Coastal 18




Unit 1Active reading 1First reading Task 1CFirst reading Task 2BCCDCAReading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 11.attendance2.ambitious3.productive4.resistance5.script6.acceptanceReading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 21.mortgage2.deck3.surf4.(1)coastal (2) defy5.clamped6.criticized7.hauled8.precedingReading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 BABBB BABBActive reading 2First reading TaskReading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1. (1)elapsed (2) cemetery2. (1)rear (2) crammed3triple4. (1)budding (2) biography5.finite6.dwellers7.invest8.skip9.inevitableReading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 ABAAA BAAAB BAABB BAGuided writingWriting Task 11-b,2-c,3-aWriting Task 21-c,2-a,3-bUnit testPart I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A1.ingenious2.promotion3.surf4.provisiona5.Chronologically6.ambitious7.Inevitably8.skip9.impromptu10.resistance11.untimely12.defy13.permanently14.attendance15.prologue16.allot17.acceptance18.uncertainty19.productive20.humiliationSection B21.on22.out23.for24.to25.about26.in27.of28.at29.out30.underPart II: Banked Cloze31.promotion32.transition33.sidelines34.lengthy35.rear36.dwellers37.mortgage38.finite39.budding40.coastalPart III: Reading ComprehensionCBDDAUnit 2Active reading 1First reading Task 11.The parents couldn't afford to give the children expensivepresents,so they would buy presents after Christmas at a reduced price.2. Other children's parents told them that their presents were left by Santa Claus and made in the North Pole.In fact,the presentswere made in Japan and left by the parents.3.They celebrated Christmas about a week later,because at that time they could get Christmas trees,wrapping paper,decorations,andpresents more cheaply,or even for free.4.One child went into the desert with the father each time.5.They went to see the stars because the father wanted to"give" eachchild a star or planet.He said that these were their Christmas presens.6.According to the father,the stars didn't belong to anyone,sothey could be claimed by the children.7.Betelgeuse and Rigel are stars,while Venus is a planet,not a star.Venus is smaller than a star and doesn't make its own light.8.The stars last much longer than toys.The father says that whenthe toys are all broken and forgotten,the stars will still exist.First reading Task 2CReading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 11.twinkle2.horizon3.deceiveyer5.descendants6.magneticReading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 21.marbles2.junkbel4.mythical5.logicalReading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3B A B B A A AActive reading 2First reading Task 11.expected to be good and industrious2.developing a process of acquiring thought,reason and understanding3.regularly beaten and told off by parents and older siblings until they develop social competence,seen as being very naughty.4.trcated with great care and reverence,believed that they arein contact with the spirit world.5.seen as incompetent and irresponsible; playing not working,going to school not labouring,consumption instead of productionpetent and responsible; expected to workpetent and responsible; girls expected to work from a young age,be married and have children at 12 or 13; boys have fewerresponsibilities and get married laterFirst reading Task 2DABDCCReading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 11.contact2.harsh3.consumers4.knitting5.colonies6.take exception to7.impose8.perspect ive9.interveneReading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 21.continual2.dependent on3.ethnic5.outsiders6.reluctance7.externalReading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3A A AB A B B ALanguage in useTask 11.The star ofthe play is a Hollywood actor.2.I couldn't refuse his offer.3.Columbus claimed America in the name of Queen Isabella.4.He touched the hot dish and burmed his fingers.5.We laughed about all the kids who believed in Santa.6.Our ideas about childhood have undergone changes over the years.7.Our view about children is that they are incompetent and dependent.8.Social anthropologists have questions about the role of childhood in the community.1.irreplaceable2.irrational3.unacceptable4.ineffcient5.inaccurate6.unlikelyTask 3The clauses that usually follow rather than are main clauses,subordinate clauses and-ing form clauses.Note: Nouns can also come after rather than.Task 41.Rather than celebrating Christmas on December 25,they waiteda week.2.Her father offered her the planet Venus,rather than traditional Christmas present.3.Venus is a planet,rather than a star.4.Rather than broken junk,they would always have their stars.5.Rather than work,a child's li fe today is characterized by play.6.Parents treat their children with leniency, rather than reasoning with them.1.core competence2.(1)imposes (2)ban3.tight-knit4.(1)knit (2 )brows5.(1)knit (2) jumper / consumptionTask 6在西方,做父母的非常了解受父母过度保护的孩子的弱点:这些孩子害怕冒险,缺乏决断力,缺少在现实生活中获得成功的手段; 上大学时,许多人无法较好地适应大学生活的严苛,退学是常有的事。

坡越长,越对味--ARGON 18 Gallium Pro测试报告

坡越长,越对味--ARGON 18 Gallium Pro测试报告

除 了质量与刚性 ,操 控与舒适度 也是 Gallium Pro着 重的设计面
在 Astana主将 FabioAru于 2017年 环法 第 5站 夺下 单站 冠军 ,甚至 还一度抢 下环法黄 衫 ,就 已经证 明了 ARGoN 18 Gallium Pro不 俗 的登 山战 力 。极 轻 的 车体 质 量 ,良好 的 踩 踏反 馈 ,以 及调 整 范 围极 广 的几 何设 计 ,让骑 士 可 以骑 着 Gallium Pro在 崇 山峻岭 间恣 意奔 走 ,而不 会 显得 吃力笨 重 。 如 果 眼前 有 场 超过 1 km 以 上 的长 爬 坡 赛 事 ,那 么 C-;allium Pro将会是 克服 漫长 山路的最佳伙 伴 。
而身为 ARGON 18当家车款之一的 Gallium,在历经了 几次的 改款后 ,已经 发展成 为 Gallium Pro,也是 目前一 级职 业 队 ASTANA的 主力 爬坡 战 驹 ,而 队 上主 将 Fabio Aru更 是 靠 着这 辆轻 量化 的登 山利器 ,顺 利 拿下 2017年 环法 第 5 站 胜利 ,并在第 12站击败 如 日中天 的 Froome,成 为车 队与 ARGoN 18的里程碑 。
Gallium Pro相较于前 作提供更轻却 更高强度的车架 ,其仅 790 g(尺寸 M 轻 置级质量 ,已足以跻身一级爬 坡车款之列
捂配 3D头 管系统 ,给予车手更多的高度调 整空间 ,同时不失操控刚性
以爬 坡为专长 的 Gallium Pro采用轻量化 碳纤材 质一 HM7050,相较于前 作提供更轻 却更高强度 的车架 ,其仅 79 g(尺 寸 M )的轻 量级 质量 ,已足 以跻 身一 级爬坡 车款之 列 搭 配 其 自家推 出的 3D头 管 系统 ,给 予车 手更 多的高 度调 空间 ,同时 不失 操 控刚 性 。车 架 几何 除了 采用 经 过无 数车 肯定 的独 家 AFS (Argon Fit System )系 统外 ,更进 一步 自 搭 载 了 ASP一6500双 向式 座 管 (座 管 束 后 移 量 为 15-2 mm ),让骑士得 以依据需求变换 骑乘角度 。
















1342s3The Persuaders28YES29NOT GIVEN30YES31NO32B33C34D35C36trolleys37aisles38loyalty card39cosmetics40group1329s2Food for Thought14viii15ii16iv17x18i19v20vii21H22F23I24A25C26B27E1428s3Music:Language We All Speak27iii28vii29iv30i31viii32F33B34E35D36G37A38C39C40C1427s1Chinese Ancient Chariots14TRUE15FALSE16NOT GIVEN17elm1818to3219struts20bronze21dish22lubricating oil23neck24sand25complex14278s3The Rainmaker Design27.YES28.NO29.YES30.NOT dry air33.moist34.heat35.condenser36.(pure)distilled cost40.environmentally-friendly1411s1Animal's Self-Medicating1True2Not Given3False4True5pith6terpenes7alkaloids8detoxify9hooks10G11D12E13C1436s1PRT and RUF system1True2False3Not Given4Not Given5True6False7A8C9C10A11B12B13C,E,F1336s1Children and Food Advertising1viii2ii3vi4v5i6x7iii8NO9NO10YES11NOT GIVEN12YES13NOT GIVEN1449s2Pollution in the Bay1E2C3H4B5C6B7B8A9FALSE10NOT GIVEN11FALSE12TRUE13TRUE13167s1Seed Hunting14drugs and crops15extinction16pioneers17Sir Joseph Banks18underground vaults 19TRUE20NOT GIVEN21TRUE22TRUE23FALSE24TRUE25-26In any orderA foodB fuel1312s1Detection of a Meteorite Lake14TRUE15NOT GIVEN16FALSE17TRUE18FALSE19(high-pressure)air gun20sound energy/sound wave21(long)cable22hydrophones/underwater microphones 23ship container/shipping container24seismic reflection profiling25laboratory26three-dimensional/3D image27fishing nets1313s1Biomimetic Design1NOT GIVEN2FALSE3True4False5NOT GIVEN6False7True8the same way9carbon-fiber10limbs/legs and feets11self-cleaning12surveillance13lifesaving1311s2TV Addiction14TRUE15FALSE16TRUE17NOT GIVEN18-20ACD21D22B23A24E25popular pastime26TV addicts27orienting response14150s3Compliance or Noncompliance for Children27B28C29C30A31D32F33D34E35A36NO37YES38YES39YES40NOTGIVEN1311s1Bamboo1E2D3B4A5D6C7B8A9B10B11D12soil erosion 13paper15109s3Children's Literature14stories15America16folklore17fairy-stories18adventures19C20A21E22False23True24NotGiven25True26True1333s1Longaeva:Ancient Bristlecone Pine14H15B16C17A18D19A20C21energy,22stratification,23(bands of)bark,24(dry mountain)air,25ground cover,26distance15133s3Communication in Science27B28A29C30D31C32TRUE33NOT GIVEN34FALSE35FALSE36word choices37colloquial terminology38observer39description40general relativity1303s2Biodiversity14TRUE15FALSE16TRUE17TRUE18FALSE19NOT GIVEN20NOT GIVEN21keystone(species) 22fig family/figs23(sea)urchins24cactus moth25Australia26public education1348s2Australian water filter14.clay15.water16.straw17.cow manure18.950degrees19.60minutes20.FALSE21.TRUE22.NOT GIVEN23.NOT GIVEN24.C25.D26.A1435s1The Pearl1B2D3E4E5TRUE6FALSE7NOT GIVEN8B9J10K11F12C13D1411s2Amateur Naturalists27B28C29H30G31E32D33A34beekeeping(notes)35life cycle(s)36drought(s)37C38B39A40A1309s1T-rex Hunter 1TRUE2FALSE3NOT GIVEN4TRUE5NOT GIVEN6TRUE7FALSE8shin bone9slow walker10cheetah11run fast12blunt13crush10006s3Flight from Reality28navigation and communications 29radiation30antennae31smoke32C33D34B35E36A37TRUE38TRUE39NOT GIVEN40TRUE1430s1What Are You Laughing at?1D2B3A4C5B6A7H8F9I10D11FALSE12NOT GIVEN13TRUE1416s1Animal Minds:Parrot Alex14NOT GIVEN15NOT GIVEN16FALSE17TRUE18TRUE19FALSE20particularly chosen21chimpanzees22100English words23avian cognition24color25wrong pronunciation26teenager1307s1Learning by Examples14E15A16D17C18False19True20False21True22less23social24watched25observer26Nutcracker1422s1The Innovation of Grocery Stores14.D15A16.F17.C18.E19.clerk20.lobby21.galleries22.stockroom23.customers/shoppers24.C25B26.C1438s2Bird Migration28iv29i30ii31vii32x33v34viii35-36in any order35A36B37parental guidance38compass39(daytime)predators 40visible14273s1The Effects of Living ina Noisy World185dBA2secondhandnoise3high-frequency4stomach contractions5noise maps6D7A8C9E10B11Nonauditory effects12acoustical tile13street designs1333s2storytelling,From Prehistoric Caves to Modern Cinemas14D15G16A17B18H19B20B21C22A23Poetics24tragedy25landmarks26flaw/weakness1444s2left-handedor right-handed2814C29A30B31F32D33D34B35C36A37Yes38No39Not Given40Not Given1307s2Exploring theBritish Village14-19:14v15iii16iv17vi18x19i20-24:20cottages21Domesday Book22self-sufficient23remnants24triangular25-2625I26F1432s3The legend ofEaster Island27v28ii29iii30viii31NOT GIVEN32TRUE33FALSE34FALSE35NOT GIVEN36TRUE37growing population38racist assumption39archeologicaland historical40inhumane behavior14133s1Ecotourism1A2D3C4B5A6C7D8A9B10sustainable11adventure12tropical forest13illegal killing1304s2We have Star performers14C15F16B17G18NOT GIVEN19YES20NO21YES22analysts/star-stock analysts23performance star/star/star performer 24working environment/settings25salary26rivals10007Sand Dunes27i28v29x30vii31ix32ii33vi34iv35B36C37barchans38compound39tones40deserts1345s1The Color of Butterfly28E29B30G31F32D33False34True35NOT GIVEN36False37NOT GIVEN38True39D40B1201s1Consecutive and Simultaneous Translation1B2D3C4C5A62-3seconds710seconds8100-12092001095-16411B12C13E14F1332s2Art in Iron and Steel14C15E16H17B18A19G20Abraham Darby III21timber22Severn River23Coalbrookdale museum24B25D26G1327s1Radio Automation1chip2grit3molten zinc4milling machine5Robot hands6valves7loudspeakers8cheaper9components10lighter11cost12A13C1415s2Activities for Children ABCDTTNGFCBCAB1308s3Memory Decoding27E28D29B30F3130seconds32specific person33loci method34synesthesia35practice36YES37YES38NO39NOT GIVEN40NO1426s1Child Development in Western Societies28.TRUE29.FALSE30.FALSE31.NOT GIVEN32.TRUE33.FALSE34.TRUE35.Industrialization36.Social and educationeful child39.half-time schools40.going to school1337s1Amazing Animal:Otter1C2A3G4E5B6D7F8C9Salt water10Sight11Swimming speed12Coastal otters13Moles1449s1Brunel:'The Practical Prophet' ACBGGEFBCAustralia,4000,telegraphic cable,Suez Canal1338s2The Evolutional Mystery:Crocodile Survives14ii15vi16v17iv18ix19viii20x21dry season或者hot season;或者dry period均可22water23four months24body mass25dehydration:26growth。

