Chapter 02a
碳陶复合材料英文专著Carbon-Ceramic Composite MaterialsIntroduction:Carbon-ceramic composite materials are a class of advanced materials that exhibit exceptional mechanical properties, high thermal stability, and excellent electrical conductivity. These materials are widely used in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, electronics, and healthcare, due to their unique combination of properties. This book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of carbon-ceramic composite materials, including their synthesis, characterization, properties, and applications.Chapter 1: Introduction to Carbon-Ceramic Composite Materials - Historical background and development of carbon-ceramic composites- Importance and advantages of carbon-ceramic composites- Different types of carbon-ceramic compositesChapter 2: Synthesis Methods- Fabrication techniques for carbon-ceramic composites- Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process- Polymer-derived ceramics (PDCs) route- Pyrolysis and carbonization methods- Additive manufacturing techniques for carbon-ceramic compositesChapter 3: Characterization Techniques- Microstructural analysis using scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)- X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy for phase identification and crystal structure analysis- Thermal analysis techniques, such as thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)- Mechanical testing methods, including tensile, compressive, and flexural strength testsChapter 4: Properties of Carbon-Ceramic Composites- Mechanical properties, such as hardness, toughness, and elastic modulus- Thermal properties, including thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion- Electrical conductivity and electromagnetic properties- Chemical resistance and corrosion behavior- Wear and friction propertiesChapter 5: Applications of Carbon-Ceramic Composites- Aerospace applications, such as aircraft brakes and thermal protection systems- Automotive applications, including brake discs and clutch plates - Electronics and semiconductor industry applications- Biomedical applications, like orthopedic implants and dental prosthetics- Energy storage and conversion applications, such as fuel cells and batteriesChapter 6: Future Perspectives and Challenges- Emerging trends and future developments in carbon-ceramic composites- Challenges and limitations in the synthesis and processing of these materials- Environmental and sustainability considerations- Potential applications in emerging fields, such as renewable energy and 3D printingConclusion:Carbon-ceramic composites are a fascinating class of materials that possess a wide range of exceptional properties. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the synthesis, characterization, properties, and applications of carbon-ceramic composites, aiming to serve as a valuable reference for researchers, engineers, and students in the field. With increasing interest and advancements in this area, carbon-ceramic composites are expected to find even more extensive applications in the future, contributing to technological advancements in various industries.。
EDIFACT通常被称为UN / EDIFACT ,它包括一套国际公认标准、目录和指引,是独立的计算机信息系统之间的结构化数据的电子交换。
EDIFACT 的消息是根据 ISO9735 制定的,其中的语法单位进行了详细描述。
UN / EDIFACT宣称,联合国每年会定义EDIFACT 报文标准,标准每年主要在春季公布。
该标准向后兼容,这意味着,新标准不会使往年的标准无效,即使我们有D11 标准发布,一个 D93A 消息结构在现在仍然是有效的。
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这些报文必须没有使用其他修改符号1. Indexes1.1 Index of message types by code国际收支客户交易报告报文Change indicatorsa plus sign (+) for an additionan asterisk(*) for an amendment to structurea vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions,notes and functionsa letter X (X) for marked for deletiona letter R (R) for a message whose structure has beencompletely recast. No other change symbols shallbe used with these messages代码含义Code Name Rev RecastAPERAK 应用错误与确认报文 4AUTHOR 授权报文 3BALANC 平衡报文 2BANSTA 银行业务状态报文 5BAPLIE 船图/积载图报文 6BERMAN 泊位管理报文 4BMISRM 大型海船检查报告报文 2BOPBNK 银行交易及有价证券交易报告报文 3BOPCUS 国际收支客户交易报告报文 2BOPDIR 国际收支直接申报报文 3BOPINF 客户国际收支信息报文 3BUSCRD 商业信用报告报文 2CALINF 船舶挂靠信息报文 4CASINT 民事诉讼请求报文 2CASRES 民事诉讼回复报文 2CHACCO 帐户一览表报文 3CLASET 分类信息集合报文 1CNTCND 合同条件报文 3COACSU 商业帐户汇总报文 3COARRI 集装箱装/卸报告报文 9 CODECO 集装箱进/出场站报告报文 10 CODENO 许可期到期/开始结关通知报文 8 COEDOR 集装箱堆存报告报文 10 COHAOR 集装箱特殊装卸指示报文 10 COLREQ 跟单托收请求报文 2 COMDIS 商业纠纷报文 2 CONAPW 开工前通知报文 1 CONDPV 直接支付估价报文 3 CONDRA 绘图管理报文 4 CONDRO 绘图机构报文 2 CONEST 订立合同报文 5 CONITT 招标报文 5 CONPVA 支付估价报文 4 CONQVA 量评估报文 2 CONRPW 开工前回复报文 1 CONTEN 投标报文 5 CONWQD 工程项目数量确定报文 2 COPARN 集装箱通知报文 10 COPAYM 支付分摊报文 2 COPINO 集装箱预通知报文 11 COPRAR 集装箱装/卸指示报文 8 COREOR 集装箱放行指示报文 12 COSTCO 装箱/拆箱确认报文 8 COSTOR 装箱/拆箱指示报文 8CREADV 贷记通知报文 3 CREEXT 扩展贷记通知报文 3 CREMUL 多重贷记通知报文 4 CUSCAR 海关货物报告报文 11 CUSDEC 海关申报报文 12 CUSEXP 海关快件货物申报报文 3 CUSPED 海关定期申报报文 3 CUSREP 海关运输工具报告报文 8 CUSRES 海关回执报文 9 DAPLOS 数据图表 1 DEBADV 借记通知报文 3 DEBMUL 多重借记通知报文 3 DEBREC 借记回收报文 2 DELFOR 交货计划报文 9 DELJIT 适时交货报文 9 DESADV 发货通知报文 13 DESTIM 设备损坏和维修预算报文 5 DGRECA 危险品概况报文 1 DIRDEB 直接借记报文 6 DIRDEF 目录定义报文 6 DMRDEF 数据维护请求定义报文 2 DMSTAT 数据维护状态报告/查询报文 2 DOCADV 跟单信用证通知报文 4 DOCAMA 跟单信用证更改通知报文 2 DOCAMI 跟单信用证更改信息报文 2DOCAMR 跟单信用证更改请求报文 2 DOCAPP 跟单信用证申请报文 4 DOCARE 跟单信用证更改回复报文 2 DOCINF 跟单信用证开证信息报文 4 ENTREC 会计分录报文 2 FINCAN 财务撤消报文 1 FINPAY 多重银行间资金转移报文 2 FINSTA 帐户财务报表报文 1 GENRAL 一般用途报文 3 GESMES 一般统计报文 3 GOVCBR 政府跨境监管报文 2 HANMOV 货物装卸和搬移报文 7 ICASRP 保险索赔评估与报告报文 2 ICSOLI 保险索赔请求方指令报文 2 IFCSUM 国际货运和集拼汇总报文 16 IFTCCA 转运和运费计算报文 4 IFTDGN 危险品通知报文 8 IFTFCC 国际运输运费和其他费用报文 3 IFTICL 货物保险索赔报文 1 IFTMAN 到货通知报文 11 IFTMBC 订舱确认报文 10 IFTMBF 正式订舱报文 12 IFTMBP 晦时订舱报文 10 IFTMCA 托运通知报文 3 IFTMCS 指示合同状态报文 12IFTMIN 指示报文 16 IFTRIN 转运和运输费率信息报文 4 IFTSAI 运输计划及实施信息报文 9 IFTSTA 国际多式联运状态报告报文 15 IFTSTQ 国际多式联运状态请求报文 4 IMPDEF EDI 实施指南定义报文 2 INFCON 基础设施条件报文 1 INFENT 企业会计信息报文 2 INSDES 发送指令报文 3 INSPRE 保险费报文 1 INSREQ 检验请求报文 2 INSRPT 检验报告报文 3 INVOIC 发票报文 15 INVRPT 库存报告报文 9 IPPOAD 保险单管理报文 1 IPPOMO 汽车保险单报文 2 ISENDS 中介系统能力报文 2 ITRRPT 中转报告细目报文 4 JAPRES 工作申请结果报文 2 JINFDE 工作信息要求报文 2 JOBAPP 工作申请推荐报文 2 JOBCON 工作招聘确认报文 2 JOBMOD 工作招聘更改报文 2 JOBOFF 工作招聘报文 2 JUPREQ 确认的支付请求报文 4LEDGER 分类帐报文 1 LREACT 人寿再保险活动报文 2 LRECLM 人寿再保险索赔报文 2 MEDPID 人员标识报文 2 MEDPRE 医疗处方报文 2 MEDREQ 医疗服务请求报文 2 MEDRPT 医疗服务报告报文 2 MEDRUC 医疗资源的使用和费用报文 3 MEQPOS 运输工具和设备位置报文 3 MOVINS 装载指示报文 4 MSCONS 计量服务消费报告报文 2 ORDCHG 订购单变更报文 15 ORDERS 订购单报文 16 ORDRSP 订购单应答报文 17 OSTENQ 订单状态询问报文 4 OSTRPT 订单状态报告报文 4 PARTIN 参与方信息报文 7 PAXLST 乘客清单报文 9 PAYDUC 工资扣款通知报文 4 PAYEXT 扩展付款指示报文 3 PAYMUL 多重付款指示报文 5 PAYORD 付款指示报文 3 PRICAT 价格/销售目录表报文 15 PRIHIS 定价记录报文 3 PROCST 项目费用报告报文 1PRODAT 产品数据报文 8 PRODEX 产品交换调节报文 4 PROINQ 产品询问报文 2 PROSRV 产品服务报文 1 PROTAP 项目任务计划报文 3 PRPAID 保险费付款报文 3 QALITY 质量数据报文 5 QUOTES 报价报文 10 RDRMES 原始数据报告报文 2 REBORD 再保险明细报文 3 RECADV 收货通知报文 9 RECALC 再保险计算报文 2 RECECO 信用风险保证金报文 2 RECLAM 再保险索赔报文 3 RECORD 再保险核心数据报文 1 REGENT 企业登记报文 1 RELIST 再保险客体列表报文 1 REMADV 汇款通知报文 13 REPREM 再保险保险费报文 2 REQDOC 文件请求报文 4 REQOTE 报价请求报文 9 RESETT 再保险结算报文 3 RESMSG 预订报文 2 RETACC 再保险业务帐单报文 3 RETANN 退还通知报文 4RETINS 退还指示报文 2 RPCALL 修理通知报文 1 SAFHAZ 安全与危险数据报文 3 SANCRT 国际货物运输政府管理报文 5 SLSFCT 销售预测报文 2 SLSRPT 销售数据报告报文 9 SOCADE 社会管理报文 2 SSIMOD 身份细目更改报文 2 SSRECH 工人保险记录报文 2 SSREGW 工人注册通知报文 2 STATAC 对帐单报文 4 STLRPT 结算交易报告报文 2 SUPCOT 退休金分摊通知报文 2 SUPMAN 退休金维护报文 2 SUPRES 供应商应答报文 2 TANSTA 液舱状态报告报文 1 TAXCON 税务管理报文 1 TPFREP 终止行动报文 2 UTILMD 公共设施主要数据报文 6 UTILTS 公共设施时间系列报文 5 VATDEC 增值税申报报文 3 VESDEP 船舶离港报文 4 WASDIS 废物处理信息报文 4 WKGRDC 工作许可决定报文 2 WKGRRE 工作许可请求报文 2。
2.1.3 Filters, Ripple Voltage, and Diode Current
Assume rf=rd=0, vC(0+)=0,R->∞
Chapter 2-14
Positive input voltage and initial portion of output voltage
Chapter 2-3
2.1 Rectifier Circuits Rectification is the process of converting an alternating (ac) voltage into one that is limited to one polarity. Rectification is classified as half-wave or full-wave with half-wave being the simpler and full-wave more efficient.
Chapter 2-4
Block Diagram for ac to dc Converter
The diode rectifier and voltage regulator are diode circuits.
Chapter 2-5
2.1.1 Half-Wave Rectifier
Voltage Transfer Characteristics
