【广东省各市一模2014广州一模】2014年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)数学文试题 Word版含答案
2014年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试一文科数学第Ⅰ卷(共50分)一、选择题:本大题共10个小题,每小题5分,满分50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.函数()()ln 1f x x =+的定义域为( )A.(),1-∞-B.(),1-∞C.()1,-+∞D.()1,+∞2.已知i 是虚数单位,若()234m i i +=-,则实数m 的值为( )A.2-B.2±C.D.23.在ABC ∆中,角A 、B 、C 所对的边分别为a 、b 、c ,若2C B =,则cb为( ) A.2sin C B.2cos B C.2sin B D.2cos C4.圆()()22121x y -+-=关于直线y x =对称的圆的方程为( ) A.()()22211x y -+-=B.()()22121x y ++-= C.()()22211x y ++-=D.()()22121x y -++= 5.已知1x >-,则函数11y x x =++的最小值为( ) A.1- B.0 C.1 D.26.函数()21xf x x =+的图象大致是( )7.已知非空集合M 和N ,规定{}M N x x M x N -=∈∉且,那么()M M N --等于( )A.M NB.M NC.MD.N8.任取实数a 、[]1,1b ∈-,则a 、b 满足22a b -≤的概率为( ) A.18 B.14 C.34D.789.设a 、b 是两个非零向量,则使a b a b ⋅=⋅成立的一个必要非充分的条件是( )A.a b =B.a b ⊥C.()0a b λλ=>D.//a b10.在数列{}n a 中,已知11a =,()11sin 2n n n a a π++-=,记n S 为数列{}n a 的前n 项和,则2014S =( )A.1006B.1007C.1008D.1009第Ⅱ卷(共100分)二、填空题(本大题共5小题,考生作答4小题,,每小题5分,满分20分)11.执行如图1所示的程序框图,若输出7S =,则输入()k k N *∈的值为 .12.一个四棱锥的底面为菱形,其三视图如图2所示,则这个四棱锥的体积是.图2侧(左)视图13.由空间向量()1,2,3a = ,()1,1,1b =-构成的向量集合{},A x x a kb k Z ==+∈ ,则向量x 的模x的最小值为 .(二)选做题(14~15题,考生只能从中选做一题)14.(坐标系与参数方程选做题)在极坐标系中,直线()sin cos a ρθθ-=与曲线2cos 4sin ρθθ=-相交于A 、B 两点,若AB =,则实数a 的值为 .15.(几何证明选讲选做题)如图3,PC 是圆O 的切线,切点为点C ,直线PA 与圆O 交于A 、B 两点,APC ∠的角平分线交弦CA 、CB 于D 、E 两点,已知3PC =,2PB =,则PEPD的值为 .三、解答题 (本大题共6小题,满分80分.解答写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)16.(本小题满分12分)已知某种同型号的6瓶饮料中有2瓶已过了保质期. (1)从6瓶饮料中任意抽取1瓶,求抽到没过保质期的饮料的概率; (2)从6瓶饮料中随机抽取2瓶,求抽到已过保质期的饮料的概率.17.(本小题满分12分)已知函数()sin cos f x x a x =+的图象经过点,03π⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭. (1)求实数a 的值;(2)设()()22g x f x =-⎡⎤⎣⎦,求函数()g x 的最小正周期与单调递增区间.18.(本小题满分14分)如图4,在棱长为a 的正方体1111ABCD A BC D -中,点E 是棱1D D 的中点,点F 在棱1B B 上,且满足12B F BF =. (1)求证:11EF AC ⊥;(2)在棱1C C 上确定一点G ,使A 、E 、G 、F 四点共面,并求此时1C G 的长; (3)求几何体ABFED 的体积.图4D 1C 1B 1A 1FE DCBA19.(本小题满分14分)已知等差数列{}n a 的首项为10,公差为2,数列{}n b 满足62n n nb a n =-,n N *∈. (1)求数列{}n a 与{}n b 的通项公式;(2)记{}max ,n n n c a b =,求数列{}n c 的前n 项和n S . (注:{}max ,a b 表示a 与b 的最大值.)20.(本小题满分14分)已知函数()32693f x x x x =-+-.(1)求函数()f x 的极值;(2)定义:若函数()h x 在区间[](),s t s t <上的取值范围为[],s t ,则称区间[],s t 为函数()h x 的“域同区间”.试问函数()f x 在()3,+∞上是否存在“域同区间”?若存在,求出所有符合条件的“域同区间”;若不存在,请说明理由.21.(本小题满分14分)已知双曲线()222:104x y E a a -=>的中心为原点O ,左、右焦点分别为1F 、2F,点P 是直线23a x =上任意一点,点Q 在双曲线E 上,且满足220PF QF ⋅=.(1)求实数a 的值;(2)证明:直线PQ与直线OQ的斜率之积是定值;(3)若点P的纵坐标为1,过点P作动直线l与双曲线右支交于不同的两点M、N,在线段MN上去异于点M、N的点H,满足PM MHPN HN,证明点H恒在一条定直线上.。
试卷类型:A 2014年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语2014.3 本试卷共12页,三大题,满分150分.考试用时120分钟注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用2B铅笔在“考生号”处填涂考生号。
I. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共15题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~15各题所有的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
In America, if you are invited to a wedding, baby shower, bar mitzvah(成人礼)or other celebrations, you’re expected to bring a gift. Usually, it should be modest in ___1___, about $25.For a wedding, the bride will often have “registered” a list of gifts at a local department store, indicating the items she ___2__. When you buy a registered item, tell the store that you’re doing this, so the couple doesn’t receive the __3__ gift twice. For a baby shower, bring a gift __4___ for a newborn baby. For a bar mitzvah, ring a gift appropriate for a 13-year-old boy. Because they are such important occasions, gifts for bar mitzvahs tend to be more __5___, for example, a gold-plated pen. ___6__ the pen by carving the boy’s full name will be appreciated.If you wish to give a gift to America friends, choose something that is ___7__ to your country. It needn’t be valuable or ___8____, just typical of your homeland. __9___ include a book about your country, an inexpensive souvenir, or something else that reflects your __10__. Youngchildren who like collecting will probably be very__11___ with a set of your country’s conins or stamps. Items that are __12__ in your country but difficult to find abroad are also good.If staying with an American family, a good way of expressing your thanks is to take them to a form of __13___, such as a basketball game or a concert.When giving gifts to a business acquaintance, don’t give anything too personal, _14__ to a woman. A scarf or a hat is ok, but other types of _15__ are not. Something appropriate for the office is best.1.A.size B.value C.weight D.appearance2.A.prefers B.owns es D.imagines3.A.first B.best C.same D.similar4.A.general B.suitable C.demanding D.expensive5.A.modest B.cheerful C.normal D.formal6.A.Personalizing B.Replacing C.Designing D.Changing7.A.convenient B.appropriate C.unique D.beneficial8.A.colourful B.rare C.heavy D.nice9.A.Opportunities B.Expectations C.Inventions D.Possibilities10.A.character B.interest C.culture D.progress11.A.annoyed B.impressed C.amused D.puzzled12.A.limited B.banned mon D.pricelesscation B.discussion C.exercise D.entertainment14.A.directly B.especially C.merely D.deliberately15.A.clothing B.perfume C.jewelry D.equipment第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为16~25的相应位置上。