ARGON 18 自行车 2015中文版 ppt

ARGON 18 自行车 2015中文版 ppt

重量 车架 790g*, 前叉 350g * 中码,不含电子变速重量
全新量身定制的3D碗组 全新的3D系统压入式头管, 这意味着更少的部件,重量轻 更加坚固。 前端的刚性增长+ 5%, 15mm到25毫米+11%。
2008 E-114 荣获欧洲自行车展 Eurobike 设计大奖 ,创新 能力再次受到国际高级别的广泛认可 E-114 不仅承载优秀自行车的特质,也体现了Argon 18 在全球高端市场中,从激烈竞争中脱颖而出、实现 稳健发展的决心
2013 与职业自行车运动开展密切合作,意大利Amore e Vita, 瑞典Team People4you-Unaas Cycling、铁三锦标赛冠 军: Terenzo Bozzone, Leon Griffin, Magali Tisseyre, Iván Raña 与 Clemente Alonso McKernan等人,都指定 骑乘Argon 18 自行车。 2014 Argon 18 强化与职业车队的联系。曾到中国参赛的公路 车队Jelly Belly,绕圈赛劲旅Champion System Stan’s Notubes, 活跃的Team Clif Bar和 北欧Team Argon 18 Scandinavia,都是Argon 18的好伙伴。
Pro Continental
Pro Continental
“ 别人满意现状停滞不前的同时,我们持续创新、前进, 不曾间断。”
Argon 18 = 完美平衡
在轻量、刚性和舒适性之间,分毫不差地取得平衡,让车手 享受骑行不需任何妥协。



Various Sea Walls
Shore Protection Projects- Seawalls
Construction of Galveston seawall ~ 1902
Ports and Harbors
Sand Bypass Facility
New South Wales and Queensland, Australia
Shore Protection Projects- Groins
Shore Protection Projects- Groins
Shore Protection Projects- Groins
Shore Protection Projects- Revetments
Different Kinds of Dolos Concrete & Reinforced Concrete
sin2 sin1 Snells law: , C is the phase velocity C2 C1
Wave direction is normal to the wave crest line Examples of Wave refraction in the costal zone, see pp 90 Fig. 4-12. Wave direction is normal to shore line. In other words, wave crest-line is parallel to the shore line.
H i : incident wave height; H r : reflected wave height H t : transmitted wave height Hr Reflection Coeff. Cr ; Hi Ht Transmission Coeff. Ct Hi

258 Encoders 金属杆壳型绝对类型 EC18A 水抗性强、重力扭矩强 18mm 尺寸 金属

258 Encoders 金属杆壳型绝对类型 EC18A 水抗性强、重力扭矩强 18mm 尺寸 金属

259EncodersMetal ShaftInsulatedShaftThroughShaft TypeRing TypeStandard Codes 1. The ●marks shows the ON position.2. The ●marks : Connections between terminals and the 5 (COM) are ON.Waterproof PropertyImmersion of encoder, not in operation, in water at depth of 1m at normal temperature for 30 minutes.EC18AGAPosition No.123456789101112Rotation angle (° )3060901201501802102402703003301●●●●●●2●●●●3●●●●●●4●●●●5(COM )●●●●●●●●●●●●T E R M I N A L N O .EC18AGB20401Position No.12345678910111213141516Rotation angle (° )22.54567.590112.5135157.5180202.5225247.5270292.5315337.51●●●●●●●●2●●●●●●●●3●●●●●●●●4●●●●●●●●5(COM )●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●T E R M I N A L N O .EC18AGB20407Position No.123456789101112131415Rotation angle (° )244872961201441681922162402642883123361●●●●●●●●2●●●●●●●●3●●●●●●●●4●●●●●●●●5(COM )●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●T E R M I N A L N O .EC18A /18mm Size Insulated Shaft Type(Two phase A and B )275EncodersMetal ShaftInsulated Shaft Through Shaft TypeRing Type1. When using an infrared reflow oven, solder may sometimes not be applied. Be sure to use a hot air reflow oven or a type that uses infrared rays in combination with hot air.2. The temperatures given above are the maximum temperatures at the terminals of the encoder when employing a hot air reflow method. The temperature of the PC board and the surface temperature of the encoder may vary greatly depending on the PC board material, its size and thickness. Ensure that the surface temperature of the encoder does not rise to 250℃ or greater.3. Conditions vary to some extent depending on the type of reflow bath used. Be sure to give due consideration to this prior to use.NotesEC05E EC21CEC28C, EC35CH250℃ min.230℃ to 245℃260℃230℃ min.220℃ 230℃180℃200℃180℃150℃150℃150℃60s to 120s 60s to 120s 2 min. min.ーー3s30s to 40s 25s to 60s40sー300s max.230s max.2 times max.1 time max.1 time max.Soldering surfacetemperatureSoldering temperatureHeating timeSoldering timeNo. of soldersEC09E, EC111, EC11E, EC11M, EC11N, EC18A,EC21A, EC28A, EC35A, EC35AH, EC50A Series100℃ max.260±5℃2 min. max.5±1s 2 times max.PreheatingDip solderingReference for Dip SolderingExample of Reflow Soldering ConditionReference for Manual SolderingEC10E, EC12D, EC12E EM11BEC40A100℃ max.100℃ max.110℃ max.260±5℃260℃ max.260℃ max.1 min. max.1 min. max.1 min. max.3±1s 3s max.10s max.2 times max.2 times max.1 timeTemperature profile300200100A BC Time (s)G max.F max.H max.E max.RoomtemperatureT e m p e r a t u r e (˚C )Pre-heating DEncoders / Soldering ConditionsEC05E, EC09E, EC10E, EC111, EC11E, EC11M, EC11N, EC12D, EC12E, EC18A, EC21A, EC28A, EC35A, EC35AH, EC40A, EC50A, EM11B, EC21C, EC28C, EC35CHSeries350℃ max.3s max. 1 timeTip temperatureSoldering timeNo. of soldersSeries ABCDEFGHNo. of reflows。



