
初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套1、Theplace_______interestedmemostwastheChildrensPalace、A、WhichB、whereC、whatD、inwhich2、Doyouknowtheman_______?A、whomIspokeB、towhospokeC、IspoketoD、thatIspoke3、Thisisthehotel_______lastmonth、A、whichtheystayedB、atthattheystayedC、wheretheystayedatD、wheretheystayed4、Doyouknowtheyear______theChineseCommunistPartywasfou nded?A、whichB、thatC、whenD、onwhich5、Thatistheday______Illneverforget、A、whichB、onwhichC、inwhichD、when6、Thefactory______wellvisitnextweekisnotfarfromhere、A、whereB、towhichC、whichD、inwhich7、Greatchangeshavetakenplacesincetheninthefactory_______wea reworking、A、whereB、thatC、whichD、there8、Thisisoneofthebestfilms_______、A、thathavebeenshownthisyearB、thathaveshownC、thathasbeenshownthisyearD、thatyoutalked9、Canyoulendmethebook______theotherday?A、aboutwhichyoutalkedB、whichyoutalkedC、aboutthatyoutalkedD、thatyoutalked10、Thepen______heiswritingismine、A、withwhichB、inwhichC、onwhichD、bywhich11、Theyarrivedatafarmhouse,infrontof______satasmallboy、A、whomB、whoC、whichD、that12、Theengineer______myfatherworksisabout50yearsold、A、towhomB、onwhomC、withwhichD、withwhom13、Itthereanyoneinyourclass______familyisinthecountry?A、whoB、whosC、whichD、whose14、Iminterestedin______youhavesaid、A、allthatB、allwhatC、thatD、which15、Iwanttousethesamedictionary______wasusedyesterday、A、whichB、whoC、whatD、as16、Heisntsuchaman______heusedtobe、B、whomC、thatD、as17、HeisgoodatEnglish,______weallknow、A、thatB、asC、whomD、what18、LiMing,______totheconcertenjoyeditverymuch、A、IwentwithB、withwhomIwentC、withwhoIwentD、Iwentwithhim19、Idontlike______asyouread、A、thenovelsB、thesuchnovelsC、suchnovelsD、samenovels20、Hetalkedalotaboutthingsandpersons________theyremembere din theschool、B、thatC、whomD、what21、Theletterisfrommysister,______isworkinginBeijing、A、whichB、thatC、whomD、who22、Inourfactorythereare2,000workers,twothirdsof____arewome n 、A、themB、whichC、whomD、who23、Youretheonlyperson______Iveevermet______coulddoit、A、who;/B、/;whomC、whom;/24、Ilostabook,______Icantremembernow、A、whosetitleB、itstitleC、thetitleofitD、thetitleofthat25、LastsummerwevisitedtheWestLake,______Hangzhouisfamous inth eworld、A、forwhichB、forthatC、inwhichD、what26、Ihaveboughtsuchawatch_______wasadvertisedonTV、A、thatB、whichC、asD、it27、Icanneverforgettheday_______weworkedtogetherandtheday____ __wespenttogether、A、when;whichB、which;whenC、what;thatD、onwhich;when28、Theway______helooksatproblemsiswrong、A、whichB、whoseC、whatD、/29、Thisisthereason______hedidntcometothemeeting、A、inwhichB、withwhichC、thatD、forwhich30、Thismachine,______formanyyears,isstillworkingperfectly、A、afterwhichIhavelookedB、whichIhavelookedafterC、thatIhavelookedafterD、Ihavelookedafter31、Thereason______hedidntcomewas______hewasill、A、why;thatB、that;whyC、forthat;thatD、forwhich;what32、Heisworkinghard,______willmakehimpassthefinalexam、A、thatB、whichD、who33、Thatisnottheway______Idoit、A、/B、whichC、forwhichD、withwhich34、Ihavetwogrammars,______areofgreatuse、A、allofwhichB、eitherofwhichC、bothofthatD、bothofwhich35、Iwanttousethesametools_______usedinyourfactoryafewdaysa go 、A、aswasB、whichwasC、aswereD、which36、Myneighboursusedtogivemeahandintimeoftrouble,_______wasve rykindofthem、A、whoB、whichC、thatD、it37、Thisisthemagazine_______Icopiedtheparagraph、A、thatB、whichC、fromthat38、Heisnotsuchaman_______wouldleavehisworkhalfdone、A、thatB、whichC、whoD、as39、Youcandependonwhateverpromise_______hemakes、A、/B、whyC、whenD、whose40、Smoking,_______isabadhabit,is,however,popular、A、thatB、whichC、itD、though41、---Didyouasktheguard_______happened?---Yes,hetoldmeall_______heknew、A、what;thatB、what;whatC、which;whichD、that;that42、Ishallneverforgetthoseyears_______Ilivedonthefarmwiththef armers,_______hasagreateffectonmylife、A、when;whoB、that;whichC、which;thatD、when;which43、Thenumberofthepeoplewho_______cars_______increasing、A、owns;areB、owns;isC、own;isD、own;are44、Duringthedays________,heworkedasaservantattheBrowns、A、followedB、followingC、tofollowD、thatfollowed45、Isoxygentheonlygas_______helpsfireburn?A、thatB、/C、whichD、it46、Thecleverboymadeaholeinthewall,_______hecouldsee_____wa sg oingoninsidehouse、A、which;whatB、throughwhich;whatC、throughthat;whatD、what;that47、Is_______someGermanfriendsvisitedlastweek?A、thisschoolB、thistheschoolC、thisschooloneD、thisschoolwhere48、Johngotbeateninthegame,_______hadbeenexpected、A、asB、thatC、whatD、who49、Ihaveboughttwoballpens,_______writeswell、A、noneofthemB、neitherofthemC、neitherofwhichD、noneofwhich50、Allthatcanbeeaten_______eatenup、A、arebeingB、hasbeenC、hadbeenD、havebeen答案及解析 for 初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)参考答案及解析1、A、which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。

初中英语定语从句专项操练题与答案详解(第2套)之青柳念文创作1.The place _______interested me most was theChildren's Palace.A. WhichB. whereC. whatD. in which2.Do you know the man _______?A. whom I spokeB. to who spokeC. I spoke to D. that I spoke3.This is the hotel _______last month.A. which they stayedB. at that they stayedC. where they stayed atD. where they staye d4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Com munist Party was founded?A. whichB. thatC. whenD. on which5.That is the day ______I'll never forget.A. whichB. on whichC. in whichD. when6.The factory ______we'll visit next week isnot far from here.A. whereB. to whichC. whichD. in which7.Great changes have taken place since thenin the factory _______we are working.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. there8.This is one of the best films _______.A. that have been shown this yearB. that have shownC. that has been shown this yearD. that y ou talked9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day?A. about which you talkedB. which you talk edC. about that you talkedD. that you talked10.The pen ______he is writing is mine.A. with whichB. in whichC. on whichD. by which11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of______sat a small boy.A. whomB. whoC. whichD. that12.The engineer ______my father works is abou t 50 years old.A. to whomB. on whomC. with whichD. wi th whom13.It there anyone in your class ______familyis in the country?A. whoB. who'sC. whichD. whose14.I'm interested in ______you have said.A. all thatB. all whatC. thatD. which15.I want to use the same dictionary ______w as used yesterday.A. whichB. whoC. whatD. as16.He isn't such a man ______he used to be.A. whoB. whomC. thatD. as17.He is good at English, ______we all know.A. thatB. asC. whomD. what18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much.A. I went withB. with whom I wentC. with who I went D.I went with him19.I don't like ______ as you read.A. the novelsB. the such novelsC. such n ovelsD. same novels20.He talked a lot about things and persons________they remembered in the school.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. what21.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. who22.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, t wo thirds of ____are women.A. themB. whichC. whomD. who23.You're the only person ______I've ever met______could do it.A. who;/B./; whomC. whom;/D./; who24.I lost a book, ______I can't remember now.A. whose titleB. its titleC. the title of it D. the title of thatst summer we visited the WestLake, _____ _Hangzhou is famous in the world.A. for whichB. for thatC. in whichD. w hat26.I have bought such a watch _______ was a dvertised on TV.A. thatB. whichC. asD. it27.I can never forget the day _______ we wo rked together and the day ______ we spent t ogether.A. when; whichB. which; whenC. what; thatD. on which; when28.The way ______he looks at problems is wro ng.A. whichB. whoseC. whatD./29.This is the reason ______he didn't come t o the meeting.A. in whichB. with whichC. thatD. for which30.This machine, ______for many years, is sti ll working perfectly.A. after which I have lookedB. which I ha ve looked afterC. that I have looked afterD. I have look ed after31.The reason ______he didn't come was ______ he was ill.A. why; thatB.that;whyC. for that;thatD.f or which;what32.He is working hard, ______will make him p ass the final exam.A.thatB.whichC.for whichD.who33.That is not the way ______I do it.A./B.whichC.for whichD.with which34.I have two grammars, ______are of great u se.A. all of whichB. either of whichC. bothof that D. both of which35.I want to use the same tools _______usedin your factory a few days ago.A. as wasB. which wasC. as wereD. whic h36.My neigh bours used to give me a hand i n time of trouble, _______ was very kind of them.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. it37.This is the magazine _______ I copied theparagraph.A. thatB. whichC. from thatD. from whic h38.He is not such a man _______ would leavehis work half done.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. as39. You can depend on whatever promise _____ __ he makes.A. /B. whyC. whenD. whose40. Smoking, _______ is a bad habit, is, ho wever, popular.A. thatB. whichC. itD. though41. --- Did you ask the guard _______ happe ned?