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•advantage benefit conduce
•More exercise advantages one’s health锻炼有益于健康
•Exercise benefits our health
•Preferential measures conduce to attracting foreign investment优惠办法有助于吸引外国投资
profitable beneficial, conducive, advantageous,instrumental,
constructive, contributory
•profitable investments有利的投资
•to exert a beneficial influence on
•to reap the benefit of sth收获好处
•to be conducive to sth对……有利
•This new method has been found helpful/contributory/constructive in solving difficult problems
•Gardening is a very rewarding pastime
•良好的教育会使你终身受益A quality education should equip you for life
To acquire knowledge/ techniques
•Remote/isolated villages having no access to TV and radio programs偏远乡村看不到电视也听不到广播
•To reap the fruits/benefits of one’s hard work努力之后,收获成果•Success/ambition can only be achieved after many attempts and failures. 风雨之后才有彩虹
•To achieve the peace of mind, many people move from bustling and hustling cities to the countryside. 为了获得心灵的平静,。

•One’s efforts are finally rewarded. 努力终于获得了回报
•Victory is only for the most determined to come by. 最执着者方得成功•He seemed to have come by a large fund of knowledge. 他似乎已获得丰富的知识
•It is commonly/generally/popularly believed that
•It is universally agreed that
•It is generally accepted/considered that
•The general impression is that
•It is universally acknowledged that
•Many take it for granted that…
•I judge it better not to make a hasty decision
动词:Hinder, block, hamper, handicap, bottleneck
•To hinder sb from doing sth
•To hinder the development of productive forces阻碍生产力的发展•Heavy snow blocked the traffic
•Our progress was hampered by the bad weather. 我们前进时受到了恶劣天气的阻碍.
•To cramp sb’s progress阻碍某人的进步
•名词:hindrance, block, impediment, obstruction, obstacle, barrier, handicap,bottleneck
•The government’s stubborn attitude was a block to further talks政府的僵硬态度是进一步会谈的障碍
•The main impediment to growth was a lack of capital影响发展的主要障碍是资本问题
•Poverty is not always a bar to happiness
•One’s lack of education could be a serious detriment to his career
•This is one of the key restrains holding back economic growth
•The old ideas are a drag on progress旧观念是进步的障碍
•The inadequacy of infrastructure in this city will dwarf its economic growth. 基础设施不足将阻碍这个城市的经济增长
•Too many rules and regulations may cage p eople’s mind太多的规章制度
•The bottleneck of the import program was finance进口项目的瓶颈问题是金融
•Be based on …建立在。

•To lay the foundations for… 为…打下基础
•To prepare the ground for…为。

•To be well grounded in …在。

•Lie at the base of/the ro ot of… 。


•Have solidly-built foundations有很坚实的基础
•College education is a good preparation for one’s career.
•动词:instill, inculcate, impregnate
•Instill sth in/into sb
•To instill the sense of environmental protection into the younger generation. 向年轻一代灌输环保意识
•Inculcate the young with a sense of duty. 向年轻人灌输责任感•Inculcate the young with sound principles. 向年轻人灌输正确健康的原则
•Inculcate the young with patriotism向年轻人灌输爱国主义
•These children are impregnated with an acute sense of responsibility. 这些孩子们被灌输了强烈的责任感
•Bring sth into full/free play充分发挥某事的作用或者影响
•In this way, we can bring into full play the initiative, wisdom and power of the employees. 这样我们能够充分发挥员工们的积极性智慧及力量•To bring every positive factors into play发挥/调动一切积极因素
•To bring students creativity into full play充分发挥学生们的创造能力
•Give full/free play to collective wisdom充分发挥集体智慧
•Make the best use of sth
•Take full advantage of sth
•Most advertisements work through suggestion
•I will further elaborate on this point in my essay.
•Face confront encounter
•To face one’s responsibility/facts/reality There are many difficulties confronting us我们面临很多困难
•We are confronted by a lot of difficulties
•The nation has confronted the problem of terrorism with great determination. 这个国家坚定地面对恐怖主义问题
•The world is faced with increasingly serious pollution
•We must face up to the new circumstances我们必须勇敢面对新情况
•形容词:updated, advanced, sophisticated, up-to-date,
up-to-the-minute, modern
•Enterprises equipped with updated technology拥有先进技术的企业•People with advanced ideas有先进思想的人
•Up-to-date equipment现代化设备
•State-of-art facility现代化设备
•Shanghai is one of the technologically advanced cities. •sophisticated devices尖端设备
•foster, train, educate, cultivate, raise, breed, nurture, rear
•形容词:well-trained, well-bred, well-educated,
• A well-bred child一个有教养的孩子
•An environment nurturing numerous talent一个可以扶植很多人才的环境
• A highly educated lady.
•To cultivate a taste of music/a sense of humor/ the ability to solve
•To foster an interest in
•To foster the growth of local industries培植地方工业
•To foster one’s ability to study independently
•Prestigious universities like Harvard and Cambridge have turned out some first-rate scholars in the world. 培养了
•动词:stimulate motivate
•To stimulate production/consumption/economic growth
•To stimulate sb’s interest in …
•To stimulate sb to make greater efforts
•To stimulate sb into further efforts
•Sth stimulate mentally精神上起刺激鼓舞作用
•名词:stimulation, stimulus, incentive, motivation
• A working atmosphere lacking in stimulation 死气沉沉的工作氛围•To act as a powerful stimulus to起强烈的刺激作用
•Economic stimulus plans经济刺激计划
•To give a stimulus to
•Under the stimulus of…
•An incentive to work harder
•The demand for more and more power as new industry evolved created a great incentive for invention随着新工业的发展而需要越来越多的动力,这就引起了对发明的极大刺激
•To bring out/forth/about
•To work out
•Steps should be called for to do …应该出台做。