试卷类型:A 2014年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)语文2014.3 本试卷共8页,24小题,满分为150分。
A.置疑 B.一锤子买卖 C.充耳不闻 D.乃至3.下列句子中,没有语病....的一句是A.著名作家村上春树连续五年排在诺贝尔文学奖获奖预测名单榜首,却年年与该奖无缘,可以堪称诺贝尔文学奖史上“最悲壮的入围者”。
【广东省各市一模2014广州一模】2014年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)数学文试题 Word版含答案
2014年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试一文科数学第Ⅰ卷(共50分)一、选择题:本大题共10个小题,每小题5分,满分50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.函数()()ln 1f x x =+的定义域为( )A.(),1-∞-B.(),1-∞C.()1,-+∞D.()1,+∞ 2.已知i 是虚数单位,若()234m i i +=-,则实数m 的值为( )A.2-B.2±C. D.2 3.在ABC ∆中,角A 、B 、C 所对的边分别为a 、b 、c ,若2C B =,则cb为( ) A.2sin C B.2cos B C.2sin B D.2cos C 4.圆()()22121x y -+-=关于直线y x =对称的圆的方程为( )A.()()22211x y -+-= B.()()22121x y ++-= C.()()22211x y ++-= D.()()22121x y -++=5.已知1x >-,则函数11y x x =++的最小值为( ) A.1- B.0 C.1 D.2 6.函数()21xf x x =+的图象大致是( )7.已知非空集合M 和N ,规定{}M N x x M x N -=∈∉且,那么()M M N --等于( ) A.MN B.M N C.M D.N8.任取实数a 、[]1,1b ∈-,则a 、b 满足22a b -≤的概率为( )A.18 B.14 C.34 D.789.设a 、b 是两个非零向量,则使a b a b ⋅=⋅成立的一个必要非充分的条件是( )A.a b =B.a b ⊥C.()0a b λλ=>D.//a b 10.在数列{}n a 中,已知11a =,()11sin 2n nn a a π++-=,记nS为数列{}n a 的前n 项和,则2014S =( )A.1006B.1007C.1008D.1009第Ⅱ卷(共100分)二、填空题(本大题共5小题,考生作答4小题,,每小题5分,满分20分)11.执行如图1所示的程序框图,若输出7S =,则输入()k k N *∈的值为 .12.一个四棱锥的底面为菱形,其三视图如图2所示,则这个四棱锥的体积是 .图2侧(左)视图正(主)视图13.由空间向量()1,2,3a =,()1,1,1b=-构成的向量集合{},A x x a kb k Z==+∈,则向量x的模x的最小值为.(二)选做题(14~15题,考生只能从中选做一题)14.(坐标系与参数方程选做题)在极坐标系中,直线()sin cos aρθθ-=与曲线2cos4sinρθθ=-相交于A、B两点,若AB=a的值为.15.(几何证明选讲选做题)如图3,PC是圆O的切线,切点为点C,直线PA与圆O交于A、B两点,APC∠的角平分线交弦CA、CB于D、E两点,已知3PC=,2PB=,则PEPD的值为.三、解答题(本大题共6小题,满分80分.解答写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)16.(本小题满分12分)已知某种同型号的6瓶饮料中有2瓶已过了保质期.(1)从6瓶饮料中任意抽取1瓶,求抽到没过保质期的饮料的概率;(2)从6瓶饮料中随机抽取2瓶,求抽到已过保质期的饮料的概率.17.(本小题满分12分)已知函数()sin cos f x x a x =+的图象经过点,03π⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭. (1)求实数a 的值;(2)设()()22g x f x =-⎡⎤⎣⎦,求函数()g x 的最小正周期与单调递增区间.18.(本小题满分14分)如图4,在棱长为a 的正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,点E 是棱1D D 的中点,点F 在棱1B B 上,且满足12B F BF =. (1)求证:11EF A C ⊥;(2)在棱1C C 上确定一点G ,使A 、E 、G 、F 四点共面,并求此时1C G 的长; (3)求几何体ABFED 的体积.图4D 1C 1B 1A 1FE DCBA19.(本小题满分14分)已知等差数列{}n a 的首项为10,公差为2,数列{}n b 满足62n n nb a n =-,n N *∈. (1)求数列{}n a 与{}n b 的通项公式;(2)记{}max ,n n n c a b =,求数列{}n c 的前n 项和n S . (注:{}max ,a b 表示a 与b 的最大值.)20.(本小题满分14分)已知函数()32693f x x x x =-+-.(1)求函数()f x 的极值;(2)定义:若函数()h x 在区间[](),s t s t <上的取值范围为[],s t ,则称区间[],s t 为函数()h x 的“域同区间”.试问函数()f x 在()3,+∞上是否存在“域同区间”?若存在,求出所有符合条件的“域同区间”;若不存在,请说明理由.21.(本小题满分14分)已知双曲线()222:104x y E a a -=>的中心为原点O ,左、右焦点分别为1F 、2F ,离心率为5,点P 是直线23a x =上任意一点,点Q 在双曲线E 上,且满足220PF QF ⋅=.(1)求实数a 的值;(2)证明:直线PQ 与直线OQ 的斜率之积是定值;(3)若点P 的纵坐标为1,过点P 作动直线l 与双曲线右支交于不同的两点M 、N ,在线段MN 上去异于点M 、N 的点H ,满足PM MH PNHN=,证明点H 恒在一条定直线上.。
当河流生态系统稳定之后,与拆坝前相比,将会出现的变化有A.坝址上游枯水期平均水位上升B.坝址上游汛期出现的季节提前C.坝址下游径流量年际变化减少D.坝址下游汛期洪峰流量增大8.北半球春分日,当某地(30°N,120°E)刚进入白昼这一时刻,东半球(20°W向东至160°E)处于白昼的范围约占全球面积的A.1/2 B.1/3C.1/6 D.1/99.图4为根据统计资料计算得出的我国1980-2010年水稻产量重心移动方向图。
1.以下是2014年某时段穗、港、澳三地的天气状况,影响三地气温日较差差异的最主要因素是A.纬度 B.地形 C.城市规模 D.海陆位置1、D 【本题解释】:本题主要考查气候的影响因素的基本考点。
2.影响月球表面环境最主要的外力作用是A.风化作用 B.侵蚀作用 C.搬运作用 D.沉积作用3.由于月球的黄赤交角只有1°32′,远小于地球的23°26′,所以月球表面环境A.昼夜温差小 B.不会产生极昼、极夜现象C.季节变化小 D.没有太阳直射现象2、A3、C 【本题解释】:主要考查营造地表形态力量中的外力作用以及地球运动的地理意义。
In America, if you are invited to a wedding , baby shower, bar mitzvah(成年礼)or other celebrations, you’re expected to bring a gift. Usually, it should be modest in 1 , about$25.For a wedding, the bride will often have “registered” a list of gifts at a local department store, indicating the items she 2 . When you buy a registered item, tell the store that you’re doing this , so the couple doesn’t receive the 3 gift twice. For a baby shower, bring a gift 4 for a newborn baby. For a bar mitzvah, bring a gift appropriate for a13-year-old boy. Because they are such important occasions, gifts for bar mitzvahs tend to be more 5 , for example, a gold-plated pen. 6 the pen by carving the boy’s full name will be appreciated.If you wish to give a gift to American friends, choose something that is 7 to your country. It needn’t be valuable or 8 , just typical of your home land.9 include a book about your country , an inexpensive souvenir , or something else that reflects your 10 . Yong children who like collecting will probably be very 11 with a set of your country’s coins or stamps. Items that are 12 in your country but difficult to find abroad are also good.If staying with an American family, a good way of expressing your thanks is to take them to a form of 13, such as a basketball game or a concert. When giving gifts to a business acquaintance, don’t give anything too personal,14 to a woman. A scarf or a hat is ok, but other types of 15 are not. Something appropriate for the office is best.1.A.sixw B. value C. weight D. appearance2.A.A prefers B. owns C. uses D. imagines3.A.firstr B. best C. same D. similar4.A.general B. suitable C. demanding D. expensive5.A.modest B. cheerful C. normal D. formal6.A.Personalizing B. Replacing C. Designing D. Changing7.A.convenient B. appropriate C. unique D. beneficial8.A.colourful B. rare C. heavy D. nice9.A.Opportunities B. Expectations C. Inventions D. Possibilities10.A.character B. interest C. culture D. progress11.A.annoyed B. impressed C. amused D. puzzled12.A.limited B. banned C. common D. pricelesscation B. discussion C. exercise D. entertainment14.A.diredtly B. especially C. merely D. deliberately答案:1-5BACBD 6-10 ACBDC 11-15 BCDBA第二节语法填空(While thousands of college students headed for warm climates to enjoy sun and fun during their week off from classes, seven local students had other plans.The Northern Essex Community College (NECC) students and one of their teachers spent part of their spring break in New York City , helping repair an area 16 (destroy ) by the hurricane .