



2015-2016学年度 第一学期期末质量监测高二数学(理科)试卷一、选择题:本大题供8小题,每小题5分,供40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 直线023=+-y x 的倾斜角是A.6π B.3π C.23π D.56π 2. 直线l 过点(2,2)P -,且与直线032=-+y x 垂直,则直线l 的方程为 A. 220x y +-= B. 260x y --=C. 260x y --=D. 250x y -+=3. 一个几何体的三视图如图所示,如果该几何体的侧面面积为π12, 则该几何体的体积是A. π4B. 12πC. 16πD. 48π 4. 在空间中,下列命题正确的是 A. 如果直线m ∥平面α,直线α⊂n 内,那么m ∥n ;B. 如果平面α内的两条直线都平行于平面β,那么平面α∥平面βC. 如果平面α外的一条直线m 垂直于平面α内的两条相交直线,那么m α⊥D. 如果平面α⊥平面β,任取直线m α⊂,那么必有m β⊥5. 如果直线013=-+y ax 与直线01)21(=++-ay x a 平行.那么a 等于A. -1B.31 C. 3 D. -1或316. 方程)0(0222≠=++a y ax x 表示的圆A. 关于x 轴对称B. 关于y 轴对称C. 关于直线x y =轴对称D. 关于直线x y -=轴对称7. 如图,正方体1111ABCD A BC D -中,点E ,F 分别是1AA ,AD 的中点,则1CD 与EF 所成角为A. 0︒B. 45︒C. 60︒D. 90︒8. 如果过点M (-2,0)的直线l 与椭圆1222=+y x 有公共点,那么直线l 的斜率k 的取值范围是A.]22,(--∞ B.),22[+∞ C.]21,21[-D. ]22,22[-二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分.9. 已知双曲线的标准方程为116422=-y x ,则该双曲线的焦点坐标为,_________________渐近线方程为_________________.10. 已知向量)1,3,2(-=a,)2,,5(--=y b 且a b ⊥ ,则y =________.11. 已知点),2,(n m A -,点)24,6,5(-B 和向量(3,4,12)a =-且AB ∥a .则点A 的坐标为________.12. 直线0632=++y x 与坐标轴所围成的三角形的面积为________. 13. 抛物线x y 82-=上到焦点距离等于6的点的坐标是_________________.14. 已知点)0,2(A ,点)3,0(B ,点C 在圆122=+y x 上,当ABC ∆的面积最小时,点C 的坐标为________.三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共80分,解答应写出文字说明,演算步骤或证明过程.15. (本小题共13分)如图,在三棱锥A BCD -中,AB ⊥平面BCD ,BC CD ⊥,E ,F ,G 分别是AC ,AD ,BC 的中点. 求证:(I )AB ∥平面EFG ;(II )平面⊥EFG 平面ABC .16. (本小题共13分)已知斜率为2的直线l 被圆0241422=+++y y x 所截得的弦长为求直线l 的方程.17. (本小题共14分)如图,在四棱锥P ABCD -中,平面⊥PAB 平面ABCD ,AB ∥CD ,AB AD ⊥,2CD AB =,E 为PA 的中点,M 在PD 上(点M 与D P ,两点不重合).(I ) 求证:PB AD ⊥;(II )若λ=PDPM,则当λ为何值时, 平面⊥BEM 平面PAB ?(III )在(II )的条件下,求证:PC ∥平面BEM .18. (本小题共13分)如图,在四棱锥P ABCD -中,底面ABCD 是正方形,平面PCD ⊥底面ABCD ,PD CD ⊥,PD CD =,E 为PC 的中点. (I ) 求证:AC ⊥PB ; (II ) 求二面角P --BD --E 的余弦值.19. (本小题共14分)已知斜率为1的直线l 经过抛物线22y px =(0)p >的焦点F ,且与抛物线相交于A ,B 两点,4=AB .(I ) 求p 的值;(II ) 设经过点B 和抛物线对称轴平行的直线交抛物线22y px =的准线于点D ,求证:DO A ,,三点共线(O 为坐标原点).20. (本小题共13分)已知椭圆2222:1(0)x y G a b a b +=>>的左焦点为F ,离心率为33,过点)1,0(M 且与x 轴平行的直线被椭圆G 截得的线段长为6. (I ) 求椭圆G 的方程;(II )设动点P 在椭圆G 上(P 不是顶点),若直线FP 的斜率大于2,求直线OP (O 是坐标原点)的斜率的取值范围.2015-2016学年度第一学期期末质量检测高二数学(理科)试卷参考答案2016.1一、ABB C BA CD二、9.(±52,0),2y x =±10. -411. (1,-2,0)12. 313. (-4,24±)14. (13133,13132) 说明:1.第9题,答对一个空给3分。



浙江省温州市第二外国语学校2013-2014学年高二上学期期中考试物理试题(满分100分,考试时间:90分钟 )温馨提示:1.您现在拿到的试卷满分为100分,共有四大题,20小题,您要在90分钟内完成所有答题;2.本卷静电力常量229/100.9C m N ⋅⨯=κ;3.本试卷包括“试卷”和“答题卷”两部分,请务必在“答题卷”上答题,在“试卷”上答题是无效的;4.考试结束后,只需上交“答题卷”,请不要忘记在“答题卷”上填写姓名、班级、学号等相关信息,同时也别忘了要将“试卷”带走并保管好,老师可能还要分析校对的哦! 一、单项选择题(本题有10小题,每小题3分,共30分,在每小题所给的四个选项中,只有一个选项最符合题意)1、以下哪个是磁感应强度的单位 ( ▲ )A .特斯拉 B. 韦伯 C. 安培 D. 焦耳 2、关于电场强度,下列说法正确..的是 ( ▲ ) A .电场中某点的电场强度与放在该点的试探电荷无关。

