



MAX9632/MAX9633 低噪音
Maxim 的新轨至轨运算放大器提供高电压性能在低频率,精确的规格,高收益,能够在工业应用精密的信号调理。

位于美国加州Sunnyvale,2010 年11 月9 日,MAXIM 集成产品公司(NASDAQ:MXIM)推出MAX9632/MAX9633 的36V,低噪音,低失真精密运算放大器。

在Maxim 的高电压,精密运算放大器新系列的第一个器件,MAX9632/MAX9633 的设计采用了一个专有的高速互补BiCMOS 工艺


MAX9632/MAX9633 目标的工业数据采集系统的精度要求在低频信号调理。

在MAX9632 是单运放具有超低输入电压噪声密度0.94nV /,低偏移的125μV(最大值),和偏移量温度系数的0.5μV/° C(最大)。

在MAX9633 是一款双用的3nV 输入电压噪声密度运算放大器/,对200μ偏移(最大)一,和偏移量温度系数的0.9μV/° C(最大)。


增益带宽积(GBWP)是典型的MAX9632 和MAX9633 27MHz 时为55MHz 的。

这可用带宽,慷慨的4.5V 至36V 工作电压范围,典型的三点九毫安(MAX9632)电流消耗相结合,。


I Output state change programmable on the Acknowledge or the STOP Command to update outputs byte-by-byte or all at the same time (default to ‘Change on STOP’).
Software programmable LED Group and three Sub Call I2C addresses allow all or defined groups of PCA9633 devices to respond to a common I2C address, allowing for example, all red LEDs to be turned on or off at the same time or marquee chasing effect, thus minimizing I2C-bus commands.
I Software Reset feature (SWRST Call) allows the device to be reset through the I2C-bus
4-bit Fm+ I2C-bus LED driver
Rev. 03 — 20 December 2006
Product data sheet
1. General description
The PCA9633 is an I2C-bus controlled 4-bit LED driver optimized for Red/Green/Blue/Amber (RGBA) color mixing applications. Each LED output has its own 8-bit resolution (256 steps) fixed frequency Individual PWM controller that operates at 97 kHz with a duty cycle that is adjustable from 0 % to 99.6 % to allow the LED to be set to a specific brightness value. A fifth 8-bit resolution (256 steps) Group PWM controller has both a fixed frequency of 190 Hz and an adjustable frequency between 24 Hz to once every 10.73 seconds with a duty cycle that is adjustable from 0 % to 99.6 % that is used to either dim or blink all LEDs with the same value.

RGB LED彩灯驱动控制技术

RGB LED彩灯驱动控制技术

RGB LED彩灯驱动控制技术北京乐华贝特微电子近期推出RGB LED彩灯驱动控制方案,LED是一种性能优良的显示器件,具有寿命长、节电、高亮度、多种发光颜色、响应速度快和驱动电压低等优点,在节省能源的同时还可以通过PWM 器件调节LED发光强度,依据R、G、B三原色混光原理调出多种颜色,再通过MCU智能控制实现多种显示效果。


本设计方案采用恩智浦半导体(NXP)的电源管理芯片、微控制器、I2C器件、LED驱动器件,为LED 灯光系统设计提供全套的方案设计。

主要芯片:PCA9633/34/35:NXP I2总线RGB/RGBA LED闪烁/混光芯片;TEA152x:NXP电源芯片;LPC92x:NXP 900系列MCU;P82B96/PCA9600:NXP I2C总线驱动芯片。

主要应用:1. 点光源:应用LED彩色屏显示原理,将其像素放大,降低整体造价成本,每个模块为一个彩色像素点。


2. LED彩虹管:每条灯管由多个彩色像素点(RGB)组成,每个单色像素点可产生256个灰度级的变化。



1. 驱动模块设计如何实现让LED模块呈现不同的颜色,主要依靠人的视觉间歇惰性原理,利用对R、G、B三原色的LED的占空比实现颜色的混合。



PCA9633是I2C总线控制的可编程PWM输出的四位LED驱动器件,主要应用于LEDRGB/RGBA(Red/Green/Blue/Amber)混光,主要性能指标如下:1. 4路LED驱动,每路驱动可以通过软件编程为四种状态,分别是:开、关、可编程PWM闪烁控制输出、可编程每路灰度级别,同时支持四路整体亮度调节的PWM混光输出。


气 氛 ,经 常 看 到 R G B L E D灯 的 大 量 使 用 。L E D是 一 种 性 能优 良的显示 器 件 , 具 有寿 命长 、 节电、 高亮 度 、 多 种 发光 颜 色 、 响 应速 度快 和 驱动 电压低 等 优 点 , 在 节 省 能
( 1 ) 4路 L E D 驱 动 , 每 路 驱 动 可 以 通 过 软 件 编 程 为
灯发光 , 最 后 给 出应 用 实 例 。 关 键 词 :P C A 9 6 3 3; R GB L E D; I 2 C 时 序
中 图 分 类 号 :T P 3 0 2 文 献 标 识 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :1 6 7 4 — 7 7 2 0( 2 0 1 5) 0 7 — 0 0 3 0 — 0 4
Ap pl i c a t i o n o f 4 b i t RGB L ED d r i v e r PCA9 6 3 3
Fe n g Yue qi n
( N a n j i n g I n s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y , N a n j i n g 2 1 1 1 6 7, C h i n WM 器 件 调 节 L E D发 光强 度 , 依
据 RG B三 原 色 混 光 原 理 调 出 多 种 颜 色 , 再 通 过 MC U 智 能控制 实现 多种 显示效 果 。 本 文 主 要 是 介 绍 飞 利 浦 公 司
设 置为没有 P WM ( P u l s e Wi d t h Mo d u l a t i o n)控 制 的 关 或 开 , 或 者 由 其 独 立 的 P WM 控 制 器 的 值 和 组
P WM 控 制 器 的 值 确 定 。L E D 驱 动 输 出的信 号 频 率 为 9 7 k H z , 占空 比 在 0 %~ 9 9 . 6 %可调 。本 文 介 绍 P C A9 6 3 3的 I 2 C协 议 , 重 点 介 绍 它与 C P U 的 硬 件 电 路 图 以 及 通 过 C语 言 编 程 实 现 I 2 C时序 , 驱动 L E D