•To come up with a plan/solution
•An introduction of a new policy
•To introduce a ban on smoking in public places
•To launch new models推出新型号的产品
•Recently, the authority has devised a project concerning laid-off workers’•re-employment. 当局最近推出了一个下岗工人再就业的规划
•the recently introduced policy最近出台的政策
• a newly published regulations最近出台的规定
•directly/profoundly/seriously affect sth直接、深刻、严重影响
•To exert/have/impo se an ill/ a detrimental/ profound effect on…对产生很坏的、负面、深远的影响
•Have far-reaching /long-lasting consequences具有深远的影响
•To mould the thoughts of the next generation影响下一代的思想
•To exercise a great influence on对有重大影响力
•To inflict a mischievous influence on sb对某人产生有害的影响

•The impact of new technology and methods on modern industry新技术和新方法对现代工业的巨大影响
•To shelter sth/sb against exposure to …保护。


的影响•Be exposed to受到。

•Be detrimentally/adversely affected受到不良影响
•Be insusceptible to …不受。


•To smooth out the effect of消除。

•动词:Promote, advance, boost, accelerate, facilitate, further, encourage, stimulate, drive, spur, impel, foster,push …forward, carry…forward,
•To promote friendship between nations
•To promote trading relations
•To advance the science of chemistry
•Such conducts are unlikely to advance your interests.这种行为对你的利益没有好处
•To accelerate the economic growth of our country
•To accelerate world peace
•To facilitate trading relations
•To further mutual understanding
•To further one’s education
•Advertisements boost sales
•To encourage exports

•Cash incentive is appealing in that it drives employees to work harder. (现金奖励/刺激很有吸引力因为能促使员工更努力工作)
•foster an interest培养兴趣
•foster a sense of responsibility
•foster the growth of local industries扶植地方工业.
•detect and foster artistic talent发现并培养艺术才能
动词:matter, weigh, outweigh, import, count, trivialize(使…不重要) 形容词:important, significant, vital, paramount, prominent, critical, weighty, prime, cardinal, crucial, essential, fundamental,
•What they said matters little. What people do counts.
•Good health outweighs wealth
•Salary does not weigh much because he is rich.
•It imports much that children learn how to learn on their own. 孩子学会怎么学习关系重大
•To play a prominent part in
•To attain growing importance获得越来越重要的地位

•Have/has assumed great importance in 具有巨大的重要性
• A weighty matter, a weighty decision, a weighty issue
•The reduction of unemployment should be paramount in the government’s economy policy降低失业率应是政府经济政策的头等大事
•Be at a critical time in our history. 正处在历史的将要关头
•Be of primary/ prime/ particular/vital importance to …
•Be of critical/decisive significance to …
•Environmental protection is one of the most burning/pressing/urgent issues of the day. 环境保护是当前最重要的问题之一
•Fighting poverty and unemployment should come before all other political considerations解决贫困和失业问题比所有其他问题都重要•Reducing inflation is central to the government’s economy. 减低通货膨胀是政府经济政策的重点。

•Investing in art projects, in my view, should be low on the list of priorities.

•Compared with other tasks, this is our first/high priority
•动词:value, appreciate, treasure, prize, respect, prioritize,
•名词:value, attention, account, importance, weight, emphasis, stress, •Deserve merit/ special emphasis/attention 值得特别重视
•Attach great importance to sth极其重视。

