T e x tE n v i r o n m e n t a l E c o n o m i c sS o m e e c o n o m i s t s a r e h e l p i n g t o s a v e t h e p l a n e t G r e e n G r o u p s S e e P o t e n tT o o l i n E c o n o m i c sB y J e s s c a E.V a s c e l l a r o1.M a n y e c o n o m i s t s d r e a m o f g e t t i n g h i g h p a y i n g j o b s o n W a l l S t r e e t,a t p r e s t i g i o u s t h i n k t a n k s a n d u n i v e r s i t i e s o r a t p o w e r f u l g o v e r n m e n ta g e n c i e s l i k e t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e.1.许多经济学家梦想在华尔街,或者在有声望的研究机构和大学,或者在像美联储这样的权威性的政府机构谋得一份高报酬的工作。
2.B u t a g r o w i n g n u m b e r a r e c h o o s i n g t o u s e t h e i r s k i l l s n o t t o t r a c ki n f l a t i o n o r i n t e r e s t r a t e s b u t t o r e s c u e r i v e r s a n d t r e e s.T h e s e a r e t h e “g r e e n e c o n o m i s t s,”,m o r e f o r m a l l y k n o w n a s e n v i r o n m e n t a l e c o n o m i s t s, w h o u s e e c o n o m i c a r g u m e n t s a n d s y s t e m s t o p e r s u a d e c o m p a n i e s t o c l e a n u p p o l l u t i o n a n d t o h e l p c o n s e r v e n a t u r a l a r e a s.A c t u a l l y,t h e e n v i r o n m e n t a l e c o n o m i c s i s a s u b f i e l d o f e c o n o m i c s c o n c e r n e d w i t h e n v i r o n m e n t a l i s s u e s. Q u o t i n g f r o m t h e N a t i o n a l B u r e a u o f E c o n o m i c R e s e a r c h E n v i r o n m e n t a lE c o n o m i c s p r o g r a m:2.但是越来越多的经济学家选择不是把他们的技能用于跟踪通货膨胀或利率,而是用于拯救河流和树木。
有效的valid 可靠的reliable可靠性reliability 痛苦的miserableBackwash--- the effect of testing on teaching and learning.反响Interaction 相互作用ambiguous 模糊不清的,引起歧义的反馈feedbackStakeholders利益相关者Practical 实际的beneficial backwashCategorized in terms of purposes/uses←Proficiency testsTo measure language proficiency, i.e. people’s ability in a language←Achievement testsTo discover how successful students have been in achieving the objectives of a course of study (期末考试)←Diagnostic testsTo diagnose students’strengths and weakness, to identify what they know and what they don’t’know.←acement tests(分级考试)To assist placement of students by identifying the stage, level or part of a teaching program most appropriate to their abilityCategorized in terms of approaches to test construction or testing techniquesDirect testing VS indirect testingRequire the candidates to perform precisely the skill we wish to measure, e.g. ask them to write when we want to test writing skills, VS ask them to identify errors in a sentenceDirect testing is preferred and we should sample widely---- two compositions in TOEFL & IELTS Discrete point testing VS integrative testing←Discrete point test “chops”language into smaller units, such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary etc. , and is more likely to use multiple choices ←Integrative test requires candidates to use many elements of a language to completea task, such as translation, composition, dictation or cloze testCategorized in terms of the interpretations of scores←Norm-referenced testing VS criterion-referenced testing←Reference: n. The state of being related or referred; v. To supply references to ←one candidate’s performance is related to that of other candidates and/or a norm---from pre-tested people of similar background, e.g. 60 percentile ←An individual’s performance is NOT compared to that of other candidates, but against criteriaCategorized in terms of scoring methods/processObjective(客观)testing VS subjective (主观)testingComputer adaptive testingCommunicative language testing:Types of Validity⏹Construct validity⏹Content validity内容效度A test is said to have content validity if its content constitutes a representative sample ofthe language skills, structures, etc. with which it is meant to be concerned.For example: A grammar test must be made up of items relating to the knowledge or control of grammar⏹Criterion-related validity效标关联效度the degree to which results on the test agree with those provided by some independent and highly dependable assessment of the ca ndidate’s abilityKinds of Criterion-related Validity❑Concurrent Validity (同期效度)Concurrent validity is established when the test and the criterion are administered at about the same time.* correlation coefficient (效度系数) a mathematical measure of similarity (ranging in value from 0 to 1)❑Predictive Validity (预期效度)This concerns the degree to which a test can predict candidates’ future performance.❑Construct Validity (构卷效度)A test, part of a test, or a testing technique is said to have construct validity if itcan be demonstrated that it measures just the ability which it is supposed to measure.Construct refers to any underlying (潜在的)ability (or trait) which is hypothesised(假定,设定) in a theory of language ability.⏹Validity in scoringIf a test is to have validity, not only the items but also the way in which the responses are scored must be valid⏹Face validityA test is said to have face validity if it looks as if it measures what it is supposed tomeasure.How to Make Tests More Valid❑Write explicit specification of the test about the constructs that are to be measured ❑Whenever feasible, use direct testing❑Make sure that the scoring of responses relates directly to what is being testedThe Use of Validity1. Every effort should be made in constructing tests to ensure content validity.2. Any published test should supply details of its validation, without which its validityand suitability can hardly be judged by a potential purchaser.Factors That Can Lower Validity⏹Unclear directions⏹Difficult reading vocabulary and sentence structure⏹Ambiguity in statements⏹Inadequate time limits⏹Inappropriate level of difficulty⏹Poorly constructed test items⏹Test items inappropriate for the outcomes being measured ⏹Tests that are too short⏹Improper arrangement of items (complex to easy?)⏹Identifiable patterns of answers⏹Teaching⏹Administration and scoring⏹Students⏹Nature of criterion。
1- Please deliver the goods at your earliest convenience2- Thanks very much for your help3- Please send us your quotation for the following:4- Please give us a quote as soon as possible.5- Please find the attached file.6- Pls kindly see the attachment for some images of our new items.7- Please check the invoice in the attachment, thanks.8- We are looking forward to your early and favorable reply.9- Look forward to receiving your immediate reply, we are yours very truly.10- Looking forward to receiving your immediate reply11- Thank you for your email.12- Please advise your travel plan at earliest date so we make argot acidly.13- Your letter of the 4th this month was received,the contents of which have duly noted14- Please immediately confirm the above-mentioned matter.15- Please give us forwarding instructions as soon as possible.16- Please do that as soon as possible.17- In accordance with your wishes...18- As requested we are sending you our latest catalogue.19- I'll try to act according to your desire.20- To comply with your request, we are quoting you as follows:21- As requested we are sending you...22- Shall you be prepared to reeducate the price by, say, 5%, we will place our trial order with you.23- The quotation submitted by you is too high.24- You shall hear more from me by the next mail.25- Do as you are required.26- I shall act as you advise27- I shall act as you advise.28- Excuse us for delay in answering your letter.29- Thanks for your quick response30- I am sorry for not having gotten back to you sooner, because I am too busy recently.31- This is our latest price list. You 'll find our price highly competitive. 32- The price-list is only for your reference.33- For your information...34- I await your answer.35- Looking forward to your reply.36- I don't think there can be any doubt about it.37- I think of it as impossible.38- 请指示我们怎样处理该问题Would you please advise how we can process in this question39- 关于此事,我建议如下In this regard, I propose the following40- 为了安全起见,请尽快安排更新和修理如下项目For security purposes, please update as soon as possible and repair the following items41- 我打算添加食品,请尽快提供下述价格供我参考。
Protect marine environmentMarine environment is one in water, seawater tolerance hydrolyzate and suspended solids, seabed sediment and marine organisms, including complex systems. Ocean rich biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources is an indispensable resource treasure house of human beings, with human survival and development of the relationship very close.The main objective of the current marine conservation is to protect the living marine resources, so as not to failure, in order for human sustainable use. In particular, give priority to protect those valuable and critically endangered marine life. According to the UN for investigation, due to overfishing, accidental capture and killing of non-target to allow hunting of marine, coastal shoreline construction, mangrove deforestation, widespread marine pollution, at least the world's 25 most valuable fishery resources depleted, whales, sea turtles, manatees and many other marine animals face extinction risk. Is expected that with the expansion of the scale of ocean development,Marine living resources are likely to cause more damage.The seas and oceans receive the brunt of human waste, whether it is by deliberate dumping or by natural run-off from the land. The task of the first marine protected right to stop over-exploitation of living marine resources and secondly to protect the habitat of marine life or habitat, in particular, their migration, spawning, foraging, avoiding predators coast, tidal flats, estuaries, coral reefs, it is necessary to prevent the heavy metals, pesticides, oil, organic and easy to produce nutrients such as eutrophication of marine pollution. Preservation of the marine living resources of the natural regeneration capacity and water purification capacity, preservation of the marine ecological balance, to ensure sustainable human development and utilization of the oceans.The ocean and we are a whole, first of all, the ocean itself has great handling of pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, reduction and degradation of purification ability. But the capacity is not unlimited, when toxic and harmful substances accepted by the local waters more than its own self-purification ability, it will cause pollution of the waters. In addition the ocean while contains many resources, but the regeneration of marine resources is the need of time, if the development of marine resources we uncontrolled and not pay attention to the protection of these resources, sothere is always used in the light of day. So the protection of the marine is extremely important.。
Unit1reflection: 沉思| 映象| 反射∙I think the causes of this require mature reflection.我认为这事的原因需要充分地思考。
shroud: 覆盖物| 寿衣| 护罩| 覆盖∙The faker of the shroud had to be a heretic.裹尸布的耶稣遗像伪造者必定是个异教徒。
contingent: 偶然事件| 分遣队∙The contingent quickened its advance.队伍加速前进∙What and Where: Landlocked nation between Russia and China.所在:俄国与中国之间的内陆国家。
overturn: 推翻| 倾覆| 破坏| 破灭∙We saw the canoe overturn, throwing its passengers into the water.我们看到独木舟倾覆了,把上面的乘客掀入水中。
relentless: 残酷的| 不间断的| 无情的∙Government knows this, and hence its accumulation of weaponry and relentless propaganda.政府知道这一点,所以正积累武器装备与不懈的宣传。
circulation: 传播| 流通| 发行量| 循环∙The circulation of gossip is vicious.传播流言蜚语是可恶的。
initiative: 自发的| 首创精神| 起始的| 主动权| 主动的∙Such initiative is highly commendable.这种积极性是很可贵的。
∙We have another hypothesis as well.我们提出了另一种假说。
encompass: 环绕| 包围| 包含| 完成∙This can potentially encompass thousands of schemas and tables and millions of columns from differing databases and files.这可能包含数千个模式和表,以及数百万个来自不同数据库和文件的列。
