1. 学术背景和初、高中学校(Your Academic Background and School)1) 告诉我一些关于你的课程,你最喜欢的初、高中课程,为什么?哪一门课程对于你来说使最困难或最具挑战性?(Tell me something about your courses, what is your favorite subject in high school? Why Or what courses have been most difficult or most challenging for you?)2) 你喜欢你的初、高中学校吗?你是怎么描述你的学校的?(Do you like your high school? How would you describe your school?)3) 你最喜欢哪一位老师,为什么?(Who is your favorite teacher? Why?)4) 你取得的最大学术成就或经历过的最大失败是什么?(What is your greatest academic accomplishment or failure?)2、个人生活(Personal Life)1)Please introduce yourself 自我介绍,建议多突出自己的性格特点或特长2)What do you often do at weekend time?你周末一般做些什么?3) What do you often do after class at your present school?你在学校课间一般都做什么?4) Do you have any pets in your family? Do you like pets?你家里有宠物的照片吗?你喜欢宠物吗?5) Tell me something about your family.告诉我一些关于你家庭的事情。
1. 请介绍一下你自己。
2. 你为什么选择这个学校?这个问题考察你对目标学校的认识程度以及你是否对所申请的学校有深入的了解。
3. 你选择的专业有什么特别之处?这个问题考察你对所申请专业的了解情况以及你对该专业的热情和动机。
4. 你在教育方面的成就是什么?这个问题考察你在教育领域的成就,希望了解你在学业方面是否有过优异的表现。
5. 你在课外活动方面有什么经历?这个问题考察你在课外活动方面的参与度以及你的领导能力、团队合作能力等。
6. 你如何看待文化差异?这个问题考察你的跨文化意识和适应能力。
1、谈谈你的favorite books?2、谈谈你在高中的the most important experiences?3、谈谈你的favorite hobby?4、What do you want to particsapate in at ***xx college? (or What can you contribute?)5、What are you looking for in colllege?6、Why ***xx college?7、谈谈你的passion to journalism?8、What is your career goal?9、你是如何看到了其中的需要当你在选择做这种community service的时候?10、Talk about your extracurriculars,your classes and your family?11、Talk about the difference between the west vs. the east coast?12、How about your personal attributions?13、谈谈你在leadership方面遇到的challenge和你的解决?14、What do you think about the role of the US in the world?(test your social/political awareness)15、Talk about international relations?( also test your social/political awareness)16、谈谈你如何看待teamwork?17、谈谈你人生当中所经历的challenges?18、如何面对stress?19、What other colleges did you apply to? Why did you apply to these colleges?20、怎样看待同性恋?21、Where would you like to live in the future?22、How will you demonstrate responsibility and leadership qualities in your freshman year?23、What social problems do you think your children will have to worry about in 20 years?24、What is your weakness?如何向美国大学面试官进行提问?该问什么问题呢?Ask the interviewer the following questions:1、The experience the interviewers had at the college?2、Whether the college was a good fit for the interviewer?3、问interviewers 他/她所上的这个学校对他/她后来人生的影响?4、请interviewers 介绍当地的大致综合情况(包括人文地理环境等)?。
High School Interview Questions1.What is your name?2.Do you have an English name?3.How old are you?4.Where are you from? Where do you live?5.Which school are you in? / Which school do you attend now?6.What type of school do you attend? Is it a public, private, or boarding school?7.What grade are you in?8.What subjects/courses are you studying now?9.What is your favorite subject/course? And why?10.What course is your least favorite? And why?11.Which course do you have the best/highest grade?12.Which course do you have the worst/lowest grade?13.When did you begin studying English?14.Who is your favorite teacher? Why?15.What is your greatest academic accomplishment or failure?16.What activities do you participate in outside of school?17.Are you involved in any clubs/organizations/societies in your school?18.What are your hobbies?19.What are your strengths and weakness?20.Do you play any musical instruments?21.Do you play any sports?22.What is your favorite sports and class?23.Please describe a typical day at school for you.24.What books have you read recently? (English and/or Chinese)25.What movies have you watched recently? (English and/or Chinese)26.What do you do on Saturday and Sunday?27.What do you do for fun?28.Where