--- Yes, he told me all _______ he knew. A. what; that B. what; what C. which; whichD. that; that42. I shall never forget those years _______I lived on the farm withthe farmers, _______ has a great effect on my life.A. when; whoB. that; whichC. which; thatD. when; which43. The number of the people who _______ ca rs _______ increasing.A. owns; areB. owns; isC. own; isD. ow n; are44. During the days ________, he worked asa servant at the Browns.A. followedB. followingC. to followD. that followed45. Is oxygen the only gas _______ helps fi re burn?A. thatB. /C. whichD. it46. The clever boy made a hole in the wall , _______ he could see _____ was going on inside house.A. which; whatB. through which; whatC. th rough that; whatD. what; that47. Is _______ some German friends visited l ast week?A. this schoolB. this the schoolC. this school oneD. this school where48. John got beaten in the game, _______ had been expected.A. asB. thatC. whatD. who49. I have bought two ballpens, _______ writ es well.A. none of themB. neither of themC. neit her of whichD. none of which50. All that can be eaten _______ eaten up.A. are beingB. has beenC. had beenD. h ave been答案及解析 for 初中英语定语从句专项操练题与答案详解(第2套)参考答案及解析1. A. which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语. 2.C. "和谁讲话”要说speak to sb. 本题全句应为Do you know the man whom I spoke to..whom是关系代词,作介词to的宾语,可以省略.3. D. where是关系副词,暗示地点,在定语从句中作地点状语.4. C. when是关系副词,暗示时间,在定语从句中作时间状语.5.A. which是关系代词,在从句中作forget的宾语.其他几个答案都不克不及作宾语.6.C. 解析同第5题.7. A. 解析见第3题.8. A. 本句话的先行词应该是films,因此,关系代词that是负数概念,其谓语动词应用复述的主动语态have been shown.如果句中的one前面使用了定冠词the,则the one应该视为先行词.9. A. “谈到某事物”应说talk about sth..about是介词,其后要用which作宾语,不克不及用that.10. A. with which 是"介词+关系代词"布局,常常使用来引导定语从句.with有"用"的意思,介词之后只能用which,不克不及用that. with which在定语从句中作状语,即he is writing with a pen.11. C. in front of which 即in front of a farmhouse. In front of which 在从句中作状语.12. D. with whom引导定语从句.with whom放在从句中即为:my father works with the engineer.13. D. whose引导定语从句,在从句中作主语family的定语.14. A. that引导定语从句,因为先行词是all,所以只能选用that引导.15. D. the same……..as是固定用法, as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本句话中,as作从句的主语.16. D. such………as是固定用法,as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本题中,as作表语.17. B. as作关系代词可以单独用来引导非限制性定语从句.这时as所指代的不是主句中某个名词,而往往指代整个主句的含义.as在从句中可以作主语、宾语.从句可放在主句后,也可置于主句前.在本句中,as作宾语.18. B. Li Ming enjoyed it very much是主句,with whom I went to the concert是定语从句.with whom放在从句中为:I went to the concert with Li Ming.19. C. as引导定语从句时通常构成such…as或the same…as固定搭配,其中such和same修饰其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引导定语从句.as在从句中可以作主语、表语或宾语.Such修饰单数名词时,要用such a……..,本题中such books, such直接修饰复数名词.20. B. things和persons是先行词.当定语从句要修饰的先行词是既暗示人,又暗示物的名词时,其关系代词要用that.21. D. who引导非限制性定语从句,who作从句的主语.22. C. two thirds of whom 即:two thirds ofthe 2,000 workers.23. D. 先行词person后有两个定语从句,第一个从句省略了关系代词whom.因为, whom作从句中met的宾语,可以省略.第二个从句who could do it.who在从句中作主语,不成省略.24. A. whose title引导非限制性定语从句,whose title也可以说成the title of which25. A. for which 引导定语从句,使用介词for,是来自于从句中的固定短语be famous for "以……..而闻名".26. C. 当先行词被such修饰时,引导定语从句的关系代词要用as. As在本从句中作主语.27. A. 两个先行词the day都是暗示时间的名词,但第一个空缺处要填的关系词在从句中作状语,因此要用关系副词when. 第二个空缺处要填的关系词在从句中作动词spent的宾语,因此要用关系代词which或that来引导定语从句.28. D. 在way、distance、direction等词后的定语从句中,常常使用that来代替“in(或其他介词)+which”、when或where,而that常可省略.29. D. for which在定语从句中作原因状语,可用why 来替代.30. B. which I have looked after 构成一个非限制性定语从句.31. A. The reason why…was that….已成为一种固定句型,这一句中的why和that不克不及随意换位,也不克不及将that改成because,虽然that这个词在译文中能够有“因为”的含义.32. B. 非限制性定语从句常常使用which引导,which暗示前句话的整个含义.33. A. 诠释见28题.34. D. 主句中的two标明不克不及选A.从句中的are标明不克不及选B. both of which用来引导非限制性定语从句.35. C. as引导定语从句时通常构成such…as或the same…as固定搭配,其中such和same修饰其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引导定语从句.as在从句中可以作主语、表语或宾语.本题中as作从句的主语. 36. B. 非限制性定语从句常常使用which引导,which暗示前句话的整个含义.37. D.38. D. 解析见35题.39. A. he makes是定语从句, 从句前省略了关系代词that.40. B. which is a bad habit 非限制性定语从句.41. A. what happened是宾语从句. all 之后that he knew是定语从句.先行词是all,所以关系代词只能用that.42. D. years是暗示时间的名词,用when引导定语从句,是因为when在从句中作时间状语.第二个空选用which,引导一个非限制性定语从句.43. C. 本句话的定语从句是who own cars. 其先行词是people,因此,定语从句的谓语动词要用复数的own.本句话主句的主语是The number of指“…..的数目”,是单数概念.因此,主句的谓语动词要用is.44. D. that followed是定语从句,关系代词that 在从句中作主语.45. A. 先行词gas被only修饰,关系代词要用that,而不必which.46. B. through which引导定语从句,through which即through the hole,在定语从句中作状语.What引导的是see的宾语从句,并作从句的主语.47. B. 为便于懂得,改写本句话:This is the school that some Germanfriends v isited last week. 不丢脸出,作表语的the school 是先行词.that引导了定语从句,因为that同时又作visited的宾语,所以被省略了.其它选项布局分歧错误.48. A. 诠释见35题.49. C. 因为是two ballpens, 而且定语从句的谓语writes是单数概念.因此,C是正确选项.50. B. 本句话中,主句的主语是all,为抽象概念.因此,其谓语应用单数的has been.关系代词that引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语.。

xx定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)1.Theplace _______interestedme most was the Children's Palace.A.WhichB.whereC.whatD.in which2.Doyou know the man _______?A.whom I spokeB.to who spokeC.I spoke toD.that Ispoke3.Thisis the hotel _______lastmonth.A.which they stayedB.at that they stayedC.where they stayed atD.where they stayed4.Doyou know the year ______theChinese Communist Party wasfounded?A.whichB.thatC.whenD.on which5.Thatis the day ______I'llnever forget.A.whichB.on whichC.in whichD.when6.Thefactory ______we'llvisit next week is not far from here.A.whereB.to whichC.whichD.in which7.Greatchanges have taken place since then in the factory _______weare working.A.whereB.thatC.whichD.there8.Thisis one of the best films _______.A.that have been shown this yearB.that have shownC.that has been shown this yearD.that you talked9.Canyou lend me the book ______theother day?A.about which you talkedB.which you talkedC.about that you talkedD.that you talked10.Thepen ______heis writing is mine.A.with whichB.in whichC.on whichD.by which11.Theyarrived at a farmhouse,in front of ______sata small boy.A.whomB.whoC.whichD.that12.Theengineer ______myfather works is about 50years old.A.to whom B.on whom C.with which D.with whom13.Itthere anyone in your class ______familyis in the country?A.whoB.who'sC.whichD.whose14.I'minterested in ______youhave said.A.all thatB.all whatC.thatD.which15.Iwant to use the same dictionary ______wasused yesterday.A.whichB.whoC.whatD.as16.Heisn't such a man ______heused to be.A.whoB.whomC.thatD.as17.Heis good at English,______weall know.A.thatB.asC.whomD.what18.LiMing,______tothe concert enjoyed it very much.A.I went with B.with whomI went C.with who I went D.Iwent with him19.Idon't like ______as you read.A.the novelsB.the such novelsC.such novelsD.same novels20.Hetalked a lot about things and persons ________theyremembered in the school.A.whichB.thatC.whomD.what21.Theletter is from my sister,______isworking in Beijing.A.which B.thatC.whomD.who22.Inour factory there are 2,000workers,two thirds of ____arewomen.A.themB.whichC.whomD.who23.You'rethe only person ______I'veever met ______coulddoit.A.who;/B./;whomC.whom;/D./;who24.Ilost a book,______Ican't remember now.A.whose titleB.its titleC.the title of itD.the title of thatstsummer we visited the WestLake,______Hangzhouis famous in the world.A.for whichB.for thatC.in whichD.what26.Ihave bought such a watch _______was advertised on TV.A.that B.which C.asD.it27.Ican never forget the day _______we worked together and the day______we spent together.A.when;whichB.which;whenC.what;thatD.on which;when28.Theway ______helooks at problems is wrong.A.whichB.whoseC.whatD./29.Thisis the reason ______hedidn't come to the meeting.A.in which B.with which C.that D.for which30.Thismachine,______formany years,is still working perfectly.A.after which I have lookedB.which I have looked afterC.that I have looked afterD.I have looked after31.Thereason ______hedidn't come was ______hewas ill.A.why;that B.that;whyC.for that;thatD.for which;what32.Heis working hard,______willmake him pass the final exam.A.thatB.whichC.for whichD.who33.Thatis not the way ______Ido it.A./B.whichC.for whichD.with which34.Ihave two grammars,______areof great use.A.all of whichB.either of whichC.both of thatD.both of which35.Iwant to use the same tools _______usedin your factorya few days ago.A.as wasB.which wasC.as wereD.which36.Myneigh bours used to give me a hand in time of trouble,_______was very kind of them.A.whoB.whichC.thatD.it37.Thisis the magazine _______I copied the paragraph.A.that B.which C.from that D.from which38.Heis not such a man _______would leave his work halfdone.A.thatB.whichC.whoD.as39.You can depend on whatever promise _______he makes.A./B.why C.whenD.whose40.Smoking,_______is a bad habit,is,however,popular.A.that B.which C.itD.though41.---Did you ask the guard _______happened?---Yes,he told me all _______he knew.A.what;thatB.what;whatC.which;whichD.that;that42.I shall never forget those years _______I lived on the farm withthe farmers,_______has a great effect on my life.A.when;who B.that;which C.which;that D.when;which43.The number of the people who _______cars _______increasing.A.owns;areB.owns;isC.own;isD.own;are44.During the days ________,he worked as a servant at the Browns.A.followedB.followingC.to followD.that followed45.Is oxygen the only gas _______helps fire burn?A.that B./C.which D.it46.The clever boy made a hole in the wall,_______he could see _____was going on inside house.A.which;whatB.through which;whatC.through that;whatD.what;that47.Is _______some German friends visited last week?A.this schoolB.this the schoolC.this school oneD.this school where48.John got beaten in the game,_______had been expected.A.as B.that C.whatD.who49.I have bought two ballpens,_______writes well.A.none of them B.neither of them C.neither of which D.none of which50.All that can be eaten _______eaten up.A.are beingB.has beenC.had beenD.have been 答案及解析for 初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)参考答案及解析1.A.which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。

