S厂联变 2006-18例行新 A2006048
《世界经典电影250部 --绝对收藏珍品》(IMDB Top 250)[DBRip][DVDRip]
Top011.魔戒3:王者归来(剧场Top012.星球大战4-新的希望.Star.Wars.A.New.Hope.1977.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop013.卡萨布兰卡.Casablanca.1942.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop014.好家伙.Goodfellas.1990.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop015.七武士.Seven.Samurai.1954.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop016.搏击俱乐部.十周年纪念Top017.上帝之城.City.Of.God.2002.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop018.夺宝奇兵.Indiana.Jones.And.The.Raiders.Of.The.Lost.Ark.1981.HDTV.MiniSD-Top019.魔戒1:魔戒现身(剧场Top020.后窗.Rear.Window.1954.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop021.非常嫌疑犯ual.Suspects.1995.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop022.惊魂记.Psycho.1960.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop023.西部往事.Once.Upon.a.Time.in.the.West.1968.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop024.沉默的羔羊mbs.1991.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop025.黑客帝国1.The.Matrix.1999.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop026.七宗罪.Se7en.1995.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop027.记忆碎片.Memento.2000.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop028.魔戒2:双塔奇谋(剧场Top029.生活多美好.Its.A.Wonderful.Life.1946.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop030.奇爱博士.Dr.Strangelove.1964.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop031.日落大道.Sunset.Boulevard.1950.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop032.西北偏北.North.By.Northwest.1959.BDRip.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop033.公民凯恩.Citizen.Kane.1941.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop034.这个杀手不太冷加长版.Leon.The.Professional.1994.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-Top035.现代启示录.Apocalypse.Now.Redux.1979.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop036.美国丽人.American.Beauty.1999.HDTVRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop037.美国X档案.American.History.X.1998.BDRip.MINISD-TLF.mkvTop038.阿甘正传.Forrest.Gump.1994.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop039.出租车司机.Taxi.Driver.1976.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop040.迷魂记.Vertigo.1958.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop042.阿拉伯的劳伦斯.Lawrence.of.Arabia.1962.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop043.终结者2审判日.Terminator.2.Judgment.Day.1991.DC.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top044.机器人总动员.WALL-E.2008.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop045.天使爱美丽.Amelie.2001.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop046.异形.Alien.DC.1979.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop047.拯救大兵雷恩.Saving.Private.Ryan.1998.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop048.发条橙.A.Clockwork.Orange.1971.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop049.闪灵.The.Shining.1980.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop050.光荣之路.Paths.of.Glory.1957.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop051.无间行者.The.Departed.2006.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop052.杀死一只知更鸟.To.Kill.A.Mockingbird.1962.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop053.钢琴师.The.Pianist.2002.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop054.异形2.Aliens.II.1986.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop055.千与千寻.Spirited.Away.2001.D9.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop056.窃听风暴.The.Lives.of.Others.2006.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop057.M就是凶手.M.1931.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop058.双重保险.Double.Indemnity.1944.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop059.美丽心灵的永恒阳Top060.唐人街.Chinatown.1974.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop061.梦之安魂曲.Requiem.for.a.Dream.2000.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop062.第三个人.The.Third.Man.1949.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop063.洛城机密.L.A.Confidential.1997.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop064.落水狗.Reservoir.Dogs.1992.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop065.碧血金沙.The.Treasure.Of.The.Sierra.Madre.1948.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top066.从海底出击.Das.Boot.1981.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop067.巨蟒与圣杯.Monty.Python.and.the.Holy.Grail.1975.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop068.潘神的迷宫.Pan'byrinth.2006.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop069.城市之光.City.Lights.1931.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop071.桂河大桥.The.Bridge.On.The.River.Kwai.1957.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop073.愤怒的公牛.Raging.Bull.1980.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop074.致命魔术.The.Prestige.2006.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop074.致命魔术.The.Prestige.2006.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.eng.srtTop075.雨中曲.Singin'.in.the.Rain.1952.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop076.2001太空漫游.2001.A.Space.Odyssey.1968.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop077.美丽人生.La.vita.e.bella.1997.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop078.回到未来.Back.to.the.Future.1985.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop079.帝国的毁灭.Der.Untergang.2004.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop080.热情似火.Some.Like.It.Hot.1959.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop081.摩登时代.Modern.Times.1936.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop082.马耳他之鹰.The.Maltese.Falcon.1941.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop083.莫扎特传.Amadeus.1984.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop084.老爷车.Gran.Torino.2008.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop085.全金属外壳.Full.Metal.Jacket.1987.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop086.罗生门.Rashomon.1950.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop087.贫民窟的百万富翁lionaire.2008.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top088.天堂电影院.Cinema.Paradiso.1988.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop089.勇敢的心.Braveheart.1995.BDRip.4Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop090.美国往事.Once.Upon.A.Time.In.America.1984.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop091.彗星美人.All.About.Eve.1950.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop092.象人.The.Elephant.Man.1980.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop093.罪恶城市.Sin.City.UNRATED.ReCut.EXT.2005.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop094.绿里奇迹e.1999.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop095.大都会.Metropolis.1927.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop096.蝴蝶梦.Rebecca.1940.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop097.大独裁者.The.Great.Dictator.1940.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop098.桃色公寓.The.Apartment.1960.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop099.骗中骗.The.Sting.1973.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop100.夺宝奇兵st.Crusade.1989.HDTV.2Audio.MiniSD-Top101.大逃亡.The.Great.Escape.1963.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop102.角斗士.Gladiator.2000.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop103.星球大战6.绝地大反击.Star.Wars.VI-Return.of.the.Jedi.1983.HDTV.MiniSD-Top104.蝙蝠侠诞生.Batman.Begins.2005.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop105.偷自行车的人.Bicycle.Thieves.1948.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop106.不可饶恕.Unforgiven.1992.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop107.大白鲨.jaws.1975.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop109.银翼杀手.Blade.Runner.Final.Cut.1982.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop110.卢旺达饭店.Hotel.Rwanda.2004.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop111.史密斯先生到华盛顿.Mr.Smith.Goes.To.Washington.1939.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top112.老无所依.No.Country.for.Old.Men.2007.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop113.虎胆龙威.Die.Hard.1988.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop114.码头风云.On.the.Waterfront.1954.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop115.历劫佳人.Touch.of.Evil.1958.HDTVRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop117.第七封印.The.Seventh.Seal.1957.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.Repack.mkvTop118.冰血暴.Fargo.1996.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop119.幽灵公主.Princess.Mononoke.1997.HDTV.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop120.绿野仙踪.The.Wizard.Of.Oz.1939.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop121.镖客三部曲之二-黄昏双镖客.For.a.Few.Dollars.More.1965.BDRip.MiniSD-Top122.火车怪客.Strangers.on.a.Train.1951.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop123.盗火线.Heat.1995.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop124.死亡幻觉.Donnie.Darko.D.C.2001.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop125.铁窗喋血.Cool.Hand.Luke.1967.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop126.摔角王.The.Wrestler.2008.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop127.正午.High.Noon.1952.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop128.美人计.Notorious.1946.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop129.血色将至.There.Will.Be.Blood.2007.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop130.满洲候选人.The.Manchurian.Candidate.1962.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop131.灵异第六感.The.Sixth.Sense.1999.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop132.安妮霍尔.Annie.Hall.1977.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop133.猎鹿人.The.Deer.Hunter.1978.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop134.杀死比尔.Kill.Bill.Vol1.2003.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop135.野战排.Platoon.1986.HDTV.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop136.偷拐抢骗.Snatch.2000.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop137.将军号.the.general.1926.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop138.宾虚.Ben.Hur.1959.HDTV.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop139.夜长梦多.The.Big.Sleep.DC.1946.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop140.荒野生存.Into.the.Wild.2007.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop141.谋杀绿脚趾.The.Big.Lebowski.1998.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop142.百万宝贝.Million.Dollar.Baby.2004.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop143.用心棒.Yojimbo.1961.