business law


Business law 关键字知识整理

Business law 关键字知识整理




25 January Phillip lands in Bo tany Bay……1.751AA……9.109 Geo IV Ch. 83……1.7Abolished……9.15Absolute Privilege绝对特权……4.17Absolute Title绝对所有权……3.2ACCC(Australian Competition of Consumer Commission)……9.4Acceptance……5.4合约接受一项要约,即是受要约人在要约有效期及以要约要求的方式显示(不论是明示或默示)其愿意无条件按要约的条件受合约所约束Actual Authority……10.3委托人根据协议下或在合同授予代理人之权限Actual Defense……4.10在普通法下,有欺骗意图的欺骗行为,或妄顾陈述的真确或虚假Actual intent……4.18在合同法中,合约一方的主观意图。

当有可接纳的证据证明合约双方的明示意图,法庭便会就该意图作出相应判决Actual possession……3.2有关产权、对财产当前的实质保管或管制权,或于一处地方拥有该财产而该人于该地拥有保管该财产的权利或权力Actus reus……4.18犯罪行为。

构成罪行的自愿行为或不作为;该项罪行的实质因素Administrative Conflict of Juridictions……2.8Affirmation ……8.8确认,当原告人发觉事实上他有权利撤销合约的时候,若他将合约视作继续存在,他会被认为已确认该合约因而不能撤销该合约Agency ……8.2代理人跟委托人的关系,代理人可以影响委托人跟第三者的法律关系Agreement ……8.8Agreements……7.9Amadio type……8.18Amadio‟s case……7.15Amadio……9.1American Declaration of Independence……1.1Ampol……9.15An option……5.3Anarchists……1.2Anticipatory breach ……8.11提前违约,违约的一种,使受诺人可以在承诺人于指定时间履行合约前终止合约Anti-competition……9.1Anton Pillar order ……8.11该命令强令被告人准许原告人查看被告人的处所,目的在于找出及带走与原告人案件相关的任何资料。

《商法(英文)》business law -Case analysis 1 (2)

《商法(英文)》business law -Case analysis 1 (2)

1.H (D) was the president of a golf club (P) from 1971 to 1990. In 1979, a real estate brokerinformed H (D) that property adjoining the golf course was for sale. H (D) bought the property in her own name, disclosing this information to the Club’s (P) board after the transaction was completed. Subsequently, H (D) obtained other adjoining property and eventually sought to develop homes on these properties. The Club’s (P) of directors opposed this development and asked H (D) to resign. The Club (P) then filed suit against H (D) for breaching her fiduciary duty by taking a corporate opportunity without disclosing it to the board. The trial court ruled for H(D), holding that acquiring properly was not in the Club’s line of business. The Club (P) appealed.Issue: Must corporate officers and directors disclose all relevant information prior to taking personal advantage of any potentially corporate opportunity?Key points: Yes, corporate officers and directors must disclose all relevant information prior to taking personal advantage of any potentially corporate opportunity. Corporate officers bear a duty of loyalty to their corporation. This duty must be discharged in good faith with a view toward furthering the interests of the corporation. And the director may take advantage of a corporate opportunity only after meeting a strict requirement of full disclosure. In the present case, the case mus t be remanded to develop the factual record with regard to the “fulldisclosure” principle.2.Guaranty Trust Company was a chartered trust company whose board of directors includedMeek (D), who was chairman of the board of directors and president of the company, his wife, his son, who ran the day-to-day operations of the company, and three outside directors. When Meek (D) took on fewer duties and semi-retired, his son began investing in GovernmentNational Mortgage Association certificates on a highly leveraged basis. Guaranty sustained increasing losses on this investment as interest rates rose, and finally was forced to file for bankruptcy. When Meek (D) was held to be have breached his duty of care as a director, and to be liable under the statute, he appealed, claiming that his son had made the initial investment decision and that his duty of care should be lessened because he was semi-retired.Issue: will a director be liable under the business judgment rule by failing to be diligent and careful in performing the duties he has undertaken including improper delegation of authority and insufficient supervision over increasing exposure to risk?Key points: Yes, a director may be liable under the business judgment rule by failing to bediligent and careful in performing the duties he has undertaken including improper delegation of authority and insufficient supervision over increasing exposure to risk. Directors and officers are charged with knowledge of those things which it is their duty to know and ignorance is not a basis for escaping liability. Where suspicions are aroused, or should be aroused, it is thedirector’s duty to make the necessary inquiries. Meek (D) had a duty to keep abreast ofGuaranty’s investments. His breach of duty resulted from both his delegation of authority to his son without adequate supervision and his failure to avert Guaranty’s continued exposure toincreasing indebtedness.3.Smith(P) and other shareholders of Trans Union Corporation (D) brought a class action suit torescind a cash-out merger that had been approved by Van Gorkom (D) and other members of the board of directors and ultimately approved by an overwhelming majority of the stockholders.After listening to the evidence, the court held that the business judgment rule applied to raise the presumption that the action taken by the board was an informed one made in good faith in the honest belief it was in the corporation’s best interests. Renewed allegations that the board of directors acted without sufficient information and that the stockholders were also notsufficiently informed prior to their vote of approval formed the basis of the appeal by Smith (P).Issue: Must a decision made by the board of directors be an informed one in order for it to be protected by the judgement rule?Key points: Yes, the business judgment rule affords protection for informed decisions made by a board of directors. The concept of gross negligence is the proper standard for making thatdetermination. Here, it is evident the board did not make a deliberate determination whether to approve the merger. A director cannot abdicate his duty by leaving the decision to theshareholders alone, and even they were not adequately informed.4.After several of the directors of the Kirby Foundation, a nonstock charitable corporation, suedFred Kirby (D) for breach of fiduciary duty to the corporation, Oberly (P), the attorney General, intervened on behalf of the beneficiaries of the charity. Oberly (P) alleged that the directors of the Kirby Foundation(D) had breached their fiduciary duties to the corporation by voting to approve the transaction between the Foundation and Allegheny Corporation, because all four Foundation directors(D) held large blocks of Allegheny stock and therefore had an interest in the transaction. The court of chancery upheld the fairness of the Allegheny exchange. The attorney general (P) appealed, alleging that the Allegheny transaction should be judged under principles of trust law, rather than corporate law.Issue: do the interested directors bear the burden of proving the intrinsic fairness of aninterested transaction by showing the entire fairness of the transaction in all its aspects,including both the fairness of the price and the fairness of the directors’ dealings?Key points: Yes, the interested directors bear the burden of proving the intrinsic fairness of an interested transaction by showing the entire fairness of the transaction in all its aspects,including both the fairness of the price and the fairness of the directors’dealings. As long as agiven transaction is fair to the corporation, and no confidential relationship is betrayed, it may not matter that certain corporate officers will profit as the result of it. The key to an adequate evaluation of the fairness of a transaction is reliable and complete information. Several factors supported the decision of the Foundation’s directors (D) not to seek alternatives to theAllegheny transaction. This court finds that both the negotiations and the price were fair. Although the law requires that corporate directors evaluate the propriety of a given transaction on the basis of a full complement of information, it does not require that they seek a formal fairness opinion. In light of the high cost of a fairness opinion, we do not believe that the directors (D) in failing to seek one.。

商业法(business law)第一章

商业法(business law)第一章

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© 2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
Constitutional Law. Statutory Law.