“ I wanted to see for myself what happened,” said Terry. “ I couldn’t imagine 17 it is like to lose your home and everything that you know and the 18 (power ) effect the hurricane had on those people. I wanted to do something, to understand their feeling of helplessness.”The group headed into Brooklyn’s Red Hook district, which was hit heard by the hurricane. There they net people from other parts of the country , 19 had also volunteered to help. Together, those volunteers and the NECC students 20 (work) to clear rubbish out of a three-story building. They put on protective suits and gloves 21 they entered the building.Inside the building, the students saw nothing but broken walls and doors and pieces of the building 22( lie) all over the place.The students returned to school with 23 sense of achievement, a felling that 24 helped people in need. It was remarkable how a community lost so much and was still able to recover, and this left the deepest impression 25 the students.答案:16.destroyed 17. what 18.powerful 19.who 20.worked 21.before 22.lying 23.a 24.they 25.onII 阅读(共两节,满分30分)AI once met a well-known botanist at a dinner party. I had never talked with a botanist before, and I found him very interesting . I sat there absorbed and listened while he spoke of unusual plants and his experiments (he even told me astonishing facts about the simple potato), I had a small indoor garden of my own – and he was good enough to tell me how to solve some of my problems.As I said ,we were at a dinner party. There mist have been a dozen other guests, but I broke an important rule of politeness. I ignored everyone else and talked for hours to the botanist .Midnight cane. I said good night to everyone and departed. The botanist then turned to our host and said many nice things about ne , Including that I was a “most interesting conversationalist:.An interesting conversationalist ? I had said hardly anything at all.I couldn’t have said anything if I had wanted to without changing the subject, for I didn’t know any more about plants than I knew about sharks. But I had done this one thing; I had listened carefully. I listened because I was really interested. And he felt it. Naturally that pleased him. That kind of listening is one of the best ways to show respect to others, and it makes them fell great too. “Few human beings.” Wrote Jack Woodford in Strangers in Love, “can resist the sweet effect of rapt attention.” I went even further that that .I was “sincere in my admiration and generous in my praise”. I told him that I had been hugely entertained and instructed . I told him I wished I had his knowledge. I told him that I should love to wander the fields with him. What’s more, it was all true. And so I had him thinking of me as a good conversationalist when , in reality, I had only been a good listener and had encouraged him to talk.26.From Paragraph1 we cam learn that the writer ____.A. was deeply moved by the botanist’s talkB. was amazed by what he was hearingC. was not in a comfortable situationD. behaved politely and properly27. Which of the following does the writer describe as a rule of politeness at dinner parties?A. Avoiding discussions about politics and religion.B. Listening carefully to what another guest says.C. Arriving and leaving at the appropriate time.D. Giving attention to all those in attendance.28.According to the writer, which of the following is an important characteristic of a good conversationalist?A. Listening attentively and encouraging the other side to continue.B. Encouraging the other side by sharing his /her own opinions.C. Promising a future meeting for more communication.D. Expressing respect by nodding his/her head.30.Waht is the purpose of the passage?A. To prove the writer is an interesting conversationalist.B. To share an interesting experience at a dinner party.C. To explain what makes a good conversationalist .D. To show that botanists can be really talkative.26-30BDBACB.A British dog-lover has invented a high-tech way of feeding his pet by Twitter( 推特,流行社交网络). Computer expert Nat Morris ,30, has designed a system to give his pet a “tweet treat” by sending him a Twitter message.His dog Toby gets some delicious dog biscuits from a computer-controlled food machine whenever Nat sends a message to “@ feedtoby”.Nat often works away from home and isn’t always able to feed Toby by hand. But his new invention allows Nat to feed his dog from anywhere in the world.Nat said .,” Toby absolutely loves it. At first he didn’t know what was going on . Now he sits underneath the machine, wagging his tail and waiting for the food to drop.”Nat fill s the food machine with small pieces of dog biscuits, but not too many in case four-year- old Toby gets too many messages. And Nat has even equipped his house with an online camera so he can see Toby enjoying he food at his home.But one problem is that friends and family have been so amazed with the “tweet treat “ machine that they have started sending tweets to Toby too. So Nat has had to restrict feeding time to make sure Toby doesn’t turn into Tubby.