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop144.乱.Ran.1985.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop145.一夜风流.It.Happened.One.Night.1934.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop147.谍影重重3.最后通牒.The.Bourne.Ultimatum.2007.BDRip.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top148.布莱恩的一生.Life.of.Brian.1979.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop149.狮子王.The.Lion.King.SP.1994.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop150.神枪手与智多星.Butch.Cassidy.and.the.Sundance.Kid.1969.BDRip.MiniSD-Top151.海底总动员.Finding.Nemo.2003.HDTV.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop152.野草莓.Wild.Strawberries.1957.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop153.控方证人.Witness.for.the.Prosecution.1957.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop154.猜火车.Trainspotting.1996.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop155.伴我同行.Stand.By.Me.1986.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop156.毕业生.The.Graduate.1967.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop157.乱世佳人(全屏版).Gone.with.the.Wind.1939.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top158.玩具总动员.Toy.Story.1995.BDRip.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop159.终结者.Terminator.1984.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop160.偷天情缘.Groundhog.Day.1993.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop161.疤面煞星.Scarface.1983.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop162.料理鼠王.Ratatouille.2007.BDRip.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop163.爱情是狗娘.Amores.perros.2000.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop164.突变第三型.The.Thing.1982.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop165.热天午后.Dog.Day.Afternoon.1975.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop166.甘地.Gandhi.1982.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop167.V字仇杀队.V.for.Vendetta.2005.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop168.八部半.Eight.And.A.Half.1963.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop169.愤怒的葡萄.Grapes.of.Wrath.1940.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop170.淘金记.The.Gold.Rush.1925.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop171.十二猴子.Twelve.Monkeys.1995.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop172.两杆大烟枪.Lock.Stock.And.Two.Smoking.Barrels.1998.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top173.恐惧的代价.The.Wages.Of.Fear.1953.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop174.恶魔.Les.diaboliques.1955.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop175.猎人的夜晚.The.Night.of.the.Hunter.1955.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop176.公主新娘.The.Princess.Bride.1987.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop177.超人特工队.Incredibles.2004.HDTV.4Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop178.赌城风云.Casino.1995.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop179.纽伦堡大审判.Judgment.at.Nuremberg.1961.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop180.杀手.The.Killing.1956.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop181.仁心与冠冕.Kind.Hearts.And.Coronets.1949.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop182.日落黄沙.The.Wild.Bunch.DC.1969.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop183.人类之子.Children.of.Men.2006.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop184.萤火虫之墓.Hotaru.No.Haka.1988.D9.2Video.5Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop186.驱魔人.The.Exorcist.DC.1973.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop187.花街春梦.Nights.of.Cabiria.1957.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop188.黄金时代.The.Best.Years.Of.Our.Lives.1946.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop189.江湖浪子.The.Hustler.1961.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop190.日出.Sunrise.A.Song.Of.Two.Humans.1927.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop191.迷离世界.Harvey.1950.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop192.寻子遇仙记.The.Kid.1921.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop193.艾得伍德.Ed.Wood.1994.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop194.金刚.King.Kong.1933.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop195.心灵捕手.Good.Will.Hunting.1997.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop196.失婴记.Rosemary's.Baby.1968.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop197.电话谋杀案.Dial.M.for.Murder.1954.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop198.硫磺岛来信.Letters.From.Iwo.Jima.2006.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop199.血色入侵.Let.The.Right.One.In.2008.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop200.大鱼.Big.Fish.2003.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop201.辣手摧花.Shadow.of.a.Doubt.1943.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop202.杀死比尔2.Kill.Bill.Vol.2.2004.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop203.本杰明-巴顿奇事.The.Curious.Case.of.Benjamin.Button.2008.BDRip.MiniSD-Top204.欲望号街车d.Desire.1951.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop205.足迹.Sleuth.1972.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop206.战地军魂.Stalag.17.1953.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop207.相见恨晚.Brief.Encounter.1945.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop208.撞车.Crash.2004.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop209.木兰花.Magnolia.1999.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop210.潜水钟与蝴蝶.The.Diving.Bell.and.the.Butterfly.2007.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top211.非洲女王号.The.African.Queen.1951.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop212.鸭羹.Duck.Soup.1933.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop213.洛奇.Rocky.1976.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop214.神秘河.Mystic.River.2003.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop215.雌雄大盗.Bonnie.And.Clyde.1967.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop216.电视台风云.Network.1976.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop217.夺魂索.Rope.1948.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop218.曼哈顿.Manhattan.1979.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop219.加勒比海盗.黑珍珠号的诅Top220.卧虎藏龙.Crouching.Tiger.Hidden.Dragon.2000.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top221.阳光小美女.Little.Miss.Sunshine.2006.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop222.大路.La.Strada.1954.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop223.换子疑云.Changeling.2008.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop224.巴顿将军.Patton.1970.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop225.侠盗罗宾汉.The.Adventures.Of.Robin.Hood.1938.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop226.和莎莫的500天.500.Days.of.Summer.2009.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop227.对话.The.Conversation.1974.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop228.人猿星球.1968.Planet.of.the.Apes.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop229.圣诞夜惊魂.The.Nightmare.Before.Christmas.1993.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop230.阿尔及尔之战.The.Battle.of.Algiers.1965.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop231.西线无战事.All.Quiet.On.The.Western.Front.1930.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop232.僵尸肖恩.Shaun.of.the.Dead.2004.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop233.光荣战役.Glory.1989.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop234.贵妇失踪案dy.Vanishes.1938.D9.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop235.费城故事.The.Philadelphia.Story.1940.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop236.穆赫兰道.Mulholland.Dr.2001.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop237.乱世儿女.Barry.Lyndon.1975.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop238.斯巴达克斯.Spartacus.1960.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop239.龙猫.My.Neighbor.Totoro.1988.D9.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop240.灵欲春宵.Whos.Afraid.of.Virginia.Woolf.1966.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop241.怪物公司.Monsters.Inc.2001.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop242.桃色案件.Anatomy.of.a.Murder.1959.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop243.玩具总动员2.Toy.Story.II.1999.BDRip.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop244.四百击.The.400.Blows.1959.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop245.星期五女郎.His.Girl.Friday.1940.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop246.妙想天开.Brazil.1984.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop247.毒药与老妇ce.1944.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop248.无间道.Infernal.Affairs.2002.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop249.哈尔的移动城堡.Howls.Moving.Castle.2004.HDTV.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop250.007皇家赌场(无删减版).Casino.Royale.2006.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv 楚门的世界.The.Truman.Show.1998.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv雨人.Rain.Man.1988.HDTV.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv谜一样的双眼.The.Secret.In.Their.Eyes.2009.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv留芳颂.Living.1952.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv海扁王.Kick.Ass.2010.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv[IMDB.Top.250合辑.TLF-MiniSD收藏版].rar[TLF.IMDB.TOP.250.合集]电影介绍.pdfTop001.肖申克的救赎.The.Shawshank.Redemption.1994.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top002.教父.The.Godfather.1972.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop003.教父2.The.Godfather.Part.II.1974.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop004.黄金三镖客.The.Good.The.Bad.And.The.Ugly.1966.EX.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top005.低俗小说.Pulp.Fiction.1994.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop006.辛德勒的名单.Schindlers.list.1993.HDTV.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop007.十二怒汉.12.Angry.Men.1957.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop008.飞越疯人院.One.Flew.Over.The.Cuckoos.Nest.1975.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top009.星球大战5-帝国反击战.Star.Wars.V-Top010.蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士.The.Dark.Knight.2008.IMAX.