IntroductionThe Blackwing BW 635RG is an ultralight two-seater aeroplane designed for recreational flying and training purposes. It features a sleek and modern design, with a composite airframe and a low-wing configuration. The Blackwing has a cruising speed of up to 120 knots and a range of approximately 700 nautical miles, making it suitable for both short and long-distance flights. The cockpit is equipped with state-of-the-art avionics, including a glass cockpit display and an autopilot system. The Blackwing is also known for its superior handling and stability, making it a popular choice among flying enthusiasts and flight schools. The BW 635RG is powered by the venerable Rotax 915 iS engine.Development Credits:Mal Cartwright Product LeadRuss White3D Modelling, Interior and Exterior TexturingJack Lavigne IntegrationHarry Stringer AnimationPropAir Flight Model and SystemsJordan Gough ManualWith special thanks to our Beta Testers:Rob Abernathy John BurgessNick Cooper John DowMatt McGee Darryl WightmanTable of ContentsIntroduction (2)Development Credits: (2)With special thanks to our Beta Testers: (2)Table of Contents (3)Notes on Hardware (4)Overview (5)Aircraft Limitations (6)Airspeed Limitations (6)Engine Limitations (6)Operating Conditions (6)Fuel (7)Other Limitations (7)Emergency Procedures (8)Engine Failure on the Take-off Roll (8)Engine Failure after Take-off (8)Glide Performance (8)Emergency Landing (9)Spin Recovery (9)Normal Procedures (10)Before Starting Engine (10)Starting Engine (10)Before Taxiing (11)Taxiing (11)Engine Runup (11)Before Take-off (11)Take-Off (12)Initial Climb (12)Cruise Climb (12)Cruise (12)Landing (13)Balked Landing (13)After Landing (13)Securing Aircraft (14)Basic Performance (15)Stall Speeds (15)Take-Off Performance (15)Landing Performance (16)Systems Description (17)Instrument Panel Layout (17)Switch Logic and Electrical System (18)Master Switch (18)Fuel Pump Switch (19)LAND/TAXI Switch (19)Strobe/Nav Switch (19)Electrical System Diagram (20)Engine (21)Propeller (21)Fuel (21)Notes on HardwareDue to the unusual 3-position switches in this aircraft, conventional hardware 2position toggle switches (eg. strobe or nav light switches) cannot be translated tothe single 3-position switch which combine these.Additionally, as this aircraft utilises a single level power control (throttle), conventional throttle/prop/mixture hardware may interfere with the function of this system, and not work as intended. It is recommended to place your propeller and mixture levers in the IDLE position, and not move them while the engine is running.OverviewThe Orbx BW 635RG has been developed using official documentation and Computer Aided Design (CAD) resources from Blackwing Sweden. As a result, the aeroplane has been created through masterful modelling, texturing, systems integration, and flight model development.Figure 1 – Aircraft 3-viewAircraft DimensionsLength 6.6m Height 2.2m Wingspan8.4mWeightsBasic Empty Weight 375kg Maximum Take-off Weight 600kg Maximum Fuel Capacity (Litres)130LThe content in this manual and the operation of the BW 635RG in Microsoft Flight Simulator strictly must not be used as reference material in any form for operating the real aircraft.Aircraft LimitationsAirspeed LimitationsAirspeed Description Airspeed (KIAS) RemarksVne Never Exceed Speed 157 Must not exceed this speed in any operation.Va Manoeuvring Speed 109 If full or abrupt control deflection is made, the airframe may be overstressed.Vfe1 Max flap extended speed20 degrees90 Maximum speed for flaps 20°Vfe2 Max flap extended speed35-45 degrees 70 Maximum speed for flaps 35-45°Vlo Maximum landing gearoperating speed 70Do not extended or retract the landing gearabove this speed.Vle Maximum landing gear extended speed 90 Do not exceed this speed with the landing gearalready down.Vs0 Stall speed flaps/gearextended 38 Stall speed with gear down/flaps >0° and in level flight at MTOWVs1 Stall speed clean 49 Stall speed flaps retracted, gear up and in level flight at MTOWEngine LimitationsEngineEngine Manufacturer Rotax Engine Model Rotax 915 iSMaximum Power Take-off (Max 5 min.) 141 hp Continuous 135 hpMaximum RPM Take-off (Max 5 min.) 5800 Continuous 5500Critical Altitude 15000ft AMSL Maximum OperatingAltitude23000ft AMSL Operating ConditionsAerobatic manoeuvres, flight in IFR conditionsand flights in icing conditions are prohibited inthis aircraft.FuelFuel TanksLeft Right Litres US Gal Litres US GalTotal Fuel in Tank 67.5 17.8 62.5 16.5Unusable Fuel 2.5 0.7 2.5 0.7 Total Useable Fuel in Tanks 66.5 17.6 61.5 16.2Other LimitationsMaximum demonstrated crosswind for the BW 635RG is 20 knots.Emergency ProceduresNote: The following procedures have been modified to be suitable for simulation. It does not cover emergencies that are a) not simulated and b) not reasonable. Checklist items from the real procedures have been omitted and these procedures must not under any circumstances be used for training purposes.Engine Failure on the Take-off RollThrottle: IDLEIgnition: OFFFuel Pump: MAIN (DOWN POS)Brakes: APPLYWhen stopped: SECURE AIRCRAFTEngine Failure after Take-offNose: IMMEDIATELY LOWERAirspeed: 65 KNOTSLanding Area: DETERMINE WITHIN 30° OF NOSEFlaps: USE AS REQUIREDLanding Gear: USE DESCRETIONFuel Selector: OFFIgnition: OFFMaster Switch: OFFGlide PerformanceThe BW 635RG, the approximate performance for a glide is 65 KIAS which willgive approximately a 545ft/min rate of descent in the clean configuration.Glide performance will degrade significantly on extension of flaps and landinggear.Emergency LandingAirspeed: 65 KIASField: PICK BEST OPTIONLanding Gear: USE DISCRETION DEPENDING ON FIELD TYPEFlaps: AS REQUIREDFuel Selector: OFFIgnition: OFFFuel Pump: MAIN (down)Master Switch: OFF BEFORE LANDINGSpin RecoveryThrottle: IDLEControl Stick: AILERON NEUTRALRudder: FULL OPPOSITE TO DIRECTION OF ROTATIONControl Stick: POSITIVELY FORWARD OF NEUTRALRudder: NEUTRAL WHEN ROTATION STOPSControl Stick: SMOOTHLY PULL OUT OF DIVEWARNING:INTENTIONAL SPINS ARE NOT APPROVED INTHIS AIRCRAFT.Normal ProceduresNote: The pre-flight inspection portion of the normal procedures has been removed due to impracticality in the simulator.Before Starting EngineIgnition: OFFMaster Switch: OFF (down)Backup Battery: OFF/AUTO (down)Landing Gear Lever: DOWNCircuit Breakers: INCanopy CLOSED (CLICKING THE LATCHON THE INSIDE LEFT SIDEWALL.) Starting EngineParking Brake: HOLD TOE BRAKES AND ENGAGE PARKINGBRAKEMaster Switch: ENGINE START (middle position)Fuel Selector: SETFuel Gauge: CHECKFuel Pump: BOTH (up)Ignition: BOTHNav Lights: STROBE (middle position)Throttle: SET ½-1 INCH OPENIgnition: STARTOil Pressure: GREEN WITHIN 10 SECWarnings: NONEBefore TaxiingMaster Switch: NORMAL OPERATION (up)Altimeter: SETAvionics: SETParking Brake: DISENGAGETaxiingInstruments: CHECKED (COMPASS/HSI/BALL/ATT) Engine RunupParking Brake: ENGAGERPM: 2500 RPMFuel Pump: CYCLE, CHECK FUEL PRESSUREIdle: CHECK IDLE 1800 +/- 100 RPM Before Take-offCanopy: CLOSED AND LOCKEDFlaps: 1 STAGE (20°)Elevator Trim: SET FOR TAKE-OFFEngine Instruments: NORMALLanding Light: ON (up)Controls: FULL FREE AND CORRECT MOVEMENTParking Brake: DISENGAGETake-OffThrottle: FULLControls: NEUTRAL45 Knots: ROTATEAccelerate: NOSE ON HORIZON, ACCEL TO 80 KIASPositive Rate of Climb: GEAR UPLanding Light: OFF (down)Flaps: RETRACT ABOVE 500’ AGLInitial ClimbThrottle: MAX CONTINUOUS (5500 RPM)Airspeed: 90 KIASFuel Pump: MAIN (down) ABOVE 500’ AGL Cruise ClimbThrottle: MAX CONTINUOUS (5500 RPM)Airspeed: 130 KIASCruiseThrottle: 55-75% PowerAirspeed: 120-157 KIAS (<130 KIAS IN TURB)LandingFuel: QTY CHECKEDFuel Selector: FULLEST TANKFuel Pump: BOTH (up position)Airspeed: 90 KIASFlaps: EXTEND FLAP 1 <90 KIASDownwind Airspeed: 65 KIASLanding Gear: DOWN @ 65 KIAS; CHECK 3 GREENLanding Light: ON (up position)Base Leg: EXTEND FLAP 2 < 65 KIASFinal Approach Airspeed: 60 KIASBalked LandingThrottle: SMOOTHLY INCREASEAirspeed: 60 KIASTrim: COURSE TRIM TO RELIEVE PRESSUREFlaps: RETRACT TO POSITION 1 (20°)Gear: UPTrim: TRIM FOR CLIMBAfter LandingFlaps: RETRACTExterior Lights: AS REQ’DFuel Pump: MAIN (down)Securing AircraftParking Brake: ENGAGEDThrottle: IDLESwitches: ALL OFF EXCEPT ACL AND MASTERIgnition: OFFNav Lights: OFF (down)Master Switch: OFFBasic PerformanceStall SpeedsMTOW 600kg | CG 32% MAC | Power Idle | Level FlightFlap Position Stall Speed (KIAS) 0° 49 20° 44 35° 39 45°38Take-Off PerformanceMTOW | ISA CONDITIONS | SEA LEVEL | FLAPS 1 (20°) | MTOW (600kg)Cruise PerformanceRunway Surface Ground RollOver 50ft Obstacleft mft mPaved Runway328 100 656 200 Unpaved (Grass) Runway 361110689208Pressure Altitude Power (%) TAS Fuel Flow LPH MAP (inHg) Endurance(hr)Range (nm) 500055 161 19.7 30 5.8 941 65 170 23.3 34.1 4.9 827 7517826.937.44.1738Landing PerformanceMTOW | ISA CONDITIONS | FLAPS 2 (35°) | MTOW (600kg) | Speed 1.3 x VsoRunway Surface Ground Roll Over 50ft Obstacle ft m ft mPaved Runway 525 160 951 290 Unpaved (Grass) Runway 558 170 984 300Systems Description Instrument Panel LayoutSwitch Logic and Electrical SystemThe electrical switches in the BW 635RG are 3-position switches. These are generally known as “DOWN”, “MIDDLE” and “UP”. They are briefly explained below.Master SwitchThe MASTER switch functions in a unique way, with the following switch logic:1.When the MASTER switch is DOWN, all battery power is off. There will beno electrical power provided to the aircraft.