编制/修订原因说明: 修订 原章节号 1 1 现章节号 1 1 修订内容说明
将“座椅机织面料”修改为“座椅织物面料” 取消“本标准适用于车用座椅机织面料(包括机织平布、小提花机 织物、大提花机织物、机织绒布等机织面料及其制品) 。 ”
增加“本标准所规定的座椅织物面料包括机织面料、经编面料、纬 编面料及其制品”
冷凝组分: 由A型、B型、C型的3 mg,修订为A型≤5mg, B型≤3mg, C型≤2mg;
气味性: 由A型≤3.0调整为A型≤4.0; 由C型≤4.0调整为A型≤3.0;
3.3.2 3.33.2 3.3.2
Q/CC 04.137-2014 4 试验方法 4.1 试验标准环境 在进行试验前,必须使试样在GB/T 6529所规定的标准环境,即温度为20±2℃,相对空气湿度 65±4%下,调节至少24小时,并在此条件下进行试验。 4.2 厚度 按照GB/T 3820标准进行试验。 采用 2000±20mm 的压脚,施加 0.1±0.001KPa 的压力,加压 10s 后读数。 4.3 单位面积质量 按照 GB/T 4669 标准的方法 7.5 进行试验。 至少用 5 个 10cm×10cm 的方形试样或面积为 100cm 的圆形试样做单位面积质量测定试验,测试点 要分布在试样全幅面的各个部位。 4.4 剥离强力 按照Q/CC 05.021标准进行试验,当材料的变形较大时,仅考虑经向。 4.5 拉伸性能(常态) 按照Q/CC 05.020标准进行测定。 4.6 拉伸性能(光照后) 按照Q/CC 05.020标准,测试样品在3个周期光老化后的断裂强力(经纬各3个试样)。 4.7 接缝强力 按照GB/T 13773标准方法B条样法进行试验。 4.8 胀破强度 按照GB 7742.1标准进行试验。 4.9 耐摩擦色牢度 按照GB/T 3920标准进行试验。 变色和沾色牢度评级分别按GB/T 250和GB/T 251评定。 4.10 耐汗渍色牢度 按照GB/T 3922标准进行试验。 色牢度评级按GB/T 250及GB/T 251评定。 4.11 耐磨性 按照ISO 12947-2标准进行试验,样品直径38±2mm,加载重量(795±7)g,用马丁代尔仪进行规 定次数的磨擦试验。 耐磨性:观察样品表面的破损状况。 耐磨色牢度:色牢度评级按 GB/T 250 评定。 耐磨耗失重:测试样品磨擦前后的失重。
NFPA 214 Standard on Water-Cooling Towers
NFPA 214Standard on Water-Cooling Towers2005 EditionNFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471 An International Codes and Standards Organization --` , , , ` ` ` , , , ` ` , ` ` , , ` , ` ` ` , , ` , ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPA DOCUMENT SN OTICE AND D ISCLAIMER OF L IABILITY C ONCERNING THE U SE OF NFPA D OCUMENTSNFPA codes,standards,recommended practices,and guides,of which the document contained herein is one,are de-veloped through a consensus standards development process approved by the American National Standards Institute.This process brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus on fire and other safety issues. While the NFPA administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the develop-ment of consensus,it does not independently test,evaluate,or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its codes and standards.The NFPA disclaims liability for any personal injury,property or other damages of any nature whatsoever,whether special,indirect,consequential or compensatory,directly or indirectly resulting from the publication,use of,or reliance on this document. The NFPA also makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein.In issuing and making this document available,the NFPA is not undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity. Nor is the NFPA undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment or,as appropriate,seek the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances.The NFPA has no power,nor does it undertake,to police or enforce compliance with the contents of this document.Nor does the NFPA list,certify,test or inspect products,designs,or installations for compliance with this document.Any certification or other statement of compliance with the requirements of this document shall not be attributable to the NFPA and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement.--`,,,```,,,``,``,,`,```,,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ADDITIONAL NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERSUpdating of NFPA DocumentsUsers of NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides should be aware that these documents may be superseded at any time by the issuance of new editions or may beamended from time to time through the issuance of Tentative Interim Amendments. An offi-cial NFPA document at any point in time consists of the current edition of the documenttogether with any Tentative Interim Amendments and any Errata then in effect. In order todetermine whether a given document is the current edition and whether it has been amendedthrough the issuance of Tentative Interim Amendments or corrected through the issuance ofErrata, consult appropriate NFPA publications such as the National Fire Codes® Subscription --`,,,```,,,``,``,,`,```,,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Service, visit the NFPA website at , or contact the NFPA at the address listedbelow.Interpretations of NFPA DocumentsA statement, written or oral, that is not processed in accordance with Section 6 of the Reg-ulations Governing Committee Projects shall not be considered the official position of NFPAor any of its Committees and shall not be considered to be, nor be relied upon as, a FormalInterpretation.PatentsThe NFPA d oes not take any position with respect to the valid ity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items which are mentioned in or are the subject of NFPAcodes, standards, recommended practices, and guides, and the NFPA disclaims liability forthe infringement of any patent resulting from the use of or reliance on these documents.Users of these documents are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any suchpatent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility.NFPA adheres to applicable policies of the American National Standards Institute with respect to patents. For further information contact the NFPA at the address listed below.Law and RegulationsUsers of these documents should consult applicable federal, state, and local laws and reg-ulations. NFPA does not, by the publication of its codes, standards, recommended practices,and guides, intend to urge action that is not in compliance with applicable laws, and thesedocuments may not be construed as doing so.CopyrightsThis document is copyrighted by the NFPA. It is made available for a wide variety of both public and private uses. These include both use, by reference, in laws and regulations, anduse in private self-regulation, stand ard ization, and the promotion of safe practices andmethods. By making this document available for use and adoption by public authorities andprivate users, the NFPA does not waive any rights in copyright to this document.Use of NFPA documents for regulatory purposes should be accomplished through adop-tion by reference. The term “adoption by reference” means the citing of title, edition, andpublishing information only. Any deletions, additions, and changes desired by the adoptingauthority should be noted separately in the adopting instrument. In order to assist NFPA infollowing the uses made of its documents, adopting authorities are requested to notify theNFPA (Attention: Secretary, Standards Council) in writing of such use. For technical assis-tance and questions concerning adoption of NFPA documents, contact NFPA at the addressbelow.For Further InformationAll questions or other communications relating to NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides and all requests for information on NFPA procedures governing itscod es and stand ard s d evelopment process, includ ing information on the proced ures forrequesting Formal Interpretations, for proposing Tentative Interim Amendments, and forproposing revisions to NFPA documents during regular revision cycles, should be sent toNFPA headquarters, addressed to the attention of the Secretary, Standards Council, NFPA,1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101.For more information about NFPA, visit the NFPA website at .Copyright ©2005,National Fire Protection Association,All Rights ReservedNFP A 214Standard onWater-Cooling Towers2005EditionThis edition of NFPA 214,Standard on Water-Cooling Towers ,was prepared by the Technical Committee on Water-Cooling Towers,and acted on by NFPA at its November Association Technical Meeting held November 13–17,2004,in Miami Beach,FL.It was issued by the Standards Council on January 14,2005,with an effective date of February 7,2005,and super-sedes all previous editions.This edition of NFPA 214was approved as an American National Standard on February 7,2005.Origin and Development of NFP A 214The subject of the protection of water-cooling towers was first considered by the NFPA Committee on Building Construction in 1957,and a progress report on that subject was published in the Advance Reports of that year.In 1958,a new Committee on Water-Cooling Towers was appointed and a Tentative Standard on Fire Protection of Water-Cooling Towers proposed by the Committee was adopted by the Association in that year.Final adoption was secured in 1959.Revised editions were published in 1961,1966,1968,1971,1976,1977,1983,1988,and 1992.The 1996edition of the standard reinforced a performance-based approach to fire protection for water-cooling towers.The scope was also changed to include protection of field-erected water-cooling towers.The changes in the 2000edition reflected the new Manual of Style for NFPA Technical Com-mittee Documents .The 2005edition has added requirements for pilot line detectors.214–1--`,,,```,,,``,``,,`,```,,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Technical Committee on Water-Cooling Towers Christopher A.Spencer,ChairFM Global,RI[I]Rep.FM