Uniform Laws (NCCUSL). Uniform Commercial Code.
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Business Law

Business Law

Topic 1Public lawPublic law is a theory of law governing the relationship between individuals (citizens, companies) and the state. Under this theory, constitutional law, administrative law and criminal law are sub-divisions of public law.Private lawPrivate law is that part of a civil law legal system which is part of the jus commune that involves relationships between individuals, such as the law of contracts or torts[1] (as it is called in the common law), and the law of obligations (as it is called in civil legal systems).Doctrine (信条) of reception (接收)In common law, the doctrine of reception (properly, reception of the common law of England in a colony) refers to the process in which the English law becomes applicable (适用的) to a British Crown Colony (英国直辖殖民地).Topic 2Australia was formed in 1901, with 6 separate states, share the powers between the states and the governmentThe doctrine of separationLegislative make lawExecutive manageJudiciary interpret and applyThe doctrine says all three branches must be separate, but in reality, the legislative and the executive are connected because of the governmentThe queen is the crownThe governor general represent the crown, doesn't have the real power, it is for ceremonySenateHouse of the representativesJudicial powerOnly high court can interpret constitutionTopic 4Court HierarchyAustralia has separate systems of courts at Commonwealth, state and territory levels. Each court system is arranged as a hierarchy, by dividing the courts into different levels of power and importance. Each state and territory has its own court hierarchy, and ach court had its own jurisdictions.Jurisdiction (司法权、权限)The power of a court to hear certain types of casesCourt system in China最高人民法院高级人民法院中级人民法院初级人民法院ADR - Alternative dispute resolutionInvolves using methods outside the court system to resolve disputesOnly in civil mattersThe standard of proofThe degree of proof required in order to succeed in a legal action.•Criminal cases: Beyond reasonable doubt•Civil cases: On the balance of probabilitiesThe Victorian Court HierarchyJuryA panel of people drawn from the community who can decide the outcome of some cases Doctrine (信条) of Precedent (先例)Cases involving similar facts should be resolved in a similar way by courts, which means stand by what has already been decided.Further, a lower court in a hierarchy must follow a decision of a higher court in the same hierarchy where the facts of the 2 cases are similarReason: Fairness and consistencyPrecedent(先例) – Judge – made LawA precedent is a decision of a court that establishes one or more legal principles, known as common law, case-law or judge-made law.Essentially a lower court in a hierarchy is bound to follow a decision of a higher court in the same hierarchy where the facts of the 2 cases are similar. The decision of the higher court would be referred to as a binding (捆绑) precedent.There are other precedents that a court may not be bound to follow but may still be useful to that court in making decision which are called persuasive precedents.Precedents will only be created by these courts where there is no existing law or where the existing law has been added to or varied in some way to deal with new circumstances.What part of a precedent is a court bound (obliged, must) to follow?•Courts must follow the ratio decidendi of earlier similar decisions•Courts are not bound to follow obiter dicta contained in earlier decisions Adversary (对手) System of TrialA “trial” is the hearing of a case (civil or criminal). 2 or more parties bring an action to court and are likened to opponents in a sporting match to debate. P 41QuestionsWhat do we call the part of a judge’s decision tha t must be followed in lower courts in the same hierarchy?What is the difference of the standard of proof in a criminal matter and in a civil matter?改错题Jane is suing Billy for negligence, claiming that the food she ate in his restaurant was not fresh and made her ill. She is claiming specific performance of $50,000 from Billy. The trial is set for June 12 in the Supreme Court of Victoria. To avoid going to jail, Billy must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the food in his restaurant was not the cause of Jane’s illness.Parts of the AnswerDamage is 50,000, under 100000 so she should not go to Supreme courtThe civil matter is called a hearing not a trialIn a civil matter billy will not be sent to jailJane is the plaintiff so she is responsible for the proofTopic 5Sole trader•One person owns and controls•Owner keeps all profits•Owner is not separate legal entity•Death or illness could be a problem•Unlimited LiabilityPartnership also have unlimited liabilityCompany•Separate legal entity•Fictional person•Incorporated•Can sue and be sued•Can make contracts•Constitution and or replaceable rules•Perpetual existence•Limited liabilitiesDisadvantages•Document requirement•More responsibleThe veil of incorporationA company’s separate existence, like a protection (the veil) between the company and the shareholders, from liability for company obligations债务.Shareholders’ rightsReceive a proportion of the company’s profits in the form of dividendsTake part in management of the companyReceive certain financial info from the companyReceive a proportion of the company’s capital if the company is wound up (terminated) Proprietary and Public CompaniesRegistering a Business NameOnly you use the owner’s surname and initials, or the company must be registered Question1.Roy runs a second hand hospital equipment sales business, called Recyled Roy. Though hiswarehouse is situated in Victoria he sells equipment online across Australia. Under the business names legislation, where does he have to register his business name?•He has to register the company’s name in every state and territory, because he’s selling the equipment across Australia.2.What protection does the veil of incorporation provide to company owners?•Protection from liability and company debts3.Emily is currently operating as a sole trader in the fashion industry. As she is becoming moresuccessful, she has been advised to incorporate her business. Explain what incorporation means and what are the advantages and disadvantages of incorporation•Incorporation is the legal process by which a by which a business becomes a company.This means it is a separate legal entity from its directors, shareholders, employees, members and creditors.•Advantages (when taking exam, write in sentences)1.Limited liability2.Perpetual existencepany can sue and be sued in its own name•Disadvantages4.Strict reporting responsibilities to ASIC5.Profits are shared6.Many different individuals (CEO, Directors, and Shareholders) have aninfluence on the running of the business, so less of control by the owner.7.Shareholders of a publicly listed company have the right to receive dividend股息Topic 6A power of attorney (全权委任书)A universal agent (总代理) has unrestricted (无限制的) authority to act on behalf of the principal.The most common way in which they may be appointed is under a power of attorney. P82 AgencyImportant partiesPrincipalAgentThird PartyWhat are the duties of an Agent to the principal?1.Obey the principal’s lawful instructions2.Act in person3.Act in the principal’s best interests4.Not misuse confidential info5.Not make a secret profit or take a secret commission6.Take care of the property of the principal7.Keep separate and proper accountse reasonable skill and diligenceExplain what is a mercantile agent?Mercantile (商业) agents, to do with buying and selling, that have possession of another person’s goods for the purpose of the selling those goods. P83Agency can be created by:•Ratification (批准) : is the approval or confirmation by a principal of an agent’s act after the agent has performed them.CaseRose is an employee in the International Education Department at Henan University. She is responsible for ordering stationary. She decides that the department’s software needs updating, so places an order for new software. Her boss, Mr Shu, was unaware of Rose’s order at the time she made it and did not authorize Rose to act on his behalf. However, he subsequently agrees with her that the software needs updating and supports her action.Has an agency relationship been created?If so, explain how.Topic 8NegligenceWhat is the standard of proof of negligence?•Criminal cases: Beyond reasonable doubt•Civil cases: On the balance of probabilitiesWho is your neighbor in law?A person who is closely and directly affected by my actIn order to prove negligence all of the following 3 elements must be proven:1.The defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff (the Neighbour Principle)2.The defendant breached that duty of care3.The plaintiff suffered damage as a result of that breach(In exam, can write only the duty of care, the breach of care and damage)To decide whether it is (workbook p 133IssueRulesApplicationApplying the test of reasonable foreseeability (Donoghue & Stevenson), a reasonable person in Monica’s position would have foreseen that a member of the public could be injured on the wet floor on rainy days if the door was not repaired or the side entrance not blocked off.ii. The vulnerability and control test (Perre v Apand)Applying the vulnerability and control test (Perre v Apand), Monica as owner of the supermarket could control the site and prevent or minimize risk of injury to the public.Her customers were relying on her to keep the area safe.2. Was there a breach of the duty of care? (Standard of care)4.Did the plaintiff suffer damage?CaseLily was dining at a local restaurant with some friends. The restaurant had a leak in the roof near the toilets and in rainy weather water would collect in a small puddle in front of the ladies’ toilet, which was located on top of a set of small stairs. The owner of the restaurant, Jason, was aware of the problem but had not yet organized roof repairs. It was raining heavily outside the night Lily and her friends were eating in the restaurant.As Lily was coming out of the ladies’ toilet, she stepped in the puddle and slipped, falling down the stairs near the toilet. She sprained her ankle, broke her arm and sustained bruising. She was unable to work for 3 months and her medical bills totaled $40,000. After seeking advice from a lawyer, Lily decided to sue the restaurant.1.Is this a civil or criminal matter?Explain the reasons for your answer.2.On which party is the burden of proof?3.What is the standard of proof in this matter?4.What types of legal action can Lily take against Jason, the restaurant owner?5.What legal outcome would Lily hope to achieve?AnswerThis is a civil matter as it is a legal dispute between 2 citizens. Lily, the restaurant customer, could sue Jason, the owner of the restaurant in negligence. (Or the main issue is whether Lily could successfully sue Jason the owner of the restaurant in negligence.)The burden of proof, known in law as the onus of proof, lies with Lily, who is the plaintiff in this legal action. Lily must prove on the balance of probabilities that Jason was negligent in failing to repair the roof of the restaurant.(Briefly state whether the plaintiff can prove negligence.You do not need to follow and apply the Negligence format attached to the…)The requirements of negligence to be proved by Lily are DOC, Breach and Damages. Occupiers of land must take reasonable care to avoid a reasonably foreseeable risk of injury to anyone who comes onto their land. (Australian Safeway Stores v Zalzuna.) SO, Jason owed a duty of care to Lily to ensure there was no water on the floor which she could slip on and injure herself.(Note: it is also acceptable to briefly apply the reasonable foreseeability test and vulnerability and control tests if you wish)It would have been fairly easy and not too costly for Jason to repair the leaking roof and his failure to do so is likely to amount to a breach of the duty of care. The injuries Lily suffered werecaused by Jason’s breach of the duty of care. There are no defenses available to Ja son…Lily could claim special damages of $40,000 for her medical expenses and 3 months’ salary as loss of income. She could also claim general damages for pain, suffering and anxiety. It is unlikely that her injuries would affect her future earning capacity or create any long-term loss of enjoyment of life.Topic 7 Contract Law在英国法中,作为合同内容的合同条款从形式上可以分为两类,即明示条款(express terms)和默示条款(implied terms)。