Chapter 2-40
EX2.1 P98 EX2.10
Chapter 2-41
Ex2.2 P99 EX2.11
Chapter 2-42
Ex2.3 Determine the value of R required to limit the current (10mA) in the circuit when the input is in the low state (0.2V). (Vr=1.7V).
新东方雅思写作讲义Last revision on 21 December 2020雅思写作完全攻略Total Solution of IELTS Writing俞伟国-2009-雅思考试作文部分题型课时安排:Marking SystemEssay WritingIntroductionBodyConclusionStructureReport Writing近年雅思考试中国大陆考区作文部分得分情况(From Mat Clark)Band4 or below: 15%-20% Band5: 60% Band6: 15%-20% Band7: <5% Band8 or above: RareKey Language Features in Marking SystemTask Response:1. No evidence of digression/irrelevant content2. Adequate Words3. Position + Supporting Ideas + DevelopmentCoherence and Cohesion1.Logical overall structure2.Topic Sentence3.Cohesive devicesLexical Resource1.Accurateness2.Authentic Vocabulary (Less-common Vocabulary)3.VarietyGrammatical Range and Accuracy1.Accuratenessplex Sentence3.Variety欢迎光临俞老师的BLOG:Chapter One-Essay Writing第一章. 议论文完全攻略____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________Part One-Introduction-闪亮开篇--Version -Structure of Introduction1. Background Information(1). Lead-in Sentence (Introduce the subject of the topic)(2). Public Opinion2. Statement (State your position)1.主体背景(Background Information)(1) In the last century, the first man walking on the moon said: “It is a big step for mankind”. However, some people think it ma de______________________________, when________________________________________________________________for the first time, he _____________________________________________________ that it was a great step for mankind. Nowadays, however, some people believe that it actually_____________________________________________________Language Skill: Paraphrase方法之一-具体化 (笼统概念-缩小范围)(2) Food can be produced much more cheaply today because of improved fertilizers and better machinery. However, some people think the methods used to do this may have negative effects on local communities and be dangerous to human health.Nowadays people can _______________ food far more ________________________________________ more _______________ fertilizers and machinery. Nevertheless, some people hold the methods used may____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________Language Skill: Paraphrase 方法之二-单词转换(优先考虑三大词类:)Paraphrase方法之三-句型转换(方法1 )(方法2 )(3) Many people say teachers should only teach students academic subjects;Others say teachers should also take the responsibility of teaching students to judge what is right and wrong.Some people hold the opinion that___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________While some argue that____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________Language Skill: 句型转换 (方法3 )(4) Some people believe that air travel should be prohibited as it uses up fuel resources and causes pollution. Do you agree or disagree with the statement You should use your own experience to supportyour argument.According to some __________, air travel should be_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________Language Skill: Paraphrase思路顺序:单词转换>句型转换>具体化(5Some people propose that___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________Language Skill:句型转换(方法4 )(6). In modern society, there are more and more old people, do you think its benefits outweigh its disadvantages____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________Language Skill:信息量偏少的Topic Introduction写作对策追根溯源法- Factor(s) [因]-Phenomenon (Subject) [果]2. 总论点(Statement)Topic-If children behave badly, should their parents accept responsibility and also be punishedAverage Example:In my opinion, the parents should not be punished.Decent Example:In my opinion, the parents should not be punished except that (unless) they are those who purposefully teach the child to behave badly.Topic-Some people think that it is beneficial for students to go to private secondary schools. But others feel that it has negative effects on them. Discuss the both viewpoints From my point of view, it is an ideal choice to send children to private middle schools______________________________Exercise1: Topic-Should college students be allowed to get married________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Language Skill:句型转换 (方法5 ) Exercise2: Topic-Should college students be encouraged to take up part-time jobs________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Language Skill:句型转换 (方法6 )3. Report-Introduction写作对策Today, the phenomenon that_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________has aroused growing concern.In my opinion, a lot of factors contribute to the problem and in this article, I would like to_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*This phenomenon, as far as I am concerned, can be attributed to the following causes, whichcould be regarded as the apple of discord.Structure of Report Introduction1. Lead-in Sentence (Paraphrase the first sentence in the topic)2. Plan A: Essay StatementPlan B: Linking SentenceExercise1:Exercise2: Topic-Pressure on the school and university students is increasing andstudents are pushed to studyExercise3: Topic-欢迎光临俞老师的BLOG:Part Two-Body-中流砥柱--Version -分论点的要求:1.字数要求:One complex sentence preferred. Around 20 words. 2. 分论点四项基本原则:(1). 内容原则:分论点应该体现为一种_____________________________并且与总论点为_________________关系。
!"#$%&'() *"&+,#-(./+0,12+#34+%..%"
!"#$ %&'(&'
!"#$%&' ( )*" +%,-$ ./0 /$ 10"2 3"24* !"#$%&'()
)*#$+ ,-.+/ ("0 "/ 102" )2"#3 4"+ /2..-5627 892.0 3&*. /32.2 4"+ +&:2 '24; ,.-<3/2'-'< +*.=.-+27 >32.2 4"+ '& =2"#2; '& .2+/&'60 #&'/-'*"6 '&-+2 "'( :&92:2'/7 ?'( 292.0 :-'*/2 /32.2 4"+ ("'<2.; 52#"*+2 /32+2 (&<+ "'( :2' 42.2 '&/ /&4' (&<+ "'( :2'7 >320 $'24 &'60 /32 6"4 &, #6*5 "'( /&&/37
正则表达式具有两种标准:·基本的正则表达式(BRE –Basic Regular Expressions)·扩展的正则表达式(ERE – Extended Regular Expressions)。
正则表达式目前有两种解释引擎:·基于字符驱动(text-directed engine)·基于正则表达式驱动(regex-directed engine)Jeffery Friedl把它们称作DFA和NFA解释引擎。
3. Regex的匹配目标,也就是目标字符串,会简写为String。
5.用1\+1=2 括起来的表示这是一个regex。
6.举例会用以下格式:testThis is a test会匹配test,testcase等2.正则表达式的起源正则表达式的”祖先”可以一直上溯至对人类神经系统如何工作的早期研究。
Warren McCulloch 和 Walter Pitts 这两位神经生理学家研究出一种数学方式来描述这些神经网络。
Fujitsu PRIMERGY Linux安装后操作指南(适用于x86版本3.0)说明书
2005-11-01 Notes on Using Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v.3 for x86) PrefaceAbout This ManualThis manual provides notes on PRIMERGY operation with Linux installed. Be sure to read this manual before using Linux.Intended ReadersThis manual is intended for persons who operate PRIMERGY.Organization of This ManualThis manual consists of the following chapters:Chapter 1 Notes on OperationThis chapter provides notes on operation after installation. Be sure to read this chapterbefore operating PRIMERGY with Linux installed.Chapter 2 Addition of Peripheral Devices and Option CardsThis chapter explains the procedures for adding peripheral devices and cards afterinstallation and provides notes on adding these options. Read this chapter as required.Chapter 3 OthersThis chapter explains other functions and provides other notes such as notes on limits.Operation VerificationThe operations of the products described in this manual have been confirmed by Fujitsu. Please note, however, that these operations are subject to change without prior notice.Support & ServiceA support service(SupportDesk Product basic service), available for a fee, provides customers usingLinux with an enhanced sense of security and confidence. Customers concluding a support and service agreement are entitled to receive support in such areas as assistance with queries regarding this manual and questions and problems that may come up during the installation and operation of this product.Please consider taking advantage of this service option by concluding a support and service agreement with us.CopyrightAll rights Reserved, Copyright (C) FUJITSU LIMITED 20051. Notes on Operation1.1 Assignment of Device NamesLinux assigns device names to a variety of devices, such as the hard disk drive, in the order that it recognizes them during its startup sequence. If the system is restarted after a device such as a hard disk drive or controller fails, the assigned device names may be changed because the system cannot recognize a device that has failed.Example: When hard disk drives are connected to SCSI ID 1, 2, and 3, device names /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, and /dev/sdc are assigned respectively to the disk drives. If /dev/sdb failsunder this condition, the device previously assigned /dev/sdc/ is moved up by one andrecognized as /dev/sdb after the system is restarted.If an assigned device is unexpectedly changed, it may prevent the system from starting or,in the worst case, may damage your data. If a device fault is detected, therefore, Fujitsurecommends starting the system in rescue mode and checking for hardware faults beforerestarting the system (*1). Repair the hardware fault, restore the system by means suchas the backup tape, and then restart the system.