•Hold sth in great account 高度重视。

•There must be emphasis on .. 必须重视。

•Lay/put emphasis on …重视。

•Devote much of one’s attention to …
•Sth is receiving increasing attention 。

受到越来越多的重视•The growing demand for energy throughout the world has caused great importance to be attached to the exploration of new sources of energy.全世界对能量的不断增长的需求使得人们对新能源的探索极为重视•政府的当务之急是控制人口膨胀
•The government is chiefly concerned with the explosive growth of population
•动词:raise, heighten, enhance, increase, improve, strengthen, further, boost, uplift, upgrade,
•To raise the level of science and technology
•To raise working efficiency
•To raise productivity
•To heighten one’s political consciousness提高政治觉悟
•To heighten one’s ability of analyzing and solving problems
•T o enhance one’s market share 提高自己的市场份额
•To enhance a country’s worldwide image提高一个国家的国际形象•music that uplifts the spirit 振奋灵魂的音乐
•Her encouragement gave me a great sense of uplift. 她鼓励我激发了我的上进心
•To streamline production提高生产效率
•We must streamline our production procedures. 我们必须精简生产程序以提高效率
be exhausted, accessible, acid, antiseptic, available, biology, chemical substances, circumstance, conserve, contaminate, convenient, deteriorate, durable, disposable products, dust, ecological balance, emit, environmentalist, exist, extinction, forbid, fume, garbage, gene, hazardous, illaudable, illegal, irreparable harm, landscape, meteorologist, nasty, pesticide, preserve, radioactivity, rare animals, rarity, recyclable, ruin, run out of, stink, stain, subsistence, surroundings, survival, unbearable, exploit, waste water, wild animals, wildlife, worsen
1. Habitat destruction makes many species of animals become homeless and become endangered.
2. One third of all waste produced is made up of packaging materials.
3. What see are doing now is a wasteful of resources and unfriendly to the environment.
4. Much tillable land has been used as landfills to bury the increasing rubbish, a huge amount of which is not biodegradable. That is to say, rubbish of many kinds will remain the same in the soil for a long period of time.
5. The industrial waste is dumped into rivers without being filtered, thus contaminating the rivers and bringing great harm to the residents nearby.
a waste of time and resources, time-consuming, precious, occupy, take up, limited, tempting, induce, lure, distract, be addicted to, resist the temptation, be obsessed with, abandon oneself to, indulge in, self-control, restrain, immature, academic performance, productivity, rewarding,
1. Computer games are so alluring that many children abandon themselves
to playing them.
2. Doing a part-time job takes up students’ valuable time and therefore affects their study.
3. in order to earn some money by taking up a part-time job, some students even skip classes and hence their academic performance is seriously affected.
4. Children are not encouraged to keep pets because pet-raising is a
time-consuming hobby and children are likely to be diverted from their study.
5. Students should be taught to refrain from chatting on line, because their sole task is study.
Be extravagant, squander, lavish, economize, costly, expensive, luxurious, money-consuming, precious, valuable
Impoverished, poverty-stricken, poverty-line, needy, lucrative, profitable, economic difficulty, wealthy, be short of, insufficient, lack, run out of, scarcity shortage, asset, financial aid, invest, income, taxpayer, consumption, expenditure, necessity, charity, disease, healthcare, hunger, illiteracy, starvation, shelter, miserable, well-being,
1. Some people are strongly against space research because they think it is an extravagant and wasteful project for developing country.
2. The primary responsibility of a government is to help its people eliminate poverty, disease and illiteracy.
3. It is a dissipation of taxpayers’ money for the government to subsidize artists and musicians.
4. Preservation of endangered species is a great economic burden on the developing nations.
5. Legalization of gambling can bring the government a great amount of foreign currency and at the same time create a considerable number of employment opportunities.
acute, bacteria, be physically damaging, cancer, chronic, convenience food, cure, couch potatoes, depression, do harm to one’s health, energetic, epidemics, eradicate, exhaust, fatigue, fitness, indigestion, jog, junk food, life expectancy, lose weight, malnutrition, medical treatment, pain-killer, poisonous, prevention, remedy, symptom, tiredness, wholesome, vigorous, virus
1. Eating too much fast food is physically damaging, for fast food contains too much fat, sugar and calorie.
2. Smoking is particularly dangerous for teens because their bodies are still developing and changing and the 4000 chemicals (including 200 known poisons) in cigarette smoke can adversely affect this process.
3. The rubbish problem poses potential risks to people’s health because trash contains all kinds of germs and viruses and transmits a number of epidemic diseases.
4. Private cars should be restricted because cars emit toxic gases that contain many known carcinogens.
5. We should do away with bad living habits such as excessive drinking and smoking and overeating.
abandoned, abuse ,affectionate, alienate, amusing, anxiety, arrogance, cheerful ,desert, devoted, divorce, eccentric, encouraging, energetic, enthusiasm, gap, harmonious, hopeful, hostility, ignore, ill-treat, indifferent,
introverted, loyal, misunderstanding, neglect, optimist, pessimistic, rebellious, stable, turn a deaf ear, unsociable, warm-hearted,
1. Those who indulge in the internet often feel isolated and being cut off from the outside world; gradually they tend to become more introverted and withdrawn.
2. For lack of adequate knowledge of the local customs and traditions, some disputes may arise when tourists communicate with the locals.
3. If old people are sent to live in a nursing house, they tend to feel useless, deserted by their family and hopeless.
4 The Olympic Games promote international goodwill, enhance mutual understanding between nations and maintain word peace.
5. People should be encouraged to share their joys and sorrows at the dinner table no matter how busy they are. In fact, dinner time is a perfect period for communication.。
