On the Design of Indoor Unit Circulation Air Volume
编者注变压器有关名词术语英译词汇表A GLOSSARY FOR ENGLISH TRSNSFORMER OFTRANSFORMER TERMINOLOGY目录TABLE OF CONTENTS目录 ------------------------------------------------ 1基础词汇------------------------------------------- 2常用单位------------------------------------------- 5各类产品名称及类型------------------------------------ 6铁芯及铁芯制造---------------------------------- 8线圈及线圈制造---------------------------------- 9油箱附件及油箱制造------------------------------------ 11装配及干燥,油处理------------------------------------ 13包装及运输---------------------------------------- 15图纸及技术文件用语------------------------------------ 17质量控制及试验设备------------------------------------ 20常用生产及工装设备------------------------------------ 21材料标准件及标准零件---------------------------------- 221. 基础词汇BASIC TERMINOLOGY1. 变压器的电压组合voltage combination ( of a transformer)2. 额定电压rated voltage3. 额定电流rated current4. 额定容量rated power5. 额定电压比rated voltage ratio6. 空载电流no-load current7. 空载损耗no-load loss8. 负载损耗load loss9. 附加损耗additional loss10. 杂散损耗stray loss11. 阻抗电压impedance voltage12. 电阻电压resistance voltage13. 电抗电压reactance voltage14. 电压调整率voltage regulation15. 相位差phase displacement16. 零序阻抗zero-sequence impedance17. 工频power frequency18. 中频medium frequency19. 高频high frequency20. 振荡频率oscillating frequency21. 谐振频率resonance frequency22. 绝缘强度dielectric strength insulation strength23. 主绝缘main insulation24. 纵绝缘longitudinal insulation24. 自振频率natural frequency of vibration25. 频率响应frequency response26. 介电常数dielectric constant27. 绝缘击穿insulation breakdown28. 沿面放电(爬电)creeping discharge29. 局部放电partial discharge30. 破坏性放电disruptive discharge31. 局部放电起始电压partial discharge inception voltage32. 局部放电终止电压partial discharge extinction voltage33. 过电压over voltage34. 短时过电压short time over voltage35. 暂态过电压transient over voltage36. 操作过电压switching over voltage37. 大气过电压atmospheric over voltage438. 额定耐受电压rated withstand voltage39. 短时工频耐受电压short-duration power frequency withstand voltage40. 额定雷电冲击耐受电压rated lighting impulse withstand voltage41. 屏蔽shielding42. 静电屏蔽electrostatic shielding43. 磁屏蔽magnetic shielding44. 标准大气条件standard atmosphere condition45. 全波雷电冲击full wave lighting impulse46. 截波雷电冲击chopped wave lighting impulse47. 冲击伏秒特性voltage/time characteristics of impulse48. 爬电距离creepage distance49. 体积电阻volume resistance50. 截断时间time to chopping51. 视在电荷apparent charge52. 波前时间视在波前时间time to crest ,virtual front time53. 半峰值时间time to half value of crest54. 峰值peak value55. 有效值root-mean-square value56. 标称值nominal value57. 标值per unit value58. 导电率admittance59. 电导conductance , conductivity60. 介质损耗dielectric loss61. 介损角的正切值loss tangent62. 电晕放电corona discharge63. 闪络flashover64. 内外绝缘internal external insulation65. 绝缘电阻insulation resistance66. 绝缘电阻吸收比absorption ratio of insulation resistance67. 避雷器surge arrestor68. 避雷器的残压residual voltage of an arrestor69. 绝缘材料的耐温等级temperature class of insulation70. 感应耐压试验induced over voltage withstand test71. 突发短路试验short-circuit test72. 互感器的负荷burden of an instrument transformer73. 额定负荷rated burden of an instrument transformer74. 准确级次accuracy class75. 电流电压误差current voltage error76. 相角差(互感器)phase displacement (instrument transformer)77. 复合误差composite error78. 暂态特性(误差)transient characteristics error79. 额定短时热电流rated short thermal current380. 额定连续热电流81. 额定动稳定电流82. 额定仪表保安电流83. 二次极限感应电流(保安因数)84. 额定准确极限值的一次电流85. 误差补偿86. 额定电压因数87. 准确限值因数88. 笛卡儿坐标89. 极坐标90. 横坐标91. 纵坐标92. 复数93. 实数部分94. 虚数部分95. 正负数96. 小数97. 四舍五入98. 分数,分子,分母99. 假分数100. 钝锐角101. 补角102. 余角103. 平行104. 垂直105. 乘方106. 开方107. n 的五次方108. 幂109. 微分110. 积分111. 成正比112. 概率113. 归纳法114. 插入法115. 外推116. 最大似然法117. 图解法118. 有限元法119. 模拟法120. 方波响应121. 叠加电荷rated continuous thermal current rated dynamic currentrated instrument security current secondary limiting e.m.f(security factor) rated accuracy limit primary current error compensation rated voltage factor accuracy limit factor Cartesian coordinate polar coordinate abscissa X-axis ordinate Y-axis complex number real number component imaginary number component positive negative number decimal round off fraction, numerator, denominator improper fraction obtuse (acute) number supplementary angle complement angle parallel perpendicular involution evolution extraction of root involve to the fifth power , 5th power of n exponent , exponential differential , differentiation integrate , integration proportional (inversely proportional) to probability inductive method interpolation method extrapolation method maximum likelihood method graphic method finite element method simulation method step response superimposed charge4potential gradient stray capacitance ultrasonic location non-distructive flaw detection infrared scanning computeraided design and manufacturing computer aided test maximum minimumapproximate revolution per minute speed , velocity acceleration gravitationalacceleration earthquake , seism quantity department abbreviation here in after referred as XX see XX , vide XXH 常用单位(包括缩写)UNIT COMMOMLY USED (INCLUDING ABBREVIATION)meter , decimeter , centimeter millimeter kilometer mile , knot yard , inchpound , pound per square inch foot British thermal unitgorse power intensity of pressure Pascal Torr viscosity , Pascal . Second poise , Centpoise Joulekilowatt-hour Tesla gauss Oersted122.电位梯度 123.杂散电容 124.超声定位 125.无损探伤 126.红外线扫描 127.计算机辅助设计 128.计算机辅助实验 129.最大,小 130.近似于 131.每分钟转数 132.速度 133.加速度 134.重力加速度 135.地震 136.数量 137.部门 138.缩写 139.以下简称为 XX 140.参见 XX1. 米, 分米, 厘米 , 毫米2. 公里3. 英里 , 海里4. 码 , 吋5. 磅 , 磅/平方寸6. 呎7. 英制热量单位 8. 马力 9. 压强10. 帕斯卡, 千帕 11.托12. 粘度, 帕斯卡秒 13. 泊, 厘泊 14. 焦耳 15. 千瓦时 16. 特斯拉 17. 高斯 18. 奥斯特519. 库仑20. 牛顿, 达因21. 摄氏度, 开尔文 22. 法拉, 皮克法拉 23. 升 , 立方分米 24. 加仑25. 桶(石油)26. 标准国际单位制27. 厘米-克-秒 单位制 28. 磁通密度 29. 电流密度 30. 安匝数31. 轴向(径向)漏磁通 32. 热点(最热点 ) 33. 局部过热 34. 涡流损耗35. 磁滞损耗 CoulombNewton , dyneCelsius(centigrade) , Kelvin Farad , pico-farad Liter , cubic decimeter gallonbarrel (petroleum) standard international unit CGS unit flux density current density number of ampere-turns axial (radial) leakage flux hot (hottest) spot local over hot eddy current loss Hysteresis lossm 各类产品名称及类型TYPE AND NAME OF KINDS OF PRODUCTpower transformerpower transformer with OLTC (off-circuit tap-changer)distribution transformer autotransformerinterconnecting transformer step-up (step-down) transformer generator transformer substationtransformer conventer transformer transformer with split windings power plant transformer single-phase transformer three-phase transformer oil-immersed transformer noninflammable medium impregnated transdry type transformer cast resin (resin moulded) transformer transformer with H class insulation gas insulated transformer1. 电力变压器2. 有(无)载调压电力变压器3. 配电变压器4. 自耦变压器5. 联络变压器6. 升(降)压变压器7. 发电机变压器8. 电站用变压器9. 变流变压器 10. 分裂变压器 11. 厂用变压器 12. 单相变压器 13. 三相变压器 14. 油浸式变压器 15. 浸难燃油变压器 16. 干式变压器17. 塑料浇注变压器 18.H 级绝缘变压器 19. 气体绝缘变压器6three-phase banks with separate sin gle-phase tran- furn ace tran sformer rectifier tran- tracti on (locomotive) tran- mi ning tran-flame-proof tran- isolation tran- testi ng tran- filame nt tran- welding tran- braz ing tran- marine tran- starti ng autotra nsformer cascade testi ng tran sformer three-phase tran- booster tran- movable substati oncomplete self-protected sin gle-phase tran- curre nt tran- voltage tran- bus-type curre nt tran- porcela in type curre nt tran- bush ing curre nt tran- capacitor type curre nt tran- reverse type curre nt tran- cast res in curre nt tran- capacitor type curre nt tran- earthed voltage tran- comb ined in strume nt tran- movin g-coil voltage tran- autotra nsformer regulator variac in troduct ion voltage regulator magn etic saturatio n voltage regulatorseries reactor shu nt reactoriron core reactor air core reactorcon crete (ceme nt) reactor three-phase n eutral reactor20. 单相变压器组成的三相组合 21. 电炉变压器 22. 整流变压器23. 列车牵引变压器 24. 矿用变压器 25. 防爆变压器 26. 隔离变压器 27. 试验变压器 28. 灯丝变压器 29. 电焊变压器 30. 钎焊变压器 31. 船用变压器32. 启动自耦变压器 33. 串级式试验变压器 34. 三线圈变压器 35. 增压变压器 36. 移动式变压器 37. 成套变电站38. 全自动保护单相变压器 39. 电流互感器 40. 电压互感器41. 母线式电流互感器 42. 瓷箱式电流互感器 43. 套管用电流互感器 44. 电容式电流互感器 45. 倒立式电流互感器 46. 塑料浇注式互感器 47. 电容式电压互感器 48. 接地电压互感器 49. 组合式互感器 50. 移圈调压器 51. 自耦调压器 52. 接触调压器 53. 感应调压器 54. 磁饱和调压器complete substati on 57. 并联电抗器 58. 铁心电抗器 59. 空心电抗器 60. 水泥电抗器61. 三相接地电抗器7starti ng reactor smooth ing reactor bala nee reactor arc-suppressi on reactor wave trap coil ballast saturable reactor sealed enclosed type core type shell type outdoor (in door, pole mountin g)type movable (trailer moun ted) type n atural cooli ng (air blast cooli ng) forced oil air cooli ng (water cooli ng) directed forced oil circulati on cooli ng directed forced oil circulati on forced air cooli ng constant flux voltage variation(C.F.VV.) variable flux voltage variatio n( C.F.V.V.) combined voltage variation oil-immersed natural cooli ng oil-immersed air cooli ng oil-immersed forced oil circulati on air cooli ng oil-immersed forceddirected oil circulati on air cooli ngIV 铁芯及铁芯制造 CORE AND CORE MANUFATURING core lam ination a lam in ati on stack lamin ati on drawing diagram 45o mitred joi nt oil-duct air ven tilati ngduct of core stepped lap core butt joint core woundcore evolute core air gap ten sile plate of core limbcore limb yoke (upper, lower) side yoke62. 启动电抗器63. 平波电抗器64. 平衡电抗器65. 消弧电抗器66. 阻波器67. 镇流器68. 饱和电抗器69. 密闭式,包封式70. 芯式71. 壳式72. 户外(户内)式,柱上式 73. 移动式(列车式)74. 自然冷却(吹风冷却)75. 强油风冷(水冷) 76. 油导向冷却77. 油导向吹风冷却 78. 恒磁通调压 79. 变磁通调压 80. 混合调压81. 油浸自冷82. 油浸风冷83. 油浸强迫油循环风冷84. 油浸强迫导向风1. 铁心片2. 一叠铁心3. 铁心叠积图4. 45o 斜接缝5. 铁心油道(气道)6. 阶梯接缝7. 对接铁心8. 卷铁心9. 渐开线铁心 10. 空气隙 11. 铁心拉板 12. 铁心柱13. 上(下)铁轭 14. 旁轭8epoxy-bound bandage yoke tensile belt top jointing beam of upper yoke (side yoke) upper yoke clamping (lower) web (limb) of yoke clamping stiffening plate of yoke clamping winding compression bolt nut of compressing boltcompressing bolt with spring (hydraulic damper)winding supporting plate foot pad positioning hole positioning stud tensile rod yoke clamping bolt core earthing strip earthing screen of core (side yuoke) window height (center line distance M0) wood padding block lamination factor stage of lamination stacks circumscribed circle of core leg core surface perpendicular to lamination wood bar (padding block) positioning plate partitionV 线圈及线圈制造 WINDING AND WINMDINGMANUFACTURING single layer (double, multi-) cylindrical winding largesize long layer winding continuous winding semi-continuous winding interleaved winding interleaved-continuous winding partial-interleaved windingsandwich-interleaved winding capacitor shield winding disk winding sandwich winding15. 环氧绑扎带 16. 轭拉带17. 上轭顶梁(侧梁) 18. 上夹件(下夹件) 19. 夹件腹板(肢板) 20. 夹件加强铁 21. 压线圈的压钉 22. 压钉螺母23. 弹簧压钉(油缸压钉) 24. 线圈支撑架 25. 垫脚 26. 定位孔27. 带螺母的定位柱 28. 拉螺杆29. 夹件夹紧螺杆 30. 铁芯接地片31. 铁芯地屏(旁轭地屏)32. 窗口高度(中心距M 0) 33. 木垫块 34. 叠片系数 35. 铁芯的级 36. 芯柱外接圆 37. 铁芯端面38. 木棒(木垫块)39. 定位板40. 隔板 1. 单层(双层,多层)圆筒式线圈2. 大型层式线圈3. 连续式线圈4. 半连续式线圈5. 纠结式线圈6. 纠结-连续式线圈7. 部分纠结式线圈8. 插花纠结式线圈9. 插入电容式线圈10. 饼式线圈(双饼线圈) 11. 交错式线圈9helical winding single-row split winding foil winding sectional winding uniformly insulated winding tertiary winding 压) high voltage (low, mid-) windingauxiliary winding regulating winding 曲折形, T 形) star (delta, zigzag) connection open-delta connection winding disk (winding layer) layer insulation (insulation between disk) end insulation tapping terminal radial spacer between disk axial strip radial strip transformer connection between diskstransposed connection between disks initial terminal (final terminal ) of winding insulating cylinder insulation between turns insulation angled ring (collar ring) insulating filling strips between turnsfractional turn (integer turn) parallel wound conductors composite conductor transposed conductor paper wrapped conductor enameled wrapped conductorhard drawn copper conductor annealed conductor glass-fibre covered conductor paper channel banding wire (rope) electrostatic plate (ring)insulation wrappingoverall height of winding copper height of winding trimming of winding 12. 螺旋式线圈 13. 单列螺旋 14. 分列线圈15. 箔式线圈16. 分段式线圈17. 全绝缘式线圈18. 第三线圈19. 高压线圈(中压,低20. 辅助线圈 21. 调压线圈 22. 星形连接(三角形,23. 开口三角连接24. 线段(线层)25. 层绝缘(段)26. 端绝缘27. 分接头 28. 段间横垫块 29. 轴向撑条30. 径向撑条31. 段间过渡联线32. 段间换位联线33. 线圈起始端(终)34. 绝缘纸筒 35. 匝间绝缘 36. 绝缘角环37. 线匝间垫条38. 分数匝(整数匝)39. 并绕导线40. 复合导线41. 换位导线 42. 纸包线 43. 漆包线44. 硬拉铜导线45. 退火导线46. 玻璃丝包线47. 纸槽48. 绑线(绳) 49. 静电板(环) 50. 绝缘包扎 51. 线圈总高度 52. 铜线高度 53. 线圈修整10线圈浸漆 线圈的换位 分组换位 标准换位 线圈展开图 线圈的干燥与压缩 绝缘的压缩收缩率 无氧铜导线 铝合金导线 纵向油道 横向油道varnish impregnation of windingtransposition of windings transposition by groups standard transpositionplaniform drawing of winding drying and compressing of winding shrinkage ofinsulation under compression deoxygenized copper conductor aluminium-alloy conductor vertical oil-duct horizontal oil-ductW 油箱附件及油箱制造TANK AND TANK ' S FITTING MANUFCTURING bell type tank upper part (bottom part) of tank tank wall (with magnectic shield) tank bottom tube connecting flange draining valve oil sampling valve (plug) gate (butterfly,ball) valve pressure relief valve explosion-proof pipe connecting flange for evacuation (for oil filter) pocket for mercury thermometerbase plate of rating plate hand hole (manhole) tank rim pad frame for tank rim gasket ascending flanged base lifting lug with bearing plate for jacks positioning pin cover plate (temporary)conservator with rubber diaphrage(bladder) precipitation well air exhausting pipeoil conduitlifting lug (lifting eyebolt) ladder with balustrade form-fit tank54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.1. 