business law

business law

The types of business law
公司法 Company Law 商标法 Trademark Law
海商法 Admiralty Law
保险法 Insurance Law
票据法 law of Negotiable Instrument 商业银行法 Commercial Banks Law

Legal terms
Sue 控告, 法院﹚ 控告,向﹙法院﹚起诉 Prosecute 对…提出公诉 提出公诉 Trademark 商标,品牌 商标, Court 法院, 法院,法庭 Lawyer 律师 Case 案件, 案件,诉讼 Judge 法官、﹙纠纷等的﹚仲裁人 法官、 纠纷等的﹚ Defence 被告方(包括被告人及其辩护律师) 被告方(包括被告人及其辩护律师) Litigation 诉讼 争讼 诉讼,争讼

技术性 Technicality
Rentability 营利性
Compatibility 兼容性
Variability 变动性
Internationalis m 国际性

What’s your opinion about this case? a. The company already used the color on its other brands. b. Only part of the company could be prosecuted.

The second case
Going Green (环保绿的官司) 环保绿的官司) 环保绿的官司



大陆法各国的法院组织虽然各有特点,但都 有一些共同之处.主要表现在: 法院的层次基本相同;各国除普通法院以外, 都有一些专门法院与普通法院同时并存. 各国法院基本上都分为三级,即第一审法院、 上诉法院和最高法院.
在美国,反共产党、反共产主义和社会主 义,是不需要任何理由的,反本身就是理 由。马克思主义归根到底就是一句话:反 对资本奴役劳动,最终要消灭资本,解放 劳动,未来要让劳动者自由联合,自己为 自己劳动。所以,共产党传承马克思,美 国则是最崇拜资本、最强大的资本主义国 家,谁有资本、谁的资本大,谁就有权利, 谁可以说了算,没有资本就没有发言权。
1)上议院的判决是具有约束力的先例,对全国各级审判机关 都有约束力, 一切审判机关都必须遵循,但上议院可不受其先例的约束. (2)上诉法院的判决可构成对下级法院有约束力的先例,而 且对上诉法院本
身也有约束力. (3)高级法院的每一个庭的判决对一切低级法院有约束力, 对高等法院的其
条约又分双边条约和多边条பைடு நூலகம்(又称公约)
国际惯例,是指国际经济法主体重复类似的行为而上升为 对其具有拘束力的规范. 法律上的惯例与习惯是有本质的不同的,前者一旦被当事 人加以采用,便对该当事人具有法律拘束力,后者只是一种 习惯的行为.从这个意义上说,虽然国际惯例没有普遍的约 束力,无法与国际公约的效力相比,但在某些具体的当事人 之间却有像国际公约一样的强制力.有些国际惯例已经被 某些国家纳入其国内的成文法,从而具有了法律的普遍约 束力.还有些国家的国内法规定,国际惯例的适用无须当事 人明示表示同意.由此可见,目前国际惯例与国际公约在强 制力上的这种区别已经被渐渐淡化了,采用国际惯例已经 成为国际上的一种趋势.我国对国际商事活动中的国际惯 例,历来给予高度的重视,并严格予以遵守.


