



苏教版初中数学七年级上册第一学期第12周周考试卷班级 姓名 得分一、选择题(3分×5=15分)1、方程312-x =x -2的解是 ( ) A .5 B .-5 C .2 D .-22、解方程41x =31,正确的是 ( ) A .41x =31,x =34; B .41x =31,x =121 C .41x =31,x =34; D .41x =31,x = 43 3、下列变形是根据等式的性质的是 ( )A .由2x ﹣1=3得2x =4 B.由x 2=x 得 x =1C .由x 2=9得 x =3 D.由2x ﹣1=3x 得5x =﹣14、下列变形错误的是 ( )A.由x + 7= 5得x +7-7 = 5-7 ;B.由3x -2 =2x + 1得x = 3C.由4-3x = 4x -3得4+3 = 4x +3xD.由-2x = 3得x = -32 5、下列方程中①111+=-x x ②311=-x③32=+y x ④121-=+x x 中,是一元一次方程的有( )个A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4二、填空题(3分×6=18分)1、当x =__________________时,x 11)2(x -- 的值相等。

2、当a =__________________时,)-(a a 213213与+的值互为相反数。

3、某数的4倍减去3比这个数大4,则这个数为 __________________.4、当m= __________时,方程2x +m=x +1的解为x =-4.当a = ____________时,方程3x 2a -2=4是一元一次方程.5、写出一个方程,使它的解为5-,这个方程为______________________.6、当a = ____________时,方程1223=+a x 和方程243=-x 的解相同。

三、解下列方程(6分×8=48分)(1)2014=+x (2) x x 286-=+(3)17)5.0(4=++x x(4)()()1067234+=+-+x x x(5)()()[]2414256-=--+-x x x(6)()()3216325=+--x x(7)2536+=-x x(8)()()1067234+=+-+x x x三、解答题(共19分)1、(10分)如果122+-+=+-=a a ,x a 213)a(x x 2求的解是方程的值。



