job will give me the greatest satisfaction.
A creative job is one that I can make something new and valuable in my work. The created item may be intangible such as an idea, a theory, or a physical object such as an invention, an original product. And the application of creative resources can improve the effectiveness of my work and bring more value to people. If the job is insipid and worthless, I will feel negative to it because I hate repeating the dull work from day to day. So I would like to choose the creative job which I can break the routines and make real value for the world. That may bring me great sense of
II. Write an outline. (20 points)
Read the following passage carefully and compose a “topic outline” for it.
No other philosopher in the world has had more enduring influence than Confucius. For over two thousand years, his concept of government, and his ideas about personal conduct and morality pervaded Chinese life and culture. Even today, his thoughts remain influential.
Confucius was born in a small town in northeastern China and grew up in poverty. He had no formal education; however, through self-study he became a learned man. For a while he held a minor government post; but he soon resigned his position and spent most of his life teaching. The most important teachings of Confucius were collected in a book, the Analects, compiled by his disciples.
The two cornerstones of his system of personal conduct were ren and li. Ren might be defined as "benevolent concern for one's fellow men". Li is a term less easily translated: it combines the notions of etiquette, good manners, and due concern for rituals and customs. Confucius believed that a man should seek truth and virtue rather than wealth. In addition, he was the first philosopher to state the Golden Rule, which he phrased as "Do not do unto others that which you would not have them do unto you."
Confucius believed that children owe respect and obedience to their parents,
wives to their husbands, and subjects to their rulers. But he was never a defender of tyranny. On the contrary, he held that the state should work for the benefit of the people, and that a leader should govern by moral example rather than by force.
At the time of his death, Confucius was a respected, but not yet greatly influential, teacher and philosopher. Gradually, though, his ideas became widely accepted throughout the country. In the third century B.C. Shih Huang Ti, the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, united China. He decided to reform the country entirely and make a complete break with the past. The Emperor therefore suppressed Confucian teachings and ordered the burning of all copies of Confucian works.
Most Confucian works were indeed destroyed, but some copies survived, and a few years later, after the dynasty founded by the “First Emperor”had fallen, Confucianism re-emerged. In the Han dynasty, it became the official state philosophy, a position it maintained throughout most of the next two millennia.
Indeed, for much of that period, the civil service examinations in China were based primarily on knowledge of Confucian classics. Since those examinations were the main route by which common people could enter the administration and achieve political power, the governing class of China was largely composed of men who had carefully studied the works of Confucius and absorbed his principles.
Topic Outline
I. Brief introduction of Confucius and his influence
II. Confucius's important thoughts
A. Ren and li as the two cornerstones of Confucius's system of personal conduct
B. Three Obediences and Four Virtues as Confucius's main ideas of morality
III. The experiences Confucius’s works underwent
A. Most works burnt by the first emperor of Qin Dynasty
B. Confucianism re-emerging in the Han dynasty
C. Confucian classics used as the testing content of Chinese civil service examinations.
III. Compose an essay. (60 points)
The mobile phone is one of the most important inventions in the modern society. What effects does the mobile phone have on our lives? Write a 300-word expository essay discussing the effects.
What effects does the mobile phone have on our lives?
What effects does the mobile phone have on our lives?
It's believed that the mobile phone play an important part in our daily life nowadays. The mobile phone is an exceptionally useful tool that advances our personal life beyond expectations. However, in my opinion, it has both benefits and negative effects.
As for the benefits, first, mobile phone makes it more convenient for people to keep in touch with family, friends and classmates wherever they are, especially
when they have something important to deal with. Second, mobile phone can save money. It reduces the cost for people do not have to travel a long way to get to know the things in person. Third, the mobile phone makes possible the wish of staying connected to the Internet all the time. The mobile phone let users enjoy the social media on the go. We can also play games or take photos or listen to music on the Internet with mobile phone.
But on the other hand, every technological advance that provides such dramatic benefits has consequential costs. When the mobile phone becomes not just an essential item for communication but instead something that takes control of one’s life, there is no doubt that the mobile phone exerts negative effects on our lives too. First, the mobile phone is to some degree a diffusion of our energy. It is said that some teenagers can do nothing else but wait for calls and text messages, or just browse the web. Adults in the subway, sometimes even on the road are gazing on the mobile phone screen. They will no longer communicate with their families. Their phones have to be with them day and night, and their hobbies no longer take priority. Second, the extensive use of mobile phones actually widens the generation gap between adolescents and the elderly, causing the old people to grow lonelier because the last generation could not accept the modern technique as fast as young.
It is exciting to be part of a growing technological world and all should enjoy its benefits, but in moderation, we also need to have agreed boundaries for mobile phone usage and use it appropriately.。