International Licensing Agreements
• International licensing agreements: contracts by which the holder of intellectual property will grant certain rights in that property to a foreign firm to use for a period of time under certain conditions in return for a licensing fee • How does this work as a business model? • Technology transfer: exchange of technology and know how between firms in different countries through licensing
– Copyrights: legal rights to an artistic or written work – Trademarks: the legal right to use a name or symbol; that identifies a firm or its product – Patents: governmental grants to inventors assuring them of the legal right to produce, use and sell their invention for a period of years
Trade: exporting
• Direct: often use foreign sales agents • Indirect: use export trading companies


每年秋 季,春季
商务和经 济学院 市场营销 学院
$34000 约合 20 万(人民
每年秋 季,春季
商务和经 济学院 市场营销 学院
$34000 约合 20 万(人民
每年秋 季,春季
商务和经 济学院 市场营销 学院
$34000 约合 20 万(人民
每年秋 季,春季
商务和经 济学院 市场营销 学院





学制/ 授予学位 开学时间 所在院系 学费/年

会计学 Accounting
商务和经 $34000
每年秋 济学院 约合 20
季,春季 会计和金 万(人民
每年秋 季,春季
商务和经 济学院 经济学院
$34000 约合 20 万(人民
每年秋 季,春季
商务和经 济学院 经济学院
$34000 约合 20 万(人民
每年秋 季,春季
商务和经 济学院 经济学院
$34000 约合 20 万(人民
每年秋 季,春季
商务和经 济学院 管理学院
$34000 约合 20 万(人民
管理学 3
Managem en t
人力资源管理 3
Human resource management
人力资源管理 3
Human resource management Business

business law考题总结(完善版)

business law考题总结(完善版)

Topic 11.An example of public law is:A.A wife being charged with the murder of her husbandB.A student signing a lease on an apartment to rent.C.A claim for damages for negligenceD.A woman seeking custody of her children2. Explain the Doctrine of Reception.3. What is a precedent?4. What do we call the part of a judge's decision that must be followed in lower courts in the same hierarchy?5. What is the difference between the standard of proof in a criminal matter and in a civil matter?Topic 21. Who represents the Crown in Federal and State parliaments?2. The name of the Upper House in the Federal parliament is the Legislative Council. T/F3. Explain the Doctrine of the Separation of Powers.4. What is the name of the arm of government that interprets and applies the laws made by parliaments?5. The following extract is from a newspaper article and contains many errors andcorrects them, explaining the reasons for your answers.Jane is suing Billy negligence, claiming that the food she ate in his restaurant was not fresh and made her ill. She is claiming specific performance for $50,000 from Billy. The trial is set for June 12 in the Supreme Court of Victoria. To avoid going to jail, Billy must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the food in his restaurant was not the cause of Jane's illness.Which court has jurisdiction to hear matters involving the interpretation of the Australian Constitution?Topic 4Examine the Court Hierarchy in Australia and answer the following questions.1. Which court has jurisdiction to hear matters involving the interpretation of the Australian Constitution?2. The County Court of Victoria hears summary criminal matters. T/F3. Which court is at the intermediary level of the Victorian Court hierarchy?4. Provide legal definitions of the following two legal terms:Ratio DecidendiPrecedent5. What is the term used to describe methods of resolving disputes that are used to outside the court system?Topic 51. Shareholders of a publicly listed company have the right to receive dividends and buy and share sells on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). True/False2.Roy run a second hand hospital equipment sales business, called Recylced Roy. Though his warehouse is situated in Victoria he sells equipment online across Australia. Under the business names legislation, where does he have to register his business name?3.What protection does the veil of incorporation provide to company owners?4.A proprietary company can be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. T/F5.What is a sole trade liability for the debts of his/her business?6. Emily is currently operating as a sole trader in the fashion industry. As she is becoming more successful, she has been advised to incorporate her business. Explain what incorporation means and what are the advantages and disadvantages of incorporation.Answer: Incorporation is the legal process by which a by which a business becomes a company. This means it is a separate legal entity from its director,shareholders, employees, members and creditors.Advantages: Limited liabilityPerpetual existenceCompany can sue and be sued in its own nameDisadvantages: Strict reporting responsibilities to ASICProfits are sharedMany different individuals (CEO, Directors, Shareholders) havean influence on the running of the business, so loss of control bythe owner.Topic 61.What are the duties of an Agent to the principal?2.Explain what a mercantile agent is.3.Rose is an employee in the International Education Department at HenanUniversity. She is responsible for ordering stationary. She decides that the department’s software needs updating, so place an order for new software. Her boss, Mr. Shu, was unaware of Rose’s order at the time she made it and did not authorize Rose to act on his behalf. However, he subsequently agrees with her that the software needs updating and supports her action.Has an agency relationship been created? If so, explain how.Topic 71. Suzie is looking for a new dress to wear to her graduation ceremony. She has a budget of $150. She notices a beautiful cream silk dress with a price tag of $150. She can’t believe her luck and rushes to the sales counter. The sales assistant tells her there’s a mistake on the price tag and she needs to add another zero to the price, making it $1500!Can Suzie insist on paying only $150 for the dress? Explain your answer.2. Karen is 16 years of age and has always dreamed of being a hairdresser. She enters into a four year apprenticeship agreement with Exotic Beauty Salon in the heart of Melbourne. Under the terms of the agreement, she will be trained in all aspects of hair care and styling. There are some additional clauses in the contract which require her to stay back after the salon is closed to mop the floors and clean the shop and beauty equipment, as required by management, this work is unpaid, and it means that her working day is extended to up to 12 hours per day, 6 days per week, for a low 1st year apprenticeship salary of $100 per week. All beauty services that she would like to avail herself of are offered to her at a discounted rate and she is able to buy hair and beauty products at wholesale prices.Answers:Issue:❖Whether there is an enforceable contrast between Karen and the Salon.❖Capacity contractLaw:❖Contracts with minors are invalid except:❖Contracts with minors that are beneficial contracts of service will be valid and enforceable.❖Any cases? (Check readings).Apply to laws:❖There is a contract of service between Karen and the Salon as this is an apprenticeship agreement. The question is whether it is beneficial.The question is whether it is a beneficial agreement. Is it, on balance, of benefit to Karen?Advantages?Disadvantages?❖Decide whether the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.Conclusion:Decide whether overall it is a beneficial contract of service or not. If so, Karen is free to leave and cannot be sued for breach. There is no valid contract.Topic 81.Lily was dining at local restaurant with some friends. The restaurant had a leak in the roof near the toilets and in rainy weather would collect in a small puddle in front of the ladies’ toilet, which was located on top of a set of small stairs. The owner of therestaurant, Jason, was aware of the problem but had not yet organized roof repairs. It was raining heavily outside the night Lily and her friends were eating in the restaurant.As Lily was coming out of the ladies’ toilet, she stepped in the puddle and slipped, falling down the stairs near the toilet. She sprained her ankle, broke her arm and sustained bruising. She was unable to work for three months and her medical bills totaled $40,000.After seeking advice from a lawyer, Lily decided to sue the restaurant.●Is this a civil or criminal matter? Explain the reasons for your answer.●On which party is the burden of proof?●What is the standard of proof in this matter?●What types of the legal action can Lily take against Jason the restaurantowner?●What legal outcome would Lily hope to achieve?Answer:This is a civil matter as it is a legal dispute between two citizens. Lily, the restaurant customer, would sue Jason, the owner of the restaurant in negligence.The burden of proof, known in law as the onus of proof, lies with Lily, who is the plaintiff in this legal action. Lily must prove on the balance of probabilities that Jason was negligent in failing to repair the roof of the restaurant. Further, she must show that it was this failure that caused her injuring.Lily would rely on the legal principles established in Donoghue v Stevenson. The requirements to be proved by the plaintiff are DOC, Breach and Damages.Also mention Occupiers’ Liability, Australian Safety Stores Ltd V Zaluzna.Legal OutcomeBriefly state whether you think Lily would be successful in her claim of negligence and why. You do not need to apply the Negligence format. You can if you want to butyou must include answers to the questions.Discuss DamagesIf successful in her claim, Lily can sue the restaurant for damages.General damages e.g. pain, suffering and anxiety, loss of future earning capacity and loss of enjoyment of life. State which damages you think she would be able to claim and why.Special damages e.g. medical expenses and loss of income. Discuss as above.。