“People have been sending him tweets at all hours of the day, so I had to limit it to between 9a.m. and 9 p.m. . I’m thinking of doing an updated one which can measure his weight before he is fed ,just to make sure he’s not putting on too much puppy fat,” explained Nat.How Nat’s Twitter Feeder works:When a message is sent to @ feedtoby, it is received by a mini –computer that is linked to the feed machine.When the mini-computer receives the message, a bell rings and Toby comes running over and sits in front of the feeding machine. Next , the machine’s motor pulls open a trap door which releases a serving of food.The doggy biscuits then drop into Toby’s food bowl. Finally a digital camera takes a photo of him and sends it back to Nat on Twitter –so he knows Toby has been fed.31.Nat has invented a high-tech way to feed his dog because he ______.A. wants his friends to feed TobyB. has very strong computing skillsC. is often too busy to feed his dogD. doesn’t like to feed Toby by hand.32.Why has Nat decided to limit the feeding machine’s operating time?A. He doesn’t want Toby to get too fat.B. He fears the machine will run out of food.C. He wants his friends to stop feeding Toby.D. He doesn’t want Toby to be woken up at night .33. It can be learned from the passage that Toby _______.A. sits beneath his feeder all day long.B. is now used to being fed by machineC. doesn’t know what happens to the feederD. no longer receives tweets from Nat’s friends34.Which of the following shows the correct order of how the Twitter Feeder works?a. The bell goes off.b. is now used to being fed by machinec. doesn’t know what happens to the feederd. no longer receives tweets from Nat’s friends.e. The motor starts to work and opens the door to release dog food. A.a,b,v,e, d B.b,c,e,a,d C.b,c,a,e,d D.c,b,a,d,e,35. In which section of the newspaper would you most probably find this passage?A. TechnologyB. Health .C. EnvironmentD. Style31-35CABCACNo one knows why we dream, but some dreams might be connected to the mental processes that help us learn. In a recent study, scientists found a connection between dreams and better memory in people learning a new skill.So perhaps one way to learn something new is to practice , practice , practice _ and then sleep on it.“I was very surprised by this finding ,” said Robert Stickgold ,a HarvardUniversity scientist who led the study.In the study ,100 college students each spent an hour on a computer , trying to get through a maze(迷宫). The maze was difficult, and the study participants had to start from a different place each time they tried- making it even more difficult.Then, for the first 90 minutes of a five-hour break, half of the participants were required to stay awake while half were asked to sleep. Participants who stayed awake were asked to describe their thoughts. Participants who slept were asked to describe any dream they had.Stickgold and his colleagues wanted to know about NREM, or non-REM sleep. REM stands for “rapid eye movement.” Which is what happens during REM sleep. This period of sleep often brings strange dreams to a sleeper, although dreams can happen in both kinds of sleep. Stickgold wanted to know what people were dreaming about when their eyes weren’t moving, during NREM wanted to know what people were dreaming about when their eyes weren’t moving, during NREM sleep. Other studies have found connection between NREM brain activity and learning ability.Four of the 50 people who slept said their dreams were about the maze. Later, when these four people tried the computer maze again, they were able to complete it faster.Stickgold believes the dream itself doesn’t help a person learn-it’s the other way around. He suspects that such dreams are caused by the brain processes associated with learningAll the maze-dreamers had done the task poorly the first time, which makes Stickgold wonder if the NREM dreams show up when a person finds a new task particularly difficult . People who had other dreams ,or people who didn’t show the same improvement.36. In the first stage of the study, the participants were asked to ____.A. design a maze on computerB. find their way out of a maze.C. decide where to begin a mazeD. remember a location in a maze37.What happened to the participants during the break?A. Half of them were woken up when they started to dream.B. Half of them were asked to dream about the maze.C. All of them were asked to describe their thoughts.D. Half of them were asked to sleep for 90 minutes.38.What can we learn from the passage?A. Everyone will dream about a new skill after learning it.B. Stickgold was the first to study dreams and learning.C. During NREM sleep, people usually don’t