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NXP1000014+ SSL2129AT NXP1000014+ SSL2103T NXP1000014+ SSL4120T NXP1000014+ SSL5231T NXP1000014+ SSL5301T NXP1000014+ SSL5511T NXP1000014+ SSL2101T NXP1000014+ SSL2102T NXP1000014+ SSL21082T NXP1000014+ SSL21082AT NXP1000014+ SSL2129AT NXP1000014+ SSL2129T NXP1000014+ SSL21084T NXP1000014+ SJA1000T/N1NXP500014+ SAA7121H/V2PHI500014+ SI9183DT-28-TI-E3VISAHY500014+ S29GL128N11FFIS10SPANSION500014+ SS3P3-E3/84A VISHAY500014+ S-1111B33MC-NYSTFG SEIKO500014+ SS3P6-E3/84A VISHAY500014+ SGH15N60RUFD FSC500014+ S3C44BOX01L-ED80SAMSUNG500014+ SGH23N60UFD FSC500014+SR5D12/100A SAPS500014+ SHT15SENSIRI500014+ SSL4101T NXP500014+ SSL21081T NXP500014+ SSL2109NXP500014+ SGP20N60NXP500015+ SS05N70infineon500015+ SGP20N60NXP500015+ SS05N70infineon500015+ SIM908SIMCOM500015+ SI4730-D60-GUR SILICON500015+ SYN470R SYNOXO500015+ SST29SF020-55-4C-NHE ISSI500015+ SST27SF010-70-3C-NHE SST500015+ SST29EE010-90-4C-NHE SST500015+ SST89E516RD-40-C-PIE SST500015+ SIM908SIMCOM500015+ SI4730-D60-GUR SILICON500015+ SYN470R SYNOXO500015+ SST29SF020-55-4C-NHE ISSI500015+ SST27SF010-70-3C-NHE SST500015+ SST29EE010-90-4C-NHE SST500015+ SST89E516RD-40-C-PIE SST500015+ SR3.3.TCT SEMTECH500015+ SE95DP NXP500015+ S6S2RP LITTELFUSE500015+ SGP15N120INFINEON500015+ SGP15N120INFINEON500015+ SG6841DZ FSC500015+ SG6841DZ FAIRCHILD500015+ SG6841DZ FAIRCHILD500015+ TCM809JENB713MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM809LENB713MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM809MENB713MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM809RENB713MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM809TENB713MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM810JENB713MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM810LENB713MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM810MENB713MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM810RENB713MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM810SENB713MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM810TENB713MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM811JERCTR MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM811LERCTR MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM811MERCTR MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM811RERCTR MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM811SERCTR MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM811TERCTR MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM812JERCTR MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM812LERCTR MICROCHIP100002011+ TCM812MERCTR MICROCHIP100002011+TCM812RERCTR MICROCHIP100002011+TCM812SERCTR MICROCHIP100002011+TCM812TERCTR MICROCHIP100002011+TD1605C wearnes100002010+TL062IDR TI100002011+TL071IDR TI100002011+TL072IDR TI100002011+TL081IP TI100002011+TL082IDR TI100002011+TL084IDR TI100002011+TL431AIDR TI100002010+TL431BCLP TI100002011+TL431IPK TI1000009+TLC0820AIDWR TI100002014+TLC2254CD TI1000009+TLC27L2IDR TI100002011+TLC3702CDR TI100002011+TLC542IDW TI100002011+TLC5615CDR TI100002011+TLC5615IDR TI100002011+TLE2062CDR TI100002011+TLE2062IDR TI100002011 TLV2211CDBVR TI100002011+TLV2211IDBVR TI100002013+TLV2231CDBVR TI100002011 TLV2451IDBVR TI100002011 TLV2471CDBVR TI100002011+TLV431AIDR TI100002010+TLV5620IDR TI100002011+TLC3578IDW TI100002011+TLC04CP TI1000002+TLV320AIC33IRGZ TI100002012+TL16C550CIPTR TI100002012+TLE2084CN TI100002011+TL317CDR TI100002011+TL16PNP100AFN TI1000003+TLV5613IDWR TI100002011+TLV320AIC3204IRHBT TI100002012+TLV5625CDR TI100002012+TLV5625IDR TI100002012+TLV320AIC3104IRHBT TI100002012+TC7660IJA MICROCHIP100002011+TC7660MJA MICROCHIP100002011+TLP285-4GB TOSHIBA100002011+TLV320DAC23GQER TI100002002+TC9411F TOSHIBA1000014+TC94A23F-505TOSHIBA1000014+TLE2072TI1000014+TLP621TOSHIBA1000014+SKRPACE010apls500014+SKY77585-11SKYWORKS500014+SF-3R3-X104Z ST500014+ sky77552-11Skyworks500014+ SAFEB1G84FA0F00muRata500014+ SGM3140YD10G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SAYRF1G95HN0F0A MURATA500014+ SKRVABE010apls500014+ SST25VF080B-50-4C-S2AF MicrochipTe500014+ SKRTLAE010ALPS500014+ SF18-0942DAUBA1KYOCERA500014+ SKSCPCE010ALPS500014+ SAFEA942MFL0F00R12500014+ SGM2019-1.8YC5G/TR sgmicro500014+ SX3213.000M10P10020B CHENMOUN500014+ SX3226.000M10P6010AB CHENMOUN500014+ SF18-1842EAUBA5Kyocera500014+ SR1019SPREADTRUM500014+ SGM6605-5.0YN6G/TR SGM500014+ SFH942PQ102WISOL500014+ SAWFD1G90CA0F0A murata500014+ SGM4157YC6/TR SGM500014+ SAFEB897MAL0F00R murata500014+ S-5711ACDL-I4T1G SII500014+ SAFEA942MFL0F00R12MURATA500014+ SFW942PY002WISOL500014+ S500M500014+ SR1019展讯500014+ SGM2030-3.3YUDG4G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SE2N7002E SINO-IC500014+ SAYFP836MCC0F00Murata500014+ SI5853DC-T1-E3vishay500014+ SSD1960G40SOLOMON500014+ SGM2017-3.3XN5/TR SGMICRO500014+ SGM7228YWQ10sgmicro500014+ SYQ201ABC Silergy500014+ S71VS128RC0ZHK200E spansion500014+ S71NS128PBO SPANSION500014+ SAWFD1G90CPOFOAR15MURATA500014+ SS24starsea500014+ SAWEN881MCN2F00R12MURATA500014+ SD5D28B-8G SANDISK500014+ SZ1005K601sunlord500014+ SZ1005K102TF sunlord500014+ SJ-S020PW-HBB3E穗晶光电500014+ SE2579T-R SIGE500014+ SAYEV836MAD0F00R1S murata500014+ SGM2019-2.8YC5G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SSF4703DC SILIKRON500014+ SDIN7DP2-8G SANDISK500014+ SDCL1005C3N3STDFM01顺络500014+ SGM3122YTQ16G/TR SGMICRO500014+ S-5712ANDL1-M3T1U精工500014+SKY77328-13SKYWORK500014+ SGM6605-5.0YN6G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SAWEN1G84CW0F00R14murata500014+ SWPA3012S220MT顺络500014+ SY7311AADC Silergy500014+ SAYFH836MBC0F0A MURATA500014+ SF14-1842M5UBA1KYOCERA500014+ S500MTK500014+ SAWEN881MCY0F00R14murata500014+ S71PL127NB0HHW4U0SPANSION500014+ SGM4895YDB8/TR SGMICRO500014+ SSD1961G40SOLOMON500014+ SGM3700YTQ16G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SAFEB1G96KA0F00R12MURATA500014+ SGM3110-5.0YN6/TR SGMICRO500014+ SGM2019-3.0YC5G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SR1018SPREADTUM500014+ SI4700-A15-GMR SILICON500014+ SDWL1608CR39JSTF SUNLORD500014+ SAFEA1G84FA0F00R14MURATA500014+ SEDFN05V4光宇睿芯500014+ SON5008B SEMI500014+ SDCL1005C4N3STF sunlord500014+ SDCL1005C12NJTDF SUNLORD500014+ SAFFB2G53AA1F0A MURATA500014+ SF18-1842EAUBA1kyocera500014+ SSF3117500014+ SDM20U40-7DIODES500014+ SR1018SHSPREADTRU500014+ SKY77592-21SKYWORKS500014+ S71GL032A80BFW0P0SPANSION500014+ SAWFD1G90KA0F0AR15MURATA500014+ SEZ52C5V6SINO-IC500014+ SAFEB2G14FB0F00R12murata500014+ SAFEA2G60MA0F0AR MURATA500014+ SKY77190skyworks500014+ SAWEN881MCY0F00R14MURATA500014+ S29GL032N90TF103SPANSION500014+ S625A亙发500014+ SAWEN881MCN2F00R14MURATA500014+ SAFEA2G34MA1F0A murata500014+ SYXL701DPC500014+ SKY13374-397LF skywork500014+ S71PL256NCOHFW5UO spansiong500014+ SON7005SEMI500014+ SR1019A展讯500014+ SFDG75AQ101WISOL500014+ SFH897AQ102WISOL500014+ SGM2019-3.0YN5G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SST12LP14E-QX8E SST500014+ SACEA1G90TB0F0A murata500014+SGM2022-EYN6/TR SGMICRO500014+ SDTNQGAMA-008G sandisk500014+ SDCL1005C18NJTDF sunlord500014+ SDCL1005C1N8STDF sunlord500014+ SDCL1005C33NJT sunlord500014+ SDCL1005C6N8JT sunlord500014+ SFHG42MQ102WISOL500014+ SQ-21A2G500014+ SF18-1960DASBA1KYOCERA500014+ SGM2022-EYN6/TR SGMICRO500014+ SKY77762-11SKYWORKS500014+ SX1308SX500014+ SKY77569-11SKYWORKS500014+ S0Q-152BJTT MITSUMI500014+ S71PL127NB0HHW4U0SPANSION500014+ SESD3Z12C Semitel500014+ SAFEA1G43KA0F00murata500014+ SI5853DC-T1-E3VISH500014+ SAYFP1G95AA0B00R murata500014+ SGM4717YG/TR SGMICRO500014+ SKY65601-477LF skywork500014+ SKY77761-11skywork500014+ SGM3717YUWQ10G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SAFFB1G81KA0F0A murata500014+ SFHG60MQ102samsung500014+ S71PL256NCOHFW5UO SPANSIO500014+ SZ1608K252TF SUNLORD500014+ SF14-1960M5UB50KYOCERA500014+ SGM2019-2.8YN5G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SAYZY1G95EB0B00MURATA500014+ SGM2019-1.8YC5G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SGM3138YTQ16G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SGM802-1.63YC4G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SAFEB2G14FB0F00R14MURATA500014+ SF18-0942GASBA1KYOCERA500014+ SFG1411GCBT0LF murata500014+ SAWEN942MCM0F00R12村田500014+ SGM4717YG/TR SGMICRO500014+ SDIN5C1-8G SANDISK500014+ SGM2019-1.2YW5G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SFHG60MQ102WISOL500014+ S-8211CAT-I6T1G SII500014+ SKY77582-11SKYWORKS500014+ SAYRF1G95GC0F0A MURATA500014+ SDCL1005C18NJTF顺络500014+ SAWEN1G84CV0F00R murata500014+ SAFEB942MFM0F00muRata500014+ SFR942PY002WISOL500014+ SGM3138YTQ16G/TR500014+ SKY77590-11SKYWORKS500014+ SAFEA1G84FA0F00murata500014+S-1132B28-M5T1G SII500014+ SR3015101KL ABC500014+ SAWEN942MCM0F00R14muRata500014+ SR1018SPREADTRUM500014+ SGM2019-3.3YN5G/TR SGM500014+ SKY77590-11skywork500014+ SAFEA2G35MB0F00MURATA500014+ SGM3138YTQ16G/TR sgmicro500014+ SKY77550-21Skyworks500014+ SKY77762-11skywork500014+ SFHG89YA002samsung500014+ SAFEA2G34FA1F0A MURATA500014+ SR1019SPREADTRUM500014+ SKY77593-11skyworks500014+ SGM4717YG/TR SGMICRO500014+ SKSCPBE010ALPS500014+ SGM2019-2.8YC5G/TR SGM500014+ SR528展讯500014+ SSSS811101ALPS500014+ SGM2019-3.3YN5G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SAFEA1G88KB7FOO muRata500014+ S-8244AASPH-CESTFG SEIKO500014+ S8F22E93JG-V080SONIX500014+ SI5853DC-T1-E3VISHAY500014+ SI5853DC-T1-E3VISHAY500014+ SI5853DC-T1-E3500014+ SST39VF040-70-4C-NH SST500014+ S71WS128PCOHH3SR SPANSION500014+ SSF4703SSF4703500014+ S71WS128PBOHH3RRO SPANSION500014+ S71WS256PCOHF3SRO SPANSION500014+ SSD1961G40SOLOMON500014+ SSD1960G40R SOLOMON500014+ SDIN4C2-4G SANDISK500014+ SI1026X VISHAY500014+ SGM3132YTQ16sgmicro500014+ S71PL129JBOBAW9U0SPANSION500014+ SQC322517T-2R2M-N CHILISIN500014+ SWPA3010S100MT SUNLORD500014+ SI1305DL-T1-E3VISHAY500014+ SI2305CDS-T1-GE3vishay500014+ S71VS064RB0AHT0L0A SPANSION500014+ S71PL129JB0BAW9U0MTK500014+ SKY77546-11SKYWORKS500014+ SGM3131YTQ16G/TR sg-micro500014+ SKY77555-11SKYWORKS500014+ SKY77701-12SKY500014+ SGM2007-2.8XN5/TR SGMICRO500014+ SAFEL1G84FA0F00R15MURATA500014+ SGM3127YN6G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SDM20U30-7-F DIODES500014+SGM3133YTQ16G/TR SGMICRO500014+ SFECS10.7MS3-A-TC MURATA500014+ SGM3158YD/TR SGMICRO500014+ S71GL032N40BFWOFO SPANSION500014+ SSSS811101ALPS500014+ S71GL064NB0BHW0Z0SAMSUNG500014+ SV7C1608UTA-70LC SILICON500014+ S-1167B28-I6T2U500014+ S-5711ACDL-I4T1G500014+ SAWEP942MCN0F00R12500014+ SGM4684XG/TR500014+ SQC322517T-2R2M-N500014+ S-5711ACDL-I4T1G SII500014+ SEBC847BU SINO-IC500014+ SS0520500014+ SGM2019-2.8YC5G/TR500014+ SEB161V-20500014+ SDM20U40-7DIODES500014+ SEB520S-30SINO-IC500014+ SEB551V-30SINO-IC500014+ SIE52C15500014+ SS8550Y2CJ500014+ SIE24A STARSEA500014+ SE2301SINO-IC500014+ SEBT9015SINO-IC500014+ SIE52C7V5500014+ SKY77550-11SKYWORKS500014+ SKY77728-14SKYWORKS500014+ SIG9L5.0ST5G ROHM(罗姆)500014+ S-1206B12-I6T2G SII500014+ S-817A25APF-CUOTFG SII500014+ SAFEA942MFL0F00R15MURATA500014+ S-8241ABDPG-KBDTFG SEIKO500014+ SKY13309-370LF SKYWORKS500014+ SGM44600YTQ16/TR SGMICRO500014+ SAFEA1G96FA0F00R14MURATA500014+ SGM2258YTQD10/TR SGMICRO?500014+ SIG5V1T1G SIG500014+ SGM809-RXN3L/TR SGMICRO?500014+ SKY77344-21SKYWORKS500014+ SQE3030T-100M-N CHILISIN500014+ SIG9L5.0ST5G SIG500014+ SSC-HBTGFR421-KR SEOUL500014+ SS301BP26500014+ SFD6D38T-6R2N-R-S-LF500014+ MBM29LV160T-90PFTN FUJI1000014+ MB214M113PFQ-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MB603443PF-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MB89567APFV-GS-256E1FUJI1000014+ MB3773PF-G-BND-JNE1FUJI1000014+ MT48LC8M16A2TG-75LF MT1000014+MB81C4256A-80L FUJI1000014+ MB91192PFF-G FUJI1000014+ MB89P637PF-G FUJI1000014+ M5238AP MIT1000014+ M52065FP MIT1000014+ MBM81V16405A-60LPFTN FUJI1000014+ MBM27C1000A-15Z MBM1000014+ MT48LC8M16A2P-6A MT1000014+ MBCG31633-2111PFV-G FUJI1000014+ MT7AG11D9BLN MT1000014+ MB674161PF FUJI1000014+ MM1630A MITSUMI1000014+ M514400D-60Z OKI1000014+ MB88331FUJI1000014+ MB91F191ALGA-ES FUJI1000014+ MB4756FUJI1000014+ MB89372A-PFQ-G-BND FUJI1000014+ M5238AFP-DFHZ RENESAS1000014+ MB88154PNF-G-103-JN-ERE1FUJI1000014+ MS3M32B-5D MOSYS1000014+ MT48LC16M16A2P-7E:D MT1000014+ M5M4464L-12MIT1000014+ MBCG46533-119PFV-G 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MB602FUJI1000014+ MBM29F400TC-70PFTN MBM1000014+ MB84011B FUJITSU1000014+ MB90F574A FUJI1000014+ MB7057FUJI1000014+ M5M82C54FP MIT1000014+ MSP55LV512-E1-HA FUJISTU1000014+ MB81C79A-45FUJI1000014+ MB87S1800PMC1-G-BNDE1FUJI1000014+ MB673602UM-G FUJI1000014+ MB81464-10FUJI1000014+ MB84049B FUJI1000014+ MB8464A-15L FUJI1000014+ MB90254APMT-G-711-BND FUJI1000014+ M514252A-10Z OKI1000014+ MB605509PF-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MB622E44PFV-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MBRB2545CT-E3-/81VISHAY1000014+ MB625481PF-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MSM548331TS-K OKI1000014+ MBCG46183-110PGV-G FUJI1000014+ MB89254H-PF-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MIC5235YM5TR MICREL1000014+ MBM29LV400B-10PFTN FUJI1000014+ MTP75N05HD MOT1000014+ M51207L MIT1000014+ M5O231FP RENESAS1000014+ MB212E109PFQ-G-BN FUJI1000014+ MB7138E-SK FUJI1000014+ M54503P MIT1000014+ MB671603U FUJI1000014+ MB671617U FUJI1000014+ MB89945PF-G-112-BND FUJI1000014+ M52346SP MIT1000014+ MBM29F800BA-90PFTN FUJI1000014+ MB87R1530PFV-G-BNDE1FUJI1000014+ MB81C4256A-70PSZ FUJI1000014+ MB43838PF-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MB90F830FUJI1000014+ M51957B MIT1000014+ MBM29F800BA-70PFTN FUJI1000014+MMT20321000014+ MB89352A mbm1000014+ MT47H32M16BN-25ED MT1000014+ MB623178PF-G-BND FUJI1000014+ M51953BL MIT1000014+ MB87S1801PMC1-G-BNDE1FUJI1000014+ MB461FUJI1000014+ M5501MIT1000014+ M50554-168SP MIT1000014+ MB89925PF-G-132FUJI1000014+ M50965ESP MIT1000014+ M51958AL MIT1000014+ MB111S043FUJI1000014+ MB1426CR-G FUJI1000014+ MB4305FUJI1000014+ MBCG21753-120PFV-G FUJI1000014+ MB87801PF-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MB40760PF-G-BND-JN-ER FUJI1000014+ MB90F244PFT-G FUJI1000014+ MB84069B FUJITSU1000014+ MSM6588GS-V1K OKI1000014+ MB89537AP-G-695FUJI1000014+ MB427P FUJI1000014+ MB89537APFM-G-530-BNDE1FUJI1000014+ MB81461-12FUJI1000014+ MM1096AFFEG MITSUMI1000014+ M51132L MIT1000014+ MB87064P FUJI1000014+ MB88156PV-G-001-ERE1FUJI1000014+ MB29F400TC-90FUJI1000014+ MB89255BH FUJI1000014+ MSM30R0050-040G3-K(PD8112OKI1000014+ MB89P538-101PF-GE1FUJI1000014+ MB8AA5033RB-GS FUJI1000014+ M5M51008CP-70H MIT1000014+ MSM66591-A37TCZ200OKI1000014+ MB63H513PF-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MB8AA4240CPBH-GE1FUJI1000014+ MB673604U FUJI1000014+ MB84027B FUJITSU1000014+ MB29F800TA-70PFTN FUJI1000014+ M51399P MIT1000014+ MB4754P-G FUJI1000014+ MB622550FUJI1000014+ M5M51008BFP-70LL MIT1000014+ MB212M114PFQ-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MBM29F800T-90PFTN FUJI1000014+ MB81C78A-35FUJI1000014+ MT48LC4M16A2P-75:G MICRON1000014+ MB84VA2002-10PB FUJI1000014+ MB3120PF FUJI1000014+MB6031FUJI1000014+ MB90F831FUJI1000014+ MB29F400TC-90PFTN FUJI1000014+ MB90096FUJI1000014+ MB623820PF-G-LBND FUJI1000014+ MT4LC4M4B1TG-6MT1000014+ M54583FP-200MIT1000014+ MBM6237178FUJI1000014+ MT47H32M16HR-3:F(D9JLR)MICRON1000014+ M5218AL MIT1000014+ MB84001B FUJITSU1000014+ MIP2F30MSSCF PANASONIC1000014+ MMAD1108R1MOT1000014+ M51131L MIT1000014+ M5230L MIT1000014+ MB81C4256-10PSZ FUJI1000014+ MBM29LV160DB-90PFTN-SFK FUJI1000014+ MS81V10160-12TAZ03A OKI1000014+ MB87S4401PMC-G-JNE1FUJI1000014+ MB81C81A-35FUJI1000014+ MB84053B FUJI1000014+ MSM5118165DP-60JSR2OKI1000014+ MB86950B FUJI1000014+ MB87S4400PMC-G-BNDE1FUJI1000014+ MM1662FTRE MIT1000014+ MBMCG46183FUJI1000014+ M5K4164AP-15MIT1000014+ MB3776APF MBM1000014+ MB814260-60FUJI1000014+ MT41LC256K32D4LG-10MT1000014+ MIC2026-2YM-TR MIC1000014+ MB81G83222-010FUJI1000014+ MBM29LV400TC-90PFTN FUJI1000014+ MT48LC2M32B2P-6:G MT1000014+ M5291P MIT1000014+ MB504L FUJI1000014+ MMDF6N02HDR2ON1000014+ MB662108UPF-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MB90003APFV-G-718-BND FUJI1000014+ MM1611JNRE MIT1000014+ MB90F574APFV-G FUJI1000014+ M52055P MIT1000014+ MB89365FUJI1000014+ MB831000-15FUJI1000014+ MB625503AUPF-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MT29H16G08ECAH1-12∶A(NW12MT1000014+ MIC38C42BM MICREL1000014+ MSM5100QUALCOMM1000014+ M5218AP MIT1000014+ MB624403FUJI1000014+MBCG24143-4613PF-G FUJI1000014+ MT46V32M16P-75MICRON1000014+ MSM514400D-60SJ-7OKI1000014+ MB4204FUJI1000014+ M51995AP MIT1000014+ MBM93419FUJI1000014+ MB3232I TI1000014+ MB87A907APF-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MB88211-141K FUJI1000014+ MB7053FUJI1000014+ MB90522BPFV-GS-151-BND FUJI1000014+ M5M44100BL-7MIT1000014+ M51945B MIT1000014+ MB4126PF-G-RBNO FUJI1000014+ MB87304PF FUJI1000014+ MB43469PF-G-BND-JN-ER FUJI1000014+ MT48LC8M16A2P-75∶G MT1000014+ MB7124E FUJI1000014+ MB8416A-15L FUJI1000014+ MB89925PF-G-187-BND FUJI1000014+ M58981P-45MIT1000014+ MB84066H FUJI1000014+ MM3376A33NRE MIT1000014+ MMDF2N02ER2MOT1000014+ M511000C-70Z OKI1000014+ MB400Y FUJI1000014+ MM16251000014+ MB89625RPF-G-1097-BND FUJI1000014+ MB603FUJI1000014+ MB410M-G FUJI1000014+ M51954A MIT1000014+ MB4460PFV-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MB8416A-15FUJI1000014+ MB87Q1061BGL-G-ERE1FUJI1000014+ MM74HCT244WMX NS1000014+ MSM538001E-07GS-KR1OKI1000014+ MB88501-522M FUJI1000014+ MB89255BH-PF FUJI1000014+ MB14393FUJI1000014+ MBM29DL64DF70PBT-QE1FUJI1000014+ MSM5118165F-60T3-K OKI1000014+ MB606809PF-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MB89677ARPF-G-164-BND FUJI1000014+ MS7201AL-80FC MOSEL1000014+ MB62H160-Z26FUJI1000014+ MB601FUJI1000014+ MBM29LV800TA-90PFTN FUJI1000014+ MB89636RPF-G-278-BND FUJI1000014+ MTA-001SHINDENGEN1000014+ MB90098APF-G-164-EFE1FUJI1000014+MB8464C-10L FUJI1000014+ MB7138H-SK FUJI1000014+ M54530P MIT1000014+ MB86437PFV-G-BND-EF FUJI1000014+ MB831000-15P FUJI1000014+ MT48LC4M16A2P-75G MT1000014+ M5K4164AL-15MIT1000014+ M57917L-01MIT1000014+ MTD1120F SHINDENGEN1000014+ MB831000-20P FUJI1000014+ MB90004PMT2-G-709-BND FUJI1000014+ MB88346LPV-G-BNP-EF FUJI1000014+ MB653459PF-G-BNO FUJI1000014+ MTD20N03HDLTT4G1000014+ MB14110FUJI1000014+ MB3761PF-G-BND-HN FUJI1000014+ M51366SP-G MIT1000014+ MSM6654A-521GS-KR1-7OKI1000014+ MT46V32M16P-6T∶F MICRON1000014+ MB3771PF-G-BND MBM1000014+ MBR4045WT ON1000014+ MT48LC4M32B2TG-7MT1000014+ M5M51008AVP-10VLL MIT1000014+ MBCG61394-110PFV-G FUJI1000014+ MBCG24692-4109PF-G FUJI1000014+ M5M51008AVP-10VHT MIT1000014+ M5M5256DP-70LL MIT1000014+ MB81C1000-10PSZ FUJI1000014+ M5216MIT1000014+ MBCG24942-6618PFV-G FUJI1000014+ MBM29QM12DH60PBT-E FUJI1000014+ M5201FP MIT1000014+ MB426FUJI1000014+ MIP2E3D M1000014+ M53401C-93OKI1000014+ M54640P MIT1000014+ MB74ALS73MOT1000014+ MB.PI-1250-OR5P NEC1000014+ M5105A4E8ACER1000014+ MB434112PF-BND-EF(811600-2FUJI1000014+ MSP4410K-QA-B3-500G MICRONAS1000014+ M50601P MIT1000014+ MSL9370RS OKI1000014+ MB3756M-G FUJI1000014+ MB89193AF-G-472FUJI1000014+ MB1515PFV-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MIC5209-3.6BM MICREL1000014+ MT41J128M16HA-15E:D MT1000014+ M51523AL MIT1000014+ MBM29F400TC-90PFTN FUJI1000014+MSM532001B-44GS-KR1OKI1000014+ MB64H143M-G FUJI1000014+ MSM6100QUALCOMM1000014+ MB81V18165B-60PFTN FUJI1000014+ MST9015BX MSTAR1000014+ M51366SP MIT1000014+ MB3206FUJI1000014+ MBL68B09E FUJI1000014+ MB670535PF-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MB89183PFM-G-209-BND FUJI1000014+ MSM7500-0-543CSP-TR-02-90NQUALCOMM1000014+ M5M28F101AFP-10MIT1000014+ MB4132FUJI1000014+ MIC4681BM MICREL1000014+ MBM29DL322TE-90PFTN FUJI1000014+ M5247FP-600C MIT1000014+ MB90F574BPFV-G-433-BND FUJI1000014+ M50467-182FP MIT1000014+ MT48LC64M4A2TG-7E:D MICRON1000014+ MSP3417G-QG-BB-V3-G MICRONAS1000014+ MT4LC4M16R6TG-5F MT1000014+ MB674611UP-G-SK FUJI1000014+ MB88347PFV-G-BND-ER FUJI1000014+ M50FW040N5ST1000014+ MB88544PF-G-203M-BND FUJI1000014+ MSM56V16160DP-10TKR1OKI1000014+ M5M80C85AFP-2-T2MIT1000014+ MT28F800B3WG-9BF MT1000014+ MTSF3N03HDR2ON1000014+ MB80822PFM-G-121E1FUJI1000014+ MBM29LV400TC-70PFTN FUJI1000014+ M5536OKI1000014+ MT9M002C12STCV MT1000014+ MB3773FUJI1000014+ MB8AA1260BGL-GE1FUJI1000014+ MB8874N FUJI1000014+ MT8865XE MT1000014+ M52742SP MIT1000014+ M50726-345SP MIT1000014+ MIC4423CWM MIC1000014+ MSP3411G-QA-C12MICRONAS1000014+ MB90522BPFV-GS-238-BND FUJI1000014+ M51V18165DSL-6OKI1000014+ MB85431BC-01FUJI1000014+ MB40C318PFV-G-BND FUJI1000014+ MM3286DFBE MITSUMI1000014+ MB834200B-15P-G-11C FUJI1000014+ MB90098APF-G-131-BND-ER FUJI1000014+ MB625518U FUJI1000014+ MIC2026-2YM MIC1000014+。



