Hi3531V100R001 交付件清单



360天擎终端管理系统:防病毒的病毒查杀引擎包括云查杀引擎、AVE、QEX、QVM等引擎,支持多引擎的协同工作对病毒、木马、恶意软件、引导区病毒、BIOS病毒等进行查杀,提供主动防御系统防护等功能。客户端系统默认支持Windows XP/VISTA/WIN7/WIN8/WIN10,含五年年升级服务;包括20个服务器端授权许可和300个客户端授权许可,质保5年。
300GB 10K RPM SAS硬盘插卡,用于1U机架型网关设备*1
NIP6650D交流主机(8GE电+4GE光,2交流电源,含知识库升级服务12个月)-Hi-Care高级服务标准+ 7x10xND-60月*1,质保5年。
以太网卡-10Gb光口(Mellanox MT27712A0)-双端口-SFP+(含2个多模光模块)-PCIe 3.0 x8*1


维修篇 ........................................................................................................................................................ 38 1 机组故障一览表 ............................................................................................................................ 38 2 典型故障排查 ................................................................................................................................ 42 3 案例分析 ........................................................................................................................................ 46 4 机组配电 ........................................................................................................................................ 48 4.1 机组配电思想..................................................................................................................... 48 4.2 主要电气元器件介绍......................................................................................................... 50 4.3 各个系列机组的电路图..................................................................................................... 56 5 机组部件拆装 ................................................................................................................................ 70 5.1 关键部件介绍..................................................................................................................... 70 5.2 关键部件拆装..................................................................................................................... 71 6 零部件清单 .................................................................................................................................... 77



私密仪器使用说明书目录目录 (3)安全指导 (4)前言 (5)操作说明 (6)1系统操作原理 (6)1.1 CO2激光治疗仪原理 (6)1.2 私密治疗原理 (6)1.3 治疗范围 (7)1.4 产品优势 (7)1.5 仪器描述 (7)1.6 主要组成部分 (7)2 开机准备 (9)2.1 拆包装检查 (9)2.2 连接关节臂 (9)2.3 加冷却液 (9)2.4 检查输入电压 (9)2.5 连接电源线 (9)2.6 连接脚踏开关 (10)2.7 试运行 (10)3 操作方法 (10)3.1 开机界面 (10)3.2 功能选择界面: (10)3.3 美肤模式界面: (11)3.4 普通模式界面: (13)3.5 私密模式界面: (15)3.5设置界面 (17)3.6保护界面 (17)4 指示光 (19)5 注意事项 (19)6 维护保养 (20)6.1 镜头清洁 (20)6.2 机箱清洁 (20)6.3 功率校准 (20)6.4 保险丝更换 (20)6.5刀头消毒 (20)7 随机附件 (20)8 故障排除 (21)9 技术参数 (22)10 质量保证及售后服务 (23)11 系统内部结构图 (24)保修证 (25)安全指导以下信息包括了本产品设计与生产所参照的技术规范以及操作注意事项,为仪器的正确使用提供安全指导。

点阵激光系统的设计与生产遵照了以下3个领域的安全规范:1. 电气安全规范2. 激光辐射安全规范3. 电磁辐射安全规范以上规范所参照的技术标准由国际电工委员会(IEC)制定,标准如下:IEC 60601-1Medical electric equipment part 1: General requirements for safetyIEC 60601-1-2Medical electric equipment general requirement for safety collateral standard: electromagnetic compatibility requirement and testIEC 60601-1-4Medical electric equipment general requirement for safety collateral standard: programmable medical electric equipmentIEC 60602-2-22Medical electric equipment part2, specific safety requirement on diagnosing and treatment laser equipmentIEC 60825-1Radiation safety for laser product, equipment classification requirement and user's guidance.激光系统有安全保护设计,但只有在正确的使用条件下才能确保安全。