Business Law - An Introduction 2012-10-19

Business Law - An Introduction 2012-10-19

Cw Source
The different between Statutory and Common Law
(2)Directives 指令
指令是一种应用较广的法律形式。指令本身对欧共体的公民并不具有直接的 约束力,每个指令都有一个时 间规定,它要求各成员国在此期限内将指令的 内容转化为成员国的法律。只有从这时起指令才对公民个人 具有法律效力。
(3)Decisions 决定
这是一种执行决议,是执行欧盟法令的一项行政措施,目的在于提高欧盟法 令的公开性和透明度,约束有 关成员国、公司或某个人。决定可由理事会或 委员会发布,往往涉及有关协议规定的某个领域,对企业或 个人行为产生直 接影响。 (4)Recommendations and Opinions 建议和意见 建议和意见不具备任何的法律约束力。它作为欧盟立法趋势和政策导向,仅 供成员国参考。
法律: 法规: 中国人民代表大会及其常委会 国务院以及地方各级人民代表大会
规章: 解释:
国务院各部委以及地方各级人民政府 人大常委会以及最高人民法院、最高 人民检察院、公安部等
Common Law Source
Sources of Scots Law
EU Legislation 欧盟立法
Treaties — take effect when ratified by Westminster Parliament in UK.
(1)Regulation 规定 从性质上讲, 共同体的法规相当于成员国国内法律体系中的法律。它在生效后 不须成员国立法机关将其转换成为国内法,即对各成员国具有直接约束力。 在绝大多数情况下,欧盟委员会根据理事会指定的基础规 定颁布相应的实施 细则。