2019-2020 年七年级(上)第12 周周末数学作业一、填空题:1.下午 4 点 40 分时,时针与分针的夹角是.2.()°=分秒;3600″=分=度.3.如图,图中有条线段,它们是;图中以 A 为端点的射线有条,它们是;图中有条直线,它们是.4.一条直线上有n 个不同点,以这n 个点为端点的射线共有条.5.锯木头时,一般先在木板上画出两个点,然后过这两个点弹出一条墨线,这种做法的理由是.6.若线段AB=a , C 是线段 AB 上的任意一点,M ,N 分别是 AC 和 CB 的中点,则MN=.7.把一段弯曲的公路改为直路,可以缩短路程,其理由是.8.甲从 O 点向北偏东30°走 200 米,到达 A 处,乙从O 点向南偏东30°走 200 米,到达B 处,则 B 在 A 的方向.9.若∠ AOB=40 °,∠ BOC=60 °,则∠ AOC=度.10.某城市大剧院地面的一部分为扇形,观众席的座位按下列方式设置:排数 1 2 3 4座位数50 53 56 59按这种方式排下去,第n 排有个座位.二、选择题:11.下列语句中,最正确的是()A .延长线段ABB.延长射线ABC.在直线AB 的延长线上取一点 CD.延长线段BA 到 C,使 BC=AB12.已知线段AB ,延长AB 到 C,使BC=2AB ,又延长BA 到 D,使,那么()A . B .C. D .13.现在的时间是9 时 20 分,此时时钟面上的时针与分针的夹角是()A . 150°B. 160°C. 162°D. 165°14.三条互不重合的直线的交点个数可能是()A . 0,1, 3B .0, 2, 3 C. 0, 1, 2, 3D. 0, 1, 215.如图,射线OA 表示的方向是()A .西南方向B .东南方向C .西偏南10°D.南偏西10°16.如图,已知∠AOC= ∠ BOD=78 °,∠ BOC=35 °,则∠ AOD 的度数是()A . 86° B. 156°C. 113°D. 121°17.如图,从点O 出发的五条射线,可以组成()个角.A . 4B. 6C. 8D. 1018.如图, AB=CD ,那么 AC 与 BD 的大小关系是()A . AC=BDB .AC < BD C. AC >BD D .不能确定19.若 a 是有理数,则下列各式一定成立的有()(12 2 2 23 3)(﹣ a)=a ;( 2)﹣ a =(﹣ a);( 3)(﹣ a)=a ;( 4) |a|=﹣ a.A . 1 个 B. 2 个C. 3 个D. 4 个20.若 a、 b 为两个有理数,且ab< 0, a+b< 0,则()A . a、 b 都是正数 B. a、 b 都是负数C. a、 b 异号,且正数的绝对值大D. a、 b 异号,且负数的绝对值大三、解答题:21.如图:线段A B=14cm ,C 是 AB 上一点,且AC=9cm ,O 是 AB 的中点,求线段OC 的长度.22.把一副三角尺如图所示拼在一起.(1)写出图中∠ A 、∠ B、∠ BCD 、∠ D、∠ AED 的度数;(2)用小于号“<”将上述各角连接起来.23.已知,如图,∠AOB=150 °,OC 平分∠ AOB ,AO ⊥ DO,求∠ COD 的度数.24.已知:如图直线AB 、 CD 相交于点O,OE 平分∠ AOD ,∠ FOC=90 °,∠ 1=30°.求∠ 2 和∠ 3 的度数.25.如图,直线AB 与 CD 相交于点O,OE⊥ CD , OF⊥AB ,∠ DOF=65 °.求:( 1)∠ BOE 的度数;(2)∠ AOC 的度数.四、解答题(共 3 小题,满分0 分)26.计算:①② ﹣10﹣ 8÷(﹣ 2)×③ ﹣22﹣(﹣ 2)2+(﹣ 3)2×(﹣)④ ﹣42÷|﹣ 4|.27.化简求值:3( ab﹣ 5b2+2a2)﹣( 7ab+16a2﹣ 25b2),其中 |a﹣1|+( b+1 )2=0.28.已知 A=x 2+xy+y2, B= ﹣ 3xy﹣ x2,计算:(1) 3A ﹣ B (2) A ﹣ B .2015-2016 学年山东省青岛市胶南市王台中学七年级(上)第 12 周周末数学作业参考答案与试题解析一、填空题:1.下午 4 点 40 分时,时针与分针的夹角是100° .【考点】钟面角.【分析】因为钟表上的刻度是把一个圆平均分成了12 等份,每一份是30°,借助图形,找出 4 时 40 分时针和分针之间相差的大格数,用大格数乘30°即可.【解答】解:∵时针在钟面上每分钟转0.5°,分针每分钟转6°,∴钟表上 4 时 40 分时,时针与分针的夹角可以看成时针转过 4 时 0.5°×40=20°,分针在数字8上.∵钟表 12 个数字,每相邻两个数字之间的夹角为30°,∴4时40分时,分针与时针的夹角3 30 + 30°﹣20°)=100°.× °(故在下午 4 点 40 分,时针和分针的夹角为100°.故答案为: 100°.【点评】本题考查了钟表分针所转过的角度计算.在钟表问题中,常利用时针与分针转动的度数关系:分针每转动 1°时针转动()°,并且利用起点时间时针和分针的位置关系建立角的图形.2.()°=10分30秒;3600″=60分=1度.【考点】度分秒的换算.【专题】计算题;推理填空题.【分析】(1)根据 1°=60′,用乘以60,判断出()°等于多少分多少秒即可;(2)首先根据1′=60 ″,用 3600 除以 60,求出 3600″等于多少分;然后根据1°=3600 ″,用3600 除以 3600,求出 3600 ″等于多少度即可.【解答】解:( 1)()°=(×60)′=10.5′=10分30秒.(2) 3600″=(3600÷60)′=60 ′,3600″=( 3600÷3600)°=1°.故答案为: 10、 30、60、 1.【点评】此题主要考查了度分秒的换算,要熟练掌握,解答此题的关键是要明确:1°=60′,1′=60 ″.3.如图,图中有5条线段,它们是AD , AB ,BD , AC , BC ;图中以 A 为端点的射线有2条,它们是AD ,AB ;图中有1条直线,它们是AB 或AD 或BD .【考点】直线、射线、线段.【专题】计算题.【分析】此题考查了直线,射线,线段的基本性质,概念.【解答】解:根据图中提示,图中线段为AD , AB ,BD , AC , BC5 条线段;图中以 A 为端点的射线有AD , AB .(注意:AC 是线段,不是射线;图中直线有 1 条,可以表示为AB 或AD 或 BD ;【点评】根据图的提示,结合直线,射线,线段的基本概念,解决此题.4.一条直线上有n 个不同点,以这n 个点为端点的射线共有2n条.【考点】直线、射线、线段.【分析】一个点对应两个不同的射线,从而可得出n 个点为端点的射线数量.【解答】解:一条直线上有n 个不同点,以这n 个点为端点的射线共有2n 条.故答案为:2n.【点评】本题考查了射线的知识,注意一条直线上的一点对应两条射线.5.锯木头时,一般先在木板上画出两个点,然后过这两个点弹出一条墨线,这种做法的理由是两点确定一条直线.【考点】直线的性质:两点确定一条直线.【专题】应用题.【分析】根据公理:两点确定一条直线来解答本题.【解答】解:这种做法的理由是:两点确定一条直线.【点评】此题主要考查学生对“两点确定一条直线”的理解程度.6.若线段AB=a , C 是线段 AB 上的任意一点,M ,N 分别是 AC 和 CB 的中点,则MN= .【考点】比较线段的长短.【专题】计算题.【分析】理解线段的中点及概念,灵活运用线段的和、差、倍、分转化线段之间的数量关系.【解答】解:根据题意可得: M ,N 分别是 AC 和 CB 的中点,故有 MN=MC+NC=(AC+BC)=.答案.【点评】在未画图类问题中,正确画图很重要,其次利用中点性质转化线段之间的倍分关系,得到关系式,解或者化简即可得出答案.7.把一段弯曲的公路改为直路,可以缩短路程,其理由是两点之间线段最短.【考点】线段的性质:两点之间线段最短.【分析】根据两点之间线段最短解答.【解答】解:把一段弯曲的公路改为直路,可以缩短路程,其理由是两点之间线段最短.故答案为:两点之间线段最短.【点评】本题考查了线段的性质,熟记两点之间线段最短是解题的关键.8.甲从 O 点向北偏东30°走 200 米,到达 A 处,乙从O 点向南偏东30°走 200 米,到达B 处,则 B 在 A 的南方向.【考点】方向角.【分析】根据题意画出方位角,再根据等腰三角形及平行线的性质解答即可.【解答】解:连接 AB ,则∠ AOB=120 °,∵OA=OB ,∴∠ OAB=30 °,∴AB 平行于南北方向线,∴B 在 A 的正南方向.故答案为:南.正确画出方位角,再【点评】此题主要考查了方向角问题,解答此类题需要从运动的角度,结合平行线的判定定理求解.9.若∠ AOB=40 °,∠ BOC=60 °,则∠ AOC= 100 或 20度.【考点】角的计算.【专题】计算题;分类讨论.【分析】利用角与角的位置关系即可计算,但根据角的位置要分两种情况.【解答】解:若∠ AOB=40 °,∠ BOC=60 °当∠ AOB 在∠ BOC 的内部时:∠ AOC= ∠ BOC ﹣∠ AOB=20 °;当∠ AOB 在∠ BOC 的外部时:∠ AOC= ∠ BOC+ ∠ AOB=100 °故∠ AOC=100 或 20 度.【点评】注意这两个角的顶点相同,两角的位置应分两种情况进行讨论.10.某城市大剧院地面的一部分为扇形,观众席的座位按下列方式设置:排数 1 2 3 4座位数50 53 56 59按这种方式排下去,第n 排有( 47+3n)个座位.【考点】规律型:数字的变化类.【分析】通过分析数据可知,观众席的座位每增加 1 排,就增加 3 个座位,再通过计算推断得出第 n 排的座位数.【解答】解:根据表格中数据所显示的规律可知:第 1 排有 47+3×1=50 个座位,第 2 排有 47+3×2=53 个座位,第 3 排有 47+3×3=56 个座位,第 4 排有 47+3×4=59 个座位,则第 n 排有( 47+3n )个座位.故答案为( 47+3n ).【点评】主要考查了学生通过特例分析从而归纳总结出一般结论的能力.对于找规律的题目首先应找出哪些部分发生了变化,是按照什么规律变化的,通过分析找到各部分的变化规律后直接利用规律求解.二、选择题:11.下列语句中,最正确的是()A .延长线段ABB.延长射线ABC.在直线AB 的延长线上取一点 CD.延长线段BA 到 C,使BC=AB【考点】直线、射线、线段.【分析】利用有关直线、射线、线段的知识判定即可【解答】解: A 、延长线段AB ,说法正确,故 A 选项正确;B、延长射线AB ,因没说明射线的端点,故 B 选项错误;C、在直线AB 的延长线上取一点C,因为直线不需延长,故 C 选项错误;D、延长线段BA 到 C,使 BC=AB ,因为 BC > AB ,故 D 选项错误.故选: A .【点评】本题主要考查了直线、射线、线段,解题的关键是熟记有关直线、射线、线段的知识.12.已知线段 AB ,延长 AB 到 C,使 BC=2AB ,又延长 BA 到 D,使,那么()A . B .C. D .【考点】比较线段的长短.【分析】先根据题意画出图,然后根据BC=2AB 和来对选项进行判断.【解答】解:由题意画图为:∵B C=2AB ,∴BD=AB+ AB= ∴D C=DA+AB+BC=;AB= ×= BC ,故 A 正确;AB+AB+2AB=AB ,故 B 错误;∴DA= AB=×= BC ,故 C 错误;∴BD=DA+AB=AB+AB= AB ,故 D 错误;故选 A .【点评】在未画图类问题中,正确画图很重要,本题渗透了转化的思想,体现了思维的严密性.13.现在的时间是9 时 20 分,此时时钟面上的时针与分针的夹角是()A. 150°B. 160°C. 162°D. 165°【考点】钟面角.【专题】计算题.【分析】此时时针超过9 点 20 分,分针指向4,根据每 2 个数字之间相隔30 度和时针 1 分钟走 0.5 度可得夹角度数.【解答】解:时针超过20 分所走的度数为20×0.5=10°,分针与 9 点之间的夹角为5×30=150 °,∴此时时钟面上的时针与分针的夹角是150+10=160 °.故选 B .【点评】考查钟面角的计算;用到的知识点为:钟面上每 2 个数字之间相隔30 度;时针 1 分钟走 0.5 度.14.三条互不重合的直线的交点个数可能是()A . 0,1, 3B .0, 2, 3 C. 0, 1, 2, 3D. 0, 1, 2【考点】直线、射线、线段.【分析】在同一平面内,两条直线的位置关系有两种,平行和相交,三条直线互相平行无交点,两条直线平行,第三条直线与它相交,有 2 个交点,三条直线两两相交,最多有 3 个交点,最少有 1 个交点.【解答】解:分四种情况:1、三条直线平行,有0 个交点,2、三条直线相交于同一点,有 1 个交点,3、一条直线截两条平行线有 2 个交点,4、三条直线两两相交有 3 个交点.如图所示:故选 C.【点评】此类题没有明确平面上三条不重合直线的相交情况,需要运用分类讨论思想,解答时要分各种情况解答,要考虑到可能出现的所有情形,不要遗漏,否则讨论的结果就不全面.15.如图,射线OA 表示的方向是()A .西南方向B .东南方向C .西偏南10°D.南偏西10°【考点】方向角.【专题】应用题.【分析】根据方位角的概念,确定射线OA 表示的方位角即可.【解答】解:根据方位角的概念,射线OA 表示的方向是南偏西10°或西偏南80°.故选 D .【点评】解答此题要注意一条射线的方位角有两种表示方法.16.如图,已知∠AOC= ∠ BOD=78 °,∠ BOC=35 °,则∠ AOD 的度数是()A . 86° B. 156°C. 113°D. 121°【考点】角的计算.【专题】计算题.【分析】由于∠ AOC= ∠ BOD=78 °,∠ BOC=35 °,易求∠ COD ,进而可求∠AOD .【解答】解:如右图所示,∵∠ AOC= ∠ BOD=78 °,∠ BOC=35 °,∴∠ COD= ∠ BOD ﹣∠ BOC=43 °,∴∠ AOD= ∠ AOC+ ∠ COD=78 °+43 °=121°.故选 D .【点评】本题考查了角的计算.解题的关键是理清图中角之间的关系.17.如图,从点O 出发的五条射线,可以组成()个角.A . 4B. 6C. 8D. 10【考点】角的概念.【分析】先以 OA 为角的一边,依次得到以 OB 、OC、OD、OE 为另一边的五个角,然后利用同样的方法得到其他角.【解答】解:点 O 出发的五条射线,可以组成的角有:∠ AOB ,∠ AOC ,∠ AOD ,∠ AOE ,∠BOC ,∠ BOD ,∠ BOE,∠ COD ,∠ COE,∠ DOE.故选 D .【点评】本题考查了角的定义:有公共端点是两条射线组成的图形叫做角,其中这个公共端点是角的顶点,这两条射线是角的两条边.角的表示方法:角可以用一个大写字母表示,也可以用三个大写字母表示.其中顶点字母要写在中间,唯有在顶点处只有一个角的情况,才可用顶点处的一个字母来记这个角,否则分不清这个字母究竟表示哪个角.角还可以用一个希腊字母(如∠α,∠ β,∠ γ、)表示,或用阿拉伯数字(∠ 1,∠ 2)表示.18.如图, AB=CD ,那么 AC 与 BD 的大小关系是()A . AC=BDB .AC < BD C. AC >BD D .不能确定【考点】比较线段的长短.【分析】由题意已知AB=CD ,根据等式的基本性质,两边都减去BC ,等式仍然成立.【解答】解:根据题意和图示可知AB=CD ,而CB 为AB 和CD 共有线段,故AC=BD .故选 A .【点评】注意根据等式的性质进行变形.19.若 a 是有理数,则下列各式一定成立的有()(12 2 2 23 3)(﹣ a)=a ;( 2)﹣ a =(﹣ a);( 3)(﹣ a)=a ;( 4) |a|=﹣ a.A . 1 个 B. 2 个C. 3 个D. 4 个【考点】有理数的乘方;绝对值.【专题】计算题.【分析】原式利用乘方的意义以及绝对值的代数意义计算得到结果,即可做出判断.【解答】解:( 1)(﹣ a)2=a2,正确;( 2)﹣ a2=﹣(﹣ a)2,错误;( 3)(﹣ a)3=﹣a 3,错误;( 4)当 a≤0 时, |a|=﹣ a,错误,则一定成立的有 1 个.故选 A【点评】此题考查了有理数的乘方,熟练掌握乘方的意义是解本题的关键.)20.若 a、 b 为两个有理数,且 ab< 0, a+b< 0,则( A . a、 b 都是正数 B. a、 b 都是负数C. a、 b 异号,且正数的绝对值大D. a、 b 异号,且负数的绝对值大【考点】有理数的乘法;有理数的加法.【分析】根据题中已知条件可判断出a、 b 两个有理数的关系,即可得出答案.【解答】解:从 ab<0 可知, a、b 一定异号,从另一个条件a+b< 0 可判断出a、 b 中负数的绝对值较大.故选 D .【点评】本题考查了有理数的乘法有理数的加法,比较简单,属于基础题,同学们加强训练即可掌握.三、解答题:21.如图:线段AB=14cm ,C 是AB 上一点,且AC=9cm ,O 是AB 的中点,求线段OC 的长度.【考点】比较线段的长短.【专题】计算题.【分析】在一条直线或线段上的线段的加减运算和倍数运算,首先明确线段间的相互关系,最好准确画出几何图形,再根据题意进行计算.【解答】解:∵点 O 是线段 AB 的中点, AB=14cm∴AO=AB=7cm∴OC=AC ﹣ AO=9cm ﹣7cm=2cm .答:线段 OC 的长度为2cm.【点评】利用中点性质转化线段之间的倍分关系是解题的关键,在不同的情况下灵活选用它的不同表示方法,有利于解题的简洁性.同时,灵活运用线段的和、差、倍、分转化线段之间的数量关系也是十分关键的一点.22.把一副三角尺如图所示拼在一起.(1)写出图中∠ A 、∠ B、∠ BCD 、∠ D、∠ AED 的度数;(2)用小于号“<”将上述各角连接起来.【考点】角的大小比较.【分析】(1)一副三角尺一个是等腰直角三角形,另一个是一个角为 30°的直角三角形,看图写出各个角的度数,( 2)按角的大小顺序连接.【解答】解:( 1)∠ A=30 °,∠ B=90 °,∠ BCD=150 °,∠ D=45 °,∠ AED=135 °;(2)∠ A <∠ D<∠ B<∠ AED <∠ BCD .【点评】本题主要考查角的比较与运算,比较简单.23.已知,如图,∠AOB=150 °,OC 平分∠ AOB ,AO ⊥ DO,求∠ COD 的度数.【考点】角平分线的定义.【分析】先根据角平分线的性质求出∠ AOC 的度数,再由 AO ⊥ DO 求出∠ AOD 的度数,根据∠ COD= ∠ AOD ﹣∠ AOC 即可得出结论.【解答】解:∵∠ AOB=150 °, OC 平分∠ AOB ,∴∠ AOC=∠ AOB=75°.∵AO ⊥ DO ,∴∠ AOD=90 °,∴∠ COD= ∠ AOD ﹣∠ AOC=90 °﹣ 75°=15°.【点评】本题考查的是角平分线的定义,熟知从一个角的顶点出发,把这个角分成相等的两个角的射线叫做这个角的平分线是解答此题的关键.24.已知:如图直线AB 、 CD 相交于点O,OE 平分∠ AOD ,∠ FOC=90 °,∠ 1=30°.求∠ 2 和∠ 3 的度数.【考点】垂线;对顶角、邻补角.【分析】根据平角为180 度可得∠ 3=180 °﹣∠ 1﹣∠ FOC,再根据对顶角相等可得∠AOD 的度数,然后再根据角平分线定义进行计算即可.【解答】解:∵∠AOB=180 °,∴∠ 1+∠ 3+∠ COF=180 °,∵∠ FOC=90 °,∠ 1=30 °,∴∠ 3=60°,∠ BOC=120 °,∴∠ AOD=120 °,∵OE 平分∠ AOD ,∴∠ 2=∠AOD=60°.【点评】此题主要考查了对顶角,邻补角性质,关键是掌握对顶角相等.25.如图,直线AB 与 CD 相交于点O,OE⊥ CD , OF⊥AB ,∠ DOF=65 °.求:( 1)∠ BOE 的度数;(2)∠ AOC 的度数.【考点】垂线;对顶角、邻补角.【专题】计算题.【分析】(1)要求∠ BOE 的度数,根据∠ DOE 是直角,从而转化为求∠ BOD 的度数,根据∠BOD 与∠ DOF 互余就可以求出.(2)而∠ AOC 与∠ BOD 是对顶角,根据对顶角相等,就可以求出.【解答】解:( 1)OF⊥ AB ,则∠ BOF=90 °,∵∠ DOF=65 °,∴∠ BOD= ∠ BOF﹣∠ DOF=90 °﹣ 65°=25°,∵OE⊥ CD ,∴∠ DOE=90 °,那么∠ BOE= ∠ DOE﹣∠ BOD=90 °﹣ 25°=65 °.(2)直线 AB 与 CD 相交于点 O,∠ AOC 与∠ BOD 是对顶角,即∠ AOC= ∠ BOD=25 °.【点评】利用两直线相交,对顶角相等,以及垂直的定义求出角的度数.四、解答题(共 3 小题,满分0 分)26.计算:①② ﹣10﹣ 8÷(﹣ 2)×③ ﹣22﹣(﹣ 2)2+(﹣ 3)2×(﹣)④ ﹣42÷|﹣ 4|.【考点】有理数的混合运算.【分析】①将除法变为乘法,再根据乘法分配律计算即可求解;② 先算乘除法,再算减法;③④按照有理数混合运算的顺序,先乘方后乘除最后算加减,有括号的先算括号里面的.【解答】解:①=﹣× ﹣×=×(﹣﹣)=×(﹣ 1)=﹣;② ﹣10﹣ 8÷(﹣ 2)×=﹣10﹣ 4×=﹣10﹣ 2=﹣12;③ ﹣22﹣(﹣ 2)2+(﹣ 3)2×(﹣)=﹣4﹣ 4+9 ×(﹣)=﹣8﹣ 6=﹣14;④ ﹣42÷|﹣ 4|=﹣16÷4﹣ 24× +24 × ﹣ 24×=﹣4﹣ 18+20﹣ 14=﹣16.【点评】本题考查的是有理数的运算能力.注意:(1)要正确掌握运算顺序,在混合运算中要特别注意运算顺序:先三级,后二级,再一级;有括号的先算括号里面的;同级运算按从左到右的顺序;(2)去括号法则:﹣﹣得 +,﹣ +得﹣, ++ 得 +,+﹣得﹣.22 2 2 ),其中 |a ﹣1|+( b+1 227.化简求值: 3( ab ﹣ 5b +2a )﹣( 7ab+16a ﹣ 25b ) =0.【考点】 整式的加减 —化简求值;非负数的性质:绝对值;非负数的性质:偶次方.【分析】利用非负数的性质求出 a 与 b 的值,再把要求的式子进行化简, 最后代值计算即可.【解答】 解:∵ |a ﹣ 1|+(b+1 ) 2=0,∴ a =1, b= ﹣1,∴ 3( ab ﹣ 5b 2+2a 2)﹣( 7ab+16a 2﹣ 25b 2)=3ab ﹣ 15b 2+6a 2﹣ 7ab ﹣ 16a 2+25b2=﹣10a 2﹣ 4ab+10b2把 a=1, b=﹣ 1 代入上式得:原式 =﹣ 10×1 22﹣ 4×(﹣ 1) ×1+10×(﹣ 1) =4 .【点评】 此题考查了整式的加减﹣化简求值,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.28.已知 A=x 2+xy+y 2, B= ﹣ 3xy ﹣ x 2,计算:( 1) 3A ﹣ B( 2) A ﹣ B .【考点】 整式的加减.【分析】 (1)将 A 和 B 分别代入,然后按照整式的加减法则求解;( 2)将 A 和 B 分别代入,然后按照整式的加减法则求解.【解答】 解:( 1)把 A=x 2 2 2代入 3A ﹣B+xy+y , B= ﹣ 3xy ﹣ x 可得: 3x 2+3xy+3y 2+3xy+x 2=4x 2+6xy+3y 2;22 , B=﹣ 3xy 2代入 A ﹣ B(2)把 A=x +xy+y ﹣ x可得: x 2+xy+y 2+3xy+x 2=2x 2+4xy+y 2.【点评】 本题考查了整式的加减,解答本题的关键是掌握去括号法则和合并同类项法则.。



