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鲁颂 駉
云库 专业PPT/商务演示设计制作

《駉》 Sturdy Stallions 駉駉牡马, The sturdy stallions stout 在坰之野。 On the plain afar run about 薄言駉者! The horses large and fat, 有驈有皇, Some brawn, some white and black 有骊有黄, Some pure black; Some bay 以车彭彭。 Chariot steeds click all the way 思无疆, Duke Lu always ponders deeply 思马斯臧! His horses are built powerfully.
原文+英译 源自
駉駉牡马, 在坰之野。 薄言駉者! 有骓有駓, 有骍有骐, 以车伾伾。 思无期, 思马斯才!
The sturdy stallions stout On the plain afar run about The horses are fat and bright Some piebald; Some green white Some dapple grey; Some red brown; The chariot horses clock on Endlessly duke Lu thinks about His horses are thus stout.

駉駉牡马, The sturdy stallions stout 在坰之野。 On the plain afar run about 溥言駉者! The horses are fat and bright 有驒有骆, Some white, black-maned; Some flecked 有骝有雒, Some black, white-maned; Some black-maned red 以车绎绎。 The chariot horses rush fast 思无斁, Duke Lu thinks untiringly 思马斯作! His horses are built forcefully.
legs hairy,
Some fish eyed; Some with white
以车祛祛。 The chariot horses are brawny 思无邪, Duke Lu always ponders correctly 思马斯徂! His horses run vigorously.此筑台招贤

高大健壮的公马,放牧在遥远的原野上。 高大健壮那些马,有青毛鳞斑有黑身白鬃, 有赤身黑鬃有黑身白鬃,驾车跑来多快当。 鲁君谋虑无懈怠,养的马儿神气旺。 高大健壮的公马,放牧在遥远的原野上。 高大健壮那些马,有浅黑带白有赤白相杂, 有黑身黄脊有眼圈纯白,驾车驰骋真健强。 鲁君思虑总正确,养的马儿跑远方。

駉駉牡马, 在坰之野。 薄言駉者! 有骃有騢,
The sturdy stallions stout On the plain afar run about The horses are strong and bright Some cream-colored; Some red and

高大健壮的公马,放牧在遥远的原野上。 高大健壮那些马,有黑身白胯有白底带黄, 有一色纯黑有黄中带赤,驾车蹄声阵阵响。 鲁君深思又熟虑,养的马儿多肥壮。
高大健壮的公马,放牧在遥远的原野上。 高大健壮那些马,有苍白杂色有白色间黄, 有赤而兼黄有青黑杂色,驾车有力奔前方。 鲁君思谋永不止,养的马儿都好样。