1. 背景

2. 设备交接清单
3. 设备状态定义
- 良好:设备外观完好,功能正常。

- 待修复:设备可能存在一些小问题,需要进行修复。

- 报废:设备无法正常使用,需要报废处理。

4. 设备交接流程
4.1 设备准备
- 卖方在交接前将设备清洁干净,并对设备进行必要的维护和修复。

- 买方提前准备好相应的存储空间,以存放交接的设备。

4.2 交接过程
- 卖方与买方一同核对设备数量和清单上的信息。

- 双方逐一检查设备状态,确保设备的功能正常。

- 如发现设备有异常情况,及时记录在备注栏,并协商解决方案。

4.3 交接确认
- 交接完成后,卖方和买方签署设备交接清单,确认交接过程

- 双方保留交接清单的副本作为记录和凭证。

5. 责任与义务
- 卖方应确保交接的设备数量和信息准确无误。

- 卖方对交接时的设备状态负有责任,在交接后不再承担任何

- 买方需妥善保管好交接的设备,确保设备的正常使用和安全。

6. 其他事宜
- 如有其他事宜需要注意或变更,双方可在交接前进行协商和





4. 错误的症状 / 原因与措施 ............................................................................................ 2-21
4.1 纸张送入故障........................................................................................................................ 2-21 4.1.1 纸盒的撮纸功能失效...................................................................................................... 2-21 4.1.2 无纸张送入 .................................................................................................................... 2-21 4.1.3 手动进纸槽中无纸张...................................................................................................... 2-22 4.1.4 双页送入........................................................................................................................ 2-22 4.1.5 卡纸............................................................................................................................... 2-22 4.1.6 纸面上的污点 ................................................................................................................ 2-24 4.1.7 纸张歪斜送入 ................................................................................................................ 2-24 4.1.8 纸张皱褶........................................................................................................................ 2-24 4.1.9 纸张卷曲........................................................................................................................ 2-25 4.1.10 双面打印时只能打印单面 ............................................................................................ 2-25


24V 3.OA
100-240V 50/60Hz ≤30W
GB8898-2001 GB17625.1-2003 GB13837-2003
220V~ 50Hz 5.0A

信息技术服务_运行维护 第2部分:交付规范

信息技术服务_运行维护 第2部分:交付规范

SJ/T × × × × × .2—201×
目 次
前 言 ............................................................................... 引 言 .............................................................................. I 1 范围 ................................................................................ 1 2 规范性引用文件 ...................................................................... 1 3 术语和定义 .......................................................................... 1 4 运行维护服务交付框架 ................................................................ 2 5 交付管理 ............................................................................ 2 6 交付内容 ............................................................................ 4 7 交付方式 ............................................................................ 5 8 交付成果 ............................................................................ 7 附 录 A ............................................................................... 9 附 录 B .............................................................................. 12 附 录 C .............................................................................. 13 参考文献 ............................................................................. 14




1 引言
1.1 Titrando 系统 ........................................................................ 1
1.2 仪器描述 ................................................................................. 2
3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6
连接 USB 设备 ..................................................................... 16 常规 ...................................................................................... 16 连接 USB 集线器 .................................................................. 16 连接打印机 .......................................................................... 17 连接天平 .............................................................................. 17 连接 PC 键盘(仅针对带 Touch Control 时的操作) ........... 19 连接条形码读取器 ............................................................... 19



环境保护 z 请勿将废弃设备随意丢弃,请到指定的回收处丢弃。
z 请遵守相关设备包装材料、耗尽电池和废旧设备处理的本地法令,并支持回 收行动。
文档版本 01 (2010-6-10)
版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司
U-SYS IAD101H/102H/104H 综合接入设备 快速入门
U-SYS IAD101H/102H/104H 综合接入设备 V300R001
文档版本 01 发布日期 2010-6-10
U-SYS IAD101H/102H/104H 综合接入设备 快速入门
1 装箱清单 .................................................................................................................... 4 2 安全注意事项 ............................................................................................................ 5 3 安装 ............................................................................................................................ 7 4 配置(命令行方式)...................................................................................................... 8