Unit 1 An Overview of Ocean and OceanographyText AThe ocean, as an indispensable part of our world, buffers our weather, and provides us with food and many of modern medicines. However, we just ignored (didn’t give enough attention to) the connectivity between the ocean and human sphere. Only until recently, have the team led by marine conservation biologist Dr. Wallace J. Nichols started to explore the connection between human minds and the ocean from multidisciplinary perspectives. They put forward a new research field— neuroconservation, which led to a revolution in marine science.Dr. Wally Broecker, a famous oceanographer, called the phenomenon of deep water circulation “Ocean Conveyor Belt”. This statement is an oversimplification of a complex pr ocess. Dr. Susan Lozier from Duke University overwhelmed the idea about ocean overturning after considering/weighing different pieces of evidence. Whatever the outcome would be, there is no doubt that the ocean holds our planet tightly. We have to abandon the old notion and try to protect the ocean from a new perspective.Text BOceanography (or marine science) is the study about natural ocean phenomena, its nature and law of variation as well as the knowledge related to the development and exploitation about the ocean. Human beings acquired knowledge about the oceans in pre-historic times. Through centuries’ efforts, based on experiments and observations, scientists furthered knowledge about the oceans with various methods, such as echo sounding, depth dredging. The use of modern devices such as submarines, satellites and large-scale computers reflected that modern technology played a significant role in the development of marine science. Many nations, organizations and research institutes were devoted to the study of marine science. Marine science covers a wide range of fundamental studies in marine physics, marine chemistry, marine biology, and marine geology. The science also applies to the exploitation of marine resources as well as maritime military actions. The ocean and the atmosphere are closely interdependent and related. Therefore, the study of the ocean also helps better understand global climate changes.Unit 2 Marine BiologyText AThe ocean is the cradle of life. Therefore, the study of marine ecology is not only conducive to the survival of the conservation of biological environment, and is directly related to the development and utilization of marine living resources. Ocean researchers find that marine microbes play an important role in maintaining the oxygen and carbon dioxide balance in the Earth's atmosphere; sunscreens made of algae can be used in skin care industry; a natural mechanism for iron fertilization is helpful to solve iron deficiency; mass catching of fish for obtaining oil poses risks for extinction of the overfished species; untreated wastewater or sewage which flow into the sea transmits human pathogen to marine corals. These are path-breaking findings in marine science. Researchers are going on various marine biology issues such as oil spills in marine water, ability of some marine species to change their sex and synthesis of renewable energy source. If it is feasible to obtain biofuel from seaweed in the future, it will be a priceless contribution for solving energy crisis of human beings.Text BChlorophyll is the most important pigment related to photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is actually present in all photosynthetic organisms. In 1899, an Italian scientist developed a simple but accurate method of determining chlorophyll levels. Since 1950s, scientists have quantified chlorophyll by collecting and analyzing water samples to measure concentrations of chlorophyll pigment. Starting in the 1970s, we have also used satellite measurements of the intensity of the ocean's green color to do the same with much greater spatial coverage. Scientists in the modern era have determined the specific quantitative relationship between the depth and the amount of chlorophyll with laboratory analysis of water from the same column. Thus it can be seen that we have more than 100 years of chlorophyll data in the ocean, which is no small feat.Unit 3 Marine PollutionText AThe sea is suffering. The evidence abounds. It becomes acid, making marine life difficult. The dearth of some species will disrupt the food chain, which will in turn destabilize the entire ecosystem. The coral reefs, as the rainforests of the sea, are affected by overfishing, overheating, ocean acidification, etc. Most of them are therefore gravely endangered. Global warming causes oceans to warm up and glaciers to melt, which will raise the sea level and endanger the inhabitants of coastal areas. Humans inflict too many stresses on marine ecosystem, which may permanently change the ocean. For humans, each of these changes is a catastrophe. It is not wise for us to sit back or take it for minor distractions. Conversely, it is high time we did something to put matters right. Fishing subsidies should be abolished and fishing quotas be made transferable in some cases. We must develop effective strategies before it may be too late.Text BSince the start of industrial revolution, humans have released the staggering volumes of CO2. The air and the water constantly exchange gases, so a large proportion of CO2 ends up in the sea,which triggers ocean acidification. For life on land this process is a boon. The oceans remove CO2 from the atmosphere, which mitigates the process of global warming. But for life in the sea the picture looks different. By changing the basic chemistry of seawater, acidification is likely to alter the availability of key nutrients, let more sunlight penetrate the sea surface, reduce the water's ability to absorb and muffle low-frequency sound, and interfere with reproduction in some species and with the ability of others to form shells and stony skeletons of calcium carbonate. The acid sea becomes so caustic that many marine organisms get pushed beyond their limits and can not survive. Consequently, a wide array of marine species will be missing. The acidification that has occurred so far is probably irreversible. Humans, who are the cause of the ocean acidification, if not taking effective measures, will be victims.Unit 4 Climate VariabilityText ASome scientists think climate change needs a more radical approach, i.e. fiddling with the earth. It is an intriguing idea. Tinkering with the atmosphere or the oceans on a large scale would be highly risky and extraordinarily complex. One of the ideas, which has been widely touted in the past, is, perversely, to increase pollution in the atmosphere. The disadvantage is the unknown knock-on effects. But the alternative, getting the world’s population to give up fossil fuels, is proving exceedingly hard. Even its advocates think geo-engineering is not to be approached lightly. Nor, though, is it something to be ignored completely. Global warming is such a threat that all the options deserve to be explored. Geo-engineering, as it has come to be known, may be a way of buying time for the transition to a low-carbon economy to take place in an orderly manner.Text BOne idea is to dump iron in the oceans to promote huge blooms of phytoplankton—tiny algae that consume carbon dioxide as they grow. This approach has received a lot of interest. While the theory of iron fertiliz ation seems sound, the practice may be tricky: the team’s results suggest that geo-engineers have overestimated the amount of carbon removed per tonne of iron by between 15 and 50 times. Then there are the side-effects. Any geo-engineering project would necessarily be enormous, and would therefore cause plenty of disruption to ecosystems. Plans to suck carbon from the air by growing trees conflict with the need to grow crops. Creating gigantic algal blooms risks using up all the oxygen in large parts of the ocean, killing anything else that lives there. When it comes to the environment, there are no perfect answers.Unit 5 Marine DisastersText AMarine waters teem with microscopic life. Some of them create potent toxins and some of them do harm by accumulating. The algae causing harm is called Harmful Algal Blooms. It not only has impact on health of human beings (such as some known and even unknown diseases), but on wild life as well. In fact, more than 50% of the unusual marine mortality events are now associated with HABs. It is another societal concern that HABs have profound influence on ecosystem. Sometimes, the impact works from bottom up (such as affecting predators and grazing), and sometimes from bottom-up (such as affecting plankton). In spite of the precautions, the socioeconomic impact is substantial. Many millions of dollars are spent annually addressing the HAB-related problems. The money on public health accounts for the largest part, followed by commercial fisheries and tourism.Text BSeismologists have long known that some marine earthquakes generate fierce tsunamis and some do not. The problem is deciding which is which. A new tsunamis-prediction system is under development. It makes an instant estimate of an earthquake’s depth th rough selecting date of propagating speed when rupture occurred in the rock. And thus it can predict the risk of creating a big tsunami. The researchers tried their system out and analyzed many earthquake and predicted some tsunamis successfully. But unfortunately, it was not attached to local alarms and it still caused devastating tolls and loss. In the near future, the system will be hooked up to alarms around the world. If the new system works at that time, the government will have evacuation plans in place ahead of time.Unit 6 Marine Resources ExploitationText ATidal power is not only one of green energy, but also its potential is vast. But compared to Denmark and Sweden, the British government’s exploitation is not satisfying. But now things s eem to be changing. The project of the British government could provide an enormous boost. It will build three barrages and two tidal lagoons on the river Severn which has the second highest tidal range in the world. Unlike wind or wave power and alike, tidal power is predictable. Additionally, the project is so large that it can supply around 5% of Britain’s electricity every year. But environmentalists are opposed to it on the grounds that the barrages may interfere with the birds and fish stock near the river Severn. Meanwhile, the project will require too much taxpayer’s money and it operates at a higher cost compared with wind power. Where will the project go? The government may well approve it considering creating more job opportunities. And at that time, it will be a long-lasting monument for tidal power.Text BThe wave of technical advances is enabling oil companies to plumb the depth and detect oil. It’s easier said than done. The physical challenges are daunting enough. With heavy drill strings, big platform, giant drill ships and the pressure of miles of water overhead, oil companies have to work under adverse conditions. Deepwater oil drilling is an industry with extremely high stakes and small margin for error, so it seems to be vitally important for oil companies to know the geological formations before they drill. With marine seismic survey, oil companies can only identify some typically oil-bearing formations which are relatively easy to access. But for the patterns formed by the commingled salt and rock, more accurate data must be acquired. Pass the salt and determine the pressure, temperature, vibration and electrical receptivity of the well when they drill. The new technologies have conquered these previously unfathomable problems, one after another. Oil is being found in ever harder-to-reach places, which is an incentive to “know before you drill”.。