Philips Semiconductors
Philips Semiconductors
Product data sheet
8-bit I2C-bus and SMBus low power I/O port with interrupt and reset
The PCA9538 is a 16-pin CMOS device that provide 8 bits of General Purpose parallel Input/Output (GPIO) expansion with interrupt and reset for I2C/SMBus applications and was developed to enhance the Philips family of I2C I/O expanders. I/O expanders provides a simple solution when additional I/O is needed for ACPI power switches, sensors, pushbuttons, LEDs, fans, etc. The PCA9538 consists of an 8-bit Configuration register (Input or Output selection); 8-bit Input register, 8-bit Output register and an 8-bit Polarity inversion register (Active HIGH or Active LOW operation). The system master can enable the I/Os as either inputs or outputs by writing to the I/O configuration bits. The data for each Input or Output is kept in the corresponding Input or Output register. The polarity of the input port register can be inverted with the Polarity Inversion Register. All registers can be read by the system master. The PCA9538 is identical to the PCA9554 except for the removal of the internal I/O pull-up resistor which greatly reduces power consumption when the I/Os are held LOW, replacement of A2 with RESET and different address range. The PCA9538 open-drain interrupt output is activated when any input state differs from its corresponding input port register state and is used to indicate to the system master that an input state has changed. The power-on reset sets the registers to their default values and initializes the device state machine. The RESET pin causes the same reset/initialization to occur without depowering the device. Two hardware pins (A0 and A1) vary the fixed I2C address and allow up to four devices to share the same I2C/SMBus.



元器件交易网SO14:plastic small outline package; 14 leads; body width 3.9 mm SOT108-1TSSOP14:plastic thin shrink small outline package; 14 leads; body width 4.4 mm SOT402-1DefinitionsShort-form specification — The data in a short-form specification is extracted from a full data sheet with the same type number and title. For detailed information see the relevant data sheet or data handbook.Limiting values definition — Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability.Application information — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. Philips Semiconductors make no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.DisclaimersLife support — These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips Semiconductors customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips Semiconductors for any damages resulting from such application.Right to make changes — Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes in the products—including circuits, standard cells, and/or software—described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or performance. When the product is in full production (status ‘Production’), relevant changes will be communicated via a Customer Product/Process Change Notification (CPCN). Philips Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to these products, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unless otherwise specified.Contact informationFor additional information please visit.Fax: +31 40 27 24825For sales offices addresses send e-mail to:© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004All rights reserved. Published in the U.S.A.Date of release: 10-04Document number:9397 750 14112。