B .由E=F/q 可知,E 与F 成正比,与q 成反比。

C .将一个点电荷放在电场中的不同点处,若所受的电场力大小相等,则这些点的场强也一定相同。

D .在电场中某点用检验电荷q 测得电场强度为E ,当撤去q 而放入另一检验电荷-q/2时,该点场强变为-E/2。

3、用如图所示(虚框)是一个欧姆表的外部构造示意图,其正、负插孔内分别插有红、黑表笔,则虚线内的电路图应是图中的( ▲ )4、电流表的内阻是Ω=200g R ,满刻度电流值是A I g μ500=,现欲把这电流表改装成量程为1.0V 的电压表,正确..的方法是( ▲ ) A. 应串联一个0.1Ω的电阻 B. 应并联一个0.1Ω的电阻 C. 应串联一个1800Ω的电阻 D. 应并联一个1800Ω的电阻 5、下图中的通电导线在磁场中受力分析正确的是 ( ▲ )6、某同学做电学实验,通过改变滑动变阻器电阻大小,观察到电压表和电流表的读数同时变大,则他所连接的电路可能是下图中的(▲)7、条形磁铁竖直放置,闭合圆环水平放置,条形磁铁中心线穿过圆环中心,如图所示,若圆环为弹性环,其形状由Ⅰ扩大到Ⅱ,那么圆环内磁通量的变化情况是 ( ▲ )A.磁通量增大B.磁通量减小C.磁通量不变D.条件不足,无法确定8、以下说法正确的是(▲)A. 磁极之间的作用是通过磁场发生的,通电导体之间的作用是的直接发生B. 磁感应强度的方向就是该处小磁针静止时N极所指的方向C. 只要磁感线是直线,该处的磁场一定是匀强磁场D.磁感线总是从N极出发,终止于S极9、如图所示,直流电跟一个线圈连接成闭合回路,线圈的上方和右侧各有一个可以自由转动的小磁针,由图得出的结论正确的是(▲)A.小磁针的c端为N极,电的a端为正极B.小磁针的c端为N极,电的a端为负极C.小磁针的d端为N极,电的a端为正极D.小磁针的d端为N极,电的a端为负极10、两块大小、形状完全相同的金属平板平行放置,构成以平行板电容器,与它相连接的电路如图所示,接通开关K,电即给电容器充电(▲)A.保持K接通,减小两极板间的距离,则两极板间电场的电场强度减小B.保持K接通,在两极板间插入一块介质,则极板上的电量增大C.断开K,减小两极板间的距离,则两极板间的电场强度减小D.断开K,在两极板间插入一块介质,则两极板间的电势差增大二、不定项选择题(本题有4小题,每小题4分,共16分,在每小题所给的四个选项中,至少有一个是正确的,选对但不全的得2分,有错选或不答的得0分)11、如右图所示,一直流电动机与阻值R=9 Ω的电阻串联在电上,电电动势E=30 V,内阻r=1 Ω,用理想电压表测出电动机两端电压U=10 V,已知电动机线圈电阻R M=1 Ω,则下列说法中正确的是 ( ▲)A.通过电动机的电流为10 AB.电动机的输入功率为20 WC.电动机的热功率为4 WD.电动机的输出功率为16 W12、如右图所示电路中,电电动势为E、内阻为r,R0为定值电阻,电容器的电容为C.闭合开关S,增大可变电阻R的阻值,电压表示数的变化量为△U,电流表示数的变化量为△I,则( ▲)A.电压表示数U和电流表示数I的比值不变B.变化过程中△U和△I的比值保持不变C.电阻R0两端电压减小,减小量为△UD.电阻R0两端电压增大,增大量为△U13、关于电动势下列说法正确..的是 ( ▲)A.电电动势等于电正负极之间的电势差B.用电压表直接测量电两极得到的电压数值,略小于电的电动势大小C.电电动势总等于内、外电路上的电压之和,所以它的数值与外电路的组成有关D.电内部存在有负极指向正极的电场14、R1和R2是材料相同,厚度相同,表面都为正方形的导体,但R1的尺寸比R2大得多,把它们分别连接在如图电路的A、B端,接R1时电压表的读数为U1,接R2时电压表的读数为U2,下列判断正确..的是(▲)A.R1=R2 B.R1>R2 C.U1<U2 D.U1=U2三、填空题(本题有2个小题,每空2分,共18分)15、(1)某同学用游标卡尺测量一圆柱体的长度l,示数如图所示.由图可读出l=________cm.(2)在测定金属电阻率的实验中,某同学连接电路如图所示.闭合电键后,发现电路有故障(已知电、电表和导线均完好,电电动势为E):若电流表、电压表示数均为零,该同学利用多用电表检查故障.先将选择开关旋至________挡(填“欧姆×100”“直流电压10 V”或“直流电流2.5 mA”),再将________(填“红”或“黑”)表笔固定在a接线柱,把另一支表笔依次接b、c、d接线柱.16、有一个小灯泡上标有“4 V、2 W”的字样,现在要用伏安法描绘这个灯泡的I—U 图线.现有下列器材供选用:A.电压表(0~5 V,内阻10 kΩ) B.电压表(0~15 V,内阻20 kΩ)C.电流表(0~3 A,内阻1 Ω) D.电流表(0~0.6 A,内阻0.4 Ω)E.滑动变阻器(10 Ω,2 A) F.滑动变阻器(500 Ω,1 A)G.学生电(直流6 V)、开关、导线若干(1)实验时,选用电路图(填“甲”或者“乙”)完成实验.(2)实验中所用电压表应选________,电流表应选用________,滑动变阻器应选用________,测量得到的小灯泡的电阻与真实的电阻相比(“偏大”或者“偏小”)(用序号字母表示) .(3)把图中所示的实验器材用实线连接成实物电路图.四、计算题(本题有4小题,共36分,其中17、18每题8分,19、20每题10分,要求画出必要的图形和写出必要的文字说明、方程式、重要的演算步骤,只写出计算结果不给分。



浙江省温州市第二外国语学校2013-2014学年高二上学期期中考试数学(文)试题参考公式: 锥体体积公式13V sh = 球的体积343V r π= 球的表面积24S r π= 一、选择题(共40分)1.线段AB 在平面α内,则直线AB 与平面α的位置关系是( ) A.AB α⊂ B.AB α⊄ C.由线段AB 的长短而定 D.以上都不对2.如图,一个空间几何体的正视图、侧视图、俯视图为全等的等腰直角三角形,如果直角三角形的直角边长为l ,那么这个几何体的体积为 ( )A 1B21C31 D61 3.图中直观图所示的平面图形是( ) A.任意四边形 B.直角梯形 C.任意梯形 D.等腰梯形4.如果两个球的半径之比为2:3,那么两个球的表面积之比为( )A.8:27B. 2:3C.4:9D. 2:9 5.水平放置的圆柱形物体的三视图是( )6若两条直线a b 、与平面α所成的角相等,则a 与b 的位置关系是( ) A.平行 B.相交 C.异面 D.以上都有可能7.在正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,M 和N 分别为BC 、1C C 的中点,那么异面直线MN 与AC 所成的角等于( )A.030B. 045C. 060D. 0908.已知q 是r 的必要条件,s 是r 的充分条件,q 是s 的充分条件,则s 是q 的( ) A.充分条件 B.必要条件 C.充要条件 D.不充分也不必要条件9.空间四边形ABCD 的两条对角线,AC BD 的长分别为4,5,则平行于两条对角线的截面四边形EFGH 在平移过程中,其周长的取值范围是( ) A.(5,10) B.(8,10) C.(3,6) D(6,9)10.在底面是菱形的四棱锥P ABCD -中,点E 在PD 上,且PE :ED =2:1,在棱PC 上是存在一点F ,使BF ∥平面AEC ,则PF :FC 的值为( ) A.1:1 B.2:1 C. 3:1 D. 3:2 二、填空题(共20分)11.若命题“p 且q ”为假,且“非p ”为假,则命题q 的真假为_______. 12.有下列四个命题:①“若0=+y x ,则y x ,互为相反数”的逆命题; ②“全等三角形的面积相等”的否命题;③“若1≤q ,则022=++q x x 有实根”的逆命题;④“等边三角形的三个内角相等”的逆否命题;其中真命题的序号是 . 13.正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,则1C A 与平面ABCD 所成角的正弦值为 ; 14.正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,二面角1C AB C --的大小为________.15.角“αβ= ”是“tan tan αβ=”成立的 条件. 三解答题16.(8分)某几何体的三视图如图所示,求该几何体的体积. 17.(8分)设有两个命题:(1)关于x 的不等式0422>++ax x 对一切R x ∈恒成立;(2)函数()(52)xf x a =-是增函数,若命题有且只有一个是真命题,求实数a 的取值范围。