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-全选1.75 GB 858 MB 699 MB 913 MB 1.31 GB 1019 MB 1020 MB 799 MB 1.57 GB 745 MB 739 MB 714 MB 1.04 GB 807 MB 923 MB 863 MB 785 MB 1.56 GB 867 MB 600 MB 729 MB 1.0 GB 793 MB 907 MB 1.51 GB 825 MB 814 MB 1.02 GB 729 MB 814 MB 1.31 GB 1.02 GB 582 MB 830 MB 803 MB 1.31 GB 813 MB 978 MB 542 MB 1.02 GB 878 MB 965 MB 865 MB 848 MB 886 MB 698 MB699 MB 854 MB 658 MB 659 MB 694 MB 686 MB 803 MB 988 MB 640 MB 766 MB 542 MB 1007 MB 878 MB 895 MB 0 MB 666 MB 1012 MB 722 MB 788 MB 1.03 GB 788 MB 555 MB 617 MB 1.25 GB 747 MB 837 MB 566 MB 875 MB 844 MB 1.57 GB 1.38 GB 898 MB 846 MB 965 MB 1.27 GB 790 MB 874 MB 788 MB 799 MB 863 MB 1000 MB 1.09 GB 1.26 GB 973 MB 967 MB 598 MB801 MB 887 MB 741 MB 832 MB 831 MB 851 MB 699 MB 722 MB 620 MB 713 MB 921 MB 740 MB 821 MB 636 MB 1.27 GB 919 MB 816 MB 706 MB 560 MB 643 MB 1011 MB 864 MB 700 MB 579 MB 1.22 GB 748 MB 850 MB 709 MB 517 MB 1.63 GB 753 MB 1007 MB 810 MB 916 MB 710 MB 1.18 GB 699 MB 1.19 GB 651 MB 538 MB 828 MB 621 MB 594 MB 701 MB 599 MB 650 MB1.58 GB 629 MB 787 MB 699 MB 1.09 GB 673 MB 955 MB 738 MB 826 MB 1.27 GB 806 MB 901 MB 851 MB 461 MB 872 MB 747 MB 1008 MB 732 MB 559 MB 598 MB 657 MB 1.12 GB 1.13 GB 536 MB 677 MB 948 MB 668 MB 858 MB 876 MB 738 MB 1.0 GB 949 MB 601 MB 669 MB 326 MB 786 MB 580 MB 869 MB 877 MB 694 MB 914 MB 789 MB 760 MB 696 MB 887 MB 1.1 GB918 MB 748 MB 536 MB 782 MB 1.3 GB 669 MB 682 MB 420 MB 809 MB 1020 MB 714 MB 795 MB 520 MB 610 MB1.02 GB558 MB 661 MB 729 MB 915 MB 1.14 GB 657 MB 707 MB 737 MB 718 MB 446 MB 849 MB 801 MB 781 MB 827 MB 699 MB 696 MB 1017 MB 1.18 GB 1.24 GB 604 MB 899 MB 733 MB 1019 MB 715 MB 645 MB 559 MB 848 MB 749 MB 683 MB 773 MB663 MB 998 MB 967 MB 899 MB 905 MB 0 MB 26 MB 904 MB 1.36 GB 1.58 GB 1.17 GB 1001 MB 1.21 GB 581 MB 801 MB 831 MB 1.12 GB 207.1 GB。
3" 100 88,9 81,0 61,9 106,4 160 90,9 M16 x 70
85,32 x 3,53 B 3" -3/ 88,9 x 3,2 St 5,900
4" 25 114,3 106,0 77,8 130,2 160 115,0 M16 x 80 M16 110,72 x 3,53 B 4" -3/114,3 x 3,6 St 8,475
2" 200 2 ½" 160
60,3 76,1 1)
52,0 42,9 77,8 120 62,8 M12 x 50 M12 65,0 50,8 88,9 140 74,9 1) M12 x 60
56,74 x 3,53 B 2" -3/ 60,3 x 2,9 St 2,822 69,44 x 3,53 B 2 ½"-3/ 76,1 x 2,9 St 3,900
Table 2
Flange-type coupling SN 532 - B 1 ½“ - 3 / 48,3 x 2,6 St 3000 PSI (PN acc. to pipe dimension)
Pipe connection
DN PN outer ∅
max. max.
inside ∅ 3)
M max.
ISO ISO 4762 4032
½" 250 20,0 14,0 17,5 38,1 60 24,3 M 8 x 40 M 8
O-Ring SN 430
Order example 2) 3) Weight
18,64 x 3,53 B ½"-3/ 20,0 x 2,5 St 0,464
2014年第3期理论与现代化2014-05 NO.3,2014THEoRY A ND MoDERNIZATIoN May,2014简析独联体国家青年中的马克思主义信仰——以俄、乌、白、摩四国共青团为例张妍摘要:苏联解体以后,原苏联各加盟共和国的共产主义青年团组织历经更名、重建和分裂,在俄罗斯、乌克兰、白俄罗斯和摩尔多瓦四国得以存在和发展壮大。
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1 2月8日. 今典集 团张宝全公布 了 不得不暂停 。
成 立合资公司今典环球的合同摘要
大型商业分割式空调 SSA5-PRC003-EN 产品目录 September 2006 分割式 2
Large Commercial Split SystemSSA5-PRC003-ENProduct CatalogueSeptember 2006Split System 23-55 TonsRAUP/TTV Models 50 HzContentsModel Number Description4 General Data 20-55 Ton Condensing Units6 General Data Blower Coil Units7 System Performance Matrix8 Features Summary8 Outdoor Unit Application Considerations9 Outdoor Unit Selection10 Indoor Unit Fan Performance Data11 Dimensional Data Condensing Unit RAUP 25013 Dimensional Data Condensing Unit RAUP 30014 Dimensional Data Condensing Unit RAUP 40015 Dimensional Data Condensing Unit RAUP 50016 Dimensional Data Condensing Unit RAUP 60017 Dimensional Data DX Air Handling unit TTV 25018 Dimensional Data DX Air Handling unit TTV 30020 Dimensional Data DX Air Handling unit TTV 40022 Dimensional Data DX Air Handling unit TTV 50024 Dimensional Data DX Air Handling unit TTV 60026 Mechanical Specifications Outdoor Unit28 Mechanical Specifications Indoor Unit29Model Number DescriptionUnit Model Number DescriptionThe product is identified by a multiple-character model number that precisely identifies a particular type of unit. An explanation is shown below. It will enable the owner or Service Engineer to define operation, components and applicable accessories for a specific unit.R A U P 250D1B0A123456789101112Digit No. 1 = Product TypeR = Remote Condensing UnitDigit No. 2 = Product TypeA = Air CooledDigit No. 3 = Product TypeU = Unit Airflow-UpflowDigit No. 4 = Development SequenceDigit No. 5, 6 and No. 7 = Nominal Gross Capacity (MBH)(Note: The Alphabetic Letter “O” is not used in Digit 6 or 7, Only the Number “0” is used.) 250=250 MBH300=300 MBH400=400 MBH500=500 MBH600=600 MBHDigit No. 8 = Electrical Rating/Utilization RangeD = 380-415V/3ph/50HzDigit No. 9 = Motor/Compressor Controls(Note: The Alphabetic Letter “O” is not used in Digit 9, Only the Number “0” is used.)0 = None1 = DOL ( 3 wire ) StarterDigit No. 10 = Minor Design SequenceDigit No. 11 = Factory Installed/Shipped Options(Note: The Alphabetic Letter “O” is not used in Digit 11, Only the Number “0” is used.)0 = None1 = Blue fin2 = Suction/Liquid shut off valve3 = Crankcase Heater4 = Copper finS = SpecialDigit No. 12 = Service IndicatorModel Number DescriptionT T V250A D01A0A A0D 12345678910111213141516Digit No 1, 2, 3 = Airflow ConfigurationV = Vertical DischargeDigit No 4, 5, 6 = Nominal Gross Capacity (MBH)Digit No 7 = Major Design SequenceDigit No 8 = Electrical Rating / Utilization RangeD = 380-415V/3Ph/50HzDigit No 9 = Motor Control0 = None1 = DOL 4 wireDigit No 10 = Factory Installed Options0 = No Motor and Drive1 = 3.7 Supply Fan Motor kW2 = 5.5 Supply Fan Motor kW3 = 7.5 Supply Fan Motor kW4 = 11 Supply Fan Motor kW5 = 15 Supply Fan Motor kWDigit No 11 = Minor Design SequenceDigit No 120 = No Discharge Plenum1 = With Discharge Plenum (For TTV250&300)Digit No 13A = Internal Filter Rack ; 1" FilterB = External Filter Rack ; 2" FilterC = Internal Filter Rack ; 1" Filter with Decorative Return Air GrilleDigit No 14 = ArrangementA = Arrangement 1B = Arrangement 2C = Arrangement 3D = Arrangement 4Digit No 15 = Future UseDigit No 16 = ServiceGeneral Data 20-55 Ton Condensing UnitsTable 11 MCA - Minimum Circuit Ampacity is 125% of the largest compressor RLA plus 100% of the other compressor RLA plus the sum of the motor RLA.2 At 7 deg C SST and 35 deg C Ambient, Subcooling 8.3 K, Superheat 11.1 K.3 Nominal Airflow is rated wiht standard air-dry coil.General Data Blower Coil UnitsTable 2MCA - Minimum Circuit Ampacity ; calculated as follow : 125% of heater R.L Amps plus the fan motor R.L Amps.CFM is rated with standard air-dry coil.System Performance MatrixTable 3•Scroll Compressors•High compressor EERs.•Less vibration and a Quieter Operation •Durability / Extended LifeBuilt in dirt separator to prevent dirt reaching the bearings High volume oil sump prevents excessive oil loss.•Compressor ProtectionInternal motor temperature sensor.Current overloadsExternal high and low pressure switches •T andem CapabilityAchieves high part load efficiencies and additional part load control.•Sight glass & oil charging valves•DOL Starter, minimizing field installation.•Micro Controller with labled and numbered wiring.•Helps in troubleshooting and reduces service time.•Detailed two digits troubleshooting diagnostics.•Higher Controller reliability than traditional hard wired systems •Robust Casing•Stainless Steel & Corrosion Resistant Coated external screws.•Corrossion resistant coated coils as an option.•High efficiency Trane slit fin coils.•Weather resisant baked matt polyester powder painted GI panels.Heavy gauge welded steel base with mounting holes.•IP 55 condenser fan motors with built in thermal overloads.•Aluminium Blade propeller fans.•Fully factory leak and pressure, tested.•Factory Packaged•DOL Starters, Filter driers, controller •Pre Matched Compact Air Handlers•Small foot print•Multiple fan arrangements. Vertical or horizontal discharge configurations.•Up to 2.5“ (625Pa) ESP•Baked Polyester Powder Painted GI panels•25 mm Aluminium foil faced fiberglass insulation.•Double Inlet Width Forward curved fans •Standard 25 mm washable air filters.•Oversized motor options for higher static operation.*Some items are optional and not standard.Features SummaryCapacities based on ambient temperature of 95O F (35O C) Coil on coil temperature of 80/67O F (26/19O C) EDB/EWB.Capacities are gross and do not include the evaporator fan motor heat deductionCertain application constraints should be considered when sizing, selecting and installing Trane air-cooled condensing units. Unit reliability is dependent upon these considerations. Where your application varies from the guidelines presented, it should be reviewed with the local Trane sales engineer.Unit SizingIntentionally oversizing a unit to assure adequate capacity is not recommended. Erratic system operation and excessive compressor cycling are often a direct result of an oversized condensing unit. In addition, an oversized units usually more expensive to purchase, install and operate. If oversizing is desired, consider using two units.Unit PlacementA base or foundation is not required if the selected unit location is level and strong enough to support the unit’s operating weight.Isolation and Sound Emission The most effective from of isolation is to locate the unit away from any sound sensitive area. Structurally transmitted sound can be reduced by using spring or rubber isolators. The isolators are effective in reducing the low frequency sound generated by compressors and, therefore are recommended for sound sensitive installations. An acoustical engineer should always be consulted on critical applications. For maximum isolation effect, the refrigeration lines and electrical conduct should also be isolated. Use flexible electrical conduit. State and local codes on sound emissions should always be considered. Since the environment in which a sound source is located affects sound pressure, unit placement must be carefully evaluated.Unit LocationUnobstructed flow of condenser air isessential for maintaining condensingunit capacity and operation efficiency.When determining unit placement,careful consideration must be given toassure proper air flow across thecondenser heat transfer surface. Failureto heed these considerations will resultin warm air recirculation and coil air flowstarvation, resulting in a high pressurecompressor cutoff.Warm air recirculation occurs whendischarge air from the condenser fansis recycled back at the condenser coilinlet. Coil starvation occurs when freeair flow to the condenser is restricted.Both warm air recirculation and coilstarvation cause reductions in unitefficiency and capacity. In addition,in more severe cases, nuisance unitshutdowns will result from excessivehead pressures. Accurate estimates ofthe degree of efficiency and capacityreduction are not possible due to theunpredictable