2.3. 4. 5.6.7. 8. 9. 10. 11.12.13. 14. 15. 16. 17.18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 钟罩式油箱 上下节油箱 箱壁(带磁屏蔽) 箱底 联管夹 放油活门 油样活门 闸阀(蝶阀,球阀) 压力释放阀 安全气道(防爆筒) 真空接头(滤油接头) 水银温度计座 铭牌底板 手孔(人孔) 箱沿 箱沿护框 升高座 吊板与千斤顶支座 定位钉 盖板(临时) 带隔膜储油柜 沉淀盒(集污盒) 导气管 导油管 吊拌(吊环) 有围栏的梯子 适形油箱11breather gas relaypitot relay flow relay air (water) cooler bracket (tensile rod) for cooler oil-submerged pump flow quantity (m 3/min) liftcontrol box (panel) terminal box (block) connecting box for fan-motors metallic hosejoint flange for enclosed bus-bar tubular oil-level indicatormagnetic type oil-level indicator steel plate surfacepre-processing layout shearing edge shaping gas cutting (automatic gas cutting) plasma cutting bending press (brake) automatic submerged-arc wilding co2 protected welding argon protected welding cold bending machine for profiles pipe bending machine bending die for steel tube double-action punching machine double column punching machine single pole correction press movable radial drilling machine deep-throat punching machine revolving fixture for core clamping fabrication welding transposition fixture stud welder spot welder seam welder multi-point spot welder surface lathecoloured kerosene leakage test28. 呼吸品29. 气体继电器 30. 皮托继电器 31. 流动继电器32. 风(水)冷却品 33. 冷却品托架 34. 潜油泵 35. 流量 36. 扬程37. 控制箱(盘) 38. 端子箱39. 风扇接线盒 40. 金属软管41. 封闭母线联接法兰 42. 管式油位指示表 43. 磁铁式油位指示器 44. 钢板表面预处理 45. 刻线 46. 剪切 47. 刨边 48. 气割49. 等离子切割50. 折板机(液压) 51. 埋弧自动焊 52. C O2保护焊 53. 氩弧焊54. 形材冷弯机 55. 弯管机56. 钢管压弯模 57. 双动冲床 58. 龙门冲床59. 单点液压矫正机 60. 移动式摇臂转床 61. 深颈冲床62. 夹件焊装翻转架 63. 焊接变位架 64. 螺杆焊机 65. 点焊机 66. 缝焊机 67. 多点焊机 68. 端面车床69. 火油着色试漏12fluorescent leakage test vaccum strength test ultrasonic flaw detection magnetic flaw detection clear away welding flux clear away welding splashesantirust primer iron red epoxy primer iacquer showeringthinnernitrocellulose lacquer alkyd base lacquervn 装配,干燥及油处理TRANSFORMER ASSEMBLY , DRY AND OIL-PROCESS1. 引线附加绝缘 additional insulation of lead2. 引线夹(支架) leads clamping (supporting frame)3. 线圈围屏 winding screen (fastening belt of screen)4. 软电缆 flexible cable5. 有载开关 on-load tap-changer (OLTC)6. 切换开关 diverter switch7. 选择开关 selector switch8. 软接线片 flexible connecting strip9. 线圈直流电阻测试 winding d.c. resistance measurement 10. 联结组(极性)校验 check on connection group (polarity) 11. 铜焊机 brazing transformer 12. 磷铜焊料 phosphor-copper brazing metal 13. 铜焊钳夹 brazing pliers 14. 锡焊 soldering 15. 气相加热真空干燥 vacuum drying with vapour phase heating 16. 循环热风干燥 drying with hot-air circulation 17. 真空浸油 oil impregnation under vacuum 18. 真空干燥缸 vacuum drying autoclave 19. 真空系统 vacuum plant20. 真空泵(真空阀,真空计)vacuum pump (vacuum valve ) 21. 增压泵 booster (pump) 22. 自动记录仪表 autographic recording instrument 23. 干燥的终点判断 terminus determination of drying process70. 荧光试漏 71. 真空强度试验 72. 超声探伤 73. 磁力探伤 74. 消除焊药皮 75. 消除焊渣飞溅 76. 防锈底漆 77. 环氧铁红底漆 78. 淋漆(喷漆) 79. 溶剂(稀释剂) 80. 硝基漆 81. 酚醛漆1324. 露点测量dew point measurement25. 高压套管导杆头inner connecting stud of HVbushing26. 接地套管(端子)farthing bushing (terminal)27. 热油循环hot-oil circulation28. 注油后静放j-A-* r 、、,1standstill after oil-filling29. 密封式滤leakage lest on sealed parts30. 穿缆式高压套管cable through type HV bushing31. 高压套管绝缘护筒cylindrical insulating barrier of HVbushing32. 大电流套管heavy current bushing33. 加强式套管long-creepage bushing34. 接地标志earthing mark35. 中点套管neutral bushing36. 有载开关操作系统driving mechanism of OLTC37. 操作机构手柄operating handle of driving mechanism38. 活性氧化铝active aluminium oxide (activated alumine)39. 硅胶silica gel40. 电阻温度计resistance thermometer41. 信号温度计signaling thermometer42. 线圈温度指示器winding temperature indication43. 远距离温度计thermometer with remote indication44. 瓷箱(互感器)porcelain casing (instrument transformer)45. 瓷箱压圈clamping ring for porcelain casing46. 膨胀器expander47. 二次端子箱secondary terminal box48. 胶囊rubber bladder49. 电缆夹cable clip50. 绝缘装配insulation assembly51. 器身装配active part assembly52. 总装配final assembly53. 自动升降装配架automatic assembly scaffold54. 线圈吊具winding hoisting tool(two-leg ,three-leg)55. 插板刀lamination inserting knife56. 拆除上轭dismantle of upper yoke57. 插板reinsertion of upper yoke58. 线圈油压千斤顶hydraulic jacks for winding compression59. 油压泵站hydraulic pump station60. 引线绝缘包扎机lead insulation wrapping machine61. 冷压焊钳cold pressing pliers62. 线圈纸筒较紧器tightening device for winding cylinder63. 轭片N型夹n-shaped clips for upper yoke64. 斜纹布带twill cotton tape65. 箱壁绝缘隔板insulation diaphragm on the tank wall1466. 绝缘成型件 paper moulded insulating part 67. 真空干燥vacuum drying68. 气相加热阶段 vapour-phase heating period 69. 高真空阶段 high vacuum period70. 真空注油阶段 vacuum oil filling period 71. 煤油蒸发器 kerosene evaporator 72. 煤油回收泵 kerosene recycling pump 73. 蒸汽加热排管 steam heating radiators74. 立式真空缸 top loading vacuumdrying autoclave 75. 缸开启开油缸 opening mechanismof autoclave cover 76. 移动式净油站 movable oil purificator 77. 油脱水装置 oil-dehydrating device 78. 油过滤芯子cartridge of oil-filer 79. 油基(石蜡基,环烷基) oil base (paraffin base ,naphthene base) 80. 油的吸气性gas separating property of oil81. 油闪点(凝固点) flash point (congealing point )of oil 82. 酸值 acid value 83. 抗氧化剂 antioxidant 84. 抗凝剂anticoagulent85. 阻化油(非阻化油) inhibited (un-) oil 86. 油试验器oil tester87. 油的胶体污染 colloidal contamination of oil 88. 吸附剂absorbent89. 油中含水量(含气量) gas (moisture) content of oil90. 油中颗粒数 particle content of oil 91. 气相色谱分析 chromatography 92. 甲烷(乙烷) methane, ethane 93. 乙炔 acetylene 94. 乙烯 ethylene95. 一氧化碳 carbon monoxide 96. 丙烯acryl97. 氧(氮,氢) oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen 98. 总烃含量 overall hydrocarbon content 99. 百万分之一parts per million忸包装及运输PACKAGE AND TRANSPORTATIONpackage packing list1. 包装箱2. 装箱单15packaged in craterailway highway transportation water(sea) transportation saddle bottomed wagon open web girder wagon trailer truck tankerschnabel wagon hoisting crane floating crane caterpillar crane railway crane steel cable chain block containertransport capstan and pulley block delivery date destination shipping mark handled with care don 't stack up don 't turn over consignor consignee gross weight case No. dispatch list pallet fork lift center of gravity oversizetransport don 't uncouple with slipping loading capacity port of loading marshalling yardtotal weight of product weight of active part weight of oil transport weightdismantled accessories spare parts3. 花板包装4. 铁路(公路)运输5. 水路(海路)运输6. 凹形车7. 落孔车8. 拖车9. 卡车 10. 油罐车 11. 钳夹式车 12. 起重机 13. 浮吊 14. 履带吊15. 铁路轨道吊 16. 钢丝绳 17. 手拉葫芦 18. 集装箱运输 19. 绞盘与滑轮组 20. 发货日期 21. 到站 22. 唛头23. 小心轻放 24. 不准叠放 25. 不准倒置 26. 发货人 27. 收货人 28. 毛重 29. 箱号 30. 发货单 31. 底拖 32. 叉车 33. 重心34. 限速运输 35. 不准流放 36. 装载量 37. 装货港口 38. 铁路编组站 39. 产品总重 40. 器身重量 41. 油重 42. 运输重 43. 拆卸附件 44. 备件16parts subjected to weartransported with nitrogen fillingtransported with oil fillingtransportation dimension sizerating plate datadesignating plate , illustration plateindication markdesign codesymbol of productserial No.service conditioninsulating levelworking altitudeambient temperaturewinding temperature-riseillustrative drawing for winding terminalsillustrative drawing for winding connection maximum(minimum) tappingrated tappingIX图纸及技术文件用语TECHNICAL FOR DRAWING AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS1. 零件parts2. 部件component (assembly) parts3. 基础件basic parts4. 借用件shared parts5. 标准件standard parts6. 外购件general parts7. 附件accessories8. 配合件mating parts9. 可拆卸件dismountable parts10. 成套设备 a complete11 . 初步设计preliminary12. 技术设计technical design13. 技术设计说明书instruction for technical design14 . 施工图设计working drawing design15. 技术协议technical agreement16 . 技术任务书assignment for technical design45. 易损件46. 充氮运输47. 充油运输48. 运输尺寸图49. 铭牌数据50. 标志牌,指示牌51. 指示标记52. 标准号53. 产品代号54. 产品序号55. 使用条件56. 绝缘水平57. 海拔高度58. 环境温度59. 线圈温升60. 线圈端子位置示意图61. 线圈连接组图62. 最大最小分接63. 额定分接17. 技术条件technical condition17annex (appendix) to the contract examination and appraisal program summary of trial production type test report routine test report technical and economical analysis feasibitily studytechnical document for product delivery quality certificate operation instruction of transformer general layout overall dimension installation drawing illustrative drawing principle circuit diagram block diagram table (graph) shipping dimension drawing foundation drawing originals(transparent print) blue print duplicates contents of drawing (documents) detail list of drawing detail list of purchased parts reference list of customers title block of drawing number item name drawing No.unit weight designed , checked , approved pertaining to assembly drawing No.scale paper size for unmarked for unmarked edges hardening surface hardening galvanized nikel , pickling18. 合同附件 19. 检验鉴定大纲 20. 试制总结 21. 形式试验报告 22. 出厂试验报告 23. 技术经济分析 24. 可行性分析 25. 出厂技术文件 26. 产品合格证27. 变压器使用说明书 28. 总图29. 外形尺寸图 30. 安装图 31. 示意图32. 线路原理图 33. 方框图 34. 图表 35. 运输图 36. 地基图 37. 底图 38. 蓝图 39. 复制图 40. 图样目录 41. 零件明细表 42. 外购件明细表 43. 产品用户一览表 44. 图纸标题栏 45. 项号 46. 名称 47. 图号48. 单件重量49. 设计,校核,审定 50. 隶属装配图号 51. 比例 52. 纸型 53. 其余54. 其余倒角 55. 淬火56. 表面淬火 57. 镀锌 58. 镀镍 59. 酸洗18phosphorated coated with two layers of primer surface coatingsemi-conducting coating hot dipping anti-corna coating tack weld spot weld stud weldwelded according to practical condition drilled together with mating parts ream after drilling through hole shot-blastgrinding to flat after welding clear away burrs tempering straighteningsymmetrical parts tapered hole forging (die casting) angle evenness finish (roughness) inclination circularity (ellipticity) eccentricity (concentricity) inconcentricity flatness straightness parallelism perpendicularityunfolded A-A enlarged B-B tuned by viewed from K A-A section alignment nut locked by punching three points pieced together reverse60. 磷化61. 涂两遍底漆 62. 表漆63. 半导体涂层 64. 热浸 65. 防叠层 66. 点固焊 67. 点焊 68. 标杆焊 69. 配焊70. 与配合件同时钻孔 71. 钻后绞孔 72. 透孔73. 吹砂(抛丸) 74. 焊后磨平 75. 去毛刺 76. 回火 77. 校直 78. 对称件 79. 锥度孔80. 煅件(压铸件) 81. 角钢(槽钢) 82. 整齐度83.表面光洁度 (粗糙度) 84. 倾斜度85. 圆度(椭圆度) 86. 偏心度(同心度) 87. 不同心度 88. 平(不平)度 89. 直度 90. 平行度 91. 垂直度 92. 展开图 93.A-A 放大 94.B-B 转 95.K 向96.A-A 剖面97. 对中心(不对中心) 98. 冲铆三点锁紧螺母 99. 铆接 100. 改版19X 质量控制及试验设备QUALITY CONTROL AND TEST EQUIPMENT101. 质量(质量控制)quality control102. 质量方针quality policy103. 质量管理quality management104. 质量保证体系quality guarantee105. 质量监督quality supervisor106. 质量成本quality rated cost107. 可靠性reliability108. 可用性availability109. 合格conformity110. 缺陷nonconformity111. 设计评审design review112. 关键工序critical process113. 控制点control point114. 验收检验acceptance inspection115. 准确度accuracy116. 校准calibration117. 误差error118. 产品鉴定product appraisal119. 投运试验commissioning test120. 首件试验first item inspection121. 工序间试验in-process inspection122. 最总检验final inspection123. 出厂检验routine test124. 形式试验type test125. 特殊试验special test126. 标准偏差standard deviation127. 正态分布normal distribution128. 设计定型finalization of design129. 定形改版finalized revision130. 市场调查market survey131. 试验用仪器仪表testing instrument132. 冲击电压发生器impulse voltage generator133. 截断装置chopping device134. 试验发电机组testing generator set135. 电容补偿装置capacitor compensation device136. 高压示波器high voltage137. 分压器voltage divider138. 标准电容器standard capacitor20幻常用生产及工装设备EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS COMMONLY USEDlathevertical lathe surfacing lathesaddle bed lathe automatic lathe numerical control lathe turret lathe backing off lathe bulging lathe drill bench drill radial drill boring machine jig boring machine facing boring lathe millerscrew universal miller spline miller planer type miller slotting machine139. 法拉第笼faraday cage140. 局放测试仪 partial discharge tester 141. 数字电压表 digital display voltmeter 142. 低功率因数瓦特表 low power factor wattmeter 143. 西林电桥 schering bridge 144. 变比电桥 bridge for testing of voltage 145. 频率表 frequency meter 146. 热电偶 thermoelectric couple 147. 红外线扫描仪 infrared scanner 148. 水电阻 water resistance 149. 球极 sphere-gap 150. 峰值电压表 peak value voltmeter 151. 表面温度计 surface thermometer 152. 记忆示波器 memory scope 153. 钳形电流器 tong-type ammeter 154. 万用表 universal testertransformation ratio1. 车床— 、 (■»2. 立式车床3. 断面车床4. 马鞍车床5. 自动车床6. 数控车床7. 大角车床8. 铲背车床9. 旋压车床10. 钻床 11. 台钻 12. 摇臂钻 13. 镗床14. 坐标镗床 15. 落地镗床 16. 铣床17. 螺旋铣床 18. 万能铣床 19. 花键铣床 20. 龙门铣床 21. 插床21gear slottingdouble housing planer open side planer shaper hydraulic planer shaperbroaching machine hack saw disk saw band saw presspunch press shearing machine punch shear bending press thread hobbing machine grinder circular (internal)grinder刈材料标准件及标准零件MATERIALS AND STANDARD PARTSferrous metal (non-ferrous metal) insulatingmaterial (heat-resistant material) low carbon steel (alloy steel) anti-magnetic steel (low-temperature steel) stainless steel hot-rolled (cold-rolled) silicon sheet steel cold rolled grain oriented silicon sheet steel copper (brass , bronze , phosphor bronze) lead (tin, silver, zinc) platinum (g old, antimony, mercury) insulating paper (press board) high-densitypressboard pulp crepe paper calendered insulating paper cable paper condenser paper kraft paper 22. 插齿机23. 双柱龙门刨 24. 单臂刨床 25. 刨边机 26. 液压刨床 27. 牛头刨床 28. 拉床 29. 弓锯床 30. 圆锯床 31. 带锯床 32. 压力机 33. 冲压机 34. 剪板机 35. 剪断机 36. 折板机 37. 滚丝机 38. 磨床39. 外圆(内圆)磨床1. 黑色金属(有色金属)2. 绝缘材料(保温材料)3. 低碳钢(合金钢)4. 抗磁钢(低温钢)5. 不锈钢6. 热轧(冷轧)硅钢片7. 冷轧晶粒取向硅钢片8. 紫铜(黄铜,青铜,磷铜) 9. 铅(锡,银,锌) 10. 铂(金,锑,汞) 11. 绝缘纸(纸板) 12. 高密度纸板 13. 纸浆14. 皱纹纸(压光皱纹纸) 15. 压延绝缘纸 16. 电缆纸 17. 电容器纸18. 牛皮纸(青壳纸)。