*1 For details on starting the system in rescue mode, see Section 1.4, "Starting theSystem in Rescue Mode."After starting the system, use the fdisk command to check whether the relevant hard diskdrive can be recognized, and take necessary steps such as checking for hardware errormessages in /var/log/messages.1.2 Installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v.3 for x86) PackagesRed Hat Enterprise Linux provides installation types so that the optimum system can be constructed according to the use purpose. For this reason, packages required for your purposes might not be installed. If a required package has not been installed, log in as the root and install it by executing the following procedure:Install the necessary packages by using the installation CDs (1/4 to 4/4) that have beencreated according to the Installation Procedure included in the driver kit.# mount -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom# cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS# rpm -ivh <package_file>Example: To install package "make"# rpm -ivh make-3.79.1-17.i386.rpm# cd /# umount /mnt/cdrom# eject* Remove the CD.1.3 Installing and Setting Up Global Array Manager (GAM)Use Global Array Manager (GAM) as a RAID management tool in a system with a mounted onboard SCSI-RAID and SCSI-RAID card (PG-142E3).For details on installing GAM-Client (Windows), see "Outline of Installation Procedure for Global Array Manager-Client", which is an attachment.The GAM-Server (Linux) installation procedure is explained below.[Notes]1)The screen display may become unstable during GAM installation or GAM service startup.This is not an operational problem.2)Specify the port numbers shown below for GAM service.Take care when configuring firewall settings.Port numbers: 157,158(1)To install GAM-Server (Linux), insert the driver CD into the CD-ROM drive, and entercommands as follows:# mount -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom# cd /mnt/cdrom/UTY/GAM/Linux# rpm -ivh gam-server-6.02-21.i386.rpm# rpm -ivh gam-agent-6.02-21.i386.rpm- Enter the following only if onboard SCSI for RX200 S2# rpm -ivh 1030SNMPAgent-2.4-3.i386.rpm# sh ./insgam* Confirm that “GAM is installed successfully.” is displayed.# cd /# umount /mnt/cdrom# eject* Remove the CD.(2)For user accounts in Linux, create "gamroot" as a user account with GAM administratorauthority and then create user accounts (e.g., "gamuser") with user authority.(If a user account with user authority has already been created, another account need not be created.) # adduser gamroot# passwd gamrootChanging password for user gamrootNew-password <--- Enter a password.Retype new password <--- Re-enter the same password for confirmation.passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully* Create a user account with user authority in the same way as explained above.(3)Edit three lines as shown below in the /etc/sysconfig/gam file.Events can be posted to GAM-Client after this editing is completed.# vi /etc/sysconfig/gam[Before editing]START_GAMEVENT=nGAMEVENT_OPTIONS=""[After editing]START_GAMEVENT=y <--- Change "n" to "y".GAMEVENT_OPTIONS="-h ip-address" <--- Specify the IP address of the managementWindows system on which GAM-Client isinstalled.[Before editing]START_GAMEVLOG=n[After editing]START_GAMEVLOG=y <--- Change "n" to "y".(4)Restart the system.# shutdown -r now* The following message may be displayed after the system starts. It does not indicate an operational problem.[Message]gamagent: gamagent: Connection refusedgamagent connect failure1.4 Starting the System in Rescue ModeUsing only one of the installation CDs that have been created according to the Installation Procedure included in the driver kit, you can start the system in rescue mode. This may enable system recovery in the event of a problem that prevents the system from starting normally.This section explains only how to start the system as one that has minimum functionality.Start the system in rescue mode as follows:(1)Start the system from installation CD 1/4 that was created according to the InstallationProcedure included in the driver kit. Enter the appropriate response in the following window,and press the [Enter] key.(2)In the Choose a Language window, select "English" and select "OK."(3)In the Keyboard Type window, select "jp106" and select "OK."If an accessory keyboard such as of a flat display (PG-R1DP3) is used, select "us" here.(4)In the following window, select "Yes."(5)In the following window, select "Add Device."(6)In the Driver List window, select the drivers for the devices installed in the system, and select"OK." The following drivers must be selected:[onboard SCSI type for TX200 S2][onboard SCSI type or onboard SCSI-RAID type for RX200 S2]Two drivers must be selected. Select drivers as follows:1.Select the driver shown below, and select "OK.""LSI Logic Fusion MPT Base Driver (mptbase)"2.The Device Selection window is displayed. Select "AddDevice."3. A list of drivers is displayed. Select the driver shown below, and select "OK.""LSI Logic Fusion MPT SCSI Driver (mptscsih)"[SCSI-RAID card(PG-140D1/PG-142E3) for TX200 S2][onboard SCSI-RAID type for RX300 S2]Select the driver shown below, and select "OK.""LSI MegaRAID controller (megaraid2)"(7)Make sure that the selected driver is displayed in the following window, and select "Done."(8)The Setup Networking window is displayed. Select "No" because network settings need not beconfigured at this time.(9)Select "Continue" in the Rescue window.(10)If the root partition (/) in the existing Linux system has been mounted successfully under/mnt/sysimage, this is reported in the Rescue window. Select "OK."(11)When the prompt is displayed, enter the chroot command to change the root path to the harddisk chroot /mnt/sysimage(12)This completes startup in rescue mode. To exit rescue mode, enter the exit command exit <--- Exit from the chroot exit <--- Exit from the rescue mode.1.5 Power-off at ShutdownPower is not automatically turned off at shutdown.When [Power down] is displayed on the console screen, press the power switch to turn off the power.Note that the power is automatically turned off when the system is shut down in an environment in which ServerView is installed.2. Addition of Peripheral Devices and Option Cards2.1 Adding a SCSI DiskThe number of LUNs is set to 1 by default. To add a SCSI disk, shared disk, or tape library, log in as the root and define the number of LUNs as shown below. Multiple LUN referencing is enabled after the system is started next.(1)Add the following lines to /etc/modules.conf:options scsi_mod max_scsi_luns=N <--- Add* N is the number of LUNs. Define the appropriate number.(2)Enter the mkinitrd command to create initrd.To create initrd, enter the mkinitrd command appropriate for the type of kernel used.