1.General descriptionThe PCA9533is a 4-bit I 2C-bus and SMBus I/O expander optimized for dimming LEDs in 256 discrete steps for Red/Green/Blue (RGB) color mixing and back light applications.The PCA9533 contains an internal oscillator with two user programmable blink rates and duty cycles coupled to the output PWM. The LED brightness is controlled by setting the blink rate high enough (>100Hz)that the blinking cannot be seen and then using the duty cycle to vary the amount of time the LED is on and thus the average current through the LED.The initial setup sequence programs the two blink rates/duty cycles for each individual PWM.From then on,only one command from the bus master is required to turn individual LEDs ON, OFF , BLINK RATE 1 or BLINK RATE 2. Based on the programmed frequency and duty cycle, BLINK RATE 1 and BLINK RATE 2 will cause the LEDs to appear at a different brightness or blink at periods up to 1.69second. The open-drain outputs directly drive the LEDs with maximum output sink current of 25mA per bit and 100mA per package.To blink LEDs at periods greater than 1.69second the bus master (MCU, MPU, DSP ,chip set, etc.) must send repeated commands to turn the LED on and off as is currently done when using normal I/O expanders like the NXP Semiconductors PCF8574 or PCA9554. Any bits not used for controlling the LEDs can be used for General Purpose parallel Input/Output (GPIO)expansion,which provides a simple solution when additional I/O is needed for ACPI power switches, sensors, push-buttons, alarm monitoring, fans,etc.The Power-On Reset (POR) initializes the registers to their default state, causing the bits to be set HIGH (LED off).Due to pin limitations, the PCA9533 is not featured with hardware address pins. The PCA9533/01 and the PCA9533/02 have different fixed I 2C-bus addresses allowing operation of both on the same bus.2.FeaturesI 4 LED drivers (on, off, flashing at a programmable rate)I Two selectable, fully programmable blink rates (frequency and duty cycle) between 0.591Hz and 152Hz (1.69second and 6.58milliseconds)I 256 brightness stepsI Input/outputs not used as LED drivers can be used as regular GPIOs I Internal oscillator requires no external components I I 2C-bus interface logic compatible with SMBusPCA95334-bit I 2C-bus LED dimmerRev. 03 — 27 April 2009Product data sheetI Internal power-on resetI Noise filter on SCL/SDA inputsI 4 open-drain outputs directly drive LEDs to 25mA I Edge rate control on outputs I No glitch on power-up I Supports hot insertion I Low standby currentI Operating power supply voltage range of 2.3V to 5.5V I 0Hz to 400kHz clock frequencyIESD protection exceeds 2000V HBM per JESD22-A114, 150V MM per JESD22-A115 and 1000V CDM per JESD22-C101I Latch-up testing is done to JEDEC Standard JESD78 which exceeds 100mA I Packages offered: SO8, TSSOP8 (MSOP8)3.Ordering information3.1Ordering optionsTable 1.Ordering informationType numberPackage NameDescriptionVersion PCA9533D/01SO8plastic small outline package; 8leads;body width 3.9mmSOT96-1PCA9533D/02PCA9533DP/01TSSOP8plastic thin shrink small outline package; 8leads;body width 3mmSOT505-1PCA9533DP/02Table 2.Ordering optionsType number Topside mark Temperature range PCA9533D/01P9533/1T amb =−40°C to +85°C PCA9533D/02P9533/2T amb =−40°C to +85°C PCA9533DP/01P33/1T amb =−40°C to +85°C PCA9533DP/02P33/2T amb =−40°C to +85°C4.Block diagram5.Pinning information5.1Pinning5.2Pin descriptionRemark:Only one I/O shown for clarity.Fig 1.Block diagram of PCA9533002aae626I 2C-BUS CONTROLINPUT FILTERSPCA9533POWER-ON RESETSCL SDAV DDV SSLEDnOSCILLATORPRESCALER 1REGISTERPRESCALER 0REGISTER PWM1REGISTERPWM0REGISTER INPUT REGISTERLED SELECT (LSn)REGISTERBLINK0BLINK11Fig 2.Pin configuration for SO8Fig 3.Pin configuration for TSSOP8PCA9533D/01PCA9533D/02LED0V DD LED1SDA LED2SCL V SSLED3002aae62412346587LED0V DD LED1SDA LED2SCL V SSLED3002aae62512346587PCA9533DP/01PCA9533DP/02Table 3.Pin descriptionSymbol Pin Description LED01LED driver 0LED12LED driver 1LED23LED driver 2V SS 4supply ground LED35LED driver 36.Functional descriptionRefer to Figure 1 “Block diagram of PCA9533”.6.1Device addressFollowing a START condition, the bus master must output the address of the slave it is accessing. The address of the PCA9533/01 is shown in Figure 4 and the address of PCA9533/02 is shown in Figure 5.The last bit of the address byte defines the operation to be performed.When set to logic 1a read is selected, while a logic 0 selects a write operation.6.2Control registerFollowing the successful acknowledgement of the slave address,the bus master will send a byte to the PCA9533, which will be stored in the Control register.The lowest 3bits are used as a pointer to determine which register will be accessed.If the Auto-Increment (AI) flag is set, the three low order bits of the Control register are automatically incremented after a read or write. This allows the user to program theregisters sequentially.The contents of these bits will rollover to ‘000’after the last register is accessed.When Auto-Increment flag is set (AI =1) and a read sequence is initiated, the sequence must start by reading a register different from the INPUT register (B2B1B0≠000).Only the 3 least significant bits are affected by the AI flag. Unused bits must be programmed with zeroes.SCL 6serial clock line SDA 7serial data line V DD8supply voltageTable 3.Pin description …continuedSymbol Pin Description Fig 4.PCA9533/01 slave address Fig 5.PCA9533/02 slave address002aae627111R/Wslave address002aae6281111R/Wslave address Reset state: 00hFig 6.Control registerB0002aad744000AI 0B2B1register addressAuto-Incrementflag6.2.1Control register definition6.3Register descriptions6.3.1INPUT - Input registerThe INPUT register reflects the state of the device pins. Writes to this register will be acknowledged but will have no effect.Remark:The default value ‘X’is determined by the externally applied logic level (normally logic 1) when used for directly driving LED with pull-up to V DD .6.3.2PCS0 - Frequency Prescaler 0PSC0 is used to program the period of the PWM output.The period of BLINK0=(PSC0+1)/ - Pulse Width Modulation 0The PWM0register determines the duty cycle of BLINK0.The outputs are LOW (LED on)when the count is less than the value in PWM0 and HIGH (LED off) when it is greater. If PWM0 is programmed with 00h, then the PWM0 output is always HIGH (LED off).The duty cycle of BLINK0=PWM0/256.Table 4.Register summaryB2B1B0Symbol Access Description 000INPUT read only input register 001PSC0read/write frequency prescaler 0010PWM0read/write PWM register 0011PSC1read/write frequency prescaler 1100PWM1read/write PWM register 111LS0read/writeLED selectorTable 5.INPUT - Input register descriptionBit 76543210Symbol ----LED3LED2LED1LED0DefaultXXXXTable 6.PSC0 - Frequency Prescaler 0 register descriptionBit 76543210Symbol PSC0[7]PSC0[6]PSC0[5]PSC0[4]PSC0[3]PSC0[2]PSC0[1]PSC0[0]DefaultTable 7.PWM0 - Pulse Width Modulation 0 register descriptionBit 76543210Symbol PWM0[7]PWM0[6]PWM0[5]PWM0[4]PWM0[3]PWM0[2]PWM0[1]PWM0[0]Default16.3.4PCS1 - Frequency Prescaler 1PSC1 is used to program the period of the PWM output.The period of BLINK1=(PSC1+1)/ - Pulse Width Modulation 1The PWM1register determines the duty cycle of BLINK1.The outputs are LOW (LED on)when the count is less than the value in PWM1 and HIGH (LED off) when it is greater. If PWM1 is programmed with 00h, then the PWM1 output is always HIGH (LED off).The duty cycle of BLINK1=PWM1/ - LED selectorThe LSn LED selector register determines the source of the LED data.00=output is set high-impedance (LED off; default)01=output is set LOW (LED on)10=output blinks at PWM0 rate 11=output blinks at PWM1 rateTable 8.PSC1 - Frequency Prescaler 1 register descriptionBit 76543210Symbol PSC1[7]PSC1[6]PSC1[5]PSC1[4]PSC1[3]PSC1[2]PSC1[1]PSC1[0]DefaultTable 9.PWM1 - Pulse Width Modulation 1 register descriptionBit 76543210Symbol PWM1[7]PWM1[6]PWM1[5]PWM1[4]PWM1[3]PWM1[2]PWM1[1]PWM1[0]Default1Table 10.LS0 - LED selector register bit description Legend: * default value.Register Bit Value Description LS07:600*LED3 selected 5:400*LED2 selected 3:200*LED1 selected 1:000*LED0 selected6.4Pins used as GPIOsLEDn pins not used to control LEDs can be used as General Purpose I/Os (GPIOs).For use as input, set LEDn to high-impedance (00) and then read the pin state via the INPUT register.For use as output, connect external pull-up resistor to the pin and size it according to the DC recommended operating characteristics. LEDn output pin is HIGH when the output is programmed as high-impedance,and LOW when the output is programmed LOW through the ‘LED selector’ register. The output can be pulse-width controlled when PWM0 orPWM1 are used.6.5Power-on resetWhen power is applied to V DD, an internal Power-On Reset (POR) holds the PCA9533 ina reset condition until V DD has reached V POR.At that point,the reset condition is releasedand the PCA9533 registers are initialized to their default states, all the outputs in theOFF state. Thereafter, V DD must be lowered below 0.2V to reset the device.7.Characteristics of the I 2C-busThe I 2C-bus is for 2-way,2-line communication between different ICs or modules.The two lines are a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL). Both lines must beconnected to a positive supply via a pull-up resistor when connected to the output stages of a device. Data transfer may be initiated only when the bus is not busy.7.1Bit transferOne data bit is transferred during each clock pulse.The data on the SDA line must remain stable during the HIGH period of the clock pulse as changes in the data line at this time will be interpreted as control signals (see Figure 7).7.1.1START and STOP conditionsBoth data and clock lines remain HIGH when the bus is not busy. A HIGH-to-LOWtransition of the data line while the clock is HIGH is defined as the START condition (S).A LOW-to-HIGH transition of the data line while the clock is HIGH is defined as the STOP condition (P) (see Figure 8).7.2System configurationA device generating a message is a ‘transmitter’; a device receiving is the ‘receiver’. The device that controls the message is the ‘master’ and the devices which are controlled by the master are the ‘slaves’ (see Figure 9).Fig 7.Bit transfermba607data line stable;data validchange of data allowedSDASCLFig 8.Definition of START and STOP conditionsmba608SDASCLPSTOP conditionSSTART condition7.3AcknowledgeThe number of data bytes transferred between the START and the STOP conditions from transmitter to receiver is not limited. Each byte of eight bits is followed by oneacknowledge bit. The acknowledge bit is a HIGH level put on the bus by the transmitter,whereas the master generates an extra acknowledge related clock pulse.A slave receiver which is addressed must generate an acknowledge after the reception of each byte. Also a master must generate an acknowledge after the reception of each byte that has been clocked out of the slave transmitter. The device that acknowledges has to pull down the SDA line during the acknowledge clock pulse,so that the SDA line is stable LOW during the HIGH period of the acknowledge related clock pulse; set-up and hold times must be taken into account.A master receiver must signal an end of data to the transmitter by not generating an acknowledge on the last byte that has been clocked out of the slave. In this event, the transmitter must leave the data line HIGH to enable the master to generate a STOP condition.Fig 9.System configuration002aaa966MASTER TRANSMITTER/RECEIVERSLAVE RECEIVERSLAVETRANSMITTER/RECEIVERMASTER TRANSMITTERMASTER TRANSMITTER/RECEIVERSDA SCLI 2C-BUS MULTIPLEXERSLAVEFig 10.Acknowledgement on the I 2C-bus002aaa987S START condition9821clock pulse for acknowledgementnot acknowledgeacknowledgedata output by transmitterdata output by receiverSCL from master7.4Bus transactionsFig 11.Write to register0ASslave address (PCA9533/01)START condition R/Wacknowledge from slave002aae629AI0B2B1B00command byteAacknowledge from slave12345678SCL9SDA DATA 1Awrite to registerdata out from portt v(Q)acknowledge from slaveDATA 1 VALIDdata to register111Fig 12.Read from register110AS1START conditionR/Wacknowledge from slave002aae630Aacknowledge from slaveSDA APacknowledge from masterdata from registerDATA (first byte)slave address (PCA9533/01)STOP conditionS(repeated)START condition (cont.)(cont.)1AR/W acknowledge from slaveslave address (PCA9533/01)at this moment master-transmitter becomes master-receiver and slave-receiver becomes slave-transmitterNA no acknowledgefrom masterdata from register DATA (last byte)command byte 0AI0B2B10B0Auto-Increment register address if AI = 1111Remark:This figure assumes the command byte has previously been programmed with 00h.Fig 13.Read input port register111AS1START conditionR/Wacknowledge from slave002aae631Aacknowledge from masterSDA NA read fromportdata intoportPt h(D)data from port no acknowledge from masterdata from port DATA 4slave address (PCA9533/01)DATA 1STOP conditionDATA 2DATA 3DATA 4t su(D)DATA 18.Application design-in information8.1Minimizing I DD when the I/Os are used to control LEDsWhen the I/Os are used to control LEDs, they are normally connected to V DD through a resistor as shown in Figure 14. Since the LED acts as a diode, when the LED is off the I/O V I is about 1.2V less than V DD . The supply current, I DD , increases as V I becomes lower than V DD and is specified as ∆I DD in Table 13 “Static characteristics”.Designs needing to minimize current consumption, such as battery power applications,should consider maintaining the I/O pins greater than or equal to V DD when the LED is off.Figure 15 shows a high value resistor in parallel with the LED.Figure 16 shows V DD less than the LED supply voltage by at least 1.2V . Both of these methods maintain the I/O V I at or above V DD and prevents additional supply current consumption when the LED is off.Fig 14.Typical applicationPCA9533LED0LED1SDA SCL5 VI 2C-BUS/SMBusMASTER002aae632SDASCLV DDV SS5 VLED2LED310 k Ω10 k ΩFig 15.High value resistor in parallel withthe LEDFig 16.Device supplied by a lower voltage002aac189LEDV DDLEDn 100 k ΩV DD002aac190LEDV DDLEDn3.3 V5 V8.2Programming exampleThe following example will show how to set LED0and LED1off.It will set LED2to blink at 1Hz at a 50% duty cycle. LED3 will be set to be dimmed at 25% of their maximum brightness (duty cycle =25%). PCA9533/01 is used in this example.9.Limiting valuesTable 11.Programming PCA9533Program sequenceI 2C-bus ST ARTS PCA9533 addressC4h PSC0 subaddress + Auto-Increment11h Set prescaler PSC0 to achieve a period of 1second:PSC0=15197hSet PWM0 duty cycle to 50%:PWM0=12880hSet prescaler PCS1 to dim at maximum frequency:PSC1=000h Set PWM1 output duty cycle to 25%:PWM1=6440h Set LED0 on, LED1 off; LED2 set to blink at PSC0, PWM0; LED3 set to blink at PSC1, PWM1E1h STOPP Blink period 1PSC01+152-----------------------==PWM0256-----------------0.5=Blink period max =PWM1256-----------------0.25=Table 12.Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Symbol Parameter ConditionsMin Max Unit V DD supply voltage−0.5+6.0V V I/O voltage on an input/output pin V SS −0.5 5.5V I O(LEDn)output current on pin LEDn -25mA I SS ground supply current -100mA P tot total power dissipation -400mW T stg storage temperature −65+150°C T ambambient temperatureoperating −40+85°C10.Static characteristics[1]Typical limits at V DD =3.3V , T amb =25°C.[2]V DD must be lowered to 0.2V in order to reset part.[3]Each I/O must be externally limited to a maximum of 25mA and the device must be limited to a maximum current of 100mA.Table 13.Static characteristicsV DD =2.3V to 5.5V; V SS =0V; T amb =−40°C to +85°C; unless otherwise specified.Symbol ParameterConditionsMinTyp [1]MaxUnitSupplies V DD supply voltage 2.3- 5.5V I DD supply current operating mode; V DD =5.5V; no load;V I =V DD or V SS ; f SCL =100kHz -350550µA I stb standby currentStandby mode; V DD =5.5V; no load;V I =V DD or V SS ; f SCL =0kHz- 1.9 3.0µA ∆I DDadditional quiescent supply current Standby mode; V DD =5.5V;every LED I/O at V I =4.3V;f SCL =0kHz --325µAV POR power-on reset voltage no load; V I =V DD or V SS[2]- 1.7 2.2V Input SCL; input/output SDAV IL LOW-level input voltage −0.5-+0.3V DD V V IH HIGH-level input voltage 0.7V DD- 5.5V I OL LOW-level output current V OL =0.4V 3 6.5-mA I L leakage current V I =V DD =V SS −1-+1µA C i input capacitance V I =V SS- 3.75pF I/Os V IL LOW-level input voltage −0.5-+0.8V V IH HIGH-level input voltage 2.0- 5.5V I OLLOW-level output currentV OL =0.4V V DD =2.3V [3]9--mA V DD =3.0V [3]12--mA V DD =5.0V [3]15--mA V OL =0.7V V DD =2.3V [3]15--mA V DD =3.0V [3]20--mA V DD =5.0V[3]25--mA I LI input leakage current V DD =3.6V; V I =0V or V DD−1-+1µA C ioinput/output capacitance-2.15pF(1)maximum (2)average (3)minimum(1)maximum (2)average (3)minimumFig 17.Typical frequency variation over process atV DD =2.3V to 3.0V Fig 18.Typical frequency variation over process atV DD =3.0V to 5.5V−20 %0 %20 %percent variation−40 %T amb (°C)−40100−20002aac191020406080(2)(1)(3)−20 %0 %20 %percent variation−40 %T amb (°C)−40100−20002aac192020406080(1)(2)(3)11.Dynamic characteristics[1]t VD;ACK = time for Acknowledgement signal from SCL LOW to SDA (out) LOW.[2]t VD;DA T = minimum time for SDA data output to be valid following SCL LOW.[3]C b =total capacitance of one bus line in pF .Table 14.Dynamic characteristics SymbolParameterConditionsStandard-modeI 2C-bus Fast-mode I 2C-busUnitMinMax Min Max f SCL SCL clock frequency01000400kHz t BUF bus free time between a STOP and ST ART condition4.7- 1.3-µs t HD;STA hold time (repeated) START condition 4.0-0.6-µs t SU;ST A set-up time for a repeated ST ART condition4.7-0.6-µs t SU;STO set-up time for STOP condition 4.0-0.6-µs t HD;DA T data hold time0-0-ns t VD;ACK data valid acknowledge time [1]-600-600ns t VD;DA T data valid time LOW-level [2]-600-600ns HIGH-level[2]-1500-600ns t SU;DA T data set-up time250-100-ns t LOW LOW period of the SCL clock 4.7- 1.3-µs t HIGH HIGH period of the SCL clock 4.0-0.6-µs t r rise time of both SDA and SCL signals -100020+0.1C b [3]300ns t f fall time of both SDA and SCL signals -30020+0.1C b [3]300ns t SPpulse width of spikes that must be suppressed by the input filter -50-50nsPort timing t v(Q)data output valid time -200-200ns t su(D)data input set-up time 100-100-ns t h(D)data input hold time1-1-µs12.Test informationFig 19.Definition of timingt SPt BUFt HD;STAPPSt LOWt rt HD;DAT t ft HIGH t SU;DATt SU;STASrt HD;STAt SU;STOSDASCL002aaa986Rise and fall times refer to V IL and V IH .Fig 20.I 2C-bus timing diagramSCLSDAt HD;STA t SU;DA T t HD;DA T t ft BUFt SU;ST At LOWt HIGHt VD;ACK 002aab175t SU;STOprotocolST ART condition (S)bit 7MSB (A7)bit 6(A6)bit 0(R/W)acknowledge(A)STOP condition (P)1/fSCLt rt VD;DA T R L = load resistor for LEDn. R L for SDA and SCL > 1k Ω (3mA or less current).C L = load capacitance includes jig and probe capacitance.R T = termination resistance should be equal to the output impedance Z o of the pulse generators.Fig 21.Test circuitry for switching timesPULSE GENERATORV OC L 50 pFR L 500 Ω002aab880R TV IV DDDUTV DD open V SS13.Package outlineFig 22.Package outline SOT96-1 (SO8)UNIT Amax.A 1A 2A 3b p c D (1)E (2)(1)e H E L L p Q Z y w v θ REFERENCESOUTLINE VERSION EUROPEAN PROJECTIONISSUE DATE IEC JEDEC JEITAmm inches1.750.250.101.451.250.250.490.360. 4.03.8 o (inch dimensions are derived from the original mm dimensions)Notes1. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.15 mm (0.006 inch) maximum per side are not included.2. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.25 mm (0.01 inch) maximum per side are not included.1.00.4SOT96-1Xw MθAA 1A 2b pD H EL pQdetail XE Z ecL v M A(A )3A45pin 1 index18y076E03MS-0120.0690.0100.0040.0570.0490.010.0190.0140.01000.00750. 2.5 5 mmscaleSO8: plastic small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3.9 mmSOT96-199-12-2703-02-18Fig 23.Package outline SOT505-1 (TSSOP8)UNIT A 1A max.A 2A 3b p L H E L p w y v c e D (1)E (2)Z (1)θ REFERENCESOUTLINE VERSION EUROPEAN PROJECTIONISSUE DATE IECJEDECJEITAmm0.150.050.950.800.450.°0° (mm are the original dimensions)Notes1. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.15 mm maximum per side are not included.2. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.25 mm maximum per side are not included.0.70.4SOT505-199-04-0903-02-18w Mb pD Ze0.251485θAA 2A 1L p (A 3)detail XLH EE cv M AXAy2.5 5 mm0scaleTSSOP8: plastic thin shrink small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3 mm SOT505-11.1pin 1 index14.Handling informationAll input and output pins are protected against ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) undernormal handling. When handling ensure that the appropriate precautions are taken asdescribed in JESD625-A or equivalent standards.15.Soldering of SMD packagesThis text provides a very brief insight into a complex technology.A more in-depth accountof soldering ICs can be found in Application Note AN10365 “Surface mount reflowsoldering description”.15.1Introduction to solderingSoldering is one of the most common methods through which packages are attached toPrinted Circuit Boards(PCBs),to form electrical circuits.The soldered joint provides boththe mechanical and the electrical connection. There is no single soldering method that isideal for all IC packages. Wave soldering is often preferred when through-hole andSurface Mount Devices (SMDs) are mixed on one printed wiring board; however, it is notsuitable for fine pitch SMDs. Reflow soldering is ideal for the small pitches and highdensities that come with increased miniaturization.15.2Wave and reflow solderingWave soldering is a joining technology in which the joints are made by solder coming froma standing wave of liquid solder. The wave soldering process is suitable for the following:•Through-hole components•Leaded or leadless SMDs, which are glued to the surface of the printed circuit boardNot all SMDs can be wave soldered. Packages with solder balls, and some leadlesspackages which have solder lands underneath the body, cannot be wave soldered. Also,leaded SMDs with leads having a pitch smaller than ~0.6mm cannot be wave soldered,due to an increased probability of bridging.The reflow soldering process involves applying solder paste to a board, followed bycomponent placement and exposure to a temperature profile. Leaded packages,packages with solder balls, and leadless packages are all reflow solderable.Key characteristics in both wave and reflow soldering are:•Board specifications, including the board finish, solder masks and vias•Package footprints, including solder thieves and orientation•The moisture sensitivity level of the packages•Package placement•Inspection and repair•Lead-free soldering versus SnPb soldering15.3Wave solderingKey characteristics in wave soldering are:•Process issues, such as application of adhesive and flux, clinching of leads, board transport, the solder wave parameters, and the time during which components areexposed to the wave•Solder bath specifications, including temperature and impurities15.4Reflow solderingKey characteristics in reflow soldering are:•Lead-free versus SnPb soldering;note that a lead-free reflow process usually leads to higher minimum peak temperatures (see Figure24) than a SnPb process, thusreducing the process window•Solder paste printing issues including smearing, release, and adjusting the process window for a mix of large and small components on one board•Reflow temperature profile; this profile includes preheat, reflow (in which the board is heated to the peak temperature) and cooling down. It is imperative that the peaktemperature is high enough for the solder to make reliable solder joints(a solder pastecharacteristic). In addition, the peak temperature must be low enough that thepackages and/or boards are not damaged. The peak temperature of the packagedepends on package thickness and volume and is classified in accordance withTable15 and16Table 15.SnPb eutectic process (from J-STD-020C)Package thickness (mm)Package reflow temperature (°C)Volume (mm3)< 350≥ 350< 2.5235220≥ 2.5220220Table 16.Lead-free process (from J-STD-020C)Package thickness (mm)Package reflow temperature (°C)Volume (mm3)< 350350 to 2000> 2000 < 1.62602602601.6 to2.5260250245> 2.5250245245Moisture sensitivity precautions, as indicated on the packing, must be respected at alltimes.Studies have shown that small packages reach higher temperatures during reflowsoldering, see Figure24.For further information on temperature profiles, refer to Application Note AN10365“Surface mount reflow soldering description”.16.AbbreviationsMSL: Moisture Sensitivity LevelFig 24.Temperature profiles for large and small components001aac844temperaturetimeminimum peak temperature = minimum soldering temperaturemaximum peak temperature = MSL limit, damage levelpeak temperatureTable 17.AbbreviationsAcronym DescriptionACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface CDM Charged Device Model DSP Digital Signal Processor DUT Device Under Test ESD ElectroStatic Discharge GPIO General Purpose Input/Output HBM Human Body Model I 2C-bus Inter-Integrated Circuit bus LED Light Emitting Diode MCU MicroController Unit MM Machine Model MPU MicroProcessor Unit POR Power-On ResetRC Resistor-Capacitor network SMBusSystem Management Bus。