21版:Unit 1 A land of diversity(创新设计)
那就是今天有超过40%的加 的原因”
强化积累背诵 · 夯基
要点层级讲练 · 突破
3.It is believed that before long _It_i_s_b_e_l_ie_v_e_d_t_h_a_t_te_e_n_a_g_e_r_s_w_i_t_h_o_u_t _h_av_i_n_g_
the mix of nationalities will be so _b_r_e_a_k_fa_s_t_w_i_ll__n_o_t _o_n_ly__fa_l_l_a_sl_e_e_p_e_a_s_il_y_i_n_
great that there will be no distinct _c_la_s_s_____________________________,
thousand years ago.然而,可能 “有可能……” worth.
至少在15 000年前美洲土著人
强化积累背诵 · 夯基
要点层级讲练 · 突破
2.That is why today over
____T_h_a_t’_s_w_h_y_____ the school uniforms
强化积累背诵 · 夯基
要点层级讲练 · 突破
1.后缀“-or”表示“人”的高频名词 ①conductor 售票员;列车员 ②administrator 管理者;行政人员 ③director 导演;主管 ④educator 教育工作者 ⑤editor 编辑 ⑥inventor 发明家;发明者 ⑦operator 操作员;接线员 ⑧translator 翻译家;译者
The Science of Spacesuit Design
The Science of Spacesuit DesignSpacesuits are crucial pieces of technology that enable astronauts to survive and thrive in the harsh environment of space. The science behind spacesuit design is a fascinating and complex field that involves a combination of engineering, materials science, and human physiology.One of the key factors in spacesuit design is the need to provide a pressurized and oxygenated environment for astronauts to breathe and operate in. This requires the spacesuit to be carefully sealed to prevent leaks and to be constructed from materials that can withstand the extreme temperature changes and radiation levels of space. Additionally, the spacesuit must be able to protect astronauts from micrometeoroids and other debris that could pose a threat to their safety.Another important consideration in spacesuit design is mobility. Astronauts need to be able to move freely and easily while wearing their spacesuits in order to perform tasks such as conducting experiments, repairing equipment, and exploring the surface of other planets. Designing a spacesuit that allows for this level of mobility while still providing the necessary protection and life support is a significant challenge for engineers.In addition to these practical considerations, spacesuit design also takes into account the psychological and physiological needs of astronauts. Spending long periods of time in a spacesuit can be physically and mentally demanding, so designers must ensure that the suit is comfortable, ergonomic, and conducive to the overall well-being of the wearer. Factors such as temperature regulation, moisture control, and waste management are all important aspects of spacesuit design that must be carefully considered.One of the latest advancements in spacesuit design is the development of so-called "smart" spacesuits that incorporate technology such as sensors, cameras, and communication systems to enhance the capabilities of astronauts while in space. These smart spacesuits can help astronauts monitor their vital signs, navigate their surroundings, and stay in communication with mission control on Earth, making them even more effective and efficient in their work.Overall, the science of spacesuit design is a multifaceted and dynamic field that continues to evolve as technology advances and our understanding of space exploration grows. By combining expertise in engineering, materials science, and human factors, designers are able to create spacesuits that are not only functional and practical, but also comfortable, safe, and supportive of the physical and mental well-being of astronauts. As we look to the future of space exploration, spacesuit design will continue to play a crucial role in enabling humans to venture further into the cosmos and expand our knowledge of the universe.。
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【工程学科英语(整合第二稿)】 参考答案
Unit OneTask 1⑩④⑧③⑥⑦②⑤①⑨Task 2① be consistent with他说,未来的改革必须符合自由贸易和开放投资的原则。
② specialize in启动成本较低,因为每个企业都可以只专门从事一个很窄的领域。
③ d erive from以上这些能力都源自一种叫机器学习的东西,它在许多现代人工智能应用中都处于核心地位。
④ A range of创业公司和成熟品牌推出的一系列穿戴式产品让人们欢欣鼓舞,跃跃欲试。
⑤ date back to置身硅谷的我们时常淹没在各种"新新"方式之中,我们常常忘记了,我们只是在重新发现一些可追溯至涉及商业根本的朴素教训。
Task 3T F F T FTask 4The most common viewThe principle task of engineering: To take into account the customers ‘ needs and to find the appropriate technical means to accommodate these needs.Commonly accepted claims:Technology tries to find appropriate means for given ends or desires;Technology is applied science;Technology is the aggregate of all technological artifacts;Technology is the total of all actions and institutions required to create artefacts or products and the total of all actions which make use of these artefacts or products.The author’s opinion: it is a viewpoint with flaws.Arguments: It must of course be taken for granted that the given simplified view of engineers with regard to technology has taken a turn within the last few decades. Observable changes: In many technical universities, the inter‐disciplinary courses arealready inherent parts of the curriculum.Task 5① 工程师对于自己的职业行为最常见的观点是:他们是通过应用科学结论来计划、开发、设计和推出技术产品的。
Training should also include hands-on experience with practical experiences and projects to develop practical skills
The ultimate goal of the current is to prepare students for entry level positions in the Electrical Engineering and Automation field
General English Courseware for Electrical Engineer
Overview of Electrical Engineering and AutomationBasic knowledge of electrical engineeringAutomation Technology and ApplicationsProfessional English Vocabulary and ExpressionAnalysis of practical application cases
introduce the basic principles of semiconductors and their properties, including diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits
Digital and analog electronics
Job opportunities are expected to be substantial for those with skills in Electrical Engineering and Automation, specifically in areas such as renewable energy, smart grids, and electric vehicles
全新版大学进阶英语2第五章第一篇课文朗读China launched its first rocket with human beings aboard on October 15, 2003. Astronaut Yang Liwei brought to its fulfillment a dream that probably had its roots in a much earlier time. Although the veracity of the story cannot be confirmed, legend has it that in A.D. 1500 a man named Wan Hu prepared his own mission to the stars. At that time, the Chinese invention of gunpowder was widely used in rockets for military purposes as well as in fireworks. Wan Hu devised a risky plan to harness the power of such rockets to take him to the stars.The story goes that Wan Hu built the first spaceship: a chair with 47 powerful gunpowder rockets and two kites attached to it. On the day of the launch, each rocket was lit by a different servant carrying a torch. The servants then moved back and waited. An earth-shattering explosion followed: Wan Hu and his primitive spaceship had disappeared completely. Although the story may seem a little far-fetched, the principles of rocket-powered spaceflight are contained in Wan Hu’s crazy dream.On November 2, 1947, a crowd of onlookers at San Pedro harbor in Los Angeles witnessed aviation history. An enormous flying boat, nicknamed the Spruce Goose, sped across the bay and rose 70 feet above the water. After just under a minute, it landed perfectly one mile down the bay. It was the first and last time the boat ever flew.The concept for construction of the Spruce Goose came from the need for more effective ways of transporting troops and materials in World War II. The idea came from a man called Henry Kaiser, but it was Howard Hughes, the legendary multi-millionaire, who actually developed the flying boat.The Spruce Goose was the biggest airplane ever built and still holds the record for the greatest wingspan, and it was made entirely of wood. Though it had promise, in the end the project failed for three main reasons: the cost of building the enormous machine; the complexity of working with wood; and Hughes’s perfectionist approach, which caused the entire project to finish behind schedule. The Goose was put into storage and remained hidden from view until 1976, when it was put on display for the public. In 1992, the plane was dismantled and transported to the state of Oregon, where it remains today. Many of the design features of the Spruce Goose have been incorporated into modern cargo planes. Like other pioneers in the field of transportation, Hughes was simply ahead of his time.Centuries before Hughes was designing the Spruce Goose, another pioneer in transportation design was sketching plans for different kinds of flying machines. Leonardo da Vinci, perhaps the most famous artist of the Renaissance period, planned flying devices with flapping wings controlled and steered by human pilots. His research focused on thecomplex anatomy of birds in flight, and he based his flying machines on this analogy. It took almost 500 years for da Vinci’s sketches to become real. In June 2000, a professional parachutist named Adrian Nicholas jumped out of a hot-air balloon over the South African countryside using a parachute made of wood and canvas based on one of da Vinci’s designs. Nicholas landed safely, and Leonardo’s dream became reality.These three enigmatic individuals, Wan Hu, Howard Hughes, and Leonardo da Vinci, came from places and cultures that are about as different as we can imagine. What they shared was a fascination with flying, a spirit of innovation, and the courage to try and make their dreams of flight come true.。
这个设计真特别作文英语The Unique Design。
The design of this particular object is truly one of a kind. It stands out from the rest due to its innovative and creative features. The unique design of this object has caught the attention of many, and it has become a topic of conversation among those who have seen it. In this essay, I will discuss the special qualities of this design and whyit is so remarkable.First and foremost, the unique design of this object is evident in its shape and structure. Unlike traditional objects of its kind, it has a distinct and unconventional form that sets it apart. The designer has taken a bold approach in creating something that challenges the norms and expectations of design. The result is a visually striking and captivating object that commands attention.Furthermore, the materials used in the construction ofthis object are also a key factor in its unique design. The designer has opted for unconventional and unexpected materials, which contribute to the overall aesthetic and functionality of the object. This bold choice of materials adds an element of surprise and delight to the design, making it all the more special and memorable.In addition to its shape and materials, thefunctionality of this object is also a testament to its unique design. It serves a purpose that is not only practical but also innovative. The designer has thought outside the box and created something that fulfills a need in a way that is fresh and original. This aspect of the design has garnered much praise and admiration from those who have experienced its functionality firsthand.Moreover, the attention to detail in the design of this object is truly remarkable. Every aspect of its construction has been carefully considered and executed with precision. From the smallest components to the overall aesthetic, the designer has paid meticulous attention to every detail, resulting in a design that is cohesive andharmonious in every aspect.Finally, the impact that this unique design has had on its audience cannot be overlooked. It has sparked conversations and inspired others to think differently about design. Its influence has extended beyond the realm of its intended use, serving as a source of inspiration for those who appreciate creativity and originality in design.In conclusion, the unique design of this object is a testament to the power of creativity and innovation. Its unconventional shape, materials, functionality, attention to detail, and impact on its audience all contribute to its exceptional and remarkable design. It has set a new standard for what is possible in design, and its influence will undoubtedly be felt for years to come. This design is truly one of a kind, and it will continue to be celebrated and admired for its special qualities.。
the art of designing impossible experiences
