

BD系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元 产品样本说明书

BD系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元 产品样本说明书

MAKING MODERN LIVING POSSIBLE产品样本BD系列闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元产品样本BD系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元11012499 • AC • Jul 20109-2版本说明版本历史B D 系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元产品样本BD系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元11012499 • AC • Jul 20109-3BD 系列静液传动单元 .............................................................................................................................9-5BDU-10 S ,原理图 ....................................................................................................................................9-6BDU-21 L ,原理图.....................................................................................................................................9-7系统示意图, BDU-06/10S ........................................................................................................................9-8系统示意图, BDU-06/10S ........................................................................................................................9-8系统示意图, BDU-10L/21L/21H ............................................................................................................9-9系统示意图, BDU-10L/21L/21H, BDP-10L..........................................................................................9-9特征及可选项............................................................................................................................................9-10工作参数 .....................................................................................................................................................9-11传动油规格 ................................................................................................................................................9-11效率曲线 , BDU-06S, 10S ........................................................................................................................9-12效率曲线 , BDU-10L/21L, 21H, BDP-10L ...........................................................................................9-13概况 ...............................................................................................................................................................9-14输入速度 .....................................................................................................................................................9-14系统压力 .....................................................................................................................................................9-14补油压力 .....................................................................................................................................................9-15补油入口压力............................................................................................................................................9-15壳体压力 .....................................................................................................................................................9-15液压油 ..........................................................................................................................................................9-15温度及粘度 ................................................................................................................................................9-16液压油及过滤器.......................................................................................................................................9-17油箱 ...............................................................................................................................................................9-17控制轴作用力............................................................................................................................................9-17独立刹车系统............................................................................................................................................9-17主轴负载 .....................................................................................................................................................9-18轴选项 ..........................................................................................................................................................9-19旁通阀 ..........................................................................................................................................................9-21高压溢流阀(HPRV)及补油单向阀 (过压保护) ..............................................................................9-21带阻尼孔补油单向阀 .............................................................................................................................9-22可选集成油箱............................................................................................................................................9-24过滤器 ..........................................................................................................................................................9-24风扇 ...............................................................................................................................................................9-24概述工作参数系统设计参数特征及可选项技术规格目录产品样本BD系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元11012499 • AC • Jul 20109-4元件选型型号代码推荐安装及保养维护安装图纸最高系统压力............................................................................................................................................9-25 输入功率 .....................................................................................................................................................9-26 元件寿命 .....................................................................................................................................................9-27BDU 型号代码 ...........................................................................................................................................9-29 BDP 型号代码............................................................................................................................................9-31 壳体安装 .....................................................................................................................................................9-32 轴安装 ..........................................................................................................................................................9-32样机调试程序............................................................................................................................................9-32操作 ...............................................................................................................................................................9-32保养维护 .....................................................................................................................................................9-32BDU-06S .......................................................................................................................................................9-33 BDU-10S .......................................................................................................................................................9-35BDU-10L .......................................................................................................................................................9-35BDU-21L .......................................................................................................................................................9-39BDU-21H ......................................................................................................................................................9-39BDP-10L .......................................................................................................................................................9-43可选风扇 .....................................................................................................................................................9-43目录B D 系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元产品样本BD系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元11012499 • AC • Jul 20109-5BD 系列静液传动单元适应用于能量的传递及控制。



To ensure optimum performance, defrost differential pressure regulating valves must be selected and applied correctly. These subjects are covered thoroughly in Bulletin 90-50 and should be reviewed prior to instal-lation. Proper installation procedures are equally important and are covered in the following paragraphs.VAL VE LOCATION - The (O)LDR , XTM and XTO valves are installed in the liquid line between the receiver and the liquid header. The DDR-20is installed in the discharge line before the condenser. Figure 1 is a piping schematic only to illustrate the general location of the (O)LDR, XTM, XTO and DDR-20 valves in the system. The two types of defrost differential valves (liquid line and discharge line) are not to be applied on the same system.Sporlan recommends that recognized piping references be consulted for assistance in piping procedures. Sporlan is not responsible for system design,any damage arising from faulty system design, or for misapplication of its products. If these valves are applied in any manner other than as described in this bulletin or other Sporlan literature, the Sporlan warranty is void.The Defrost Differential Pressure Regulating Valves can be installed in either horizontal or vertical lines; choose the line that best suits the applica-tion and permits easy accessibility of the valves. Consideration should be given in valve location so that valves do not act as oil traps or allow solder to flow into the internal parts during brazing. Care should also be taken to install the valves with the refrigerant flow in the proper direction.IMPORTANT :There are two pilot lines from the DDR-20that must be installed in the field in order for the valve to operate properly. The 1/4" SAE fitting on the pilot differential valve must be connected to the receiver. The second 1/4" SAE fitting, located below the solenoid coil (Fitting C), must be connected to the suction line. The pilot line to suction is not a constant high to low side bleed. It only bleeds the small amount of refrigerant from the top of the valve's main piston to open the valve when the solenoid coil is ener-gized. Once the valve is open, and at all other times, there is no high to low side bleed. The bleed through the pilot differential valve, that occurs when the valve is modulating, is to the receiver.April 2004 / BULLETIN 90-51Installation & Service Instructions(O)LDR-15, (O)LDR-20, XTM-1, XTM-5, XTO-1, XTO-4, DDR-20OLDR-15DDR-20INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSPage 2/ BULLETIN 90-51BULLETIN 90-51 / Page 3 BRAZIN G PROCEDURES– Any commonly usedbrazing alloy for high side usage is satisfactory.However, when soldering or brazing it is very impor-tant to protect the internal parts by wrapping thevalve in a WET cloth to keep the body temperaturebelow 250°F. Also, when using high temperaturesolders, keep the torch tip large enough to avoidprolonged heating of the copper connections. Alwaysdirect the flame away from the valve body to avoiddamaging the paint.TEST PRESSURES and DEHYDRATION TEMPERA-TURES– Excessive leak testing or operating pres-sures may damage these valves and reduce the life ofthe operating members. The maximum allowable testpressure is 400 psig. If greater pressure is to be used,some method must be used to isolate the valve fromthese high pressures.For better leak detection, an inert dry gas such asnitrogen or CO2may be added to an idle system tosupplement the refrigerant pressure.CAUTION:Inert gases must be added to the system carefully through a pressure regulator.Unregulated gas pressure can seriously damage the system and endanger human life.Never use oxygen or explosive gases.VAL VE SETTING and ADJUSTMENT – (O)LDR,XTM, XTO AND DDR-20:All defrost differential valves are set by turning the adjusting stem located under the cap on the pilot differential valve. The adjustment range is 5 to 50 psig. The (O)LDR, XTM and XTO have a factory setting of 18 psid and the DDR-20 has a factory setting of 30 psid. Turning the stem clock-wise increases the setting, counterclockwise decreases the setting. Adjustments must be made with the valve in its differential mode and no refrig-erated cases in defrost,so that the head pressure is normal. Artificially low head pressure at the initia-tion of defrost can prevent a differential from occur-ring thereby making it impossible to set the valve. Therefore, always set the defrost differential pressure regulating valve when no cases are in defrost. Once the valve is set it will control to maintain this differential setting during defrost. However, there are several system conditions that can cause the differ-ential to change beyond the valve’s control:1. When a defrost is initiated, the head pressurewill fall. It can take several minutes for thedifferential to be created.2. If there is a very low requirement for refriger-ation, and therefore a low demand for liquidrefrigerant (i.e. if evaporators condense moreliquid than can be used by other systems orbranches not in defrost), the differential maynever build up enough to reach the valvesetting.3. As a gas defrost cycle progresses, condensingoccurs in the evaporators in defrost at a slowerrate. Therefore, there is more gas present in theevaporators, which results in a higher naturalpressure drop.IMPORTANT– To verify valve operation, if no differ-ential is occurring between the liquid header and the receiver during defrost, first take all systems or branches out of defrost. Then put the valve in its differential mode and check the valve setting. If the valve maintains set-point with normal head pres-sures and no cases in defrost, then the valve is oper-ating correctly and some other system condition (such as outlined above) may be causing the problem.The (O)LDR, XTM, XTO and DDR-20 can be easily disassembled for inspection and cleaning or for replacement of parts. Be certain to isolate the valve from all sources of pressure prior to disassembling. Exploded views of the valves are provided on Pages 5 and 6 for your reference.(O)LDR,XTM AND XTOPilot Differential Valve Replacement Instructions1.Disconnect the pilot tube from the pilot differ-ential valve. Remove the pilot differential valvefrom the flange.2.Inspect and clean the strainer if necessary.Replace strainer and install a new pilot differ-ential valve in the flange. Reconnect the pilottube from the valve body.Internal Parts Replacement1.Disconnect the pilot tube(s) from the pilotvalve.2.Remove the enclosing tube locknut and the capscrews and replace the enclosing tube,enclosing tube gasket, plunger assembly,closing spring, piston assembly, O-Ring (ifrequired), and the tetraseal or gasket. Alignthe pilot valve flange plate correctly,reassemble the valve and tighten the capscrews.3. Reconnect the pilot tube connection(s).DDR-20Pilot Differential Valve Replacement Instructions1.Disconnect the pilot line to receiver from thepilot differential valve. Remove the pilot differ-ential valve from the flange.2.Install a new pilot differential valve in theflange. Reconnect the pilot line to the receiver.Pilot Valve Replacement Instructions1.Disconnect the three connections of the pilotvalve. They are the pilot tube, pilot line tosuction and the pilot line to the receiver.With the body flange still intact, place awrench at the bottom of the pilot valve. TurnPage 4/ BULLETIN 90-51counterclockwise and remove the pilot valve assembly from the adaptor.2. Install the new pilot valve (at this time the flange is still securely bolted to the valve body).Again, place a wrench at the bottom of the pilot valve. Turn clockwise until the pilot valve is firmly in place.3. Remove the cap screws and replace the gasket under the adaptor. Reassemble the valve. Before completely tightening the cap screws, rotate the pilot valve to properly align the three connections. Join these connections and tighten the cap screws. A torque value for the cap screws is not recommended but uniformity of compression from the four cap screws is impor-tant. Screw the flange down evenly and firmly.Internal Parts Replacement1.Disconnect the three connections of the pilot valve and remove the four cap screws. The complete pilot assembly can now be lifted off the main valve body.2.Replace the piston, body sleeve, O -ring, and closing spring.3.Install a new gasket and reassemble the valve.Before completely tightening the cap screws,rotate the pilot valve to properly align the three connections. Join these connections and tighten the cap screws. A torque value for the cap screws is not recommended but uniformity of compression from the four cap screws is important. Screw the flange down evenly and firmly.includedincludedincluded6Part is not available separately, but may beincluded in parts kit.*Tetraseal *Wolverine GasketMKC-2OLDRLDR6Part is available separately, and is also included withthe Pi Assembly Kit and the Internal Parts Kit. Seetable at left.body at right. The gaskets and the enclosing tubes of the twodesigns are not interchangeable. The new enclosing tubeassembly is included in the replacement parts kits.GasketBULLETIN 90-51 / Page 7FOR USE ON REFRIGERATION and/or AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS ONL Y Bulletin 90-51, April 2004, supersedes Bulletin 90-51, dated December 1998 and all other prior publications.© C OPYRIGHT2004 BY S PORLAN V ALVE C OMPANY, W ASHINGTON, MO 63090Page 8/ BULLETIN 90-51 P RINTED IN U. S. OF。