康佳T963A彩色电视机自动搜台时,图像在屏幕上只稳定1秒就继续搜台,节目不能锁定存储器电路 IC602损坏康佳T963A彩色电视机开机一切正常,10分钟后光栅压缩行扫描电路 Q402击穿康佳T963A彩色电视机伴音正常,图像清晰度模糊图像中放电路 iC101的11脚电压为4.4V,C117漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机图像及伴音正常,只是关机后出现色斑消磁电路 TH901开路康佳T963A彩色电视机无光,无声,无像电源电路 T901损坏康佳T963A彩色电视机无光无声,无像行扫描电路 IC301振荡电路坏康佳T963A彩色电视机无光,无声,无像微处理控制电路 X601失效康佳T963A彩色电视机无光无音,无像开关电源电路 CD901击穿康佳T963A彩色电视机图像伴音正常,光栅亮度比正常亮,同时机内有叭啦,叭啦的火花声电源电路 Q901熔断康佳T963A彩色电视机出现大面积爬行且色调畸变色解码电路 IC301的17,19脚电压为4V,C350漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机黑白图像正常,但无彩色;亦无伴音,自动搜索不停,且有时仍自动关机行逆程脉冲传输出电路 IC301的(36)脚电压1.7V(正常为2.9V;(38)脚电压为0.3V(正常为0.6V),C303开路康佳T963A彩色电视机开机后无光栅,无伴音,待机指示灯和环绕声指示灯亮,手控 ,遥控全部失灵微处理控制电路 C600漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机开机后无光栅,无伴音,待机指示灯和环绕声指示灯亮,手控 ,遥控全部失灵微处理控制电路 C600漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机伴音小鉴频电路 T103失谐康佳T963A彩色电视机无图无声,有浓密的噪波点中放通道电路 V117漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机场线性差场扫描电路 C452漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机灵敏度低中放通道电路 C117漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机 VHF频段节目正常,UHF频段节目收看约2小时后跑台高频头高频头损坏康佳T963A彩色电视机黑白图像着色慢且有重影色解码电路, C301的18脚电压为8.1V,R349开路康佳T963A彩色电视机字符随光栅颜色而变字符显示电路 D616虚焊康佳T963A彩色电视机图像正常,无伴音伴音电路 TDA2009A的6脚电压不稳,C339松动康佳T963A彩色电视机各频段搜索不停,电视画面开始时稳定,随之行失步,2秒后继续搜索 AFC电路 T104失调康佳T963A彩色电视机正常收看10分钟后,电视机信号丢失,满屏噪点高频头调谐供电电路 R601变值康佳T963A彩色电视机自动或半自动搜台时有彩色,结束彩色丢失,黑白图像正常微处理控制电路 CF8581损坏康佳T963A彩色电视机开机20分钟后光栅亮度下降,图像变淡遥控接口电路 TA7698AP稳定性差康佳T963A彩色电视机开机,整机处于预备状态,约1小时后自动开机,声图正常微处理控制电路 PCA84C640的41脚电压为0V,PCA84C640损坏康佳T963A彩色电视机伴音正常,但屏幕为暗红色光栅,无图,有回扫线,字符亮度下降字符信号通路 Q505的Ue由134.5V降至88V,Q610击穿康佳T963A彩色电视机声图正常,字符边界拉丝,字符颜色随画面变化而变化 PCA84C640的消陷驱动电路字符显示消隐脉冲电路,C633失效康佳T963A彩色电视机声图正常,遥控时有字符显示,但字符偏左 PCA84C640的RC时钟振荡电路 PCA84C640的时钟振荡频率高于100MH,VR601变值康佳T963A彩色电视机彩色时深时淡且有干扰色同步脉冲检波负载滤波电路 IC301的7脚电压为5.3V,C339虚焊康佳T963A彩色电视机图像正常,但无音伴音功放电路 IC201的2,4脚电压为0.7V,Q204断路康佳T963A彩色电视机正常收看10分钟后,节目丢失,随即满屏噪点 PCA84C640的14位D/A转换电路 ZD001两端电压30V,R601增值康佳T963A彩色电视机开机20分钟后,光栅亮度下降,图像变暗亮度通道电路 IC301的42脚电压为6.4V,IC301内热稳定性差康佳T963A彩色电视机光栅为一条水平亮线场扫描电路 IC402损坏康佳T963A彩色电视机有音,无像行扫描电路 R411变值康佳T963A彩色电视机无光无音开关电源 R911开路康佳KK-T2103彩色电视机有光,无像中放通道 C120漏电康佳KK-T2103彩色电视机有像无声伴音电路 IC201损坏康佳KK-T2103彩色电视机无光,无声行扫描电路 Q402击穿康佳KK-T2103彩色电视机无光无声电源电路 D904击穿康佳KK-T2103彩色电视机屏幕上呈现白光栅,无像,伴音正常视频放大电路 TA8759BN的35脚电压正常为1.35V,D305开路康佳T2106彩色电视机屏幕暗,呈现模糊的彩色图像,但伴音和字符显示正常亮度通电路 C370开路康佳T2106彩色电视机屏幕呈一条水平亮线场扫描电路 TA8759BN的31脚电压为0.2V,29脚电压为0V,ZD301击穿康佳T2106彩色电视机无光栅,无图像,无伴音行扫描电路 Q401的Uc为70V,C402漏电康佳T2106彩色电视机无光栅,无图像,无伴音开关电源电路 +140V升至为+200V,F901熔汤康佳T2106彩色电视机图像正常,无伴,调节音量键,屏幕上的音量标志正常变化伴音中放电路 IC0018-10脚电压为5.98V,C012严重漏电康佳T2106彩色电视机自动搜台锁不住节目 AFT电路 IC001的20脚电压为4.8V,C606漏电康佳T2106彩色电视机图像正常,遥控或手控调节音量时,屏幕能显示音量逐渐增大或减小,但仅有微弱的伴音且不随音量的调节变化电子音量衰减电路 IC1101的20脚电压为4.8V,V626漏电康佳T2106彩色电视机自动和手动均不能锁台微处理控制电路 IC601的51脚电压为1.91V,V608漏电康佳T2106彩色电视机图像正常,无音伴音中放电路 IC001的9脚电压为0.8V,C102漏电康佳T2114彩色电视机伴音失真伴音电路 Z210失效康佳T2114彩色电视机光栅呈一条水平亮线场扫描电路 L405开路康佳T2114彩色电视机整机三无,无待机指示,开机有吱吱声开关电源电路 V008的Ub为0V,C059击穿康佳T2506彩色电视机 AGC失效,各种制式下图像和伴音均是信噪比差,调VR001无效中放电路调VR001时,同时测IC001的7脚电压无变化,IC001损坏康佳T2506彩色电视机 PAL制,NTSC制和SCEAM制均无图像,无伴音中放电路 IC001的1,2脚电压为5.4V,IC001损坏康佳T2506彩色电视机左声道声音小有杂音伴音功放电路 IC801(TDA2009)性能不良康佳T2506彩色电视机图像上部拉长,下部严重压缩场扫描电路C426(330μF/25V)漏电康佳T2506彩色电视机无光栅,无伴音,无图像开关电源电路 F901熔断;C911失效康佳T2510彩色电视机自动搜台时锁不住 AFT电压电路 TA8611第20脚电压为4.8V,C606漏电康佳T2510彩色电视机人正常的图像,无伴音,但调节音量键时,屏幕上的音量标志变化正常伴音功放电路 YA8611第8,9脚电压为1.6V,C012漏电康佳T2510彩色电视机正常收看一段时间后,图像逐渐扭曲,伴音逐渐失真,最后节目消失,重新调台,故障重复出现电子调谐器及供电电路 MN1528KWE第39脚电压为3.2V,Q619为21V,电子调谐器不良康佳T2510彩色电视机刚开机正常,工作4分钟后PAL制色色彩消失,调节色度钮无效,停机30分钟后开机又重复本故障色同步选通门电路 TA8759第34脚电压为3V,C319漏电康佳T953PD彩色电视机整机三无,按遥控开关键,红灯闪亮即灭,但不开机微处理控制电路 V405的Ub为0.45V,V405发射结开路康佳T953PD彩色电视机图像正常,伴音小且有很大的干扰声伴音鉴频电路 T103失效康佳T953PD彩色电视机声图均有,但图像右边有约3cm的黑边行锯齿波积分电路 RP304变值康佳T953PD彩色电视机图像中的上部稀疏,只有下部10cm的垂直黑边场反馈输入电路 N301的27脚电压为6.8V,C448漏电康佳T953PD彩色电视机收看中不定时关机,重新开机有时不能启动,此时指示灯闪烁或熄灭电源电路 D401活动片断裂康佳T953PD彩色电视机三无,指示灯亮,启动机器时红灯熄灭,开关机瞬间有咕声电源;电路 TA7698的33脚电压为8.4V,R363开路康佳T953PD彩色电视机开机三无,红指示灯亮一下后常亮遥控电路 TLP621损坏康佳T953PD彩色电视机有伴音,光栅暗,色度对比度,亮度失控亮度通道电路 D301短路康佳T953PD彩色电视机正常收看突然无像无声,屏幕有正常的噪波点高频头电路 RF AGC电压为5.V7,C119漏电康佳T953PD彩色电视机自动搜索时各频段不停地循环,搜到节目后,画\面淡且一闪而过节目信号识别电路 V609的Ub这0.04V,R658虚焊康佳T953PD彩色电视机每次开机或更换频道时均需要重新调谐才能选出正常的电视节目存储器电路 N602的12脚与601的34脚的连接铜箔断裂康佳T953PD彩色电视机绿色字符显示为黑色字符字符显示电路 C345两端电压为0V,R352变值康佳T953PD彩色电视机伴音失控 ATT电路 TA7680AP的1脚电压在3.5V且有变化,V608击穿康佳T953PD彩色电视机 U频收不到节目调谐电压电路 CPU的1脚电压在H段搜索结束时, 不能从0V转为5V,CPU的1脚内U段电路损坏康佳T953PD彩色电视机自动搜台不能锁定 AFC电路当搜到画面时,TA7680AAP的13脚电压为6.3V,R676开路康佳T953PD彩色电视机能搜台,但不能存储,换频道后,原来预置好的电视节目消失,必须重复预置存储电路 M5868SP的2脚无-30V电压,M5865SP损坏康佳T953PD彩色电视机预置好的电视节目10分钟后消失调谐电压电路 V101击穿康佳T953PD彩色电视机不能自动搜台,屏幕无字符显示自动搜台的键盘电路 S605损坏康佳T953彩色电视机黑白图像及伴音正常,但图像无彩色解码电路 N301的7脚电压为1.1V,不随色饱和度的增减而变化,N601损坏康佳T953彩色电视机伴音失真并有杂音,但图像无彩伴音电路 L604失谐康佳T953彩色电视机音量失控,其它各功能正常音量控制电路 IC602损坏康佳T953彩色电视机开启电源后无任何反应遥控电源电路 T401电压为0V,T401的保险丝熔断康佳T953彩色电视机开机无光,无音,电源灯亮,遥控不起作用电源电路 C403两端电压为20V,电源开关组件下面的红色纸片漏电康佳T953彩色电视机收看中突然无声无像,屏幕有正常的噪波 RFAGC电路 RFAGC电压为5.7V,C119漏电康佳T953彩色电视机 U段接收正常,V段无图无声 VHF电压控制 Q606 Uc正常为11.5V,R628开路康佳T953彩色电视机无光无声,无字符显示,指示灯随开关而亮灭行扫描电路行回扫变压器因高压击穿,并烧坏偏转线圈康佳T953彩色电视机图像上有虚线斜条,且斜条飘忽不定场输出电路 C453漏电康佳T953彩色电视机图象模糊,伴音失真中放电路 N101的11脚电压为5.25V,C119漏电康佳T953彩色电视机开机正常,一会变为白光成A V状态图像通道电路 N101的15脚电压为4V,5脚电压为6.8V,C116失效康佳T953彩色电视机绿色字符显示为黑色字符,节目不能存储,转换频道后,原电视节目消失,必须重复预置存储器电路 N602的12脚无电压,R352开路康佳T953彩色电视机伴音换控伴音电路 V608击穿康佳T953彩色电视机 U段收不到节目微处理电路 N601在H段搜索时不能从0V转为5V,N601损坏康佳T953彩色电视机自动搜台锁不住 AFT电路 N101的13脚电压在6.36V上下摆动,V604击穿康佳T953彩色电视机电视节目10分钟左右消失高频头调谐电压电路 BT端电压为20.3V,V101损坏康佳T953彩色电视机在收看过程中,机内冒烟且有打火声,即三无,发出吱吱声自动亮度电路 R425变值康佳T953彩色电视机整机三无,亦无字符显示,按遥控电源键时,红灯亮过压保护电路 V305的Uc为0.6V,R426开路康佳T953彩色电视机整机三我,屏幕无显示,待命灯亮时钟脉冲电路 N601的28,29脚无脉冲,Z601漏电康佳T953彩色电视机通电后,面板上的红灯亮,但整机三无,亦无字符显示待命电源电路 N60117脚电压为4.6V,R669变值,C611漏电康佳T953P彩色电视机开机工作一段时间后,机器突然无光无声,关机后一会又能重新开机,但故障又重复保护电路 VD301失效康佳T953P彩色电视机开机工作一段时间后,机器突然无光无声,关机后一会又能重新开机,但故障又重复取样电路 RP401不良康佳T953P彩色电视机电源灯亮,按遥控器开机键,电源灯灭,电视机无光无声可控硅保护电路 V407开路康佳T953P彩色电视机接通电源开关,电源灯不亮辅助电源电路 VD403负端无16V电压,VD401也无-30V电压,遥控变压器开路康佳T953P彩色电视机图像模糊且有回扫线行扫描电路 C455漏电康佳T953P彩色电视机屏幕上有色斑消磁电路 T401损坏康佳T953P彩色电视机图像模糊,伴音失控 AGC电路 N101的(11)脚电压为0.5V(正常为5.25V),C119漏电康佳T953P彩色电视机无光栅 ,无伴音,无字符显示, 按遥控器的开/关机键,面板上红指示灯能亮灭,但不能开机行扫描电路 V405的Ub为2V(正常为0.45V),V405击穿康佳T953P彩色电视机黑白图像基本正常,但无彩色,伴音较小且噪声大中频前置放大电路 SA101损坏康佳T953P彩色电视机一条水平亮线. 场扫描电路 IC401的(3)’(6)脚无电压,R431断路.康佳T953P彩色电视机开机"三无",且伴有"嘟嘟"声一条水平亮线行扫描电路 +B无电压输出.C420漏电.康佳T953P彩色电视机开机2分钟后行失步,关机后再开机,故障重现 AFC电路C343(0.47υF/50V)容量失效.康佳T953P彩色电视机绿色字符显示为黑色字符字符显示电路 R352失效康佳T953P彩色电视机 U频道节目收不到频段切换电路 N601的1脚电压在U段不能从0V回转为5V.N601损坏.康佳T953P彩色电视机能自动搜台,但不能锁台 AGC脉冲输入电路 N101的13脚电压在6.36上下摆动,C610开路失效康佳T953P彩色电视机设置好的电视节目10分钟后消失调谐电压控制电路 V101不良康佳T953P彩色电视机能自动搜台,但屏幕无字符显示键盘电路 S605断路康佳T953P彩色电视机音正常,图像模糊,约半小时后清晰显像管及管座显像管11脚与12脚的反向电阻为0Ω,显像管管座KB漏电康佳T953P彩色电视机伴音正常,暗无像亮度通道电路 N301的8脚电压8.4V,D301短路康佳T953P彩色电视机每次开机或更换频道时均需重新调谐才能收看存储器控制电路 N602的12脚与34脚断裂康佳T953P彩色电视机搜台时各频段不停地循环搜索,画面淡且一闪而过同步信号校正电路 V609的Ue为0.04V,R658开路康佳T953P彩色电视机选台时只能选到部分电台,且图象不稳,无法收看调谐电压电路 BP端只能在0-24V间变化,C102漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机自动搜台时,图像在屏幕上只稳定1秒就继续搜台,节目不能锁定存储器电路 IC602损坏康佳T963A彩色电视机开机一切正常,10分钟后光栅压缩行扫描电路 Q402击穿康佳T963A彩色电视机伴音正常,图像清晰度模糊图像中放电路 iC101的11脚电压为4.4V,C117漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机图像及伴音正常,只是关机后出现色斑消磁电路 TH901开路康佳T963A彩色电视机无光,无声,无像电源电路 T901损坏康佳T963A彩色电视机无光无声,无像行扫描电路 IC301振荡电路坏康佳T963A彩色电视机无光,无声,无像微处理控制电路 X601失效康佳T963A彩色电视机无光无音,无像开关电源电路 CD901击穿康佳T963A彩色电视机图像伴音正常,光栅亮度比正常亮,同时机内有叭啦,叭啦的火花声电源电路 Q901熔断康佳T963A彩色电视机出现大面积爬行且色调畸变色解码电路 IC301的17,19脚电压为4V,C350漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机黑白图像正常,但无彩色;亦无伴音,自动搜索不停,且有时仍自动关机行逆程脉冲传输出电路 IC301的(36)脚电压1.7V(正常为2.9V;(38)脚电压为0.3V(正常为0.6V),C303开路康佳T963A彩色电视机开机后无光栅,无伴音,待机指示灯和环绕声指示灯亮,手控 ,遥控全部失灵微处理控制电路 C600漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机开机后无光栅,无伴音,待机指示灯和环绕声指示灯亮,手控 ,遥控全部失灵微处理控制电路 C600漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机伴音小鉴频电路 T103失谐康佳T963A彩色电视机无图无声,有浓密的噪波点中放通道电路 V117漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机场线性差场扫描电路 C452漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机灵敏度低中放通道电路 C117漏电康佳T963A彩色电视机 VHF频段节目正常,UHF频段节目收看约2小时后跑台高频头高频头损坏康佳T963A彩色电视机黑白图像着色慢且有重影色解码电路, C301的18脚电压为8.1V,R349开路康佳T963A彩色电视机字符随光栅颜色而变字符显示电路 D616虚焊康佳T963A彩色电视机图像正常,无伴音伴音电路 TDA2009A的6脚电压不稳,C339松动康佳T963A彩色电视机各频段搜索不停,电视画面开始时稳定,随之行失步,2秒后继续搜索 AFC电路 T104失调康佳T963A彩色电视机正常收看10分钟后,电视机信号丢失,满屏噪点高频头调谐供电电路 R601变值康佳T963A彩色电视机自动或半自动搜台时有彩色,结束彩色丢失,黑白图像正常微处理控制电路 CF8581损坏康佳T963A彩色电视机开机20分钟后光栅亮度下降,图像变淡遥控接口电路 TA7698AP稳定性差康佳T963A彩色电视机开机,整机处于预备状态,约1小时后自动开机,声图正常微处理控制电路 PCA84C640的41脚电压为0V,PCA84C640损坏康佳T963A彩色电视机伴音正常,但屏幕为暗红色光栅,无图,有回扫线,字符亮度下降字符信号通路 Q505的Ue由134.5V降至88V,Q610击穿康佳T963A彩色电视机声图正常,字符边界拉丝,字符颜色随画面变化而变化 PCA84C640的消陷驱动电路字符显示消隐脉冲电路,C633失效康佳T963A彩色电视机声图正常,遥控时有字符显示,但字符偏左 PCA84C640的RC时钟振荡电路 PCA84C640的时钟振荡频率高于100MH,VR601变值康佳T963A彩色电视机彩色时深时淡且有干扰色同步脉冲检波负载滤波电路 IC301的7脚电压为5.3V,C339虚焊康佳T963A彩色电视机图像正常,但无音伴音功放电路 IC201的2,4脚电压为0.7V,Q204断路康佳T963A彩色电视机正常收看10分钟后,节目丢失,随即满屏噪点 PCA84C640的14位D/A转换电路 ZD001两端电压30V,R601增值康佳T963A彩色电视机开机20分钟后,光栅亮度下降,图像变暗亮度通道电路 IC301的42脚电压为6.4V,IC301内热稳定性差康佳T963A彩色电视机光栅为一条水平亮线场扫描电路 IC402损坏康佳T963A彩色电视机有音,无像行扫描电路 R411变值康佳T963A彩色电视机无光无音开关电源 R911开路康佳KK-T2103彩色电视机有光,无像中放通道 C120漏电康佳KK-T2103彩色电视机有像无声伴音电路 IC201损坏康佳KK-T2103彩色电视机无光,无声行扫描电路 Q402击穿康佳KK-T2103彩色电视机无光无声电源电路 D904击穿康佳KK-T2103彩色电视机屏幕上呈现白光栅,无像,伴音正常视频放大电路 TA8759BN的35脚电压正常为1.35V,D305开路康佳T2106彩色电视机屏幕暗,呈现模糊的彩色图像,但伴音和字符显示正常亮度通电路 C370开路康佳T2106彩色电视机屏幕呈一条水平亮线场扫描电路 TA8759BN的31脚电压为0.2V,29脚电压为0V,ZD301击穿康佳T2106彩色电视机无光栅,无图像,无伴音行扫描电路 Q401的Uc为70V,C402漏电康佳T2106彩色电视机无光栅,无图像,无伴音开关电源电路 +140V升至为+200V,F901熔汤康佳T2106彩色电视机图像正常,无伴,调节音量键,屏幕上的音量标志正常变化伴音中放电路 IC0018-10脚电压为5.98V,C012严重漏电康佳T2106彩色电视机自动搜台锁不住节目 AFT电路 IC001的20脚电压为4.8V,C606漏电康佳T2106彩色电视机图像正常,遥控或手控调节音量时,屏幕能显示音量逐渐增大或减小,但仅有微弱的伴音且不随音量的调节变化电子音量衰减电路 IC1101的20脚电压为4.8V,V626漏电康佳T2106彩色电视机自动和手动均不能锁台微处理控制电路 IC601的51脚电压为1.91V,V608漏电康佳T2106彩色电视机图像正常,无音伴音中放电路 IC001的9脚电压为0.8V,C102漏电康佳T2114彩色电视机伴音失真伴音电路 Z210失效康佳T2114彩色电视机光栅呈一条水平亮线场扫描电路 L405开路康佳T2114彩色电视机整机三无,无待机指示,开机有吱吱声开关电源电路 V008的Ub为0V,C059击穿康佳T2506彩色电视机 AGC失效,各种制式下图像和伴音均是信噪比差,调VR001无效中放电路调VR001时,同时测IC001的7脚电压无变化,IC001损坏康佳T2506彩色电视机 PAL制,NTSC制和SCEAM制均无图像,无伴音中放电路 IC001的1,2脚电压为5.4V,IC001损坏康佳T2506彩色电视机左声道声音小有杂音伴音功放电路 IC801(TDA2009)性能不良康佳T2506彩色电视机图像上部拉长,下部严重压缩场扫描电路C426(330μF/25V)漏电康佳T2506彩色电视机无光栅,无伴音,无图像开关电源电路 F901熔断;C911失效康佳T2510彩色电视机自动搜台时锁不住 AFT电压电路 TA8611第20脚电压为4.8V,C606漏电康佳T2510彩色电视机人正常的图像,无伴音,但调节音量键时,屏幕上的音量标志变化正常伴音功放电路 Y A8611第8,9脚电压为1.6V,C012漏电康佳T2510彩色电视机正常收看一段时间后,图像逐渐扭曲,伴音逐渐失真,最后节目消失,重新调台,故障重复出现电子调谐器及供电电路 MN1528KWE第39脚电压为3.2V,Q619为21V,电子调谐器不良康佳T2510彩色电视机刚开机正常,工作4分钟后PAL制色色彩消失,调节色度钮无效,停机30分钟后开机又重复本故障色同步选通门电路 TA8759第34脚电压为3V,C319漏电康佳T2510彩色电视机在接收中,H段突然声图皆无,但L,U频段一直正常 H频段控制电路高频头第6脚电压为12V,V104虚焊康佳T2510彩色电视机开机屏幕呈很亮的光栅,数秒后光栅消失,但伴音正常亮度电路 R416开路康佳T2510彩色电视机开机后无光栅,但伴音完好过压保护电路 IC801第30脚电压为0V,C513漏电康佳T2510彩色电视机开机后无光栅,但伴音完好 X射线保护电路 TA7698AP第30脚电压为0V,C622开路康佳T2510彩色电视机无光栅,无伴音开关电源电路 STR-6309击穿康佳T2512A彩色电视机 AGC失控,各种制式下图像和伴音均是信噪比差,调VR001无效中频通道电路 TA8411的7脚电压无变化,T8611损坏康佳T2512A彩色电视机 PAL制,NTSC制SCEM制均无像,无音中频通道电路 TA8611的1,2脚电压为2.6左右,TA8611损坏康佳T2512A彩色电视机图像正常,无音,只有沙沙声,噪声大小可调伴音中频通道电路 T8615第12脚无波形,C104断路康佳T2512A彩色电视机字符显示正常,但手动和自动寻台时各频段无图像, 中放电路高频头第5脚电压为3.9VC003开路康佳T2512A彩色电视机伴音正常,但图像彩色时有时无 PAL解码电路 TA8759N 25脚电压为5.6V,C332开路康佳T2512A彩色电视机重放SECAM制节目时,屏幕全红,而其它制式节目正常 SECAM色解码电路 TA8759第64脚电压为7V,C346击穿康佳T2512A彩色电视机每次开机收看约10分钟,光栅变暗,遥控和手控不能调大亮度亮度信号处理电路 TA8759第51脚电压为5V,C349漏电康佳T2512A彩色电视机自动搜台正常,手动搜台时无PAK屏显,无像无音搜台编码与解码电路 MN15287WE第13脚电压始终为0V康佳T2512A彩色电视机图像为黑而模糊的彩色影像,调小色饱和度只有暗淡的光栅亮度电路 TA8759第59脚电压为0V,TA8759损坏康佳T2512A彩色电视机光栅时有时无,行不同步同步分离电路 TA8759第29脚电压为0.73V,C310短路康佳T2512A彩色电视机接收NTSC制节目时,图像的水平位置偏左行中心校正电路 Q308损坏康佳T2512A彩色电视机在任何制式光栅均不满屏场锯齿波形成电路 TA8759N第31脚电压为6.6V,C323不良康佳T2512A彩色电视机无伴音,只有较大的嗡嗡声中放电路 C294严重漏电康佳T2512A彩色电视机三无,红灯亮电源稳压电路 V901的Ub 为-2.6V,VD917击穿康佳T2512A彩色电视机开机红灯不亮,按键不起作用,有光有噪声 +5V稳压电源电路 N601的52脚无电压,V908击穿康佳T2512A彩色电视机开机红灯不亮,按键不起作用,有光,有雪花,有噪声,无图 +5V稳压电源电路 N601的52脚电压为4.95V,27脚电压为4.91V,R918开路康佳T2916A彩色电视机三无,电源灯不亮偏置电路 +B电压为0V,V908击穿康佳T2916A彩色电视机三无,民源灯亮开关电源电路 +B电压降到0.7V,V901的Ue为0V,R951一脚虚焊康佳T2916A彩色电视机三无,电源灯亮输出电路 +B电压上升到38V即下降至0V,V402击穿康佳T2510屡烧开关管的特殊故障检修一例故障现象:开机炸保险,烧开关管。