the art of designing impossible experiences"The Art of Designing Impossible Experiences" sounds like a fascinating topic that may involve pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation to create memorable and unique experiences. While this phrase doesn't directly reference a specific concept or field, it evokes the idea of creating experiences that challenge conventional thinking and defy expectations.Designing impossible experiences could encompass various domains, including:1.Experiential Design:This involves crafting experiences that engage the senses, emotions, and intellect of participants in unexpected and thought-provoking ways. It may involve elements of immersive theater, interactive installations, or multimedia experiences.2.Innovation and Creativity:Creating experiences that seem impossible often requires innovative thinking and creative problem-solving. This could involve leveraging emerging technologies, unconventional materials, or novel storytelling techniques to stretch the limits of what is possible.3.Event Design:Planning and orchestrating events that leave a lasting impression on attendees often involves designing experiences that go beyond the ordinary. This could include themed events, pop-up installations, or experiential marketing campaigns that surprise and delight participants.4.Digital Experiences:In the digital realm, designing impossible experiences may involve creating virtual worlds, augmented reality (AR)experiences, or interactive narratives that transport users to fantastical realms or challenge their perceptions of reality.5.Art and Performance: Artists and performers often explore the concept of impossibility in their work, pushing the boundaries of their craft to create experiences that inspire wonder and awe. This could include avant-garde theater productions, experimental music compositions, or multimedia art installations.Overall, "The Art of Designing Impossible Experiences" suggests an exploration of creativity, innovation, and imagination in the pursuit of crafting extraordinary moments that defy the constraints of reality. It's a concept that invites curiosity and invites us to rethink what is possible in the realm of human experience.。
© 2008 Aalborg Industries Inert Gas Systems B.V.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be copied or published by means of printing, photocopying, microfilm or oth-erwise without prior written consent of Aalborg Industries Inert Gas Systems . This restriction also applies to the corresponding drawings and diagrams.The information given in this document has been collected for the general convenience of our clients. It has been based on general data pertaining to construction material properties and working methods known to us at the time of issue of the document and is therefore subject at any time to change or amendment. The right to change or amend is hereby expressly reserved. The instructions in this publication only serve as a guide-line for installation, use and maintenance of the machine mentioned on the cover page of this document.This publication is to be used for the standard model of the machine of the type given on the cover page. Thus Aalborg Industries Inert Gas Systems cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from the application of this publication to the version actually delivered to you.This publication has been written with great care. However, Aalborg Industries Inert Gas Systems cannot beheld responsible, either for any errors occurring in this publication or for their consequences.INSTRUCTION MANUALINERTGAS GENERATORGENERAL INFORMATIONSeries GlnINSTRUCTION MANUALINERTGAS GENERATOR Series GlnType: Smit Gas™ Gln 2500 - 0.15 FUOrder number: Manufacturing number: 06862........................................................................................... Year of construction: 2007............................................................................................. Customer: Hai Cheung Trading Co. t.b.v. Jiangzhou Union Shipyard......................... Ref. Customer: POMEWH060671............................................................................. Yard number: JZ1007.........................................................................................TABLE OF CONTENTS1GENERAL INFORMATION (5)1.1S COPE (5)1.2L IABILITY (5)1.3G UARANTEE (5)1.4A BBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL (5)2SAFETY (6)2.1G ENERAL S AFETY INSTRUCTIONS (6)2.2S AFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR O PERATING &MAINTENANCE (7)3INSTALLATION (9)3.1I NSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (9)4STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS (11)4.1G ENERAL STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS (11)4.2S TORAGE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THECONSTRUCTION PERIOD (11)5TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION (12)5.1G ENERAL (12)5.2P ROCESS PRINCIPLE (12)5.3D ETAILED PROCESS DESCRIPTION (13)5.3.1General (13)5.3.2Combustion air supply (13)5.3.3Capacity control (13)5.3.4Fuel oil supply (14)5.3.5Pilot burner (14)5.3.6Main burner (14)5.3.7Combustion chamber and scrubbingsection (14)5.3.8Effluent waterseal (15)5.3.9Generator pressure control system (15)5.3.10Generator delivery pressure (16)5.3.11Purge / excess vent valve and deliveryvalve (16)5.3.12Excess gas vent system - deck mainpressure (16)5.3.13Deck main pressure control (17)5.3.14Measurement and safeguarding of theoxygen content (18)5.3.15Fuel to air ratio / oxygen content (18)6TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION (20)6.1D ESIGN BASIS (20)6.2I NERT GAS SPECIFICATION (20)6.3U TILITIES (20)7OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (22)7.1G ENERAL (22)7.2C ONTROL PANELS (22)7.3S WITCHING ON (22)7.3.1Inert gas production (22)7.3.2Air production (24)7.4S WITCHING OFF (24)7.4.1Normal switch off (24)7.4.2In case of a longer standstill (25)7.5C HECKS DURING OPERATION (25)7.6A DJUSTMENTS (26)7.6.1Adjustments of the generator deliverypressure (26)7.6.2Adjustments on the oxygen analyser (26)7.6.3Adjustments of the deck main pressure.267.6.4Adjustments to the pilot burner (26)7.6.5Adjustments of the fuel-oil pump deliverypressure (26)8TROUBLE SHOOTING (27)8.1F AILURES (27)8.2C ONSEQUENCES OF FAILURES EXPLANATION.278.3T ROUBLE S HOOTING C HARTS (28)8.3.1General trouble shooting chart (28)8.3.2Consequences of failures trouble shootingchart (29)9MAINTENANCE (33)9.1G ENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS.F OUT!B LADWIJZER NIET GEDEFINIEERD.9.1.1Rinsing the combustion chamber.....Fout!Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd.9.2M AIN BURNER (33)9.3P ILOT BURNER (34)9.4F REEZING PREVENTION (34)9.5M AINTENANCE TABLES (34)9.5.1Before every start (34)9.5.2Every 250-hrs (34)9.5.3Annually (35)9.5.4After every stop (35)9.6R EPLACING THE PLC BATTERY (35)9.7L UBRICATING SCHEDULE (36)9.7.1Lubricating table (37)10TEST PROTOCOL (38)11PROCESS DOCUMENTATION (39)12DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS (40)13ELECTRICAL DOCUMENTATION (41)14DOCUMENTATION (42)1 GENERALINFORMATION1.1 ScopeThis manual contains information for the proper functioning and maintenance of the inert gas generator. It also contains important instructions to prevent accidents and serious damage prior to and during operation of the inert gas generator.Read this manual carefully before using the inert gas generator, familiarise yourself with the functioning and operation of the inert gas generator and strictly observe the instructions given.If you have any questions or need more de-tails on specific aspects relating to the inert gas generator, please contact:Aalborg Industries Inert Gas Systems B.V. St Hubertusstraat 106531 LB NijmegenThe NetherlandsP.O. Box 66646503 GD NijmegenThe NetherlandsTel.: +31 24 35 23 100Fax: +31 24 35 23 177E-mail: aftersales@smitgas.nl1.2 LiabilityThe data published in this manual are based on the latest information available. They are subject to future modification.We reserve the right to change the construction and/or design of the product, without being obliged to adapt earlier supplies accordingly. 1.3 GuaranteeThe guarantee conditions that are stated in the 'General conditions of Sale and Delivery of Aal-borg Industries Inert Gas Systems B.V.' are applicable to this product. The guarantee will become null and void if:−service and maintenance are not carried out strictly in accordance with theinstructions given,−repair work is not carried out by authorised personnel or has been performed without prior written consent;−the equipment has been modified without prior written consent;−non-original parts are used;−the equipment is used incorrectly or not in accordance with its intended use. Wearing parts are not covered by the guarantee.1.4 Abbreviations used in thismanualBP BridgepanelCCRP Cargo control room panelCoF Consequences of FailuresDWS Deck water sealERP Engine Room PanelFOP Fuel oil pumpLCRP Local Control Room PanelP/V-breakerPressure / Vacuum breakerPVB Pressure / Vacuum breaker2 SAFETY2.1 General Safety instructionsThis plant is designed to produce inert gas, with low oxygen content. Inert gas is an asphyxiating gas and contains nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and little or no oxygen (O2). Furthermore carbon monoxide (CO) and other toxic gasses that may be present.Exposure to or inhalation of the product gas should be avoided; the more so as no oxygen is present. Leakage or venting of product gas into closed or confined areas, or at places where personnel may be present, must be avoided. Any violation of these warnings may result in accidents causing personal injuries. A general indication about the effects and symptoms in case of low oxygen content is given below: •Before entering an enclosed or poorly ven-tilated area containing an inert gas gen-erator or transmission equipment and pip-ing, follow all established local safety pre-cautions and procedures.•Product gas should not be vented or oth-erwise discharged except through thenormal piping system. Appropriate signsshould be placed in the area of the nitro-gen system warning of the hazard. •Piping of the inert gas flow to areas of high air circulation is recommended. Consultyour own safety personnel for local, stateand federal procedures or regulations. •All electrical installation should be in ac-cordance with the recognised electricalcodes.Oxygen content Effects and symptoms15-19% Decreased ability to work strenuously. May impair the co-ordination.12-14% Respiration increase with exertion, increase of pulse rate, impaired co-ordination, reception and judgement affected.10-12% Respiration further increases in rate and depth, poor judgement, blueness of lips.8-10% Mental failure, fainting, unconsciousness, ashen face, blueness of lips,nausea and vomit.9- 8% 8 minutes exposure: fatal; 6 minutes exposure: 50% fatal; 4-5 minutesexposure recovery with treatment.4- 6% Coma in 40 seconds, convulsions, respiration ceased or death.Note: oxygen contents is indicated by volume percentage at atmospheric pressure.2.2 Safety instructions for Op-erating & maintenance Operating the equipment in excess of theconditions set forth in the Sales Contractand the Technical Specification willsubject it to stresses and strains that itwas not designed to withstand.Carefully read the cautions and instructions before starting the equipment or doing any maintenance.1. Before doing any maintenance to theelectrical installation, be certain that theelectrical supply has been switched off bythe main switch.2. Before doing any maintenance to theequipment, be sure that all pressures ofthe entire system have been vented.3. When operating the equipment, do notexceed the rated capacities, speeds,pressures or temperatures or actotherwise than laid down in theseinstructions and the sub-contractorsmanuals.4. Do not remove any covers from rotatingunits, such as blowers, fuel pumps, fansetc. while the unit is in operation.5. At no time the unit should be energisedand started in hazardous environments.6. Sufficient ventilation air is obligatory in theig generator room.7. Before any operation do test the alarmsand calibrate the O2 analyser.8. The O2 content should not exceed 5%when the inertgas is supplied to the tanks 9. Spilling oil (fuel or lubrication) may causeslipperiness or fire damages.10. The mode selection Iner Gas/ Air shouldbe made by the responsible person.11. For detail about operations see chapter 7. If ventilation is insufficient this can cause underpresure in the room. The result may be that doors cannot be opened anymore.Do not enter any cargo spaceand/or tank before the oxygencontent in these spaces ismeasured and found sufficient toguarantee that these places arenot filled with inert gasses orother gasses then air!Fig 1 shows the safety triangle that need be used all the time for safe operation during inerting- gas freeing.Never the area indicated as “flammable or explosive region” may be entered.3 INSTALLATION3.1 InstallationinstructionsCarefully read the cautions and in-structions before installing theequipment:1. Remove all packing material carefully.2. The inert gas installations are deliveredon foundation frames; on behalf of