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SCALANCE XB004-1LD 6GK5004-1BF00-1AB2 10 100M 工业以太

SCALANCE XB004-1LD 6GK5004-1BF00-1AB2 10 100M 工业以太

● to website: CAx-Download-Manager
● to website: Industry Online Support
EN 60079-0:2009, EN60079-15:2010, II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc, KEMA 07ATEX0145 X
certificate of suitability
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standards, specifications, approvals / other
certificate of suitability
EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4
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further information / internet-Links
standards, specifications, approvals / CE
certificate of suitability / CE marking
standards, specifications, approvals / hazardous environments
standard / for hazardous zone
supply voltage, current consumption, power loss type of voltage / 1 / of the supply voltage ● supply voltage / 1 / rated value ● power loss [W] / 1 / rated value ● supply voltage / 1 / rated value ● consumed current / 1 / maximum ● type of electrical connection / 1 / for power supply ● product component / 1 / fusing at power supply input ● fuse protection type / 1 / at input for supply voltage type of voltage / 2 / of the supply voltage ● supply voltage / 2 / rated value

Bondstrand Series 2000M-FP和7000M-FP火抗性纤维glass管道和配件

Bondstrand Series 2000M-FP和7000M-FP火抗性纤维glass管道和配件

Bondstrand ® Series 2000M-FP and 7000M-FP Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Pipe and FittingsBondstrand Series 2000M-FP is a fiberglass-reinforced epoxy resin piping system intended primarily for wet and dry deluge systems where excellent corrosion resistance as well as fire resistance are necessary and low weight is desired. Series 2000M-FP features a thick intumescent coating applied at the factory to the exterior of Series 2000M pipe and fittings. When exposed to fire, the coating expands to form an incombustible foam char that protects and insulates the piping. The intumescent coating is available in 5 mm and 8 mm thicknesses.Series 7000M-FP pipe and fittings are electrically conductive.• Offshore fire protection systems (wet and dry)• Onshore above ground fire protection piping• American Bureau of Shipping (U.S.) • Det Norske Veritas • Germanischer Lloyd• Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (U.K.)• National Sanitation Foundation (U.S.) • United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association• United States Coast GuardDescriptionUses and ApplicationsListings and Approvals forBondstrand Series 2000M-FP and 7000M-FPPiping SystemsBondstrand Series 2000M-FP and 7000M-FP have been demonstrated to be capable of maintaining service pressure following exposure to a hydrocarbon fire (temp ~ 2000°F) no less than 5 minutes duration in the dry condition, and 25 minutes in the full-flow condition with expectation that service life would exceed 6 hours.Pipe system design for pressure ratings up to: 17.2 bar (250 psi) for 1 - 16 inch and 16.0 bar (232 psi) for 18 - 40 inch, depending type of fittings. Refer to NOV Fiber Glass Systems.Individual system components may not have the same ratings as the pipe. Refer to the detailed product information for the specific components to determine the pressure rating for the system as a whole.PerformanceBondstrand products are manufactured to meet the highest standard of quality in accordance with ISO 9001. The products are designed to meet ANSI and ASTM standards. Bondstrand 2000M-FP and 7000M-FP piping meet all applicable requirements of ASTM F 1173 for fiberglass-reinforced resin pipe and fittings.Bondstrand 2000M-FP and 7000M-FP products have been tested by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) for performance in jet fire conditions in accordance with UKOOA guidelines. The 2000M-FP and 7000M-FP system meets the requirements for fire endurance in a hydrocarbon jet fire, certified by SwRI.Testing and Standards•***************Pipe — Filament-wound fiberglass-reinforced epoxy pipe with nominal 0.020-inch (0.5 mm) integral resin-rich reinforced liner (2000M-FP) or with no liner, with comingled carbon fibers (7000M-FP) and 5 mm or 8 mm external intumescent coating. For typical physical and mechanical properties, refer to Bondstrand Product Data, Bondstrand Series 2000M and 7000M Fiberglass Pipe and Fittings for Shipboard and Offshore Platform Service.Fittings — Wide range of lined filament-wound fiberglass-reinforced epoxy fittings.Flanges — One-piece filament-wound fiberglass-reinforced epoxy resin flanges in heavy-duty hub-less configuration. Flange covers made with intumescent material is used to protect flanges. Joining systems — Quick-Lock straight/taper adhesive-bonded joint featuring integral pipe stop in bell for predictable, precise laying lengths. Taper/taper bonded joints supplied in larger sizes.Thermosetting adhesive for bonded joints – This includes both the Quick Lock and Taper/Taper joitns - PSX™•34 or PSX™•60 two-part epoxy adhesive.PSX•60 adhesive is conductive and is to be used on all installations of Bondstrand 7000M pipe.Typical joint lengths— All diameters are supplied in nominal 20 ft. (6.1m) lengths.Fittings — See Bondstrand Product Data, Series 2000M-FP and 7000M-FP Fittings, for dimen-sions, shipping weights and pressure ratings.90° and 45° elbows Deluge couplings sized to accept standard spray nozzles Tees and reducing tees Reducing saddles furnished with**Couplings * Quick-Lock® socket outlet Nipples * Flanged outlet ReducersFlanges — Series 2000M-FP and 7000M-FP flanges are offered in one configuration:• One-piece hubless (heavy duty)Bondstrand marine flanges are produced with the following drillings for easy connection to piping systems currently in common use; other drillings, as well as undrilled flanges, are available:• ANSI B16.5 Cl 150 & Cl 300 • JIS B2211 5 kg/cm 2• API 605 Cl 150 & Cl 300 • JIS B2212 10 kg/cm 2• ISO 2084 NP-10 & NP-16 • JIS B2213 16 kg/cm 2See Bondstrand Product Data,Series 2000M-FP and 7000M-FP Flanges for dimensions and weights for the drillings given above. Flange covers made of the intumescent material used on the exterior of the pipe are available and required for complete system performance in a fire situation.CharacteristicsFittings and FlangesInstallation2The installation procedures for Bondstrand Series 2000M-FP and 7000M-FP are described in Bond-strand Installation Guide. Standard pipe and fittings are joined using PSX™•34 or PSX™•60 ad-hesive. Electrically conductive systems are bonded with PSX•60 adhesive. Before adhesive cures, remove the excess adhesive from the joined pipe and fittings. The joint gaps in the intumescentcoating between adjacent pipe and fittings are filled with a similar intumescent compound.Sizes above 16” are available upon request.3Consult NOV Fiber Glass Systems for further recommendations concerning shore side or offshore use of Bondstrand piping systems. For particular questions regarding the installation and use of Bondstrand Series 2000M-FP and 7000M-FP pipe and fittings, refer to the NOV Fiber Glass Sys-tems Marine Engineering Manual.Technical SupportSupport Spacing•***************©2014 National Oilwell Varco. All rights reserved.MOS3200ENG November 2014National Oilwell Varco has produced this brochure for general information only, and it is not intended for design purposes. Although every effort has been made to maintain the accuracy and reliability of its contents, National Oilwell Varco in no way assumes responsibility for liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use of information and data herein nor is any warranty expressed or implied. Always cross-reference the bulletin date with the most current version listed at the web site noted in this literature.North AmericaSouth AmericaEurope Asia PacificMiddle East 17115 San Pedro Ave. Suite 200 Estrada de Acesso á ZonaP .O. Box 6, 4190 CANo. 7A, Tuas Avenue 3 P .O. Box 17324San Antonio, Texas 78232 USA Industrial Portuária da Suape, s/no. Geldermalsen, The Netherlands Jurong, Singapore 639407 Dubai, UAEPhone: 210 477 7500 Recife, PE, Brazil 55.590-000 Phone: 31 345 587 587 Phone: 65 6861 6118 Phone: 971 4881 3566Phone: 55 81 3501 0023Note: Support spacing shown is based on pipe filled with water having a density of 1000 kg/m 3 with no provision for weight of valves, flanges, etc.。