Global/FM Engineering&ResearchJennifer Nelson,SecretaryAT&T—EH&S,NY[U]James M.Connolly,Marsh USA Inc.,IL[I]David L.Dixon,Security Fire Protection,TN[IM] Rep.National Fire Sprinkler AssociationEdgar G.Dressler,American Nuclear Insurers,FL[I] Robert M.Gagnon,Gagnon Engineering,MD[SE] Kenneth P.Mortensen,Marley Cooling Tower Company, KS[M]Joseph L.Navarra,Pepco Holdings Inc.,DC[U]Rep.Edison Electric InstituteDavid W.Schmidt,Tyco/SimplexGrinnell-LP,OH[M]Jess Seawell,Fort Worth,TX[M]Rep.Cooling Technology InstituteAlternatesKenneth E.Isman,National Fire Sprinkler Association, NY[IM](Alt.to D.L.Dixon)Robert J.Smith,Jr.,Marsh USA Inc.,IL[I](Alt.to J.M.Connolly)Terry L.Victor,Tyco/SimplexGrinnell-LP,MD[M] (Alt.to D.W.Schmidt)Mark T.Conroy,NFPA Staff LiaisonThis list represents the membership at the time the Committee was balloted on the final text of this edition.Since that time,changes in the membership may have occurred.A key to classifications is found at the back of the document.NOTE:Membership on a committee shall not in and of itself constitute an endorsement of the Association orany document developed by the committee on which the member serves.Committee Scope:This Committee shall have primary responsibility for documents on the design,construc-tion,protection,and maintenance of water-cooling towers.214–2WATER-COOLING TOWERS2005EditionContentsChapter1Administration...............................214–4 1.1Scope...............................................214–4 1.2Purpose............................................214–4 Chapter2Referenced Publications...................214–4 2.1General............................................214–4 2.2NFPA Publications...............................214–4 2.3Other Publications..............................214–4 Chapter3Definitions....................................214–4 3.1General............................................214–4 3.2NFPA Official Definitions......................214–4 3.3General Definitions.............................214–4 Chapter4Location of Water-Cooling Towers......214–5 4.1Construction Materials ofWater-Cooling Towers..........................214–5 4.2Fire Risk Analysis................................214–5 4.3Combustible Exterior Surfaces...............214–5 4.4Combustible Surfaces with FixedProtection.........................................214–5 4.5Noncombustible Exterior Surfaces..........214–5 4.6Noncombustible Surfaces with FixedProtection.........................................214–5 4.7Combustible Towers on Building Roofs....214–5 4.8Screening.........................................214–5 4.9Fire-Resistant Partition.........................214–5 Chapter5Fire Protection...............................214–5 5.1General............................................214–5 5.2Fire Protection System Design...............214–6 5.3Corrosion Protection...........................214–8 5.4Hydrant Protection.............................214–8 5.5Standpipe Protection...........................214–85.6Water Supply.....................................214–8 5.7Lightning Protection...........................214–9 5.8Earthquake Protection.........................214–9Chapter6Electrical Equipment and Wiring........214–9 6.1Installation........................................214–9 6.2Overcurrent Protection........................214–9 6.3Stop Fan...........................................214–9 6.4Interlock...........................................214–9 6.5Vibration-Controlled Switch..................214–9Chapter7Internal Combustion Engine–DrivenFans.............................................214–9 7.1Internal Combustion Engines................214–9Chapter8Maintenance..................................214–9 8.1Housekeeping....................................214–9 8.2Smoking...........................................214–9 8.3Mechanical Inspection.........................214–9 8.4Inspection Frequency..........................214–9 8.5Welding and Cutting...........................214–9 8.6Down Time.......................................214–9 8.7Access..............................................214–9 8.8Lockout............................................214–9 8.9Temporary Supports............................214–9 8.10Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems...214–9Annex A Explanatory Material.........................214–10Annex B Water-Cooling Tower Types.................214–17Annex C Informational References...................214–20Index...........................................................214–21214–3CONTENTS2005EditionNFP A214Standard onWater-Cooling Towers2005EditionIMPORTANT NOTE:This NFPA document is made available for use subject to important notices and legal disclaimers.These notices and disclaimers appear in all publications containing this document and may be found under the heading“Important Notices and Dis-claimers Concerning NFPA Documents.”They can also be obtained on request from NFPA or viewed at /disclaimers.NOTICE:An asterisk(*)following the number or letter designating a paragraph indicates that explanatory material on the paragraph can be found in Annex A.A reference in brackets[]following a section or paragraph indicates material that has been extracted from another NFPA document.As an aid to the user,the complete title and edition of the source documents for mandatory extracts are given in Chapter2and those for nonmandatory extracts are given in Annex C.Editorial changes to extracted material consist of revising references to an appropriate division in this docu-ment or the inclusion of the document number with the divi-sion number when the reference is to the original document. Requests for interpretations or revisions of extracted text shall be sent to the technical committee responsible for the source document.Information on referenced publications can be found in Chapter2and Annex C.Chapter1Administration1.1*Scope.This standard applies to fire protection for field-erected and factory-assembled water-cooling towers of com-bustible construction or those in which the fill is of combus-tible material.1.2Purpose.The purpose of this standard is to provide a rea-sonable degree of protection for life and property from fire where water-cooling towers are located.Chapter2Referenced Publications2.1General.The documents or portions thereof listed in this chapter are referenced within this standard and shall be con-sidered part of the requirements of this document.2.2NFP A Publications.National Fire Protection Association, 1Batterymarch Park,Quincy,MA02169-7471.NFPA13,Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems,2002 edition.NFPA14,Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems,2003edition.NFPA25,Standard for the Inspection,Testing,and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems,2002edition.NFPA37,Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines,2002edition.NFPA51B,Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding,Cut-ting,and Other Hot Work,2003edition.NFPA70,National Electrical Code®,2002edition.NFPA72®,National Fire Alarm Code®,2002edition.NFPA251,Standard Methods of Tests of Fire Endurance of Build-ing Construction and Materials,1999edition.NFPA780,Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems,2004edition.2.3Other Publications.2.3.1ASTM Publication.American Society for Testing and Materials,100Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.ASTM A153A/153M,Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot Dip)on Iron and Steel Hardware,2004.Chapter3Definitions3.1General.The definitions contained in this chapter shall apply to the terms used in this standard.Where terms are not defined in this chapter or within another chapter,they shall be defined using their ordinarily accepted meanings within the context in which they are used.Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary,11th edition,shall be the source for the ordinarily accepted meaning.3.2NFP A Official Definitions.3.2.1*Approved.Acceptable to the authority having jurisdic-tion.3.2.2*Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ).An organization, office,or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard,or for approving equipment,materials,an installation,or a procedure.3.2.3Labeled.Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label,symbol,or other identifying mark of an orga-nization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation,that maintains peri-odic inspection of production of labeled equipment or mate-rials,and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates com-pliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner.3.2.4*Listed.Equipment,materials,or services included in a list published by an organization that is acceptable to the author-ity having jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of products or services,that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials or periodic evaluation of services, and whose listing states that either the equipment,material,or service meets appropriate designated standards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose.3.2.5Shall.Indicates a mandatory requirement.3.2.6Should.Indicates a recommendation or that which is advised but not required.3.3General Definitions.3.3.1Air Travel.The horizontal distance through the fill measured just below the distribution basin.3.3.2*Cell.The smallest tower subdivision that can function as an independent unit with regard to air and water flow.3.3.3Combustible.Capable of undergoing combustion. 3.3.4*Cooling Tower.*Counterflow.A cooling tower classification in whichthe water flows countercurrent to the airflow.214–4WATER-COOLING TOWERS 2005Edition--`,,,```,,,``,``,,`,```,,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---*Crossflow.A cooling tower classification in whichthe airflow is essentially perpendicular to the flow of water.*Mechanical-Draft.A cooling tower classification inwhich air movement depends on fans or blowers.*Natural-Draft.A cooling tower containing no fansor blowers,in which air movement depends on the differ-ence in densities of the heated air inside the tower and the cooler air outside.3.3.5Film Fill.Water-cooling media made of formed plas-tic sheets and placed parallel to tower air travel at evenly spaced intervals.3.3.6*Fire-Resistant Partition.A tight,continuous partition suitable for use in a cooling tower environment that has a fire resistance rating of20minutes or more.3.3.7Noncombustible.Not capable of supporting combustion. [80,1999]3.3.8Pilot Line Detector.An automatic sprinkler or thermo-static fixed temperature release device used as a detector to pneumatically or hydraulically release the system actuation valve.3.3.9System Actuation V alve.The main valve that controls the flow of water into the fire protection system.Chapter4Location of Water-Cooling Towers4.1Construction Materials of Water-Cooling Towers.4.1.1Where the cooling tower’s structure,fan,distribution system,louvers,and fill and drift eliminator materials are all of noncombustible materials,a fire protection system shall not be required.4.1.2If any of the construction materials are combustible and the factors in Section4.2necessitate it,fire protection shall be provided in accordance with Chapter5,and towers shall be located in accordance with Chapter4.4.2*Fire Risk Analysis.A fire risk analysis shall be conducted. The following are some of the factors that shall be considered in determining the extent and method of fire protection required for induced-draft and natural-draft water-cooling towers:(1)Importance to continuity of operation(2)*Size and construction of tower(3)Type of tower(4)Location of tower(5)Water supply(6)Value of tower(7)Climate(8)*Water delivery time(9)Environment(10)Rooftop towers(11)Limited access(12)Construction of materials(see Section4.1)4.3Combustible Exterior Surfaces.Water-cooling towers with combustible exterior surfaces,including the deck,distribution basins,and so forth,shall be located at least30.5m(100ft)from the following hazards:(1)Structures or processes that emit sparks or flying brandsunder ordinary circumstances,such as chimneys,incin-erators,flare stacks,or cob burners (2)Materials or processes of severe fire hazard,such as petro-leum processing and storage tanks,explosives manufac-turing or storage,and petroleum product pipelines and pumping stations4.4Combustible Surfaces with Fixed Protection.Towers with combustible exterior surfaces that are provided with fixed ex-posure protection in accordance with5.2.10shall be permit-ted to be located closer than30.5m(100ft)from the hazards listed in Section4.3.4.5Noncombustible Exterior Surfaces.Towers with noncom-bustible exterior surfaces shall be located12m(40ft)or more from the hazards listed in Section4.3.4.6Noncombustible Surfaces with Fixed Protection.Towers with noncombustible exterior surfaces that are provided with fixed interior fire protection installed in accordance with Chapter5shall be permitted to be located closer than12m (40ft)from the hazards listed in Section4.3.4.7Combustible Towers on Building bustible water-cooling towers located on building roofs or other loca-tions to which access for manual fire fighting is restricted or difficult shall be provided with a protection system in accor-dance with Chapter5.4.8Screening.4.8.1Open areas or space between a combustible cold-water basin and the ground or roof of a building upon which it is located shall be effectively screened to prevent the accumula-tion of waste combustible material under the tower and to prevent the use of such areas or space under the tower for the storage of combustible material.4.8.2Fire protection shall be permitted to be installed in lieu of screening.4.9Fire-Resistant Partition.4.9.1A fire-resistant partition for water-cooling towers shall be tested in accordance with NFPA251.4.9.2The partition shall extend from0.3m(1ft)below the operating water level of the cold-water basin to the underside of the fan deck(counterflow towers)or distribution basin(cross-flow towers).Chapter5Fire Protection5.1General.5.1.1*Types of Suppression Systems.If the fire risk analysis results in Section4.2,or the conditions of Section4.7exist, requiring a fire protection system,one of the following gen-eral types of systems shall be used:(1)Open-head deluge system(2)Closed-head dry-pipe system(3)Wet-pipe automatic sprinkler system(4)Closed-head preaction system5.1.2Complete Plans and Data Required.A complete plan showing piping arrangement,location of sprinklers,fixed detec-tors,and operating equipment such as valves and deluge valves, together with hydraulic calculations,water requirements,and wa-ter supply information,shall be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction for approval before installation.214–5FIRE PROTECTION2005Edition --` , , , ` ` ` , , , ` ` , ` ` , , ` , ` ` ` , , ` , ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` --- shall be drawn to scale and shall include the details necessary to indicate clearly all of the equipment and its arrangement. shall show location of new work with relation to existing structures,water-cooling towers,and water supplies. shall include a note listing the types of materials used in the system.5.2Fire Protection System Design.5.2.1General.Fire protection systems shall be designed,in-stalled,and tested in accordance with NFPA13.5.2.2Types of Systems.*Because the counterflow tower design lends itself to either closed-or open-head systems,the following systems shall be permitted to be used:(1)Wet-pipe(2)Dry-pipe(3)Preaction(4)Deluge5.2.2.2*The open-head deluge system shall be used in cross-flow towers to maximize the water distribution and heat detec-tion activation.5.2.3Minimum Rate of Application. the fan decks of counterflow towers,the rate of application of water shall be20.4mm/min(0.5gpm/ft2),in-cluding fan opening. the fan decks of crossflow towers,the rate of application of water shall be13.45mm/min(0.33gpm/ft2), including fan opening. the fill areas of crossflow towers,the rate of ap-plication of water shall be20.4mm/min(0.5gpm/ft2).5.2.4Types and Locations of Discharge Outlets.*Counterflow Towers. discharge outlets shall be located under the fan deck and fan opening. under the fan opening,all discharge outlets shall have deflector distances installed in accordance with NFPA13. discharge outlets for dry-pipe and pre-action systems shall be installed in the upright position only.*Crossflow Towers. discharge outlets protecting the plenum area shall be located under the fan deck and in the fan opening. outlets protecting the fill shall be located under the distribution basin on either the louver or drift elimina-tor side,discharging horizontally through the joist channels. and Pressure of Discharge Devices. with an air travel dimension longer than the maximum allowable for the discharge device being used shall have discharge devices placed on both sides of the fill area in each joist channel. pressure at each discharge device shall be adequate to provide protection for half of the length of the fill measured along the air travel. of Discharge Devices. joist channels are wider than0.6m(2ft), more than one discharge device shall be required per joist channel. the discharge device being used is listed for the width of the joist channel being protected,one discharge de-vice per joist channel shall be permitted to be used.