right of action 诉权right of an international freight forwarder 国际货运代理的权利right of angary 非常征用权right of angary 征用权right of angary 征用权非常征用权right of approach 察看权right of approach 驶近权right of archipelagic sea lanes passage 群岛海道通过权right of claim against carrier 对承运人的求偿权right of claim for salvage for preservation of human life 人命救助报酬请求权right of claim 请求权right of concession 特许权right of convoy 护航权right of defense 抗辩权right of exclusive jurisdiction 专属管辖权right of fishery 捕捞权right of fishing 捕渔权right of hot pursuit 紧追权right of innocent passage 无害通过权right of mooring 停泊权right of navigation on coast and inland waters 沿海和内河航行权right of navigation 航行权right of ownership 所有权right of passage 通行权right of preservation 自保权right of pursuit 追捕权right of pursuit 追捕权(对违反本国规章的外国商船驶逃至公海时right of recourse 偿还请求权right of recourse 追索权right of repatriated to the original port 遣返原港请求权right of retention 船舶滞留权right of retention 扣留权right of retention 扣留权船舶滞留权right of salvor 救助人的权利right of search 检查权right of seizure 拘捕权right of stoppage in transit 中止运输权right of subrogation 代位求偿权right of towage on coast 沿海拖航权right of transit passage 过境通行权right of visit 临检权right of visitation 临检权right of way signal 通告信号right of way signal 通行信号right of way vessel 被让路船right of way vessel 权利船right of way vessel 直航船right of way 航路权right of way 航路权通航权right of way 通航权right of way 通行权right on the course 在航向上right on 正前方right over other persons property 他物权right regular lay 右向逆捻right scale integrated circuit 适当规模集成电路right scale integration circuit 适当规模集成电路right semi-circle 右半圆right semicircle 右半圆right side up with care 小心正面朝上right side 右侧right side 右侧右边right sphere 正天球(测者在赤道上所见的天球right the helm 正舵right to average laydays 将装卸货时间平均计算的权利right to average laytime 可用装卸时间平均计算权利装卸时间平均计算的权利right to average laytimelaydays 装卸时间平均计算right to navigation with national flag 船舶悬挂国旗航行权right triangle 直角三角形right turning single screw 右旋单螺旋桨right up and down 风平浪静的;直率认真的right up and down 风平浪静的直率认真的right 右right 右侧正好right 右权利right 右权利正确正确的恰当的正常的垂直的右的弄直right 正常的垂直的右的法权right 正常的垂直的右的正确的right 正确的右的right-angle drive propulsion 直角传动推进right-angle steering propeller 直角传动转向螺旋桨right-hand engine 右转发动机right-hand 右手right-hand 右转的右侧的右向的右手right-handed rotation 右向旋转right-handed 右旋的right-handedvessel 正舵右偏转船right-left bearing indicator 左右方位指示器right-of-way signal 通行信号righting arm curve 复原力臂曲线righting arm of stability 复原力臂righting arm 复原力臂righting arm=righting level 稳性力臂righting arms & moments 稳性力臂及力矩righting arms &moments稳性力臂及力矩righting capacity 扶正能力righting couple 复原力偶righting couple 稳性力矩righting lever 复原力臂righting moment 复原力矩righting moment 复原力矩复原力矩稳性力矩righting test 扶正试验righting 复原righting 弄直rightlay rope 右捻绳rights of salvors are independant of contract 救助人权利独立于合同原则rightward heeling 右倾rightward 向右rightwardheeling 右倾rigid body mode 刚体运动形式rigid body 刚体rigid connection 刚性联结rigid connection 刚性连接rigid construction 刚性结构rigid container 固定式集装箱rigid coupling 刚性联结刚民生联轴器rigid coupling 刚性连接刚民生联轴器rigid cover 刚性顶盖rigid fastening 刚性固定rigid foam 硬质泡沫塑料rigid frame 刚性构架rigid guide vane 刚性导流叶片rigid hull 刚性艇体rigid joint 刚性接合rigid life raft 刚体救生筏rigid liferaft 刚体救生筏rigid liferaft 刚性救生筏rigid material 刚性材料rigid member 刚性构件rigid membrane 刚性膜片rigid plastic material 刚塑性材料rigid polyvinyl chloride 硬聚氯乙稀rigid polyvinyl chloride 硬聚氯乙烯rigid polyvinyl chloride 硬性聚氯乙烯rigid pushing 硬顶rigid rotor 刚性转子rigid section 刚性型材rigid shaft 刚性轴rigid 刚性rigid 刚性的坚硬的rigid 硬的rigid-plastic material 刚塑性体rigidity modulus 刚性模量rigidity 刚性rigil kentaurus =α centauri 南门二rigol 窗楣rigorous method 精确计算法rigorous 严格的rijkswaterstaat 荷兰水运当局rill 小河rim bearing swing bridge 环承式平旋桥rim brace 管扳手rim brake 轮缘作用制动器rim clutch 轮辋离合器rim dented 钢圈瘪rim flange 轮辋法兰rim of flywheel 飞轮辋rim speed 轮缘速度rim stress 轮缘应力rim 边缘轮缘rim 轮辋rim 水面rime fog 白雾rime frost 白霜rime ice 霜形冰rime 雾淞;树挂;扩孔;梯级rime 雾淞树挂扩孔梯级rimer 铰刀rimer 铰刀铰床riming up 扩孔ring engine 主机定速ring air foil 环形机翼ring antenna 环形天线ring armature 环形电枢ring beam 环梁ring bolt 带环螺栓ring bulkhead 环形舱壁ring bulkhead 环状隔壁ring burner 环焰喷灯ring bus-bar 环形汇流条ring channel 环形槽ring circuit 环路ring closed gap tolerance 活塞环搭口密接公差ring collector 集电环ring collector 集电环整流子ring core magnetometer 环形芯体磁强计ring counter 环形计数器ring current 环流ring dam adjustment 环形屏障调节ring dam 相对密度环ring down 响铃ring electrode of the outer sphere 随动球环电极ring embankment 月堤ring fast 系缆环ring fire 环火ring gasket 衬圈ring gauge 环规ring gear 环形内齿轮ring groove 环形槽ring grooves 牵索环ring header 环形联箱集电环ring header 环形联箱集电环整流子ring intensity 雷达距离圈亮度ring life buoy 救生圈ring lifebuoy 救生圈ring lock 环锁ring lubrication bearing 油环润滑轴承ring lubrication 油环润滑ring lubricator 油环润滑器ring magnet 环形磁铁ring main cargo line system 环形货油总管系统ring main 环船干线ring main 环船干线环形总管ring main 环形干线ring main 环形总管ring main 环形总管环形干线ring nebula = annular nebula 环状星云ring nebula 环状星云ring network 环形网络ring nut 环形螺母ring off engine! 主机定速ring off engine 常速定速ring off engine 常速定速用车完毕ring off engine 用车完毕ring off engines 主机定速ring off! 定速ring oiled bearing 油环轴承ring oiler 油环注油器ring oiling 油环注油ring plate 带环板ring plate 环板ring propeller 带环螺旋桨ring radial thickness tolerance 活塞环径向厚度公差ring rolling machine 圆壳滚轧机ring rope 吊锚索ring rope 锚环系索ring seal 环封ring slot 环槽ring slot 胀圈槽ring spanner 环形扳手ring spring 环簧ring stand by 备车ring stand-by 备车ring standby! 备车!主机准备ring stator 环形保险螺钉ring system 环路式ring torquemeter 环形磁性轴扭矩测量仪ring transformer 环形变压器ring type azimuth mirror 环形方位镜ring up engine 停止备车ring valve 环形阀ring welding 滚焊ring winding 环形绕线ring winding 环形线圈ring 环ring 锚环ring 压紧环ring 支承环ring-laser gyro 环形激光陀螺仪ring-oiled bearing 油环润滑轴承ring-stiffened cylinder 加肋筒壳ringbolt 带环螺栓ringbolt 吊环螺钉ringbolt 环首螺栓ringelmann chart 林古门烟污鉴别图ringer oscillator 振铃信号振荡器ringer with a warning lamp 带灯警铃ringer 鸣铃器ringer 摇铃者ringing alarm system 警铃系统ringing circuit 振铃电路ringing current 振铃电流ringing key 振铃键ringing pilot lamp 振铃指示灯ringing set 振铃机ringing test 振铃试验ringing 鸣响ringing 敲乱钟rings intensity 距离圈亮度rings missing 圆箍失落rings off 圆箍脱落ringsail 主帆增幅ringsail 主帆增幅;翼帆ringstaff 旗杆ringtail 主帆增幅ringtail 主帆增幅;翼帆rinsing saw 粗齿锯rinsing 冲洗或漂洗清用的清水残渣rio 河rio 河河河riot 暴动;饮酒狂闹riot 暴动饮酒狂闹riots and civil commotions 暴动和骚乱riots and civil commotions 暴动与内乱rip current 离岸流rip current 每次浪冲上海滩后形成的)离岸流rip saw 粗齿锯rip tide 离岸流rip tide 离岸流每次浪冲上海滩后形成的)离岸流rip 暗礁引起的水花;挖掉木甲板缝的旧捻絮rip 裂口riparian 岸线的ripe snow 软雪ripping iron 刮缝刀ripping iron 刮缝刀刮缝凿ripple current 波纹电流ripple mark 波迹ripple percentage 脉动率ripple ratio 波纹系数ripple voltage 波纹电压ripple 波纹ripple 波纹波动ripple 涟波ripple 涟波脉动ripple 脉动rippling sea 细浪rippling seas 海面细浪rippling 齿面点蚀riprap mounds 乱石堆堤riprap 石堆堤rips 小波浪rise and fall 涨和落rise of blocks 墩木升高rise of bottom 船底斜度rise of floor or deadrise 舭部升高rise of floor 船底斜度rise of floor 舭部升高rise of keel 龙骨坡度rise of the tide 潮升rise of tide 涨潮rise 上升rise 升高度rise 升起riser cable 提升索riser caisson 立管沉箱riser leg 主管柱riser mandrel 隔水导管紧轴riser pipe 上升管riser pipe 竖管riser 上升管冒口升降器riser 上升管冒口升降器舷侧纵板riser 升降器riserpipe 竖管rising main 直立的消防主管rising amplitude 升出幅角rising and setting 出没rising fire main 直立消防总管rising floor 升高肋板rising force 浮力rising line 肋板边线rising line 肋板端点连线rising main 垂直总管rising main 直立的消防主管rising main 总竖管rising tank 凸面双层底舱rising tide 涨潮rising wood 钝材rising 升高rising 直立rising 直立上升rising 直立上升座板纵承材risingmain 直立的消防主管risk analysis 风险分析risk comparison 危险比较risk covered 承保责任risk estimate 危险估价risk in transit 运输途中风险risk label 危险标签risk level 危险度risk management 危险管理risk of boat 过驳险risk of breakage 破碎险破损险risk of capture clause 捕获险条款risk of cargo shifting 货物移动危险risk of carriage 运输风险risk of clash & breakage 碰撞破碎险risk of clash 碰损险risk of collision 碰撞危险risk of contamination 沾污险risk of craft 过驳险risk of fresh water damage 淡水险risk of hook damage 钩损险risk of hook hole 钩损险risk of leakage 漏损险risk of leakage 渗漏险risk of leakage 渗漏险漏损险risk of liability 责任风险risk of loss 灭失危险risk of mould 发霉险risk of non-delivery 提货不着险risk of odour 串味险risk of oil 油渍险risk of other mandatory enforcement in the period of ship arrest 船舶扣押期间其他强制执行风险risk of pollution 污染危险risk of rain andor fresh water damage 雨淋及淡水险risk of rust 锈损险risk of shortage in weight 短重险risk of shortage 短少险risk of shortage 货差险risk of war 战争险risk over after discharging 卸货危险终了risk suspended 未肯定的危险risk 被保险物risk 舱面险risk 风险危险risk 危险risk 危险;冒险;保险金额rivage 河岸rivelted casing 铆接的套管river and harbor aid to navigation system 江河及港口导航设备系统river and harbor navigation system 河港导航系统river bank 河岸river bar 拦江沙river basin 流域river bed 河床river bend 河湾river boat 河船river boat 江船river boat 内河船river buoy tender 内河浮标敷设船river channel 船舶航道river craft 河船river drift 河道浅滩river ferry 内河渡船river ferry 内河轮渡river flat 岸滩river gauge 河流水深标尺river gunboat 江河炮艇river harbour 河港river harbour 河港河口港river ice 河冰river launch 内河小艇river mouth 河口river mouth 河口河口river navigation 内河航运river patrol boat 江河巡逻艇river patrol craft 内河巡逻艇river pilot 江河引航员river pilot 内河引航员river port 河口港river port 河口港河港river service launch 内河服务艇river steamer 江轮river steamer 内河船river steamer 内河轮船river stream 河流river survey vessel 江河测量船river tug 内河拖船river tug 内河拖船内河拖轮river wall 河坝river 河river 河江河river 河江江河rivet backer-up 铆工rivet bar 铆钉钢rivet bonding 铆接rivet buster 一种铲除铆钉头的工具rivet connection 铆接rivet deduction 铆钉孔扣除量rivet driver 铆钉枪rivet driver 铆工rivet driver 铆工铆钉枪rivet driver 铆枪rivet flange 铆接法兰rivet girder 铆接桁rivet gun 自动铆钉枪rivet head 铆钉头rivet holder 铆钉挡工rivet hole 铆钉孔rivet in shear 受剪铆钉rivet in tension 受拉铆钉rivet joint 铆接rivet line 铆接线rivet nail 紫铜钉rivet nail 舢板叠接板用的)紫铜钉rivet pin 铆紧销rivet pitch 铆钉间距rivet pitch 铆钉心距rivet point 铆钉尖rivet point 铆端rivet rod 铆钉棒材rivet row 铆钉行数rivet shank 铆钉杆rivet snap 形成圆形铆钉端部的工具rivet spacing 铆钉间隔rivet squad 铆工组rivet steel 铆钉钢rivet structure 铆接结构rivet tail 铆钉尖rivet tail 铆钉梢rivet tail 铆钉镦头rivet tool 铆接工具rivet weld 铆焊rivet 铆钉rivet 铆钉铆接riveted and welded 铆接与焊接的riveted flange 铆接法兰riveted hull 铆接船体riveted joint 铆接riveted joint 铆接接头riveted method 铆接杆件riveted plate girder 铆接板梁riveted plating 铆接板riveted seam 铆钉缝riveted seam 铆接纵缝riveted structure 铆接结构riveted tube 铆接管riveted weld 塞焊riveted 铆接的riveted 铆接的flange铆接法兰riveter 铆钉枪riveter 铆工riveter 铆工铆机riveting die 铆工模riveting dolly 铆钉撑锤riveting gun 铆钉枪riveting hammer 铆锤riveting hull structure 铆接船体结构riveting in groups 成组铆法riveting machine 铆机riveting punch 铆钉冲头riveting ram 铆钉枪riveting ram 铆钉枪水压铆机riveting ram 水压铆机riveting set 铆钉模riveting tool 铆钉工具riveting 铆riveting 铆接rivetjoint 铆接rivetknob 铆工模rivetmachine 制铆钉机rivetseam 铆接缝rivetset 铆钉用具rivetstructure 铆接结构rivier 河riviere 河rivulet 小溪rk 岩石rmc class temporarily suspended 冷藏货设备入级临时注销roach 船尾滚浪;曲拱roach 船尾滚浪曲拱road anchorage 途径停泊场锚泊road anchorage 途径停泊场锚泊近岸锚地road supply 泊地供应road tank carrier 公路油槽车road transit 陆上运输road 道路开敞或半开敞锚地road 路road 停泊场roader 泊地锚泊船roads 航路锚地开敞或半开敞锚地roads 开敞或半开敞锚地roadstead 开敞或半开敞锚地roadstead 开敞锚地roadstead 锚地roadster 锚地工作船roar 轰鸣roaring forties 咆哮西风roband hitch 天幕结robbery insurance 盗窃险roberts radio current meter 罗伯茨无线电海流测量仪(测深水流速和流向robinson'sanemometer 风速表的一种roble 卢布robot buoy 海洋气象自动观测浮标robot engineering 机器人工程学robot manipulator 拟人机操作手robot scaler 自动计算装置robot 摇控设备robot 自动装置robot 自动装置机器人摇控设备robot 自控设备robotization 自动化robust construction 坚固结构robust 坚固的roca 岩石rocha 岩石roche moutonnee 羊背石roche 岩石rochedo 岩石rocher 明礁岩石rock arm 平衡杆rock arm 摇佰rock arm 摇臂平衡杆rock awash 适淹礁rock bound 被岩石包围的rock corusher 碎石船rock covered and uncovered 干出礁rock crystal 水晶rock cutter 碎岩船rock cutter 凿岩船rock foreshore 岩石滩rock oil 汽油石油rock oil 石油rock patch 石滩rock shade 色镜rock steady structure 稳定结构rock uncovered at… 在……露出水面的礁石rock uncovered at… 在…露出水面的礁石rock which covers & uncovers 干出礁rock which covers and uncovers 干出礁rock which does not cover 明碓rock wood 铁梨木rock wool 石棉rock 礁石岩石rock 礁石岩石摇摆rock 岩石rock 岩石底rock 摇动rocker keel 弧形龙骨rocker shaft 摇佰轴rocker arm for valve 气阀摇臂rocker arm plunger 摇臂柱塞rocker arm resistance welding machine 摇臂式接触焊机rocker arm shaft 摇臂轴rocker arm support 摇臂支座rocker arm ways 摇臂导轨rocker arm 摇臂平衡杆rocker arm 摇臂平衡杆连杆刷握臂rocker arrangement 摇臂装置rocker bar 摇杆rocker bearing 摇臂轴承rocker box 摇臂箱rocker die 滑块rocker fulcrum shaft 摇臂支点轴rocker gear mechanism 摇杆齿轮机构rocker joint ring 摇杆节衬环rocker keel line 纵挠龙骨线rocker lever 摇臂rocker mechanism 摇杆机构rocker ring 刷握架环rocker shaft 摇臂轴rocker valve 摇杆阀rocker 龙骨弯曲的船;摇杆rocker 摇臂rockerkeel 弧形龙骨rockershaft 摇臂轴rocket apparatus 火箭装置rocket apparatus 救生绳火箭发射器;火箭抛绳器rocket craft 火箭艇rocket engine 火箭发动机rocket flare 照明弹rocket line box 救生索箱rocket line 火箭救生绳rocket line 救生火箭索rocket line 信号火箭绳rocket linewhirlies 旋风rocket parachute