dynisco 1490 1 8 din indicator concise product 说明书

dynisco 1490 1 8 din indicator concise product 说明书

providing a window into the processDynisco 1490 1/8 DIN IndicatorConcise Product Manual 59476-9Operating Manualproviding a window into the processCAUTION:Installation should be only performed by technically competent personnel. Local Regulations regarding electrical installation & safety must be observed. The host equipment is required to provide a suitable electrical, mechanical and fire enclosure to meet relevant safety standards. Impairment of protection will occur if the product is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer.CAUTION: All power supply connections to the device must be removed when carrying out any form of maintenance.1. InstallationInstalling Option Modules/MaintenanceCPU PCB Future OptionOption Module 2Option Module 1Mounting SturtsOption Module A Option Module 3PSU PCB To access modules, first detach the PSU and CPU boards from the front by lifting first the upper, and then lower mounting struts. Gently separate the boards.a. Plug the required option modules into the correct connectors, as shown below.b. Locate the module tongues in the corresponding slot on the opposite board.c. Hold the main boards together while relocating back on the mounting struts.d. Replace the instrument by aligning the CPU and PSU boards with their guides in the housing, then slowly push the instrument back into position.NOTE: Option modules are automatically detected at power up.providing a window into the processOption Module ConnectorsPanel-MountingThe mounting panel must be rigid, andmay be up to 6.0mm (0.25inch) thick.Cut-out sizes are:Cut-Out Dim A = 92mmCut-Out Dim B = 45mmFor n multiple instruments mountedside-by-side, cut-out A is 96n-4mmTolerance +0.5, -0.0mmproviding a window into the processMounting PanelInstrumentHousingRatchetsGasket 1. Insert instrument into the panel cut-out.2. Hold front bezel firmly (withoutpressing on displayarea), and re-fitmounting clamp.3. Push clamp forward,using a tool ifnecessary, untilgasket iscompressedand instrument heldfirmly in position.NOTE: For an effective IP66 seal against dust and moisture, ensuregasket is well compressed against the panel, with the 4 tongues locatedin the same ratchet slot.Rear Terminal WiringAll connections to the device must be made through a spade format or similarconnection, with connection to the spade terminal touching both the insulation andconductor material. (Use a standard crimping tool). Connections must bemechanically secured so as to prevent any wiring becoming loose and coming incontact with other wires or the instrument casing.The above applies to any and all connection to hazardous mains supply, either director indirect (e.g. via a switch or relay).USE COPPER CONDUCTORS (EXCEPT FOR T/C INPUT)Use Screened Cable on Retransmission Option 1Single Strand wire gauge: Max 1.2mm (18SWG)providing a window into the processConnectionsThis diagram shows all possible option combinations. The actual connectionsrequired depend on the options fitted.CAUTION: Check information label on housing for correct operating voltage beforeconnecting supply to Power InputFuse: 90 – 264V ac – 1Amp anti-surge24/48V ac/dc – 315mA anti-surgeElectrical shock can result in death or serious injury. Avoid contact with theleads and terminals. High voltages that may be present on leads can causeelectrical shock.Note: At first power-up, or upon hardware change, the message Goto isdisplayed for 1 second then ConF is displayed. You must go into theconfiguration mode as described in section 3 of this manual. Access to othermenus is denied until Configuration Mode is completed.providing a window into the process2. Select Mode3. Configuration ModeSelect mode is used to access the configuration and operation menu functions. It can be accessed at any time by holding down and pressing . The SELCt legend is shown for 1 second, followed by the legend for the current mode.Press or to choose the required mode, then pressto enter. An unlock code is required to prevent unauthorised entry to Configuration, & Setup modes. Press orto enter the unlock code, then pressto proceed.NOTE: Automatic return to Operator Mode after 2 minutes without key activity.First select Configuration mode from Select mode (refer to section 2). Press to scroll through the parameters.While this key is pressed, and up to 1 second after, the parameter legend is shown, followed by the current value.Press or to set the required value. Press to display YES? , press accept the change, otherwise parameter will revert to previous value. To exit fromConfiguration mode, hold down and press , to return to Select mode.Note: Parameters displayed depend on how instrument has been configured. Refer to user guide (available from your supplier) for further details. Parameters marked * are repeated in Setup Mode.providing a window into the processproviding a window into the processproviding a window into the processproviding a window into the process4. Setup ModeNote: Configuration must be completed before adjusting Setup parameters.First select Setup mode from Select mode (refer to section 2). Press to scroll through the parameters (while this key is pressed, and for 1 sec after, the parameter legend is shown, then the current value). Press or to change the value. To exit from Setup mode, hold down and press to return to Select mode.Note: Parameters displayed depends on how instrument has been configured.providing a window into the processNote: Operator mode screens follow, without exiting from Setup mode.5. Strain Gauge Calibration ModeNote: Configuration must be completed before adjusting Calibration parameters.First select Calibration mode from Select mode (refer to section 2). Press to scroll through the parameters (while this key is pressed, and for 1 sec after, the parameter legend is shown, then the current value). Press or to change the value. To exit from Calibration mode, hold down and press to return to Select mode.Note: Calibration mode will only be displayed if input type is set to Str_Gproviding a window into the processWhen the calibration procedure begins ---- appears on the screen. Once the calibration is complete donE appears on the screen.If there are faults detected with the calibration the error message ErCAL will appear.ErCAL appears during the low calibration step if the offset is greater than -10mV, for example -11mV. This could signify a faulty sensor.ErCAL appears during the high calibration step if the count value is greater than +50mV. Again this could signify a faulty sensor.Note: Performing a calibration with less than a 10mV difference between the high and low calibration values will compromise the accuracy of the instrument.6. Special Mode7. Messages & Error IndicationsNote: Configuration must be completed before adjusting Special parameters.This mode enables special features with the correct code entered; enter a value of 0 as default otherwise please refer to your supplier for information on what special features are available and which numbers invoke these.These messages indicate that the instrument may require attention, or there is a problem with the signal input connection. The message legend is shown for 1 second, followed by its value.Caution: Do not continue with the process until the issue is resolved.providing a window into the processNote: CHH], CLL] or OPEN may also be displayed if an incorrect input type is selected. 8. Operator ModeThis mode is entered at power on, or accessed from Select mode (see section 2).Note: All Configuration mode and Setup mode parameters must be set as required before starting normal operations.Press to scroll through the parameters (while this key is pressed, and for 1 sec after, the parameter legend is shown, followed by the current value).Note: All Operator Mode parameters in Display strategy 6 are read only (see diSP in configuration mode), they can only be adjusted via Setup mode.providing a window into the processproviding a window into the processAlarm IndicationThe Active Alarm Status screen indicates any active alarms. In addition, theassociated Alarm LED flashes. For latching alarm outputs, the LED flashes when thealarm condition exists,and goes to ON when the alarm condition is no longer present if the output has not yetbeen reset.*Resetting Latched Alarm OutputsAny latched outputs can be reset whilst the Process variable or Alarm Status screensare displayed, by pressing the or key, via the Digital Input or with acommunications command via the RS485 module (if fitted).Note: Outputs will only reset if their alarm condition is no longer present.Multi-Point ScalingWhen enabled (Mm PS =EnAb), up to 9 breakpoints canbe set to compensate for nonlinearinput signals.For each breakpoint, the inputscale value (ScALn) is entered in % ofinput span, followed by the value tobe shown (diSPn) in displayunits.Each breakpoint’s input scale valuemust be higher than the previousvalue, but the display values can behigher or lower. Any scale value set to100% becomes the last in the series.Tare FeatureWhen Tare is enabled (TARE = ENAB), it can be used to set the displayed value to zero automatically, by making the PV Offset parameter equal, but opposite to, the current process variable value. Tare can be initiated via the Digital Input (if fitted), with a communications command via the RS485 module (if fitted) or by using the following key press sequence:Press until the process variable is displayed.Hold down and together for three seconds until the display shows YES?Release both keys and press within 3 seconds to confirm the request.The display should read 0 briefly, then begin responding to input signal changes. This will have no effect on any stored Max or Min values until they are reset. Once Reset the Max and Min value will follow the displayed value that has gone through the tare processNote: Tare request is aborted if this sequence is not followed exactly.providing a window into the process9. Product Information ModeFirst select Product information mode from Select mode (refer to section 2). Press to view each parameter (while this key is pressed, and for 1 sec after, the parameter legend is shown, followed by its value). Hold down and press to return to Select mode.Note: These parameters are all read only.10. Serial CommunicationsRefer to the full user guide (available from your supplier) for details.providing a window into the process11. SpecificationsUNIVERSAL INPUT Strain Gauge: 350Ω, by means of 4 or 6 wire (6 to use internal Shunt resistor)Bridge excitation: 10Vdc ± 7%Bridge Sensitivity: 1.4-4mV/VShunt Value: From 40%to 100%Input signal Span: -25% to 125% (Approx. -10mV to +50mV)Thermocouple Calibration:±0.1% of full range, ±1LSD (±1°C for Thermocouple CJC).BS4937, NBS125 & IEC584.PT100 Calibration: ±0.1% of full range, ±1LSD.BS1904 & DIN43760 (0.00385 / /°C).DC Calibration: ±0.1% of full range, ±1LSD.Sampling Rate: 10 per second, 16 bit resolution approximately (100ms sample time)Impedance:>10M resistive, except dc mA (5 ) and V (47k ).Strain Gauge: Depending on user setting InPF can cause input to fail high scale or low scale reading. Reading will fail on either, Sig+ or Sig- loss, or incorrect excitation output <0.8mA and >50mA supply.Thermocouple/RTD: High alarms activate for sensor break. Linear 4 to 20mA, 2 to 10V and 1 to 5V DC: Low alarms activate for sensor break.Note: Sensor break not detectable on 0 to 20mA, 0 to 50mV, 0 to 5V & 0 to 10v input types.Isolated from all outputs. Universal input must not be connected to operator accessible circuits if single relay outputs are connected to a hazardous voltage source. Supplementary insulation or input grounding would then be required Sensor Break Detection:Isolation:Logic InputInput Signal:If the Logic State setting in Config Mode = CLS, Reset or Tare occurs on anOpen to Closed transition, or high (3 to 5VDC) to low (<0.8VDC) transition.If Logic State setting in Config Mode = OPN, Reset or Tare occurs on a Closedto Open transition, or low (<0.8VDC) to high (3 to 5VDC)) transition.Isolation: No isolation from inputs and other outputs.providing a window into the processOUTPUTSSingle RelayContact Type &Rating: Single pole double throw (SPDT), latching or non-latching action(selectable); 2A resistive at 120/240VAC.Lifetime: >500,000 operations at rated voltage/current.Isolation: Basic Isolation from universal input and SSR outputs.Dual RelayContact Type &Rating: Single pole single throw (SPST), latching or non-latching action(selectable); 2A resistive at 120/240VAC.Lifetime: >200,000 operations at rated voltage/current.Isolation: Reinforced safety isolation from inputs and other outputs. Linear DCAccuracy: ±0.1% of span (mA @ 250Ω, V @ 2kΩ).Resolution: 15 3/4 bit (1 part in 52K) and updated at approx. 65ms intervals.(130ms settling time)Isolation: Reinforced safety isolation from inputs and other outputs. Transmitter PSUPower Rating: 24V Tx PSU Module; Unregulated 18 to 32V DC into 400 Ω minLinear Output Module; Regulated 0.0 to 10.0V into 500 Ω min. Isolation: Reinforced safety isolation from inputs and other outputs. SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS (RS485) (option)Physical: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 bps.Protocols: Selectable between Modbus and West ASCII.Isolation: Reinforced safety isolation from all inputs and outputs. OPERATING CONDITIONS (FOR INDOOR USE)Ambient Temperature: 0°C to 55°C (Operating), –20°C to 80°C (Storage).Relative Humidity: 20% to 95% non-condensing.Altitude <2000mSupply Voltage andPower: 100 to 240VAC 10%, 50/60Hz, 9VA(for mains powered versions), or20 to 48VAC 50/60Hz 9VA or 22 to 65VDC 5W(for low voltage versions).providing a window into the processENVIRONMENTAL Standards: CE & UL EMI: EN61326-1:2013, Table 2 & Class A.Warning: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.Safety Considerations: UL61010-1 Edition 3, Pollution Degree 2 & Installation Category II.Front Panel Sealing: IP66 (IP20 behind the panel).(IP rating tested by a UKAS accredited laboratory, but not recognized by UL).PHYSICAL Front Bezel Size: 96 x 48mm (1/8 Din Horizontal).Depth Behind Panel: 100mm.Weight:0.21kg maximum.MANUFACTURING SITEAddress:The Hyde Business Park, Brighton, BN2 4JU, United KingdomSYMBOL EXPLANATIONFIRMWARE This version of the manual is applicable from firmware version 04 or later.Under the Product Information Mode select I55 to display firmware version.Caution general danger to life or limb.General information and notices are in this style.。