trans-port, the installation is divided or parts are disassembled that are delivered sepa-rately, depending on the dimensions.3. The diameters of the piping, to which thesupply, vent, discharge and distributionlines on board must be connected, are in-dicated on the diagrams and drawings(Process documentation and dimensionaldrawings). In case a big pressure dropwill occur in the pipe system, these linesshould be of an extra ample design.When choosing the pipe diameters, thecapacities and pressures mentioned inthe technical specification should be con-sidered.4. If more than one generator is placed on aship, each generator must be providedwith its own fittings, such as shut-offvalves, filters, reducing valves etc in thevarious supply and discharge lines. Thisin order to be able to guarantee an inde-pendent operation of each generator.5. No rain or water from the outside may findits way into the venting and aeratingpipes.6. The seawater supply pressure shouldremain as constant as possible (+/- 20%).If big pressure fluctuations in the sea-water are to be expected, It is recom-mended to fit a dedicated seawater sup-ply pump.6B The sea water supply to the gas genera-tor must be stopped when a failure in theseawater discharge of the generator oc-curs either by closing an automatic valve(to be fitted in the sea water supply line),or by stopping the sea water supplypump. For that purpose an electrical con-tact is made available.In case seawater is supplied from another source (not a dedicated seawater supplypump), an automatic valve must alwaysbe fitted in the supply line to the gas gen-erator.7. For free discharge of the seawater (con-sequently pressureless), the piping mustnot have a great resistance (see dimen-sions on the dimensional drawings). Inorder to be able to discharge the coolingwater pressureless during swinging (roll-ing) of the ship, the water discharge linesmust have a slope of at least 20°. Thisapplies to the connection line between the washing tower and the waterseal and tothe discharge line of the waterseal tooverboard.8. When fitting the waterseal and its supplyand discharge lines, attention should bepaid to the fact that during operation noair bubbles can arise in this line. Bubblescan block the water passage; at possibleair collecting places a venting pipe mustbe made, e.g. in bends, high fitted pipingparts, under the lid of the waterseal etc. 9. Inert gas generator must be installedabove highest waterline. For more detailssee the flowdiagrams in the "Processdocumentation". If the generator is placednear or below water level, special ar-rangements for the generator and the wa-terseal are required.10. Seawater pipes must be protectedagainst corrosion;11. The temperature of the combustion airmay not be subjected to a sudden strongvariation. It is recommended to suck inthe combustion air from "inside" the ship.12. There should be a constant fuel qualityand viscosity, this being important for thefuel air ratio.13. The compressed air supply may not con-tain rests of lubricating oil and must befree of condense.14. All blow-off piping indicated on the draw-ings must be led to the "outside".15. When the generator is erected in a roomspecially meant for it, there has to be aforced purge of air to discharge the heatdeveloped; a fan must be fitted in the dis-charge canal.16. The I.G. generator is equipped with a Zir-conia type of O2-analyser. This item con-tains no moving or rotating parts and shipmovements or vibrations will have no ef-fect. The O2 measurement and the O2-sensor will last for many years. The onlyattention this analyser requires is regularcalibration. Calibration requires a calibra-tion nitrogen gas bottle including pressure reducing set. A nitrogen cylinder withoxygen must be on board of the ship,close to the O2-analyser.17. The wiring of the auxiliary (control) currentpart is performed according to the X-wiring principle, which means that thewires are running at the rear side of themounting plates. The internal wiring is ofthe required flexible type for shipboarduse. All connections are made with wireconnectors.18. The entrance of the main supply cablescan be made on a suitable place on thestarter panel. The electrical connections(cables) between the terminal boxes,other electrical parts and the panels mustbe laid alongside the ship's steel struc-ture. These cables should be laid duringerection on board.4 STORAGEINSTRUCTIONS4.1 General storage instructions The equipment must be stored at a clean and dry place, protected against weather and moisture. Ambient temperature should not be below 0 °C and above +50 °C.During transportation, severe shocks or vibra-tions should be prevented.All equipment is packed by Aalborg Industries Inert Gas Systems B.V. and suitable for stor-age under above-mentioned conditions. If equipment, such as blowers, is stored for a period longer than12 months, it may be required to check the lubrication. If necessary, it must be replaced. 4.2 Storage instructions for theconstruction periodWith the construction period Smit Gas Systems means:”The period between removing the packaging material, the installation of the equipment into the ship (or into a segment of the ship) and the commissioning of the complete ship”. During this construction period of the ship the equipment must be stored according to the General storage instructions mentioned above.Great care must be taken to protect the equipment against damages while working in the surrounding area of the equipment. Special care must be taken to protect the equipment from sparks when welding near to the equipment.5 TECHNICALDESCRIPTION5.1 GeneralAn inert gas system contains the following standard equipment:1) 2 (two) x 100% centrifugal fan.Each equipped with local control paneland motor starters2) 1 (one) generator, consisting of:- Combustion chamber and washingtower- Burner- Local control panel- Oxygen analyser- Other valves and instrumentation3) 1 (one) on line Fuel Oil Pump (FOP) in-cluding motor starter panel.1 (one) spare fuel oil pump.4) Valves at main line.- Pressure control valve.- Delivery valve.- Purge valve.- Bleed valve.- Check valve.5) Cargo Control Room Panel (CCRP):- Recorder / Deck pressure and oxygen contents- Several alarms, indicators and opera-tors6) Deck Water Seal (DWS)7) Pressure/Vacuum breaker (P/V-breaker)(PVB)8) Bridge Panel (BP)5.2 ProcessprincipleThe I.G. generator is capable of producing inert gas or air. See chapter 14 for operation guidelines.Inert gas is produced by stoichiometric com-bustion of fuel oil with air.The fuel oil is a hydrocarbon and the air a mix-ture of mainly 79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. The combustion is a chemical reaction be-tween the hydrocarbon and the oxygen, mainly giving carbon dioxide and water. Some little rest quantities of oxygen, carbon monox-ide and hydrogen also remain. The nitrogen leaves the generator unchanged.The burner is not ignited at air production.A good combustion process is the first re-quirement of a reliable inert gas generator. The burner is of our special design, in accor-dance with the Aalborg Industries Inert Gas Systems B.V. Ultra-mizing Combustion Sys-tem.The combustion air is supplied to the burner under pressure. In the burner, the fuel oil is atomised in such a way that a perfect mixing of fuel and air is achieved. In this way, the behav-iour of the flame is identical to that of a gas/air mixture.Consequently, a bright blue flame is seen, that will not create any soot. Soot cannot be toler-ated in the plant, neither in the ship’s cargo tanks nor in piping system. Prevention of soot, is only possible in an extremely stable and well-balanced combustion process as used by Aalborg Industries Inert Gas Systems B.V.. The hot inert gas produced mainly consists out of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The hot com-bustion gases are cooled directly and indirectly for the best results.The first indirectly cooling occurs in the com-bustion chamber by a cooling-water jacket. The main cooling of the combustion gases occurs in the cooling / washing section of the com-bustion chamber.During the main cooling the inert gas is di-rectly cooled with seawater. At the same time, the sulphur oxides are washed out. The sul-phur is present in the fuel and is oxidised dur-ing combustion. The inert gas is cooled down to a few degrees over seawater inlet tempera-ture and saturated with water of that tempera-ture.At the end of the cooling section, the water droplets are separated, as the gas passes through a demister.The required final pressure of the generator is achieved by a fan installed in front of the combustion chamber and a pressure control valve in the inert gas line. This causes an overpressure inside the combustion chamber and the gas cooling section. A water seal un-der the cooling section discharges the water, while at the same time maintaining the re-quired pressure and avoiding the escape of inert gas.5.3 Detailed process description 5.3.1 GeneralThe process descriptions and tag numbers refer to the flow diagrams, which you will find in the chapter "Process documentation"5.3.2 Combustion air supplyThe combustion air is supplied to the main burner (2001) by a centrifugal fan or blower (2202 or 2222).The quantity of combustion air to the burner is adjusted via the burner lance.The air pressure is monitored by a pressure switch for ‘pressure too low’ (PZA-2011).I.G. generator is equipped with two combustion air fans according the classification require-ments. Both fans/blowers have block valves (2205 and 2225) at the outletThe block valves are equipped with limit switches for safe operation and protection of the fans. The operator will not be able to start the generator without having these valves in the correct position.5.3.3 Capacity controlThe capacity of the inert gas generator can be adjusted by the handwheel on the main burner. With this the burner gun (lance) can be moved forward and backward in its casing. The passages of the slots in the atomising ring round the burner head will consequently get smaller or bigger.Because the supply pressure of the blower is almost constant, less or more combustion air will flow through the slots.By means of a linkage, the fuel-regulating valve (2032) is coupled to the burner gun. This results in a simultaneously controlled supply of fuel and of combustion air.If the fuel-oil/air ratio is not correct over a part of the capacity range, then the fuel-oil/air ratio can be changed by the pressure control-valve (2032).Only the first time after installation the oil regulating valve (2032) has to be adjusted stepwise. This fuel-regulating valve used has an adjustable gradient. See the sub-suppliers documentation of Maxon (the valve normally is set by the commissioning engineer of Smit and this need be done only once and is com-plicated; it is advice not to change if not needed)This means that with the aid of several ad-justment screws, the right quantity of fuel oil can be supplied to the main burner, to match the combustion airflow at any position of the burner gun.By applying these kind of valves a reliable and repeatable adjustment of the O2 content can be obtained. The capacity will be automati-cally adjusted via a handwheel or cylinder (option) at the main burner.If the fuel-oil/air ratio is not correct over the whole of the capacity range, then the fuel-oil/air ratio can be changed by the pressure regulating valve (1071).This change is advised if the O2 content is too high/low over the whole range.If the fuel oil pressure is high, the O2 content will be low. If The pressure is low the O2 con-tent will be high.To start the generator, the burner gun has to be in its start position, safeguarded by a limit switch (2001a) and indicated on the mimic panel.During inert gas or air production the capacity must be adjusted in such a way that the deck main pressure can be maintained at the set value without blowing-off a too great quantity of gas via the purge/excess gas valve (6021). Note:−After re-adjustment of the capacity during inert gas production, especially with larger changes, the system (pressure andtemperatures) may require some time tostabilise, before the oxygen content isbetween the set limits again. Small steps is to be advised.