effect of varying winds,temperatures and coil conditions.In addition, wind tends to further reducehead pressure. Therefore, it is advisableto protect the air-cooled condensingunit from continuous direct windsexceeding 10 miles per hour.Debris, trash, supplies, etc., should notbe allowed to accumulate in the vicinityof the air-cooled condensing unit. Supplyair movement may draw debris betweencoil fins and cause coil starvation. Specialconsideration should be given to unitsoperating in low ambient temperatures.Condenser coils and fan dischargemust be kept free of snow and otherobstructions to permit adequate air flowfor satisfactory unit operation.Effect of Altitude On CapacityCondensing unit capacities given in theperformance data tables. At elevationssubstantially above sea level, thedecreased air density will decreasecondenser air density will decreasecondenser capacity and efficiency.Ambient ConsiderationsStart up and operation at lowerambients requires sufficient headpressure be maintained for properexpansion valve operation.At higher ambients, excessive headpressure may result. Standard operatingambients are 7-45O C. With a low ambientkit comprising crank case heaters andfrequency inverters, operation below7O C is achievable. Minimum ambientcondition are based on still conditions.Refrigerant PipingSpecial consideration must always begiven to oil retum. Minimum suction gasvelocities must always be maintainedfor proper oil retum. Outdoor Unit Application ConsiderationsOutdoor Unit SelectionSYSTEM PERFORMANCE DATAEWB=Entering Wet Bulb, deg. FTC=Total Capacity, MBHSHC=Sensible Heat Capacity, MBHPI=Power Input, kW CompressorsAll capacities are gross and do not include a deduction for evaporator fan motor heat.Interpolation is allowed. Do not extrapolate.Correction FactorsCooling Capacity Correction Factor for CFM/CMH, other than standard%CFM.CMH Variation From Rated-20-10Rated+10+20 Total Cooling Capacity Multiplier0.960.98 1.00 1.02 1.03 Sensible Heat Multaiplier0.910.96 1.00 1.04 1.08Note : Calculate total and sensible capacities in MBH and multiply by above factors to determine revised capacitiesEvaporator Fan Performance - TTV 250English UnitsIndoor Unit Fan Performance DataNotes: 1.Standard motor is 7.5 hp (5.5 kW), 1st option high static motor is 10 hp (7.5 kW), 2nd option high static motor is 15 hp (11 kW)2.To determine the power of the motor to be installed, the following correction factors to the fan Shaft Absorbed hp.Fan motor hp = Absorbed Fan Shaft hp x Correction FactorCorrection Factor = 1.2 for Absorbed Fan Shaft < 10 kW (13.4 hp)Correction Factor = 1.15 for Absorbed Fan Shaft > 10 kW (13.4 hp)Fan Motor Heat (MBH) = 2.55 x BHP Data Includes wet coil pressure dropIndoor Unit Fan Performance DateEvaporator Fan Performance - TTV 500English UnitsFAN ARRANGEMENT 1SIDE VIEW FAN ARRANGEMENT 2SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 3FAN ARRANGEMENT 4SIDE VIEWSIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 1FAN ARRANGEMENT 2SIDE VIEWSIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 3FAN ARRANGEMENT 4SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 1FAN ARRANGEMENT 2SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 3FAN ARRANGEMENT 4SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 1FAN ARRANGEMENT 2SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 3FAN ARRANGEMENT 4SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 1FAN ARRANGEMENT 2SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 3FAN ARRANGEMENT 4SIDE VIEWCASINGThe unit shall be designed for outdoor installation with completely factory assembled panels. Unit panels shall be constructed of 0.9 mm galvanized steel held in place by Allen key arrangements for easy removal. Exterior panels shall be cleaned, chemically treated and finished with a weather resistant oven-baked polyester powder paint. The entire unit shall be mounted on a galvanized sheet steel base for ease of shipment and handing. COMPRESSORThe unit shall have hermetic, welded shell Trane designed scroll compressors. Scroll compressors shall be heavy-duty suction gas cooled type complete with suction screen centrifugal oil pump with dirt separator, oil sight glass, protective device for low and high pressure and compressor motor winding thermostat. Two manifold compressors on unit sizes RAUP 150 to RAUP 300, four compressors on two independent manifolded circuits on unit sizes RAUP 400 to RAUP 600.CONDENSING COILOne vertical air-cooled condenser coil for RAUP 150 to RAUP 300, two vertical coils for RAUP 400 to RAUP 600.The coil shall be made of 3/8” seamless copper tubes mechanically bonded to aluminium plate fins. The coils shall be leak and proof tested to 300 and 450 psig respectively, and dehydrated and charged with nitrogen Optional corrosion resistant condenser coils are available for corrosive environments. CONTROLSProtective devices for low pressure, high pressure, motor winding temperature thermostat current overload for compressors and time delay protection shall be provided. DOL starter shall be provided as a standard. Shutoff valves shall be and option. Micro Control Processors shall be standard on a RAUP’s. Micro Controllers shall have diagnostics.FANDirect drive propeller fans shall be provided. Fan motors shall be protected with current overload protection. SHIPMENTAll units shall be shipped on a wooden skid with the compressor oil operating charge and a R22 holding charge.Mechanical Specifications Outdoor UnitUNIT CASINGThe unit framework shall be 3 mm ga.GI steel. Exterior panels shall be fabricated from 1.2 mm ga. galvanized steel. All panels shall be cleaned and coated with a baked polyester powder paint. The base frame shall be welded 3mm galvanized steel.All panels in contact with air stream shall be insulated with 1 inch 2 pound density fibre glass insulation covered with aluminium foils to prevent contact of moving air with insulation. All panels shall be removable to ensure proper access for servicing and maintenance.Removable panels shall be secured with bolts.FOOTPRINTTo save building space all models shall be placed against wall with return air from the front and general service from the sides.COOLING COILThe evaporator coil shall be one-half inch or three-eight inch OD seamless copper tubes mechanically expanded into aluminium fins.Coils shall have at least two independent circuits for good part load capability.Coils shall be proof tested at 375 psig and leak tested at 250 psig. Thermal expansion device shall be of direct expansion type with external equalizers,(Capillary tubes shall not be acceptable).The drain pan shall be fabricated of galvanized steel, insulated to prevent any condensation, and mastic coated to pervert corrosion.REFRIGERANT CIRCUITRefrigerant circuits shall be independent or manifolded and shall include pressure access ports (high and low pressure)filter driers, and charging valves. The circuits shall be lead tested and factory charged with N2.FANSSupply fans shall be of double width double inlet forward curved centrifugal fans statically and dynamically balanced. The drive components shall included fixed pitch drives and multiple V-belts. The drives shall be factory run tested and balanced. The supply fan motor shall be totally enclosed fan cooled.STARTERSUnit mounted DOL fan motor starters are available as a standard feature.HI-STATIC MOTOR (OPTIONAL)Optional factory mounted oversized fan motor for high external static pressureapplication.Mechanical Specifications Indoor UnitLiterature Order Number SSA5-PRC 003-EN Supersedes Sep 2006Stocking LocationSoft Copy OnlyTrane Thailand7th Floor, Ploenchit Center Building 2 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey Bangkok 10110。
5继 电保护装置信息 的处理与传输 系统 9城市 污水回用于 电站锅炉补给 水的动态模 拟试验研究
1 1电网调 度综合管理 系统设计 1 一种新的气体绝缘 电气设备 5
1 7俄 制抽汽汽轮机 叶片断裂诊断 分析 1 温对汽轮机油破 乳化性能 的影 响 8低 2 秦岭发 电有 限责任 公司灰水 回收 自动加药 系统控制过程 分析 O 2 新增湿法F D系统后 钢内筒烟 囱的防腐蚀研 究进展 2 G 2 锅炉运行经济 性的快速定量评 价 5 2 可编程序控制器 在盘式除铁器 改造 中的应 用 7
7 2北郊变微 波塔调 直施工方案
3 热控直流 电源 系统故障分析及 改造 4 3 提高科技期刊 的编辑质量 促进科技 期刊的 发行量 7 4 G 0 51 一l 型汽包炉水 位调整思路 0 D 1 2 /83 l 9 4 利用事故顺序记 录系统及计 算机数据记 录功能 分析火电厂事 故原 因 3 4 华亭煤 与铜 川煤混烧结 焦积 灰机理和预 防措施 6 4 燃煤锅炉 乙炔脉; 吹灰 装置与蒸汽 吹灰 装置 的比较 9 中 5 1渭河三期 汽包水位 自动控 制系统的投 入 5 高压加热器 泄漏原 因分析 及对策 4 5 连续上下 山地 形架线弧垂修 正与悬垂 线夹位置调 整的施工计 算 6 6 5 V 0 7 0 k 官兰线示范工程平 衡断线 的施 工方法 6 2连城 电厂2 炉屏式过热器 、 号 高温 过热器寿命评 估 6 6不等高斜 柱基础施工 测量 方法 6 8波形对 称原理浅析 7 电力 电缆故 障寻测技术 2 7 6泥水坑 基础开挖施工 方法总结 7 电气 接点发热的原 因、 8 处理及 红外技术 监测 8 1浅析 农配网的功率 因数和无功补偿 8 降低 网损的技术措施 4 8 7三相 四线 电能表计 量三相三线 电路电能 的接线讨论 8 无功功率补偿 的技 术性分析 8
含氟聚酰亚胺接枝低聚倍半硅氧烷制备超低介电材料王晓峰 陈义旺*(南昌大学材料科学与工程学院 南昌330047)摘 要 通过热引发甲基丙烯酸环戊基-立方低聚倍半硅氧烷(R 7R ′Si 8O 12或PO SS )(MA -PO SS )与臭氧预处理的含氟聚酰亚胺(6F -D urene )自由基接枝共聚制得6F -Du rene 共价接枝包含立方低聚倍半硅氧烷(POSS )的聚甲基丙烯酸酯(PMA )支链的纳米复合物。
用核磁共振(NM R )、X 射线衍射(XRD )和场发射扫描电子显微镜(FESE M )等测试技术分别对PO SS /6F -D urene 纳米复合物进行了结构表征及形貌观察。
PO SS /6F -D urene 纳米复合物薄膜与未接枝的6F -D urene 薄膜相比具有更低的介电常数ε(在2.5~2.0范围内)。
关键词 介电常数,纳米复合材料,低聚倍半硅氧烷,接枝共聚,含氟聚酰亚胺中图分类号:O 631;T M 281 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-0518(2006)05-0484-052005-06-16收稿,2005-08-05修回国家自然科学基金(50403016)资助项目通讯联系人:陈义旺,男,1970年生,教授,博士生导师;E -mail :yw chen @ ;研究方向:材料表面修饰、功能高分子合成介电常数ε在3.1~3.5的常规聚酰亚胺难以满足未来微电子中介电常数ε<2.5、以及技术节点小于130nm 的微电子中超低介电常数(ε<2.2)的要求[1]。
为此,在聚酰亚胺(PI )基体中引入包含空气(ε=1)的纳米孔隙制备低介电材料[2],或者以杂化的方式在PI 中引入硅酸盐降低材料的介电常数[3]。
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沈 阳富 桑黑 豹有 限责任 公 司
三 一汽 车制造 有 限公 司 吉林通 田汽 车有 限公 司
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汽车生产准备培训11---整车开发流程1.1 乘用车分类法1.2 整车开发流程1.3 整车开发关键项2---新车生产准备说明2.1 新车生产准备定义与原则2.2 新车生产准备流程-实例说明2.3 专项整改生产准备-实例说明2.4 生产准备标准化2.5 工艺准备通知书-实例说明3---BOM 说明3.1 BOM的定义3.2 汽车BOM的发展历程与趋势3.3 BOM的分类3.4 BOM的作用3.5 BOM数据流程3.6 乘用车BOM数据构造目录21.1 乘用车分类乘用车的分类主要有3种标准:1、德国乘用车分级标准-主要根据轴距、排量和重量等参数进行划分;2、中国乘用车分类标准-主要依据发动机排量划分为微型轿车、普通轿车、中级轿车、中高级轿车和高级轿车;3、美国通用分类标准-通用公司将乘用车分为6级,是综合考虑了车型尺寸、排量、装备和售价之后得出的分类。
31.1.1 乘用车分类-发动机排量分类法一、发动机排量分类法:微型轿车≤1L QQ普通级轿车>1L,<1.6L 、POLO中级轿车≥ 1.6L,≤2.5L中高级轿车>2.5L,≤4L A6,BMW3高级轿车>4L BENZ S系列、BMW7系41.1.2 乘用车分类-综合分级分类法二、综合分级分类法把乘用车分成A、B、C、D级;主要依据轴距、排量、重量等参数,字母顺序越靠后,说明该级别车的轴距越长、排量和重量越大,乘用车的豪华程度也越高。
A00级微型轿车轴距2m~2.2m、排量小于1L奇瑞QQA0级小型轿车轴距2.2m~2.3m、排量1L~1.3L两厢夏利A级小型轿车轴距2.3m~2.45m、排量1.3L~1.6L捷达、POLO B级中级轿车轴距2.45m~2.6m、排量1.6L~2.4L奥迪A4、PASSATC级高级轿车轴距2.6m~2.8m、排量2.3L~3.0L奥迪A6D级豪华轿车轴距>2.8米、排量3.0L以上BENZ S系列、BMW7系、奥迪A8随着车型配置选择越来越多样化,A、B、C级车的边缘化愈加明显,有些车型或许轴距属于A级车范围,而排量却与B级车一样。