替换型号 R5402N106KD R5402N120KD R5402N163KD
R5460N207AA R5460N211AA
S-812C33AMC-C2KT2G S-812C50AMC-C3ET2G S-812C50AUA-C3ET2
S-8355M50MC S-8355M20MC S-8355M18MC S-875061EUP S-873062EUP S-8211CAM S-8211CAZ S-8211CAS S-8211CAJ-I6T1G
单节 单节 单节 单节 单节 单节 单节 单节 单节,磷酸铁锂 单节 双节 双节 双节 双节 双节 双节 双节 2-3节,老版本 2-3节,老版本 2-3节,老版本 三-四节 三-四节,不常用 三-四节 三-四节 三-四节 三-四节 三-四节
R5400N110FA R5400N149FA R5400N102CA R5421N139FA R5421N151FA R5421N152FA R5426N128EA R5402N101KD R5402N102KD R5402N110KD R5402N149KD R5402N163KD R5402N120KD R5402N128EC R5402N176EC R5408N185KH R5408N191KH



1.General descriptionThe PCA9626 is an I 2C-bus controlled 24-bit LED driver optimized for voltage switch dimming and blinking 100mA Red/Green/Blue/Amber (RGBA) LEDs. Each LED output has its own 8-bit resolution (256 steps) fixed frequency individual PWM controller that operates at 97kHz with a duty cycle that is adjustable from 0% to 99.6% to allow the LED to be set to a specific brightness value. An additional 8-bit resolution (256 steps)group PWM controller has both a fixed frequency of 190Hz and an adjustable frequency between 24Hz to once every 10.73seconds with a duty cycle that is adjustable from 0%to 99.6% that is used to either dim or blink all LEDs with the same value.Each LED output can be off, on (no PWM control), set at its individual PWM controller value or at both individual and group PWM controller values.The PCA9626operates with a supply voltage range of 2.3V to 5.5V and the 100mA open-drain outputs allow voltages up to 40V .The PCA9626 is one of the first LED controller devices in a new Fast-mode Plus (Fm+)family.Fm+devices offer higher frequency (up to 1MHz)and more densely populated bus operation (up to 4000pF).The active LOW Output Enable input pin (OE)blinks all the LED outputs and can be used to externally PWM the outputs,which is useful when multiple devices need to be dimmed or blinked together without using software control.Software programmable LED Group and three Sub Call I 2C-bus addresses allow all or defined groups of PCA9626 devices to respond to a common I 2C-bus address, allowing for example, all red LEDs to be turned on or off at the same time or marquee chasing effect, thus minimizing I 2C-bus commands. Seven hardware address pins allow up to 126devices on the same bus.The Software Reset (SWRST) Call allows the master to perform a reset of the PCA9626through the I 2C-bus,identical to the Power-On Reset (POR)that initializes the registers to their default state causing the output NAND FETs to be OFF (LED off). This allows an easy and quick way to reconfigure all device registers to the same condition.In addition to these features found in PCA9633, PCA9634, PCA9635, PCA9622 andPCA9624,a new feature to control LED output pattern is incorporated in the PCA9626.A new control byte called ‘Chase Byte’allows enabling or disabling of selective LED outputs depending on the value of the Chase Byte. This feature greatly reduces the number of bytes to be sent to the PCA9626 when repetitive patterns need to be displayed as in creating a marquee chasing effect.If the PCA9626 on-chip 100mA NAND FETs do not provide enough current or voltage to drive the LEDs,then the PCA9635and the PCA9635with larger current or higher voltage external drivers can be used.PCA962624-bit Fm+ I 2C-bus 100 mA 40 V LED driverRev. 02 — 31 August 2009Product data sheet2.FeaturesI24 LED drivers. Each output programmable at:N OffN OnN Programmable LED brightnessN Programmable group dimming/blinking mixed with individual LED brightnessI1MHz Fast-mode Plus compatible I2C-bus interface with 30mA high drive capability on SDA output for driving high capacitive busesI256-step (8-bit) linear programmable brightness per LED output varying from fully off (default) to maximum brightness using a 97kHz PWM signalI256-step group brightness control allows general dimming (using a 190Hz PWMsignal) from fully off to maximum brightness (default)I256-step group blinking with frequency programmable from 24Hz to 10.73s andduty cycle from 0% to 99.6%I24 open-drain outputs can sink between 0mA to 100mA and are tolerant to amaximum off state voltage of 40V. No input function.I Output state change programmable on the Acknowledge or the STOP Command toupdate outputs byte-by-byte or all at the same time (default to ‘Change on STOP’).I Active LOW Output Enable(OE)input pin allows for hardware blinking and dimming ofthe LEDsI7 hardware address pins allow 126 PCA9626 devices to be connected to the sameI2C-bus and to be individually programmedI 4 software programmable I2C-bus addresses (one LED Group Call address and threeLED Sub Call addresses)allow groups of devices to be addressed at the same time inany combination(for example,one register used for‘All Call’so that all the PCA9626son the I2C-bus can be addressed at the same time and the second register used forthree different addresses so that1⁄3 of all devices on the bus can be addressed at thesame time in a group). Software enable and disable for I2C-bus address.I A Chase Byte allows execution of predefined ON/OFF pattern for the 24 LED outputsI Software Reset feature (SWRST Call) allows the device to be reset through theI2C-busI25MHz internal oscillator requires no external componentsI Internal power-on resetI Noise filter on SDA/SCL inputsI No glitch on power-upI Supports hot insertionI Low standby currentI Operating power supply voltage (V DD) range of 2.3V to 5.5VI 5.5V tolerant inputs on non-LED pinsI−40°C to +85°C operationI ESD protection exceeds 2000V HBM per JESD22-A114, 200V MM perJESD22-A115 and 1000V CDM per JESD22-C101I Latch-up testing is done to JEDEC Standard JESD78 which exceeds 100mAI Packages offered: LQFP48, HVQFN483.ApplicationsI RGB or RGBA LED driversI LED status informationI LED displaysI LCD backlightsI Keypad backlights for cellular phones or handheld devices4.Ordering informationTable 1.Ordering informationType number Topside mark PackageName Description VersionSOT313-2 PCA9626B PCA9626LQFP48plastic low profile quad flat package; 48leads;body7×7×1.4mmPCA9626BS PCA9626HVQFN48plastic thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package;SOT778-4no leads; 48 terminals; body6×6×0.85mmxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx x xPCA9626_2© NXP B.V . 2009. All rights reserved.Product data sheetRev. 02 — 31 August 20094 of 47NXP SemiconductorsPCA962624-bit Fm+ I 2C-bus 100 mA 40 V LED driver5.Block diagramRemark:Only one LED output shown for clarity.Fig 1.Block diagram of PCA9626A0A1A2A3A4A5A6002aad608I 2C-BUS CONTROLINPUT FILTERPCA9626POWER-ON RESETSCL SDAV DD V SSLED STATE SELECT REGISTERPWM REGISTER X BRIGHTNESS CONTROLGRPFREQ REGISTER GRPPWM REGISTERMUX/CONTROLOE'0' – permanently OFF '1' – permanently ONLEDn190 Hz24.3 kHz97 kHz 25 MHz OSCILLATORFET DRIVER/6.Pinning information6.1PinningFig 2.Pin configuration for LQFP48Fig 3.Pin configuration for HVQFN48A 2A 3A 4V S S L E D 8L E D 9L E D 10L E D 11V S S A 5A 6O E V SSLED12LED13LED14LED15V SS V SS LED16LED17LED18LED19V SS LED7V SS LED6LED5LED4V SS V SS LED3LED2LED1LED0V SS V S SA 1A 0V S SL E D 23L E D 22L E D 21L E D 20V D DS D AS C LV S SPCA9626B002aad662123456789101112363534333231302928272625131415161718192021222348474645444342414039383724002aad609PCA9626BSV SS LED7V SS LED12LED6LED13LED5LED14LED4LED15V SS V SS V SS V SS LED3LED16LED2LED17LED1LED18LED0LED19V SS V SS A 2A 3A 4V S S L E D 8L E D 9L E D 10L E D 11V S S A 5A 6O E V S SA 1A 0V S SL E D 23L E D 22L E D 21L E D 20V D DS D A S C LV S S122511261027928829730631532433334235136131415161718192021222324484746454443424140393837terminal 1index areaT ransparent top view6.2Pin descriptionTable 2.Pin descriptionSymbol Pin Type DescriptionLED2243O LED driver 22LED2344O LED driver 23power supply supply ground V SS1, 6, 7, 12, 16, 21, 25,30, 31, 36, 37, 45, 48[1]A046I address input 0A147I address input 1LED02O LED driver 0LED13O LED driver 1LED24O LED driver 2LED35O LED driver 3LED48O LED driver 4LED59O LED driver 5LED610O LED driver 6LED711O LED driver 7A213I address input 2A314I address input 3A415I address input 4LED817O LED driver 8LED918O LED driver 9LED1019O LED driver 10LED1120O LED driver 11A522I address input 5A623I address input 6OE24I active LOW output enable LED1226O LED driver 12LED1327O LED driver 13LED1428O LED driver 14LED1529O LED driver 15LED1632O LED driver 16LED1733O LED driver 17LED1834O LED driver 18LED1935O LED driver 19SCL38I serial clock lineSDA39I/O serial data lineV DD40power supply supply voltageLED2041O LED driver 20LED2142O LED driver 21[1]HVQFN48 package supply ground is connected to both V SS pins and exposed center pad. V SS pins mustbe connected to supply ground for proper device operation. For enhanced thermal, electrical, and boardlevel performance, the exposed pad needs to be soldered to the board using a corresponding thermal padon the board and for proper heat conduction through the board,thermal vias need to be incorporated in thePCB in the thermal pad region.7.Functional descriptionRefer to Figure 1 “Block diagram of PCA9626”.7.1Device addressesFollowing a START condition, the bus master must output the address of the slave it isaccessing.There are a maximum of 128 possible programmable addresses using the 7 hardwareaddress pins. T wo of these addresses, Software Reset and LED All Call, cannot be usedbecause their default power-up state is ON, leaving a maximum of 126 addresses. Usingother reserved addresses, as well as any other Sub Call address, will reduce the totalnumber of possible addresses even further.7.1.1Regular I2C-bus slave addressThe I2C-bus slave address of the PCA9626 is shown in Figure4. To conserve power, nointernal pull-up resistors are incorporated on the hardware selectable address pins andthey must be pulled HIGH or LOW externally.Remark:Using reserved I2C-bus addresses will interfere with other devices,but only if thedevices are on the bus and/or the bus will be open to other I2C-bus systems at some laterdate. In a closed system where the designer controls the address assignment theseaddresses can be used since the PCA9626 treats them like any other address. TheLED All Call, Software Rest and PCA9564 or PCA9665 slave address (if on the bus) cannever be used for individual device addresses.•PCA9626 LED All Call address (1110000) and Software Reset (00000110) whichare active on start-up•PCA9564 (0000000) or PCA9665 (1110000) slave address which is active onstart-up•‘reserved for future use’ I2C-bus addresses (0000011, 11111XX)•slave devices that use the 10-bit addressing scheme (11110XX)•slave devices that are designed to respond to the General Call address (0000000)•High-speed mode (Hs-mode) master code (00001XX)Fig 4.Slave addressR/W002aab319 A6A5A4A3A2A1A0hardware selectableslave addressThe last bit of the address byte defines the operation to be performed.When set to logic 1a read is selected, while a logic 0 selects a write operation.7.1.2LED All Call I 2C-bus address•Default power-up value (ALLCALLADR register): E0h or 1110000•Programmable through I 2C-bus (volatile programming)•At power-up,LED All Call I 2C-bus address is enabled.PCA9626sends an ACK whenE0h (R/W =0) or E1h (R/W =1) is sent by the master.See Section 7.3.9 “ALLCALLADR, LED All Call I 2C-bus address” for more detail.Remark:The default LED All Call I 2C-bus address (E0h or 1110000) must not be used as a regular I 2C-bus slave address since this address is enabled at power-up. All of the PCA9626s on the I 2C-bus will acknowledge the address if sent by the I 2C-bus master.7.1.3LED Sub Call I 2C-bus addresses• 3 different I 2C-bus addresses can be used •Default power-up values:–SUBADR1 register: E2h or 1110001–SUBADR2 register: E4h or 1110010–SUBADR3 register: E8h or 1110100•Programmable through I 2C-bus (volatile programming)•At power-up, Sub Call I 2C-bus addresses are disabled. PCA9626 does not send anACK when E2h (R/W =0) or E3h (R/W =1), E4h (R/W =0) or E5h (R/W =1), or E8h (R/W =0) or E9h (R/W =1) is sent by the master.See Section 7.3.8 “SUBADR1 to SUBADR3, I 2C-bus subaddress 1to 3” for more detail.Remark:The default LED Sub Call I 2C-bus addresses may be used as regular I 2C-bus slave addresses as long as they are disabled.7.1.4Software Reset I 2C-bus addressThe address shown in Figure 5 is used when a reset of the PCA9626 needs to beperformed by the master. The Software Reset address (SWRST Call) must be used with R/W =logic 0. If R/W =logic 1, the PCA9626 does not acknowledge the SWRST. See Section 7.6 “Software reset” for more detail.Remark:The Software Reset I 2C-bus address is a reserved address and cannot be used as a regular I 2C-bus slave address or as an LED All Call or LED Sub Call address.Fig 5.Software Reset address002aab41611R/W7.2Control registerFollowing the successful acknowledgement of the slave address, LED All Call address or LED Sub Call address, the bus master will send a byte to the PCA9626, which will be stored in the Control register.The lowest 6bits are used as a pointer to determine which register will be accessed (D[5:0]). The highest bit is used as Auto-Increment Flag (AIF).This bit along with the MODE1register bit 5and bit 6provide the Auto-Increment feature.Bit 6 of the Control register is not used.When the Auto-Increment Flag is set (AIF =logic 1), the six low order bits of the Control register are automatically incremented after a read or write. This allows the user to program the registers sequentially. Four different types of Auto-Increment are possible,depending on AI1 and AI0 values of MODE1 register.[1]AI1 and AI0 come from MODE1 register.Remark:Other combinations not shown in Table 3(AIF +AI[1:0]=001b,010b,011b and 111b) are reserved and must not be used for proper device operation.AIF +AI[1:0]=000b is used when the same register must be accessed several times during a single I 2C-bus communication, for example, changes the brightness of a single LED. Data is overwritten each time the register is accessed during a write operation.AIF +AI[1:0]=100b is used when all the registers must be sequentially accessed, for example, power-up programming.reset state = 80hRemark:The Control register does not apply to the Software Reset I 2C-bus address.Fig 6.Control registerTable 3.Auto-Increment options AIF AI1[1]AI0[1]Function 000no Auto-Increment100Auto-Increment for all registers.D[5:0]roll over to 0h after the last register 26h is accessed.101Auto-Increment for individual brightness registers only. D[5:0] roll over to 2h after the last register (19h) is accessed.110Auto-Increment for global control registers and CHASE register.D[5:0]roll over to 1Ah after the last register (1Ch) is accessed.111Auto-Increment for individual brightness registers; global control registers and CHASE register. D[5:0] roll over to 2h after the last register (1Ch) is accessed.002aad610AIFXD5D4D3D2D1D0Auto-Increment Flagregister addressDon't careAIF+AI[1:0]=101b is used when the 16 LED drivers must be individually programmedwith different values during the same I2C-bus communication,for example,changing colorsetting to another color setting.AIF+AI[1:0]=110b is used when the LED drivers must be globally programmed withdifferent settings during the same I2C-bus communication, for example, global brightnessor blinking change.AIF+AI[1:0]=111b is used when the 16LED drivers must be individually programmedwith different values in addition to global programming.Only the 6 least significant bits D[5:0] are affected by the AIF, AI1 and AI0 bits.When the Control register is written, the register entry point determined by D[5:0] is thefirst register that will be addressed (read or write operation), and can be anywherebetween0h and26h(as defined in T able4).When AIF=1,the Auto-Increment Flag is setand the rollover value at which the register increment stops and goes to the next one isdetermined by AIF, AI1 and AI2. See T able3 for rollover values. For example, if MODE1register bit AI1=0 and AI0=1 and if the Control register = 10010010, then the registeraddressing sequence will be (in hex):20→21→…→26→0→1→2→…→19→02→03→…→19→02… as longas the master keeps sending or reading data.7.3Register definitionsTable 4.Register summary[1][2]D5D4D3D2D1D0Name Type FunctionRegister number(hex)00000000MODE1read/write Mode register 101000001MODE2read/write Mode register 202000010PWM0read/write brightness control LED0 03000011PWM1read/write brightness control LED1 04000100PWM2read/write brightness control LED2 05000101PWM3read/write brightness control LED3 06000110PWM4read/write brightness control LED4 07000111PWM5read/write brightness control LED5 08001000PWM6read/write brightness control LED6 09001001PWM7read/write brightness control LED70A001010PWM8read/write brightness control LED80B001011PWM9read/write brightness control LED90C001100PWM10read/write brightness control LED100D001101PWM11read/write brightness control LED110E001110PWM12read/write brightness control LED120F001111PWM13read/write brightness control LED13 10010000PWM14read/write brightness control LED14 11010001PWM15read/write brightness control LED15 12010010PWM16read/write brightness control LED16 13010011PWM17read/write brightness control LED17分销商库存信息:NXPPCA9626B,118PCA9626BS,518。