初一上Unit12 过关测试一. 单词拼写.(每空1分)1. 科学2. 描述3. 科目4. 合作者5. 写出星期一至星期天: . . . .. . .6. 生物学7. 城市8. 询问9. 美国10. 中国11. 在…之前12. 生活13.因为___________________14.疲倦的、累的___________15.在附近、到处______________二. 翻译短语.(每个1分)1. 忙于做某事2. 和…玩耍3. 对某人要求严格4. 对某事要求严格5. 下星期天6. 在星期六7. 上课三. 翻译句子.(每句4分)1. 你最喜爱的学科是什么?2. 你为什么喜欢数学?3. 因为体育课让人放松.4. 今天星期几?5. 今天星期一.6. 今天几号?7. 今天12月3号.8. 我父母每天忙于工作.9. 你看上去很疲惫.10. 我们老师在学习上对我们要求很严格.11. 我最喜爱的食物是汉堡包.12. 谁是你的美术老师?13. 这个故事确实有趣.14. 我们星期一到星期五上课.15. 你最喜欢哪种颜色?16. 他不喜欢和狗玩耍.17. 午饭后我上汉语课.18. 放学后我踢一小时足球.Keys:一、单词拼写:1.science2.description3.subject4.partner5. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.6.biology7.city8.ask9.America/ USA 10.China 11.before 12.life 13.because14.tired 15.around二、短语翻译:1.be busy doing sth.2.play with…3.be strict with sb.4. be strict about/in sth.5.next Sunday6.on Saturday7.have classes/ have a class三、翻译句子:1. What’s your favorite subject?2. Why do you like math?3. Because P.E. is relaxing.4. What day is it today?5. It is Monday.6. What’s the date today?7. It is December 3rd.8. My parents are busy with work every day.9. You look tired.10. Our teacher is very strictwith us on our study.11. My favorite food is hamburger.12. Who is your art teacher?13. The story is really interesting.14. We have classes from Monday to Friday.15. What color do you like best? / What’s your favorite color? 16. He doesn’t like to play with dogs.17. After lunch, I have Chinese.18. After school I play soccer for an hour.。



东田庄学校2010-2011学年度第一学期七年级数学第12周周末小卷班级__________ 姓名__________ 完成时间__________一、选择1、在方程23=-y x ,021=-+xx ,2121=x ,0322=--x x 中一元一次方程的个数为( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 2、下列等式中是一元一次方程的是( )A. S=21ab B. x -y=0 C. x=0 D .321+x =13、若方程x ax 35+=的解为x =5,则a 等于( )A. 80B. 4C. 16D. 24、已知方程(m+1)x ∣m ∣+3=0是关于x 的一元一次方程,则m 的值是 ( )A.±1B.1C.-1D.0或1 5、给出下面四个方程及其变形:①48020x x +=+=变形为;②x x x +=-=-75342变形为; ③253215x x ==变形为;④422x x =-=-变形为;其中变形正确的是( )A .①③④ B .①②④ C .②③④ D .①②③ 6、已知x=-3是方程k(x+4)-2k -x=5的解,则k 的值是( ) A.-2 B.2 C.3 D.5 7、方程∣2x -6∣=0的解是( ) A.3 B.-3 C.±3 D. 318、若代数式3a 4b x2与0.2b13-x a 4能合并成一项,则x 的值是( )A.21 B.1 C.31 D.09、下列变形中,正确的是()A 、若ac=bc ,那么a=b 。

B 、若cb c a =,那么a=bC 、a =b ,那么a=。

D 、若a 2=b 2那么a=b10、初一(一)班举行了一次集邮展览,展出的邮票比平均每人3张多24张,比平均每人4 张少26张,这个班共展出邮票的张数是 ( )A.164B.178C.168D.174 11、若a b ,是互为相反数()a ≠0,则一元一次方程,ax b +=0的解是A .1B .-1C .-1或1D .任意有理数.12、甲班有54人,乙班有48人,要使甲班人数是乙班的2倍,设从乙班调往甲班人数x ,可列方程( ) A .()54248+=-x xB .()48254+=-x xC .54248-=⨯xD .48254+=⨯x13、数学竞赛共有10道题,每答对一道题得5分,不答或答错一道题倒扣3分,要得到34分必须答对的题数是( )A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 914、某牧场放养的鸵鸟和奶牛一共70只, 已知鸵鸟和奶牛的腿数之和为196条,则鸵鸟的头数比奶牛多 ( )A 、20只B 、14只C 、15只D 、13只 15、若a =b ,则下列式子正确的有( )①a -2=b -2 ②13a =12b ③-34a =-34b ④5a -1=5b -1.(A )1个 (B )2个 (C )3个 (D )4个16、某工厂计划每天烧煤a 吨,实际每天少烧b 吨,则m 吨煤可多烧( )天A .m ma b - B .m a b - C .mm aa b -- D .mm a ba --17、已知1≠a ,则关于x 的方程a x a -=-1)1(的解是( )A .0=xB .1=xC .1-=xD .无解 二、填空1、当=x ___________时,代数式24+x 与93-x 的值互为相反数.2、今年母女两人的年龄和为60岁,10年前母亲的年龄是女儿的7倍,则今年女儿的年龄为____岁.3、自来水公司为鼓励节约用水,对水费按以下方式收取:用水不超过10吨,每吨按0.8元收费,超过10吨的部分按每吨1.5元收费,王老师三月份平均水费为每吨1.0元,则王老师家三月份用水_______吨.4、已知方程()7421=+--m xm 是关于x 的一元一次方程,则m=_________ .5、若253=-a ,则3a=_________;若23+=a x ,则x 21=________;6、当x =_________时,代数式133-+x x 与的值相等.7、如果2a+4=a -3,那么代数式2a+1的值是________。