“瑞卡酒店”材料设备移交清单 2008年3月26日
序号 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 品名 保护垫 床围裙 床单 被套 枕套 被褥 被褥 保护垫 床围裙 床单 被套 枕套 被褥 保护垫 床围裙 枕芯 浴巾 面巾 方巾 地巾 早餐口布 品牌 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯得福 斯德福 第 6 页,共 17 页 规格 180*200 180*200 190*280 180*240 58*88 160*225 160*225 110*200 110*200 290*280 270*240 58*88 250*225 200*200 100*200 70*45 150*85*800g 75*40*170g 35*35*75g 75*50*400g 单位 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 条 张 数量 56.00 40.00 184.00 184.00 368.00 69.00 5.00 69.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 160.00 15.00 15.00 30.00 260.00 480.00 480.00 480.00 240.00 300.00 单价 金额
“瑞卡酒店”材料设备移交清单 2008年3月26日
序号 169 170 171 172 173 174 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 品名 吸水机 地吹风(带轮带手柄) 吸尘器 烘手器 洁而亮 洁厕剂 钢丝球 百洁布 家具蜡 餐具清洁剂 玻璃清洁剂 地毯清洁剂 空气清新剂 不锈钢擦铜水 洗衣粉 除垢水 消毒剂 地毯刷子 扫把 喷壶 广州 广州 广州 第 9 页,共 17 页 广州.晨宇 1加仑/桶 品牌 Clernwill 克力威 广州 KINGCLEAN 金莱克 飞海 广州 广州.晨宇 广州 3M 广州 广州.晨宇 广州.晨宇 广州.晨宇 凯达 广州 钢镜 1加仑/桶 1加仑/桶 1加仑/桶 1加仑/瓶 1加仑/瓶 规格 型号:VAC701容量:70L功 率:2200W 型号:AC-900功率:1000W 型号:CD2001容量:20L功 率:1200W 单位 台 台 台 个 瓶 瓶 瓶 个 张 瓶 瓶 瓶 瓶 瓶 瓶 袋 瓶 瓶 个 把 把 数量 1.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 60.00 60.00 30.00 150.00 150.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 20.00 60.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 单价 金额


大于 25cm,多台相同电话机之间的距离最好大于 30cm。 z 在任何情况下都不要打开机壳。出现故障时,请送到华为公司指定的维修部门处理。 z 任何单位或个人未经本公司允许,不得对电话机进行结构及安全设计方面的改动。对于任何未经本公司允许的改
z 请根据装箱清单仔细查看物品,确认配件齐全与完好。 z 在安装和使用电话机前,请一定认真阅读本手册。 电子设备
z 在使用高精度控制的电子设备附近,请关闭电话机,否则会导致电子设备故障。 z 可能受电话机影响的设备有:助听器、起搏器、火灾报警器、自动门和其它自动控制设备。使用电子医疗辅助器
y 待机状态下,按 查看近期已拨电话记录。找到所需号码,再按 y 在通讯录中,找到所需号码,按 ,拨打电话。
电话呼入时,按 、 或左功能键,接听来电;按 ,拒接来电。
1. 在设置中,按方向键,选择话机设置 > 快速拨号设置。 2. 按上下方向键,选择您所需要的选项进行设置。
在“ABC”或“abc”输入模式下,按键盘上的数字键输入字母。重复按相应的数字键可选择字母或数字。如果要输 入的下一个字母恰好与当前字母位于同一个按键上,请确认当前字母已输入后,再继续输入下一个字母。
1. 在拼音输入模式下,通过键盘使用拼音输入汉字(“ü”在键盘和屏幕上对应于“V”)。 2. 按照所需汉字的拼音顺序,按键盘中对应数字键上的字母,输入的字母或字母组合将出现在拼音显示区。 3. 按左右方向键选择字母或字母组合,对应的汉字将出现在候选字区。 4. 按左功能键或 选定拼音,此时光标将切换至候选字区。 5. 按左右方向键查找所需汉字。 6. 按左功能键或 确认,该汉字将显示在编辑区内,候选字栏显示以该汉字开头的常用词的下一个字列表,可选



XXX测试策略及验证计划(仅供内部使用)编制:审核:会签:批准:修订记录文件的版本号由“V ×.×”组成,其中:a)小数点前面的×为主版本号,取值范围为“0~9”。