* Enter the following command to check the type of kernel used:# uname -r[2.4.21-32.0.1.EL (kernel for single CPU)]# cp /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL.img /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL.img.bak# mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL.img 2.4.21-32.0.1.EL[2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp (kernel for multi-CPU)]#cp /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.ELsmp.img /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.ELsmp.img.bak# mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp.img 2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp(3)Restart the system.Enter the following command to restart the system.# shutdown -r now2.2 Adding Option CardsIf any of the option cards supported by the models listed in the following table is added after system installation, kudzu is automatically started at system startup. This section explains the operations that enable the system to automatically recognize the added card at each subsequent system startup.The table lists models and the option cards supported by them.TX200 S2 RX200 S2 RX300 S2PG-128 V -- -- SCSI cardPG-130L -- V V PG-140D1V V -- SCSI-RAID cardPG-142E3V V -- PG-1852 V V -- PG-1853 V -- -- PG-1853L -- V -- PG-1862 V V -- PG-1882 V -- -- PG-1882L -- V V PG-1892 V -- -- LAN cardPG-1892L -- V V PG-FC106V V V onboard Fibre-Channel cardPG-FC107V V VSCSI cardPG-128 -- -- V SCSI-RAID cardPG-142E3-- -- V PG-1852 -- -- V PG-1853 -- -- V PG-1862 -- -- V PG-1882 -- -- V LAN cardPG-1892 -- -- V PG-FC106-- -- V Raiser Card Fibre-Channel cardPG-FC107-- -- VV: Supported --: Not supported- TX200 S2 or RX300 S2If any of the option cards supported by the models listed in the above table is added after system installation, kudzu is automatically started at system startup. To add a fibre channel card, follow the steps below. Except for a fibre channel card, select "configure."To add a LAN card, configure network settings according to the instructions displayed in the window. Login as a root user at system startup, and perform the operations explained in Section 2.3, "Executing mkinitrd."This section explains the operations that enable the system to automatically recognize the added card at each subsequent system startup.[A fibre channel card is added](1)If a fibre channel card is added after system installation,kudzu is automatically started at system startup.Always select "ignore ."(2)Add the following line to /etc/modules.conf.If SCSI or SCSI-RAID device is installed in the system,number the end of "scsi_hostadapter", as "2, 3, ...".options scsi_mod max_scsi_luns=128 Add- RX200 S2If any of the option cards supported by the models listed in the above table is added after systeminstallation, kudzu is automatically started at system startup.To add a fibre channel card or LAN card, follow the steps below.Except for a fibre channel card and LAN card, select "configure." Login as a root user at system startup, and perform the operations explained in Section 2.3, "Executing mkinitrd."This section explains the operations that enable the system to automatically recognize the added card at each subsequent system startup.[A LAN card(PG-1852, PG-1862, PG-1882L or PG-1892L) is added](1)If any of the LAN cards supported by the models listed in the above table is addedafter system installation, kudzu is automatically started at system startup.Always select " ignore."(2)Add the following lines to /etc/modules.conf.[ PG-1852, PG-1853L,PG-1892L, or PG-1882L]alias eth0 e1000alias eth1 e1000alias eth2 e1000 <--- Add[ PG-1862]alias eth0 e1000alias eth1 e1000alias eth2 e1000 <--- Addalias eth3 e1000 <--- Add(3)Set up the network.[ PG-1852, ,PG-1853L ,PG-1892L, or PG-1882L]# netconfig -d eth0# netconfig -d eth1# netconfig -d eth2[ PG-1862]# netconfig -d eth0# netconfig -d eth1# netconfig -d eth2# netconfig -d eth3[A fibre channel card is added](1)If a fibre channel card is added after system installation,kudzu is automatically started atsystem startup.Always select "ignore ."(2)Add the following line to /etc/modules.conf.If SCSI or SCSI-RAID device is installed in the system,number the end of "scsi_hostadapter",as "2, 3, ...".options scsi_mod max_scsi_luns=128 Add2.3 Executing mkinitrd(1) Create initrd by executing the mkinitrd command.Create initrd by executing the mkinitrd command according to the kernel used.* Enter the following command to check the kernel used:# uname -rCommand execution examples are shown below.[2.4.21-32.0.1.EL (kernel for a single CPU)]# cp /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL.img /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL.img.bak# mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL.img 2.4.21-32.0.1.EL[2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp (kernel for multi-CPUs)]# cp /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp.img /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.ELsmp.img.bak# mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp.img 2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp(2) Restart the system.Restart the system as follows:# shutdown -r now3. Others3.1 Sound FunctionNo sound function is supported.3.2 PCI Hot Plug FunctionThe PCI hot plug function is not supported.3.3 Usable KernelsThe kernels that can be used vary depending on the hardware conditions.See the table below for the kernels that can be used.Note that middleware specifications might limit the kernel to be selected. In this case, select the kernel in accordance with the middleware specifications.Hardware conditionsKernel to be selectedMemory Number of logical CPUs (*1)for single CPU1CPU Kernel Up to 4 GB2 or more CPUs Kernel for multi-CPUMore than 4 GB and up to 8 GB No conditions Kernel for multi-CPU(*1) Even when only one CPU is installed, the number of logical CPUs is 2if Hyper Threading = Enabled.3.4 Distribution LimitationsOperation is not guaranteed if one of the following CPU, memory, and file system limitations is exceeded:Maximum number of logical CPUs: 16Maximum memory size: 8 GBFile system: Less than 1 TB3.5 Installation ProcedureFor information on the procedure for installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.3 for x86), see the Installation Procedure included in the "Installation Kit" downloaded from Download Search.Attachment Outline of Global Array Manager Client Installation* Perform this operation only when an onboard SCSI-RAID or a SCSI-RAID card (PG-140D1 or PG-142E3) are mounted.* GAM-Client runs on Windows2000 and Windows2003. Prepare a management Windows system.1. Insert the driver CD into the CD-ROM drive in the management Windows system.2. Execute setup.exe in RHEL3¥UTY¥GAM¥Windows on the driver CD.3. When the "Welcome" window is displayed, click "Next."4. The "Software License Agreement" window is displayed. Read the statements and click "Yes" if youaccept the terms of this agreement.5. The "Select Components" window (Figure 1) is displayed. Confirm that the check box before "GlobalArray Manager Client" is selected. Clear the "Global Array Manager Server" and "SAN Array Manager Client" check boxes, and click "Next."Figure 1* "SAN Array Manager Client" is not supported. Do not install it.6.The "Choose Destination Location" window is displayed.Click "Browse," specify the location that you want as the installation destination, and click "Next."* If GAM-Client is already installed, a message confirmingwhether to overwrite is displayed. Click "OK" to continue.7. A dialog box for specifying the GAM-Client installation destination is displayed. Click "Next." and thesetup program starts copying files.8. The "Setup Complete" window is displayed.Click "Finish" to exit the GAM-Client installation wizard.-- END --。
chapter 2
Central to the theory of Method acting was the concept of "affective memory". Once "tuned in" to his own affective memory,the memory the actor can draw on it to actually experience (rather than merely represent) the mental and emotional state of the character in question.