have you traveled with your family?29.Where have you traveled alone?30.Why do you want to study in the USA?31.Why do you want to study at our school?32.What’s the funniest thing that has happened to you this year?33.What is your career goal? / What do you want to do after 10 years?34.How do you know about our school?35.Why did you choose to apply to our school?36.What do your parents do for work?37.Did your parents go to college/university?38.What major will you study for your college?39.What is your ideal university? Why?40.Do you have any questions about our school?。
第1篇一、个人背景与学术成就1. 请简要介绍自己,包括你的姓名、年龄、家庭背景等基本信息。
2. 你在初中/高中阶段的学习成绩如何?请列举一些你在学术上取得的显著成绩或荣誉。
3. 你在哪些学科领域表现出色?为什么?4. 请谈谈你在学习过程中遇到的困难,以及你是如何克服这些困难的。
5. 你在初中/高中阶段参加过哪些学术竞赛或活动?请简要介绍你的经历和收获。
6. 你对未来专业方向有何规划?为什么?7. 请谈谈你对教育、知识的理解,以及你认为教育对你个人成长的影响。
二、兴趣爱好与特长1. 你有什么兴趣爱好?请举例说明你在这些兴趣爱好方面的特长。
2. 你在初中/高中阶段参加过哪些课外活动?请谈谈你在这些活动中扮演的角色和收获。
3. 你如何平衡学习与兴趣爱好?4. 请谈谈你参加过的社会实践活动,以及这些活动对你个人成长的影响。
5. 你认为你的兴趣爱好对你未来的学习和生活有何帮助?三、性格特点与团队协作1. 请谈谈你的性格特点,以及你认为这些特点对你的学习和生活有何影响。
2. 你如何处理人际关系?请举例说明你在团队协作中遇到的困难以及你的解决方法。
3. 你认为自己在团队中扮演什么样的角色?请举例说明。
4. 请谈谈你如何培养自己的领导能力。
5. 你如何看待竞争与合作?四、生活态度与价值观1. 你如何看待生活中的挫折和失败?请举例说明你如何应对这些挫折。
2. 你如何看待成功?请谈谈你的成功标准。
3. 你认为自己在生活中有哪些优点和不足?请谈谈你的改进措施。
4. 你如何看待教育、家庭、朋友、事业之间的关系?5. 你认为自己在未来的人生道路上应该具备哪些品质?五、对美国高中教育的理解1. 请谈谈你对美国高中教育的了解,以及你认为中美教育有哪些差异。
2. 你为什么选择申请美国高中?3. 你认为在美国高中学习对你个人成长有哪些帮助?4. 你如何看待中美文化交流?5. 你对美国高中生活有哪些期待?六、未来规划与职业理想1. 你对未来有何规划?请谈谈你的短期和长期目标。
1. What’s your favorite book?你最喜欢的书是什么?面试官问你关于书的问题,目的是想要知道你是否在课外有阅读的习惯。
2. What are your hobbies?你的兴趣爱好是什么?学校想要有激情的学生,他们想要知道你可以坚持自己的爱好并且深入下去。
3. Who are your role models?谁是你的榜样?这个问题还有很多其他的问法,比方“Who has the biggest influence on you?“(对你影响最大的人是谁?) 回答既可以是熟悉的人也可以是名人。
为什么这个人会对你产生影响?产生什么影响?你有因为他/她而发生改变了吗?什么改变?如果还没有改变的话,那你打算如何向他/她学习?4. What are your goals?你的目标是什么?学校想听到学生关于未来的打算和规划,一方面可以学生的性格和爱好,另一方面也可以借此来判断学生和学校是否合适。
赴美留学面试题目及答案1) What will you study in the United States?I will study Materials Science and Engineering in the university of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign.2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?My current major is Chemistry, and my present specific field of study is Material Chemistry, which is also a branch of Materials Science. Material chemistry focuses on finding some new chemical synthesis methods and the relationship between the methods and the property of the materials.what is your future specific major?Well, materials science has a lot of branches, I’m very interested in my current research area, and will probably continue with it after I go to UIUC.3) What will you do in USA?why will you finished you degree in five years?Usually, for Ph.D. of engineering in UIUC, it will take us 7 years to finish our study. But a schoolmate of mine who is now studying in UIUC told me that if we work hard enough, we can finished our courses and research project in five years.why will you want to finish you degree in five years?4) Are you going to study in USA?5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?I’ll get my Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the beginning of this July form Peking University.6) What/where are you studying now?I am studying for my bachelor’s degree in Chemistry in Peking University at present.7) How long will you study in USA?8) Do you have any scholarship/financial aid?Yes. The University of Illinois has offered me a position of research assistant. Besides the tuition waiver, I will get a monthly stipend of 1500 dollars during my graduate study.9) What do you want to study in USA?I want to study for my Ph.D. Degree in Materials Science and Engineering in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. This