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Visual Components 4.4 Warehousing Components 用户指南说

Visual Components 4.4 Warehousing Components 用户指南说

VISUAL COMPONENTS WAREHOUSING COMPONENTSSupport****************************Visual Components Forum Warehousing components referenceVisual Components 4.4 | Version: February 08, 2022This living document introduces warehouse components in the eCatalog, their properties, and simple use cases. It will be updated as more warehouse-related components are added or updated in the eCatalog.NOTE! There are separate tutorials for resources commonly used with warehouse components, such as the ASRS manual introducing cranes. You will go through properties and use cases of the following: ▪ Warehouse Shelf / Floorspace Buffer ▪ Warehouse Process Shelf ▪ Dual Rail Transport Controller ▪ Overhead Cranes ▪ Stack Feeder ▪Pallet FeederContentsWarehouse Shelf / Floorspace Buffer (3)Warehouse Process Shelf (7)Properties (8)Transport Link properties (9)Stack Feeder (12)Pallet Feeder (14)Warehouse Shelf / Floorspace BufferA Warehouse shelf is a Process Modelling (PM) process for storing and buffering products.The warehouse includes multiple presets that can be used to set up the appearance and dimensions of the following:•Pallet Rack•Crane Rack•Light Pallet Rack•Manual Picking Shelf•PickToLightThe Visibility of different visual features can be manually changed from the Options tab. In addition to a component's basic properties, you can change the color of different shelf parts in the Materials tab.Single shelf bay dimensions, Tiers and Bays, and other structural properties can be changed from the component’s basic properties.You can use the ProductOrientation property to define the orientation of the product while on a shelf.It is possible to load and unload the shelf from opposite sides. If resources such as humans are used, they will go to the FlowIn or FlowOutResourceLocation. Cranes or robot arms will not use the location.A small arrow indicates the flow in or out of the location. The location will automatically transform to match the product location on the floor level, and the offset from the shelf will be maintained. Both locations can be modified with the corresponding properties on the shelf.Some statement properties need to be visited to change, for example, the following:•AcceptAllProductTypes•AcceptedProductTypes•AcceptedFlowGroups•BufferFeedMode•BufferNeedMode•ParallelInputLimit•ParallelOutputLimitThe ParallelInputLimit should be set to a value less or equal to the total capacity of the available resources. That way, if more than one shelf is used, the shelves will be filled roughly at the same rate. ParallelOutputLimit is set automatically to match the number of slots but can be manually changed after the shelf has been set up.Examples from the BufferNeedMode while the block component is selected as ZeroPositionNode:•Left is Chaotic•Middle is LinearOrder•Right is ClosestToZeroPositionThe Floorspace buffer component shares the functionality of the Warehouse Shelf component. Instead of the shelf structure, the Floorspace Buffer component utilizes floor space as a buffer. Single-slot dimensions, spacing, and the number of Rows and Columns can be changed from the Component Properties.Warehouse Process ShelfA Warehouse Process Shelf is a Process Modelling (PM) process for curing and processing multiple products simultaneously. Typical applications are curing shelves, test rack processes, and monitoring or limiting a products’ storing time.Components share the same properties with the Warehouse Shelf in the Component Properties tab.A Warehouse process shelf has some additional properties in Statement Properties.ProcessTime can set the processing time for each product placed on the shelf. After this time is consumed, the product is ready to leave the process.If MaximumStoringTime is defined (other than zero) and the product remains on the shelf longer than defined in this property (in addition to possible ProcessTime), the product will become Outdated, and its product type will be changed to OutdatedProductType.If FailedProductPercentage is defined, this value is used as a probability that a product will become defective after processing, and its product type is changed to FailedProductType. Dual Rail Transport ControllerThe Dual Rail Transport Controller is required to control the cranes and serve as thetrack/runway for the cranes. It can control up to two cranes simultaneously. The cranes are connected to the controller using the PnP tool. The cranes are referred to as crane A or B, determined by the interface the crane is connected to.Once a crane is connected, the interface matches the crane’s dimensions, preventing it from exceeding the track. The dimensions of the crane are taken from its bounding box.Dual Rail Transport Controller with two overhead cranes, Crane A on the left and Crane B on the right PropertiesRunwayLength, RunwaySpan, and RunwayHeight: The dimensions of the track SafetyClearance: Determines the minimum separation between the cranes if more than one crane is connected to the same trackCheckLimits: Pause the simulation and display output message if a crane runs out of track (exceeds the track length)Auto Configure Links: If more than one crane is connected to the track, auto-configure will associate each link with crane A or B using the crane closest to the link’s source and destination nodes.When the Dual Rail Transport Controller is assigned to a transport link, some default properties and their values in the LinkDefaults tab in its Component Properties panel are applied to transport link(s). If the values in the LinkDefaults tab are changed the matching values in the transport links will also change, if UseCustomParameters is not enabled in the transport link.Transport Link propertiesPriority: Sets the priority for the link against all available/active transportation tasks. The lower the number, the higher the priorityUse Crane: Define a specific crane for transportation or allow the controller to choose and crane. The controller will, by default, select the nearest available. WaitForNextTransport: If enabled, a crane will wait and remain reserved until the process executions reach the next WaitTransport statement in the process. This process is used in conjunction with the StartTransportIn statement.LoadAssist,UnloadAssist: Controller of a resource that will move into the loading/unloading position of the crane. The process is executed in this position (GraspTime/ReleaseTime). UseCustomParameters: Enable to override default values (defined in controller properties) GraspTime: A time that is taken to load the crane. Excluding handler extend and retract times.ReleaseTime: A time that is taken to unload the crane. Excluding handler extend and retract times.GraspFrom: Selection from which position a product is transported. PickApproach, PlaceApproach: Linear approach direction and distance of the crane when the product is grasped/released.Overhead CranesSeveral process modeling cranes are available in the eCatalog - PM Cranes. Cranes vary in construction and size, but their behaviours and properties are the same.Up to two overhead cranes can be connected to a Dual Rail Transport ControllerCranes have a set of default properties (like RailWidth) to define the size and robustness of different parts of the crane.SlingLength can be used to define additional distance from the crane hook to the product and visualize lifting slings.AutoHoming::Delay: Defines the time once the cranehas been without tasks to move to a home positiondefined by the following properties. Use zero todisable AutoHoming.AutoHoming::BridgePosition: Bridge (X) homepositionAutoHoming::TrolleyPosition: Trolley (Y) home positionAutoHoming::HoistPosition: Hoist (Z) home positionAutoHoming::Read Current Joint Values: Read the current position and set the above properties.The Speeds tab properties set the kinematic parameters for each joint. The deceleration will be equivalent to the acceleration.Stack FeederA Stack feeder is a component for creating stacks of product instances in Process Modelling. The bottom product in a stack may be different from the rest of the stack. The component uses a Process Modelling routine controlled by Component Properties.A Stack feeder is a process that can be connected to a conveyor. It shares default properties with all Process Modelling flow components.Properties in the Stack tab control the StackFeeder routine.In this routine, a Joint modeled to a component is moved up while Stack::Count monitors the number of products created. Created products are attached, creating a hierarchical stack. The distance between products in the stack is defined with the Stack::Step property. The Last product in the stack is created separately, and the distance to the stack is defined with separate Stack::PalletStep property. This allows you to select a different product type as the bottom part of the stack.After a stack is created, it is transported out from the process and is delayed the amount of time in Stack::Delay.The Stack feeder creates stacksusing a pallet as its default producttype. Stacks are created usingCreate statements and the producttype can then be modified manuallyonce a new product type is selectedin the product type editor.Pallet FeederA Pallet feeder is a component for creating stacks of product instances in Process Modelling. This component uses a Process Modelling routine controlled by Component Properties, and routine execution is partly controlled by Python Statements.StackFeeder is a process that can be connected to a conveyor. It shares default properties with all Process Modelling flow components.The feeder has a set of default properties (like ProductLength) to define the size and visibility of different parts of the feeder.Properties in the Stack tab control the StackFeeder routine.In the routine, a Joint modeled to a component is moved up while Stack::Count controls the number of products created. The Stack::Step property defines the distance between products in a stack.After a stack is created, products are transported out from the process one by one with Stack::Interval, and then the whole stack is transported out, Stack::Delay controls the amount of time the products are delayed.The Stack feeder creates stacks using a pallet as its default product type. Stacks are created using Create statements and the product type can then be modified manually once a new product type is selected in the product type editor.。

VersaFlow Coriolis 6000 Model Selection Guide.pdf_

VersaFlow Coriolis 6000 Model Selection Guide.pdf_

The minimum value of orders acceptable for Honeywell is USD 500. Handling fee is the amount of the difference between USD 500 and the actual purchase price.
(Tube material C-22 only)
Flange connection size 1/2" ANSI 150 lb
1/2" ANSI 300 lb
1/2" ANSI 600 lb
1/2" ASME 1500 lb
(Tube material C-22 only)
10 A JIS 20 K
Selection Availability
TABLE VII No Selection