•Note: The engine CANNOT be shut down when the master switch isoff. Electrical power must be present for the engine to turn off.2.When the MASTER switch is in the MIDDLE (Engine Start) position, limitedsystem functionality will be present. The backup battery will be activatedand power the following systems:•Primary Flight Display•Compass•AHRS (Attitude Heading Reference System)•Radio3.When the MASTER switch is UP (Normal Operation), full electrical supplywill be provided to the aircraft. The following systems will be powered on: •Note: the engine CANNOT be started with the MASTER switch in theUP position. If the engine won’t start, check the switch is in theMIDDLE position•Multi-Function Display•Transponder•Autopilot•Audio panel•STBY instruments•Pitot Heat•Main battery is disconnected from running engine. Alternatorprovides power.See Section NORMAL PROCEDURES for positioning of the MASTER switch.Fuel Pump SwitchThe Fuel Pump switch also has some advanced logic to it, due to two fuel pumpsbeing present, however, to put it simply, it operates in the following way:1.In the DOWN position, the main fuel pump is in use.2.In the MIDDLE position, the auxiliary fuel pump is in use.3.In the UP position, both fuel pumps will be on.LAND/TAXI SwitchThe LAND/TAXI switch powers the Taxi and Landing lights. It operates in the following logic:1.In the DOWN position, both lights will be OFF.2.In the MIDDLE position, the taxi light will switch on when the landinggear is extended.3.In the UP position, the Landing Light will switch on when the landinggear is extended.Strobe/Nav SwitchThe Strobe/Nav switch powers the Navigation (Red/Green) and Strobe (flashingwhite) lights. It operates in the following logic:1.In the DOWN position, both lights will be OFF.2.In the MIDDLE position, the STROBE light will be on.3.In the UP position, both the strobe and Nav lights will be on.Electrical System DiagramThe BW 635RG’s electrical system is modelled in the following way in Microsoft Flight Simulator.Because the starter system is connected to the BACKUP BUS, this means you cannot start the engine with the MASTER switch in the UP position, due to the BACKUP BUS being disconnected from the circuit once the MAIN BAT BUS is powered.Page 21 of 21User Guide v1.0 –RevisionEngineThe BW 635RG is powered by the Rotax 915iS. The Rotax 915iS is a four-stroke, four-cylinder, fuel-injected, turbocharged aircraft engine with a maximum power output of141 horsepower. The engine utilizes electronic fuel injection (EFI) technology toprovide precise fuel delivery and improved fuel efficiency. It also features a modernliquid-cooling system and a dual electronic ignition system for reliable performance.The Rotax 915iS engine has a maximum operating RPM of 5,200, with a recommended continuous operation range of 5,000 RPM or less.PropellerThe propeller is a 3-blade wood-composite design, which is hydraulically adjustable for operation at various pitch angles, controlled independently of the pilot. The propeller is linked to the engine through an electronically controlled governor, where RPM isadjusted in accordance with the position of the throttle control. This pitch curve cannot be adjusted in flight, however is designed to ensure maximum performance in allphases of flight.FuelBoth wings have fuel tanks, which are fed to the engine via electric fuel pumps. Fuelsystem information is fed via sensors to the Garmin avionics suite and can be viewedon the displays inside the cockpit.AIRPLANE WEIGHTSBasic Empty Weight……………………….…375 KgMaximum Takeoff Weight…………………..600 KgMaximum Fuel Weight………………………...95 Kg Maximum Landing Weight………………….600 Kg TANK USABLE FUEL LEFT WING TANK67.5 litres 17.8 US Gallons RIGHT WING TANK62.5 litres 16.5 US Gallons TOTAL 130 litres34.3 US GallonsFUEL CAPACITY AIRSPEEDS Never Exceed Speed ……….…………….173 KIAS Max Structural Cruising Speed…………..156 KIAS Maneuvering Speed MTOW……………….109 KIAS Initial Climb………………………………………80 KIASBest Angle Climb……………………………….75 KIASBest Rate of Climb……………………………..90 KIASMax Flap Ext 20°……………………..............90 KIASMax Flap Ext 35-45°……………………………70 KIASMax Landing Gear Operation……………….70 KIASMax Landing Gear Extended………………..90 KIASPlanned Cruise TAS………………………….130 KIASFinal Approach Speed………………………..60 KIAS POWERPLANT LIMITATIONSENGINE LIMITS (RPM)Take-off (5 Minutes)………....5800 RPM Max Continuous……………….5500 RPMALTITUDE LIMITSMaximum Operating Altitude………………23 000ftFor Microsoft Flight Simulator Use Only0-12023 Orbx Simulation Systems Pty. Ltd BW 635RG QUICK REFERENCESHEETIssued: 21 Apr 2023Revised: 21 Apr 20230-2PROCEDURESBEFORE STARTING ENGINEPreflight Inspection………………………….COMPLETECrew Briefing………………………………….COMPLETEIgnition…………………………………………………….OFFMaster Switch…………………………………………..OFFBackup Battery …..…………………………….OFF/AUTOLanding Gear Lever………………………………..DOWNCircuit Breakers…………………………………………..IN Canopy………………………………………………CLOSED STARTING ENGINEArea……………………………………………………..CLEARParking Brake……………….HOLD TOE BRAKES ANDENGAGEMaster Switch …..……………….ENGINE START (MID)Fuel Selector…………………………………………….SETFuel Pump………………………………………BOTH (UP)Ignition………………………………………………….BOTHExternal Lights……………………………………..AS REQThrottle ………………………..………..Τ12-1 INCH OPENIgnition………………………………………………….START AFTER START Oil Pressure.…………………………………………RISING Master Switch ……………………………..NORMAL (UP)Radios………………………………………………………SET Altimeter…………………………………………………..SET ATIS and Clearance…………………………..OBTAINEDBEFORE TAXIBrakes/Park Brake ………………………….DISENGAGEFlight Instruments……………………………..CHECKEDCompass…………………………………………CHECKED BEFORE TAKEOFFCanopy/Harnesses………………………………SECURE Flaps…………………………………….……1 STAGE (20°)Trim ..……………………………………SET FOR TAKEOFF Flight Instruments………………………………………SET Engine Instruments………………CHECKED NORMAL Avionics…………………………………………………….SET External Lights………………………………………AS REQ Flight Controls…………..FULL, FREE AND CORRECT Takeoff Safety Brief………………………….DELIVERED TAKEOFFBrakes/Park Brake………………………….DISENGAGEPower…………SMOOTHLY INCREASE TO MAXIMUM45 knots………………………………………………ROTATEAccelerate……….…NOSE ON HORIZON, TO 80 KTSPositive Rate of Climb………………………….GEAR UPLanding Light.……………………………….OFF (DOWN)Flaps ………………………..RETRACT ABOVE 500’ AGLMEMORY ITEMS 2023 Orbx Simulation Systems Pty. Ltd ENGINE RUN UP Parking Brake ……………………………………..ENGAGE Engine Instruments……………………………CHECKED Engine RPM…………………………………SET 2500 RPM Fuel Pump…………………………………………….CYCLE Idle …………………..…..CHECK IDLE 1800 ±100RPM Navigation Equipment …..…………………………….SETFor Microsoft Flight Simulator Use OnlyIssued: 21 Apr 2023Revised: 21 Apr 2023AFTER TAKEOFF Engine Instruments……………………..WITHIN LIMITS Climb Speed…………………………………………90 KIAS Fuel Pump………….MAIN (DOWN ) ABOVE 500’ AGL0-3CRUISEPower….……………………………………….SET 55-75%Airspeed…..……….120-157KTS (<130KTS IN TURB.)DESCENTAltimeter…………………………………………………..SETFuel Selector………………………………FULLEST TANKPower Lever………………….AS REQUIRED FOR RODApproach Brief………………………………PLETE BEFORE LANDINGBrakes……………………………………………………..OFFFuel ………….………………………………QTY CHECKEDFuel Selector………………………………FULLEST TANK Fuel Pump……….………………………………BOTH (UP)LANDINGDOWNWINDAirspeed….………………………………………….90 KIASFlaps….………………………………………STAGE 1 (20°)Airspeed………….………………………………….65 KIASLanding Gear…..…………………….DOWN @ 65 KIASCHECK 3 GREENLanding Light………………………………………ON (UP)BASEFlaps…………………………… STAGE 2 (35°) < 65 KIASFINALAirspeed………….………………………………….60 KIASTouchdown ……………………….MAIN WHEELS FIRSTStick………………………………………………FULL BACK Brakes…………………………………………………..APPLYAFTER LANDING Flaps………………………………………………..RETRACT Landing Lights…………………………………………..OFFFuel Pump….………………………………MAIN (DOWN)SHUTDOWNParking Brake ……………………………………..ENGAGE Throttle……………………………………………………IDLE Switches….………………………….OFF EXCL. MASTERIgnition..…………………………………………………..OFFLights….……………………………………….OFF (DOWN)Master Switch..……………………………..OFF (DOWN)MEMORY ITEMS 2023 Orbx Simulation Systems Pty. Ltd For Microsoft Flight Simulator Use OnlyPROCEDURESIssued: 21 Apr 2023Revised: 21 Apr 2023。