目录1简介 (7)1.1 目的 (7)1.2 范围 (7)1.3 术语和缩写词 (7)1.4 关键技术 (7)2集成测试策略 (8)2.1 build 1集成测试策略 (8)2.1.1 测试环境 (8)2.1.2 测试重点分析 (9)2.2 build 2集成测试策略 (9)3Build SDV测试策略 (9)3.1 SDV测试方案描述 (9)3.2 Build 1测试策略 (10)3.2.1 测试环境 (10)3.2.2 测试重点分析 (12)3.3 Build 2测试策略 (13)4SIT系统测试策略 (13)4.1 测试环境 (13)4.2 测试重点分析 (14)5SVT测试策略 (15)6Beta测试策略 (16)6.1 Beta测试需求分析 (16)6.2 Beta测试计划 (16)7认证和标杆测试策略 (16)7.1 认证和标杆测试需求分析 (16)7.2 认证和标杆测试计划 (17)8测试环境筹备计划 (17)8.1 测试环境需求分析 (17)8.2 工具/仪器的可获得性风险评估 (18)8.3 自主开发工具详细分析 (18)8.3.1 工具名称 (18)8.3.2 工具需求分析 (19)8.3.3 资源需求分析 (19)9测试计划 (19)9.1 人力资源计划 (19)9.2 测试工具 (20)9.3 测试进度 (20)10交付工件清单 (21)11附件 (21)注:通过插入目录方式自动生成,推荐保留二级目录。


3.1 版本硬件特性 ....................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 版本软件特性 ....................................................................................................................... 5 4 版本变更说明 .........................................................................................................................7 4.1 特性变更说明 ....................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 命令行变更说明.................................................................................................................... 8 4.3 MIB变更说明 ...................................................................................................................... 10 4.4 操作方式变更说明 .............................................................................................................. 11





