Hudson升级方法说明 V1.1
2.飞扬上飞扬洞穴1 腐尸至20级3.飞扬上飞扬洞穴1 所有怪至25级4飞扬上飞扬洞穴2 治愈术邪骸士兵/弓箭手至41级5.首都找卡普拉到兽人洞穴治愈术兽人腐尸至51级6.首都转职(见附页)7.利用任务之便无限回蓝继续兽人洞穴1 至67级(千万不到最后别把20只邪骸兽人杀满完成任务不然没有无限蓝)8.克雷斯特汉姆古城修道院治愈术恶灵暗神官至88级9.克雷斯特汉姆古城地下公墓暗黑祭司冲99级10.或吉芬工会地下秘穴(条件较为苛刻)1、与各个城市的乐园团空间移动师对话,移动至乐园团〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓2、与大厅柜台的事务官员莱茵伊贝诺尔对话,登记为乐园团团员,得到乐园团的证物输入名字部分随便输入,错了也没关系╮(╯▽╰)╭〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓3、与乐园团教官宝雅对话,根据接受时BASE等级不同被要求去不同的地方寻找相关团员回乐园团空间与教官宝雅对话,被告之从大厅右边的蓝色大门进去,走廊右边房间武器库领取奖励〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓6、与武器库的管理员米哈埃尔对话,领取奖励第一次领取奖励可以获得帽子、披风训练课程第1阶段获得制服Ⅰ靴子Ⅰ、训练课程第2阶段获得制服Ⅱ靴子Ⅱ对应职业的武器Ⅰ训练课程第3阶段获得制服Ⅲ靴子Ⅲ对应职业的武器Ⅱ武器根据不同职业送的也不同(进阶2转职业无武器?)完成训练课程第3阶段的与米哈埃尔对话可以强化帽子,自由选择属性一项+2初学者JOB等级达到10(基本技能Lv.9),即可转职成为服事。
教练在coaching过程中为客户提供以下服务:1. 引导客户自己找出答案2. 澄清价值观3. 共同制定计划来实现客户的愿望4. 充当新思路的共鸣板5. 支持其做出改变人生的决定6. 开阔视野,挑战局限性7. 确立清晰的目标8. 认可9. 激励10. 提供信息资源教练不是什么?作为一个相对新兴的行业,教练是一种借助了其它传统行业理论的方法,包括心理学、商务咨询、导师机制理论和成人学习。
部署Hudson可持续集成环境(CI)从Hudson 主页:/下载Hudson最新版:hudson-2.2.0.war从TomCat主页下载tomcat最新版:apache-tomcat-7.0.26.zip从ANT主页/下载ant一、部署TomCat1. 设置JDK相关的环境变量1. 右键点击“我的电脑” -> 属性-> 高级-> 环境变量-> 系统变量> 新建,建立一个JA V A_HOME 环境变量,变量值为JDK的根目录。
2. 新建环境变量CLASSPATH,值为“.;%JA V A_HOME%\lib;%JA V A_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;%JA V A_HOME%\jre\lib\rt.jar”注:变量值中的“.”表示当前路径,不可删除。
3. 编辑Path 变量,最变量值最后面加上;%JA V A_HOME%\bin;2. 安装tomcat1.把下载的zip压缩包解压,2.编辑conf目录中的tomcat-users.xml文件配置tomcat控制台账号,将<tomcat-users>3. tomcat 7部署的时候,当文件超过50M的时候报错,错误信息如下:将\webapps\manager\WEB-INF\web.xml中的一下两行<max-file-size>52428800</max-file-size><max-request-size>52428800</max-request-size>修改为<max-file-size>104758600</max-file-size><max-request-size>104758600</max-request-size>即大小修为100M即可,运行bin目录下的startup.bat启动tomcat.二、部署hudson1.访问tomcat控制台http://ip:8080,点击右侧的“Manager App”输入账号密码进入Tomcat Web Application Manager页面,在W AR file to deploy栏,选择hudson的安装包hudson-2.2.0.war,并点击“deploy”发布hudson启动Hudson 后,即可通过http://ip:8080/hudson-2.2.0/访问它。
完整GM指令命令:.modify hp 9999999 9999999 增加被选择人物的血量.modify gold 99999999 增加被选择人物的金币数量.modify speed 30 加速.cheat fly 飞行.revive 复活需要输入 /g 空格后输入此命令.appear 移动到目标位置。
.summon 召唤目标到你的位置。
.npc del 删除一个NpC.npc come 让NPC移动到你的位置阿曼尼战熊 338091 传送到暴风城 .go -9065 434 94 02 传送到铁炉堡 .go -5032 -819 495 03 传送到达纳苏斯 .go 9961 2055 1329 14 传送到奥格瑞玛 .go 1317 -4383 27 15 传送到雷霆崖 .go -1391 140 23 16 传送到幽暗城 .go 1909 235 53 07 传送到棘齿城 .go -977 -3788 6 18 传送到藏宝海湾 .go -14302 518 9 00 人类出生地 .go -8975.7 -138.1 83.4 00 黑石山后门 .go -7319.7 -1086.1 277.0 02 死亡矿井 .go -16 -383 62 363 通灵学院 .go 199 126 135 2897 影牙城堡 .go -228.19 2110.56 76.88 331 剃刀沼泽1 .go 1943 1544 82 475 剃刀高地 .go 2592 1107 52 1297 祖尔法拉克 .go 1213 841 8.9 2099 GM之岛 .go 16222.1 16252.1 12.5872 11 斯坦索姆 .go 3392 -3379 143 3294 黑翼之巢 .go -7671 -1106.6 397 4695 安其拉废墟 .go -8418.501953 1505.941162 31.823208 5096 安其拉 .go -8212.002930 2034.474854 129.141342 5318 翡翠森林 .go 3105.41 3096.78 27.0032 1699 时光巨洞 .go 3146.18 2312.06 -146.004 26911 艾尔文塔 .go -11037.7 -1999.49 92.9823 012 海加尔山 .go 4603.946777 -3879.250977 944.183472 113 神修道院 .go 16299.464844 16272.843750 69.443901 45114 阿塔神庙 .go 16969.949219 16381.680664 36.604694 451 .go -8913.23 554.633 93.7944 0 暴风城(贸易区).go -8951.62 524.373 96.6275 0 暴风城门口.go -8852.03 652.878 96.46 0 银行门口.go -8675.39 635.774 96.9275 0 暴风城监狱通往运河之门.go -8662.9 498.212 100.833 0 旧城区(白银之盾).go -8635.62 762.727 103.667 教堂门口.go -8513.49 861.197 111.039 0 牧师训练师.go -9007.65 870.424 148.618 0 法师训练师入口.go -8896.36 834.148 99.5207 0 法师区法杖店旁.go -9043.76 -41.5906 88.3589 0 北郡山谷门口(人类出生地) .go -9092.38 -368.684 73.6163 0 北郡农场.go -9443.45 59.8944 56.0704 0 闪金镇.go -9355.84 537.441 52.5171 0 明镜湖边(暴风城右边).go -9469.08 467.583 54.0913 0 明镜湖果园.go -9646.46 679.589 37.4136 0 西泉要塞.go -9964.72 391.509 35.6555 0 斯通菲尔德农场.go -9881.4 88.8972 33.3196 0 马科伦农场.go -9462.99 -161.312 60.7274 0 水晶湖.go -9769.82 -811.712 40.9564 0 布莱克威尔南瓜田.go -9549 -1407.04 54.7673 0 东谷伐木场.go -9136.28 -1053.89 70.624 0 英雄哨岗.go -9325.33 -1038.92 65.3535 0 石碑湖我只发那些比较有用的..垃圾的东东我就不弄出来了.aura 代码艾泽拉斯飞行 32345 40120.learn 6724 无敌10秒无CD.learn 34182 神圣免疫 .learn 34184 秘法免疫.learn 7940 冰霜免疫 .learn 7941 自然免疫 .learn 7942 火焰免疫 .learn 7743 暗影免疫.learn 39811 伤害免疫:火焰、冰霜、暗影、自然、秘法 .learn 39804 伤害免疫:魔法.learn 34310 物理免疫.learn 34311 伤害免疫:物理声望.learn 39474 声望:+500点星界财团声望.learn 39475 声望:+500点时间守护者声望.learn 39476 声望:+500点斯博格尔声望.learn 39460 声望:+500点塞纳里奥远征队声望.learn 39457 声望:+500点萨塔声望.learn 39456 声望:+500点阴郁城声望GM的超级代码内部技能.Learn 5 死亡之触相当于. kill一点怪就死.Learn 11 原古寒冰箭 1000伤害无CD 瞬发.learn 35874 使盟友目标的攻击强度提高525,所有属性提高14,和总属性提高10%.learn 38734 使你的远程攻击强度提高220点。
FactoryTalk View Site Edition 安装指南说明书
注意:标识可能导致人员伤亡、财物损害或经济损失的做法或环境的相关信息。注意事可帮助您识别危险,避开 危险,以及意识到后果。
重要 标识对成功应用和了解产品至关重要的信息。 还会在设备上或内部使用标签来提供具体预防措施。
章节 2 系统要求
我可以在一台服务器上安装和运行什么? ................................................................................................15 查看硬件要求 ..................................................................................................................................................15 查看操作系统要求 .......................................................................................................................................... 16
章节 3 预安装配置
禁用 Windows 自动更新..............................................................................................................................19 配置 NIC 和交换机端口...............................................................................................................................19 禁用或卸载第三方防火墙 ............................................................................................................................20 移除增强的安全配置 ....................................................................................................................................20
ASRock A75M Motherboard 说明书
195ASRock A75M Motherboard簡體中文1. 主板簡介謝謝你采用了華擎A75M 主板,本主板由華擎嚴格制造,質量可靠,穩定性好,能夠獲得卓越的性能。
1.1包裝盒內物品華擎A75M 主板 (Micro ATX 規格: 9.6英吋 X 8.5英吋, 24.4厘米 X 21.6厘米)華擎A75M 快速安裝指南華擎A75M 支持光盤兩條Serial ATA(SATA)數據線(選配)一塊I/O擋板ASRock提醒您...為了在 Windows ®7 / 7 64-bit / Vista TM / Vista TM 64-bit 系統中取得更好的性能,建議您在BIOS中將Storage Configuration(存儲配置)選項設成AHCI模式。