A. 取样B. 溶解
C. 取用固体药品D. 取用液体药品
2.在上校本课程“小厨师”时,小明取少量下列物质与水混合并充分搅拌,可以形成溶液 是()
A. B. C. D.
3.2023年9月,台风“海葵”给我市带来了强降水,刚修建的隧道因设有排水沟( )
A 气压计B.风向标C.风速仪D.湿度计
39 6



平顶山学院成人教育2015-2016学年第二学期期末考试(期末考)大学英语1(高起专)1. ( 单选题) It’s raining heavily. You’d better____a rain coat.(本题2.0分) AA、 wearB、 put onC、 have onD、 dress2. ( 单选题 ) The student is good at English, ____we all know.(本题2.0分) DA、 becauseB、 forC、 sinceD、 as3. ( 单选题 ) Not until_____ he finished reading the story .(本题2.0分)BA、 he went to bedB、 did he go to bedC、didn’t he go to bedD、he didn’t go to bed4. ( 单选题 ) The city is about ride from here._____(本题2.0分)CA、 one and a half hour’sB、 one-half-hourC、one and a half hours’D、 one and half hour5. ( 单选题 ) Mike thought it was the best way _____to finish the job. .(本题2.0分)BA、 So was itB、 So did IC、 So I didD、 I did so6. ( 单选题 ) I have only one pen and I am going to buy ____.(本题2.0分)CA、 the secondB、 one secondC、 a second oneD、 the second one7. ( 单选题) We’ll call on the man we believe ___can speak very good English.(本题2.0分) AA、 whoB、 whomC、 whoeverD、 which8. ( 单选题) Don’t leave David by ____. He’s too old.(本题2.0分) BA、 himB、 himselfC、 hisD、 itself9. ( 单选题 ) Would you like____ tea(本题2.0分)AA、 anyB、 aC、 anD、 some10. (单选题) The two things that you can not buy with money__love and health.(本题2.0分)AA、 areB、 isC、 amD、 was11. ( 单选题 ) My cousin_______ the fashionable jacket in the shop.(本题2.0分) CA、 seems likeB、 likeC、 seems to likeD、 appears to be like12. ( 单选题 ) The parents made the little boy_______ the piano for one and a half hours.(本题2.0分) CA、 practise playingB、 to practise playingC、 practise to playD、 to practise to play13. ( 单选题) I’ll tell your daughter about it as soon as she _____ to the meeting tomorrow.(本题2.0分) AA、 comesB、 comeC、 cameD、 will come14. ( 单选题 ) What_______ to the earth in the last ten years(本题2.0分) AA、 was happenedB、 has happenedC、 happenedD、 has been happened15. ( 单选题 ) We________ in the swimming pool at that time.(本题2.0分) AA、 were planning to swimB、 are planning to swimC、 were planning swimmingD、 are planning swimming16. ( 单选题 ) --Where is Hellen I am looking for her.--_________toAustralia. She’s been there for three days.(本题2.0分) AA、 She has goneB、 She has beenD、 She will go17. ( 单选题 ) __________ excellent film we saw yesterday!(本题2.0分) CA、 WhatB、 HowC、 What anD、 How an18. ( 单选题 ) Shall we __________a rest. We have worked for a long time.(本题2.0分) DA、 stopped to haveB、 stopped havingC、 stop havingD、 stop to have19. ( 单选题 ) –Emma has been ill for a week. Is she all right now–_______. The teacher says she can come to school tomorrow.(本题2.0分) DA、 I hope not.B、I don’t think soC、I’m afraid so.D、 I think so.20. ( 单选题 ) When will you go back to your hometown ________ next week.(本题2.0分) BA、 SometimeB、 Some timeC、 SometimesD、 Some times21. ( 单选题) I’m sorry. I still have some problems ______.(本题2.0分) CA、 solvingB、 to solveC、 being solved22. ( 单选题) He didn’t come to work ________ his illness.(本题2.0分) BA、 becauseB、 because ofC、 ifD、 however23. ( 单选题 ) Excuse me, Sir, how can I find the shortest way ___the nearest police station(本题2.0分) AA、 toB、 ofC、 withD、 for24. ( 单选题 ) Amy _____ spend all her pocket money, but now she _____ saving some of it.(本题2.0分) AA、 was used to, used toB、 used to, is used toC、 used to, used toD、 was used to, is used25. ( 单选题 ) It was _______ bad weather _______ they all had to stay at home.(本题2.0分) BA、 s uch a… thatB、such… thatC、so… thatD、too… to26. ( 单选题 ) Teaching little children is _____, but the teachers always ______.(本题1.0分) CA、 a hard work, to work hardB、 hard work, to work hardC、 a hard work, work hardD、 hard work, work hard27. ( 单选题 ) The doctors did what they could _______ her.(本题1.0分) CA、 helpingB、 helpC、 helpedD、 to help28. ( 单选题 ) ---- Lily, nice to see you ! ______ toEngland---- Yes. And I will come back in a week.(本题1.0分) BA、 Have you goneB、 Are you goingC、 Have you beenD、 Did you go29. ( 单选题 ) During the summer holidays , he was made ____ two hours a day.(本题1.0分) BA、 to swimB、 swimC、 swimmingD、 swum30. ( 单选题 ) Mary ________ show us her new dictionary .(本题1.0分) AA、 has asked toB、 was asked toC、 is askedD、 asks to31. ( 单选题 ) ---- Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other---- If you keep still(不动的), you can sit at ________ end.(本题1.0分) BA、 neitherB、 eachC、 eitherD、 any32. ( 单选题 ) There is only _______ water in the bottle.(本题1.0分) CA、 a bitB、 a little ofC、 a bit ofD、 a few33. (单选题) It was too noisy, ____ we couldn’t hear ____ he said at the meeting.(本题1.0分) C A、 so, thatB、 so, whatC、 that, whatD、 to, that34. ( 单选题 ) ---Look, it’s going to rain.----Really ______ , I don’t take a raincoat with me.(本题 1.0分) BA、I’m afraid notB、 I hope not.C、 Good ideaD、 I hope so35. ( 单选题) He’s never visitedFrance, ________ he (本题1.0分) CA、 isB、isn’tC、 hasD、hasn’t36. ( 单选题 ) What he said about the life in that country is _______.(本题1.0分) CA、 surpriseB、 surprisedC、 surprisingD、 to be surprised37. ( 单选题 ) Turn to your teacher whenever ______.(本题1.0分) BA、 necessary .B、 you are necessaryC、 you needed .D、 the teacher is necessary38. ( 单选题 ) You can choose any other ________except this.(本题1.0分) AA、 works to doB、 duties to do itC、 jobs to do itD、 job to do39. (单选题) Great changes __in Nanjing High School since I came here in 1980.(本题1.0分) AA、 have been taken placeB、 took placeC、 have taken placeD、 were taken place40. ( 单选题 ) ---Are you learning music now in your free time----No. I’ve stopped ______ Chinese medicine instead.(本题1.0分) AA、 to learnB、 learningC、 learnD、 studying41. ( 单选题 ) --I ___you good luck in the coming new year.--Thanks(本题1.0分) CA、 wantB、 wishC、 hopeD、 like42. ( 单选题 ) --What would you like to do___, singing or dancing--I choose you a song.(本题1.0分) CA、 sangB、 singingC、 to singD、 sing43. ( 单选题 ) Mr Smith_____ in Americathis time last year.(本题1.0分) CA、 travelledB、 would travelC、 has travelledD、 was travelling44. ( 单选题 ) Li Lei hasn't come yet. I don't know what _____to him.(本题1.0分) DA、 is happenedB、 has been taken place im.C、 has taken placeD、 has happened45. ( 单选题 ) --Did your teacher tell you ___ this afternoon--Yes. We'll go to visit the Science Museum.(本题1.0分) AA、 how to doB、 what to doC、 to go whereD、 where go to46. ( 单选题 ) Most business letters ____around the world in English.(本题1.0分) DA、 writesB、 is writtenC、 wroteD、 are written47. ( 单选题 ) We have never seen __ _ film before. It's very interesting.(本题1.0分) CA、 so goodB、 such goodC、 such a goodD、 a so good48. ( 单选题 ) --Would you like to come to our party tonight--I'd love to, __ I'll have to do my homework at home.(本题1.0分) BA、 soB、 butC、 becauseD、 and49. ( 单选题 ) They didn't start the work_______ their teacher came back.(本题 1.0分) AA、 untilB、 whileC、 as soon asD、 if50. ( 单选题 ) You can show your support to our school team _____ cheering for our players.(本题1.0分) AA、 byB、 forC、 toD、 of51. ( 单选题) Tom’s father seemed ______ with his good results.(本题1.0分) BA、 happyB、 happilyC、 angrilyD、 angry52. ( 单选题 ) The doctor operated ______ the weak soldier carefully.(本题1.0分) BA、 toB、 forC、 withD、 on53. ( 单选题) Lots of children’s lives ______ because of Project Hope i nChina.(本题1.0分) AA、 were changedB、 changedC、 changingD、 was changed54. ( 单选题 ) If you go shopping tomorrow, ______.(本题1.0分) AA、 so will IB、 so do IC、 so I willD、 so I do55. ( 单选题 ) The room facing to south is warm to ______.(本题1.0分) AA、 live inB、 live atC、 liveD、 live with56. ( 单选题 ) —How many members are there on the team—Eight this term. But there will be ___ ten next term. I’m not quite sure.(本题1.0分) CA、 at allB、 at lastC、 at leastD、 at once57. ( 单选题) It’s not easy ____ me ____ finish walking a 100-kilometer trail within 48 hours(本题1.0分) BA、 to , toB、 for , toC、 to , forD、 for , for58. ( 单选题 ) We found that film _____ interesting . (本题1.0分) CA、 is quite aB、 was specialC、 is veryD、 was specially59. ( 单选题 ) - ___ do I need to take- It’s helpful for you to take a map and a mobile phone if you get __ . (本题1.0分) CA、 What other , losingB、 Other what , missingC、 What else , lostD、 Else what , lose60. (单选题) --- Can I use your mobile phone --- Sorry , my mobile phone __ . (本题1.0分) AA、 need to repairB、 needs repairedC、 need repairingD、 needs repairing61. ( 单选题 ) Although he was a child, he tried to find ways ____ people _______ life more.(本题1.0分) CA、 to help ; enjoyB、 to help ; enjoyC、 to help ; enjoyingD、 help ; enjoying62. ( 单选题 ) —______ go to the theatre together with me —Good idea.(本题1.0分) CA、 How aboutB、 Why do youC、 Why notD、 What about63. ( 单选题 ) It is bad for your eyes_____ computer games too much.(本题1.0分) BA、 playsB、 to playC、 playD、 to playing64. ( 单选题) ____ is wrong to copy other students’ homework.(本题1.0分) CA、 ThisB、 ThatC、 ItD、 There65. ( 单选题 ) --- Would you like________ the environment--- I don’t know. What can I do(本题1.0分) DA、 help saveB、 helping saveC、 to help savingD、 to help save66. ( 单选题 ) --- Do you spend a lot of time____ computer--- No, but I spend much time_____ doing my homework.(本题1.0分) AA、 on; inB、 in; onC、 on; onD、 in; in67. ( 单选题 ) I need ___food. Would you like to give me ____apples(本题1.0分) BA、 more some; more twoB、 some more; two moreC、 more some; two moreD、 some more; more two68. ( 单选题 ) You should try ____do such a thing again.(本题1.0分) CB、 notC、 not toD、 to not69. ( 单选题 ) You __ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.(本题1.0分) DA、needn’t to comeB、don’t need comeC、don’t need comingD、needn’t come70. ( 单选题 ) John has passed the exam. He is ________ of his success.(本题1.0分) CA、 pleasedB、 happyC、 proudD、 delighted71. ( 单选题 ) ---What do you want to do when you grow up--- I want to train __ an astronaut and became a person ___Yang Liwei.(本题1.0分) AA、 as ,likB、 like , asC、 as, asD、 like ,like72. ( 单选题) I’m sorry, I_________ the book in my home.(本题1.0分) CA、 forgetB、 forgotC、 leftD、 leave73. ( 单选题 ) -----What do cows eat -----They eat__________ grass.(本题1.0分) BA、 mostC、 almostD、 main74. ( 单选题 ) The patients are quite_____ to the nurses for their special care.(本题1.0分) DA、 enjoyableB、 helpfulC、 confidentD、 grateful75. ( 单选题) Black broke his leg. He has just had_____ X-ray examination. ____ doctor said he needed ____ operation.(本题1.0分) DA、 a; The; anB、 a; A; anC、 an; A; anD、 an; The; an注意:选项用黄色标记的为正确答案,未标记的题后为正确答案。