元器件交易网TSSOP10:plastic thin shrink small outline package; 10 leads, body width 3 mm SOT552-1DefinitionsShort-form specification — The data in a short-form specification is extracted from a full data sheet with the same type number and title. For detailed information see the relevant data sheet or data handbook.Limiting values definition — Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability.Application information — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. Philips Semiconductors make no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.DisclaimersLife support — These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips Semiconductors customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips Semiconductors for any damages resulting from such application.Right to make changes — Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes in the products—including circuits, standard cells, and/or software—described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or performance. When the product is in full production (status ‘Production’), relevant changes will be communicated via a Customer Product/Process Change Notification (CPCN). Philips Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to these products, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unless otherwise specified.Contact informationFor additional information please visit.Fax: +31 40 27 24825For sales offices addresses send e-mail to:© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.Date of release: 11-04Document order number:9397 750 14259。

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康佳彩电通病一览表康佳T953PD彩色电视机整机三无,按遥控开关键,红灯闪亮即灭,但不开机微处理控制电路 V405的Ub为0.45V,V405发射结开路康佳T953PD彩色电视机图像正常,伴音小且有很大的干扰声伴音鉴频电路 T103失效康佳T953PD彩色电视机声图均有,但图像右边有约3cm的黑边行锯齿波积分电路 RP304变值康佳T953PD彩色电视机图像中的上部稀疏,只有下部10cm 的垂直黑边场反馈输入电路 N301的27脚电压为6.8V,C448漏电康佳T953PD彩色电视机收看中不定时关机,重新开机有时不能启动,此时指示灯闪烁或熄灭电源电路 D401活动片断裂康佳T953PD彩色电视机三无,指示灯亮,启动机器时红灯熄灭,开关机瞬间有咕声电源;电路 TA7698的33脚电压为8.4V,R363开路康佳T953PD彩色电视机开机三无,红指示灯亮一下后常亮遥控电路 TLP621损坏康佳T953PD彩色电视机有伴音,光栅暗,色度对比度,亮度失控亮度通道电路 D301短路康佳T953PD彩色电视机正常收看突然无像无声,屏幕有正常的噪波点高频头电路 RF AGC电压为5.V7,C119漏电康佳T953PD彩色电视机自动搜索时各频段不停地循环,搜到节目后,画\面淡且一闪而过节目信号识别电路 V609的Ub这0.04V,R658虚焊康佳T953PD彩色电视机每次开机或更换频道时均需要重新调谐才能选出正常的电视节目存储器电路 N602的12脚与601的34脚的连接铜箔断裂康佳T953PD彩色电视机绿色字符显示为黑色字符字符显示电路 C345两端电压为0V,R352变值康佳T953PD彩色电视机伴音失控 ATT电路 TA7680AP的1脚电压在3.5V且有变化,V608击穿康佳T953PD彩色电视机 U频收不到节目调谐电压电路 CPU 的1脚电压在H段搜索结束时, 不能从0V转为5V,CPU的1脚内U段电路损坏康佳T953PD彩色电视机自动搜台不能锁定 AFC电路当搜到画面时,TA7680AAP的13脚电压为6.3V,R676开路康佳T953PD彩色电视机能搜台,但不能存储,换频道后,原来预置好的电视节目消失,必须重复预置存储电路 M5868SP的2脚无-30V电压,M5865SP损坏康佳T953PD彩色电视机预置好的电视节目10分钟后消失调谐电压电路 V101击穿康佳T953PD彩色电视机不能自动搜台,屏幕无字符显示自动搜台的键盘电路 S605损坏康佳T953彩色电视机黑白图像及伴音正常,但图像无彩色解码电路 N301的7脚电压为 1.1V,不随色饱和度的增减而变化,N601损坏康佳T953彩色电视机伴音失真并有杂音,但图像无彩伴音电路 L604失谐康佳T953彩色电视机音量失控,其它各功能正常音量控制电路 IC602损坏康佳T953彩色电视机开启电源后无任何反应遥控电源电路 T401电压为0V,T401的保险丝熔断康佳T953彩色电视机开机无光,无音,电源灯亮,遥控不起作用电源电路 C403两端电压为20V,电源开关组件下面的红色纸片漏电康佳T953彩色电视机收看中突然无声无像,屏幕有正常的噪波 RFAGC电路 RFAGC电压为5.7V,C119漏电T2132D型1、图像无彩色。



The system master can reset the PCA9535 in the event of a timeout or other improper operation by utilizing the power-on reset feature, which puts the registers in their default state and initializes the I2C/SMBus state
The device outputs (latched) have high-current drive capability for directly driving LEDs. The device has low current consumption.
Although pin-to-pin and I2C address compatible with the PCF8575, software changes are required due to the enhancements.
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The PCA9535 open-drain interrupt (INT) output is activated when any input state differs from its corresponding Input Port register state and is used to indicate to the system master that an input state has changed.
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Each LED output can be off, on (no PWM control), set at its Individual PWM controller value or at both Individual and Group PWM controller values. The LED output driver is programmed to be either open-drain with a 25 mA current sink capability at 5 V or totem pole with a 25 mA sink, 10 mA source capability at 5 V. The PCA9633 operates with a supply voltage range of 2.3 V to 5.5 V and the outputs are 5.5 V tolerant. LEDs can be directly connected to the LED output (up to 25 mA, 5.5 V) or controlled with external drivers and a minimum amount of discrete components for larger current or higher voltage LEDs.
I 1 MHz Fast-mode Plus I2C-bus interface with 30 mA high drive capability on SDA output for driving high capacitive buses
I 256-step (8-bit) linear programmable brightness per LED output varying from fully off (default) to maximum brightness using a 97 kHz PWM signal
The Software Reset (SWRST) Call allows the master to perform a reset of the PCA9633 through the I2C-bus, identical to the Power-On Reset (POR) that initializes the registers to their default state causing the outputs to be set HIGH (LED off). This allows an easy and quick way to reconfigure all device registers to the same condition.
Software programmable LED Group and three Sub Call I2C addresses allow all or defined groups of PCA9633 devices to respond to a common I2C address, allowing for example, all red LEDs to be turned on or off at the same time or marquee chasing effect, thus minimizing I2C-bus commands.
The PCA9633 is one of the first LED controller devices in a new Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) family. Fm+ devices offer higher frequency (up to 1 MHz) and more densely populated bus operation (up to 4000 pF).
I Four totem pole outputs (sink 25 mA and source 10 mA at 5 V) with software programmable open-drain LED outputs selection (default at totem pole). No input function.
4-bit Fm+ I2C-bus LED driver
Rev. 05 — 25 July 2008
Product data sheet
1. General description
The PCA9633 is an I2C-bus controlled 4-bit LED driver optimized for Red/Green/Blue/Amber (RGBA) color mixing applications. Each LED output has its own 8-bit resolution (256 steps) fixed frequency Individual PWM controller that operates at 97 kHz with a duty cycle that is adjustable from 0 % to 99.6 % to allow the LED to be set to a specific brightness value. A fifth 8-bit resolution (256 steps) Group PWM controller has both a fixed frequency of 190 Hz and an adjustable frequency between 24 Hz to once every 10.73 seconds with a duty cycle that is adjustable from 0 % to 99.6 % that is used to either dim or blink all LEDs with the same value.
I 2 hardware address pins (10-pin version) and 7 hardware address pins (16-pin version) allow respectively up to 4 and 126 devices to be connected to the same I2C-bus. No hardware address pins in the 8-pin version.
The PCA9633 is offered with 3 different I2C-bus address options: fixed I2C-bus address (8-pin version), 4 different I2C-bus addresses from 2 programmable address pins (10-pin version), and 126 different I2C-bus addresses from 7 programmable address pins (16-pin version). They are software identical except for the different number of address combinations.
I Active LOW Output Enable (OE) input pin. LED outputs programmable to ‘1’, ‘0’ or ‘high-impedance’ (default at power-up) when OE is HIGH, thus allowing hardware blinking and dimming of the LEDs (16-pin version only).
I Output state change programmable on the Acknowledge or the STOP Command to update outputs byte-by-byte or all at the same time (default to ‘Change on STOP’).
I Software Reset feature (SWRST Call) allows the device to be reset through the I2C-bus
The active LOW Output Enable input pin (OE) allows asynchronous control of the LED outputs and can be used to set all the outputs to a defined I2C-bus programmable logic state. The OE can also be used to externally PWM the outputs, which is useful when multiple devices need to be dimmed or blinked together using software control. This feature is available for the 16-pin version only.
I 4 software programmable I2C-bus addresses (one LED Group Call address and three LED Sub Call addresses) allow groups of devices to be addressed at the same time in any combination (for example, one register used for ‘All Call’ so that all the PCA9633s on the I2C-bus can be addressed at the same time and the second register used for three different addresses so that 1⁄3 of all devices on the bus can be addressed at the same time in a group). Software enable and disable for I2C-bus address.