關于BIOS設置程序,請參見支持光盤中的“User Manual”以了解相詳細信息。
1.2主板規格架构 - Micro ATX規格:9.6英吋 X 8.5英吋, 24.4厘米 X 21.6厘米- 全固態電容設計處理器 - FM1插槽支持100W處理器- 支持 AMD Cool ‘n’ Quiet™冷靜技術- UMI-Link GEN2芯片組 - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3)系統內存 - 支持雙通道DDR3內存技術(見警告1)- 配備2個DDR3 DIMM插槽- 支持DDR3 2400+(超頻)/1866/1600/1333/1066/800 non-ECC、un-buffered內存(見警告2)- 最高支持16GB系統容量(見警告3)擴展插槽 - 1 x PCI Express 2.0 x16插槽- 1 x PCI Express 2.0 x1插槽- 2 x PCI插槽- 支持AMD雙顯卡技術板載顯卡 - AMD Radeon HD 65XX/64XX顯卡- DirectX 11、Pixel Shader 5.0技術- 最大共享內存512MB(見警告4)- 雙VGA輸出:通過獨立顯示控制器提供HDMI和D-Sub接口- 支持HDMI 1.4a,最高分辨率達1920x1200 @ 60Hz- 支持D-Sub,最高分辨率達1920x1600 @ 60Hz- 支持HDMI,可支持Auto Lip Sync、Deep Color (12bpc)、xvYCC與HBR(高位速音頻)(需配備兼容HDMI的顯示器)(詳見警告5)- 支持藍光立体3D和HDMI 1.4a- 支持AMD Steady Video TM:最新視頻后處理能力,可為家庭/在線視頻提供自動降低抖動的功能- 通過HDMI接口支持HDCP功能- 通過HDMI接口可播放10800線藍光光盤(BD) / HD-DVD光盤 音效 - 7.1聲道高保真音頻,支持內容保護功能(Realtek ALC892音頻編解碼器)簡體中文- 支持優質藍光音效- 支持THX TruStudio TM板載LAN功能 - PCIE x1 Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000 Mb/s- Realtek RTL8111E- 支持网路喚醒(Wake-On-LAN)- 支持網路線偵測功能- 支持Energy Efficient Ethernet 802.3az- 支持PXE196ASRock A75M Motherboard197ASRock A75M Motherboard簡體中文Rear Panel I/O 界面I/O- 1個PS/2 鼠標接口 (后面板輸入/ - 1個PS/2 鍵盤接口 輸出接口) - 1個D-Sub 接口 - 1個HDMI 接口- 1個光纖SPDIF 輸出接口- 2個可直接使用的USB 2.0接口 - 1個eSATA3接口- 4個可直接使用的USB 3.0接口- 1個RJ-45局域网接口與LED 指示燈(ACT/LINK LED 和 SPEED LED)- 高保真音頻插孔:后置喇叭/中置喇叭/低音喇叭/音頻輸入/前置喇叭/麥克風 (見警告6)SATA3 - 5 x SATA3 6.0Gb/s 連接頭,支持RAID (RAID 0, RAID 1和RAID 10),NCQ,AHCI 和熱插拔功能USB 3.0 - 4 x USB 3.0連接頭,支持USB 1.0/2.0/3.0到5Gb/s 連接頭 - 5 x SATA3 6.0Gb/s 連接頭 - 1 x 紅外線模塊接頭- 1 x 消費類紅外線模塊接頭- 1 x 打印機端口接針 - 1 x 串行接口- 1 x HDMI_SPDIF 接頭 - CPU/機箱/電源風扇接頭 - 24針ATX 電源接頭 - 8針12V 電源接頭 - 前置音頻面板接頭- 3 x USB 2.0接口 (可支持6個額外的USB 2.0接口) BIOS - 32Mb AMI BIOS- AMI UEFI Legal BIOS,支持GUI- 支持即插即用(Plug and Play,PnP) - ACPI 1.1 電源管理 - 支持喚醒功能- 支持jumperfree 免跳線模式- DRAM、VDDP、SB 電壓多功能調節器支持光盤 - 驅動程序,工具軟件,殺毒軟件(測試版本),AMD Live! Explorer, AMD Fusion, CyberLink MediaEspresso 6.5試用版, 華擎軟件套裝(CyberLink DVD Suite - OEM 試用版)獨家功能 - ASRock Extreme Tuning Utility (AXTU)(詳見警告7)- 華擎即時開機功能- 華擎Instant Flash(見警告8)- 華擎APP Charger(見警告9)- 華擎SmartView(見警告10)- 華擎XFast USB(見警告11)- 華擎開/關播放技術(見警告12)- Hybrid Booster(安心超頻技術):- ASRock U-COP(見警告13)硬件監控器 - CPU溫度偵測- 主板溫度偵測- CPU/機箱/電源風扇轉速計- CPU/机箱靜音風扇- CPU/機箱風扇多速控制- 電壓範圍:+12V, +5V, +3.3V, 核心電壓操作系統 - Microsoft®Windows®7/7 64位元/Vista TM/Vista TM 64位元/XP SP3/XP 64位元适用于此主板認證 - FCC, CE, WHQL- 支持ErP/EuP(需要同時使用支持ErP/EuP的電源供應器)(見警告14)* 請參閱華擎網站了解詳細的產品信息: 警告請了解超頻具有不可避免的風險,這些超頻包括調節BIOS設置、運用異步超頻技術或使用第三方超頻工具。
�卡音效网�背板I/O板�接口BIOS特性支持光�附件硬件�控操作系��� - 1 x PCI Express 2.0 x1 插槽- 1 x PCI 插槽- 支持 AMD 双显卡- AMD Radeon HD 65XX/64XX 显卡- DirectX 11, Pixel Shader 5.0- 最大共享显示内存 512MB- 双显示输出:支持由独立显示控制器控制的 HDMI 与 D-Sub 端口- 支持 HDMI 1.4a 技术,最大分辨率达 1920 x 1200 @ 60Hz - 支持 D-Sub ,最大分辨率达 1920x1600 @ 60Hz- 支持 HDMI,可支持 Auto Lip Sync, Deep Color (12bpc), xvYCC 与HBR (高位速音频)(需配备兼容 HDMI 的显示器) - 通过 HDMI 1.4a 支持蓝光 3D 立体- 支持AMD Steady Video :最新视频后处理能力,可为家庭/在线视频提 供自动降低抖动的功能- 通过 HDMI 端口支持 HDCP 功能- 通过 HDMI 端口支持1080p蓝光光盘(BD)/ HD-DVD光盘高清晰播放- 5.1声道高保真音频(VIA VT1705 音频编解码器)- 支持 THX TruStudio- PCIE x 1 千兆网卡10/100/1000 Mb/s - Realtek RTL8111E- 支持网络唤醒功能(Wake-On-LAN)- 支持网线侦测- 支持 Energy Efficient Ethernet 802.3az - 支持 PXEI/O面板- 1 x PS/2 鼠标接口- 1 x PS/2 键盘接口- 1 x D-Sub 接口- 1 x HDMI 接口- 6 x USB 2.0 接口- 1 x RJ-45 网卡接口LED指示灯(ACT/LINK LED和SPEED LED)- HD 音频插孔: 线性输入/前置喇叭/麦克风- 6 x SATA2 接口 (3.0 Gb/s), 支持 RAID (RAID 0, RAID 1 和 RAID 10), NCQ, AHCI 和 "热插拔" 功能 - 1 x 红外线接针- 1 x CIR 接针- 1 x 打印机端口接针- 1 x COM端口接针- CPU/机箱/电源风扇接口- 24针ATX电源接口- 8针12V电源接口- 前面板音频接口- 3组USB 2.0针状接头 (支持 6 个USB 2.0接口)- 支持图形界面的 32Mb AMI UEFI Legal BIOS - 支持“即插即用”- 符合ACPI 1.1,支持唤醒与自动开机(Wake Up Events)- 支持免跳线- 支持SMBIOS 2.3.1- 内存、 VDDP、南桥电压多重调节- 驱动程序, 应用软件, 杀毒软件 (试用版), AMD LIVE!™ 3D 媒体浏览器, AMD Fusion, CyberLink MediaEspresso 6.5 试用版,华擎软件套装 (CyberLink DVD 套件 - OEM 与试用版; 华擎 MAGIX 多媒体 套件- OEM)- CPU 温度检测- 机箱温度检测- CPU/机箱/电源风扇转速计- CPU/机箱静音风扇- CPU/机箱风扇多速控制- 电压实时监控: +12V, +5V, +3.3V, 核心电压- 支持 Microsoft Windows 7 / 7 64-bit / Vista / Vista 64-bit / XP / XP 64-bit- FCC, CE, WHQL- 支持 ErP/EuP(需要搭配支持 ErP/EuP 的电源供应器)- 快速安装指南,支持光盘,I/O挡板- 2 x SATA 数据线(选购)AMD A55 FCH (Hudson-D2) �家功能- ASRock Extreme Tuning Utility (AXTU)- 华擎 Instant Boot - 华擎 Instant Flash - 华擎 APP Charger - 华擎 SmartView- 华擎涡轮增压极速 USB - 华擎涡轮增压极速网络- Hybrid Booster(安心超频技术):- 华擎 U-COP(华擎通用CPU过热保护技术) A55M-HVSDirectX ® 11T r i a l���格- 支持 Socket FM1 100W 处理器- 支持双通道DDR3 2400+ (超频) 内存技术- 支持 AMD 双显卡技术- 双VGA输出选项: D-Sub, HDMI- 支持AMD Steady Video TM :最新视频后处理能力, 可为家庭/在线视频提供自动降低抖动的功能- 5.1声道高保真音频 (VIA VT1705 音频编码解码器), 支 持 THX TruStudio TM- 支持涡轮增压极速 USB, 涡轮增压极速网络- 支持图形化 UEFI BIOS 界面, AXTU, Instant Boot, Instant Flash, APP Charger- 附赠 : CyberLink MediaEspresso 6.5 试用版;华擎 MAGIX 多媒体套件�品摘要DDR3 2400+测试规格型号华擎 A55M-HVS 芯片组Hudson D2处理器AMD A8-3850 2.9 GHz内存Kingston DDRIII 2250 2GB*2显卡ATI HD 6600硬盘Western Digital WD6402AAEX其它 A55 主板Hudson D2AMD A8-3850 2.9 GHzKingston DDRIII 2250 2GB*2ATI HD 6600Western Digital WD6402AAEXA55M-HVSTr i alBeforeAfter涡轮增压极速网络全球最快速的USB 传输速度。
Chapter 4Power Rail Power-Up/Down SequenceThe Hudson-2/Hudson-3 FCH power rails can be broadly divided into the following two groups. •+ 3.3V and +1.1 V voltage rails that are ON in S0 to S5 states. Rails in this group have the suffix “_S5” at the end of their names.