浙江省温州市第二外国语学校学年高一物理下学期知识竞赛试题 必修2

浙江省温州市第二外国语学校学年高一物理下学期知识竞赛试题 必修2

浙江省温州市第二外国语学校2012-2013学年高一物理下学期知识竞赛试题 新人教版必修2本卷除实验题外重力加速度取g=10m/s 2一、单项项选择题(本题共12小题,每小题3分,共36分。


) 1.关于摩擦力对物体做功,下述几种论断正确的是 A .滑动摩擦力对物体一定做负功 B .静摩擦力对物体一定做负功C .滑动摩擦力既可对物体做负功,也可以对物体做正功D .静摩擦力对物体一定不做功2. 使两个完全相同的金属小球(均可视为点电荷)分别带上-3Q 和+5Q 的电荷后,将它们固定在相距为a 的两点,它们之间库仑力的大小为F 1。

现用绝缘工具使两小球相互接触后,再将它们固定在相距为2a 的两点,它们之间库仑力的大小为F 2。

则F 1与F 2之比为A .2∶1B .4∶1C .16∶1D .60∶13.如下图所示,正电荷q 在电场中由P 向Q 做加速运动,而且加速度越来越大,由此可以判定,它所在的电场是图中的4.美国的NBA 篮球赛非常精彩,吸引了众多观众.经常有这样的场面:在临终场0.1s 的时候,运动员把球投出且准确命中,获得比赛的胜利。