法律英语词汇集锦商法总论商人法law merchant商法commercial law mercantile Law Business Law禁反言estoppel商事关系commercial relation主观主义标准standard of subjectivism客观主义标准standard of objectivism商事法律关系Legal commercial relation商人人格关系commercial personality relation商事营业关系commercial business relation新商人主义标准Standard of neo- merchant creed民商立法体制civil and commercial legislative system民商分立体制separation system of civil and commercial codes 民商合一体combination system of civil and commercial codes 分合折衷体制eclecticism legislative system主观意义的企业business客观意义的企业enterprise商主体merchant commercial person商行为commercial action商事代理commercial agent商业名称trade name行纪人broker公司法公司corporation company合伙partnership合股公司joint-stock company特许公司chartered corporation注册公司registered corporation法定公司statutory corporation无限公司unlimited corporation有限责任公司limited corporation股份有限公司limited by shares母公司parent corporation子公司susbsidiaries上市公司quoted corporation公司集团groups保证公司limited by guarantee慈善公司charitable corporation控股公司holding corporation; holding company公开公司publicly held corporation闭锁公司closely held corporation公公司a pub1ic company私公司a private company一人公司one-man company公司治理corporation governance公司人格corporation personality契约束nexus of contract公司法人格否认Disregard of Corporate Personality刺破公司面纱Piercing the Corporate Veil揭开公司面纱,Lifting the veil of the Corporation普通合伙general partnership有限合伙Limited partnerships合伙人partner有限责任limited liability公司章程articles of association注册证书certificate of incorporation articles of incorporation 发起人的受托义务Promoter’s fiduciary obligation认购协议subscription agreement既成事实公司de facto corporation法律上的公司de jure corporation公司设立瑕疵defective incorporation受托人义务fiduciary obligation结论性证据conclusive evidengce股份share股息dividends关联第三方connected third parties出资(投资)invest股东shareholder小股东minority shareholder单个股东individual shareholder消极股东passive shareholder积极股东active shareholder刺穿公司面纱pierce the corporate veil揭开公司面纱lifting the company veil逆向合并reverse merger收购公司acquiring company正向合并forward merger股权收购share acquisition股权收购share acquisition收购公司acquiring company收购目标公司target company资产收购asset acquisition公司责任liability of corporationmechanics of incorporating公司结构(组织)Corporation constructure董事director高级职员Officer股东权Powers of shareholder选任elect解任remove年会(常会)annual meeting兼并merger解散dissolution自愿解散voluntary dissolution强制解散法院解散judicial dissolution清算liquidation wind up董事会board of directors累计投票权cumulative voting right任期term董事的延期holdover director董事的解除removal of director董事会会议directors’meeting公告notice法定人数quorum少数lower number绝对多数super majority自己表决present at vote多数higher numberunanimous written consentobjection by director委员会committee细则bylaw董事长president公司秘书secretary股东诉讼shareholders actionbreaking quorum股东的信息获取权shareholders’informational right股东的帐簿与记录检查权shareholders’inspection of books and records 公司融资corporation finance财务报告financial report损益表income statement资产负债表balance sheet年度报告annual report季度报告quarterly report掺水股票watered stocktrust fund theory许可authorization发起人promoter营业执照trade charter票面价值par valuemisrepresentation theory优先购买权pre-emptive right库藏股treasury shares受托责任fiduciary dutypublic offerings of securities有价证券security权益证券equity security债务证券debt security债券bondfiling of registration statement普通股common stock优先股preferred stock资本capital授权且己发行资本authorized and issued Capital授权资本(名义资本)authorized capital、nominal capital 己发行资本issued capital已缴资本paid-up capital待缴资本uncalled capital催缴股本called-up capital保留资本reserve capital股权资本equity capital借贷资本loan capital声明股本stated capital票面价值par value,缩写为PV无票面价值no par value 缩写NPV法定资本制legal capital system授权资本制system authorized Capital转投资reinvestment资本确定原则prinzipdes festen grund kapitals资本维持原则principle of maintenance of capital资本不变原则Prinzipder Bestandingkedes Grund kapitals 重组re-classified股票再分割sub-divide注销cancel未发行的股份注册资本the registered capital分配distribution公司登记官the Registrar合并股份consolidate分割股份divide库存股treasure stock减资决议a resolution for reducing share capital红利股bonus shares雇员持股制度an employees’share system设立报告incorporators'report资本不足inadequate Capitalization最低资本额制度grundsatz des mindestgrund kapitals商业登记官the commercial Register授权资本额the amount of the authorized capital创立主义konstruktionsprinzip、Incorporation净资产net assets、net worth资本盈余paid-in surplus缴付盈余paid-in surplus减资盈余reduction surplus泡沫法案The bubble act合股公司法The joint-stock companiesAct泡沫废止法The Bubble Act Repeal Act代理理论Principal-agent Theory契约的集合nexus of contracts越权行为ultra vires act特许公司中chartered corporation优先债权人senior creditor次位债权subordinated creditor公司治理corporate governance股东之公平对待the equitable treatment of shareholders股东之权利the rights of shareholders信息揭露及透明性disclosure and transparency董事会的责任the responsibilities of the board股权代理人proxy监事会aufsichtsrat , supervisor board董事与公司间之交易self-dealing动机不纯之公司行为corporate action with mixed motives挪用公司或股东财产the taking of corporate or shareholder property 代表诉讼derivative suit少数股东权derivative action董事义务与责任shareholder' right and liability买回repurchase交叉持股cross ownership重整corporate reorganization股东会shareholder meeting董事会board of directors独立董事Independent Director内部董事inside director公司经理人officer外部监察人outside supervisor执行委员会executive committee监察委员会audit committee报酬委员会remuneration committee提名委员会nominating committee经营判断原则The Business Judgment Rule关系人交易conflict of interest股份收买请求权appraisal right资本不足under capitalization未遵守公司形式failure to follow corporate formalities公司财务报表、功能、或人员之重叠overlap of corporate recordsfunction or personnel资产混淆commingling of assets股东之支配能力shareholder domination不实陈述misrepresentation)诈欺fraud具有支配权之股东dominant shareholder公司机会corporate opportunity无表决权股non-voting share多数表决权股multiple-voting share表决权信托voting trust认股选择权制度stock option新股认购权warrant章程(组织)大纲英国称为memorandum of association 和articles of association,而在美国则被称为articles和bylaws。

chapter 1 国际商法概述解析

chapter 1 国际商法概述解析

调整范围局限于商事关系 营利性是商事行为的主要特征 特别法优先于普通法
四、我国的民商立法概况 P13-14
案例分析 P15-16
一、案情介绍: Gaskin V. Stumm Handel GMBH
二、思考角度: 1、真实意思表示 VS 合同内容约定 2、欺诈 or 误解 or 疏忽 3、合同约定 VS 法律规定
高等教育出版社 2012年版
Chapter One
Introduction to International Business Law
Key Terms
International business law 国际商法
第二节 渊 源(形式渊源)
一、国际商事条约 Conventions 双边条约和多边条约
二、国际商事惯例Customs 一般做法general practice
习惯usage 惯例custom
第三节 中国民商法概述
一、民法 Civil Law 市民法jus civile 万民法jus gentium
1、概念 调整平等主体间的财产关系和人身关系 2、调整对象 财产关系:物质性财产和非物质性财产 人身关系:人格权和身份权 3、基本原则 平等、自愿、公平、诚信、守法和公序良俗

商法 business law

商法  business law

商法business law商法概述概念、特征、原则、调整对象、体系渊源、产生发展、与其它部门法关系一、商commerce 营利性行为的总称商业的commercial概念:法学的所说的商包括流通领域和生产领域。

















国际商法International Business Law

国际商法International Business Law

一、国际商法International Business Law二、国际商法的概念(一)定义(What is international business law?)International business law is the body of rules and norms that regulates activities carried out outside the legal boundaries of states. In particular, it regulates the business transactions of private persons internationally,and the intermantional relationships of international commercial organizations.调整国家之间、不同国家和地区的商事组织之间以及它们之间在从事国际商事交易活动中所形成的各种关系的法律规范的总称。





四、国际商法的渊源(一)国际商事条约(international treaties and conventions)Legally, treaties are binding agree-ments between two or more states, and conventions are legally binding agree-ments between states sponsored by international organizations, such as the United Nations.The following are the most important international conven-tions: CISG, Hague Rules, WTO’s DSU, etc.1、优点:对缔约国具有确定的法律约束力,通过并入或转化使其成为国内法的一部分。

