水滴石穿English PPT

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Guaiya sent the obiit to his office and wanted to punish him.But the obiit said angrily "there is noting big to stole a coin ,and it needn't punish me.You just can beat me but can not kill me."
从前有个叫张乖崖的人,在钱阳担任县令。当 时,社会上还存有军卒凌辱将帅、小吏侵犯长官的 风气。张乖崖想找个机会严惩 这种行为。 一天,他在衙门周围巡行,忽然看见一个小吏 慌慌张张地从府 库中溜出来。张乖崖喊住小吏,发 现他鬓旁头巾上藏着一枚钱。经过 追问盘查,小吏 搪塞不过,承认是从府库中偷来的。 张乖崖将小吏押回大堂,下令拷打。小吏不服, 怒气冲冲地说: “一个钱有什么了不起,你就这样 拷打我?你也只能打我,难道还能 杀我!” 张乖崖见小吏敢这样顶撞他,就毫不犹豫地拿 起朱笔判道:“一日 偷一钱,千日偷千钱,时间长 了,蝇子能锯断木头,水能滴穿石头。” 判决完毕,张乖崖把笔一扔,手提宝剑,亲自 斩了小吏。
水滴石穿也可理解为: 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针 译一:persistent efforts can solve any problem 译二:If you work at it hard enough, you can grind an iron rod into a needle.
Guaiya heard that, saying without hesitate"If you save one coin a day, you will get one thousand coins after one thousand days.The rope can make the wood broken, and the water can make the stone a hole." After judging that ,Guaiya put away the pen ,took out the sword and beheaded the obiit by himself .
形容词 a. 1.固定的,不变的 The birth rate in this city is almost constant. 这城市的出生率几乎是不变的。 2.不停的,接连不断的,持续的 He hates his wife's constant nagging. 他讨厌他妻子唠叨不休。 3.【书】忠诚的,忠贞不渝的 He remained constant till death. 他至死忠贞不渝。 名词 n. [C] 1.【数】【物】常数,衡量 The speed of light is an important constant. 光速是一个重要的常数。 2.不变的事物
One day,when Guaiya was perambulating, he saw a obiit coming out from the government office in a hurry. Guaiya asked him to stop and found there was a coin in his headband.After looking into, the obiit couldn't help admitting that he had stolen the money from the government office.
shorted us :
constant dripping wears away a stone.
ater has been down for a long time, can make stone dripped. Metaphor, as unremitting force of subtle also can make difficult things. It can also be used as perseverance, continuous efforts, it is sure to succeed. 译:水一直向下滴,时间长了能把石头滴穿。比喻只要坚持不懈,细微 之力也能做出很难办的事。也比喻只要有恒心,不断努力,事情就一定 能成功。
不及物动词 vi.
及物动词 vt.
1.滴下[(+down)] Sweat is dripping from his forehead. 汗从他额前滴下来。 2.滴水,滴下液体,湿淋淋[(+with)] The grass dripped with dew. 草上挂满露珠。 3.漏下,撒下[(+down)] 4.充溢,充满[(+with)] The general wore a uniform dripping with decorations. 将军穿着缀满勋章的制服。 名词 n.
English Proverb
Long long ago,there was a person called Zhang Guaiya and he was the head of a county.At that time the obiits always insulted the generals and the beadles entrenched the chief.Guaiya wanted to make an change to chastise their doings.
1.使滴下 His hand was dripping blood. 血从他手上滴下来。 2.溢出,发出 Her voice dripped sentimentality. 她的声音中流露出伤感。
1.滴下;滴水声[the S] All night we heard the drip drip drip of the rain. 我们一整夜都听到雨水的滴滴答答声。 2.水滴,滴下之液体[C] 3.【医】静脉滴注;滴注器[C] The patient was put on a drip after her operation. 那个病人动过手术后就输液。 4.【俚】使人厌烦的人,讨厌鬼[C]