The place _______interested me most was the Children’s Palac e。
Which B. where C. what D. in which2。
Do you know the man _______?A. whom I spokeB. to who spokeC. I spoke to D。
that I spoke3。
This is the hotel _______last month。
which they stayed B. at that they stayedC。
where they stayed at D。
where they stayed4。
Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded?A. whichB. that C。
when D。
on which5。
That is the day ______I'll never forget.A。
which B。
on which C。
in which D。
The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from her e。
A. whereB. to whichC. which D。
in which7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working.A. whereB. that C。
which D. there8。
This is one of the best films _______.A. that have been shown this yearB. that have shownC。

The place _______interested me most was the Children’s Palac e。
A. WhichB. where C。
what D. in which2.Do you know the man _______?A。
whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D。
thatI spoke3.This is the hotel _______last month.A。
which they stayed B. at that they stayedC. where they stayed at D。
where they stayed4。
Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded?A. whichB. thatC. when D。
on which5.That is the day ______I'll never forget.A。
which B. on which C. in which D。
The factory ______we’ll visit next week is not far from he re.A. whereB. to which C。
which D. in which7。
Great changes have taken place since then in the factory __ _____we are working.A. where B。
that C. which D。
This is one of the best films _______。
A. that have been shown this yearB. that have shownC。

place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in whichyou know the man _______?A. whom I spokeB. to who spokeC. I spoke toD. that I spokeis the hotel _______last month.A. which they stayedB. at that they stayedC. where they stayed atD. where they stayedyou know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was fo unded?A. whichB. thatC. whenD. on whichis the day ______I'll never forget.A. whichB. on whichC. in whichD. whenfactory ______we'll visit next week is not far from here.A. whereB. to whichC. whichD. in whichchanges have taken place since then in the factory _______ we are working.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. thereis one of the best films _______.A. that have been shown this yearB. that have shownC. that has been shown this yearD. that you talkedyou lend me the book ______the other day?A. about which you talkedB. which you talkedC. about that you talkedD. that you talkedpen ______he is writing is mine.A. with whichB. in whichC. on whichD. by whicharrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy.A. whomB. whoC. whichD. thatengineer ______my father works is about 50 years old.A. to whomB. on whomC. with whichD. with whomthere anyone in your class ______family is in the country?A. whoB. who'sC. whichD. whose'm interested in ______you have said.A. all thatB. all whatC. thatD. whichwant to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday. A. which B. who C. what D. asisn't such a man ______he used to be.A. whoB. whomC. thatD. asis good at English, ______we all know.A. thatB. asC. whomD. whatMing, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much.A. I went withB. with whom I wentC. with who I went went with himdon't like ______ as you read.A. the novelsB. the such novelsC. such novelsD. same n ovelstalked a lot about things and persons ________they remember ed in the school.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. whatletter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. whoour factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of ____are women.A. themB. whichC. whomD. who're the only person ______I've ever met ______could do it.A. who;/B./; whomC. whom;/D./; wholost a book, ______I can't remember now.A. whose titleB. its titleC. the title of itD. the ti tle of thatsummer we visited the WestLake, ______Hangzhou is famous in the world.A. for whichB. for thatC. in whichD. whathave bought such a watch _______ was advertised on TV. A. that B. which C. as D. itcan never forget the day _______ we worked together and t he day ______ we spent together.A. when; whichB. which; whenC. what; thatD. on which; whenway ______he looks at problems is wrong.A. whichB. whoseC. whatD./is the reason ______he didn't come to the meeting.A. in whichB. with whichC. thatD. for whichmachine, ______for many years, is still working perfectly.A. after which I have lookedB. which I have looked afterC. that I have looked afterD. I have looked afterreason ______he didn't come was ______he was ill.A. why; that ;why C. for that;that which;whatis working hard, ______will make him pass the final exam.whichis not the way ______I do it.A./ which whichhave two grammars, ______are of great use.A. all of whichB. either of whichC. both of thatD. bo th of whichwant to use the same tools _______used in your factory a few days ago.A. as wasB. which wasC. as wereD. whichneigh bours used to give me a hand in time of trouble,_______ was very kind of them.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. itis the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph.A. thatB. whichC. from thatD. from whichis not such a man _______ would leave his work half done.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. as39. You can depend on whatever promise _______ he makes.A. /B. whyC. whenD. whose40. Smoking, _______ is a bad habit, is, however, popular.A. thatB. whichC. itD. though41. --- Did you ask the guard _______ happened?--- Yes, he told me all _______ he knew.A. what; thatB. what; whatC. which; whichD. that; that42. I shall never forget those years _______ I lived on the farm withthe farmers, _______ has a great effect on my life.A. when; whoB. that; whichC. which; thatD. when; which43. The number of the people who _______ cars _______ incre asing.A. owns; areB. owns; isC. own; isD. own; are44. During the days ________, he worked as a servant at the Browns.A. followedB. followingC. to followD. that followed45. Is oxygen the only gas _______ helps fire burn?A. thatB. /C. whichD. it46. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _______ he co uld see _____ was going on inside house.A. which; whatB. through which; whatC. through that; whatD. what; that47. Is _______ some German friends visited last week?A. this schoolB. this the schoolC. this school oneD. t his school where48. John got beaten in the game, _______ had been expected.A. asB. thatC. whatD. who49. I have bought two ballpens, _______ writes well.A. none of themB. neither of themC. neither of whichD. none of which50. All that can be eaten _______ eaten up.A. are beingB. has beenC. had beenD. have been答案及解析 for 初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)参考答案及解析1. A. which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。

初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第 2 套)1.The place interested me most was the Children's Palace.A. WhichB. whereC. whatD. in which2.Do you know the man ?A. whom I spokeB. to who spokeC. I spoke toD. that I spoke3.This is the hotel last month.A. which they stayedB. at that they stayedC. where they stayed atD. where they stayed4.Do you know the year the Chinese Communist Party was founded?A. whichB. thatC. whenD. on which5.That is the day I'll never forget.A. whichB. on whichC. in whichD. when6.T he factory we'll visit next week is not far from here.A. whereB. to whichC. whichD. in which7.G reat changes have taken place since then in the factory we are working.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. there8.This is one of the best films .A. that have been shown this yearB. that have shownC. that has been shown this yearD. that you talked9.Can you lend me the book the other day?A. about which you talkedB. which you talkedC. about that you talkedD. that you talked10.The pen he is writing is mine.A. with whichB. in whichC. on whichD. by which11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of sat a small boy.A.whomB. whoC. whichD. that12.The engineer my father works is about 50 years old.A.to whomB. on whomC. with whichD. with whom13.It there anyone in your class family is in the country?A.whoB. who'sC. whichD. whose14.I'm interested in you have said.A.all thatB. all whatC. thatD. which15.I want to use the same dictionary was used yesterday.A. whichB. whoC. whatD. as16.He isn't such a man he used to be.A.whoB. whomC. thatD. as17.He is good at English, we all know.A.thatB. asC. whomD. what18.Li Ming, to the concert enjoyed it very much.A.I went withB. with whom I wentC. with who I wentD.I went with h im19.I don't like as you read.A. the novelsB. the such novelsC. such novelsD. same novels20.He talked a lot about things and persons they remembered i n the school.A.whichB. thatC. whomD. what21.The letter is from my sister, is working in Beijing.A.whichB. thatC. whomD. who22.