flare 火箭降落伞信号rocket propulsion 火箭推进rocket propulsion 喷气推进rocket rope 火箭抛绳rocket signal 火箭信号rocket socket 火箭筒rocket station 备有火箭抛绳器的救生站rocket station 备有火箭抛绳器的救生站火箭抛缆救生站救生索火箭发射台救生信号站rocket station 火箭抛缆救生站救生索火箭发射台rocket 火箭rocket 火箭发射火箭信号火箭rocketry 火箭技术rocketsonde 火箭测候仪rocking bar 摇杆rocking beam 摇杆rocking cam 摇摆凸轮rocking drum frame 滚筒摇架rocking drum frame 卷筒摇架rocking grate 摇动式炉排rocking grate 摇杆炉排rocking inertia 摇动惯性rocking joint 摇动接头rocking lever 摇臂rocking lever 摇臂杆rocking link 系泊环rocking motion 摇动rocking motion 援动rocking ring 滚环rocking section regulator 摇扇工调节器rocking sector 摇扇rocking shack 系船卸扣rocking shackle 系船卸扣rocking shaft 摇佰轴rocking shaft 摇臂轴rocking the sextant 左右摆动六分仪rocking the sextant 左右摆动六分仪左右摇摆六分仪rocking 摇摆的rocking 摇动rocks 岩石礁石rockshaft 摇臂轴rockwell hardness a-scale 以a分度表示的洛氏硬度rockwell hardness b-scale 以b分度表示的洛氏硬度rockwell hardness c-scale 以c分度表示的洛氏硬度rockwell hardness number 额定马力rockwell hardness number 洛氏硬度数rockwell hardness test 洛氏硬度试验rockwell hardness tester 洛氏硬度试验机rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度rockwell 洛克卫尔rocky area 岩石海底区rocky bottom 暗礁底rocky bottom 岩石海底rocky 岩石的rod actuator 控制棒操纵机构rod calibration 控制棒校准rod chisel 长凿rod drive mechanism 控制棒驱动机构rod electric welding rod 电焊条rod end pin 杆端销rod fender 木条碰垫rod float 杆式浮标rod guide tube 控制棒导管rod iron 圆铁rod jaw 叉杆rod meter 灵敏部rod rigging 拉杆rod rigging 铁牵条rod withdrawal accident 提棒事故rod withdrawal sequence 提棒程序rod 杆rod 控制棒rodada 车辙风(西班牙语rode 锚缆rode 小艇系锚绳rodent 咬的鼠害rodgers' anchor 冰锚rodmeter 传感器杆rods 条材roentgen equivalent man 伦姆roentgen equivalent man 伦姆伦姆roentgen equivalent physical 物理的伦琴当量物理的伦琴当量roentgen radiowave 伦琴射线roentgen ray 光线roentgen 伦琴roentgen 伦琴伦琴roentgen-equivalent 伦琴当量roentgenogram x射线照roentgenogram x射线照相roentgenogramx 射线照相roentgenometer x射线计roentgenometerx 射线计roentgenoscope x射线透视装置roentgenoscopex 射线透视法roentgenoscopex 射线透视装置roentgenoscopy x射线透视法roentgenoscopyx 射线透视法roghtangled spherical triangle 球面直角三角形rogue's yarn 识别绳条rokui 橹梃roll amplitude 横摇幅度roll angle 横摇角roll attitude 横摇位置roll axis of the anchor 锚滚转轴roll axis 横摇轴roll ball for cursor positioning 标线定位滚球roll bending machine 滚弯机roll brush 滚动电刷roll cumulus 卷轴积云roll damper 减横摇装置roll damping control 横摇减摇装置控制机构roll damping device 横摇减摇装置roll damping device 减横摇装置roll damping keel 减摇龙骨roll damping ratio 横摇阻尼系数roll damping tank 消横摇水舱roll damping 横摇减摇roll damping 横摇阻roll damping 横摇阻尼roll electrode 滚动电极roll fading 横摇衰减roll fender 碰垫球roll forging 滚锻roll frequency 横摇频率roll gimbal 横摇悬架roll in-roll-out 转入转出roll mark 辊印roll moment generator 横摇力矩发生器roll moment of inertia 横摇惯性矩roll number 辊轧号数roll on roll-off container 滚装集装箱roll on-off 滚式装卸roll onoff ship 机动车辆专运船(机动车可以驶上船roll onroll off facilities 水平装卸设施roll onroll off ship 滚装船roll onroll off system 水平装卸法roll onroll off 滚装船roll onroll off 滚装船滚上滚下roll onroll-of vessel 滚动船roll onroll-off full container ship 滚装式全集装箱船roll onroll-off ship 滚装船roll onroll-off type 滚装式roll onroll-off vessel 滚动船roll out 转出roll paper 卷纸roll period meter 横摇周期测定器roll plate 轧制钢板roll recording mechanism 横摇记录装置roll response operator 横摇传递函数roll seam welding machine 滚焊机roll shearing machine 滚剪机roll stabilizer 横摇稳定器roll steel 轧钢roll stowing hatchcover 滚卷式舱口盖roll straightener 滚压矫直机roll straightening machine 滚轧平直机roll synchronization 横摇同步roll template 滚压加工样板roll tite hathcover 卷收式舱口盖roll tracer 摇摆记录仪roll transfer function 横摇传递函数roll up hatchcover 滚卷式舱口盖roll welding 滚压焊roll 滚动;横摇;卷;卷roll 滚筒roll 名册roll's end 极限横摇角roll-angle gyroscope 横摇角陀螺仪roll-damping keel 减摇龙骨roll-damping moment 横摇阻尼力矩roll-excitation moment 横摇扰动力矩roll-on lift-on 滚吊式roll-on roll-off terminal 滚装船码头roll-on roll-off 滚装船roll-onroll-off ferry 滚装渡船roll-onroll-off ship 滚装船roll-onroll-off traffic 集装箱)水平装卸法roll-onroll-off vessel 滚装船roll-quenching moment 横摇阻尼力矩roll-sensing accelerograph 横摇加速度自记仪roll-up hatch cover 卷叠式舱口盖rollacceleration 横摇加速度rollangle 横摇角rolled iron 轧制钢材rolled iron 轧制铁rolled material 轧制材料rolled steel 轧钢rolled tap 滚丝锥rolled thread 滚丝rolled tube 轧制管rolled 滚动的滚轧的roller arm fulcrum 滚轮臂支点轴roller arm fulcrum 滚轮臂支点轴roller arm 滚轮臂roller beam 滚动梁roller bearing 滚柱轴承roller bearing 圆柱滚子轴承roller bearing 圆柱滚子轴承滚柱轴承roller bitt 滚子带缆桩roller brushes 滚动电刷roller cam 滚柱凸轮roller cam 滚子凸轮roller chain 滚轮链roller chain 滚子链roller chock 滚柱导缆器roller clearance 滚子间隙roller clutch 滚柱离合器roller contact bearing 滚动轴承roller contact 滚动触头roller conveyer 滚筒传送roller electrode 滚轮电极roller fair lead 滚轮导缆器roller fair-leader 滚柱导缆器roller fairlead 滚柱导缆器roller fender 滚筒碰垫roller flag 卷浪危险旗号roller flattening 辊式矫平机矫平roller for fuel injection pump 喷油泵滚轮roller for rocker arm 摇臂滚轮roller guide 滚子导套roller painting 滚除法roller painting 滚涂法roller pin for fuel pump 喷油泵滚轮销roller pin for rocker arm 摇臂滚轮销roller pin 滚轮销roller rule 滚动平行尺roller shackle 有滑轮的卸扣roller shaft 滚轮轴roller sheave 轴承滑轮roller tappet 带滚轮挺杆roller thrust bearing 滚柱推力轴承roller thrust bearing 圆柱滚子推力轴承roller towing link 滚轮拖曳联杆roller tube expander 滚柱式扩管器roller 滚子rolling acceleration criterion 横摇加速度衡准数rolling acceleration facter 横摇加速度因数rolling and hinged cradle davit 滚轮铰链型艇架rolling and pitching loads 摇荡载荷rolling and tipping hatchcover 滚翻式舱口盖rolling angle 横摇角rolling angle 横摇角船舶)横摇角横摇角rolling ball planimeter 转球面积仪rolling bearing 滚动轴承rolling caisson 滚动式坞门rolling caisson 滚动式坞门(坞门重量大于它的排水量rolling caisson 滚动坞门rolling cargo 滚装货rolling cargo 滚装货物rolling center 横摇中心rolling chock (锅炉rolling chock (锅炉rolling chock 防动垫木;舭龙骨rolling chock 防滚撑座rolling chock 减摇龙骨rolling circle 基圆rolling cleat 滚轮导缆耳rolling couple 横摇力偶rolling cradle type davit 滚动型艇架rolling criterion 横摇衡准rolling data receiver 横摇数据接收器rolling disc planimeter 转盘面积仪rolling door 滚动式门rolling error 摇摆误差rolling experiment 横摇试验rolling fiddle 餐桌挡板rolling friction 滚动摩擦rolling gear 盘车装置rolling guide 滚动导轨rolling hatch beam 滚动舱口梁rolling hatch cover 滚动式舱盖rolling hatch panel 滚轮舱盖板rolling hatchcover 滚动式舱口盖rolling hitch 轮结rolling indicator 横摇指示器rolling keel 舭龙骨rolling keel 舭龙骨减摇龙骨防滚动撑座rolling lever 摇杆rolling load 滚动载荷rolling lock gate 滚动式船闸门rolling machine 横摇机rolling mill 轧钢机rolling moment 横摇力矩rolling motion 滚动横摇rolling motion 横摇rolling motion 横摇运动rolling oscillation 横荡rolling period 横摇周期rolling period 横摇周期船)横摇周期rolling recorder 横摇记录器rolling recorder 横摇记录仪rolling resistance 滚动阻力rolling resistance 横摇阻力rolling sea 卷浪rolling seam weld 滚焊焊缝rolling spar 撑艇杆rolling stay 防摇牵条或支索rolling steel door 钢制转门rolling stress 横摇应力rolling surface 滚动面rolling swell 滚涌rolling swell 卷浪rolling tackle 防摇绞辘rolling tank stabilization system 水舱室减摇装置rolling type hatchcover 滚动式舱口盖rolling type of beam 滚动式梁rolling velocity 横摇速度rolling 滚动摇摆rolling 滚动摇摆可滚动的摇摆的rolling 横摇;滚动的rolling 摇摆性rollingbalance 横摇测量器rollingcargo 滚装货rollperiod 横摇周期rollrate 横摇角速率rollstabilization 减横摇rolltite hatchcover 卷收式舱口盖rolo vehiclecontainer carrier 车辆或集装箱滚吊兼用船roman law 古罗马法罗马法roman law 罗马法roman number for 90 罗马字90roman numeral for 300 罗马字300roman type 正体romanesque legal systemc 罗马法系romania 罗马尼亚rombow line 再生绳rombowline 再生绳roof bow 顶梁roof fire boiler 顶部点火锅炉roof of the furnace 炉膛顶部roof rail 顶部桁材roof rail 集装箱)顶部桁材roof rails 顶部桁材roof sheet 顶板roof side rail 上桁梁roof 顶部roof 顶部屋顶遮蔽roof 箱顶roof 箱顶;屋顶roofed-over berth 有顶船台roofing plate 隔热覆板room air conditioner 室内空调器room air-conditioner 舱室空调器room and space 肋距room and space 木船)肋矩木船)肋距room conditioning 空调room control 控制室控制room draught 室内通风room heater 舱室供暖器room heater 舱室取暖器room heater 室内暖气room humidistat 舱室湿度调节器room temperature curing adhesive 室温固化粘合剂room temperature 室温room thermostat 室内恒温器room thermostat 室用恒温器room 舱room 房间room 控制室room 室roost 喧嚣潮汐急流roost 喧嚣潮汐急流;避风停泊处rooster-tail 船尾急流root angle 齿根锥角root bend test 根部弯曲试验root circle 齿根圆root cooled blade 根冷叶片root crack 根部裂缝root diameter 齿根直径root edge 坡口根部边缘root face 齿根面root face 齿根面焊缝的根部面root mean square error 均方根误差root mean square error 均方误差root mean square value 均方值root mean square 均方根root mean-square current 均方根面root mean-square error 均方根误差root mean-square velocity 均方根速度root of blade 叶根root of joint 接头根部root of notch 凹槽根部root of the contract 合同根基root of thread 螺纹牙底root of tooth 齿根root of welding 焊根root pass 根部焊道root piece 隔叶件root piece 隔叶片root run 第一层焊root run 根部焊道root run 根部焊缝root section 根部截面root sum square 和的平方根root valve 分支阀root 根root 根;根源;开方根root 根据root's blower pump 罗茨鼓风泵root's blower 双转子鼓风机root's compressor 罗茨压气机root's meter 罗茨流量表root's 罗茨root-mean-square 均方根值rootmean-square 均方根roove clinker nail 垫片弯尖钉roove clinker nail 紫铜钉roove 菱形凹面垫片roove 毛口rooving 把紫铜钉的头在一小块铜垫片上弄弯ropac 侧立冰ropak 侧立冰rope barrel 钢索卷筒rope barrel 绳缆卷筒rope belt 排绳传送带rope belt 绳带rope bridge 缆索桥rope cable 纤维缆绳rope capacity 容绳量rope chute 缆绳槽rope clamp 钢索夹(由两块扁铁及固定螺栓组成rope clip 钢索夹(由一块铁片及一个u形螺栓组成rope compressor 制缆器rope connecting plate 连索板rope coupling 索节rope driven 钢索传动的rope end 索端rope fender 绳碰垫rope furnishing tool 帆缆作业用具rope gauge 绳索卡尺rope gearing 钢索传动装置rope grating 绳索格栅rope grommet 索耳rope hole 绳索孔rope ladder 软梯rope ladder 绳梯rope locker 绳索库rope lug 绳钓rope maker 缆索工rope of sand 靠不住的结合rope packing 麻绳填料rope pulley 绳索滑轮rope pulley 绳索轮rope roller 导缆滚子rope shack 缆索卸扣rope shackle 具有椭圆形截面插销的卸扣rope sheave 绳索滑轮rope sheave 绳索轮rope sling 吊货索环rope sling 索套rope slocket 索接头rope socker 钢索端眼具rope socket 钢索连接眼环rope socket 索接头rope spinning 搓绳rope stopper 制动索rope store 缆绳储存舱rope strop 滑车带rope strop 滑车带;滑车环索rope strop 滑车带滑车环索rope tackle block 绳滑车rope tension damper 索张力缓冲器rope traction 拖索牵引rope transmission 钢索传动rope yarn knot 绳条结rope yarn packing 绳条填料rope yarn 绳条由丝搓成rope 缆索用绳捆住rope 棉纱绳rope 绳rope-ladder 绳梯ropical pacific air mass 热带太平洋气团roping needle 缝帆粗眼针roping palm 掌革roping 帆边绳roro access equipment 滚装通道设备roro container ship 滚装集装箱船roro container ship 滚装式集装箱货船roro ship 滚装船roro system 开上开下船舶roro vessel 滚装船roro yard 滚装船码头堆货场roroaccess equipment 滚装通道设备rorocontainer-ship 滚装集装箱船rosau 罗索风rose box 舱底水滤箱rose box 蜂巢箱rose box 吸入滤网箱rose lashing 交花绑rose nail 大方钉rose nail 矩形甲板钉rose seizing 交花绑rose 滤板;罗经花;丹毒rose 滤器rose 滤器莲蓬头灯线盒刻度盘rose 滤器莲蓬头灯线盒刻度盘玫瑰图rose 滤器滤器莲篷头灯线盒刻度盘玫瑰图rosette 插座rosette 插座线线盒rosette 圆花饰rosin products 树脂产品rosin 树脂rosin 松香;树脂rosita 橹叶ross sea 罗斯海rossby's atmospheric circulation 罗斯贝大气环流rossel current 罗素洋流roster 人名单rot resistance 防霉rot 腐败rotameter 转子流量表rotameter 转子流量计rotary air pump 回转式空气泵rotary amplifier 旋转放大器rotary balance log 转轮式计程仪rotary balancer 转动平衡器rotary barrel throttle 回转节流阀rotary barrel throttle 旋转节流阀rotary base junction 回转接触装置rotary beacon 旋转航标rotary blower type supercharger 回转鼓风式增压器rotary blower 回转式鼓风机rotary burner 旋转式燃烧器rotary cam type automatic voltage regulator 旋转凸轮式自动电压调整器rotary casting 离心铸造rotary compressor 回转式压缩机rotary condenser 旋转电容器rotary contact 旋转触头rotary converter 旋转变流器rotary converter 旋转换流器rotary conveyor 皮带输送机rotary conveyor 皮带运输机rotary crane 回转起重机rotary crane 旋转起重机rotary crank mechanism 回转曲柄机构rotary cup burner 旋杯式燃烧器rotary current converter 变流机组rotary current 多相电流rotary current 回转流;多相电流rotary current 回转流多相电流rotary davit 回转式吊艇柱rotary davit 回转式吊艇柱旋转式吊艇柱rotary davit 旋转式吊艇柱rotary disk bit 圆盘形扁锥rotary displacement pump 回转式排量泵rotary distributor 旋转式分配器rotary drill 旋转式钻孔机rotary drum regenerator 转鼓式回热器rotary drum 滚筒rotary dry vacuum pump 干吸回转真空泵rotary dry vacuum pump 干吸回转真空泵旋转真空干燥泵rotary dry vacuum pump 旋转真空干燥泵rotary electrical joint 回转接电装置rotary engine 旋转式发动机rotary exhaust valve 回转式排气阀rotary frequency converter 变频机组rotary heat exchanger 回转式热交换器rotary heel block 转动尾墩rotary hunting connector 旋转寻线机rotary hydraulic motor 转翼式液压马达rotary inertia 转动惯量rotary interrupter 旋转式断续器rotary jet 旋转喷射器rotary jig 回转夹具plate development jig 外板展开器rotary jig 回转夹具plate development jig外板展开器rotary line 钻井钢丝绳rotary load 旋转负荷rotary loop aerial 旋转环状天线rotary machine 回转式机械rotary machine 旋转式机械rotary magnet 旋转磁铁rotary mechanical atomizing oil burner 旋转式燃烧器rotary motion 回转运动rotary movement relay 旋转继电器rotary oil burner 旋转式燃烧器。
Unit 3 Sea Exploration Words and Expressions 必修第四册
随堂演练 单句语法填空/完成句子 ① Following his nervous breakdown, he withdrew from public life and refused to give any interviews. ② American withdrawal (withdraw) might produce a cascade of problems in the area. ③ The team had to withdraw from the woods , because they came across a flock of mad bees.