dream.D. Unusual dreams often occur during REM sleep.39.According to the last paragraph , before sleeping the maze –dreamers ___.A. found it difficult to do the maze .B. were greatly interested in the mazeC. were mostly slow and poor thinkersD. completed the maze faster than others40. Which of the following statements best summarizes the study’s conclusion?A. Dreams have a role in learning .B. Dreams have no basis in reality.C. Dreams are important for health.D. Dreams are the best way to study.36-40BDDAAD.The recent publication of autobiographies by two of Britain’s greatest scientists, biologist Richard Dawkins and physicist Stephen Hawking, is a wonderful opportunity to compare and contrast these two remarkable men. Surprisingly, they have rather more in common than we think.Most striking is the similarity in their backgrounds. They were born in the early 1940s to middle class families _ not wealthy but comfortablyoff , with a strong commitment to academic excellence and public service . Both families were keen to send their boys to Oxford University—and both succeeded, Dawkins studying zoology and Hawking physics.Neither man has a very positive view of his early university life. Hawing describes the attitude at Oxford in the 1950s and 1960s as very anti-work, “You were supposed to either be brilliant without effort or fail. Hard work was looked down upon by students and we all pretended that nothing was worth making an effort for.” He estimates that he studied for no more than an hour a day as an undergraduate student (本科生)。
试卷类型:A 2014年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)语文2014.3 本试卷共8页,24小题,满分为150分。
A.置疑 B.一锤子买卖 C.充耳不闻 D.乃至3.下列句子中,没有语病....的一句是A.著名作家村上春树连续五年排在诺贝尔文学奖获奖预测名单榜首,却年年与该奖无缘,可以堪称诺贝尔文学奖史上“最悲壮的入围者”。
1.南极点与南极磁点相距约A.0千米 B.2800千米 C.3500千米 D.4500千米2.在南极地区,判断地理方位最好利用A.指南针 B.北极星 C.太阳 D. GPS读“2000~2007年开都河径流变化图”,完成3~5题。
2000~2007年开都河径流变化图3.开都河最主要的补给类型是A.冰川 B.雨水 C.地下水 D.湖泊水4.开都河下游地区自然带最可能是A.温带森林带 B.温带森林、草原带C.高山草甸带 D.温带荒漠带5.开都河下游地区的外力作用最主要是A.流水作用 B.冰川作用 C.风力作用 D.波浪作用读“北京市人口密度和就业密度变化图”,完成6~7题。
北京市人口密度和就业密度变化图6.近20年北京市人口迁移的特点是A.从远郊、近郊向城市中心迁移 B.从城市中心向近郊、远郊迁移C.从城市中心、远郊向近郊迁移 D.从远郊向近郊、城市中心迁移7.从北京市人口密度和就业密度变化状况来看,其城市化存在A.城市经济发展缓慢,就业压力大B.城市规模不断扩大,大量企业迁往远郊,造成上下班交通堵塞C.传统工业发展迅猛,人均绿地面积不断减少D.人口密度与就业密度的变化不一致,造成上下班交通严重拥挤2008年我国太阳能电池生产量,占全球总量的26%,成为继日本和欧盟之后的第三大生产国。
广东浙江上海北京江苏山东河北福建安徽陕西企业数153 143 128 116 112 50 30 21 21 19 占全国比重16.6% 15.6% 13.9% 12.6% 12.2% 5.4% 3.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.1% 8.影响我国光伏企业分布的最主要区位因素是A.太阳辐射 B.世界市场 C.自然资源 D.国家政策9.我国太阳能(光伏)发电最具发展潜力的地区在A.长江三角洲 B.珠江三角洲 C.西北地区 D.东北地区读“2007年我国各省区人均碳足迹(即人均碳排放量,单位:吨/人·年)示意图”,完成10~11题。
“鲜花”指的是生活、人的性格和人的处 境之画面;“精华”指的是从以上三者中概 括出的成熟、完善的思想。
[4分。“鲜花”含义2分;“精华”含义2 分。]
哲学家要获得认可和名气,难度很大,所以 尼采生前默默无闻。大众随着时间的推移, 才能逐渐敬重某位哲学家,所以尼采直到死 后才有了巨大的名声。(或:哲学的进展所 发挥的影响是缓慢的,所以尼采直到死后, 他的思想才对后世产生深远的影响。)
立意深刻 材料丰富 语言有文采 见解、构思新 颖
语言较有文采 文句略有表现力
见解、构思较新 见解、构思略有新
个别语句有深意 个别例子较好 个别语句较精彩 个别地方有新意
说明: ①基础等级评分以题意、内容、语言、文体为重点,全面衡量。符合文体
[3分。答对一点2分,两点3分。] 11.【名句名篇】(6分) (1)申之以孝悌之义 颁白者不负戴于道路矣 (2)狗吠深巷中 鸡鸣桑树颠 (3)千岩万转路不定 熊咆龙吟殷岩泉 (4)多情自古伤离别 更那堪冷落清秋节 [6分。答对一空给1分,有错别字或漏字、多字则该
①(郭舒)因为犯了擅自释放司马彪的罪过, 被廷尉拘囚,当时的人大多认为他为人仗义。
[4分。“坐”“系”“义”各1分,大意1 分。]
②郭舒年轻时与杜曾交情深厚,杜曾曾经征召 郭舒,郭舒不肯前往,杜曾对他(这件事)怀 恨在心。
(2)【信息筛选】(3分) ①郭舒直言劝告王澄不要终日饮酒,而要以政务为重。 (澄终日酣饮,不以众务在意,舒常切谏之。)
试卷类型:A 广州市2014届高三年级调研测试文科综合2014.01 本试卷共12页,共41题,满分300分。
1.此期间,对菲律宾状况表述正确的是A.太阳高度最大 B.昼渐短夜渐长C.受西风带控制 D.西南季风强盛2.下列关于“海燕”的叙述,正确的是A.中心风力最强 B.带来阴雨连绵的天气C.气流辐合上升 D.发源于热带内陆地区读下图,回答3~4题。
3.该流域所属气候类型最可能是A.温带海洋性气候 B.热带沙漠气候C.温带大陆性气候 D.热带季风气候4.导致水库泥沙沉积厚度出现年际差异的主要因素是A.降水量 B.植被覆盖率C.人口数量 D.地貌形态5.流域自然侵蚀速率是反映流域地貌形态变化的重要指标。
据研究,南美洲亚马孙河流域自然侵蚀速率远低于南亚恒河流域,其最主要的影响因素是A.地形 B.降水量 C.植被类型 D.城市化水平城市化率的高低表明农村劳动人口转移了多少。
广州市2014届普通高中毕业班综合测试(英语)Ⅰ语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)In America, if you are invited to a wedding, baby shower, bar mitzvah(成年礼)or other celebrations, you're expected to bring a gift. Usually, it should be modest in 1 , about$25.For a wedding, the bride will often have "registered" a list of gifts at a local department store, indicating the items she 2 .When you buy a registered item, tell the store that you're doing this, so the couple doesn't receive the 3 gift twice. For a baby shower, bring a gift 4 for a newborn baby. For a bar mitzvah, bring a gift appropriate for a 13-year-old boy. Because they are such important occasions, gifts for bar mitzvahs tend to be more 5 , for example, a gold-plated pen. 6 the pen by carving the boy's full name will be appreciated.If you wish to give a gift to American friends, choose something that is 7 to your country. It needn't be valuable or 8 , just typical of your homeland. 