泗阳县实验初级中学2021-2021学年七年级英语上册?Unit1-2?周练题人教新目的版制卷人:歐陽文化、歐陽理複;制卷時間:二O二二年二月七日一、选择:(20分)( )1.This is ______ interesting book. We all like itA. aB. anC. 不填D. the( )2. ______ you often ______ to school?A. Do, walkB. Are, walkC. Does, walkD. Do, walks ( )3.Amy _____________ every week.A. go swimmingB. goes swimingC. goes swimmingD. goes swim ( )4.Li Hua is a _______ player. He plays football very _________.A. well, goodB. good, wellC. good, goodD. well, well ( )5.Yao Ming is our hero. We often talk about _________.A. heB. hisC. himD. her( )6.Music makes us _________ great.( )7.I want ________ the volleyball match on TV at weekends.( )lie _________ up at 6:oo in the morning.A. not getB. doesn’t getC. don’t getD. isn’t get ( )9.----______ Mr. Wu from England? --- I don’t know.A. IsB. DoesC. DoD. Are( )10.---_______ do they play football? ---- In the playground.A. WhatB. HowC. WhenD. Where( )11.Which word has the same(一样的) “vowel〞(元音) as “h o me〞?A. c o meB. g oC. cl o ckD. br o ther( )12.----____________________? --- I like table tennis best.A. What is your favourite sportB. Do you like any sports?C. What do you want to doD.Do you like table tennis( )13.My sister __________ at home and _________ English at weekends.A. stays, studyB. staies, studiesC. stays, studiesD.stay, study( )14.Let her __________ with her parents.A. go homeB. go to homeC. going homeD. goes to home ( )15.Where ______ that boy _______ from?A. is, comeB. does, comeC. is, 不填D. B&C( )16.----I like reading. ________________?--- Me too.A. What about youB. And youC.What are youD. A&B( )17.Lily and I _______________________________.A. in Class 12 , Grade 7B. are in Class 12 ,Grade 7C. am in Grade 7 , Class 12D.study in 7 Grade, 12 Class ( )18._________ hair is not long. ______ is short.A. Millie , ItB. Millie’s , ItC. Millie’s, TheyD.Millie, She( )19.Kitty _______________ very much.A. enjoies danceingB.is enjoy dancingC.enjoys dancingD.enjoy dance( )20.---Does your father watch TV in the evening? --- ___________.A. Yes, he isB. No, he doesn’tC.No, he isn’tD. Yes, he do.二、完型填空:(10分)I have a good friend. ___1___ name is Peter. We study in the same (一样的) class at Sunshine Middle School. We are ____2_____. His favourite subject is music. He ___3___ many CDs. He loves ___4_____ music very much. He also likes playing football. After school we often play football in the playground. He is very nice.Peter ___5____ Chinese. He comes from___6____. He comes to Beijing ___7____ his family. His father is a doctor and his mother is a nurse. ___8____ work from Monday to Friday. At weekends, his mother often goes ____9_____ and his father goes fishing. Sometimes they go to the park. They __10___ like Chinese food. They are very happy in China.( )1. A. He B. He’s( )2. A. brothers B. friend C. classmates D.cousin( )3. A. have B. has C. there is D.there are ( )4. A. listen B.listen to C.listening to D.listening ( )5. A.isn’t B. not C. not is D.doesn’t be( )6. A.China B. England C.American D.English( )7. A.from B. for C.with D.to( )8. A. He B. She C. They D.There( )9. A. shop B. shopping C.shoping D.to shopping ( )10.A. are B. all C. are all D.very三、阅读理解: (10分)Hi, I’m Adam and I’m looking for new friends! I’m 11 years old and I live in Nanjing.I love sports. I like swimming, football and volleyball, but my favourite sport is tennis. I play it three times a week in a tennis club. Many of my friends are members of the club too. I hope to be a good tennis player one day, like all my heroes. At the weekend, I like to play sports in the park with my friends. I also like drawing and listening to music in my free time.Do you like sports too? Do you like tennis? What else do you enjoy?Send me an e-mail and we can be friends!Adam( )1.Adam is a member of a ________ club.( )2.Adam doesn’t like ___________.A. drawingB. basketballC. volleyballD. music( )3.Adam hopes to _____________________.A. play tennis with his heroes.B. listen to music in his free timeC. be a good tennis playerD. be a member of table tennis club ( )4.Adam often plays sports ______________.A.in the park with his friendsB.in the playground with his classmatesC. in the club with his heroesD. at home with his parents( )5.Adam writes the e-mail to look for __________.A. his favourite sportB.new friendsC. his heroesD. a club四、词汇。



泗阳县实验初级中学2021-2021学年七年级英语上册?Unit 1-2?周测试题2 人教新目的版一.根据句意、词首字母或者汉语提示写出单词(10分):1.I have a cat. I am its m .2.He is my f football player in China.3.I like listening to m very much.4. He’s in Class Two , (年级) Seven.5.He looks s . He plays football very well..6.Simon (真正地)likes playing football. He even plays it on rainy days..7.Yao Ming is my favourite basketball p .8.The little girl has long black h and big eyes.9. --What are your (业余爱好)?--Singing and dancing.10. Peter and Nick are new ______ (成员) of our team.二.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(10分):1.My parents ___________(not be) English teachers. They teach Maths.2.Many people ____ (speak) English in the world..3.I want (play) football after school.(study) in No.2 Middle School.5.Let’s (meet) my friends at the bus stop.6.Her uncle (not work) in Nanjing.7.Li Ping is a good boy. Everyone likes ___________(he).8. _______ your father _________(walk) to work every day?9.My (cousin) name is Annie.10.Kate enjoys (dance) after school.三.选择填空〔15分〕:( ) 1.Lily and Lucy love_________ very much.( ) 2.I like playing football , so I want to buy football.A. a / theB. a /×C.×/ aD.the /×( ) 3.It’s 8 o’clock in the morning.Let’s our class.( ) 4Sandy ________ playing ping-pang.A.isn’t likeB.doesn’t likeC.not likeD.don’t like( ) 5.Is your brother good ________ drawing?( ) 6.Betty enjoys music.A.listenB.listen toC.listeningD.listening to( ) 7. He goes to work by bus, but he walks________ after work.A.homeB. his homeC.to homeD. the home( ) 8.Li Hua is a football player.He plays football very .A.good / wellB.well / goodC.good / goodD.well / well.( ) 9.Do you often go in summer ?( ) 10.Simon with his friends football on Tuesday afternoon.A.playB.playsC.play theD.plays the( ) 11.Sam his homework at school.A.doesn’tB.doesn’t doC.isn’t doD.doesn’t does ( ) 12.Simon many ./ hobby B.has / hobby C.have / hobbies D.has / hobbies( ) 13.Here are some clothes .You must them.A.look likeB.look atC.look afterD.look for ( ) 14 your parents Beijing ?A.Are / fromB.Do / come fromC.Are / come fromD.A & B( ) 15. your long or short ?A.Is / hairB.Are / hairsC.Does / hairD.Do / hairs四、.根据要求变换句型〔15分〕:1. He does his homework in the evening. (改为否认句)He his homework in the evening.2. She studies Maths at school. (改为一般疑问句,并作否认答复)she Maths at school ? , she .3. They live with their parents now. (对画线局部提问)they _________ now ?4.Are you in the Reading Club ? (同义句)Are you a the Reading Club ?5.What’s your age ? (同义句)are you ?6. Does she study English at school? (改为肯定句)She ___________ English at school.五、翻译以下句子(15分):1.米莉喜欢照看她的小妹妹。


二、填空题(每小题5分,共25分) 6. 如图J12-3,已知线段AB=4,延长线段AB到点C,使BC=2AB,点D是 AC的中点,则DC的长等于____6____. 7. 如图J12-4,从学校A到书店B最近的路线是①号路线,得到这个结 论的根据是:____两__点__之__间__,__线__段__最__短___.
解:因为 CN=3 cm,点N是BC的中点, 所以BC=2CN=2×3=6(cm). 因为AB=15 cm, 所以AC=AB-BC=15-6=9(cm). 又因为点M是AC的中点, 所以MC= AC= ×9=4.5(cm).
周测(十二)-2020秋七年级人教版数 学上册 练习课 件
周测(十二)-2020秋七年级人教版数 学上册 练习课 件
解:由已知,得a=-4,b=1,c= , 原式=4a2b3-(2abc+4a2b3-7abc)=5abc. 当a=-4,b=1,c= 时,原式=-10.
周测(十二)-2020秋七年级人教版数 学上册 练习课 件
周测(十二)-2020秋七年级人教版数 学上册 练习课 件
14. 如图J12-7,点C在线段AB上,AB=15 cm,点M,N分别是AC,BC的 中点,CN=3 cm,求线段MC的长度.
周测(十二)-2020秋七年级人教版数 学上册 练习课 件

1.有感情地朗读课文,体会作者对海 底世界 的喜爱 之情, 激发学 生热爱 大自然 、探索 自然奥 秘的兴 趣。

2.引导学生凭借生动形象的语言文字 ,了解 海底是 个景色 奇异、 物产丰 富的世 界。

3.在品读文字中,继续巩固总分的构 段方法 ,初步 学习围 绕中心 句概述 自然段 主要内 容。



武清区杨村第五中学2021-2021年七年级英语上册 M12周周清外研版一、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. There __________ (be) a lot of housework to do.2. He never __________ (do) his homework at school.3. Would you like __________ (have) lunch with me?4. Let’s __________ (make) a cake for her.5. My little brother wants __________ (get) a new sweater.6. _________ he often __________ (listen) to the music in his free time?7. _________ the boys often __________ (play) football on the playground?8. Uncle Wang likes ___________ (make) things.9. What about __________ (get) to school at seven tomorrow morning?10. Lucy and I ___________(drink) much water every day.二、阅读短文,选择适当的词填入短文Camels are perfect for 1________ life. They have two rows of eyelashes (睫毛) to keep sand out of their 2________. They can close their long 3________ to keep out the sand, too. Camels have humps on their 4________--- some have one and some havetwo. Humps do not carry 5________. They carry 6________. If a camel is hungry, its hump will get smaller. If a camel is 7________ it will drink a lot of water at one 8________. A thirsty camel can drink up to one 9________ and forty litres of water. If it drinks a lot of water, it won’t drink 10________ for over a week.六、阅读短文,填入适当的单词Tom has a big dog. It can 1________ Tom do many thing. One day, Tom comes out of a shop and jump into a car. His dog comes after him, but he 2________ jump into the same car. It jumps into the next one.“Come here, silly dog!〞 Tom shouts at it but the dog stays in the other car. Tom tries to start () his car, but it doesn’t 3________. Then he looks at the car again. It is not 4________! He is in the wrong car! And the dog is in the 5________ one. “It’s sittling and laughing at me!〞 Tom thinks, and he laughs and gets into his car with the dog.三、阅读短文,答复以下问题It’s John’s birthday today. He is five years old. He gets many birthday presents from his family and one of them is a nice big drum (鼓).“Who gives him that drum?〞 his father asks.“His grandfatehr,〞 answers John’s mother.John likes his drum very much. But he makes a terrible noise (可怕的声响) with it, but his mother doesn’t say anything about it. His father works in a school. So he can’t hear the noise. But one of the neighbours doesn’t like the noise. One morning she takes a knife and goes to John’s home. John is making a noise with thedrum. She says to him, “Hello, John. Do you know there is something very nice in your drum? Here’s a knife. Open the drum and let’s find it.〞“OK.〞 John answers happily.1. How old is John now?_________________________________________.2. What is John’s favourite present?_________________________________________.3. What does the neighbour give Jonh one day?_________________________________________.4. Is there anything in the drum?_________________________________________.5. Why does the neighbour let him open the drum?_________________________________________.四. 翻译以下单词或者短语。