−The minimum and maximum capacity positions, the stroke of the burner gun, are fixed by mechanical stops on the burnermounting slides. These may never bechanged.5.3.4 Fuel oil supplyFuel oil is sucked in and supplied at a con-stant pressure by a fuel oil pump (1012). The fuel oil pump has a built in pressure safety relief valve.Prior to starting the ignition, and while the pump is already running (pre-purge time), all the fuel oil is pumped back via the overflow valve (1071). By means of this valve, the operating pressure of the pump is adjusted as well.The fuel oil flows to the nozzle of the main burner via two valves (1059, 2040) and a fuel-oil-regulating valve (2032).During ignition, a small quantity of fuel oil is supplied at the set pressure to the pilot burner (2101) via two solenoid valves (2103, 2105).A switch (1053) safeguards the fuel oil pres-sure.5.3.5 Pilot burnerDuring a certain interval of the ignition se-quence, the pilot burner is supplied with fuel oil at the set pump pressure and instrument air for atomisation and combustion.The pilot burner is ignited with the aid of a spark generated by means of a spark plug. An ignition transformer (2131) is supplying the high voltage for the spark plug.The burning of the flame is monitored by an UV-flame detector (2121), in conjunction with the flame safeguard relay in the electric system. 5.3.6 Main burnerThe main burner (2001) is ignited by the pilot burner. The burning of the flame is monitored by an U.V.-flame detector (2021), in conjunc-tion with the flame safeguarding relay in the electric system.The fuel oil is atomised in two steps. First a spray nozzle disperses the fuel oil. Then it is subjected to the inside a tangential impulse flow of combustion air, which added to the mainly axially orientated impulse flow of the liquid itself, results in an ultra-fine dispersion of the liquid.The tangential impulse flow is created by sup-plying the air through slots in a ring fitted around the spray nozzle.The optimum gas quality is achieved by: - the correct atomization by combustion air- The burner cone that concentrates the heat, resulting in a complete chemicalreaction of fuel and airAn optimal atomisation of the fuel is achieved if the differential pressure over the slots of the atomising ring is minimum 0.1 bar. This means the difference between the combustion pres-sure (on gauge 2012) and the pressure inside the combustion chamber (= pressure indicator mounted on controller 8005 in the control panel).At a lower atomising pressure, the quality of combustion will grow worse and soot could be formed.The burner cone is a part of wear and tear. Therefore this cone must be checked periodi-cally for damage, (see the chapter "Mainte-nance"), and replaced as soon as necessary (see drw P-X00047). The life of the burner cone is strongly influenced by the quality of the fuel oil (DMA, DMB or DMC) and the cor-rect adjustment of the system (setting of O2 content, above mentioned atomizing pressure, water pressure, etc). Aalborg Industries Inert Gas Systems B.V. experienced based on this, life times of less than 1000 hours and more than 3500 hours. So the correct operation is most important.5.3.7 Combustion chamber andscrubbing sectionMain and pilot burners are mounted on the combustion chamber (2301). A cooling-water jacket surrounds the combustion chamber to discharge the generated heat as much as possible. The cooling water jacket has a spi-ral, so the cooling water flows round the com-bustion chamber wall and an optimum cooling effect is achieved.。
20-21版:The Rest of the Unit(P43~48)(创新设计)
The Rest of the Unit(P43~48)Ⅰ.单词语境记忆——根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式1.This will simplify your development process (程序).2.It’s reported that a big program of oil exploration has begun off shore (海岸).3.Lindsey’s husband was totally astonished(astonish) by the unexpected visit.4.Don’t handle the vase as if it were made of steel(钢铁).5.It was a cool, misty(mist) morning when we woke near Uvinza.6.It was dusk(傍晚), so there was still some blue in the sky.7.He advertised (advertisement) them of his decision to withdraw from the election.8.His accent(口音) suggests that he is from Sichuan.9.She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer (摄影师).10.I certainly owe (欠) you an apology for not writing more often.Ⅱ.短语语境填空——根据汉语提示写出适当的短语1.He doesn’t like to drink, but if the boss wants him to make__a__toast(祝酒), he’ll usually take a sip.2.The boy had to withdraw some money from the bank owing__to(由于) short of money to pay his tuition.3.My opinion is__contrary__to (相反的) the other students’ in my class.4.I volunteered to enrol__in(报名参加) the 800 meters race.5.To__my__astonishment(令我感到吃惊),he should shout at his father like that.6.We came to understand each other better in__the__process__of(在……过程中) last summer holiday.7.At least during these years, in__contrast__to (和……形成对比) their earlier situations, some improvment in their life is obvious.Ⅲ.句式语境仿写1.Standing in the distance, they were astonished to see misty clouds rising from thegreat Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.他们站在远处眺望,看到湖的南边从尼亚加拉大瀑布上升腾而起的水雾,感到非常震撼。
艺术设计英语Unit 1
Task 2
Reading A
Background Information Task 1 Text Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Reading A
1. Langhorne Langhorne is a borough in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 1,981 at the 2000 census. The name “Langhorne” is also used broadly to include the surrounding townships encompassed by ZIP Code 19047. Sesame Place, while physically located in surrounding Middletown Township, has Langhorne as its mailing address. Langhorne Borough is about 6 miles west of the Delaware River. Langhorne Manor is a separate borough that borders Langhorne proper to the south.
4 5
Reading A
Also ensure that your logo design reflects the goods or services offered by your organization and that your logo design adds some meaning and value to your business plan. A good logo design can help establish a unique identity to your business or product, help differentiate your product from similar products in the market, show customers and clients your organization’s professional approach to business as well as attract a new customer base.
学校代码: 10289 分类号: TK 17 密 级: 公开学 号: 082010050江苏科技大学 硕 士 学 位 论 文过热蒸汽饱和器的研究与设计过热蒸汽饱和器的研究与设计 程 颖江苏科技大学工学硕士学位论文过热蒸汽饱和器的研究与设计江苏科技大学A Thesis Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Master of EngineeringThe Design and Research of the Superheated Steam SaturatorSubmitted byCheng YingSupervised byZhou Gen MingJiangsu University of Science and TechnologyMar, 2011江苏科技大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。
The SpectacularEruptionof MountSt. HelensA The eruption in May 1980 of Mount St. Helens, Washington State, astounded the world withits violence. A gigantic explosion tore much of the volcano's summit to fragments; the energyreleased was equal to that of 500 of the nuclear bombs that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.B The event occurred along the boundary of two of the moving plates that make up the Earth'scrust. They meet at the junction of the North American continent and the Pacific Ocean. Oneedge of the continental North American plate over-rides the oceanic Juan de Fuca micro-plate,producing the volcanic Cascade range that includes Mounts Baker, Rainier and Hood, and LassenPeak as well as Mount St. Helens.C Until Mount St. Helens began to stir, only Mount Baker and Lassen Peak had shown signs oflife during the 20th century. According to geological evidence found by the United StatesGeological Survey, there had been two major eruptions of Mount St. Helens in the recent(geologically speaking)past: around 1900 B.C., and about A.D. 1500. Since the arrival ofEuropeans in the region, it had experienced a single period of spasmodic activity, between 1831and 1857. Then, for more than a century, Mount St. Helens lay dormant.D By 1979, the Geological Survey, alerted by signs of renewed activity, had been monitoringthe volcano for 18 months. It warned the local population against being deceived by themountain's outward calm, and forecast that an eruption would take place before the end of the century. The inhabitants of the area did not have to wait that long. On March 27, 1980,a fewclouds of smoke formed above the summit , and slighttremors were felt. On the 28th, larger anddarker clouds,. consisting of gas and ashes,. emerged and climbed as high as 20,000 feet. In Aprila slight lull ensued, but the volcanologists remained pessimistic. The, in early May, the northernflank of the mountain bulged, and the summit rose by 500 feet.E Steps were taken to evacuate the population. Most- campers, hikers, timbercuttersleft theslopes of the mountain. Eighty-four-year-old Harry Truman, a holiday lodge owner who had livedthere for more than 50 years, refused to be evacuated, in spite of official and public, including anentire class of school children, wrote to him, begging him to leave. He never did.F On May 18, at 8.32 in the morning, Mount St. Helens blew its top. literally. Suddenly, it was1300 feet shorter than it had been before its growth had begun. Over half a cubic mile of rock had disintegrated . At the same moment, an earthquake with an intensity of 5 on the Richter scale was recorded. It triggered an avalanche of snow and ice.mixed with hot rock-the entire north face ofthe mountain had fallen away. A wave of scorching volcanic gas and rock fragments shothorizontally from the volcano's riven flank, at an inescapable 200 miles per hour. As the slidingice and snow melted, it touched off devastating torrents of mud and debris, which destroyed alllife in their path. Pulverised, which destroyed all life in their path. Pulverised rock climbed as adust cloud into the atmosphere. Finally, viscous lava, accompanied by burning clouds of ash andgas, welled out of volcano's new crater, and from lesser vents and cracks in its flanks.G Afterwards, scientists were able to analyse the sequence of events. First, magmamoltenrock-at temperatures above 2000oF. had surged into the volcano from the Earth's mantle. Thebuild-up was accompanied by an accumulation of gas, which increased as the mass of magmagrew. It was the pressure inside the mountain that made it swell. Next, the rise in gas pressurecaused a violent decompression. Which ejected theshattered summit like a cork from a shakensoda bottle. With the summit gone, the molten rock within was released in a jet of gas andfragmented magma, and lava welled from the crater.H The effects of the Mount St. Helens eruption were catastrophic. Almost all the trees of thesurrounding forest, mainly Douglas firs. were flattened. and their branches and bark ripped off bythe shock wave of the explosion. Ash and mud spread over nearly 200 square miles of country. Allthe towns and settlements in the area were smothered in an even coating of ash. Volcanic ash siltedup the Columbia River 35 miles away, reducing the debris that accumulated at the foot of thevolcano reached a depth. in places, of 200 feet.I The eruption of Mount St. Helens was one of the most closely observed and analysed inhistory. Because geologists had been expecting the event, they were able to amass vast amounts of technical data when it happened. Study of atmospheric particles formed as a result of theexplosion showed that droplets of sulphuric acid,acting as a screen between the Sun and theEarth's surface, caused a distinct drop in temperature. There is no doubt that the activity of MountSt. Helens and other volcanoes since 1980 has influenced our climate . Even so, it has been calculated that the quantity of dust ejected by Mount St. Helens - a quarter of a cubic mile- wasnegligible in comparison with that thrown out by earlier eruptions, such as that of Mount Katmaiin Alaska in 1912 (three cubic miles). The volcano is still active. Lava domes have formed insidethe new crater, and have periodically burst. The threat of Mount St Helens lives on..Questions 1 and 2Answer questions 1 and 2 by writing the appropriate letter A-I inboxes 1 and 2 on your answersheet.Example AnswerWhich paragraph compares the eruption to the energy Areleased by nuclear bomb?1. Which paragraph describes the evacuation of themountain?2. Which paragraph describes the moment of the explosion of Mount St. Helens?Questions 3 and 43. What are the dates of the TWO major eruptions of Mount St. Helens before 1980?Write TWO dates in box 3 on your answer sheet.4 How do scientists know that the volcano exploded around the two dates above?Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS , write your answer in box 4 on your answersheetQuestions 5-8Complete the summary of events below leading up to the eruption of Mount St. Helens. ChooseNO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.W rite your answers in boxes 5-8 on your answer sheet. In 1979 the Geological Survey warned ... (5) ... to expect a violent eruption before the end of thecentury. The forecast was soon proved accurate. At the end of March there were tremors andclouds formed above the mountain. This was followed by a lull, but in early May the top of themountain rose by ... (6)... . People were ...(7) ... from around the mountain. Finally, on May 18that ...(8) ..., Mount St. Helens exploded.Question 9 and 10Complete the table below giving evidence for the power of the Mount St. Helens eruption.Write your answers in boxes 9 and 10 on your answer sheet.Item Equivalent toExampleThe energy released by the explosion ofMount St. HelensAnswer500 nuclear bombsThe area of land covered in mud or ash ...