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M2------ WORD BANK: ☆ quite 相当 ☆ over 完结的、结束 ☆ for free 免费的 ☆ enough 足够地 ☆ exercise 训练 ☆ spend 花费 ☆ brush 刷、扫 ☆ difficult 困难的 ☆ jump 跳跃 ☆ feed 喂养、饲养 ☆ equipment 设备、器材 ☆ fast 快地、迅速地 ☆ want 要, 想要
“My name is Helen. Amy and Sally are my best friends. 我叫海伦。爱米和萨里是我最好的朋友。 Amy has been my friend since my first day at nursery school. 艾米是我一进幼儿园就认识的好朋友。 We were three years old then. We’re 14 now! 我们当时才三岁。 现在我们都14了! I like her because she is happy almost all the time and very friendly. 我喜欢艾米的乐观活泼和友好。 Sally is a quiet person. She makes friends more slowly. 萨利是一个文静的人,她结交朋友属于“慢热型”。 However, she is just as good a friend as Amy. 可她和艾米一样好。 They are both interested in the same things as me, 她们俩和我有着相同的爱好,
No wonder you are grumpy in the morning!
What is your favorite subject to teach?
I like teaching maths. 我最喜欢教数学。 I like it when I explain something and 当我解释某事时, the children can do things they could not do before, 孩子们之前不能做,后来可以做了, like adding fractions together. 例如将分数加起来。 Do you like teaching English?
It’s OK. The Class 2 teacher, Mrs. Lewis, is good at telling stories. 也喜欢。 二班的路易斯太太擅长讲故事。 She doesn’t like maths. 她不喜欢数学。 Sometimes she tells my class stories and I do maths with her class! 有时她在我的班级上讲故事 或我去她的班级做数学。 What do you like about teaching children of this age?
WORD BANK: ☆ forget 忘记 ☆ alright 还好、还可以 ☆ mean 想说、意指 ☆ whole 整个的、全部的 ☆ try 尝试 ☆ French 法语、法国人 ☆ old-fashioned 陈旧的 ☆ proper 正确的、合适的
2. WE SPEAKDIFFERENT KINDS OF ENGLISH 我们说着不同的英语 Ben: Hi, Sally! 本:你好,萨利。 Sally: Hello, Ben! 萨利:你好,本。 Ben: Oh, yes, that’s right! 本:哦是的那是对的。 You British people say ‘Hello’, not ‘Hi’. I forgot that. 你们英国人说“你好”而不是“嗨”,我忘记了那个。 Sally: Actually, lots of British people say ‘Hi’ these days. 萨利:的确是,一些英国人这些天说嗨。 It’s all the American TV we watch. 这些都是我们看美国人的电视。 I don’t think people over in America say ‘Hello’ much, do they? 我不认为许多人在美国说“你好”,对吗? Ben: No, most people just say ‘Hi’, as ‘Hello’ sounds very formal. 本:不是,许多人还是只说“嗨”,“你好”是非常正式的说法。 Sally: Well, let’s be British and say ‘Hello’ to each other for a change. 萨利:那咱们说英式英语吧,向英国人那样互相说“你好”。 Ben: OK, Sally! 本:好的,萨利。 Sally: ‘OK’ is not British. In Britain we say ‘Alright’. 萨利:在英国不说“OK”,在英国我们说“Alright”。
Sally: Yes, of course they will, Oh, look, here comes Tony. 萨利:是的当然他们会理解,哦看,托尼来了。
He’s from Australia. I wonder whether he says ‘Hello’ or ‘Hi’. 他来自澳大利亚。我不知道他会说‘Hello”还是“Hi’。 Ben: Hi, Tony! 本:嗨托尼。
This year, my class thinks I am grumpy! 今天,我的班级认为我的脾气很暴躁。 My wife and I have a new baby. 我和我的妻子拥有了一个新的婴儿。 The baby sleeps badly, so we are kept awake almost every night. 这个婴儿睡得很不好,所以我们每晚都保持清醒。
3. AN INTERVIEW WITH MR BLACK 采访布莱克老师 Which class do you teach, Mr. Black?
I teach Class 3. The students are eight or nine years old. 我教三班。学生的年龄为8至9岁。 What do you teach them?