6-8 March 2006 - Sheraton Hotel - Abu Dhabi - UAEArab Iron andSteel UnionGeneral Holding CorporationInternational Symposium and ExhibitionThe African Iron And Steel Industry: Realities And ProspectsBy: Sanusi Al-Haji MohamedSecretary GeneralAfrican Iron and Steel AssociationNigeiraThe African Iron And Steel Industry:Realities And ProspectsINTRODUCTIONThe Iron and Steel Industry in Africa South of the Sahara is in virtual dormancy, except for South Africa. This is in spite of the fact that it is the basic foundation for industrial development of any country. Africa has 30% of the world’s mineral resources, which include all the raw materials required for the steel industry, which raises the prospects for the steel industry in the region. Africa produced 17.898 million tonnes in 2005 representing 1.6% of world production.Nigeria, which conceived the ambitious integrated Ajaokuta Steel Company, is yet to get it to completion. The Zimbabwean ZISCO, on the other hand has been retarded by the crossfire between the government of the country and western industrial intrigues. The North African industry is growing gradually however.The iron ore and other raw materials for steel making have been either sacrificed in favour of gold and diamond exploration on one hand or hampered by political instability as a result of armed conflicts, on the other, and in some cases by both. Today Africa’s contribution to the base metals (copper, lead and zinc) is, in fact, less than 7%. The reality of the situation is the gross under utilization of Africa’s mineral resources.For the purpose of this presentation, I will concentrate on the realities and prospects of the steel industry in Africa South of the Sahara, as the Arab Iron and Steel Union (AISU) is better positioned to get the real situation in the North African sub-region, which include Egypt, Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia.AFRICA’S STEEL SECTORThe Steel Industry in the African sub-region is still in a state of slumber. The industry is bedeviled by civil wars and strife as well as lack of political will on the side of the nations’ leadership. In countries like Nigeria and Zimbabwe, where substantial investment has been put, there is really nothing to write home about in relation to other parts of the world. When the industry in Nigeria and Zimbabwe is related to Africa south of the Sahara, however, these two countries could pride themselves for having acquired the sophisticated technologies for steel making in their integrated steel plants.Presently the Nigerian steel industry can best be described as stagnant if not retrogressing following what can rightfully be considered as premature privatization of the public steel companies that began in the turn of the century.Zimbabwean ZISCO, though operating for sometime after its resuscitation, has been recording losses and therefore needs to be turned around. The government considers ZISCO strategic to its economic wellbeing, as such it is looking for genuine partners to turn it around.An x-ray of the steel industry in the sub-region with a view to identifying the problems militating against successful industrial take off shows that apart from the problems statedabove, external sabotage and internal factors have also been the major reasons for its stagnation.SOUTH AFRICAThe performance of the South African steel industry, so far the most successful in Africa, can be attributed to the socio-cultural peculiarities of this 1st world country within a 3rd world nation. The massive European investment in the steel and other sectors has significantly improved the welfare of at least the white South African minority. The steel industry in the Country therefore was developed in line with events in the industry in Western Europe. It is to be noted that South Africa even out produces some of the developed countries in Europe and the Far East as far as steelproduction is concerned. Their total output in 2005 was 9.5 million tonnes of crude steel representing 55.50% of Africa’s production and is ranked 28th in the world steel producing companies.ISCOR is the largest South African steel producer. There are few re-rolling mills melting scraps and they contribute some 300,000 tonnes over and above the production of ISCOR. Many other finishing mills depend on ISCOR for their billets or flat sheets for their down stream process. South Africa exports steel to the USA and some other African countries.NIGERIANigeria has potential and prospect to be one of the major steel producers in Africa. Political instability and lack of political will has, however, rendered the steel industry impotent. The only considerable activity, mainly rolling, being carried out is within the private sector steel plants. The Ajaokuta Steel Company (ASCO) and Delta Steel Company (DSC) both fully integrated, are now concessioned and sold to Global Infrastructure H oldings Limited (GIH L) respectively, in the government’s privatization policy. The only developed Iron Ore mine located at Itakpe has also been concessioned to the same GIHL.GIH L was in Nigeria as a holding company of Ispat Industries Limited (IIL), an Indian family business. It later came to light that IIL was never involved in the concession agreement neither were they involved in the outright purchase of the Nigerian Delta steel company. It is now becoming more clear that the company has no financial nor managerial capability to meet the conditions set out in the agreements.ASCO’s first phase was designed to produce 1.3 million tonnes of liquid steel using the Blast Furnace/Basic Oxygen Technology, which is yet to be completed. Delta Steel Company on the other hand is designed to produce 1 million tonne of liquid steel using Midrex Direct Reduction Technology.Nigeria was able to complete and commission the DSC Project in January 1982 because it was a turn-key project financed by the World Bank loan of about US$750 million through a consortium of Austro-German companies. The Consortium handed over the plant to Nigeria after the successful completion and commissioning. That was the beginning of the crisis in the plant. Insufficient or none availability of working capital right from commissioning date never allowed the plant to produce beyond 25% of design capacity. The state of the plant right now is that the plant needs to be totally refurbished with a budget of about US$100 million. The Government, at one time entered into joint venture agreement with two companies (Voest Alpine of Austria and Osaka Steel of Nigeria), under a partial privatization program to refurbish and operate the plant. Theintention here was that Government would eventually sell off the steel plant after the investors have recouped their investment. This arrangement however failed.There are three public inland rolling mills at Jos, Katsina and Oshogbo with annual capacities of 210,000 tonnes each. These are now liquidated.There are numerous private sector efforts in steel re-rolling of billets in the Country. These rolling and mini-mills have varying capacities between 20,000 and 100,000 tonnes. The combined effort of all these mills (about eighteen of them), have never really added more than 300,000 tonnes annually to the overall production capacity of the nation, due mainly to either operational inefficiency, the lack of operational working capital, poor infrastructural amenities, and inconsistent Government policies and inadequate incentives.ZIMBABWEThe Zimbabwean Iron and Steel Company (ZISCO) is a 1.0 million tonne blast furnace/basic oxygen technology integrated steel plant. The company reached about 800,000 tonnes capacity after the rehabilitation of the plant by the Chinese and Germans but is now experiencing drop in production from 277,000 tonnes in 2000 to 135,000tonnes in 2005.The drop in steel production has proportionately affected iron ore mining and benefication by Buchwa Iron Ore Mining Company (BIMCO), a subsidiary of ZISCO.Other areas of steel activities in Zimbabwe include re-rolling mini-mills like the 50,000 tonnes wire-rod mill at Kwekwe, and the 7,000 tonnes seamless tube plant (Tor Steel), and factories for steel components manufacturing.REPUBLIC OF CONGOThe Congo Iron Ore Company was initiated as a step towards setting up an integrated steel plant in 1983, but construction was suspended in January, 1986 due to financial difficulties and other compelling problems that bedeviled the project. It was started as a limited liability company with 80% Congolese ownership and BASCOTECNIA, a Spanish firm retaining 20%.The project design included rail, road, and marine port infrastructure. It also has a high tension electricity line of 35 KVA required for the realization of the different phases of the project. Already the country is linked by air transport.The Republic of Congo has high grade iron ore deposits located at Zanaga (562 million tones) and Mayoko (27 million tones) containing 65% and 56-65% Fe respectively. Other deposits are located at Nabemba and Avima containing 62-69% Fe though the reserves are yet to be quantified.The Republic of Congo, a co-founder of AISA, is looking for a potential investor to associate with in turning around Congo Iron Ore Company (FERCO). The Government is ready to take minority share holding of the new company to be formed while the investor takes the majority. Interested potential investor can contact the AFRICAN IRON AND STEEL ASSOCIATION at the address provided at the bottom of this presentation.OTHER COUNTRIES WITH IRON AND STEEL ACTIVITY INCLUDE: (i) Ethiopia - Foundry and Machine Shop (64,000 tonnes) (ii) Kenya - Re-rolling mills, and machine shop at locationslike Nairobi, Dandora, Runi, Kikuyu, Mombassa. Cumulative total capacity about 300,000 tonnes.(iii) Ghana - Scrap – smelting, re-rolling machine shop. Totalrolling capacity about 80,000 tonnes.(iv) Mauritania - Iron ore production and export. They export about12 million tonnes annually. They also have a 5,000 tonnes re-rolling facility.(v) Mozambique- Coking coal production, iron ore production and exportation. (vi) Zaire - Re-rolling project initiated by some private sector entrepreneur. Capacity already in place (100,000tonnes) Maluku.