*Extended Fan Decks.On towers having extended fan decks that completely enclose the distribution basin,the dis-charge outlets protecting the fill area shall be located over the basin,under the extension of the fan deck. discharge outlets shall be open directional spray nozzles or other approved spray devices arranged to dis-charge14.26mm/min(0.35gpm/ft2)directly on the distribu-tion basin and6.11mm/min(0.15gpm/ft2)on the underside of the fan deck extension. towers having extended fan decks that do not completely enclose the hot-water basin,outlets protecting the fill shall be located under the distribution basin in accordance with5. Fan Decks.For deluge systems using di-rectional spray nozzles in the pendant position,provisions shall be made to protect the underside of a combustible fan deck at a minimum rate of6.11mm/min(0.15gpm/ft2),which shall be included as part of the application rate specified in5.*Water Basin Covers.On film-filled towers that have solid,hot-water basin covers over the complete basin,the dis-charge outlets protecting the fill area shall be permitted to be located under the basin covers. discharge outlets shall be open directional spray nozzles or other approved devices arranged to discharge 20.4mm/min(0.50gpm/ft2)into the distribution basin hori-zontally,with some of the spray splashing up and on the un-derside of the water basin covers. towers having basin covers that do not com-pletely enclose the hot-water basin,outlets protecting the fill shall be located under the distribution basin in accordance with5.,Fittings,and Hangers.*Piping shall be installed in accordance with the re-quirements of NFPA13.*Piping or tubing used within the cooling tower shall be metallic and approved for fire protection use,except as outlined in5. or tubing used for pneumatic detection sys-tems shall be permitted to be of other materials suitable for use in a cooling tower environment. calculations shall be made in accordance with NFPA13. fittings shall be of a type specifically approved for fire protection use. dry sections of the system piping,which can be exposed to possible fire conditions,ferrous fittings shall be of steel,malleable iron,or ductile iron,except as outlined in5.–6WATER-COOLING TOWERS 2005Edition。
详细纸箱规格常用的面纸和底纸如下:K纸,基重200g,美国进口的有240g,甚至是300gA纸,基重160gB纸,基重120gW纸(白色),基重125g常用的苾(bie)纸125g普通苾,125g进口苾,150g进口苾,150g普通苾,175g普通苾,175g进口苾常用的坑纹A楞 4MMB楞 3MMC楞 3.5MME楞 1.8MM最常见的双坑组合方式是BC楞,像AB楞这种组合方式在订纸板时有数量要求,数量不够是订不到AB楞的纸板.一些台资企业(电子行业),在做单坑啤盒时,喜欢规定用E楞.纸板的厚度单坑 3?1MM 常用表达方式:K3K,K3A,A3A………双坑 6?1MM 常用表达方式:K=K,K=A,A=B三坑 9?1MM 常用表达方式:K三K,K#K都可以备注:611+T 为双坑材质纸板,厚度为6MM.表纸为6纸(6纸要比A纸差一点),底纸为T纸(T纸比B纸要差点).这种纸质常用来代替A=B.Y11+Y也是同理,只不过,它是用来代替K=K的.K2L,Y+1+Y为单坑材质纸板,厚度3MM,分别用来代替K3A和K3K 三横表示七层瓦楞纸板 A三A 或者可以叫 A 13131 A 这里每个代码表示每种纸的克重二横(=) 表示五层瓦楞纸板 A=A 或者叫 A 131 A 单瓦三层瓦楞纸板不是一横了,是直接叫出纸板各层的代码如A3B B3B B3C 等....其实只要知道纸板的代码,就很容易理解的,一般每个纸品加工厂都有自己的原纸代码表.国标6544已经规定到F楞了楞形楞高h/mm 楞宽t/mm 楞数个/300mmA 4.5-5.0 8.0-9.5 34 +/-3C 3.5-4.0 6.8-7.9 41 +/-3B 2.5-3.0 5.5-6.5 50 +/-4E 1.1-2.0 3.0-3.5 93 +/-6F 0.6-0.9 1.9-2.6 136 +/-20 纸箱一般为:K=K K=A K=B A=A A=B B=B B=C W=A W=B W=C C=C C=3 K3K K3A K3B A3A A3B B3B B3C B33 W3A W3B W3Cc=w代表外纸为C纸[size=10.5pt]基重80[size=10.5pt]g([size=10.5pt]双坑[size=10.5pt] [size=10.5pt]纸板的厚度6?1MM)内纸[size=10.5pt]W[size=10.5pt]纸(白色)[size=10.5pt],[size=10.5pt]基重[size=10.5pt]125g[size=10.5pt]B=C代表外纸为B纸[size=10.5pt]基重120[size=10.5pt]g ([size=10.5pt]双坑[size=10.5pt] [size=10.5pt]纸板的厚度6?1MM)内纸C[size=10.5pt]纸(白色)[size=10.5pt],[size=10.5pt]基重80[size=10.5pt]g W—白外箱A—好黃箱B—稍差黃紙K—紙質最好,價格最貴W=A五層好紙白外箱W=B五層稍差紙質白外箱W=A=B五層外好內稍差白外箱(此為通用) A=B五層黃外箱(此為通用) 3A=B三層黃外箱(中) 3B三層黃外箱(差)娃娃車用 A=B五層黃A=A五層黃W=A五層白W=B五層白A3A三層黃W3A三層白外箱W3K三層白外箱3A三層黃外箱(好)識別紙箱材質一.紙板材質分類紙板材質是按單位面積重量來分類的.在大陸市場主要有以下幾種之紙板材K紙:250g/M*M A紙:175g/M*M B紙:125g/M*M (此三種一般為進口紙) 7紙:200g/M*M 8紙:260g/M*M C紙:127g/M*M(台灣紙)芯紙:基本100g/M*M大機105-110g/M*M加強芯紙: +紙115g/M*M其他加強芯視客戶情況而定,以台灣而言有130g,140g,150g,180g,190g/M*M的加強芯紙,但在大陸常見的有140g,150g,180g/M*M的加強芯紙.二.紙板結構1,紙板結構指紙板的配比組合數,一般按客戶要求做配比,從五層的K?K,K?A到三層的C?都可以.2,坑(浪)指紙板橫截面上的孔.常見的有A浪,B浪,C浪,D浪,E浪.大陸一般用B浪,C浪,E浪.3,浪高:A浪=5mm B浪=3mm C浪=4mm D浪=2mm E浪=1.5mm,五層紙兩浪由BC坑組成,單層紙一般用的是B坑.三.紙箱形式紙箱一般分為A型,B型,C型,包裝紙箱及啤盒,刀卡,隔板. 1,A型:常見的有A1:一般標準型;A3:有底無蓋或有蓋無底型;A5:雙蓋完全交插.2,隔板指紙箱中上,中,下,左,右物體相隔離起保護作用的紙板.刀卡是指同一層上物體以蜂窩巢式包裝時用的帶切口且相互扣合的紙卡.3,C型是一般包裝鞋子的紙盒,它有天地蓋子.4,包裝式紙箱:類似A5紙箱,但一般直接貼膠帶包裝,不採用釘裝方式,可分為中開式或旁開式.紙箱材質介紹,如果好的話.要加分如此看来K纸似乎最好纸质.一般用B=B,纸厚度约为6mm,该种材料最低.如果客人有要求,也可用A=B,这种材质比B=B强度好,价格偏高,而A=A纸质比A=B、B=B好,厚度为6mm,价格也偏高,除非特殊要求才选用前字母(如K A B)表示外层纸质,中间符号(如=)表示层数,后面字母表示内层纸质稍差黃紙K—紙質最好,價格最貴 W—白外箱A—好黃箱B—W=A五層好紙白外箱W=B五層稍差紙質白外箱W=A=B五層外好內稍差白外箱(此為通用)A=B五層黃外箱(此為通用) 3A=B三層黃外箱(中) 3B三層黃外箱(差)娃娃車用A=B五層黃A=A五層黃W=A五層白W=B五層白A3A三層黃W3A三層白外箱W3K三層白外箱3A三層黃外箱(好) 面纸:,代表160克的白牛卡;K代表230克的牛卡;A代表175克牛卡;B代表127克牛卡;C代表127克牛皮挂面(仿牛卡); 一. 紙板材質分類紙板材質是按單位面積重量來分類的.在大陸市場主要有以下幾種之紙板材K紙:250g/M*M A紙:175g/M*M B紙:125g/M*M (此三種一般為進口紙) 7紙:200g/M*M 8紙:260g/M*MC紙:127g/M*M(台灣紙)芯紙:基本100g/M*M 大機105-110g/M*M 加強芯紙: +紙115g/M*M 其他加強芯視客戶情況而定,以台灣而言有130g,140g,150g,180g,190g/M*M的加強芯紙,但在大陸常見的有140g,150g,180g/M*M的加強芯紙.二. 紙板結構1,紙板結構指紙板的配比組合數,一般按客戶要求做配比,從五層的K?K,K?A到三層的C?都可以.2,坑(浪)指紙板橫截面上的孔.常見的有A浪,B浪,C浪,D浪,E浪.大陸一般用B浪,C浪,E浪.3,浪高:A浪=5mm B浪=3mm C浪=4mm D浪=2mm E浪=1.5mm,五層紙兩浪由BC坑組成,單層紙一般用的是B坑.三.紙箱形式紙箱一般分為A型,B型,C型,包裝紙箱及啤盒,刀卡,隔板.1,A型:常見的有A1:一般標準型;A3:有底無蓋或有蓋無底型;A5:雙蓋完全交插.2,隔板指紙箱中上,中,下,左,右物體相隔離起保護作用的紙板.刀卡是指同一層上物體以蜂窩巢式包裝時用的帶切口且相互扣合的紙卡.3,C型是一般包裝鞋子的紙盒,它有天地蓋子.4,包裝式紙箱:類似A5紙箱,但一般直接貼膠帶包裝,不採用釘裝方式,可分為中開式或旁開式。
Spiral Wouclamping force is on the metal plate, not on the sealing element. 大部分力作用在金属表面,而非密封面 大部分力作用在金属表面 而非密封面
AIG Industrial Group 2006 All rights reserved
AIG Industrial Group 2006 All rights reserved
Traditional ASBESTOS Sheet
传统石棉板材 传统石棉板材
FIBERS = 75-85% 纤维 BINDERS = 10-15%粘接剂 粘接剂 FILLERS = 5-10% 填充剂 VULCANIZING CHEMICALS = 1-2%硫化剂 硫化剂
AIG Industrial Group 2006 All rights reserved
径向力试图将垫片向外吹出, 径向力试图将垫片向外吹出,足够的螺栓预紧力可 试图将垫片向外吹出 以在法兰及垫片之间保持足够摩擦以防止垫片吹出
AIG Industrial Group 2006 All rights reserved
AIG252 AIG39
Gasket Engineering Standards 采用标准 ISO, ASME, ANSI, JIS, GB, BS, JPI, API,,JB, SH, HG
AIG Industrial Group 2006 All rights reserved
服装尺寸表英语词汇1.shoulder width - at folded egde 肩宽2.armhole width - seam to seam at 2nd button 袖肥3.chest fm seam to seam: 1 cm below armhole 胸围4.armhole circumference - along curved seam 袖笼5.armhole drop - vertically: shldr to u/arm 落夹6.top arm (bicep) circ. - 1 cm below a/hole 袖宽(袖隆下1CM)7.sleeve length : bk neck cervical to slve edge 袖长(后中量)8.sleeve length : fm shoulder seam (overarm) 大袖9.sleeve length : fm under arm seam (underarm) 小袖10.sleeve cuff opening (buttoned/closed) 袖口11.sleeve cuff/ hem height 克夫12.lower slve circ: 20cm up from cuff edge 下袖(克夫上20C M)13.front body length : hps (fold) to c.front hem edge 前衣长(具体量法要看图示)14.front body length : hps (seam) to c.front hem edge 前衣长15.back body length : centre back neck to c.bk hem edge 后衣长16.waist circumference (midway btwn u/arm & hem) 腰围17.hem circumference 摆围18.neck width : (max) at base of collar stand 领宽19.front neck drop: from folded edge 前领深20.back neck drop 后领深21.total yoke height : front seam to back seam 育克22.centre back yoke depth: c.bk nk edge to yoke 后中育克高23.back yoke width at seam 后背宽24.hem curve depth 尾深25.front yoke depth (dist. fm folded shldr edge) 前育克高.1/2 chest width at arm pit胸围--1/2 袖笼点B.chest width at 20cm below neck point领点下20CM胸围D.1/2 botton1/2下摆E.1/2 back width at arm pit袖笼点后宽1/2F.back width at 20cm below neck point领点下20CM后宽G.shoulder slope肩斜度H.shoulder length + sleeve length incl cuff肩长加袖长包括袖口I.CB length后中缝长K.1/2 raglan seam length from neck seam to arm pit1/2肩缝长--从领缝到袖笼点1/2 raglan seam length(bulk size)1/2肩缝长(大货尺码)L.1/2 upper sleeve width from arm pit straight across1/2上袖宽.袖笼直量M.1/2 sleeve width 10cm from cuff end1/2袖宽.袖口底10CM量起Q.neck round at neck seam from CF to CF这两个CF我觉得其中一个应该是CB吧,如果的是话我是这样翻译的:领围--从领缝的前中缝到后中缝R.collar round at top of collar from CF to CFTops 上衣bust,bust width (女)胸围,[粤]胸阔chest,chest width (男)胸围,[粤]胸阔waist 腰围bottom,hem,hem opening 下摆,[粤]脚围waistband width (夹克等上衣)脚围waistband height (夹克等上衣)脚高front cross 前胸宽,[粤]前胸阔across measure 横量,[粤]横度neck width,neck across 领宽,[粤]领横neck drop (center back to center front) 领深(后中到前中)front neck drop 前领深back neck drop 后领深placket width 门襟宽,[粤]门筒阔pocket welt width 袋口高pocket high point 袋尖高(口袋最长的高度)shoulder across 总肩宽,[粤]肩阔shoulder length,small shoulder 肩长,[粤]小肩长(单边肩长)armhole(curve)袖窿,[粤]夹圈(弯量,[粤]弯度)armhole(straight)袖窿,[粤]夹圈(直量,[粤]直度)armpit 腋窝,[粤]夹底sleeve length 袖长overarm 上袖长underarm 下袖长sleeve crown height 袖山高biceps 袖肥,[粤]袖髀围upper arm width,sleeve width 袖肥,[粤]袖髀阔sleeve opening 袖口cuff width 袖头宽,[粤]鸡英宽cuff height 袖头高,[粤]鸡英高elbow width,forearm width 肘宽center back length 后中长back cross 后背宽,[粤]后背阔collar length 领长collar point spread 领尖距collar point 领尖长upper collar height 上级领高collar band height 领座高,[粤]下级领高logo meas: edge to side fold 标识位置:边到折边Bottoms 下装waist(relax)腰围(松量,[粤]松度)waist(stretched)腰围(拉量,[粤]拉度)waistband width (裤、裙等下装)腰围waistband height (裤、裙等下装)腰头高hip,hip width 臀围,坐围high hip 上臀围,上坐围thigh(under crotch),thigh width 髀围,大腿围(裤浪底量)leg opening 裤脚围knee 膝围sweep (裙)下摆,[粤](裙)脚围side seam,outseam length 外长,[粤]侧骨长inseam length 内长fly length (裤)门襟长,[粤]钮牌长fly width (裤)门襟宽,[粤]钮牌宽front rise 前直裆长,[粤]前浪长back rise 后直裆长,[粤]后浪长back yoke height 后约克高,[粤]后机头高常用服装英语缩写A & E=American & Efird, Inc. 