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My dear teacher Mr./Mrs.:

I am greatly reget to tell that I will not be able to take your courses for I will go back to my hometown by train this afternoon.Please forgive me to say those to you and don't worry about my work.I will ask my classmates to help me with it once I am back.Have a nice holiday!



1.A:Professor, I am going to need to leave class early today.B:What is the problem?

A:I need to go to the airport to pick up a relative.B:Are you planning on having someone take notes for you?A:Yes, I've got that part covered.B:When, exactly do you need to leave?

A:I don't need to leave until the very end of class.B:Fine, but next time try and not have to miss class again.A:Thanks, Professor.See you later!

B:See you later!Drive carefully.2.A:I am sorry, but I can't stay until the end of class.B:Where do you need to be that is more important than school?A:I have an appointment.B:Do you have a plan to make up your missed work?

A:No, but I'll make sure someone helps me out this week with my missed work.B:Are you going to go right away?

A:I am leaving right now.B:All right, but please remember that it is your responsibility to catch up.A:Thanks, Professor.I'll make sure everything gets taken care of.B:Goodbye, and try not to miss any more school.缺课请假

1.A:I have to miss school next week.B:Isn't there some way

you could work your schedule out to be here?A:Unfortunately, this is what I have to do.B:How are you going to catch up?

A:I've got it all covered.B:If you miss this class, you will have used up your quota for the semester.A:Don't worry, this will be the last class I miss.B:Make sure to remind me right before you are absent.A:I'll remember.B:Enjoy your day off and don't forget to study!

2.A:Professor, I will not be here for our next class meeting.B:Is this absolutely necessary?

A:I tried to work something out, but I really do have to miss one class.B:Will you be able to make up the work you missed?

A:I'm going to be doing a lot of extra reading.B:Remember that I will only let you miss one class meeting per semester.A:Yes, I remember.B:Could you e-mail me this week as a reminder?

A:Sure, no problem.B:Make good use of that day off;you'll only have one this semester!3.A:Excuse me, Professor.I am going to miss next week's class.B:Is this something that you could schedule for another time?A:No, I have to do this;it's important!

B:Have you arranged for someone to take notes for you?

AI've made arrangements with a friend to help me.B:You know that I only allow one absence per semester, don't you?A:Yes, I know.B:Write down your name and the date on a piece of paper and give it to me.A:OK, I can do that.B:Well, have a good day off from class.


taking a leave of absence

respected leaders:

i am xx sector xx, because xx(events)to leave xx days(xxxx xx