我们每天留出一小时用于复习吧。 ④ China Mobile employees set up a 5G station in Urumqi, the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.
extend vt. 扩展;使伸长;延长 1. The school is extending the range of subjects taught.
3. Mothers who are depressed sometimes fail to bond with their children. 患忧郁症的母亲有时无法和孩子建立亲子关系。
bond between A and B A与B的关系/纽带 bond A and B (together) 把A和B联系在一起 bond A to B 把A和B联系在一起 bond with sb. 增强与某人的信任关系;建立与某人的互信关系
China ships sail in waters near disputed islands
China ships sail in waters near disputed islandsSix Chinese surveillance ships briefly entered waters around islands claimed by both Japan and China, amid a bitter territorial dispute.China said the ships were carrying out "law enforcement" to show jurisdiction over the islands, called Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan.Three vessels left after a short time and the other three have now also left, the Japanese coast guard said.The move came after Japan sealed a deal to buy three of the islands. Japan controls the uninhabited but resource-rich East China Sea islands, which are also claimed by Taiwan.Three were in the hands of a private Japanese owner but the Japanese government bought them earlier this week.'No force'The Japanese Coast Guard said the first two Chinese boats entered Japan's territorial waters at 06:18 local time (21:18 GMT Thursday), followed by another fleet of four other ships just after 07:00.Three ships moved away from the islands about 90 minutes later, amid warnings from the Japanese coast guard, followed hours later by the other three, NHK reported.Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda established a task force to address the issue, local reports said, and the government also summoned the Chinese ambassador to lodge a protest."We understand that the dispatch of six ships is surely an unprecedented case, considering past incidents," Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said.He added that Japan asked China to "secure the safety" of its nationals after a report from its Shanghai consulate that a Japanese group was "assaulted by Chinese" at a restaurant.The Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed early on Friday that its ships were there."These law enforcement and patrol activities are aimed to demonstrate China's jurisdiction over the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islets and ensure the country's maritime interests," a statement said.Trade fearsThe US has called for ''cooler heads to prevail'' as tension intensifies between China and Japan over the islands, which lie south of Okinawa and north of Taiwan.US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is due to visit both Japan and China from this weekend as part of a tour of the region.The dispute has seriously marred diplomatic relations between China and Japan and threatens to damage the strong trading relationship, says the BBC's John Sudworth in Beijing.The row has also generated strong nationalist sentiment on both sides that observers say now makes it very difficult to be seen to be backing down, says our correspondent.The Japanese government says it is buying the islands to promote their stable and peaceful management.Its move followed a bid by right-wing Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara to buy the islands using public donations - an action that would likely have provoked China even more.China, on the other hand, says the islands have historically been its territory and fishing grounds.Meanwhile Japan's newly-appointed ambassador to China, Shinichi Nishimiya, remains in hospital in Tokyo after he was found unconscious near his home in Tokyo on Thursday.No details have been given on his condition. He was appointed on Tuesday to replace Uichiro Niwa, who has been criticised for his handling of one of the worse diplomatic rows between Japan and China in recent years.。
中国海洋大学大英3第七单元蓝鸽词汇1.The old man was in ______ of doubt.A. agonyB. the agonyC. agoniesD. the agonies[1]. a2. He’s in ______ that he’s won the Nobel Prize.A. ecstasyB. blissC. raptureD. transport[2]. b3. However, at times this balance in nature is _______, resulting in a number of possible unforeseen effects.A. troubledB. confusedC. disturbedD. puzzled[3].c4. Learn to ______ before you leap.A. creepB. climbC. mountD. rise[4].a5. We welcome rain, but a (an) _______ large amount of rainfallwill cause floods.A. extensiveB. extremelyC. speciallyD. constantly[5].d6. My pulse was ______ with excitement.A. throbbingB. poundingC. strikingD. knocking[6]. a7. Where did you ________ your English?A. push upB. pick upC. pull upD. pulls off[7]. b8. He is fed up with the skyscrapers, noise, pollution and traffic jam that are part of _______life..A. ruralB. suburbanC. urbanD. usual[8]. a9. My complexion remained pale and _____.A. pastyB. pastaC. pasteD. patter[9]. a10. Someone who likes to spend a lot of time sitting or lying down while watching television is sometimes called a _______.A. couch tomatoB. potato crispsC. tomato couchD. couch potato[10].d11. Too much ______ to the sun is bad for the skin.A. exposureB. exhibitionC. extensionD. expansion[11]. b12. His body temperature has been _____ for three days, the highest point reaching40.5 degree centigrade.A. uncommonB. disorderedC. abnormalD. extraordinary[12]. c13. People have been reluctant to make formal ________to the police.A. complaintB. complainC. complimentD. complication14. ___________ this, several other benefits are offered.A. on the top ofB. on top ofC. on topD. in top of[14]. b15. ______ he works hard, I don't mind when he finishes the experiment.A As soon asB As well asC As far asD So long as[15]. d16. The higher I got, the deeper I _____ into a dark, lonely place.A. sinkB. sinkedC. sunkD. sank[16]. d17. She said her husband _______ her.A. neglectedB. ignoredC. omittedD. overlooked[17]. b18. It seems certain areas in the brain are responsible _______ drug dependence.A. ofC. forD. to[18]. c19. The experiment indicates they are willing to give up things like food and water just to continue receiving the _______ stimulation.A. electricalB. electricC. electronicsD. electrify[19].a20. The bank robber has been sentenced to a ten-year imprisonment ______ he had known the consequence before he committed the robbery.A. as ifB. only ifC. if onlyD. as only[20]. c21. A few large mirrors in the room would give the ______ of extra space.A. illustrationB. illusionC. illusiveD. illumination[21]. a22. Learning disabilities may help explain why some students do not _____ as well in school as intelligence tests suggest theyshould.A. undertakeB. holdC. playD. perform[22]. d23. John Dewey believed that teaching must _____ the curiosity and creativity of children.A. seekB. stimulateC. shapeD. secure[23]. b24. He strongly believes that it’s not ______ to judge a man only by his looks.A. reliableB. convenientC. dependentD. convincible[24]. a25. I found myself ______ by a pack of wolves.A. surroundedB. surroundingC. been surroundedD. surround[25]. a26. IQ is an abbreviation for ______ quotient.A intellect B. intelligence C. integrated D. inclusive[26]. b27. The factory has been ______ the new boss for five months.A. in charge ofB. in the charge ofC. with charge ofD. with the charge of[27]. b28. It was reported that the oil company was ______ collapse.A. by the edge ofB. above the edge ofC. on the edge of B. beyond the edge of[28]. c29. We must ______ a thorough plan before we launch the campaign.A. layB. lay inC. lay outD. lay off[29]. c30. The police suspect him ______ killing his colleague.A. aboutB. onC. withD.of[30].d31. Research suggests that children whose parents ______are more likely to drop out of high school.A. spit upB. spit uponC. split upD. split array[31]. c32. Chinese scientists ______the expedition to the Antarctic.A. pulled offB. pulled ofC. pushed offD. pushed of[32]. a33. Hardly___________________ a student came to visit her.A. she had gone out whenB. had she gone out whenC. she had gone out thanD. had she gone out than[33]. b34. The prisoner will be _____by the judge tomorrow.A. murderedB. implementedC. executedD. excused[34]. c35. Nothing _____, nothing have.A. virtueB. virusC. ventedD. venture[35]. d36. He asked for ice for his whiskey and _____ to get contentedly drunk.A proceed B. processed C. proceeded D. processing[36].a37. We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield ______ any military threat.A) up B) to C) in D) at[37]. b38. Which sport has the most expenses ______ training equipment, players' personal equipment and uniforms?A) in place of B) in terms of C) by means of D) by way of[38].b39. The relationship between employers and employees has been studied ______.A) originally B) extremely C) violently D) intensively[39]. d40. Since the matter was extremely ____, we dealt with it immediately.A) tough B) tense C) urgent D) innocent[40]. c41. Having decided to rent a flat, we ______ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.A) set about B) set down C) set out D) set up[41]. a42. He hoped the firm would ______ him to the Paris branch.A) exchange B) transmit C) transfer D) execute[42]. c43. As a result of careless washing the jacket ______ to a child's size.A) compressed B) shrank C) dropped D) decreased[43].b44. The car ______ halfway for no reason.A) broke off B) broke down C) broke up D) broke out[44]. b45. Now the _________ is appealing for witnesses who may have seen anything suspicious last night.A) detect B) detector C) detective D) detecter[45].c46. The soldiers met severe resistance and need ______ forces.A. immediateB. forwardC. back-up D heavy[46].c47.The newcomers found it impossible to ______ themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.A suit B. adapt C. regular D. coordinate[47]. b48. He was ______ to take over the position of party chairman.A. designatedB. designedC. namedD. pointed[48]. a49.As a result of _____ the three people were charged with possessing illegal drugs.A assaultB attack C. invade D. raid[49]. d50. Y ou cannot search my house without a search _______.A. warrantB. licenseC. passportD. certificate[50]. a。
海上钻井英语500 句RIG JACKING-DOWN AND LEG-PULLING OUT降船及拔桩1、 Everything’ s ready for the move? Has the unloading finished?准备工作做得怎么样?卸载做完没有?2、 They are working to remove the wedges ?此刻正在拔桩脚楔块。
3、 The derrick has been skidded to the towing position?井架已移到适航地点。
4、 Drop NO.2 anchor first ,and then No.3 .先抛 2 号锚,后抛 3 号锚。
5、 How far are going to lay out the anchor line ?锚缆绳需要放多少?6、 Keep five warps on the drum and lay out the rest .尽可能放,滚筒上留 5 圈。
7、 We ’ve got through with the anchors,It’s ready for the boat to connect now.已抛完锚,能够接拖了。
8、 Have you got emergency equipments ready for the moving ?拖航作业的应急器械准备完了吗?9、 The variable load is over the allowable limit. We ll have to unload ’the surplus cement,drilling to unload the surplus cement,drilling water and some diesel oil.可变负荷超出同意量了,应当卸掉剩余的水泥、钻井水,以及部分油。
10、 I s it O.K to jack the rig down today?今日能够降船吗?11、 We can t ’jack down the rig as the weather is bad.天气不好,不可以降船。
Mystical and weird sea creatures
※ Vampyroteuthis infernalis (吸血鬼乌贼)
It is neither the inkfish(乌贼) nor the octopus(章鱼)。 It is the ancestor of them. They live in deep water. The length of the body is about 30cm
Mystical and weird sea creatures
※ Salamandrae (蝾螈)
They can release stick adhesive when they hunt food or stay in danger
Mystical and weird sea creatures
Mystical and weird sea creatures
※ There are so many organism in the sea, include some mystical and weird specises.
Li Zhilin
Mystical and weird sea creatures
※ Psychrolutesmarcidus (水滴鱼)
◆ Why they are so ‘sad’?
1. Ugly?They are called the ugliest fish in the word.
On 13th September,2013 the result of a vote activity in England showed that psychrolutesmarcidus were rated the ugliest fish in the world .