•+3.3V and +1.1V voltage rails that are ON in S0, S1, and S2 states but turned OFF in S3 to S5 states. Rails in this group have the suffix “_S0” at the end of their names.Table49 below shows how the FCH voltage rails are divided into these two groups. Some of the “_S5” domain voltage rails can be connected to “_S0” domain voltage rails depending on the feature set supported, as explained in “Notes” column.Table 49.FCH Voltage Rail GroupingVoltage Rail+3.3/1.1V_S5+3.3/1.1V_S0NotesVDDIO_33_S x-VDDAN_33_USB_S x-VDDAN_33_HWM_S x-VDDPL_33_USB_S x-VDDPL_33_SSUSB_S x x VDDPL_33_SSUSB_S should betied to +3.3V_S5 rail if USB3 Wakeis supported (Hudson-3 only);otherwise, it can be tied to+3.3V_S0 rail. If USB3 is not usedat all, it can be tied to GND. VDDXL_33_S x x VDDXL_33_S should be tied to+3.3V_S5 rail if Wake on LAN orUSB3 Wake (Hudson-3 only) issupported; otherwise, it can be tiedto +3.3V_S0 rail.VDDIO_33_GBE_S x x VDDIO_33_GBE_S andVDDIO_GBE_S should be tied to+3.3V_S5 rail if Wake on LAN is VDDIO_GBE_S x xsupported; otherwise, it can be tiedto +3.3V_S0 rail. If the GbE MACis not enabled, these two power railscan be tied to GND.VDDIO_33_PCIGP x-VDDPL_33_SYS x-Chapter 4Power Rail Power-Up/Down Sequence161162Power Rail Power-Up/Down Sequence Chapter 4VDDPL_33_PCIE x -VDDPL_33_SATA x -VDDPL_33_DAC x VDDPL_33_DAC, VDDPL_33_ML,VDDAN_33_DAC should be tied to +3.3V_S0 rail if the VGA translator function is supported. If the VGA translator is not used, these power rails can be tied to GND.VDDPL_33_ML x VDDAN_33_DACxVDDCR_11_S x -VDDCR_11_USB_S x -VDDCR_11_USB_S x -VDDPL_11_SYS_SxxVDDPL_11_SYS_S should be tied to +1.1V_S5 rail if Wake on LAN or USB3 Wake (Hudson-3 only) is supported; otherwise, it can be tied to +1.1V_S0 rail.VDDCR_11_GBE_S x xVDDCR_11_GBE_S should be tied to +1.1V_S5 rail if Wake on LAN is supported; otherwise, it can be tied to +1.1V_S0 rail. If the GbE MAC is not enabled, it can be tied to GND.VDDCR_11_SSUSB_S x xVDDCR_11_SSUSB_S should be tied to +1.1V_S5 rail if USB3 Wake is supported (Hudson-3 only); otherwise, it can be tied to+1.1V_S0 rail. If USB3 is not used, it can be tied to GND.VDDCR_11x -VDDAN_11_SATA x -VDDAN_11_PCIE x -VDDAN_11_CLK x -VDDAN_11_ML x -VDDPL_11_DACx-Table 49.FCH Voltage Rail Grouping (Continued)Voltage Rail+3.3/1.1V_S5+3.3/1.1V_S0NotesTable 49.FCH Voltage Rail Grouping (Continued)Voltage Rail+3.3/1.1V_S5+3.3/1.1V_S0NotesVDDIO_AZ_S x x VDDIO_AZ_S should be tied to+3.3/1.5V_S5 rail if Wake on Ringis supported; otherwise, it can betied to +3.3/1.5V_S0 rail.Within each of the +3.3 /1.1-V_S5 or +3.3 /1.1-V_S0 power rail groups, rails of the same voltage (3.3V or 1.1V) should be powered up at the same time. However, there are no required sequencing relationships between the +3.3-V rails and the +1.1-V rails.Although there are no power rail sequencing requirements between any specific power rail groups (except for VBAT see explanations in Note 13 in Chapter 5, “Power Sequence.”), customers can use the power rail power-up sequence shown in Figure35 and Table50 below as a reference. All of the AMD Hudson-2/Hudson-3 reference platforms are designed to follow that reference power-up sequence.For power-down sequence, power rails on reference platforms are either be powered-down at the same time or in the reverse order of the power-up sequence shown below.The only mandatory requirement for power rail sequencing is that VBAT (VDDBT_RTC_G) must ramp at least 5 seconds before the S5 rails to allow start time for the external RTC crystal.Chapter 4Power Rail Power-Up/Down Sequence163Figure 35.Power Rail Power-up Sequence Requirements Table 50.Power Rail Power-up Sequence RequirementsSymbol Parameter Voltage Difference during Ramping Minimum (V)Maximum (V)T1VBAT to the S5 rails VDDBT_RTC_Gmust ramp at least5 seconds beforethe S5 railsNo restrictionsT2+3.3V_S5 rails ramp high relative to +1.1V_S5 rails0No restrictions(1) T3+3.3V_S0 rails ramp high relative to +1.1V_S0 rails0No restrictions(1) Note:1.Power rails from the same group are assumed to be generated from the same regulator. However, they can be generatedfrom different regulators as long as they come up at the same time.164Power Rail Power-Up/Down Sequence Chapter 4Chapter 5Power SequenceFigure36 and Figure37 illustrate respectively the power-up/down sequences for ACPI S5-to-S0-to-S5 and S3-to-S0-to-S3transitions.Table51, Table52, and Table53 provide the timing values.Figure 36.FCH Power Sequence (S5-to-S0-to-S5)Chapter 5Power Sequence165Figure 37.Power-on Sequence (S3-to-S0-to-S3)166Power Sequence Chapter 5Table 51.Power Sequence TimingSymbol Min.Max.DescriptionT1Note 1+3.3V_S5 to +1.1V_S5T210 ms–+3.3V_S5 to resume reset (RSMRST#).T2A–50 ms Resume reset (RSMRST#) rise time (10% to 90%). See Note 11.T332 ms–RSMRST# de-asserted to start of RTCCLK output from the FCH.T7See Table52 and Table53 below.T7A–50 ms FCH PWR_GOOD rise time (10% to 90 %). See Note 3.T7B– 1 ms FCH PWR_GOOD fall time.T8A0 ns100 ns A_RST# (PCI host bus reset) to PCIRST#.Note 4T8B–Note 5KBRST# to FCH PWR_GOOD.T8C 1.0 ms 2.3 ms PCIRST# to APU_RST#.T9101 ms113 ms FCH PWR_GOOD to PCIRST#.T9A101 ms113 ms FCH PWR_GOOD to A_RST# (T9-T8A).T10-31 ms–PCIE_CLKP/N stable time before FCH PWR_GOOD assertion (forexternal clock mode only).T13–15 ns Wake Event (except PwrButton) to SLP_S3# / SLP_S5# de-assertion.200 ns–Wake Event (PwrButton) to SLP_S3# / SLP_S5# de-assertion (S5/S4/S3 Æ S0)8 ns--Wake Event (PwrButton) to SLP_S3# / SLP_S5# de-assertion (G3 ÆS5 Æ S0)T13A80 ns–FCH PWR_GOOD must be de-asserted before VDD (PS PWOK)drops more than 5% off the nominal value. See Note 9.T14 1 ns–FCH PWR_GOOD de-assertion to Resume Reset (RSMRST#)assertion. See Note 10.T15 5 s–[Not illustrated] VBAT to +3.3V_S5 to +1.1V_S5. Must be greater than5 seconds to allow start time for the internal RTC.T16A40 μs–[Not illustrated] APU_STP# assertion to APU_RST# assertion.T16B 4 μs–[Not illustrated] APU_RST# assertion to SLP_S3# assertion.Chapter 5Power Sequence167Table 52.Power Sequence FCH PWR_GOOD and System Clock Timing (for Internal Clock Mode Only)Symbol Min.Max.DescriptionT798 ms150 ms FCH PWR_GOOD assertion to APU_PG assertion delay.T11A-38 ms FCH PWR_GOOD to stable system clocks (APU, PCIe, DISP_CLK)when clock function is enabled to provide all system clocks.T11B-32 ms[Not illustrated] FCH PWR_GOOD to clock out (clocks are not stableat this point).Table 53.Power Sequence FCH PWR_GOOD and System Clock Timing (for External Clock Mode Only)Symbol Min.Max.DescriptionT70ns30ns FCH PWR_GOOD assertion to APU_PWRGD assertion delay whenusing the FCH APU_PG output.Power up Sequence Timing NotesNote 1: Refer to Chapter 4, “Power Rail Power-Up/Down Sequence,” for the power rail power-up/down