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of are wome n.A.themB. whichC. whomD. who23.You're the only person I've ever met could do it.A.who;/B./; whomC. whom;/D./; who24.I lost a book, I can't remember now.A. whose titleB. its titleC. the title of itD. the title of thatst summer we visited the WestLake, Hangzhou is famous in t he world.A. for whichB. for thatC. in whichD. what26.I have bought such a watch was advertised on TV.A. thatB. whichC. asD. it27.I can never forget the day we worked together and the daywe spent together.A. when; whichB. which; whenC. what; thatD. on which; when28.The way he looks at problems is wrong.A. whichB. whoseC. whatD./29.This is the reason he didn't come to the meeting.A.in whichB. with whichC. thatD. for which30.This machine, for many years, is still working perfectly.A.after which I have lookedB. which I have looked afterC. that I have looked afterD. I have looked after31.The reason he didn't come was he was ill.A. why; thatB.that;whyC. for that;thatD.for which;what32.He is working hard, will make him pass the final exam.A.thatB.whichC.for whichD.who33.That is not the way I do it.A./B.whichC.for whichD.with which34.I have two grammars, are of great use.A. all of whichB. either of whichC. both of thatD. both of which35.I want to use the same tools used in your factory a few day s ago.A. as wasB. which wasC. as wereD. which36.My neigh bours used to give me a hand in time of trouble,was very kind of them.A.whoB. whichC. thatD. it37.This is the magazine I copied the paragraph.A.thatB. whichC. from thatD. from which38.He is not such a man would leave his work half done.A.thatB. whichC. whoD. as39.You can depend on whatever promise he makes.A. /B. whyC. whenD. whose40.Smoking, is a bad habit, is, however, popular.A. thatB. whichC. itD. though41.--- Did you ask the guard happened?--- Yes, he told me all he knew.A. what; thatB. what; whatC. which; whichD. that; that42.I shall never forget those years I lived on the farm with the farmers, has a great effect on my life.A. when; whoB. that; whichC. which; thatD. when; which43.The number of the people who cars increasing.A. owns; areB. owns; isC. own; isD. own; are44.During the days , he worked as a servant at the Browns.A. followedB. followingC. to followD. that followed45.Is oxygen the only gas helps fire burn?A. thatB. /C. whichD. it46.The clever boy made a hole in the wall, he could see_ was going on inside house.A. which; whatB. through which; whatC. through that; whatD. what; that47.Is some German friends visited last week?A. this schoolB. this the schoolC. this school oneD. this school w here48.John got beaten in the game, had been expected.A. asB. thatC. whatD. who49.I have bought two ballpens, writes well.A. none of themB. neither of themC. neither of whichD. none of whi ch50.All that can be eaten eaten up.A.are beingB. has beenC. had beenD. have been答案及解析 for 初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第 2 套)参考答案及解析1. A. which 用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。

初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)之相礼和热创作1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Pala ce.A. WhichB. whereC. whatD. in which2.Do you know the man _______?A. whom I spokeB. to who spokeC. I spoke toD. that I spoke3.This is the hotel _______last month.A. which they stayedB. at that they stayedC. where they stayed atD. where they stayed4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party w as founded?A. whichB. thatC. whenD. on which5.That is the day ______I'll never forget.A. whichB. on whichC. in whichD. when6.The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from here.A. whereB. to whichC. whichD. in which7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory ____ ___we are working.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. there8.This is one of the best films _______.A. that have been shown this yearB. that have shownC. that has been shown this yearD. that you talked9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day?A. about which you talkedB. which you talkedC. about that you talkedD. that you talked10.The pen ______he is writing is mine.A. with whichB. in whichC. on whichD. by which11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small bo y.A. whomB. whoC. whichD. that12.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old.A. to whomB. on whomC. with whichD. with whom13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country?A. whoB. who'sC. whichD. whose14.I'm interested in ______you have said.A. all thatB. all whatC. thatD. which15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday.A. whichB. whoC. whatD. as16.He isn't such a man ______he used to be.A. whoB. whomC. thatD. as17.He is good at English, ______we all know.A. thatB. asC. whomD. what18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much.A. I went withB. with whom I wentC. with who I wentD.I wen t with him19.I don't like ______ as you read.A. the novelsB. the such novelsC. such novelsD. same novels20.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they reme mbered in the school.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. what21.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. who22.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of ____are women.A. themB. whichC. whomD. who23.You're the only person ______I've ever met ______could do it.A. who;/B./; whomC. whom;/D./; who24.I lost a book, ______I can't remember now.A. whose titleB. its titleC. the title of itD. the title of thatst summer we visited the WestLake, ______Hangzhou is f amous in the world.A. for whichB. for thatC. in whichD. what26.I have bought such a watch _______ was advertised on TV.A. thatB. whichC. asD. it27.I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and t he day ______ we spent together.A. when; whichB. which; whenC. what; thatD. on which; whe n28.The way ______he looks at problems is wrong.A. whichB. whoseC. whatD./29.This is the reason ______he didn't come to the meeting.A. in whichB. with whichC. thatD. for which30.This machine, ______for many years, is still working perfect ly.A. after which I have lookedB. which I have looked afterC. that I have looked afterD. I have looked after31.The reason ______he didn't come was ______he was ill.A. why; thatB.that;whyC. for that;thatD.for which;what32.He is working hard, ______will make him pass the final exa m.A.thatB.whichC.for whichD.who33.That is not the way ______I do it.A./B.whichC.for whichD.with which34.I have two grammars, ______are of great use.A. all of whichB. either of whichC. both of thatD. both of whi ch35.I want to use the same tools _______used in your factory a fe w days ago.A. as wasB. which wasC. as wereD. which36.My neigh bours used to give me a hand in time of trouble, __ _____ was very kind of them.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. it37.This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph.A. thatB. whichC. from thatD. from which38.He is not such a man _______ would leave his work half done.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. as39. You can depend on whatever promise _______ he makes.A. /B. whyC. whenD. whose40. Smoking, _______ is a bad habit, is, however, popular.A. thatB. whichC. itD. though41. --- Did you ask the guard _______ happened?--- Yes, he told me all _______ he knew.A. what; thatB. what; whatC. which; whichD. that; that42. I shall never forget those years _______ I lived on the farm withthe farmers, _______ has a great effect on my life.A. when; whoB. that; whichC. which; thatD. when; which43. The number of the people who _______ cars _______ increa sing.A. owns; areB. owns; isC. own; isD. own; are44. During the days ________, he worked as a servant at the Bro wns.A. followedB. followingC. to followD. that followed45. Is oxygen the only gas _______ helps fire burn?A. thatB. /C. whichD. it46. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _______ he could see _____ was going on inside house.A. which; whatB. through which; whatC. through that; whatD. what; that47. Is _______ some German friends visited last week?A. this schoolB. this the schoolC. this school oneD. this school where48. John got beaten in the game, _______ had been expected.A. asB. thatC. whatD. who49. I have bought two ballpens, _______ writes well.A. none of themB. neither of themC. neither of whichD. none of which50. All that can be eaten _______ eaten up.A. are beingB. has beenC. had beenD. have been答案及解析for 初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)参考答案及解析1. A. which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语.2.C. "和谁讲话”要说speak to sb. 