航海及海运专业英语词汇(R4)reserve antenna 备用天线reserve battery 备用电池reserve bunker 备用煤舱reserve bunker 备用燃料舱reserve buoyance 储备浮力reserve buoyancy 储备浮力reserve bus-bar 备用汇流排reserve capacity 储备功率reserve capacity 储备功率储备容量reserve capacity 储备容量reserve capacity 储备容量储备功率reserve coal bunker 备用煤舱reserve engine 备用发动机reserve feed water tank 备用给水柜reserve feed water 备用给水准备饮用水reserve feed water 储备给水reserve feed water 准备饮用水reserve feed 备用给水reserve feed 备用给水柜reserve feed 备用给水柜备用给水舱reserve feedtank 备用给水柜reserve feedwater 备用给水reserve fuel 贮备燃料reserve generator 备用发电机reserve generator 应急发电机reserve horse power 储备马力reserve horse-power 储备马力reserve installation 备用设备reserve level 备用量reserve lubricating oil tank 备用润滑油柜reserve machine 备用机reserve machine 备用机器reserve navigation light 备用航行灯reserve of buoyancy 储备浮力reserve of damage stability 破舱稳性储备量reserve of holding power 抓力储备reserve of stability 稳性储备reserve oil bunker 备用燃油舱reserve oil bunker 备用燃油柜reserve oil bunker 备用油舱reserve operational communication officer 预备通信报务员reserve power station 备用电站reserve power station 备用发电机reserve power supply 备用电源reserve power 储备功率reserve protection 后备保reserve pump 备用泵reserve radiotelegraph installation 备用无线电报设备reserve receiver 备用收信机reserve set 备用机组reserve source of electric power 备用电源reserve space 保留舱容reserve speed 保留航速reserve switch board 备用配电板reserve tank 备用柜reserve transmitter 备用发信机reserve 保留reserve 储备储备量储备品reserve 储备量储备品reserve 后备基金reserve 预备reserved as spare 备用reserved seaplane area 水上飞机专用水域reserved space 备用舱reserved volume of traffic 保留货载reservenaval 海军预备役reserveoil bunker 备用油舱reservoir capacitance 储能电容reservoir 容器reservoir 贮水池;水库;贮汽器reset attachment 复位装置reset button 复位按钮reset coil 复位线圈reset condition 原始状态复位条件reset contactor 复位接触器reset control 复位控制reset flip-flop 复位触发器reset gate 复位门reset lever 复位杆reset pulse 清除脉冲reset relay 恢复继电器reset response 复位作用reset setting 复位调整reset signal 复位信号reset speed 复位速度reset switch 复位开关reset time 复位reset time 复位时间reset 复位reset 复原reset 清除resettability 可重调性resetting device 复位装置resetting device 复位装置再整定装置resetting mechanism 复位机构resetting 复位resetting 复位重装reshabar 黑风reship 再次装船reship 重新装运reshipment 重新装船reshipment 重装resid 残油resident inspector 驻厂检查员resident supervisor 常驻监造员residual area 剩余面积residual austenite 残余奥氏体residual capacity 剩余电容residual charge 剩余电荷residual class ring 剩余类环residual deformation 残留变形residual deformation 残余变形residual deviation 剩余自差residual dynamic stability 剩余动稳性residual elasticity 残余弹性residual elasticity 残余弹性弹性后效residual electric charge 剩余电荷residual electricity 剩电residual errors 剩余误差residual flux 残油residual flux 残油residual fuel oil 残余燃油residual fuel 剩余燃料residual gas 残余气体residual gas 剩余气体residual light 余光residual list 剩余横倾residual magnetism effect 剩磁效应residual magnetism 剩磁residual magnetism 剩余磁感应residual magnetization 剩余磁化residual maximum stability lever 临界吃水critical draft剩余稳性最大值residual metacentric height 剩余稳心高度residual oil standard discharge connection 残油标准排放接头residual oil 渣油residual polarization 剩余极化residual resistance 剩余阻力residual righting lever 剩余复原力臂residual sea water pump 排污泵residual stability area 剩余稳性面积residual stability range 剩余稳距residual stability requirement 剩余稳性要求residual stability standard 剩余稳性标准residual stability 剩余稳性residual strain 残余应变residual strength after wear and tear 磨损后剩余强度residual stud 防粘螺柱residual sum of squares 残差平方和residual velocity 剩余速度residual velocity 剩余粘度residual voltage 剩余电压residual water 残余水residual 残余的residual 剩余residual 剩余的residuals 剩余residuary resistance 剩余阻力residue cargo 剩下货物residue discharge rate 残余物排放率residue of combustion 燃烧残余物residue quantity 残余物数量residue 残余residue 残余物residue 剩余resilent type mooring 减震式系船设施resilience 弹性resilience 弹性;恢复力;冲击韧性resilience 弹性能resilient coating 弹性覆层resilient mounting 减震器resilient mounting 减震器减震固定件resilient mounting 减振器resilient 有弹性的resiliently mounted 弹性固定的resin board 树脂板resin bond 树脂粘合resin bonded plywood 树脂胶合板resin bonded 树脂粘结的resin cement 树脂胶合剂resin cored solder 松香芯焊锡条resin cored solder 松香心焊锡条resin emulsion 树脂乳状液resin ester 酯化树脂resin flake 树脂薄片resin glass 树脂玻璃resin glass 塑料玻璃resin glue 树脂粘合剂resin glue 树脂粘结剂resin matrix 树脂基体resin mold type transistor 树脂模盘型晶体管resin oil 树脂油resin paint 树脂漆resin plasticizer 树脂增塑剂resin putty 树脂油灰resin 树脂resin 树脂松香树脂制品用树脂处理resin-bonded plywood 树脂胶合板resinoid 势固树脂a.树脂状的resinoid 势固树脂树脂状的resinous 树脂的resipsa loquitur 事物本身说明问题resist film 保膜resist 保层抗蚀剂抵抗resist 抗蚀剂resistance alloy 电阻合金resistance area of shank and crown 锚干及锚冠的抗埋面积resistance box 电阻箱resistance braking 能耗制动resistance breaker 电阻断路器resistance bridge 电阻电桥resistance bulb 变阻灯泡resistance butt joint 电阻对焊接头resistance capacitance coupled amplifier 电阻-电容耦合放大器resistance capacitance network 电阻-电容网络resistance capacitance transistor logic 电阻-电容晶体管逻辑resistance capacity coupling 阻容耦合resistance coating 防护涂层resistance coefficient 阻力系数resistance coil 电阻线圈resistance condenser coupled 阻容耦合resistance controller 电阻控制器resistance coupled amplifier 电阻耦合放大器resistance coupling 电阻耦合resistance curve 阻力曲线resistance drop 电阻电压降resistance drop 电阻压降resistance dynamometer carriage 阻力仪拖车resistance experiment 阻力试验resistance factor 阻抗因数resistance flash butt welding 闪光对接焊resistance force 阻力resistance furnace 电阻炉resistance heating 电阻加热resistance in parallel 并联电阻resistance in series 串联电阻resistance in waves 波浪中阻力resistance law 阻力定律resistance lead 电阻引线resistance losses 电阻损耗resistance magnetometer 电阻式磁强计resistance material 电阻材料resistance meter 电阻表resistance modulus 阻力模量resistance of aging 抗老化能力resistance of exhaust 排气阻力resistance of friction 摩擦阻力resistance of ground connection 接地电阻resistance of medium 介质电阻resistance of oxidation 抗氧化能力resistance of rudder 舵阻力resistance of trailing stream 尾流阻力resistance potentiometer 电阻电位计resistance pressure 阻力resistance protection 电阻保装置resistance pyrometer 电阻高温计resistance regulator 电阻调节器resistance sensor 电阻传感器resistance speed curve 阻力-速度曲线resistance spot welding 接触点焊resistance standard 电阻标准resistance switch 电阻开关resistance temperature detector 电阻式温度探测器resistance test 阻力试验resistance thermometer bulb 电阻温度计管resistance thermometer 电阻温度表resistance thermometer 电阻温度计resistance to bend 抗弯能力resistance to brittle fracture 抗脆裂性resistance to case 对机壳电阻resistance to chemical attack 抗化学腐蚀能力resistance to cleavage 抗裂性能resistance to compression 抗压缩能力resistance to corrosion 抗蚀能力resistance to flooding 抗浸水性resistance to ground 对地电阻resistance to heat 耐热性能resistance to rolling 横摇阻力resistance to rust 抗锈性resistance to shear 抗剪能力resistance to slip 滑动阻力resistance to sparking 击穿电阻resistance to tension 抗拉能力resistance to wear and tear 耐磨性resistance to wear 抗磨强度resistance to wear 耐磨能力resistance toheat 耐热性能resistance transducer 电阻传感器resistance tube 电阻管resistance unit 电阻元件resistance valve 阻流阀resistance welding machine 电阻焊机resistance welding 电阻焊resistance welding 电阻焊接resistance winding 欧姆绕组resistance wire strain gauge 电阻丝应变仪resistance 抵抗resistance 电阻阻力resistance 电阻阻力阻抗resistance 流动阻力resistance 蠕变强度resistance 阻力;抵抗;电阻resistance 阻力电阻resistance 阻力电阻阻抗抗…性resistance-capacitance 电阻-电容resistance-inductance-capacitance 电阻-电抗-电容resistance-speed curve 阻力速度关系曲线resistance-welding process 电阻焊工艺resistant coefficient 船舶阻力系数resistant 防腐剂resisted roll 有阻尼横摇resisted rolling 阻尼横摇resister 防腐剂resisting corrosion 抗腐蚀性resisting medium 阻尼介质resisting moment 阻力矩resisting 抵抗的稳定的resisting 抗蠕变的resistive loading 电阻性负载resistive transducer 电阻传感器resistive 有阻力的电阻的resistive-capacitive 阻—容的resistivity 比阻resistivity 电阻率resistor board 电阻器板resistor house 舱面电机操纵室resistor house 电动机控制器室resistor starting 电阻器起动resistor transistor logic 电阻-晶体管逻辑resistor 电阻resistor 电阻电阻器resistor 电阻器resistor-capacitor diode transistor logic 电阻电容二极管晶体管逻辑resistor-capacitor-transistor logic 电阻电容晶体管逻辑resistor-transistor logic 电阻—晶体管逻辑resistron 光阻摄像管resite 已凝酚醛树脂resitol 可凝酚醛树脂resnatron 分米波超高功率四极管resol 可溶酚醛树脂resolder 再焊接resolder 重焊resolution in bearing 方位分辨力resolution in range 距离分辨力resolution in range 距离分辨能力resolution of force 力分解resolution of vectors 矢量分析resolution 清晰度resolution 清晰度;分辨能力resolution 析像能力resolve 解析resolve 使分解resolver 分解器resolver 分解器;分相器resolver 解算装置resolving power 分辨能力resolving time 分辨时间resonance amplifier 调谐放大器resonance amplitude 共振振幅resonance bridge 谐振电桥resonance chamber 谐振空腔、谐振箱resonance changer 共振变换装置resonance characteristic 共振特性resonance check test 共振检查试验resonance circuit 谐振电路resonance condition 共振状态resonance condition 共振状态共振条件resonance current 谐振电流resonance curve 共振曲线resonance frequency meter 谐振式频率计resonance frequency 谐振频率resonance indicator 谐振式指示器resonance inspection test 共振检查试验resonance instrument 谐振式仪器resonance irradiation 共振辐照resonance level 谐振级resonance model 共振模型resonance modulus 共振模量resonance peak 谐振峰resonance phenomenon 共鸣现象resonance point 共振点resonance potential 谐振电位resonance range 共振区resonance speed 共振转速resonance test 共振试验resonance transformer 谐振式变压器resonance vibration 共振resonance wavemeter 谐振式波长计resonance zone 谐振区resonance 共振resonance 谐振resonant cavity 空腔谐振器resonant cavity 谐振空腔resonant combustion phase 共振燃烧状态resonant frequency 谐振频率resonant frequency 谐振频率共振频率resonant heaving 谐振垂荡resonant iris 谐振膜片resonant mode 谐振模resonant pitching 谐振纵摇resonant rolling 共振横摇resonant speed 共振转速resonant type muffler 共振式哨声器resonant type muffler 共振式消声器resonant vibration 共振resonant 共振的resonant 谐振的resonator 谐振器resonator 谐振器共鸣器resorb 再吸收resorber 吸收器resorcinol 间苯二酚resorption refrigerating system 再吸收式制冷系统resorption refrigerating system 再吸收试制冷系统resorption 再吸收resort 场所resource limit exceeded 超出资源限度resource 资源resource 资源办法resources allocation and multiple project scheduling 资源分配及多计划调度resources data file 资料数据文件respacing 重间隔respacing 重间隙respectively 各自的相应的respectively 各自的相应的相应地respectively 相应地respects 方面respirator 呼吸器respirator 呼吸器防尘面罩respirator 口罩resplicing 重铰接respond 反应respond 响应respondentia bond 货物抵押借款契约respondentia 货物抵押借款responder beacon 应答式无线电指向标responder beacon 应答式无线电指向标应答信标responder beacon 应答信标responder 船载)雷达应答器应答机responder 应答器responder-beacon 应答器信标responding value 动作值response alarm 越超警报响应信号response behaviour 反应状态response capacity 反应能力response characteristic 响应特性曲线response characteristic 响应特性曲线灵敏度特性曲线response curve 响就碘线灵敏度特性曲线response curve 响就碘线响应曲线response curve 响应曲线response delay 反应延迟response element 敏感元件response function 响应函数response in shallow water 浅水反应response lag 反应滞后response on radar displays 雷达显示特性response rate 加载性response spectral density 响应谱密度response time 响应时间response to rudder force 对舵力的响应response to rudder 应舵response 回答response 控制反应response 特性曲线;响应response 响应response 响应响应曲线responser =responsor询问机接收部分responser 雷达应答器)询问机接收部分responsibilities between vessels 船舶之间的责任responsibilities for delay in delivery of the vessel 延迟交船责任responsibilities of agents 代理人职责responsibility clause 责任条款responsibility for counterfeiting nationality and illegal hanging national flag 假冒国籍非法悬挂国旗的责任responsibility for inspection 检验责任responsibility of sea transport terminal opevator 海上运输港站经营人责任responsibility 偿付能力responsibility 偿付能力响应性responsibility 响应性responsible operator position 责任话务员座席responsible operator position 责任话务员座席responsive 响应的responsor 船载接收机responsor 询问机接收部分responsorrestart 使)再起动resported discontinued 据报已停止使用rest bar 支承扁钢rest contact 静触点rest pin 支承销rest potential 稳定电位rest room 休息舱rest 架rest 休止restart capability 再起动能力restart command circuit 再起动指令电路restart key 再起动键restart 再起动restatement of the law of conflict of laws of the u.s.a. 