9 include a book about your country, an inexpensive souvenir, or something else that reflects your 10 .Young children who like collecting will probably be very 11 with a set of your country's coins or stamps. Items that are 12 in your country but difficult to find abroad are also good.If staying with an American family, a good way of expressing your thanks is to take them to a form of 13 , such as a basketball game or a concert.When giving gifts to a business acquaintance, don't give anything too personal, 14 to a woman. A scarf or a hat is ok, but other types of 15 are not. Something appropriate for the office is best.1. A. size B. value C. weight D. appearance2. A. prefers B. owns C. uses D. imagines3. A. first B. best C. same D. similar4. A. general B. suitable C. demanding D. expensive5. A. modest B. cheerful C. normal D. formal6. A. Personalizing B. Replacing C. Designing D. Changing7. A. convenient B. appropriate C. unique D. beneficial8. A. colorful B. rare C. heavy D. nice9. A. Opportunities B. Expectations C. Inventions D. Possibilities10. A. character B. interest C. culture D. progress11. A. annoyed B. impressed C. amused D. puzzled12. A. limited B. banned C. common D. priceless13. A. education B. discussion C. exercise D. entertainment14. A. directly B. especially C. merely D. deliberately15. A. clothing B. perfume C. jewelry D. equipment笫二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)While thousands of college students headed for warm climates to enjoy sun and fun during their week off from classes, seven local students had other plans.The Northern Essex Community College( NECC) students and one of their teachers spent part of their spring break in New York City, helping repair an area 16. (destroy) by the hurricane.“I wanted to see for myself what happened,” said Terry. “I couldn't imagine 17. it is like to lose your home and everything that you know and the 18. (power) effect the hurricane had on those people. I wanted to do something, to understand their feeling ofhelplessness.” The group headed into Brooklyn's Red Hook district, which was hit hard by the hurricane. There they met people from other parts of the country, 19. had also volunteered to help. Together, those volunteers and the NECC students 20. (work) to clear rubbish out of a three-story building. They put on protective suits and gloves 21. they entered the building.Inside the building, the students saw nothing but broken walls and doors and pieces of the building 22. (lie) all over the place.The students returned to school with 23. sense of achievement, a feeling that 24.______ helped people in need. It was remarkable how a community lost so much and was still able to recover, and this left the deepest impression 25. the students.Ⅱ阋读(共两节,满分50分)第一节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AI once met a well-known botanist at a dinner party. I had never talked with a botanist before, and I found him very interesting. I sat there absorbed and listened while he spoke of unusual plants and his experiments (he even told me astonishing facts about the simple potato). I had a small indoor garden of my own -- and he was good enough to tell me how to solve some of my problems.As I said, we were at a dinner party. There must have been a dozen other guests, but I broke an important rule of politeness. I ignored everyone else and talked for hours to the botanist.Midnight came. I said good night to everyone and departed. The botanist then turned to our host and said many nice things about me, including that I was a “most interesting conversationalist ”.An interesting conversationalist? I had said hardly anything at all. I couldn't have said anything if I had wanted to without changing the subject, for I didn't know any more about plants than I knew about sharks. But I had done this one thing: I had listened carefully. I listened because I was really interested. And he felt it. Naturally that pleased him. That kind of listening is one of the best ways to show respect to others, and it makes them feel great too. “Few human beings," wrote Jack Woodford in Strangers in Love "can resist the sweet effect of rapt attention.” I went even further than that. I was “sincere in my admiration and generous in my praise”.I told him that I had been hugely entertained and instructed. I told him I wished I had his knowledge. I told him that I should love to wander the fields with him. What's more, it was all true.And so I had him thinking of me as a good conversationalist when, in reality, I had only been a good listener and had encouraged him to talk.26. From Paragraph l, we can learn that the writer_________A. was deeply moved by the botanist's talkB. was amazed by what he was hearingC. was not in a comfortable situationD. behaved politely and properly27. Which of the following does the writer describe as a rule of politeness at dinner parties?A. Avoiding discussions about politics and religion.B. Listening carefully to what another guest says.C. Arriving and leaving at the appropriate time.D. Giving attention to all those in attendance.28. The underlined expression "rapt attention" in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to__________A. full understandingB. strong interestC. great uncertaintyD. little curiosity29. According to the writer, which of the following is an important characteristic of a good conversationalist?A. Listening attentively and encouraging the other side to continue.B. Encouraging the other side by sharing his/her own opinions.C. Promising a future meeting for more communication.D. Expressing respect by nodding his/her head.30. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To prove the writer is an interesting conversationalist.B. To share an interesting experience at a dinner party.C. To explain what makes a good conversationalist.D. To show that botanists can be really talkative.BA British dog-lover has invented a high-tech way of feeding his pet by Twitter(推特,流行社交网络).Computer expert Nat Morris, 30, has designed a system to give his pet a "tweet treat" by sending him a Twitter message.His dog Toby: gets some delicious dog biscuits from a computer-controlled food machine whenever Nat sends a message to “@ feedtoby “.Nat often works away from home and isn't always able to feed Toby by hand. But his new invention allows Nat to feed his dog from anywhere in the world.Nat said, "Toby absolutely loves it. At first he didn't know what was going on. Now he sits underneath the machine, wagging his tail and waiting for the food to drop. "Nat fills the food machine with small pieces of dog biscuits, but not too many in case four-year-old Toby gets too many messages. And Nat has even equipped his house with an online camera so he can see Toby enjoying the food at his home.But one problem is that friends and family have been so amazed with the “tweet treat" machine that they have started sending tweets to Toby too. So Nat has had to restrict feeding time to make sure Toby doesn't turn into Tubby.“People have been sending him tweets at all hours of the day, so I had to limit it to between 9 a. m. and 9 p. m. I'm thinking of doing an updated one which can measure his weight before he is fed, just to make sure he's not putting on too much puppy fat, “explained Nat.How Nat's Twitter Feeder works:When a message is sent to @ feedtoby, it is received by a mini-computer that is linked to the food machine.When the mini-computer receives the message, a bell rings and Toby comes running over and sits in front of the feeding machine. Next, the machine's motor pulls open a trap door which releases a serving of food.The doggy biscuits then drop into Toby's food bowl. Finally a digital camera takes a photo of him and sends it back to Nat on Twitter - so he knows Toby has been fed.31. Nat has invented a high-tech way to feed his dog because he________.A. wants his friends to feed TobyB. has very strong computing skillsC. is often too busy to feed his dogD. doesn't like to feed Toby by hand32. Why has Nat decided to limit the feeding machine's operating time?A. He doesn't want Toby to get too fat.B. He fears the machine will run out of food.C. He wants his friends to stop feeding Toby.D. He doesn't want Toby to be woken up at night.33. It can be learned from the passage that Toby_________A. sits beneath his feeder all day longB. is now used to being fed by machineC. doesn't know what happens to the feederD. no longer receives tweets from Nat's friends34. Which of the following shows the correct order of how the Twitter Feeder works?a. The bell goes off.b. A message is sent to @ feedtoby.c. The mini-computer gets the message.d. The digital camera takes a photo of Toby and sends it to Nat.e. The motor starts to work and opens the door to release dog food.A. a, b, c, e, d.B. b, c, e, a, d.C. b, c, a, e, d.D. c, b, a, d, e35. In which section of the newspaper would you most probably find this passage?A. Technology.B. Health.C. Environment.D. Style.CNo one knows why we dream, but some dreams might be connected to the mental processes that help us learn. In a recent study, scientists found a connection between dreams and better memory in people learning a new skill.So perhaps one way to learn something new is to practice, practice, practice -- and then sleep on it."I was very surprised by this finding,” said Robert Stickgold, a Harvard University scientist who led the study.In the study, 100 college students each spent an hour on a computer, trying to get through amaze (谜宫). The maze was difficult, and the study participants had to start from a different place each time they tried -- making it even more difficult.Then, for the first 90 minutes of a five-hour break, half of the participants were required to stay awake while half were asked to sleep. Participants who stayed awake were asked to describe their thoughts. Participants who slept were asked to describe any dream they had.Stickgold and his colleagues wanted to know about NREM, or non-REM sleep. REM stands for “rapid eye movement, “which is what happens during REM sleep. This period of sleep often brings strange dreams to a sleeper, although dreams can happen in both kinds of sleep. Stickgold wanted to know what people were dreaming about when their eyes weren't moving, during NREM sleep. Other studies have found a connection between NREM brain activity and learning ability.Four of the 50 people who slept said their dreams were about the maze. Later, when these four people tried the computer maze again, they were able to complete it faster.Stickgold believes the dream itself doesn't help a person learn -- it's the other way around. He suspects that such dreams are caused by the brain processes associated with learning.All the maze-dreamers had done the task poorly the first time, which makes Stickgold wonder if the NREM dreams show up when a person finds a new task particularly difficult. People