本题全句应为Do you know the man whom I spoke to..whom是关系代词,作介词to的宾语,可以省略.3. D. where是关系副词,暗示地点,在定语从句中作地点状语.4. C. when是关系副词,暗示工夫,在定语从句中作工夫状语.5.A. which是关系代词,在从句中作forget的宾语.其他几个答案都不克不及作宾语.6.C. 解析同第5题.7. A. 解析见第3题.8. A. 本句话的先行词应该是films,因而,关系代词that是负数概念,其谓语动词运用复述的自动语态have been shown.假如句中的one后面运用了定冠词the,则the one应该视为先行词.9. A. “谈到某事物”应说talk about sth..about是介词,其后要用which作宾语,不克不及用that.10. A. with which是"介词+关系代词"结构,经常运用来引导定语从句.with有"用"的意思,介词之后只能用which,不克不及用that. with which在定语从句中作状语,即he is writing with a pen.11. C. in front of which 即in front of a farmhouse. In front of which在从句中作状语.12. D. with whom引导定语从句.with whom放在从句中即为:my father works with the engineer.13. D. whose引导定语从句,在从句中作主语family的定语.14. A. that引导定语从句,由于先行词是all,以是只能选用that 引导.15. D. the same……..as是固定用法, as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本句话中,as作从句的主语.16. D. such……… as是固定用法,as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本题中,as作表语.17. B. as作关系代词可以单独用来引导非限定性定语从句.这时as所指代的不是主句中某个名词,而每每指代整个主句的含义.as在从句中可以作主语、宾语.从句可放在主句后,也可置于主句前.在本句中,as作宾语.18. B. Li Ming enjoyed it very much是主句,with whom I went to the concert是定语从句.with whom放在从句中为:I went to the concert with Li Ming.19. C. as引导定语从句时通常构成such…as或the same…as 固定搭配,其中such和same修饰其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引导定语从句.as在从句中可以作主语、表语或宾语.Such修饰单数名词时,要用such a……..,本题中such books, such直接修饰复数名词.20. B. things和persons是先行词.当定语从句要修饰的先行词是既暗示人,又暗示物的名词时,其关系代词要用that.21. D. who引导非限定性定语从句,who作从句的主语.22. C. two thirds of whom 即:two thirds of the 2,000 workers.23. D. 先行词person后有两个定语从句,第一个从句省略了关系代词whom.由于, whom作从句中met的宾语,可以省略.第二个从句who could do it.who在从句中作主语,不成省略. 24. A. whose title引导非限定性定语从句,whose title也可以说成the title of which25. A. for which 引导定语从句,运用介词for,是来自于从句中的固定短语be famous for "以……..而出名".26. C. 当先行词被such修饰时,引导定语从句的关系代词要用as. As在本从句中作主语.27. A. 两个先行词the day都是暗示工夫的名词,但第一个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作状语,因而要用关系副词when. 第二个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作动词spent的宾语,因而要用关系代词which或that来引导定语从句.28. D. 在way、distance、direction等词后的定语从句中,经常运用that来代替“in (或其他介词)+which”、when或where,而that常可省略.29. D. for which在定语从句中作缘故原由状语,可用why 来替代.30. B. which I have looked after 构成一个非限定性定语从句.31. A. The reason why… was that….已成为一种固定句型,这一句中的why和that不克不及随意换位,也不克不及将that 改成because,虽然that这个词在译文中可能有“由于”的含义.32. B. 非限定性定语从句经常运用which引导,which暗示前句话的整个含义.33. A. 解释见28题.34. D. 主句中的two标明不克不及选A.从句中的are标明不克不及选B. both of which用来引导非限定性定语从句.35. C. as引导定语从句时通常构成such…as或the same…as 固定搭配,其中such和same修饰其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引导定语从句.as在从句中可以作主语、表语或宾语.本题中as作从句的主语.36. B. 非限定性定语从句经常运用which引导,which暗示前句话的整个含义.37. D.38. D. 解析见35题.39. A. he makes是定语从句, 从句前省略了关系代词that.40. B. which is a bad habit 非限定性定语从句.41. A. what happened是宾语从句. all 之后that he knew是定语从句.先行词是all,以是关系代词只能用that.42. D. years是暗示工夫的名词,用when引导定语从句,是由于when在从句中作工夫状语.第二个空选用which,引导一个非限定性定语从句.43. C. 本句话的定语从句是who own cars. 其先行词是people,因而,定语从句的谓语动词要用复数的own.本句话主句的主语是The number of指“…..的数目”,是单数概念.因而,主句的谓语动词要用is.44. D. that followed是定语从句,关系代词that在从句中作主语.45. A. 先行词gas被only修饰,关系代词要用that,而不必which.46. B. through which引导定语从句,through which即through the hole,在定语从句中作状语.What引导的是see的宾语从句,并作从句的主语.47. B. 为便于理解,改写本句话:This is the school that some Germanfriends visited last week. 不好看出,作表语的the school是先行词.that引导了定语从句,由于that同时又作visited的宾语,以是被省略了.别的选项结构分歧错误.48. A. 解释见35题.49. C. 由于是two ballpens, 而且定语从句的谓语writes是单数概念.因而,C是正确选项.50. B. 本句话中,主句的主语是all,为笼统概念.因而,其谓语运用单数的has been.关系代词that引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语.。

The place _______interested me most was the Children’s Palac e.A。
Which B. where C。
what D. in which2.Do you know the man _______?A。
whom I spoke B. to who spoke C。
I spoke to D。
thatI spoke3.This is the hotel _______last month.A. which they stayed B。
at that they stayedC. where they stayed at D。
where they stayed4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded?A. which B。
that C. when D。
on which5。
That is the day ______I’ll never forget。
A. which B。
on which C。
in which D. when6.The factory ______we’ll visit next week is not far from here。
where B。
to which C. which D. in which7。
Great changes have taken place since then in the factory __ _____we are working。
where B。
that C。
which D。
This is one of the best films _______.A. that have been shown this yearB. that have shownC。

初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)之杨若古兰创作1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace.A. WhichB. whereC. whatD. in which2.Do you know the man _______?A. whom I spokeB. to who spokeC. I spoke toD. that I spoke3.This is the hotel _______last month.A. which they stayedB. at that they stayedC. where they stayed atD. where they stayed4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded?A. whichB. thatC. whenD. on which5.That is the day ______I'll never forget.A. whichB. on whichC. in whichD. when6.The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from here.A. whereB. to whichC. whichD. in which7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory ______ _we are working.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. there8.This is one of the best films _______.A. that have been shown this yearB. that have shownC. that has been shown this yearD. that you talked9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day?A. about which you talkedB. which you talkedC. about that you talkedD. that you talked10.The pen ______he is writing is mine.A. with whichB. in whichC. on whichD. by which11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy.A. whomB. whoC. whichD. that12.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old.A. to whomB. on whomC. with whichD. with whom13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country?A. whoB. who'sC. whichD. whose14.I'm interested in ______you have said.A. all thatB. all whatC. thatD. which15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday.A. whichB. whoC. whatD. as16.He isn't such a man ______he used to be.A. whoB. whomC. thatD. as17.He is good at English, ______we all know.A. thatB. asC. whomD. what18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much.A. I went withB. with whom I wentC. with who I wentD.I went with him19.I don't like ______ as you read.A. the novelsB. the such novelsC. such novelsD. same novels20.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remem bered in the school.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. what21.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. who22.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of ____are w omen.A. themB. whichC. whomD. who23.You're the only person ______I've ever met ______could do it.A. who;/B./; whomC. whom;/D./; who24.I lost a book, ______I can't remember now.A. whose titleB. its titleC. the title of itD. the title of thatst summer we visited the WestLake, ______Hangzhou is fam ous in the world.A. for whichB. for thatC. in whichD. what26.I have bought such a watch _______ was advertised on TV.A. thatB. whichC. asD. it27.I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together.A. when; whichB. which; whenC. what; thatD. on which; when28.The way ______he looks at problems is wrong.A. whichB. whoseC. whatD./29.This is the reason ______he didn't come to the meeting.A. in whichB. with whichC. thatD. for which30.This machine, ______for many years, is still working perfectly.A. after which I have lookedB. which I have looked afterC. that I have looked afterD. I have looked after31.The reason ______he didn't come was ______he was ill.A. why; thatB.that;whyC. for that;thatD.for which;what32.He is working hard, ______will make him pass the final exam.A.thatB.whichC.for whichD.who33.That is not the way ______I do it.A./B.whichC.for whichD.with which34.I have two grammars, ______are of great use.A. all of whichB. either of whichC. both of thatD. both of which35.I want to use the same tools _______used in your factory a few days ago.A. as wasB. which wasC. as wereD. which36.My neigh bours used to give me a hand in time of trouble, ____ ___ was very kind of them.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. it37.This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph.A. thatB. whichC. from thatD. from which38.He is not such a man _______ would leave his work half done.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. as39. You can depend on whatever promise _______ he makes.A. /B. whyC. whenD. whose40. Smoking, _______ is a bad habit, is, however, popular.A. thatB. whichC. itD. though41. --- Did you ask the guard _______ happened?--- Yes, he told me all _______ he knew.A. what; thatB. what; whatC. which; whichD. that; that42. I shall never forget those years _______ I lived on the farm wi ththe farmers, _______ has a great effect on my life.A. when; whoB. that; whichC. which; thatD. when; which43. The number of the people who _______ cars _______ increas ing.A. owns; areB. owns; isC. own; isD. own; are44. During the days ________, he worked as a servant at the Brow ns.A. followedB. followingC. to followD. that followed45. Is oxygen the only gas _______ helps fire burn?A. thatB. /C. whichD. it46. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _______ he could see _____ was going on inside house.A. which; whatB. through which; whatC. through that; whatD. w hat; that47. Is _______ some German friends visited last week?A. this schoolB. this the schoolC. this school oneD. this school where48. John got beaten in the game, _______ had been expected.A. asB. thatC. whatD. who49. I have bought two ballpens, _______ writes well.A. none of themB. neither of themC. neither of whichD. none of which50. All that can be eaten _______ eaten up.A. are beingB. has beenC. had beenD. have been答案及解析for 初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)参考答案及解析1. A. which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语.2.C. "和谁讲话”要说speak to sb. 本题全句应为Do you know the man whom I spoke to..whom是关系代词,作介词to的宾语,可以省略.3. D. where是关系副词,暗示地点,在定语从句中作地点状语.4. C. when是关系副词,暗示时间,在定语从句中作时间状语. 5.A. which是关系代词,在从句中作forget的宾语.其他几个答案都不克不及作宾语.6.C. 解析同第5题.7. A. 解析见第3题.8. A. 本句话的先行词应当是films,是以,关系代词that是负数概念,其谓语动词利用复述的自动语态have been shown.如果句中的one前面使用了定冠词the,则the one应当视为先行词.9. A. “谈到某事物”应说talk about sth..about是介词,其后要用which作宾语,不克不及用that.10. A. with which 是"介词+关系代词"结构,经常使用来引诱定语从句.with有"用"的意思,介词以后只能用which,不克不及用that. with which 在定语从句中作状语,即he is writing with a pen.11. C. in front of which 即in front of a farmhouse. In front of which在从句中作状语. 12. D. with whom引诱定语从句.with whom放在从句中即为:my father works with the engineer.13. D. whose引诱定语从句,在从句中作主语family的定语.14. A. that引诱定语从句,由于先行词是all,所以只能选用that 引诱.15. D. the same……..as是固定用法, as引诱定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本句话中,as作从句的主语.16. D. such……… as是固定用法,as引诱定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本题中,as作表语.17. B. as作关系代词可以单独用来引诱非限制性定语从句.这时候as所指代的不是主句中某个名词,而常常指代全部主句的含义.as在从句中可以作主语、宾语.从句可放在主句后,也可置于主句前.在本句中,as作宾语.18. B. Li Ming enjoyed it very much是主句,with whom I went to the concert是定语从句.with whom放在从句中为:I went to the concert with Li Ming.19. C. as引诱定语从句时通常构成such…as或the same…as 固定搭配,其中such和same润色其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引诱定语从句.as在从句中可以作主语、表语或宾语.Such润色单数名词时,要用such a……..,本题中such books, such直接润色复数名词.20. B. things和persons是先行词.当定语从句要润色的先行词是既暗示人,又暗示物的名词时,其关系代词要用that.21. D. who引诱非限制性定语从句,who作从句的主语.22. C. two thirds of whom 即:two thirds of the 2,000 workers.23. D. 先行词person后有两个定语从句,第一个从句省略了关系代词whom.由于, whom作从句中met的宾语,可以省略.第二个从句who could do it.who在从句中作主语,不成省略. 24. A. whose title引诱非限制性定语从句,whose title也能够说成the title of which25. A. for which 引诱定语从句,使用介词for,是来自于从句中的固定短语be famous for "以……..而出名".26. C. 当先行词被such润色时,引诱定语从句的关系代词要用as. As在本从句中作主语.27. A. 两个先行词the day都是暗示时间的名词,但第一个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作状语,是以要用关系副词when. 第二个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作动词spent的宾语,是以要用关系代词which或that来引诱定语从句.28. D. 在way、distance、direction等词后的定语从句中,经常使用that来代替“in (或其他介词)+which”、when或where,而that常可省略.29. D. for which在定语从句中作缘由状语,可用why 来替代.30. B. which I have looked after 构成一个非限制性定语从句.31. A. The reason why… was that….已成为一种固定句型,这一句中的why和that不克不及随意换位,也不克不及将that改成because,尽管that这个词在译文中可能有“由于”的含义.32. B. 非限制性定语从句经常使用which引诱,which暗示前句话的全部含义.33. A. 解释见28题.34. D. 主句中的two标明不克不及选A.从句中的are标明不克不及选B. both of which用来引诱非限制性定语从句.35. C. as引诱定语从句时通常构成such…as或the same…as固定搭配,其中such和same润色其后的名词,as为关系代词,指代其前的名词引诱定语从句.as在从句中可以作主语、表语或宾语.本题中as作从句的主语.36. B. 非限制性定语从句经常使用which引诱,which暗示前句话的全部含义.37. D.38. D. 解析见35题.39. A. he makes是定语从句, 从句前省略了关系代词that.40. B. which is a bad habit 非限制性定语从句.41. A. what happened是宾语从句. all 以后that he knew是定语从句.先行词是all,所以关系代词只能用that.42. D. years是暗示时间的名词,用when引诱定语从句,是由于when在从句中作时间状语.第二个空选用which,引诱一个非限制性定语从句.43. C. 本句话的定语从句是who own cars. 其先行词是people,是以,定语从句的谓语动词要用复数的own.本句话主句的主语是The number of指“…..的数目”,是单数概念.是以,主句的谓语动词要用is.44. D. that followed是定语从句,关系代词that在从句中作主语.45. A. 先行词gas被only润色,关系代词要用that,而不必which.46. B. through which引诱定语从句,through which即through the hole,在定语从句中作状语.What引诱的是see的宾语从句,并作从句的主语.47. B. 为便于理解,改写本句话:This is the school that some Germanfriends visited last week. 不难看出,作表语的the school是先行词.that引诱了定语从句,由于that同时又作visited的宾语,所以被省略了.其它选项结构分歧错误.48. A. 解释见35题.49. C. 由于是two ballpens, 而且定语从句的谓语writes是单数概念.是以,C是准确选项.50. B. 本句话中,主句的主语是all,为抽象概念.是以,其谓语利用单数的has been.关系代词that引诱定语从句,并在从句中作主语.。

The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace 。
Which B. where C。
what D. in which2。
Do you know the man _______?A。
whom I spoke B. to who spoke C。
I spoke to D. thatI spoke3.This is the hotel _______last month。
which they stayed B. at that they stayedC. where they stayed atD. where they stayed4。
Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded?A。
which B. that C。
when D. on which5.That is the day ______I’ll never forget。
A. which B。
on which C。
in which D。
The factory ______we’ll visit next week is not far from he re。
where B。
to which C. which D. in which7。
Great changes have taken place since then in the factory __ _____we are working.A. where B。
that C。
which D。
there8.This is one of the best films _______。
A. that have been shown this yearB. that have shownC。

The place _______interested me most was the Children’s Palac e.A。
Which B. where C。
what D. in which2。
Do you know the man _______?A. whom I spoke B。
to who spoke C。
I spoke to D. that I spoke3。
This is the hotel _______last month.A. which they stayed B。
at that they stayedC. where they stayed atD. where they stayed4。
Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded?A。
which B。
that C. when D. on which5。
That is the day ______I'll never forget.A. whichB. on whichC. in which D。
when6.The factory ______we’ll visit next week is not far from here。
where B. to which C。
which D。
in which7。
Great changes have taken place since then in the factory __ _____we are working。
A. whereB. thatC. whichD. there8。
This is one of the best films _______.A. that have been shown this year B。

初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Pala ce.A. WhichB. whereC. whatD. in which2.Do you know the man _______?A. whom I spokeB. to who spokeC. I spoke toD. that I spoke3.This is the hotel _______last month.A. which they stayedB. at that they stayedC. where they stayed atD. where they stayed4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded?A. whichB. thatC. whenD. on which5.That is the day ______I'll never forget.A. whichB. on whichC. in whichD. when6.The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from h ere.A. whereB. to whichC. whichD. in which7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. there8.This is one of the best films _______.A. that have been shown this yearB. that have shownC. that has been shown this yearD. that you talked9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day?A. about which you talkedB. which you talkedC. about that you talkedD. that you talked10.The pen ______he is writing is mine.A. with whichB. in whichC. on whichD. by which11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a sma ll boy.A. whomB. whoC. whichD. that12.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old.A. to whomB. on whomC. with whichD. with whom13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the cou ntry?A. whoB. who'sC. whichD. whose14.I'm interested in ______you have said.A. all thatB. all whatC. thatD. which15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterda y.A. whichB. whoC. whatD. as16.He isn't such a man ______he used to be.A. whoB. whomC. thatD. as17.He is good at English, ______we all know.A. thatB. asC. whomD. what18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much.A. I went withB. with whom I wentC. with who I went D .I went with him19.I don't like ______ as you read.A. the novelsB. the such novelsC. such novelsD. same n ovels20.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they rem embered in the school.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. what21.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. who22.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of __ __are women.A. themB. whichC. whomD. who23.You're the only person ______I've ever met ______could do it.A. who;/B./; whomC. whom;/D./; who24.I lost a book, ______I can't remember now.A. whose titleB. its titleC. the title of itD. the ti tle of thatst summer we visited the WestLake, ______Hangzhou is fam ous in the world.A. for whichB. for thatC. in whichD. what26.I have bought such a watch _______ was advertised on TV.A. thatB. whichC. asD. it27.I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together.A. when; whichB. which; whenC. what; thatD. on which; when28.The way ______he looks at problems is wrong.A. whichB. whoseC. whatD./29.This is the reason ______he didn't come to the meeting.A. in whichB. with whichC. thatD. for which30.This machine, ______for many years, is still working perfe ctly.A. after which I have lookedB. which I have looked afterC. that I have looked afterD. I have looked after31.The reason ______he didn't come was ______he was ill.A. why; thatB.that;whyC. for that;thatD.for which;what32.He is working hard, ______will make him pass the final exam.A.thatB.whichC.for whichD.who33.That is not the way ______I do it.A./B.whichC.for whichD.with which34.I have two grammars, ______are of great use.A. all of whichB. either of whichC. both of thatD. bo th of which35.I want to use the same tools _______used in your factorya few days ago.A. as wasB. which wasC. as wereD. which36.My neigh bours used to give me a hand in time of troub le, _______ was very kind of them.