>> 0 >> 1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >>
Method Acting
Method acting developed in the 1930s in New York's Group Theatre and Actors Studio,where Lee Strasberg began to implement and teach his own understanding of the ideas of Russian director Constantin Stanislavski. The Method (as it became known) became more influential through the middle of the century, and its chief adherents(追随者) —— actors such as Marion Brandon and Al Pacino won considerable acclaim performances.
European Union药品生产质量管理规范GUIDE TO GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE FORMEDICINAL PRODUCTS目录第一章质量管理CHAPTER 1: QUALITYMANAGEMENT原则............................................................................................. .. (5)Principle............................................................................... . (5)质量保证............................................................................................. . (5)Quality Assurance............................................................................ (5)药品生产质量管理规范(GMP)...................................................................................... .. (7)Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products (7)质量控制(QC)......................................................................................... (9)Quality (9)产品质量回顾............................................................................................. . (10)第二章人员CHAPTER 2: PERSONNEL............................................................................. .. (11)原则................................................................................................. . (11)Principle............................................................................... (11)通则................................................................................................. . (12)General................................................................................ (12)关键人员............................................................................................. .. (12)Key Personnel............................................................................. .. (12)培训............................................................................................. . (12)Training................................................................................ .. (15)人员卫生............................................................................................. (16)Personnel Hygiene.................................................................................. . (16)第三章厂房和设备CHAPTER 3: PREMISES AND.18原则............................................................................................. . (18)Principle............................................................................... .. (18)厂房............................................................................................. .. (18)Premises................................................................................ . (18)通则............................................................................................. .. (18)General................................................................................ (18)生产区............................................................................................. (19)Production Area....................................................................................... .................................19贮存区............................................................................................. (21)Storage Area....................................................................................... .. (21)质量控制区............................................................................................. .. (22)Quality Control Area....................................................................................... . (22)附助区............................................................................................. (22)Ancillary (22)设备............................................................................................. .. (23)Equipment............................................................................. . (23)第四章文件CHAPTER 4: DOCUMENTATION.................................................................... .. (24)原则............................................................................................. .. (24)Principle............................................................................... .. (24)通则............................................................................................. .. (25)General................................................................................ (25)文件要求............................................................................................. .. (27)Documents Required............................................................................... . (27)Specifications..................................................................... .. (27)Specifications for starting and packaging materials (27)Specifications for Intermediate and Bulk Products (27)Specifications for Finished Products............................................................................... . (28)Manufacturing Formulae and Processing Instructions (28)Packaging Instructions........................................................................ (30)Batch Processing Records................................................................................. . (31)Batch Packaging Records................................................................................. . (32)Procedures and Records................................................................................. (33)Receipt.................................................................................. (34)Sampling............................................................................... (34)Testing.................................................................................. (35)Other..................................................................................... (35)第五章生产CHAPTER 5:PRODUCTION........................................................................... (36)原则............................................................................................. .. (36)Principle............................................................................... . (36)通则........................................ .................................................... (36)General................................................................................ .. (36)生产过程中对交叉污染的预防 (39)Prevention of Cross-contamination inProduction (39)验证............................................................................................. .. (40)Validation............................................................................ (40)原料............................................................................................. .. (41)Starting Materials............................................................................ (41)生产操作:中间产品和待包装产品 (42)Processing Operations: Intermediate and Bulk Products (42)包装材料............................................................................................. .. (43)Packaging Materials............................................................................ (43)包装操作............................................................................................. .. (44)Packaging Operations........................................................................... (44)成 (46)FinishedProducts............................................................................... (46)不合格、回收料和退货物料 (46)Rejected, Recovered and Returned Materials (46)第六章质量控制CHAPTER 6: QUALITY CONTROL................................................................................. ..48原则............................................................................................. .. (48)Principle............................................................................... .. (48)通则............................................................................................. .. (48)General................................................................................ (48)质量控制实验室规范............................................................................................. (49)Good Quality Control Laboratory Practice (4)9 Documentation.................................................................... . (49)Sampling............................................................................... . (50)Testing.................................................................................. . (52)销售产品的稳定性考 (54)第七章委托生产与委托检验CHAPTER 7: CONTRACT MANUFACTURE AND ANALYSIS (55)原则............................................................................................. .. (55)Principle............................................................................... .. (55)通则............................................................................................. .. (56)General................................................................................ (56)委托方............................................................................................. . (56)The Contract Giver...................................................................................... .. (56)受托方............................................................................................. (57)The Contract Acceptor.............................................................................. .. (57)合同............................................................................................. .. (58)The Contract.............................................................................. .. (58)第八章投诉与召回CHAPTER 8: COMPLAINTS AND PRODUCT RECALL (59)原则............................................................................................. (59)Principle............................................................................... (59)投诉............................................................................................. .. (59)Complaints........................................................................... (59)召回............................................................................................. . (60)Recalls................................................................................. .. (60)第九章自查CHAPTER 9: SELF INSPECTION............................................................................. .. (61)原则............................................................................................. (61)Principle............................................................................... (61)附件8 原辅料和包装材料的取样ANNEX8 SAMPLING OF STARTING AND PACKAGING MATERIALS (63)原则............................................................................................. (63)Principle............................................................................... (63)人员............................................................................................. (63)Personnel............................................................................. . (63)原辅料............................................................................................. .. (63)Starting materials............................................................................ .. (64)包装材料............................................................................................. . (65)Packaging material.............................................................................. . (65)第一章质量管理CHAPTER 1 QUALITY MANAGEMENT Principle原则生产许可证持有厂家只能生产医药产品,以确保药品符合其预期的使用目的,符合销售许可证的要求,并不因药品安全性、质量或药效方面的问题而给患者带来风险。
Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsChapter TwoDobby’s WarningHarry managed not to shout out, but it was a cl ose thing. The little creature on the bed had large, bat-like ears and bulging green eyes the size of tennis balls. Harry knew instantly that this was what had been watching him out of the gard en hedge that morning.As they stared at each other, Harry heard Dudl ey's voice from the hall.‘May I take your coats, Mr and Mrs Mason?'The creature slipped off the bed and bowed so l ow that the end of its l ong thin nose touched the carpet. Harry noticed that it was wearing what l ooked like an ol d pillowcase, with rips for arm and l eg hol es.‘Er - hell o,' said Harry nervously.‘Harry Potter!’said the creature, in a high-pitched voice Harry was sure woul d carry d own the stairs. 'So l ong has Dobby wanted to meet you, sir ... Such an honour it is ...’'Th-thank you,' said Harry, edging along the wall and sinking into his d esk chair, next to Hedwig, who was asleep in her large cage. He wanted to ask, 'What are you?' but thought it woul d sound too rud e, so instead he said, 'Who are you?' ‘Dobby, sir. Just Dobby. Dobby the house-elf,’ said the creature.'Oh - really?' said Harry. ‘Er - I d on't want to be rud e or anything, but - this isn't a great time for me to have a house-elf in my bedroom.’Aunt Petunia's high, false laugh sound ed from the living room. The elf hung his head.'Not that I'm not pl eased to meet you,' said Harry quickly, ‘but, er, is there any particular reason you're here?'‘Oh, yes, sir,' said Dobby earnestly. ‘Dobby has come to tell you, sir ... it is difficult, sir ... Dobby wond ers where to begin ...'‘Sit d own,' said Harry politely, pointing at the bed.To his horror, the elf burst into tears - very noisy tears.‘S-sit d own!' he wail ed. ‘Never ... never ever. ..’Harry thought he heard the voices d ownstairs falter.‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered, 'I didn't mean to offend you or anything.'‘Offend Dobby!’ choked the elf. ‘Dobby has never been asked to sit d own by awizard - like an equal -′Harry, trying to say 'Shh!' and l ook comforting at the same time, ushered Dobby back onto the bed, where he sat hiccoughing, l ooking like a large and very ugly d oll. At last he managed to control himself, and sat with his great eyes fixed on Harry in an expression of watery ad oration.‘You can't have met many d ecent wizards,’ said Harry, trying to cheer him up.Dobby shook his head. Then, without warning, he l eapt up and started banging his head furiously on the wind ow, shouting, 'Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!’‘Don't - what are you doing?' Harry hissed, springing up and pulling Dobby back onto the bed. Hedwig had woken up with a particularly l oud screech and was beating her wings wildly against the bars of her cage.‘Dobby had to punish himself, sir,' said the elf, who had gone slightly cross-eyed. ‘Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, sir ...'‘Your family?'‘The wizard family Dobby serves, sir ... Dobby is a house-elf - bound to serve one house and one family for ever ...’‘Do they know you're here?' asked Harry curiously.Dobby shudd ered.‘Oh no, sir, no ... Dobby will have to punish himself most grievously for coming to see you, sir. Dobby will have to shut his ears in the oven d oor for this. If they ever knew, sir -′‘But won’t they notice if you shut your ears in the oven d oor?’‘Dobby d oubts it, sir. Dobby is always having to punish himself for something, sir. They l ets Dobby get on with it, sir. Sometimes they reminds me to d o extra punishments ...’‘But why d on’t you l eave? Escape?’'A house-elf must be set free, sir. And the family will never set Dobby free ... Dobby will serve the family until he dies, sir ...’Harry stared.'A nd I thought I was hard-d one-by staying here for another four weeks,' he said. 'This makes the Dursl eys sound almost human. Can't anyone help you? Can't I?'Almost at once, Harry wished he hadn't spoken. Dobby dissolved again into wails of gratitud e.‘Pl ease,’Harry whispered frantically, 'pl ease be quiet. If the Dursl eys hear anything, if they know you're here ...'‘Harry Potter asks if he can help Dobby ... Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but of your goodness, Dobby never knew ...’Harry, who was feeling distinctly hot in the face, said, ‘Whatever you've heard about my greatness is a l oad of rubbish. I’m not even top of my year at Hogwarts, that's Hermione, she -'But he stopped quickly, because thinking about Hermione was painful.‘Harry Potter is humble and mod est,' said Dobby reverently, his orb-like eyes agl ow. ‘Harry Potter speaks not of his triumph over He Who Must Not Be Named.' ‘Vold emort?' said Harry.Dobby clapped his hands over his bat ears and moaned, ‘Ah,speak not the name, sir! Speak not the name!''Sorry,’said Harry quickly. ‘I know lots of peopl e d on't like it - my friend Ron ...’He stopped again. Thinking about Ron was painful, too.Dobby l eaned towards Harry, his eyes wid e as headlamps.‘Dobby heard tell,’ he said hoarsely, ‘that Harry Potter met the Dark Lord for a second time, just weeks ago ... that Harry Potter escaped yet again.'Harry nodd ed and Dobby's eyes sudd enly shone with tears.'A h, sir,' he gasped, dabbing his face with a corner of the grubby pillowcase he was wearing. 'Harry Potter is valiant and bol d! He has braved so many dangers already! But Dobby has come to protect Harry Potter, to warn him, even if he d oes have to shut his ears in the oven d oor later ... Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts.'There was a sil ence broken only by the chink of knives and forks from d ownstairs and the distant rumble of Uncle Vernon's voice.'W-what?' Harry stammered. ‘But I've got to go back- term starts on September the first. It's all that's keeping me going. You d on't know what it's like here. I d on't belong here. I belong in your world - at Hogwarts.’‘No,no, no,' squeaked Dobby, shaking his head so hard his ears flapped. 'Harry Potter must stay where he is safe. He is too great, too good, to l ose. If Harry Potter goes back to Hogwarts, he will be in mortal danger.’‘Why?' said Harry in surprise.‘There is a pl ot, Harry Potter. A pl ot to make most terribl e things happen at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year,' whispered Dobby, sudd enly trembling all over.‘Dobby has known it for months,sir. Harry Potter must not put himself in peril. He is too important, sir!'‘What terribl e things?' said Harry at once. 'Who's pl otting them?'Dobby mad e a funny choking noise and then banged his head madly against the wall.'A ll right!' cried Harry, grabbing the elf’s arm to stop him. 'You can't say, I und erstand. But why are you warning me?' A sudd en, unpl easant thought struck him. ‘Hang on - this hasn't got anything to d o with Vol- sorry - with You-Know-Who, has it? You coul d just shake or nod,' he ad d ed hastily, as Dobby's head tilted worryingly close to the wall again.Sl owly, Dobby shook his head.‘Not - not He Who Must Not Be Named, sir.'But Dobby's eyes were wid e and he seemed to be trying to give Harry a hint. Harry, however, was completely at sea.‘He hasn't got a brother, has he?'Dobby shook his head, his eyes wid er than ever.'Well then, I can't think who else woul d have a chance of making horribl e things happen at Hogwarts,’ said Harry. ‘I mean, there's Dumbl ed ore, for one thing - you know who Dumbled ore is, d on't you?’Dobby bowed his head.