(vii) Angola - Raw materials and gas yet to be fully exploitedRe-rolling capacity 50,000 tonnes. Re-rolling facilities – 75,000 tonnes.Other countries with mainly re-rolling activities include:Mozambique - 80,000 tonnesUganda - 40,000 tonnesU. R of Tanzania - 24,000 tonnesMauritius - 75,000 “Liberia - 20,000 “Madagascar - 36,000 “Togo - 32,000 “Cameron - 40,000 “ 2.0 PROSPECTS OF AFRICAN STEEL INDUSTRYThe prospects and potential for development of Iron and Steel Industry in African countries can be better appreciated by analyzing their existing natural resources including iron ore reserves, fuel reductions, energy, water, alloying elements and market potentials.2.1. NATIONAL RESOURCESThe African continent has a very large reserve of iron ore, manganese ore, chromite, cobalt and nickel ores, as well as substantial reserve of coal, natural gas and oil, together with extensive water resources and hydropower potential for electricity production as well as availability of fluxes, clays and refractory.With a total population of over 1 billion in the continent, the market potential is readily assured.2.2 IRON OREAfrica (excluding South Africa) has Iron Ore reserve estimated at over 34 billion tones (about 15% of the world total), with 11 countries having reserves greater than one billion tones. The Ore is distributed with 20.4 per cent in Northern Africa, 40 per cent in Western Africa, 24.5 per cent in Central Africa and 15.1% in Eastern and Southern Africa, TABLE I.The largest proven reserves occur in the following countries;- Kilomoto hematite deposit in Democratic Republic of Congo (5 billion) tones. - Manesi range low-grade deposits in Zimbabwe (3.3 billion tones) - Gora Djebilet deposit in Algeria (3.025 billion tones)Other large deposits occur in Angola, Cote d ’Ivoire, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mauritania, Sierra Leone and Nigeria.The huge deposits remain unexploited in most of the African countries. Thus only Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia and Zimbabwe rank among the world iron ore producers. Nigeria ’s production is however, nose diving, almost grinding to a halt.African iron ore resources remain largely undeveloped owing to such constraints as non-availability of the necessary investment resources from both domestic and International sources. The general uncertainties of the world Iron Ore market, the relative inaccessibility of most of the reserves (necessitating large investment in transportation and other infrastructures) and civil and political strives that hamper their development.Liberia (before devastation by years of war), Mauritania and Algeria are the only African exporters of Iron Ore. Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia and Zimbabwe produce for their domestic steel plants only.2.3 STEEL ALLO YING ELEMENTSThere are abundant alloying elements in the African sub-region which include:-- Chromite reserves, about 95 per cent of world total. Most of its productioncomes from Zimbabwe with proven reserve of over 500 million tones. Other significant reserves occur in Madagascar and Sudan.- Africa ’s share of the world cobalt reserve is about 33% with DemocraticRepublic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia accounting for 75% and 20% respectively of the region reserves. Other reserves occur in Zimbabwe, Botswana, Uganda (near Kelembe).- African countries have about 78% of the world known reserve of manganesemost of which is exploited in Gabon (26% of world reserves) and Ghana. Significant reserves in Burkina Faso, DRC, Angola, Cote d ’Ivoire and Togo are still undeveloped.-Nickel reserve in Africa amount to 10% of world ’s total mainly in Burundi, Botswana, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe (which is the largest producer). Other alloying elements in Africa are tungsten (DRC and Zimbabwe), Niobium and tantalum DRC, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Nigeria).Only limited quantity of alloying elements is at present being used in a few African countries (Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria and Zimbabwe) for producing special grade and alloy steels. Ferro alloy production so far exists only in Zimbabwe and Egypt. 2.4 COALThe bulk of African coal reserves occur in Eastern and Southern Africa. Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Mozambique are endowed with the most extensive deposits (85% of the continent total). Only 18 countries have coal deposits and of these only Zimbabwe, Swaziland,Egypt and Algeria have coking coal that can be used in blast furnaces.Coal is produced in the following countries:-- Eastern and Southern Africa – Zimbabwe, Zambia, Swaziland, Tanzania,Malawi and South Africa.- North Africa – Algeria, Egypt and Morocco - West Africa – Nigeria and Niger - Central Africa – Democratic Republic of Congo.However, only Algeria, Egypt and Zimbabwe are using local coal for coke production and Iron making on a large scale.2.5 NATURAL GASThe largest natural gas reserves are in Algeria, Egypt, Libya and Nigeria (88% of the whole of Africa ’s total). Algeria is a major world producer and exporter of natural gas. This natural gas endowment has formed the basis for the establishment of Midrex direct reduction plants in the following countries:-- Egypt – Alexandra Iron and Steel Company, El-DikhelaInstalled Capacity – 840,000 tonnes/year. They now produce about 1 million tones.- Libyan Arab Jamahiriya – Executive Board of Iron and Steel Co. (EBISCO)Misurata, capacity 1.1 million tones/year. Libya is now expanding her steel production capacity to about 4 million tones per annum.- Nigeria – Delta Steel Company, Ovwian-Aladja – capacity 1.03 milliontones/year.2.6 H YDRO-RESOURCESAll African countries except Algeria, Libya, Botswana, Chad and Togo have significant exploitable hydro-resources for electricity production as well as water resources for industrial usage. Africa ’s technically exploitable hydro-potential is estimated to be over 360 GW. (more than 16 per cent of the world total), with the Democratic Republic of Congo river potential alone been greater than 100 GW (of this, less than 5 per cent has been exploited). The main electricity producers are Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Zambia and Zimbabwe.With the above presentation, Africa’s position can be summed up to have viable environment for investment in the iron and steel sector. Africa is waiting with open hands to welcome any potential investor to participate in the development of the continent and also to develop the investors’ businesses.The African Iron and Steel Association whose contact address is given below is ready and willing to welcome and guide you to these opportunities.Alhamdu lilLah.Dr Sanusi Alhaji Mohammed (FNMS)EXECUTIVE SECRETARY GENERALAFRICAN IRON AND STEEL ASSOCIATIONAFRICAN IRON AND STEEL ASSOCIATION19B Suez Crescent, Wuse Zone 4PMB 268, GarkiAbuja, FEDERAL CAPITAL TERRITORYNIGERIAe-mail: afristeel@ ; afristeel@web page:Telephone: (+234-9) 523 3170; 5232135; Fax: (+234-9) 523 3275.T H E A F R I C A N I R O N A N D S T E E L I N D U S T R Y : R E A L I T I E S A N D P R O S P E C T SA r a b s t e e l I n d u s t r y 2006。
基桩动测仪(低应变 仪)
电子天平 电脑全自动恒应力压力
试验机 细集料棱角性测定仪
电子天平 叶轮搅拌机(细集料亚 甲蓝测定仪) XJB-Ⅱ
低温双速沥青延伸度测 试仪
电热鼓风干燥箱(烘 箱)
型号认可证(VTC)证件编号持有人型号批准日期VTC 美国波音公司B767-2001985-09-07 VTC 美国波音公司737-3001985-11-15 VTC 英国宇航公司Bae146-100/-2001986-08-29 TV87001 空中客车工业公司A310-3041987-09-14 TV87002 苏联航空工业部TY-154M1987-12-30 TV88003 波音公司B757-2001988-01-15 TV88004 波兰PZL-MIELEC 航空工厂PCL M181988-02-24 TV88005 波兰 PZL-KALISZ航空工厂AS2-62IR1988-02-24 TV88006 波兰 PLZ-WARSZAWA航空工厂AW-21988-02-24 TV88007KING无线电公司见附注1988-04-02 TV88008 苏联航空出口公司AN-321988-06-01 TV88009 General Electric Company CF6-80C2 Series engines(Detail is in TCDS) 2005-06-08 TV88010 罗尔斯·罗伊斯公司RB211-535E41988-10-15 TV88011 美国ORLANDO HELICOPTER AIRWAYS S-55 1988-12-31 TV88012 罗马利亚航空制造公司IS28B2,IS29D21988-12-19 TV89013 法国SOCATA TB-201989-03-10 TV89014 美国洛克希德382G-44K-301989-04-03 TV89015 美国艾利逊公司501-D22A1989-04-03 TV89016 美国利登公司LTN-3111989-06-05 TV89017 美国普惠公司PW20371989-07-22 TV89018 英国PILATUS BRITTEN-NORMANCO. BN2B-20 1989-07-28证件编号持有人型号批准日期TV89019 联合技术公司普惠民用产品分公司PW4052,40561989-09-05 TV89020 加拿大普惠公司PT6A-27,-61,PW1231989-12-01 TV90022 空中客车工业公司A300-600R1990-08-25 TV90023 苏联速度机械厂YAK-421991-02-12 TV91024 波音飞机公司B737-5001991-04-12 TVC001A 法宇航AS350B1/B21991-05-23 VTC002A 美国麦道公司MD-111991-05-23 VTC003A 美国波音公司B747-2J6F1991-06-03 VTC004A 美国麦道公司MD-11F1991-10-17 VTC005A 萨伯-斯堪尼亚公司SAAB340A/B1992-03-09 VTC006A 德哈韦兰公司DHC-8-3001992-04-08 VTC007E 美通用电气公司CT7-5A2/-9B1992-05-10 VTC008A 美国波音公司767-3001992-06-02 VTC009A 荷兰福克公司F28MARK01001992-08-21 VTC010E 英国罗罗公司TAY650-151992-09-04 VTC011A 美国派泊公司PA-42-7201993-01-04 VTC012A 瑞典萨伯公司SAAB340A/B1993-02-23 VTC013A 英国宇航公司Bae146-3001993-03-02 VTC014E 美国大陆公司TSIO-550-B1993-03-18 VTC015A 美国赛斯纳公司CESSNA208/208B1993-04-05Div.3GFR34C703/1106GA1993-05-12 AccessoryVTC016P McCauleyVTC017E 美国盖瑞特公司TFE731-3B/-3BR1993-05-12 VTC018A 吉斯兰公司GA2001993-05-18 VTC019A 美国赛斯纳公司650(CITATION VI)1993-06-07 VTC020E 美国莱康明公司ALF502R5/LF507-1H1993-07-31证件编号持有人型号批准日期VTC021A 美国雷克公司LAKE-2501993-08-23 VTC022A 乌兰.乌德航空工厂/米里设计局MI-8T1993-10-22 VTC023E 美国普惠公司JT8D-17A,JT8D-217A/C1993-12-25 VTC024E 美国普惠公司PW4158,44601994-02-242005-08-19 VTC025E LycomingEngines IO-540-K1B5/-C4D5D/-C4D5/-C4B5/-V4A5/-AE1A5VTC026A 美国麦道公司DC-9-821994-03-10 VTC027E 美国莱康明公司TIO-540-AA1AD1994-03-18 VTC028E 美国莱康明公司O-540-E4C51994-03-18 VTC029E 美国莱康明公司IO-720-D1B1994-03-18 VTC030E 美国莱康明公司O-235-N2A/-N2C1994-03-18 VTC031A 因斯特龙直升机公司F28F,280FX,TH-28,4801994-04-20 VTC032A 法国苏柯达工厂TB2001994-04-25 VTC033A 美国仙童公司SA227-DC1994-09-20 VTC034A RAYTHEENCOMPANY B300/300CSUPER KING AIR1995-04-22 AIRCRAFTVTC035E PRATT&WHITNEY CANADA INC. PT6T-3 1995-06-02 VTC036E PRATT&WHITNEY CANADA INC.PT6A-114/114A/42/60A/65R1995-06-02 VTC037E PRATT&WHITNEY CANADA INC. PW127C 1995-06-02 INDUSTRIE A320-111/-211/-212/-231/-232 /-214 1997-07-10 VTC038A AIRBUSVTC039A LEARJET INC. LEARJET 55 1995-08-10 VTC040E PRATT & WHITNEY CANADA INC. PT6T-3B 1995-10-16 INC.TPE331-12UHR1995-10-23 VTC041E ALLIEDSIGNALVTC042P Hamilton Standard Division 247F-3 1995-11-07 VTC043P Hamilton Standard Division14SF-5/14SF-11/14SF-151995-11-07 VTC044E Textron Lycoming Reciprocating Engine Division IO-540-C4B5D 1995-11-09证件编号持有人型号批准日期VTC045E Textron Lycoming Reciprocating Engine Division IO-360-A1B6 1995-11-09VTC046E Textron Lycoming Reciprocating Engine Division IO-720-D1BD 1995-11-09VTC047E Textron Lycoming Reciprocating Engine Division O-540-F1B5 1995-11-09VTC048E Textron Lycoming Reciprocating Engine Division HIO-360-F1AD 1995-11-09VTC049E Textron Lycoming Reciprocating Engine Division O-540-H2A5 1995-11-09VTC050E Textron Lycoming Reciprocating Engine Division O-540-A1D5 1995-11-091995-11-07VTC051E International Aero Engines AG(IAE) V2527-A5,V2530-A5,V2525-D5,V2528-D5 