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Ⅰ.品句填词(用所给词的适当形式或根据语境写一个合适的词) 1.Weather permitting (permit), we will set off for the fair for s ome bargains.
2.He set an unbelievable (believe) world record in the 100m eter race at the Olympics.
3.He was brought up by his grandparents, so when they pas sed away, he was very sad.
4.To the thief's surprise, a tourist filmed his stealing the mon ey by accident. He had to admit his crime.
5.We went on and on, and were about to give up when I spo tted something through the trees.
6.It is said that body language accounts for 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent.
7.They did us no harm; on the contrary, all these fears helpe d us make changes.
8.Peter was spotted driving (drive) the motorbike through th e city center on Thursday.
9.The men paid a high price for their rudeness (rude): They
were disqualified immediately.
10.A welldressed man, who looked and talked like a milliona ire, turned out to be penniless (penny).
1.I still cannot forget the scene / my parents were sweating in the burning sun in the farmlands.
2.She told me that she had worked for years for an insuranc e company and she intended to become a top executive at th
e company.
3. told you that if you passed the exam you would receive a re ward was telling lies.
4.A poor woman dressed in and shivering with cold was str uggling on a lonely road, while the merciless rain was beating her without pause.
5.Due to a miserable marriage, both parents deserted the gi rl when she was only a oneyearold baby, leaving her grandmo ther to shoulder the task of bringing the baby.
6.It was really strange for me because I could not figure out was wrong and how I could improve my situation.
7.If you concern yourself with others and listen to them clos ely, you'll make scores of friends with little effort.
8.I had just finished writing the novel the electricity was cut
9.When we wanted to go through the forest, we found oursel ves .
10.A driver should never take / when driving a car.
Henry was a young American businessman. One day he was sailing out of the bay when he 1.was_carried (carry) out to s ea by a strong wind. Luckily he was spotted and saved by a s hip for . He arrived in by earning his 2.passage (pass) witho ut pay. He was lost in the street 3.in rags. Then an 4.incre dible (credit) thing happened. Two rich brothers gave him a let ter and told him not to open it 5.till/until two o'clock. Not 6.k nowing (know) it was a million pound bank note, Henry left an d went into a cheap restaurant to eat something. Everyone wa s rude 7.to him because they thought he was a poor man. H enry ate like a wolf, for he was 8.genuinely (genuine) hungry . After finishing his meal, he opened the envelope and held a million pound bank note. He was surprised but handed 9.it t o the owner to pay 10.for the meal, and this of course shock ed everyone and they changed their attitudes towards Henry t hen and there.
1.Weather permitting (permit), we will set off for the fair for some bargains.
2.He set an unbelievable (believe) world record in the 100meter race at the Olympics. 3.He was brought up by his grandparents, so when they passed away, he was very sad. 4.To the thief's surprise, a tourist filmed his stealing the money by accident. He had to admi t his crime.
5.We went on and on, and were about to give up when I spotted something through the tre es.
6.It is said that body language accounts for 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent.
7.They did us no harm; on the contrary, all these fears helped us make changes. 8.Peter was spotted driving (drive) the motorbike through the city center on Thursday. 9.The men paid a high price for their rudeness (rude): They were disqualified immediately. 10.A welldressed man, who looked and talked like a millionaire, turned out to be penniless ( penny).
1.I still cannot forget the scene / my parents were sweating in the burning sun in the farmla nds.
2.She told me that she had worked for years for an insurance company and she intended t o become a top executive at the company.
3. told you that if you passed the exam you would receive a reward was telling lies.
4.A poor woman dressed in and shivering with cold was struggling on a lonely road, while t he merciless rain was beating her without pause.
5.Due to a miserable marriage, both parents deserted the girl when she was only a oneyear old baby, leaving her grandmother to shoulder the task of bringing the baby.
6.It was really strange for me because I could not figure out was wrong and how I could im
prove my situation.
7.If you concern yourself with others and listen to them closely, you'll make scores of friend s with little effort.
8.I had just finished writing the novel the electricity was cut off.
9.When we wanted to go through the forest, we found ourselves .
10.A driver should never take / when driving a car.
Henry was a young American businessman. One day he was sailing out of the bay when he 1.was_carried (carry) out to sea by a strong wind. Luckily he was spotted and saved by a s hip for . He arrived in by earning his 2.passage (pass) without pay. He was lost in the stree t 3.in rags. Then an 4.incredible (credit) thing happened. Two rich brothers gave him a lett er and told him not to open it 5.till/until two o'clock. Not 6.knowing (know) it was a million p ound bank note, Henry left and went into a cheap restaurant to eat something. Everyone was rude 7.to him because they thought he was a poor man. Henry ate like a wolf, for he was 8.genuinely (genuine) hungry. After finishing his meal, he opened the envelope and held a m illion pound bank note. He was surprised but handed 9.it to the owner to pay 10.for the m eal, and this of course shocked everyone and they changed their attitudes towards Henry the n and there.。