program in UIUC ranks top 3 in the United States.Why transfer your major?Actually my present specific field of study is Material chemistry, it is also a branch of material science. (it is a interdisciplinary major between chemistry and material science) So my graduate major will be essentially the same as what I have studying now. would you like to my paper published on Chemistry of materials during my undergraduate research?10) What do you do with your work for BS?I have learned for more than 50 courses and carry on research work on my specific area.what do you do with your work for Ph.D.?In the first year, I will mainly take courses. Later I will join a research group that I am interested in to carry out research. I will try to finish my work and dissertation and get my degree in five years.11) What is your purpose for the visa?I need an F-1 visa in order to study for my Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering in UIUC.12) What is your academic background?I have been studied in the chemistry department of Peking University since 1997. I will get my bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the beginning of July. My interested area of study is Material Chemistry, which is a branch of Material Science. I have been doing research in this field for more than one year and published some papers. so I have built up some background in materials science. What I am doing now is try to synthesis some nanoscale materials.13) How do you know this Univ.?I knew UIUC from many channels such as US news because it is very famous for its school of Engineering. It has a top 3 graduate program in Material science and Engineering in the United States.。
美国大学面试常见问题汇总及分析篇11:Tell me about yourself.请介绍你自己这个题目看似简单,着实要答复的内容比题目本身要难的多。
2:Why are you interested in our college? 为什么你对我们学校感兴趣?这个题目也是很常见的,基本上每个学校都市问到,为什么你会选择我们学校,为什么对我们学校感爱好。
篇21.What do you want to know abot our college?对于我们学校你想了解什么?在面试的进程中,面试官也会给学生提问的机遇。
1.你能告诉我一些关于你自己的事情吗?马里兰州麦克丹尼尔学院(McDaniel College)招生副主任贝齐·科滕(Betsy Cotten)表示学生们需要通过简单地捧高自己来回答这个问题,这包括讨论自己的学业成就,也包括他们如何利用空闲时间。
俄亥俄州卫斯理大学二年级学生瑞莎·坎库(Raissa Kanku)出生于刚果,在南非完成了高中学业。
3.你能解释一下你们高中的评分制度吗?对即将入学的国际学生来说,“美国大学可能不像他们以为的那样了解他们的高中和环境,”佛罗里达国际学院辅导员的创始人兼总裁曼迪·海勒·阿德勒(Mandee Heller Adler)说。
1.What is your name?2.What is your English name,if you have one?3.What is your birthday?4.Where were you born?5.Have you even attended a boarding school?6.How does your parent feel about boarding school?7.Which school did or are you currently going to?8.Which grade are you in?9.Which grade are you applying for?10.Do you have any favorite subjects in school?11.How are you studying these subject and what are your grades?12.Do you like sports?13.What kind of sports?14.Have you won any awards?15.How long have you played (sport)?16.Do you live with your parents?17.What does your parent do?18.Do you know about our school?19.What is name of our school?20.Where is our school?21.Do you think you are ready to study in American?22.Why do you want to study in America?23.Why not continue study in China?24.Do you have any questions for me?25.Why do you want to study in USA?26.Please introduce your parents, your life, and your school?27.How long have you study English?28.Have you read any English novels?29.Have you learned any courses in English?30.Do you need financial aid for your study?31.How much financial aid do you want for your study?32.Do you expect any financial aid in your future study?33.How long can your family support you to study in USA?34.Who will take care of you in USA?35.Who will be your guardian in USA?36.Do you have any relatives or family friends in USA?37.What do you do in your spare time?38.What sports