(9)...The quantity of dust ejected ...(10)...Question 11Choose the appropriate letter A-D and write it in box 11 one your answer sheet.11. According to the text the eruption of Mount St.Helens and other volcanoes has influenced ourclimate by ...A increasing the amount of rainfall.B heating the atmosphere.C cooling the air temperature.D causing atmospheric storms.READING PASSAGE 2Questions 12-16Reading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs A-G. Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-E and G from the list of heading below.Write the appropriate numbers (i-x) in boxes 12-16 on your answer sheet.NB There are more headings than paragraphs so you will not use all of them.You may use any of the headings more than once.List of Headings(i) The effect of changing demographics on organisations(ii) Future changes in the European workforce(iii) The unstructured interview and its validity(iv) The person-skills match approach to selection(v) The implications of a poor person-environment fit (vi) Some poor selection decisions(vii) The validity of selection procedures(viii) The person-environment fit(ix) Past and future demographic changes in Europe (x) Adequate and inadequate explanations of organisational failureExample Paragraph A Answer (x)12. Paragraph B13. Paragraph C14. Paragraph D15. Paragraph E16. Paragraph GPEOPLE AND ORGANISATIONS: THE SELECTION ISSUEA In 1991, according to the Department of Trade and Industry, a record 48,000 Britishcompanies went out of business. When businesses fail, the post-mortem analysis is traditionallyundertaken by accountants and market strategists. Unarguably organisations do fail because of undercapitalisation, poor financial management,adverse market conditions etc. Yet, conversely, organisations with sound financial backing, good product ideas and market acumen often underperform and fail to meet shareholders' expectations. The complexity, degree and sustainment of organisational performance requires an explanation which goes beyond the balance sheet andthe "paper conversion" of financial inputs into profit making outputs. A more completeexplanation of "what went wrong" necessarily must consider the essence of what an organisationactually is and that one of the financial inputs, the most important and often the most expensive, ispeople.B An organisation is only as good as the people it employs. Selecting the right person for thejob involves more than identifying the essential or desirable range of skills, educational andprofessional qualifications necessary to perform the job and then recruiting the candidate who ismost likely to possess these skills or at least is perceived to have the ability and predisposition toacquire them. This is a purely person/skills match approach to selection.C Work invariably takes place in the presence and/or under the direction of others, in aparticular organisational setting. The individual has to "fit" in with the work environment, withother employees, with the organisational climate, style or work, organisation and culture of the organisation. Different organisations have different cultures (Cartwright & Cooper, 1991; 1992).Working as an engineer at British Aerospace will not necessarily be a similar experience toworking in the same capacity at GEC or Plessey.D Poor selection decisions are expensive. For example, the costs of training a policeman areabout £ 20,000 (approx. US$ 30,000). The costs of employing an unsuitable technician on an oilrig or in a nuclear plant could, in an emergency, result in millions of pounds of damage or loss oflife. The disharmony of a poor person-environment fit (PE-fit) is likely to result in low jobsatisfaction, lack of organisational commitment andemployee stress, which affect organisational outcomes i.e. productivity, high labour turnover and absenteeism, and individual outcomes i.e.physical, psychological and mental well-being.E However, despite the importance of the recruitment decision and the range of sophisticatedand more objective selection techniques available, including the use of psychometric tests,assessment centres etc., many organisations are still prepared to make this decision on the basis ofa single 30 to 45 minute unstructured interview. Indeed, research has demonstrated that a selectiondecision is often made within the first four minutes of the interview. In the remaining time, theinterviewer then attends exclusively to information that reinforces the initial "accept" or "reject"decision. Research into the validity of selection methods has consistently demonstrated that the unstructured interview, where the interviewer asks any questions he or she likes, is a poorpredictor of future job performance and fares little better that more controversial methods likegraphology and astrology. In times of high unemployment,! recruitment becomes a "buyer's market" and this was the case in Britain during the 1980s.F The future, we are told, is likely to be different. Detailed surveys of social and economictrends in the European community show that Europe's population is falling and getting older, Thebirth rate in the Community is now only three-quarters of the level needed to ensure replacementof the existing population. By the year 2020, it is predicted that more than one in four Europeanswill be aged 60 or more and barely one in five will be under 20. In a five-year period between1983 and 1988 the Community's female workforce grew by almost six million. As a result, 51% ofall women aged 14 to 64 are now economically active in the labour market compared with 78% ofmen.G The changing demographics will not only affect selection ratios. They will also make itincreasingly important for organisations wishing tomainta in their competitive edge to be more responsive and accommodating to the changing needs of their workforce if they are to retain anddevelop their human resources. More flexible working hours, the opportunity of work from homeor job share, the provision of childcare facilities etc., will play a major role in attracting andretaining staff in the future.Questions 17-22Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 2?In boxes 17-22 on your answer sheet writeYES if the statement agrees with the writerNO if the statement does not agree with the writer NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage17. Organisations should recognise that their employees are a significant part of theirfinancial assets.18. Open-structured 45 minute interviews are the best method to identify suitable employees.19. The rise in the female workforce in the EuropeanCommunity is a positive trend.20. Graphology is a good predictor of future fob performance.21. In the future, the number of people in employable age groups will decline.22. In 2020, the percentage of the population under 20 will be smaller than now.Questions 23-25Complete the notes below with words taken from Reading Passage 2. Use NO MORE THANONE or TWO WORDS for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 23-25 on your answer sheet.READING PASSAGE 3You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 26-38 which are based on Reading Passage 3on pages 9 and 10."The Rollfilm Revolution"The introduction of the dry plate process brought with it many advantages. Not only was it muchmore convenient, so that the photographer no longer needed to prepare his material in advance,but its much greater sensitivity made possible a new generation of cameras. Instantaneousexposures had been possible before, but only with some difficulty and with special equipment and conditions. Now, exposures short enough to permit the camera to the held in the hand were easily achieved. As well as fitting shutters and viewfinders to their conventional stand cameras,manufacturers began to construct smaller cameras in tended specifically for hand use.One of the first designs to be published was Thomas Bolas' s 'Detective' camera of 1881.Externally a plain box, quite unlike the folding bellows camera typical of the period, it could beused unobtrusively. The name caught on, and for the next decade or so almost all hand cameralwere called ' Detectives', Many. of the new designs in the 1880s were for magazine cameras, inwhich a number of dry plates could be pre-loaded and changed one after another followingexposure. Although much more convenient than stand cameras, still used by most serious workers,magazine plate cameras were heavy, and required access to a darkroom for loading andprocessing the plates. This was all changed by a young American bank clerk turned photographic manufacturer, George Eastman, from Rochester, New York.Eastman had begun to manufacture gelatine dry plates in 1880. being one of the first to do so inAmerica. He soon looked for ways of simplifying photography, believing that many people wereput off by the complication and messiness. His first step was to develop, wih the cameramanufacturer William H. Walker, a holder for a long roll of paper negative 'film'. This could befitted to a standard plate camera and up to forty-eight exposures made before reloading. Thecombined weight of the paper roll and the holder was far less than the same number of glassplates in their ling-tight wooden holders. Although roll-holders had been made as early as the1850s, none had been very successful be cause of the limitations of the photographic materialsthen available. Eastman's rollable paper film was sensitive and gave negatives of good quality;the Eastman-Walker roll-holder was a great success. The next step was to combine the roll-holder with a small hand camera; Eastman's first designwas patented with an employee, F. M. Cossitt, in 1886. It was not a success. Only fifty Eastmandetective cameras were made, and they were sold as a lot to a dealer in 1887; the cost was toohigh and the design too complicated. Eastman set about developing a new model, which waslaunched in June 1888. It was a small box, containing a roll of paperbased stripping filmsufficient for 100 circular exposures 6 cm in diameter. Its operation was simple: set the shutter bypulling a wire string; aim the camera using the V line impression in the camera top; press therelease botton to activate the exposure; and turn a special key to wind to the film. A hundredexposures had to be made, so it was important to record each picture in the memorandum book provided, since there was no exposure counter.Eastman gave his camera the invented name'Kodak'-which was easily pronounceable in most languages. and had two Ks which Eastman feltwas a firm, uncompromising kind of letter.The importance of Eastman's new roll-film camera was not that it was the first. There had beenseveral earlier cameras, notably the Stirn 'America', first demonstrated in the spring of 1887 andon sale from early 1888. This also used a roll of negative paper, and had such refinements as a reflecting viewfinder and an ingenious exposure marker. The real significance of the first Kodak camera was that it was backed up by a developing and printing service. Hitherto ,virtually allphotographers developed and printed their own pictures. This required that facilities of adarkroom and the time and inclination to handle the necessary chemicals, make the prints and soon. Eastman recognized that not everyone had the resources or the desire to do this. When acustomer had made a hundred exposures in the Kodak camera, he sent it to Eastman's factory inRochester (or later in Harrow in England) where the film was unloaded, processed and printed,the camera reloaded and returned to the owner. "You Press the Button, We Do the Rest" ranEastman's classic marketing slogan; photography had been brought to everyone. Everyone, that is,who could afford $ 25 or five guineas for the camera and $ 10 or two guineas for the developingand printing . A guinea ( $ 5 ) was a week's wages for many at the time, so this simple camera costthe equivalent of hundreds of dollars today.In 1889 an improved model with a new shutter design was introduced, and it was called the No. 2Kodak camera. The paper-based stripping film was complicated to manipulate, since theprocessed negative image had to be stripped from the paper base for printing. At the end of 1889Eastman launched a new roll film on a celluloid base. Clear, tough, transparent and flexible, thenew film not only made the rollfilm camera fully practical, but provided the raw material for the introduction of cinematography a few years later.Other, larger models were introduced, including several folding versions, one of which took pictures 21.6 cm x 16.5 cm in size. Othermanufacturers in America and Europe introduced cameras to take the Kodak roll-films, and otherfirms began to offer developing and printing services for the benefit of the new breed of Photographers.By September 1889 , over 5,000 Kodak cameras had been sold in the USA, and the company wasdaily printing 6-7,000 negatives, Holidays and special events created enormous surges in demandfor processing: 900 Kodak users returned their cameras for processing and reloading in the weekafter the New York centennial celebration.Questions 26-29Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 3?In boxes 26-29 on your answer sheet writeYES if the statement agrees with the writerNO if the statement does agree with the writer NOTGIVEN if there is no information about this in thepassage26. Before the dry plate process short exposures could only b achieved with cameras held inthe hand.27. Stirn's America' camera lacked Kodak's developing service.28. The first Kodak film cost the equivalent of a week's wages to develop.29. Some of Eastman's 1891 range of cameras could be loaded in daylight.Questions 30-34Complete the diagram below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage foreach answer.Write your answers in boxes 30-34 on your answer sheet.Questions 35-38Complete the table below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage foreach answer.Write your answers in boxes 35-38 on your answer sheet.。