‘A lbus Dumbled ore is the greatest Headmaster Hogwarts has ever had. Dobby knows it, sir. Dobby has heard Dumbled ore's powers rival those of He Who Must Not Be Named at the height of his strength. But, sir,' Dobby's voice dropped to an urgent whisper, ‘there are powers Dumbledore d oesn't ... powers no d ecent wizard ...'And before Harry could stop him, Dobby bounded off the bed, seized Harry's d esk lamp and started beating himself around the head with ear-splitting yelps.A sudd en silence fell downstairs. Two seconds later Harry, heart thudding madly, heard Uncle Vernon coming into the hall, calling, ‘Dudl ey must have l eft his television on again, the little tyke!''Quick! In the wardrobe!’ hissed Harry, stuffing Dobby in, shutting the d oorand flinging himself onto the bed just as the d oor handl e turned.'What - the - d evil - are - you - d oing?' said Uncl e Vernon through gritted teeth, his face horribly cl ose to Harry's. 'You’ve just ruined the punchline of my Japanese-golfer joke ... one more sound and you'll wish you'd never been born, boy!’He stomped flat-footed from the room.Shaking, Harry l et Dobby out of the wardrobe.‘See what it's like here?' he said. 'See why I've got to go back to Hogwarts? It's the only place I've got - well, I think I’ve got friends.'‘Friends who d on't even write to Harry Potter?' said Dobby slyly.‘I expect they've just been - hang on,' said Harry, frowning. ‘How d o you know my friends haven't been writing to me?'Dobby shuffl ed his feet.‘Harry Potter mustn't be angry with Dobby - Dobby did it for the best ...’‘Ha ve you been stopping my l etters?’Dobby has them here, sir,' said the elf. Stepping nimbly out of Harry's reach, he pull ed a thick wad of envel opes from the insid e of the pillowcase he was wearing. Harry could make out Hermione's neat writing, Ron's untidy scrawl and even a scribbl e that l ooked as though it was from the Hogwarts gamekeeper, Hagrid.Dobby blinked anxiously up at Harry.‘Harry Potter mustn't be angry ... Dobby hoped ... if Harry Potter thought his friends had forgotten him ... Harry Potter might not want to go back to school, sir ...'Harry wasn't listening. He mad e a grab for the l etters, but Dobby jumped out of reach.'Harry Potter will have them, sir, if he gives Dobby his word that he will not return to Hogwarts. Ah, sir, this is a danger you must not face! Say you won't go back, sir!’‘No,' said Harry angrily. 'Give me my friends' letters!''Then Harry Potter l eaves Dobby no choice,' said the elf sadly.Before Harry coul d move, Dobby had darted to the bedroom d oor, pull ed it open - and sprinted d own the stairs.Mouth dry, stomach lurching, Harry sprang after him, trying not to make asound. He jumped the last six stairs, landing cat-like on the hall carpet, l ooking around for Dobby. From the dining room he heard Uncle Vernon saying, '... tell Petunia that very funny story about those American plumbers, Mr Mason, she's been dying to hear ...’Harry ran up the hall into the kitchen and felt his stomach disappear.Aunt Petunia's masterpiece of a pudding, the mountain of cream and sugared violets, was fl oating up near the ceiling. On top of a cupboard in the corner crouched Dobby.‘No,' croaked Harry. ‘Please ... they'll kill me ...''Harry Potter must say he's not going back to school -’‘Dobby ... pl ease ...'‘Say it, sir...'‘I can't!'Dobby gave him a tragic l ook.'Then Dobby must d o it, sir, for Harry Potter's own good.’The pud ding fell to the fl oor with a heart-stopping crash. Cream splattered the wind ows and walls as the dish shattered. With a crack like a whip, Dobby vanished.There were screams from the dining room and Uncle Vernon burst into the kitchen to find Harry, rigid with shock, covered from head to foot in Aunt Petunia's pud ding.At first,it l ooked as though Uncl e Vernon would manage to gl oss the whole thing over (Just our nephew - very disturbed - meeting strangers upsets him, so we kept him upstairs ...') He shooed the shocked Masons back into the dining room, promised Harry he woul d flay him to within an inch of his life when the Masons had l eft, and hand ed him a mop. Aunt Petunia dug some ice-cream out of the freezer and Harry, still shaking, started scrubbing the kitchen cl ean.Uncle Vernon might still have been abl e to make his d eal - if it hadn't been for the owl.Aunt Petunia was just handing round a box of after-dinner mints when a huge barn owl swooped through the dining room wind ow, dropped a letter on Mrs Mason's head and swooped out again. Mrs Mason screamed like a banshee and ran from the house, shouting about lunatics. Mr Mason stayed just l ong enough to tell the Dursl eys that his wife was mortally afraid of birds of all shapes and sizes,and to ask whether this was their id ea of a joke.Harry stood in the kitchen, clutching the mop for support as Uncl e Vernon advanced on him, a d emonic glint in his tiny eyes.‘Read it!' he hissed evilly, brandishing the l etter the owl had d elivered. 'Go on - read it!’Harry took it. It did not contain birthday greetings.Dear Mr Potter,We have received intelligence that a Hover Charm was used at your place of residence this evening at twelve minutes past nine.As you know, underage wizards are not permitted to perform spells outside school, and further spellwork on your part may lead to expulsion from said school (Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, 1875, Paragraph C).We would also ask you to remember that any magical activity which risks notice by members of the non-magical community (Muggles) is a serious offence, under section 13 of the International Confederation of Warlocks' Statute of Secrecy.Enjoy your holidays!Yours sincerely,Matalda HopkirkImproper Use of Magic OfficeMinistry of MagicHarry l ooked up from the letter and gulped.'You didn't tell us you weren't all owed to use magic outsid e school,' said Uncl e Vernon, a mad gl eam dancing in his eyes. ‘Forgot to mention it ... slipped your mind, I dare say ...’He was bearing d own on Harry like a great bulld og, all his teeth bared. 'Well, I’ve got news for you, boy ... I'm l ocking you up ... you're never going back to that school ... never ... and if you try and magic yourself out - they’ll expel you!' And laughing like a maniac, he dragged Harry back upstairs.Uncle Vernon was as bad as his word. The foll owing morning, he paid a man to fit bars on Harry's wind ow. He himself fitted the cat-flap in the bedroom d oor, so that small amounts of food could be pushed insid e three times a day. They l et Harry out to use the bathroom morning and evening. Otherwise, he was l ocked in his room around the cl ock.Three days later, the Dursl eys were showing no sign of relenting and Harrycoul dn't see any way out of his situation. He lay on his bed watching the sun sinking behind the bars on the wind ow and wond ered miserably what was going to happen to him.What was the good of magicking himself out of his room if Hogwarts woul d expel him for d oing it? Yet life at Privet Drive had reached an all-time low. Now the Dursl eys knew they weren't going to wake up as fruitbats, he had l ost his only weapon. Dobby might have saved Harry from horribl e happenings at Hogwarts, but the way things were going, he'd probably starve to d eath anyway.The cat-flap rattled and Aunt Petunia's hand appeared, pushing a bowl of tinned soup into the room. Harry, whose insid es were aching with hunger, jumped off his bed and seized it. The soup was stone col d, but he drank half of it in one gulp. Then he crossed the room to Hedwig's cage and tipped the soggy vegetabl es at the bottom of the bowl into her empty food tray. She ruffl ed her feathers and gave him a l ook of d eep disgust.‘It's no good turning your beak up at it,that's all we've got,' said Harry grimly.He put the empty bowl back on the fl oor next to the cat-flap and lay back d own on the bed, somehow even hungrier than he had been before the soup.Supposing he was still alive in another four weeks, what would happen if he didn't turn up at Hogwarts? Woul d someone be sent to see why he hadn't come back? Would they be able to make the Dursl eys let him go?The room was growing dark. Exhausted, stomach rumbling, mind spinning over the same unanswerabl e questions, Harry fell into an uneasy sl eep.He dreamed that he was on show in a zoo, with a card reading 'Und erage Wizard' attached to his cage. Peopl e goggl ed through the bars at him as he lay, starving and weak, on a bed of straw. He saw Dobby's face in the crowd and shouted out, asking for help, but Dobby call ed, ‘Harry Potter is safe there, sir!' and vanished. Then the Dursl eys appeared and Dudl ey rattled the bars of the cage, laughing at him.‘Stop it,' Harry muttered, as the rattling pound ed in his sore head. 'Leave me alone ... cut it out ... I'm trying to sl eep ...'He opened his eyes. Moonlight was shining through the bars on the wind ow. And someone was goggling through the bars at him: a freckl e-faced, red-haired, l ong-nosed someone.Ron Weasl ey was outside Harry's wind ow.。
二次供水设施维护与安全运行管理制度范本Chapter 1 概述1.1 为了确保二次供水设施的正常运行和安全性,维护设施的完好状态,本制度制定以规范和管理二次供水设施的维护工作,并明确相关人员的职责和义务。
1.2 本制度适用于所有使用二次供水设施的单位或个人,包括但不限于居民小区、工业园区、商业建筑等。
Chapter 2 责任与职责2.1 二次供水设施管理部门(以下简称管理部门)负责制定维护计划、协调维护工作,并监督检查维护情况。
2.2 使用二次供水设施的单位或个人负责按照管理部门的要求进行维护并配合管理部门的检查工作。
Chapter 3 维护计划3.1 管理部门根据二次供水设施的特点和实际情况,制定每年的维护计划,包括但不限于设备检修、供水管道清洗等。
3.2 维护计划应提前向使用单位或个人通知,并确保其配合维护工作的进行。
Chapter 4 维护工作4.1 设备检修:定期对二次供水设施的设备进行检修,包括但不限于泵站、水箱、压力调节器等,确保其正常运行和安全性。
4.2 供水管道清洗:定期对供水管道进行清洗,清除污垢和积水,以保证供水质量和供水压力。
Chapter 5 维护记录5.1 管理部门应建立维护记录,对每次维护工作进行详细的记录,包括维护的内容、时间、人员等。
5.2 使用单位或个人应对维护工作进行记录,包括但不限于维护的情况、存在的问题等,并及时上报给管理部门。
Chapter 6 安全管理6.1 使用单位或个人应确保二次供水设施的安全性,包括但不限于设施的标志、防护措施等。