NOV Fiber Glass Systems 秒次容器管道和两件件接头系统(红色线程、绿色线程、Z

NOV Fiber Glass Systems 秒次容器管道和两件件接头系统(红色线程、绿色线程、Z

***************/fgsProduct Name 14/15ProductNOV Fiber Glass Systems offers secondary containment piping systems with two-piece fittings that meet EPA requirements and help protect the environment by containing possible fluid leaks in case of damage to the system. Both vinyl ester and epoxy resin systems are available to match your application.Secondary containment piping systems are available in 3”-16” sizes. The primary and secondary containment piping is manufactured by either filament winding or the centrifugal casting process. Refer to Brochure CI1000 for more details.The secondary containment system is designed for use with Red Thread, Green Thread, Z-CORE™, Centricast Plus RB-2530 or CL-2030, and Centricast RB-1520 or CL-1520 primary (product) pipe. Primary piping can be centered in the containment piping by using centralizers and anchors as needed.The secondary containment piping system consists of the next larger pipe size (as a minimum) and special two-piece fittings. The size of the containment pipe may be dictated by the leak detection method used. Standard fittings are manufactured with epoxy vinyl ester resin. Fittings are manufactured by either the compression molding process, or the contact molding process.The specific primary, or product, piping should be selected to meet your particular temperature, chemical, and pressure requirements. Depending on size and type of product, the pipe can withstand pres-sures to 450 psig and temperatures to 275˚ F. Refer to Brochure CI1000 and associated Product Data bulletins for your primary pipe selection. The containment systems can be pressure tested and continuously monitored.Refer to Matched Taper Joint, Socket Joint, and Clam Shell Installation Manuals..Years of experience have proven that fiberglass pipe from NOV Fiber Glass Systems will outlast pipe made of traditional materials. The service life of fiberglass pipe is far greater than that of pipe made from protected steel, copper, black iron, and even stainless steel.The advantages of lightweight fiberglass piping are even greater when installing secondary containment systems. Very little equipment is required, and the ease of installation results in material handling and installation cost savings.FittingsA complete range of primary fittings is manufactured with the same temperature and pressure capabilities as the pipe. For containment systems, easy to use two-piece fittings constructed of epoxy vinyl ester resin and fiberglass are available.2Standard Secondary Containment Piping SystemsInstallationRefer to installation manuals for instructions.NOTE: It is highly recommended that assembly training be conductedby a factory representative prior to installation start up.When connecting containment pipe and fittings, plain ends of the containment pipe are machined or thoroughly sanded to accept thetwo-piece containment fitting. Containment pipe must be positionedover the primary piping before assembly and bonding of the primarypipe system. The size of the containment fittings may dictate theminimum center line dimensions for the primary piping.Upon completion of a successful primary pipe test procedure, thetwo-piece secondary containment fittings may be installed. Theyare installed using threaded inserts embedded in the fittings andthe hex-head bolts supplied by NOV Fiber Glass Systems. A system-matching adhesive must be applied to all bonding surfaces just prior tobeing joined by the bolts. The secondary containment system must begiven time for the adhesive to properly cure before testing the annularspace.The testing of secondary containment piping systems is recommendedto ensure the integrity of the pipe, fittings and joints of all types. The introduction of the test fluid during testing should be controlled toprevent sudden pressure surges (Water Hammer). Water Hammer can produce pressures that greatly exceed recommended system test pressure.WARNING: These procedures must be followed to avoid serious personal injury or property damage. Failure to do so will result in loss of warranty. Buyer, installer or any employee, agent or representative thereof assumes the risk of any damage or injury to person or property.Testing with air or gas can be extremely dangerous. Review safety precautions before starting the test and follow all testing procedures.Maximum Allowable Air Test PressureAir TestingHydrostatic test should be used instead of air or compressedgas if possible. When air or compressed gas is used for testing, tremendous amounts of energy can be stored in the system. If a failure occurs, the energy may be released catastrophically, which can result in property damage and personal injury. In cases where system contamination or fluid weight prevents the use of hydrostatic test, air test may be used with extreme caution. To reduce the risk of air testing, use the use the table below to determine maximum pressure. When pressurizing the system with air or compressed gas, the area surrounding the piping must be cleared of personnel to prevent injury. Hold air pressure for one hour, then reduce the pressure to one half the original. Personnel can then enter the area to perform soap test of all joints. Again, extreme caution mustbe exercised during air testing to prevent property damage or personnel injury. If air or compressed gas testing is used, NOV Fiber Glass Systems will not be responsible for any resulting injury to personnel or damage to property, including the piping system. Air or compressed gas testing is done entirely at the discretion and risk of management at the job site.3***************/fgsDimensional Data for Containment FittingsAnchorsAnchors are available to control pipe movement due to thermal expansion/contractions or fluid flow transients. Secondarycontainment anchors bond directly to the primary pipe and to the inside of the secondary containment fittings to eliminate relative movement between the two piping systems. The secondary piping can be anchored externally by the methods in Manual No. ENG1000 as required.View of Fitting Illustrations90° Elbow45° ElbowTee45° LateralAnchor AssemblyCouplingCentralizersConcentric Reducer Termination Fitting (Vented/Non Vented)Custom DesignNOV Fiber Glass Systems can help you in solving secondarycontainment piping design problems. NOV Fiber Glass Systems also has experience in designing and installing double-wall secondary containment systems 16” diameter and larger. Contact NOV Fiber Glass Systems for additional information.4。

R.P.S. Corporation 34 产品系列说明书

R.P.S. Corporation 34 产品系列说明书

4 18
34 Parts Manual V3.1
Part No.

格兰富-风扇盘管组合 技术支持手册说明书

格兰富-风扇盘管组合 技术支持手册说明书

496 04 5301 01 Feb 2010TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUALFan CoilsFEM*X, WAHM, WAHTTABLE OF CONTENTSWiring Diagram 2 − 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Airflow Charts 4 − 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Number Identification 6 − 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MODELSFEM2X1800A1 FEM4X1800A1 WAHM182A1 WAHM184A2 WAHT182A1 WAHT184A2FEM2X2400A1 FEM4X2400A1 WAHM242A1 WAHM244A2 WAHT242A1 WAHT244A2FEM4X3000A1 FEM2X3000A1 WAHM302A1 WAHM304A2 WAHT302A1 WAHT304A2FEM2X3500A1 FEM4X3500A1 WAHM362A1 WAHM364A2 WAHT362A1 WAHT364A2FEM2X3600A1 FEM4X3600A1 WAHM422A1 WAHM424A2 WAHT422A1 WAHT424A2FEM2X4200A1 FEM4X4200A1 WAHM482A1 WAHM484A2 WAHT482A1 WAHT484A2FEM2X4800A1 FEM4X4800A1 WAHM602A1 WAHM604A2 WAHT602A1 WAHT604A2FEM2X6000A1 FEM4X6000A1TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUAL Fan Coils: FEM2X, FEM4X, WAHM**(2,4), WAHT**(2,4)2496 04 5301 01ModelsFEM2X1800A1 FEM4X1800A1FEM2X2400A1 FEM4X2400A1FEM2X3000A1 FEM4X3000A1FEM2X3500A1 FEM4X3500A1FEM2X3600A1 FEM4X3600A1FEM2X4200A1 FEM4X4200A1FEM2X4800A1 FEM4X4800A1FEM2X6000A1 FEM4X6000A1WAHM182A1WAHM242A1WAHM302A1WAHM362A1WAHM422A1WAHM482A1WAHM602A1WAHT182A1WAHT242A1WAHT302A1WAHT362A1WAHT422A1WAHT482A1WAHT602A1TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUAL Fan Coils: FEM2X, FEM4X, WAHM**(2,4), WAHT**(2,4)496 04 5301 013ModelsWAHM184A2 WAHT184A2WAHM244A2 WAHT244A2WAHM304A2 WAHT304A2WAHM364A2 WAHT364A2WAHM424A2 WAHT424A2WAHM484A2 WAHT484A2WAHM604A2 WAHT604A2TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUAL Fan Coils: FEM2X, FEM4X, WAHM**(2,4), WAHT**(2,4)4496 04 5301 01AIRFLOW PERFORMANCE − CFM at a given Speed and Static readingModel(* = 2 or 4)Blower Speed Measured Static Pressure, inlet to outlet (inches water column)*X1800WAHM18*WAHT18*High 766739706666619566Medium 701659619578538499Low 614572530486441396FEM*X2400WAHM24*WAHT24*High 941905868830792753Medium 823786747707665622Low 633583533482431378FEM*X3000WAHM30*WAHT30*High 1130109710631028992955Medium 10331000965928888846Low 840802760713663609FEM2X3500WAHM36*WAHT36*High 143713981354130812571204Medium 128212381192114210901036Low 1168111810671014959903FEM*X3600High 147914371392134412931240Medium 132712821236118711351081Low 1192115111001039970890FEM*X4200WAHM42*WAHT42*High 161615781533148014201353Medium 147914371392134412931240Low 130312581211116111081054FEM*X4800WAHM48*WAHT48*High 180517721739170416691632Medium 165216171581154315041463Low 145814181377133512921248FEM*X6000WAHM60*WAHT60*High 205720241989195419161878Medium 179917661731169516581618Low166716331596155815171475NOTES:1.Airflow based on dry coil at 230V with factory approved filter and electric heater(2 element heater for model sizes 1800 − 3600, 3 element heater for model sizes 4200 − 6000)2.Not recommended for use above 0.60 inches water column external static pressure.3.Shaded cells indicate airflow is greater than 450 CFM per ton.TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUAL Fan Coils: FEM2X, FEM4X, WAHM**(2,4), WAHT**(2,4)496 04 5301 015STATIC PRESSURE CORRECTION FROM DRY TO WET COIL (inches of water column)Airflow performance chart above was developed using fan coils with DRY coils.When taking a static reading across a WET coil, adjust the static pressure numbers above by adding the values in this table (for a given CFM, wet coil will have greater static pressure drop than dry coil).Model(* = 2 or 4)CFM 50060070080090010001100120013001400150016001700180019002000FEM*X1800WAHM18*WAHT18*.034.049.063−−−−−−−−−−−−−FEM*X2400WAHM24*WAHT24*.−−−−−−−−−−−FEM*X3000WAHM30*WAHT30*−−−.−−−−−−−−−FEM2X3500WAHM36*WAHT36*−−−−−.−−−−−−−FEM*X3600−−−−−.−−−−−−−FEM*X4200WAHM42*WAHT42*−−−−−−−.−−−−−FEM*X4800WAHM48*WAHT48*−−−−−−−−−.−−FEM*X6000WAHM60*WAHT60*−−−−−−−−−−−. PRESSURE DROP ACROSS FILTER (inches of water column)Model(* = 2 or 4)CFM 400600800100012001400160018002000FEM*X1800WAHM18*WAHT18*.020.044.075−−−−−−FEM*X2400WAHM24*WAHT24*−.044.075.110−−−−−FEM*X3000WAHM30*WAHT30*−−.048.072.100−−−−FEM2X3500WAHM36*WAHT36*−−−.072.100.130−−−FEM*X3600−−−.072.100.130−−−FEM*X4200WAHM42*WAHT42*−−−−.070.092.120−−FEM*X4800WAHM48*WAHT48*−−−−−.092.120.152−FEM*X6000WAHM60*WAHT60*−−−−−−.120.152.187TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUAL Fan Coils: FEM2X, FEM4X, WAHM**(2,4), WAHT**(2,4)6496 04 5301 01FAN COIL MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDEF E M 4X 1800A 1F = Fan CoilS = Standard PSC E = GE X −13MOTOR TYPE U = UpflowM = Multiposition INSTALLATION TYPE2 = R −224 = Environmentally Sound R −410AREFRIGERANTX = TXVMETERING DEVICE1800 = 18,000 BTUH = 1½ tons 2400 = 24,000 BTUH = 2 tons 3000 = 30,000 BTUH = 2½ tons3500 & 3600 = 36,000 BTUH = 3 tons 4200 = 42,000 BTUH = 3½ tons 4800 = 48,000 BTUH = 4 tons 6000 = 60,000 BTUH = 5 tons NOMINAL CAPACITYSales CodeEngineering RevisionFAN COIL MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDEDigit Position:1, 2345, 6789Example Part Number:WAHM244A 1WA = Air Handler S = Standard MotorH = High Efficiency MotorMOTOR TYPEM = Multiposition Plain Copper Evaporator CoilT = Multiposition Tin −coated Copper Evaporator Coil INSTALLA TION TYPE 18 = 18,000 BTU/hr = 12 TONS 24 = 24,000 BTU/hr = 2 TONS 30 = 30,000 BTU/hr = 22 TONS 36 = 36,000 BTU/hr = 3 TONS 42 = 42,000 BTU/hr = 32 TONS 48 = 48,000 BTU/hr = 4 TONS 60 = 60,000 BTU/hr = 5 TONS NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY 2 = R −224 = R −410A REFRIGERANT SALES DIGIT EXTRA DIGITTECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUAL Fan Coils: FEM2X, FEM4X, WAHM**(2,4), WAHT**(2,4)496 04 5301 017ACCESSORIES PART NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDEEB AC 01NCBAEB = Evaporator Blower AC = Accessory01 = Product Identifier Number NCB = Non −Combustible Base Kit DFK = Down Flow KitPLG = Power Plug (no heat kit)SPK = Single Point Wiring Kit FKS = Filter Kit Small FKM = Filter Kit Medium FKL = Filter Kit LargeFKX = Filter Kit Extra LargeCTK = Condensate Trap Kit (PVC pipe)Sales CodeELECTRIC HEATER MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDEEHK 05A K N1EHK = Electric Heater Kit05 = 5 kW 07 = 7 kW 09 = 9 kW 10 = 10 kW 15 = 15 kW 18 = 18 kW 20 = 20 kW 25 = 25 kW 30 = 30 kW NOMINAL HEAT VALUE Sales CodeK = 208 / 230 single −phase H = 208 / 230, 3−phaseKC = 208 / 230, supplied as single phase, field convertible to 3−phase HC = 208 / 230 supplied as 3−phase, field convertible to single phase VOLTAGE (60 Hz)Product Identifier Engineering CodeInternational Comfort Products, LLCLewisburg, T ennessee 37091 USA。