如果运动员投篮过程中对篮球做功为W ,出手高度为h 1,篮筐距地面高度为h 2,球的质量为m ,空气阻力不计,则篮球进筐时的动能为A .W +21mgh mgh -B .W +12mgh mgh -C .21mgh mgh --WD .12mgh mgh --W5.如图所示,在地面上以速度v 0抛出质量为m 的物体,抛出后物体落到比地面低h 的海平面上.若以地面为零势能面而且不计空气阻力,则①物体到海平面时的势能为mgh②抛出到落至海平面重力对物体做的功为mgh③物体在海平面上的动能为12mv 02+mgh④物体在海平面上的机械能为12mv 02其中正确的是A .①②③B .②③④C .①③④D .①②④6.速度为v 的子弹,恰可穿透一固定着的木板,如果子弹速度为2v ,子弹穿透木板的阻力视为不变,则可穿透同样固定的木板A. 1 块B. 2 块C. 3 块D.4 块7.如图所示,一物体以一定的速度沿水平面由A 点滑到B 点,摩擦力做功W 1;若该物体以一定的速度从A′沿两斜面滑到B′,不考虑物体在最高点离开斜面情况,摩擦力做的总功为W 2,已知物体与各接触面的动摩擦因数均相同,则 A .W 1=W 2 B .W 1>W 2C .W 1<W 2D .不能确定W 1、W 2大小关系8.如图,两个质量相同的小球A 、B 分别用线悬在等高的O 1、O 2点。





1.19世纪末20世纪初,各主要资本主义国家之间政治经济发展不平衡所产生的最严重的后果是()A.美德超过英法B.世界殖民体系最终形成C.重新瓜分世界的斗争加剧D.英德矛盾成为列强最主要的矛盾2.第一次世界大战前,两大军事集团最终形成的标志是 ( )A.英、日结盟B.德、奥、意三国同盟条约的签订C.法、俄军事协定签订D.英、法协定和英、俄协定的签订3.马恩河战役结束后,德国参谋长认为“已经输掉了战争。

”这是因为该战役使()A.协约国由战略防御转为进攻 B.德国主力部队遭到重创C.德国“兴登堡防线”被突破 D.德国陷入长期消耗的持久战4.1916年,德国发动了“使法国把血流尽”的凡尔登战役。

这次战役是一战中( )A.第一次大规模战役B.具有决定意义的战役C.规模最大的战役D.最大的一次海战5.在第一次世界大战过程中,处于东西两线作战局面的有 ( )①英法军队②德国军队③俄国军队④奥匈军队A.①③B.②C.②④D.①④6.1916年2月德国宣布实施“无限制的潜艇战”,袭击前往协约国港口的一切船只。

这一事件的影响是()A.使苏俄退出了第一次世界大战 B.导致德国发生“十一月革命”C.推动美国加入协约国对德作战 D.使德国在亚太地区的势力范围皆失7.法国驻印度支那总督在1926年写道:“(这场战争)在距我们遥远的国度里唤起了一种独立的意识。


”这种“独立的意识”具体表现为A.社会主义制度的诞生 B.美国、日本的迅速崛起C.民族解放运动的发展 D. 国际工人运动的发展8.一本史学著作说:“第一次世界大战还标志着曾在19世纪十分完全、十分反常地支配全球的欧洲的结束。

”对此理解正确的是()①第一次世界大战成为一系列新技术发展的催化剂②第一次世界大战给欧洲带来了深刻的经济和政治危机③第一次世界大战促进了殖民地半殖民地国家和民族的觉醒④第一次世界大战促使美国成为世界上最大的债权国和资本输出国A.①②B.②③C.①②④D.②③④9.在巴黎和会上,法国极力主张削弱德国的主要意图是 ( )A.剥夺德国的殖民地B.重建欧洲大陆霸权C.收回阿尔萨斯和洛林D.获得德国的大量赔款10.1919年《凡尔赛和约》规定:德国在“莱茵河非军事区”不得设防。



2015-2016学年第二学期英语期末试卷(中职)2015-2016学年第二学期英语期末试卷(中职)命题人:审核人:班级:15综 (3) 姓名:成绩:I、Translation(10)vocational___________ communication____________ expensive_____________ fantastic _________________ pay for_____________ be interested in_____________ message_________________ check in____________ mobile phone____________ take care of___________II、Translate the following passages。

(30)A“At the end of every school year, we have Speech Day. The head teacher and some guests make speeches. Last year, J. K. Rowling came to our school. Her speech was very inspiring. I love her so much.”(10)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________B“You have a message!” This is from a “drift bottle” in QQ. This kind of bottle is released into the “sea”and can be returned. It is not really a bottle you send, it is loneliness. In this way, you can get understanding and amusement from complete strangers and make friends with them. (10)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________C translate the following sentences1.Which TV programmes do you like best?.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.It is famous for its pork dumplings.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.A nurse is taking care of a patient in an emergency room.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Whatkind of room would you like?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ III. Choose the appropriate word from those given in the brackets and fill in each blank with one of them. Change the form when neces sary.(15)(food poisoning, solve problem, handle emergencies, satisfy customers, keep image)A When you____________, the most important thing is to keep calm.B ____________is an emergency that sometimes takes place in hotels.C Being friendly and helpful will____________________D To______________, one must know clearly about the situation.E If you want to ____________________a good _______________, be honest with others.IV.Reading comprehension. (30)A Job-hunting on the InternetJob-hunting on the internet is a new way of looking for a job. It has become more and more popular. It is easier to get jobs from the internet than to use other traditional ways. Since job-hunting on the internet is convenient and inexpensive, you can just click the mouse to find jobs. Besides, you need not waste time by sending your resume to many companies in person. So you can turn to the internet for job-hunting.1. What is a new way of looking fro a job?______________________________________________2.Is job-hunting on the Internet popular?______________________________________________3,Is it easier to get jobs from the Internet?______________________________________________4.Do you need more time to send your resume on the Internet?______________________________________________5.Can we find jobs with the help of the Internet?______________________________________________Choose the right words into the blanks.waste, popular, traditional, convenient, inexpensive,resume1. Computers are getting more and more___________________these days.2. My math teacher has a sense of humor, so he is very_______with the students.3.We must arrange a _____________time and place for the meeting.4. Can you write an English ________________by yourself?5. A ______________way for job-hunting is newspaper ads.A Career in the service industryThe service industry is the world’s largest industry. It includes jobs in hotels, restaurants, clubs, stores, and airlines, etc. It is known for moving talented employee quickly up the career ladder. Let’s take Tom for example. He went to Hong Kong after graduating from a vocational school. He began work as a bellman in a hotel. With hard work and his good communicative skills, he became a department manager within 2 years, and rose to the position of general manager in another 7 years. So it is true that the service industry can offer us a ladder to successful career.True and False.1.The largest industry in the world is the service industry.2 Job in a building company belong to the service industry.3 Talented employees get promoted quickly.4.A department manager can become a general manager in 2 years.5.A bellman can also become a hotel manager with talents and hard work.V、Introduce yourself or one of your friends.(100-150words) (15)————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————。

浙江省温州市第二外国语学校2014-2015学年高二下学期知识竞赛英语试题 Word版含答案

浙江省温州市第二外国语学校2014-2015学年高二下学期知识竞赛英语试题 Word版含答案

温州二外2014学年第二学期高二学科知识竞赛英语试题(考试时间:100分钟满分:100分命题老师:高杨露审题老师:徐丽若)第I 卷(共80分)第一部分:听力理解(共20小题;每小题1 分,满分20分)第一节听下面5段对话。