business law相关名词英语解释

business law相关名词英语解释

international law:The body of rules and norms that regulates activities carried on beyond the legal boundaries of a single state.the sources of international law:Treaties、Conventions、Custom(2 basic elements:Behavioral;Psychological.)、General Principles&Others Comparison: Civil Law System mostly influenced by Roman Law、Germanic Tribal Law、Canon Law&Law mon Law System Mostly influenced by Customary Practice of the Courts in England、Roman Law、Canon Law&Law Merchant.History&Distribution.State Responsibility:The liability of a state for the injuries that it causes to aliens and foreign businesses.Doctrine of Imputability:If the acts are done by officials of a country within their apparent authority, including:Acts within the scope of an official’s authority,Acts outside their scope of authority when the state provides the means or facilities to accomplish the acts.PS : Non-imputable Acts —Acts of private persons —Acts of officials of other states or international organization—Acts of insurrectionaries—State terrorism.Standard of Care:National standard of care (Third World Countries)—Treating aliens as the same as nationals.International standard of care ( Most Western Countries)-The state is responsible for injuring aliens when its conduct violates the international norms.Objections:①Lack of Standing:Objection that may be made to an international tribunal’s exercise of jurisdiction when a plaintiff is not qualified to be appear before the court.②Lack of Nationality:Objection that may be made to an international tribunal’s exercise of jurisdiction when state bringing suit is dong so on behalf of a person who is not a national of that state.③Lack of a Genuine Link ⑤Others④Failure to Exhaust Remedies:Objection that may be made to an international tribunal’s exercise of jurisdiction when the private person on whose behalf the suit is brought,failed to seek relief from defendant state.Investment Risks:Expropriation (both outright & creeping)、Currency Inconvertibility、Political Violence.Agencies:Private insurers—National investment guarantee program, eg. OPIC—Multilateral investment guarantee agency, eg. MIGADispute Settlement through Diplomacy:①Negotiation:The process of reaching an agreement by conferring or discussing.②Mediation:Bringing about a peaceful settlement or compromise between parties to a dispute through the benevolent intervention of an impartial third party.Good Offices:A third party who provides the means by whichdisputing parties may communicate with each other.Conciliation:The process of an impartial third party makes an independent investigation and suggests a solution to a dispute.③Inquiry:The process which an impartial third party makes an investigation to determine the facts underlying the dispute without resolving the dispute itself.Dispute Settlement Organs of WTO:DSB\Dispute Settlement Panel\Appellate Body管辖原则:in criminal case①Territoriality principle:Doctrine that a court has criminal jurisdiction if the offense was committed within the forum state.②Nationality principle:Doctrine that a court has criminal jurisdiction if the defendant is a national of the forum state.③Protective principle:Doctrine that a court has criminal jurisdiction if the national interest is injured.④Universality principle:Doctrine that a court has criminal jurisdiction if the forum state has the defendant in the custody.⑤Passive personality principle:Doctrine that a court has criminal jurisdiction if the victim is a national of the forum state.Jurisdiction in civil cases(jurisdiction over person/property)In personam jurisdiction:The power of a court or tribunal to determine the rights of a party who appear before it.In rem jurisdiction:The power of a court to determine the ownership rights of persons as to property located within the forum state.国家免责Sovereign or state immunity:Doctrine that municipal courts must decline to hear suits against foreign sovereign.Absolute sovereign immunity:Rules that a foreign state is immune from all types of suits.Restrictive sovereign immunity:Theory that a foreign state isn’t immune when the cause of action for a suit is based on conduct unrelated to the state’s governmental doctrine that the act of a government within the boundaries of its own territory isn’t subject to judicial scrutiny in a foreign municipal court.A court municipal court will decline to hear a dispute based on such acts if to do so would interfere with the conduct of the forum state’s foreign policy.选择法律:Agreement of parties/Statutory choice-of-law provision/Most significant relationshipVested rights doctrine:Doctrine that courts should apply the law of the state where the rights of the parties legally become effective. Choice-of-law clause:A provision in a contract designating the state whose whose law will govern disputes relating to the contract.Most significant relationship:Doctrine that courts should apply the law of state that has the closest and most real connection with dispute.Governmental interest doctrine:Doctrine that holds that courts should apply the law of the state that has the most interest in determining the outcome of the dispute.Forum non convenience:Doctrine that a municipal court will decline to hear a dispute when it can be better or more convenient heard in a foreign countries.商业组织形式:①Sole Proprietorship:a business entity established with its capital contributed by one individual and its assets owned personally by the sole proprietor, who assumes unlimited liability to the extent of his personal assets ②Company:an association of persons or of capital organized for the purpose of carrying on a commercial, industrial, or similar enterprise主要商业组织形式:①Partnerships:A Partnership is a company or an association of at least 2 persons who co-own & manage a business and who are each liable to the full extent of their personal assets for the debts.②Corporations:A Corporation both in civil law & common law refer to an independent juridical entity owned by its investors-shareholders/members who usually have limited liabilities③Sole Proprietorship③Characteristics of a Partnership:1) It is co-owned & managed by its investors-partners;2) Its profits & losses are shared by the partners;3) The partners have unlimited liabilities4) It is not regarded as a juridical person in most countries. Characteristics of a Corporations:1) It is owned by its investors/shareholders/members in a form of a certain number of shares/a certain amount of participation, while managed by professional administrators2) Its profits are shared by the investors according to the amount of their respective investment3) The owners have limited liability4) It is always regarded as a juridical person independent from its owners Article of Incorporation:the basic instrument creating and defining a particular corporation which is filed with a state agency at the time of the firm’s incorporation.Memorandum of association:an instrument creating and describing the basic details of a particular corporation, which is filed with a state agency at the time of the firm’s incorporation.Par share:A share that may be sold by a company for at least value.No par share:A share that may be sold by a company for any value. Classified stock;stock that is categorized according to the persons who may own it or benefits it gives its owner.Preferred stock:stocks that benefits its owners that ordinary stockholders don’t have.Common stock:普通股是指在公司的经营管理和盈利及财产的分配上享有普通权利的股份母国对公司:unfair competition law、products liability laws、sharp practices 东道国对公司;consent to the jurisdiction of the host state\common enterprises liability\piercing the company veilpiercing the company veil:a company is a separate legal entity will be set aside and the shareholders of the company will be held liable for its conduct as if they were partners in partnership.四种否定子公司独立法人地位的:the controlled company\the alter ego company\undercapitalization\personal assumption liabilityGATT994原则:nondiscrimination \ protection through tariffs \ transparency \ regional integrationThe Most-Favored-Nation Rule:最惠国待遇是贸易条约中的一项重要条款,其涵义是:缔约一方现在和将来给予任何第三方的一切特权、优惠和豁免,也同样给予缔约对方。