Parker O-Ring产品特性及编号规范说明书

Parker O-Ring产品特性及编号规范说明书

Special Property DescriptionsA General PurposeB Low Compression SetE Ethylene Acrylate or (Vamac®)F Fuel Resistant or Fully FluorinatedG Higher Fluorine ContentJ NSF / FDA / WRAS Approvals L Internally LubedM Mil/ AMS Specifications P Low Temperature Flexible or (AFLAS)W Non-Black Compound X CarboxylatedParker O-Ring Compound Numbering SystemsNote: There are two types of nomenclature used to reference Parker O-Ring products. See tables below for description of these types.AFLAS® is a registered trademark of Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.Vamac® is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.Neoprene® is a registered trademark of DuPont Performance ElastomersMATERIAL OFFERINGPOLYACRYLATE (ACM)ACM (acrylic rubber) has good resistance to mineral oil, oxygen and ozone. The water compatibility and cold flexibility of ACM are considerably worse than withNBR.AA150-70Engines & Transmission Seals -5 to 350Black AA154-75Engines & Transmission Seals-5 to 350BlackETHYLENE ACRYLATE (AEM)Ethylene acrylate is a mixed polymer of ethylene, methyl acrylate and a small amount of carboxylated cure-site monomer. Developed as a lower-temperature version of Polyacrylate, but swells slightly more. Polymer is sold under the tradename VAMAC®. AE152-70Transmission Applications-40 to 325Black AE153-75Transmission Applications, Internally Lubed-40 to 325BlackBUTYL RUBBER (IIR)Butyl rubber (isobutylene-isoprene rubber or IIR) has a very low permeabilityrate and good electrical properties, but poor short-term rebound.B0318-70General Purpose-75 to 250Black B0612-70Vacuum, Low Compression Set-75 to 250BlackPOLYCHLOROPRENE RUBBER (CR)Also known by the tradename Neoprene®, polychloroprene was the first synthetic rubber and exhibits generally good ozone, aging, and chemical resistance. It has good mechanical properties over a wide temperature range. C0267-50MIL-G-1149 Ty I Cl I, AMS 3208, Low Temperature-60 to 250Black C0557-70Drive Belt Applications, General Purpose -35 to 250Black C0873-70Refrigerant Gases, Low Extractibles, Low Compression Set -35 to 225Black C0944-70General Purpose-35 to 250RedTEMP. RANGECOMPOUND NO. RECOMMENDED FOR (Degrees° F) COLORC1124-70AMS 3209, Low Temperature-60 to 250Black C1276-70Super Neoprene, Low Compression Set -35 to 250Black CL172-70 Internally Lubed-35 to 225Black C1278-80Super Neoprene, Low Compression Set-35 to 250BlackEPICHLOROHYDRIN (ECO)Epichlorohydrin is a special-purpose seal material with good resistance to both refrigerant gases and gasoline, as well as inherent resistance to atmospheric ozone.YB146-75Refrigerant Gases, Gasoline, O-zone Resistant-31 to 250BlackETHYLENE PROPYLENE RUBBER (EPM, EPR, EPDM)EPM (EPR) is a copolymer of ethylene and propylene. EPDM is a terpolymer of ethylene, propylene, and a diene third monomer used for cross-linking.E1100-50 General Purpose -70 to 250 Black EA454-50 (3575) UL Listed -70 to 250 Black E1157-60 General Purpose -70 to 250 Black E1561-60 NSF 61, KTW, WRAS -70 to 250 Black E0751-65 Drive Belt Applications -70 to 250 Black E0603-70 General Purpose -70 to 250 Black E0667-70 Auto Disc Brakes -70 to 250 Black E0803-70 General Purpose -70 to 250 Black E1022-70 Internally Lubed, Brakes -70 to 250 Black E1028-70 FDA -70 to 250 Black E1244-70 NSF 61, Internally Lubed -70 to 250 Black E1549-70 NSF 61, WRAS, KTW, FDA -70 to 250 Black E1583-70 NSF 51, NSF 61, -70 to 250 Black Internally Lubed E3609-70 NSF 51, NSF 61, WRAS, -70 to 250 Black KTW, FDA, USP Class VI EB152-70 (3407) General Purpose -70 to 250 Black EJ273-70 Chloramine Resistant -70 to 250 Black EJ274-70 Internally lubed, NSF 61 -70 to 250 Black Chloramine Resistant E3609-70 NSF 51 & 61, WRAS, FDA, -70 to 250 Black USP Class VI, ISO 10993 USP <87> E0740-75 Nuclear Applications -70 to 250 BlackTEMP. RANGE COMPOUND NO. RECOMMENDED FOR (Degrees° F)COLORMATERIAL OFFERINGE0515-80 NAS 1613 Rev 2 -70 to 250 Black E0540-80 General Purpose -70 to 250 Black E0893-80 General Purpose -70 to 250 Purple E1267-80 NAS 1613 Rev 5 -70 to 250 Black E0652-90 General Purpose, -60 to 250 BlackBack-Up RingsE0962-90 Excellent Steam to 500° F , -60 to 250BlackED ResistantFLUOROSILICONE (FVMQ)Fluorosilicone is a silicone polymer chains with fluorinated side-chains for improved oil and fuel resistance. The mechanical and physical properties arevery similar to those of silicone.LM151-50 (11645) General Purpose -100 to 350 Blue LM158-60 AMS-R-25988, TY 1, CL 1, -100 to 350 Blue GR 60, AMS 3325LA163-70 General Purpose -100 to 350 Greene LM100-70 MIL-DTL-25988, TY1, CL 1 -100 to 350 Blue Gr 70, UL Listed LM159-70 MIL-DTL-25988, TY 1, CL 1, -100 to 350 Blue GR 70 L1120-70 MIL-DTL-25988, TY I, -100 to 350 Blue CL I, GR 70, UL listed L1077-75 MIL-DTL-25988, -90 to 350 Blue TY I, CL III, GR 75 40713-75 Automotive Fuel Quick -90 to 350 Yellow Disconnects LM160-80 MIL-DTL-25988, TY 1, CL 1, -90 to 350 Blue GR 80 L1186-80 PTFE Loaded -85 to 350 RustTEMP. RANGECOMPOUND NO. RECOMMENDED FOR (Degrees° F) COLORTEMP. RANGE COMPOUND NO. RECOMMENDED FOR (Degrees° F) COLORACRYLONITRILE-BUTADIENE (NBR)Nitrile rubber (NBR) is the general term for acrylonitrile-butadiene terpolymer. The acrylonitrile content of nitrile sealing compounds varies considerably (18 to 50%.) Polymers with higher ACN content exhibit less swell in gasoline and aromatic solvents, while lower ACN polymers exhibit better compression set and low temperature flexibility. Polymer is also called Buna-N.GENERAL PURPOSEN0545-40 AMS 3201 -45 to 225 Black NA192-50 General Purpose, -45 to 250 BlackNon-BloomingN0525-60 AMS 3212, AMS 3220 -25 to 250 Black N1219-60 NSF 51, FDA -30 to 225 Black N0287-70 Synthetic Lubricant -35 to 250 BlackResistant, AMS 7272N0674-70 General Purpose -30 to 250 BlackMIL-G-21569, Cl I,UL listedN0757-70 NSF 61, UL Listed -30 to 225 Black N1069-70 FDA -30 to 180 Black N1220-70 NSF 51, FDA -30 to 225 Black N1470-70 General Purpose, X-rings -40 to 225 Black N1471-70 General Purpose -40 to 250 Black N1499-70 General Purpose, UL -30 to 250 Black N1510-70 NSF 61 -30 to 225 Black N1517-70 NSF 61 -30 to 225 Black N1527-70 UL Listed -30 to 225 Black N0508-75 FDA, USDA -30 to 180 Black NA155-80 (7538) Abrasion Resistant -25 to 250 Black N0300-90 Back Up Rings -40 to 180 Black N0552-90 General Purpose -30 to 250 Black N1444-90 Parbaks only -30 to 250 Black N1490-90 General Purpose -30 to 250 Black LOW SETN0299-50 UL listed -55 to 225 Black NL151-50 Internally Lubed -55 to 225 Black N0406-60 Low Temperature -55 to 225 Black NM506-65 AMS 7271 -70 to 180 Black N0103-70 Low Temperature -55 to 225 Black N0602-70 AMS-P-5315, -70 to 180 BlackLow TemperatureNM072-70 AMS-R-7362 -60 to 180 BlackMATERIAL OFFERINGNM304-75 MIL-DTL-25732 -66 to 225/250 Black N0756-75 AMS-P-83461, -65 to 250/275 BlackLow Comp. Set, CNG Applications N0507-90 AMS-P-5510 -65 to 180 BlackLow Temperature, CNG ApplicationsHigh ACN/Low Swell N0497-70 Low Swell, SAE 1120R1 CL2, -35 to 212 BlackUL ListedN1500-75 Low Swell, Fuel Applications -35 to 212 BlackUL ListedImproved Dynamic Properties NL151-50 Internally Lubed -55 to 225 Black NW163-70 Internally Lubed -30 to 225 Rust N0818-70 Internally Lubed -30 to 250 Black N0750-80 Carboxylated (good wear -25 to 250 Black resistance)N1090-85 Carboxylated (good wear -25 to 225Blackresistance), Internally LubedHYDROGENATED NITRILE (HNBR, HSN)Hydrogenated nitrile was developed as an air-resistant variant of nitrile rubber. In HNBR, the carbon-carbon double bonds in the main polymer chain are saturated with hydrogen atoms in a process called “hydrogenation” that improves the material’s thermal stability and oxidation resistance.KB190-50 (21705) Automotive Applications -25 to 300/325 Black