美国线业公司A/H,A.H.=armhole 袖窿,[粤]夹圈a/c,acc.=account 帐单,账目a/w.,aw=actual weight 实际重量ABS=area bounded staple fabric 面粘非织造布add.=address 地址ADL=acceptable defect level 允许疵点标准agt.=agent 代理商,代理人amt.=amount 总计,合计,总额AOP=all over printing 全身印花approx.=approximately 约计AQL=Acceptance Quality Limit 接收质量限ar.=around 大约art.=article [欧洲]款式asap.=as soon as possible 尽快ATTN.=attention 注意,收件人aud.=audit 稽核av.=average 平均awb. no.=air way bill no. 运单号B.=back 后B.=bust (女)胸围B.L.=back length 后长B.N.P.=back neck point 后颈点BNT=back neck tape 后领滚B.P.=bust point 胸高点,乳峰点B.T.=bust top 乳围B.W.=back width 后背宽b/l=bill of lading 提单,提货单bk.=black 黑色BMS.=body measurement system 人体尺寸测量系统BMT.=basic motion time 基本动作时间BNL.=back neckline 后领口BNP,BNPT.=back neck point 后颈点BOC=Bank of China 中国银行BOM=bill of material 物料表BP=backpack 背包BRT=barrier removal team 障碍排除小组BSP.=back shoulder point 后肩颈点BTM.=bottom 下摆BTN.=button 钮扣bx.=boxes 箱,盒c.&d. =collected and delivered 货款两清C.=chest (男)胸围C.A.D.=cash against documents 凭单据付款C.B.,C/B=centre back 后中C.F.,C/F =centre front 前中C.F.,C&F=coat and freight 离岸加运费价格CFT=cross function team 跨功能小组C.P.L.=collar point length 领尖长C.V.C.=chief value of cotton 以棉为主的混纺物c/d.=certificate of delivered 交货证明书C/O,C.O.=country of origin 原产国,产地证c/o label,coo. label=country of origin label 产地唛CAD=computer aided design 电脑辅助设计CAE=computer aided engineering 电脑辅助工程CAL=computer aided layout 电脑辅助排料CAM=computer aided manufacture 电脑辅助制造CAP=computer aided pattern 电脑辅助画样ca.=circa 大约cat.=catalogue (产品)目录cbd.=cash before delivery 付款交货CBL.=center back line 后中线CBM=cubic meter 立方米CBN-W=center back neck point to waist 后颈点至腰CECF=chine export commodities fair 中国出口商品交易会(广交会)cell.=cellular phone 手机cert.=certificate 证书,执照CFS.=container freight station 走拼箱CI=corporate identify 企业标识CIF=cost,insurance & freight 到岸价CNY=Chinese new year 春节(中国新年),China Yuan 人民币col.,clr.=color 颜色CMPT.=cut,make,pack,trim 裁剪+车缝+包装+辅料CMT.=cut,make,trimmings 来料加工(裁剪+车缝+辅料)cord.=corduroy 灯芯绒CS=commercial standards 商业标准C/No.,CTN. No.=carton no. 箱号CY.=container yard 走整柜d. & k.=damaged & kept 染厂对疵布的认赔d.=denier 旦DC=distribution center 配送中心d/y=delivery 出货,交付dbl.=double 双dbl. ndl.=double needles 双针dept.=department 部门dk.=dark 深色DL=Decorative label 主唛doz.=dozen 打DS=Detail Sketch 细节图DTM=dye to match 配色dtmsa.=dye to match surrounding area 配所在部位颜色e.g.=[拉丁]exampli gratia,for example 例如e.p.=elbow point 肘点emb.=embroidery 绣花,[粤]车花eq.=excluding quota 不包括配额eta.=estimated to arrival,estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间etc.=[拉丁]et cetera等等etd.=estimated to departure 预计开船时间etd.=estimated time of delivery 预计出货时间exp.=export 出口ext.=extension number分机号F.=front 前F.L.=front length 前长F.N.P.=front neck point 前颈点F.O.A.=feed off arm 埋夹FAB.=fabric 布料faq.=fair average quality 中等品fb.=freight bill 装货清单FCL.=full container load 走整柜FFM=fully fashion markfluo.=fluorescence 荧光FNP.=front neck point 前颈点FOB.=free on board 离岸价FYR.=for your reference 供参考FQC.=field quality control 现场质量控制FTY.=factory 工厂fyi. =for your informationG.W.=gross weight 毛重GBP=great britain pound 英镑GL.=grain line 丝缕,[粤]布纹GOH.=garment on hanger 走挂装H.=hip 坐围H&L=hook & loop 尼龙搭扣h/s=(洗水)手擦H/L=hand loom 手织样HPS=high point of shoulder 高肩点HSP=high shoulder point 高肩点HTM=how to measure 量度方法imag. line=imaginary line 参考线in.=inch 英寸iq.=including quota 包括配额irre. L/C=irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证jandy.me 一路好景jkt.=jacket 夹克K.=knit 针织L.=large 大号L.=left 左L.=length 长度L=ligne 莱尼,号。
纸种的中英文术语压敏纸pressure-sensitive paper沥青牛皮纸asphalt kraft paper石蜡纸paraff in paper聚乙烯涂覆纸polyethylene coated paper不规则聚丙烯防潮牛皮纸atactic polypropylene coated moisture proof kraft paper玻璃纸cellophane (regenerated cellulose film)聚乙烯加工玻璃纸polyethylene extrusion-coated cellophane 氯乙烯加工纸vinylidene chloride treated paper印刷用胶粘纸pressure sensitive adhesive papers for printing 纸绳paper string纸胶带(包装用)gummed paper tapes(for packaging)牛皮纸袋kraft paper sacks包装水泥用牛皮纸袋sewn kraft paper sacks for cement可延伸牛皮纸袋extensible kraft paper sacks铝箔防水包装纸aluminium foil laminated package paper光纤维加固的牛皮纸袋fiber reinforced kraft paper sacks布袋woven bag黄麻袋jute bag牛皮纸衬垫、合成树脂布袋kraft lined, synthetic resin wovenbag甘薯淀粉包装用牛皮纸袋kraft paper sacks for sweet potato starch马铃薯淀粉包装用牛皮纸袋kraft paper sacks for potato starch挥发性防腐纸volatile corrosion inhibitor纸幅面尺寸trimmed size of paper砂纸abrasive paper砂纸原纸abrasive base paper吸收性纸absorbent paper吸水纸,吸收性纸absorbing paper帐簿纸account book paper计算机用纸accounting machine paper无酸纸acid free paper耐酸纸acid proof paper,acid resistant paper隔音纸acoustic paper溴化银印相纸actinometer paper吸湿纸active paper计算机用纸adding machine paper地址标签纸address label paper胶粘纸adhesive paper广告纸,招贴纸advertising paper仿大理石纸agate paper仿玛瑙大理石纹纸agate marble paper 耐老化纸age resistant paper航空信纸air paper名片纸alabaster paper相簿纸alabaster paper蛋白胶纸albumenized paper蛋白胶纸albumin paper地图纸aligning paper耐碱纸alkali-proof paper全棉纤维纸all rag paper全木浆纸all wood paper仿鳄皮纸allogator imitation paper西班牙草浆印刷纸alpha printing paper 铝纸aluminum paper铝衬纸aluminum casting paper铝涂布纸aluminum coated paper铝粉纸aluminum dusted paper铝箔衬纸aluminum foil backing paper 铝箔夹层纸aluminum laminated paper 琥珀条纹纸amber laid paper弹药筒纸ammunition paper频率感应记录纸amplitude response recording paper 分析化学用滤纸analytical filter paper斜面纸angle paper斜截面纸angle-cut paper斜角纸angular paper动物胶表面施胶纸animal tub-sized paper耐酸纸anti-acid paper耐酸马尼拉纸anti-acid manila paper防伪造纸anti-falsification paper防霉纸anti-fungicide paper防锈纸anti-rust paper防锈原纸anti-rust base paper防锈纸anti-tarnish paper低光泽纸,仿古纸antique paper仿古书籍纸antique book paper杀菌纸antiseptic paper保光泽纸antitarnish paper水彩图画纸aquare(le) paper档案纸archival paper绝缘纸armature paper香料纸aromatic paper含砷纸arsenical paper美术纸art paper美术装饰纸art cover paper水彩画纸art drawing paper美术广告纸,美工宣传纸art poster paper牙科用纸articulating paper人造革纸artificial leather paper仿羊皮纸artificial parchment paper石棉纸asbestos paper石棉(电)绝缘纸asbestos (electrical)insulating paper 消毒纸,防腐纸aseptic paper无灰纸ashless paper无灰滤纸ashless filter paper防潮纸,沥青纸asphalt paper沥青原纸asphalt base paper防喘纸asthma paper地图纸altas paper彩色印刷纸autochion printing paper压感复写纸autocopy paper纪念册纸autograph paper自动(划线)记录纸autographic register paper复印纸autographic transfer paper汽车袋用纸automobile-bag paper复制纸,影印纸autotype paper食品包装纸avenized paper蓝条纹书写纸azure laid(writing) paper 书籍衬里纸back-lining paper裱糊纸backing paper腊肉包装纸bacon paper(纸)袋纸bag paper蔗渣浆纸bagasse paper浸渍绝缘纸bakelite paper浸渍绝缘纸bakelized paper面包纸bakers paper层合平衡纸balance sheet paper单面沥青包装纸baling paper气球用纸balloon paper鲍尔斯唐纸balston’s paper竹浆纸bamboo paper绷带纸bandage paper高级书写纸bank paper钞票纸banknote paper餐桌纸banquet table cover paper理发头枕纸barber’s headrest paper抗渗透纸barrier paper钡地纸baryta paper原纸base paper(弹筒)装药用纸basewad paper韧皮纸bast paper高级信纸bath paper涂蜡装饰纸batlk paper蓄电池用纸battery paper涂蜡装饰纸battik paper曲折纸板beaming paper床包装纸bedsted-wrapping paper 啤酒过滤纸beer-filter paper夹层纸between-lay paper字典纸bible paper吸水性纸张bibulous paper帐目纸bill paper光泽广告纸billboard paper自动记录纸billing machine paper 装订用纸binder’s paper生物纸biochargeable paper饼干包装纸biscuit paper饼干包装纸biscuit cap paper蜡笔画纸bistered paper防潮纸,沥青纸bituminized paper相册黑色衬纸black album paper防潮纸waterproof paper防空纸blackout paper刮刀涂布纸blade coated paper空白书籍纸blank book paper毛毯袋用纸blanket bag paper空白书籍纸blanking paper弹药用纸,矿工用纸blasting paper耐漂纸blach resistant paper鲜肉包装纸blood proof paper吸墨纸blotting paper兰色洋蜡包装纸blue candle wrapping paper 蓝印纸blueing paper晒图纸blueprint paper兰色描图纸bluetracing paper扉页纸board paper单面光扉页纸boardglazed paper纱管纸,盘纸bobbin paper原纸body paper涂布原纸bodystock paper仿制纸bogus paper证券纸,高级书写纸bond paper书籍纸book paper帐簿纸booking paper瓶签纸bottle labelling paper压光辊用纸bowl paper纸盒糊面纸boxcover paper箱装书写纸boxed writings paper盲文印刷纸braille(printing) paper面包袋纸bread bag paper面包标签纸bread label paper光泽纸bristel paper锦纹纸,压印花纸brocade paper小册子用印刷纸brochure paper破损纸张broken paper溴素纸,照相放大纸bromide paper 金色皱纹纸bronze crepe paper金色纸bronze paper棕色晒图纸brown print paper刷辊涂布纸brush(coated) paper植物幼苗防风纸brushing kraft paper 泡沫涂布纸bubble coated paper浅黄的复写纸buff copying paper(制革用)磨光纸buff(ing) paper 暗色绘图纸buff drawing paper建筑用纸building paper松厚书籍纸bulking(book) pape 松厚纸bulky paper染色加工纸bunt paper布纹纸burlap lined paper高光泽纸burnished paper染色加工纸,过干纸burnt paper 包肉纸butcher’s paper黄油包装纸butter paper(电力)电缆纸cable paper含毛壁纸caffoy paper糕点包装纸cake wrapping paper 日历纸calenday paper压光辊用纸calender bowl paper 压光处理的纸张calendered paper 仿革纸calf paper布纹纸calico paper布纹纸cambric paper圣经纸combridge bible paper宝石花纹涂布纸cameo paper蜡烛包装纸candle paper糖果袋纸candy bag paper布纹书写纸canvas note paper有光纸cap paper电容器纸capacitor(tissue) paper植物防护纸capping paper货车包覆纸carlining paper砂糖包装纸caramel paper石碳酸纸carbolic paper复写纸carbon paper复写纸原纸carbon body paper复写纸原纸carbon raw paper复写纸原纸carbonizing paper压感复写纸carbonless (copy) paper打光用纸,研磨纸carborundum paper卡片纸card paper地图记录纸cardiographic paper地毯纸carpet lining paper车箱顶棚用纸板carriage pahel paper地图纸,图表纸,记录纸carte paper地图记录纸,心电图记录纸cartographic paper 纸盒衬纸carton liner paper弹壳纸,弹药用纸cartridge paper纸箱标签纸case labels paper运输包装纸case lining paper现金收支记录带纸cash control tape paper (现金收支)票据纸register paper运输包装纸casing paper帆布箱衬里用纸casket paper高光泽印刷纸,涂布美术纸cast coated paper (塑料薄膜用)浇铸纸casting paper目录纸catalog (ue) paper封面纸,绘图纸catridge paper松油纸cedarized paper芹菜培育纸celery bleaching paper赛璐珞原纸celluloid paper水泥袋纸cement bag paper陶瓷贴花纸ceramic transfer paper谷物箱衬纸cereal box liners paper白垩涂布纸chalk transfer paper办公纸chancery paper炭画书籍纸charcoal book paper木炭画纸charcoal(drawing) paper图表纸chart paper支票用纸check paper化学浆制成的纸张chemical paper 支票纸,防伪纸cheque paper手工竹纸china paper模造纸chintz paper。