They like learning new things. 他们喜欢学习新东西。
Sometimes older children are more interested in their friends. 有时,年长的孩子对他们的朋友更感兴趣。 They like to talk to each other, and they think some lessons are boring. 他们喜欢互相交谈,他们还认为一些课程是枯燥的。
☆ exciting 令人兴奋或激动的
4 I LOVE HORSE-RIDING! 我爱骑马 I’m Sue. I’m 14 and I live in England. 我是苏。我14岁,我住在英格兰。 My father works in a horse-riding school. 我爸爸在马术学校工作。 I’ve been riding since I was six. I go horse-riding every Saturday. 我从六岁就开始骑马了。我每个星期六都去骑马。 Now I can ride quite well. I spend all Saturday at the riding school. 现在我可以骑得很好。我整个周六都在骑术学校。 I help to get the horses ready. I help the new students. 我帮忙准备好马。我帮助新学生。 I feed the horses and give them water when the lessons are over. 当课结束了我喂马,给它们水喝。
Everything! I have them all day for whole year! 任何东西,我教他们 一整天书已经持续一年了。
By the end of the year you must know them very well!
Yes. They know me pretty well too. 是的。他们知道我也相当好。 What do you think your class would say about you as a teacher?
M1------ WORD BANK: ☆scary 令人惊恐的 ☆ since 自从 ☆ at once马上 ☆ almost 差不多,几乎 ☆ worry 担忧、担心 ☆ nursery school幼儿园 ☆ subject 科目
☆ quiet 文静的、沉默寡言的 ☆ each other 彼此;互相
Ben: That’s not true. 本:那不准确。 EVERYONE in the whole world says OK! Even the French say OK. 每个人在整个世界都说OK。在法国也说OK。 Sally: Well, yes, that’s true. But ‘alright’ is ‘proper’ English now. 萨利:是的,那是正确的,但是现在Alright在英语里是正确的。 Ben: So it is a kind of old-fashioned English. 本:所以这是陈旧的英语。 But OK, I mean alright. I’ll try it. 那很好我想说的是还可以我会去尝试它, But will anyone understand me? 但是任何人都会理解我的意思吗?
☆ almost 几乎
1. Friends
Welcome to Southwark School! 欢迎来到南华克学校! When you go to a new school, it can be scary. 当你初到一个新的学校,你可能会害怕, You worry about your studies. You also worry about making friends. 因为你担心你的学习,你也担心结交新朋友, You worry that no one will like you. 担心没有人喜欢你。 But do not worry too much. 那么你不用这么担心, Most of the time some people are friendly and some people are not. 很多时候你不能做到每个人都喜欢你。 Usually there are some people you like at once. 通常总会有你立即就能熟识的人, These people often like you too. How do people make friends? 而这些人通常也会很乐意结交你。人们怎样结交新朋友? What makes a person a friend? Here’s what one student says: 什么样的人可以成为朋友?一个学生这样说道„„
and we listen to each other’s problems. 而且我们相互倾听彼此的不快。
Amy likes to talk and Sally likes to listen. 艾米喜欢诉说,萨利喜欢倾听。 We are all good at different school subjects. 我们擅长不同的学科, So we help each other with our homework too!” 所以我们在家庭作业上互相帮助!
Sally: Hello, Tony! 萨利:你好托尼。
Tony: G’day, you two! 托尼 :两位好。 Sally: Oh no! He speaks Australian English! 萨利:哦不,他说的是澳大利亚的英语。
WORD BANK: ☆ pretty 相当 ☆ awake 醒着 ☆ fractions 分数 ☆ grumpy 脾气坏的 ☆ no wonder 怪不得 ☆ learn 学习 ☆ wife 妻子 ☆ maths 数学 ☆ boring 令人厌烦的