do you play or like?39.What interests do you have except your class work?40.What makes you choose our school?41.Why do you want to choose our school?42.How do you find our school?43.What makes you interested in our school?44.What makes you unique?45.What will you bring to the school community?46.What do you want to do when you grow up? What do you want to study incollege?47.Tell me something about your courses, what is your favorite subject? Why?48.Which courses have been most difficult or most challenging for you?49.What have you done to overcome these difficulties?50.What have you learnt through these experiences?51.Do you like your high school?52.How would you describe your school?53.What is your greatest academic accomplishment or failure?)。
美国大学面试问题及回答美国大学面试问题及回答1. tell me about yourself.(请介绍你自己)这个题目看似简单,但是要答复的内容比题目本身要难的多。
第一印象非常重要!2. why are you interested in our college? (为什么你对我们学校感兴趣?)这个题目也是很常见的,基本上每个学校都会问到。
why columbia?1. columbia has strong academics and is in the middle of new york city.2. columbia has very strong science programs and i want to study biology. i could also participate in lab work. there is also so much for students to do because of the many on-campus clubs and organizations.3. i love columbia for so many reasons but the top three are: access to research, the core curriculum, and an active student body. i hope to pursue my passion for science by working with dr. smith, who isworking on sleep d eprivation in kids. columbia’s unique core curriculum also really stands out to me. while i want to study in the sciences, literature is my second passion. i want to study socrates, emerson and bronte with the best. and finally, i want to surround myself with an intellectually invigorating student body. as an active member of my school community, i want to get involved in college. at columbia, the ny outreach program will allow me to continue my love of working with young disadvantaged kids.3. why do you want to major in xx?(你为什么要学xx专业?)首先要明白在申请美国大学的时候,学生是可以选择不定专业的,这也不会影响到面试。
美国高中面试准备问题(High School Interview Preparation)
High School Interview PreparationSelf introduction1.What is your name? What is your English name?2.Who gave you this name?3. How and why you choose this English name?4.Where are you from?5.Where is your hometown? Can you tell me something about your hometown?6.What are you parents ‘jobs?7.What person has most influenced you in your life?8.What famous figure/person from the past or the present would you like to meet, and why?9.What is you future career goal?School in China/USA(current school)1.How many students in your school?2.Do you like your current school?3.How do you like your teachers?4.What subject do you like best? What is your favorite subject?5.What is your least favorite subject?6.What will a typical day in your class like?7.If you can make some change in your current school, what it will be?English Learning1.How do you learn English?How do you practice English? Where do you practice English?2.Can you tell me something about your foreign teacher?3.Have you ever read any English book?What do you do in your free time? What do you do during the weekend? What do you do after school?1.What is your favorite book/ Movie/TV? And why?2.What magazines or newspapers do you read regularly?3.Do you have any hobbies?4.Do you like making friends?5.What is your favorite sports?