XL-1005UGC 翠绿 LED 贴片光源数据手册说明书
XL-1005UGC Technical Data Sheet 0402翠绿haracteristics*外观尺寸(L/W/H):1.0*0.5*0.4mmAppearance dimension(L/w/h):1.0x0.5x0.4mm*发光颜色及胶体:翠绿色/白色胶体Luminous color and colloid:Green/white colloid*环保产品,符合ROHS要求Environmental protection products meet ROHS requirements*EIA规范标准包装EIA standard packaging*适用于自动贴片机Suitable for automatic mounter*适用于回流焊制程Suitable for reflow soldering processroduct application*医用设备:内窥镜、血氧仪Medical equipment:endoscope、oximeter*汽车电子:背光按键灯、指示灯Automotive electronics:backlight key light、indicator light*工业产品:电子仪表盘、工业设备Industrial products:electronic instrument panel、industrial equipment*智能家居:白色家电、数码管LEDSmart home:white appliances,nixie tube LED*通讯产品:手机按键灯、路由器、电视盒Communication products:mobile phone button lamp,routerCatalogueElectrical Characteristics (3)Typical Characteristic Curves (5)Reliability Test Items And Conditions (6)Outline Dimensions (7)Packaging (8)Guideline for Soldering (10)Precautions (12)Electrical Characteristics(温度=25℃)Absolute Maximum Ratings (Temperature=25°C):Electro-Optical Charasteristics (Temperature=25°C):参数名称Parameter符号Symbol 测试条件Test conditions 最小值Min 典型值Typ 最大值Max 单位Unit 光强Light intensity IV IF=5mA120-249mcd 峰值波长Peak wavelength λP -523-nm 主波长Main wavelengthD 516-531nm 正向电压Forward voltage VF 2.7- 3.0V 半光强视角Half light angle 2θ1/2IF=5mA -120-Deg 反向电流Reverse currentIRVR=5V--1μA参数名称Parameter 符号Symbol数值Rating 单位Unit消耗功率Consumed power Pd 75mW 正向脉冲电流Peak Forward current IFP60mA正向工作电流Forward workingcurrent I F 20mA 反向电压Reverse voltage V R 8V工作环境温度Operating ambient temperature Topr25°C ±5°C储存环境温度Storage ambient temperature Tstg 焊接条件Welding conditionsTsol回流焊(reflow soldering ):255°C ,10s max 手动焊(manual welding ):300°C ,3s max*注:脉冲宽度≤0.1ms ,占空比≤1/10*Note:Pulse width ≤0.1ms,Duty ≤1/10λ:Brightness gradingCode Min Max Unit Test conditionsN2120144mcdIF=5mAN3144173N4173207N5207249:Voltage gradingCode Min Max Unit Test conditionsW11 2.7 2.8VIF=5mAW12 2.8 2.9W132.93.0:Wavelength gradingCode Min Max Unit Test conditionsG1516519nmIF=5mAG2519522G3522525G4525528G5528531Typical Characteristics Curves注:如无另外注明,测试环境温度为25+3︒C If not otherwise noted,the test ambient temperature is25+3︒C.可靠性实验Reliability experiment类别Class测试项目Test item测试环境Testing environment测试时间Testing time参考标准Reference standard耐久性测试Endurance test 工作寿命Working life室温条件下以最大额定电流持续点亮;以20mA测试(Continuous lighting at themaximum rated current at room temperature;Testit at 20mA.)1000小时1000hours(-24小时,+72小时)(-24hours ,+72hoursMIL-STD-750D:1026MIL-STD-883D:1005JIS C 7021:B-1高温高湿储存High temperatureand highhumidityIR-Reflow In-Board,2Times环境温度Ta=85±5℃,相对湿度RH=90~95%240小时240hours (±2小时)(±2hours )MIL-STD-202F:103B JIS C 7021:B-11高温储存High -temperature storage 环境温度Ta=85±5℃1000小时1000hours (-24小时+72小时)(-24hours+72hours )MIL-STD-883D:1008JIS C 7021:B-10低温储存Low temperature storage环境温度Ta=-40±5℃JIS C 7021:B-12环境测试Environmentaltesting冷热循环Cold and hot cycle 105℃~25℃~-55℃~25℃30mins 5mins 30mins 5mins 50次循环50Circles MIL-STD-202F:107D MIL-STD-750D:1051MIL-STD-883D:1010冷热冲击Hot and cold impact IR-Reflow In-Board,2Times 100±5℃~-40℃±5℃20mins 20mins 50次循环50Circles MIL-STD-202F:107D MIL-STD-750D:1051MIL-STD-883D:1011抗锡试验Anti -tin test焊锡温度T.sol=260±5℃10±1secs 2次2timesMIL-STD-202F:210A MIL-STD-750D:2031JIS C 7021:A-1红外回流焊无铅制程InfraredreflowweldingThere is lead process 升温速度heat up speed (183℃到最高值):最大3℃/秒维持温度keep temperature 在125(±25)℃:不超过120秒维持温度keep temperature 在183℃以上:60-150秒最高温度限制范围maximum temperature :235℃+5/-0℃维持keep 在235℃+5/-0℃时间:10-15秒降温速度cooling rate :最大6℃/秒--------MIL-STD-750D:2031.2J-STD-020C红外回流焊无铅制程Infraredreflowwelding Lead-free process 升温速度heat up speed (217℃到最高值):最大3℃/秒维持温度keep temperature 在175(±25)℃:不超过180秒维持温度keep temperature 在217℃以上:60-120秒最高温度限制范围maximum temperature :255℃+0/-5℃维持keep 在255℃+0/-5℃时间:5-10秒降温速度cooling rate :最大6℃/秒--------MIL-STD-750D:2031.2J-STD-020C可焊性试验Weldabilitytest焊锡温度Soldering temperatureT.sol=235±5℃浸入速度Immersion speed :25±2.5mm/秒上锡率≧95%焊盘面积Tin loading rate ≥95%pad area浸入时间:2±0.5秒Immersion time:2±0.5secondsMIL-STD-202F:208D MIL-STD-750D:2026MIL-STD-883D:2003IEC 68Part 2-20JIS C 7021:A-2Outline DimensionSuggest Soldering Pad Dimensions备注: 1.单位:毫米(mm)Remarks:1Unit:mm2.公差:如无特别标注则为±0.10mm2.Tolerance:±0.10mm unless otherwise specified1Packaging(1)Belt and disk dimensions注:1.尺寸单位为毫米(mm)。
10- 座机 Barcroft Table Lighter ( 1-4代 )11- 座机 Barcroft Table Lighter ( 1,2代 ) with initial(有大写字母)12- 女式座机 Lady Bradford Table Lighter12A- 花纹纯银 Floral Sterling Silver13- 纯银沙子 Brush Finish Sterling Silver14- 切角纯银 Vintage Sterling Silver15- 纯银镜面 High Polish Sterling Silver1500- 纤巧纯银镜面16- 所有纤细机都以16开头,后面的2个数字为外壳代码 all Slim Zippos begin with 16, followed by finish number (2 digit)17- 纯银砖 Engine Turned Sterling Silver19- 纯银条 Engine Turned without Initial Panel Sterling Silver20- Sterling Silver Engine Turned (同上)21- 回旋花纹的纯银 Christy Swirl Sterling Silver21B- 日版光板涂钛涂 Japanese Titanium Coating without Logo22- 回旋冬青树花纹纯银 Christy Holly Sterling Silver23- 1941年复刻纯银镜面 1941 Replica Sterling Silver High Polish24- 1941年复刻纯银绸纱 1941 Replica Sterling Silver Brushed Finish31- 经典镀金 Classic Gold Plated32- 典雅金色镀金 Golden Elegance Gold Plated33- 微光镀金 Shimmer Gold Plated33S- 微光镀银 Shimmer Silver Plated33SS- 微光纯银 Shimmer Sterling Silver34- 漩涡纹镀金 Swirl Gold Plated ( Golden Elegance )35- 金黑雅士 Black Elegance Gold Plated36- 金玳瑁 Golden Tortoise Gold Plated(*纤细金玳瑁编号为3600,非16开头~)37- 金凯尔特 Celtic Design Gold Plated38- 金丝网 Gold Grill & Bars High Polish Gold Plated39- 深雕金钻石 Carved Diamonds High Polish Gold Plated100- 银镜 High Polish Silver Plate102WG- 镀银并镶嵌24K金斜纹 Silver Plate with 24K Gold Inlay Diagonal Patterns 103WG- 镀银并镶嵌24K金装饰竖纹 Silver Plate with 24K Gold Inlay Decorative Column 104WG- 镀银并镶嵌24K金植物花纹 Silver Plate with 24K Gold Inlay Inlaid Floral 108WG- 镀银并镶嵌24K金斜边 Silver Plate with 24K Gold Inlay Diagonal Borders 109WG- 镀银镶嵌24K金Cattails花纹 Silver Plate with 24K Gold Inlay Cattails 110WG- 镀银镶嵌24K金歌德式卷纹 Silver Plate with 24K Gold Inlay Gothic Scroll 110- 纯钛 Solid Titanium113- 银沙子 Brush Silver Plate114- 银镜子 High Polish Silver Plate121FB- 古银 Antique Silver Plate122- 火焰标志的古银收藏系列 Zippo Collection - Logo/Flame Antique Silver Plate 124- 芭芭拉座机65周年纪念 Lady Barbara Table Lighter 65 Anniversary129- 芭芭拉座机 Lady Barbara Table Lighter141- 切角古银 Antique Silver Vintage143- 镀银镶金 Silver Plate with Gold Inlay- Snowstar144- 镀银镶金 Silver Plate with Gold Inlay- Rhythmical Ribbons145- 镀银镶金 Silver Plate with Gold Inlay- Feline Elegance146- 镀银镶金 Silver Plate with Gold Inlay- Carlisle Leaf147- 镀银镶金 Silver Plate with Gold Inlay- Vinca Vine148- 镀银镶金 Silver Plate with Gold Inlay- Oriental Blossom150- 黑冰 Black Ice151- 金幻彩 Spectrum161- 铜沙子 Brushed Copper162- 铠甲沙子 ARMAR Blushed Chrome165- 14K紫金 14K Solid Gold167- 铠甲镜面 ARMAR High Polish Chrome168- 铠甲铜沙子 ARMAR Blushed Brass169- 铠甲铜镜子 ARMAR High Polish Brass175**- (早期)运动系列 S ports Series (early)180**- 200(即沙子)底的运动系列 (200 base)195- 18K纯金 18K Solid Gold200- 磨砂镀铬,即“沙子”200G- 金沙子200RG- 磨砂玫瑰金M200- 暗铬镜子 Midnight Chrome High Polish201FB- 古铜 Antique Brass202FB- 切角古铜沙子带清晰涂层(只限日本) Brushed Antique Brass w/ Clear Coat (Japan Only)203- 雪花刻系列(蚀刻造工)204- 铜刻字沙子 Brush Finish Solid Brass204B- 铜沙子 Brush Finish Solid Brass without lettering205- 缎纱 Satin Chrome206- (20690-20693)2004年新版“仕林说手绘系列”B206- 复古沙子 Antique Brushed Chrome (Pewter 白蜡)207- 花沙 Street Chrome207G- 金花沙 Gold Dust Street Gold207WD- 207底的迪斯尼系列 Walt Disney Collection(on Regular Street Chrome Zippo) 208- 骨饰-抛光铜并雕刻船只 Scrimshaw-Scrimshaw Ship High Polish Brass209- Zippo游客中心的磨砂铜版本 Zippo/Case Visitors Center Brushed Brass210- 日本版钛涂层带主题标记或其他的 Japanese Titanium Coating with logo or etc. 211- 铁矿石 Iron Stone212- 沙哑漆 Sand Matte214- 白哑漆 White Matte215- 鸭绿色哑漆 Teal Matte215CW- 卡森窝特印弟安人系列216- 奶油色哑漆 Cream Matte217- 双色浮雕铜镜 TwoTone Cameo High Polish Brass218- 黑哑漆 Black Matte219- 迷彩哑漆 Camoflage Matte220- 蓝哑漆 Blue Matte221- 绿哑漆 Green Matte222- 紫(如葡萄酒般紫)哑漆 Burgundy Matte223- 灰哑漆 Gray Matte224- 水银哑漆 Quicksilver Matte227- 赤哑漆 Terra cotta228- 褐哑漆 Brown Matte229- 天蓝哑漆 Royal Matte (Royal Blue Matte)230- 切角沙子 Vintage Brush Finish230RG- 玫瑰金切角沙子 Vintage Brushed Rose Gold231- 橙哑漆 Orange Matte233- 红哑漆 Red Matte236- 黑烤漆 Black Crackle237- 紫哑漆 Purple Matte239- 海军蓝哑漆 Navy Matte ( Navy Blue Matte )240- 切角铜沙子 Vintage Brush Brass241- 切角古铜 Antique Brass Vintage245- 托莱多(西班牙的一个城市)- 斗牛士 Toledo-Matador Solid Brass(纯铜)246- 托莱多(西班牙的一个城市)- 唐吉诃德 Toledo-Don Quixote Solid Brass(纯铜)247- 托莱多(西班牙的一个城市)- 八角星 Toledo Octa star Solid