1. Who is the man?A. The owner.B. A customer.C. A waiter.2. What can we learn about the woman?A. She is attractive.B. She praised a man.C. She doesn‟t like her work.3. What will the speakers probably do next?A. Have a rest.B. See a doctor.C. Move the bed.4. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Feed the dog.B. Call Franklin for help.C. Show a toy to Charlie.5. What time do the tickets go on sale?A. At noon.B. At 1:00 p.m.C. At midnight.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A painting.B. A photograph.C. A basket.7. Where did the man find the thing?A. In an art gallery.B. At a hospital.C. On the street.听第7段对话,回答第8至10题。



2015-2016学年第一学期期末考试卷(完卷时间:120分钟;满分:150分)第Ⅰ卷 (共84分)第一部分:听力(共20题;每小题1分, 满分20分)第一节(共5 小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。

听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


1. How does the man find the movie last night?A. It is moving.B. It is interesting.C. It is not worth seeing2. How much does the handkerchief cost?A. $7.B. $9.C.$16.3. Who made the woman's personal website?A. She herself.B. Her friend.C. The man.4. What does the man want to have?A. Chocolate.B. Sweets.C. Ice-cream.5. Which section would the man like to read?A. Sports.B. Business.C. News.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What did the man begin to work in Courtaulds?A. About 4 years ago.B. About 40 years ago.C. About 44 years ago.7. What does the man say about his present life?A. He is used to it.B. He likes it.C. He gets bored with it.8. Who is Rover?A. The man's workmate.B. The man's dog.C. The man's wife.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。



2023 年新九年级期返校学业质量检测(英语试卷)亲爱的同学:欢进参加考试!请认真审题,积极思考,细心答题,发挥最佳水平。

答题时,请注意:1.全卷共六大题,满分 100 分,考试时间 100 分钟2.打*的单词可以在小词典里查找3.答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置上,超山规定范围或写在试题卷上无效。



"Tali, Anna. You two make up a team to create a display* and talk about the beetle project" Ms. Castle said in science class.Hearing this, Anna couldn't help thinking about the two things that made her 16 . Tali was a know-it-all*. Even worse than working with Tali wasbeetles.Next morning. Tali showed Anna a picture, "Do you know this stag beetle?" Anna shook her head."I told Ms. Castle we'd 17 one and put it on display." Tali said excitedly."What? You didn't even ask me! Shouldn't 18 make decisions* together?" Anna felt her face get hot."I didn't think you'd mind. You're not very good at 19 ."Tali said and just walked away.Anna couldn't believe what Tali had done. She took a while to 20 . Then Anna found Tali and explained "I'm a little 21 that you chose how to do our project only by yourself. It also hurt my feelings when you sad I didn't know much. I know a lot about it. I just don't like beetles crawling* over my feet."One way to solve your problem is getting used to beetles. I'll bring some 22 to help you prepare for tonight." Tali replied."Tonight?""That's 23 we go beetle collecting for our project."Tali's advice worked 24 looking at Tali's pictures, Anna was not that afraid. Walking with a flashlight in the park, Anna found that the beetles looked pretty 25 and saw the most amazing beetle she had ever seen.The next morning, After 26 the display, Anna invited Tali to prepare the talk."Um. I thought you could take that part." Tali's face turned pale."No way! We're partners." said Anna."But I am afraid to speak in front of the class." Tali said 27 ."Practicing with a partner can help. Let's practice." Anna 28 what she'd learned.The presentation day finally came. Tali could tell the class all the facts about the beetle. 29 she still felt nervous. When she finished, the class all cheered."We might be different but I think we make a pretty good 30 ."Anna said happily."Let's try out a new project: being friends." Tali smiled back.16. A. sorry B. afraid C. relaxed D. pleased17. A. kill B. buy C. draw D. catch18. A. we B. you C. they D. she19. A. art B. history C. science D. geography20. A. calm down B. tidy up C. count down D. give up21. A. sad B. lonely C. relaxed D. thankful22. A. books B. pictures C. maps D. magazines23. A. where B. how C. when D. why24. A. Except B. Without C. After D. For25. A. large B. interesting C. strange D. terrible26. A. finishing B. having C. introducing D. watching27. A. angrily B. excitedly C. happily D. nervously28. A. shared B. forgot C. recorded D. accepted29.A. but B. because C. although D. if30. A. decision B. plan C. show D. team三、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读下面短文,第31-45小题从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。







一、语言文字运用(共15分,其中选择题每小题2分)1.下列词语中加点字的读音,全都正确的一组是( )A.牛虻.(mãng)窠.(kē)臼偌.(nuò)大未雨绸缪.(móu)B.蟊.(máo)贼烘焙.(pãi) 禀.(bǐnɡ)赋既往不咎.(jiù)C.臧否.(pǐ) 契.(qiâ)合戏谑.(xuâ) 乳臭.(xiù)未干D.载.(zài)体编纂.(zuǎn) 泊.(bó)位安土重.迁(zhòng)2.下列各句中,没有错别字的一句是( )A.毋庸讳言,得过且过、敷衍塞责的教师确实存在,但像“最美女教师”张丽莉那样爱生如子、恪尽职守的人,才是教师队伍中的主流。




3.下列各句中,加点的词语运用正确的一项是( )A.每天天还没亮,位于城郊的农贸批发市场就喧闹..起来,人们又开始了一天的劳作。

B.4月以来的多轮强降水使鄱阳湖水体面积由668平方公里扩至2 370平方公里,以致..极大地改善了江豚等珍稀水生动物的生存环境。







第一部分:选择题(共四节, 满分90分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. ________it is to throw snowballs at each other on the playground after snow!A. How funB. What funC. What a funD. How funny2.We find ______ easy to get along with our new teachers here.A. thatB. itC. thisD. 不填3.--Tom is _____ to computer games.--No wonder he is not doing well in school recently.A. interestedB. curiousC. crazyD. addicted4.The computer system _______suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.A. broke downB. broke outC. broke upD. broke in5.Her singing career _______ after an appearance in the Spring Festival TV Show ten years ago.A. got offB. put offC. set offD. took off6. Is this the first time that Jack ______ this kind of food?A. enjoysB. has enjoyedC. enjoyedD. had enjoyed7. He is a man with rich experience, _________ much can be learned.A. whoB. from whoC. from whomD. what8. _______ is known to us all, America is a developed country _________ theFirst World.A. As; belongs toB. As; belonging toC. What; belonging toD. It; belongs to9. —I won the first prize in the English speech contest held in our school last month! —_______!A. Thank youB. Enjoy yourselfC. CongratulationsD. Good Luck10. Reading is ____ good habit. Stick to it, and you’ll make _______ progress.A. a, /B. a, aC. /, aD. the, a11. Prices of daily goods _______through a computer can be lower than store prices.A. are boughtB. boughtC. been boughtD. buying12. Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be _____ to the kids.A. relativeB. accessibleC. acceptableD. changeable13. _____ the difficult maths problem, I have consulted(咨询) Professor Russell several times.A. Working outB. Worked outC. To work outD. Work out14. Tsinghua University, _____ in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures.A. foundB. foundingC. foundedD. to be founded15. Do you get up every morning _____ energetic and ready to start a new day?A. feelB. feelingC. to feelD. felt16. Swimming is my favorite sport. There is _____ like swimming as a means of keeping fit.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything17. To my great surprise, he wasn’t _____ when he heard the _____ news.A. surprising; surprisingB. surprised; surprisingC. surprised; surprised C. surprising; surprised18. We really appreciate _____ to your party on Saturday.A. invitingB. to inviteC. being invitedD. to be invited19. When I was young, I _____ in a faraway village for several years, which is unforgettable.A. livedB. have livedC. was livedD. had lived20. The roads are crowded _____ walking is quicker than driving.A. in order thatB. so thatC. so as toD. in order to第二节:阅读理解。