6.2 使用单位或个人应定期检查设施的安全状况,如有问题应及时上报给管理部门,并采取相应的措施予以修复。
Chapter 7 培训与教育7.1 管理部门应定期组织相关人员进行维护知识的培训与教育,提高其维护设施的能力和水平。
7.2 使用单位或个人应全面了解维护知识,积极参与培训与教育活动,提高自己的专业素质。
Chapter 8 监督与奖惩8.1 管理部门应定期对维护工作进行监督和检查,确保维护工作的质量和效果。
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OS Drive Rail Kit Fan 4 Fan 1, 2, 3 Memory Kit - 8 x 16G DIMMs Dual Port SFP+ 10G NIC Quad Port SFP+ 10G NIC Single Port QSFP 40G NIC Dual Port QSFP 40G NIC Dual Port 10GBase-T NIC SFP+ Optical Module SR SFP+ Optical Module LR QSFP Optical Module SR
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Chapter 2_1
Chapter 2第二章一个星期之后。
Charlotte_s Web CHAPTER 2
CHAPTER 2Wilbur韦伯Fern loved Wilbur more than anything. She loved to stroke抚摸him, to feed him, to put him to bed. Every morning, as soon as she got up, she warmed his milk, tied his bib围嘴on, and held the bottle for him. Every afternoon, when the school bus stopped in front of her house, she jumped out and ran to the kitchen to fix准备another bottle for him. She fed him again at suppertime, and again just before going to bed. Mrs. Arable gave him a feeding around noontime each day, when Fern was away in school. Wilbur loved his milk, and he was never happier than when Fern was warming up a bottle for him. He would stand and gaze up at her with adoring崇拜的eyes.芬爱韦伯超过任何东西。
翡翠地书第二章读后感英文回答:In the second chapter of "The Emerald Tablet", the ancient sage Hermes Trismegistus reveals the secrets of the universe and the path to enlightenment. He explains that the key to understanding the world lies in comprehending the principles of duality and polarity, known as the "Emerald Tablet Principles."The Emerald Tablet Principles state that everything in the universe exists in pairs of opposites, such as light and dark, male and female, positive and negative. These opposites are not separate entities but rather complementary aspects of the same whole. By understanding and embracing both sides of the duality, we can achieve a balanced and harmonious existence.Hermes Trismegistus also emphasizes the importance of the mind in shaping our reality. He teaches that ourthoughts and beliefs have the power to create our experiences, both positive and negative. By controlling our minds and focusing on positive thoughts, we can attract positive outcomes into our lives.The second chapter of "The Emerald Tablet" provides a profound insight into the nature of reality and the role of the mind in creating our own destiny. By understanding and applying the Emerald Tablet Principles, we can unlock the secrets of the universe and achieve a life of greater wisdom and fulfillment.中文回答:《翡翠地书》的第二章中,古老的贤者赫尔墨斯·特里斯墨吉斯图斯揭示了宇宙的秘密和通往启蒙之路。
chapter例句Chapter 1: Introduction1. 本章将介绍研究背景和目标,并概述后续章节的内容。
2. 本章首先解释了研究的动机和重要性,以及研究的目的和研究问题。
3. 本章还介绍了本研究的方法和数据来源,以及研究的限制和约束。
4. 最后,本章总结了后续章节的内容和结构。
Chapter 2: Literature Review1. 本章将回顾相关的文献,并分析现有研究的优点和不足之处。
2. 本章首先介绍了相关的概念和理论框架,以便读者理解后续章节的内容。
3. 本章还将讨论已有研究的主要发现和结论,并指出其中的一些研究方法上的局限性。
4. 最后,本章对文献综述的结果进行了总结,并提出了研究的理论和实践意义。
Chapter 3: Methodology1. 本章将详细描述研究的方法和数据收集过程。
2. 本章首先介绍了研究的设计和研究问题的操作定义。
3. 本章还将说明研究中所使用的样本和数据来源,并解释了数据收集的步骤和工具。
4. 最后,本章还将阐述数据分析的方法和统计技术,并解释了为什么选择这些方法。
Chapter 4: Results1. 本章将呈现研究的主要结果和分析。
2. 本章首先对数据进行描述性统计和数据清洗,以确保数据的质量和可靠性。
3. 本章还将展示研究假设的检验结果,并解释结果的意义和影响。
4. 最后,本章还将呈现额外的分析和发现,并对结果进行讨论和解释。
Chapter 5: Discussion1. 本章将对研究结果进行深入讨论,并与相关研究进行比较。
2. 本章首先回顾了研究的目的和研究问题,并总结了主要的研究结果。
3. 本章还将解释结果的原因和解释,并提出了研究的局限性和未来的研究方向。
4. 最后,本章还将对研究的理论和实践意义进行总结和讨论。
Chapter 6: Conclusion1. 本章将总结整个研究的主要发现和结论。
2. 本章首先回顾了研究的目的和研究问题,并总结了主要的研究结果。
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Chapter 2Thinking Like an EconomistTest A1. The production possibilities frontier is aa. map which shows the frontier beyond which agriculture is unprofitable.b. map which shows areas of the world in which capitalist production is now possible.c. graph that shows the various combinations of output that the economy can possibly producegiven the available resources and technology.d. graph which shows the various combinations of resources that can be used to produce a givenlevel of output.ANSWER: c. graph that shows the various combinations of output that the economy can possibly produce given the available resources and technology.TYPE: M KEY1: D SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 RANDOM: Y2. Which of the following concepts is NOT illustrated by the production possibilities frontier?a. efficiencyb. opportunity costc. equityd. tradeoffsANSWER: c. equityTYPE: M KEY1: D SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 RANDOM: Y3. On the production possibilities frontier shown, which point or points are possible for this economyto produce?a. A, B, C, Db. A, B, C, Fc. A, B, C, D, E, Fd. DANSWER: a. A, B, C, DTYPE: M KEY1: G SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 GRAPH FORMAT: M QUESTION INSTRUCTION: 2 RANDOM: Y10 Chapter 2/Thinking Like an Economist4. On the production possibilities frontier shown, which point or points are inefficient?a. A, B, Cb. E, Fc. Bd. DANSWER: d. DTYPE: M KEY1: G SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 GRAPH FORMAT: M QUESTION INSTRUCTION: 2 RANDOM: Y5. The opportunity cost of obtaining more of one good is shown on the production possibilities frontieras thea. amount of the other good which must be given up.b. market price of the additional amount produced.c. amount of resources which must be devoted to its production.d. number of dollars which must be spent to produce it.ANSWER: a. amount of the other good which must be given up.TYPE: M KEY1: C SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 RANDOM: Y6. A production possibilities frontier will be linear and not bowed out ifa. no tradeoffs exist.b. the tradeoff between the two goods is always at a constant rate.c. the unemployment rate is zero.d. resources are allocated efficiently.ANSWER: b. the tradeoff between the two goods is always at a constant rate.TYPE: M KEY1: C SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 1 RANDOM: Y7. In the production possibilities frontier shown, the shift of the frontier from A to B was most likelycaused by which of the following?a. more capital available in the economyb. more labor available in the economyc. a general technological breakthroughd. technological improvement in the production of clothingANSWER: d. technological improvement in the production of clothingTYPE: M KEY1: G SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 GRAPH FORMAT: M QUESTION INSTRUCTION: 4 RANDOM: NChapter 2/Thinking Like an Economist 118. In the production possibilities frontier shown, what is the opportunity cost to society of themovement from point D to point B?a. 600 pretzelsb. 800 pretzelsc. 250 pretzelsd. 100 pretzelsANSWER: c. 250 pretzelsTYPE: M KEY1: G SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 GRAPH FORMAT: M QUESTION INSTRUCTION: 6 RANDOM: N9. In the production possibilities frontier shown, the movement from point C to point E was most likelycaused bya. an increase in society’s preference for pretzels.b. a decrease in society’s preference for potato chips.c. unemployment.d. a and bANSWER: c. unemployment.TYPE: M KEY1: G SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 GRAPH FORMAT: M QUESTION INSTRUCTION: 6 RANDOM: N10. Which of the following would be considered a topic of study in microeconomics?a. the effect of changes in saving rates on GDPb. the impact of minimum-wage laws on employment in the fast-food industryc. the impact of monetary policy on the rate of inflationd. the effect of tax policy on the rate of economic growthANSWER: b. the impact of minimum-wage laws on employment in the fast-food industryTYPE: M KEY1: D SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 4 RANDOM: Y12 Chapter 2/Thinking Like an Economist11. In the graph shown, the slope of the curve between points A and B isa. –2b. –1/2c. 1/2d. 2ANSWER: b. –1/2TYPE: M KEY1: G GRAPH FORMAT: M QUESTION INSTRUCTION: 3 RANDOM: N1 ANSWER: c. graph that shows the various combinations of output that the economy can possiblyproduce given the available resources and technology.TYPE: M KEY1: D SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 RANDOM: Y2 ANSWER: c. equityTYPE: M KEY1: D SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 RANDOM: Y3 ANSWER: a. A, B, C, DTYPE: M KEY1: G SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 GRAPH FORMAT: M QUESTION INSTRUCTION: 2 RANDOM: Y4 ANSWER: d. DTYPE: M KEY1: G SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 GRAPH FORMAT: M QUESTION INSTRUCTION: 2 RANDOM: Y5 ANSWER: a. amount of the other good which must be given up.TYPE: M KEY1: C SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 RANDOM: Y6 ANSWER: b. the tradeoff between the two goods is always at a constant rate.TYPE: M KEY1: C SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 1 RANDOM: YChapter 2/Thinking Like an Economist 13 7 ANSWER: d. technological improvement in the production of clothingTYPE: M KEY1: G SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 GRAPH FORMAT: M QUESTION INSTRUCTION: 4 RANDOM: N8 ANSWER: c. 250 pretzelsTYPE: M KEY1: G SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 GRAPH FORMAT: M QUESTION INSTRUCTION: 6 RANDOM: N9 ANSWER: c. unemployment.TYPE: M KEY1: G SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 3 GRAPH FORMAT: M QUESTION INSTRUCTION: 6 RANDOM: N10 ANSWER: b. the impact of minimum-wage laws on employment in the fast-food industry TYPE: M KEY1: D SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 4 RANDOM: Y11 ANSWER: b. –1/2TYPE: M KEY1: G GRAPH FORMAT: M QUESTION INSTRUCTION: 3 RANDOM: N。