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. it37.This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph.A. thatB. whichC. from thatD. from which38.He is not such a man _______ would leave his work half done.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. as39. You can depend on whatever promise _______ he makes.A. /B. whyC. whenD. whose40. Smoking, _______ is a bad habit, is, however, popular.A. thatB. whichC. itD. though41. --- Did you ask the guard _______ happened?--- Yes, he told me all _______ he knew.A. what; thatB. what; whatC. which; whichD. that; that42. I shall never forget those years _______ I lived on the farm withthe farmers, _______ has a great effect on my life.A. when; whoB. that; whichC. which; thatD. when; which43. The number of the people who _______ cars _______ incre asing.A. owns; areB. owns; isC. own; isD. own; are44. During the days ________, he worked as a servant at the Browns.A. followedB. followingC. to followD. that followed45. Is oxygen the only gas _______ helps fire burn?A. thatB. /C. whichD. it46. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _______ he co uld see _____ was going on inside house.A. which; whatB. through which; whatC. through that; whatD. what; that47. Is _______ some German friends visited last week?A. this schoolB. this the schoolC. this school oneD. t his school where48. John got beaten in the game, _______ had been expected.A. asB. thatC. whatD. who49. I have bought two ballpens, _______ writes well.A. none of themB. neither of themC. neither of whichD. none of which50. All that can be eaten _______ eaten up.A. are beingB. has beenC. had beenD. have been答案及解析 for 初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)参考答案及解析1. A. which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。

初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)1. The place _________ interested me most was the Children's Paia ce.A. WhichB. whereC. whatD. in which2. Do you know the man ____________ ?A. whom I spokeB. to who spokeC. I spoke toD. that I spoke3.This is the hotel last mon th.A. which they stayedB. at that they stayedC. where they stayed at D.wherethey stayed4.Do you know the year the Chinese Communist Party wasfounded?A. whichB. thatC. whe nD. on which5.That is the day I'll never forget.A. whichB. on whichC. in whichD. whe n6. The factory _________ we'll visit next week is not far from here.A. whereB. to whichC. whichD. in which7. Great cha nges have take n place since the n in the factory______ w e are working.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. there8. This is one of the best films ________________ .A. that have been shown this yearB. that have shownC. that has been shown this yearD. that you talked9. Can you lend me the book ______________ t he other day?A. about which you talkedB. which you talkedC. about that you talkedD. that you talked10. The pen _______ he is writing is mine.A. with whichB. in whichC. on whichD. by which11. They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of _____________________ sat a sma ll boy.A. whomB. whoC. whichD. that12. The engineer _______ my father works is about 50 years old.A. to whomB. on whomC. with whichD. with whom13.lt there anyone in your class _______ family is in the cou ntry?A. whoB. who'sC. whichD. whose14.1'm in terested in ________ you have said.A. all thatB. all whatC. thatD. which15.1 want to use the same dictionary ________________ was used yesterda y.A. whichB. whoC. whatD. as16.He isn't such a man he used t be.A. whoB. whomC. thatD. as17.He is good at English, we all know.A. thatB. asC. whomD. what18.Li Ming, to the con cert enjo yed it very much.A. I went withB. with whom I went C. with who I went D.I went with him19」don't like as you read.A. the no velsB. the such no velsC. such novelsD. same n ovels2O.He talked a lot about things and pers ons _____________________ t hey rem embered in the school.A. whichB. thatC. whom D.wha t21.The letter is from my sister, isworkingin Beiji ng.A. whichB. thatC. whom D. who22.ln our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of ____are wome n.A. themB. whichC. whom D. who23.You're the only pers on rveever met could doit.A. who;/B./; whomC. whom;/D./; who24.1 lost a book, _____________ I can't remember now.A. whose titleB. its titleC. the title of itD. the ti tle of thatst summer we visited the WestLake, Hangzhou is famou s in the world.A. for whichB. for thatC. in whichD. what26 .I have bought sucha watchwasadvertised on TV.A. thatB. whichC. asD. it27」can n ever forget thedaywe worked together and the day we spe nt together.A. whe n; whichB. which; when C. what; that D. on which;whe n28.The way he looks at problems is wrong.A. whichB. whoseC. whatD./29.This is the reas on he did n't come to the meeti ng.A. in whichB. with whichC. thatD. for which30.This machine, for many years, is still working perfectly.A. after which I have lookedB. which I have looked afterC. that I have lookedafterD.I have looked after31.The reas on he didn't come was hewas ill.A. why; thatB.that;whyC. for that;thatD.for which;what32.He is work inghard,willmake him pass the finalxam.A.thatB.whichC.for whichD.who33. ______________________________ That is not the way I do it.A./B.whichC.for whichD.with which34.1 have two grammars, ___________ are of great use.A. all of whichB. either of whichC. both of thatD. bo th of which35.1 want to use the same tools ________________ used in your factorya few days ago.A. as wasB. which wasC. as wereD. which36. My neigh bours used to give me a hand in time of troub le, _________ was very kind of them.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. it37. This is the magazine ________ I copied the paragraph.A. thatB. whichC. from thatD. from which38. He is not such a man _______ would leave his work halfdone.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. as39. You can depend on whatever promise ______________ he makes.A. /B. whyC. whenD. whose40. Smoking, _______ is a bad habit, is, however, popular.A. thatB. whichC. itD. though41. --- Did you ask the guard ______________ happened?--- Yes, he told me all _________ he knew.A. what; thatB. what; whatC. which; whichD. that; that42. I shall never forget those years ___________ I lived on th e farm withthe farmers, ______ has a great effect on my life. A. when ; who B. that; which C. which; that D. whe n; which 43.The number of the people who cars incre asing.A. owns ; areB. owns; isC. own; isD.own ; are 44. During the days , he worked as a serva nt at the Browns. A. followed B. follow ing C. to follow D. that followed 45. Is oxyge n the only gas helps fire burn?A. thatB. /C. whichD. it46. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, he co ul d see was going on in side housA. whic h; wh atB. through which; whatC. through that; whatD. what; that47. Is __________ some German friends visited last week?A. this schoolB. this th e schoolC. this school oneD. thi s school where48 . Joh n got beate n in thegame, had beenexpected.A. asB. thatC. what D. who49 . I have bought two ballpe ns, writes well.A. none of themB. n either of themC. n either of whichD.none of which50Al that ca be eate n eate n up.A. are beingB. has beenC. had bee nD. have been答案及解析for初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)参考答案及解析1. A. which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。