VTC052E International Aero Engines AG(IAE) V2500-A1 1995-11-07VTC053A BoeingAirplane Group B777-200 1995-12-26 CommercialVTC054E General Electric Company GE90-76B/-85B 1995-12-26Airplane Group B737-400 1995-12-21VTC055A BoeingCommercialHelicopter Company R44 1996-01-04VTC056A RobinsonPlc.RB211-524H-361996-04-25VTC057E Rolls-RoyceVTC058A Airbus A340-211,-311,-212,-312,-213,-313,-6422003-04-21VTC059A Robinson Helicopter Company R22 Beta , R22 Mariner 1996-07-17Corporation MD-90-301996-07-22VTC060A McDonnellDouglasInc.Learjet601996-07-26VTC061A Learjet1996-09-19VTC062A AEROSPATIALE (on behalf of AEROSPATIAL&ALENIA) ATR42-300/320,ATR72-102/202/212/101/201/211WHITNEYCANADA INC. PW120/121/124B/127 1996-09-19 &VTC063E PRATTVTC064E CFM International, S.A. Detail is in TCDS NO.VTC064E 2005-08-17VTC065E General Electric Company, Aircraft Engine Group GE90-77B/-90B/-92B1997-01-06VTC066E General Electric Company, Aircraft Engine Group CF6-80E1A1/-80E1A21997-02-032005-02-04VTC067A Airbus A330-201 A330-301 A330-243 A330-343A330-321 A330-322 A330-341 A330-342证件编号持有人型号批准日期CanadaWhitneyInc. PW305, PW305A, PW305B 1997-03-18&VTC068E Pratt50 1997-05-28A VIATION MYSTERE-FALCONVTC069A DASSAULTPTY. LTD. DRIFTER SB-582 1997-08-12VTC070A AUSTFLIGHTU.L.A.VTC071A The Boeing Company 747-400, 747-400F 2002-08-30ALENIA & AERO.) ATR72-212A 1997-08-19VTC072A AEROSPATIALE(ONOFBEHALFVTC073A Cessna Aircraft Company Model 525 1997-11-12Company Cessna5252005-04-01AircraftVTC073A CessnaCorporation S-76C with Arriel 2S1 Engines 1998-01-24AircraftVTC074A SikorskyVTC075E Pratt & Whitney Division United Technologies Co. PW4164,PW4168/PW4090;PW4077D;PW4084D1998-02-23Company172R1998-04-27VTC076A CessnaAircraftVTC077E CFM International, S.A. CFM56-7B series1998-05-03(CFM56-7B18, -7B20,-7B22,-7B24,-7B26,7B27)VTC078E Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc. PW-127F 1998-05-04VTC079P Hamilton Standard Division, United Technologies Corporation568F-1 1998-05-14VTC080A BellTextron Bell206B/206L-4/4071998-05-25 HelicopterVTC081A Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant Public Company Mi-171/Mi-171A 1998-07-22CommercialAirplane Group 737-700/-800 1998-06-10VTC082A BoeingVTC083A Robinson Helicopter Company R22 Beta, R22 Mariner 1998-09-15VTC084A Robinson Helicopter Company R44, R44 II 2004-11-03VTC085A AirbusIndustrie A321-111 /-112 /-131 /-211 /-231 1998-09-15VTC086A Brantly International Inc. B-2B 1998-12-07VTC087A EUROCOPTER AS332L1/ASS332L1998-12-15VTC088A RaytheonCompany Hawker800XP1999-04-28AircraftVTC089A Raytheon Aircraft Company Beechjet 400A 1999-05-31Corporation TV3-117VM,TV3-117VMSeries 2 1999-07-14VTC090E Klimov证件编号持有人型号批准日期Company1900D1999-10-15 AircraftVTC091A Raytheon5001999-12-17 Enterprises,Inc GTVTC092A QuicksilverVTC093A Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH Dornier 328-300 2000-01-312000-03-15VTC094E. Allison Engine Company 250-C20R/2、-C20J,C20W,B17F,C30,C30P,C30S2000-03-15 Propeller HC-B4MP-3C/M10476K,VTC095P. HartzellHC-E3YR-1RLF/FL7663D-2Q,HC-C2YK-1BF/F8477-4,HC-C2YK-2CUF/FC8477-4,HC-C3YR-1RF/F8475R,HC-B3TN-3B/T10173B-3,HC-B3TN-3K/T10173AB-6QVTC096A. Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze Co.Ltd., Poland M18B DROMADER 2000-07-12VTC097A.Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Bell Model 427 2000-04-292000-07-05VTC098E.Rolls-RoyceCorporation AE3007C,AE3007A,AE3007A1/1,AE3007A1/2,AE3007A1,AE3007A1/3,AE3007A1P,AE3007A3Industrie A319-111/-112/-113/-114/-115/-131/-132/-1332000-07-05VTC099A AirbusVTC100E Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc. JT15D-5 2000-07-20Canada Inc. PW530A 2000-07-20 WhitneyVTC101E Pratt&WhitneyCanada Inc. PW545A 2000-07-20 &VTC102E PrattCanada Inc. PW306A,PW306B 2000-07-20 Whitney&VTC103E Pratt2000-07-20VTC104E Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc.PW206A/206B/206C/206D/206E/207DInc.PW127J/118/118A/118B2000-07-20CanadaWhitneyVTC105E Pratt&VTC106P Hartzell Propeller Inc. HC-E4A-3J/E10950PB;HD-E6C-3B/E13890K2000-07-20证件编号持有人型号批准日期Lnc.DHC-8-4002000-08-16 VTC107A BombarierVTC108A MD HELICOPTERS INC MD600N 2000-09-13 AEROSPACE CL-600-2B192000-09-30 VTC109A BOMBARDIEREngines CF34-3A1/-3B/-3B12000-10-11 AircraftElectricVTC110E GeneralVTC111E Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc. PW150A 2000-10-26 VTC112A EurocopterDeutschland(ECD)EC135P1/T1/P22000-11-09Deutschland(ECD)EC135P1/T1/P2/T22005-01-31 VTC112A EurocopterVTC113A EMBRAER EMB-145ER/LR2000-11-29 VTC114A EUROCOPTER EC120B2001-05-21 VTC115A The New Piper Aircraft, Inc. PA-44-180 2001-05-27 Company560XL2001-05-27 AircraftVTC116A CessnaEngines V2522-A5,V2524-A5,V2527M-A5,V2533-A52001-06-08 AeroVTC117E InternationalAircraftCompany CESSNA7502001-07-26 CessnaVTC118A TheSpA A109E,A1192006-04-30 VTC119A AgustaInc.CL-600-2B16(604 Variant) 2002-03-04 VTC120A BombardierPZL-104WILGA 80, PZL-104M WILGA 2000 2002-03-29 VTC121A PANSTWOWE ZAKEADY LOTNICZE “Warszawa-Okecie”S.A2002-03-29 VTC122E ALLIEDSIGNALINC.TFE731-3/-3R,-3A/-3AR,-3C/-3CR,-3D/-3DR,-5B/-5BRVTC123E TURBOMECA ARRIEL-1S1/-1D1/-2S1/-2B/-2C/-2C1/-2B12002-03-29 VTC124A Schweizer Aircraft Corporation Model 269C-1、269C、269D Configuration A 2005-02-06 VTC125E TURBOMECA MAKILA 1A/1A1/1A2 Engine 2002-04-15 VTC126A The Boeing Company B737-600 2002-04-29 VTC127A EUROCOPTER EC155B,EC155B12005-08-05 Helicopters Inc. MD 900 2002-06-28 VTC128A MD证件编号持有人型号批准日期VTC129E WSK PZL, Kalisz SA Engine AI-14RA and AI-14RC 2002-07-25 VTC130A Cessna Aircraft Commany Cessna 172S 2002-07-26 AircraftCommany Cessna182T/T182T2002-07-26 VTC131A CessnaVTC132A Cessna Aircraft Commany Cessna 206H/T206H 2002-07-26 Whitney PW4062A2002-08-15 VTC133E PrattandINC OE600A2002-08-30 VTC134E ORENDARECIPL.P Gulfstream2002002-09-10 AerospaceVTC135A GulfstreamContinental Motors, Inc. IO-240-B 2003-01-10 VTC136E TeledyneVTC137P EADS-PZL“Warszawa-okecie” S.A. US-122000 2003-01-31 VTC138A SOCATA-Aerospatiale Matra TB9/TB10 2003-04-212003-05-13 VTC139E Bombardier-Rotax GmbH & Co. KG Rotax Engine Type 912A/F/S (Series)、914F(Series)VTC140E Rolls-Royce plc. RB211 Trent 553-61, 556-61, 560-61 and2003-05-13556B-61Engine2003-05-13 VTC141E Rolls-Royce plc.RB211-535E4-B-75 and RB211-535E4-B-37EngineIV2003-09-15 VTC142A GulfstreamCorporation GulfstreamAerospace2003-10-09 VTC143E General Electric Aircraft Engines CF34-8C1/-8C5/-8C5A1/-8C5B1/-8C5A2/-8C5A3/-8E2/-8E2A1/-8E5/-8E5A1/-8E5A2/-8E6/-8E6A1 EngineInc.CL-600-2C10(Regional Jet Series 700 and 701) 2003-10-21 VTC144A BombardierVTC145E Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd and Co KG Tay611-8 Engine 2003-10-28 VTC146A Raytheon Aircraft Company Model 390 (Premier I ) 2003-11-02Inc.PW207E,PW206B2,PT6A-135A2003-01-31 CanadaWhitneyVTC147E PrattandVTC148E Williams International FJ44-1A,-2A Engines 2003-12-11证件编号持有人型号批准日期VTC149E Lycoming Engines, An Operating Division of A VCOHIO-360-D1A/G1A2004-06-18 CorporationIndustries DA20-C12004-07-27 VTC150A DiamondAircraftEntwicklung GMBH MTV-7 2004-08-24 VTC151P MT-Propeller2004-08-24 LYCOMING(L)O-360-A1H6, IO-360-L2A, IO-540-AB1A5,VTC152E TEXTRONIO-540-AC1A5, TIO-540-AJ1A, TIO-540-AK1AVTC153P Hoffmann GmbH & Co KG HO-V 62 ()() Series Propeller 2004-08-25 VTC154A DiamondAircraft DA40/DA40D2004-10-26Inc.Learjet452004-12-27 VTC155A LearjetVTC156P Hartzell Propeller Inc.HC-C2YR-1BF/F7495S2005-01-04 VTC157E Rolls-Royce plc RB211 Trent 768-60, 772-60, 772B-60 2005-02-03 VTC158E Thielert Aircraft Engines GmbH TAE125-01 2005-02-03 EntwicklungGmbH MT-6(),MT-12()2005-02-03 VTC159P MT-PropellerVTC160E Pratt and Whitney Canada Inc. PW545B 2005-03-04 VTC161A American Blimp Corporation A-60+ 2005-04-12 AircraftCompany C90A2005-04-30 VTC162A RaytheonEntwicklung GmbH MT Fixed Pitch,MT( )( )( )-( )( ) 2005-04-30 VTC163P MT-PropellerInc.TFE731-20/-20AR/-20BR/-20R/-40/-40R/-602006-05-19 VTC164E HoneywellInternationalVTC165E General Electric Company CF6-50E2 2005-08-17 VTC166A DiamondIndustries GmbH Diamond DA 42 2005-06-03 AircraftCompany B737-9002005-06-10 VTC167A BoeingVTC168P Sensenich Propeller Manufacturing Co., INC 76EM SEIRES PROPELLER 2005-06-24 VTC169A TigerLLC AG-5B2005-07-08 AircraftEngines O-360-A4K2005-8-19 VTC170E LycomingVTC171E Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. PT6A-21 2006-05-19证件编号持有人型号批准日期VTC172E Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. PT6B-37A 2006-05-19 Aircraft Company BE-103 2005-12-22 VTC173A BerievVTC174A Cirrus Design Corporation SR20,SR222005-12-31。
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企北。摩托车 私 人用 水。 摩托车 .AT ( V 伞地形 ) ,通用汽油发动机等是 在川崎氟工的产 品领域 r 罕见的大众 产品。 n书匡内 自 必悦 ,彪悍 迅撇 的川崎 摩托车在 世界 荐地 获得广泛 的好 ,现 将 I
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宽 是无 限 的 ” 宽 带 接 人 资 源 才是 固 网 最 得 天 独 厚 的 ,
型机 顶盒 可享 受视 频点播 、 电视 回看 、 时移 、 电视 录制 、 电视 游戏 等 电视互 动 服 务 , 户 可 对 正 在播 放 的 电视 用 节 目进行 暂停 、 时 播 放 等操 作 。有线 网 络先 天 的带 延 宽 优势 , 整体转 换 之 后将 使 上 海 市 民的 电视 画 面更 在 清 晰流 畅 , 择 电视 服务 的方式 更 加多 样便捷 。 选
(V ) A S 视频 部分 获批 成为 国家 标准 , 于 20 并 06年 3月 1F起开 始实 施 。A S标 准 化 工 作 取 得 了重 要 成 果 , t V “ 十一 五 ” 间 我 国重 点 培育 的数 字 化 音 视 频 产业 从 期
此 有标 可循 。
国内外领先水平 , 从而使得上海 的整体转换模式更具
有创 新 意义 。可 以预 计 , 随着 有线 电 视 数 字化 整 体 转 换 的不 断推进 , 久 的将 来 , 不 上海 家 家户 户 的电视 机将
电视示 范城 市 ” 的称 号 。特 大 型 城 市有 线 网络 的整 体 转换 , 由于事 涉广 泛 的群众 利益 , 体转换 模 式 的准备 整 时间相 对较 长 。20 0 6年北 京 、 津 等 特 大型 城 市 开 始 天 进 行有 线 电视 数 字 化 整 体 转 换 的 试 点 。 按 照 上 海 市 委 、 政府 的要求 , 海 的有线 数 字电视 整体 转换 更应 市 上
武器 , I1 而 PV就是这件武器 的试金石 。 I1 赢则 宽带 赢 , PV 宽带赢 则 固网赢 。固 网能 否赢 在 I1 PV?我们在等待着 20 07年的答案 。
对于施耐 德而 言, C 各地市场 AP 存 的渠道建设足 其收 购A PC, 并拓展市场 的最佳优势 。 施耐 德多样化优势的前 在 提下 , 本地化 的渠道 建设也是 其在全球 市场发 展 的核心 此次 施耐 德收 购 了
APC, 将意味着AP C同梅兰 日兰 ( 施耐
德曾在 19 年 成功 收购 了梅兰 日兰 ) 92 不
再 以竞 争对手 , 而是 以 一公 一战略合 J
作伙伴的身份并驾于 UP 市场 , l S 这 刮时
意味着 2 UP 厂商的联盟 业 内人上 家 S
分析认为 , ・ 这 合并将给 U S P 市场带来
资公司T MT&D签订 了框架协议 ,由后
有限 责任 公司 与广州 市 白云 电气集 团 有 限公司 在番 禺大 厦举行 “ 合携手 联
打造输 配 变 电领 域世 界级 品牌 ”合作
者 全面收 购常变 。 然而最终因 T &D MT
在 20 年 3 05 月破产而变成一纸 空文 。
两 电 公 司 是 国 内 唯 一 能 够 提 供
造企业西屋 电气公司 7%的股 份,完成 7 对后者的收购。
2 0 年5 1 0 6 月 2日, 西西安 电力机 陕 械制造公 一 J(r 称西电公司 )与江苏常
州机 电国有资产经营有限公 剐签订 了常
据悉 ,哈 尔滨 九洲 电 气将在 哈平
公路 南岗 区路段 组建 国内最 大的 高压
全部 股 权 。
番禺明珠 、白云电气联手打造输配 变电领域世 界级 品牌
S厂联变 2006-18型式新 A2006048
试验依据 GB1094.2-1996 Test standards GB1094.3-2003
试验项目 Test items
温升试验 Temperature rise test
冲击试验 Impulse test
OSFPSZ10-315000/400 电 力 变 压 器 温 升 试 验 、 冲 击 试 验 的 试 验 结 果 符 合 GB1094.1-1996、GB1094.2-1996、GB1094.3-2003 同时满足 IEC60076-2000 要求,样 品上述试验合格。
试验报告 Test Report
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1. 报告无“试验专用章”或“试验中心公章”无效。 The report is invalid without an “inspecting authority seal” or a “test official seal”.