一、语言文字运用(共20分,其中选择题每小题2分)1.下列词语中加点字的读音全部正确的一项是(▲)A.符.合(fú)档.案(dàng)迫.击炮(pào)稍纵即.逝(jí)B.饕.餮(tāo)蒙.骗(méng)峭楞.楞(lèng)哄.堂大笑(hōng)C.女红.(gōng)憎.恶 (zēng) 梵.婀玲(fàn)量.体裁衣(liàng)D.载.体(zài)懦.弱(nuò)不更.事(gēng)呱.(guā)呱坠地2.下列各句中,没有错别字的一项是(▲)A.人到中年便时有闲愁,怪不得词人会感叹年华一瞬,容消金镜,壮志消残,我也不免有些感触。











2022年浙江省温州市外国语学校中考二模英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.—What a great sportswoman Gu Ailing is!—I agree. She showed her talent at ________ age of three and never stops working hard. A.a B.an C.the D./2.—I can still hear people talking about yesterday’s football game.—Well, nothing is ________ than watching a football game in America.A.more serious B.more modern C.more private D.more popular 3.It’s said that a new ________ will be open near our school, offering some Ou culture exhibitions.A.farm B.museum C.restaurant D.factory 4.Hoping to win the chess competition and get the first prize, Tianyi Wang played patiently to ________ the same old mistakes.A.avoid B.explain C.ignore D.repeat 5.—Leo, why did you lie to that poor woman?—You know, being honest is important, but it is ________ necessary to tell a lie. A.always B.sometimes C.hardly D.never6.The novel The Scarlet Letter keeps readers guessing the final result ________ they turn the last page. So they’ll read with surprise all the time.A.as B.after C.until D.if 7.—Mom, can I have some chocolate? I’m hungry.—You ________ not be hungry. You’ve just had your dinner.A.can B.may C.must D.need 8.—Has Jason safely arrived home yet?—He hasn’t sent any messages to me. I ________ a phone call to check that.A.make B.was making C.have made D.will make 9.—Linda, could you tell me ________?—It’s very convenient, Grandma. Just choose the things you want and pay for them like this. A.when I will receive my vegetables B.how I can buy vegetables on the app C.what vegetables I can buy on the phone D.how much I should pay for thevegetables10.—The Dragon Boat Race of the 19th Asian Games in Wenzhou will surely be an excellent one.—________. Everyone’s working hard to prepare for it.A.Good idea B.You bet C.No problem D.That’s all right二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。






每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1. 2012年6月1日,空降兵某部官兵使用新装备从260 m超低空跳伞成功.若跳伞空降兵在离地面224 m高处,由静止开始在竖直方向做自由落体运动.一段时间后,立即打开降落伞,以12.5 m/s2的平均加速度匀减速下降,为了空降兵的安全,要求空降兵落地速度最大不得超过5 m/s(g取10 m/s2).则A.空降兵展开伞时离地面高度至少为125 m,相当于从2.5 m高处自由落下B.空降兵展开伞时离地面高度至少为125 m,相当于从1.25 m高处自由落下C.空降兵展开伞时离地面高度至少为99 m,相当于从1.25 m高处自由落下D.空降兵展开伞时离地面高度至少为99 m,相当于从2.5 m高处自由落下2. 如图所示,水平木板上有质量m=1.0 kg的物块,受到随时间t变化的水平拉力F作用,用力传感器测出相应时刻物块所受摩擦力F f的大小.取重力加速度g=10 m/s2,下列判断正确的是A.5 s内位移为零B.4 s末物块所受合力大小为4.0 NC.物块与木板之间的动摩擦因数为0.4D.6 s~9 s内物块的加速度大小为2.0 m/s23. 如图所示,小球用细绳系住,绳的另一端固定于O点.现用水平力F缓慢推动斜面体,小球在斜面上无摩擦地滑动,细绳始终处于直线状态,当小球升到接近斜面顶端时细绳接近水平,此过程中斜面对小球的支持力F N以及绳对小球的拉力F T的变化情况是A.FN保持不变,F T不断增大B.F N不断增大,F T不断减小C.F N保持不变,F T先增大后减小D.F N不断增大,F T先减小后增大4. 倾角为α、质量为M的斜面体静止在水平桌面上,质量为m的木块静止在斜面体上.下列结论正确的是A.木块受到的摩擦力大小是mgcosαB.木块对斜面体的压力大小是mgsinαC.桌面对斜面体的摩擦力大小是mgsinαcosαD.桌面对斜面体的支持力大小是(M+m)g5.如图,在固定斜面上的一物块受到一外力F的作用,F平行于斜面向上.若要物块在斜面上保持静止,F的取值应有一定范围,已知其最大值和最小值分别为F1和F2(F2>0).由此可求出A.物块的质量B.斜面的倾角C.物块与斜面间的最大静摩擦力D.物块对斜面的正压力6.一物块静止在粗糙的水平桌面上.从某时刻开始,物块受到一方向不变的水平拉力作用.假设物块与桌面间的最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力.以a表示物块的加速度大小,F表示水平拉力的大小.能正确描述F与a之间关系的图像是7. 质量为m的消防队员从一平台上竖直跳下,下落3 m后双脚触地,接着他用双腿弯曲的方法缓冲,使自身重心又下降了0.6 m,假设在着地过程中地面对他双脚的平均作用力大小恒定,则消防队员A.着地过程中处于失重状态B.着地过程中地面对他双脚的平均作用力等于6mgC.在空中运动的加速度大于触地后重心下降过程中的加速度D.在空中运动的平均速度小于触地后重心下降过程中的平均速度8.如图所示,有一倾角为θ的斜面体B静置在水平地面上,物体A放在斜面上且与B保持相对静止。











10.当“神舟九号”发射时,地球绕太阳公转到图4中的A.①B.②C.③D.④11.下图所列太阳光照图中,与当日最吻合的是读右图,判断回答12--15题:12.若图表示“海陆间水循环模式图”, 台风登陆属于其中哪个环节()A B DN①③④0° 30°60°A.①B.②C.③D.④ 13.若箭头表示东亚夏季风,下列说法正确的是 A .甲地气压高于乙地 B .甲表示的是太平洋 C .①气流表示东南季风 D .②气流的性质温暖湿润14.若该图为北半球三圈环流的一部分,且甲地纬度比乙地高,则A .该环流是高纬环流B .甲是赤道低压C .甲、乙之间近地面为中纬西风带D .甲、乙之间近地面为低纬信风带 15.若箭头表示大洋环流,下列说法正确的是A. 此大洋环流在南半球中低纬海区B. 此大洋环流在北半球中高纬海区C. ③洋流对沿岸气候具有降温减湿作用D. ④洋流沿岸为热带沙漠气候 16.下列有关自然资源性质的叙述,正确的是: A .可再生资源与非可再生资源的分类是绝对的 B .若可再生资源开发利用不当,其再生周期会延长 C .森林是可再生资源,不可能发生不可逆转的变化 D .在任何利用方式下,可再生资源都可以再生2012年6月,因连降暴雨,我国东南某地发生了如图下所示的灾害。