美国冲突法汇编restaurant 饭店resting keel 坐坞龙骨resting point 支持点resting 搁置的restinga 浅滩restitution 归还restitution 恢复restlessness 不安定航向不稳性restorability 复原能力restorability 恢复能力restoration of class 船级恢复restoration of class 恢复船级restoration of class 恢复船级船级恢复restoration of original condition 恢复原状restoration 恢复restorative force 恢复力restorative 恢复的restore 还原restore 恢复restore 恢复;复原;修复;归还restorer 恢复器restorer 恢复设备restoring circuit 复原电路restoring repair 恢复性修理restoring spring 复原弹簧restoring time 恢复时间restoring 恢复的restowage 倒载翻舱restowage 重装restrain 限制restrain 抑制restrained beam 端部约束梁restrained beam 两端固定梁restrained line 固定管道restrainer 限制器restrainer 限制器抑制剂restrainer 抑制剂restraining moment 限制力矩restraining spring 抑制弹簧restraint force 约束力restraint of labour 限制工作restraint test 固定试验restraint 抑制restraints of labor 限制劳动restriced channel 限制水道restrict 限制restricted anchorage 特许锚地restricted application 限制适用restricted area 禁区restricted area 受限制区域(可以通航restricted areas 限制区域restricted cargo 受限制货物restricted coasting 沿海航线restricted condition 限制条件restricted data 内部资料restricted device 限制式装置restricted duration 限制期限restricted fire risk 限制失火危险restricted operator certificate 限用操作员证书restricted operator's certificate 限制报务员证书restricted service notation 有限航区标志restricted service 有限航区航运restricted temperature measuring device 限制式的温度测量设备restricted use 控制使用restricted visibility 能见度不良restricted visibility 能见度不良狭视距restricted visibility 能见度受限制restricted visibility 狭视距restricted visibility 限制能见度restricted voyage 限制航行restricted water effect 限制航道效应restricted water 受限制水域restricted waters 受限制水域restricted 受限制的restricted 限制的禁止的restricted-draft ship 限制吃水船restriction valve 节流阀restriction 限制restrictive immunity 有限豁免restrictor check valve 止回节流阀restrictor valve 节流阀restrictor 节流圈restrictor 限制器节流阀restrictor 限制器节流圈气阻restrike 再敲击再放电再触发再闪击resuable 可再用的result 结果resultant current 合成电流resultant deflection 合成偏转resultant error 合成误差resultant field 合成场resultant force 合力resultant lift 总升力resultant movement 合成运动resultant pitch 合成节距resultant quantity 合成量resultant speed 合成速度resultant stress 合成应力resultant tide 合成潮resultant velocity 合成速度resultant voltage 合成电压resultant wind velocity 合成风速resultant wind 合成风resultant 合力resultant 组合resultant 俣力resume diplomatic relations 恢复外交关系resume 恢复resume 重新开始resume 重新开始恢复resuperheat 再过热resuperheater 再过热器resuperheating 再过热resupply-at-sea light 海上补给信号识别灯resurvey 再看resuscitator 复苏器retail price 零售价格retain 保留retained earnings 净收益retainer seal 护圈密封retainer 护圈retainer 护圈止动器retainer 律师费retaining battens 护条retaining bolt 留挂螺栓retaining circuit 保持电路retaining coil 保持线圈retaining current 吸持电流retaining dam 拦水坝retaining pawl 制动爪retaining plate 护板retaining ring for piston pin 活塞销挡圈retaining ring 扣环retaining screw 固定螺丝retaining valve 止回阀retaining 保留retaliatory tariff 报复关税retally note 重理单retard of tide 迟潮现象retard start 减速起动retard 迟到延迟retard 防止阻滞延迟retard 延迟retardant 延迟的retardation efficiency 减速效率retardation of mean solar time 平太阳时迟滞差retardation of phase 相位滞后retardation of solar on side real time 恒星时换算平时的减量retardation of tide 潮汐迟滞差retardation of tide 潮汐延迟retardation of tide 潮汐延迟潮汐迟滞差retardation path 减速航迹retardation 延迟retardation 阻滞作用retarded admission 延迟进气retarded control 迟延调节retarded flow 减速流动retarded ignition 延迟点火retarded inflow 减速进流retarded motion 减速运动retarded velocity 减速度retarded 延迟的retarder operator 减速器操纵员retarder 减速器retarder 减速器延时器延迟剂retarding action 延迟动作retarding disc 制动盘retarding field 减速场retarding force 减速力retarding ignition 延迟点火retarding line 延迟线retarding mechanism 减速机构retarding phase 滞后相位retarding torque 制动转矩retarding travel 减速行程retarding 延迟retarding 阻滞retarding 阻滞延迟减速retemper 再次回火retention of class 保留船级retention of oil on board 船上保留油量额retention of oil on board 将污油留在船上retention of oil on board 将污油留在船上船上保留油量额retention of qualification 合格资格保留retention of residue on board 将残余物留在船上retention of title clause 物权保留条款retention time 保留时间retention volume 保留体积retention 保存retention 自保额retention 自留额保留retentive alloy 硬磁合金retentive magnetism 剩磁retentive magnetism 顽磁性retentive 保持的retentivity 保持力顽磁性retentivity 保持性剩磁顽磁性retentivity 剩磁retentivity 顽性;保持性retest 再试验reticle 分度线reticle 丝网reticule 分度线reticuli 网罟座的reticulum 网罟星座retilinear current 往复流retiming 重新定时retiming 重新正时retina character reader 网膜字符阅读器retire 退retired line of position 后移位置线retired veteran worker 退休老工人retirement pension 退休金retorsion 报复;反驳retorsion 报复反驳retort gas 蒸馏气体retort stoker 反转炉排机械加煤机retort 反击扭转曲颈瓶retort 曲颈瓶retortion 报复retortion 报复;反驳retortion 反报retouch ct.修饰retrace ratio 回描率retrace time 回描时间retrace 回描回扫retrace 回扫retract 收缩retract 缩回retract 缩进retractable bollard 可收缩带缆桩retractable fin stabilizer 伸缩式减摇鳍装置retractable soot blower 伸缩式吹灰器retractable steerable thruster 可伸缩可操纵推力器retractable type 伸缩式retractable 能伸缩的retractile drawbridge 拖曳桥retractile 伸缩自由的retractor ram 退滩装置retransmission identification signal 重发标识信号retransmission still being attempted 仍在试图重新发送retransmission 转播retransmit 转播retransmitted 转播的retransmitter 中继发射机retransmitter 转播发射机retreatment 重新处理retrieval time 恢复时间retrieval 恢复retrieval 恢复弥补retrieve 回收retrieve 回收打捞补偿恢复retrieve 检索收回retrieve 捞回;收回;挽回retriever boat 救援船retriever 回收船retriever 回收船回收器挽救者retrieving arrangement 回收装置retrieving line 取回绳retrimming 重新调整重新平衡retrimminng 重新调整重新平衡retroaction 再生反作用反馈retroactive amplification 再生放大反馈放大retroactive audion 再生检波管retroactive effect 有追溯效力retroactive recognization 追认retroactive 再生的反馈的retrocede 转分保retrocession welding method 后退焊接法retrofit testing 更新试验retrofit 更新retrograda motion 逆行retrogradation 逆行retrograde condensation 反凝结retrograde motion 逆行retrograde vaporization 反汽化retrograde 后退的retrograde 后退的次序颠倒的retrograding coast 退缩海岸retrogression 逆行retrogressive wave motion 后退波动retrogressive winding 倒退绕组retrogressive 倒退的retrospective 追溯return air 回流空气return bend u 形弯头return bend u形弯头回弯管回转弯头return bend 回转弯头return bent pipe 回弯管return block 开口滑车return cam 回行凸轮return cargo freight 回运货运费return cargo 回程货回航货回运货物return cargo 回运货物return certificate 归国证书return chute 回油槽return circuit 回路return clause 退回条款退回保险费条款return commission 回扣return commission 回扣return connecting rod engine 往复连杆式发动机return coupling 反馈return current 回流return current 回流返回电流return curve 回复曲线return factor 回复系数return fire-tube boiler 回焰式火管锅炉return flame boiler 回焰式火管锅炉return flame 回焰return flow atomizer 回流雾化器return flow combustion chamber 逆流式燃烧室return flow compressor 回流式压缩机return flow oil atomizer 回流式喷油器return flow scavenging 回流扫气return flow solenoid valve 回流电磁阀return flow 回流return freight 回程运费return gear 回行装置return header 回流集管return journey 返航return journey 回程return line 回流管路return line 回流管器return load 回程货物return loss 回波损耗return main 回流总管return mechanism 回行机构return motion 回行运动return of goods 退货return of original 返还原物return of post 请即回电return of premium 退回保险费return oil system 回油系统return on investment 投资回收return passage 回路通道return pipe 回行管return piston stroke 活塞回程return premium clause 退费条款return premium of vessel 船舶定期保险退保费return premium 退费return premium 退费退还保险费return premium 退回部分或全部保险费return refrigerant velocity 制冷剂吸入速度return spring 回动弹簧return stroke 回行冲程return stroke 回行行程return ticket 来回客票return ticket 来回客票来回票return ticket 来回票return time 回描时间return to bias 归零制return to normal 回复正常return to zero system 归零制return to zero 复零return to zero 复零归零return trace 回描return tray 回油盘return trip cp 往返航次租船合同return trip 返航return trip 双程return tube boiler 回焰式火管锅炉return valve 回流阀return voyage charter 双程租船return voyage 返航return voyage 返回航程return water pipe 回水管return wire 回线return 报酬return 返回return 回复宣告return 回行return 退回return-circuit rig 反向导流器return-flow atomizer 回流雾化器return-flow atomizer 燃油回流雾化器return-flue boiler 回焰式锅炉return-to-zero 归零return-to-zero 归零制returnable container 可回收的容器或集装箱returncargo 退回货物returned cargo 退回的货物returned fissile material 再生核燃料returned material report 退料单returned tube boiler 回焰式火管锅炉returned voyage 返航returned 回行的returning spring 复原弹簧returns of premium-hulls 船舶保险退费reusable container 可反复使用的容器或集装箱rev down 使慢转rev up 使快转rev 一次回转加速转速vi.加快转速rev 一次回转加速转速加快转速revaluation 重新估价revalving 更换电子管更换阀revenue and expenditure 收支;岁入与岁出revenue and expenditure 收支岁入与岁出revenue boat 缉私船revenue crisis 收入危revenue cruiser 海关巡逻船revenue cutter 海关巡逻快艇海关巡逻艇revenue cutter 缉私巡艇revenue cutter 巡逻艇revenue ensign 缉私船船旗revenue officer 税务官员revenue stamp 印花税票revenue tariff 财政关税revenue ton 计费吨revenue vessel 海关巡逻艇revenue 收入revenue 收益revenue 税收收入reverberating echo 混响回波reverberation elimination 混响消除reverberation level 混响级reverberation meter 混响时间测量计reverberation method 混响法reverberation 反射reverberation 反射热reverberation 混响reverberatory furnace 反射加热炉reverberatory wire net 反射金属网reverberatory 反射的reversal drum 换向转鼓reversal of control 操纵无效reversal of current 电流反向reversal of flow 逆流reversal of magnetism 磁性变换reversal of pole 极性变换reversal of stress 反应力reversal of stroke 反行程reversal protection 倒转保reversal time 换向时间reversal 倒转reversal 反变reversal 反转reverse acting control element 反作用控制元件reverse acting control element 反作用控制元件反作用调节元件reverse and reduction gear 反转减速装置reverse and reduction gear 换向及减速装置reverse bar 反角材reverse bar 反肋骨reverse bearing 反方位reverse bending test 反复弯曲试验reverse bias 反偏压reverse blocking thyristor 反向阻断可控硅reverse blocking 反向阻断reverse breakdown 反向击穿reverse charging acceptance not subscribed 背面费用的接受未登录reverse circuit 反作用电路reverse clutch 倒车离合器reverse conducting thyristor 反向导通可控硅reverse connection 反接reverse course 反航向reverse current braking 逆电流制动reverse current circuit breaker 逆电流断路器reverse current protecting equipment 逆电流保设备reverse current protection 逆电流保reverse current relay 逆电流继电器reverse current relay 逆流继电器reverse current relay 逆流继电器逆流继电器reverse current release 逆电流释放器-current test逆电流试验reverse current time-lag relay 逆电流时延继电器reverse current trip 逆电流自动脱扣reverse current 反向电流reverse curve 反向曲线reverse cycle heating 逆循环供热reverse cycle 逆循环reverse direction 反方向reverse direction 反向reverse drive gear 换向传动装置reverse driven gear 换向驱动装置reverse electrode phenomena 反极现象reverse electrode phenomenon 反电极现象reverse eye hook 转眼钩reverse feedback 负反馈reverse flow combustion chamber 逆流式燃烧室reverse flow 反向流动reverse frame angle 反肋骨角材reverse frame 反肋骨reverse frame 内底横骨reverse gate 反向门reverse gear assembly 换向装置reverse gear mechanism 倒车机构reverse gear 倒车机构reverse key shackle 扭向卸扣reverse laid 反搓reverse lever 换向杆reverse motion 反向运动reverse motion 逆动reverse movement 反向运动reverse n. 反向reverse osmosis desalination plant 反渗透除盐装置reverse osmosis desalination 反渗透除盐reverse osmosis device 反渗透装置reverse osmosis method 反渗透法reverse over-current relay 逆过电流继电器reverse phase relay 逆相继电器reverse pitch 反螺距reverse polarity 反极性reverse power protection 逆功率保reverse power relay 逆功率继电器reverse power test 逆功率试验reverse power tripping device 逆功率脱扣装置reverse power 逆功率reverse proportionality 的比例reverse proportionality 反比例reverse reduction gear box 可倒转减速齿轮箱reverse reduction gear 可倒转减速装置reverse reduction gearbox 倒顺车减速齿轮箱reverse relay 逆流继电器reverse rod 换向杆reverse rotation 反转reverse running 倒车reverse screw 反向螺旋reverse screw 反向螺旋回动螺旋reverse shaft 换向轴reverse signal 反转信号reverse starting sequence 换向起动程序reverse steam brake 回汽刹车reverse steam 回汽reverse stroke 回行冲程reverse stroke 回行行程reverse switch 换向开关reverse thrust 反推力reverse tiller 反装舵柄reverse torsion machine 扭转疲劳试验机reverse transfer admittance 反向转移导纲纳reverse turbine 倒车涡轮reverse turn 反转reverse valve 回动阀reverse voltage 反向电压reverse 倒退reverse 颠倒reverse 反向reverse 反转reverse-current 反向电流reverse-thrust nozzle 反推力制动喷管reversed bending 反向弯曲reversed bias 反偏压reversed damping 逆阻尼reversed frame 内底横骨reversed phase 反相reversed polarity electrode 反极性电极reversed polarity 反极性reversed screw steering gear 反向螺旋式操舵装置reversed stress 反应力reversed true bearing 逆真方位reversed turning 反向回转reversed 反向的reversed 逆的reverselever 逆转操纵杆reverser 倒转机构换向开关reverser 换向开关reverser 换向器reversibility 可撤销性reversibility 可逆性reversible propeller 变距推进器reversible action 可逆过程reversible booster 可逆升压机reversible camshaft 可换向凸轮轴reversible camshaft 可逆升压机reversible capstan 可逆绞盘reversible cell 可逆电池reversible change 可逆变化reversible clutch 正倒车离合器reversible controller 可逆控制器reversible counter 可逆计数器reversible cycle 可逆循环reversible diesel engine 可倒转柴油机reversible double filter 可换用双联滤器reversible engine 可倒转发动机reversible engine 可反转发动机reversible engine 可逆转发动机reversible hatch cover 可翻转舱口盖reversible lay days 可调剂使用的装卸日数reversible liferaft 可翻转救生筏reversible motor 可倒转电动机reversible motor 可逆电动机reversible motor 可逆转电动机reversible process 可逆过程reversible propeller 变推进器reversible propeller 可倒转螺旋桨reversible propeller 可逆螺距螺旋桨reversible pump 可倒转泵reversible pump 可逆转泵reversible screw 变距推进器reversible turbine 可倒转涡轮机reversible turbine 可逆转涡轮机reversible winch 可逆绞车reversible winch 可逆转绞车reversible 可倒转的reversible 可逆的reversiblepropeller 变距推进器reversing current 往复流reversing wheel 换向手轮reversing alarm 倒转信号reversing and starting gear 倒车及起动装置reversing angle 换向角reversing arm 回动臂reversing arrangement 倒车装置reversing arrangement 换向装置reversing bucket 倒车叶片reversing chamber 蒸汽回流室reversing clutch 换向离合器reversing commutator 电流方向转换器reversing contactor 换向接触器reversing contacts 可逆触点reversing container 翻倾式容器reversing control lever 换向控制杆reversing control system 换向控制系统reversing control 换向控制reversing controller 可逆控制器reversing coupling complement 换向联轴器总成reversing current 往复潮流reversing cylinder 换向气缸reversing cylinder 换向汽缸reversing drive 回动装置reversing engine 倒转发动机reversing engine 可倒转发动机reversing engine 可逆转发动机reversing frame 反肋骨reversing gas turbine 可倒转燃气轮机reversing gear box 倒车齿轮箱reversing gear 反转装置reversing gear 换向齿轮reversing gear 换向齿轮换向装置reversing hand wheel 换向手轮reversing handle 换向手柄。
more than 70
Listen to Sally’s part of the conversation and fill in the blanks.