requirements.Note 3: The FCH will latch the straps after rising edge of FCH PWR_GOOD only once. With de-bouncing of FCH PWR_GOOD, the latching of strap will occur at approximately ~10ms after therising edge of FCH PWR_GOOD.Note 4: Typical time between A_RST# and PCIRST# is 75 ns. The measurement should be per-formed at 10% of both signals. Loading on the motherboard may cause the measurement at 90% tobe more than the specified value.Note 5: The KBRST# should be de-asserted before FCHPWR_GOOD is de-asserted.Note 6: Type II Standard and Debug straps will be latched after FCH PWR_GOOD is asserted.Type I straps are latched on resume reset rising edge.Note 9: The FCH will monitor internally the power down events and protect the internal circuit dur-ing the power down event. This includes power down during the S3, S4, and S5 states. During anunexpected power failure or G3 state, the relationship between the 1.1 V (VDDCR) and FCH PowerGood should be maintained to protect the internal logic of the FCH.168Power Sequence Chapter 5Note 10: The following figure shows the timing of FCH PWR_GOOD de-asserted to RSMRST#de-asserted during a power down sequence. However, this timing only applies to S0-to-G3 statetransition, because G3 state is where both signals are inactivated.Figure 38.Timing for FCH PWR_GOOD De-asserted to RSMRST# De-asserted Note 11: When measuring the RSMRST# timing T2A, the loading of the motherboard PCB tracemay cause a slow rise time, which should be taken in account. See Figure39 below.Figure 39.Measurement for RSMRST# Timing (T2A)Note 13: VBAT powers the RTC clock input to the FCH. The RTC clock must be functional beforede-assertion of RSMRST#. Therefore, the VBAT power ramp up time relative to RSMRST# mayneed to be controlled. Typical start time is 5 seconds, but the value varies with different crystals.. Chapter 5Power Sequence169。
USB-8 17
USB-9 17
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SPI Dual-BIOS 12
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Circuit or PCB layout change for next version
Version: 1.01
P-Code: U98126-0
2011.07.01 2011.08.02 2011.08.05
Change Item
Rev 0.1 Gerber-out Rev 1.0 Gerber-out Rev 1.01 Gerber-out
Modify from GA-A55M-S2V Rev1.0
2011.07.04 2011.08.03 2011.08.08 2011.08.23
Change Item
Polycom QDX 6000 系列产品用户手册说明书
Release NotesPolycom® QDX 6000™, Version• For best voice performance, speak at a normal conversation level, and direct yourvoice towards the front of the microphone.• PLEASE NOTE V4.0.1 OR LATER UPGRADE REQUIREMENT: Customers whoused data pass through in 4.0 will need to use a new cable after the upgrade. The partnumber for the new pass-through cable is 2457-32892-001. Please contact yourreseller or Polycom Sales team to acquire the new cable before the upgrade, if youcurrently use this feature.Polycom is pleased to announce the release of Polycom QDX 6000. Thisdocument provides information about the Polycom QDX 6000 system andversion software.For more information about using the features described in this document, referto the product documentation available at Polycom QDX 6000 support .Polycom EagleEye View CameraPolycom introduces the new Polycom EagleEye View Camera. The PolycomEagleEye View camera is an electronic pan, tilt, and zoom (EPTZ) camerathat includes built-in stereo microphones. The Polycom EagleEye Viewcamera can be mounted in either the upright or inverted position. Otherfeatures include manual focus and privacy shutter.The Polycom EagleEye View is available with the Polycom QDX 6000system as system camera and the main microphone. In addition, thePolycom EagleEye View can be used as a second pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ)camera.To use the Polycom EagleEye View camera, Polycom QDX 6000 systemsmust be running version 4.0.1 or later.Polycom EagleEye View Camera as the main PTZ control cameraPolycom EagleEye View Camera as the second PTZ control cameraNote: The part number of the serial cable for second PTZ camera control is2457-32891-001.New CablesThe Polycom QDX 6000 has the following additional cables.CablesDescriptionPN: 2457-32890-001 An EagleEye View camera cable. One end of this cable is an HDCI connector to theEagleEye View camera, the other end breaks out to the following connectors,▪ A DB-9 male connector to QDX serial port for camera control. ▪An S-Video connector to QDX camera input. ▪ Two RJ-9 connectors to QDX MIC inputs.PN: 2457-32892-001 A DB-9, male-female, serial cable for transparent data pass-through;Cables DescriptionPN: 2457-32891-001A DB-9, female-female, serial cable for second camera PTZ control.What’s New in Version version software includes the features and functionality of version4.0.1. Systems running version software can use the Polycom EagleEyecamera as the main camera or as a second camera.Using the Polycom EagleEye CameraThe camera will be detected automatically once the system starts up.The Polycom EagleEye camera does not support hot- plugged in with QDX 6000, whichmeans if the Polycom EagleEye camera is unplugged during usage, you need to detectthe camera manually before using it again.To detect the Polycom EagleEye camera manually:1.Connect the Polycom EagleEye camera to the Main/ Document camerainput.2.Press and set Main/Document camera as video source.3.Go to System > Admin Settings > General Settings > Serial Ports.4.Set RS-232 Mode to Camera PTZ.5.Click Detect Camera.What’s New in Version 4.0.1The version 4.0.1 software includes the features and functionality of version4.0.0, with the following additions.MulticastYou can configure the QDX 6000 system to allow users to stream audio andvideo from one to many viewers. Viewers watch the conference from thesystem's web interface. You can start streaming only when QDX 6000 is in a call.Points to note about streaming:•To send a stream across a subnet, multicasting must be enabled on thenetwork or you can unicast to a particular IP address, which will forwardthe stream to that IP address.