/ What sports do you like?6.Where can you practice your favorite sports?7.Have you attended any sports club? Did you join any sports club before?Traveling1.Do you like traveling?2.Who do you usually go with?3.Where have you been ?4.Have you ever been to the United States?5.Where do you prefer to live in the United States?6.Where is your favorite place?7.If you could go any place in the world, where would it be and why?Religion1.What religion are you practicing?2.Why do you want to come to the religious school? What do you think you can gain from it?I don’t have religious beliefAmerican school questions1.Why do you want to come to our school?2.Is there anything that concerns you about going to this school?3.What talent and gift can you bring to our school?4.Why do you want to come to the United States?5.What do you envision yourself doing 10 years from now? What do you want to do in the future?6.What do you like the most about our school?7.Why should be accept you?8.Do you have any questions for me? (NOTE: Ask about the campus life, special programs, consulting services..... )Other1.Is there anything that concerns you about going to this school?2. If you had to go to a deserted island, what three items would you bring?3. Who is your hero and why?4. What do you envision yourself doing 10 years from now?5. If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead, who would it be and why?6. What programs most interest you at our school?7. What talents or gifts would you bring to our school?8. If you could change anything about your current school, what would it be? Why?9. What positive contributions have you made to your current school?10. How do you spend your weekends?11. Tell me about a major obstacle that you have faced in your life.12. What three adjectives would your friends use to describe you?13. What adjectives would you use to describe your friends?14. How would your teachers describe you?最后:Do you have any questions for me?。
初中美国面试题及答案1. What do you like most about your school?- I appreciate the supportive environment at my school. The teachers are approachable and genuinely care about our success. The curriculum is well-rounded, offering a balance between academics and extracurricular activities.2. Why do you want to attend an American high school?- Attending an American high school is an opportunity to immerse myself in a diverse educational system that values critical thinking and creativity. It will also prepare me for the global challenges of the future.3. How do you handle challenges in your academic life?- I tackle challenges by breaking them down into manageable tasks. I also seek help from my teachers and peers when needed. I believe in learning from every experience, whether it's a success or a setback.4. Can you tell us about a time when you had to work with a team?- In a science project, I was part of a team that had to design an experiment to test a hypothesis. We divided the tasks, communicated regularly, and supported each other throughout the process. Our teamwork led to a successful outcome.5. What are your favorite subjects and why?- My favorite subjects are math and science because they challenge me to think logically and solve problems. I also enjoy the process of discovery and understanding how the world works.6. How do you manage your time effectively?- I use a planner to keep track of assignments and deadlines. I prioritize tasks based on their importance and allocate time accordingly. I also make sure to include breaks to avoid burnout.7. What extracurricular activities are you involved in?- I am part of the debate club and the school's robotics team. These activities have taught me the value of teamwork and have honed my public speaking and problem-solving skills.8. How do you think you can contribute to our school community?- I believe I can contribute by bringing my passion for learning and my willingness to help others. I am also eager to participate in school events and to represent the schoolin competitions.9. What are your future academic and career goals?