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住宅工程质量分户验收内容及验收要求1 萧建质监(2007)19号
ow, we are i n a new histori cal stage of all-round constr uction of a well -off society. In perform duties, a nd carried out w ork of process i n the , we to put pe opl e as a gui de principles, and a test standard, efforts from masse s most hope do of thing s do up, from masses most care of hot proble m grabbed, from masse s most not satisfacti on of place modifie d up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandsta ndi ng of cosmetic, to seeki ng of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the i nvestee people is not only an i dea, it is a job re quireme nt. Philosophy thr oug h to the people -ori ented thoug ht in the w ork of the Office, must be cle ar work obje ctives. Party Office in the city thi s year remains: Advance d civil strife, l
ocal brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and unit s dire ctly under the Office to hol d high t he ba nner of first to excellence, people -orie nted re quirem ents, strengt hen t he constr ucti on a nd management of the Office towar ds the w ork "a hig her level". Inve stee 1. political participation ba sed on c onspira cy to a dhere to pe ople -ori ented, will be around t o prom ote coordi nationDevel opment ev ents, great se archi ngs. T he 16 session of the party's sci entific Outlook on devel opment, i s the new Central collective l eadership t o the development of connotati on, development essential s, further dee pen t he essence of development and innovati on, is our party's ruli ng idea a leap. At present, e stabli shi ng and im plementi ng the scie ntific concept of developme nt has become the party's important work. A s the Office of party Committee, working party shoul d servi ce center, initiative to claim leadershi p of the deci sion, the curre nt focus is to f ocus on promoti ng comprehensiv e, coordi nated a nd sustai nabl e devel opme nt with mor suggestions, do more re search, summarize d the ty pical. One i s drafted to raise t he level of your prese ntation. Your prese ntation i s the main Office of "products", is t he ba sic carrier staff service, i s important t o measure service lev els. T he quality of your presentati on, mai nly de pends on how much we drafted a docume nt recog nize d by the lea dership, how ma ny are listeni ng to the people in favour of the report, how many pai d divi dends i n the pra ctical w ork. Impr ove presentation drafting level, re quireme nts we a ccurate grasp led i ntent, Ge neral le d care of work are t o as understa nd, General led consi der of pr oblem are to i n-dept h think
ing; re quireme nts we hig hlight place feature s, put superior a ppr oach pol icy and local act ual combined up, put presentation of theme thr ust and masse s of by thought by wants to combi ned up; requirements we seeks to streamli ned clear, with sim ple of language expre ssion de ep of thoug ht, with short of le ngth hosted ri ch of connotati on. Se cond, t he survey results more. Investigati on of the base, t he roa d to success is somethi ng, is our for the Party Committee's poli cy de cisi on a good i dea, an im portant part of a good staff. This year, to focus ar ound industria l XING cit y, and farmers increa se, a nd a nd manpow er devel opment, a nd seeki ng, major pr obl em and foster a dvantage industry, and adjustment agri cult ural structure, a nd carri ed 附件1
外观尺寸偏差楼层净高净高及净高极差±18mm ,合格率80%,超差点不超过1.5倍。
净开间、净进深净开间进深及极差±16mm ,合格率80%,超差点不超过1.5倍。
楼地面平整度【地验】5.1.7 整体面层的允许偏差应符合表5.1.7 的规定。
(水泥混凝土5mm,水泥砂浆4mm )
墙面垂直度【饰验】4.2.11 一般抹灰工程质量的允许偏差
和检验方法应符合表4.2.11 的规定。
(普通4mm,高级3mm )
【饰验】4.2.11 一般抹灰工程质量的允许偏差和检验方法应符合表4.2.11 的规定。
(普通4mm,高级3mm )
窗台高度【住设】3.9.1 外窗窗台距楼面、地面的高度低于0.90m时,应有防护设施,窗外有阳台或平台时可不受此限制。
窗台的净高度或防护栏杆的高度均应从可踏面起算,保证净高0.90m 。
窗框垂直度【饰验】5.3.12 铝合金门窗安装的允许偏差和检验方法应符合表5.3.12 的规定。
(门窗框的正、侧面垂直度允许偏差2.5mm. 门窗竖向偏离中心允许偏差5mm.)5.4.13 塑料门窗安装的允许偏差和检验方法应符合表 5.4.13 的规定.( 门窗框的正、侧面垂直度允许偏差3mm. 门窗竖向偏离中心允许偏差5mm.)