七年级英语上册(第12周)组合训练【完型填空】People eat different things in l parts(部分)of the world.In 2 countries, people eat rice every day. Sometimes they eat it twice 3 threetimes a 4 breakfast, lunch and supper. They eat it 5 meat, fish and vegetables.Some people do not eat 6 kinds of meat. Muslims(穆斯林), for example(举个例子), do not eat pork The Japanese eat lots of 7 , and they also eat a lot of rice. In western (西方)countries such as Britain, Australia and the USA, 8 important food is bread and potatoes. People there can cook potatoes in many different ways.Some people eat 9 fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish 10 anything that comes from animals. They only eat food from plants(植物). Some people say that food from plants is better for us than meat.( ) 1.A different B the different C. same D. the same( ) 2.A every B. some C. each D. all( ) 3. A and B. but C. or D. so( ) 4. A to B. with C. at D. for( ) 5. A for B. to C. with D. in( ) 6.A some B. any C. each D. no( ) 7. A the fish B. fish C. the meat D. meat( ) 8. A, good B. the best C. the most D. many( ) 9. A all B. every C. each D. only( )10. A and B. and no C. no D. or【阅读理解】AA large number of people in the world eat fast food.Wheneveryou go into a fast food restaurant, you can see lots of people enjoyingtheir meals there.How do you know in which country people like fastfood best?The English people are the wo rld’s biggest fans of fast food, while the French are the least interested in quick meals, according to a survey done last year.The survey of thirteen countries shows 45%of the English people say they can’t give up fast food because it’s delicious.And 44%of Americans and 37%of Canadians say the same.The French, proud of their delicious and high-class cuisine, don’t like fast food.81%of them think it is unhealthy, followed by 75%of the Japanese.How about the Chinese? How often do you have hamburgers or fried chicken? It doesn’t matter whether you like Western fast food or Chinese food.The most important thing is to keep a balanced diet.1.From the survey we know ________ like fast food best.A. the ChineseB. the FrenchC. the JapaneseD. the English2.The survey shows ________ of Americans like fast food.A. 37%B. 44%C. 75%D. 81%3.According to the survey, some people can’t give up fast food because ________.A. it’s cheapB. it’s safeC. it’s d eliciousD. it’s healthy4.The word “cuisine” in the passage means ________.A. foodB. houseC. waterD. country5. The survey is about ________.A. Western countriesB. fast foodC. restaurants in the worldD. Chinese foodBWhat can you do to keep fit? Perhaps(可能)for children, healthy eating is one of the most important things. Here are some ideas about how to eat healthily.Having breakfastA good breakfast is very important for children. It's necessary(必要的) to have it in the morning. But some children often go to school without(没有).breakfast, just because theywant to sleep a little longer, But a good breakfast will help you study better.Having milk"My dream is that all the Chinese children car get half a kilo of milk a day." The former Premier(前总理)Wen Jiabao said this during (在……期间) his visit to a milk farm. Milk is also very important to children's health. It makes children grow stronger. It's better for you to have a glass of warm milk before going to bed. That will help you have a good sleep.Having healthy foodHaving healthy food is the most important. That means(意思是)eating lots of different kinds of food, especially(尤其)fruit and vegetables. Don't eat too many sweet snacks. Some of you like eating fast food, but it is not good for your health. Try to eat healthy food as much as possible(尽量多).6. According to (根据) this passage. for children, ______ is one of the most important things to keep fit.A. taking exerciseB. healthy eatingC. enough sleepD. laughing7. Some students get up late in the morning so that (以至于)__________A. they are always late for schoolB. they often go to school without breakfastC. they can't catch the first busD. they are afraid(害怕的)of going to school8. It is better for us to have a glass of warm__________before going to bed.A .water B.juice k D.Coke9. In fact, which one of the following is bad for our health?A. Fast foodB. Vegetables.C. Fruit.D. Meat.10. What's the main idea of the passage?A. Do have breakfast every day.B. Fruit and vegetables are healthy food.C. It's necessary to drink milk every day.D. Eating healthily can help you keep fit.【阅读表达】Do you know what the most popular(最流行的) exercise is now? Yes, it's yoga(瑜伽). Yoga is from India (印度). It's a kind of exercise. Many young people today practise yoga. This kind of exercise is good for the body. Yoga can also keep the spiritIt can keep you away from unhealthy habits (不健康的习惯). Some fat people ptactise yoga because it can help them lose weight (减肥). Many young people learn yoga because they want to keep healthy.Yoga is not easy but you can have a try! Practise Yoga, and you will enjoy your life !1. What's this article about?2. Why do many fat people learn yoga?3. Would you like to practise yoga? Why or why not?【书面表达】写一篇英语短文,40词左右,介绍你自己。



七年级数学第12周联考试卷一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.的倒数是( )A .2B .﹣2C .D .﹣2.下列各方程中,是一元一次方程的是( )A .x ﹣2y=4B .xy=4C .﹣4D .3y ﹣1=43.下列各式中,次数为3的单项式是( )A .x 2+y 2B .x 2yC .x ﹣2yD .3xy4.下列说法错误的是( )A .0的相反数是0B .正数的相反数是负数C .一个数的相反数必是正数D .互为相反数的两个数到原点的距离相等 5.下列各数中,在﹣2和0之间的数是( )A .﹣1B .1C .﹣3D .36.下列计算正确的是( )A .3m+4n=7mnB .7m ﹣3m=4C .3m+m=3m 2D .3m 2n ﹣4m 2n=﹣m 2n7.下列运用等式的性质对等式进行变形,正确的是( )A .由=0,得x=4B .由2x+1=4,得x=5C .由﹣2x=6,得x=3D .由8x=5x+3,得x=18.一项工程,甲队单独完成需要20天,乙队单独完成需要30天,如果先由甲队单独做5天,则剩下部分由甲、乙两队合作完成还需要的天数是( )A .9B .10C .12D .159.若23(2)6m m x --=是一元一次方程,则m 等于( ). A 、1 B 、2 C 、1或2 D 、任何数10. 蜗牛在井里距井口1米处,它每天白天向上爬30cm ,但每天晚上又下滑20cm.蜗牛爬出井口需要的天数( )A 、 8天B 、9天C 、10天D 、11天二、填空题(每小题3分,共24分)11.﹣3的相反数是.12.月球与地球的平均距离约为384400千米,将数384400用科学记数法表示为.13.已知长方形的长为am,宽为bm,则长方形的周长是m.14.用四舍五入法把数1.703精确到0.1约等于.15.若关于x的一元一次方程ax﹣3=2x的解与方程5x+1=﹣9的解相同,则a的值为16..16..数轴上A点表示的数是+4,B,C两点所表示的两个数互为相反数,且C点与A点的距离为2,则B点对应的有理数是__________.17.已知方程23252x x-+=-的解也是方程32x b-=的解,则b=____________.18.一组按规律排列的数:,请你推断第n个数是______.三、解答题(共66分)19.计算(共8分)(1)2+(﹣3)+(﹣5)(2)﹣12016﹣(1﹣0.5)÷3×[3﹣(﹣3)2].20.(8分)先化简,再求值:x+2(3y2﹣2x)﹣4(2x﹣y2),其中x=2,y=﹣2.21.解方程(共8分)(1)3(x ﹣1)=5+7 (2)﹣=﹣x .22.(共8分)若x 、y 互为相反数,a 、b 互为倒数,c 的绝对值等于2,求()2016﹣(﹣ab )2015+c 323.(共8分)的解?的方程的解,求关于(是方程已知42)4(2)31-21-=+=-=mx x m x y y m y24.(共8分)在手工制作课上,老师组织七年级班的学生用硬纸制作圆柱形茶叶筒七年级班共有学生44人,其中男生人数比女生人数少2人,并且每名学生每小时剪筒身50个或剪筒底120个. 七年级班有男生、女生各多少人?要求一个筒身配两个筒底,为了使每小时剪出的筒身与筒底刚好配套,应该分配多少名学生剪筒身,多少名学生剪筒底?25、(8分)整理一批数据,由一人做需80小时完成,现在计划先由一些人做2小时,再增加5人做8小时,完成这项任务,怎样安排参与整理数据的具体人数?26、(10分)“水是生命之源”,某城市自来水公司为了鼓励居民节约用水,规定按以下标准收取水费:用水量元不超过超过另:每立方米用水加收(1)如果1月份某用户用水量为19m3,那么该用户1月份应该缴纳水费______元(2)某用户2月份共缴纳水费80元,那么该用户2月份用水多少?(3)若该用户水表3月份出了故障,只有70%的用水量记入水表中,这样该用户在3月份只缴纳了58.6元水费,问该用户3月份实际应该缴纳水费多少元?。

北师大 七年级 第12周周末练习

北师大 七年级 第12周周末练习

- 1 -第十二周 周末综合练习1\有理数一、单项选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.如果某台家用电冰箱冷藏室的温度是4℃,冷冻室的温度比冷藏室的温度低22℃,那么这台电冰箱冷冻室的温度为( )A .26-℃B .22-℃C .18-℃D .16-℃2.如果 a 与-2互为倒数,那么a 是 ( )A. -2B. -21C. 21D. 23.计算61×(-6)÷(61-)×6的值为 ( )A. 1B. 36C. -1D. +6 4.有理数a 、b 在数轴上的对应的位置如图所示, 则( )-11abA .a + b <0B .a + b >0C .a -b = 0D .a -b >0 5.下列说法中正确的是 ( )A. 一个数的平方不能是负数.B. 一个数的平方只能是正数.C. 一个数的平方一定大于这个数.D. 一个数的平方一定不小于这个数. 6.一个有理数的平方与它本身的和等于0,那么这个数是( ) A. 0或1 B. 0或-1 C. 0 D. -1 7.一个数和它的倒数相等,则这个数是( ) A .1 B .1- C .±1 D .±1和0 8.两个有理数相除,其商是负数,则这两个有理数( )A .都是负数B .都是正数C .一正数一负数D .有一个是零 9.下列各对数中,不是相反数的是( )A .-5.2与-[+(-5.2)]B . 41-与4(1)-C . -(-8)与 -|-8 |D . +(-3)与 –[-(-3)]10.若│x │=2,│y │=3,则│x + y │的值为( ) A .5 B .5- C .5或1 D .以上都不对 二、填空题(每小题3分,共21分)11.-0.8的相反数是 ,绝对值是 ,倒数是 .12.绝对值大于1而不大于3的整数有 ,它们的和是 . 13.在-3, -2 ,-1 ,4 ,5中取出三个数,把三个数相乘,所得到的最大乘积是 .14. 的平方等于64; 的立方等于64.15.大肠杆菌每过20分便由1个分裂成2个,经过3小时后这种大肠杆菌由1个分裂成__________个.16.随着中国综合国力的提升,近年来全球学习汉语的人数不断增加.据报道,2005年海外学习汉语的学生人数已达38 200 000人,用科学记数法表示为 人.17.若(a + 1)2+|b+2|=0 ,则a + b=_____.三、解答题(18小题6分,19小题25分,20,21,22小题各6分,共49分)18.(本小题6分)把下列各数分别填在相应的集合内:-11 、 4.8 、 73 、 -2.7、61、3.1415926、 -43、 39 、 0正数集合{ … } 负数集合{ … } 整数集合{ … } 负分数集合{ … } 19.计算(每小题5分,共25分)(1) 13)18()14(20----+- (2) 234234⎛⎫⎛⎫⨯-+- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭÷(0.25)-班级:_______学号:_______姓名:_______- 2 -(3)2210.533⎛⎫-⨯- ⎪⎝⎭÷119 (4)111(2)(24)264-+⨯-(5)-1101-[ -3× ( 2 ÷ 3 )2-34÷ 22]20.(本小题6分)一天,甲乙两人利用温差测量山峰的高度,甲在山顶测得温度是 -1ºC ,乙此时在山脚测得温度是5ºC ,已知该地区高度每增加100米,气温大约降低0.6ºC ,这个山峰的高度大约是多少米?21. (本小题6分)规定△是一种新的运算符号,且12-+⨯-=∆a b a a b a ,例如:计算1126412322322-=-+-=-+⨯-=∆ 。