•The number of viewers is limited only by your network topology.To configure the QDX system for a streaming call:1 Go to System > Admin Settings > Network > IP > Multicast.2 Configure these settings:3 Go to System > Admin Settings > General Settings > Security > SecuritySettings > >.4 Enable Allow Video Display on Web .To stream a conference:1 Go to System > Admin Settings > Network > IP > Multicast , select theEnable Multicast option.2In the browser address line, enter the system’s IP address, for example, http://, to go to the system’s web interface. Go to Admin Settings >General Settings > Security , set the Remote Access password and theMeeting password.3 Place the video call to other participants.> ).To stop streaming a conference:1Go to System > Admin Settings > Network > IP > Multicast . 2Clear the Enable Multicast selection.To view a streamed conference:1 On a computer running Windows XP or Windows Vista operating system,open an Internet Explorer 6.x, 7.x, or 8.x.2 In the browser address line, enter,where “” is the QDX 6000 system's IP address.3 In the prompted window, enter the user name "meeting" and the meetingpassword set on your QDX 6000 system.The stream starts automatically.To stop viewing the streamed conference:>> Close the web browser.This stops the stream but does not end the call.Camera Control for the Second PTZ CameraQDX 6000 V4.0.1 supports camera control for the second PTZ camera.To connect a second PTZ camera to the QDX 6000 system:1 Connect a second camera supporting PTZ, such as Polycom EagleEye Viewcamera, to DOC camera input and serial control. The Polycom female-maleconvert cable (labeled as “2ND CAMERA”) MUST be used to connect thesecond camera serial port to the QDX serial control port.Note: The part number of the serial cable for second PTZ camera control is2457-32891-001. This cable can be easily recognized by the “2ND CAMERA”label on one end of the cable.2 Set Doc camera as video source.3 Go to System > Admin Settings > General Settings > Serial Ports, and setRS-232 Mode to Camera PTZ. Then click Detect Camera to detect thecamera manually.Notes:•IR signal cannot be received through the second PTZ camera.•PTZ speed setting is not available for this camera. OthersCorrected Issues in following table lists corrected issues in version Issues in 4.0.1The following table lists corrected issues in version 4.0.1.Known limitationsThe following table lists the known limitations for the version release. If aworkaround is available, it is noted in the table.InteroperabilityPolycom QDX 6000 systems are tested extensively with a wide range ofproducts. The following list is not a complete inventory of compatibleequipment; it simply indicates the products that have been tested forcompatibility with the release.Video conferencing systems use a variety of algorithms to compress audio andvideo. In a call between two systems, each end transmits audio and video usingalgorithms supported by the other end. In some cases, a system may transmit adifferent algorithm than it receives. This process occurs because each systemindependently selects the optimum algorithms for a particular call, and differentproducts may make different selections. This process should not affect thequality of the call.Copyright Information© 2010 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Polycom,Inc. Polycom, Inc. retains title to, and ownership of, all proprietary rights withrespect to the software contained within its products. The software is protectedby United States copyright laws and international treaty provision. License IssuesOpenSSL LicenseCopyright (c) 1998-2007 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:1 Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, thislist of conditions and the following disclaimer.2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentationand/or other materials provided with the distribution.3 All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software mustdisplay the following acknowledgment:"This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for usein the OpenSSL Toolkit. (/)"4 The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used toendorse or promote products derived from this software without priorwritten permission. For written permission, please contact************************.5 roducts derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL" nor may"OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written permission of theOpenSSL Project.6 Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the followingacknowledgment:"This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for usein the OpenSSL Toolkit (/)"THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT ``AS IS''AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSEARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OpenSSL PROJECT ORITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS;OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANYTHEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING INANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young(*****************).ThisproductincludessoftwarewrittenbyTimHudson(*****************).Original SSLeay LicenseCopyright(C)1995-1998EricYoung(*****************)Allrightsreserved. This package is an SSL implementation written by Eric Young(*****************).Theimplementationwaswrittensoastoconformwith Netscape’s SSL.This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as the following conditions are adhered to. The following conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms except that the holder is Tim Hudson(*****************).Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in the code are not to be removed.If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution as the author of the parts of the library used. This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package.Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:1 Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list ofconditions and the following disclaimer.2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentationand/or other materials provided with the distribution.3 All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software mustdisplay the following acknowledgement:"This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young(*****************)"The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the routines from the librarybeing used are not cryptographic related :-).4 If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from theapps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement:"This product includes software written by Tim Hudson(*****************)"THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND ANYEXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITEDTO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NOEVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FORANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVERCAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCEOR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THISSOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGE.The license and distribution terms for any publically available version orderivative of this code cannot be changed. I.e. this code cannot simply becopied and put under another distribution license [including the GNUPublic License.]DisclaimerThis software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties in respectof its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness and fitness forpurpose.Trademark Information© 2011, Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. POLYCOM®, the Polycom "Triangles"logo and the names and marks associated with Polycom's products aretrademarks and/or service marks of Polycom, Inc. and are registered and/orcommon law marks in the United States and various other countries. All othertrademarks are property of their respective owners. No portion hereof may bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose otherthan the recipient's personal use, without the express written permission ofPolycom.。
网络高清电梯楼层信息叠加器 NE-GQ6000N-DT说明书
恩易物联目录1 产品介绍 (4)1.1 产品概述 (4)1.2 功能特点 (4)1.3 型号说明 (5)1.4 物品清单 (5)2 产品描述 (6)2.1 硬件设备参数 (6)2.1.1 接口说明 (6)2.1.2 技术参数 (7)2.2 平层传感器参数 (7)2.2.1 平层传感器示意图 (8)2.2.2 传感器技术参数 (8)2.3 设备配置 (9)2.3.1配置软件 (9)2.3.2配置说明 (11)3 硬件安装 (14)3.1 安装须知 (14)3.2 安装拓扑图 (15)3.2 传感器安装 (15)4 快速安装指南 (16)快速安装 (16)5固件升级 (17)5.1网络升级 (17)5.1.1硬件准备 (17)5.1.2软件准备 (17)5.1.3升级流程 (18)5.2串口升级 (20)6常见问题 (21)7服务与支持 (21)8联系方式 .................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
每当开发人员将更改提交至Subversion 信息库时,Hudson 会编译所有代码,执行JUnit 测试,并且生成测试报告。
在/download/ 下载最新hudson以及插件。
我在\\\Softwares\TestTool\hudson 共享了hudson.war及相关插件。
备注:hudsonhome是所有数据的存放目录,hudsontmp是临时文件目录,hudson 是web服务器的目录。
httpPort是hudson 服务的端口。
4.创建启动文件,并且键入命令【nohup $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xms512m-Xmx1024m -jar hudson.war --httpPort=19013 >>hudson.log 2>&1 & echo $! >】。
Hudson+Maven+Svn搭建持续集成环境一、工具1. Hudson: Hudson 是一种革命性的开放源码CI 服务器,它从以前的CI服务器吸取了许多经验教训。
Hudson 最吸引人的特性之一是它很容易配置:很难找到更容易设置的CI 服务器,也很难找到开箱即用特性如此丰富的CI 服务器。
Hudson 容易使用的第二个原因是它具有强大的插件框架,所以很容易添加特性,例如添加tomcat插件后,可以方将build好的war包方便的部署到Tomcat里。
下载地址:/2. Maven2:Maven 是一个顶级的Apache Software Foundation 开源项目,创建它最初是为了管理Jakarta Turbine 项目复杂的构建过程。
从那以后,不论是开源开发项目还是私有开发项目都选择Maven 作为项目构建系统。
下载地址:/download.html3. Subversion(svn):版本控制软件,和它功能相似的工具有cvs,perforce等。
下载地址:/4. Hudson的自动部署插件,下载地址::https:///files/documents/2402/106347/deplo y.hpi二、安装及设置1. Maven2的安装:把maven-2.0.4-bin.zip解压到D:\maven-2.0.4(或者你自己想解压的位置,我是如此配置的)下面就是配置环境变量了,这和1.0的版本是一样的。
(1)MAVEN_HOME:D:\maven-2.0.4 (2)在Path 中加入%MAVEN_HOME%\bin这样配置就OK了。
测试是否安装成功,可以在命令行下输入mvn -v,出现如下界面,说明安装成功2. Hudson的安装:Hudson的安装有两种方式(1)可以将Hudson 部署到Tomcat下面运行,将下载的hudson.war直接放到Tomcat的webapp下,启动tomcat就ok了(2)可以使用命令启动hudson。
LM快速升级路线Feenix Warsong 12X LM快速升级路线此路线来自3C论坛,同样适用于本服1 级-10级出生地随意杀怪任务。
10级-15级在闪金镇的治安官杜汉处接取:[10] 向格里安·斯托曼报道[10] 西泉要塞这两个任务就可以,其他的不要接,现在跑去西泉要塞,交了任务以后,可以升到11级。
15级-20级在哨兵岭的格里安·斯托曼处接取:[18] 迪菲亚兄弟会然后坐鸟飞到赤脊山湖畔镇。
在湖畔镇的桥头工头奥斯格处接取:[16] 丢失的工具在码头上肖恩处接取:[15] 希拉里的项链然后跳水捞吧,向桥方向游,土包里是项链,铁箱子里是工具,注意躲避鱼人。
去旅馆二楼,找黑衣人威利交任务,接取后续任务,然后飞回西部荒野哨兵岭找格里安·斯托曼交任务,接取下一步任务,炉石传送暴风城找马迪亚斯·肖尔交任务,接取下一步,再回西部荒野找格里安·斯托曼交任务,接取:[18] 迪菲亚兄弟会(杀迪菲亚信使)迪菲亚信使就在月溪镇路口那,这SF里的信使是不会到处走动的,就在那刷新,打死以后拿信回去交任务,西部荒野任务结束,后面的不做了。
20级-30级炉石回城,传送到棘齿城,坐鸟飞到灰谷的阿斯特兰纳,找莱恩·狼行者接取任务:[19] 莱恩的净化按照任务插件来到法拉希姆湖,到湖中间的小岛上点尸体交任务,接取下一步任务,随便打一个鱼人得到发光的宝石(杀一个必掉),然后回阿斯特兰纳找莱恩·狼行者交任务,后续暂时不用做了,太墨迹,60以后如果想拿变熊魔棒,可以继续回来做。
目录1 补丁升级指导书.................................................................................................................................1-11.1 补丁简介............................................................................................................................................1-11.2 补丁升级过程.....................................................................................................................................1-11.2.1 升级准备.................................................................................................................................1-11.2.2 补丁升级配置..........................................................................................................................1-51.2.3 验证........................................................................................................................................1-51.3 补丁卸载配置.....................................................................................................................................1-61 补丁升级指导书z本指导书适用于H3C S10500 Release 1120&Release 1130系列软件版本、S7500E Release 6620&Release 6630系列软件版本、S7508E-X Release 6820&Release 6830系列软件版本、S7600 Release 6620&Release 6630系列软件版本、以及S7600-X Release 6820&Release6830系列软件版本。