然后一段时间屋顶化了就要打开门 refreeze。
冰屋是锥形的,不是半球,因为半球不好建,需要 support。
参考阅读:An igloo (Inuit language: iglu,[1] Inuktitut syllabics [ilu] (plural: igluit [iluit])), also known as a snow houseor snow hut, is a type of shelter built of snow, typicallybuilt when the snow can be easily compacted.Although igloos are stereotypically associated with all Inuit,[2] they were traditionally associated with people of Canada's Central Arctic and Greenland's Thule area. OtherInuit people tended to use snow to insulate their houses,which were constructed from whalebone and hides. Snow is used because the air pockets trapped in it make it an insulator.On the outside, temperatures may be as low as -45 ° C (-49 °F), but on the inside the temperature may range from -7 ° C(19 ° F) to 16 ° C (61 ° F) when warmed by body heat alone.Snow igloos are built in the shape of a catenoid, which offers optimal ratios between the height and diameter of the structure to eliminate the structural tension which could otherwise cause it to implode or bulge. The stresses of snowas it ages and compresses against the igloo will not cause itto buckle because in an inverted paraboloid or catenoid the pressures are exclusively compressive.[10]This design originates from the Central Inuit.[10] In applied mechanics, the equation for this type of structure is written y = a(cosh x/a- 1) where y is the height to any point in the surface, x is the horizontal distance to the same point, and a is a constant.[10]Since stress is a force per unit area, if the walls are of uniform thickness the compressive stress is independent of wall thickness; thicker walls provide better insulation but do not strengthen the structure because of added weight.[12]。
Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art课文音标版讲义
18Modern sculpture rarely surprises us any more. ˈmɒdən ˈskʌlpʧəˈreəli səˈpraɪzɪz ʌs ˈeni mɔː.现代雕塑不再使我们感到惊讶了。
The idea that modern art can only be seen in museums is mistaken. ði aɪˈdɪə ðæt ˈmɒdən ɑːt kæn ˈəʊnli biːsiːnɪn mjuːˈziːəmzɪz mɪsˈteɪkən.那种认为现代艺术只能在博物馆里才能看到的观点是错误的。
Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places. ˈiːvən ˈpiːpl huː teɪk nəʊˈɪntrɪst ɪn ɑːtˈkænɒt hæv feɪld tuːˈnəʊtɪs ɪɡˈzɑːmplzɒvˈmɒdənˈskʌlpʧər ɒn dɪsˈpleɪɪnˈpʌblɪkˈpleɪsɪz.即使是对艺术不感兴趣的人也不会注意到在公共场所展示的现代艺术品。
Strange forms stand in gardens, and outside buildings and shops. streɪnʤ fɔːmz stænd ɪn ˈɡɑːdnz, ænd ˌaʊtˈsaɪdˈbɪldɪŋz ænd ʃɒps.公园里、大楼和商店外竖立着的奇形怪状的雕塑,公园里、大楼和商店外竖立着的奇形怪状的雕塑,We have got quite used to them. wiː hæv ɡɒt kwaɪt juːst tuː ðem.对这些,我们已经司空见惯了。
19-20版:(创新设计)The Rest Parts of the Unit(P18~24)
The Rest Parts of the Unit(P18~24)Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Reducing (减少) the gap between the rich and the poor is one of the challenges the government faces.2.Shyness is an emotion(情绪) that affects how a person feels and behaves around.3.It is an unusually(不寻常地) hot summer this year and air conditioners are in great need.4.There are many kinds of animals in the zoo—tigers, deer(鹿), monkeys, lions, elephants, penguins, sharks and so on.5.There is a beautiful park in our neighbourhood(邻近的地方).We can take a walk in it after dinner.6.All I needed was something that could be used to heat and stir (搅动) the mixture. Ⅱ.补全句子1.Due__to__climate__change,__Arctic ice is breaking up earlier in the spring.由于气候变化,北极的冰在春天融化得更早了。
2.The volunteers are__searching__for__the__missing__people in the typhoon.志愿者们正在寻找在台风中失踪的人。
3.As a teacher, he thinks his business is to__stir__up__the__students’__interest__in__study.作为一名教师,他认为他的工作是激发学生的学习兴趣。
21版:(创新设计) Unit 2 The Olympic Games
Unit 2The Olympic GamesⅠ.阅读理解A(2020·潍坊高考模拟)(4 Apps to Help You Make the Most of Your Money)Living on a student budget can be tough.Budgeting is essential and it’s important to make savings in any way possible,so you can make the most of your money.Here are some useful apps for saving money as a student.UnidaysCost to sign up:freeThis is probably the most well-received student discount app.It’s easy to sign up to and once you have,all you have to do is use the codes Unidays provides you with when you’re paying in-store or checking out online.Unidays also sometimes increases its discount offers at certain stores and websites.Keep an eye out for these increased discounts to save yourself some extra cash,particularly as Christmas is on the horizon. VouchercloudCost to sign up:freeV ouchercloud offers some amazing deals that cannot be missed.There’s frequent 2 for 1 deals or discount available at many well-known restaurants such as PizzaExpress,Frankie & Benny’s and Giraffe.They also offer deals to hotels,city breaks and a range of items such as Real Techniques products.It’s a great way to save on Christmaspresents—the regular 40% off at The Body Shop is always worth looking out for! TopCashbackCost to sign up:freeYou may have seen the TV advertisements for TopCashback.With the TopCashback app,you can view all participating stores.Then,all you have to do is complete your online shopping via the app to receive cash back on any purchases you make.For example,if you buy online at Amazon you can receive up to 9% cashback into your account.It doesn’t always seem like a lot of money but if you shop online frequently it all adds up! TastecardCost to sign up:subscriptions costs vary(monthly to annual subscriptions available)Even though it costs to subscribe to Tastecard,the discounts are worth it.With a Tastecard,you can get 2 for 1 meals or 50% off food at participating restaurants,all of which can be viewed on the app or website simply by typing in your postcode.These discounts are available at chains like Pizza Hut and Beua Italia and also independent restaurants across Manchester.【语篇解读】文章分别介绍了四款可帮助学生省钱的应用程序的基本信息,包括使用费用、使用方法和各自的优点。
Para 1 基本原理Notes:Para.1. appreciate: understand fully 评价,估价,理解unsuitability : 不适合,不相称,不匹配present:submit,offer,give,提出,设置2. pate nt: n专利v,取得…专利athodyd: 航空热力管道,冲压式喷气发动机ram jet: 冲压喷气发动机3. turbo-propeller engine: 涡轮螺桨发动机viscountaircraft: 子爵式飞机twin-spool: 双转子triple-spool: 三转子by-pass: 双涵式,内外涵ductedfan: 管道风扇式,涵道风扇式4. piston engine: 活塞发动机solely:单独地,独自地,只是5. pulse jet: 脉动式发动机turbo/ram jet: 涡轮/冲压喷气发动机6. momentum: 动量issue流出,放出impart …to …:give 给予jet: 喷嘴8. sprinkler: 喷水器by virtue of: 凭借,利用firefighting: 消防hose: 软管carnival: 狂欢节9. resultant: 合成的,总的10. convert …into …:change …,into11. convergent: 收敛的divergent: 发散的target vehicle: 耙机12. intermittent: 间歇的,周期性的static:静止的,静态的dynamic:动力的,动态的aero-:空气的aerodynamic空气动力学的robust:坚固的,强壮的spring-loaded:绷有弹簧的(图1-7): shutter valve:薄片式,快门式阀门,节气活门depression 下降rotor:旋翼helicopter:直升机dispe nse with :免去,不用res on ate 共振,谐振13. decompose 分解14. inherent:内在的,固有的up to:直至,高达(上限)15. somewha t 比较,有点blade:叶片16. blade-tip:翼尖departure from:偏离,违背17. offset :补偿,弥补,冲淡18. Mach number:马赫数19. variable in take:可调进气道afterburner:加力燃烧室shut dow n:停车,关闭guide vane 导向叶片divert:redirectsustained stable,稳定的,持续的cruise con diti on:巡航状态20. alternative:另一种结构型式21. kerosine:煤油multi-stage :多级in the order of :数量级22. interceptor:截击机space-launche:r 航天飞机highaltitude:高空short duratio n:短的巡航时间Part 2工作循环和空气流动1. efflux :射流,流出,涌(迸)出2. stroke :冲程reciprocate :往复式的3. fabricated:板金焊接的(板料)4. remainder:剩余物5. assembly:组件7. embody:包含(contain)product :乘积extract:取出(功),吸收(功)9. trace through:追踪,指示10. attain:到达(achieve)11. adiabatic:绝热的friction :摩擦con ducti on:导热,热传导turbule nee:湍流,扰动12. propelli ng nozzle :推进喷管decelerati on:减速accelerati on:加速13. conv ert(c onv erti on) …to(i nto) …supers。
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A b s t r a c t : B e g i n n i n gw i t ha i r v o l u m ed e t e r m i n a t i o ni nt h ed e s i g no f p r e c i s i o na i r c o n d i t i o n i n gu n i t ,i t p r e s e n t s ad e t a i l e dc o m p a r a t i v e a n a l y s i s o f t h e r e l a t e dr e q u i r e m e n t s f o r t h e G B / T 1 9 4 1 3 2 0 0 3a n dt h e p a r a m e t e r s o f t h em a i n s t r e a mf o r e i g np r e c i s i o na i r c o n d i t i o n i n gu n i t .T h ea n a l y s i ss h o w st h a t t h en a t i o n a l s t a n d a r ds p e c i f i e s t h a t t h ea i r s u p p l y t e m p e r a t u r e d i f f e r e n c e m u s t b e l e s s t h a n 7 ℃,a n du n d e r t h e c o n d i
图1 2 0 0 9年机房空调市场各品牌市场份额
[ 6 ]
F i g . 1 Ma r k e t s h a r eo f d i f f e r e n t b r a n d s i n2 0 0 9
Q ( t t ) s C p i- o R = . s= Q h h ) ( t i- o
O nt h eD e s i g no f I n d o o rU n i t C i r c u l a t i o nA i rV o l u me f o rP r e c i s i o nA i rC o n d i t i o n i n g
J i nX i a o f a n ,Q i nH o n g ,D o n gD a n
广东工业大学学报 第3 0卷 第 2期 2 0 1 3年 6月 J o u r n a l o f G u a n g d o n gU n i v e r s i t yo f T e c h n o l o g y
: 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 0 0 7 7 1 6 2 . 2 0 1 3 . 0 2 . 0 2 1 d o i
T h ed e s i g no f a i r v o l u m es h o u l dm e e t t h em i n i m u mr e q u i r e m e n t s a n di n c r e a s ep r o p e r l ya c c o r d i n gt ot h e a c t u a l s i t u a t i o n . K e yw o r d s : p r e c i s i o na i r c o n d i t i o n i n g ;s e n s i b l eh e a t r a t i o ;c i r c u l a t i o na i r v o l u m e ;a i r s u p p l yt e m p e r a t u r ed i f f e r e n c e 集中放置计算机系统或程控交换机系统, 并能 满足这 类 设 备 各 项 环 境 要 求 的 特 殊 空 间 称 为 机 房
3 个方面的分析也表明 2 6 4m / h 的风量设计可以满足相关要求. 机房空调风量设计应在满足此最低要求的基础上,
根据实际情况适当增加. 关键词: 机房空调; 显热比; 循环风量; 送回风温差 中图分类号:T K 5 1 5 文献标志码:A 文章编号: 1 0 0 7 7 1 6 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 2 0 1 0 7 0 6
o l . 3 0N o . 2 V J u n e 2 0 1 3
靳晓钒, 秦 红, 董 丹
( 广东工业大学 材料与能源学院, 广东 广州 5 1 0 0 0 6 )
摘要: 从机房空调产品开发中送风风量该如何确定的问题出发, 对机房空调国标 G B / T 1 9 4 1 3 2 0 0 3的相关要求以及 市场上主流外资品牌机房空调的相关参数做了理论对比分析和实验验证. 分析显示, 国标要求送回风温差 ≤7℃,
3 ,a i r v o l u m en e e d e df o r p e r k Wc o o l i n gc a p a c i t yi s o n l y 2 6 4m / h ,w i t ha i r v o l s a m es e n s i b l eh e a t r a t i o
3 则在保证显热比的条件下, 每千瓦全热制冷量所需要的最小循环风量为 3 7 6m / h ; 而外资品牌大部分设计的送回 3 风温差为≤1 1℃, 在保证相同显热比的条件下, 每千瓦全热制冷量所需要的最小循环风量为 2 6 4m / h , 风量降低
2 9 8 %, 出风温度在 1 3~ 1 5℃之间, 机组噪声平均可以降低 1 2d B A . 同时, 从机房内温度控制精度和换气次数两
u m er e d u c e db y2 9 8 %,t h ea i r o u t l e t t e m p e r a t u r eb e i n gb e t w e e n1 3℃ a n d1 5℃,a n dt h ea v e r a g e n o i s e v a l u e o f t h e p r o d u c t r e d u c e db y 1 2d B A .A t t h e s a m e t i m e ,t h e a n a l y s i s o f t h e t e m p e r a t u r e c o n t r o l
( S c h o o l o f M a t e r i a l s a n dE n e r g y , G u a n g d o n gU n i v e r s i t yo f T e c h n o l o g y ,G u a n g z h o u5 1 0 0 0 6 , C h i n a )
3 t i o no f s e n s i b l e h e a t r a t i o a i r v o l u m e n e e d e df o r p e r k Wc o o l i n g c a p a c i t y i s a t l e a s t 3 7 6m / hw h i l e t h e a i r
. 4 . 1条款规定如下: 性能的一般要求在 5 1 )空调机应有较大的送风量和较小的冷风比, 送风温差不大于 7℃, 且送风温度应高于机房露点 温度. 2 )空调机蒸发器的面积应足够大, 使显热比不
[ 7 ] 小于 0 8 7 .
பைடு நூலகம்
风冷式机组名义制冷的标准工况见表 1 .
表1 风冷式机组名义制冷测试工况 T a b . 1 T e s t c o n d i t i o n s o f n o mi n a l c o o l i n gf o r a i r c o o l e du n i t 项 目 室内侧( 空气入口状态) 室外侧( 冷却空气入口状态) 名义制冷温度值 / ℃ 干球温度: 2 3 湿球温度: 1 7 干球温度: 3 5 湿球温度: 2 4
查湿空气焓湿图知, 当干球温度 2 3℃, 湿球温 度1 7℃ 时, 空气的相对湿度为 5 5 %, 含湿量为 9 7 g / k g , 露点温度为 1 3 5℃, 焓值为 4 8k J / k g .
8 ] 焓差法计算空调能力 [ :
全热制冷能力 Q Ma ( h h ) ; t= i- o 显热制冷能力 Q Ma C ( t t ) . s= p i- o ( 2 ) 其中, Q k W; Q t为全热制冷能力, s为显热制冷能力, k W; Ma为循环风量, k g / s ; h i为空调进口空气焓值, k J / k g ; h k J / k g ; t o 为出口空气焓值, i为进口空气干 球温度, ℃; t ℃; C o 为出口空气干球温度, p 为空气 0 0 5k J / ( k g ·℃) . 的定压比热, 取1 定义显热比用 R 由式( 1 ) 和( 2 ) 可以得 s 表示, 到 ( 1 )
( 3 )
根据图 1可以看到 2 0 0 9年国内机房空调市场 上, 4大品牌合计占据了 6 0 . 4 % 的份额, 且7 8 . 1 % 的市场份额全部为外资品牌垄断. 在外资品牌占绝 对主导的机房空调行业, 国内企业作为后来的跟进 者, 在新产品开发中就既要注意对外国技术的学习 又要积极贯彻执行我国的机房空调国家标准. 在这 样一条原则的指导下, 笔者在机组风量和显热比设 计中碰到了一些问题, 下面将进行详细的分析.
3 p r e c i s i o na n dv e n t i l a t i o nr a t e a l s o i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e a i r v o l u m e o f 2 6 4m / hc a ns a t i s f y t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s .
空气流动速度直接关系到设备的可靠运行以及使用 效率和寿命 . 而机房内合理空气环境的实现主要
收稿日期: 2 0 1 2 0 6 0 7 作者简介: 靳晓钒( 1 9 8 3 ) , 男, 硕士研究生, 主要研究方向为太阳能热泵及空调制冷技术.