China Coastal and Marine Environment Protection State and Policies 12

China Coastal and Marine Environment Protection State and Policies 12

China Coastal and Marine Environment Protection:State and PoliciesCONTENTThe Status of Coastal and Marine Water Quality (16)The Main Pollution Sources for Marine Environment (17)The Marine Environment Protection Efforts (18)Recent and Future Policies to Protect Coastal and Marine Environment (24)T h e S t a t u s o f C o a s t a l a n d M a r i n e W a t e r Q u a l i t yAccording to 2003 China Coastal water quality communique, coastal water quality is more or less improved, the percentage ofwater quality of grade Ⅰand Ⅱ was 50.2%,increased by 0.5% compared with 2002; the percentage of water quality of grade Ⅳ and inferior Ⅳ was 30.0%,decreased by 5.9%。

According to 2003 China Marine Water Quality Communique, there was the marine area of about 142 thousands Km 2that didn ’t reach the water quality standard of clean marine area. It decreased by 32 thousands Km 2 , compared with last year. On the whole, marine pollution in China has been alleviated.T h e M a i n P o l l u t i o n S o u r c e s f o r M a r i n e E n v i r o n m e n tWith respect to marine pollution, land-based pollutants account for about 90%,the rest of the pollutants are from sea –based activities such as maritime culture, petroleum and gas development, dumping,and etc.. The sketch map of the coastal and marine polluted areas in 2003pollutants (tons)from main rivers into seas in 2003Rivers COD Phosphate NH3HeavymetalAs Oil TotalLunheRiver5 780 50 230 120 10 2206 410 Y ellowRiver 872 140220 18 410 200 60 1 610 892 640 Y angtzRiver2 719 470 70 030 30 290 36 3403 340 69 890 2 929 360 MinjiangRiver 172 340 1 160 19 810 2 530 160 7 760 203 760 JiulongjiangRiver232 960 2 020 6 930 370 30 420 242 730 ZhujiangRiver1 764 030 24 140 70 790 9 1702 680 47 120 1 917 930 Total 5 766 72097 620146 46048 730 6 280127 020 6 192 830Strengthing legislation ofenvironment protection, promotingsustainable development. Morethan 20 laws relative to marineenvironment protection have beenenacted.T h e M a r i n e E n v i r o n m e n t P r o t e c t i o n E f f o r t s…………● Environmental Function Zoning for Coastal and Marine Area in China. ● Big-Scale MarineUse Function Zoning for Marine Area in China. Remedying land-based sources of pollution , Pushing ahead “National Action Plan for Cleaning Seas ” ●During the process of implementation of the action plan for cleaning the Bohai Sea, by building sewage treatment plants and garbagetreatmentplants, by constructing coastal eco- agriculture and coastal eco- forestry, by keeping from oil pollution from ports, by setting up the emergencyFormulation of zoning management system for coastal and marine area ,providing the ground for environmental management. spill on the sea, and prohibition of use of detergents with phorsphate, the total land-based pollutants in the Bohai Sea have been reduced. As a result, water quality in the Bohai Sea is more or less improved.T h e s e w a g e t r e a t m e n t p l a n t i n t h eT a n g s h a n C i t y ArrayThe wetland system for sewage treatment in the Weifang cityEstablishment of coastal and marine reservesBy the end of 2003,thereare various coastal and marine reserves of more than 80 in China. Among these, the state-level coastal marinereserves account for 24.Strengthening capacity-building for marine environment protectionBy establishment of coastal and marine reserves, marine endangered species, habitats, mangroves, coral reefs and coastal wetlands have been pretected.The sketch map of national coastal water environment monitoring network●The national coastal and marine environment monitoring network periodically surveys sources of pollution and water quality all over the national marine area, makes surveilliance of the status and trends of marine pollution in order to support coastal and marine environment management and scientific research. In recent years of 20,the network acquired measurement data of about 0.8 million,published more than 20 communiques of national coastal and marine enviornment quality.●Establishing nationalmarine environmentobservation system composedof satellite observation system,aerial remote sensingobservation system,auto-measuring system on thesea and by-hand measurementnetwork, they formed efficientcapacity of coastal and marineenvironment monitoring andevaluation and for China marine environment protection.● Other international cooperation projects have made progress ,suchas Northwest pacific region sea project, Sino-South Korea Yellow Seacooperation project.R e c e n t a n d F u t u r e P o l i c i e st o P r o t e c t C o a s t a l a n d M a r i n e E n v i r o n m e n tland-based sources of pollution, mangroves, wetlands and sea weeds have been developed respectively. The state project database has been set up. The state action plan was formulated.◆Prepareing the integrated environmental protection planing for coastal and marine area◆Strengthening legislation,improving the detail regulations in accordance with “The Marine Environment Protection Law”; monitoring enforcement and compliance.◆Promoting use of wastewater emission targets in some key marine areas,initiating research on marine assimilation capacity for some pollutants.◆Setting integrated coastal zone management areas, futhering protection of coastal ecosystem.◆Integrating consideration of river into protecting coastal and marine environment, combining land-based activities with sea-based activities, pushing ahead implementation of action plans for cleaning sea; formulaing and implementing action plans for the key coastal and marine areas such as the mouth of Yangtz River and adjacent marine area.◆Establishing coastal and marine environment management information systems, Strengthening decision-making capacity.◆Formulating national emergency plans for the great pollution accidents on the sea. Strengthening emergency capacity building.◆Strengthening international marine environment protection cooperation in furthering the sustainable development of oceans, coasts and islands.。

海岸动力学课件 Coastal Hydrodynamics_6.1

海岸动力学课件 Coastal Hydrodynamics_6.1

“Bilingual Course”精品课程C t l H d d i Coastal HydrodynamicsHOHAI UNIVERSITYAifeng April 2013 / TAO AifengZHENGZHENG JinhaiJinhai/ TAOChapter 6 COASTAL PROCESSESCh t 6 COASTAL PROCESSESStating beach nomenclatureStating beach profileStating coastal change1/32In the treatment of coastal sediment transport, In the treatment of coastal sediment transport it is quite common to consider separately sediment movement perpendicular to the shoreline and that parallel to it. The sedimenth li d th t ll l t it Th di tp pmovement perpendicular to the shoreline is considered to be the more significant one for the short--term variation of coastal processes, th h t t i ti f t lthe shortpwhile that parallel to the shoreline is the more significant one for the longsignificant one for the long--term variation of the coast.2/3261General Beach Nomenclature §6.16.1 General Beach NomenclatureGeneral Beach Nomenclaturenearshore zoneoffshore zonei h f h backshorecoastline inshore foreshore backshorecliffbeachscarp3/32longshore bar longshore trough beach face berm crest bermsThe beach is an accumulation of unconsolidated The is an accumulation of unconsolidated sediment (sand, shingle, cobbles, and so forth) di h d f h l id extending shoreward from the mean low--tide extending shoreward from the mean lowline to some physiographic change such as ap y g p gsea cliff or dune field, or to the point where permanent vegetation is established. permanent vegetation is establishedWe require a more inclusive term, one that will encompass this underwater portion of the environment, since that is where the more environment,since that is where the more important processes occur which are responsible for the beach formation.i f f i4/32The term littoral is used to denote this entire Th t litt l i d t d t thi ti,environment, which extends across the beach and into the water to a depth at which the sediment is less actively transported by surface waves. This depth varies, of course, but is waves This depth varies of course but is generally considered to be some 10 to 20g ymeters. In the actual practice the term beach commonly is almost synonymous with the above definition of littoral zoneabove definition of littoral zone.5/32The littoral zone(沿岸带)is composed of four li l i f f portions: backshore, foreshore, inshore, and portions:backshore foreshore inshore and offshore.offshore.The nearshore zone extends seaward from the shoreline to just beyond the region in which the waves break, so that this term is particularly useful when discussing waves and currents within this environment.ithi thi i t6/32The comparatively flat Offshore(离岸区): : The comparatively flat Off h Th ti l fl tp p gportion of the beach profile extending seaward from beyond the breaker zone to the edge of the continental shelf. This term is also used to refer to the water and waves seaward of the refer to the water and waves seaward of thegnearshore zone. The interesting feature in this region is the generation of sand ripples, which seem to have a strong influence on sediment movement.movement7/32Inshore(外滩): : The zone of the beach profileThe zone of the beach profile:The zone of the beach profile extending seaward from the shoreline at mean low tide to just beyond the breaker zone.Th i h i i th l hThe inshore region is the place whereg pp distinguishable sediment movement appears, and where longshore bars are generated by breaking waves. In this region, breaking wave b ki I thi i b kip yaction predominates to intensify the turbulent intensity of fluid motion, thus putting a large amount of sediment in suspension.8/32A longshore bar(沿岸沙坝)is a ridge of sand A l h b i id f d running roughly parallel to the shoreline. It running roughly parallel to the shoreline.It may become exposed at low tide. At times there may be a series of such ridges parallel to one another but at different water depths.A longshore trough(槽)is elongatedA l h t h i l t d depression extending parallel to the shoreline depression extending parallel to the shoreline and any longshore bars that are present.9/32The sloping portion of the前滩Foreshore(前滩): : The sloping portion of the beach profile lying between a berm crest (or in beach profile lying between a berm crest(or in,ppthe absence of a berm crest, the upper limit of wave swash at high tide) and the lower--water wave swash at high tide) and the lowermark of the backrush of the wave swash at low tide. In this region, either suspended movement or bed load movement is dominant depending or bed load movement is dominant, dependinggon the breaking wave characteristics.10/32The term foreshore is often nearly synonymouswith the beach face but is commonly more with the beach face but is commonly more,ginclusive, containing also some of the flatportion of the beach profile below the beachface. A beach face(滩面)is the slopingsection of the beach profile below the bermwhich is normally exposed to the action of the which is normally exposed to the action of the wave swash.11/32The zone of the beach Backshore(后滩): : The zone of the beachprofile extending landward from the sloping foreshore to the point of development offoreshore to the point of development ofvegetation or change in the physiography(sea cliff, dune field, and so on).(sea cliff dune field and so on)A beach berm(滩肩)is a nearly horizontalportion of the beach formed by the deposition ti f th b h f d b th d iti of sediment by the receding waves.A beach scarp(滩坎)is an almost verticalp p y escarpment notched into the beach profile by wave erosion.The seaward limit of a berm is named aThe seaward limit of a berm is named a bermcrest(滩肩缘).12/32Beach Profile6.2 Beach Profile§6.262Beach Profile1.Equilibrium beach profile1Equilibrium beach profile2. 2. Beach profile changesBeach profile changes2.Beach profile changes13/321.1. Equilibrium beach profileEquilibrium beach profile During the progress of the experiment inq pg p g pwhich a constant wave input is maintained, the beach profile will reach a steady statecondition, that is, the beach profile in theflume will approach a particular one,which is named the equilibrium beach profile which is named the equilibrium beach profile.(海滩平衡剖面).14/32On natural beaches the changing waves give rise to an ever--varying equilibrium whichrise to an everp pthe beach profile attempts to achieve butseldom does. One of the more importantaspects of a beach is its dynamic personality: aspects of a beach is its dynamic personality: the loose granular sediments continuouslyrespond to the ever changing waves andrespond to the ever--changing waves andrespond to the evercurrents imposed from the adjacent body of the water. However, the only way in whichbeach profiles can be understood is in terms of this equilibrium profile and how it isdetermined by wave conditions and thedetermined by wave conditions and thesediments which compose the beach.15/32It is still debated whether in reality there is It i till d b t d h th i lit th i an equilibrium beach profile in the fieldan equilibrium beach profile in the field where the tide and waves are continuously changing. Nevertheless, the concept of equilibrium beach profile is quite useful in understanding processes of coastal changed t di f t l hand in investigating the mechanisms ofand in investigating the mechanisms of erosion and deposition in the coastal region. 16/32Beach profile changes2. Beach profile changes2.¾Typical beach profiles¾Experimental study17/32There are two typical types of beach profile: Th t t i l t f b h fil one is the longshore bar type(沙坝剖面), one is the longshore bar typewhile the other is the step type(滩肩剖面).p ypThese different beaches are also found in the field. The former is also called a winter beach (冬季剖面)or stormy beach(风暴剖面), and the latter a summer beach(夏季剖面), ordinary beach or swell beachordinary beach or swell beach(常浪剖面). 18/32storm profile swell profilep p常浪剖面bar trough sea cliffbermThe storm beach profile with barsversus the swell profile with a pronouncedberm that occurs under swell waves conditions 19/32The summer profile is characterized by a wideberm, the flat shoreward portion of the profile,and a smooth offshore profile without barsexcept perhaps in relatively deep water.The winter profile has almost no berm, thesand having shifted offshore to form a seriesof bars parallel to the shoreline. The overallprofile slope is smaller in the winter profilethan in the summer one. The volume of sandinvolved remains relatively constant. Thesediment shifts from the berm to bar and back20/32 again.Chapter 6Profile changes along Scripps Pier, California, showing the tendency to shift from a more evenly sloping swell (summer)profile to a storm (winter) profile and back again accordingto the season.21/32Chapter 6This accounts for the terminology---- summerand winter profiles. Such shifts in the profilewas first observed off the west coast of theUnite States, where storm waves are typical ofthe winter and long-period swell waves occurin the summer. Therefore, the shifts in theprofile corresponded with the winter andsummer. However, it is peculiar that thisterminology is sometimes used elsewhere inthe world where the seasonal connotations arenot 22/32 correct.Chapter 6winter profile under swell waves conditions in front of Nanri Sea dikeThe onshore-offshore shift of sand associated withprofile changes from storm to swell conditions isgenerally correlated with the wave steepness andthe grain size of the beach sediment.Johnson classified the stormy beach and theordinary beach by wave steepness parameter indeep water, H0/L0. He determined that with a wave steepness greater than 0.03 an offshore baralways forms, whereas if the steepness is less than0.025 an offshore bar is never formed.23/32Chapter 6Dean presented a model for the shift from a storm to a swell profile based on a consideration of the trajectory of a suspended sand particle during its fall to the bottom, acted upon at the same time by the horizontal water particle velocity of the wave.critical24/32Chapter 6In fact, our understanding of the critical wavesteepness which governs the shift from theswell profile to the storm profile is stillincomplete.This incompleteness is particularly true forfield studies. This is also due in part to thegreat irregularity of profile changes on realbeaches.25/32Chapter 6The development of a storm versus a swell profilecan be understood in terms of the directions ofsediment transport within the surf zone andbeyond the breaker zone. With storm waves thesand seaward of the breaker zone movesshoreward, while sand in the surf zone istransported in an offshore direction. Thisconvergence of the sand transport directions mustresult in an accumulation of sand at the breakerposition, forming a bar. With flatter swell waves,the sand is moved landward at all depths, withinthe surf zone as well as beyond the breaker zone,so that it accumulates on the berm.26/32Chapter 6The beach profile type is of importance to seacliff and coastal property erosion. With a swellprofile the sea cliffs are protected from thewave action by a wide berm and so experiencelittle or no erosion. During storm conditionsthe sand is shifted offshore and the berm lost,so that the more intense swash is able to reachand erode the sea cliffs. In other years thestorms are separated by quieter periods, andthe beach berm may not be entirely eliminated.27/32Chapter 6The beach changes from swell to storm profileinvolve principally onshore-offshore shifts ofsediment. Therefore, the profile changescannot be understood until we comprehendthe details of this transport normal to theshoreline. However, a complete comprehensionas is required is still very remote, so that onlythe broadest understanding is presentlypossible.28/32Chapter 6It is well known that storm waves transport beachmaterial offshore causing beach erosion and material offshore, causing beach erosion andforming a bar. Waves of gentle steepness betweensuccessive storms gradually move bar formingmaterial onshore,resulting in beach accretion material onshore, resulting in beach accretion and creation of a berm.According to their laboratory investigations, According to their laboratory investigations, Sunamura and Horikawa classified beach profiles from a different point of view.fil f diff i f iThey proposed the following semiy p p g p They proposed the following semi--empirical criterion on whether a beach will erode or accrete. This criterion is a function of three accrete This criterion is a function of three parameters, i.e., wave steepness, sediment grain size and bottom slope.The value for C is 4~8 to demarcate erosionTh l f i48t d t iand accretion of laboratory beaches.and accretion of laboratory beachesWhen C>8, beach erodes and the bar type,yp profile occurs.While C<4, beach accretes and the step typeprofile forms.When 4<C<8, the equilibrium profile is found. It was also found that=18for natural beaches It was also found that C=18 for natural beaches. 31/32“Coastal Hydrodynamics”——chapter 6ZHENG ZHENG Jinhai Jinhai / TAO / TAO Aifeng Aifeng Apr 2013THANK YOU。