Brass(纯铜)248- 托莱多(西班牙的一个城市)- 12星宿 Toledo-12 Point Star Solid Brass(纯铜)250- 镜面 High Polish Chrome250G- 金镜 High Polish Gold Plated250RG- 玫瑰金镜 High Polish Rose GoldM250- 暗铬沙子 Midnight Chrome Brush Finish254- 铜刻镜面 High Polish Solid Brass254B- 铜镜 High Polish Solid Brass without lettering255- 200底的临摹签名火机 Facsimile Signature Lighter (200 base)260- 切角镜面 Vintage High Polish Chrome260S- 切角镀银 Vintage Silver Plated260RG- 切角玫瑰金镜 Vintage High Polished Rose Gold270- 切角铜镜 Vintage High Polish Brass271- 94圣诞系列 Christmas 94272- 94圣诞系列 Christmas 94273- 94圣诞系列 Christmas 94274- 94圣诞系列 Christmas 94275- 沙子带防丢带(也叫“丢不了”) Brushed Chrome w/Loop&Lanyard (Loss Proof) 277- 95圣诞系列 - 圣诞老人钻烟囱 Santa in Chemney278- 95圣诞系列 - 圣诞树 Christmas Tree280**- 200底的军徽系列 Military Insignas Series (200 base)281- 白大理石(纹路)Marble - White Marble282- 灰大理石(纹路)Marble - Gray Marble283- 褐大理石(纹路)Marble - Brown Marble284- 绿大理石(纹路)Marble - Green Marble285- 红大理石(纹路)Marble - Red Marble286- 蓝大理石(纹路)Marble - Blue Marble287- 骨雕(仕林说手绘系列)-鹰 Scrimshaw-Eagle Brushed Chrome(沙子)288- 骨雕(仕林说手绘系列)-野鸭 Scrimshaw-Duck Brushed Chrome(沙子)289- 骨雕(仕林说手绘系列)-帆船 Scrimshaw-Square-Rigger Brushed Chrome(沙子)290- 骨雕(仕林说手绘系列)-野狼 Scrimshaw-Howling Wolf Brushed Chrome(沙子)291- 95情人节系列 Valentine Collection 1995 - Two Cupids292- 95情人节系列 Valentine Collection 1995 - Be My Valentine293- 95情人节系列 Valentine Collection 1995 - Valentine Collection 1995294- 95情人节系列 Valentine Collection 1995 - Valentine Collection 1995300- 200底的个人字母组合火机Personal Monogram Lighter (200 base)301FB- 仿古红铜Antique Copper302- 1947zippo车Zippo Car Street Chrome (花沙)303- 47号赛车TF Racing #47 Street Chrome (花沙)304- 摩托运动Zippo MotorSports Red Matte (红哑漆)305- 全美公路赛车Grand American Road Racing Street Chrome(花沙)306- 全美公路赛车Grand American Road Racing High Polish Chrome(镜面)311- Metalique - Windy312- Metalique - The Reveler313- Metalique - Zippo Car314- Metalique - Five O''''clock Club315- Metalique - 1939 World''''s Fair316- Metalique - A Week''''s Trial317- 骨雕-宪章号战舰Scrimshaw-USS Constitution High Polish Chrome (镜面)318- 骨雕-神秘(只限美国) Scrimshaw-Mystic High Polish Chrome (USA only) (镜面) 319- 骨雕-鲸鱼Scrimshaw-Whales High Polish Chrome (镜面)320A- 金花纹Floral Gold Plated321- 陶瓷饰物Mobile Ceramic322- 蓝网套Blue Mesh323- 橙色格子Orange Grid324- 混和图样Assorted Symbols325- 对称圆Symmetric Circles326- 各种几何图形Varied Geometrics327- 卡通抽象画Cartoon Abstract328- 时髦抽象画Modern Abstract331- 蛮荒大西南系列- 山狗啸月Coyote Moon High Polish Chrome(镜面)332- 蛮荒大西南系列- 死亡谷Death Valley High Polish Chrome(镜面)333- 蛮荒大西南系列- 仙人掌Cactus Fire High Polish Chrome(镜面)334- 蛮荒大西南系列- 野牛硬币Buffalo Head High Polish Chrome(镜面)335- 蛮荒大西南系列- Sundance High Polish Chrome(镜面)336- 蛮荒大西南系列- Navajo印第安人High Polish Chrome(镜面)337- 蛮荒大西南系列- 惊走之水牛Buffalo Stampede High Polish Chrome(镜面)341- 切角古银Antique vintage Copper343- 蛮荒大西南系列- 雷鸟Thunderbird High Polish Chrome(镜面)344- 蛮荒大西南系列- 彩虹之上Over the Rainbow High Polish Chrome(镜面)345- 蛮荒大西南系列- 圣达菲Santa Fe High Polish Chrome(镜面)346- 蛮荒大西南系列- Cheyenne印第安人High Polish Chrome(镜面)347- 蛮荒大西南系列- 美国鹰American Eagle High Polish Chrome(镜面)350- 直纹High Polish Chrome Engine Turned (镜面)351RG- 玫瑰Rose High Polish Rose Gold (玫瑰金镜面)352- 威尼斯人High Polish Chrome Venetian (镜面)352B- 威尼斯人High Polish Brass Venetian (铜镜)352S- 威尼斯人Venetian Silver Plated (镀银)352RG- 威尼斯人Venetian High Polish Rose Gold(玫瑰金镜面)M352- 威尼斯人Midnight Chrome Venetian (暗铬)未知- 雕刻签名Signature Engraved on Bright Chrome Lighter (亮铬)355- 黑雅士Ultralite Black High Polish Chrome ( Black Onix )(镜面)356- 超轻象牙色镜面Ultralite Ivory High Polish Chrome357- 超轻暗褐镜面Ultralite Mocha Brown High Polish Chrome358- 超轻品蓝镜面Ultralite Royal Blue High Polish Chrome359- 骨雕(仕林说手绘系列)- 船与灯塔Scrinshaw-Ship High Polish Chrome(镜面)M359- 骨雕(仕林说手绘系列)- 船Scrinshaw-Ship Midnight Chrome(暗铬)361G- 镀金西部花纹Western Floral Gold Plated361RG- 玫瑰金西洋植物纹Western Floral High Polish Rose Gold (镜面)362- ZIPPO四代铜Zippo Brass Emblem Black Crackle(黑烤漆)363- ZIPPO四代锡Zippo Pewter Emblem Black Crackle(黑烤漆)364- ZIPPO铜内部构造Zippo Iinsides-Brass Black Crackle(黑烤漆)366- Zippo车牌Zippo License Plate Street Chrome(花沙)367- Zippo内部构造Insides-Pewter Street Chrome (锡花沙)368- 骨雕-船Scrinshaw-Ship Black Matte(黑哑漆)369- 骨雕-航行中的船Scrinshaw-Sailing Ship High Polish Chrome(镜面)370- 骨雕-海豚Scrinshaw-Dolphin High Polish Chrome(镜面)371- 骨雕-灯塔Scrinshaw-Lighthouse High Polish Chrome(镜面)371- 骨雕-海象Scrinshaw-Walrus Chrome (沙子)372- 骨雕-自由神像Scrinshaw-Status of Liberty Chrome (沙子)373- 骨雕-自由之鹰Scrinshaw-Liberty Eagle Chrome (沙子)375- Paloma 亚利桑拿Arizona High Polish Chrome (镜面)376- Paloma Kokopelli High Polish Chrome (镜面)377- Paloma Rain Dance High Polish Chrome (镜面)378- Paloma Elk High Polish Chrome (镜面)379- Paloma 断箭Broken Arrow High Polish Chrome (镜面)380- 夜猫子玩家系列- Tyson High Polish Brass(镜面)381- 夜猫子玩家系列- Titan One High Polish Brass(铜镜)382- 夜猫子玩家系列- Tryan High Polish Brass (铜镜)383- 夜猫子玩家系列- Teluke High Polish Brass (铜镜)384- 夜猫子玩家系列- 暗条纹Midnight Stripe High Polish Brass (铜镜)385- 夜猫子玩家系列- 暗月Midnight Moon High Polish Brass (铜镜)386- 夜猫子玩家系列- 曼哈顿之夜Manhattan Nights High Polish Brass (铜镜)387- 夜猫子玩家系列- 暗星Midnight Stars High Polish Brass (铜镜)388- 动脑抽象徽章系列-黑卵Techno-Black Ovals Satin Chrome (缎纱)389- 动脑抽象徽章系列-银箭头Techno-Silver Spears Satin Chrome (缎纱)390- 动脑抽象徽章系列-灰钻石Techno-Gray Diamonds Satin Chrome (缎纱)391- 彩绘沙漠系列Painted Desert - 沙漠之花Desert Flower High Polish Chrome(铜镜)392- 蛮荒大西南系列- 印第安羽毛Indian Feather High Polish Chrome (铜镜)393- 彩绘沙漠- 太阳之火Sun Fire High Polish Chrome (铜镜)394- 蛮荒大西南系列(Painted Desert) - 箭头Arrowhead High Polish Chrome(铜镜)395- 彩绘沙漠- Pueblo 印第安人High Polish Chrome (铜镜)396- 彩绘沙漠- Kokopelli 印第安人High Polish Chrome (铜镜)397- 彩绘沙漠- Cherokee 印第安人High Polish Chrome (铜镜)398- 彩绘沙漠- Zuni 印第安人High Polish Chrome (铜镜)432- 紫色旅程Purple Journey High Polish Brass (铜镜)433- 黄色旅程Yellow Journey High Polish Brass (铜镜)451- 标乔丹真树系列- 真树硬木Realtree Hardwood452- 标乔丹真树系列- 灰真树Realtree Extra Grey501- Black Tie系列- 框框The Frame502- Black Tie系列- 总统先生Mr.President503- Black Tie系列- 粗线条Bold Stripe504- Black Tie系列- Candy Cane505- Black Tie系列- 国会议员The Congressman510- 矿脉系列- 金矿脉Gold Rush511- 矿脉系列- 铜矿脉Penny Vein512- 矿脉系列- 银矿脉Silver Vain513- Checks系列- Checkered Flag514- Checks系列-Charcoal Checkers520- 托莱多系列- 神秘狮子Toledo-Mystical Lion (托莱多是西班牙一个城市,历史上曾是西班牙首都)522- 托莱多系列- 神秘鹰Mystical Eagle523- 托莱多系列- 植物纹人像Floral Portrait524- 托莱多系列- 公正之鹰Eagle of Justice525- 托莱多系列- 中世纪骑士Medieval Knight526- 托莱多系列- 自然乐曲Nature''''s Medley527- 托莱多系列- 熊(抓到)的新鲜鱼Bear''''s Fresh Fish528- 托莱多系列- 勇猛的理查德Richard the Lion-Hearted529- 托莱多系列- 葡萄牙盾牌Portuguese Shield531- 托莱多系列- 凶猛的护卫Fierce Guardian532- 托莱多系列- 神秘狮子Mystical Lion High Polish Brass (铜镜子)534- 托莱多系列- 神秘鹰Mystical Eagle High Polish Brass (铜镜子)535- 托莱多系列- 植物纹人像Floral Portrait High Polish Brass (铜镜子)536- 托莱多系列- 公正之鹰Eagle of Justice High Polish Brass (铜镜子)537- 托莱多系列- 中世纪骑士Medieval Knight High Polish Brass (铜镜子)538- 托莱多系列- 自然乐曲Nature''''s Medley High Polish Brass (铜镜子)539- 托莱多系列- 鱼与熊Bear''''s Fresh Fish High Polish Brass (铜镜子)540- 托莱多系列- 勇猛的理查德Richard the Lion-Hearted High Polish Brass(铜镜子)541- 托莱多系列- 葡萄牙盾牌Portuguese Shield High Polish Brass (铜镜子)542- 托莱多系列- 凶猛的护卫Fierce Guardian High Polish Brass (铜镜子)550- 手工全皮,包皮系列Full Leather Crafted Series , Leather Wrap Series551- 夜猫子玩家系列- 哈佛条纹Harvard Stripe552- 夜猫子玩家系列- Tic Tac Toe553- 夜猫子玩家系列- 玉米地Corn Row554- 夜猫子玩家系列- 纽约人New Yorker High Polish Brass (抛光铜)555- 夜猫子玩家系列- 署名Autograph High Polish Brass (抛光铜)556- 夜猫子玩家系列- 都市牛仔Urban Cowboy High Polish Brass (抛光铜)557- 夜猫子玩家系列- 第5街Fifth Avenue558- 夜猫子玩家系列- 金色辉煌Golden Glory559- 夜猫子玩家系列- 中线Center Line560- 夜猫子玩家系列- 银羚羊Silver Antelope561- 夜猫子玩家系列- Titan Two561- Zippo搜集系列- 经典防风Windproof Classic Satin Chrome (缎纱)562- Zippo搜集系列- 美国传奇American Legend Satin Chrome (缎纱)563- Zippo搜集系列- 美国经典American Classic Satin Chrome (缎纱)564- Zippo搜集系列- 真正美国人Genuine American Satin Chrome (缎纱)565- Zippo名气系列- 来真的For Real High Polish Chrome (镜子)571- 国际International Zippo High Polish Chrome (镜子)572- 自由神像Statue of Liberty High Polish Chrome (镜子)573- 美国国旗上的鹰USA Eagle on Flag High Polish Chrome (镜子)574- 美国大学旗帜USA College Flag White Matte (白哑漆)577- 古典钻石Antique Diamond Plate High Polish Chrome (镜子)578- Zippo访客中心Zippo/Case Visitors Center Brushed Chrome (沙子)579- 美国传奇American Legend High Polish Chrome (镜子)581- Zippo搜集系列- 美国制造Made in USA-Brass Brushed Brass Vintage(切角铜沙子)582- Zippo搜集系列- 美国制造Made in USA-Pewter Brushed Chrome Vintage(切角锡沙子)583- Zippo搜集系列- 美国经典American Classic-Brass Brushed Brass Vintage(切角铜沙子)584- Zippo搜集系列- 美国经典American Classic-Pewter Brushed Chrome Vintage(切角锡沙子)590RG- 叶子Leaves High Polish Rose Gold (玫瑰金镜子)590S- 叶子Leaves Silver Plated (镀银)591G- 条纹与花Stripes & Flowers Gold Plated (镀金)592- Passing Lines High Polish Chrome (镜子)592B- Passing Lines High Polish Brass (铜镜子)592RG- Passing Lines High Polish Rose Gold (玫瑰金镜子)593- 几何图形Geometrics High Polish Chrome(镜子)593B- 几何图形Geometrics High Polish Brass(铜镜子)593RG- 几何图形Geometrics High Polish Rose Gold(玫瑰金镜子)594- 沉思Reflections High Polish Chrome(镜子)594B- 沉思Reflections High Polish Brass(铜镜子)594RG- 沉思Reflections High Polish Rose Gold(玫瑰金镜子)595S- 凯尔特结Celtic Knot Silver Plated (镀银)600- 鹰与火炬Eagle & Torch Pewter Brushed Chrome(锡沙子)600B- 鹰与火炬Eagle & Torch Brass Blush Brass (铜沙子)607- 鹰与旗Eagle & Flag High Polish Chrome (镜子)611- Zippo牛仔裤系列- 后袋Back Pocket High Polish Chrome (镜子)612- Zippo牛仔裤系列- 没拉拉练Fly Zipper High Polish Chrome (镜子)613- Zippo牛仔裤系列- 皮标签Leather Tab High Polish Chrome (镜子)614- Zippo牛仔裤系列- 表袋Watch Pocket High Polish Chrome (镜子)651- 蛮荒大西南系列- 黑夜狼嚎Nocturne High Polish Chrome (镜子)652- 蛮荒大西南系列- 沙漠壁虎Gecko High Polish Chrome (镜子)653- 蛮荒大西南系列- 蝎子Scorpion Brushed Chrome (沙子)654- 蛮荒大西南系列- 仙人掌Saguarro Brushed Chrome (沙子)655- 蛮荒大西南系列- 沙漠之星Desert Star High Polish Chrome (镜子)656- 蛮荒大西南系列- Sedona High Polish Chrome (镜子)657- 蛮荒大西南系列- Tahoe High Polish Chrome (镜子)658- 夜猫子玩家系列- 金色波浪Black Tie-Golden Weave Gold Plated (镀金)659- 猫子玩家系列- 德洲缠绕机Black Tie-Texas Twister Midnight Chrome(暗铬)660- 夜猫子玩家系列- 暗织纹Black Tie-Midnight Weave Midnight Chrome (暗铬)661- 夜猫子玩家系列- 幻觉Black Tie-Illusion High Polish Chrome (镜子)662- 夜猫子玩家系列- 袖子Black Tie-Cuff Lynx Brushed Chrome (沙子)663- 夜猫子玩家系列- Black Tie-Ty Clasp Brushed Chrome (沙子)664- 夜猫子玩家系列- 德克萨斯龙卷风Black Tie-Texas Twister Brushed Chrome(沙子)665- 夜猫子玩家系列- 午夜编织Black Tie-Midnight Weave Street Chrome(缎纱)667- 夜猫子玩家系列- 德克萨斯龙卷风Texas Twister Black Ice (黑冰)668- 夜猫子玩家系列- 午夜徘徊Midnight Weave Black Ice (黑冰)669- 夜猫子玩家系列- 银辫子Braided Silver High Polish Chrome (镜子)670- 夜猫子玩家系列- 碳纤维Carbon Fiber Satin Chrome(花沙)672- 蛮荒大西南系列- 山狗Coyote Brushed Chrome (沙子)675- 蛮荒大西南系列- 鹰Brushed Chrome (沙子)677- 蛮荒大西南系列- 野牛箭头Buffalo Arrowhead Brushed Chrome (沙子)678- 蛮荒大西南系列- 鹰+箭头Eagle Arrowhead Brushed Chrome (沙子)679- 蛮荒大西南系列- 勇敢轮廓Brave Profile Brushed Chrome (沙子)680- 蛮荒大西南系列- 追梦者Dream Catcher Brushed Chrome (沙子)684- 电染铝系列黑铝Black Anodized Alminum Brushed Chrome (沙子)685- 电染铝系列红铝Red Anodized Alminum Brushed Chrome (沙子)686- 电染铝系列蓝铝Blue Anodized Alminum Brushed Chrome (沙子)687- 电染铝系列绿铝Green Anodized Alminum Brushed Chrome (沙子)688- 电染铝系列香槟铝Champagne Anodized Alminum Brushed Chrome (沙子)700- 夜猫子玩家系列-鳄鱼皮徽号After Hours-Crocodile Leather Emblem Brushed Brass(铜沙子)701- 夜猫子玩家系列-菱形皮徽号After Hours-Diamond Cut Leather Emblem Brushed Brass (铜沙子)701- 金刚石系列CONTEMPO Standard Bright Chrome702- 礼服系列CONTEMPO Standard Fluted Chrome703- 礼服系列CONTEMPO Standard Louver Chrome705- 夜猫子玩家系列- 深雕金花Carved Floral High Polish Gold Plated(金镜子)706- 夜猫子玩家系列- 富贵花Imperial Filigree High Polish Brass(铜镜子)707- 蛮荒大西南系列- 图腾柱Totem Pole High Polish Chrome(沙子)708- 夜猫子玩家系列- 鱼骨纹Herringbone with Panel High Polish Chrome w/24 kt Gold Inlay(24K金镶嵌沙子)711- CONTEMPO Standard Louver Gold712- CONTEMPO Standard Gold Mesh713- CONTEMPO Standard Burnished Gold714- CONTEMPO Standard Burgundy715- CONTEMPO Standard Basic Black未知CONTEMPO Standard TortoiseContempo系列待考716- Zippo各行各业系列- 警察Police Satin Chrome (花沙)717- Zippo各行各业系列- 木匠Carpenter Satin Chrome (花沙)718- Zippo各行各业系列- 电工Electrician Satin Chrome (花沙)719- Zippo各行各业系列- 消防员Firefighter Satin Chrome (花沙)720- Zippo各行各业系列- 急诊医士EMT Satin Chrome (花沙)721- Zippo各行各业系列- 油漆匠Painter Satin Chrome (花沙)722- Zippo各行各业系列- 机械师Mechanic Satin Chrome (花沙)723- Zippo各行各业系列- 泥水匠Mason Satin Chrome (花沙)724- Zippo各行各业系列- 调酒师Bartender Satin Chrome (花沙)725- Zippo各行各业系列- 焊工Welder Satin Chrome (花沙)726- Zippo各行各业系列- 水管工Plumber Satin Chrome (花沙)727- Zippo各行各业系列- 卡车司机Track Driver Satin Chrome (花沙)728- Zippo各行各业系列- 护士Nurse Satin Chrome (花沙)729- Zippo各行各业系列- 钢铁工人Iron Worker Satin Chrome (花沙)750- 市镇与乡村系列Town and Country Series751- 户外系列- 渔夫Fisherman High Polish Chrome (镜子)752- 户外系列- 野鸭Mallard High Polish Chrome (镜子)753- 户外系列- 鹰Eagle High Polish Chrome (镜子)754- 户外系列- 猎人Hunter High Polish Chrome (镜子)755- 户外系列- 野鸡Pheasant High Polish Chrome (镜子)756- 户外系列- 鹿Deer High Polish Chrome (镜子)757- 户外系列- 游戏集锦Assorted Game High Polish Chrome (镜子)758- 户外系列- 狼Wolf High Polish Chrome (镜子)759- 户外系列- 大灰熊Grizzly Bear High Polish Chrome (镜子)760- 户外系列- 猫头鹰Owl High Polish Chrome (镜子)769- 户外系列- 狼Wolf Black Ice (黑冰)781- 军事系列- 战俘/失踪人员POW/MIA High Polish Chrome (镜子)782- 军事系列- 海军陆战队Marine Bulldog Brushed Chrome (沙子)783- 军事系列- 海员Seabees Brushed Chrome (沙子)784- 军事系列- Top Gun Black Matte (黑哑漆)785- 军事系列- 特种部队Special Forces Green Matte (绿哑漆)786- 军事系列- 海军侦察队Navy Seals Navy Matte (海军蓝哑漆)787- 军事系列- 美国空军US Air Force High Polish Chrome (镜子)788- 军事系列- 战俘/失踪人员POW/MIA High Polish Chrome(镜子)791- 极限运动系列-花式自行车BMX Biking Satin Chrome (缎纱)792- 极限运动系列-纵列式滑冰inLine Skating Satin Chrome (缎纱)793- 极限运动系列-滑雪板Snowboarding Satin Chrome (缎纱)794- 极限运动系列-溜冰板Skateboarding Satin Chrome (缎纱)795- 极限运动系列-溜冰板Skateboarding Street Chrome (花沙)796- 极限运动系列-滑雪板Snowboarding Street Chrome (花沙)797- 极限运动系列-旱冰Rollerblading Street Chrome (花沙)798- 极限运动系列-花式自行车BMX Biking Street Chrome (花沙)991- 搜集系列-1932zippo字样- Zippo 1932 Antique Copper (古铜)992- 搜集系列-防风zippo - Windproof Zippo Antique Silver Plate (古银) 993- 搜集系列-zippo标志- Zippo Logo Antique Brass (古铜)994- 一星期的旅行A Week''''s Trial Antique Silver Plate(古银)995- 风中女郎Windy Antique Silver Plate(古银)996- 狂饮者The Reveler Antique Silver Plate(古银)997- 纹身系列-阴阳图案Yin Yang Antique Silver Plate(古银)998- 纹身系列-和平Banded Pease Symbol AntiqueSilver Plate(古银)999- 纹身系列-铁丝网Barbed Wire Antique Silver Plate(古银)1150- Silver Filled Ribbon1151- Silver Filled Froral1152- Silver Filled Diamond1941- 1941复刻1941B- 1941复刻纯铜字母型号:AL - 镀铝(Aluminium Plating)AW - (Army Wings)B - 铜(Brass)BMP - 黑色不光滑印绩(Black Matte Print )BS - Barrett - Smythe 系列BT - 蓝钛的早期代码(Blue Titanium) 现在的代码是 TC-BLDR - 深层浮雕(Deep Relief)E - 铭刻(Engraved)EC - 蚀刻+填色(Etched & Color Filled)EM - 徽章(Emblem)FB - 精细磨砂 (Fine Brushed)G - 镀金(Gold Plated)IC - 离子涂层(..-F = 鲜蓝 / -S = 海蓝)LE - 亮蚀刻(Luster Etched)LP - 可能是带扣的火机套(w/ Loop) (哪位大虾知道正解,请告诉小弟) M - 暗铬(Midnight Chrome)NO - 米国海军徽号(Navy Ornament)NW - (Navy Wings)P - 镀白金(Platinum Plated)PA - 镀钯 (Palladium Plated)PL - 烟斗用火机 (Pipe Lighter)PP - 影印图案(Photo Print Technology)RG - 玫瑰金(Rose Gold)SUR - 环氧树脂烤漆(Color Baked Epoxy)TC - 钛涂层 (...-BK = 黑 / -BL = 蓝)VG - Varga Girl徽章 (Varga Girl Emblem)VT - 紫钛涂层(限量版本哦)(Violet Titanium Coating)WD - 迪斯尼收藏系列(Walt Disney Collection)Z - zippo收藏系列(Zippo Collection)ZB - Zippo w/ BordersZE - zippo徽章系列(Zippo Emblem)。
HP LaserJet Professional M1130 M1210 MFP 系列 使用者指南说
移除 Mac 的軟體 ............................................................................................................................... 28 Macintosh 列印設定值的優先順序 ................................................................................................. 28 變更 Mac 的印表機驅動程式設定 ................................................................................................... 29 使用 Mac 來列印 ................................................................................................................................................. 30 使用 Mac 來建立並使用列印預設 ................................................................................................... 30 變更文件尺寸或使用 Mac 在自訂尺寸的紙張上列印 ................................................................... 30 使用 Mac 列印封面 ........................................................................................................................... 30 使用 Mac 進行單張多頁列印 ........................................................................................................... 31 使用 Mac 列印正反兩面 (雙面列印) ............................................................................................... 31 使用 Mac 傳真 (僅限 M1210 系列) .................................................................................................................... 33 使用 Mac 掃描 ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
北京联创佳艺影像新材料技术有限公司产品说明书佳艺间隙型高光亮相纸Imatek MicroporousPremium Glossy Photo Paper2013-3 发布佳艺间隙型高光亮相纸Premium Glossy Photo Paper喷墨打印高光相纸从技术角度讲可分为三类结构:膨润型、铸涂型、间隙型结构,从开发的时间来看可分别称之为第一代、第二代、第三代相纸。
膨润型高光相纸(swelling photo paper)使用的双面淋膜相纸纸基(PE lamination),与传统银盐相纸的纸基相同。
铸涂型高光相纸(cast coating photo paper)产品结构为原纸上以铸涂的加工方式加涂一层光泽固墨层,固墨层采用微米级的二氧化硅颗粒。
间隙型高光亮相纸(microporous photo paper)在双面淋膜相纸纸基涂布一层纳米级涂料,提供象卤化银相纸一样的厚度、挺度、平整度。
60g/m2 特号胶版纸 0.086
70g/m2 特号胶版纸 0.100
80g/m2 特号胶版纸 0.114
90g/m2 特号胶版纸 0.129
1200g/m2 特号胶版纸 0.171
150g/m2 特号胶版纸 0.214
28g/m2 特号打字纸 0.043
30g/m2 特号打字纸 0.046
24g/m2 1号打字纸 0.040
26g/m2 1号打字纸 0.043
28g/m2 1号打字纸 0.047
30g/m2 1号打字纸 0.050
24g/m2 2号打字纸 0.044
26g/m2 2号打字纸 0.047
100g/m2 1号凹版纸 0.118
120g/m2 1号凹版纸 0.141
70g/m2 2号凹版纸 0.088
80g/m2 2号凹版纸 0.100
90g/m2 2号凹版纸 0.113
100g/m2 2号凹版纸 0.125
120g/m2 2号凹版纸 0.150
类 别 ----纸张名称 ------单张厚度(mm)
白 卡 纸 200g/m2 1号白卡纸 0.250
230g/m2 1号白卡纸 0.288
250g/m2 1号白卡纸 0.313
200g/m2 2号白卡纸 0.267
230g/m2 2号白卡纸 0.307
250g/m2 2号白卡纸 0.333
200g/m2 特号白卡纸 0.235
170g/m2 2号米卡纸 0.262
200g/m2 2号米卡纸 0.308
类 别 ------纸 张名称 ----单张厚度(mm)
3.1.1 蜡棒:DENNISON蜡棒1组,为打有蜡号码的棒状物,从2A开始到32A为止。
3.1.2 压纸板:尺寸纸90mm X 38mm X 6mm的木制压板。在近端点有一个直径32mm的小孔。
3.2 测试方法:
3.2.1 切取至少100 X 100mm 的试样。
3.2.5 按上升的号数用蜡棒做重复测试,直到纸面起毛、起泡、断裂或隆起为止。
3.3 测试结果的评定:
4.1 不要使蜡过热。
4.2 让蜡至少冷却10分钟。
4.3 与纸板表面垂直地拔取蜡棒。
3.2.2 将试样放在光滑的桌面上,选择一支蜡棒,确保蜡棒末端清洁平滑。在酒精灯上给蜡棒末端加热,缓慢地转动蜡棒直到有熔化的蜡滴下为止(注意不要让滴下的蜡接加压,立即缩回手指,让蜡棒冷却15分钟。
3.2.4 将夺纸板的小孔套入蜡棒,用一只手牢牢按住木板,用另一只手迅速的将蜡棒垂直地从纸上拔下。
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