门窗横框的水平度【饰验】5.3.12 铝合金门窗安装的允许偏差和检验方法应符合表5.3.12 的规定。
5.4.13 塑料门窗安装的允许偏差和检验方法应符合表5.4.13 的规定。
门窗竖向偏离中心【饰验】5.3.12 铝合金门窗安装的允许偏差和检验方法应符合表5.3.12 的规定。
5.4.13 塑料门窗安装的允许偏差和检验方法应符合表5.4.13 的规定。
门洞最小宽度、高度【住设】3.9.5 各部位门洞的最小尺寸应符合表3.9.5的规定。
(宽度:公用外门1.20M ,户门、起居室、门卧室门0.90M ,厨房门0.80,卫生间门、阳台门
(单扇)0.70M 。
高度:2.00M 。
楼地面设计高差 3.0.15 厕浴间、厨房和有排水(或其他液体)要求的建筑地面面层与相连接各类面层的标高差应符合设计要求。
公共楼梯梯段净宽【住设】4.1.2楼梯梯段净宽不应小于1.10m 。
六层及六层以下住宅,一边设有栏杆的梯段净宽不应小于1m 。
低于2m 。
入口处地坪与室外地面应有高差,并不应小于0.10m 。
公共楼梯平台净宽【住设】4.1.4楼梯平台净宽不应小于楼梯梯段净宽,并不得小于1.20m 。
楼梯踏步高宽差【地验】5.2.9,5.3.8 楼梯踏步的宽度、高度应符合设计要求。
楼层梯段相邻踏步高度差不应大于10mm ,每踏步两端宽度差不应大于10mm ;旋转楼梯梯段的
6.2.12 楼梯踏步和台阶板块的缝隙宽度应一致、齿角整齐;楼层梯段相邻踏步高度差不应大于10mm ;防滑条顺直。
【住设】4.1.3 楼梯踏步宽度不应小于0.26m,踏步高度不应大于0.175m。
过道高度【住设】4.1.4 ……。
楼梯平台的结构下缘至人行过道的垂直高度不应低于2m 。
差,并不应小于0.10m 。
【民则】6.7.5 楼梯平台上部及下部过道处的净高不应小于2m ,梯段净高不宜小于2.20m 。
通气管高度【水验】5.2.10 排水通气管不得与风道或烟道连接,且应符合下列规定:①通气管应高出屋面300mm ,但必须大于最大积雪厚度。
②在通气管出口4m 以内有门、窗时,通气管应高出门、窗顶600mm 或引向无门、窗一侧。
③在经常有人停留的平屋顶上,通气管应高出屋面2m ,并应根据防雷要求设置防雷装置。
烟囱、通风道高度【民则】6.14.4 烟道和通风道应伸出屋面,伸出高度应有利烟气扩散,并应根据屋面形式、排出口周围遮挡物的高度、距离和积雪深度确定。
不得小于0.60m ,且不得低于女儿墙的高度。
坡屋面伸出高度应符合下列规定:1、烟道和通风道中心线距屋脊小于1.50m 时,应高出屋脊0.60m ;2、烟道和通风道中心线距屋脊1.50~3.00m 时,应高于屋脊,且伸出屋面高度不得
小于0.60m ;3、烟道和通风道中心线趴屋脊大于3m 时,其顶部同屋脊的连线同水平线之间的夹角不应大于10°,且伸出屋面高度不得小于0.60m 。
扶手高度、栏杆间距【住设】3.7.3 低层、多层住宅的阳台栏杆净高不应低于 1.05m ;中高层、高层住宅的阳台栏杆净高不应低于1.10m 。
3.7.2 阳台栏杆设计应防儿童攀登,栏杆的垂直杆件间净距不应大于0.11m ,放置花盆处必须采取防坠落措施。
3.9.1 外
窗窗台距楼面、地面的高度低于0.90m 时,应有防护设施,窗外有阳台或平台时可不受此限制。
窗台的净高度或防护栏杆的高度均应从可踏面起算,保证净高0.90m 。
4.2.1 外廊、内天井及上人屋面等临空处栏杆净高,低层、多层住宅不应低于1.05m ,中高层、高层住宅不应低于1.10m ,栏杆设计应防止儿童攀登,垂直杆
ow, we are i n a new histori cal stage of all-round constr uction of a well -off society. In perform duties, a nd carried out w ork of process i n the , we to put pe opl e as a gui de principles, and a test standard, efforts from masse s most hope do of thing s do up, from masses most care of hot proble m grabbed, from masse s most not satisfacti on of place modifie d up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandsta ndi ng of cosmetic, to seeki ng of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the i nvestee peop le is not only an i dea, it