七年级上周测(十二)班级__________ 姓名_____________ 学号______________ 得分_____________ 一、选择题(每题3分,共27分)1•下列方程中,是一元一次方程的是()A. 3无-1=?B. x2 -4x = 3C. x + 2y = lD. -3 = 52.方程-2x =丄的解是()2A. x = —B. x = —4C. x = -■-D. x = —4443.已知等式3a = 2b + 5,则下列等式中不一定成立的是()25A. 3a_5 = 2bB. 3ac - 2bc + 5C. 3d + l = 2b + 6D. a =—b + —334.若关于x的方程2X + Q —4 = 0的解是x = —2,则曰的值是()A. 8B. 0C. 2D. -85.下列等式变形不正确的是()丨 |A、如果s = — ab,那么b二一;B、如果一x = 6,那么x = 122 a2C、如果x — 3 = y — 3,那么x — y = 0;D、如果mx = my,那么x = y6.已知某商店冇两个进价不同的计算器都卖了80元,其中一个盈利60%,另一个亏损60%,在这次买卖中,这家商店()A.不盈不右B.盈利10兀C.万损90兀D.盈利90兀7、一个长方形的周长为26cm,这个长方形的长减少lcm,宽增加2cm,就口J成为一个止方形,设长方形的长为xcm,可列方程:()A、x + 1 = (13 — x) — 2 B、%—1 =(13 — x) + 2C、x + 1 —(26 — x) — 2D、x — 1 =(26 —兀)+ 28、宏博出租车的收费标准是:起步价7元(即行驶距离不超过3千米都需要7元车费),超过3千米以后,每增加1千米,加收2. 4元(不足1千米按1千米计算),浩男从甲地到乙地花了19元,设经过的路程是兀千米,则可以列方程为()4.7 + 2.4% = 19 B. 7 + 2.4(%-3) = 19C.7 + 3x = 19 £).3 + 2.4(兀-7) = 199、北大附中足球队训练用的足球是山32块黑口相间的牛皮缝制而成的,其中黑皮可看作疋五边形,白皮可看作疋六边形,黑、白皮块的数冃比为3:5,耍求出黑皮、白皮的块数,若设黑皮的块数为X,则列出的方程正确的是二、填空题(每题3分,共24分)10、 若代数式巳-1的值是1,则k 二 _____________ .311. 一个两位数,二个数位上数字之和为兀,若个位上的数字为2,则这个两位数为 ______________ 。



泗阳县实验初级中学2021-2021学年七年级英语上册?Unit 1-2?周测试题1 人教新目的版姓名:________________ 得分:______________一、选择填空(20分)( ) 1. – Are you my classmate? –Yes, . _________A. you areB. we areC. I amD. I’m( ) 2. _____ you _____ sports?A. Are, likeB. Do, likesC. Does, likeD. Do, like( ) 3. He __________ Nanjing and now he lives in Beijing.A. is come fromB. come fromC. is fromD. be from( ) 4. He lives _____Beijing.A. inB. onC. atD. /( ) 5. Let’s _________ my new classmates .A. meetingB. to meetC. meetD. meets( )6. Kitty loves____ .A. dancesB. danceC. dancingD. is dancing( )7. Amy_____ long hair.A. isB. haveC. hasD. does( )8.______ favourite sport, Simon?A. What's youB. What's yourC. What are yourD. What are you( )9. I often play _____football after school.A. aB. theC. anD. 不填( )10. — I’m Peter. What’s your name?— My name is Nick. Glad to meet you.---- _________________.A. I’m fine tooB. Thank you.C. Glad to meet you too.D. Goodbye( )11. He enjoys _________because he is good at ___________.A. swim, swimB. swim , swimmingC. swimming, swimmingD. swimming, swim( )12. — _____ your cousin Tom good at football? — Yes. He often plays it.A. IsB. AreC. DoesD. Do( )13._______your father and mother both teachers?A. DoB. areC. IsD. Are( )14. We have ________art lesson_________ every Monday.A. a, onB. an, onC. an, inD. an, /( )15. Daniel is a very _______football player and he plays very _____.A. good ,goodB. well, goodC. good ,wellD. well, well( )16. Many people like______A. IB. sheC. himD. your( ) 17. Mr Wu ___________ happy today.A. isn’tB.not isC. doesn’tD. don’t be( )18. _____ our school nice?A.AreB. IsC. DoD. Does( )19.--- Do you like sports? ---- ___________.A. Yes, I amB. No, I don’tC. Yes, I doesD. No, I do( )20. Look, desks very old.A. their; isB. they; areC. their; areD. They, are二、完形填空(10分)This is a big tree. I can 1 a girl under it. She 2 a student. 3 name is Kate Green. She is 4 American girl. Kate is 5 a yellow dress. It 6 very nice. 7 boy near Kate is her brother, Jim. Jim is on a blue bike. His coatis blue and his shoes 8 white. Kate and Jim are good __9___. They ___10___ in the same school.( )1. A. look B. watch C. read D. see( )2. A. has B. is C. looks D. are( )3. A. Her B. His C. My D. Its( )4. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )5. A. on B. with C. in D. wear( )6. A. see B. sees C. look D. looks( )7. A. The B. A C. An D. /( )8. A. is B. have C. has D. are( )9. A. students B. boys C. girls D. friend( )10. A. am B. is C. are D. be三、阅读理解(10分)Hi. I’m Mike.I’m a student at No. 14 Middle School. Do you want to know my life? Let me tell you about it. I usually get up at 7:00 in the morning. I have my breakfast at 7:10. My parents always prepare〔准备〕the breakfast for me. I go to school at 7:30. We have 7 lessons every day from Monday to Friday. I like English lesson very much. After school, I like playing ping-pong and basketball with my friends. There is a very big playground in our school.( )1. I have my breakfast at ______.A. 7:00B. 7:10C. 7:30( )2. I have seven lessons ______.A. every dayB. at the weekendC. five days a week( )3. I like ______ very much.A. EnglishB. ChineseC. art lesson( )4. There is a big ______ in No. 14 Secondary School.A. gardenB. libraryC. playground( )5. I like playing ______ with my friends.A. ping-pong and basketballB. footballC. football and basketball四、根据中文注释或者首字母填入适当的单词。



普宁培青中学七年级数学上册第12周练习卷命题人:满分:100分家长签名:班级:______________ 姓名:________________ 座位号:________ 总分一. 选择题(每小题3分,共10小题) 答案写在表格内题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案1. 下列说法正确的是(*)A.过一点P只能作一条直线B.直线AB和直线BA表示同一条直线C.射线AB和射线BA表示同一条射线D.射线a比直线b短2. 下列说法正确的是(*)A.连结两点的线段叫做两点的距离B.线段的中点到线段两个端点的距离相等C.到线段两个端点距离相等的点叫做线段的中点D.AB=BC,则点B是线段AC的中点3.下面表示∠ABC的图是(*)A.B.C.D.4. 直线AB和直线CD相交于点O,若∠AOC=40°,则∠BOC等于(*)(第4题图)(第5题图)A.40°B.60°C.140°D.160°5.如图,∠AOB为平角,且∠AOC=∠BOC,则∠BOC的度数是(*)A.100°B.135°C.120°D.60°6. 如下图所示,图中共有(*)条线段.A.5B.6C.7D.87. 如果线段AB=5cm,BC=3cm,那么A、C两点间的距离是(*)A.8cm B.2cm C.4cm D.不能确定8. 现在的时间是9点30分,时钟面上的时针与分针的夹角是(*)A.90°B.100°C.105°D.107°9. 如图,C是线段AB的中点,D是CB上一点,下列说法中错误的是(*)A.CD=BC B. CD=AC﹣BDC.CD=AB﹣BD D.CD=AD﹣BC10. 如图,CO⊥AB,DO是∠AOC的平分线,EO是∠BOC的平分线,则∠DOE的度数是(*)A.89°B.90°C.91°D.92°二.填空题(每小题4分,共7小题)11. 若将弯曲的河道改直,可以缩短航程,根据是12. 45°=平角,周角=度.13. 如图,点D在直线AB上,当∠1=∠2时,CD与AB的位置关系是14. 在直线AB上,AB=10,AC=16,那么AB的中点与AC的中点的距离为15. 已知∠AOB=40°,∠AOC=90°,OD平分∠BOC,则∠AOD的度数是16. 如图,∠AOC和∠BOD都是直角,如果∠AOB=140°,那么∠COD的度数为17.选定多边形的一个顶点,连接这个顶点和多边形的其余各个顶点,得到了8个三角形,则原多边形的边数是三.解答题(共5大题)18.(10分)如图,OE为∠AOD的平分线,∠COD=∠EOC,∠COD=15°,求:①∠EOC的大小;②∠AOD的大小.19.(8分)如图,C是线段AB上一点,M是AC的中点,N是BC的中点(1)若AM=1,BC=4,求MN的长度.(2)若AB=6,求MN的长度.20.(8分)如图,点O是直线AB上一点.∠AOC=30°,∠BOD=60°,OM、ON 分别是∠AOC、∠BOD的平分线,求∠MON的度数.21.(8分)如图,已知∠BAE=∠CAF=110°,∠CAE=60°,AD是∠BAF的角平分线,求∠BAD的度数.22.(8分)【探索题】如图,线段AB上的点数与线段的总数有如下关系:如果线段AB上有三个点时,线段总共有3条,如果线段AB上有4个点时,线段总数有6条,如果线段AB上有5个点时,线段总数共有10条,…(1)当线段AB上有6个点时,线段总数共有条.(2)当线段AB上有101个点时,线段总数共有多少条?请写出过程普宁培青中学七年级数学上册第12周练习卷参考答案一. 选择题(每小题3分,共10小题)二.填空题(每小题4分,共7小题)11. 两点之间线段最短12. 14,27013. 垂直14. 3或1315. 25°16. 40°17. 10三.解答题(共7小题)18.解:①由∠COD=14∠EOC,得∠EOC=4∠COD=4×15°=60°;②由角的和差,得∠EOD=∠EOC﹣∠COD=60°﹣15°=45°由角平分线的性质,得∠AOD=2∠EOD=2×45°=90°19.解:(1)∵N是BC的中点,M是AC的中点,AM=1,BC=4∴CN=2,AM=CM=1∴ MN=MC+CN=3;(2)∵M是AC的中点,N是BC的中点,AB=6∴NM=MC+CN=12AB=3.20.解:∵∠AOC=30°,∠BOD=60°,OM、ON分别是∠AOC、∠BOD的平分线,∴∠AOM=12∠AOC=12×30°=15°,∠BON=12∠BOD=12×60°=30°,∴∠MON=180°﹣∠AOM﹣∠BON=180°﹣15°﹣30°=135°.21. 解:∵∠BAE=∠CAF=110°,∠CAE=60°,∴∠EAF=∠BAC=110°﹣60°=50°,∴∠BAF=110°+50°=160°,又∵AD是∠BAF的角平分线,∴∠BAD=12∠BAF=12×160°=80°.22.(1)15;(2)当线段AB上有101个点时,线段总数共有1+2+3+…+100=12(100+1)×100=5050条.。