up the coast to the同义短语

up the coast to the同义短语

up the coast的同义短语包括:1. north along the shoreline- north表示向北方- along表示沿着- shoreline表示海岸线所以这个短语表示沿着海岸线向北方前进。

2. up the seashore- up表示向上、向北- seashore表示海滨、海边所以这个短语也表示沿海岸向北前进。

3. north up the coastline- north up表示向北向上- coastline同样表示海岸线这个短语通过north up 和coastline都表示了沿海岸线向北的意思。

4. up the beach- beach表示海滩所以up the beach也能表达沿海岸线向北的意思。

5. northward along the coast- northward表明向北的方向- along the coast也表示沿海岸线6. up coastal- coastal是coast的形容词形式,意为“沿海岸的”- up coastal直接表示向上沿海岸的方向7. up the seafront- seafront表示面朝海的一面,海滨- up the seafront表示沿着海滨向上、向北8. northward along the seashore- northward再次表示向北方- along the seashore沿着海边9. up the shoreline- shoreline再次表示海岸线- up表明向北的方向10. up the waterfront- waterfront也表示临海的一面- up 沿着海滨向上11. travelling northward coastal- travelling表示旅行,前进- northward coastal意为沿北方海岸12. heading upward seashore- heading upward意为向上方前进- seashore表示海滨13. moving northward seaboard- moving northward表示向北移动- seaboard也表示海滨地区14. advancing northward waterside- advancing northward表示向北推进- waterside意为临水一方15. journeying northward beachfront- journeying northward表示向北航行- beachfront同样意为海滨地带16. cruising northward coastline- cruising意思是巡航- coastline表示海岸线17. sailing northward seacoast- sailing表示航行- seacoast意为海岸18. driving northward shore- driving表示驾车- shore 意为海滨、岸边19. motoring northward seaside- motoring 意为开车- seaside 也表示海滨20. traveling northward coast- traveling northward 向北方遍历- coast 意为海岸21. journeying upward seafront- journeying upward 向上航行- seafront 意为海滨22. cruising upward shoreline- cruising upward 向上巡航- shoreline 意为海岸线23. sailing up the beach- sailing up 向上航行- beach 意为海滩24. driving up the seashore- driving up 向上驾驶- seashore 意为海滨25. hiking up the coast- hiking up 沿海岸徒步向上- coast 意为海岸26. kayaking up the shore- kayaking 表示坐皮艇- shore 意为海岸27. bicycling up the seafront- bicycling 骑行- seafront 海滨28. walking up the waterfront- walking 徒步- waterfront 水滨29. marching up the seaside- marching 前进,行军- seaside 海边30. traveling northward seacoast- traveling northward 向北遍历- seacoast 意为海岸31. cruising northward coastline- cruising northward 向北巡航- coastline 意为海岸线32. sailing upward beach- sailing upward 向上航行- beach 意为海滩33. driving upward seaboard- driving upward 向上驾驶- seaboard 意为海滨34. marching northward shore- marching northward 向北行进- shore 意为海岸35. hiking northward waterside- hiking northward 沿海岸徒步- waterside 水边36. bicycling northward seashore- bicycling northward 沿海岸骑行- seashore 海滨37. paddling northward coast- paddling 意为划船- coast 海岸38. rowing northward beachfront- rowing 划船- beachfront 海滨39. motoring up the seafront- motoring up 驾车向上- seafront 海滨40. riding up the shoreline- riding 骑行- shoreline 海岸线41. heading northward seashore- heading northward 向北前进- seashore 海滨42. moving up the coastline- moving up 沿海岸前进- coastline 海岸线43. walking northward beach- walking northward 沿海滩前行- beach 海滩44. trekking northward seaside- trekking 徒步旅行- seaside 海边45. traveling upward coast- traveling upward 沿海岸上行- coast 海岸46. journeying upward seafront- journeying upward 沿海滨上行- seafront 海滨47. marching up the shore- marching up 沿海岸行进- shore 海岸48. riding upward waterfront- riding upward 沿水滨上行- waterfront 水滨49. paddling up the seaboard- paddling up 沿海滨划行- seaboard 海滨50. rowing upward shoreline- rowing upward 沿海岸划行- shoreline 海岸线。

18JM 18JM规格说明书

18JM 18JM规格说明书

Rack-mounted DCS Signal Conditioners 18-RACKPOTENTIOMETER CONVERTERMODEL: 18JM–166–R• Linearization data (max. 16 points)Use Ordering Information Sheet (No. ESU-1669) to specifylinearization data when the I/O signals are non-linear.INPUT POTENTIOMETER1: Total resistance 100 Ω – 10 kΩOUTPUT 1Voltage6: 1 – 5 V DC (Load resistance 2000 Ω min.)OUTPUT 2Voltage6: 1 – 5 V DC (Load resistance 2000 Ω min.)POWER INPUTDC PowerR: 24 V DC(Operational voltage range 24 V ±10 %, ripple 10 %p-p max.)• PC configurator software (model: JXCON)Downloadable at M-System’s web site.A dedicated cable is required to connect the module to thePC. Please refer to the internet software download site orthe users manual for the PC configurator for applicablecable types.terminals on the front and connector on the rear; terminalcover providedConnectionInput: M3.5 screw terminals (torque 0.8 N·m)Output 1: ConnectorOutput 2: M3.5 screw terminals (torque 0.8 N·m)and connectorPower input: Supplied from connectorScrew terminal: Nickel-plated steelIsolation: Input to output 1 to output 2 to powerLinearization: 16 points max. within the range of -15.00 –+115.00 % input or output; represented as percentage offull-scaleAdjustments: Programming Unit (model: PU-2x);linearization data (Unused resistance of the potentiometer'stotal resistance can be programmed with the linearizationtable.), zero and span, simulating output, etc.(Refer to the users manual of JXCON for the adjustmentsconfigurable with JXCON.)Programming Unit [model: PU-2x] or PC configuratorsoftware [model: JXCON])Excitation: 0.25 V DCOperating temperature: -5 to +55°C (23 to 131°F)Operating humidity: 30 to 90 %RH (non-condensing)Mounting: Standard Rack 18BXx or 18KBXxWeight: 150 g (0.33 lb)with segment gain > 1Temp. coefficient: ±0.015 %/°C (±0.008 %/°F)Response time: ≤ 0.5 sec. (0 – 90 %)Line voltage effect: ±0.1 % over voltage rangeInsulation resistance: ≥ 100 MΩ with 500 V DCDielectric strength: 1500 V AC @ 1 minute(input to output 1 or output 2 or power)500 V AC @ 1 minute(output 1 to output 2 to power)1500 V AC @ 1 minute(input or output or power to ground)2–M3。