who had other dreams, or people who didn't sleep, didn't show the same improvement.36. In the first stage of the study, the participants were asked to________A. design a maze on computerB. find their way out of a mazeC. decide where to begin a mazeD. remember a location in a maze37. What happened to the participants during the break?A. Half of them were woken up when they started to dream.B. Half of them were asked to dream about the maze.C. All of them were asked to describe their thoughts.D. Half of them were asked to sleep for 90 minutes.38. What can we learn from the passage?A. Everyone will dream about a new skill after learning it.B. Stickgold was the first to study dreams and learning.C. During NREM sleep, people usually don't dream.D. Unusual dreams often occur during REM sleep.39. According to the last paragraph, before sleeping the maze-dreamers________A. found it difficult to do the mazeB. were greatly interested in the mazeC. were mostly slow and poor thinkersD. completed the maze faster than others40. Which of the following statements best summarizes the study's conclusion?A. Dreams have a role in learning.B. Dreams have no basis in reality.C. Dreams are important for health.D. Dreams are the best way to study.DThe recent publication of autobiographies by two of Britain's greatest scientists, biologist Richard Dawkins and physicist Stephen Hawking is a wonderful opportunity to compare and contrast these two remarkable men. Surprisingly, they have rather more in common than we think.Most striking is the similarity in their backgrounds. They were born in the early 1940s to middle class families -- not wealthy but comfortably off, with a strong commitment to academic excellence and public service. Both families were keen to send their boys to Oxford University --and both succeeded, Dawkins studying zoology and Hawking physics.Neither man has a very positive view of his early university life. Hawking describes the attitude at Oxford in the 1950s and 1960s as very anti-work, "You were supposed to either be brilliant without effort or fail. Hard work was looked down upon by students and we all pretended that nothing was worth making an effort for. “He estimates that he studied for no more than an hour a day as an undergraduate student (本科生).Undergraduate life was somewhat more rewarding for Dawkins. Like Hawking, he wasn't particularly hard-working and never attended his lectures. But he found Oxford's system of weekly essay-based lessons with an academic tutor useful, "It was really only the tutorial system that educated me.”For both men, scientific life really got going as postgraduates after 1962. Dawkins, who remained at Oxford, describes brilliantly the academic competition among the postgraduate students, which he believed helped push him to develop the ideas that formed the basis of his most famous book, The Selfish Gene. This volume transformed scientific thinking about Darwinian evolution.Hawking, on the other hand, moved to Cambridge University after graduation, where his research into the universe would eventually make him the most famous physicist since Albert Einstein. He writes movingly about the disease which progressively crippled his entire body, leaving him unable to move and only able to communicate using a computer controlled by his eyes.Although communication is slow - he can write only 3 words a minute using the machine - his illness has not affected his mind or his research on space-time and the origins of the universe.Each book is recommended individually as a personal introduction to an important scientific thinker. Read together, they provide a superb background to the academic and social climate of postwar British research.41. Which of the following describes a similarity in Hawking's and Dawkins' backgrounds?A. They were both from wealthy families.B. They studied the same subject in university.C. They graduated from the same secondary school.D. They both came from families that valued good education.42. Why did Hawking study very little as an undergraduate student?A. He preferred doing his own research and experiments.B. Students considered it inappropriate to study too much.C. The materials discussed in lectures were very easy for him.D. He was more interested in making friends with his classmates.43. According to Dawkins, what helped him develop his most important ideas?A. His hard work as an undergraduate.B. The support he received from his family.C. The excellent tutors at Oxford University.D. The competition from other postgraduate students.44. What can we reasonably infer about the two scientists from the passage?A. Dawkins worked much harder than Hawking as an undergraduate.B. Hawking is more respected by the scientific community.C. They knew each other during their studies at Oxford.D. Hawking has experienced more physical difficulties.45. What is the function of the last paragraph?A. To state which book the writer prefers.B. To recommend the reviewed books to readers.C. To summarize the achievements of the two scientists.D. To suggest the order in which the books should be read.笫二节信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。