2014新人教版二年级数学第五单元教案 集体备课教案
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问题:1. 同学们做什么呢?2. 从图中你获得了哪些和读书有关的信息 啊? 3. 要求“阅览室里下午有多少人”该怎样列算式?
பைடு நூலகம்
broken problem, fill the s hort Boar d, so t hat the maj ority of party members a nd fully qualifie d, comprehensive skills of grass-r oots party organizati ons , grass -roots party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learni ng educati on is of great significa nce, re spons ibilitie s, carry s ignifica nt implicati ons.
一、复习旧知:说出各题的运算顺序,再计算。 16+9+8=
32-10-6= 25+20-10= 48-8+17= 二、探究新知 (一)仔细观察,收集信息,解决问题 图书阅览室里上午有 53 人,中午走了 24 人,下午又来了 38 人,阅览室里 下午有多少人?
City levels party and ge neral members cadres , to de ep aware nes s "two learn a do" lear ning e ducati on of importance a nd need, t o heig ht of politi cal consci ously a nd ful l of politi cal e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" lear ning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation adva nce "four a full" strategy layout, and a chi eved "Thirtee n-Five" good start, and speed up constructi on mor e high ecological vitality happine ss of City provides strong powerful guara ntee. Two, starting from the revere d Constituti on re spe cted the party Constit ution was XI Jinpi ng, G eneral Se cretary to the par t y's request , 18 six pl enary s essi on of the Ce ntral Commiss ion for dis cipli ne inspe ction report "five experience" first.
carried out "practi ce li ne pi one er standard, a nd post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities , education gui de member s always every where bearing i n mind ide ntity, base d job post, active play role . To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on g uide party members i n accor dance with their own situati on, target the problems to, ba se d on the w ork done . Pay attention to the room a nd r oom for grass -roots party orga nizations, gras s-r oots party organizati ons have mor e autonomy in e ducation, making e ducation more ground, full of vitality, g ood effect. Finally, highlig ht the normal long -term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of re current e ducation, with long fl owing , continuous li ne of per severance the persevera nce t o pr omote educati onal efforts to rea lize the party's i deol ogical a nd politi cal constructi on of routine instit utionalization. Wit h the party branch a s the base unit. Play the rol e of party bra nches s hould be, i s the key to e ducational success. Ea ch branch must take strict education a nd ma nagement res ponsi bility of party member s, educati on based on lear ning t o make spe cific arrangeme nts, fully mo bilize t he ent husiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place , measure s in pl ace, put i n pla ce. To the party organizati on a s the basic form. In t he standardi zed development of lear ning, make lear ning more effective efforts, a nd w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d part y, party members a nd t he Ge neral Ass embly, tell a good party le ctures, can drive a good topic a bout, preve nt showy wit hout substance, Sham mule s. To im plement the education managem e nt system for basi c support. Dem ocratic mut ual eval uation on party members i n accorda nce with the regulations, t he real perf ormance criteria a nd or der esta blished, s ound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, t o further impr ove the dre dge ex port team, pure self clea ning me cha nism. Party lea ding cadres shoul d adhere to a nd impl ement the central group learning sy stem, to whi ch branch of learning ex cha nges, participati on i n a dual orga nization wit h comrades. Focus on recurrent educati on, y ou al so need t o continue to strengthe n the buildi ng of grass -roots party organizations. Now, the city als o ha s 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Re centl y, the city's party organizati on focus ed inve stigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,50 7, "Pocket" members 1037 , find t here are 64 0 "lost" party members are not contacted 148 "Pocket" party members a nd im pleme ntation of organizati onal relati onshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of par ty members i nto the Organiz ation, there i s a lot of w ork to do. We ak and lax party conti nue d reorgani zation as an importa nt t ask, finis h perfe ct organizati on, with a g ood team, Good system. S pe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizations, t o be dealt with first i n pla ce, furt her educati on, re organizati on, tra nsformation and educational interaction. In short, through s olid a nd effective w ork initiatives
Full strictly administering t he party, first of all, t o exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe t he w hole party, t he r uling party of the party Constit ution. Revered Constitution reflecte d in a we. Party a party of i deals and beliefs pur pose, s ummed up the party's fi ne tradition a nd styl e; a clear party members and w hat ca n be done a nd what must be done, w hat ca nnot be done. E ach Communist Party Constituti on t o awe a nd wary eye e nha nci ng the sacre d se nse of responsibility and missi on.
茶陵县解放学校 二年级数学下册
主备:谭芳桃 个性批注