is a job re quireme nt. Philosophy thr oug h to the people -ori ented thoug ht in the w ork of the Office, must be cle ar work obje ctives. Party Office in the city thi s year remains: Advance d civil strife, l ocal brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and unit s dire ctly under the Office to hol d high t he ba nner of first to excellence, people -orie nted re quirem ents, strengt hen t he constr ucti on a nd management of the Office towar ds the w ork "a hig her level". Inve stee 1. political participation ba sed on conspira cy to a dhere to pe ople -ori ented, will be around t o prom ote coordi nationDevel opment ev ents, great se archi ngs. T he 16 session of the party's sci entific Outlook on devel opment, i s the new Central
collective l eadership t o the development of connotati on, development essential s, further dee pen t he essence of development and innovati on, is our party's ruli ng idea a leap. At present, e stabli shi ng and im plementi ng the scie ntific concept of developme nt has become the party's important work. A s the Office of party Committee, working party shoul d servi ce center, initiative to claim leadershi p of the deci sion, the curre nt f ocus is to focus on promoti ng comprehensiv e, coordi nated a nd sustai nabl e devel opme nt with mor suggestions, do more re search, summarize d the ty pical. One i s drafted to raise t he level of your prese ntation. Your prese ntation i s the main Office of "products", is t he ba sic carrier staff service, i s important t o measure service lev els. T he quality of your presentati on, mai nly de pen ds on how much we drafted a docume nt recog nize d by the lea dership, how ma ny are listeni ng to the people in favour of the report, how many pai d divi dends i n the pra ctical w ork. Impr ove presentation drafting level, re quireme nts we a ccurate grasp led i ntent, Ge neral le d care of work are t o as understa nd, General led consi der of pr oblem are to i n-dept h think ing; re quireme nts we hig hlight place feature s, put superior a ppr oach pol icy and local act ual