- My academic goal is to pursue a degree in engineering, as I am fascinated by the way technology can solve real-world problems. Career-wise, I aspire to work in a field where I can innovate and make a positive impact.10. Can you describe a book that has influenced you and why? - "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee has had aprofound impact on me. It teaches the importance of empathy and standing up for what is right, even when it's not easy. It has shaped my understanding of justice and morality.。
第1篇一、自我介绍1. 请用3分钟时间,用英文介绍自己的基本情况,包括姓名、年龄、籍贯、教育背景、工作经历等。
2. 请用英文描述一下你的兴趣爱好,以及为什么喜欢这些兴趣爱好。
3. 请用英文讲述一次你遇到的挑战,以及你是如何克服这个挑战的。
二、学术背景1. 请用英文介绍你的专业课程设置,以及你在这些课程中的表现。
2. 请用英文描述一次你在学术研究中的经历,包括研究课题、研究方法、研究结果等。
3. 请用英文讲述一次你在学术交流中的经历,包括交流内容、交流形式、交流效果等。
三、工作经验1. 请用英文介绍你的工作经历,包括工作单位、职位、工作时间等。
2. 请用英文描述一次你在工作中遇到的困难,以及你是如何解决这个困难的。
3. 请用英文讲述一次你在工作中取得的成就,以及这个成就对你个人和团队的影响。
四、英语能力1. 请用英文进行一段简短的自我介绍。
2. 请用英文描述一下你的家乡,包括地理位置、气候特点、风俗习惯等。
3. 请用英文讲述一次你在国外旅行中的经历,包括旅行地点、旅行方式、旅行收获等。
五、综合素质1. 请用英文描述一次你参加的公益活动或志愿者活动,包括活动内容、活动意义、活动收获等。
2. 请用英文讲述一次你参加的比赛或竞赛,包括比赛项目、比赛过程、比赛结果等。
3. 请用英文描述一次你遇到的团队合作问题,以及你是如何解决这个问题的。
六、求职意向1. 请用英文描述一下你选择这个职位的原因,以及你认为自己适合这个职位的原因。
2. 请用英文讲述一下你对未来职业发展的规划,包括短期和长期目标。
3. 请用英文描述一下你对于公司文化和价值观的理解,以及你如何融入公司文化。
七、面试官提问1. 请用英文回答以下问题:(1)你为什么选择我们公司?(2)你对我们公司的产品或服务有什么了解?(3)你对我们公司的企业文化有什么看法?(4)你对我们公司的薪酬福利有什么期望?2. 请用英文回答以下情景模拟题:(1)如果你在工作中遇到一个难以相处的同事,你会怎么办?(2)如果你在工作中遇到了一个紧急任务,但时间紧迫,你会如何应对?(3)如果你在工作中遇到了一个决策难题,你会如何请教领导或同事?八、结束环节1. 请用英文表达你对这次面试的感谢,并询问面试官是否有其他问题。
美国大学面试常见问题美国大学面试常见问题1.What are your plan in 5 to 10 years?2.What is your TOEFL score?3.Do you apply any other school?4.Is your research project very difficult?5.If you are given an offer, can you come here this July?6.What's you graduate research work?7.Why pursue Ph.D.?8.Please introduce yourself.9.Where are you from?10.What's your major?11.Please tell me your working experience.12.What will you plan to do in the future?13.What's your hobby? What do you do in your spare time?14.If we give you this offer, will you accept it?15.Why are you interested in *** University?16.Why are you going to USA not staying your homeland to study?17.Say something about your work, etc.18.Who is the great person in the world in your eyes?19.Do you have some question on me or on my institute?20.Do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?21.Did you use any English textbook in classes?22.Will you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a big university like Harvard or Princeton?23.Do you apply for other university or contact with other faculties in the university?24.How about your ability to be a teaching assistant?[扩展阅读]留学美国大学面试技巧首先面试一般是见面聊,skype聊,电话聊,这三种。
学生一般经常问的美国大学面试问题:1. What kind of off-campus study programs are available?2. How many students stay on-campus during the weekends?3. Are there career planning services available?4. What is the town where the college is located like?5. Tell me about freshman orientation.6. Will I have an academic advisor?7. What are the current housing options?8. Will I have any graduate assistants teaching my classes?9. Are there any academic support services available?10.What does your college have to offer in terms of finding a job after graduation?11.Do you have a program that helps you find internships?12.What is your internship program like? What percentage of students participate in an internship?13.What is the admissions decision process at your school?14.Is admission need-blind?15.Do you have IBM or Macintosh computers?16.Do all students get e-mail addresses? Do all students have Internet access?17.What happens on a typical day at your school?18.Do employers come on campus and conduct interviews?Do these employers represent your field(s) of interest?19. Are freshman allowed to have cars on campus?最后一步也是让面试者对你再次留有印象的关键一步是,无论是普通的面试还是电话面试,面试完后都要写一封感谢信给面试你的人,表达出你非常感谢他/她抽时间来面试你,还有你对面试结果非常的期待。