对价 码洋 匹头 反致 但书 与有过失 Return of investment Return on investment 留存利润 / 外汇留存
Examples 范例
Consideration Sales volume of a publishing house Cotton piece goods Renvoi Proviso Contributory negligence 投资回收 (Recovery of investment) 投资收益 (Profit from investment) Retained net income Foreign exchange holdings
English for Business & Law Business Contract & Negotiation
商务合同谈判 商务法律英语 v
现任上海财经大学外语系教授。历任国际经 济管理学院培训中心副主任、外语系主任等 职务。1982-1988年为世界银行担任同声传 译和即席口译,并曾被世界银行聘为咨询专 家,参加过数十个世界银行贷款项目和外商 在华投资项目的商务谈判与商务文件翻译, 具有口译和笔译等商务英语实战经验。
学术兼职: 中国国际贸易学会 国际商务英语研究委员会副主任
Section I Overview of English for Business & Law
第一部分 商务法律英语概述
--- Definition of English for Business and law
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Chapter 1一.What is law?Law is defined differently according to the particular jurisprudential school or methodology within which one is operating.E.g. schools of legal sociologypositivist schools of jurisprudence—positive law (p6)schools of natural law jurisprudence -----natural law (p6)Law, morality and society (p7)1.Definition of law:①The law is a body of principles established by parliament and by the courts. (textbook)②The law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior.③Law is the body of rules for human conduct that is enforceable by the coercive power of the state.④Where the person is found guilty of a criminal offence, the court might order that they pay a fine or sentence them to prison.⑤If there is a civil case the court may give what is called a remedy to the person who wins the case---for example, may order the other person to pay money in compensation.2.The functions of law①Controlling social relations and behavior;②Providing the machinery and procedures for the settlement of disputes;③Protecting individuals by maintaining order;④Preserving the existing legal system;⑤Protecting ownership and enjoyment of the use of property;⑥Reinforcing and protecting the family;⑦Facilitating social change.二.What is legal system?1.The legal system is the framework in which the law operates.2.In general, legal systems can be split between civil law and common law systems.3.A third type of legal system—accepted by some countries without separation of church and state –is religious law.4.However, the legal system of each country is shaped by its unique history and so incorporates individual variations.三.Civil law1.Civil law is the most widespread system of law around the world, it is also sometimes known as Continental European law.2.The central source of law that is recognized as authoritative are codifications in a constitution or statute passed by legislature, to amend a code.3.Civil law today, in theory, is interpreted rather than developed or made by judges. Only legislative enactments (rather than legal precedents, as in common law) are considered legally binding.4.The typical countries are: France, Italy, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Japan, etc.四.Common lawmon law and equity are systems of law whose sources are the decisions in cases by judges. Alongside, every system will have a legislature that passes new laws and statutes. The relationships between statutes and judicial decisions can be complex. (textbook p4)mon law developed in England, influenced by Anglo-Saxon law and to a much lesser extent by the Norman conquest of England which introduced legal concepts from Norman law,mon law was later inherited by the Commonwealth of Nations, and almost every former colony of the British Empire has adopted it.4.The doctrine of stare decisis or precedent by courts is the major difference to codified civil law systemsmon law is currently in practice in Ireland, most of the United Kingdom (England and Wales and Northern Ireland), Australia, New Zealand, Bangladesh, India (excluding Goa), , Pakistan, South Africa, Canada (excluding Quebec), Hong Kong, the United States (excluding Louisiana) and many other places.五.Australian Legal SystemThe institutions, or branches of government, thatcollectively constitute the legal system are:1. the Legislature---the Commonwealth Parliament, State Parliament, Territory Assemblies and local authorities that make the statute law;2. the Executive---the government departments---Federal, State and Territory ---that apply, administer and implement the laws; and3. the Judiciary---the Commonwealth, State and Territory courts and tribunals that apply and interpret statute law, develop rules of common law and resolve disputes.4.Other components of the legal system include the law enforcement agencies such as the customs, prisons, health inspectors and the police which enforce the laws and play an important part in the judicial process.5.Though strictly not part of the legal system, the legal profession also plays an important part in the administration of law and the operation of the legal system.六.The judicial branch1.Courts exist at two levels, Commonwealth and State.2.The Commonwealth courts have jurisdiction to hear matters arising under Commonwealth law, while the State courts hear matters arising under state law.3.The hierarchy of Commonwealth court (from top to bottom):High Court of AustraliaFederal Court of AustraliaFederal Magistrate Court of Australia4.Although the names of the courts differ slightly from State to State, most have a hierarchy as follows:Court of AppealSupreme CourtDistrict CourtMagistrate Court七.Jurisdiction of a court1.The jurisdiction of a court is the authority it has---in other words, what types of case it is able tohear.2.P17-22八.The legal subjects1.All legal systems deal with the same basic issues, but jurisdictions categorize and identify its legal subjects in different ways.2.A common distinction is that between "public law" (a term related closely to the state, and including constitutional, administrative and criminal law), and "private law" (which covers contract, tort and property).Other classifications:①International law and national, domestic and municipal law;②Public law and private law③Criminal law and civil law④Substantive law and procedural law3.International, constitutional and administrative law, criminal law, contract, tort, property law and trusts are regarded as the "traditional core subjects", although there are many further disciplines. (一)International law1.International law can refer to three things: public international law, private international law or conflict of laws and the law of supranational organizations.2.Public international law concerns relationships between sovereign nations.3.Conflict of laws (or "private international law" in civil law countries) concerns which jurisdiction a legal dispute between private parties should be heard in and which jurisdiction's law should be applied.(二)Constitutional and administrative law1.Constitutional and administrative law govern the affairs of the state.2.Constitutional law concerns both the relationships between the executive, legislature and judiciary and the human rights or civil liberties of individuals against the state.3.Administrative law is the chief method for people to hold state bodies to account. People can apply for judicial review of actions or decisions by local councils, public services or government ministries, to ensure that they comply with the law.(三)Criminal law1.Criminal law, also known as penal law, pertains to crimes and punishment. It thus regulates the definition of and penalties for offenses found to have a sufficiently deleterious social impact but, in itself, makes no moral judgment on an offender nor imposes restrictions on society that physically prevents people from committing a crime in the first place.2.Criminal law offenses are viewed as offenses against not just individual victims, but the community as well(四)Contract lawContract law concerns enforceable promises, and can be summed up in the Latin phrase pasta suint servant (agreements must be kept).(五)Tort lawTorts, sometimes called delicts, are civil wrongs. To have acted tortiously, one must have breached a duty to another person, or infringed some pre-existing legal right. A simple example might be accidentally hitting someone with a cricket ball.(六)Property law1.Property law governs valuable things that people call 'theirs'. Real property, sometimes called 'real estate' refers to ownership of land and things attached to it. Personal property, refers to everything else; movable objects, such as computers, cars, jewelry or intangible rights, such as stocks and shares.2.Business law: is made up of the laws that set out the rights, duties and obligations of people in business.3.Equity law: equity means the rules originally developed and administered by the Court of Chancery (equity court) which supplement common law rules and procedures.九.Sources of the law1.Parliamentary law: enacted law (is law made by parliament to give effect to some public policy and is known as statute law, legislation or Acts of Parliament)2.Judge-made law: unenacted law (is the rules made by judges when they are deciding court cases or giving the reasons for their decisions)3.Acts: legislation passed by the Commonwealth, state and territory legislatures.4.Regulation: it is simple not possible for legislatures to update the details of the law, and so it is common for Acts of commonwealth or State Parliament to delegate the power to make legislation to government ministers. Such pieces of delegated, or subordinate , legislations are called regulations.5.Ordinance: in addition, state parliaments delegate law-making power to local authorities, which produce delegated legislation called Ordinances or Local Laws.(一)The feature of statute law:1.It is a superior source of law to common law and over-rides it if there is an inconsistence.2.It affects everyone and is presumed to be prospective ---in other words, only affects events arising after the legislation comes into effect.(二)The doctrine of precedent:1.A court is bound by an earlier decision if that decision was on the same material facts and by a higher court in the same hierarchy.2.Ratio decidendi (reason for the decision p43) and obiter dictum (statement by the way, p45, these are things written by the judge which were not necessary for deciding the case )。