Huawei CX310 Switch Module V100R001C10White PaperIssue06Date2017-03-27Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2017. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademarks and Permissionsand other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.NoticeThe purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied.Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Address:Huawei Industrial BaseBantian, LonggangShenzhen 518129People's Republic of ChinaWebsite:About This DocumentPurposeThis document describes the E9000 CX310 10GE converged switch module (CX310 forshort) in terms of its functions, advantages, appearance, specifications, internal networking,standards and certifications. You can learn about the CX310 by reading this document.The product features and commands for the ethernet switching plane of the switch modulesvary according to the software version. For details, see the documents listed in the followingtable.Intended AudienceThis document is intended for:l Huawei presales engineersl Channel partner presales engineersl Enterprise presales engineersSymbol ConventionsThe symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.Change HistoryChanges between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains allchanges made in previous issues.Issue 06 (2017-03-27)This issue is the sixth official release.Issue 05 (2017-02-17)This issue is the fifth official release.Issue 04 (2016-11-22)This issue is the fourth official release.Issue 03 (2016-05-12)This issue is the third official release.Issue 02 (2015-07-17)This issue is the second official release.Issue 01 (2015-02-16)This issue is the first official release.White Paper ContentsContentsAbout This Document (ii)1 Overview (1)1.1 Function (2)1.2 Advantages (8)1.3 Appearance (10)1.4 Ports (13)1.5 Indicators (17)1.6 Internal Chassis Networking (19)1.7 Software and Hardware Compatibility (22)1.8 Technical Specifications (23)2 Standards and Certifications (28)2.1 Standards Compliance (29)2.2 Certifications (31)1 Overview About This Chapter1.1 FunctionThis topic describes the functions, protocols, and ports of the CX310 10GE converged switchmodule (CX310 for short).1.2 AdvantagesThe CX310 provides high performance, high-density ports, and high specifications, andsupports large data center networks, high-performance stacking, and various data centerfeatures. In addition, the CX310 switch module can be easily deployed and maintained.1.3 AppearanceThis topic describes the CX310 in terms of its appearance, panel, and installation positions inthe chassis.1.4 PortsThis topic describes the features, numbering rules, names, types, and quantities of the CX310ports.1.5 IndicatorsThis topic describes the indicators on the CX310.1.6 Internal Chassis NetworkingThis topic describes connection relationships between the CX310 and mezz modules oncompute nodes.1.7 Software and Hardware CompatibilityThis topic describes mezz modules that can work with the CX310 and pluggable modules andcables supported by ports on the CX310 panel.1.8 Technical SpecificationsThis topic describes the physical, environmental, power, and network switching specificationsof the CX310.1.1 FunctionThis topic describes the functions, protocols, and ports of the CX310 10GE converged switchmodule (CX310 for short).The CX310 is a switch control unit that provides data switching function for service slots inthe system and centrally provides service and management ports for external devices.The CX310 is installed in the rear slot of the E9000 chassis and connected to compute nodes,storage nodes, management modules through the E9000 midplane. The CX310 performsswitching of internal data packets and control management packets to provide high-speed datatransmission.Table 1-1 describes functions of the converged switching plane of the CX310.Table 1-1 converged switching plane function description1.2 AdvantagesThe CX310 provides high performance, high-density ports, and high specifications, andsupports large data center networks, high-performance stacking, and various data centerfeatures. In addition, the CX310 switch module can be easily deployed and maintained.High Performance and High-Density PortsUnderpinned by the leading hardware platform, the CX310 provides high-density ports and aline-speed forwarding capability. It supports next-generation server application of highperformance and high density.The CX310 provides sixteen 10GE SFP+ optical ports (or four 40GE ports) for connectingupstream to convergence/core switches, thirty-two 10GE electrical ports for interconnectingwith high-performance compute nodes, one 40GE port for interconnecting with switchmodules, and two GE ports for interconnecting with MM910s.The CX310 provides low-latency forwarding. Supports the line speed switching capability of1.204 Tbit/s (throughput) and line-speed forwarding for Ethernet frames. The forwardinglatency for layer-2 Ethernet frames in cut through mode is lower than 1.5 us.High Specifications and Support for Large Data Center NetworksThe CX310 provides table entris of high specifications, supporting a maximum of 65,536MAC addresses and 16,384 forwarding information bases (FIBs) entries.High-Performance Stacking, Easy Deployment and MaintenanceThe CX310 supports stacking of four devices. It has the following advantages:l High performance: A single stacking system can provide thirty-two 10GE uplink ports (two devices are stacked).l High bandwidth: The CX310 supports 160Gbps stacking bandwidth. The stackingsystem has small bandwidth bottlenecks.l Easy deployment and maintenance:–Pre-deployment and offline configuration are supported. The system can be pre-planned and pre-configured. Devices can be added as required, supporting plug-and-play.–The slot ID of a device is the ID in a stacking system, facilitating deviceidentification and maintenance.–Indicators on the front panel indicate the role and status of a stacking system. Thestacking system can be maintained without a terminal.l Simple upgrade: The stacking system supports quick and automatic software upgrades, simplifying upgrade operations and reducing upgrade workload.–Rapid software upgrades: When two switch modules are stacked, the standbyswitch module is upgraded before the active switch module. This ensures that atleast one switch module is operating.–Automatic software upgrades: When two switch modules are stacked, the softwareversion is automatically synchronized from the active switch module to the standbyone.Various Data Center Featuresl Fibre channel over Ethernet (FCoE) and Data Center Bridging (DCB):The CX310 supports FCoE, Data Center Bridging Exchange (DCBX), 802.1Qbb-compliant priority-based flow control (PFC), and 802.1Qaz-compliant EnhancedTransmission Selection (ETS). With these features, the FC architecture can run on theenhanced Ethernet without packet loss to achieve a converged network and reducenetworking costs.l Virtual/virtual machine (VM) access–Supports virtualized servers, improving data center utilization.