N1173-70 General Purpose -25 to 300/325 Black N1239-70 Refrigerants -25 to 300/325 Red KA157-70 (21407) General Purpose -30 to 300/325 Black KA158-70 Low Temperature -40 to 300/325 Black KA174-75 (21107) 75 Duro, General Purpose -25 to 300/325 Black N1231-80 RGD Resistand, -25 to 300/325 Black Automotive Refrigerants KA453-80 (21508) Low Swell, ED Resistant -25 to 300/325 Black KB162-80 (21378) High Temp. Hydraulics -25 to 300/325 Black KA183-85 Low Temp. -55 to 300/320 Black KB163-90 (21379) High Temp. Hydraulics -25 to 300/325 Black ED Resistant N4007-95 Extrusion Resistant, -25 to 300/325 Black ED ResistantTEMP. RANGECOMPOUND NO. RECOMMENDED FOR (Degrees° F) COLORTEMP. RANGE COMPOUND NO. RECOMMENDED FOR (Degrees° F) COLORPOLYURETHANE (AU, EU)Polyurethane elastomers have excellent wear resistance, high tensile strength and high elasticity in comparison with any other elastomers. Permeability is good and comparable with butyl. Millable urethanes should not be confused with thermoplastic urethanes, which are generally harder, less flexible, and have slightly better wear resistance.P0642-70Drive Belt Applications, Millable-40 to 180Black SILICONE RUBBER (VMQ, PVMQ)Silicones possess good insulating properties and tends to be physiologically neutral. However, silicone elastomers have relatively low tensile strength, poor tear and wear resistance.S0469-40 AMS 3301 -75 to 400 Rust S0802-40 FDA -60 to 400 White S0595-50 AMS 3302 -70 to 400 Rust S0899-50 ZZ-R-765 CL 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b -103 to 400 RustGR 50SA150-50 Low Organic Extractibles -65 to 400 Trans S0317-60 FDA, USDA, USP CL VI -103 to 450 Rust S0613-60 ZZ-R-765 Cl 2b, Gr 60, -60 to 450 RustAMS 3303S0383-70 ZZ-R-765 Cl 1a, 1b, -175 to 400 RustGr 70, AMS 3337S0455-70 High Temp. -65 to 450/500 Rust S0604-70 ZZ-R-765 Cl 2a, 2b, Gr 70 -65 to 450 RustAMS 3304, AMS 3357MIL-G-21569S1138-70 FDA -60 to 400 Rust S1224-70 ZZ-R-765 Cl 2a, 2b, Gr 70 -65 to 450 RustAMS 3304, AMS 3357MIL--21569SM355-75 AMS 7267, FDA, USDA -60 to 450 Rust S0614-80 ZZ-R-765 Cl 2a, 2b -65 to 450 RustGr 80, AMS 3305MATERIAL OFFERINGFLUOROCARBON (FKM, FPM)Fluorocarbon (FKM) has excellent resistance to high temperature and a broad range of chemicals. Permeability and compression set are excellent.General Purpose V0986-50 General Purpose -15 to 400 Brown V0763-60 General Purpose -15 to 400 Brown V0769-60General Purpose -15 to 400 Black VA150-65 (19356) General Purpose -15 to 400 Black V0680-70 FDA, USDA, NSF 51 -15 to 400 Red V0747-75 AMS-R-83248, TY I, CL I, -15 to 400BlackUL listed V0848-75 PTFE Loaded-15 to 400 Black V0884-75 General Purpose, UL listed -15 to 400 Brown V1164-75 Low Set, AMS 7276, -15 to 400BlackAMS-R-83248, TY I, CL I V1226-75 Low Set,-15 to 400BrownAMS 7276, UL listed,AMS-R-83248, TY I, CL I V1436-75 General Purpose, -15 to 400 BlackUL ListedV1475-75 General Purpose -15 to 400 Black V1476-75General Purpose-15 to 400 Brown VA151-75 (19357) General Purpose, UL Listed -15 to 400 Black VA203-75 (16737) Extrusion Resistant, -15 to 400 BlackDiesel Fuel Injectors VM100-75 Low Compression Set, -15 to 400 BlackAMS 7276VW153-75 (16207) General Purpose-15 to 400 Brown VW173-75 (19457) Automotive Applications -15 to 400 Green VA163-80 (19318) Internally Lubed-15 to 400 Black V0709-90 AMS-R-83248, TY I, Cl II -15 to 400BlackAMS 7259V0894-90 General Purpose -15 to 400 Brown V1411-90 General Purpose -15 to 400 Black V1412-90General Purpose -15 to 400 Brown VA153-90 (19359) General Purpose -15 to 400 Black VW155-90 (16129) General Purpose -15 to 400 Green V1238-95 Extrusion Resistant,-15 to 400BlackExplosive DecompressionResistantTEMP. RANGECOMPOUND NO. RECOMMENDED FOR (Degrees° F) COLORTEMP. RANGE COMPOUND NO. RECOMMENDED FOR (Degrees° F) COLORImproved Chemical ResistanceV1262-65 Low Swell-Flex Fuel Blends -15 to 400 BlackUL lIstedVW252-65 Low Swell -15 to 400 Green VB185-70 Acid Resistant, Steam -15 to 400 Black 16327-75 Automotive Fuel, Good -15 to 400 GreenPermeation ResistanceV1163-75 "GFLT" Type, UL Listed -35 to 400 Black V1260-75 Very Chemically Resistant -15 to 400 Black V1263-75 Low Swell, Flex Fuel Blends, -15 to 400 BlackUL ListedV1289-75 AMS 7379, Extreme Low -55 to 400 BlackTemp (-40 TR-10)VB153-75 Good Compression Set, -15 to 400 BlackFuelsVG162-75 Good Fuel Resistance, -15 to 400 Black"GF" TypeVW263-75 Biodiesel Reistant -15 to 400 Brown V1274-80 USP Class VI, ISO 10993, -15 to 400 BlackLow SwellVG286-80 Fuel Injectors, Good -45 to 400 BlackMethanol & BiodieselResistanceVP104-85 Base Resistant +10 to 400 Black Improved Low TemperatureV1163-75 "GFLT" Type, UL Listed -35 to 400 Black VG292-75 Engine Coolant & Biodiesel -40 to 400 BlackResistantVM125-75 "GLT" Type, AMS-R-83485 -40 to 400 BlackAMS 7287, Low SetVM128-75 "GLT" Type, AMS-R-83485 -40 to 400 Black VM835-75 “GLT Type”, AMS-R-83485 -40 to 400 Black Extreme Low TemperatureVG286-80 Fuel Injectors, Good -45 to 400 BlackMethanol & BiodieselResistanceV1289-75 AMS 7379, Good Methanol -55 to 400 BlackResistanceMATERIAL OFFERINGVX065-75 Extreme Low Temperature, -65 to400 BlackLow Com. SetVG109-90 ISO 23936 RGD & -45 to 400 BlackExtrusion Resistant,High Pressure CNGApplicationsVX165-90 Extreme Low Temperature, -55 to 400 BlackLow Comp. Set TETRAFLUOROETHYLENE - PROPYLENE (AFLAS)This material is a copolymer of TFE and propylene. Its chemical resistance isexcellent across a wide range of aggressive media. Polymer is sold under the tradename Aflas®.V1006-75AMS 725525 to 450BlackVP101-80General Purpose25 to 450BlackVP102-80LowCompression Set15 to 450BlackV1041-85RGD Resistant,GeneralPurpose,NORSOK M71015 to 450BlackVP103-90ExtrusionResistant25 to 450BlackHIGH PERFORMANCE FLUOROELASTOMER (HiFluor)Hifluor is Parker’s tradename for high performance fluoroelastomers – materialsthat “bridge the gap” between traditional fluorocarbon and perfluoroelastomer.HF355-65USP Class VI, Extreme LowExtractibles-15 to 400TranslucentV3819-75Chemically Resistant, LowCompression Set-15 to 400BlackHF391-75Extreme Resistance to PlasmaEtching-15 to 375BlueHF359-80Resistant to Plasma Etch, LowMetal Ions -15 to 400Tan TEMP. RANGECOMPOUND NO. RECOMMENDED FOR (Degrees° F) COLOR11Parker Hannifin Corporation • O-Ring Division2360 Palumbo Drive, Lexington, KY 40509Phone: (859) 269-2351 • Fax: (859) 335-5128ORD 5712O-Ring Material Offering GuidePERFLUOROELASTOMER (ULTRA™)Perfluoroelastomer is a rubber version of PTFE. Available from Parker under the tradenames Parofluor™ and Parofluor ULTRA™.FF374-60Low Particle Generation, Low Metal Ion Content 5 to 608PurpleFF354-65Low Closure Force5 to 608White FF102-75Acid Resistant, General Purpose 5 to 525Black FF106-75General Purpose, Low Cost 5 to 500Black FF200-75Low Comp Set, AMS7257, FDA 5 to 608Black FF302-75Etch Resistant, Low Metal Ions 5 to 608Brown FF350-75Plasma, High urity, FDA, USP Class VI5 to 608White FF352-75General Purpose, Etch Resistant 5 to 608White FF370-75Low Particle Generation, Low Metal Ion Content 5 to 608Black FF400-75Extreme Low Temperature -40 to 500Black FF500-75Broad Chemcial Resistance, FDA 5 to 550Black FF580-75Steam/Amine/Base Resistant, USP Class VI5 to 525Black V8545-75FDA, General Purpose 5 to 572Black FF376-80Low Particle Generation, Low Metal Ion Content5 to 608Black FF202-90Low Compression Set, Extrusion Resistant Pressure 5 to 608Black FF582-90Pressure5 to 525Black V8581-90Plasma Etch Resistant, Low Stiction5 to 550White V8588-90Extrusion & RGD Resistant5 to 572BlackTEMP. RANGE COMPOUND NO. RECOMMENDED FOR (Degrees° F)COLORNumbers in ( ) next to the Parker compound reference old Wynn's Precision numbers.Hifluor™ is a registered trademark of the Parker Hannifin Corporation ULTRA™ is a registered trademark of the Parker Hannifin Corporation。