2. 温升试验 Temperature rise test
Altera 2006媒体演示日巡礼
Altera 2006媒体演示日巡礼
【摘要】6月8-9日,Altera在香港举办了Altera Press Demo Day活动,此次活动的内容以产品展示为主,可以通过不同领域的产品一览Altera的高速Stratix Ⅱ、低成本Cyclone Ⅱ FPGA等的应用。
1.尖端生产技术展览会!全球五大生产技术展览会! "首尔国际机床展览会(SIMTOS2006)"2006年4月1 2日~17日在KINTEX举办! SIMTOS2006,韩国最大规模的展览会! [J],
2.Altera 2006媒体演示日巡礼 [J],
3.广东塑料交易所2006年12月行情综述(2006年11月21日-2006年12月20日) [J], 南树;佳信
4.广东塑料交易所2006年11月行情综述(2006年10月23日-2006年11月20日) [J], 南树;佳信
5.2006年全国高性能计算学术会议(HPC China 2006)(http://www.sccas.cn/hpcchina2006) 2006年10月27日~29日北京友谊宾馆[J],
MP-12型技术手册GULMAY LTD 2006内容页图纸单 4表 5机械描述 6概述7操作说明11程序方法和方式15安装和界面要求17MP1特点和选择设置20错误号码位置30工程符号摘要33RS232连接和设置34RS232信息摘要35RS232要求摘要36RS232指令摘要39登陆,PC用户程序40内部连接图描述48建议MP1界面图描述50I/O板电路描述51CPU板电路描述54显示板电路描述57电源板电路描述57键盘板电路描述57电源监视器板电路描述57推荐备件58页附录A:应用数据59附录B:老表等同62附录C:通过型号设置发生器65附录D:通过型号设置管子67附录E:软件历史71图纸单前面板图纸 1.0图建议MP 1接口(LAB 盒)MP3-042MP1内部连接图MP2-003I/O板电路图MP2-020CPU板电路图MP2-223显示板(2)电路图MP2-054键盘电路图MP3-048电源板电路图MP3-026电源监视器板电路图MP3-242表页表1 错误号码位置30表2 工程符号摘要33附录A 应用数据58附录B 老表的补充60附录C 发生器型号64附录D 管子型号65附录F 软件历史70机械描述宽482mm高133mm深240mm重量 5.3公斤连接器发生器I/O 25芯D座LAB 盒23芯底盘插头接地柱6mmRS232 9芯D 插头概述MP1是一个微处理器由GULMAY公司制造的。
2009 年 7 月将该变压器返厂解体 , 厂内检查发 现变压器 V 相绕组端部角环上有多处放电痕迹 , 见 图 4 ;压板与压钉接触部位被烧黑 , 部分压钉端头上 的绝缘垫圈已被击穿 , 详细情况见图 5 、图 6 。
3 原因分析
110 kV 变压器的主绝缘包括高压与低压绕组 之间 、不同相之间以及对地绝缘和引线等对地或对 其他绕组的绝缘 , 其中包括绕组间的绝缘筒 、绕组端 部的角环和相间隔板 。 由于该变压器角环使用材料 的材质不良 , 在长期工作电压下发生局部放电 , 造成 绝缘性能降低 。 同样 , 该变压器压钉绝缘垫圈采用 的是酚醛材料 , 在高场强作用下被劣化击穿 , 并在压 板上烧出痕迹 。 因此 , 绝缘材料质量低劣是造成变 压器介质损耗和局部放电超标的主要原因 。该变压 器出厂和交接时均未进行局部放电试验 , 所以未能 及早发现上述缺陷 。
V ol .29 No .5 河北电力技术 第 29 卷 第 5 期
对不同加压方式下的放电起始电压及放电量进 行比较 , 如果放电源在 U 相高压绕组的中部或尾端 , 起始电压会由于电位不同发生变化 ;如果放电源在 U 相高压绕组首端附近 , 则起始电压不会变化 。加压试 验采用 uv 励磁 、UV 接地 、O 悬空的加压方式 , 起始 电压为 52 .9 kV , 试验结果为 V 相放电量 5 800 pC 。 从试验结果可以看出 , 采用中性点支撑方式加压时 , V 相局部放电起始电压与放电量均未发生明显变化 , 说明放电源的电气位置应该在 V 相高压绕组的出线 端子附近 。 2 .3 .3 超声定位法
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试验报告TEST REPORT№: XBSY/BG.18-2006产品工号:新A2006048Manufacture No.产品型式: OSFPSZ10-315000/400Type西安西电变压器有限责任公司试验中心Xi’an XD Transformer Co., Ltd. Testing CenterTest Report西安西电变压器有限责任公司试验中心Xi’an XD Transformer Co., Ltd. Testing Center Page 1 of 27注意事项Notice1. 报告无“试验专用章”或“试验中心公章”无效。
The report is invalid without an “inspecting authority seal” or a “test official seal”.2. 复制报告必须全文复制,部分复制未重新加盖“试验专用章”或试验中心公章无效。
Copying the test report must be all parts,part copy is invalid without an “inspecting authority seal” or a “test official seal”.3. 报告无校核、批准人签字无效。
The report is invalid without signatures of checking and approving staff.4. 报告涂改无效。
The report is invalid of altered.5. 委托试验仅对来样负责。
Generally, we are only responsible for the inspected samples.邮编:710077Zip code地址:西安市大庆路485号西安西电变压器有限责任公司内Address: Xi’an Xidian Transformer Co., Ltd., No.485, Da Qing Rd., Xi’an电话:(029)84223348(主任) (029)84223350(业务室)TelTest Report西安西电变压器有限责任公司试验中心Xi’an XD Transformer Co., Ltd. Testing Center Page 2 of 27产品名称Product Name电力变压器Power transformer型号规格TypeOSFPSZ10-315000/400委托单位Client 西安西电变压器有限责任公司Xi’an XD Transformer Co., Ltd.到样日期Arriving date2006-9-15生产单位Manufacturer 西安西电变压器有限责任公司Xi’an XD Transformer Co., Ltd.原编号Original No.新A2006048技术协议Agreements of customer 2005变协055 冷却方式Type of coolingONAN/ONAF/OFAF60%/80%/100%生产单位地址Address西安市大庆路485号No.485, Da Qing Rd., Xi’an技术条件Specification1SB.710.6349.1JT试验依据Test standards GB1094.1-1996GB1094.3-2003GB/T1094.10-2003IEC60076-2000试验项目Test items例行试验Routine test特殊试验Special test(具体项目见目录)(Seeing items for details)试验结论ConclusionOSFPSZ10-315000/400电力变压器例行试验及特殊试验的试验结果符合GB1094.1-1996、GB1094.3-2003、GB1094.10-2003同时满足IEC60076-2000的要求,样品上述试验合格。
The tests of OSFPSZ10-315000/400 power transformer have been made in according with the requirement of GB1094.1-1996, GB1094.3-2003, GB/T1094.10-2003 and IEC60076-2000. The results of the routine test and special test are up to standards for this sample签发日期:2006年10月08日Date:见证代表Witness批准:审核:编制:Approved by Checked by Written byTest Report西安西电变压器有限责任公司试验中心Xi’an XD Transformer Co., Ltd. Testing Center Page 3 of 27试验结果Test Results序号No. 项目Item规定值Limited value测量值Test Data项目结论Conclusion1 油箱及储油柜密封试验Oil tank and conservator hermetic test30kPa 24h无渗漏30kPa 24h No leakage30kPa 24h无渗漏30kPa 24h No leakage合格Good2 有载分接开关试验On-load tap changer test提供实测值Giving measured value见具体项目Seeing factual items合格Good3电压比测量及联结组标号检定Transformer voltage ratio test andcheck of connection symbol额定分接±0.5% 0~+0.24%合格Good4 绕组电阻测量Measurement of winding resistance 电阻不平衡率:相间≤2% 线间≤1%Unbalance ratio among the three phase'sresistance. Phase to neutral≤2%. Line to line≤1%相间≤0.34%Phase to neutral线间≤0.97%Line to line合格Good5绝缘电阻及介损测量Measurement of insulation resistanceand loss-ratio tanδtanδ<0.5% ≤0.23% 合格Good高压、中压对低压及地h.v. and m.v. winding85kV 60s 85kV 60s6 外施耐压试验Separate source voltage withstand test低压对高压、中压及地l.v. winding 95kV 60s 95kV 60s合格Good空载损耗:100kW +15%No load loss 89.83kW 合格Good7空载损耗及空载电流的测量Measurement of no-load loss andno-load current 空载电流:——No load current0.07% 合格Good8空载电流谐波测量Measurement of the harmonic ofno-load current提供实测值Giving measured value见具体项目Seeing factual items合格Goodh.v./m.v.:600 kW +15%(315MV A)616.7kWh.v./l.v.:(105MV A)239.13kW负载损耗Load lossm.v./l.v.:(105MV A)251.99kW总损耗: 700 kW +10%Total loss706.53kWh.v./m.v.:12.5% ±10% 11.85%h.v./l.v.:45.0% ±15% 44.89%9 负载损耗及短路阻抗的测量Measurement of load loss andshort-circuit impedance短路阻抗:(315MV A)Short-circuitimpedancem.v./l.v.:30.0% ±15% 29.90%合格GoodTest Report西安西电变压器有限责任公司试验中心Xi’an XD Transformer Co., Ltd. Testing Center Page 4 of 27序号No. 项目Item规定值Limited value测量值Test Data项目结论Conclusion10三相变压器零序阻抗的测量Measurement of zero-sequenceimpedance on three-phasetransformer提供实测值Giving measured value见具体项目Seeing factual items合格Good365 kV,60min. h.v. <500pCm.v. <500pCh.v.≤60pCm.v.≤100pC11长时感应电压试验(ACLD)long-duration induced AC voltage test(ACLD) 315kV,5min. h.v. <300pCm.v. <300pCh.v.≤50pCm.v.≤75pC合格Good365 kV,30min. h.v. <500pCm.v. <500pCh.v.≤60pCm.v.≤100pC12 油流带电试验Static electrification test 315kV,5min. h.v. <300pCm.v. <300pC h.v.≤50pCm.v.≤75pC合格Good13 声级测量Determination of sound levels 1m 1/3h<85 dB ( A ) ≤77 dB ( A ) 合格Good14 绝缘油试验Insulation oil test提供实测值Giving measured value见具体项目Seeing factual items合格GoodTest Report西安西电变压器有限责任公司试验中心Xi’an XD Transformer Co., Ltd. Testing Center Page 5 of 27目录INDEX序号项目页号No. Test index Page 1. 技术参数Specification (7)2. 油箱及储油柜密封试验Oil tank and conservator hermetic test (8)3. 有载分接开关试验On-load tap changer test (8)4. 电压比测量及联结组标号检定Transformer voltage ratio test and check of connection symbol (9)5. 绕组电阻测量Measurement of winding resistance (10)6. 绝缘电阻及介损测量Measurement of insulation resistance and loss-ratio tanδ (11)7. 外施耐压试验Separate source voltage withstand test (12)8. 空载损耗及空载电流的测量Measurement of no-load loss and no-load current (12)9. 空载电流谐波测量Measurement of the harmonic of no-load current (13)10. 负载损耗及短路阻抗的测量Measurement of load loss and short-circuit impedance (14)11. 三相变压器零序阻抗的测量Measurement of zero-sequence impedance on three-phase transformer (15)12. 长时感应电压试验(ACLD)long-duration induced AC voltage test (ACLD) (16)Test Report西安西电变压器有限责任公司试验中心Xi’an XD Transformer Co., Ltd. Testing Center Page 6 of 27序号项目页号No. Test index Page 13. 油流带电试验Static electrification test (17)14. 声级测量Determination of sound levels (18)15. 风扇电机和油泵电机所吸收功率的测量Measurement of the power taken by the fan and oil pump motors (24)16. 绝缘油试验Insulation oil test (25)附1. 仪表清单Instrument list (27)Test Report西安西电变压器有限责任公司试验中心Xi’an XD Transformer Co., Ltd. Testing CenterPage 7 of 271. 技术参数 Specification 联结组标号 Connection symbolYNa0d11 相 数 Number of phase 3频 率 Frequency 50Hz 冷却方式 Type of cooling ONAN/ONAF/OFAF 60%/80%/100%油面温升Temp. rise of top oil40K绕组温升Temp. rise of winding50K绝缘水平 Insulation levelh.v.线路端子 SI/LI 1050/1300kV h.v. Line terminalm.v.线路端子 LI/AC 950/395kV m.v. Line terminalh.v./m.v 中性点端子 LI/AC 200/85kV h.v./m.v. Neutral terminalsl.v. 线路端子 LI/AC 220/95kV l.v. Line terminal绕组额定值: Rating value of winding绕 组Winding 冷却方式 Type of coolingh.v. m.v. l.v.容 量(MV A ) Rating 315 315 105电 压(kV ) V oltage 400 220 33分 接(%) Tapping factor ±8×1.25————电 流(A ) Current OFAF454.7 826.7 1837Test Report西安西电变压器有限责任公司试验中心Xi’an XD Transformer Co., Ltd. Testing Center Page 8 of 272. 油箱及储油柜密封试验Oil tank and conservator hermetic test变压器油箱及储油柜注满油,在油箱及储油柜的最高油面施加30kPa的静压力,试验时间持续24 小时。