–Supports virtual resource discovery. During migration of VMs, VM networkpolicies can be automatically migrated using the virtual resource discovery functionso that network resources can be allocated as required. Working with the large-scalelayer 2 network, VMs can be freely migrated inside the whole data center.l Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) protocol–Complying with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard, the TRILLprotocol supports ultra-large networks and flexible networking modes.–The TRILL protocol supports load balancing by paths, so that traffic can be sharedbetween multiple paths according to service requirements.–The TRILL protocol supports sub-second network convergence. Any changes onthe network can be quickly sensed and then fast convergence is performed.1.3 AppearanceThis topic describes the CX310 in terms of its appearance, panel, and installation positions inthe chassis.AppearanceFigure 1-1 shows the CX310.Figure 1-1 AppearanceInstallation PositionsThe CX310 can be installed in the four slots at the rear of the E9000 chassis. The four slotsare 1E, 2X, 3X, and 4E, as shown in Figure 1-2.Figure 1-2 Installation positions and slotsPanelFigure 1-3 shows the CX310 panel.Figure 1-3 Panel1Product Model 2Customization label (with an ESN label)3BMC serial port 4Stacking status indicator 5Healthy indicator 6Offline button/indicator 7SYS serial port810GE/40GE optical port9Connection status indicator of the 10GE/40GE optical port10Data transmission status indicator of the 10GE/40GE optical portThe numbers on the left side are port serial numbers. The arrow direction of a triangle indicates the direction of a port.ESNsAn Equipment Serial Number (ESN) is a string that uniquely identifies a server. An ESN is required when you apply for technical support from Huawei.Figure 1-4 shows the ESN format.Figure 1-4 ESN example1.4 PortsThis topic describes the features, numbering rules, names, types, and quantities of the CX310ports.The CX310 provides ports for users to operate and configure. The ports are used to send andreceive data.The CX310 ports are numbered in Slot number/Subcard number/Port number format.l Slot number: indicates the slot number of the current switch module. Its value rangesfrom 1 to 4, from left to right mapping to slot numbers 1E, 2X, 3X, and 4E.l Subcard number: indicates the number of a subcard supported by service ports. Thevalue ranges from 1 to 19. Table 1-2 and Table 1-3 describe subcard numbers.l Port number: indicates the sequence number of a port on a subcard. Table 1-2 and Table 1-3 describe port numbers and subcards.For example, if the CX310 is in slot 2X, the first GE port on the upper right on the panel isnumbered as 10GE 2/17/16, as shown in Figure 1-5.Figure 1-5 Port naming rulesTable 1-2 describes the external ports on the CX310.Table 1-2 External portsTable 1-3 describes the internal ports on the CX310. Table 1-3 Internal ports1.5 IndicatorsThis topic describes the indicators on the CX310.You can observe the indicators to determine the current operating status of the CX310. Table1-4 describes the indicators.Table 1-4 Indicators1.6 Internal Chassis NetworkingThis topic describes connection relationships between the CX310 and mezz modules oncompute nodes.For details about the networking of the CX310 and Mezz cards on compute nodes, see E9000Blade Server Mezz Module-Switch Module Interface Mapping Tool.Figure 1-6 shows the internal chassis networking for the CX310 and compute nodes. Ports oncompute nodes for connecting to the CX310 are provided by two mezz modules as follows:l Mezz 1 connects to converged switching plane of the CX310s in slots 2X and 3X.l Mezz 2 connects to converged switching plane of the CX310s in slots 1E and 4E.Figure 1-6 Mapping between the CX310 and mezz modules on compute nodes1EThe following describes the mapping between the CX310s and mezz modules. For example,the CX310s are installed in slots 2X and 3X and connect to Mezz 1.Port Mapping Between a Switch Module and a Mezz ModuleMapping between the CX310 and ports on the MZ311The MZ311 provides four 10GE optical ports, including ports 1, 2, 3, and 4. Ports 1 and 3map to the converged switching plane of the CX310 in slot 2X, and ports 2 and 4 map to theconverged switching plane of the CX310 in slot 3X, as shown in Figure 1-7.Figure 1-7 Mapping between the CX310 and ports on the MZ311Mapping between the CX310 and ports on the MZ510The MZ510 provides two 10GE ports (ports 1 and 2). Ports 1 and 2 map to the convergedswitching plane of the CX310s in slots 2X and 3X respectively, as shown in Figure 1-8.Figure 1-8 Mapping between the CX310 and ports on the MZ510Mapping between the CX310 and ports on the MZ512The MZ512 provides four 10GE optical ports, including ports 1, 2, 3, and 4. Ports 1 and 3 map to the converged switching plane of the CX310 in slot 2X, and ports 2 and 4 map to the converged switching plane of the CX310 in slot 3X, as shown in Figure 1-9.Figure 1-9 Mapping between the CX310 and ports on the MZ5121.7 Software and Hardware CompatibilityThis topic describes mezz modules that can work with the CX310 and pluggable modules andcables supported by ports on the CX310 panel.For details about the software and hardware that are compatible with the CX310, see HuaweiServer Compatibility Checker.Supported Mezz ModulesThe CX310 connects to mezz modules of compute nodes. Table 1-5 describes models andspecifications of the supported mezz modules.Table 1-5 Supported mezz modulesSupported Pluggable Modules and CablesTable 1-6 Supported pluggable modules and cablesCX310 supports multiple pluggable optical modules, fibers, and network cables. You canchoose the modules and cables based on site requirements.l The CX310 provides the following functions for GE applications:–Provides SFP+ optical ports and supports single-mode and multi-mode SFP opticalmodules.–Supports SFP electrical modules.l The CX310 provides the following functions for 10GE applications:–Provides SFP+ optical ports and supports single-mode and multi-mode SFP+optical modules.–Supports 10GE DAC cables, which can be 7 m or 10 m active DAC cables or 1 m,3 m, or 5 m passive DAC cables.–Supports QSFP+ to 4 x SFP+ DAC cables, which can be 1 m, 3 m, and 5 m passiveDAC cables.1.8 Technical SpecificationsThis topic describes the physical, environmental, power, and network switching specificationsof the CX310.Table 1-7 describes the technical specifications of the CX310, and Table 1-8 describes thenetwork switching specifications of the CX310.Table 1-7 Technical specificationsTable 1-8 Network switching specifications2 Standards and Certifications About This Chapter2.1 Standards ComplianceThis topic describes the international and industrial standards and communication protocolsthat the CX310 complies with.2.2 CertificationsThis topic describes the certifications that the E9000 has passed.2.1 Standards ComplianceThis topic describes the international and industrial standards and communication protocolsthat the CX310 complies with.International StandardsTable 2-1 lists the international standards.Table 2-1 Standards and protocol complianceIndustrial StandardsTable 2-2 lists the industrial standards.Table 2-2 Industrial standardsCommunication ProtocolsTable 2-3 lists the communication protocols.Table 2-3 Communication protocols2.2 CertificationsThis topic describes the certifications that the E9000 has passed.Table 2-4 lists the certifications.Table 2-4 Certifications。