hudson version : hudson-2.2.1.war.env : window xpI installed analysis-core, checkstyle and findbugs plugins, when I restarted tomcat, I got some issues is below:Jun 13, 2012 9:56:07 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener initINFO: Loaded APR based Apache Tomcat Native library 1.1.22.Jun 13, 2012 9:56:07 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener initINFO: APR capabilities: IPv6 [false], sendfile [true], accept filters [false], random [true].Jun 13, 2012 9:56:08 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol initINFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-1981Jun 13, 2012 9:56:08 AM org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpAprProtocol initINFO: Initializing Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-8009Jun 13, 2012 9:56:08 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina loadINFO: Initialization processed in 737 msJun 13, 2012 9:56:08 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService startINFO: Starting service CatalinaJun 13, 2012 9:56:08 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine startINFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.35Jun 13, 2012 9:56:08 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptorINFO: Deploying configuration descriptor host-manager.xmlJun 13, 2012 9:56:08 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptorINFO: Deploying configuration descriptor manager.xmlJun 13, 2012 9:56:08 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWARINFO: Deploying web application archive hudson-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.warJun 13, 2012 9:56:08 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWARINFO: Deploying web application archive hudson.warJun 13, 2012 9:56:09 AM hudson.WebAppMain contextInitializedINFO: Home directory: J:\work-space\ci\hudson\homeJun 13, 2012 9:56:09 AM hudson.util.CharacterEncodingFilter initINFO: CharacterEncodingFilter initialized. DISABLE_FILTER: false FORCE_ENCODING: false Jun 13, 2012 9:56:09 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectoryINFO: Deploying web application directory docsJun 13, 2012 9:56:09 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectoryINFO: Deploying web application directory examplesJun 13, 2012 9:56:09 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectoryINFO: Deploying web application directory ROOTJun 13, 2012 9:56:09 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol startINFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-1981Jun 13, 2012 9:56:09 AM org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpAprProtocol startINFO: Starting Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-8009Jun 13, 2012 9:56:09 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina startINFO: Server startup in 1790 msJun 13, 2012 9:56:09 AM org.hudsonci.inject.internal.SmoothieContainerBootstrap bootstrap INFO: Bootstrapping SmoothieJun 13, 2012 9:56:11 AM hudson.PluginManager createPluginStrategyINFO: Plugin strategy: org.hudsonci.inject.internal.plugin.DelegatingPluginStrategyJun 13, 2012 9:56:11 AM hudson.model.Hudson$5 onAttainedINFO: Started initializationJun 13, 2012 9:56:11 AM hudson.model.Hudson$5 onAttainedINFO: Listed all pluginsJun 13, 2012 9:56:12 AM hudson.model.Hudson$5 onTaskFailedSEVERE: Failed Loading plugin analysis-corehudson.util.IOException2: Failed to load plugin instance for: analysis-coreatorg.hudsonci.inject.internal.plugin.SmoothiePluginStrategy.load( )atorg.hudsonci.inject.internal.plugin.DelegatingPluginStrategy.load( 2)at hudson.PluginManager$2$1$ org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder$ at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.runTask( hudson.model.Hudson$4.runTask( org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$ org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$ java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ by: ng.LinkageError: loader (instance of org/hudsonci/inject/internal/plugin/PluginClassLoader): attempted duplicate class definition for name: "org/apache/xerces/parsers/SAXParser"at ng.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)at ng.ClassLoader.defineClass( ng.ClassLoader.defineClass( 63)atorg.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.WeavingURLClassLoader.defineClass( :151)atorg.aspectj.weaver.bcel.ExtensibleURLClassLoader.defineClass( 97)atorg.aspectj.weaver.bcel.ExtensibleURLClassLoader.findClass( )at ng.ClassLoader.loadClass( ng.ClassLoader.loadClass($DependencyClassLoader.findClass( at ng.ClassLoader.loadClass( ng.ClassLoader.loadClass( ng.ClassLoader.loadClass( org.xml.sax.helpers.NewInstance.newInstance( org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory.loadClass( org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader( atorg.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.definition.DocumentParser.getXMLReader( )atorg.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.definition.DocumentParser.saxParsing( at org.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.definition.DocumentParser.parse( atorg.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.ClassLoaderWeavingAdaptor.parseDefinitions(ClassLoaderWeaving 130)atorg.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.ClassLoaderWeavingAdaptor.initialize(ClassLoaderWeavingAdaptor.j ava:161)atorg.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.WeavingURLClassLoader.createAdaptor(WeavingURLClassLoader.j ava:171)atorg.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.WeavingURLClassLoader.defineClass( :132)atorg.aspectj.weaver.bcel.ExtensibleURLClassLoader.defineClass( 97)atorg.aspectj.weaver.bcel.ExtensibleURLClassLoader.findClass( )at ng.ClassLoader.loadClass( ng.ClassLoader.loadClass( )... 