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most difficult or most challenging for you?)2) 你喜欢你的初、高中学校吗?你是怎么描述你的学校的?(Do you like your high school? How would you describe your school?)3) 你最喜欢哪一位老师,为什么?(Whois your favorite teacher? Why?)4) 你取得的最大学术成就或经历过的最大失败是什么?(What is your greatest academic accomplishment or failure?)2、个人生活(Personal Life)1)Please introduce yourself 自我介绍,建议多突出自己的性格特点或特长2)What do you often do at weekend time?你周末一般做些什么?3) What do you often do after class at your present school?你在学校课间一般都做什么?4) Do you have any pets in your family? Do you like pets?你家里有宠物的照片吗?你喜欢宠物吗?5) Tell me something about your family.告诉我一些关于你家庭的事情。
6)告诉我一些你自己的生活,包括你的家庭背景和你在哪里长大?(Tell me about yourself, including your family background and where you grew up?)7)你最喜欢哪本书,最喜欢哪位作者,最欣赏哪一步电影或电视剧?为什么?(What is your favorite book, author, movie or TV? Why?)8)你经常阅读哪一份杂志和报纸?(What magazines or newspapers do you read regularly?)9)哪一个人对你的生活影响最大?(What person has most influenced you in your life?)3. 关于课外活动(Your Extracurricular Activities)1) What’s your favorite sport?你最喜欢什么运动?2) What activities do you often take part in at the school?在学校你经常参加什么活动?3) What is your favorite sports and classes?你最喜欢什么运动和课程?4) 哪项课外活动中你做的贡献最大?(What has been your greatest contribution to anextracurricular activity?)5) Do you have any strengths and weakness? What are your strengths and weakness?你有什么优点和缺点?分别是什么?6) 你有什么爱好和特别感兴趣的事情?(Do you have any hobbies or special interests?7) 你如何描述自己的家乡?(How would you describe your hometown?)4、关于高中的问题(Question About High School) 1) How do you know the XXX School?你是怎么知道XXX学校的?2) What do you know of XXX School?关于XXX 学校你都了解些什么?3) Which grade are you in now? Which grade will you take in our school?你现在在哪个年级?准备加入我们学校的哪个年级?4) 哪一项标准对你选择高中最重要?(What are your most important criteria in looking at High School?)5你对于我们学校最感兴趣的是什么?为什么想来这所学校念书?(What is of the most interestto you about our school? Why do you want to attend this particular High School?)6)你在课余时间都喜欢做什么?(What do you like to do in your free/spare time?)7)你对我们学校最关注的课程是什么?(What did you like most about our school’s Academy?)8) Do you think what contributions you will make for the XXX School?你会为学校做出什么贡献?9) What will you bring for the XXX School ?你能为学校带来什么?10你在大学里想学的专业是什么?(What do you think your major will be in college?)11)你将来选择的事业目标是什么?(What are your future career goal?)12)你还申请了哪所学校?(What other schools are you considering?)13)我们为什么该录取你? (Why should we accept you?)14) What will you do after you graduate from the High School?你高中毕业之后想要做什么?15) Where is your dream University? What willyou do for your dreams?你梦想的大学是什么?你会为你的梦想做出什么努力?16) What is your plan for your future life and Career?你对今后的学习和生活有什么安排?17) 有什么问题吗?(What questions do you have about XXX School)18) Do you have any expectations from XXX School?你对学校有什么期望?申请人可以从上述各类型问题中挑出几个问题,准备一些简单答案,以便被问到时,可以从容回答。
如不要问对方学校是否有ESL课程,而得到的只是“有” 或者“没有”的答案,而应该是有一定深度的,让对方经过思考分析后才能回答的问题。
下面是可以向校方提出的问题(供参考):1、以你的观点来看,这所学校在什么地方区别于其他学校?什么是学校的强项?(In your opinion, what makes this High School unique? What are the school’s strengths?)2、你如何描述该校的学生群体?(How would you describe the student body?)3、在我结束面试之前,你认为有什么关于申请学校的主要事宜,我应该解释的?(Are thereany major issues concerning my candidacy that you think I could usefully address before I finish my interview?)4. Do you have any suggestions about XXX School?你对学校有什么意见或建议?三、面试的一些建议1. 如果申请准备参加面试(无论是电话面试还是校方来华教育展面试),面试之前一定要详细阅读该校的简介,并尽量记住该校的主要情况。