H3C Neocean VX1500 V100R001 开局指导书V1.50

H3C Neocean VX1500 V100R001 开局指导书V1.50

文档名称:《VX1500 V100R001产品开局指导书》文档密级:秘密VX1500 V100R001产品开局指导书Deployment Instructions for VX1500V100R001 Test杭州华三通信技术有限公司H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.版权所有侵权必究All rights reserved拟制:Drafted by: 魏敏Date日期2008-09-08评审:Reviewed by: VX1500测试小组,陈君成,张澍韬,上官,蔡斌,李桥,张期莲,秦璞,熊伟,陈凯杰,刘介良,韩立君Date日期2009-03-10审核:Reviewed by: 蔡斌Date日期2009-03-25批准:Approved by: 蔡斌Date日期2009-03-25文档名称:《VX1500 V100R001产品开局指导书》文档密级:秘密修订记录Revision Records文档名称:《VX1500 V100R001产品开局指导书》文档密级:秘密目录1开局流程概述 (2)2典型应用配置 (2)3产品硬件安装 (3)4网络环境配置 (5)5硬件环境检查 (5)6设备上电并启动 (6)7设备配置检查 (6)7.1检查硬件配置 (6)7.2检查指示灯状态 (9)7.3检查软件版本 (11)8初始化配置 (12)8.1设置端口IP和MTU (12)8.2设置服务器名称 (14)8.3设置系统时间 (15)8.4配置业务口聚合(可选) (16)8.4.1网口聚合 (16)8.4.2设置网络路由 (22)9系统告警配置 (25)9.1配置邮件告警 (25)9.2配置SNMP TRAP (27)9.2.1存储端设置 (27)9.2.2 H3C 智能管理平台设置 (28)10磁盘检测 (33)11配置基本存储业务 (34)11.1配置RAID (34)11.1.1登录界面 (34)11.1.2扫描磁盘 (35)11.1.3创建阵列 (35)11.2创建SAN资源 (39)文档名称:《VX1500 V100R001产品开局指导书》文档密级:秘密11.3创建Target (39)11.3.1创建target (39)11.3.2修改Target属性 (42)11.3.3分配资源 (43)12业务运行 (45)13业务检查 (45)14信息收集 (45)14.1保存系统配置 (45)14.2收集事件日志信息 (46)14.3收集诊断日志信息 (48)14.4收集系统串口和IOP串口信息 (51)15相关注意事项 (51)15.1版本使用限制及注意事项 (51)15.2系统相关 (52)16参考资料清单 (53)文档名称:《VX1500 V100R001产品开局指导书》文档密级:秘密开局指导书Customer sites Deployment Instructions关键词:Key words: 开局 VX1500 EX1540S EX1500S摘要:Abstract: 本文提供了VX1500系列产品的开局操作的详细过程,对相关的配置进行了描述。

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