10 moreJun 13, 2012 9:56:12 AM hudson.model.Hudson$5 onTaskFailedSEVERE: Failed Loading plugin Dependency analysis-core (1.39) doesn't existat hudson.PluginWrapper.resolvePluginDependencies( hudson.PluginManager$2$1$ org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder$ at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.runTask( hudson.model.Hudson$4.runTask( org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$ org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$ java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 13, 2012 9:56:12 AM hudson.model.Hudson$5 onTaskFailedSEVERE: Failed Loading plugin Dependency analysis-core (1.39) doesn't existat hudson.PluginWrapper.resolvePluginDependencies( hudson.PluginManager$2$1$ org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder$ at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.runTask( hudson.model.Hudson$4.runTask( org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$ org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$ java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 13, 2012 9:56:14 AM hudson.model.Hudson$5 onAttainedINFO: Prepared all pluginsJun 13, 2012 9:56:14 AM hudson.model.Hudson$5 onTaskFailedSEVERE: Failed Initializing plugin analysis-coreng.NullPointerExceptionat hudson.PluginManager$2$1$ org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder$ at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.runTask( hudson.model.Hudson$4.runTask( org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$ org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$ java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 13, 2012 9:56:14 AM hudson.model.Hudson$5 onTaskFailedSEVERE: Failed Initializing plugin checkstyleng.NullPointerExceptionat hudson.PluginManager$2$1$ org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder$ at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.runTask( hudson.model.Hudson$4.runTask( org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$ org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$ java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at 13, 2012 9:56:14 AM hudson.model.Hudson$5 onTaskFailedSEVERE: Failed Initializing plugin findbugsng.NullPointerExceptionat hudson.PluginManager$2$1$ org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder$ at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.runTask( hudson.model.Hudson$4.runTask( org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$ org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$ java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at 13, 2012 9:56:15 AM hudson.model.Hudson$5 onAttainedINFO: Started all pluginsJun 13, 2012 9:56:15 AM hudson.model.Hudson$5 onAttainedINFO: Augmented all extensionsJun 13, 2012 9:56:15 AM hudson.model.Hudson$5 onAttainedINFO: Loaded all jobsJun 13, 2012 9:56:15 AM hudson.model.Hudson$5 onAttainedINFO: Completed initializationJun 13, 2012 9:56:15 AM hudson.TcpSlaveAgentListener <init>INFO: JNLP slave agent listener started on TCP port 2499Jun 13, 2012 9:56:23 AM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.5 01/14/2011 12:36 PM'Jun 13, 2012 9:56:24 AM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.5 01/14/2011 12:36 PM'Jun 13, 2012 9:56:25 AM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.5 01/14/2011 12:36 PM'Jun 13, 2012 9:56:25 AM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.5 01/14/2011 12:36 PM'Jun 13, 2012 9:56:26 AM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.5 01/14/2011 12:36 PM'Jun 13, 2012 9:56:26 AM enableINFO: API provider JAX-RS (Jersey) enabledJun 13, 2012 9:56:26 AM enableINFO: API provider Bayeux (CometD) enabledJun 13, 2012 9:56:26 AM runINFO: Hudson is ready.I found the caused by is:ng.LinkageError:loader(instance of org/hudsonci/inject/internal/plugin/PluginClassLoader): attempted duplicate class definition for name: "org/apache/xerces/parsers/SAXParser"It means there is not only one class that name is org/apache/xerces/parsers/SAXParser was loaded by the same PluginClassLoader.Then, I goto the HUDSON_HOME directory, in my computer is J:\work-space\ci\hudson\home, and searched file by string “xerces”, as a result, I found five following records, look at figure:So that’s why I got those errors, cuz each plugin has included a xercesImpl-2.x.x.jar file that contained same class “org/apache/xerces/parsers/SAXParser”, and led to Hudson load the same class more than one time.Ok, now let me fix this issue quickly.Step 1: shutdown the tomcat.Step 2: cut the xercesImpl-2.x.x.jar file that in red circle is below go away, this file was installed by hudson automatically from internet when you were building your jobs.Step 3: startup the tomcat, all of plugins were installed successfully, see the figure is below:I also has a question that I still can not understand,it is can run in Linux RedHat with no problem, but window is not.Eventually, the solution is simple, but it took my a whole day to research.I hope it could help you guys.。
这⾥主要说以下⼏点:1 武器2 声望3 FARM & 赚钱1.武器。
⾸先,在Pre-BC⾥没有拿到EOD和其拉战锤的野D们,你们的第⼀把武器应该是:Ursol's Claw28⼒量,27敏捷,27耐⼒,增加野性AP160点来源:地狱⽕城墙最后⼀个BOSS掉落于地狱⽕半岛的FB“地狱⽕壁垒”的最后⼀个BOSS,该FB等级为60-62,对于全60级⽽有⼤量EPIC⽀持的队伍可以轻松通掉。
之后,下⼀个值得⼊⼿的法杖在64级:Braxxis' Staff of Slumber 需要64级550 AC, +39耐⼒,野性AP 234点来源:世界掉落这把杖⼦的价值在于,它是70以前最好的TANK杖,如果要SOLO的话,Ursol's Claw⽐它强。
⾄于价格,⼀般AH⾥挂30G左右,刚开TBC 的话价格可能会⽐较⾼,是否值得⼊⼿⼤家⾃⼰考虑,我认为30G~40G⼊⼿还可以,多了就没必要了。
FOXCONN AHD1S 系列主板 说明书
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准备方法和注意事项可参考文档“GENESIS 方案软件升级通用工艺”,如与下文有不同之处请以下文为准
打开GProbe,按图1的方法打开设置菜单,即Options->Connection Setup或者直接按F10键
图1 GProbe的设置1
图2 GProbe的设置2
在Serial->Serial Port Settings中
Port: 根据升级用电脑设置
Baud: 115200
Data: 8
Parit: None
Stop: 1
图3 GProbe的设置3
将Batch "c:\hudson\hudson.bat"即此目录中Batch.txt中的文字拷贝到GProbe的命令行,回车即可,具体见图4,图5
图4 拷贝Batch.txt中的文字
图5 粘贴Batch.txt中的文字到GProbe命令行
Writing FLASH...
- Start address: 0x00080000
- Buffer size: 355808 ( 0x00056DE0 ) Bytes
- Minimal address space required: 20 bits
Timeout while waiting for response. Check connections and reset board.(Error Code:00000002)
Error executing batch file at line 1.
Execution time: 1.16s
Timeout while waiting for response. Check connections and reset board.(Error Code:00000002)
Error executing batch file at line 15.
Execution time: 36.18s
升级失败后可通过用镊子等工具短路Flash即SST 39vf040的管脚来复位Flash。
具体的复位方法为,在上电的时候短路SST 39vf040的第14和第17脚,即板子上靠近VGA 端口的一侧的第1脚和第4脚,如图6所示:
图6 复位引脚示意图