( )1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.(Ⅱ)根据所听对话,选出正确答案,每组对话读两遍。

( )6. Where does the woman want to go?A. Supermarket.B. Bank.C. Post office.( )7. What does Sue think of game shows?A. She loves them.B. She can’t stand them.C. She doesn’t mind them. ( )8. What is Kate doing?A. She’s writing an e-mail.B. She’s playing computer games.C. She is in Sydney.( )9. What does Linda’s father do?A. He’s a doctor.B. He’s a reporter.C. He’s an actor.( )10. What did Mike do on holiday?A. He went to the beach.B. He went to the Great Wall.C. He went to the mountains.(Ⅲ) 根据所听短文,选出正确答案,短文读两遍。

( )11. Holly will leave school when she is ________ years old.A. 9B. 12C. 18( )12. Holly’s favorite subject is ________.A. geographyB. mathC. science( )13. Holly usually wears her ________ to school.A. school uniformB. cool clothesC. favorite skirt ( )14. Holly likes to ________ in the woods behind her house.A. play sportsB. read booksC. take a walk ( )15. Holly likes playing ________.A. volleyball and soccerB. tennis and soccerC. tennis and basketball二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)( )1. I have much fun ___ today, thanks ____ inviting me.A. on, withB. / ,forC. on. forD. /, to ( )2. They always do_______ activities_______.A. after-school; after schoolB. after-school; after-schoolC. after school; after schoolD. after school; after-school( )3. -How often does the girl eat fish? -_______.A. TwiceB. A dayC. OftenD. Two hours ( )4. Lucy usually dances_______ two hours every day.A. onB. ofC. forD. in( )5. What ____________subjects do you learn at school?A. elseB. otherC. othersD. another( )6. —Which festival comes first in the year? —_______________.A. Thanksgiving DayB. Chinese New YearC. HalloweenD. Christmas( )7. Please _________who broke (打破) the window.A. look forB. lookC. findD. find out( )8. —I think she _____ a doctor.— I don’t think so, ______ she is a nurse ,I guess.A. maybe, may beB. may be, maybeC. maybe, maybeD. may be, may be( )9. He’s _________ in th e USA now, so you don’t need to visit him.A. in a holidayB. for holidayC. to holidayD. on holiday ( )10. The price is too ______. I won’t take it.A. highB. largeC. muchD. expensive ( )11. Dad, my trousers are old. I want to buy a new ______.A. trousersB. oneC. itD. pair( )12. This pair of jeans 300 yuan. She can’t pay for them.A. paysB. spendsC. takesD. costs( )13. Don’t make him ________all the time. Tell him __________a rest.A. work, haveB. work, to haveC. to work, to haveD. to work, have( )14. There is _____________ sheep at the foot of the hill.A. fewB. a fewC. a littleD. little ( )15. There are_______ in our town.A. two Japanese and five AmericanB. two Japaneses and five AmericanC. two Japanese and five AmericansD. two Japaneses and five Americans三、完型填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)John is a famous writer now. But he said he was not a (1)______ student when he was young. He was often late for (2)_____ and didn't like doing his homework. Sometimes, he slept in class while the teacher was teaching. He didn't understand much, (3)______ he always thought he understood everything. One day the teacher (4)_____ the students a question, “When Jack was t en years old, (5)_______ brother Bob was twenty, Jack is fifteen now and (6)______ is his brother Bob?”John said, “That's easy. Bob is twice as old as Jack, so he is now thirty.”Another time, the (7)______ in a science class asked, “When it thunders(打雷), (8)______ do we always see the light before we (9)______ the sound?”“But, Miss,”said John quickly, “don't you (10)______ our eyes are in front of our ears?”( ) 1. A. good B. tall C. rich D. fat( ) 2. A. sleep B. lunch C. class D. play( ) 3. A. so B. and C. or D. but( ) 4. A. sent B. asked C. told D. found( ) 5. A. your B. my C. his D. her( ) 6. A. how many B. how old C. what D. who( ) 7. A. teacher B. farmer C. nurse D. policeman( ) 8. A. what B. when C. where D. why( ) 9. A. break B. make C. hear D. smell( ) 10.A. read B. hope C. study D. know四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)(A)There are all kinds of funny things. They happen in class every day. We met one today and had a good laugh.Mr Li, our history teacher, is having class while Zhang Feng is talking too much in class. Mr Li said, "Be quiet, please." But it is no use. Then he said, "I have a question: When do people talk least?"No one could answer it. Mr Li called Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng stood there and didn't know how to answer it. Then he had an idea, "In February, sir.""Why?" All of us became interested."Because February is the shortest month of a year. "Everybody burst into a big laugh.Mr Li said with a smile, "I know. You talk so much because it's February. You want to make it the same as the other months, right?"All the students laughed again. Zhang Feng's face turned red. "Sorry, sir. I won't do that.""That's the boy! Let's go on having class."( ) 1. The funny thing happened_______.A. at Zhang Feng's homeB. at the history teacher's officeC. after classD. in February( ) 2. From the passage, we know Zhang Feng is_______.A. naughty(淘气的) but cleverB. a bad boyC. stupidD. funny( ) 3. Why did Zhang Feng answer "People talked least in February"?A. Because they were in February then.B. Because he didn't know how to answer Mr Li's question.C. Because February is shorter than the other months.D. Because in February people didn't like talking.( ) 4. Why did Zhang Feng's face turn red?A. Because all the students laughed.B. Because his answer was wrong.C. Because he knew he made a mistake.D. Because his face turned red easily.( ) 5. What did it happen in class at last?A. Mr. Li stopped having class.B. Wang Feng went on talking.C. The class turned quiet and Mr. Li went on having class.D. All the students went out of the classroom.(B)Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. you can’t open the window. You can’t choose the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city.I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train you can catch another one. you can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.I also like cars. You can start your journey(旅行)when you want to, and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.( ) 6. Why do many people like to travel by plane?A. Because it is fast.B. Because it is safe.C. Because you can walk around in the plane.D. Because it is cheap. ( ) 7. Which is not the good thing about the train?A. It is safe.B. It takes a little more time.C. You can open the windows.D. You can walk around in the train. ( ) 8. If you want to take a lot of things with you, what do you take to go out?A. A busB.A car.C.A trainD. A bike( ) 9. What is the bad thing about the car?A. you needn’t go to a stationB. you can start your journey when you want to.C. There are too many cars on the road.D. You needn't go to a bus station.( ) 10. What does the writer think of the plane, train and car?A. he thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and get out of the airport.B. He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time.C. He likes to take a car because he has a car.D. He likes to take a plane because it's fast.(C)Many people don't think that the number 13 is a lucky number. Many hotels do not have a 13th floor. The floors go from 12 to 14, and there is no number 13. Some people will never sit at a table with 12 other people. They will tell someone to go or ask another person to sit with them.No one really knows why people do not like the number 13. Perhaps one reason is that when people began to count(数) they used ten fingers and two hands. This made 12. They could not count more.Some Christians (基督徒) say that 13 is not lucky because there were 13 people at a meal the day before Jesus (耶稣) was killed (被杀). In a story about the old Greek (希腊的) gods(神), 12 gods were asked to a meal but one more came. This made 13. It is why the god Balder, who was at the meal, was killed. ( ) 11. There is often no floor number 13 in ___.A. restaurantsB. countriesC. hotelsD. Greece( ) 12. One way people can count is by using their __.A. fingersB. hotelsC. tablesD. gods( ) 13.Some people will never sit at a table with twelve other people. Or______.A. all of them will leaveB. they will wait for two other people to comeC. they will never come for dinner togetherD. they will ask one of them to leave( ) 14. The Christian story and the Greek story both talk about_______.A. JesusB. the number13C. BalderD. Hotels( ) 15. The story is about _________.A. the death of JesusB. the person who killed BalderC. the way people count with their fingersD. why 13 is not a lucky number五、词汇运用(每空填一词)(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. Would you like to help the children in poor _________(/’εəriəz /)?2. Players need lots of _________ [ˈenədʒi] every day.3. When you are in the supermarket, the s__________ are always friendly to you.4. I often have dinner at my_______ (grandparent) home when my parents go out.5. —I am still hungry(饿). Can I have some ______ bread?一Sure. Here you are.6. Tim got 95 _____________(分) in this Chinese exam this time.7. Look at the clouds. It ______ (似乎)to rain soon.8. —Do you help your mom_______ your sister every morning?—Yes. I usually bring my mother clothes before my sister wakes up.9. What is this bottle _________ (满的) of?10. How about ______ (watch) fireworks on the Times Square? I think it’s very interesting.11. I think each of them ______ (have) a basketball already.12. —Excuse me. How far is the post office from here?—It's about ten _______ (minute) walk.13. They are _________ (计划) what to do next week .14. The beef (尝起来) very nice.15. Look, Tom is cutting(切) the apple into two ________.(half).七、翻译句子(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)1.他用他的零花钱给爸爸买了个钱包。