温州二外2014学年第二学期高二期末考试数学试卷 2015.6(满分100分,考试时间:120分钟 命题人:潘和锴 审题人: 金蕾选择题部分(共32分)一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题4分,共32分。


1、已知集合2{20},{12}P x x x Q x x =-≥=<…,则()P Q =R ð ( ▲ ). A.[0,1) B. (0,2] C. (1,2) D. [1,2]2、已知 ,a b 是实数,则a b > 是 22a b > 的( ▲ ) A .充分必要条件 B .充分不必要条件 C .必要不充分条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 3、一个空间几何体的三视图如图所示,其体积为( ▲ )A .16B .32C .48D .96 4.已知,m n 是两条不同的直线,,,αβγ为三个不同的平面,则下列命题中错误的是( ▲ )A .若,m m αβ⊥⊥则 //αβB .若,m n αα⊥⊥,则//m nC .若//,//,//αγβγαβ则D .若,,//αγβγαβ⊥⊥则5. 已知变量y x ,满足约束条件⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-≥≤+-≥-141y y x y x ,目标函数的y x z 23-=,则该目标函数的最大值为 ( ▲ )A.17B. 16C. 15D. 146 函数()sin()(0)6f x A x πωω=+>的图像与x 轴正半轴交点的横坐标构成一个公差为2π的等差数列,若要得到函数()sin g x A x ω=的图像,只要将()f x 的图像( ▲ )个单位.A .6π向左平移B .6π向右平移C .12π向左平移D .12π向右平移7.已知22(0)()|log |(0)x x f x x x ⎧≤=⎨>⎩,则方程[()]2f f x =的根的个数是(A .3个B .4个C .5个D .6个8.如图,双曲线C :22221x y a b-=(a >0,b >0)的左、右焦点12(0)(0)F c F c -,、,,A 为双曲线C 右支上一点,且c AF 21=,(第3题图) 侧视图正视图俯视图1AF 与y 轴交于点B ,若B F 2是12F AF ∠的角平分线,则双曲线C 的离心率是A .233+ B .31+ C .353+ D . 253+ 非选择题部分(共68分)二、填空题:本大题共7小题,9-12题:每小题4分,13-15题:每小题3分,共25分。

浙江省温州市第二外国语学校2020┄2021学年高一上学期期末考试 英语试题

浙江省温州市第二外国语学校2020┄2021学年高一上学期期末考试 英语试题





1. How much would it cost to stay at Montague for a week?A $ 150.B $ 115.C $ 116.2. What are the speakers talking about?A The time for the exam.B The results of the exam.C The change of class hours.3. Why does the woman like the brick house better than the white house?A It is a prettier color.B It has a prettier garden.C It has a larger garden.4. What does the woman mean?A Dr. Smith’s waiting room isn’t tidy.B Dr. Smith may not be a good choice.C Dr. Smith enjoys reading magazines.5. What will the speakers probably do next?A Take a day off.B Take a short nap.C Go on working.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。


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1. Why was the teacher punished?A. He missed his class.B. He was drunk in his class.C. He broke into the headmaster’s office.2. What would the man prefer to do?A. Open the window.B. Close the window.C. Turn on the air conditioner.3. What is troubling the man about history?A. The exam will take a long time.B. There are too many books to read.C. There are too many papers to write.4. What does the man think of the price?A. It is too high.B. It is reasonable.C. It is quite low.5. What does the man imply?A. He never exercises.B. He exercises regularly.C. He enjoys every kind of exercise. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。





6. Why did the woman rent a computer?A. She doesn’t have one.B. She couldn’t afford to buy a new one.C. She wants to try it out first.7. What is true about Rent-A-Center?A. They only have electronics.B. Things can be rented cheaply this month.C. Everything is one dollar per day for a week.听第7段对话,回答第8至10题。

8. When was the deadline for the expense reports?A. Monday.B. Tuesday.C. Friday.9. Why hasn’t the woman received the reports yet?A. The man forgot to send them out.B. It was t he woman’s own fault.C. Because of a delay with the delivery.10. When is the soonest that the man can send out the reports?A. In 15 minutes.B. In 10 minutes.C. In 5 minutes.听第8段对话,回答第11、12题。

11. How does the woman react to what the man said at first?A. She is amused.B. She is excited.C. She doesn’t believe it.12. What’s the good news for the speakers?A. They can enjoy student discounts.B. They have got good seats.C. They can see the plays without paying anything.听第9段对话,回答第13至16题。

13. What do we know about the woman’s parents?A. They are trying to save their marriage.B. They decided to have another baby.C. They’ve had a happy marriage.14. What is one of the decisions the man has made?A. He gave up his job.B. He will spend less time on his job.C. He got a new job with better pay.15. How does the woman react to the man’s news?A. She is happy but unsure.B. She is not interested.C. She is disappointed.16. Where does the woman probably study?A. At a middle school.B. At a university.C. At a high school.听第10段对话,回答第17至20题。

17. Why are you required to keep your underground ticket?A. For returning money.B. For future travel.C. For collection at your destination.18. How large is the area covered by a one-day travel card?A. 560 square miles.B. 630 square miles.C. 650 square miles.19. When can one buy a one-day travel card?A. At 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday.B. At 6:00 a.m. on Saturday.C. At 9:00 a.m. on Monday.20. Where are passengers allowed to smoke?A. On the underground platform.B. On the back of the last train.C. On the back of the upper deck of buses.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)第一节单项填空(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

21. A number of graduates prefer to work in big cities, where there are a lot of ________ , likeconvenient transportation, more opportunities and better equipment.A. amusementsB. attractionsC. challengesD. achievements22. Jim records his physical training every time so that he can _______ it and think about how heshould improve it the next day.A. contribute toB. lead toC. attend toD. refer to23. Only after Mary read her composition the second time ________ the spelling mistake.A. she has noticedB. did she noticeC. does she noticeD. she noticed24. The old man ______________ toothache sighed in great relief.A.ridding ofB. rid ofC. having rid ofD. to rid of25. It was the boy, rather than his teachers, that _____________ for what the boy had done.A. were to blameB. were to be blamedC. was to blameD. was to be blamed26. I’ll take seriously ___________ advice you put forward.A. whateverB. howeverC. whicheverD. whenever27. It was ________ of our boss to care so much about our feelings, as a result of which many ofmy co-workers decided to stay when our company was at risk.A. modestB. particularC. strictD. considerate28. __________ to smart phones just before bed, as a research says recently, can lead to poor night’s sleep.A. Being exposedB. ExposedC. Having exposedD. To expose29. The soldiers fought _________ of their country’s safety.A. in advanceB. in needC. in defenseD. in support30. Mary felt ___________ from the outside world, since the Internet connection isn’t available inthe island.A. cut offB. put outC. cut outD. put forward第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31-50各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