combined up, put pres entation of theme thr ust and masse s of by thought by wants to combi ned up; requirements we seeks to streamli ned clear, with sim ple of language expre ssion de ep of thoug ht, with short of le ngth hosted ri ch of connotati on. Se cond, t he survey results more. Investigati on of the base, t he roa d to success is somethi ng, is our for the Party Committee's poli cy de cisi on a good i dea, an im portant part
of a good staff. This year, to focus ar ound industria l XING cit y, and farmers increa se, a nd a nd manpow er devel opment, a nd seeki ng, major pr obl em and foster a dvantage industry, and adjustment agri cult ural structure, a nd carri ed 件间净空不应大于0.11m 。
4.1.3 楼梯踏步宽度不应小于0.26m ,踏步高度不应大于0.175m 。
扶手高度不宜小于0.90m 。
楼梯水平段栏杆长度大于0.50m 时,其扶手高度不应小于1.05m 。
楼梯栏杆垂直杆件间净空不应大于0.11m 。
【民则】6.6.3 阳台、外廊、室内回廊、内天井、上人屋面及室外楼梯等临空处应设置防护栏杆,并应符合下列规定: 1 栏杆应以坚固、耐久的材料制作,并能承受荷载规范规定的水平荷载;2 临空高度在24m 以下时,栏杆高度不应低于1.05m ,临空高度在24m 及24m 以上(包括中高层住宅)时,栏杆高度不应低于1.10m ;注:栏杆高度应从楼地面或屋面至栏杆扶手顶面垂直高度计算,如底部有宽度大于或等于0.22m ,且高度低于或等于0.45m 的可踏部位,应从可踏部位顶面起计算。
3 栏杆离楼面或屋面0.10m 高度内不宜留空;【建玻】6.3.2 保护措施应视易发生碰撞的建筑玻璃所处的具体部位不同,分别采取警示(在视线高度设醒目标志)或防碰撞设施(设置护栏)等。
标识【建玻】6.2.5 栏杆用玻璃应符合下列规定: 1 不承受水平荷载的栏杆玻璃应使用符合本规程表6.1.2-1的规定,且公称厚度不小于5mm 的钢化玻璃,或公称厚度不小于6.38mm 的夹层玻璃。
2 承受水平荷载的栏杆玻璃应使用公称厚度不小于12mm 的钢化玻璃或钢化夹层玻璃,当玻璃位于建筑高度为5m 及以上时,应使用钢化夹层玻璃。
6.2.1 门玻璃和固定门玻
璃的选用应符合下列规定: 1 有框玻璃应使用符合本规程表6.1.2-1 规定的安全玻璃;当玻璃面积不大于0.5m2 时,也可使用厚度不小于6mm 的普通退火玻璃和夹丝玻璃。
2 无框玻璃应使用符合本规程表6.1.2-1 的规定,且公称厚度不小于10mm 的钢化玻璃。
6.2.2 室内隔断应采用安全玻璃。
8.2.3 屋面玻璃必须使用安全玻璃。
8.2.4 当屋面玻璃最高点离地面大于5m 时,必须使用夹层玻璃。
8.2.8 用于屋面的夹层玻璃,夹层胶片厚度不应小于0.76mm 。
(一)7层及7层以上建筑物外开窗;(二)面积大于1.5m 2的窗玻璃或玻璃底边离最终装修面小于500mm 的落地窗;(三)幕墙(全玻幕墙除外);
【饰验】5.6.2 玻璃的品种规格尺寸色彩图案和涂膜朝向应
符合设计要求,单块玻璃大于1.5m 2 时应使用安全玻璃。
浮法玻璃(GB 11614-1999 ) 4.2 浮法玻璃的厚度允许偏差应符合表 2 规定,(2-6mm 为±0.2mm,8、10mm 为±0.3mm ,12mm 为±0.4mm )
门窗安装质量通风面积【住设】5.1.5 采用自然通风的房间,其通风开口面积应符合下列规定:
1 卧室、起居室(厅)、明卫生间的通风开口面积不应小于该房间地板面积的1/20。
2 厨房的通风开口面积不应小于该房间地板面积的1/10,并不得小于0.60平方米。
推拉窗防脱落措施【饰验】5.3.4 金属门窗扇必须安装牢固,并应开关灵活、关闭严密,无倒翘。
5.4.5 塑料门窗扇应开关灵活、关闭严密,无倒翘。
【饰验】5.3.6 金属门窗表面应洁净、平整、光滑、色泽一
5.4.8 塑料门窗表面应洁净、平整、光滑,大面应无划痕、碰伤。
5.6.8 玻璃表面应洁净,不得有腻子、密封胶、涂料等污渍。