普宁培青中学七年级数学上册第12周周测卷班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________ 座号:__________ 总分:一. 选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1. 下列表示线段的方法中,正确的是(* )A.线段A B.线段AB C.线段ab D.线段Ab2. 如图,在直线l上依次有A,B,C三点,则图中线段共有(* )A.4 条B.3 条C.2 条D.1 条3.下列说法正确的是(* )A.两点之间所有连线中,直线最短B.连接两点的线段叫两点间的距离C.过两点有且只有一条直线D.延长直线AB4.如图,C为线段AB上一点,D为线段BC的中点,AB=20,AD=14,则AC的长为(* )A.10 B.8 C.7 D.65. 如图几何体,从正面看得到的图形是(* )A.B.C.D.6. 如图,是一个正方体的平面展开图,当把它折成一个正方体时,与“动”字相对的面上的字是(* )A.健B.康C.快D.乐7.在﹣(﹣8),﹣|﹣7|,0,(﹣2)2,﹣32这五个数中,负数共有(* )A.4个B.3个C.2个D.1个8. 如果|a+2|+(b﹣1)2=0,那么代数式(a+b)2018的值是(* )A.1 B.﹣1 C.±1 D.20089. 下面是小明同学做的四道题:①3m+2m=5m;②5x﹣4x=1;③﹣p2﹣2p2=﹣3p2;④3+x=3x.你认为他做正确了(* )A.1道B.2道C.3道D.4道10.如果2x﹣y=3,那么代数式1+4x﹣2y的值为(* )A.5 B.7 C.﹣5 D.﹣7二. 填空题(每小题4分,共24分)11.要在墙上固定一根木条,至少要个钉子,根据的原理是12. 如图,能用字母表示出来的不同射线有 条,线段有 条.13. 从哈尔滨开往A 市的特快列车,途中要停靠两个站点,如果任意两站间的票价都不相同,那么有 种不同的票价.14. 如图,C ,D 是线段AB 上两点,若CB=5cm ,DB=9cm ,且点D 是AC 的中点,则AB= cm .15. 计算:31121=42⎛⎫⨯-⨯ ⎪⎝⎭16. 根据如图所示的程序计算,写出关于x 的代数式为 ;若输入x 的值为1,则输出y 的值为 .三.解答题17. 如图有三点A 、B 、C ,请按照下列语句画出图形.(1)画直线AB ; (2)画射线AC ; (3)连结BC .18.如图,已知线段AB=6,延长线段AB到C,使BC=2AB,点D是AC的中点.求:(1)AC的长;(2)BD的长.19. 如图,已知线段AB,请用尺规按下列要求作图.(保留作图痕迹,不写作法)(1)延长线段AB到C,使BC=AB;(2)延长BA到D,使DA=2AB.20.已知,C是线段AB上的点,D是线段AB的中点,AB=20,BC=6.(1)如图1,求CD的长;(2)如图2,若E是线段AC的中点,求ED的长.21.计算:(1)﹣12+16÷(﹣2)3×|﹣3﹣1| (2)﹣2.5÷58×(141 )22.化简:(1)2(x2y﹣3x)﹣3(x2y﹣2x﹣1) (2)4x2﹣[7x2﹣3(x2﹣x)]23. 某城市按以下规定收取每月的煤气费:用气不超过60立方米,按每立方米0.8元收费;如果超过60立方米,超过部分每立方米按1.2元收费.(1)若某户用煤气50立方米,则该户应交煤气费元;(2)若某户用煤气x立方米(x>60),请用含x的式子表示出他应该交煤气费;(3)若该用户本月用了100立方米,那他应该交煤气费多少元?参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(共10小题)1.下列表示线段的方法中,正确的是()A.线段A B.线段AB C.线段ab D.线段Ab【解答】解:由分析可知,表示线段的方法中,正确的是线段AB.故选:B.2.如图,在直线l上依次有A,B,C三点,则图中线段共有()A.4 条B.3 条C.2 条D.1 条【解答】解:图中线段共有AB、AC、BC三条,故选:B.3.下列说法正确的是()A.两点之间所有连线中,直线最短B.连接两点的线段叫两点间的距离C.过两点有且只有一条直线D.延长直线AB【解答】解:A、两点之间线段最短,本选项错误;B、连接两点的线段的长度叫两点间的距离,本选项错误;C、过两点有且只有一条直线,正确;D、延长线段AB,本选项错误.故选:C.4.如图,C为线段AB上一点,D为线段BC的中点,AB=20,AD=14,则AC的长为()A.10B.8C.7D.6【解答】解:∵AB=20,AD=14,∴BD=AB﹣AD=20﹣14=6,∵D为线段BC的中点,∴BC=2BD=12,∴AC=AB﹣BC=20﹣12=8.故选:B.5.如图几何体,从正面看得到的图形是()A.B.C.D.【解答】解:从正面看,如图所示,,故选:A.6.如图,是一个正方体的平面展开图,当把它折成一个正方体时,与“动”字相对的面上的字是()A.健B.康C.快D.乐【解答】解:正方体的平面展开图中,相对面的特点是之间一定相隔一个正方形,所以在此正方体上与“动”字相对的面上的汉字是“乐”.故选:D.7.在﹣(﹣8),﹣|﹣7|,0,(﹣2)2,﹣32这五个数中,负数共有()A.4个B.3个C.2个D.1个【解答】解:﹣|﹣7|<0,﹣32<0,故选:C.8.如果|a+2|+(b﹣1)2=0,那么代数式(a+b)2018的值是()A.1B.﹣1C.±1D.2008【解答】解:∵|a+2|+(b﹣1)2=0,∴a+2=0,b﹣1=0,∴a=﹣2,b=1,∴(a+b)2018=(﹣2+1)2018=1,故选:A.9.下面是小明同学做的四道题:①3m+2m=5m;②5x﹣4x=1;③﹣p2﹣2p2=﹣3p2;④3+x=3x.你认为他做正确了()A.1道B.2道C.3道D.4道【解答】解:①3m+2m=5m,正确;②5x﹣4x=x,错误;③﹣p2﹣2p2=﹣3p2,正确;④3+x不能合并,错误;故选:B.10.如果2x﹣y=3,那么代数式1+4x﹣2y的值为()A.5B.7C.﹣5D.﹣7【解答】解:∵2x﹣y=3,∴原式=1+2(2x﹣y)=1+6=7,故选:B.二.填空题(共6小题)11.要在墙上固定一根木条,至少要两个钉子,根据的原理是两点确定一条直线.【解答】解:要在墙上固定一根木条,至少要两个钉子,根据的原理是两点确定一条直线.故答案为:两;两点确定一条直线.12.如图,能用字母表示出来的不同射线有3条,线段有6条.【解答】解:能用字母表示的射线有射线AB、射线BC、射线CD;能用字母表示的线段有线段AB、线段AC、线段AD、线段BC、线段BD、线段CD.故答案为:3;6.13.从哈尔滨开往A市的特快列车,途中要停靠两个站点,如果任意两站间的票价都不相同,那么有6种不同的票价.【解答】解:根据分析得:共有票价3+2+1=6(种).故答案为:6.14.如图,C,D是线段AB上两点,若CB=5cm,DB=9cm,且点D是AC的中点,则AB=13cm.【解答】解:∵CB=5cm,DB=9cm,∴CD=DB﹣CB=4cm.∵点D是AC的中点,∴AC=2CD=8cm,∴AB=AC+CB=13cm.故答案为:13.15.计算:23×(﹣1)×=﹣3【解答】解:23×(﹣1)×=8×(﹣)×=﹣3,故答案为:﹣3.16.根据如图所示的程序计算,写出关于x的代数式为2x2﹣4;若输入x的值为1,则输出y的值为4.【解答】解:由题意知,2x2﹣4;当2x2﹣4>0时,y=2x2﹣4,若输入x的值为1,2x2﹣4=12×2﹣4=2﹣4=﹣2<0,再输入x=﹣2,2x2﹣4=(﹣2)2×2﹣4=8﹣4=4>0,∴y=4,即输出y的值为4.故答案为:2x2﹣4,4.三.解答题(共8小题)17.如图有三点A、B、C,请按照下列语句画出图形.(1)画直线AB;(2)画射线AC;(3)连结BC.【解答】解:如图所示:18.如图,已知线段AB=6,延长线段AB到C,使BC=2AB,点D是AC的中点.求:(1)AC的长;(2)BD的长.【解答】解:(1)∵BC=2AB,∴BC=2×6=12,∴AC=AB+BC=18;(2)∵点D是AC的中点,∴AD=AC=9,∴BD=AD﹣AB=3.19.如图,已知线段AB,请用尺规按下列要求作图.(保留作图痕迹,不写作法)(1)延长线段AB到C,使BC=AB;(2)延长BA到D,使DA=2AB.【解答】解:(1)点C如图所示;(2)点D如图所示;20.已知,C是线段AB上的点,D是线段AB的中点,AB=20,BC=6.(1)如图1,求CD的长;(2)如图2,若E是线段AC的中点,求ED的长.【解答】解:(1)∵D是线段AB的中点,∴BD=AB=20=10,∵BC=6,∴CD=BD﹣BC=10﹣6=4;(2)∵AB=20,BC=6,∴AC=AB﹣BC=14,∵E是线段AC的中点,∴CE=AC=7,∴DE=CE﹣CD=7﹣4=3.21.计算(1)﹣12+16÷(﹣2)3×|﹣3﹣1|(2)﹣2.5÷×(﹣1)【解答】解:(1)原式=﹣1+16÷(﹣8)×4=﹣1﹣8=﹣9;(2)原式=﹣××(﹣)=5.22.化简:(1)2(x2y﹣3x)﹣3(x2y﹣2x﹣1)(2)4x2﹣[7x2﹣3(x2﹣x)]【解答】解:(1)原式=2x2y﹣6x﹣3x2y+6x+3=﹣x2y+3;(2)原式=4x2﹣[7x2﹣3x2+3x]=4x2﹣7x2+3x2﹣3x=﹣3x.23.某城市按以下规定收取每月的煤气费:用气不超过60立方米,按每立方米0.8元收费;如果超过60立方米,超过部分每立方米按1.2元收费.(1)若某户用煤气50立方米,则该户应交煤气费40元;(2)若某户用煤气x立方米(x>60),请用含x的式子表示出他应该交煤气费;(3)若该用户本月用了100立方米,那他应该交煤气费多少元?【解答】解:(1)某户用煤气50立方米,则该户应交煤气费40元;故答案为:40;(2)用含x的式子表示出他应该交煤气费;1.2x﹣24;(3)当x=100时,1.2×100﹣24=96答:他应该交煤气费96元;。

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A.﹣3π,5 B.﹣3,6 C.﹣3π,7 D.﹣3π,6
A.a+b B.a﹣b C.ab D.
8.钓鱼岛是中国的固有领土,位于中国东海,面积约为4 400 000 m2,数据4 400 000用科学记数法表示为()
11.有一列数a1,a2,a3,…,a n,从第二个数开始,每一个数都等于1与它前面那个数的倒数的差,若a1=2,则a2011为()
A.2011 B.2 C.﹣1 D.
A.2+7n B.8+7n C.4+7n D.7n+1
14.若单项式ax2y n+1与-ax m y4的差仍是单项式,则m-2n=.
(1)3×(-2)+(-14)÷7; (2)-14+(-2)3×
(3)-5a +(3a -2)-2(3a -7); (4)3(ab -5b 2+2a 2)-(7ab +16a 2-25b 2).
21.(5分)化简求值: 32,231233122122==⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝

--y x y x y x x 的值,其中求.
22.(5分)随着人们生活水平的提高,家用轿车越来越多地进入家庭,小明家中买了一辆小轿车,他连续记录了7天中每天行驶的路程(如下表),以50 km 为标准,多于50 km 的记为“+”,不足50 km 的记为“-”,刚好50 km 的记为“0”.
第一天 第二天 第三天 第四天 第五天 第六天 第七天 路程(km)
(2)若每天行驶100 km 需用汽油6升,汽油价6.2元/升,请估计小明家一个月(按30天计)的汽油费用是多少元?