CommScope CBC782123T-DM双四极器说明书

CommScope CBC782123T-DM双四极器说明书

Page of 14Twin Quadplexer, 700/850/PCS-AWS/WCS,DC Manual SelectBTS-to-feeder and feeder-to-antenna application Convertible mounting bracketsOBSOLETEThis product was discontinued on: February 20, 2019Replaced By:CQX782123T-DS-43E14F15P26Twin Quadplexer, 700/850/PCS-AWS/WCS,DC Sense, 4.3-10Product ClassificationProduct TypeQuadplexerGeneral SpecificationsProduct Family CBC782123ColorGray Common Port Label COMMON Modularity 2-Twin MountingPole | Wall Mounting Pipe Hardware Band clamps (2)RF Connector Interface7-16 DIN Female RF Connector Interface Body StyleLong neckDimensionsHeight 225 mm | 8.858 in Width 250 mm | 9.843 in Depth114 mm | 4.488 in Ground Screw Diameter 6 mm | 0.236 in Mounting Pipe Diameter Range40–160 mmPage of 24Outline DrawingElectrical SpecificationsImpedance50 ohmLicense Band, Band PassAWS 1700 | CEL 850 | LMR 750 | PCS 1900 | USA 700 | USA 750 | WCS 2300Electrical Specifications, dc Power/Alarmdc/AISG Pass-through Method User selectabledc/AISG Pass-through Path Manual adjustment sets dc/AISG path Lightning Surge Current5 kALightning Surge Current Waveform 8/20 waveformOperating Current at Voltage 15 mA @ 12 V | 15 mA @ 24 V Voltage7–30 VdcElectrical Specifications, AISGAISG Carrier2176 KHz ± 100 ppmInsertion Loss, maximum 1 dBReturn Loss, minimum15 dBElectrical SpecificationsSub-module 1 | 2 1 | 2 1 | 2 1 | 2 1 | 2 Branch12334 Port Designation698-798824-894AWS-PCS PCS-AWS WCSLicense Band LMR 750, Band PassUSA 700, Band PassUSA 750, Band Pass CEL 850, Band Pass AWS 1700, BandPassPCS 1900, BandPassWCS 2300, BandPassElectrical Specifications, Band PassFrequency Range, MHz698–798824–8941695–17802110–21801850–19902305–2360Insertion Loss, typical, dB0.350.350.30.30.3Total Group Delay, maximum,ns5050303030Return Loss, minimum, dB2020202020Isolation, minimum, dB5050505050Input Power, RMS, maximum,W200200200200200Input Power, PEP, maximum,W200020002000200020003rd Order PIM, typical, dBc-155-155-155-1553rd Order PIM Test Method 2 x 20 W CW tones 2 x 20 W CW tones 1 x 20 W AWS CW tone1 x 20 W PCS CW tone2 x 20 W CW tonesHigher Order PIM, typical, dBc-155Higher Order PIM Test Method 2 x 20 W CW tones Block DiagramPage of34Environmental SpecificationsOperating Temperature-40 °C to +65 °C (-40 °F to +149 °F)Ingress Protection Test Method IEC 60529:2001, IP67Packaging and WeightsIncluded Mounting hardwareWeight, net9.2 kg | 20.283 lb44Page of。

Belimo B213 无碳钢球型阀门数据报表

Belimo B213 无碳钢球型阀门数据报表

B213•ApplicationStainless Steel Ball and StemTechnical dataFunctional dataValve Size 0.5" [15]Fluidchilled or hot water, up to 60% glycol Fluid Temp Range (water)0...250°F [-18...120°C]Body Pressure Rating 600 psi Close-off pressure ∆ps 200 psiFlow characteristic equal percentage Servicing maintenance-free Flow Pattern 2-way Leakage rate0% for A – AB Controllable flow range 75°Cv4.7 Body pressure rating note 600 psiCv Flow RatingA-port: as stated in chart B-port: 70% of A – AB Cv MaterialsValve body Nickel-plated brass body Stem seal EPDM (lubricated)SeatPTFEPipe connection NPT female ends O-ring EPDM (lubricated)Ballstainless steel Suitable actuatorsNon-SpringTR LRB(X)NRSafety notesWARNING: This product can expose you to lead which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. For more information go to Product featuresThis valve is typically used in air handling units on heating or cooling coils, and fan coil unit heating or cooling coils. Some other common applications include Unit Ventilators, VAV box re-heat coils and bypass loops. This valve is suitable for use in a hydronic system with variable flow.Flow/Mounting detailsB213 DimensionsDimensional drawingsLRB, LRXA B C D E F H1H29.4" [239] 2.4" [60] 5.6" [141] 5.0" [127] 1.3" [33] 1.3" [33] 1.2" [30] 1.1" [28]TRA B C D E F3.7" [95] 2.4" [60] 5.2" [132]4.6" [117] 1.3" [33] 1.3" [33]TFRB, TFRXA B C D E F7.9" [200] 2.4" [60] 6.1" [154] 5.5" [140] 1.8" [46] 1.8" [46]LFA B C D E F6.6" [167] 2.4" [60] 5.5" [139] 4.7" [120] 1.5" [39] 1.5" [39]ARB N4, ARX N4, NRB N4, NRX N4A B C D E F11.4" [289] 2.4" [60]7.7" [196]7.0" [179] 3.1" [80] 3.1" [80]B213TFRB, TFRXA B C D E F7.9" [200] 2.4" [60] 6.1" [154] 5.5" [140] 1.8" [46] 1.8" [46]ARB N4, ARX N4, NRB N4, NRX N4A B C D E F11.4" [289] 2.4" [60]7.7" [196]7.0" [179] 3.1" [80] 3.1" [80]LRX120-3••••••On/Off, Floating Point, Non-Spring Return, AC 100...240 VTechnical dataElectrical dataNominal voltageAC 100...240 V Nominal voltage frequency 50/60 Hz Power consumption in operation 2 W Power consumption in rest position 0.5 WTransformer sizing 4 VA (class 2 power source)Electrical Connection18 GA appliance cable, 3ft [1m] 10ft [3m] and 16ft [5m], with 1/2" conduit connector, degree of protection NEMA 2 / IP54Overload Protectionelectronic thoughout 0...90° rotation Functional dataInput Impedance 600 ΩDirection of motion motor selectable with switch 0/1Manual override external push button Angle of rotation 90°Angle of rotation note adjustable with mechanical stop Running Time (Motor)default 90 s, variable 150, 90, 45, 35 s Running time motor variable 150, 90, 45, 35 s Noise level, motor 35 dB(A)Position indicationMechanically, pluggable Safety dataDegree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2 UL Enclosure Type 2Agency ListingcULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSAE60730-1:02, CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU; Listed to UL 2043 - suitable for use in air plenums per Section 300.22(c) of the NEC and Section 602.2 of the IMC Quality Standard ISO 9001Ambient temperature -22...122°F [-30...50°C]Storage temperature -40...176°F [-40...80°C]Ambient humidity max. 95% r.H., non-condensing Servicingmaintenance-free WeightWeight1.1 lb [0.50 kg]Safety notesCable for ZIP-RS232 US and ZIP-USB-MP US to Belimo gateways.Battery Back Up System for SY(7~10)-110120 to 24 VAC, 40 VA transformer.Cable for ZTH US to actuators w/o diagnostics socket.50% voltage divider kit (resistors with wires).PC Tool computer programming interface, serial port.LRX120-3 Electrical installationINSTALLATION NOTESActuators with appliance cables are numbered.Provide overload protection and disconnect as required.Actuators may be connected in parallel. Power consumption and input impedance must be observed.Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Warning! Live Electrical Components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to workwith live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual who has beenproperly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks. Failure to follow all electricalsafety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.On/Off AC 100...240 V Floating Point AC 100...240 V。


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Digital Endoscope
User’s Manual
(N014, N014J)
Thank you for using Digital Endoscope
Digital Endoscope is a new-designed digital endoscope of High-Definition, multi-function, which is easy to operate and high efficient . In order to make you enjoy the fun of using Digital Endoscope, please read this User's Manual.
1. Product Description:
1) Speculum: φ9MM
2) Picture elements: 640*480 High-Definition display
3) 500mm(N014),1000mm(N014J) flexible hose(could be customized)
4) Larger capacity battery can be applied
brightness adjust on/off picture capture/delete video/confirm setup/back direction button
11indicator light focus adjust
2, Operation Specification
1) On/off
On: Press “on/off” for 2 seconds to start and indicator light will turn on;
Off: press “on/off” for 2 seconds and indicator light will trun off.
2) Focus adjust: lens aiming at the target object, revolving the focus knob to make the image clear
3)Lightness adjust: press to decrease; while press to increase
4)Taking photos: press
5) View photos: Press
for 2 seconds to enter photos catalogue while small image displayed on the left of
screen and photos list on the right; choose photo by moving direction button; press to display big sized
image; press
to back to previous menu. 6) A
V recording: press 1 second to record, repress to save video.
7) View video: press
2 seconds to enter video catalogue while small image displayed on the left of screen
and video list on the right; choose photo by moving direction button; press
to display video; press to back to previous menu.
8)Set: press
to enter set up menu
9) Press to back to previous menu.
10) Delete: Press to see dialogue box
11) document read: Start the endoscope and connect it to PC, operate on the mobile equipment; or take out the memory card to read by card reader
12) Reset: press reset button to reset if system halted
13) Memory card: insert by aiming at the card slot; take out by press memory card;
14) Indicator light: turn on when charging
15) Charging: connect endoscope to USB interface, indicator light truns on when charging
16) Change battery: push the battery cover out, change battery, then cover the battery back.
17) Conect TV or monitor: insert the A V audio plug into A V interface of endoscope, then connect A V plug into TV or monitor