xx定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)1.Theplace_______interestedmemostwastheChildren'sPalace.A.WhichB.whereC.whatD.inwhich2.Doyouknowtheman_______?A.whomIspokeB.towhospokeC.IspoketoD.thatIspoke3.Thisisthehotel_______lastmonth.A.whichtheystayedB.atthattheystayedC.wheretheystayedatD.wheretheystayed4.Doyouknowtheyear______theChineseCommunistPartywasfounded?A.whichB.thatC.whenD.onwhich5.Thatistheday______I'llneverforget.A.whichB.onwhichC.inwhichD.when6.Thefactory______we'llvisitnextweekisnotfarfromhere.A.whereB.towhichC.whichD.inwhich7.Greatchangeshavetakenplacesincetheninthefactory_______weareworking.A.whereB.thatC.whichD.there8.Thisisoneofthebestfilms_______.A.thathavebeenshownthisyearB.thathaveshownC.thathasbeenshownthisyearD.t hatyoutalked9.Canyoulendmethebook______theotherday?A.aboutwhichyoutalkedB.whichyoutalkedC.aboutthatyoutalkedD.thatyoutalked10.Thepen______heiswritingismine.A.withwhichB.inwhichC.onwhichD.bywhich11.Theyarrivedatafarmhouse,infrontof______satasmallboy.A.whomB.whoC.whichD.that12.Theengineer______myfatherworksisabout50yearsold.A.towhomB.onwhomC. withwhichD.withwhom13.Itthereanyoneinyourclass______familyisinthecountry?A.whoB.who'sC.whichD.whose14.I'minterestedin______youhavesaid.A.allthatB.allwhatC.thatD.which15.Iwanttousethesamedictionary______wasusedyesterday.A.whichB.whoC.whatD.as16.Heisn'tsuchaman______heusedtobe.A.whoB.whomC.thatD.as17.HeisgoodatEnglish,______weallknow.A.thatB.asC.whomD.what18.LiMing,______totheconcertenjoyeditverymuch.A.IwentwithB.withwhomIwen tC.withwhoIwentD.Iwentwithhim19.Idon'tlike______asyouread.A.thenovelsB.thesuchnovelsC.suchnovelsD.samenovels20.Hetalkedalotaboutthingsandpersons________theyrememberedintheschool.A.whichB.thatC.whomD.what21.Theletterisfrommysister,______isworkinginBeijing.A.whichB.thatC.whomD.w ho22.Inourfactorythereare2,000workers,twothirdsof____arewomen.A.themB.whichC.whomD.who23.You'retheonlyperson______I'veevermet______coulddoit.A.who;/B./;whomC.whom;/D./;who24.Ilostabook,______Ican'tremembernow.A.whosetitleB.itstitleC.thetitleofitD.thetitleofthatstsummerwevisitedtheWestLake,______Hangzhouisfamousintheworld.A.forwhichB.forthatC.inwhichD.what26.Ihaveboughtsuchawatch_______wasadvertisedonTV.A.thatB.whichC.asD.it27.Icanneverforgettheday_______weworkedtogetherandtheday______wespent together.A.when;whichB.which;whenC.what;thatD.onwhich;when28.Theway______helooksatproblemsiswrong.A.whichB.whoseC.whatD./29.Thisisthereason______hedidn'tcometothemeeting.A.inwhichB.withwhichC.th atD.forwhich30.Thismachine,______formanyyears,isstillworkingperfectly.A.afterwhichIhavelookedB.whichIhavelookedafterC.thatIhavelookedafterD.Ihave lookedafter31.Thereason______hedidn'tcomewas______hewasill.A.why;thatB.that;whyC.fo rthat;thatD.forwhich;what32.Heisworkinghard,______willmakehimpassthefinalexam.A.thatB.whichC.forwhichD.who33.Thatisnottheway______Idoit.A./B.whichC.forwhichD.withwhich34.Ihavetwogrammars,______areofgreatuse.A.allofwhichB.eitherofwhichC.bothofthatD.bothofwhich35.Iwanttousethesametools_______usedinyourfactoryafewdaysago.A.aswasB.whichwasC.aswereD.which36.Myneighboursusedtogivemeahandintimeoftrouble,_______wasverykindofth em.A.whoB.whichC.thatD.it37.Thisisthemagazine_______Icopiedtheparagraph.A.thatB.whichC.fromthatD.fr omwhich38.Heisnotsuchaman_______wouldleavehisworkhalfdone.A.thatB.whichC.whoD.as39.Youcandependonwhateverpromise_______hemakes.A./B.whyC.whenD.whos e40.Smoking,_______isabadhabit,is,however,popular.A.thatB.whichC.itD.though41.---Didyouasktheguard_______happened?---Yes,hetoldmeall_______heknew.A.what;thatB.what;whatC.which;whichD.that;that42.Ishallneverforgetthoseyears_______Ilivedonthefarmwiththefarmers,_______hasagreateffectonmylife.A.when;whoB.that;whichC.which;t hatD.when;which43.Thenumberofthepeoplewho_______cars_______increasing.A.owns;areB.owns;isC.own;isD.own;are44.Duringthedays________,heworkedasaservantattheBrowns.A.followedB.followingC.tofollowD.thatfollowed45.Isoxygentheonlygas_______helpsfireburn?A.thatB./C.whichD.it46.Thecleverboymadeaholeinthewall,_______hecouldsee_____wasgoingoninsid ehouse.A.which;whatB.throughwhich;whatC.throughthat;whatD.what;that47.Is_______someGermanfriendsvisitedlastweek?A.thisschoolB.thistheschoolC.t hisschooloneD.thisschoolwhere48.Johngotbeateninthegame,_______hadbeenexpected.A.asB.thatC.whatD.who49.Ihaveboughttwoballpens,_______writeswell.A.noneofthemB.neitherofthemC .neitherofwhichD.noneofwhich50.Allthatcanbeeaten_______eatenup.A.arebeingB.hasbeenC.hadbeenD.havebeen答案及解析for初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)参考答案及解析1.A.which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。
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初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Pala ce.A. WhichB. whereC. whatD. in which2.Do you know the man _______?A. whom I spokeB. to who spokeC. I spoke toD. that I spoke3.This is the hotel _______last month.A. which they stayedB. at that they stayedC. where they stayed atD. where they stayed4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded?A. whichB. thatC. whenD. on which5.That is the day ______I'll never forget.A. whichB. on whichC. in whichD. when6.The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from h ere.A. whereB. to whichC. whichD. in which7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. there8.This is one of the best films _______.A. that have been shown this yearB. that have shownC. that has been shown this yearD. that you talked9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day?A. about which you talkedB. which you talkedC. about that you talkedD. that you talked10.The pen ______he is writing is mine.A. with whichB. in whichC. on whichD. by which11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a sma ll boy.A. whomB. whoC. whichD. that12.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old.A. to whomB. on whomC. with whichD. with whom13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the cou ntry?A. whoB. who'sC. whichD. whose14.I'm interested in ______you have said.A. all thatB. all whatC. thatD. which15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterda y.A. whichB. whoC. whatD. as16.He isn't such a man ______he used to be.A. whoB. whomC. thatD. as17.He is good at English, ______we all know.A. thatB. asC. whomD. what18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much.A. I went withB. with whom I wentC. with who I went D .I went with him19.I don't like ______ as you read.A. the novelsB. the such novelsC. such novelsD. same n ovels20.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they rem embered in the school.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. what21.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. who22.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of __ __are women.A. themB. whichC. whomD. who23.You're the only person ______I've ever met ______could do it.A. who;/B./; whomC. whom;/D./; who24.I lost a book, ______I can't remember now.A. whose titleB. its titleC. the title of itD. the ti tle of thatst summer we visited the WestLake, ______Hangzhou is fam ous in the world.A. for whichB. for thatC. in whichD. what26.I have bought such a watch _______ was advertised on TV.A. thatB. whichC. asD. it27.I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together.A. when; whichB. which; whenC. what; thatD. on which; when28.The way ______he looks at problems is wrong.A. whichB. whoseC. whatD./29.This is the reason ______he didn't come to the meeting.A. in whichB. with whichC. thatD. for which30.This machine, ______for many years, is still working perfe ctly.A. after which I have lookedB. which I have looked afterC. that I have looked afterD. I have looked after31.The reason ______he didn't come was ______he was ill.A. why; thatB.that;whyC. for that;thatD.for which;what32.He is working hard, ______will make him pass the final exam.A.thatB.whichC.for whichD.who33.That is not the way ______I do it.A./B.whichC.for whichD.with which34.I have two grammars, ______are of great use.A. all of whichB. either of whichC. both of thatD. bo th of which35.I want to use the same tools _______used in your factorya few days ago.A. as wasB. which wasC. as wereD. which36.My neigh bours used to give me a hand in time of troub le, _______ was very kind of them.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. it37.This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph.A. thatB. whichC. from thatD. from which38.He is not such a man _______ would leave his work half done.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. as39. You can depend on whatever promise _______ he makes.A. /B. whyC. whenD. whose40. Smoking, _______ is a bad habit, is, however, popular.A. thatB. whichC. itD. though41. --- Did you ask the guard _______ happened?--- Yes, he told me all _______ he knew.A. what; thatB. what; whatC. which; whichD. that; that42. I shall never forget those years _______ I lived on the farm withthe farmers, _______ has a great effect on my life.A. when; whoB. that; whichC. which; thatD. when; which43. The number of the people who _______ cars _______ incre asing.A. owns; areB. owns; isC. own; isD. own; are44. During the days ________, he worked as a servant at the Browns.A. followedB. followingC. to followD. that followed45. Is oxygen the only gas _______ helps fire burn?A. thatB. /C. whichD. it46. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _______ he co uld see _____ was going on inside house.A. which; whatB. through which; whatC. through that; whatD. what; that47. Is _______ some German friends visited last week?A. this schoolB. this the schoolC. this school oneD. t his school where48. John got beaten in the game, _______ had been expected.A. asB. thatC. whatD. who49. I have bought two ballpens, _______ writes well.A. none of themB. neither of themC. neither of whichD. none of which50. All that can be eaten _______ eaten up.A. are beingB. has beenC. had beenD. have been答案及解析 for 初中英语定语从句专项练习题与答案详解(第2套)参考答案及解析1. A. which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。