Craig: Here at the camp we are wild about whales! Today you have been helping us with our whale research. First of all, we asked you to find out some facts for a whale profile. What did you find, Sally?
Using Language
听 说 Listening and Speaking
Learning Objectives
At the end of the class, you will be able to:
1. clarify the sequence of events by listening to the key words of the conversation, such as first, next, then, after thatg
Read the poster below and discuss the questions.
1. What aspect of the camp would you like best? I would like the opportunity to see the whales close up best.
2. Do you think it is important to carry out research on whales and other sea creatures? This research helps us learn more about the wonderful world we live in, and about these amazing creatures so that we can better protect them.
Unit 3 Sea Exploration Learning About Language词汇语法
A mixture is a substance that consists of other substances which have been stirred or ______ (shake) together.
College professors are increasingly raising alarm bells about the effects smartphones, laptops, desktops and tablets have _______ academic performance.
In thirty years from now the United States should have a _______ (man) spacecraft on Mars.
China has seen breakthroughs in scientific _______ (explore) like the Tianwen-1 (Mars mission), Chang'e-5 (lunar probe), and Fendouzhe (deep-sea manned submersible).
Newspapers, television and radio are all providing sports fans _______ live coverage of most races.
A press conference is a meeting ______ (hold) by a famous or important person in which they answer journalists' questions.
选修四Unit3 Sea Exploration高频词汇复习
新人教选修第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration高频词汇复习1.set sail起航;开航sail n.帆vi.航行set sail for=sail for向……航行;朝……航行set sail across/sail across航行穿过……sail into/out of驶入/驶出2.extend vt.扩展;使伸长;延长extend into扩展至;扩展到extend sth for/till扩展……;扩展至extend sth to sb向某人表达……extension n.延长;延伸3.negotiate vt.商定;达成(协议)vi.谈判;磋商;协商negotiate with与……协商negotiation n.协商;商定negotiable adj.可协商的negotiator n.谈判者4.league n.等级;水平;联合会;联赛in a league of one’s own独领风骚at the top of the league顶级的be in the same league同一级别in league with与……密谋;与……结盟out of one’s league某人力所不能及5.withdraw vi.&vt.(使)撤回;撤离withdraw from退出;撤回withdraw sth from...从……取出;从……撤回withdrawal n.撤回;取出 n.纽带;关系vt.& vi.增强信任关系;使牢固结合a bond between与……之间的联系a bond with和……联系bond with与……联系 hand在手头;可供使用at hand在手头by hand用手;手工hand in hand手拉手give/lend sb a hand给某人帮忙on the one hand...on the other hand...一方面……,另一方面……8.profession n.职业;行为enter/go into/join a profession从事某一职业by profession在职业上;就职业来说professional adj.职业的9.mixture n.混合;混合体;混合物mix...with...把……和……相混合mix sb sth给某人配制某物mix with与……相混合mix up混合起来mixed adj.混合的10.applaud vt.& vi.鼓掌vt.称赞;赞赏applaud for为……喝彩applaud sb for sth因某事而赞扬某人applaud the decision赞成某个决定 vt.对……征税;使纳税n.税;税款12.tell apart区分;辨别take apart拆开fall apart破裂;垮掉tear apart撕开apart from除……外13.meanwhile adv.与此同时;(比较两方面)对比之下in the meanwhile/meantime在此期间,与此同时14.migration n.迁徙;迁移;移居migrate vi.迁徙;移动migratory adj.迁徙的;迁移的15.mercy n.仁慈;宽恕;恩惠show mercy to sb/have mercy on sb怜悯某人at the mercy of...任由……摆布;受……控制It’s a mercy that...……真是万幸。
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Unit1reflection: 沉思 | 映象 | 反射I think the causes of this require mature reflection.我认为这事的原因需要充分地思考。
shroud: 覆盖物 | 寿衣 | 护罩 | 覆盖The faker of the shroud had to be a heretic.裹尸布的耶稣遗像伪造者必定是个异教徒。
contingent: 偶然事件 | 分遣队The contingent quickened its advance.队伍加速前进What and Where: Landlocked nation between Russia and China.所在:俄国与中国之间的内陆国家。
overturn: 推翻 | 倾覆 | 破坏 | 破灭We saw the canoe overturn, throwing its passengers into the water.我们看到独木舟倾覆了,把上面的乘客掀入水中。
relentless: 残酷的 | 不间断的 | 无情的Government knows this, and hence its accumulation of weaponry and relentlesspropaganda.政府知道这一点,所以正积累武器装备与不懈的宣传。
circulation: 传播 | 流通 | 发行量 | 循环The circulation of gossip is vicious.传播流言蜚语是可恶的。
initiative: 自发的 | 首创精神 | 起始的 | 主动权 | 主动的Such initiative is highly commendable.这种积极性是很可贵的。
We have another hypothesis as well.我们提出了另一种假说。
encompass: 环绕 | 包围 | 包含 | 完成This can potentially encompass thousands of schemas and tables and millions ofcolumns from differing databases and files.这可能包含数千个模式和表,以及数百万个来自不同数据库和文件的列。
analogize: 类推Let's analogize one more time to another great Obama cabinet pick, Eric Shinseki as Secretary of Veterans Affairs.我们再来比较一下奥巴马内阁的另一个极佳任命:埃里克•新关出任美国老兵事务部秘书长。
rigorous: 严酷的 | 严密的 | 严格的 | 严厉的Our teacher is so rigorous that he seldom lets up on us.我们的老师很严格,他很少放松对我们的要求。
magnitude: 重要 | 大小 | 震级 | 量级 | 光度The models, though, disagree widely in the magnitude of the warming we can expect.不过这个模型在升温的幅度上和我们的预期相当不一致。
paradigm: 范例However, we have seen one other fundamental paradigm shift during the past twodecades.然而,我们在过去二十年中已经见到另一个基本范例变动。
collate: 校勘 | 核对 | 校对Then she could look at the piles, see which had the “earliest” photo on top, and by that, collate them all together into one timeline.然后她看见成堆的照片,把“最早”的照片放在相册开始,按照这个方法,将他们按时间轴整理。
resolution: 决心 | 决议 | 分辨率 | 解决We subscribe to the resolution.我们赞同这项决议。
luster: 光彩 | 有光泽 | 使有光泽 | 光泽Then it’s really no more than a means of transportation, it too loses its luster.然后它就仅仅是一个名符其实的交通工具,失去了它的光彩。
vent: 减轻压力 | 通风孔 | 发泄 | 出口 | 放出 | 发泄感情We need to vent our feelings.我们需要发泄我们的情感。
cartography: 绘图法 | 制图学 | 制图 | 地图制作The Ricci map gained the nickname the "Impossible Black Tulip of Cartography"because it was so hard to find.利玛窦的地图被戏称为“制图史上不可能存在的黑色郁金香”因为它很难被找到。
prevailing: 盛行很广的 | 盛行 | 流行的 | 占优势的 | 获胜 | 一般的 | 流行She wears a fashionable hair style prevailing in the city.她的发型是这个城市流行的款式。
botanical: 植物学的I am not very familiar with botanical names.我不太熟悉植物学方面的名称。
attribute: 归属 | 特质 | 属性This attribute should be set to any string that you want displayed in the status bar.您可以为这个属性设置为在状态栏中想要显示的任意字符串。
atmospheric: 大气的 | 大气层的But these will not stabilise levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide —only slow the rate of increase.但是这无法稳定大气中的二氧化碳水平——而只能降低增加的速率。
acoustic: 原声乐器 | 听觉的 | 声学的 | 音响的An acoustic detector, also in the armband, then calculates which part of the display you want to activate.臂带上同时还装有一个声波检测设备,可以计算出你想激活哪部分显示。
deployment: 调度 | 部署There can be only one Deployment Manager profile for each cell.每个计算单元只能有一个部署管理器概要。
biosphere: 生物圈But what climate change shows us is that we are not in control,either of the biosphere or of the machine which is destroying it.然而,气候变化向我们显示,无论是在生物圈还是摧毁生物圈的制度模式,我们都不处于控制地位。
terrestrial: 地球上的人 | 陆地生物 | 陆地的 | 地球的 | 人间的 | 陆生的Forests are home to over 80% of terrestrial biodiversity.森林是80%以上陆地生物多样性的家园。
numerical: 数字的 | 用数字表示的 | 数值的Well, the recent numerical value is 49.9%. It sounds much, but is there simply one tree that was planted by you?最近的数字是49.9%,听起来很多,可是在千千万万的树木中有没有一株是你贡献的呢?superintendent: 主管 | 负责人 | 监督人I am sure Gobinda Babu, the superintendent, would have shownmore respect for my effort on so serious a subject.我确信戈文达先生,那位学校管理者,一定会因为我的诗歌有这么严肃的主题,而对我表达更多的尊敬。
About a century later, science finally attached a zoological name to the Kraken.大约又经过了一个世纪,科学终于对这种动物加上了一个动物学上的名称—“挪威海怪”。
plates: 平板 | 盘子 | 板材Those two plates were burnt together.那两块板被焊接起来了。
insolation: 日晒 | 日光浴Can consider a plant above all model repair face film, if the plant is slow face film, after suiting insolation very much flimsy andsensitivity skin.首先可以考虑植物型的修复面膜,如植物舒缓面膜,就很适合日晒后脆弱而敏感性皮肤。
Unit2tract: 器官系统 | 小册子Fossils can only tell us so much about the shape of the vocal tract because much of it is soft tissue.因为发音系统大部分是软组织,无缘变成化石,现存的化石也只能告诉我们一点呼吸道的形状。
depletion: 消耗 | 损耗"The food that I eat is connected through global trade togroundwater depletion in another part of the world, " Bierkenssaid.“我吃的食物就是通过全球贸易与世界另一个地区的地下水枯竭紧密相连,”比尔肯斯说。
nutrient: 营养物 | 营养的 | 滋养的Choose them if you like, but don’t confuse the nutrientcomposition.如果你喜欢的话就选择它们,但是不要混淆营养成分negligible: 可以忽略的 | 微不足道的The effect was previously thought to be negligible, butresearchers now say the shift will be large enough that it should be taken into account when interpreting how the Earth wobbles.其影响在过去被认为是微不足道的,但现在研究人员表示,这一变化将大到足以让人们在解释地球摇晃的原因时必须把它考虑进去。