浙江省沿海县级风暴潮危险性区划研究李涛;朱业;付翔;郭敬【期刊名称】《海洋预报》【年(卷),期】2018(035)001【摘要】以浙江省沿海13个潮位站30 a(1985-2014年)共85次的台风风暴潮历史过程资料为基础,利用统计相关以及数值模拟对个别潮位站进行资料增补,确保资料丰富、全面.选用风暴增水和超警戒两个自然属性因子进行等级划分,考虑权重后计算得到浙江沿海县级风暴潮危险性指数.在此基础上,以20 a资料时长和危险性指数7为衡量标准,通过资料法及包含历史灾情在内的综合法对浙江沿海县级风暴潮危险性进行区划.研究结果表明:在33个浙江沿海县中18个可划为风暴潮灾害重点防御区,约占全部沿海县的54.5%,主要位于浙江的中南部和杭州湾北岸.上述沿海县在海洋灾害风险管理和涉海产业的利用规划中应重视风暴潮灾害影响并应加强风暴潮灾害风险评估工作.%Based on the total 85 storm surge historical data from 13 tide gauge stations during 30 years (1985-2014) along the coast of Zhejiang province,the statistical and the numerical simulation are used to supplement the data of the individual station for the abundance and comprehensiveness.The two natural factors,the storm surge and the exceeded water level,are selected to rank the storm surge at different level.The county-level of storm surge risk index are calculated by considering the different weight of factors.Under this basis,taking 20 year data length and risk index 7 as the standard of division,the county-level regionalization are conducted by the data-analyzing method and thecomprehensive method which includes the analyzing the historical disaster.The results show that 18 coastal counties are regionalized into the storm surge key preventing regions,nearly account for 54.5% of the total 33 coastal counties,which mainly located in the central and south coast of Zhejiang province and the north bank of Hangzhou Bay.The above coastal counties should pay attention to the impact of storm surge disasters in the management of marine disaster risk and the planning of marine industry,as well as the enhancement of the risk assessment of storm surge disaster.【总页数】7页(P12-18)【作者】李涛;朱业;付翔;郭敬【作者单位】国家海洋环境预报中心,北京100081;国家海洋局海洋灾害预报技术研究重点实验室,北京100081;浙江省海洋监测预报中心,浙江杭州310007;国家海洋环境预报中心,北京100081;浙江省海洋监测预报中心,浙江杭州310007【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P731.23【相关文献】1.基于情景的浙江省玉环县台风风暴潮模拟与潜在危险性评估 [J], 陈洁;宋城城;李梦雅;王军2.广西沿海8007号台风暴潮数值模拟及台风暴潮某些特性的分析 [J], 李树华;陈文广;梁善任3.雷州市沿海风暴潮淹没危险性评估 [J], 张敏;罗军;胡金磊;曾学智4.浙江省沿海某县级市大中型水库富营养化状态及防治对策 [J], 贝美娴;何梦莹;王锴;陈鉴行5.中国沿海风暴潮灾害易损性风险区划研究 [J], 殷克东;王冰;刘士彬因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



第一单元单词1.authority n.权威、权力、当局2.cafeteria 自助餐厅3.annually-renewable contract可续签的一年期合同4.meal plan 膳食计划5.sophomore 大一新生6.outskirt 市郊7.hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘8.metropolis 大都市9.dweller 居民10.temptation 引诱、诱惑物11.urban 城市的12.multimedia 多媒体13.have access to 有权使用14.make the most of 最大限度利用15.dorm 宿舍区域16.periodically 定期地17.session n.会议(非正式的)18.lecture n.演讲、讲稿19.skip 跳跃、遗漏20.coastal 沿海的21.suburb 郊区、边缘22.frame 框架、结构23.demonstration 例子、模板24.stiff 呆板的25.presence n.存在、出席、参加ughingstock 笑柄27.make me freeze28.chalk 粉笔29.giggle 傻笑30.stiffen 变硬31.coax vt.哄诱vi.哄骗32.impulse 冲动33.titter 窃笑、偷笑34.void 空的;无效的35.lean v.倾身;依靠36.forehead37.prolonged a.延长的、拖延的38.dumb a.哑的、无声音的39.curse 诅咒40.pupil n.学生(常指小学生)、未成年人41.think highly of 高度评价42.amid prep.在其中、在其间43.thousands and thousands成千上万 n.财政、金融45.go through 经受、通过、仔细检查46.cope v.处理;对付;竞争47.stuff n.东西、材料48.assure vt.保证、担保;使确信、弄清楚49.chick n.小鸟50.head down 开往、朝向、向下51.stall n.货摊;畜栏;咨询台52.entice vt.诱使、怂恿53.fork out v.支付、放弃54.registration n.登记、注册;挂号;要求55.justified a.有正当理由的、合乎情理的56.storey n.【建】楼层57.self-service 自助58.elevator n.电梯、升降机59.nearsighted a.近视的;浅见的60.dim a.模糊的61.button n.按钮62.peer vi.凝视、盯着看n.同龄人、同辈63.panel 嵌板64.elbow 胳膊肘65.restless 坐立不安的。

沿海城市 英语名称大全

沿海城市 英语名称大全

沿海城市英语名称大全Coastal Cities in ChinaChina has a vast coastline that spans over 18,000 kilometers, dotted with numerous bustling and picturesque cities. These coastal cities are not only important hubs for trade and commerce but also popular tourist destinations due to their scenic beauty, rich cultural heritage, and diverse culinary offerings. Let's take a closer look at some of these cities and their English names.1. ShanghaiLocated at the mouth of the Yangtze River, Shanghai is one of the most populous and economically vibrant cities in the world. Known as the "Pearl of the Orient," Shanghai is a global financial center and a popular tourist destination, famous for its stunning skyline, historical landmarks such as the Bund, and thriving arts and culture scene.2. BeijingWhile Beijing is not a coastal city in the traditional sense, it is still considered a key player in maritime trade due to its proximity to the Bohai Sea. As the capital of China, Beijing is home to iconic landmarks such as the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and the Temple of Heaven. Its English name, Beijing, means "Northern Capital."3. Hong KongAs a former British colony, Hong Kong has a strong international influence and is known for its impressive skyline, bustling harbor, and vibrant street markets. The name "Hong Kong" is derived from the Cantonese word meaning "Fragrant Harbor." Today, it is a major financial andcultural hub in Asia.4. GuangzhouGuangzhou, also known as Canton, is a key port city onthe Pearl River and the capital of Guangdong province. Thiscity is famous for its delicious Cantonese cuisine, ancient temples, and modern architecture. As one of China's oldestand most historic cities, Guangzhou has long been animportant center of trade and commerce.5. ShenzhenOnce a small fishing village, Shenzhen has rapidly transformed into a major metropolis and a leading technology hub. Its English name means "Deep Drainage," a reference tothe city's location at the mouth of the Pearl River. Shenzhen is known for its modern skyscrapers, vibrant shopping districts, and proximity to Hong Kong.6. QingdaoLocated on the Shandong Peninsula in northeastern China, Qingdao is a charming city renowned for its beautiful beaches, mild climate, and distinct European architecture. The name"Qingdao" translates to "Green Island," reflecting the city's lush landscapes and coastal beauty.7. DalianSituated on the Liaodong Peninsula at the southern tip of the Yellow Sea, Dalian is a modern port city with a rich history. Its English name, Dalian, is a transliteration ofits Manchu name, meaning "Distant Sea." Dalian is known for its clean and orderly streets, stunning coastal scenery, and pleasant climate.8. XiamenXiamen, also known as Amoy, is a coastal city in southeastern China with a reputation for its idyllic beaches, charming pedestrian streets, and historical architecture. The English name "Xiamen" is derived from the local Hokkien dialect and means "Mansion Gate."9. TianjinLocated at the northern tip of the Bohai Gulf, Tianjin is a bustling port city that serves as a gateway to the capital, Beijing. With a history dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tianjin is a blend of old and new, featuring colonial-era buildings, modern skyscrapers, and a vibrant food scene. Its English name means "Heavenly Ford."10. SanyaSituated on the southern coast of Hainan Island, Sanya is a tropical paradise known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush rainforests. Dubbed the "Hawaii of China," Sanya's English name reflects its status as a popular tourist destination.In conclusion, China's coastal cities are diverse, vibrant, and full of character, offering a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. From the bustling metropolis of Shanghai to the tropical getaway of Sanya, these cities have much to offer to both locals and visitorsalike. Whether it's for business or pleasure, the coastal cities of China are sure to leave a lasting impression.。



三亚红亚龙湾高尔夫球会英文介绍English:The Sanya Hongyaloong Golf Club is a prestigious golf course located in the beautiful coastal city of Sanya, Hainan Province, China. The golf club boasts an 18-hole, par 72 championship golf course designed by renowned golf course architect Nelson & Haworth, offering a challenging and rewarding experience for golfers of all skill levels. The course is set against the stunning backdrop of the South China Sea and lush tropical surroundings, creating a truly picturesque and serene setting for a round of golf. In addition to the world-class golfing experience, the club also features luxurious facilities including a clubhouse with exquisite dining options, professional golf instruction, and first-class amenities for members and guests. The Sanya Hongyaloong Golf Club is not only a premier golfing destination but also an ideal retreat for those seeking a relaxing and indulgent escape in a breathtaking natural environment.中文翻译:三亚红亚龙湾高尔夫球会位于中国海南省美丽的沿海城市三亚,是一家享有盛誉的高尔夫球场。

高速铁路旅游英语-第二章 沿海通道

高速铁路旅游英语-第二章 沿海通道

Further Reading拓展阅读
Railway E-Ticket 铁路电子客票 电子客票将原纸质车票承载的运输合同、乘车、报销三个凭证功能分离,实现运输合同凭证电子化、乘车 凭证无纸化、报销凭证按需提供。实行电子客票,旅客可以降低乘车凭证丢失的概率,铁路部门可以减少改签 的作业量。 电子客票与纸质车票具有同等法律效力。电子客票是铁路旅客运输合同的电子形式与合同凭证,是旅客运 输的电子记录,是以电子形式存在的记名有价证券。 旅客需要掌握购票信息时,可以通过网站自行下载或打印行程信息提示,也可以到车站窗口、自动售/取 票机打印行程信息提示。 需要报销的旅客,可在开车前或乘车日期之日起30日内,凭购票时所使用的有效身份证件原件,到车站售 票窗口、自动售/取票机换取报销凭证。报销凭证与车票不同,注有“仅供报销使用”字样)。
Geography & Climate 地理与气候 Qinhuangdao sits on the northwest coast of the Bohai Sea and borders Tangshan to the southwest, Chengde to the northwest, and Liaoning to the northeast. Its administrative area ranges in latitude from 39°24 to 40°37 N and longitude from 118°33 to 119°51 E. Qinhuangdao has a monsoon-influenced humid continental climate, with four distinct seasons. Winters are cold and dry and summers are hot and humid.



小学上册英语第六单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A __________ is formed by the accumulation of sediments in a coastal area.2.The __________ (历史的多样化解读) enriches scholarship.3.What is the name of the famous wizarding school in Harry Potter?A. HogwartsB. BeauxbatonsC. DurmstrangD. IlvermornyA4.I saw a _______ (小鸟) learning to fly.5.What do we call a story that is made up?A. Non-fictionB. BiographyC. FictionD. HistoryC6.My _____ (父亲) teaches me how to plant vegetables in our garden. 我父亲教我如何在我们的花园里种植蔬菜。

7.My _____ (小猫) purrs when happy.8.The _____ (music/dance) is fun.9.The ______ shares her passions with others.10.The Earth's atmosphere is made up of different ______ gases.11.My uncle is my funny _______ who entertains me with his jokes.12.What do you call a baby pig?A. CalfB. KidC. PigletD. Foal13. A star's life cycle includes stages like protostar, main sequence, and ______.14.The sun is shining ________.15.Many plants grow well in _______ soil.16.The book is on the _____ (table/chair).17.The chemical formula for sodium carbonate is __________.18.She likes to _____ books. (read/write/eat)19.An underground layer of water-bearing rock is called an ______.20.The color of litmus paper changes in acidic and _______ solutions.21. A sunflower turns towards the __________ (阳光).22.I can ________ my own lunch.23.My grandma loves to tell _______ (名词). 她的故事很 _______ (形容词).24.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. WarmC. CoolD. Mild25.Some plants have _______ that help them survive.26. A chemical reaction that produces gas indicates a ______ change.27.I like to _____ with my cousins. (play)28.I want to _______ (学习) guitar.29.Fruits grow on _______ and provide food.30.The ______ helps maintain biodiversity.31.Who is the author of "Harry Potter"?A. J.R.R. TolkienB. J.K. RowlingC. Roald DahlD. C.S. Lewis32.When it’s chilly, I drink __________ to warm up. (热饮)33.The chemical formula for bismuth oxide is _______.34.What is the name of the event where you celebrate the birth of someone?A. AnniversaryB. BirthdayC. GraduationD. WeddingB35.The ______ helps with the sense of touch.36.What is the capital of Libya?A. TripoliB. BenghaziC. MisrataD. TobrukA37.The _______ (The Renaissance) led to advancements in arts and sciences.38.The capital of Canada is ________ (加拿大的首都是________).39.What is the main function of leaves on a plant?A. To growB. To photosynthesizeC. To bloomD. To shedB40.The __________ (古埃及) practiced mummification for their dead.41.I like to build ______ (模型) of famous buildings with my friends.42.Lucy is a ______. She helps people learn.43.The ________ is known for its speed.44.The dog is ________ in the park.45.We have a ___ (big) family.46.What is a synonym for "fast"?A. QuickB. SlowC. SteadyD. LazyA Quick47.What do you call a baby horse?A. ColtB. FoalC. FillyD. MareB48. A _______ (小火烈鸟) stands on one leg in the water.49.The hamster spins in its ______ (轮子).50.Some _______ can be used for making perfumes.51.She _____ (jumps/runs) very fast.52.The fish in the tank are very _______ (活泼).53.The octopus can squeeze through ______ (狭缝).54. A gradient is a change in a variable over _____ distance.55.What do we call a young female cat?A. KittenB. PuppyC. CubD. ChickA56.The _______ (鲸鱼) is a giant sea animal.57. A butterfly has beautiful ____.58.Which animal is known as "man's best friend"?A. CatB. DogC. RabbitD. Hamster59. A _____ (小鸟) sings in the morning.60.What do you call a group of musicians?A. BandB. TeamC. ClubD. CrewA61.What is the term for a young cat?A. PuppyB. KittenC. CalfD. ChickB62.Turtles can hide in their ______ (壳).63.What is the capital of the Maldives?A. MaleB. Addu CityC. FuvahmulahD. Laamu AtollA Male64.What do we celebrate on December 25th?A. HalloweenB. ThanksgivingC. ChristmasD. New Year65.I saw a _______ (小熊) playing in the forest.66.__________ (化学创新) leads to advancements in technology and medicine.67. A _______ is a mixture where one substance dissolves in another.68.My teacher’s name is _______ (李老师), and she is very _______ (友好).69.The process of evaporation involves heat and ______.70.The sandwich is very ___ (tasty/dull).71.What do you call a person who studies the effects of climate change?A. ClimatologistB. MeteorologistC. EcologistD. BiologistA72.What is the main ingredient in guacamole?A. TomatoB. AvocadoC. OnionD. Pepper73.The country famous for its national parks is ________ (美国).74.The main ingredient in bleach is _____.75.What is the name of the insect known for its ability to produce silk?A. AntB. ButterflyC. CaterpillarD. SilkwormD76.The capital of Cuba is __________.77.The _____ (博物馆) has interesting exhibits.78.The classroom is _______ (安静的).79. A ________ (植物生态学原理) supports conservation.80. A mixture can be separated by __________ methods.81.The ____ has shiny scales and swims in rivers.82. A compound has different properties than the _______ it is made from.83. A ____ has a soft, fluffy coat and enjoys being around people.84.My uncle is a __________ (文化专家).85.What is the name of the largest land animal?A. GiraffeB. HippopotamusC. ElephantD. RhinocerosC86.The ice cream truck is ______ down the street. (coming)87.What is the main ingredient in sushi?A. PastaB. RiceC. BreadD. PotatoesB88.In summer, the grass grows __________ (茂盛).89. A ______ is known for its agility.90.ts are used for _____ (药用). Some pla91.The ancient Greeks believed in the power of ________.92.My brother is learning to play the ____ (accordion).93.The first electric light bulb was invented by ________.94.My dad provides __________ (指导) when I need it.95.What is 5 x 5?A. 20B. 25C. 30D. 35B96. A tortoise is a ________________ (爬行动物).97.What do you call the part of the plant that absorbs sunlight?A. LeafB. RootC. StemD. Flower98.The chemical formula for carbon monoxide is _______.99.The __________ (历史的启示) sparks creativity.100.The ____ is a small insect that can be found in many gardens.。

海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_2.5 共40页

海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_2.5 共40页
8 kT L sin4(hkh)
For finite height waves there is an additional term added onto the equation obtained in the linear wave theory.
Chapter 2
The added term enhances the crest amplitude
and detracts from the trough amplitude, so
that the Stokes wave profile has steeper crests
separated by flatter troughs than does the
Chapter 2
Second-order solution Velocity components are
T sinkhh)(
4 T L sin4(hkh)
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Comparison of bottom orbital velocity under Stokes wave with that of linear wave of the same height and length (H=4m, h=12m, T=12sec)
The relationship for the energy flux is
P T 10 Tdt 0 hp dudzE 1 2 c 1s2 ik2 n khh h Ecn

法律英语:环境保护法 保护和改善环境

法律英语:环境保护法 保护和改善环境

第三章保护和改善环境CHAPTER III PROTECTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT第十六条地方各级人民政府,应当对本辖区的环境质量负责,采取措施改善环境质量。

Article 16. The local people's governments at various levels shall be responsible for the environment quality of areas under their jurisdiction1 and take measures to improve the environment quality.第十七条各级人民政府对具有代表性的各种类型的自然生态系统区域,珍稀、濒危的野生动植物自然分布区域,重要的水源涵养区域,具有重大科学文化价值的地质构造、著名溶洞和化石分布区、冰川、火山、温泉等自然遗迹,以及人文遗迹、古树名木,应当采取措施加以保护,严禁破坏。

Article 17. The people's governments at various levels shall take measures to protect regions representing various types of natural ecological2 systems, regions with a natural distribution of rare and endangered wild animals and plants, regions where major sources of water are conserved3, geological structures of major scientific and cultural value, famous regions where karst caves and fossil deposits are distributed, traces of glaciers4, volcanoes and hot springs, traces of human history, and ancient and precious trees. Damage to the above shall be strictly5 forbidden.第十八条在国务院、国务院有关主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府划定的风景名胜区、自然保护区和其他需要特别保护的区域内,不得建设污染环境的工业生产设施;建设其他设施,其污染物排放不得超过规定的排放标准。

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Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Operation
2-12. Operation
Detailed information on operating your Coastal Series antenna from the control panel is contained below. For quick reference information, please refer to the laminated card titled “Quick Start Operation” or the previous section.
2.1. Normal Operation Flowchart
The flowchart below is a quick reference from Power ON to Normal Operation Tracking a satellite. The
paragraphs following this flowchart explain these phases in more detail.
Figure 2-1 Display Antenna Control Panel – Operation Flowchart
Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO
2-2Figure 2-2 Display Antenna Control Panel
2.2. System Start-Up
Normal operation begins by
pressing the POWER key and
waiting for the antenna to
automatically acquire and
track the desired satellite
signal. After the system has
been properly installed and
set up, this initialization
should take approximately 1
minute. The following
displays may be seen during
the start-up of the system.2.2.1. Power-up/Initialization Phase SEA TEL INC.
SN. 98005520Second line will display the antenna pedestal serial number that has been saved in the Pedestal Control Unit (PCU), for a few
seconds. COASTAL 18
INITIALIZING ✴The Model number that has been saved in the PCU will be displayed on the top line. “INITIALIZING” followed by a “o ” until
the GPS has a valid position. When the GPS has a valid position
“INITIALIZING ✴” is displayed.
2.2.2. Search phase
Sat1 NAME12 1234
Search Message 1
First line of the display will be comprised of:
Sat1, Sat2, Sat3, Sat4, Sat5 or Sat6.2 NAME12 is the 6 character name of the satellite being searched for (1 of 6 saved satellites). If
satellite information has been entered (see SETUP MODE) the name of the selected saved
satellite(s) will be displayed.
1234 will be the actual value of signal level being received (AGC).Second line of the display may display any one of the following search messages:4
Search Delay ## - Number value while the antenna is delaying.5 Search @ EL 35 - System is conducting a linear search at the Elevation angle displayed.
Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Setup
Figure 5-2 Display Antenna Control Panel – Setup Mode, page 1
Setup Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO
Figure 5-3 Display Antenna Control Panel – Setup Mode, page 2
Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Setup
Figure 5-4 Display Antenna Control Panel – Setup Mode, page 3
Setup Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO
Figure 5-5 Display Antenna Control Panel – Setup Mode, page 4
Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Setup
Figure 5-6 Display Antenna Control Panel – Setup Mode, page 5
